April 17, 1999 FIRST ASSIGNMENT A one act play for Easter by Denise Fisher “First Assignment” is based on Biblical and other historical and archeological facts related to events which took place during the first Easter weekend.It is intended to provide a different perspective of those events from more traditional Easter dramatizations. It should be noted that in order to keep cast numbers at a minimum, liberty has been taken regarding the historical accuracy of numbers of soldiers who would have been ordered to carry out certain tasks. Also, it is unlikely that any laxity existed among those soldiers assigned to such tasks. The Roman characters depicted in “First Assignment” express views which might have been expressed by Roman soldiers during the time of Christ. The views expressed by the characters should not be seen as the views of this author. Should anyone be tempted to consider this work as some poor effort to lay blame for the crucifixion of Christ at the feet of any ethnic, religious, or other group historically or presently represented among our numbers in the world, let it be categorically stated that the blame for the crucifixion of Christ lays squarely upon the shoulders of this author for sins committed by her. Had Jesus not died, the debt for her sins would be hers to bear, but because of His love, He chose to pay that debt, relieving the author from further impunity forevermore when she accepted his gift by faith. Ultimately, by His own admission, Jesus’ death was His choice, but if there is someone to blame, let it be me, because my sins were on His mind and motivated His heart.

April 17, 1999 FIRST ASSIGNMENT by Denise Fisher€¦ · First Assignment by Denise Fisher 3 Scenes Scene 1 - The morning of the first Good Friday. Eubulus Aristarchus has just arrived

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Page 1: April 17, 1999 FIRST ASSIGNMENT by Denise Fisher€¦ · First Assignment by Denise Fisher 3 Scenes Scene 1 - The morning of the first Good Friday. Eubulus Aristarchus has just arrived

April 17, 1999


A one act play for Easter


Denise Fisher

“First Assignment” is based on Biblical and other historical and

archeological facts related to events which took place during

the first Easter weekend.It is intended to provide a different

perspective of those events from more traditional Easter

dramatizations. It should be noted that in order to keep cast

numbers at a minimum, liberty has been taken regarding the

historical accuracy of numbers of soldiers who would have been

ordered to carry out certain tasks. Also, it is unlikely that

any laxity existed among those soldiers assigned to such tasks.

The Roman characters depicted in “First Assignment” express

views which might have been expressed by Roman soldiers during

the time of Christ. The views expressed by the characters should

not be seen as the views of this author.

Should anyone be tempted to consider this work as some poor

effort to lay blame for the crucifixion of Christ at the feet of

any ethnic, religious, or other group historically or presently

represented among our numbers in the world, let it be

categorically stated that the blame for the crucifixion of

Christ lays squarely upon the shoulders of this author for sins

committed by her. Had Jesus not died, the debt for her sins

would be hers to bear, but because of His love, He chose to pay

that debt, relieving the author from further impunity

forevermore when she accepted his gift by faith. Ultimately, by

His own admission, Jesus’ death was His choice, but if there is

someone to blame, let it be me, because my sins were on His mind

and motivated His heart.

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First Assignment by Denise Fisher 2

Cast of Characters

(In Order of Appearance)

CENTURION - Commander of Roman troops at Jerusalem. Commander

over all of the other soldiers in the play.

EUBULUS ARISTARCHUS - Newly assigned Roman soldier who is just

arriving at his post in Jerusalem. He is a young man of perhaps

20 years of age.

EPENTUS - An older officer who has some authority over a smaller

group of men. He and JULIUS are of equivalent rank.

URBANUS - A younger officer, perhaps 25.

JULIUS - An officer of perhaps 30 years. JULIUS along with

EPENTUS has some authority over a small group of soldiers.

RUFUS - A young and particularly savvy soldier. He isn't above

sliding along the edge of any of the rules or outright breaking

them if he's sure he won't get caught. He is lazy and always

looking for an opportunity to make a quick denarius.

GAIUS - An older soldier with the highest integrity. Whether

standing, sitting or reclining, GAIUS commands respect.

JOHN - Picture John, the apostle of Christ, as you need to in

order to make the play work for your congregation. Personally, I

see a younger man, but you may want to portray him as older so

that he appears on an equal footing with GAIUS in terms of


ANGEL and WOMEN - These are the traditional women who came to

the tomb on that first Easter morning and saw the ANGEL who

announced that Jesus was alive.

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Scene 1 - The morning of the first Good Friday. Eubulus

Aristarchus has just arrived in Jerusalem and is being

introduced to some men in his barracks, which is located at the

Fortress Antonia. The barracks can be minimally staged with a

few beds, an entrance and a window, or elaborately staged,

depending upon church resources.

Scene 2 - Same setting as before, the bunk room at the Fortress

Antonia, a few hours later than Scene 1.

Scene 3 - The bunk room at the Fortress on Saturday evening.

Scene 4 - At the Garden tomb on Saturday evening, and later, on

Sunday morning just before dawn.

Scene 5 - The bunk room later on Sunday morning.

Scene 6 - At the Garden tomb, late Sunday morning.

Scene 7 - The bunk room on Monday.

Costumes and Props

The SOLDIERS all need Roman style tunics, sandals, armor,

helmets, swords and spears.

John would wear a Hebrew tunic and cloak with sandals.

The Women would wear Hebrew tunics, head coverings, cloaks, and

sandals. They would most probably be in black to show their

mourning, but it is also possible that due to Sabbath, they had

no chance to exchange their regular tunics for mourning clothes.

The ANGEL would reflect the glory of God. The Bible describes

only a white robe. The rest is up to you. Not all angels have

wings, so you decide if yours does or not.

Other props

coins and pieces of gold and silver

Water barrel and gourd dipper

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First Assignment

Scene 1

Several Roman soldiers are

lounging on their bunks in a

room of the Fortress Antonia.

A couple of men are cleaning

their armor and one soldier

is sharpening his sword. The

CENTURION enters the room

with EUBULUS and all men rise

to attention.


At ease, Men. I want to introduce you to a new member of our

garrison. This is Eubulus Aristarchus. He has just come to us

from Rome. I know that you men will make him welcome and fill

him in on some of the peculiarities of this area.


Aristarchus, your first duties will not take place until

tomorrow so feel free to take this opportunity to get to know

the city and familiarize yourself with some of the local

customs. You have arrived during one of the busiest times for us

here in Jerusalem. These Jews are holding one of their regular

religious festivals and every Jew from here to Macedonia is

milling around somewhere in these streets. I know that you had

not planned to arrive until next week, but it will certainly be

good to have your extra help during these days. Your arrival

could not be more timely. Welcome aboard. It's good to have you.


(Standing at attention, he accepts the COMMANDER’S welcome with

a salute.)

Thank you, Sir.


(Acknowledging the other soldiers.)

Men. Carry on.


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(Rising from his bunk.)

Greetings, Aristarchus.

(Extending his arm, which EUBULUS accepts.)

I am Epentus.

(Motioning to one of the other soldiers.)

And that is Julius. We are the sub-commanders for this squadron.

Most of my men live in quarters near the garrison with their

families, but I take it you are still single and will be lodging

with the rest of us bachelors here at the Fortress Antonia?


Yes. I have just completed training and this is my first

assignment in the army of Caesar. I had hoped ....

(Bows his head, afraid of being too candid.)


(Putting his hand kindly on EUBULUS's shoulder.)

Don't worry. We have all wished for something more ...

"interesting" than this backward place called Judea. But at

least you have the consolation of Jerusalem. Some poor suckers

are stuck in Capernaum, which is nothing but a fishing town.

Your first assignment could certainly have been worse.

(Motioning to a bunk.)

Here. You take that bed over there.


(Rising indignantly.)

But I was next in line for a bunk away from the windows that

face their Temple.


(Firmly, almost menacingly.)

And I said Aristarchus could have this bunk. And I'm sure you

don't have a problem with that, do you Urbanus?


(Backing down quickly.)

No, Sir. Not at all.

URBANUS sits back down, although

still miffed at the loss of the


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EUBULUS cautiously puts his roll

of belongings on the bunk and

removes his helmet.


I don't want to put anyone out. And I don't think I'd mind

having a view of their Temple. I saw it on the way in. It's

beautiful. Is that really gold that shines so brightly?


You bet it is! They say that the Temple and many of its

furnishings are covered with gold. But the "sights" of the

Temple aren't Urbanus' main concern, are they?

(JULIUS punches URBANUS in the shoulder, teasingly.

