Allegato 7 COUNCIL FOR TOURISM AND CULTURE - MANAGEMENT AND VALORIZATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGES DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM, ECONOMY OF CULTURE AND VALORIZATION OF TERRITORY CULTURAL ECONOMY SECTOR PRIORITY AXES III COMPETITIVENESS OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES ACTION 3.4 Support actions for culture, tourism, creative and entertainment industry enterprises APULIA FILM FUND 2018/2020 PROCEDURAL GUIDELINE REGULATING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE REGIONE PUGLIA AND ______________________________ FOR THE REALIZATION OF THE AUDIOVISUAL PROJECT “________________________” CUP (Single Project Code) __________________ ART. 1 (Generalities) 1. The relationship between the Regione Puglia (from hereon referred to as “Regione”) and _________________ (from hereon referred to as “Beneficiary”) is regulated by this Procedural Guideline pursuant to what is outlined in the following articles, as well as the Apulia Film Fund 2018/2020 Public Notice (from hereon referred to as “Notice”). 2. The Beneficiary is responsible for the realization of the audiovisual project called “__________________” directed by ___________________ financed with Euro __________________ as per Executive Resolution No. ___ of _________ . 3. The amount of the funding approved at the time of granting the subsidy is determined with reference to the relative expenses considered to be reimbursable during the assessment of the project and: a. Constitutes the maximum amount that can be granted to the Beneficiary b. Any increases do not in any case lead to an increase in the amount of the subsidy granted c. May be reduced following an analysis of the expense report and verification of reimbursable expenses, as regulated in the following articles. ART. 2 (First obligations of the Beneficiary) 1. The Beneficiary must send the Procedural Guideline digitally signed by its legal representative within 10 days of the date of its receipt to the CEM address [email protected]. 2. The Beneficiary must, during the provisional allotment of the subsidy pursuant to art. 8 paragraph 12 of the Notice, activate a user profile on the MIRWEB electronic information monitoring system (via the URL: mirweb.regione.puglia.it) and constantly update its financial, physical and procedural data. 3. In the event that, at the expiration of the term referred to in paragraph 1 above, the Beneficiary fails to fulfill the relevant obligation, the Region shall forfeit the Beneficiary from the subsidy, unless the Beneficiary communicates a justifiable delay by the same deadline referred to in paragraph 1. ART. 3 (Obligations of the Beneficiary) The Beneficiary must: 1. Send the Procedural Guideline signed by the legal representative of the Beneficiary within 10 days of its receipt 2. Respect the prohibition of double financing of activities, or the prohibition of cumulation of the intensity of aid for a percentage above the limit set in the rules referred to in the Notice 3. Comply with the procedures and deadlines for the reporting of expenses and the timetable as defined in art. 5 "Reporting methods" and art. 13 "Duration of the Procedural Guideline" 4. Comply with European, national and regional legislation regarding the eligibility of expenses 5. Register and update the data referring to the financed project in the regional and/or national informative system indicated and comply with the monitoring procedures foreseen for the project 6. Accept the inclusion of the allocated funding in the list of operations published pursuant to art. 115 par. 2 of EU Regulation No. 1303/2013 7. Apply to personnel or, in the case of cooperatives, worker members, whatever the legal status of the employment relationship, national collective contracts and territorial agreements of the sector they belong to, stipulated by trade unions and associations of employers that are comparatively more representative at the national level 8. Be in compliance with social security and insurance obligations throughout the period of the relationship with the Regione, i.e. from the date of submission of the application to the date of disbursement and payment of the subsidy 9. Respect Law No. 136 of 13 August 2010 "Extraordinary plan against the mafia, as well as delegation to the Government on Anti-Mafia Legislation"(G.U. No. 196 of 23 August 2010) 10. Give written notice to the Procedure Manager within 10 days of the occurrence of one of the following hypotheses: a. Liquidation of the company, transfer of the business activity b. Declaration of bankruptcy, compulsory liquidation, composition with creditors, or the start of the procedure for the declaration of one of the aforementioned situations c. Sentence of a final judgment or issue of a penal decree that has become irrevocable or the pronunciation of judgement applying the penalty upon request pursuant to art. 444 of the Criminal Procedure Code, for serious crimes against the State or the European Community that affect professional morality and in particular, pursuant to art. 45 of EC Directive No. 18/2004, for participation in a criminal organization, for corruption, for financial fraud against the European Community, for laundering of proceeds from illegal activities 11. Adopt a separate accounting system or adequate accounting code in the management of all transactions related to the financed audiovisual project (e.g. accounting code associated to the project) 12. Make themselves available for 5 years after the date of completion of the investment, to any request for checks, information, data, documents, statements or declarations, to be eventually issued even by suppliers 13. Keep and make available the documentation related to the project financed for 5 years after the date of completion of the investment 14. Respect the procedures and terms of reporting 15. Respect the start and end dates of filming, as indicated during the submission of the subsidy application, except for sending timely communications to the Regione 16. Communicate via e-mail to [email protected], and during filming, any updates regarding: a. The complete project plan, clearly highlighting working days in Apulia b. The complete list of the cast and crew, clearly highlighting the personnel registered with the Production Guide (excluding extras and trainees) c. The complete list of suppliers, clearly highlighting those with tax residence in Apulia d. The complete list of locations, clearly highlighting Apulian locations 17. Communicate the production agenda daily to the e-mail address: [email protected] 18. Send scene photos weekly during shooting to the e-mail address: [email protected] 19. Organise, in Apulia, a special press conference with the participation of national and international newspapers with the presence of the director and / or the main actors and representatives of the Regione Puglia and the Apulia Film Commission Foundation, before the start or during filming, with the exception of a project pertaining to the DOC and SHORT categories 20. Allow, at any time, the presence of a delegate of the Apulia Film Commission Foundation during shooting 21. Allow, for documentation purposes only, photos or filming by a delegate of the Apulia Film Commission Foundation during shooting 22. Communicate via e-mail to [email protected], before the end of shooting, if available: a. The post-production plan b. The complete list of the post-production crew, clearly highlighting the personnel registered with the Production Guide (excluding extras and trainees) c. The complete cast list (e.g. dubbing actors), clearly highlighting personnel registered with the Production Guide 23. Affix the logos requested in the opening credits or, alternatively, as the first credit of the end credits and on all the informative, advertising and promotional documents of the project, pursuant to Annex XII of EU Regulation No. 1303/2013 and art. 4 of EU Regulation No. 821/2014, the words “con il contributo di [LOGO Regione Puglia] [LOGO Unione Europea] [LOGO POR Puglia FESR-FSE 2014/2020] [LOGO Fondazione Apulia Film Commission]” ("with the contribution of [Regione Puglia LOGO] [European Union LOGO] [Rop Puglia ERDF-ESF 2014/2020] [Apulia Film Commission Foundation LOGO]", by sending to the Regione Puglia and the Apulia Film Foundation Commission the preview of the opening credits of the film in ".jpg" or ".pdf" format before proceeding with the finalization or duplication of the final work, under penalty of revocation of the subsidy 24. Grant the Regione and the Apulia Film Commission Foundation the right to free use on any channel excerpts relating to the film project (also mounted with other extracts from other film works), scene and behind the scenes photos, exclusively for institutional aims and institutional promotion of the Regione, the Apulia Film Commission Foundation and its Members 25. Allow the publication of the material referred to in the previous point, pursuant to art. 70 of Law No. 633/1941, on the pugliadigitallibrary.it site with CC BY-SA license 26. Deliver to the Region, the Mediateca Regionale Pugliese and the Apulia Film Commission Foundation, at no additional charge, 3 Blu-ray Disc copies of the project and behind the scenes (and / or promotional specials) by ______________ 27. Provide at least one public screening of the project in the area of Apulia where most of the shooting took place, with the presence of the mayor of the municipality (or its delegate), a representative of the Regione and the Apulia Film Foundation Commission 28. Provide for the presence of a representative of the Regione and the Apulia Film Commission at the national or international premiere 29. If the project participates at national or international festivals, provide for the presence of a representative of the Regione and of the Apulia Film Commission Foundation at the press conference to present the film at the festival to which it is registered 30. In the case of a project belonging to the FORMAT category, provide an indication of the location chosen for the filming of the on-screen text or the spoken word of the presenter in the TV program 31. In the case of the renouncement of the subsidy, the Beneficiary is obliged to send the disclaimer via CEM, digitally signed by the legal representative on headed paper of the beneficiary company. ART. 4 (Eligible expenses and reimbursable expenses) 1. Expenses relating to the total production budget of the subsidized audiovisual work, actually incurred and paid by the recipient company, are eligible. 2. Costs incurred in a manner other than that established by European, national and regional legislation regarding the eligibility of expenses are not eligible. 3. Only the production costs of the audiovisual project for the development, pre-production, execution and post-production phases of the audiovisual work are reimbursable. Pre-production costs are integrated into the total budget and taken into account when calculating aid intensity. 4. For the purposes of calculating the aid payable, equal to the partial reimbursement of the costs referred to in Article 4 paragraph 4, the following are considered reimbursable: a. 75% of the net amount of the payroll of fixed-term or permanent personnel with residence in Apulia and the net invoice amount (excluding VAT) of self-employed persons holding a VAT number with residence in Apulia, registered with the Production Guide database of the Apulia Film Commission Foundation (accessible from the URL pg.apuliafilmcommission.it) for all types of projects relating to each category b. 30% of the taxable amount indicated in the invoices of companies supplying goods and services, having tax residence in Apulia, in the case of a project pertaining to the FICTION category c. 50% of the taxable amount indicated in the invoices of companies supplying goods and services, having tax residence in Apulia, in the case of a project pertaining to the DOC category d. 70% d of the taxable amount indicated in the invoices of companies supplying goods and services, having tax residence in Apulia, in the case of a project pertaining to the SHORT category e. 50% of the taxable amount indicated in the invoices of companies supplying goods and services, having tax residence in Apulia, in the case of a project pertaining to the ANIMATION category

