APWH chapter 8.notebook 1 April 25, 2013 Chapter 8 Islam Arabs were a pastoral people in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula. They were organized into tribes and had no formal government. They were polytheistic. Arabs traded with the Byzantine and Persian Empires, both of which were monotheistic. Mecca was an important stop for camel caravans trading across the desert. It also had an important religious shrine. Muhammad (570632) was born into a merchant family in Mecca. He received revelations from God and became his prophet. God told Muhammad how people ought to live. According to Muslims, God had already spoken to earlier prophets: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, but Muhammad was the last prophet, and he received God's final and complete revelation. Islam: religion. Muslim: follower of Islam. Islam means submission. Five Pillars: 1) belief in one God, and that Muhammad is his prophet. Making this declaration of faith makes one a Muslim. 2) Pray five times a day, facing Mecca. Muslims pray prostrate, with their foreheads on the floor. 3) Hajj: if he or she is able, a Muslim must make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in his or her life. 4) Muslims must fast from sunrise to sunset every day during the month of Ramadan 5) Muslims must be generous with the poor, and give money to charity.

APWH chapter 8.notebook€¦ · 15/08/2013  · Jesus, but Muhammad was the last prophet, and he received God's final and complete revelation. •Islam: religion. Muslim: follower

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Page 1: APWH chapter 8.notebook€¦ · 15/08/2013  · Jesus, but Muhammad was the last prophet, and he received God's final and complete revelation. •Islam: religion. Muslim: follower

APWH chapter 8.notebook


April 25, 2013

 Chapter 8 Islam• Arabs were a pastoral people in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula. They were organized into tribes and had no formal government. They were polytheistic. Arabs traded with the Byzantine and Persian Empires, both of which were monotheistic.• Mecca was an important stop for camel caravans trading across the desert. It also had an important religious shrine.• Muhammad (570­632) was born into a merchant family in Mecca. He received revelations from God and became his prophet. God told Muhammad how people ought to live. According to Muslims, God had already spoken to earlier prophets: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, but Muhammad was the last prophet, and he received God's final and complete revelation.• Islam: religion. Muslim: follower of Islam. Islam means submission.• Five Pillars: 1) belief in one God, and that Muhammad is his prophet. Making this declaration of faith makes one a Muslim. 2) Pray five times a day, facing Mecca. Muslims pray prostrate, with their foreheads on the floor. 3) Hajj: if he or she is able, a Muslim must make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in his or her life. 4) Muslims must fast from sunrise to sunset every day during the month of Ramadan 5) Muslims must be generous with the poor, and give money to charity.

Page 2: APWH chapter 8.notebook€¦ · 15/08/2013  · Jesus, but Muhammad was the last prophet, and he received God's final and complete revelation. •Islam: religion. Muslim: follower

APWH chapter 8.notebook


April 25, 2013

• Quran: the word of God for Muslims. It contains God's revelations to Muhammad. It is one book, not a compilation like the Bible. It is written in Arabic, and cannot be translated for religious purposes.• Mosque: Muslim house of worship. Friday is the day of worship. Mosques have no images, idols, or altars, so mosques are decorated with geometric and floral patterns and calligraphy. Men and women are segregated. Mosques usually have a tower (minaret) from which the call to prayer issues five times a day.• Islam has no priests, or any hierarchy. Every Muslim has a direct and equal relationship with God. There is no centralized authority, and so teachers, judges, and scholars may contradict each other.

Page 3: APWH chapter 8.notebook€¦ · 15/08/2013  · Jesus, but Muhammad was the last prophet, and he received God's final and complete revelation. •Islam: religion. Muslim: follower

APWH chapter 8.notebook


April 25, 2013

Page 4: APWH chapter 8.notebook€¦ · 15/08/2013  · Jesus, but Muhammad was the last prophet, and he received God's final and complete revelation. •Islam: religion. Muslim: follower

APWH chapter 8.notebook


April 25, 2013

Page 5: APWH chapter 8.notebook€¦ · 15/08/2013  · Jesus, but Muhammad was the last prophet, and he received God's final and complete revelation. •Islam: religion. Muslim: follower

APWH chapter 8.notebook


April 25, 2013

Page 6: APWH chapter 8.notebook€¦ · 15/08/2013  · Jesus, but Muhammad was the last prophet, and he received God's final and complete revelation. •Islam: religion. Muslim: follower

APWH chapter 8.notebook


April 25, 2013

Page 7: APWH chapter 8.notebook€¦ · 15/08/2013  · Jesus, but Muhammad was the last prophet, and he received God's final and complete revelation. •Islam: religion. Muslim: follower

APWH chapter 8.notebook


April 25, 2013

Page 8: APWH chapter 8.notebook€¦ · 15/08/2013  · Jesus, but Muhammad was the last prophet, and he received God's final and complete revelation. •Islam: religion. Muslim: follower

