EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING April 10, 2014 Steinbrenner Metro Service Center 1307 North MacDill Avenue AGENDA 1. Welcome Members………….…………...………………..……..………………….....Marc Spencer 2. Consent Items (No discussion is planned unless requested) a. February 13, 2014 Meeting Minutes (Attachment 1) b. February , 2014 Financials c. 2013 Year End Financials 3. Board Development a. Board candidate - Nik Paleologos, Humana b. Foundation candidate Jack Amor, TECO Energy Foundation c. Advisory Council Summit 4. Reports a. Community Relations................…….……………………………….………...Ricky Gallon b. Annual Giving………………………………………………………………..Jennie Yingling Donors Reception Resource Development Strategy c. Development…….………………….……….……………….…….…….Cassandra Thomas Steak Dinner Sept 9th d. Yankees Luncheon………………………………………………………...Brenda Browning e. Pasco County/Grants................................…………………………..…….…….Chris Letsos 5. President’s Report……………………………….…..…….….………………….Brad Baumgardner a. Liberty Pavilion b. Riverview Match c. Strategy Development 6. Executive Session Llaneza update 7. Adjorn Notes: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

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AgendaFebruary MinutesDecember 13, 2013 FinancialsFebruary 2014 Financials

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Page 1: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information


April 10, 2014

Steinbrenner Metro Service Center

1307 North MacDill Avenue


1. Welcome Members………….…………...………………..……..………………….....Marc Spencer

2. Consent Items (No discussion is planned unless requested)

a. February 13, 2014 Meeting Minutes (Attachment 1)

b. February , 2014 Financials

c. 2013 Year End Financials

3. Board Development

a. Board candidate - Nik Paleologos, Humana

b. Foundation candidate – Jack Amor, TECO Energy Foundation

c. Advisory Council Summit

4. Reports

a. Community Relations................…….……………………………….………...Ricky Gallon

b. Annual Giving………………………………………………………………..Jennie Yingling

Donors Reception

Resource Development Strategy

c. Development…….………………….……….……………….…….…….Cassandra Thomas

Steak Dinner Sept 9th

d. Yankees Luncheon………………………………………………………...Brenda Browning

e. Pasco County/Grants................................…………………………..…….…….Chris Letsos

5. President’s Report……………………………….…..…….….………………….Brad Baumgardner

a. Liberty Pavilion

b. Riverview Match

c. Strategy Development

6. Executive Session

Llaneza update

7. Adjorn





Page 2: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information




February 13, 2014

Members Present: Karl Brandes, Joe Garcia, Luis Garcia, Vic Holcomb, Scott Jacobsen, Chris Roederer, Jerome Ryans,

Marc Spencer, Oscar Horton.

Others Present: Brad Baumgardner, Brenda Browning, Ricky Gallon, Chris Letsos, Debbie McCarthy, Cassandra

Thomas, Jennie Yingling and Club Director Debbie St. Surin.

Chairman Elect Marc Spencer called the meeting to order at 12:10 pm and welcomed everyone.

Consent Items: Minutes of the December 12, 2013 meeting were provided to the members for their review prior to the

meeting. A Motion to approve the Minutes was made by Scott Jacobsen, second by Oscar Horton.

Motion passed.

Riverview Boys & Girls Club Presentation:

Debbie St. Surin, Interim Club Director at Riverview, spoke about the Prodigy program, which targets

youth from 7 to 17 to keep out of the juvenile justice system. It is a multi agency program we share

with University Area Development Center. It is a visual and performing arts program that focuses on

cultural arts. Prodigy is funded by grants. We received $90K the first year and should receive $160K

this year. The youth served are under three categories. Prevention (our youth at BGC), Diversion

(come from referrals, 1st or 2

nd time offenders) and Intervention (youth that been through the DJJ

system, on probation and we help get on the right track). Our Brandon and Riverview clubs are

currently running this program, which is instructed by BGC staff that has to be proficient in one of the


Preliminary Financial Information:

Debbie McCarthy reported on the 2013 Year End Financials, 2013 Great Futures Breakfast and how

the net was split and informed the board of the new Foundation account. Copies were provided to the

board at that time. The Finance Committee has approved the overall results.

Debbie explained the breakdown of funds from the Great Futures Breakfast. The gross amount of the

event was $636K. After the restricted funds and expenses were deducted, our net was $197K. Pledges

will be added in when we receive them.