URBANUS recoils from the humor.)


Look, if the kid says he doesn't mind ....


And I said he sleeps over there in the bunk I assigned him.

(URBANUS nods his reluctant agreement.)


(To EUBULUS. Trying to make amends.)

You must be thirsty after your journey. Help yourself to a

dipper of water. A man brought it in from the well not too long

ago, so it should still be cold.



URBANUS points to a bucket near

the door and EUBULUS hurries over

to dipper out a drink of water.



So tell me about this place. What's it like?

Some of the men chuckle and a few

groan. EPENTUS motions to EUBULUS'

bunk and the two men take a seat.

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It's not like Rome, that's for sure. These people have the

strangest religion I've ever encountered in my 15 years as a

Roman soldier. They have only one God, and they are so afraid of

offending him that they won't even say his name out loud.


Tell him about the sacrifices.


No. Don't!

(Everyone looks at him. URBANUS lowers his head trying to

avoid the stinging looks from JULIUS and EPENTUS.)

I mean, he thinks it’s pretty. Why not let him think that way a

little longer?


As you saw on the way in, their main place of worship is right

across the way there. They have synagogues in most of the towns,

places where they usually gather on a weekly basis, but this is

the Temple. They say that this is where their God dwells. He

lives behind some curtain and only the priests are allowed to go

in there. But even they have to be careful. If the priest going

behind the curtain isn't as good as he should be, their God

might strike him dead and they'll have to pull his body out by a



Gee, and I thought some of the Celtic traditions were strange.


Oh, you haven't heard anything yet. The reason why our good

friend, Urbanus, here, wants to get away from those windows is

because of the awful smell, especially during this festival

called, "Passover." They bring lambs and birds and rams and

goats and bulls to be sacrificed on this big altar. They slit

the animals' throats and the blood pours out and they dash the

blood up against the altar. They believe that the blood of these

animals will appease their God and they'll be forgiven of their

evil deeds.


Lots of religions believe in sacrifice. At least they're killing

animals not young children. (Pause.) It is only animals, right?

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Right. But there's more to these guys than just this sacrifice

stuff. They have this thing about being clean that you can't

even imagine. They have to wash in just a certain way, and they

are very careful to make sure that nothing "dirty" ever touches

anything that's clean, or else the clean thing is dirty again.

And when they say "unclean," they aren't just talking about

dirt. There's all this stuff that their God has called "unclean,

dirty.” Who knows why? There are places that they won't go

because the places are "unclean." We're unclean. And a list of

animals as long as your arm.

Number one on that list of animals that are unclean is pigs.

They call them filthy animals, which I guess they kind of are,

.... But sheep are okay!



Yeah, like the smell of sheep is some kind of perfume!


And yet despite this affinity for cleanliness, they think our

Roman baths are "ungodly" and pretty much claim that we're all

kind of like pigs. They don't want to have much to do with us or

too many of our ways.


Mostly, I think they just wish we'd all go home and leave things

the way they were. You'd think that they'd at least appreciate

the way that their lives have improved since Rome took control

of this part of the world. They've got highways and aquaducts

for bringing water into the city and better sewage systems. But

to hear them talk, there's never been an improvement that Rome

made that their God hadn't already taken care of.


Let me get this straight. They like things clean, but they're

mad at us for having regular baths and for building sewage

systems and bringing clean water ...?


You're pretty much getting the picture now, Kid!

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But that's not the weirdest. We told you about how fastidious

they are about being clean. So you'd probably think that

everything around here would look and smell absolutely pristine.

But you can't believe the smell from the Temple when they have

all those animal sacrifices. They collect the blood, but burn

the animals. And it’s not just at this time of year it all goes

on! At regular times during the year, they all come, and they

purchase an animal, and the smoke begins to rise and the smell

... the smell fills the whole city. And they talk about sending

a "sweet smelling" aroma up to their God from there. Geez!

Someone ought to give them a clue, and believe me, I'd



Besides their cleanliness obsession, they are also convinced

that one day a "messiah" will rise up and save them from the

ugly hand of Rome.


I'd like to see one of this lot try. You won't believe how

backward they are! And they think that some guy is just gonna

rise up out of the midst of them and start a revolution against

the power of Rome!? And that they’ll win!

(All of the MEN agree with EPENTUS that such an occurrence

isn't likely to happen.)

But I guess that's what makes them dangerous in a way. We hear

this story from some 30 years ago about a man named Judas and

his followers called Zealots. They caused chaos here in

Jerusalem during just such a feast week as this. Many Roman

soldiers were stoned to death by these rebels and some 3,000

civilians were killed as well. Rome wound up crushing the lot of

them in the end, but the trouble spread as far away as the

capital of Galilee before troops came in and got things back

under control.


You'll hear this story a lot this time of year from the

centurions and tribune. It's a sobering bit of history and it's

meant to keep us on our toes. But they aren't just trying to

scare us, Boy. Some of those "zealots" still linger around, and

they wouldn't mind having a second chance at overthrowing Roman

rule here in Jerusalem. That's why we have to be alert. We never

know where trouble might come from. It might look like nothing

in the beginning, but left unchecked, it could get ugly very


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Just this week, some guy on a donkey came riding through the

streets and they all laid down palm branches and proclaimed him

"king." They say that among his followers is a man named Simon

who claims to be a Zealot, descended from one of Judas's

followers. I guess we should have taken this whole donkey ride a

bit more seriously, but honestly, it's hard to get too worked up

about this Jesus. You should have seen him! Too poor I guess to

get a real horse, he comes strolling into Jerusalem on a donkey



I don't know what kind of conquering hero they thought he would



Yeah, like a guy on a donkey is going to be swift enough to

start something against all of us!


Well, as long as he stays "just one guy on a donkey," we're

pretty safe, but that "one guy" had started to draw a crowd,

don't forget. That's why we all want to stay pretty sharp this



Actually, Aristarchus, the threat is more than just mobs and

large groups of angry or cheering people. The power of their

religion is very strong.

(To the OTHERS.)

Why do you think they lock up the priests robes and only allow

them to be pulled out and used for special feasts like this one?

They don't want the people to forget that "Jehovah" isn't in

charge anymore. Caesar is.


(Adding the following for good measure.)

But when those robes come out, these religious guys start to

think they're powerful again. Let's not forget that when they

all get together for these feast days, there are more than

18,000 of them to 600 of us. So everybody stay sharp!


By the way, Epentus, I forgot to tell you what happened this

morning. Some of their religious fatcats brought that donkey guy

over here to see Pilate.

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You mean Jesus? The would-be king from Nazareth?


The same. They had him all bound up and wanted Pilate to "do

something" with him.


(To EUBULUS, explaining.)

Pilate is the procurator here.


The Jews arrested that guy, Jesus, in the middle of the night

with their Temple guards and they want Pilate to execute him for

"blasphemy." They say he claims to be the Son of God. Can you

buy that? Turned in by his own people.



Like we said, you can't ever figure these guys out. But these

religious leaders aren't really that much to be afraid of. Rome

has them under the thumb. Their high priest used to be elected,

but now he has to be appointed by Rome. Caiaphas, he's the guy

in charge now, has more political ambitions than we've seen in a

while. He probably came up with this whole "blasphemer" plan to

make sure that nothing like what happened this past Sunday ever

happens again. He isn't about to risk his political standing on

the promise of some "king" on a donkey.



So what did Pilate say? About this guy Jesus?


(Returning to his bunk.)

Ah, Pilate sent them over to Herod. Since this "messiah" is from

Galilee, and that's "Herod's domain," Pilate said our old buddy,

Herod, could deal with him.



Herod's another book. His family has some connections in Rome

and so Rome gave his father the "title" of king. His daddy

wasn't too bad. He built this garrison and the Temple and lots

of other things here in Jerusalem. A bit of a paranoid, however.

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EPENTUS (cont.)

He killed off most of his family because he thought they were

trying to take his throne. Why anyone would want it, I don't

know, but that's just how the guy was. When the first Herod

died, however, Rome divided up this part of the Empire to give

portions to his three sons, but they aren't really anything like

the old Herod. As a matter of fact, one of them has already been

deposed. Of the remaining two, I don't know which is worse.

Herod and Philip don't really do much, but they know more about

the "rules" here than we do, so sometimes they come in handy.


Maybe Herod will find out this guy, Jesus, is a king after all.


(Looking out his window.)

