April 2015 • Volume 29 • Issue 4 A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah EXPERIENCE Friday, April 24th at 6:30 PM For children age 5 through 2nd grade... ...and their Parents!! Parents can attend services in the sanctuary while their children are in "CREATIVE JEWISH PROGRAMMING" (children ages Pre-K thru 2nd grade) FREE TO ATTEND BUT RESERVATIONS REQUESTED CONFIRMATION Friday, May 1st at 7:30 pm Please join with friends and family as our young adults continue to affirm their commitment to the Jewish people Page 5 Happy Passover from Rabbi Fred Greene Cantor Nancy Kassel Rabbi Emeritus, Donald Tam Hassia Levin Jenifer Friedman TBT Officers and Board of Trustees and your Synagogue Staff

April 2015 Kol Tikvah

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Temple Beth Tikvah April 2015 newsletter

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Page 1: April 2015 Kol Tikvah

April 2015 • Volume 29 • Issue 4 A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


Friday, April 24th at 6:30 PM

For children age 5

through 2nd grade...

...and their Parents!!

Parents can attend services in the

sanctuary while their children are in


(children ages Pre-K thru 2nd grade)




Friday, May 1st at 7:30 pm

Please join with friends and

family as our young adults

continue to affirm their

commitment to the Jewish people

Page 5

Happy Passover


Rabbi Fred Greene Cantor Nancy Kassel

Rabbi Emeritus, Donald Tam

Hassia Levin Jenifer Friedman

TBT Officers and Board of Trustees

and your Synagogue Staff

Page 2: April 2015 Kol Tikvah


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


We are taught in the Mishnah,

Aseh L’cha Rav, u’k’neh l’cha chaver.

Make for yourself a rav/a teacher…

And acquire for yourself a friend.

--Avot 1.6

I would like to share some insights that I have learned from the

writings of Rabbi Abraham Twerski, M.D.

“Make for yourself a teacher.” How does one “make” a

teacher? It seems so strange. But I do believe it is true. As I

continue reflecting on my nine years here, I see that being a

rabbi – this congregation’s rabbi – has made me a better

teacher. I often share that I am not the same rabbi I was when I

arrived at 35 years old.

Our congregants, those who wanted to learn, who posed

challenging questions, who engaged me in dialogue about God,

Israel, public policy… have made me into a better teacher. I am

grateful that in striving to respond to your needs, I was able to

stretch and grow myself, as a rabbi and as a Jew.

At the same time, I hope that the Torah that I shared, the

messages I taught, the holy days that we encountered together,

the sacred conversations in the hallways were sources of

support and inspiration for you as you live out your Jewish


“Acquire for yourself a friend.” Literally, the term is to

“buy” a friend, not “acquire.” Hmmm. I was taught that we

shouldn’t buy friendship! But that is not what this is…

We need our teachers to provide answers and to help us to

interpret difficult sources. Our friends, however, challenge us.

Real friends are much more than “study partners.” (Although,

Jewish tradition does encourage us to learn with others so we

can encourage one another to grow.) I need to listen to my

friends disagree with me. Being sensitive to another’s point of

view and hearing them out is the price we pay for having

important people in our lives. It isn’t always easy, but to have

that friend in your life, someone so devoted to you that s/he will

tell you hard truths… that is a blessing. I am grateful for

building not only sacred congregational relationships with this

community, but also friendships that extended beyond its walls.

I believe that God has created us to be involved and engaged

with others. We need people in our lives to walk with us and

challenge us along the way. They are our truest friends. But we

also need mentors, teachers, role models to look to for

guidance. I feel privileged to be a rabbi. I can’t think of another

endeavor like it. To accompany people on their journeys

through life, through faith, through good times and bad, is an

incredible gift. I don’t take it lightly.

My hope and my prayer that emerge from this text is the


May you be surrounded by people who are so devoted to you

that they can share truths to help you grow. And may your

rabbis, your teachers, inspire you so deeply that you will stretch

along with them. We need teachers and friends, mentors and

companions, to live life’s journey fully. May you be rich in


Rabbi Fred Greene

The Introduction to the Talmud that You’ve Been Waiting For!

Bring a dairy lunch and join Rabbi Greene for a lively monthly class and discussion which will consist of an introduction to the

Talmud - its stories, its themes, the sages, and see how its teachings build upon the foundation of the Torah.

The class will meet from 11:45 am to 1 pm on Friday, April 17

All are welcome. Date is subject to change. Please check the TBT calendar to confirm.

RSVPs are appreciated.

RSVP to [email protected]

Tefillin with Rabbi Greene

Page 3: April 2015 Kol Tikvah


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


STAND WITH ARZA - It’s Now or Never!

His name was Nachshon. His story emerges out of the richness of both Torah and Midrash.

The Israelites were on the move, leaving behind the bitterness of slavery.

The Egyptian army was rapidly approaching from the rear, and the Reed Sea was in front of them. So our people froze.

And then, Nachshon, an Israelite, walked straight into the Sea. An act of faith. An act of courage. He took the future into his hands.

The Sea split. And the rest is part of the history of Passover.