Debbie stated the 1st Motion, to share the Great Futures Breakfast funds, 50%, with the Foundation in

the amount of $197K. Vic made the Motion to approve, Second by Jerome. Motion passed.

The 2nd

Motion was made to approve the request we receive from the Foundation, the amount of

$175K was made by Scott, Second by Vic. Motion passed.

Brad stated that we will need to open a Foundation account, which will be discussed at a later time.

Page 3: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

Executive Committee Meeting

February 14, 2013

Page Two


Jennie Yingling reported that the GFB Thank You luncheon would be held on February 21st at the

Yankees Pavilion and the Donors Reception will be held on February 27th at Palma Ceia from 5:30 to

7:30 pm. This is a great opportunity thank those who support us.

Brenda Browning reported on the Yankees Luncheon. We have currently brought in $259K in ticket

sales. With the announcement of Jeter retiring, sales have increased.

Cassandra Thomas reported that the Steak Dinner will be on September 9th at the A la Carte. There is

an event guide at the back of the packets so members can decide on which events they would like to


Strengthening the Board:

Chris Roederer reported that we will hold an Advisory Board Summit on April 8th for our unit boards.

Brad stated this will be the first time we’ve brought the councils together and will share with them

where we plan to be in 5 years but also talk about roles and responsibilities and how we can support

them in the funding raising role. We are bringing in Chuck Loring, with Board Source who is well

known around the area for board building.

Chris reminded that the board members that 3-year term is about to expire, that we need to have their

background checks in before re-elections in March.

Youth Impact Strategy:

Chris Letsos reported that in Teen Services, in our 16-18 year olds, we had 200 kids, over 50%

attended 50% of the time. They want to get jobs. We will be holding a Youth Employment services

Academy at Mary Help, sponsored by Coca-Cola, Mr. Vinik, JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America.

We’ll bus in 50 of our best 16 to 17 year olds to get training. They will tour Coke and the Forum and

hope to hire 15/20 of our kids during the summer. Chris Roederer stated they could also tour Tampa

General. Our goal is to keep them involved and hire them as Director’s once they graduate college.

There will be a Teen Summit this summer at the Forum with 250/300 teenagers from various

organizations attending to learn about employment opportunities and how to prepare them. We would

like our board to attend to serve as mentors to the kids.

Jerome suggested we partner with THA because they run programs and teach kids how communicate

and see themselves to an employer.

Community Relations:

Ricky Gallon showed slides and spoke briefly on the following:

Youth of the Year candidates and selection panel. Gene Mosely, from our West Tampa, won

as 2014 YOY.

Busch Garden Leaders, our kids taking a look behind the scenes and working with animals.

This is every Saturday.

Longhorn Ribbon Cutting on Westshore. We will be receiving a donation.

Page 4: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

Executive Committee Meeting

February 14, 2013

Page Three

Victoria’s Good Table at West Tampa. Our kids are fed a hot cooked meal and sit family

style, served by Victoria’s volunteers and our staff.

West Tampa Culinary Program, where our kids tried root vegetables.

President’s Report:

Brad Baumgardner reminded everyone that the Annual Dinner is on March 27th at the Epicurean Hotel.

There will be a reception at 6:00 pm, dinner at 6:30 and over by 8:15 pm.

Riverview needs $200K to complete the gym. George Simmons gave $50K and asking for a

match to help with that.

Our May board meeting will be held at the Liberty Club. We will also hold the Ribbon

Cutting for the Gary Nix gym.

Chris Letsos spoke about our Feeding Program. We’ve hit road blocks with our kitchens. He met with

the District and we are hoping to use their sites as our satellite sites. We should have answer soon.

Feeding American has committed to driving the food out. We hope to expand the programs soon to

Van Buren Middle Schools year round.

The meeting was adjourned by Marc at 1:10 pm.