APULIA FILM FUND 2018/2020 Aen.apuliafilmcommission.it/wp-content/uploads/ff1820/AFF 2018-20_Ann.7... · f. 30% of the taxable amount indicated in the invoices of companies supplying

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1. The relationship between the Regione Puglia (from hereon referred to as “Regione”) and_________________ (fromhereon referred toas “Beneficiary”) is regulatedby thisProceduralGuidelinepursuanttowhat isoutlined inthefollowingarticles,aswellastheApuliaFilmFund2018/2020PublicNotice(fromhereonreferredtoas“Notice”).

2. The Beneficiary is responsible for the realization of the audiovisual project called“__________________” directed by ___________________ financed with Euro__________________asperExecutiveResolutionNo.___of_________.

3. The amount of the funding approved at the time of granting the subsidy is determined withreferencetotherelativeexpensesconsideredtobereimbursableduringtheassessmentoftheprojectand:

a. ConstitutesthemaximumamountthatcanbegrantedtotheBeneficiaryb. Any increases do not in any case lead to an increase in the amount of the subsidy

grantedc. May be reduced following an analysis of the expense report and verification of



1. TheBeneficiarymust send the ProceduralGuideline digitally signed by its legal representativewithin10daysofthedateofitsreceipttotheCEMaddressapuliafilmfund@pec.rupar.puglia.it.

2. The Beneficiary must, during the provisional allotment of the subsidy pursuant to art. 8paragraph 12 of the Notice, activate a user profile on the MIRWEB electronic informationmonitoring system (via the URL: mirweb.regione.puglia.it) and constantly update its financial,physicalandproceduraldata.