These are the last days in which you can cast your vote for ARZA’s delegation to the World Zionist Congress, that singular parliament of the

Jewish People that will convene in Jerusalem in October. On the agenda of the Congress will be items critical not just to Israel’s future, but to the

future of our own children and grandchildren in America.

Each of us can be a Nachshon. Cast your vote for ARZA and for Israel’s future as a light unto the nations. Don’t be indifferent. Don’t for a

moment think that your single vote is not important.

Want more information? Visit www.reformjews4israel.org. And while you’re there vote the ARZA: Representing Reform Judaism in Israel slate.

Voting concludes April 30th. Remember - our people’s greatest miracles have emerged out of our decisions to shape our own future.

There can be no DAYYENU until each of us has voted.

THE SEARCH FOR CHAMETZ – on so many levels!

As with Shabbat, Rosh Hashannah, Sukkot and most Jewish holidays – we shouldn’t just expect to be ready for the full experience

of the holiday without some sort of preparation. To abstain from working or shopping on Shabbat one must make the extra effort to

do what is necessary before Shabbat begins. To do serious introspection during the High Holydays one ought to attend to any mun-

dane matters beforehand that might otherwise interfere with this process. And for dwelling in the Sukkah during Sukkot, the Sukkah

must be constructed prior to the start of the holiday. You get the picture, I’m sure.

Similarly, it is not enough to say that you will abstain from eating all chametz during Passover. The chametz must be entirely

removed from our homes. As much as is reasonably possible, we consume (indulge in?) the chametz in those weeks leading up to

Passover. It is not that the chametz is ‘evil’ in and of itself, but the temporary abstinence from things that are such a normal part of

our lives creates a space that can potentially be filled with something else that might enrich our lives, both physically and spiritually.

For some, the search for chametz is either the prelude or postlude to “Spring Cleaning”. We look at what we have, evaluate it’s pur-

pose in our lives and decide whether to keep, discard or donate. This sounds much simpler than it actually is as we naturally form

attachments to things, behaviors and emotions whether or not they serve our best interests and personal development.

JUST ONE MORE REASON WHY I LOVE JUDAISM: Do not remain static or presume that you have learned and lived all there

is to learn and live. We, humans, need constant reminders! See the mezuzah and be reminded to follow God’s commandments.

Pray in communal settings and be reminded that we all strive to be more grateful and inspired to partner with God in Tikun Olam

(repairing the world.) Recall the story of the Exodus from Egypt and be reminded how precious freedom is and the responsibilities

it demands.

I wish for each and every one of you a joyous and meaningful celebration of Pesach. In the extended Kassel family this will be the

first year in my life where a new generation hosts the family seder. While this holds a bit of sadness for me, I take much comfort in

knowing that my parents have raised their four daughters well in that the words “l’dor va-dor” (from generation to generation) are

far more than words; it is a reality.

Chag kasher v’sameach,

Cantor Nancy Kassel

Page 4: April 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

March was a very busy month at Temple Beth Tikvah. Our

Purim carnival was a HUGE success and very much enjoyed

by our younger kids and, I think, by the many youth

volunteers who helped. Once again the weather did not

cooperate but we were not to be denied. Sometimes Plan B

can turn out as good as Plan A. I have said before that being

in the building with this energy is tremendously uplifting to

me. But, without one very brave person, this event could not

have taken place. Beth Janes, whose kids are in high

school, took on this project when nobody else would. She

recruited enough volunteers to be sure that it was a success

and most of these volunteers also did not have young

children who benefitted from their efforts. Not many people

know how much work goes into planning, execution and

cleanup of such an event. Friends, this is what community is

all about. If you see Beth, please let her know that her

efforts were appreciated. And, think about volunteering for

this high-energy event next year!

Our Purim service and Megillah reading was, once again, an

entertaining evening. The Cantor’s creativity and hard work

ensured an amazing service – many have said “the best yet”

- and our very own Blues Brothers stars, Rabbi Fred Greene

and John Restler, did not disappoint. Our own youth told the

story of Purim, showcasing their talent and sharing their

enthusiasm with all of us. Those Purim songs will stick in

my head for a while……”It’s all about the Faith, ‘bout the

Faith, no trouble!!!!” Again, having our sanctuary full and

seeing kids, small and large, enjoying the evening is truly


We concluded our month with the

Volunteer Recognition Shabbat. For those

of you who volunteer but were unable to

join us, I offer my heartfelt thanks and

appreciation. Our synagogue cannot

function without the support of lay leadership and the many

congregants who choose to be a part and make a difference.

My hope is that you gain as much pleasure and satisfaction

from your volunteer experience as I do and that you are

proud of your role in TBT’s success.

Our second night Passover Community Seder is only days

away. Cantor Kassel will be leading us in an inspiring and

creative service. If you have your reservation already, I will

see you there. If you miss it this year, there is always 2016.

Our Annual Campaign team hopes each of you has or will

help us reach or exceed our goals, both in dollars and

participation before the June 30 deadline. To those of you

who haven’t yet contributed, please consider joining all

those that have already done so. The Annual Campaign is

such a vital part of our overall operating budget and we

really NEED to finish this year’s campaign on a strong note.