Brenda Browning, Recorder

_____________________________ ____________

Shelley Kolseth, Secretary Date

Page 5: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc. Memo

To: Executive Committee From: Deborah L. McCarthy, Chief Financial Officer Date: April 7, 2014 Subject: December 2013 Financial Statements - Unaudited

Please find attached the Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Activity for the Unrestricted Fund for the year ended December 31, 2013. The audit firm of Reeder and Associates is wrapping up field work this week for our annual audit and we should have the audited financials in time for the June meeting. You will notice that you have an additional Statement of Activity included in your financial statements that summarizes the total support received from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay Foundation, Inc. After consideration with the Finance Committee, they have decided that this presentation is more informative and allows for a better understanding of the effect of the support we receive from the BGCTB Foundation on our Statement of Activity. You will still see the total net support from BGCTB Foundation reported as an adjustment to NET SURPLUS (DEFICIT) on page 2 of our Statement of Activity – Unrestricted Fund. This is done in an effort to show the Board of Directors what the effect is on our bottom line with and without this support. The remarks below are made regarding gross operations including all sources of funding. We are ahead of budget by $404,000 due to a savings of $110,000 in Total Expenses combined with a surplus of $293,000 in Total Public Support and Revenue. See explanation of significant variances below: Contributions – Surplus of $271,000 This is almost all due to the Great Futures Breakfast which netted $242,000 to the Organization before costs. This event was not budgeted for 2013. Fees & Grants – Surplus of $110,000 While we have seen a decline in certain grants such as Day Care and OJP, we have been able to replace and increase our grant revenues with new sources during 2013 through the Florida Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs of Florida with our new DJJ Grants for our SMART program and GPTTO Program.

Page 6: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

Memo to Executive Committee Page 2 of 3 Program Service Revenue – Shortage of $47,000 We are seeing a decline in membership dues in 2013 due to a larger number of our membership qualifying for member scholarships due to their economic circumstances. Net Special Events – Shortage of $43,000 Steak Dinner saw a shortfall of $39,000 from budget of $175,000. Due to the proximity of Steak Dinner to Great Futures Breakfast, we have seen a decline in this event over the last two years. The Steak Dinner Committee has planned to move the event to September in 2014 to try to counter this trend. Personnel Costs – Savings of $41,000 Savings is due primarily to unexpected vacancies in staff positions. Professional Fees – Overage of $48,000 Overage is due primarily to an overage in legal fees of $32,000 due to ongoing legal representation in the matter of the Llaneza Trust plus other additional fees of approximately $13,000 for the YMCA, CPS Associates and Expense Reduction Analysts. Contract Services – Savings of $41,000 Savings is due to a savings of $50,000 for the lead teacher position for the 21st Century grant which was not filled this year Supplies – Savings of $56,000 Savings is due primarily to a savings of $45,000 in the costs of food and beverages which includes savings in the afterschool snack program due to a complete overhaul of the way this program is managed and implemented in the clubs beginning with centralized menu planning and ordering of snacks through one approved vendor. Other savings in other club supplies and office supplies are also due to efforts to centralize purchasing and establish a uniform process for all clubs. See comments under Training, Travel & Meetings. Occupancy – Savings of $24,000 Savings is due in large part to sale of Interbay club and savings in utilities, insurance and building repair & maintenance. Transportation – Savings of $40,000 Savings is due to primarily to savings in Repairs & Maintenance. Do to the nature of repairs, it can be difficult to predict the timing of these expenses. We look at our history to try to project our future expenses. Training, Travel & Meetings – Overage of $11,000 Costs of meals for Meetings and Conferences were recorded as Supply Costs in prior years and were budgeted there. In 2013, we made a change to track these costs as part of the costs of meetings. See corresponding savings in Supply Costs.

Page 7: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

Memo to Executive Committee Page 3 of 3 Program Services – Overage of $24,000 Overage is due primarily to overage in youth assistance costs which is seasonal and coincides with the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday seasons. This represents assistance to members at the clubs in the form of Christmas gifts and almost 100% of these costs are underwritten by donors. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments on the statements.

Page 8: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

Page 1Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc.4/8/2014 04:48:06 PM

Statement of Financial Position

With Comparative Totals to Last Year - Unaudited




Land & Building



















Current Assets

$1,272,461 $770,333 $783,455 $30,583 $2,856,833 $1,379,709 Cash & Cash Equivalents

$11,064 $402,292 $287,708 $662,684 $1,363,749 $2,066,527 Investments

$448,756 $0 $0 $0 $448,756 $259,449 Accounts Receivable

$77,455 $0 $36,911 $0 $114,366 $137,611 Pledges Receivable - Current, net of allowance