3. Intheeventthat,attheexpirationofthetermreferredtoinparagraph1above,theBeneficiaryfails to fulfill the relevant obligation, theRegion shall forfeit theBeneficiary from the subsidy,unless the Beneficiary communicates a justifiable delay by the same deadline referred to inparagraph1.


TheBeneficiarymust: 1. Send the Procedural Guideline signed by the legal representative of the Beneficiarywithin 10

daysofitsreceipt2. Respecttheprohibitionofdoublefinancingofactivities,ortheprohibitionofcumulationofthe

intensityofaidforapercentageabovethelimitsetintherulesreferredtointheNotice3. Complywith theproceduresanddeadlines for the reportingofexpensesand the timetable as

definedinart.5"Reportingmethods"andart.13"DurationoftheProceduralGuideline"4. ComplywithEuropean,nationalandregionallegislationregardingtheeligibilityofexpenses5. Register and update the data referring to the financedproject in the regional and/or national

informative system indicated and comply with the monitoring procedures foreseen for theproject

6. Accepttheinclusionoftheallocatedfundinginthelistofoperationspublishedpursuanttoart.115par.2ofEURegulationNo.1303/20137. Applytopersonnelor,inthecaseofcooperatives,workermembers,whateverthelegalstatusof

the employment relationship, national collective contracts and territorial agreements of thesector they belong to, stipulated by trade unions and associations of employers that arecomparativelymorerepresentativeatthenationallevel

8. Be in compliance with social security and insurance obligations throughout the period of therelationshipwiththeRegione,i.e.fromthedateofsubmissionoftheapplicationtothedateofdisbursementandpaymentofthesubsidy

9. Respect Law No. 136 of 13 August 2010 "Extraordinary plan against the mafia, as well asdelegationtotheGovernmentonAnti-MafiaLegislation"(G.U.No.196of23August2010)

10. Givewrittennotice to theProcedureManagerwithin10daysof theoccurrenceof oneof thefollowinghypotheses:

a. Liquidationofthecompany,transferofthebusinessactivityb. Declaration of bankruptcy, compulsory liquidation, compositionwith creditors, or the

startoftheprocedureforthedeclarationofoneoftheaforementionedsituationsc. Sentenceofafinaljudgmentorissueofapenaldecreethathasbecomeirrevocableor

thepronunciationofjudgementapplyingthepenaltyuponrequestpursuanttoart.444of the Criminal Procedure Code, for serious crimes against the State or the EuropeanCommunitythataffectprofessionalmoralityandinparticular,pursuanttoart.45ofECDirective No. 18/2004, for participation in a criminal organization, for corruption, forfinancialfraudagainsttheEuropeanCommunity,forlaunderingofproceedsfromillegalactivities

11. Adopt a separate accounting system or adequate accounting code in the management of alltransactionsrelatedtothefinancedaudiovisualproject (e.g.accountingcodeassociatedtotheproject)

12. Make themselves available for 5 years after the date of completion of the investment, to anyrequest forchecks, information,data,documents, statementsordeclarations, tobeeventuallyissuedevenbysuppliers

13. Keepandmakeavailablethedocumentationrelatedtotheprojectfinancedfor5yearsafterthedateofcompletionoftheinvestment

14. Respecttheproceduresandtermsofreporting15. Respect the start and end dates of filming, as indicated during the submission of the subsidy

application,exceptforsendingtimelycommunicationstotheRegione16. Communicate via e-mail to [email protected], and during filming, any

updatesregarding:a. Thecompleteprojectplan,clearlyhighlightingworkingdaysinApuliab. Thecompletelistofthecastandcrew,clearlyhighlightingthepersonnelregisteredwith

theProductionGuide(excludingextrasandtrainees)c. Thecompletelistofsuppliers,clearlyhighlightingthosewithtaxresidenceinApuliad. Thecompletelistoflocations,clearlyhighlightingApulianlocations

17. Communicate the production agenda daily to the e-mail address:[email protected]

18. Send scene photos weekly during shooting to the e-mail address:[email protected]

19. Organise, in Apulia, a special press conference with the participation of national andinternational newspapers with the presence of the director and / or the main actors andrepresentatives of theRegione Puglia and theApulia FilmCommission Foundation, before thestart or during filming, with the exception of a project pertaining to the DOC and SHORTcategories

20. Allow,atanytime,thepresenceofadelegateoftheApuliaFilmCommissionFoundationduringshooting

21. Allow, for documentation purposes only, photos or filming by a delegate of the Apulia FilmCommissionFoundationduringshooting

22. Communicate via e-mail to [email protected], before the end ofshooting,ifavailable:

a. Thepost-productionplanb. The complete list of the post-production crew, clearly highlighting the personnel

registeredwiththeProductionGuide(excludingextrasandtrainees)c. The complete cast list (e.g. dubbing actors), clearly highlighting personnel registered

withtheProductionGuide23. Affix the logos requested in theopening credits or, alternatively, as the first credit of theend

credits and on all the informative, advertising and promotional documents of the project,pursuanttoAnnexXIIofEURegulationNo.1303/2013andart.4ofEURegulationNo.821/2014,thewords “con il contributo di [LOGO Regione Puglia] [LOGO Unione Europea] [LOGO PORPuglia FESR-FSE 2014/2020] [LOGO Fondazione Apulia Film Commission]” ("with thecontributionof[RegionePugliaLOGO][EuropeanUnionLOGO][RopPugliaERDF-ESF2014/2020]

[Apulia FilmCommission Foundation LOGO]", by sending to theRegionePuglia and theApuliaFilm Foundation Commission the previewof the opening credits of the film in ".jpg" or ".pdf"formatbeforeproceedingwiththefinalizationorduplicationofthefinalwork,underpenaltyofrevocationofthesubsidy

