U 3 A Newsletter April 2018 Broomfield & District From The Chair The signs of spring are well and truly here in the gardens and countryside and let’s hope the weather continues to warm up. The subscriptions for 2018/19 i.e. year to 31 March 2019, are due. The rate is £10.00 and our membership secretary would be delight- ed to receive your cheque as soon as possible. We have managed to make a further significant reduction in the subscription but do need your prompt payments to assist with our cash flow. The monthly meeting on 9 May is also our Annual General Meeting and formal notification of this is included in this Newsletter. I have spoken and written many times about the necessity to elect a com- mittee to run our U3A for the coming year and we still do not have a full complement of nominations with another 3 required at the time of writing. The closing date for nominations is our April monthly meeting and I would be delighted to hear from you if you would like to be nominated for a post on the Committee. Please free to telephone me for an informal chat or speak to me at our meeting on 11 April if you would like to know about the various roles There are many of our members who just attend the Groups and not the monthly meetings. The election of a committee is also a matter for you so please consider nominations. It is not just the responsi- bility of those attending the monthly meetings. Give me a call if you want to talk it through. Best wishes, David GROUPS Art Group Badminton Beer Appreciation Book Club Bridge Bus Pass Group Canasta Cookery Discussion Group Gardening Club Geology Group Handbells History Group Lacemaking Luncheon Club Natural History Group Needlework Photography Scrabble Sunday + Club Table Games Table Tennis Group Tenpin Bowling Travel Club Ukulele Group Visits/Outings Walking Group

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U 3 A Newsletter

April 2018

Broomfield & District

From The Chair

The signs of spring are well and truly here in the gardens and

countryside and let’s hope the weather continues to warm up.

The subscriptions for 2018/19 i.e. year to 31 March 2019, are due.

The rate is £10.00 and our membership secretary would be delight-

ed to receive your cheque as soon as possible. We have managed to

make a further significant reduction in the subscription but do need

your prompt payments to assist with our cash flow.

The monthly meeting on 9 May is also our Annual General Meeting

and formal notification of this is included in this Newsletter. I have

spoken and written many times about the necessity to elect a com-

mittee to run our U3A for the coming year and we still do not have

a full complement of nominations with another 3 required at the

time of writing. The closing date for nominations is our April

monthly meeting and I would be delighted to hear from you if you

would like to be nominated for a post on the Committee. Please

free to telephone me for an informal chat or speak to me at our

meeting on 11 April if you would like to know about the various


There are many of our members who just attend the Groups and not

the monthly meetings. The election of a committee is also a matter

for you so please consider nominations. It is not just the responsi-

bility of those attending the monthly meetings. Give me a call if

you want to talk it through.

Best wishes,



Art Group


Beer Appreciation

Book Club


Bus Pass Group



Discussion Group

Gardening Club

Geology Group


History Group


Luncheon Club

Natural History Group




Sunday + Club

Table Games

Table Tennis Group

Tenpin Bowling

Travel Club

Ukulele Group


Walking Group

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11th April Fools Gold Carol and Steve Robson

9th May Transit Maps, the good, the bad and the ugly. Max Roberts

13th June Colchester Zoo Rebecca Moore

11th July Talking Newspapers Pat Wilson

12th Sept The Abberton Scheme Jim Jenkins

10th Oct Essex - a Diocese Tony Tuckwell

14th Nov. My Army Experiences as a bomb disposal

officer Major Lucy Lewis

12th Dec. Mind Games Mystic Mick

This month we have something quite different for us with a visit from Carol and Steve Robson.

Carol and Steve are musicians who perform all over the country under the name "Fools Gold".

Their performance, Stormy Seas, will have lots of songs and music (all live), accompanied by pro-

jected images. They will tell the stories, histories and mysteries behind their songs, both original

and well-known music.

In May we welcome Maxwell Roberts who will take us on a world tour of underground maps

highlighting the best and worst of design.