$688,131 $0 $0 $0 $688,131 $743,933 Due from BGCTB Foundation

$54,650 $0 $0 $0 $54,650 $75,991 Prepaid Expenses

$2,552,517 $1,172,625 $1,108,073 $693,268 $5,526,483 $4,663,220 Total Current Assets

Non Current Assets

$0 $7,285,238 $0 $0 $7,285,238 $7,798,435 Land, Property and Equipment

$60,000 $0 $0 $0 $60,000 $60,000 Prepaid Rent - Non Current

$0 $0 $144,087 $0 $144,087 $78,130 Pledges Receivable - Non-Current, net of allowance

$0 $0 $85,456 $0 $85,456 $80,994 Cash Value Life Insurance

$2,610 $0 $0 $0 $2,610 $3,170 Other Assets

$62,610 $7,285,238 $229,543 $0 $7,577,391 $8,020,729 Total Non Current Assets

$2,615,127 $8,457,863 $1,337,617 $693,268 $13,103,874 $12,683,949 TOTAL ASSETS



Current Liabilities

$231,518 $0 $0 $0 $231,518 $84,068 Accounts Payable

$217,118 $0 $0 $0 $217,118 $221,873 Accrued Expenses

$276,306 $0 $31,579 $0 $307,885 $48,345 Due to BGCTB Foundation

$432,807 $0 $0 $0 $432,807 $375,185 Deferred Revenue

$1,157,749 $0 $31,579 $0 $1,189,328 $729,470 Total Current Liabilities

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Page 2Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc.4/8/2014 4:48:06PM

Statement of Financial Position

With Comparative Totals to Last Year - Unaudited




Land & Building


















Other Liabilities

$0 $204,000 $0 $0 $204,000 $252,000 Deferred Lease Revenue

$0 $204,000 $0 $0 $204,000 $252,000 Total Other Liabilities

$1,157,749 $204,000 $31,579 $0 $1,393,328 $981,470 Total Liabilities

Net Assets

$1,296,016 ($161,062) ($300) $0 $1,134,654 $1,051,902 Unrestricted - from Operations

$161,062 $8,414,925 $0 $0 $8,575,986 $8,713,304 Unrestricted - Property and Equipment

$300 $0 $1,306,338 $0 $1,306,638 $1,272,475 Temporarily Restricted

$0 $0 $0 $693,268 $693,268 $664,798 Permanently Restricted

$1,457,378 $8,253,863 $1,306,038 $693,268 $11,710,546 $11,702,479 Total

$1,457,378 $8,253,863 $1,306,038 $693,268 $11,710,546 $11,702,479 Total Net Assets

$2,615,127 $8,457,863 $1,337,617 $693,268 $13,103,874 $12,683,949 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS

Page 10: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc.

Statement of Activity - Unrestricted Fund

With Comparison to Budget & Last Year Actual - Unaudited

Actual Budget Actual

1/1/2013 1/1/2013 Variance Total 2013 1/1/2012 Variance

To To Favorable Variance Annual To Favorable Variance

12/31/2013 12/31/2013 (Unfavorable) % Budget 12/31/2012 (Unfavorable) %

Public Support and Revenue

Public Support

United Way & Combined Campaigns 842,758 860,000 (17,242) (2.0%) 860,000 852,754 (9,996) (1.2%)

Contributions 1,545,821 1,275,000 270,821 21.2% 1,275,000 1,411,764 134,057 9.5%

Funds Released from Restriction 146,142 130,000 16,142 12.4% 130,000 172,940 (26,799) (15.5%)

BGCTB Funding Released from Restriction 238,000 238,000 238,000 258,000 (20,000) (7.8%)

Fees & Grants 2,019,817 1,910,000 109,817 5.7% 1,910,000 1,933,297 86,520 4.5%

Total Public Support 4,792,538 4,413,000 379,538 8.6% 4,413,000 4,628,755 163,783 3.5%


Program Service Revenue 363,113 410,000 (46,887) (11.4%) 410,000 411,361 (48,248) (11.7%)

Investment Revenue 5,517 5,000 517 10.3% 5,000 6,193 (676) (10.9%)

Other Revenue 24,936 22,000 2,936 13.3% 22,000 24,601 336 1.4%

Total Revenue 393,567 437,000 (43,433) (9.9%) 437,000 442,155 (48,588) (11.0%)

