Catalog Indonesian University Publishers Association Asosiasi Penerbit Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia (APPTI) Polimedia Publishing Polimedia Tower Lt.1, State Polytechnic Of Creave Media Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, 12640 Email : [email protected]

APPTI Indonesian University Publishers Association Book Catalog

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Indonesian University Publishers Association

Asosiasi Penerbit Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia (APPTI)Polimedia PublishingPolimedia Tower Lt.1, State Polytechnic Of Creative MediaSrengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, 12640Email : [email protected]

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Address : PoliMedia Publishing, Kampus Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif, Gedung E lantai 1 (Tower Polimedia), Jln. Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan 12640. Indonesia

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Indonesian University Publishers AssociationAsosiasi Penerbit Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia (APPTI)

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Indonesia University Publishers Association (APPTI) is an association of publishers of universities in Indonesia established since 2011 to enhance the contribution of university presses in Indonesia, to disseminate and share knowledge and literacy outside of their universities. Right at this moment it has 200 members around 5 major islands in Indonesia. By gathering the books that have been produced by this association, there are at least about 40,000 titles ranging from arts, culture, science, engineering, medicine, humanities, social politics, culinary, tourism to agribusiness. APPTI’s presence as a participant in the Frankfurt Book Fair 2015 is very important in supporting the success of Indonesia as Guest of Honor. It is an asset in providing knowledge in the form of scientific works and literacy, capable of contributing toward the betterment of the world.

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Asal Usul Bhineka Tunggal Ika

Tittle :Asal-usul Bhinneka Tunggal Ika

“The History of Bhinneka Tungal Ika”Writer :

Woro AryandiniPublisher :

University Of Indonesia, UI-Press, 2014.First Print, 2015

Viii, 107 Page.; 21 cm.ISBN 978-979-456-571-1

Kakawin Sutasoma is a masterpiece 0f Mpu Tantular that had been written around the 14th century in the era of Majapahit Kingdom. It was written in Ancient Javanese language (Bahasa Jawa Kuna) in form of poem with Indian metrum patern. In this masterpiece Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is stated. However, it may never cross their mind why later the statement becomes well-known since it is attached on the national symbol Garuda Pancasila and becomes the slogan of the Republic of Indonesia?

This book will explain the origin of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, including the historical explanation attached and also the historical heritage related with the slogan and the folktales that were said having been in Kahuripan Kingdom in the 12th century, before the Kakawin Sutasoma created that might be become the reference of the use of the statement.

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Atlas Of The Skin and Venereak Diseases

Tittle :Atlas of The Skin and Venereal Diseases

Editors :Dwi Murtiastutik, Evy Ervianti, Indropo

Agusni, Sunaryo SuyosoTranslated by :

Dwi Murtiastutik, Hastika Saraswati & Kukuh Dwiputra Hernugrahanto

Publisher:Airlangga University Press

First print 2009Xxi, pp. 274 : ilus.; 14,5 x 20,5 cm

ISBN 978-979-1330-44-2

Skin and venereal diseases are still a public health problem, especially in developing countries where primary care physicians often have problems in the diagnosis and treatment. although many textbook of dermatology have been published, familiarity to skin diseases need a frequent contact with patients and carefully observation of the clinical manifestation. many skin disturbances show an overlapping signs and symptoms, but they also have their typical clinical features that can be used to differential diagnosis of the diseases. To make familiar with skin diseases for general physicians who live in rural areas with limited equipment and facilities.

This book is slightly different from the Indonesian version. An expanding on some new pictures included in this book. The content of this book consists of 17 sections.

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Bahasa Indonesia

Tittle :Bahasa Indonesia

Writer :Seni Asiati Basin

Publisher :Polimedia Publishing

ISBN 978-979-9356-734

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Bunga Rampai Warisan Leluhur book - Temple in Central Java and Yogyakarta, introduce, through photo documentation and concise description, the temples at the geographical location of Central Java and Yogyakarta. More than forty-five temple / temple sites were immortalized in this book which is largely built during Medang Kingdom, between the 8th century until the 10th. With the appearance of beautiful photos and clear, and the information concise and solid, this will make it easier for anyone who is interested to know the ins and outs of that temples. Besides information about the history of the temple, this book also enriched with other useful information, that is about the architectural plan of the temple and other relics related to such temple inscriptions. This will enrich the knowledge of the reader. Nevertheless, if the reader interested in learning more about the history of a temple, it is recommended to read other related literatures.

Tittle :Bunga Rampai Warisan Leluhur

Writer :Dr. F.X. Sardjono M., SpA.

Publisher :

308 pagesISBN 978-602-177-150-1

Bunga Rampai Warisan Leluhur

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Bima figure is known by the public, through the the puppet shows (pagelaran wayang) (kulit, golek, and traditional theatrical), literature and art, gives the psychological influence and noble character, such as honesty, daring to defend the truth, to protect the weaker party, and understod the meaning of the oneness of God.

Play puppets with Bima as the main character always attracts attention, and teaching of virtue and lawlessness are exposed clearly and easily absorbed.

Peak figure of Bima also presents in the play Dewa Ruci (based on literary works Dewa Ruci or Nawa Ruci or Sacred Bima), which elaborate the struggle reached an understanding about God’s Creation of the Universe, the Creator and His creation. Ranggawarsita poet persona describes Bima within the meaning of Islam, that is reaching makrifat and surrender to God.

