arcgis georeferency

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  • 8/11/2019 arcgis georeferency


    Siting using the Vernier LabQuest, GPSsensor, and Light (or wind) Meter

    &Downloading Data for Use in ArMa!

    You will now have the opportunity to obtain simultaneous light intensity and location data usingthe Vernier Labquest. You will then export the data via LoggerPro software from Vernier into a

    usable format for ArcG!.

    Obtaining data

    1. Grab your Vernier LabQuest, GPS sensor, and light or windsensor

    2. Set the light sensor to the largest range, 0-150,000 lux, or

    being outside

    !. Plug-in the two sensors to the LabQuest and head outside.

    "he GPS sensor #lugs into the $S% #ort at the to# o the de&i'e.

    (. )n'e outside, wait or the GPS to a'*uire a signal. "his will be e&ident when the latitude

    and longitude 'hange ro+ 0.00000.

    5. "ou'h the mode box on the right side and 'hange the sel'tion ro+ timebased toselectedevents. na+e is not re*uired.

    /. )n the to# o the s'reen, ta# thex"y'olu+n data to enter the table s'reen. "he

    gra#hing s'reen is not hel#ul with this ty#e o +easure+ent.

    . Get into the desired #osition and hit the #lay button

    This lesson was created for NYSERDA School PowerNaturally Program by the Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technologies

    (IAGT) and SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.


  • 8/11/2019 arcgis georeferency


    . no will now be stored in the table.

    3. 4o&e to your next lo'ation and hit keep

    10. e#eat or as +any ste#s as needed6desired.

    11. 7li'8 the sto# button to end data 'olle'tion

    Downloading data

    12. %egin by +a8ing sure the data 'olle'tion has sto##ed.

    1!. )#en u# LoggerPro on the 'o+#uter. t is listed under Progra+ 9iles Vernier


    1(. $n#lug the two sensors, then use the $S% wire to 'onne't the LabQuest to the $S% #ort

    o the 'o+#uter.15. LoggerPro should re'ogni:e the LabQuest and as8 you i you want to retrie&e the re+otedata. 7li'8 yes. t is ine to load it into the sa+e window, so 'li'8 OK to i+#ort the

    data into the 'urrent session.

    1/. ;ou now ha&e a table o x-y data based on latitude, longitude, and light intensity.

    ltitude is there as well, but not useul or this lab.

    Exporting Data

    Note# $o export the data for use in ArcG! or other G! software% you have a few options.You can export as a text file &.txt'% a .csv file% or G! format. t is also possible to export

    directly to Google (aps and see your latitude)longitude data on a Google(ap% but it will not

    show other data.

    1. 4a8e sure you ha&e ex#orted the data ro+ your Vernier unit to a .'s& ile and that you ha&eex#orted to a lo'ation you will a''ess in uture ste#s.

  • 8/11/2019 arcgis georeferency


    1. View your .txt do'u+ent in ?ote#ad. @ouble 'he'8 to +a8e sure you ha&e all the i+#ortant

    inor+ation and do any 'leanu# that +ay be ne'essary su'h as re+o&ing any extra heading

    inor+ation. ;our ile should loo8 si+ilar to the s'reen shot below.

    Mapping and Analyzing your Data

    You have many options for viewing and analyzing your data. We will be looking at:

    r'GS Ax#lorer )nline'gis.'o+Bequires free (icrosoft !ilverlight plugin. (ac compatible. f don/t have

    internet% can use the ArcG! *es0top edition1not (ac compatible'

    r'4a#Bequires a 2sri license'

    Arc!" #$plorer Online

    1. )#en and internet browser and go to'gis.'o+

    2. 4ouse o&er the buttons to read the des'ri#tions o ea'h. 9ind the Add %ontentbutton.

    !. %rowse or your 7SV do'u+ent and ollow the +#orting @ata

  • 8/11/2019 arcgis georeferency


    (. )n'e you ha&e i+#orted your data, :oo+ to the area o interest B$se the +ouse s'roll or the

    tools in the lower let 'orner on the s'reenC.

    5. Ax#and the Layers window on the let side o the s'reen. ;ou 'an see the layers, legend andyou 'an e&en edit eatures.

    /. ;ouD&e 'olle'ted +ore data than Eust the F, ; 'oordinates. Adit the sy+bology or your layer

    by 'li'8ing on the arrow. "hen sele't the %onfigurebutton under dis#lay.

    This lesson was created for NYSERDA School PowerNaturally Program by the Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technologies

    (IAGT) and SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.


  • 8/11/2019 arcgis georeferency


    . Ax#lore the %onfigure &isplaytab to 'hange the attribute Bor ield &alue to +a#C, the

    'lassii'ation +ethods, the nu+ber o 'lasses and the 'olor ra+#. "his allows you to

    'usto+i:e the +a# and dis#lay the data youD&e 'olle'ted in the ield. ere are a ew to try

    a. 7lassiy using Si:e B'hange the si:eC

    b. 7lassiy using 7olor B'hange the 'olor ra+#, li# 'olorsC'.

  • 8/11/2019 arcgis georeferency


    Mapping Your Locations with ArcMap

    1. )#en the #"' (ernier.m$dr'4a# do'u+ent.

    2. 7onne't to the older o your sa&ed lo'ation abo&e by using the connect to folder button.

    "his will gi&e you a''ess to the lo'ation and all the data that you ha&e in there.

    !. dd your lastname.txtto your +a#

    do'u+ent by 'li'8ing the IAdd&ata)button either on the +enu baror ro+ 9ile J dd @ata.

    (. 9ro+ your +enu bar, sele't I*ools)and IAdd +Y &ata.)

    5. $se the dro# down arrow to sele't your lastname.txtile. S#e'iy the F and ; 'oordinates

    based on the 'olu+n na+es or latitude and longitude used in your text do'u+ent.*o 34$

    hit OKyet. Sele't the I#dit)button to assign a 'oordinate syste+.

    This lesson was created for NYSERDA School PowerNaturally Program by the Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technologies

    (IAGT) and SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.


  • 8/11/2019 arcgis georeferency


    /. 7li'8 I#dit)and then I"elect)to lo'ate a #redeined

    'oordinate syste+. ?a&igate to the W" ,-/.pr0ile=

    Geogra#hi' 7oordinate Syste+s J

  • 8/11/2019 arcgis georeferency


    3. Sele't the I"ymbology)tab. Sele't I2uantities) on the let sideand ill in the I(alue)

    box with the ield na+e that 'ontains the inor+ation 'olle'ted ro+ the Vernier SensorBi.e. llu+inatiC. it IOK.I

    Congratulations! You have now created a ap usingernier "nits with #$% sensors&

    This lesson was created for NYSERDA School PowerNaturally Program by the Institute for the Application of Geospatial Technologies

    (IAGT) and SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.