Special Events

Special Event Revenue 600,143 626,800 (26,657) (4.3%) 626,800 592,600 7,543 1.3%

Special Event Expenses (89,994) (73,800) (16,194) (21.9%) (73,800) (86,735) (3,258) (3.8%)

Net Special Events 510,150 553,000 (42,850) (7.7%) 553,000 505,865 4,285 0.8%

Total Public Support and Revenue 5,696,254 5,403,000 293,254 5.4% 5,403,000 5,576,775 119,479 2.1%


Personnel Costs

Salaries 2,580,787 2,600,000 19,213 0.7% 2,600,000 2,557,152 (23,636) (0.9%)

Employee Benefits 231,212 253,000 21,788 8.6% 253,000 231,129 (83) (0.0%)

Payroll Taxes 198,715 210,000 11,285 5.4% 210,000 199,903 1,188 0.6%

Other Employee Costs 54,520 51,500 (3,020) (5.9%) 51,500 37,129 (17,391) (46.8%)

Other Personnel Costs 21,961 13,500 (8,461) (62.7%) 13,500 19,225 (2,736) (14.2%)

Total Personnel Costs 3,087,196 3,128,000 40,804 1.3% 3,128,000 3,044,538 (42,658) (1.4%)

Year To Date This Year Year To Date Last Year

Page 11: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc.

Statement of Activity - Unrestricted Fund

With Comparison to Budget & Last Year Actual - Unaudited

Actual Budget Actual

1/1/2013 1/1/2013 Variance Total 2013 1/1/2012 Variance

To To Favorable Variance Annual To Favorable Variance

12/31/2013 12/31/2013 (Unfavorable) % Budget 12/31/2012 (Unfavorable) %

Year To Date This Year Year To Date Last Year

Operating Costs

Professional Fees 83,864 36,000 (47,864) (133.0%) 36,000 59,020 (24,845) (42.1%)

Contract Services 161,841 203,000 41,159 20.3% 203,000 212,351 50,509 23.8%

Supplies 258,661 314,500 55,839 17.8% 314,500 292,945 34,284 11.7%

Information Technolgy 82,143 84,000 1,857 2.2% 84,000 84,166 2,023 2.4%

Occupancy Expense 1,199,390 1,223,500 24,110 2.0% 1,223,500 1,230,343 30,954 2.5%

Equipment Expense 41,248 41,500 252 0.6% 41,500 37,903 (3,345) (8.8%)

Printing & Postage 17,556 16,500 (1,056) (6.4%) 16,500 (3,966) (21,522) (542.6%)

Transportation Expense 175,850 216,300 40,450 18.7% 216,300 218,887 43,037 19.7%

Training, Travel & Meetings 56,047 45,000 (11,047) (24.5%) 45,000 50,439 (5,607) (11.1%)

Program Services 208,973 185,000 (23,973) (13.0%) 185,000 221,156 12,183 5.5%

Other Expenses 79,371 69,400 (9,971) (14.4%) 69,400 100,725 21,354 21.2%

Total Operating Costs 2,364,944 2,434,700 69,756 2.9% 2,434,700 2,503,969 139,024 5.6%

Total Expenses 5,452,140 5,562,700 110,560 2.0% 5,562,700 5,548,507 96,367 1.7%

NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) 244,114 (159,700) 403,814 252.9% (159,700) 28,268 215,846 763.6%

BGCTB Foundation Support

(See Separate Schedule of Support) 451,386 238,000 213,386 89.7% 238,000 505,987 (54,601) (10.8%)


BGCTB FOUNDATION SUPPORT (207,272) (397,700) 190,428 47.9% (397,700) (477,719) 270,447 (56.6%)

Page 12: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc.