Hey, Julius. It looks like those chief priests are back. I can

see a crowd gathering out there. It looks like there might be


From a distance the cries,

"Crucify him. Crucify him," are



There goes our nice, relaxing "holy" day. I thought these people

weren't even supposed to be out until after Saturday.


Who can keep track of which rules go with which festivals?

(Picking up a sword.)

The only thing we can ever count on with these folks is that

they probably will never do the same thing twice.

(To the other men.)

Come on. We'd better get out there.


But I just got off duty.



Well, now you're back on!!

RUFUS responds quickly. All of the

men leave except EPENTUS and


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I probably should go with them.


(Starting to rise.)

Should I come too?


No. You stay here and relax. If the Centurion said that you

won't be assigned until tomorrow, you've got your orders to stay

put. Hopefully, this won't take long. After all, how much

trouble could a "king" on a donkey be?


EUBULUS goes to URBANUS' window

and looks out. The cries are

louder now. Then suddenly, there

is silence. From a distance, the

sound of PILATE's voice is heard.

PILATE's voice

All right then. You want your bloody murderer, Barabbas? You've

got him. But what shall I do with Jesus?


Crucify him.


I've had him flogged. Isn't that enough?


Crucify him.

There is a long pause. EUBULUS

strains to see what is going on.


Boy, they weren't kidding. This place is something else!

PILATE'S voice

I have decided! You may have Barabbas and Jesus will be

crucified, but I wash my hands of his blood.


Let his blood be on us and our children.

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(Continuing to watch the crowd.)

Well, Eubulus. Welcome to your first assignment. Perhaps this

isn't going to be so boring after all.


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Scene 2

The scene is in the Fortress a few

moments later. EUBULUS is resting

on his bunk. RUFUS enters.


What a fickle crowd? Did you hear them?

(EUBULUS nods. RUFUS begins removing his helmet and armor.)

It probably doesn't mean much to you, but I swear, just a few

days ago, they were hailing this guy as "king.” Now they would

rather have a murderer released than see him go free. I mean,

who cares one way or another which Jew dies if it keeps these

people from going looney toons, but I tell you one thing, I

wouldn't want to be one of them. Some of our guys have married

Jewish women. I think they're crazy.


What did Pilate mean when he announced that he washed his hands

of this guy's blood? Even if the guy is innocent, what does

Pilate care?


Rumor has it that Pilate's wife had some horrible dream about

this guy, Jesus. She told Pilate to set him free or there would

be bad trouble for them.


So maybe this guy does have some strong magic going for him, eh?


(Laying on his bunk.)

I'll say. You should hear the stories they tell. They say he's

healed people of leprosy and made the crippled walk again. One

guy from here in Jerusalem was blind. I saw him begging around

the gates from time to time, but now they say he can see. I

haven't seen him begging anymore, so I can't be sure, but it

makes even a guy like me think a little bit.


Where have they taken him now? This "king," I mean.


You probably came in through the Genneth Gate on your way here.

That's where they crucify people.

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Near that hill that looks like the ...?


A skull? Yeah, that's right. Kind of creepy, isn't it? Really

gets those people back in line, I'll tell you, when they walk by

there and see those guys hanging up on those crosses, and that

skull-like hill underneath. Jupiter himself must have thought

that one up. Two roads meet out there, too, so it gets a lot of



Didn't you have to go out there, to help with the crowd?


I had to help walk him and a couple of thieves through the

streets, if that's what you mean. Once we got them to Calvary,

that's what we call that hill, Epentus said I could come back

and rest. We're all pretty worn out from this week. With so many

of them and so few of us, we all have to pull more than our

share of double duty and long hours.

(Pause. RUFUS is fuming about something.)

That's why I can't understand the Centurion giving .... Oh,

nevermind. I suppose it's none of my business anyway.


What were you going to say?


Nothing. It's just that one of our guys was given a week off.

This week! It was a reward for outstanding service. I shouldn't

complain, because I don't want you to get the wrong idea. Gaius

is an all right guy. Better than all right! I just don't

understand why the reward couldn't have waited until some other

week. We're so undermanned right now. Another good reason for

getting this Jesus stuff nipped in the bud and in a hurry. Did

you see how unruly they were getting with their cries to crucify



Yeah. They were pretty upset all right.

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Upset? Let me tell you, these people always seem to be grumbling

about one thing or another, but the one thing they all seem to

be wishing for is "messiah,” some promised king who will come

and set up a peaceful kingdom of abundance. And when he comes,

they think they'll not have to worry about being conquered by

Romans, Greeks or anybody else, EVER!! The Pharisees, the guys

who make the rules, the Sadducees, who never get along with

Pharisees, and all of the priests and people from aristrocrat to

beggar, pray for one thing in common, the coming of the

'savior.' That's why we're always on the lookout for "would-be"

messiahs, because we figure if they can all ever agree on

someone as being "king," we'll have real trouble.

So on Sunday, in rides Jesus and the people begin to call him

king. Next thing we see are the chief priests, Pharisees and

Sadducees, who never see eye to eye on anything getting their

heads together. And us outnumbered this week 40 to 1! Let me

tell you, even I began to worry and I don't worry about


But then this morning, they show up on Pilate's doorstep and

want this Jesus crucified for crimes against their God. It's

weird. Like everything was headed for one kind of trouble, and

then suddenly turned and became another kind. I can't tell you

how relieved I was when Pilate agreed to send the guy to the

cross. I don't always agree with Pilate, but he sure did the

right thing this morning. I can't imagine what kind of riot

there would have been if they hadn’t gotten their way. The

minute he agreed, the whole manner of the crowd began to change.

And boy did it ever change! All that crying for us to crucify

him, and then these women, mourners they call them, go along

behind this Jesus as we march down the street, crying their eyes

out, like they're really sorry to see him go. He sure told them,

though. This guy Jesus looks at them and says, "Women of

Jerusalem, don't weep for me. Cry for yourselves and your

children." I didn't get everything he was saying, but I figured

they all had it coming, after turning on him like that. Not that

I care one way or another. As long as I get my afternoon off, or

at least part of it, I wouldn’t care what he told them … but it

sure was funny to see their faces when he gave it to them pretty

good. (Chuckles.)

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Why do you suppose these people turned so quickly on their

‘would-be’ king?


Who knows? You'll get used to it after you've been here a while.

I guess we've all come to expect the unexpected from these

people. Like those priests. They aren't supposed to touch dead

things. It makes them unclean. They wouldn't even come into the

Fortress to talk to Pilate about this guy because it's their

holy day and coming inside would make them unclean, but they

were sure gathered out there near his cross. Couldn't wait to

make fun of him and see him die.

(Crossing to EUBULUS.)

But I'm sure the Pharisees managed to find some loophole in the

laws that allowed all of this to take place without anybody

having to make an extra sacrifice to God. And of course, that

suits Urbanus just fine. To be honest, I don't think it's the

smell from the Temple that gets him. He just hates the thought

of all of those animals being slaughtered.


But he's a soldier. Surely he's not ... squeamish?!


About animals, I think he is. He sees the little lambs going in

there, and something happens inside of him. I don't know what,

but something.


Are they cruel to the animals?


Not that we can tell. All the sacrifice stuff goes on in a part

of the Temple that we're not allowed in.


Not allowed ...?


Yeah, there's this big sign that says that if we go beyond a

certain point, we'll be responsible for our own deaths. Our

Jewish informants tell us that there isn't anything to worry

about. They say the sign has to do with us being like pigs to

the Jews, "dirty" and all and because their God is so clean,

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(RUFUS continued)

we would die from His hands, not theirs, if we tried to cross

the threshold. Like we said, Rome has a pretty good hold on some

of their highest religious officials, so it's pretty safe to say

that there isn't any reason to be concerned about what really

goes on in there.


Seems like I have a lot to learn about this culture.


Don't worry. No one can learn it all, and just when you think

you've got it licked, they come up with something new. Like this

Jesus. He seemed to like to rewrite the rules. Personally, I

think that's why some of the fatcats of this Jewish religion

don't like him. He was always getting into their faces about

their rules and stuff like that. (Pause.) Kind of a shame to see

him die, actually. Somebody like that really could shake things

up, I guess.


(Looking outside.)

Say, is it getting dark in here?!




Both men try to catch their



Was that an earthquake?


Sure felt like it.

Sound of thunder and rain.


(Looking outside.)

Does it storm like this often?



Not that I can ever remember.

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A storm like this, I think you'd remember!


