APUSH Review Laws, Politics, Movers, & Shakers

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APUSH Review. Laws, Politics, Movers, & Shakers. Amendments. What does the 26 th Amendment do?. Give 18 year olds the vote. What Amendment gave women the right to vote?. 19th. What amendment abolished slavery?. 13th. What did the 14 th amendment do?. Citizenship for African-Americans. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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APUSH ReviewLaws, Politics, Movers, & Shakers


What does the 26th Amendment do?

Give 18 year olds the vote.

What Amendment gave women the right to vote?


What amendment abolished slavery?


What did the 14th amendment do?

Citizenship for African-Americans

What else does the 14th Amendment do?

Privacy & due process rights for all Americans

What did the 16th amendment do?

Federal income tax

What does the 5th Amendment do?

Right to not incriminate yourself.

The 6th, 7th, & 8th amendments all deal with your rights when you are…

Arrested & tried for a crime

Why have there been more supreme court decisions about the 1st amendment than

any other amendment?

Freedom of speech, religion, & assembly.

What amendment allowed for the direct election of senators?


The 3rd & 4th amendments were created based on British abuses concerning the

home. What were they?

Quartering of Troops & unreasonable searches of


What civil rights era amendment failed to be ratified by being short 3 states?


What Amendment gave 18 year olds the right to vote?


Political Parties

Feared the tyranny of the elite.

Democratic Republicans

Federalist or Democratic Republican?

Was split apart by the election of 1824 .

Democratic Republicans

Federalist or Democratic Republican?

Founded by Alexander Hamilton


Federalist or Democratic Republican?

Pro- British foreign policy


Federalist or Democratic Republican?

Vision of the Future:Agrarian Democracy

Democratic Republicans

Federalist or Democratic Republican?

What 3rd party was formed in the 1890’s to address the concerns of the farmers?

Populist Party

When the south stormed out of the Democratic convention in 1948, they chose Strom Thurmond to run as a…


In what election did John Bell represent the Constitutional Union party?

Election of 1860.

What party was created to oppose Andrew Jackson?


Who was the first Republican president?

Abraham Lincoln

TR ran for a third term as president under the Progressive Party that was nicknamed


Bull Moose Party

The No Nothing or American Party was against what two groups?

Immigrants & Catholics.

The Democratic Party considers two presidents as their founders, and

celebrates this at the _______ _______ dinner.

Jefferson Jackson



Peaceful transfer of power from one person to another.

What is the significance of this election?


Peaceful transfer of power from one political party to


What is the significance of this election?


Decided in House of Representatives.

What is the significance of this election?


Lincoln’s Election caused the south to secede from the


What is the significance of this election?


Disputed electoral results in 4 states resulting a committee making a deal

where by the Republican Hayes became President & the army pulled out of the


What is the significance of this election?


FDR elected for 1st of 4 times: Democrats gain control of Presidency & Congress.

What is the significance of this election?


Assassination of Robert Kennedy & violence at the Democratic Convention in Chicago led to Nixon being elected.

What is the significance of this election?


Reagan’s election brings the start of the Conservative


What is the significance of this election?

Laws (laws that are passed are called


What law late in the 1940’s limited the power of Labor Unions?

Taft-Hartley Act

What two laws in the Gilded Age limited the power of monopolies?

Sherman & Clayton Anti-trust Acts

After Garfield was assassinated by a disgruntled office seeker, Congress

passed this law to create the civil service.

Pendleton Act

This law outlawed segregation & discrimination in public places?

Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Jefferson sought to avoid war by stopping all U.S. European trade?

Embargo Act

Several times in American history, Congress has passed laws limiting

criticism of the government. This crime is called….


Another name for a law is Ordinance. What did the 2 Land Ordinances passed during the Articles of Confederation do?

1785: Survey & Sale of Public Land1787: Method for a territory

to become a State

What colonial legislation by the British caused the colonists to organize their 1st

boycott? When was this?

Stamp Act, 1765

What book caused the passage of the Meat Act & Pure Food & Drug Act?

The Jungle

Laws are also bills. What 20th century bill revived the middle class after it’s collapse

during the Great Depression?

G.I. Bill

What method of transportation did the Interstate Commerce Act regulate?


What law broke up Indian Reservations in order to assimilate Native Americans and

take away more land?

Dawes Act.

What law caused a mini Civil War in Kansas in the 1850’s?

Kansas Nebraska Act

The Volstead Act made it a crime to…

Sell Alcohol.

Catholics & Protestants could practice their religion in this colony because of this


Maryland Toleration Act

The core of the New Deal was these 2 laws.


The Keating-Owen Act regulated what kind of labor?


In 1924, the National Origins Act allowed immigrants into the U.S. based on the’

______________ system


What President passed Medicare & Medicaid?


In 1862, the northern dominated Congress passed this law that resulted in rapid

settlement of the American West.

Homestead Act

Great Britain limited colonial trade in these laws that were the heart of


Navigation Acts

Movers & Shakers(People who changed our


Lincoln said she started the Civil War.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

She led the fight against lynching during the Progressive Era.

Ida B. Wells Barnett

His 1831 uprising caused terror throughout the south.

Nat Turner

He convinced Lincoln to let African Americans serve in the Union Army.

Frederick Douglass

His newspaper The Liberator started the Abolitionist Movement.

William Lloyd Garrison

These two women led the Women’s Movement of the 1960’s.

Betty Friedan & Gloria Steniem

Give me liberty or give me Death!

Patrick Henry.

Thou shall not crucify mankind upon a Cross of Gold!

William Jennings Bryan

Started the SCLC in Montgomery, Alabama.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Led the final suffragette battles.

Alice Paul

Most wanted Revolutionary rebels in Massachusetts were these 2 men.

Sam Adams & John Hancock

This Great Compromiser kept the country together from 1820 to 1850.

Henry Clay

His 2 major inventions changed the economies of the north & the south.

Eli Whitney

In Kansas and Virginia he led violent rebellions against slavery?

John Brown

Jonathan Edwards & George Whitefield started the…

Great Awakening

They spread Progressive reforms by the power of their words.


He reshaped modern business structure as he sought to wipe out his competition.

John D. Rockfeller

His inventions revolutionized 20th century communication.

Thomas Edison or Alexander Graham Bell

The music world was “all shook up” by this rock & roller who popularized black

music in the 50’s.

Elvis Presley

The Hatchet lady from Kansas who fought the evil of alcohol.

Carry Nation

Cold War paranoia grew after this couple were convicted of leaking nuclear secrets

to the Russians.

Julius & Ethel Rosenberg

These two Native American Leaders attempted to stop white expansion by

organizing the tribes of the northwest in 1763 and 1812

Pontiac & Tecumseh

His false charges fueled Cold War paranoia.

Joseph McCarthy

He build the canal with his Big Stick.

Teddy Roosevelt