chroniclingamerica.loc.govaraoif,. ateVAttM m ,-iStiat** uathT, tßaeayaat-r>«,, an w-Biag?» « »?»».' ?» "W sUatsatM, UMta asßtte a*t ??? ">*»tii gt, aii**' KfoTt.ii tsts

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govaraoif,. ateVAttM m ,-iStiat** uathT, tßaeayaat-r>«,, an w-Biag?» « »?»».' ?» "W sUatsatM, UMta asßtte a*t ??? ">*»tii gt, aii**' KfoTt.ii tsts

araoif,. ateVAttM m ,-iStiat** uathT, tßaeayaat-r>«,, an w-Biag?» « »?»». ?' ?» "W sUatsatM,

UMta asßtte a*t ??? ">*»tii gt, aii**'

KfoTt.ii tsts-.SrsßßsftVF owratxa a ween everyratict* aoCt'taCAVMStttosJsaws.

paftthjJM Wk«aA.» OBWaTCB to las**! irtty rtIBSV,»*S BSfMd U aasacrtkisai ai gt p*i oanew.

* rBBBAI IfcuiuKiotJ....... Jkß <f. ISq

MATTBRfi ALOrYIA TBB BOBDIBWe have very little tafora-eUoa d operations

aloagtb* bcrder About FTsdertektbatg avarything coattents qaiet dh

Tha special trata oa tie Centralroad whteh ?=?

rtvsd ta ibis city yesterday broaght down i»0BBteatttJo, toeladtegSveoffloera, who wererecentlyeaySftagl by flea Smart ia the ne!gi.b-.ijhood oflAusfrtet There are tsid t- be from 1«0 io 300atili at Oordcatville who will prcbabry be dovrato^My. We oßderttand that Oen ttaart reeoLtlyhad a fight with the enemy Briß i.W*. Lob-100eoaaty, ta whleh bekilied aurcmhoi ef ihe suaat/and took ecpa» ,w9 b:>adr*d prUouera. The.-cwere none khled on our tide. Io bis BSgod b* h**beea within twelve miles of Alexandria

Reseat in tellif- n"* from Chesapeake Bay re piatent tkat largo iion.h*rs of the eoeniy'a trataporU,beßevs tto ba about fIOO. are ta those waters.?

t What thtb* purpose ia, arean oaly left to conjeelare Four Fscera'. tteauifrs oatae up tbe Yotkrtvsr aday crt aoago, ln I aooa rsturaed vritbotit

Sa*oßic'l-htag arythiiigTheRoeklugbam firgrsi.', r.-or!.si last night,

saya that the Y*rJteat again oefiapy Winshmter,ba*. ta what force la notknown. Oa Moaday their

r pickets were threw.! tut ts far asKertutowu, threeI mOeafrom Wutehccter, on the Velky turnpike| It U pnaamed thatthsir ohjnet It to protect the[ for c engaged ta thertacnriraetlon cf the Bait I-I aa> c andOhio railroad

On Moaday, the RM nil. ?Capt. Imbodec, withU. iy Bres, ha<i a tkbmhbwith tiee-ittayat Waneteaate IBfi Hardy county,in which they killed fontYaukeef, aaafißßtef Bteß others, aaJ h>ok two prit-n--,.: Ths AholitionUta oi ir- Mhroy, are now..- \u25a0.ttoii-d in and around Moorefield, end arer-iiicg

ta Hardywith an Iron rod. Tbe Ecyal Bateaaa afthe county are !savb-gIn largerumber*. a aherttime staoe, areapectabVtcltitanßf-nrd Woltytiied,and had to b* burlcl iv bis own ye.ro. the flro.darefuttag bit eftllcted family permissionfb cany hieremalua to ths burial-ground, which was only bcmethree hundred yards distant

A Yankee Lisuteusnt Colonel, bsionging tothe l'Jth Y'lrginiaregiment, wa. recently capturedby a private Coufedetaie aoldier named Seatnac,who was wsunded at Bbarpaburg, and who wisathoes on f'arlough. Tbe lileutecant-Colonel gaveup bis arms and horse to the wounded soldier, whoparoied and set h!in at liberty. Seaman waa af-terwards eapiur-.d by tbe Yankees, asd bytb-mtied and taken to BoorefleldSUBBING Of 2RID3BS BY THg BBBBTTIB

BfcfiarF TBS7iEi!&EBOft Kouday Mat a body ti Yankee ee.vai-y, vs

riooaly aatssstod as to Bwaßhetß, asafa ??. roil telefiart Tenu ase" end de»troyed tiy-> iitipoitftn'.BsafigM as tbe iir.t Tenn-ii!'-e <*Eii Yirgtaiaßa .r-tsd?assaerowthe Etotetoßaad ihe atheracrenI 'fes WcfaafS The bridge (.;*: the Bbtetaa at

i BMssttfih woo . i i.r*,.\u25a0. py (jjuie tarehandndof! esrBtwalry,Mha, it i. sihi, eran aetottaCtety sgi-

pr\*v<l and L.ilc --ru-t. aerswithout raaBBBBtS Theerieeiy'« Eercc cati:o to within dx Julie?ot SBtetoiht.t retired without vlsliiiigthe pliw. At iho V«'«taugA btidfe a au.sll pa yof cititssn, bstbty or.gantatd, ciiiiie up with tha eat-uiy, when a s»iiiuiHheusued, Wiii:.i one of the YeatkCM was tilledaii-..two uken prisonets They beiongou bt n Psj.b-sylvama regiment, Fnd report tfc-sii tone c,'. fivethousand.

Ths Lynohburg afcyassteaa es-e:Sits Btßßftf Jnl BBIMSd Virginia be'-T.ecoCeimbei-lftiid Gap end Potiuo Gap, and j*.!"; throughBstfltkUe in acott eosatyto Blouut-rlhe, fulailedttiek mtedba d L-ificn baratog aad made a dateea

tmilaa ia H i: was their latsctlja tc vU;t BristolThis, os testes ita'ad, t»».y failed ta dsstearteg*,aattateVaa*, to vr-tiure no fge (hey ecntescd Sbr- ' Jouesborougb, bui i; U iitate-i byour srotitA, who iau:e iute Brletai Tuoaoay aijht.that Efisy wan fr-atlng otei- ncerty "'c sanierecto they Lad aivioct !.

Ths distance from the pclnlat which they et-terel *be ri.ato Una to Joueaborouch Is betr/em 60and 100 miies, and tbe raid I; certainly aataatduring cse, aud argue*? »n audacity m theer.antywtilco they were cot supposed to possess. Theyare reported to have been piloted by a ..i lilia Col-ouet af Washington coujty,Teua., by ihe nar..'iefWard, who 1 f. els hnma en Friday, tin if.met themut ti triv.oai.ia.iis

'i'lio damage le the raihoad is aatettej a-<, h- aidbsaadag the brides naw<d,tln trac.< is torn vi inuiaa» piacas and the aids and Iroa .fb.9aaatessebeiween the Bstxaga oti-i Hotetoa ritcrala nine miv». and the Lamingd tfie tri-lgesatrtii:-.thosa stieams lavoives a Ijj» ot tliv. distance inour railroad aSßtSttMsttaaCOA !\u25a0. it ill tukesevertiiv-eeks torepair the duinagos, asd they coruo at vtime when the toad Li ta*ud :u Its aAStori aspactty,

TBE CAPXURII OF BTBAMBUB hY THS V'il-GUIA BTATS LIKE.X jitterfrom heacquartert Ist brigad. Vb oiua

State Line gives tomeinte*MLn>* partieiiiuit of th«reeaad capture af nine of the enemy's bcaie, nearPlketou, Ky. On Itsway IntoKentucky oast 40---voluntesrs joined the brigade, though the bateahwas much annoyed byboikwhacler*. Thotettat*aya I

Bogu after the c nipleikn cf the expedltlouIrtslllgencewu received by Gon Fioyd that severe.;boats weie on their route up theBeastly liver, ladenwith aries, ai.iiiiunkioti.aod clothing for a regimentr sently recruited near Piketon, by Col John Dlla,ana wblth wot stationed at that pcaat, Thevnleeof so rtoh aprisewu ;!uly atipreciated by ourcommandiiig General, and au b an epsettnttty tearaaipping aai clothingour r< rcea v. as uot peraril'.ji tocrisps

fieriy oa tha ?aerntag of the > 1 ult Col. tj'aiV-rca, with detachments \u25a0 f the Ist, *o and 31 rog:-raent. V 8 L., prcceedtd ta the direction of Pre*-tonaburg Ky. Bright and early tbe foliowicglaorning we found tbe boats five rnilet below thattown aud attended bya guard of v-s.-il- of 300tatn Tbe proper dlspMkioaof the troops tm.ipesdliy lusdy, and thebattle openejfier.jeiy. The'taaaay, a'ter holding their ground tor iwo houia,welt; completely routed and dis;Krf.id with thoIcrs tahliled cf 80 of »h?lr namber. among whomwas Lieut. ColonelLevi Harcpton.aud 30 c 4ft i n-fconert.