24. Grant the Regione and the Apulia Film Commission Foundation the right to free use on anychannelexcerptsrelatingtothefilmproject (alsomountedwithotherextracts fromother filmworks), sceneandbehind the scenesphotos,exclusively for institutionalaimsand institutionalpromotionoftheRegione,theApuliaFilmCommissionFoundationanditsMembers

25. Allowthepublicationofthematerialreferredtointhepreviouspoint,pursuanttoart.70ofLawNo.633/1941,onthepugliadigitallibrary.itsitewithCCBY-SAlicense

26. Deliver to the Region, the Mediateca Regionale Pugliese and the Apulia Film CommissionFoundation,atnoadditionalcharge,3Blu-rayDisccopiesoftheprojectandbehindthescenes(and/orpromotionalspecials)by______________

27. Provide at least one public screening of the project in the area of Apulia wheremost of theshooting took place, with the presence of the mayor of the municipality (or its delegate), arepresentativeoftheRegioneandtheApuliaFilmFoundationCommission

28. ProvideforthepresenceofarepresentativeoftheRegioneandtheApuliaFilmCommissionatthenationalorinternationalpremiere

29. If the project participates at national or international festivals, provide for the presence of arepresentative of the Regione and of the Apulia Film Commission Foundation at the pressconferencetopresentthefilmatthefestivaltowhichitisregistered

30. InthecaseofaprojectbelongingtotheFORMATcategory,provideanindicationofthelocationchosen for the filming of the on-screen text or the spoken word of the presenter in the TVprogram

31. Inthecaseoftherenouncementofthesubsidy,theBeneficiaryisobligedtosendthedisclaimerviaCEM,digitallysignedbythelegalrepresentativeonheadedpaperofthebeneficiarycompany.


(Eligibleexpensesandreimbursableexpenses)1. Expenses relating to the total production budget of the subsidized audiovisual work, actually

incurredandpaidbytherecipientcompany,areeligible.2. Costs incurred in a manner other than that established by European, national and regional

legislationregardingtheeligibilityofexpensesarenoteligible.3. Only the production costs of the audiovisual project for the development, pre-production,


4. Forthepurposesofcalculatingtheaidpayable,equaltothepartialreimbursementofthecostsreferredtoinArticle4paragraph4,thefollowingareconsideredreimbursable:

a. 75% of the net amount of the payroll of fixed-term or permanent personnel withresidence in Apulia and the net invoice amount (excluding VAT) of self-employedpersonsholdingaVATnumberwithresidenceinApulia,registeredwiththeProductionGuide database of the Apulia Film Commission Foundation (accessible from the URLpg.apuliafilmcommission.it)foralltypesofprojectsrelatingtoeachcategory

b. 30%ofthetaxableamountindicatedintheinvoicesofcompaniessupplyinggoodsandservices, having tax residence in Apulia, in the case of a project pertaining to theFICTIONcategory

c. 50%ofthetaxableamountindicatedintheinvoicesofcompaniessupplyinggoodsandservices,havingtaxresidence inApulia, in thecaseofaprojectpertainingtotheDOCcategory

d. 70%d of the taxable amount indicated in the invoices of companies supplying goodsand services,having tax residence inApulia, in the caseof aprojectpertaining to theSHORTcategory

e. 50%ofthetaxableamountindicatedintheinvoicesofcompaniessupplyinggoodsandservices, having tax residence in Apulia, in the case of a project pertaining to theANIMATIONcategory

Page 2: APULIA FILM FUND 2018/2020 Aen.apuliafilmcommission.it/wp-content/uploads/ff1820/AFF 2018-20_Ann.7... · f. 30% of the taxable amount indicated in the invoices of companies supplying

f. 30%ofthetaxableamountindicatedintheinvoicesofcompaniessupplyinggoodsandservices, having tax residence in Apulia, in the case of a project pertaining to theFORMATcategory

5. Theseamountsarenetofanytaxes,social,socialsecurityandwelfaretaxespaidbythecompanyandthetaxableinvoicesofsupplierswithtaxresidenceinApulia.

6. The obligation to register with the Production Guide database of the Apulia Film CommissionFoundation iswaived forminors (at the date of employment), extras and trainees,whose netpaychequesareconsideredreimbursableaslongastheyresideinApulia.

7. Reimbursableexpensesmustberelatedtotheitemsofexpenseslistedandanylimitsestablished


8. Reimbursableexpensesmustactuallybe incurredandpaid starting from theday following thedateofsubmissionoftheapplicationforaid.

9. Reimbursableexpensesrelatedtoabovethelinecostsarereportableaccordingtothefollowingmaximumamounts:

a. EUR100,000.00inthecaseofprojectspertainingtotheFICTIONcategoryb. EUR40,000.00inthecaseofprojectspertainingtotheDOCcategoryc. EUR10,000.00inthecaseofprojectspertainingtotheSHORTcategoryd. EUR40,000.00inthecaseofprojectspertainingtotheANIMATIONcategorye. EUR50,000.00inthecaseofprojectspertainingtotheFORMATcategory

10. SpecialisedconsultancyservicesmustbecarriedoutbypersonsholdingaVATnumber.11. Purchasesofgoodsorservicesfromsuppliers/companies,(includingsingle-ownerbusinesses),

arenotreimbursableif:a. Thesuppliers/companieshaveamongtheirpartners,ownersoradministrators:

- Theadministrator,ownerorapartneroftheBeneficiary- Aspouse,relativeorsimilar(director indirectrelation)withinthethirddegreeof

kinshipoftheowner/legalrepresentativeoftheBeneficiaryb. The suppliers/companies find themselves, with regard to the Beneficiary, under the

conditionsofCivilCodeArt.2359,i.e.theyarebothparticipants,ofatleast25%,oftheshareholdings of the same entity or have the majority of the administrative bodycomposedofthesamemembers

c. Thesuppliers/companiesareconnectedtotheBeneficiary,asdefinedinAnnexIoftheGeneralBlockExemptionRegulations.