Statement of Activity - Unrestricted Fund

Support of Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay Foundation














Total 2013












Year To Date This Year Year To Date Last Year

Public Support and Revenue

Contributions - Great Futures Breakfast

$320,995 $320,995 $161,085 $159,910 99.3% Contributions - Cash

$118,938 $118,938 $119,945 ($1,007) (0.8)% Contributions - Pledges

($197,013) ($197,013) ($197,013) Contributions Shared with Foundation

$242,920 $0 $242,920 0.0% $0 $281,030 ($38,110) (13.6)% Total Great Futures Breakfast

Funds Released from Restriction

$3,000 $3,000 $3,000 Funds Released from Restriction

$238,000 $238,000 $238,000 $258,000 ($20,000) (7.8)% BGCTB Funding Released from Restriction

$241,000 $238,000 $3,000 1.3% $238,000 $258,000 ($17,000) (6.6)% Total Funds Released from Restriction

$483,920 $238,000 $245,920 103.3% $238,000 $539,030 ($55,110) (10.2)%Total Public Support and Revenue


Operating Costs

$10,700 ($10,700) $10,600 ($100) (0.9)% Contract Services

$4,912 ($4,912) $2,699 ($2,214) (82.0)% Supplies

$3,427 $3,427 100.0% Equipment Expense

$4,270 ($4,270) $1,617 ($2,653) (164.1)% Printing & Postage

$151 ($151) $200 $49 24.6% Training, Travel & Meetings

$12,500 ($12,500) $14,500 $2,000 13.8% Other Expenses

$32,534 $0 ($32,534) 0.0% $0 $33,043 $510 1.5% Total Operating Costs

$32,534 $0 ($32,534) 0.0% $0 $33,043 $510 1.5%Total Expenses

$451,386 $238,000 $213,386 89.7% $238,000 $505,987 ($54,600) (10.8)%NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT)

Page 14/8/2014

Page 13: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc. Memo

To: Executive Committee From: Deborah L. McCarthy, Chief Financial Officer Date: April 8, 2014 Subject: February 2014 Financial Statements - Unaudited

Please find attached the Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Activity for the Unrestricted Fund for the two months ended February 28, 2014. You will notice that you have an additional Statement of Activity included in your financial statements that summarizes the total support received from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay Foundation, Inc. After consideration with the Finance Committee, they have decided that this presentation is more informative and allows for a better understanding of the effect of the support we receive from the BGCTB Foundation on our Statement of Activity. You will still see the total net support from BGCTB Foundation reported as an adjustment to NET SURPLUS (DEFICIT) on page 2 of our Statement of Activity – Unrestricted Fund. This is done in an effort to show the Board of Directors what the effect is on our bottom line with and without this support. The remarks below are made regarding gross operations including all sources of funding. We are ahead of budget by $33,000 which is a combination of a budget surplus of $18,000 in Public Support and Revenue and a budget savings of $15,000 in Total Expenses. See explanation of significant variances below: Total Public Support and Revenue – Surplus of $18,000 This is due to Fees & Grants which is slightly ahead of budget due to additional funding for the Prodigy Program from DJJ. We also are ahead in special events due to the Golf Challenge. Personnel Costs – Savings of $20,000 Savings are due primarily to vacancies in staff positions. Human Resources and Club Operations are working to fill all open positions as quickly as possible however, we have had a number of open bus driver positions which are difficult to fill at this time. Program Services – Overage of $11,000 Certain costs for program services were incurred early in the year. This overage is expected to even out over the course of the year. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments on the statements.

Page 14: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

Page 1Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc.4/9/2014 09:06:17 AM

Statement of Financial Position

With Comparative Totals to Last Year - Unaudited




Land & Building



















Current Assets

$991,227 $971,163 $748,565 $40,755 $2,751,710 $1,291,772 Cash & Cash Equivalents

$0 $202,292 $287,708 $658,382 $1,148,382 $2,072,198 Investments

$425,238 $0 $0 $0 $425,238 $314,477 Accounts Receivable

$17,328 $0 $11,911 $0 $29,239 $111,321 Pledges Receivable - Current, net of allowance

$876,549 $0 $0 $0 $876,549 $753,983 Due from BGCTB Foundation

$14,097 $0 $0 $0 $14,097 $33,077 Prepaid Expenses

$2,324,440 $1,173,455 $1,048,184 $699,137 $5,245,215 $4,576,827 Total Current Assets

Non Current Assets

$0 $7,462,474 $0 $0 $7,462,474 $7,732,838 Land, Property and Equipment

$60,000 $0 $0 $0 $60,000 $60,000 Prepaid Rent - Non Current

$0 $0 $148,087 $0 $148,087 $81,130 Pledges Receivable - Non-Current, net of allowance