The men, already elated byiheir viutortj, we>6iiill more jubilant on d>c..yetivig that their csp,ifs oonsitedOf nine boats, (fit fret teas earn >ooßtaluing CiwO Ausuian rlflct, wi-h large tupfjihasct ammunition; but what pleaaed thrir fsaaVmstathan all beaidts were 600 oven -.ats. 888 jacketsMOpahs of drawers, 500 pairs splendidat mysLoes',Joo° fSff y**? *c*bs. 600 th'uk thirte, 600 cair*pants 800 good amybate, andbundnds of heavyllankeu beside, heavy .upplusof sugar, sailedmeTeda' -JtS Wt ° !" "Sbtfte.ti?i i? ?ai0'otu rt« 'ess en our side was tbteekilled and seven woonded. Anroag tho tett-i-was___t

, °V no: -Uu W»rotuify These peuTSmen dV?erve hgh oommeadatioa fer their etllaat eonduct during the engagement. It EritTCaridOoL Beckley. of the ltt regtmeut, te lead ths mainchargeagainst the enemy, and to his manlybeanbold leadershipsd hi. men may he Jtribe,uq Or »? 11,'ytrrcceeavkteea | Ce,altM ,o, mf.ke -urtbw BMPSteBjCf teftVmmmidlX ° f f*U1&*~r? ' ***» (?»* u*n andofficer v Li; us. * Doi>'.y our '«\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 bag

;h* admiration cf hi!Whole anBMBd, lor he wasever BAaa at the oo*tHah'd Jl ' i**. <**'**« Lh \u25a0*? oawa-d :***'coMßiaedr* :>.^*U V' d theplnader

SalTL??*. waaak hot teternslstk-u- *'"17V-"-4 W6 *" out in *b* dlrecLL?rll n 5*uake toFsritlon of Col. Diis acdtewrfiSS 5* *a_» TLil - *?«**?\u25a0 bad. how:r ,n. / a u--«»»*8*neo of our presence in ther-jun.ry-aLd * -looantored him oa therotd bt-Pre,***?. ,_| p,h«tcn. **tllf ,' \u25a0 tbarp engagement bia men were con>¥~ -cl> a<*pe*atd, and we proceeded by way of____" '° Vkglnla wiajut farther opposition,____>gcg ail onr booty, aad considerably moreCSS l**" w* h,d oa atartteg oat; for in lien of""'??adarm, vtereturned wlih the flout equip.£wt. aa<s eiothlng that Cincinnati cenld aftard.?warn captured lettcrgwritten by Diis htauelf, we"_w*rcd tut it was bte tarnation at soon v btetttet vmd ciothtog arrind, to make a raid Into Vlr-gsiasnd attempt to destroy the Salt Works tawsaktugton oounty.jftfT £l r*:4'Btsassajpjt,we brought cfffiOO hones,tor 'f te» m*° y B,?« ro*",? \u25a0*? Prtaonett to theaum-wea>

,i.he V*6? °- -*-*? *?*«? --* uversattaTcL of wiftt «*' OTfc ' P*Uu -ot to be dignified/ in-*-??? »' reeds, we aad* a tear of 15>rai'ea,

*Bteta*i.» ~M * ?* a?'Wo wwl -» ?\u25a0 F*operty. Bet««y totaUvewe done, bat a sew eosfidesu hat"to lifeai the peo-dc loyal to the doath. a new_«' baa bna testlUed lata the whole eoaatry.-***»/ cjms oat from thraldom alib us.Coaritiani lo.s yoa FiixjjgßAcAttoari.-la so.ttetegaome detoebed ststifhtritoM to the Fnde-

ycaterday. Sdß wenenditod toht?--!W*? « lUt* \u25a0>*'»»BBBBS«. It to badteetMotFtaattbeuctßeen cue kefenaoßlrtb-*%*** +? mm imm ' ? **» #?m^LZZJ1 AlUi,,i #, ta-*- «*»*'____________| fi__a M______l ______ __f

Al__a_ _, ">waa*s-sßßßtrta«tat-*tl tj-aayPstaataWitel, '

?itOGAISSOF tUC WAR. .As apertot the history oftk|«ar,asd dose of the j

? beevtert dteaatertyetnttaisuMby tbe Yaskeeswepublish th* evidence gtvsnbefof* theInvsstlgettagOosinTt cc la Washingtonby *\u25a0 J Oca. rraoklloBe said tba advseeecf the afterwas Immediatelyproceeded wRk aftertheocasVae* d Balleck aad ;Megs with Baiastds. BeeaHIaj4er.ti.rii from Gen. RS?-d* that wh*a the !

e-lveaeedbis army arrived fc bsafi of Frederteke-Lerg apetitooc uate. aaoagtfvballd two bridge*,Wat toMCet him there. 1kit)*' thead- aiuwuf theartaf aMd arrive at Fneeikssb-ug at theproper

! time, bet there was ao p-.im-u fcfitto meat ft it-'-r*. aof ta sythat the army could \u25a0rot trues at the lima we to oroat. W« !were, therefore, delayed safVa! days hi eons*- .queaee of the delay in tbe ami of tbe pontoon itrain Afterarrit-irg ben v#**atunrai*:ed provl-BbMM for te-rlveday* Th*a t3**- Buruslde calledaocr.neil ia which N war thnuaauaotu opinion.I think, c-f ait the Genetr* I ressnt. that If jthe river octrld be h iught tobe ctoMOd.no mattsr what might bapf -' afterwards The Ipoint of or- snug was not than definitely do \vetmined upon, but I thoa,"l at the time we Iwere to cross eeeerd mi*l further down ? !Afterwards Geatial BnraeK* railad as together jaga n,and ink im-.d aa that ?'« bad dsMrniioedto iir.Ti at ths two points at «toca we finally didcress. I hadbo objectiontaibat. bte though, theywere at goodaa tb* point arUter down. Iknewnoiiilrg at all, ta fact, abort the defenect on tbeether side. It was not my lasta*** to know noy jthing about them. 1 fblnx the arrangements for< the creasingwireall wsll t-*u»; at the aame time ;1 d. übied oar power to ores, aud I? do not believe !we oouid ha?e crossed ha" the enemy chosen to !preventit Audi know iiom What 1 have sue,ieta, hsd wbaf-I before sapected, that they could ihave prevented ourero*e>fat those two points if-.they had chosen Boe**er cc the committee jknjw that tnec-oastag**a suecesefu ly made asdrrcover cf a fog, and »« farnmy -ring waa con |c.rned, we got into potjion aafely with the loss of ja veryfew n>en. bull ** wen la such a posit ou ?that If tb* ecemy tFd any moment epeaed ;upon va with the gnat they had bearingibsob us, 1 tklak ftst ta tba coarse of au' hour our weti wc;ujii have been co tc-ftitereil\u25a0;..«\u25a0\u25a0 it wout.i have bar' l&cp'esible torally,them.fri sutue u^-.'..onntnL ? rea«oa they did not openthaw '-otter;o On ti* morningof .hi- i3th tast. IBttate an aitftck acceding ta the arfiat of G*a.BasMafifte I put in t- Bte Massa that 1 though. Itproper aud prvdent I put bt, 1 iou&ht tbe wholehtreegthofuiy as far as I could, and atthe taats time keptmy ectiaiuunleatiou with theriver o->en Tbertssju thai we failed Waa thatwe ha>i not troopl enough to carry the pointswhere the attack waa made. Under the orders thatsen given,after aswere pressedback, Ithat aposition sherd bs bold as far ia advance aswadpaaslbio to bod it, and I brought up ail theMcsaa in tt.- -rv* ° bold that position, Iheld thatpsaattes until I v-w ordered to recroas ti>eriver,;icd ftoaiwh.it I lots oi our want of -uocesa onthe rigs-, asd cf BM denir,ralitad condition oi theMtase ot, toe rig Maud centre, at repßveateffßolis by iheir'oocii.andere, coofeas that i balievt ths-order torearuaa'wst a very proper one Were-eroaaed on the ;J-ht oi tbe lib artthost theloss ofa lean, aoi wishtiu tronhleat all.

e/iaition t>7 Bir. Bocch?Had ihe p.>ntoons beenhen it-: tiio viuiuof the wTiyal of tad aiiiiy, whatbnted hais pfoably i>a*n the rcsuitv

Aaawer.?tot prohabter~»ult would hive bet<nthat the amy <u> much cf U as fieuerai Bjrusldctappsaed Mataaaaaaawy, wcnld have iiamediatsly'cre'kss.i the riv-"*, titiy.uij away the enemyhefe, ;perhapai five itUudrei or cuo thousand ataat, and. . v. ou.u havet'Ccupkd the very tafiajbte whlehn Bate tteea beeu oblij.Hl to attsck; and that

oroaatag Morid Lave Keii per-niiceut t'-.d ,uj-

aaaafulliiesjiir" JW ;*.--- hnow on wham rests tbe

raspcflsfitefitj cf the tasty 1c ths errival of theIp*>alsesa iABSBMB ?I do not, .-ulcially.Qtsttlnn ?Whtit, in ycur opinion, Is thenumber

of yourkilled, wo'.'.ndeO. and inissiogi

Aaawcr.?'i think it will araount to about tenthnnaaml. *itG<j.» lh'?r,

Ojaaarioa-v-Have 3ea tu-y knowledge of the kaicf the aaetay I, Aacwer- I have 110,, excepi what i' saw inchfitsatUy ia tt Bjtehaaaadj teya.iKiicK.?ko 1 uudcreiiiiid yoa 10 say that youjaasaantri in the movement tc atom theriver t