12. Thefollowingarenotreimbursable:a. Expensesrelatedtothepurchaseofmachineryandequipmentb. Expensespaidincashc. ExpensesincurredfrombankaccountsnotlistedinAnnex2ad. ExpensesrelatedtoVATe. Expensesrelatedtogoodsandservicesnotdirectly functionaltotheproject forwhich

socialsecuritytaxesarerequestedf. Expensesrelatedtoshort-term/temporaryworkg. Expenses related to compensation for workers hired by national collective labour

agreementsotherthanthoseprovidedforintheaudio-visualindustrysectorh. Expensesincurredasin-kindcontributionsi. Expenses incurred in favour of companies connected to the beneficiary company, as

definedinAnnexIoftheGeneralBlockExemptionRegulationj. Expensesincurredbeforethedateofsubmissionoftheapplicationforaidk. Expenses related to the provision and supply of goods and services by third parties

financing the audiovisual work or, in general, third parties who find themselves insituationsofco-interestwiththecompanybenefitingfromthesubsidy

l. ExpensesrelatedtoactivitiesinthesectorsexcludedfromtheapplicationoftheGeneralExemptionRegulation

m. Passiveinterest,companycompensation(producer'sfee)andgeneralexpensesn. Expensesrelatedtomotorwaytollsorthepurchaseoftraveltickets

o. Theexpensesrelatedtothehireofsubcontractorsofgoods,thatis,nottheownersofthegoodsobjectoftherental

p. ExpensesinferiortoEUR100.00,excludingVAT13. Thelimit in letterp)oftheprecedingparagraphshallbewaivedforexpensesrelatedtopayroll

whose net is lower than EUR 100.00, as in the minimum wage of the national collectivebargainingagreement.

14. In the case of presentation of co-production or executive production contracts, the expensesactually incurred by the co-producers of the audiovisual work or by the executive productioncompanyarereimbursable,subjecttocompliancewiththeobligationsoftraceabilitypursuanttoart.13,paragraph2letterf)ofthisNotice.

15. The expenses incurred by the co-producers of the audiovisual project or by the executiveproductioncompanyreferredtointhepreviousparagraphshallbereportedwithinthelimitsoftheamountsindicatedintherelatedcontractbelow.

16. Executiveproductioncontractsmustbestipulatedafterthedateofsubmissionoftheapplicationfor subsidization or, if stipulated previously, must contain a condition precedent, whichsubordinates the irreversibility of the investment of the concession of aid by the Regione,pursuanttoArt.2paragraph23oftheGeneralBlockExemptionRegulation.

17. Theamountof thegrantapprovedat the timeof theconcessionof the subsidy isdeterminedwith reference to theexpenses that aredeemed tobe reimbursable; any increase in variationdoesnotinanycasedetermineanincreaseintheamountoftheaidgranted.

18. The amount of the aid granted is recalculated when the balance is disbursed, following theverificationofthereimbursableexpensesactuallyincurred,reportedandrecognised.

19. The eligibility of the expenses is in any case subject to compliance with applicable regional,nationalandEUlegislation.


(Methodofreportingexpenses)1. For the recognition of expenses, the Beneficiarymust send the following documents via user

profileontheMIRWEBelectronicinformationtrackingsystem(mirweb.regione.puglia.it):a. CertificateissuedbythelegalrepresentativeoftheBeneficiary,accordingtoAnnex12,

resultingthat:- All regional and national legal requirements have been fulfilled, in particular

thoseconcerningfiscalmatters- All applicable EU community regulations and rules have been compliedwith,

including,butnotlimitedto,thoseconcerningthetraceabilityoffinancialflows,information and publicity, those relating to work contracts and workplacesafety, environmental impact, equal opportunities and inclusion of disabledsocialcategories

- The expenses incurred are eligible, relevant and congruous, and have beencarriedoutwithintheeligibilitytermssetbythisNotice

- No reductions and / orVATdeductionshavebeenobtainedon theexpensesincurred(oriftheywereobtained,forwhatexpensesandtowhatextent)

- No further reimbursements, contributions and additionsweremade to othersubjects,publicorprivate,national,regional,provincialand/orEUcommunity(oriftheywereobtainedorrequested,whichandtowhatextent)

b. Self-certificationupdatedaccordingtoAnnex2c. Finalprojectplan,clearlyhighlightingoftheworkingdaysinApuliad. Definitive list of cast and crew, clearly highlighting personnel registered with the

ProductionGuide(excludingextrasandtrainees)e. ListofsupplierswithtaxresidenceinApuliaf. Completelistoflocations,clearlyhighlightingApulianlocationsg. Definitive screenplay, clearly highlighting the pages purposely set in Apulia, only for


h. Analytical reportof the reimbursableexpensesdrawnupaccording toAnnex9, tobesentalsobyCEMin".xls"format,digitallysignedbythelegalrepresentative

i. Asseveration by an accountant, or statutory auditor or auditing firm registered in theregister pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 39/2010 and subsequent amendments,drawnuponthemodelsetoutinAnnex10thatcertifies:

- AnalyticalreportofthereimbursableexpensesdrawnupaccordingtoAnnex9- Productioncost,whichdetailsthetotalcosts,grossofanytaxorothercharges,

in an analytical framework according to themodel provided byDG Cinema -MiBACT(whereavailable)

j. Copiesoftheoriginalsof:- InvoicesfromsupplierswithtaxresidenceinApulia,withtherelativepayment

slip(copyofthebanktransfer,proofofchargestodebitaccount,etc.)- Payroll of the workers registered with the Production Guide or invoices of

professionalsregisteredwiththeProductionGuide,legallycontracted,withtherelative payment slip (copy of the bank transfer, proof of charges to debitaccount,etc.)

- Anyother supporting documentation for expenseswith the relative paymentslip(copyofthebanktransfer,proofofchargestodebitaccount,etc.)