APWH chapter 8.notebook


April 25, 2013

Page 9: APWH chapter 8.notebook€¦ · 15/08/2013  · Jesus, but Muhammad was the last prophet, and he received God's final and complete revelation. •Islam: religion. Muslim: follower

APWH chapter 8.notebook


April 25, 2013

Page 10: APWH chapter 8.notebook€¦ · 15/08/2013  · Jesus, but Muhammad was the last prophet, and he received God's final and complete revelation. •Islam: religion. Muslim: follower

APWH chapter 8.notebook


April 25, 2013

Page 11: APWH chapter 8.notebook€¦ · 15/08/2013  · Jesus, but Muhammad was the last prophet, and he received God's final and complete revelation. •Islam: religion. Muslim: follower

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April 25, 2013

Spread of Islam• Muhammad's teachings were opposed by Mecca's rulers, and he and his followers fled to Medina. The flight to Medina (AD 622) is year one in the Muslim calendar. Muhammad led an army and established a state. He was a prophet, but also a political and military leader and the founder of an empire. Within a few years, Muhammad returned to Mecca with his army and seized control. By the time he died, he controlled most of Arabia. Arab armies then began a campaign of conquest. They felt that their new empire, based on their newly revealed and universal faith, should spread across the earth.• Muhammad did not pick a successor. There was a contest for leadership between his top followers and his son­in­law, Ali. Ali and, later, his son Husayn were defeated. There would be no dynasty descended from Muhammad himself. However, their followers would remain known as Shiites, one of the two main branches of Islam. Shiites would have a more emotional style of worship, a focus on the martyrdom of Ali and Husayn, pilgrimages to their tombs, and a leadership role for their teachers.• Sunnis, the other main branch of Islam (and the vast majority), were followers of the winning side. The winners established the Umayyad Dynasty (661­750), which ruled the Arab Empire or Caliphate. The ruler's title was caliph (successor). The Umayyad capital was Damascus.

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April 25, 2013

• Arab armies conquered Israel, Syria, Egypt (all from the Byzantine Empire), Mesopotamia, the entire Persian Empire, Central Asia (inhabited by Turks), the Indus Valley, North Africa, and Spain.• Arabs did not force conquered people to convert to Islam. Conquered people enjoyed freedom of religion, but all non­Muslims had to pay a special tax. Muslims respected Jews and Christians, known as "people of the Book." For the first 100 years after the Arab conquest, Arab conquerors lived in separate military camps, which grew into cities like Cairo and Baghdad. Arab armies had initially conquered to gain territory and wealth, not to spread the faith.• 750: A new dynasty took power in the caliphate. The Abbasid Dynasty moved the capital to Baghdad.

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April 25, 2013

Islamic Civilization• S Gender: Islam allows polygamy. Men could have up to four wives. Divorce is allowed, but it is easier for a man than a woman to obtain one. Women can own property, and keep it after marriage. It became customary for women to be veiled in public. Unrelated men could not see women. Women may go to the mosque or on pilgrimages, but otherwise they were essentially confined to the home. Arranged marriages were customary.• Slavery: Slavery was normal, acceptable, and very common. Muslims and people of the Book could not be enslaved, with the exception of prisoners of war. Slaves typically did domestic work or were concubines. Concubines' children, however, were born free. Slaves typically came from sub­Saharan Africa, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Caliphs had slave armies of Turks, known as mamluks.• Muslims cannot eat pork or drink alcohol.• P Initially, the caliphs ruled like absolute monarchs. By the 11th century, however, the caliphate started fragmenting. Mamluk armies or local rulers had taken power in most of the caliphate. Caliphs remained in Baghdad until 1258 (the Mongol conquest), but had little power in those later centuries.• Law: Islam developed a legal code and judicial system, based on the Quran and the Prophet's sayings. Judges were Islamic scholars. The Muslim legal code is sharia, and as religious law it cannot be changed.

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• R Conversion: Most people living in areas conquered by Arabs converted to Islam beginning in the 9th and 10th centuries. Islam was a universal faith, and the Arabs' success was proof to them of God's favor. Some peoples also adopted the Arabic language (Egypt, North Africa, Syria, Mesopotamia).• I Islam formed the first universal civilization. Caliphs in Baghdad promoted research, scholarship, and the exchange of ideas, technology, foods, and scientific knowledge from all civilized areas, including non­Muslim ones. This included philosophy, astronomy, medicine, mathematics, and technology from the ancient Greeks, Chinese, and Indians. Muslim civilization served as the nexus of global cultures, ideas, technology, and trade.• E Muslim civilization was at the center of all trade routes linking Europe, Africa, and Asia. Merchants enjoyed a high status. Muslim merchants dominated the main postclassical trade networks: the Mediterranean, Silk Road, Indian Ocean, and trans­Saharan. Crops like rice, sugar cane, and oranges arrived in Europe thanks to trade with Muslims. Many areas became Muslim due to the influence of merchants (as opposed to being conquered by the caliphate): West Africa, East African coast, Central Asia, and the East Indies.

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April 25, 2013