AnsTvtf.oSji was n 1 my oatßl?l that wecould1toss at ar-y of the BOMM d.Qiesiior..? BTB yoa state wiiitia; cr netItisyour opinion that if the Bteeaaaaart . f the army

trcrn Warreiiton had bee*n delayed uatll tbetimothe pontoons orri*cdhere the a-mycould have thencoma here, _ndwith those poutoons have made aan tii L: heis and occupied the f;eights before theenemy could have reou-tod hero in sufficient forceto hata prevscted it t rAiawer.? ¥cash- that ia my-.pinion

tgaeathn.?ThM ii 1 yor>r opinion that if it hadbeea ascertained that the pontoons could not posdtbiy be hen at the time Gen. Bomslde expectedthaottoba bare,ha sbcnlJ have been notid-dNtfBte tinia when theyc..::l J be here, so that Le mightleaks tha aaarcateateof bte army corresposd withhi- t'.i_-oshea the gesteosa coulf*bs bare <itswei ?That v, uiy opinion.fgaariteah?_kal is the condition of the a.my

BSM vii io ita effit.itTi;, 1 Is its eili; .-acy impaired,otlur th&u by tha 10-d at m taany nien, or U tt do-BTuonlteed by thorcvosi disastersi

.1oaerar?l thiuk it is act Demoralised at fell 1 thatia, to Earha uiy ovrawloj.* is tcii.-racd. I acow it?.onot.Onartlea ?After the nosilugLad L-. aa-.tads t«asitpetafhis, Inyour opiulon, terettbltaCßt tohave' ?- :_*,?! ibo beb-hM, or to bay* hsid oar poriticn' tio*. the other eido so uj to have derived any s.d. yrntagafrom ill

1 fiaeanr.?U It my oadaaah that if, id---esd of1 nahteg tan real our whoio fc-ree badbitsBnqaCßtTttcd on our left?ih&t is,Eoram -aaad thereal attack had been made there,and toCrsty » feint t.'.ftde upon theright, we mighthats 1 irrli d tbe hclghiß. 1 tkiirk we cculd baveeaaritd] Isaac. Whether ihe army wculd baveacuinved aBPseaM by that I cannot say. 1d.i notitnisa to .ay that Bte) niers 1arrj/lnirof the heightsweeid havesecured our tueccss. I do act knowwhat wasbehind tbem, or bow much ofa force thelacsay hsd th*re. Ikno«c that wherever we appe.uedwe found agreat many morateen than wehad 1 froi-idlike to iiopressai firmly npon theeom-n.;ties aa It la biipreM::dupon my toiud, the factt:hit the whole o.as.sr baa naottcd f.em the delayha ikemrival of .ne poctoon bridges. Whoever i»\u25a0 gp-tusibie for the delayis responsible for all the 1disasters which ban followed. We were ntherits'', cube 1 when wecsree down here to find thatjSumner had been here for scuw dtys and hsd uotj received tfe pontoon bridges. 1 thn k that Is theJ mAiaetute for this dissster.

Qaetticn ?Do you know whet the expeoifttionntiiiti to the pontoons being beret On the arri-valof the first «rmy corps that w nld get hare,wait it expected that the pontot... would b-<hare 1 »

BiMMM fterHtefj. It vtiisexpe-tsd they wouldhere.Qusaticr ?What wrA tbtt corpi to havedone if. u.oona had been Lete TAcsrer.?That cot pa was to bave crocs<>d at

once and taken pSMegeteS or ibo heights. If tbepontoons ba<i been hero there wot-Id hv.e beeaveryBtt.'eßiffiuulty in doing that.

WBAT »OV. SKTUOUR IStYaTig TO DO.Gov. Beynionr asrumed ccatrtri of tbe State

Govsrnurentof hew Ycfkycsibiuity.. A New YorkUiier writer, in noticingtheremark of a Washing-iu.iio;i correspocient, Ibat itwas iisiterßtocd tltenthat Governor Bey*n'our wiU allow of no morearhtti uiy aneats in New YorkState, says :

The writer ta perfectly correct tea I happen toknow) a» to the arbitrary arrests The Governor'smessage, which is now aboat finished, andwhichwill be sent In to the Legislature aweeh from, to-mt-rrc w, wilt take aaequlvocal ground in thaute.eptht, but more imnucia'ely import&nt than that,parhapa. will b * tb» declared determination to per-taij no draftin tkit Stau unit** tkt Jfedtral Adminutrarton, rteedeffomit» inu.nr.ipntiunpolicy.

1rive yon this as ft matter of sewa, which thepublic generally will be interested to bear. Byft'itkcrlty for v Is as reliable as that d the Oover-t ..\u25a0? buneelf. .Mr. Seymour's We* ia that It ta But-v.lfcin the strict line el his duly to bin conttltu-

-111 :s, nor to the country at large, to permitwhiteman to be taken from their families here to freenegroes couth, and thia Idea, yor may rety uponit, will be worked oat ta th?message. Be wllh attbe same time reiterate bis determination toposhoatbe war for the suppression d the rebellion,pudgiag ail thiwreeooreMofBew York, ta menand money, if the Frerideat will bat go for the??Union as tt waa, ana the Cocstitattoß ntt te."

Another writer remarks thatIt ia caid that Cov-etBor Beytcoar's meaaage will make a ttsdtedaadvecciuous attach oa Bew England, asd,perhape,tatunata a wllllngn'eaa'for bar expalrioa tram th*ilalon as ft sect awry step to indaee the Soothto


T>«K RETDR* OF THA S.JCCKATAKA** TO THS TAB-KICK CABIBAT-ASOtT rXBASAJtT AFPAIR ALLAROgfiß.The Mow York Trie***baa a abort article os the

recent naigneHooa aad return at fiacoto'a Biota.'ura. Itappean after oil that ttwot a riallglilftellltilc jobs aad*-pteaoßct" to all bass* eoowerned?Ittaya i *Thou who baUthcretara d Br. Sewardto thoState Departmentv tbeaarvatlea d theceoaary(xMtltMlhV-ottt of Ut* work which br-tsttt

BBsfltßßßtM'sattsftMatajMaF flateßanuvtew 9mm. -Wmm mWm 9mWMmt Beavaf\u25a0?-BFJP____________

_____________? feg_t_ B_h

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jrfre .hiss d the ateriact of a fiasntary of tbatreasuryoa whom he teased, he waa ateably boundio reeoestder bia detonolesftaa ItU atidthattbir-reSdeat thcu, wHhpie,-ac* ianperi' rtanaaa. order-id both d his SeercteiUi to rattan to their Departa»ita asd assume their eonfohVa sad they bathrieaaaatiy didasTbe Bepoblieau Seaatonwere, aa we have prerioualy aa,srted, praotlcaUy asadiatoet la favorof a "partial rreoastnetton* ot the Oabiaet, byshteb a large aaal-*-tty, sad eight est of nine\u25a0atatejpj d the t-otnialuea, (the atebßfiffißß beingMr. Barrte J tenet to tatthsate ea eptetea rbatBecntart Seward ooght to te emoag tba retir-ing mtetelara; b> t bcesse* he waa BereeasUy oh*Intteasble, bat beesuus be' waa anaelderad a ??rlost ebtietie to the taewsafslprosacattesd thewar. The caucus arrived at ha eoaelnalas afteriellhenAlon aad dttßcealoa. The committee,Bksae aatnes we have already printed, whom tt ee-ieotad enbraeed tome of tbebeei men SjMbe Baa-.<>, aad waa beaded by Senator CoUbjßwT nevertlotsed aaaradical. The paper which heread tothe President, and the r. mirk* with which theDii*r members of tbe 00-aunts* followed, weresatrsote; lard by the atraee. kirdaecs aadrespect.They approaihed the painful doty, wbieb latheir jodaojju: the txlgtacleacf the tiaras asd thevoire af the loyal peoplede-nan-td at their bands,laa spirit not cf dietaiion, bat of frlradltaen to-ward the Cblaf Magistrate of the nation, whomthey had helpedto lataui sad wandstermiffed totappert. - This wee tbe spirit of tbe eeaeut aawallaa of tbe cote ilttco. Whatcourse tbeBepabUcaasenators will ttdte, now that Secretaries Sewardand C base bare withdrawn their leatgnatloaa,wehave bo meant of knowing. It is r ->t Leoo?tagthat wepubllabtheruiaors iv re,- yd to them. BatIt M significant that all ta Weahlagtaa asnrebeltya-MBhteera look to the Reaato tor aatteathst\u25a0bail be at oncewise sal bran, asd eompoit withthedignityaid tberights of the w prneatatinedMafia*

DIATB OP A rtCHTI.IC CRAFLAIff.Bey. ArthurB Fuliex, Chaplain of aMassaeha-

Mtu regitnent. who waa hilled at Pnderlehtbarg,waa bailed Bkdtostou on Chrlttmas eve Tbe Boa-Iwß Journal aaya:

Tb-re ha* beeu a singular fat&iity attached tatoe family of ilia lamented Cbapiaiu Fuller. Threeri the fa-nily has? perished by untimely dehths.Eugeue Fuller, one of tbe sons, was drownedonihe voyage from Bow York to Row Orleans inlISW, tbe same year tbst tbe mother died Ma-garet Puller, Couotess cf Oasoll, peri.«hed by abip-erreck, en Fire Island, near Bow York, En itiO.the waa returning,from Italy to her native land,from which ahe had longbeen absent. Ber husbandand child were lost with her. Agd now ArthurB.Puller has beenkilled In battle. La everyInstancethe surviving members of tb* family received the?ad tidingsby telegrntphw ' .