(Crossing to his bunk and lying down.)

Say, I was gonna invite you to take a walk around Jerusalem, you

know, kind of help you get your bearings, but if you don't mind,

I think we'll wait out this storm.


Okay by me.

Commotion is heard outside of

URBANUS window. Both men rush to

see what is going on.


Is that part of their ceremony?


I don't think so. They seem to be really upset about something.


Sounds like they're screaming something about a veil.


That's what they call that curtain that hangs between them and

where their God lives.


Well, they sure are upset. Why are they tearing their clothes?


I don't know. They sometimes do that when they’re really

distressed. I don't remember this being part of their Passover

celebration, though.

URBANUS enters. He is obviously

shaken. He is carrying a rolled up



Hey, Urbanus, what's all the ruckous outside?

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Someone tore that big curtain thing in their Temple.


You've got to be kidding me? Who could ...?


Beats me.

(Tosses a piece of cloth at RUFUS.)

By the way, there's your part of the robe. I rolled a 7 for you,

so you got the best part.


(Picking up the cloth.)


(Noticing URBANUS roll.)

Say, what'd you get?


(Without enthusiasm.)

His tunic. We decided not to cut it since it was seamless.


Good prize. Ought to bring a pretty penny.


Yeah, I guess.

(Lays down on his bunk.)


You don't seem too enthused about winning.


I guess I'm not.


Why not? That was the best part of the pickings. Those thieves

didn't have anything worth having, and the rest of us only got

bits of his robe. You could probably sell that for some major

coin. Hey, I bet you could get those priests into a bidding war

and maybe even get a bit of silver for it. I heard one of them

talking about how much they'd paid one of Jesus' followers to

show them where to find Jesus so they could capture him. I think

they said 30 pieces of silver??

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Naw. I'm not gonna sell it. (Pause.) I don't know what I'll do

with it.

(Touching it.)

Maybe I'll burn it.


Burn it! Are you crazy!?


(Rising, distressed.)

You didn't see it, Rufus. When we put those nails in his wrists

and feet, you didn't see his eyes! He looked right through me,

and not with the hate I expected. I don't know what to call it,

but I suppose if I were going to call it anything, I'd call it

... love.


Love? You're crazy.


That's what I'm saying. It was crazy! He should have been

spitting and clawing at me, like some of them do, or calling me

names or screaming or something, but nothing. And that look.

Like those lambs they take to be sacrificed.

RUFUS shoots a knowing look

at EUBULUS who nods that he



He wouldn't take the gall for the pain. I tried to give it to

him, but he wouldn't .... They mocked him and even the thieves

got into the game, but he just said that he forgave them.


And then the way the sky went black and the earth shook ....


(Shaking URBANUS's shoulder.)

Come on, Guy. Pull it together. We can't even count how many

guys we've crucified out there. They all behave differently.

Some cry like babies and beg for mercy and some get rough and

pretend like they can stand anything. This is just a different

way for someone to act.

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And what about the sky and the ground?


It's just coincidence.


The Centurion didn't think so. I heard him say, "Surely this man

was the Son of God." He seemed pretty convinced just from the

way this Jesus died that there was something different about

him. Not a murmur, not a cry, just a prayer for all of us to be

forgiven. And then all the sky and the earthquake and all. And

who do you suppose ripped that curtain at their Temple? It's

sacred even to the Zealots. No one's gonna touch it.


It's just coincidence. A whole bunch of unexplainable

coincidences. But I'm sure there's a plausible explanation for

all of it. After all, if he were really great, I think he

wouldn't have had to die.


I don't know. Julius Caesar was great, and he died at the hands

of his best friend.

The CENTURION enters. The men come

to attention, although URBANUS is

still shaken.


Men, I'm afraid I have to infringe on your private time once


(With disgust.)

Those priests have coerced Pilate into assigning a detail to

watch over the grave of this man, Jesus. It sounds like a fool's

errand, and I wish I didn't have to ask you to go, but Pilate is

determined to end this thing before it gets any bigger. Those

priests claim someone will try to steal the body to make it look

like this Jesus rose from the dead. Judging from what I saw, all

of the people who followed Jesus have turned tail and run. I

doubt that any of them have the gumption to pull such a stunt,

but Pilate says .... Anyway, I need two volunteers.

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(Looking to URBANUS, concerned for him.)

I'll go, Sir.


And I!


Thank you, Men. I promise I will make this up to you just as

soon as I can.


RUFUS and EUBULUS gather their

armor and helmets, all the while,

RUFUS watches URBANUS, who has

returned to his bunk, quiet and



See, Urbanus. Even the Centurion seems back to normal. This was

no king or god, just a man.


So why is Rome still afraid of him? And the Jews? They are being

more than just prudent, asking us to keep watch over a dead man.


His followers are still out there. Some precaution has to be

taken to make sure no more trouble comes of this would-be



I understand, I think. What if one of Jesus' friends tries to

rise up and unite the people? (Referring back to Julius Caesar.)

Like Marc Anthony when he gave Julius Caesar’s eulogy.



I certainly hope there’s no one like that out there, Eubulus.

Such a man would be a great threat to Rome. Let's hope sleeping

dogs lie. And let's not make this Jesus more important than he

is. Once you've been here a while, you'll realize that would-be

messiahs rise and fall around here on a daily basis.

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RUFUS (cont.)

He was just one in a long line of failures.


So if he is no force to be reckoned with, why are we keeping

watch over his dead body?


Beats me, Kid. But if Rome wants to pay me to watch over a dead

guy, I'm their man. Yep. I'm sure their man.

(To URBANUS, genuinely concerned.)

We're going now, Urbanus. You try not to think about all this

too much.


Yes. I'm sure it will all be fine after you get some rest.

(As he heads out the door.)

And say, you can use my bunk if you want to. I won't be needing

it tonight.

URBANUS doesn't answer. He lies

still as the other two exeunt and


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Scene 3

At the Fortress. It’s the next

evening. EUBULUS is resting on his

bunk. RUFUS is asleep on his bunk.

CENTURION enters, rousing the men.


All right, Men. Time to rise and shine. You'll need to get

dressed so that you can get to your posts and relieve URBANUS


GAIUS enters. He is a tall, burly

man with a pleasant smile.


Gaius! What are you doing back? Your week's vacation is barely

half over.


I know. But I heard there had been some trouble yesterday, so I

thought I should come back early.


We could use the help. Rufus, you can finally have the time off

that you gave up yesterday. Gaius, this young man is Eubulus

Aristarchus. He's new to the post. You two will be watching the

Nazarene this evening.


Where is the prisoner?


Well, he isn't a prisoner exactly.


They crucified that man, Jesus, yesterday.


(Noticably concerned.)

Jesus! But ...?

(He regains control of himself.)

What does that have to do with our assignment?

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The heads of the Sanhedrin, Caiaphas and the rest, say that they

suspect there will be some trouble at his tomb. Pilate wants

this whole matter put to rest quickly, so he agreed to set

guards there until tomorrow sometime.


Don't worry, Gaius. It's a piece of cake assignment. You and the

boy will barely know you're on duty. I was there with Eubulus

last night and we didn't see a soul.


But don't you men get lax! At sundown, Sabbath was over and the

deadline for this ... miracle of resurrection is drawing near.

His followers will be more desperate. You stay alert.


You can count on us, Sir.



That's a good man!

(Grasps GAIUS' forearm and clasps it against his own.)

Thanks again, Gaius. Your dedication to duty is commendable.




So what did you do with your time off?


(Laying his bedroll on his bunk and getting into his armor.)

Not much. I hung out around here until just a couple of days



Here?! What on earth did you find to do in Jerusalem?

Especially during Passover?



Just wandered around ... listening.

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(Laying back on his bunk.)

Well that couldn't have been very interesting.


You'd be surprised!


You ready to go, Son?


Yes Sir. Whenever you are.


Then let's go.


Good luck, Men. Although, I'm sure you won't need it.

(Snickers and heads back to sleep.)

GAIUS and EUBULUS exeunt as the


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Scene 4

The scene is the Garden. JULIUS

and URBANUS are reclining. GAIUS

and EUBULUS enter and both JULIUS

and URBANUS rise quickly,



Who goes there?


It's your relief, Commander, Gaius and Eubulus.


At last! Gaius, what are you doing back so soon? You have three

more days in your leave.

(Greets GAIUS with a heartfelt clasp of arms.)