BROOMFIELD AND DISTRICT WEBSITE – https://u3asites.org.uk/broomfield

WE ALSO HAVE A NEW EMAIL ADDRESS - [email protected]

For Info

****NEW GROUP - BUS PASS GROUP – for more info see Group pages****

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

9th April 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th

Beer Group

Garden Club visit

Table Games

2 pm

Bridge 2pm


Meeting 1.30pm



Rural Ramble

16th April 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd

Canasta 2pm


History Group



Walking Group


Ukulele 2pm



Bus Pass




23rd April 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th

Badminton Natural History

Group 10am

Geology 2pm

Bridge 2pm

Luncheon Club


Book Group

Scrabble 2pm



Table Tennis


30th April 1st May 2nd May 3rd May 4th May 5th May 6th May






Ukulele 2pm



7th May 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th

Canasta 2pm

Table Games

2 pm

Bridge 2pm


Meeting 1.30pm








Craft Day”

14th May 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th





Garden Group


Ukelele 2pm





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Broomfield U3A Group Reports

Badminton Group

Our sessions are held on a Monday at the Chelmsford Sport and Athletic Centre, Melbourne,

between 12 - 1 pm and we will be meeting on the following dates: 16th, 23rd and 30th April Please

contact me if you want to come along, all new members welcome.

Barbara Bartlett

Book Club

We met on Thursday, 29th March in Broomfield Library where we discussed our book

choices for March 2018 entitled ‘The Missing Alibi’ and ‘On the Ball’ by Emily

Brightwell. These books are part of a series of Victorian murder mysteries featuring a

mild mannered Inspector from Scotland Yard and, more importantly, Mrs Jeffries, his

housekeeper. Opinions differed slightly amongst members, some found them quite te-

dious whilst others saw humour and potential in them. Some of the comments included: would make

splendid farce on the stage; a good television series; good duvet reading and a comfortable read. A cou-

ple of members would read another.

Beer Appreciation Group

Our March meeting was held at the aptly named Moulsham Tap in Moulsham Street. It’s frontage is

rather narrow and it does not look like your typical hostelry. This establishment

caters for the disserning palate! For a mere £5 connoisseurs can purchase three

beverages (third pint), these are served on what can best be described as a thin

cricket bat containing three holes in each of which sits a filled glass. In front of

each glass is a number; the number corresponds with the chosen beverage i.e.

No.11 was Neckstamper’s Squencher IPA - which gained a three star rating from

all present.

In addition to at least 12 different keg beers on tap (the number also corresponded

with a tap on the back wall of the establishment) there were numerous bottled beers and 60 different


An excellent meeting and I’m sure we will have a return visit in the not too distant future.

Our next meeting will be on Monday 9th April 2018 at 2.00pm at the White Horse, 25 Townfield Street

(behind the railway station). The White Horse is at the far end, past the Royal Steamer (which does not

receive a CAMRA mention) which is on the corner of the road

As always please let me know if you are coming.

Malcolm Taylor

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Our next meeting will be on Thursday, 26th April at 2.30 pm in Broomfield Library where we’ll be

discussing ‘The Muse’ by Jessie Burton. New members welcome.

Barbara Bartlett


The days and time that our Bridge Group is meeting have changed: We are now meeting on the 2nd

and 4th Tuesdays of the month, from 10.00 am– 12.00 noon.

Perhaps a Tuesday morning will suit some people better than our previous time, Monday afternoon. I

hope so because we would welcome anyone who would like to give this fascinating game ‘a go.’

There is a place for complete beginners, also those who enjoy playing cards – whist players have

found bridge very easy to pick up – and people who might wish to shake the dust off their skills before

joining a Bridge Club (there is space to set up 3 tables of differing abilities – sadly our numbers are

rather low for this at present, so new faces would be very welcome.)

If you are interested or want more information, please contact me by phone, text – or knocking at the

door …. if I’m in! I’ll also be at the next meeting, if you wish to ask some questions.

Looking forward to our next meeting, which is on Tuesday, 10th April at 10.00 a.m.