YANKEE 3KT SOUUt TRADE.Aceotdiugto theYankee Custom House retarca

lor the weet endingon the 9?th ultimo, the totalsutries of dry goods wen SfßO.bol, against 54U4,.S3 aame week laat yetr, and 51,609,8v7 tbe cor-responding week of 1860. The goods marketeduuranted to $747,641. against SCOT6xo game week

net year, aad 5573.000 ths corresponding week oflfcb'3. Cf the, dine: entries this week, woolensamounted ta value to 5313,h70; manufacturesdritton. Sio9,i«J ;of Bex, Si3x>fta. and of silk,toi.&vb; ssrci laisceUßneoue goods. SCO073. Thetti-ountawfti'thontted and withdrawn from ware.house daring the week wenvery light Theweek's\u25a0ties of si! detrcrtptiona of goodahavebeea bunted,M r.eit jerBelters nor buyers bave beeu diirposed tospeaate t: j>.'\u25a0)\u25a0 during tha hclitiay soason, tfhl;h isuenoliy devoted to lecitatiOL .\r.d enjoyment,andta tbs cloidng up of the old > ear's aooounte P. icessf oot'.on are qacted firm, but ta many instancesare issa than would be the cost d prodefttion atthe preient market VR.ua d the raw material,w 1i;r\ Inateadof failing, L> uoer again en tha ad-varce, ati ahown by aad ysrierday'aIncreased salot anA re eaU», whleh leftBt664i}.S67o.?arinef t?.tel|c. par lb. within aweek or ten days,without any apeealative excite-ment, which circumstances holders regard as favor-able to their interest. Borne taq'ulry exists forwoolena, especiallydotsktas; but there la no gen-eral rtlr in business at present. The besaou closesunite satisfactorily to dealer* in domestics, whichbave bsoa unexpectedly succetefnl. The foreigng.----o-i trsdehas boon loss prcfltal le and cicaes verytamtTj iudocd, with noconsitier&hie ordersremain-ing tib:- cxecuttyi for either iminedlate use or?priag trace. There stede hecn no auotion tales ofany kapo-tanise this wsek.

Horrors of a Bombardment.Tha follcwlcg an tome extracts from a private

Attarofayoung lady, who remained In Fredericksi)Ury daring tba late bombardtnent, toa neighbor,tt present aojourntagv a refugee ta Lynchburg.Fhey posters deep interest for our resdsrs:

On Tharaday, Donmbsr 11th, wewereawakea-td by two cannon At 15 o'clock we arose andAteated. About tea the firing began in can-eat.?We packed ottr trunks a id it all, made a fl-« intbeo*Har, and thither re-nlred. We bad notbeenLhere aa baur when ashell west throughourattioloom, breaking b-ds.a&ds, etc. One shot wentthroughthe pai'icr; five iv all through tha bouee.At they passed, the crush itey- ciade sesmed tothreaten Instant deathto all; It Bounded as tboaghtbe house were tumblingIn, and would bury as 1aUsruins We knew the danger, but our trust waaii God, aud wo wore talia Aunt Clan(the colored woman who Una opposite) waawith us. Darkness came jo, and the canuonedhig coastd, B. we_« to the gate andreturned with tha news that ware wasfin ia dif-ferent parts c f O-.e town, sari thata or-mpaay ofour menwenat the corner teiagon thepontoonbridge. Though tbe bombueaaeutbad ceassd. thamusketrysounded to my e&ra yet more awful, for1knew they weiefighting Inthe ttneta. My tiaraan suddenly ikoaked by ft shout af demoniacalSloe? "Boreare therebel* I here are tbad?d rebelalre, boya 1 lire I" Two d-e&dfcl a-iearead the air

?our gallantG»pt. Cook <s killed at oarcorner.?Tobear the. deudiah cry cf the enemy unnervedme more thau the explcgloa d the ueasuids ofteal that burst around ai. «?"?"All being now quiet fora time, weUs down, butcot ta si' cf.-, lor, hark! they are bnehtag intohouse* like ao many dement. With terrible forcethey throw theratelves against our doors, back andfront, but an edlser (Yankee,tboaghbe was.) Savedas. We hear them break Into your house, but danuot utter aword, last they slay us. OhI who cantell the horrors of that eightT * * They ordercry father out, declare that bo has wlaa la his cel-lar, Ac. He assures them be baa onlybia nnof-feedingwife aad eight chUcu-en there.

Thuspasac* the night, the fin atili raging.?About6 oYi-ick the forth ta our vi-cinity, and we tanfteet every moment to find ourown roof on fin. Ia the midst d the exritementa soldier raahed In with bte bayonet_wh_-h hepointed at toy !ather'r breast and ordered Shu tofollow Lim. My fatbenasked whyT but the man-ner in which be repeat-d the order convincedhim that ho must follow or die. This occurred inthebrck porch ; I-waa at that time in the frontporch watching tbe sparks aud expecting onrLoose ovary niouunt to take fire. They carriedfather to headquarters, and, a*ter aecualng him ofrtring on tkeia from his boon, be was reieaoaj,the officer before whom bo was arraigned read-ing a lie In theface of the accuser, and tasocenoeIn that of the recused Wtiie he was gone, Bul-giera came to me at the frontdoor, and to motherbehind and assured na that the bona* waa onfire; bat such was not tbe ease. The trick didhoi succeed, aor do. the story afford them theopportunitytbeysoughtftto rob the house. - *The nextdayevery unoccupied house waa plandoted end syery pitccof furniture destroyed. Inaider to save your rarnßitre we told aunt Ciaratomove Intoyonr house, which she did. Yob wouldhave hadnothing left bat for thia. The first nightthey took a crock of tarq, and fttc up your pre\u25a0erect aad -debtee. Your caoswa, also, they madesay with bat wa do act know d enythtagekeTbey pulled everythtag out ofyour drawers asdtrunks, burst open cloarts, etc. fto abed westthrough your biuse, asd U yoa saw thesnffertaga>f moatof the people you would tblnh yoa hadIndeed fend wall. Mr. A hai lost everything-htoitorc, fornitan. eta ; his house ta riddledwtth shellmd his wifeaad child with nothing towear butehat theyhaveoa. Hundreds are ia thetame ait,-lation. As shell wen being throws byoar manmi Friday, Satarday, buutiay, and Monday, waipenteach d thorn days t-ktefly ta the niter, oacell atTharaday; thus, ./tea days ta all

Mary Price, a black woman, was kilted by aiheU?cat quite to two. She had gotten, forproMotioa, under a bed in a room throughwhich aheil passed. I saw her on Wedaesday. She hadImcb hilled tbe previou- Thin-day,bat thenwaato oae to bury her. * \u2666 leery hotue sot to-rablUrd has beea sacked and rained iarid*. TheyBnamltted every apeeteaof outrage

m 4

Aa AFFAIR OF Boaoo.??a affair dhonor leak\u25a0jags at ths BpctagA near the heiAteflete of Fred-rriehabarg, on th* lltb test.between J.B. Barley,if Ohsrlaatoa. fi. 0.. aai Br. Beoeeter. oaßcw Or-Idea*beta memben d the fiiet aoe-paay Weah-Isgtoß Artfliery,dBew Orteese. Bertey weeBmahftll*ngtagparty. Tha parties __fb_*_*b bonerietola. at twentypeeee. At ths fint shotHipte

tffeet. The encoaTt thsa rafsaad to attew atsctserixchang* d abate. The deetaad for nlteftatlaawuessetdbyaoiae romarht made by Booeater.

mi' . . '"ItOBTKEJ. BBRfiX aßStedJUavsVwafj IBIW fcotlLcsdostothcßaabcriar Pieces c*yi; .I ascMbayasJ yoraateaadan thatsettea(ates

BttW ia_th -taß-E BOBaa-Pssm___

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tbsaSßßtefaap efateMfitetjgs whs ttekteteMdahai lai qta illjßa Bhß Stetsjj-j BmJ


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a-PCi-tUt* mtJ*tk?Y*Sat£h.rastarsey -The eseaastJSVkteßMMea offienwenmoatly eloeed ynbafdtey Bt fstteitjiiai a o: theeo>trasss of new year Tfisefaated Oca Winder.and those d the FnvtaßßaatJMatedbMaaalataate.wanalto rioted, cad thaOteyMM asiployee-. and of-Sen allowed c relaasajas Bootthe*r khont laeiampsnai d theadttteJfia triteS from the Watt,hapeatecM waa seen Is the ften cf everybody bob

\u25a0not ea the streets, ibiak SMa cjswdcL Thoogfi?eaort d the* stress wen aßafA last attic boslaaaawae tnaeacMd. the dasJpaaFSthMnily obtentfiby oar attest* aa ahofISBFA jtßShfi aaaay ritteaasfrom thsrani atotrieMvtMßfih asiy for the pwpen of making fsrbaetautag tbeoewytsr.