Bet he got bored. What is there to do in Jerusalem, even in all

of Judea?


I heard you had some excitement here a couple of days ago.


Let's not talk about that again.


You have to be patient with Urbanus. He still hasn't recovered

from his little ... episode.




Yes, the events on Friday rather shook up our friend here. He

still hasn't quite recovered.


I have recovered. I just don't want any more teasing about it

that's all.

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(Whispering, with a laughing smile.)

I'll tell you about it later.


Come on, Weak-in-the-Knees. I'll help walk you home.

(Helps URBANUS rise.)


That's exactly what I'm talking about. Those kinds of remarks

are wearing pretty thin ....

The men exeunt with URBANUS

quarreling as they go.



Do you know what they're talking about?


Oh, when the earthquake came and all the commotion about that

curtain at their temple, Urbanus got kind of shaken up. He was

working the crosses yesterday. He swears that the heavens

clouded up and the rain fell and the earth shook in response to

the man, Jesus', death.


(Genuinely intrigued.)

Really? Urbanus said that?


Yeah. He was so shaken that Rufus gave up his afternoon off to

come and stand guard with me so that Urbanus could collect



Urbanus must have been really shaken up if Rufus gave up his

free time. Tell me about this storm. Was it really awful?


Well, the sky got awfully dark and the earth shook for some

time. The rain and lightning were terrible. I asked Rufus if

they got storms like that here often and he said never that he

could remember.

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No. I don't recall any storms like that, but then, I haven't

been here as long as the others. This is my second year in

Jerusalem. I was in Capernaum before that, and there were some

bad storms on the Sea of Galilee from time to time, but nothing

like what you're describing.

(GAIUS rubs his chin, thinking.)


Should I take my post by the entrance to the tomb, Sir?


(Remembering that EUBULUS is also there and new.)

No. I imagine if Jesus wants to rise out of that tomb, anything

we do to try and stop him, won't make any difference.


He? The man they ... we crucified ... is supposed to rise up on

his own? But I thought we were here to keep his followers from

taking the body?


That's right. That's exactly why we're here. But when Jesus was

teaching, he predicted that he would rise again, after his

death, on the third day, which by Jewish time could be any time

after sundown tonight.


(Trying not to be rattled, but rattled just the same.)

Ah, you're just trying to play a trick on the new guy, ...

aren't ya?


No. That's what Jesus said. And the Sanhedrin think that in

order to make his prophecy come true, Jesus' followers will try

to come and take his body, to make it look like he rose. But we

can't let that happen, Eubulus. If this prophet is going to

rise, we have to give him every opportunity to do it on his own.


Now you are having some fun with me, aren't you? You don't

really expect this guy to be resurrected? After all, not even

the gods can rise again once one of them has been killed. And I

know this guy, Jesus, thought he was the son of a god, but no

one can rise from the dead. Not even a god!

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Do you know the legend of the Egyptian sun god, the Phoenix?

They claim that after living for 500 years, it dies and rises

again from the ashes of its own funeral pyre. Perhaps this man

knows something of the Egyptian magic.


Okay, now you are playing with me. I'm not that superstitious.

I'm not even sure I believe in our own Roman gods, let alone a

weird cross between a Jewish religion and an Egyptian Phoenix.


I'm not trying to make you think anything, Eubulus. After all,

I'm not sure what I believe myself.


But I must admit, it seems like more than coincidence that I am

allowed to be here, keeping watch over his tomb, when of all the

things that I have heard Jesus say, that one prediction was the

most intriguing to me.


You heard Jesus speak?


Yes. On several occasions. First, when I was stationed in

Capernaum, and then later here, in Jerusalem. I have even met

with some of his followers and talked to them about what all of

Jesus' stories mean. Some things I already understand. He told

the story of a Samaritan man who came to the aid of a fallen

Jew. You're new here, so you don't know about Samaritans. They

are half-breed Jews, sons and daughters of Jews who married



Rufus told me that it is forbidden by their religion to mingle

with people who aren't Jews.


Yes, it is. But this man, Jesus, told the Jews that it was

important to be a "neighbor" to anyone, especially those in

need. I remember that story because it made me think that this

Jesus might not hate all of us Romans like the rest of the Jews


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But how did you first get interested in him? After all, he was

just a Jew who was talking to other Jews about things involving

their religion, ... wasn't he?


No. It was more than that. ... I first got interested in Jesus

when my commander, the Centurion at Capernaum, had me follow

Jesus to investigate his activities. Jesus drew great crowds in

Capernaum and the surrounding areas. Such activity needed to

have a close eye kept on it. You've probably already heard about

how grossly undermanned we are here.

(EUBULUS nods.)

When these people begin to get into groups of several hundred,

Rome takes notice. Sometimes there were crowds of 4 and 5,000

men, plus women and children, sitting on the hillsides,

listening to Jesus speak.


Were you afraid? That something was going to happen, I mean? An




No. I don't guess I ever was. Jesus was always so ... peaceful,

I guess is the best way to describe it. He taught people that

they should love everyone and do what was right and good. He

never really spoke against Rome. He seemed to be more concerned

with their religious leaders who were using the people for their

own gain. And when one of them was ready to change, to stop

taking advantage of others, he was ready to accept them.

Matthew, one of his closest followers, had been a tax collector

for Rome. When Rome hires someone like this Matthew to collect

the taxes, it doesn’t really keep close tabs on him. As long as

Rome gets its share, what does Rome care if the tax collectors

apply a little interest for their own personal gain? Matthew was

such a man. He had cheated people right and left, but when Jesus

said, "Come; follow me," Matthew gave up his tax collecting and

went after Jesus, and Jesus never held his former life against

him. There were other guys like Matthew, and some women. That

was an odd thing – women among the group, and some of whom had

been prostitutes.


Rufus says they punish prostitutes by stoning them to death.

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That's right. And Jesus didn't support prostitution any more

than any other good Jew does, but he didn't avoid such women,

like other "good" Jews. As a matter of fact, he didn't avoid

women at all, and most Jewish men will not speak to a woman in



Don't tell me. I bet it's forbidden.


For a newcomer, I see that you are already getting a feel for

how things are here. So maybe you are beginning to understand

how unique it was for Jesus to reach out to these women and let

them see that they didn't have to sell their bodies to make a

living. He let them see that they were involved in a dead-end

kind of lifestyle and he offered them something better. And many

of them followed him.


So what did Jesus offer that was so much better?


I guess I'm still trying to figure that out, Son. He wandered

here and there and everywhere, never staying in any one place

too long. But after he left a place, it sure wasn't the same.

And the people who followed him weren't the same either.


Did he have some kind of magic, to mystify the people, like they



I don't think it was magic. I think it was something a lot more

simple. I'd call it ... well, ... love.


That's what Urbanus said about him. Urbanus was the one who had

to hammer in the nails, and that's part of why he got so shaken

up. He said that Jesus didn't behave like other men, that he

looked at Urbanus with eyes of love, even as Urbanus hammered

the nails into his wrists. And Urbanus said that Jesus asked

their God to forgive the people for mocking him and even for

crucifying him.

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Yes. That's sounds like Jesus. He always seemed even-tempered, I

guess I’d call it.


Well, Rufus said that he used a whip on some guys at their

Temple this week. They were cheating the people who came to make

sacrifices and I guess Jesus didn't like it one little bit.


I was there. I saw it! Abuse of power. Jesus detested it!


I guess he got quite violent. He overturned tables and grabbed a

whip and started beating the moneychangers. Sounded like it was

almost a riot.


(Nodding to the tomb.)

So maybe that's why he's here, after all. He finally showed his

hand and they didn't like the color of it. But I guess they

shouldn't have been surprised. After all, if he was sent from

their God, eventually he was going to have to exercise some

authority and begin to put things in line with the rules their

God instituted.


They really view their God as some sort of tyrant, don't they?

I mean, He has all these rules and if they don't obey them, he

gets angry ....


But that's the thing about Jesus. Jesus, who some of them

thought was the Son of their God, wasn't an angry guy. Well,

except with these men who were taking advantage of the poor.

Most of the time, Jesus laughed and smiled and ... hugged people

a lot. And he healed their illnesses. Even ours!



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One day one of my commander's house servants got very ill. This

servant had been very loyal to the Centurion over the years, and

my commander didn't want to lose him. The Centurion asked some

of the religious leaders in Capernaum to go to Jesus and ask

Jesus to heal the servant.