$0 $0 $85,456 $0 $85,456 $80,994 Cash Value Life Insurance

$2,610 $0 $0 $0 $2,610 $2,685 Other Assets

$62,610 $7,462,474 $233,543 $0 $7,758,628 $7,957,647 Total Non Current Assets

$2,387,050 $8,635,929 $1,281,727 $699,137 $13,003,843 $12,534,474 TOTAL ASSETS



Current Liabilities

$111,385 $0 $0 $0 $111,385 $69,142 Accounts Payable

$232,276 $0 $0 $0 $232,276 $236,232 Accrued Expenses

$301,406 $0 $31,579 $0 $332,985 $49,268 Due to BGCTB Foundation

$529 $0 $0 $0 $529 $6,877 Deferred Revenue

$645,596 $0 $31,579 $0 $677,175 $361,519 Total Current Liabilities

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Page 2Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc.4/9/2014 9:06:17AM

Statement of Financial Position

With Comparative Totals to Last Year - Unaudited




Land & Building


















Other Liabilities

$0 $196,000 $0 $0 $196,000 $244,000 Deferred Lease Revenue

$0 $196,000 $0 $0 $196,000 $244,000 Total Other Liabilities

$645,596 $196,000 $31,579 $0 $873,175 $605,519 Total Liabilities

Net Assets

$1,830,164 ($5,313) ($300) $0 $1,824,551 $1,568,038 Unrestricted - from Operations

($89,010) $8,445,242 $0 $0 $8,356,232 $8,641,490 Unrestricted - Property and Equipment

$300 $0 $1,250,448 $0 $1,250,748 $1,041,109 Temporarily Restricted

$0 $0 $0 $699,137 $699,137 $678,319 Permanently Restricted

$1,741,453 $8,439,929 $1,250,148 $699,137 $12,130,667 $11,928,955 Total

$1,741,453 $8,439,929 $1,250,148 $699,137 $12,130,667 $11,928,955 Total Net Assets

$2,387,050 $8,635,929 $1,281,727 $699,137 $13,003,843 $12,534,474 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS

Page 16: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc.

Statement of Activity - Unrestricted FundWith Comparison to Budget & Last Year Actual - Unaudited

Variance Total Variance

Actual Budget Favorable Variance 2014 Actual Favorable Variance

2/28/2014 02/28/2014 (Unfavorable) % Budget 2/28/2013 (Unfavorable) %

Public Support and Revenue

Public Support

United Way & Combined Campaigns 137,890 137,890 0.0% 843,100 141,875 (3,985) (2.8%)

Contributions 332,369 335,000 (2,631) (0.8%) 1,730,000 395,966 (63,597) (16.1%)

Funds Released from Restriction 2,295 2,295 137,500 2,280 16 0.7%

Fees & Grants 416,364 400,000 16,364 4.1% 2,021,000 406,085 10,279 2.5%

Total Public Support 888,919 872,890 16,029 1.8% 4,731,600 946,206 (57,287) (6.1%)


Program Service Revenue 40,174 50,000 (9,826) (19.7%) 360,000 38,241 1,933 5.1%

Investment Revenue (715) 600 (1,315) (219.2%) 6,700 (548) (167) 30.5%

Other Revenue 4,725 3,500 1,225 35.0% 25,000 4,183 542 13.0%

Total Revenue 44,184 54,100 (9,916) (18.3%) 391,700 41,876 2,308 5.5%

Special Events

Special Event Revenue 360,533 350,000 10,533 3.0% 630,000 292,297 68,236 23.3%

Special Event Expenses (33,912) (35,000) 1,088 (3.1%) (80,000) (6,170) (27,741) 449.6%

Net Special Events 326,622 315,000 11,622 3.7% 550,000 286,127 40,495 14.2%

Total Public Support and Revenue 1,259,725 1,241,990 17,735 1.4% 5,673,300 1,274,209 (14,484) (1.1%)


Personnel Costs

Salaries 357,380 380,400 23,020 6.1% 2,680,000 340,151 (17,228) (5.1%)

Employee Benefits 42,273 40,000 (2,273) (5.7%) 252,000 39,320 (2,953) (7.5%)

Payroll Taxes 26,346 27,840 1,494 5.4% 223,500 25,182 (1,164) (4.6%)

Other Employee Costs 19,946 17,500 (2,446) (14.0%) 87,500 10,904 (9,042) (82.9%)

Total Personnel Costs 445,945 465,740 19,795 4.3% 3,243,000 415,557 (30,388) (7.3%)

Year To Date This Year Year To Date Last Year

Page 17: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc.