J>*eetd iatoa J*samd?Tatefiadydft mas namedHsary Streets waa fossd cJßStefiay ta tb* Dock,f>-ot d 17th street. Sinctetwaw a musician ia aConfederateregimsat flatfteactearketag lafcrmedof tbe dream-tans*. Joertatasd thst be badwalked into tbe Dodt wkfto tatesteetod. on Wedsesuay algbt,aad dealtesdfit held au iauussi onthe rs 2SI-.S.

FrMea /feats.?The fußeerteg partiaa wan re-ceived lata Castle Thmtfortetttrday.via: SamuelBlack, oo I, TtaVa I tpjlatetfi, deserter; Wm Trefier, Hodgert's cavalry, atatarlar, Gibson Barrett,Borfolkartillery, aspagsaa; Jtoha Fisher, ateasaerRichmond, deeerter; gamut.T Bodgara, Oth La,fn.m hospital; Jaane BtahiJM B Cng't, absentwithout leave; Ortf Batatßj,4tat Va, Ceaarter;PatrMk Dwyer end JnPfsfeagifsa 1 tnkdftatesaad daaertaia, <to be test fit tbate.agletsa la)Thirty-five men wen tßcfiWajpfi-Boot theOaatteyeetatdt-y, tßoatly inlftea*ajbjjtttte? to thritreaaV

« ii \u25a0\u25a0Frfseasrs */ Bar. SenatoAmc priaonen dwar, nineteen Yankee sntlen, and one uegro,

were brought from GordoatviUeon ynterday,viaCentral laJtecatl, aad ledfnd la tha LlbbypriaonThey wereee,-<<iredat Pb?Mee, oa the 27.h De-ocE-ber, by lieu. Stuarts cavalry. Unions tbeprisoner* wen Paul B-sks, Sd Lieut. «r&,lstBd. Oavalry, andJohn H. CuvrboUrue. lat Lieut,lxth liiinola cavalry. Twy tuspectedto day from Gordoctvlile.

S*mt» Uonality? Five of the Yankee priaonenwho wen wounded at the battle of Fraderieha-burg.aid brought to Richmond, died on Wednoeday lase They wenso badly wooaded that Herewas hardly a hope, of their recovery when theywere brought hen. »Dead.?The Btbiopteo tcioatrsl called "Timlaorrtt," andwell known to the freqaentera of Me-tropolitan Hall, died a few days tinea of a violentattach of eonfiuen. amtUlpox.Arrm*.? Thecity police yetLtrd.y arrested JnoRobertson, afree negro, on the charge d assault-ingand stabbing Alfred, aslave, belonging to ThosMoOee, androbbing him of 8:13 Theonly otherparty arreried was aman too drunk to give btename.

\u25a0\u25a0 i

WorU ofAn ?Gelt, thesculptor, bio c -mplotedasplendid bun of Stonewall Jackson?a basso re-lievo?which fathfuiiy portrays tba features of thatdistinguishedchieftain. He bat also butts of flea.B. A. Wise, Oov. Letcher, Hon. Jefferson Davis,Hon. B. Barnwell Bhfett, _nd ahead repreeeatingthe geniusof the ConfederuttStates. These worksevince high artltiis ability.

tjuvtrhwuut rFt>reA.-Tba'o9&r*der*ta Govern-ment have estabtisbsd quit- a settlement enBrown's Island, a place formerly devoted' to oookfighting and almliar amusetneuie, aad bays bownearly three hundred femalee employed ta thewcrhshops located on the island, makingnp ballcarti idjr-s and other noall a-aniunltion. The placewssraqulM a thriving aspect.

Armt fistaraed.?A number offine brats and Ironfield pieces have tetelybeen sent toRichmond fromthe »rtay of the Potomac and other placet. Thosepieces had been aupplaatedby otboia ce.ptared tabattle, many of which combine the latest improve-ment*. -Optn ifottss.?Oo v. Letcher keptenopen housey -terdey, Mew Year's day, a large aumber of oureiiiaeus availing tbemaelvwof tho occasion to callend pay their respects te theChief MaglsirYe ofthe Otimuionweaith.

\u25a0 sa *COURT PhuOMtDINOS.Tin Ceurtt.?Begs of tbeCourtsof Record havebeea ta eearioa for aweak or mora. TbeCocutyCertof Henrlsc, which site os Monday neat, willhave a number of eeeea d felony to disposeot?Th« Supreme Court d Appealsadjourned to meeton the sth tart.Jaeyer'a Court TAurrates, January 1, 18tt- Thsaew year commenced with a small fttteadanco atCourt, aad bat few erlmiaaia fatt ths dock.Henry Enbba and OolamtmsLee, heretofore ar-rested la ahouse on 14th atreet aad held asauspl-

eioua characters, without visible meataof support,were brought ap for en examtiailoa. which, onthe pr of Kiebt-s, concluded with his disthargo.Lee waa require! to give S3OO tt-crarity Bar his gooddsmeanor, hut toek an appeal freer, ihe judgmentof th*Mayor to the BaaeJatjaCourt. *Busaeil F. Bmith and 80. B. Bftslett were arraignedfor assaultingdDI. Stewart,*pott-officeclerk, a few daya ataot, oa 11th atreet In this cawthepar ties arrested wencharged with alsoviolat-ing the duellingact by carrykgaehaiioage. Thecan wncontinued until Friday.

Bala, slave of Julias Barigar Jner, was utraigaedforstealing a lot of aal'eo aad other artioies fromher matter. Tha cess, for want of the proper wit-\u25a0easts, wm eoaUsned till Friday.

DSATB Cr SsTxRIBA." KItOWIAA ? ih-trldftßFttowles, the dramaUtt, has Just diad ta &:gland.at the ftg* of s*v*Bty-oigfit years He wu hornta Oci'k.whEU Kemhta end Siddoaswhre tola* firstday of their triumphs atDrury Lena At toe aged twenty-fonr ha, made the acquaintance d Bdmond Keen, for whom be wrote his first play, amelodrama, called the Glpwy." la 1819bis tragedyof "Cains Gracchus" was produoed atBelfast, and aiterwarda be wroth "William Tellfor Maereatly. ait "Blind Beggar of BethnalGreed?' produoedia 1888,wu ft failure* derpliesuchaaattractive BamvHllen Tree,and dcwplto,too,thaelaborate paint beetoned on the play bythodisappointed author. He found arcple future oom-peusailonfor that aadone or two other iesa com.plete failures ia "Love,""The Hunchback," "TheLove "lhase," and "The Wife."

The London AtAmearn, in a notice of the deathof X tow!**, tk.ua desuribuhit later yeerts

U in same respects hewu treated here v pro-phetsarewont to be ta their owa country, endgentlemenare who, being heroes, arenot so to theirectau de ?Aaates.bcyotid th? Atlantic he had anova-tion, which, n.wever, wooedCavebeen more valua-ble were lino ti ovations are made there for themediocrities ot the hour v well v for the menwhose brums live

"Agegentlydescended on him, and therewithgpuftg afiraß and much meditation- aad the wort*wu somewhat atartled to hear that the oldutoresd poethad itegOMa Baptist preacher endwri-ter. Bia aaeeeeaat lister Bail wu not over-whelming, bat itwu aeaaeaaa; andit wucuriousto ace 'beiatenet with B-btah the good, ptaoa wo-mon ofthe May mcettega looked op from thelrknltttag or their provision bag to geae at thestrange being who had bees a play actor, ?mydear,'bat wu happily converted, and so forth.?Kuowlaa was an aaraeat aaaa lvhit la»t as la hitearlier voeatioas, bal to bteAeriouaaasshe mat noned his old eheerfulßCM d spirit. Be didnot be-comeft retired moah, likeBelLco end GeraldBrif-fin, but was still a good man d the world whilebaateat la showing theway to thenext. Be wua capital atory toiler, esd a tmokerof thegoodoldschool d mtn who see?ed inspired by the pipeswhich rested on their lipa. Bte dignityas poet heasserted by death-tag a small annuity offeredhim;bat he accepted oae dBite)per annum, conferredby Sir RobertPul. Bte teat tte__wen apeat pa-tientlyejßJd mach pain- aad he pToTted awaycalm-iy jabis uvautyasaghth year, leavtag a rspatatlonLa aa age wtenleputatioaaerenot easily mate."

PAfIBMILLBOLD.?The Raleigh Standard statesthat the proprietors d the Rkftnsond M*t%irtrhavebooght the Foreat Bannfutnrlag OompaayPaperMill, la Wake oooaty, B. 0., for SSO.OW.?This te oned the moat extaarivc paper mllte lathe Oonftdeney. The price paid te ooaridendlow.

*tTba BiaT Spixoh tuci th* War Bxsan?