We are close to reaching our dollar goal for this year but

hope that we can surpass that goal in order to fund certain

projects and programming that our current resources don’t

allow. Everyone benefits from the funds raised - all I ask is

that everyone do their part by contributing at whatever level

is right for you.


Ron Swichkow

Join Us

for a special Ruach Shabbat service

in honor of Rabbi Fred Greene

May 15th at 7:30 pm

This will be a special celebration of Rabbi Greene’s spiritual leadership and his

significant contributions to Temple Beth Tikvah during the past nine years.

A special oneg will follow the service ♦ Please click here to sign up to help bake

(Please watch for an email with more info coming soon to your inbox)

March Madness

Page 5: April 2015 Kol Tikvah


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Religious School

What’s Been Going On? Well, since you asked…….

On February 21, the ECEC and TBT joined forces and hosted the Second Chance Prom Silent Auction Fundraiser! This was an amazing evening

full of funny 80’s outfits, great music, lots of laughter and great support of our school and synagogue! I would like to thank Traci Hartog, Erica

Stein, Rachel Palazzo, Katie Jaffe, Maggie McAuliffe, Jessica Perlman, Jill Fields, Sheri Flink, Kristi Glickman, Gina Kellis, Robin Schorr, Becky

Sullivan, Ron Swichkow, and Temple Beth Tikvah’s fundraising committee for organizing and helping to make this event such a success. I would

also like to thank everyone who participated for your support and I hope you had a great time!

The children in the ECEC have been so busy! They had a great time celebrating Purim, with our own mini Purim carnival! They loved dressing up,

playing games and winning prizes! I was told, “it was the best day ever!”

Jenifer Friedman

ECEC Director

Early Childhood Education Center

Lindsey Aranson, daughter of Nancy and Rick Aranson

Drew Baker, Son of Sheri and Brian Baker

Riley Boehm, daughter of Jennifer and Todd Boehm

Ryan Bruckman, Son of Adrienne and Adam Bruckman

Joseph Chanin, son of Pamela and Eric Chanin

Matt Diamond, son of Dyann and Mitchell Diamond

Casey Gordon, daughter of Laura and Barry Gordon

Lindsey Gordon, daughter of Laura and Barry Gordon

Yael Greene, daughter of Deborah and Fred Greene

Jacob Janes, son of Beth and David Janes

Tobias Leventhal, son of Valerie Kassel Jr

Ryan Mermelstein, son of Sharon and Evan Mermelstein

Noah Pollack, son of Audrey and Matthew Pollack

Robert Scott, son of Julie and Robert Scott

Jacob Shippel, son of Robyn and David Shippel

Jason Weiner, son of Ellen and Robert Weiner


Friday, May 1 at 7:30 pm Mazel Tov to the confirmands and their families

Page 6: April 2015 Kol Tikvah


Youth Group

HOTTY (9-12th Grade)

In March the HOTTY teens “kidnapped” all of the 8th graders and inducted them into HOTTY! It was such a fun evening – we did mixers at temple and then headed out for our own version of Amazing Race. We went to SkyZone for a dodgeball tournament then to CiCi’s for dinner. Our final challenge of the night was a cupcake war at temple. 8th graders –we’re so glad to have you as part of HOTTY now!

Next up is our HOTTY elections and Screen on the Green on April 18th. If you are planning on running for HOTTY Board for next year make sure to get your letters of interest in on time. Then, come out on April 18th so we can vote for our new board members. And don’t miss our huge blow-up screen outside by the chapel. Watch your email and Facebook for details.

April 24-26th is NFTY-SAR Spring Kallah in Charlotte, NC. It’s not too late to sign up. Register at: http://www.nfty.org/sar/.

Join the HOTTY Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/TBT.HOTTY/) to

stay up-to-date on what's happening and to RSVP for HOTTY events!

JYG (7-8th Grade)

The 7th & 8th graders had an amazing time at NFTY-SAR’s Hatikvah Kallah in March. We had over 15 JYG’ers attend this fun weekend. They are hooked on NFTY and will definite-ly be back for more next year.

Save-the-date for our final JYG event of the year on May 17th. We are having a pool party! More details will be coming soon. And, 6th graders – you are all invited to join us for this event.

Join the JYG Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/TBT.JYG/) to stay up-to-date on what's happening with JYG, RSVP and arrange carpools for events!

5th & 6th Grade Make sure to join us on April 19th for our final Club 56 event of the year. After Sunday school we’ll head over to Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park. If you’ve been there, you know how much fun this place is! And, if not, you definitely don’t want to miss this one. See you there!

Join the 5th & 6th Grade Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/groups/TBT.56/) to stay up-to-date on what's happening, RSVP and arrange carpools for events!

Want more info about the youth groups at TBT? Contact us at: [email protected] or call us:

Bobbee (303) 981-2356 & Adam (404) 971-4687

Upcoming Events: April 1 - HOTTY Leadership Boot Camp

April 18 – HOTTY Elections & Screen on the Green

April 19 – Club 56 Sky Zone

April 24-26 – NFTY-SAR Spring Kallah

May 9 – HOTTY Installations, Senior Sendoff & Final Banquet

May 17 – JYG Pool Party



12th Grade Religious School Graduation

Please join us as we celebrate our

Graduating seniors who have continued

their religious education through Kivunim.