Melanie Pimm


Don’t drive? Want a day out without using the car? Then

join the Bus Pass Group. The aim is to explore the county

using our bus passes and find interesting things to see and

do. To get things off the ground our first trip on will be at

the end of April. You are free to do what you like on arrival

but one suggestion is to visit the local (free) art gallery for

an exhibition of watercolours and a temporary exhibition,.

Or why not take a stroll to look at some of the sculptures.

Did you know that Harlow has more than 80 sculptures? 20

within a short walk of the town centre. If you are interested please put your name on the list at the

April meeting or contact me.

Carol Greatrex

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The Canasta Group will now meet on the first and third Mondays. Same time, same place.

Marie Mackie


Next meeting Friday 11th May. Delia Smith

will be the theme of the day

Jackie Barnaby

Discussion Group

Our last meeting on March 21st was attended by only two members. I have enjoyed the meetings but

feel that it is time to accept that the group has not progressed as I had hoped, so I am calling it a day.

Thank you to all of you who attended the meetings.

Thelma Nickerson

Gardening Group

We were so lucky with the weather for our trip to Chippenham Park


After the cold and snow the daffodils were a bit slow in coming out

but there was still a good show and of Hellebores too

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The gardens have many unusual features and, for anyone who

ventures there, do have a look at the pond with frog fountains.

Our April outing is to Jericho Cottage at Blackmore on 9th

April. Meet there at 2o’clock.

On May 16th we are visiting Horkesley Hall. The owner has

still to confirm the time but it will be a morning visit with a

light lunch.

We do need to have a planning meeting on Monday June 4th to

plan the summer outings.

For further details of any of these please contact me

Pat Radford


Danbury Church on hill Broomfield & Chelmer Valley

Well, another "full house" when you came to get your toes burnt and, more likely, covered in hot ash

from the nasty volcanoes that surround the Pacific, with the mechanism demonstrated by diet Coke and


Our next talk is about features much nearer to home, interesting we hope, but not so devastating! Ian has

been out and about viewing the Essex landscape in preparation for our next session on Local Landscape


Geology. Why is that hill there? What makes that river change direction? Basically, why isn't Essex flat -

as walkers and cyclists well know!

Come and share in the ups and downs of Essex with rocks! - on Tuesday 24th April, 2.30pm , usual


Ros And Ian

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Due to Bank holidays, our dates will change from month to month.

April dates are 16th and 30th .

If you cannot make these dates in April, we will be ringing on the

21st May.

All are welcome, please bring along cotton gloves to help with the grip and the protection of

the bell.

Barbara Thomas

History Group

Monday 16th April Halstead Visit

This trip is now fully booked.

Sunday 10th June Suggested visit to Layer Marney Tower

This is NOT an official Group outing, but admission price includes free optional tour of the Tower.

Further details from Jan White or www.layermarneytower.co.uk

Monday 9th July River Stour boat trip

There are only 2 places left on this trip.

Further details from Sylvia.

Jan is stepping down as co-leader of the History Group, but Sylvia will be continuing with Valerie

Morgan. Therefore after the AGM, any enquiries regarding the Group should initially be directed to



The Lace Group continues to meet on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month at 2 pm at the home of

group leader Wendy Talley. The group is still small and new members would be welcome. We have

equipment which can be lent to anyone so that they can try out lacemaking without any financial

outlay. Help will be given, printed instructions are available and there are several books that can be


Wendy Talley

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Luncheon Club

We finally made our trip to Vita Bella, East Hanningfield and none of the 18 of us were

disappointed. This really is a special place and I am sure the Group will agree with me, at the very top

of our list, they really do go out of their way to make each one of us special.

Our next meeting is on 25 April 2018 at 12.30 and it will be at The Castle, Great Leighs one that we

have visited before and a trusted one.

Just by way of a gentle reminder, that if you put your name down for one of these events that if

you are unable to attend that you please do give me 48 hours notice.