WheeOen JoJatetosarrivedat fmattaeanog*. Teaaeetee, gpartyat panasa vehcaaesUy called himoat for a tpeech. At teat be appeared, and toldthanba ?'nnafd murk are/art*aa* il? <\u25a0 ill n \u25a0 -

KrOBBTAJuBB-The eabceriher le preparedtoctusd to th* lUBIAL dparooaa to tbead acsstry. .Wfil eteo dtetatar aad EterotebAwith Box**,for deuaced soldiers, ao thattheycam bo tnaaapertod temypert d theOosftde-rooy. AU orders pintyllj tltandsd to.__ __

F. LAUBB,OaraerofBrud uri3d atnete,

?BtaSßcay* To.B____*BB"?? *\u25a0» frY******SeemtteM, Pecbet Korvsti Ptaat jaaaec-tes Teaseee,e**_ottt»ctaitasdd thetataAteaasaW BAT BoTflta, thase ateera Below DMaettehefkea. ___

OaTaMft.F. ft*». ft.atfmmm\^lmmmt'



FIMCBS OF ARTILLERTt%The fcdlowiajr oßolal cilapatuh was thia

BBcntear received at ths War Department iBnayapAßgac>«o', Oca SI.

We aawaad tbaenemy thM mccßtag at 7 o'clock,asd aftertea boars' hard flgfatlag ban drivenhimfrom every position, exespt bte extreme left, whenbe Iksaßceaaritdly reflated aa W*eap.ored FoarThounad Prteoatn, melndiag two Brigedter-o*9.crate tahiy-Oae Pteees d Artillery, aad toos. twobandrcd wagosa aad teasu. Oar lota h heavy,bat thatof theenemy much great*/.

* BRAITOK BXASS,General tteaamatidteg.

(AetDCI ATIB PRAH DIaPATCHgg )? ?o»T*lTF*reH|TEi«ls|ii.\u25a0 a. Uii i.i. fii"' liiii,. fg^^MfiAdvssce cF ths Batanyo~llssty

Is Freat?Detirerute Fight am the Left-.The Task-en Repulsed.____________ sCava?ah, Deo. 31? dhrpttch to the

fi?aelteaa, datedMurfreetboro', Dec. SOtb, sayathe enem-y tookposition yesterday afternoon oaemile ta froat ofoar lines. Weburnt thesplendidmansion ofMr. Cowan,oathe Mathvlile turnpike,four hundred yards In oar frost, together with allthe oat houses; also, Br. Rarden'e neidencs, oothe Wilkinson turnpike, fat order to pnvut theenemyfrom using them forabetter.

This morning laraw aad rainy, aad tbe lnhabl-tanta ar*rapidly moving bcyoadour lines. Heavyaklrmlahing commenced to-dayat ? o'clock, bat oogeneral eugagement hat taken place ap to thlehcur

The force of tha enemy ia estimated at about60,000.

Beavy -atuketry firing feeseomseaoed ta front,and there are Indleat!out of a general and terrificengagement thisafternaaa.

On our left the eagejremont sion became general, aad the battle la bow ragtag heavily. Thegreatest confidenceprevailsamong ouroffloera cadmen. The enemyhaa mvie a deapcrate chargeupoa our lines, bat was repulsed with heavy loss.A brilliant artillery duel I-now progreasing.

Preaa Vicktburg?The Baeny Agnlu Re-pulsed,

Yicksburs,Dec SO.?A oourier hasJust arrivsd,who states that theeaesy attempted te storm oarlines again thiamorning,bat after a aavera combatwere repulsed with beavy loss. Bo farther par-ticulars at pneeat. Tba londthe enemy ia saidto hi about three hundred killed and wounded, aadfunr hundred prlionttrs Our loaa ia about ftftykliied and wounded*.1 Ma*Prom Caarieeteß-'Anether Barilla St. Pierre

Affair.CHAB.tr.aTOW, Dec. 31.?The Biitlah steam sloop

of-warPetrel, lost from Hortress Monroe, ia bowoff thebar. Shewill enter the harbor as coca aathe tidepermit*. It ta reported that theFrsnahcorvette Milan, sow Io tbeharbor, will remata un-tt) thereceipt ef farther orders.

Another reeaptsre sloillar to the .mill* St.Flam affairhot tehaa plan. Tne aakooner fiaatTattle, aappowd bound for a Obafodereto pert,mm taken by a Yankeeenteer, aadpat la charged aprtoi crew. The orlgtaal cßeera aad mewbefog left ea beard as prion*-, adroitly reeaa-tend theMhoanar, aad carried the vessel back toBaana, with the prias oretr aa prisoners.

Prom Frcdarlekaborg.FtthDEiUUK-BCKa. Ja*. L?A flagof ttuoe aame

eve/at 9 o'clock thia morning. Another fl&g taex-pected to morn.tv. The business of toeFederatehat uot transpired, but uo importance Is attache 1to thetf visit.

All Is quiet along the lines, and, judgingfrom present appearances, will go eonUna*. Beavyfiring hat been heard today beyond Fredericks-burg, bat weare in tbe dark aato the cause.



Ate., oVc, dtc.

BoRrRtXSBORO', Dae, 31? Raij fell daring lagtnight, aad continues to day. Occasional artilleryfiringbegan at 9 o'clock this morning and luteduntil 11 selock, whenoar entire left,between theBeshv"le and Salem road, appeared Beavy endrapid matketry firing than rs-?meneed, and ttlllsonttar-a.

lao'ciock BL?The heavy guns an olio heard,bat as yetwe bave nothing from tha battle-field,whichIttemly two mllea dietant* The eltiaens anail confident o* victory. Then ta no excitementperceptible. q

Botblag farther has been hearJ fromMorgan,though it Is certain that be herdestroyed railroadeommnaioation between Faahville and Louisville,androuted the enemyat Bmselvilte, By.

[SICOMO DIBPATCH.JMußritgAtßOßO', Dec 30.?The day badpeand

without any general engagement. About Bineo'clock aheavy asd brisk artilleryduelwas loughtoecaslaaally Interrupted with sharp ahootlng Thefiring graduallycloud oaboth aides cheat 5 P. uf.Tbecasaalitee amount to almost aoUttag.

Itta evidently the desire d the enemy to forceaa to attack him; bat failing in this desire,asdbayingplaced bte force* la position, the battle willopesat daylightla themoralag.

Artillery and aharpshooters wenengaged to-day.With the exceptionof about aa hoar scarcely

any small arms were used.From Chftrtestea?Arrival cf s British

Steamer?ftsgrsee Attempt te Jets theBlechadere.CHABT.I.STUN, Boa. 31.?The Brlttah ateemeloop

Petrel, from FortraM Monroe, has arrived offtheto. She was visited by Mr. Boach, theBrlttahConsul to-day, asd will come up to the city.

Three negroes, aadd tobe from Sumter dtetrtet,werearretted lastnight whll* endeavoringta reachthe "bloekadcra" ia aa opea boat.

JstcreerisA frees BaacßO Beeoptarc of thsSchacscr Bstata Tatty,

CbARUtToa, Dec. 9L?A Batata tetter,cf theBM l*M|.e NMojTQal Mata rw_KJCtasl BaM a_aWarrival at Ban Cay, d the tchooser BmnaTaMtetakes by theYaahccbldehaden of WOateagteat.

It aapcara that aMarlfiegale aaraagbs, asd thefederalOaptota sodfttesenwhaaaanteg alarmed,nteaeedsad acasbt the aoabtttMtoat thaCcgdateofthe ecptand veeeri. The teteor, with aha mat*aadecab, liltaartltag tniiadn efril theansa os beers, lattflaret Bar ad leak her.teataaSIJL

SeW THIII OeaVMef amlm VarW WwtTS IbbbMbbM M



fSMsten, as I»ftftrd,T, tfik 7_g_L a* ateavadry. aiasiagig Bt 4 etehtehlßbb7Bm bares

noataY aaal yahgtß*aVa_Bßß*» BBS tek

east Itetesdjetateg, fnassCfilMafga aseh as theBoat-ride of Bloody Resslr**csfi rauaaagBacAta ahoy*. -f^itoSa^^^wrrratf-y--^T^sYata-Oneohfrdcash)she brianeeatiSami IS«a%Av7RSi a ~ ?- **-**?deal JAB BL TAYLOB at SOB,Aaata.

Oat LABB iTfIBBBIfJOCOUBT-Y, AT AUCTION?We vrtU aall attide Ooaaty Ooan-Beaae, eg BRJMDAY, thesth day dJaaaary. 1SB* thai bahtg tteart day.coß>m*jariagaillo'cteekA.B.. Steamed vatea-bletomdteßeatfteoeaSßty.dASMfinbestmrßtaVmead, aad adjotalag the temteef I. B. Braggasd

Y»se. -OBeduttf cash, thebataaea at* swaths.foroegotteble oote. with teterctt evaded, asd aa.'cured by atreatdeedda 31 FAS.B.fATLOBBBOB. Aosta.\u25a0tete AaKi M» ,S-ft^<w-wi!°2^ ,*stt?,Ji_f '"?? * <Barlsttoa. Bsq,

fojtawSgorfiar, the very valuable real estate, towtttL The farm known « HABL HlLßtia BowKeat county, two and ahalf miles from TBsatali'aStation, on tbe Blehmoad and Yeah 81-arßall-read, and two miles from lb White Bouse, tbeformer iaridence of Mr. Christian. It contains 4ft)

acres of land, ofwhich about oaehalf ia clearedaaaj highly productive; the remainder la heavily_aade:i with ptae. etk, *c. of original growth?