On Friday, April 17th at 8:00pm

we will honor these students at a

special Shabbat service.

It's been a pleasure and an honor to be

a part of their Jewish journeys at

Temple Beth Tikvah and we are proud of

everything they've accomplished.

Mazel Tov and continued success to:

Zach Baker Jacob Kremer

Samuel Marks Maryn Perlson Zac Povlot

Bonim & Gesher

Havdalah Under the Stars

April 18th at 6 pm

Families, bring your dairy picnic dinner.

Dessert will be provided.

The kids will play while Rabbi Greene meets

with parents to discuss Jewish Parenting topics.

We will then finish with

Havdalah under the stars.

Page 7: April 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

B’nai Mitzvah

Reid Dobbins will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on April 18, 2015. He is the son of Kristopher and Paige

Dobbins and brother to Paxton Dobbins. He is the Grandson of Barbara and Troy Dobbins and Anita Rosenau Hellman.

Reid attends Mabry Middle school where he is an honor student. He enjoys playing football and lacrosse.

Rachel Lyndsi Steuer will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on April 25, 2015. Rachel is the daughter of

Cindy and Howard Steuer of Marietta, Georgia, and the younger sister to Samantha and Melissa. She is the

Granddaughter to Iris and Arnold Steuer of Long Island New York, and Jerry Weiner of Boynton Beach Florida. She

is in the seventh grade at Dodgen Middle School. Rachel is involved in cheerleading and competitive dancing outside

of school.. Rachel’s Mitzvah Project includes volunteering at her local Elementary School with the Special Needs

children. Rachel is dedicating her special weekend to her Nana, Rita Weiner.

Matthew Aaron Jacobson will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on April 25, 2015. He is the son of Debbie

and Jared Jacobson and older brother to Zachary Jacobson. He is the grandson of Emily Wilner of Marietta,

Georgia. Matthew is a 7th grader at St. Francis Middle School where he is an honor student and plays on the

school tennis team. He also has been playing tackle Football for the Junior Knights of Centennial High School since

4th grade and is looking forward to playing high school football. In his free time, he likes to spend time with his

friends and play on his X Box and is looking forward to going back to 6 Points Sports Academy for his 4 th summer.

College Connection

Forty-three lucky college students are about to receive a care package

sent on behalf of the Temple through the college connection commit-

tee. We want them to know they’re being thought of while they’re

away from home. Included in the packages are items such as Haman-

tashen (to coincide with the upcoming Purim holiday), gum, school

supplies, candy, popcorn, coffee and cocoa packets.

None of this could be possible without the help from our gracious

volunteers Beth Kess, Julie Scott and Nan Janis. Thank you so much

as we couldn’t do this without you!

The committee would also like to thank Rabbi Greene for finding

time to prepare a letter of his words of wisdom to be included in the

packages. I’m sure the students really appreciate his doing so. Also,

a huge thanks to the office staff Becky Sullivan, Lisa Singer and

Michelle Leder. They make our job so much easier and help us with

so many of the details.

It is so important to keep our students connected to the Jewish com-

munity. We would like to go beyond the mailings. If you have any

suggestions on how this could be accomplished please let us know.

We’d also appreciate any small items that could be donated to future

packages. Please contact us if you’re interested in making such a


TBT College Connection Committee

Lynda Bennett ([email protected])

Ginger Glazer ([email protected])


Shavuot Celebration

Family Potluck Dairy Dinner followed by a Multi-Generational Shavuot Service

Saturday, May 23 beginning at 6 pm

Page 8: April 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Fundraising News