Why would these leaders help a Roman if we're so hated?


The Centurion is a good man. He built a synagogue in Capernaum

and did many other favors for the people there. The Jewish

leaders recognized the Centurion's goodness and wanted to repay

his kindnesses.


So did Jesus come to heal the servant?


As Jesus approached the Centurion's home, I, along with some

other men, were sent out to meet Jesus. Because we are Romans,

there would have been trouble for Jesus to have entered my

commander's house, so he sent us out to Jesus. My commander said

he knew that Jesus had the kind of authority that all men of

leadership have, and if Jesus just commanded for the servant to

be healed, it would be done.


And was the servant healed?


Yes! Yes, he was! At the same moment that Jesus said that it

would be done, the servant got better!


No kidding!


I saw other amazing things, and the stories – well, they are

really amazing. They say, that out in Bethany, which is just

about 2 miles from here, a man had died, a man who was a close

friend of Jesus, and after 4 days in the tomb, Jesus came and

raised the friend up from the dead. The friend's name is

Lazarus. He lives in Bethany still!

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(There’s a beat as EUBULUS catches on.)

So we're going to have to watch this tomb for 4 days? Maybe



No. If Jesus is going to rise from the dead, it will happen

before tomorrow night.


How do we know that?


Because that’s what he promised. That on the third day he would

rise to life again.



So why aren’t they all out here, waiting to see if it’s true?

Why aren’t we keeping watch over a mob?


Death tends to blow the steam out of a good revolution, Boy.

Even one spear-headed by a guy who they say can raise the dead.


So we really are out here for nothing.


Or something.


There you go again. You can’t really believe …?


This time I was talking about making sure Rome can attest to

whatever does or doesn’t go on here. His followers want him

alive again. The religious leaders don’t. Herod sure isn't

looking for a new king to take his place. He’s probably very

glad we’re here guarding this tomb to make sure ‘nothing


(GAIUS pauses.)

And I suppose if Rome understood the implications, there'd be a

lot more than just the two of us standing guard.

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You said he could draw crowds of over 5,000 men. Do you think

those same people are off plotting …?


Well, I don’t want you to get lax in your duties, but honestly,

I came back to duty tonight because there just wasn’t much

happening in Jerusalem. His followers, as far as I can tell, are

cowering in various rooms around the city. One of Jesus’ main

guys, Simon … or Peter they sometimes call him now, is an

absolute wreck. There’s no power in him to pull together an

uprising. John, another main follower, was seen at the foot of

the cross with a bunch of women. No other men could be found and

John, evidently, wasn’t looking like he felt too powerful.

I don’t think this was what any of them saw in Jesus’ future.

They are looking for a messiah with breath in his body, and

that’s not Jesus anymore, and to be honest, Son, I don’t think

it will be. That’s just not the way of death, is it?

(EUBULUS smiles and nods.)

You want to take the first watch, and I'll scout the perimeter?


Sure, Gaius. Sure.

The LIGHTS FADE to express time

passing. When they come up to

about one quarter, the night has

waned and it’s just before dawn.

EUBULUS is trying hard not to fall

asleep. GAIUS is very watchful.

GAIUS shakes EUBULUS to alertness.


Hey, Eubulus. Best look alive. Our shift is almost over. Someone

will be here to relieve us soon, and we wouldn't want them to

catch us "nodding off."


Huh? Oh.


No, Sir. I sure wouldn't want anyone to think I was starting to

fall asleep there. We both know the penalty for that.

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Yes, a death sentence would certainly put a damper on your

budding new career.


(Changes the subject. Rises. Looks around.)

So nothing happened after all.


Naw. I guess it was kind of silly to think it would.


(From offstage.)

Hello. Gaius and Eubulus.


Over here, Epentus.

EPENTUS and RUFUS enter.


How did the night pass?


No trouble.


I didn't expect there would be. I think most of this Nazarene's

followers are too scared to come out of hiding.



Like I said, Kid. Pretty cushy first assignment for you.


Well, we'll take over now.

A rustling sound is heard



Halt. Who goes there?

Before anyone can answer the

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ground begins to shake.


What? What's this?


Another earthquake!


Gaius, look! The stone is moving.

An ANGEL appears and with the help

of the earthquake moves the stone

away from the entrance of the



What's that?


It's a god! Urbanus was right! They are angry that he was taken

from them.

The MEN fall on their faces in

fright at the sight of the ANGEL.


(Raising hands to try to quiet the group. The earthquake


Don't be afraid!

WOMEN enter from offstage. They

immediately bow and whisper.

"It's an angel."


I know that you are looking for Jesus. He isn't here. He is

risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.

ANGEL motions for those nearby to

enter the tomb. One woman rises

and looks into the tomb.

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It's true. Just his grave clothes are left. He has risen, just

as he said.


Go and tell his disciples that he is risen. Go quickly, for He

is already going ahead of you. You will see him there.

The WOMEN hurry away from the

Garden, excitedly reassuring one

another that Jesus has risen.

The ANGEL goes away, and at last,

the soldiers rise.


What should we do? What should we do?

(All the men look to EPENTUS.)


(Trying to remain calm.)

I guess ... I guess we should go tell the Centurion.


We'll go to the brig for sure!


Perhaps we should go directly to Pilate. He won't believe a

third-hand account, but if we all stood before him and told the

truth ....


Are you crazy? We can't do that! The brig is better than what

Pilate would do to us.


But we didn't do anything wrong!


Pilate won't care, and neither will the Centurion.

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Perhaps we should go to the Sanhedrin, first. After all, if I'm

going to die for this, I'd like to see their faces when we tell

them that Jesus did just exactly what he said he would do. I

think I could die happily then.


Way to go, Gaius. That's the ticket! Those priests won't want us

blabbing this all over Israel. They'll pay us good money to keep

this whole thing hush, hush. And they may even make it square

with Pilate, if we handle it just right.


(Looking at the stone in dismay.)

Should we put the stone back?


No. They'll want proof, so let's leave it for now.

RUFUS and EPENTUS head offstage.

EUBULUS starts to follow them.

GAIUS stands looking into the



Gaius, aren't you coming?


Not just yet.


But we all need to go together.


I'll catch up. I just want one last look.


What on earth for?



It's not every day you watch a phoenix rise from the ashes of



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Scene 5

The LIGHTS COME UP on the empty

barracks at the Fortress. RUFUS

and EPENTUS enter, looking around

to see if anyone is there.


The coast is clear. We're all alone.


(Draws a purse from his belt and empties the contents of

coins onto his bed.)

I have to admit Rufus. This was the best idea you've ever had.


(Calling to EUBULUS and GAIUS beyond the door.)

Come on, you guys. We don't have much time. They'll be coming

back from breakfast soon.



You go ahead, Epentus. We trust you.

EUBULUS enters wearily. He takes a

seat on EPENTUS' bed to watch him

count out the coin. RUFUS kneels

near the bed to watch the count.

GAIUS sits on his own bunk.


Hey, there's some real gold in here … and silver.


I think they just grabbed some handfuls of whatever had been put

in the money boxes for Sabbath.


It's going to be hard to know what's fair.


You can cut me out. I don't want any.

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(Rising and crossing to GAIUS.)

No way. Everyone takes his share. That way no one gets tempted

to share any other story with the Centurion.


(Rises and stands menacingly over RUFUS.)

You don't have to worry, Rufus. I don't plan to say a word to

the Centurion.


(Backing down somewhat.)

I don't think you should be telling any of those Jews what you

saw, either.


What difference does it make what we say? Those women saw the

... angel, I guess you call it. They're going to be telling

everyone, and soon the whole world will know the truth.


I'm not so sure about that. First of all, they're women.

Hysterical women at that, who have been grieving for three days.

Who'll believe them? Especially against the testimony of we men,

Roman soldiers all.


I doubt that even his followers will believe them. After all, it

looked to me like those women were coming to prepare the body to

spend eternity there. They didn't have any idea that they were

going to find a "risen messiah." They weren't even looking for

such a thing, which means that no one really expected for this

to happen, and therefore it isn't very likely they'll believe

that it did.


Rufus is right. The spirit is gone out of these people. They

aren't going to make any trouble.


I know I'm new here, but don't you think that seeing something

from the gods that claims that their leader has risen from the

dead might just get them going again?


Help me out here. You've heard him speak and seen how his

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EUBULUS (cont’d.)

followers react to his message. What do you think?


You've listened to this Jesus when he was alive?


