ARCHITECTURE HISTORY 15 أيار 2015 15 أيار 2015 15 أيار 201515 أيار 2015 15 أيار 2015 15 أيار 201515 أيار 2015 15 أيار 2015 15 أيار 2015ENG.NABEEL

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الطراز القوطي Gothic in Franceالفرنسي

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started in 1140 to revive the optical renaissance after the cultural renaissance of Paris without any religious or political aims

French Gothic influenced with different natural influences as in north influenced with Europe and in south influenced with Roman and Byzantine architecture

the necessity for religious buildings to strengthen the authority of the churches and the unity against the Arab and Muslims and the war with neighbors (100 years war with England)

Use of deferent kinds of beautiful stones as the main building material

Façades appears as artistic portray with good studied proportions

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using pointed arches overfed with openings and windows

Ornaments influenced with nature and plants which was the main character of Gothic influenced by classic roman ornamentations

The first gothic small scale example was St.Deniss church with the appearance of the new acute gothic elements

Churches characterize with Galleries and ribbed vaults

Developed Rose window and trifile window

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كاتدرائية نوتردام NOTERDAMبفرنسا


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Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris (A.D. 1163) is considered one of the best oldest French architecture symbolism was begun by Bishop Maurice de Sully

It is one of the early Gothic buildings as Gothic divided to early, middle, and late Gothic buildings

The plan is on a bent axial line, is typical, has wide nave and double aisles, transepts of small projection practically in a line with the aisles, and a notable chevet, the earliest of its kind, with double aisles and surrounding chapels between the buttresses.

The choir, transepts, and two bays of the nave were completed in A.D. 1196, while the nave was completed in A.D. 1208 when the west facade was started.

The impressive, though sombre interior has a nave arcade with cylindrical columns and Corinthianesque capitals carrying pointed arches and shafts to support the ribs of the lofty 6-partite vaulting.

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The high triforium was surmounted by an upper triforium with circular windows, which were removed in order to introduce taller clear-story windows

the circular windows next the crossing were reinstated by Viollet-le-Duc (p. 437 A).

The wide-spreading western facade is probably the finest and most characteristic in France, and served as a model for many later churches.

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It is a facade of distinctly harmonious composition and peculiarly suitable to the flat island site from which it rises alone in its impressiveness, without aid from surroundings and position ; although it has lost some dignity by the removal of the flight of steps which formed a base.

The lateral facades are unimposing by reason of the chapels, wedged in between the buttresses which obscure the original design.

The east end appear with slender flying buttresses and chevet chapels backed by the western towers, form one of the most striking of cathedral groups.

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A.The Plan

The plan is on axial line, which is typical, has wide nave and double aisles, transepts of small projection practically in a line with the aisles, and a notable chevet, the earliest of its kind, with double aisles and surrounding chapels between the buttresses. The nave has one row of Corinthian circular columns carry pointed arches

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Noter Dam Cathedral

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B. Roofs

The Cathedral roof covered with 6-partite vaults The arches are pointed consists of ropes over each others carried by Corinthian columns

C. Flying buttresses

Using of cross vaults for nave and aisles reduce the width of the walls and increase the buttresses section which required lateral strengthen which produce the flying buttresses over the aisles roof to remain the equilibrium of the nave roof which considered the main characters of the Gothic Cathedrals

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D. Openings

The Cathedral has triple portal entrances deeply recessed, the middle is the main one consist of group of arches tapering in length and volume in resses with successive encircling tiers of statues niches The central doorway is divided by a pillar with a statue of Christ, while above and across this stretches a band of statues of the kings of France. It has a central wheel (Rose) window of great beauty, 14m in diameter, flanked by high coupled windows, over which again a pierced arcaded screen stretches across the facade in front of the nave roof and connecting the two western towers, which have high pointed louvered openings.

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Noter Dam de remi Cathedral

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Noter Dam de remi Cathedral

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Noter Dam Cathedral

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Noter Dam Cathedral

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Noter Dam Cathedral

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Bourges Cathedral

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Bourges Cathedral

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Bourges Cathedral

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Bourges Cathedral

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Bourges Cathedral

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Bourges Cathedral

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Bourges Cathedral

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Bourges Cathedral

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Bourges Cathedral

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Bourges Cathedral

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Bourges Cathedral

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Bourges Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

Chartres Cathedral (A.D. 1194) Public Cathedral which dominates the town, has an extensive and interesting crypt, a remnant of an earlier church, still used for pilgrimages to the shrine of the Vierge Noire.

The plan has a short nave, strongly marked aisled transepts, each crowned with two towers, which, with the two western and two contemplated eastern towers and a central tower, would have made a magnificent pile of nine important towers.

The unusual chevet is built above the crypt of the older church, while the spire of the north tower is one of the most beautiful in Europe, and forms a contrast with the earlier one on the south

The interior a fine nave arcade of circular piers with four shafts, low arcaded triforium surmounted by a clear-story of two-light pointed windows, all crowned with a quadripartite vault, 33m. High

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Charters Cathedral

. The cathedral is remarkable, even in France, for the wonderful thirteenth-century stained glass of its one hundred and thirty windows, and for the fine sculptured figures in the doorways of the west front and in the triple porches of the north and south transepts.

The flying buttresses are in three arches one above another, the two lower of which are connected by radiating balusters resembling the spokes of a wheel.

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Charters Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

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Charters Cathedral

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Laon Cathedral

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Laon Cathedral

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Laon Cathedral

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Laon Cathedral

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Laon Cathedral