Andy and Julie Aaronson

Jonathan and Allison Agin

Barry and Shari Alhadeff

Pam Alterman

Steven and Teri Astren

Brian and Sheri Baker

Steven and Sheila Barid

Dale and Wendy Bearman

Jonathan and Barbara Berger

Leonard Berger

Harris and Suellen Bergman

Michael and Jeannine Bernstein

Jerry Bilsky and Judy Tolkan

Peter Birnbaum

David and Robin Bledsoe

Todd and Jennifer Boehm

Michael and Heather Braun

Adam and Adrienne Bruckman

Jamie Burak

Paul and Cherie Cervasio

Lois Clymin

David and Roberta Coad

Michael D. and Lisa R. Cohen

Michael and Marlene Cohn

Steve and Arlene Cohn

Community Foundation for Palm

Beach and Martin Counties

Mark and Stephanie Craig

Renee Davis

Gordon and Hollis Decker

Craig and Susan Derene

Mitchell and Dyann Diamond

Kristopher and Paige Dobbins

Joseph and Waynah Dunn

Rodney and Erika Eberhardt

Audrey Eisen

Alan and Pam Epstein

Elliot and Donna Feller

Steven and Amy Fine

Rory and Jenifer Friedman

Steve and RoseAnn Gerson

Ed and Cindy Getty

Arthur Gittelman and Marcia Pearl

Cary Goldenthal and Lori Shapiro

Neil and Jennifer Goldstein

Robert and Cindy Goldstein

Harlan & Ivie Graiser

Rabbi Fred and Deborah Greene

Anne Grossman

Burton and Sara Grossman

Andrew and Karen Gutman

Scott and Nancy Harris

Peter and Tracy Hartog

Yitzhak and Ronit Hermoni

David and Ellen Herold

Mitchell and Julie Hilsen

Jamie and Katie Jaffe

David and Beth Janes

Peter and Sharon Jedel

Daniel and Stephanie Joseph

Morris and Anna Kagan

Doug and Donna Kallman

Cantor Nancy Kassel

Valerie Kassel Jr

Howard and Linda Katz

Jerry and Marcy Kaufman

Sharon Khoury

Jared and Rachel King

Jeff and Cindy Klein

Marc and Deborah Klein

Peter Klokow and Ellen Frank

Stanley and Bobbie Kopkin

Steven and Helen Kraus

Ned and Lisa Kreiss

Robert and Karen Kremer Kenneth Lawler Jr and Ginger Glazer

Fred and Patricia Landsberg

Melvin and Vivian Lapes

Scott and Sheryl Lasky

Hal and Jill Leitman

Ron and Lindsay Levin

Ronald and Jennifer Levine

Emily Lewit

Gary and Michal Loventhal

William and Rita Loventhal

Hadley and Lisa Lowy

Gilbert and Ellen Ludwig

Murray and Sonia Lynn

Joel and Aviva Margolies

Jonathan and Joan Marks

Jason and Maggie McAuliffe

David McClung

Thomas and Marsha McMurrain

Howard and Helaine Medoff

Gary and Peggy Mendelson

Ric and Barrie Mershon

Martin and Charlene Milstein

Ilene Monat

Mark and Jennifer Mosbacher

Robert Moss

Jay and Anita Myer

Robert and Marcy Nader

Bernie and Gail Natter

North Georgia Pain Clinic, PC

Ryan and Rachel Palazzo

Larry and Jackie Pepper

Gary and Sheyla Peterson

Jason and Melanie Pickett

Shirley Plotkin

Scott and Rhonda Povlot

Marla Ramaglia

Joel and Valerie Rapowitz

Herbert and Bunny Renkin

Betty Rickles

Robert and Ellen Rickles

Barry & Robin Riegelhaupt

Howard & Barbara Rosenberg

Joel and Judy Rosenberg

Harvey and Natine Rosenzweig

Irving and Doris Rosing

Paul and Julie Rubin

Tod and Leslie Rubin

Mark and Gail Rudel

Andrew and Barbara Sacks

Robert and Donna Schacher

Joel and Kathleen Schoenblum

Gary and Debra Schwartz

William and Terry Schwartz

Rhonda Schweber

Sanford and Gail Seidman

Ira and Brenda Share

Stacy and Alicia Sher

Walter and Esther Shultz

Carol Shutzberg

David and Elisa Siegel

Sandy and Nancy Simon

Lawrence and Anne Skal

Kenneth and Helene Skolky

Sharon Snowiss

Stuart and Frances Solomon

Howard and Cynthia Steinberg

Steven and Linda Steinberg

Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz

Mathew and Dani Stordy

Barry & Denise Straus

Ronald and Leslie Swichkow

Donald and Marilyn Tam

Rosalind Taranto

Lloyd and Gail Tate

Steven and Abbe Tobin

David & Christine Toltzis Bruce and Mariann Mamberg Turiansky

Mark and Sally Vosk

Bruce and Carol Waldman

Bruce and Bonnie Walkes

June Wallach

Ronald and Sheri Weiner

Clifford and Loretta Weiss

Mark and Debbie Weiss Douglas Wexler and Jane Greenberger

Bram and Dana Wieskopf

Jeff Willard and Steve Mahan Mark Williams and Michelle Easton

Thomas and Susan Williams

Todd and Rachel Wilson

Scott and Susan Wynne

Andrew and Ilana Zalkin

Ruth Zeidman

Seth and Ellen Zimmer

(donations received through February 2015)

Shalom from the Fundraising Committee!

As we continue to climb our way towards reaching our goal of $100,000 for this year's Annual Campaign, I

want to thank everyone for their support and hard work that went into creating a wonderful evening for

everyone who attended the 2nd Chance Prom and Auction. The event was extremely successful and raised

over $13,000 for TBT programs.

All TBT event, were social or spiritually themed take hard work and preparation from volunteers like you

and me. Providing these events to our community is always a challenge but when we work together, it

breathes success and provides for our future.

We are starting to gear up for next year's committee and have some exciting plans ahead. You don't need to

be a salesperson to be part of the Fundraising Committee. You need to desire to provide support and build

for the future of TBT. If you'd like to join the committee or have any questions about TBT Fundraising

efforts, feel free to ping me at jlagin1@gmail com. This is a rewarding way to help support our TBT fami-


Happy Pesach!