Muriel Whiting

Sunday+ Club

Not to be confused with the Rose & Crown at Writtle, 4 of us attended at the Rose & Crown at Great

Waltham and we all agreed that we thoroughly enjoyed our meals. Yes, and Thelma was again

treated with an extra jug of chocolate and she really did enjoy it!!!

The next meeting is on the 8th April 2018 12.30pm at The New London, 147 London Road,

Chelmsford which should be interesting as it has had some wonderful reviews.

Just by way of a gentle reminder, that if you put your name down for one of these events that

if you are unable to attend that you please do give me 24 hours notice.

Muriel Whiting

Natural History Group

The Natural History meeting at Goldhanger was cancelled owing to inclement weather conditions.

The next meeting will be at At Norsey Woods on the 24th April

Sue Browning.

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Needlework Group

Our next needlework session are on Friday 13th & 27th April. They will be at the usual address, unless

unforeseen circumstance arise and then I will let you know, but on Friday 11th May it will have to be

elsewhere as I am away.

New folks are welcome to come and knit, sew and/or natter. Lots of projects have come to fruition in-

cluding my own, so bring along your ufo's (unfinished objects)!



Next meeting is at Little Waltham Memorial Hall on Sat 21 April. At this meeting we’ll be looking

ahead to possible photo shoots outdoors for the Summer, as well as reviewing our photos since the last


As always, we are happy to welcome new members or anyone who may wish to come along for a taste

of how the group works...

Please contact Glynn Wadeson, Group Leader for more info.


A pleasant afternoon as always. A few less but still able to have 2 games and one group managed

more games than the other. We have also been having a small knock out competition which some of

our members had played in and the final was played last week and the winner was Jean Hatley. Next

scrabble as always on the 4th Thursday of the month 26th April at 2pm , usual venue.

Heather Steed

Table Games

Table Games are on 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Marion Khoshuei

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Table Tennis

Only one session this month due to the school holiday children’s activities. Friday, 27th April at 2pm,

cost £1.50. Do come along to Chelmsford Sports & Athletics Centre at Melbourne for a social time

playing a few games. Some bats available to give it a try.

Jean Lock

Tenpin Bowling

Meetings take place on the first Thursday of the month at 10.00am at City Bowls near the University if

any new people would like to give it a try please contact me.

Lorna Stuart

Travel Club

Trip 1.

Dunoon - The Esplanade Hotel Includes Three Excursions:

Scotland Thursday 31st MAY 2018


The Esplanade Hotel: looks out over the sea, in the West Bay in Dunoon, Argyll. All rooms are en-suite

with bath and shower and include TVs, radios and tea & coffee making facilities. There is a lift which

services all floors. Entertainment is provided most evenings and there is a Garden Sun Terrace for


Location:Dunoon is the main resort on the beautiful Cowal Peninsula and the maritime gateway to the

Loch Lomond & Trossachs National Park. One of the Firth of Clyde’s foremost resorts, it is built around

the historic Castle Mound and famous for its large Victorian pier and attractive promenade.

8 Days - 7 Nights 1st night staying in Lancashire area followed by 6 nights in Dunoon Half Board Meal

basis £ 529.00 Per Person

For Further Information ask for the poster

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Trip 2.

The Deep South – USA 26th October - 14 day tour. - ask for poster

Trip 3.

Skipton East Yorkshire 20th August 2018 - 4 nights – ask for poster

For all of the above also contact CHRIS EVANS


Following the success of our trip last year to Holland we have arranged, again with Just For Groups, a

half-board coach trip to Yorkshire from 12th – 16th July 2018 to visit some of the area’s many inter-

esting attractions. We shall be staying at The Queens, a QHotel very centrally located in City

Square, Leeds which is ideal for our afternoon of free time.