Statement of Activity - Unrestricted FundWith Comparison to Budget & Last Year Actual - Unaudited

Variance Total Variance

Actual Budget Favorable Variance 2014 Actual Favorable Variance

2/28/2014 02/28/2014 (Unfavorable) % Budget 2/28/2013 (Unfavorable) %

Year To Date This Year Year To Date Last Year

Operating Costs

Professional Fees 7,780 7,500 (280) (3.7%) 73,000 1,883 (5,897) (313.1%)

Contract Services 6,948 15,000 8,052 53.7% 204,500 11,684 4,736 40.5%

Supplies 35,272 41,500 6,228 15.0% 266,000 42,544 7,272 17.1%

Information Technolgy 21,101 14,000 (7,101) (50.7%) 84,000 13,221 (7,880) (59.6%)

Occupancy Expense 205,331 202,000 (3,331) (1.6%) 1,212,900 183,031 (22,301) (12.2%)

Equipment Expense 6,407 8,500 2,093 24.6% 53,000 7,024 616 8.8%

Printing & Postage 3,613 (3,613) #DIV/0! 15,000 4,418 805 18.2%

Transportation Expense 20,896 27,750 6,854 24.7% 201,500 34,181 13,285 38.9%

Training, Travel & Meetings 7,081 8,000 919 11.5% 55,500 10,285 3,205 31.2%

Program Services 42,966 32,000 (10,966) (34.3%) 193,000 32,635 (10,331) (31.7%)

Other Expenses 16,560 13,000 (3,560) (27.4%) 77,500 9,335 (7,225) (77.4%)

Total Operating Costs 373,956 369,250 (4,706) (1.3%) 2,435,900 350,242 (23,714) (6.8%)

Total Expenses 819,900 834,990 15,090 1.8% 5,678,900 765,799 (54,102) (7.1%)

NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) 439,824 407,000 32,824 8.1% (5,600) 508,410 (68,586) (13.5%)

BGCTB Foundation Support

(See Separate Schedule of Support) 205,688 180,000 25,688 14.3% 380,000 246,334 (40,646) (16.5%)


BGCTB FOUNDATION SUPPORT 234,136 227,000 7,136 (3.1%) (385,600) 262,076 (27,940) (10.7%)

Page 18: April 10, 2014 Meeting Information

Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay, Inc.

Statement of Activity - Unrestricted Fund

Support of Boys & Girls Clubs of Tampa Bay Foundation














Total 2014












Year To Date This Year Year To Date Last Year

Public Support and Revenue

Contributions - Great Futures Breakfast

$5,623 $5,623 $400,000 $8,815 ($3,192) (36.2)% Contributions - Cash

$2,240 $2,240 $2,660 ($420) (15.8)% Contributions - Pledges

($200,000) Contributions Shared with Foundation

$7,863 $0 $7,863 0.0% $200,000 $11,475 ($3,612) (31.5)% Total Great Futures Breakfast

BGCTB Foundation Funding Request

$175,000 $180,000 ($5,000) (2.8)% $180,000 $238,000 ($63,000) (26.5)% BGCTB Foundation Funding Request

$175,000 $180,000 ($5,000) (2.8)% $180,000 $238,000 ($63,000) (26.5)% Total BGCTB Funding Request

Net Special Events

$49,436 $49,436 $49,436 Golf Challenge

($25,000) ($25,000) ($25,000) Golf Challenge Shared with Foundation

$100 $100 $100 Golf Scramble

$24,536 $0 $24,536 0.0% $0 $0 $24,536 0.0% Total Net Special Events

$207,399 $180,000 $27,399 15.2% $380,000 $249,475 ($42,076) (16.9)%Total Public Support and Revenue


Operating Costs

$557 ($557) $1,392 $835 60.0% Supplies

$923 ($923) $1,749 $826 47.2% Printing & Postage

$231 ($231) ($231) Other Expenses

$1,711 $0 ($1,711) 0.0% $0 $3,141 $1,430 45.5% Total Operating Costs

$1,711 $0 ($1,711) 0.0% $0 $3,141 $1,430 45.5%Total Expenses

$205,688 $180,000 $25,688 14.3% $380,000 $246,334 ($40,646) (16.5)%NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT)

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