Jonathan Agin, TBT Fundraising Chairman

Page 9: April 2015 Kol Tikvah


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

April 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 7:00 pm

HOTTY - Leadership

Boot Camp


1st Night Seder -

TBT Offices Close

at Noon No ECEC

5:00 pm



4 PASSOVER 10:00 am Shabbat Service 6:00 pm Second Night Community

Passover Seder

5 PASSOVER No Religious School


Cobb & Fulton Spring

Break - No ECEC No Religious School 7:15 pm

Families Anonymous


Cobb & Fulton Spring

Break - No ECEC No Religious School 9:30 am Tai Chi


Cobb & Fulton Spring

Break - No ECEC


Cobb & Fulton Spring

Break - No ECEC


Cobb & Fulton Spring

Break - No ECEC TBT Offices Closed 10:00 am Passover Service and Yizkor 8:00 pm

Shabbat Service


10:00 am Shabbat Service

12 No Religious School


12:00 pm Senior Luncheon 6:45 pm

Kesher/Confirmation /Kivunim 7:15 pm

Families Anonymous


9:30 am Tai Chi 5:00 pm

Religious School 7:00 pm

Board of Ed Meeting


6:30 pm

HOTTY - Board


16 YOM HASHOAH 17 9:45 am ECEC Family Shabbat 11:45 am - 1:00 pm The Introduction to

the Talmud that

You've Been Waiting

For! 6:00 pm

ATID Dinner 8:00 pm

Shabbat Service


9:00 am Bagels, Learning &

Torah 10:00 am Shabbat Service - Dobbins Bar

Mitzvah 4:30 pm HOTTY - Elections

& Screen on the

Green 6:00 pm

Bonim / Gesher -

Havdalah Under

the Stars 19

9:30 am Religious School 9:30 am Religious School Yom

Ha'Shoah / Yom

Hazikaron Assembly 12:00 pm Club 5/6 Event


6:30 pm

Kesher Teen/Parent

Dinner & Class -

LAST NIGHT 6:45 pm

Confirmation & Kivunim 7:15 pm

Families Anonymous


9:30 am Tai Chi 5:00 pm

RelIgious School 7:30 pm Board of Trustees



7:00 pm

Breast Cancer

Support Group 7:00 pm Women's

Study - From Sarah

to Savannah: Leader-

ship Lessons from our

Ancestral Mothers


NFTY Spring Kallah 6:00 pm

Oneg 6:30 pm

Shabbat Service w/

Shabbat Experience


NFTY Spring Kallah

9:00 am Bagels, Learning &

Torah 10:00 am Shabbat Service Steuer/Jacobson

B'nai Mitzvah 6:00 pm

Bourbon, BBQ

& Brotherhood


NFTY Spring Kallah 9:30 am Religious School 9:30 am Religious School Yom

Ha'atzmaut Assembly 9:30 am Sisterhood-Mah Jongg

27 6:45 pm

Confirmation & Kivunim -

LAST NIGHT 7:15 pm

Families Anonymous


9:30 am - 10:30 am Tai Chi 5:00 pm

Religious School

Last Tuesday 7:30 pm Officers Meeting

29 30

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

TBT Seniors Luncheon

Monday, April 13 at 12 PM

Mary Lou Austin,

CEO of USO of Georgia,

will be our speaker

RSVP to Natine at [email protected]

What's a Chavurah Like? A Longtime Member Shares

Her View by Ivie Graiser

Being in a chavurah helps my family feel like we are part of an

extended TBT family. We have been members of ours for almost

20 years, and we see someone from our chavurah almost every

time we come to services.

Being part of such a group gives us a special, warm feeling of truly

belonging. We started out as the "young family chavurah". We

watched all of our young children grow and become bar or bat

mitzvahs. We shared in each other's simchas and life cycle events,

celebrating with each other and supporting each other through the

highs, the lows, the deaths, and the times of joy. It is a truly

rewarding experience, and I urge every member of the TBT

community to try it!

Sound interesting? New groups are forming now!

What's a Chavurah?

It's a group of people who share common interests and meet

regularly to celebrate Jewish holidays, share simchas, attend TBT

events, and participate in any activities that interest them. Being

part of a Chavurah can enhance your experience at TBT by helping

you develop a strong sense of community and deeper connections

within the congregation.

Happy Spring to you!

Sisterhood welcomes the

new friendships and com-

radeship blossoming this

year as participation and

volunteerism have grown so nicely! March saw a great turn out

for Mah Jongg; a big thank you to Leslie Swichkow for organizing

this great social event. Our women’s community outreach pro-

ject, Knit and Nosh, was also so successful, and a big thank you

nod goes to Terry Carasick and teacher Amy Glass. This continu-

ing project will make knitted and crocheted scarves for homeless

men and women in the metro Atlanta area. We hope to make at

least 25 scarves by next December for distribution. Please watch

for more “get togethers ” to continue our creative community

outreach project. If you are interested in teaching newcomers to

the world of basic knitting and crocheting, please let us know.

Please join us for our next Mah Jongg, Sunday, April 26, 9:30 am -

11:30 am in the social hall. We have had a great response and

welcome all new players. Teachers are always needed and greatly

appreciated. Just let us know if you are able to teach at this fun

social morning.

In addition, be on the lookout for our end of the year social

gathering, planned for early May. What a great way to end our

spring season before summer arrives. Also, if you are interested

in chairing or co-chairing a Sisterhood subcommittee next fall,

please let us know. We look forward to new ideas and new folks

to our Sisterhood Committee.

Robin Bledsoe Sisterhood Chair


Your synagogue community wants to be a

Caring Community/Kehillat Chesed

If you have recently experienced a loss, are facing a crisis or are celebrating a simcha, please let our office know as soon as possible.