Tfier* is upon this tract one cf Ihefinest martbankata the State. Tha improvementsecaatet ofa largeand commodioue frame dwelling, togetherwith ne-gro quarter*, barna stables, Ice-houses, aad, ta fact,every oat-house neceasaryupon aaahaa estate.tt. The Ccurt-Bcun TRACT, eoatriatag fromnvea to eighthnadrad acres, two hoadnd aorta dwhich ancleared and highly ioproved; thebet-attta M haa-rlly wooded,sad upon which to a ha?aquantityof excellent timber. It Bea within twomllea of the Cumberland and Pamuakey riven ?

Tbe improvements consist dthe Tavern et theCourt Boaee,whleh la aeery terse end spaciousbuilding,together with eaotber dwellingta cleatproximity, a large kitchen, atables, As.3. MULLIBS,containing 450 acres, ISO acres ofwhleh erecleared; the balance Uheavily timberedItile* within four mllea of the Goqrt-House. Theimprovemeota are remarkably good,with everynecessary oat boost, all ta goodrepair.

A The MILLTRACT, two and a half miles fromtbe Court-Bonn. It eontahte800 acres, all heavilyWooded. \u25a0 'Persons desiring ta Invest ta countrypropertyarepart ieularly requested to examine the forego-tag, aa It in eery seldom that aa opportunityis pre-tented In whleh to many Inducements areoffered.Than wlahlam any partleolara aa to the tale willpleaseaddreaaatr. John D. Chririiaa, at Baw EastCourt House, or vw, taBtehmcndttntejagof Saul?One-third cash; the balance at6 and ISmonth*, for negotiable notes, With interestadded, aad aceured by iruai deeds; or, a derireil.the whole pur. has* money will ba taken.If deelred, tt cbove oca be treated farprivately.

'.aS M. TAYLOR A808, Aast'ra.de 17?S-.trnrwthsr.dtds

4DMI.VTSTRATORS Bal.l OP REAL BS-TATB, Ten Me?ou, aud other Feransalerty, AT ,»C-..-XrOB ? Ataumkiistretord JroFoid, deed, I ahaii proceed to tell upon ths pre-

mises, onMONDAY, the IBthday ot January,IMS,eommeaetagat 11 o'clock A. M-, ta the four.wtagorder, thevaJuat io real estate Bad r?BRoSI pro-perty,t'> wit:let. Th* treat or land on whleh the arid JohnFord resided, on theDeep Bun turnpike, ta Beari-oo, about 6 ml.** We*t of the cityof Richmond Iteoßtriaa about OS acres or laud, wall improved.?The tatpronmanU cousin of a comfortable dwell-ing with two rooms, bare, stab'a, andother naaaaairv oot-hcaaea, togetherw .thanexcel lent orchard attoe eholcMtfrnlt trees*

Sd Anotheremail tract, containing 44 acres dtend, near to th*above.3d. A treat d lead oa tba Deep Bos tares?*, Bml(eafromthe city. oa which there is a eoaaforta

bte dwafiteg, enntalnlng foar goodreotas. end theusoal out-bcane. Tkia.trMt trill bearid ÜBj F.

After tb*acted the Brat adaiad tractracy com-awtete at IS o'clock M?) will ba aold TBBLIRBLV BTROBOBB, cousisttag d men, boy*, woaaesand cMldi-sa.

Also, a large lot of Booaehold and Kitchen Far-aliure. *BBBBBs? Far tbe real estate, one-third aaah; thebalance at 6 andIB moatha, for negotiable notes,wlthteteratt added, and secured by treat StatsS Bdesired, th*whole parabon money will bereuiv-,cd. For the alavu aad other personal property,each will be required

JOHN A. BUTGBIJON.Late hheruf cf Heurieo oooaty,asd ateachAdm'r et John Ford deed

?aie by JAt M. TatijjbA Bow, Aneta. deft)

A DMINISTRAfOR'S 8ALB Of A BOBSBJ\_ aad Lot on Yaltey or 17th Street.?Aa admin-istratord George T. Riding, deo'd, I wfil pntfitfitonil npen tha premteaAoa TBBBOAY, the IBthday of January,1863, eommeoctegat 4 o'clock P.'BL, avery desirable frame house end let located attbe termtaa*of 17th or- Valley sreet,end sear totheold distillery. It contains sixgood rooms, esdtaia goodrepair. Tba tot ted tha usual site. Pee-uaslon will he given Immediately.

Tkßms ? One third cash ; th* balance at 6 and ISmoatha.fornegotiable none, with taterest added,and aceored by a trusi. deed.

JOBS A. HOTOBBSON,Lot* Sheriff d Benrtoo oooaty, andv aaah

Adm'r of George T. Rldteg. deefi.Sateby JaaM Tatlor fit Sow, Aacte. Be 30npWO HCfJBBS AMD LOTb FOB SALI ATL ACOTIOB. WUI heaold, as taManatßu, goMONDAY, the Sth Jaaaary, 1863, atft o'clockF.M., the framedTBHBMBBT-aad LOT asCoaeurdstrut, near the coach shop dthe Central BatTrnadCompany. Tha Lot froute on ths west aidedtheatnctSfi feet, esd ramsbach to lSthtu-ut. TheBonn hu five rooms, together with Klmheu. due.At 4 o'clock wlttb*s*lr{ tb*brick TsBBIdBBTat the corner d Sith end BanhaU tenets TheLot fronts oa tbe aorth ride d BanhaU sine*- Mfoot, rnnnlag bask 150 fact The Boast bee aterooms, togetherwith Bitches sod fitebte Foaaae-aioa will be given In too days from the daydtftle.

TateMAeoOacdhlrd cash; the oUanuat 6sad IBmoßoba, for negotiable notea.tatenat afittea, ottte-factorllysees-red. The taxaaaad laaureau forBMPto be paid by thspurchaser.


npWC YMRY DBSIBABLB FBAMBD BOOSISI aad LOTB. on St. James, betweea Daval cadBakerstruts, AT AOCTTOB.?W* will aril agesthepremises, onTHOBfiDAT, lbs Sth daydJaaecry, 1883, caminenctßg at fij Ccloek F. 8., tenveryderinble fraaacdBOVBBA asd LOTB, v fel-lows: w*

Ist. AHeauos the West ride of St. Jacautt.,betweea DuVal and Baker. It rsstchia fin goodroom*,a amell hstehaa, theuetiriaaAbalmlag*,andawell ofcxerileat water, kto te goodorder, and '?

bow occupied by Mr. T. D. Williams. The -frots 30fut, and rant book 105 test. Foeaaaawill be givesto afew days

Sd. The acct framed Teeeaaeot. stfifiSßßß »above as tbe North. 'It coataiat fear recast, th.aeoal out bouass, gas, water, Ac. together wtth manmbcrof the ebotaaat frutt tree*. TbctetfresteaboutKPfeot, asd rase back ths nasal depth. Foc-aeMion will he givenin afew days..

Tgßsa.-One-third aaah; thebaJaoae at 4 aad Smonths, for negottebta notea. with tetereat aSiefi,and aecured by a trust deed. Th* toaea aad tecar-eaeefar lfifii to be paidby theparakeet?.

ja 1 JAB. M. TAtLOB A SOB, Aast'n.A DMIBISTBATORS BALB OFVBBT TAIrA OABLB BBfiL BBTATB, located ea FreshflsTßaaa, asd 14th street*, scarry oppcrito to the

Basbasf* BotcL-At ododshdrstor d Mrs. J.BLCabell, fcuuea. I wttl pneead to aril teoshttoaacttea, ages thepremtaes,ea WBDSBBDAT the14th day d Jaaaary. lhtt. tosimeaategot 18 at.the vary vahtabUreel estate located es theBerthride dWashtea. Best, asd 14thatreet*.Mad asoriyoppoaite theBailaapi Botei It ttaafo osFreahtteead 14th ?areata, a part at whleh » ceesstedby theMiest.Ssdteetesd cadi ether* aad v nowri a fas raah It triM be drvbted btecIcm to cab toe vteesg d |anin M, a asm dwktehustsaaeaM thseffiu dthe aaillioiwila aRftr*ca*fa>TBfim-WthM oath. tkebateauat*comIB

3"a*«^*a_Sr..qb»»J«tterisß by Jab. M. Tafbobfit9m, a?.a*M*«3gi^J7 ABB COTTOB TABBBL?The Maatßtates

tattT ___ft____^__r^^^w?**L o**H!r">T- *"\u25a0 ftSS&a^waftaa^aaA^-ta a?dSF ABDoahTtF aatPFatasa AtMßa.m-j^o--^-?»o?X??w?t^ow***??pwfat somßosaaaaacfSasdaW tfißjb R t*Bty jjjgßffß

Boßb_Mßrtk *BBbußMasbpM_fJa_J_BßJfLffßtSß

o-'-tmßteßW*,, - \u25a0-~\u25a0\u25a0.,.\u25a0;\u25a0 :.fi** mmm^mwmWr-,.

| _BJftWcygjaWaß aVQ L~' * I. jIMOMOMOMO^?_3L^.

? SFIfaßsfiabß eha^^^^^^^aagß.