- Where provided for, legally binding acts (contracts, conventions, letters ofappointment, etc.), clearly showing the object of the service or supply, itsamount,thetermsofdelivery,themethodsofpayment

2. Forexpensestoberecognised,theymust:a. Beincurredandpaidfromthefirstdayfollowingthedateonwhichtheapplicationfor

thesubsidyissubmittedb. Beexpresslyandstrictlyrelatedtotheprojecteligible forthesubsidypursuanttothis

Noticec. Have been incurred and justified by invoices or accounting documents of equivalent

probativevalued. Beincompliancewithcivilandtaxlegislatione. Be registered and clearly identifiable with a separate accounting system or with an

adequate accounting code (containing transaction date, nature and details of thesupportingdocuments,paymentmethods)whichmakesitpossibletodistinguishthemfromotheraccountingoperations,subjecttonationalaccountingregulations

f. Be paid in a manner compliant with the law that establishes the obligations oftraceabilityof financial flows (Article3of LawNo. 136/2010, as amendedby LawNo.217/2010),with payment instruments thatmust report the Single Project Code (CUP)providedbytheRegione;reportedexpenses incurredwithanyother formofpaymentotherthanthoseindicatedwillnotbeconsideredeligible

g. Allexpensesreportedmustbearanindeliblestampontheoriginalwiththefollowingwords:




3. Thedocumentationofcompletedexpendituresshallberepresentedby:abanktransferreceipt

orotherbankdocumentwhoseunderlyingfinancialmovementisdocumented,theCUPandthedata of the fiscally valid expense document to which the payment refers. Payments made incontraventiontotheprovisionsofLawno.136/2010anditssubsequentamendmentswillnotbeconsidered valid, and therefore will not be considered useful for the purposes of reportingexpenses.

4. The documentation of the completed expenditures must refer outright to the subsidy paid;paymentsmadeon the basis of proforma invoices or expense itemsnot considered valid as aresultofverificationswillnotbeconsideredvalid.

5. ExpensesnotconsideredreimbursableremainsolelytheresponsibilityoftheBeneficiary.

6. In each procedural phase, checks and inspectionsmay bemade by persons appointed by theRegione,andthecompetentEUInstitutionsfortheimplementationofprojectsgrantedfunding.

7. The data related to the implementation of the project, as reported in the Registration andMonitoringInformationSystem,willbemadeavailabletotheInstitutionalBodiesresponsibleformonitoringandcontrol.

8. Documentsrelatingtotherealizationoftheprojectmust,inanycase,bemadeavailablefortheentire duration of the project and for the 5 years following the date of completion of theinvestment, and will be checked, during any inspection for the technical and administrativeverificationoftheproject,bytheRegioneand/ortherelevantEUinstitutions;originalsofthesedocuments, even those related to the total production cost, must be made available at therequestofthesebodies.

9. In the case of incomplete documentation, the Regione will request the necessary additions,whichmustbeprovidedbytheBeneficiarywithin30calendardaysfollowingtherequest.

10. TheRegione, following the verificationof theadditions referred to inparagraph9above,mayproceedwiththerequesttosendtheapplicationforpayment(Annex8b),orwiththerevocationofthesubsidyifoneormorecasesareverifiedinthefollowingart.9.

11. The procedure for defining the total reimbursable expensewill occurwithin 90 calendar daysfrom the date of submission of the payment request (Annex 8b), subject to suspensions orinterruptionsarrangedbytheofficesoftheRegioneforclarificationsand/oradditions.


1. Following the analysis of the expense report and the verification of eligible costs andreimbursable expenses, the Regione will reduce the financing of the project subsidized if thereimbursable costs indicated in the estimate in Annex 3 of the Notice are lower than theexpensesreportedandrecognizedasreimbursablebytheRegione.

2. Theamountofthesubsidygrantedisre-determinedatthetimeofthelastbalancepayment,onthebasisoftheeligibleexpensesactuallyincurred,reportedandrecognizedasreimbursablebytheRegione.

3. In the case of the violation of the aid intensity limits established in art. 6 of the Notice, theconcessiongrantedwillbereduceduntilthemaximumallowedlimitisreached.

4. Thequantificationof theamountof thedefinitivesubsidywillbedeterminedaccording to thefollowingpercentages,takingintoaccountanyanticipateddisbursement:

a. 75% of the net amount of the payroll of fixed-term or permanent employees withresidenceinApuliaandthenetamountoftheinvoice(excludingVAT)ofself-employedpersonsholdingaVATnumberwithresidenceinApulia,registeredwiththeProductionGuide database from the Apulia Film Commission Foundation (accessible at the URL:pl.apuliafilmcommission.it)foralltypesofprojectspertainingtoeachcategory;

b. __%ofthetaxableamountindicatedintheinvoicesofthecompaniessupplyinggoodsandservices,havingtaxresidenceinApulia,inaccordancewiththeprovisionsofart.4oftheNotice.


1. ThesubsidygrantedwillbepaidtotheBeneficiarybytheRegione:a. Inalumpsumattheendofpost-production,followingthesubmissionofaspecificfinal

report,asperart.13oftheNotice,bypresentingAnnex8bb. Intwoinstalmentsincluding:

I. Disbursementofanadvanceequal to40%of the subsidygranted following thepresentation of Annex 8a, with the simultaneous presentation of a bankguarantee or insurance policy or policy issued by a financial intermediary onbehalf of the Regione Puglia - Economy of Culture Section, according to theapprovedframeworkbyDGRNo.1000ofJuly7,2016bytheRegion(Annex11),foranamountequaltotheamountoftheadvancerequested

II. Disbursement of the remaining portion of the subsidy granted through thepresentationofAnnex8b,asthebalanceofthesubsidyitself,attheendofpost-

Page 3: APULIA FILM FUND 2018/2020 Aen.apuliafilmcommission.it/wp-content/uploads/ff1820/AFF 2018-20_Ann.7... · f. 30% of the taxable amount indicated in the invoices of companies supplying


2. The disbursements will be suspended if there are unpaid invoices concerning the services ofsuppliersand/oremolumentsofcastandcrewmembers.