Our clergy and friends strive to be a source of support as best as they can. If you know of one of our fellow congregants who has experienced a loss or can use a hand, please contact the office at 770.642.0434.

How do I join a Chavurah? Just fill out the application and we'll help

you find like-minded families or individuals to form a group. Drop by the

TBT office to pick one up, or visithttp://www.bethtikvah.com/community/

chavurot to download.

Questions? Please contact Dalia Faupel at [email protected]

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Thank you to Robin Bledsoe,

Cherie Cervasio, Laura DeRiemer,

Marcy Kaufman , Jill Leitman,

Marsha Mathis, Gail Neder,

Meredith Paulin, Leslie Swichkow,

Nina York and Ilana Zalkin who

came together to bake 600

Hamentashen for the Purim


Thank you to our grillers

extraordinaire Peter Hartog,

Mark Greenspan, Mark Mosbacher,

Bart Schwartz, Bart Segal,

Eric Smolin and Terry Stein who

braved the rain from the sky and the

heat from the gill so we could all


Thank you also to all of the

volunteers who showed up to help

Saturday night and all day Sunday.

Thankfully, there are too many of

you to name without leaving

someone off. Just know how much

we appreciate your help and


Second Chance Prom

Purim Carnival 2015

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Annual Campaign

Sandy and Nancy Simon in memory of Abe Berney

Ronald and Leslie Swichkow in memory of Charles Moore

Shirley Plotkin in memory of Saul Plotkin

Cantor Kassel’s Discretionary Fund

Robert and Adele Toltzis in memory of Joe Zeidman

Ruth Zeidman in memory of beloved husband,

Joseph Zeidman

Ilene Monat in memory of Scott Monat

Scott and Marci Weiss in memory of Marilyn Weiss

Scott and Susan Wynne in honor of Anna Wynne becoming

a Bat Mitzvah

Doug & Donna Kallman wishing Mazel Tov to

Cantor Kassel on being named the American Conference

of Cantors Volunteer of the Month!

Ted and Melanie Nathan in honor of Morgan's Bar Mitzvah

Walter and Esther Shultz in appreciation for helping Izaac

prepare for his Bar Mitzvah

Steven and Helen Kraus in memory of Jerome Oxman

Shirley Plotkin in memory of Philip Plotkin

Caring/Kehillat Chesed Fund

Steven & Linda Steinberg in memory of Anita Seidman

James & Lois Shaevel in honor of Izaac Shultz becoming a

Bar Mitzvah

Richard Mindel and Barbara Bogartz in honor of

Izaac Shultz's Bar Mitzvah

Ronald and Leslie Swichkow in memory of Louise Herndon

Sherwin and Judee Levinson in memory of Joseph Aronow

Ruth Zeidman in memory of Mae Gaber

Walter and Esther Shultz in honor of Debbie Brateman

Gordon and Hollis Decker in memory of Harriet Decker Levi

Melvyn and Vivian Lapes in honor of Izaac Shultz

becoming a Bar Mitzvah

Betty Rickles in memory of Irwin Rickles

General Fund

Phyllis Madans in memory of Judy Grosswald

Jonathan and Ashley Maloy in honor of babynaming

Dale and Bob Israel in memory of Anita Seidman

Cary Goldenthal and Lori Shapiro in memory of

Louise Herndon

Melvyn and Vivian Lapes in memory of Bea Lapes

Marvin and Dana Mermelstein in honor of

Ilana Jaye Mermelstein becoming a Bat Mitzvah

Shirley Crawford

Bob Bachrach in honor of the conversion of

Richard Quintana

Jim and Renee Berman in memory of Faye Sackler

David and Bonnie Sandfelder

Michael Zalkin Memorial Library Fund

Robert and Ellen Rickles in memory of Irwin Rickles

Joshua and Debbie Sinsley in memory of Judy Naftolin

Prayerbook Fund

Mark and Sally Vosk in memory of Melvin Haber

Addie Myers in memory of Mason H. Myers

Rabbi Greene’s Discretionary Fund

Michael and Wanda Cohen in memory of Morris Cohen

Howard and Cynthia Steinberg in memory of

Regina Karmel

Tom and Patti Seibold in memory of Maxine Gelb Kurtz

Jerome and Margie Cohen in memory of Meyer Friedman

Mike and Kathy Levin in appreciation of the prayers and

support of Rabbi Greene and the TBT community

Hilda Ortiz in memory of Mrs. Hilda Maria Ortiz

Scott and Susan Wynne in memory of Anna Wynne

becoming a Bat Mitzvah

Ted and Melanie Nathan in honor of Morgan's Bar Mitzvah

Families Anonymous

Walter and Esther Shultz in appreciation for helping Izaac

prepare for his Bar Mitzvah

June Wallach in memory of Max Hertzberg

David and Bonnie Sandfelder

Rabbi Shuval-Weiner’s Discretionary Fund

Steve and RoseAnn Gerson with best wishes for a speedy

recovery to Dale Bearman

Rabbi Tam’s Discretionary Fund

Renee Davis in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Izaac Shultz

Steve and RoseAnn Gerson in memory of Moses Reiber

and with prayers for a speedy recovery to

Rose Reichbach, mother of Hedva Wiener

Religious School Fund

Terri Cohen in memory of Ethel Young

Terri Cohen in memory of Mel Haskins

Julian and Deborah Isakow in memory of Bernie Bickwit

Fred and Patricia Landsberg in memory of Solomon Turkel

Religious School Scholarship Fund

Burton and Sara Grossman in memory of Harold Grossman

Shalach Manot Fund

Ruth Zeidman thanking all TBT friends for Purim greetings

Tikkun Olam Fund

Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz in memory of Mollie Krigsner