It was my job. I was sent to spy on him and make sure there

wasn't any trouble.


And there isn't going to be any trouble if we all stick together

on this.



(Looking at the coins.)

I've divided it up. You all take a look and make sure it's fair.

RUFUS and EUBULUS look over the



Looks fine to me.


Part of me still thinks that I should get a bigger slice of the

pie since it was my idea, but overall, I'd say you were fair.

(Picking up GAIUS' portion.)

Here, Gaius. Take it.


(Looking out the window, towards the Temple.)

Divide it among the three of you.

(Turning to meet RUFUS's stern glare.)

Don't worry. You have nothing to fear from me. I just don't want

their silence money that's all.



Leave it be. You know how strict his code of ethics runs. He

probably thinks this is all just part of duty to Rome anyway.

Hand me the money and I'll divide it up.

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(Watching GAIUS carefully.)

None for me. I have enough.



Suit yourself, New Boy. Rufus and I won't refuse your


RUFUS and EPENTUS continue to divy

up the till. EUBULUS crosses to

GAIUS who has returned to his

pensive stare outside the window,

toward the Temple.


What is it, Gaius?


He did what he said.


Yes. I guess so.


I've never been very devout to any religion. I suppose you could

say that being a Roman soldier has been my religion from the

start. I follow all the rules and hold up the codes of a good

warrior and faithful soldier, but tales about gods and demons

have never held much interest to me. So I can't say I placed

much stock in the notion that this Jesus was the son of a god,

let alone the Jewish claim that there was only one true God.

But it's hard for me to ignore some things about him, things

that even a soldier could admire. Like how he looked after his

followers, the way a good commander takes care of his troops. I

never stopped being intrigued by his peaceful nature, and yet,

when he spoke there was the authority of a general. I was still

here last Sunday. I saw him ride into Jerusalem. Even though he

rode a donkey, I could feel the excitement and anticipation of

the crowd. He could have led them to revolt and nothing we would

have done could have stopped them. But he didn't!

He was no coward! And all he had to do was speak the words, and

my commander's servant was healed. People talked of him calming

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GAIUS (cont.)

a storm at sea, and you have testified that on the day he died,

the elements of the sky and land seemed to cry out against his

execution. And now some being, who was definitely not of this

world, tells us that he has triumphed over the one thing that

every good soldier fears most, death.

My duty to Rome tells me to let this go. The conquered man is

gone and his words must surely die with him,

(Facing EUBULUS.)

but I keep hearing them echo over and over again inside of me,

like a call, with more pull than Rome's draft into the military

ever held for me.


Epentus, tell the Centurion that I am taking the rest of my

leave days. I'll be back day after tomorrow.

GAIUS begins to collect his bed

roll. EPENTUS and RUFUS are

noticeably shaken by GAIUS'

announcement. EPENTUS rises and

crosses to GAIUS.


Gaius, you aren't going to do something "stupid", are you?

(EPENTUS' expression offers some threat, entreating GAIUS

to keep his mouth shut.)


(Genuinely, firmly and with authority.)

I said you have nothing to fear.

(Looks to RUFUS' fearful face.)

But there's something I have to do, and nothing you say will

sway me. Take your silence money and spend it in good health.

What do I care? But if you try and stop me from finding the

answers to my questions, I'll slice your neck while you sleep.

EPENTUS motions for GAIUS to exit,

which he does. EUBULUS stands

transfixed, not sure what to do


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Are you going with him?


(Pauses for a long, awkward moment, not sure what to do.)

No. No, I guess not.


Good. That may be the best career move you've ever made, Kid.

I'm glad to see that you understand good judgment. You may have

a future in Caesar's army after all. Now, c'mon. Let's put this

money away and get some breakfast. I don't know about the two of

you, but I'm famished.

RUFUS eagerly hides his money in a

purse under his bed. EUBULUS looks

at the coins with a forlorn

expression. He also looks at the

door as though he is still

considering which decision to make


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Scene 6

GAIUS returns to the Garden Tomb

as the LIGHTS COME UP. He looks

around to make sure no one is

there and then enters the tomb.

He pulls the grave clothes into

the light and begins to inspect

them. JOHN enters, watching the

bewildered GAIUS.


Amazing, isn't it?

GAIUS jumps, startled, and starts

to draw his sword, but then thinks

better of it.


It's all right. I have some idea of how you must feel. This is

my third trip today, and I still stand in awe.


(Recognizing JOHN.)

You're one of his followers. I remember seeing you.


And I remember seeing you. I am John. My brother and I have

followed Jesus almost from the beginning.

(Sitting down. He is not afraid of GAIUS, and almost seems

to be trying to put GAIUS at ease, who is still wary of

this stranger.)

You know, he told us this would happen. He said that he would

die and on the third day, he would be raised from the dead, but

we didn't believe him. We were too trapped by tradition and our

own desire for power, victory and freedom from you Romans.

(JOHN motions for GAIUS to sit, but GAIUS is still wary.)


You Jews cannot defeat Rome. You are too puny.



Yes, that's true. But God is not puny, and he has proven that

here today.

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I'm not so sure about that. Your Jesus said that he was the Son

of your God, isn't that true?


Yes. He is the Son.


Then why did your God allow us to execute him, especially when

he was innocent?


Because he was innocent! Are you familiar with our custom of





We must bring an animal without blemish, that is, without defect

or flaw. We must sacrifice that perfect lamb in order for our

sins, the things which we have done against God, to be forgiven.

Our God is perfect, and while we are not perfect, He desires a

relationship with us. This can’t happen when sin covers us like

leprosy. So something had to be done to get rid of the defects

and make it so that we could be near God and He could be near


That is why Jesus came. First of all, to remind us of how much

we are loved, and to remind us that in order to have that

closeness that we wanted ... I wanted from God, a better

sacrifice would have to be given than an animal. Jesus was the

ultimate sacrifice, the perfect lamb of God who has taken away

the sins of the world by going to the cross and shedding His

blood for us.


(Finally sitting near JOHN.)

But your God sounds so stern. He can't stand this and He won't

allow that. How could a God with so many rules "love" you, let

alone die for you?

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Most of those rules you see us following are self-imposed. God

gives us guidelines, commandments, to keep us from being hurt

and to help us to know how to behave so that we won't hurt


You're a soldier. Why does your commander throw down rules for

you to follow? Why do you go through strict training to learn to

be very obedient to the rules and the commands of your leader?


To make us powerful in battle. So that we move as one with

deadly force. So that we stay in peak condition for the battle.


And what if someone moves on his own authority?


He will put himself and his whole garrison in jeopardy.


So the rules and abiding by them protect you all.



Yes. I guess they do.


God loves us and He wants to protect us. He also wants to make

us strong, just as a parent tries to grow his children to be

strong and capable. Whenever the Children of Israel were

obedient to God's commands, we were invincible. God made us

strong and His protection was over us, much as the protection of

Rome covers you even though you serve in a foreign land.


I see. Sometimes parents seem stern to outsiders, but the

children understand that it is love and concern that makes a

parent keep his children within the rules of protection.


Exactly. We, as a people, had forgotten about God's love. Jesus

reminded us. But He came to do much more than just remind us.

He came to be the last lamb of sacrifice that we would ever

need. You were right to admit that he was innocent. Surely He

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JOHN (cont’d)

did not deserve to die, but He had to,

(Nodding to the grave clothes still in GAIUS' hands.)

and as you can see ..., He also had to rise again from the dead.


But how? How can someone who is dead live again?


Even Romans believe in a life after this one.


Yes, but ... I'm not sure that ... I believe in such fairy



It isn't a fairy tale, Sir ....


(Interrupting to introduce himself.)

I am Gaius.



Gaius. God has prepared a place for those who have been forgiven

of their sins. It’s called heaven. And for those who accept the

blood of Jesus, and allow Him to be their sacrifice for sin,

death offers them nothing to fear. That is why Jesus rose ... to

show us that death would no longer hold us down. We have a

different kind of victory than the one we expected. We can now

know victory over death, and the kingdom that Jesus came to set

up will last forever.

There is also a place for those who are not forgiven, for those

who still carry the weight of all they have done to hurt

themselves and others, but who, for whatever reason, refuse to

accept the gift of Jesus' blood. That place is called hell, and

it is not a place where anyone would want to go.


But surely, there is no forgiveness for me. I am a Roman. Your

God does not even acknowledge Himself to me.