(Modificationsandvariations)1. The project eligible for subsidy cannot be modified while in progress, in its activities and

expectedresults.2. For the purposes of maintaining the funding, all changes concerning the Beneficiary, the

production partner referred to in the coproduction contracts and / or the related projectadmitted to the subsidy,must be communicated in a timelymanner to the Regione for priorauthorization,underpenaltyoftheirnotbeingacknowledged.

3. Theprojecteligible forsubsidycanbemodifiedforproductionpurposesonly,accordingtothemethodsandwithinthelimitsindicatedbelow.

4. Variationsconcerningtheproductionaspectsoftheprojectthathaveeffectsbeyondthe limitsreferred to in art. 7 paragraph2 of Regional RegulationNo. 6 of 26 February 2015, entail theforfeitureofthesubsidywhen,duringtheaudit:

[For projects pertaining to the FICTION, DOC and SHORT categories], downwarddeviations of no more than 30% are allowed with respect to what is stated in theApplicationForm,evenforonlyoneofthefollowing:- Ratioofexpensesincurredintheregiontothecostofthefinalcopyoftheproject- RatioofworkingdaysinApuliatototalworkingdays- Ratio ofworkers registeredwith the Production Guide to totalworkers (excluding

extrasandtrainees)- Expensesincurredintheregioninabsoluteterms

b. [ForprojectspertainingtotheANIMATIONcategory],downwarddeviationsofnomorethan30%areallowedwithrespecttowhat isstated intheApplicationForm,evenforonlyoneofthefollowing:- Ratioofexpensesincurredintheregiontothecostofthefinalcopyoftheproject- RatioofworkingdaysinApuliatototalworkingdays- RatioofworkersregisteredwiththeProductionGuidetototalworkers

c. [For projects pertaining to the FORMAT category], downward deviations of no morethan30%areallowedwithrespecttowhat isstated intheApplicationForm,evenforonlyoneofthefollowing:- WorkingdaysinApulia- WorkersregisteredwiththeProductionGuide(excludingextrasandtrainees)- Expensesincurredintheregioninabsoluteterms

5. If, as a result of the audit, one of the variables referred to in paragraph 4 above is reducedbeyond the 30% threshold, the applicant will be considered as having forfeited the subsidygranted.

6. In theeventofexceptionalandunforeseeablecircumstances, theRegione isentitled toacceptanychangesthatexceedthelimitssetforthintheprecedingparagraphs.


(Casesofrevocation,forfeiture,reductionsandwaiversofthefunding)1. Thesubsidyissubjecttototalrevocationwithrepaymentofanamountequaltotheamountof

any aid already paid, plus simple interest calculated at the legal interest rate for the periodbetweenthedisbursementdateandtherevocationdate,inoneormoreofthefollowing:

a. Inthecaseofaidgrantedonthebasisofincorrect,falseorreticentdata,informationorstatements

b. In the event of the start of insolvency proceedings involving a Beneficiary, i.e.dissolution, liquidation, controlled administration or extraordinary administration orcompulsory administrative liquidation, composition with creditors without businesscontinuityordebtrestructuringplan

c. InthecaseofseriousbreachesoftheBeneficiarywithrespecttotheobligationsunderart.15oftheNotice,intheproceduralguidelineandwithrespecttothedocumentationproducedattachedtothesubsidizationapplication

d. Intheeventofseriousirregularitiesresultingfromchecksandcontrolscarriedoutorinthecaseoffailuretocarryoutthechecksandmonitoringactivitiesprovidedforbyart.17oftheNotice

2. The applicant is considered excluded from the proceedings or forfeited from any aid granted,withtherepaymentofanamountequaltotheamountofanysubsidyalreadypaid,plussimpleinterestcalculatedatthelegalinterestratefortheperiodbetweenthedateofdisbursementandexpirydate,inoneormorecasesindicatedbelow:

a. IntheeventofanegativeoutcomeofthecheckscarriedoutpursuanttotheAnti-MafiaLegislation

b. Intheeventofanegativeoutcomeofthechecksaimedatascertainingtaxcompliance,from the date of submission of the subsidization application to the date of the finalconcessionofthesubsidy

c. If the requirements are notmet at the timeof signing theProceduralGuidelineor incaseofnotsigningtheProceduralGuideline

d. Iftherequirementspursuanttoart.3oftheNoticearenotmete. Ifoneoftheconditionsreferredtoinart.12oftheNoticeispresentf. If the terms referred to in paragraph 1 of art. 14 of the Notice are not respected,

without prejudice to the effects of any extensions granted for exceptional andunforeseeableevents

3. Anydelayintherepaymentoftheamountduewillresultintheapplicationofdefaultinteresttotheextentofthelegalinterestincreasedby100basispoints.

4. Upon theoccurrenceofoneormorecausesof revocation, theRegione,havingcompleted theprocedures set forth in Articles 7 and 8 of Law No. 241/1990, transmits the definitiveauthorizationofdeclarationofrevocationandundertakestherecoveryofthesumspaidout.

5. Theamountoftheaidgrantedisreducedatthetimeofthelastbalancepayment,onthebasisofthereimbursableexpensesactuallyincurred,reportedandrecognized.

6. In theeventofaviolationof theaid intensity limitsestablished inart.6of theNotice, theaidgrantedwillbereduceduntilthemaximumallowedlimitisreached.

7. If,inthedetectionoftheaforementionedirregularities,liabilityprofilesfordamagesorpenaltiesareinvolved,theRegioneshalltakeactioninallappropriateareas.

8. To renounce the subsidy, the Beneficiary is obliged to send the disclaimer via CEM, digitallysignedonitsownheadedpaper.