Torah Fund

Walter and Esther Shultz in memory of Louise Herndon

Gilbert and Ellen Ludwig in memory of Elsie Stern

Youth Group Fund

Jeffrey and Amy Fain in memory of Stanley Fain

(donations received through 3/18)


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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


In Memorium

Temple Beth Tikvah acknowledges with sorrow the passing of:

Louise Herndon

Mother of Sam Herndon

Charles Ronald Moore

Brother-in-law of Steve Mahan

Sarah Saida

Mother of Hagit Beecham

Miriam Belger

Mother of Susan Scheinfeld

May God console you among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Thank You to our Amazing Office Volunteers!

Erica Stein

June Wallach

Richard Staviss

Marsha McMurrain

Leslie Swichkow

Marsha Mathis

Roberta Goldman

Audrey Gordon

Mazal Tov to Sam Marks

for being selected as the next

recipient of the Harvey

Rubin Scholarship Award of

the Marcus JCC of Atlanta.

The Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship award

that recognizes the outstanding leadership of a high

school senior in the Marcus Jewish Community Center

of Atlanta and the Atlanta Jewish community.

Honor a person or event

with a leaf on our tree of

life. You can purchase a

leaf as an individual or as

a group.!

Breast Cancer Survivor Group for the Jewish Community

We have had a great start to the Breast Cancer

Survivor Group! The monthly support group

meetings are for all interested people who have had

cancer, who are going through treatment or

surgeries, and /or who have been recently

diagnosed, as well as for those who might have

questions pertinent to breast cancer. In addition,

this program is for sharing experiences, meeting

others and gathering information regarding

diagnoses, surgeries, and genetic testing from

various professionals.

Our next meeting will be held on

Thursday, April 23 at 7:00 PM

This survivor support group is sponsored by

The Kehillat Chesed/Caring Committee of

Temple Beth Tikvah.

For further information or questions, please contact

Valerie Rapowitz at [email protected] or call

678-643-9672. Please RSVP. All are welcome.

Spring Bargainata Sale!

PREVIEW NIGHT- Thursday, April 23, from 7:00pm-10:00pm

$25 prepaid by April, 22 or $35 at door on Thursday night

Friday, April 24 from 11:00am-7:30pm FREE

Sunday, April 26 from 11:00am-5:00pm FREE

Hilderbrand Court Shopping Center

6125 Roswell Rd. Atlanta, 30328

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Synagogue Information

Synagogue Office - 770-642-0434

Fax Number - 770-642-0647

School Office (Perri) - 770-642-4168

Preschool (Jenifer) - 678-350-0076

Assistant to Clergy - Michelle Leder

Financial Secretary - Jenny Korsen

Admin. Assistant - Lisa Singer

Office Manager - Becky Sullivan

Adult Education Cindy Getty [email protected] Budget & Finance Karen Korshak [email protected]

Campership Marcia Haber [email protected] Chavurot Dalia Faupel [email protected] College Outreach Lynda Bennett [email protected] Ginger Glazer [email protected] Communications

Mark Rudel [email protected] Family Promise Randy and Amy Siegal [email protected] Brian and Jennifer Steinberg [email protected] Tony Rosenberg [email protected]

Fundraising Jonathan Agin [email protected] House Ted Nathan [email protected]

Human Resources Seth Zimmer [email protected] Israel Gene Carasick [email protected] Kehillat Chesed (Caring) Leslie Swichkow [email protected] Library Ilana Zalkin [email protected]

Membership Recruitment & Retention Jill Leitman [email protected] Marcia Pearl [email protected] Men’s Club Mark Greenspan [email protected] Peter Hartog [email protected]

Nominating Committee Todd Boehm [email protected] Ritual Esther Shultz [email protected]

Security Jay Sausmer [email protected] Seniors Natine Rosenzweig [email protected] Sisterhood Robin Bledsoe [email protected] Social Action Darrin Cohen [email protected]

Website Development Scott Povlot [email protected] Youth Group Debra Schwartz [email protected] Michal Loventhal [email protected]

Get Involved! TBT Committees and Chairpersons

Planning a simcha or group gathering?

The Tam-Blank Social Hall is the Place to Be.

For more information on renting our Social Hall,

contact the synagogue office at 770-642-0434.

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

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Fred Greene


Donald A. Tam

Rabbi Emeritus

Nancy Kassel


Hassia Levin

Education Director

Jenifer Friedman

ECEC Director

Ron Swichkow


Todd Boehm

Vice President

Harlan Graiser

Vice President

Denise Straus

Vice President

Andy Gutman


Michael Braun


Jill Mattos


Board of Education