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That's where you are wrong. Jesus came for everyone, Samaritan,

Jew and Gentile.


But I have killed so many men in battle and my hands are covered

with blood that I cannot wash away.


Jesus' blood can wash it away, Gaius. His power can do anything.


How can I know if all that you say is true?


(Pointing to the grave clothes.)

You hold the answer in your hands. There were Roman guards

placed on duty here to make sure that none of us stole his body.


Yes. I was one of those guards.


The women say that an angel rolled the stone away.


Yes. I saw something ... something that wasn't of this earth.


The women said that the angel told them that Jesus was risen.


Yes. Yes, I heard it too.


And we should expect to see him sometime today.


Yes. That is what the being said.


One of the women, Mary Magdalene, says that she has already seen

him. Here. This morning after you left. Jesus told Mary that He

would come to us. Why don't you come with me? We will wait

together with the others.

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Out of the bushes pops EUBULUS.


Can I come too?


Eubulus? How long have you been hiding there?


I followed you from the Fortress. I waited until Epentus and

Rufus had gone to breakfast, and then I snuck out after you. I

wanted to know what you were going to do. I wanted to ask you

what you were going to say, and also what you were going to


(To JOHN.)

I heard everything that you said, Sir. I was on duty with Gaius.

I saw the angel, too. The high priests of your religion have

paid us to lie and say that you stole the body of Jesus.


(To JOHN.)

They didn't pay me!


Gaius is right. He wouldn't accept their bribe.

(Lowering his head in shame.)

I took their money, but now I don't want to have it. I want to

know the truth of what really happened here today. I want to

know if a god can really do such things as you have described.


(Putting his hand on EUBULUS' shoulder.)

Not just any god, but ours certainly can.


When the women came to us, I ran here and saw the clothes and

the empty tomb, and I knew that Jesus had done what he said, but

Peter and the others, they aren't so sure. They think you took

his body.


I assure you we didn't.

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Oh, I know you didn't. And I had thought that by taking you

there to explain, it would help the others believe. I thought I

might convince them that one Roman soldier was genuinely

interested in knowing the truth of Jesus' resurrection, and

could make a testimony of his own about what happened here

today, but I know I won't convince them that two Roman soldiers

are only "interested in the truth." We are all still somewhat

afraid. Your presence would be considered a threat.

(Eying the men.)

And if the other soldiers are already spreading their lies,

there will be even less reason to trust you.


I am sorry to say that I must retract my invitation. At least

for the time being. But if you will stay here and wait for me, I

promise that I will come back for you, just as soon as I can

convince the others that you are to be trusted.

The MEN reluctantly agree. JOHN

exits and GAIUS and EUBULUS take

seats to begin their wait. THE

LIGHTS DIM to black to express the

passing of time and come back up



We have been here all day with nothing to eat except the fruit

from these trees.

(He plucks a fruit.)

I am tired and thirsty and hungry for some meat. Can't we go,

Gaius? You are on leave, but I will be called for another duty

soon. I need to get some rest. (Pause.) Besides, I think the Jew

was just trying to keep us from arresting him. He doesn’t intend

to come back for us.

(Takes a bite of the fruit.)

And why should he? We are, after all, the enemy.


You go on ahead, then. But I am going to wait. If there is any

chance that I can know the truth of this matter, I am going to

stay here.


Very well.


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EUBULUS (cont.)

But I think you've been tricked. I think that this whole thing

was just an elaborate charade to get this guy Jesus' body away

from here so that they could say that he rose again.

(Feeling the coin in his purse.)

I've changed my mind. I don't feel so guilty about accepting

this money after all.


Then go on.


(Starts to exit, but tries to entreat GAIUS one last time.)

Gaius, won't you please ...?


(Gently urging.)

Go on, if you must. But I was charged with keeping tabs on this

man, Jesus, and if for no other reason than duty, I must see it


EUBULUS exits and GAIUS picks up

the grave clothes. He begins

examining them.


(Voice over the Action as though we are hearing his


I don't know what I'm looking for. Actually, I don't know what

I'm waiting for. But there has to be something ... something

that can settle this thing for me. Part of me wants to believe.

I suppose because it offers too much hope to think about there

being someone who loves me and cares for me and who will make a

place for me after I leave this life. A soldier faces death on a

daily basis, but that doesn't make us fearless. We have our

moments when all courage is shaken and we realize how very

mortal we are. Even if a sword doesn't take my life, one day, I

will die. Nothing can change that. It would be nice to know that

there was more for me than just a stone cold grave.

(Looking at the grave.)

Jesus went to the grave, but now they say that he has conquered

it. Caesar has promised me less than this, and I am compelled to

offer my life on a daily basis because of the commitment I have

made to Rome.

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GAIUS (cont.)

(Holding up the grave clothes.)

I saw the angel and I'm holding the linens that wrapped his

lifeless body. What more proof do I need? This Mary says she's

seen him and John fully expects to meet him later this evening,

perhaps even now.

Rufus and Epentus don't care if this Jesus is real or not.

Their pockets are lined and they will be able to purchase the

comfort of prostitutes and strong drink to drown any questions

they might have. For them, this is enough, that today is taken

care of, and perhaps even part of tomorrow.

Eubulus wants to believe, but accepting such precepts as fact

might mean the end of his glorious career as a Roman soldier,

and that part of his life has just barely begun. He seems

satisfied that he can make excuses for all that he's seen and

get on with building a career and one day, perhaps even a


They say Urbanus is badly shaken by all that he has seen and

experienced, but I know Urbanus and time will allow him to make

his own excuses and let life get back to normal. The gnawing

thought will never leave his brain, but at least he won't have

to deal with it on a daily basis.

(Out loud.)

But what of Gaius? What of me?

(Voice over again.)

I am a lover of duty and a faithful servant of truth and what is

right and good. What am I to do with all that I have seen and

heard? Not just the events of today, but moreover, all those

parables and metaphors and examples of how society has made

attempts to order life for us, but in the end, ... there is only

that one brilliant moment of truth as we face the unknown of

what lies beyond the last breath we ever take on this earth.

I have been a soldier for more than 20 years. I have seen much

and experienced things which cannot be told. Yet, as I stand

here gazing at this empty tomb and wondering about these limp

rags, I have as little confidence as that child sent here on his

first assignment. There is no firm place to stand and I am

caught in a quandary that seems to hold no firm place to grasp.

Even if I saw Jesus, would that be enough to end this relentless

doubt? Haven't I been given enough keys to unlock the door to

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GAIUS (cont.)

truth? The truth of what deep down inside I know must be right?

(ALOUD. Talking to everything, as though trying to find the

direction to speak so that Jesus will hear.)

Jesus. I know what I must do, but I don't know if I have the

courage to master it. I know that you are alive, and I know that

all that I have seen and heard is real. I believe the words of

John and accept that if I am to have any hope of life beyond

this, I must follow you, no matter what the consequences. Help

me, Jesus. Help me to find the courage to do all that must

happen next. Even if it means my execution and death.


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Scene 7

The Fortress. JULIUS is watching

GAIUS pack. EUBULUS hangs back in

the shadows of the entrance.


I still think you're a fool, but I'm tired of trying to stop



Good. Because I don't think anything can stop me now.


I still wish I knew what it was about this place. We lose more

of our best men here.

JULIUS exits. EUBULUS enters.


So you're really going?


Yes. (Pause.) Are you sure you don't want to come with me?



Part of me wishes I had your courage .... Part of me can't quite

make that leap just yet.


May I write you and tell you what I learn?



Yes. I think I would like that.

(Offering his arm.)

Good luck, Gaius. I hope ... it is true. And I hope if it is,

that you can one day convince me also.


I shall hope the same thing.

(Starting to exit.)

You know, they say no one ever forgets his first assignment. I

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GAIUS (cont.)

suspect that never in the history of Rome has any soldier had

more of a reason to remember than you, Eubulus. I'm going to

pray that you never forget.


I doubt that it's possible for me ever to release the memory of

all the sights and sounds of these first few days in Jerusalem.

But in case it is, I will also hope against such an occurrence.

At least for the sake of remembering you, Gaius. You have taught

me a lot in this short time. Perhaps your lessons aren't

finished yet.


They're not my lessons any more, Eubulus. The teacher has

retired to become a student. I hope we can learn together. So

long, Friend.

(Extends his arm.)


(Taking GAIUS’ arm.)


(They shake and then GAIUS exits.)

'Til we meet again.