1. The Regione performs periodic monitoring of the state of implementation of the projectsthroughinspectionsattheregisteredofficeand/oroperationalheadquartersand/orduringtheexecutionoftheactivitiessubjecttofinancing.

2. The Regione may view at any time, even after the completion of the project, the originaldocumentationoftheexpensesincurred,whichmustbekeptbytheBeneficiaryfor5yearsafterthedateofcompletionoftheinvestment.

3. AdditionalchecksmaybecarriedoutbytheRegioneorbythecontrolunitsoperatingatregional,nationalandEUlevels.

4. The Regionemay prepare an impact assessment on the use of the aid paidwithin 24monthsfromthedateoftheconclusionoftheproject.

5. TheBeneficiary,within30daysofthepublicationoftheactoftheacquisitionoftheevaluationresults of the Technical Evaluation Commission on BURP, shall activate a user profile on theMIRWEB electronic information tracking system (accessible at: mirweb.regione.puglia.it)communicatingthistotheProcedureManager.

6. The ProcedureManager shall,within 5 days of the communication referred to in paragraph 5above,transfertheprojecttotheBeneficiary,sothattheBeneficiarymayproceedwithinsertingtheproject’sdataintotheinformationsystem.

7. TheBeneficiary shall update thedata relating to theprojectby thedeadlineof thisProcedureGuideline, making sure to send to the Procedure Manager, once completed, the relatedcertificateofdispatchoftheexpensereport.

8. The data related to the implementation of the project, as reported in the registration andmonitoringinformationsystem,willbemadeavailabletotheInstitutionalBodiesresponsibleformonitoringandchecks.

9. In the case of an inspection, the Beneficiary is informed of the objectives and object of theinspection, with a specific communication signed by the Head of Action and / or Sub Action,whichprovidesinformationonthedateandtimeoftheon-siteinspection.

10. Upon the conclusion of the on-site check, the inspector will prepare an on-site visit reportattestingtotheactivitiesperformed,dulysignedbythesubject/subjectswhohas/havecarriedoutthecheckandcountersignedbytheindividualsubjecttoverification.

11. If, during the on-site inspection activities, designed to verify the project’s activities and therelated procedures implemented, any shortcomings in information or documents and / oranomaliesemerge,theinspectorwillhighlightsuchdiscrepanciesinthecontrolchecklistandintheinspectionreport.

12. Consequently, the Head of Action and / or Sub Action will require the Beneficiary to providecounterarguments (or, in the case of documentation shortcomings, to "correct" the situation)within15daysandsendthedocumentationreceivedtotheinspector.

13. AfterhavingexaminedtheBeneficiary'scounter-claims,theinspectorwillcommunicatethefinalresults of the check to the Head of Action and / or Sub-Action so that they may adopt theconsequentmeasures.

14. If, on the basis of the additions received from the Beneficiary, the irregularities can beconsideredremedied,theHeadofActionand/orSub-ActionshallinformtheBeneficiarythereof.

15. Inthecaseofadecisionthatentails the ineligibilityofsomeexpensesortherevocationoftheproject eligible for financing, the Head of Action / Sub-Action, taking into account the checkscarriedout,willundertakethestartofrecoveryproceduresand/orwithdrawalofthesubsidy.


1. Pursuant to EU Regulation No. 679/2016 and subsequent amendments, the personal datacollected are also processed using IT tools and used in the process in compliance with theconfidentialityobligations.TheProcedureManageristheholderandmanagerofdataprocessing.

2. TheBeneficiary accepts the publication, electronic or in any other form, of their identificationdataandoftheamountoftheaidgrantedpursuanttoart.26and27ofLegislativeDecree.No.33/2013ontransparency.

3. The Beneficiary accepts the publication, electronic or otherwise, of the data and informationrequired by art. 115 (1) and (2) of EU Regulation No. 1303/2013 about information andtransparencyobligationsaboutbeneficiaries.

4. The Beneficiary shall provide all the data requested by the Regione in order to allow thecommunicationofinformationtocitizensthrough"OpenData"systems.

5. The right of access to the acts referred to in art. 22 and pursuant to Law No. 241/1990 andsubsequent amendments, is exercised according to the methods and limits set forth in theaforementionedregulations.


1. The Regione remains extraneous to any relationship created with third parties for theimplementationoftheprojectsubjectofthisProceduralGuideline.ThecheckscarriedoutrelateexclusivelytotherelationshipsthatexistwiththeBeneficiary.

2. TheBeneficiaryassumesanyandallcivilandcriminalliabilitytowardsanyone,derivingfromtheinvestments subject to thesubsidy,aswellasany responsibility regarding the requestand thegranting of all the permits and all the certifications required by current legislation in securitymatters.

3. Formattersnotexpresslyprovidedforbytheprecedingarticle,referenceshouldbemadetotheprovisionsoftheNotice,aswellastocurrentEU,nationalandregionallegislation.

4. TheRegionehasthepossibility,withoutprejudice,ofunilaterallyproceedingwiththeintegrationof these regulations with any further requirements and obligations connected to theimplementation of the financed project and compliance with the relevant legislation; thechanges introduced on the basis of this paragraph will be communicated via CEM to theBeneficiary.


(DurationoftheProceduralGuideline)1. Withoutprejudicetotheprovisionsofart.14oftheNotice,theeffectsofthepresentregulations

expire upon the Regione’s approval of the final report, the obligations pursuant to art. 15paragraph9andart.17paragraph2oftheNoticepersist.


(Resolutionconditionpursuanttoart.3paragraph3ofLegislativeDecree.153/2014)1. In the event that the Computerized Anti-Mafia Certification System (SICEANT) issues an Anti-

MafiareportwithabanonsigningcontractswithpublicauthoritiesonbehalfofthecompetentPrefecture, the Regione will proceed with the immediate termination of this ProceduralGuidelineandwiththerevocationofthesubsidy.