Aaoatqaa**ata-*aaßftawß* *c _mm?? -MBtetahtt OibbvaJ Otori Bi^eßMCalcißtt_B»B_-r^_^s^_g?S£Bong ?q ?t._ «.m» wsswataßa ass etasath hi emßtefiag BB

M_« - «?. .~~«.. .m. . -_cr BCT**te*mg*, atttettea, ttaßtq, aaattV *\u25a0

Ihe tBSM AariatS B^a»ai>a*_Bi^e>iCU^Bai^^a^3^Z«**». JABTJB fit TATaOB aajßA ~nrTTITiTBIB \u25a0 EBlaWlofjl Ilijßll

J Jasßsry, lAO eeaaaansSsg_M 4Vctesb F. fitaamt7tdßdlat,ht4wßtstevrimAArfittetVA^axcettest waaar, hydrate, tea ThTpeatatrtyM

aFaa aapamTansa ?fjsa ttsTfiaaatt. (w lbs mhsteV-sate*.

Mir) the batesce at 4ait0tcMswtahtateesriafiatefi. cod cassatS by Baresttoed. ThßtesnaarilAa-atasnfdtlS^MP 888-Sl ____________» \u25a0

sate, betweaa Bath ai llilaull 1I BUHJaasaiS. wfil aril apes tbe pramtas»*e FaUBAY, eh*? &£ 3m?!*' at dotfcehp. M.tu valuable three-story Tfibaeee Factorylocated os theaorthaided Mela,Balaam BBbBBC?&0n'U>ZV*1* \u25a0 ?*? n'-ftF*f88. 2.W.__-fea«SfaS a ?* late* t-reet 70 fast, OBdrasa bach BBJ, fijek

Txass?Oae third aaah; the batesw at« aai IS!aosAha,forasgottehU with tetonM atßad,and aaoarad tya brori dead. ???

tal JABftLTAYI^>BtefiOB.ABCte,

TTIBT TaLUABLB LOT OB \u25a0OBTB 8188V of Broad, betweea 7th asd Sah atnete, FOBBALB AT ACCTIOB-WOJ be add as the pnea-teet ou MOB i>AT. JesaarjrS. lfifO, at 4 eetoskP. M. that vsry valuable LOT oa tbenstbrifteefBroad ttrset. betweea 7th aad Sth Mrnte. aaatt asptof the newTbsatre, fronting th)test, esd rassteSTback about L9O feet ta asritey. TteS M teaUyre-gaided aa themeet \u25bcaluahte Let bow oatswteaT-betTntan-Oaethirdecab- Ihe halasatolSaad IBnionlhA for negotiableBotoe, with tetcrcatedded,aadaecared bya traat deed.

de» . OODDIB A APPBBfiOB. AftCte

HARDBOMB COTTAGBOB GABBLTSBILLFOB BALB AT AOOTIOH-Wfil he aridoathe premisee, eaTUBSDAY. Jaaaary fi lfdfiat4 odeck FB, the haadaome GOTTAtffi oeamM-tag atvea reoma, located as above, as aorth aafiaArab aueet, betweea ad esd 4th ah acta, octspted

by O. a Qbaikley. Bag. TheLot has a froa(d81 fact and a depth of ISO teat, wtth thean d esalley larear, asd anotherbt floatto tt* eari wte-dew. Possession abost let AprilBoot.TxaMA?Oae thirdeach i the belaanat Sasdßlmoatha, fur uagottehle net**, wtth telaail added,aad aeaamd by atrori tteftfi) er as. ecab, at theop-ttosd tbeparebaaar.

dcSO tcDPDf A AFPBBfiSB,AsaM,T7ALBABLB BRAL BSTAYB IB ABAaBFBV FALLBY FOB fi-LB AT ArjOTaSda.-WIU be sold at aaettaa, ea *>i praaalna a 808DAY, the aib Jaaaary, BBS, at IS e'eteeh BL. aa.th* onter adverdetd, the feltewteg ?'t-*-- FBs>-PBBTT.vitiltt Two Lota osYalteyasd Omategtos afreetsaaah S3 feet by ft) feet; ateo. two Lbm htaearefthe abort, oathe death ride af OaaiMalss atreet.each at bytd feet.

td. feet d Lead at tha career cf Toßaafacd Richard atreete, rnutteg bsch 10 tnttcsßal-toy § fe«: wide, having thanos three Frsssd Tas-?meats , also* itLot ta rear d the aben, teaaategos ths aonth side ofBJehard atreet BO teat, rooaaagbach BBfeet

So. A Lot at tbe canter of Yaltey -ri Lasactetrtets. froattag 37 feet oa thewari tteed TOateyatreet, running hseh 00 tact, atea, a Lot scat theabove, fnating fact,raaates hash tect,bricagtag totaebetoacf JahstaVßabaate.4to FrV* Lete, dSJ te*4 eaahas the Inthataed Brideteaefe»«.r*s*Ategbnh lad thMtethekteed ssbcnßhwcthjipaiiit.Sth. ALdasafltrtftwy.ftTCadhweostatei-tgabosthatf sere.

TaJtAta-One-third Mb; bateasa at d asd ktmoatha, for asgotteh - ootoa. tateteat acdad,ee-eured bya trasLAsed r tide retataad TbcteasaforISB3 to be paidbt te naiab?q 41

deft wOPf I AApPfiRSOB, AeaSA,T OTS BOS. Bl m SB. bt Dave!s i\j hoßsded by St. gas,Ohsttty. \u25a0' Tiliiilrinete,wnh large Bl fJaTTBBBHBBT theaees.FOB BALB AT AoO> 08-Al the nssaet eftheHomaaeFemale Aeto- Aloa,weetedleeß at psahateaaa4ioa.oa thepremUs, os SATTJBDAY. Jasy3d. leea, at4e'eteeh 1 M, teU-aanLest Boa fitand83, laDaval'a AA-tloa, with th* terse BatchTeecment thereon, auaaawhal cat sfnpsdr. Thsproperty wfil be aaL Bvided bttonverel bcfiaßagtote, aeanrdlng tc a plat tabe axhtelted tt tbehesrottote. *Bm halaan at B asd Mlamsths, forBss-otiabte ao4ea,tetaacr adSefieaaandbyßtrortssesLorUtterriatead

deSS wOPBPf te APYTtatfiOß. AsctAXTBAT FBABhD TBBBMBMT IB DOTAL ?XX AddttlcM, oatheBorth aidedPane, batseesIt. John asd St, Faal streets. FOB OALB A*lACOTIOf.-Witt be sold at aacttes, as tawarcm-tea, oa SATTJBDAY, the 3d Jaaaary, lefisTat da'etach F. BL, the seat fiamsd Tfilt-hTttrTteeatedaa above, sttebrisg the propatty of fttr. WttttemTrrca, eoateaateg fits nana, i-Mataa Xtteheacoatoteteg two noma, tegcthcr w aaerhsheseßdatohte. Water asd gasos the juinateM. aai Bte)Bean lete good onter. cad weUaatßedforccmaßfamily. Thenlart the lot aonc gcedfirottlpaaeaad grape rtese. FecnMttoa gtna BB Fateootj

T-tejM?Ose-thlrd ceah- bateaee dtSaadltfieriy*acßßred,' I*The te be psMbytse

**? OODDnt te AFTftfttfißßß, Btteta,

§MALh FBAhfBD TRBBhtBMT, OB TBIStmthride d DavalStraei, ittiafii aha De>

Stroet Chapel, FOB SAXB AYAUOTtOM-WUJbeeoMu eaetioa. Os SATUBBAT, tbe BdJaauary, llfO, ai 3, o'eloeh F. BL, tha arecaedTBBBatBNT tecctodea abase, asw fit the actaassay ofBr. Britcs.

TtJutt-Ose ihted aeab; asteasa at S aad IBBkosthe, for segettßßle aetea, isteestt added, ttsdtaesndrhy aantetseed. The teaaaaar ISBB ta bepted by the Bsrabtatr.

tft&BiamDAT. tb*Fth day af Jaassry, ws *nl tafl atgarwenboßU, (Oentssr ckneAj eoaßßMoattej at ISo'eloek-

-1.808 banalflßbhiiMtßTeaasM*_afsaaa*A*s,fia* mateatracFofiaA bnaMateg oaatssfBepth Oteaates.- ATaT*"

A teresosaaAh*y of *\u25a0»»**»? *' >awi, pst ogtebatea, BOgaesdbasiete.

80,000 Ctgsea, daaawted vibaf"AlftO?>

10 Urn -AlafiOy-.

TbeaalemSl be combs tat aßtaaoßftmcaa. SBlffl*ataiAateaae* ?* "-war? ~bf cncagy*? ?o>*a**pjßßßpai eye?am?aoa

Os FBIBAY,Athe Bah tU J Of, Bnaeftaaatergc eajd aaoPaohtoo etecßof 1 Bit BMB _BBtftea* YEaans aataßak___rz_a_______To_^EZ_y^_sj aa? ? .BBfttbtnaMtogttgaaas.


A MateUdBBM IMBftMstoaMt-tt üb_B>SBBOBS SW*o,yi oyMl* ~*~o~*f **wyw_a\ecaqßWMef BtoBWBJBBateBVBatBIB^BBBfi

IL.- JaUBBn IrBrTT- fißft tttteßßoaßßBtelo? em _.. _\u25a0BU Ban