Visits are planned to the National Memorial Arboretum, the Rennie Mackintosh designed house at

78, Derngate , Lister Park with its David Hockney Gallery, and Southwell where we shall also have a

tour of Southwell Workhouse. There will be guided tours of the Hepworth Wakefield Gallery, York-

shire Sculpture Park, Ripon Cathedral, Fountains Abbey and Newby Hall and Gardens with plenty of

time for the all important coffee stops. There will also be a Blue Badge guide to take us around Sal-


The cost of the guided tours, admission to the galleries and other venues is all included in the price of

the holiday which is £568 with a single supplement of just £40 per person. For those who do not be-

long to the National Trust there will be the additional optional cost of entrance to Fountains Abbey

and The Workhouse at Southwell.

If this is of interest to you or any of your friends – all are welcome, not just U3A members – and you

would like any other information please contact Sylvia Perry, and I’ll be happy to send you the full

itinerary and answer any questions you may have.

Ukulele Group

Meetings take place twice a month at members' homes, normally on a

Thursday at 2pm.

If you are interested contact John Williams

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Walking Group

Ten hopeful walkers set off from the Cross keys at White Notley, with the hope that the sun would ap-

pear – thankfully we did not feel the ‘benefit’ of the breeze until the last legs of our journey.

The Cross Keys is a Grade II timber framed building which has been serving ale to weary travellers since

the 16th century. Heading out along field boundaries we soon reached Fairstead’s Grade I listed Church

of St.Mary the Virgin, originally constructed in the late 11th century, the tower was added about 1200,

part of the chancel in 1230 and the porch in the 15th century. Further doorways date from the 14th & 16th

century whilst a major restoration was undertaken in the 19th century.

It was this restoration that discovered the remnants of 13th century wall paintings. The tower’s bells date

to 1601, whilst the pews date to century earlier. The current font was installed in the 18th century.

After our divergence to the church we met the Essex Way outside the churchyard and followed past Troys

Hall along a picturesque green lane called ‘Pinks Lane’. Crossing the main road from Witham we again

followed field boundaries before reaching White Notley Church and it’s churchyard. Opposite was our

objective – the Cross Keys.

Food is not served on Tuesday’s but the landlord and his wife had graciously consented to serve us a lim-

ited menu. A limited menu it may have been but the locally produced meat and excellent home cooking

rounded off our walk, accompanied by a choice of beer. My thanks to Gary & Lois for their hospitality.

Next month’s walk will take us around The Naze at Walton-on-the Naze starting and ending at the Essex

Wildlife Trust visitor centre. The Visitor centre serves a variety of sandwiches, wraps and hot drinks.

We will meet for 9.30am sharp at the Royal Br itish Legion car park, Saxon Way on Tuesday 17th

April 2018. Please let me know if you are coming so that I can ensure we have sufficient seats to car

share – transport costs £4/£5 each (dependent upon numbers). As usual mobile 07375 604506 will be

operative on the day.

Mindful of our safety I have been reminded at a recent walk leaders event that we should be adhering to

the Highway Code especially Rules 2 & 3. Could I ask you to remember please?

Rule 2 If there is no pavement, keep to the right-hand side of the road so that you can see oncoming traffic. You

should take extra care and -

· be prepared to walk in single file, especially on narrow roads or in poor light

· keep close to the side of the road.

It may be safer to cross the road well before a sharp right-hand bend so that oncoming traffic has a better

chance of seeing you. Cross back after the bend.

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Rule 3 Help other road users to see you. Wear or carry something light-coloured, bright or fluorescent in poor

daylight conditions. When it is dark, use reflective materials (e.g. armbands, sashes, waistcoats, jackets,

footwear), which can be seen by drivers using headlights. They can be seen up to three times as far away

as non-reflective materials.

It would be great if we had to abide by Rule 5 on occasion -

Rule 5 Organised walks. Large groups of people walking together should use a pavement if available; If

one is not, they should keep to the left. Look-outs should be positioned at the front and back of the group

and they should wear fluorescent clothes in daylight and reflective clothes in the dark. At night, the

look-out in front should show a white light and the one at the back a red light. People on the outside of

large groups should also carry lights and wear reflective clothing.

An early note for your diary, the Heart & Sole Summer Solstice Stride will be on Thursday 21st June

2018 further details to follow. The Winter Solstice Stride which I know many of you supported raised

£700 for it’s charities.

I have been asked to include details regarding Broomfield Footpath Society Walks in the newsletter. The

Sunday afternoon walks have already commenced and these will switch to Wednesdays in May. April

walks, all leaving Church Green at 2:15pm are detailed below; the full list of walks and meeting points

can be accessed from the Walking Group page on the Broomfield & District U3A website.

April 1 - Broads Green - Fanners Green “Primrose Walk” Cars to Broads Green

April 15 - Walthambury – Green Man Cars to Howe Street

April 29 - Danbury Common “Bluebell Walk” Cars to NT opp. Cricketers


I have been advised that Helen Rollason Cancer Charity are having a ‘Rural Ramble’ on Saturday 14th

April 2018. Walks 1 mile, 4 miles or 10 miles – all walks include a garden visit and cream tea at the

Gardens of Easton Lodge. Registration £15.00 - £8.00 dependent upon walk length. I have further details

if required.

Malcolm Taylor

Additional Activities


on 19th May 2018 at 7.15pm to 9.30pm in Broomfield Village Hall—£15 each

Please bring your own drinks and nibbles

The Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) event will include:

a brief presentation on CSI and your roles

you will be in teams of about 5 (you can choose your team or we can randomly select)

you will be supplied with CSI suits that you may keep

each team will attend a crime scene to look for evidence & clues

searching a recovered item for clues

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forensic examination e.g. finding invisible fingerprints

Investigating a suspicious death with powerpoint pictures and deciding whether it

is murder or suicide or an accident


at the Cliff Pavilion, Southend on Sea on 28th May 2018 at 8.00pm

Seat & return transport £50 each

Transport would be with Chelmsford Community transport minibus with a volunteer

driver. The minibus holds 14 passengers. By holding a bus pass we get a reduced rate.

If you are interested in either event please contact Barbara Thomas

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The Annual General meeting of the Broomfield & District U3A will be held on

Wednesday 9 May 2018 at 1.15pm

in the Village Hall, Broomfield.


1. Meeting opened and welcome.

2. Apologies for absence.

3. Approval of Minutes of AGM held 10 May 2017.

4. Matters arising from the minutes.

5. Chairman’s report.

6. Treasurer’s report.

7. Approval of the examined accounts.

8. Constitution Change.

9. Election of Committee Members and Trustees for period to 31 March 2019.

10. Any other business and questions from U3A Members.

11. Date of next AGM - 8 May 2019.

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The Committee

Chair David Marcus

Vice Chair Jo Bowman

Secretary Jean Lock

Treasurer John Godfrey

Speaker Coordinator Carol Greatrex

Membership Secretary Jo Bowman

Newsletter Editor John Williams

Group Coordinator Thelma Nickerson

Publicity Kim Taylor

Website/ Assistant Newsletter Editor Malcolm Taylor

Assistant Group Coordinator Ros Skelcher

Assistant Membership Secretary Gill Sturman

Assistant Speaker Secretary Ursula Randall

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Badminton Barbara Bartlett

Beer Appreciation Malcolm Taylor

Book Club Barbara Bartlett

Bridge Melanie Pimm

Bus Pass Carol Greatrex

Canasta Marie Mackie

Cookery Jacqui Barnaby

Discussion Group Thelma Nickerson

Gardening Pat Radford

Geology Ros Mercer

Handbells Barbara Thomas

History Jan White

Lacemaking Wendy Talley

Luncheon Club Muriel Whiting

Natural History Sue Browning

Needlework Ros Mercer

Photography Glynn Wadeson

Scrabble Heather Steed

Sunday + Group Muriel Whiting

Tables Games Marion Khoshuei

Table Tennis Jean Lock

Tenpin Bowling Lorna Stuart

Travel Club Chris Evans

Ukulele Group John Williams

Visits/Outings Barbara Thomas

Walking Group Malcolm Taylor