This text extracted from a dissertation author who holds a PhD in the field of Cultural Science at the University of Indonesia.

Tittle :Citra Bima dalam Kebudayaan Jawa

“Citra Bima in Javanese Culture”Writer :

Woro Aryandini SPublisher :

University Of Indonesia, UI-PressISBN 979-456-213-0x, 160 Pages.; 23 cm

Citra Bima dalam Kebudayaan Jawa

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Decentralisation is a worldwide phenomenon. Most states in the globe have adopted this policy since 1990s. But there is no single reason why those states adopted the policy. Some argue that this policy is applied for accelerating the democratization process. Other say adopting the policy is to efficiency in allocating and distributing public goods and services. Does decentralisation policy achieve its goals?

This book attempts to answer that question by looking at the Indonesian case. Following the fall of the New order government in May 1998 Indonesia adopted the desentralisation policy. As a consequence, Indonesia has transformed itself from being one of the most centralized states to being one of the most decentralized states.

Tittle :Decentralisation and Cluster Industry

Policy in Indonesia Writer :

Kacung Marijan Publisher :

Airlangga University Press, 2006First print – 2006

Xxviii, 288 pages,; ilus.; 14,5 x 20,5 cmISBN 979-3557-57-5

Decentralisation and Cluster Industry Policy in Indonesia

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Dasar-dasar Reportase

Tittle :Dasar-Dasar Reportase

Writer :Masri M. Sareb

Publisher :Polimedia Publishing

ISBN 978-979-9356-69-7

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Animals were created by Allah SWT. as a complement to human life. Therefore, in real life, most animals, especially animals that have the potential to be used as livestock or Qurban, their health need to be considered or usually called health Qurban to protect human health. In this book, will be explained about the ethics of animals that are used for Qurban. Reading this book can add insight and our understanding that Allah SWT. had arranged everything with complete from how to care for and treat animals and utilizing production and services produced by cattle even fundamental rules of the treatment process and the ethics of good slaughter.

Tittle :Etika Hewan Qurban

Writer :Ratmawati Malaka

Sudirman Baco Publisher :

Polimedia Publishing2015

vi, 64 pages.; 14 x 21 cmISBN 978-979-9356-71-0

Etika Hewan Qurban

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This book is a pioneer study on the industrialization of Indonesia to include the study of “geography” in the analysis of the spatial concentration of manufacturing industry in a country over the last two decades. Before the 1990s, economics “mainstream” ignoring economic geography, which studies “where” and “why” of economic activity is located (Fujita, et al., 1999; 1-2; Krugman, 1995). Some notable exceptions studies Hoover (1936). Isard (1956), and Chinitz (1961). Spatial aspects remain a blind spot for the majority of economists due to the inability of economists to create a model that explains the various aspects of industrial locations (Krugman, 1995: 31-7).

Tried to offer empirical content to the literature by examining the agglomeration and clusters in the context of the transformation of Indonesian industry. By using the perspective of the latest literature on agglomeration and cluster, this study shows that Indonesia, and especially Java, shows an example of a very good case about the gap spatial distribution of the manufacturing industry, as well as the relationship between urbanization and development of the industry. Indonesia has at least two large industrial agglomeration and many industry clusters.

Tittle :Ekonomika Aglomerasi:

Dinamika & Dimensi Spasial Kluster Industri Indonesia

Writer :Prof. Mudrajad Kuncoro, Ph.D

Publisher :UPP STIM YKPN

First Print, Januari 2002Second Print, Agustus 2012

Xxviii, 214 pages.; 18,8 x 24 cmISBN 979-8170-77-6

Ekonomika Aglomerasi

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At one time Muntilan, the small town in central Java, was called Bethlehem van Java by the alumni of the Xavier College. The appellation was not be without reason. During the first four decades of the XX century Muntilan was the centre of Javanese Catholics were baptized and then were sent as “apostles”, catechists in the diverse places throughout the island of Java where they took variety of jobs. It was in the Xavier College at Muntilan that Mgr. Albertus Soegijapranata, the first Indonesian “(Arch-) bishop of Semarang, Mgr. Adrianus Djajasepoetra, the son of the noble family of Yogyakarta and the first native Archbishop of Jakarta, and I. J. Kasimo, one of the founders of Indonesian Catholic Party, had their first with the Catholic religion and received their education. In other words, Muntilan was the Bethlehem van Java because it was in Muntilan that the first Indonesians were baptized and from where the Catholic religion spread out trough Java, and in a certain sense also through Indonesians as missionary and Jesuit priest who lived among and for the Javanese.

Tittle :Father Fransiskus Van Lith

Penulis :Floribertus Hasto Rosariyanto, S.J.

ISBN 978-602-9187-960389 Page.; 160x230 mm

Father Fransiskus Van Lith

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Plant herbs or medicinal plants is a plant that has long been known and is widely used to keep the body kesehayan man since time immemorial. The main usefulness of this plant is for the kitchen ingredients in the cooking of food and basic material in the manufacture of herbal medicine. Often these plants are cultivated, but sometimes also found growing on its own. As for weeds or unwanted plant life turns out there are efficacious drugs. Weeds are not cultivated but can grow easily everywhere in accordance with a supportive environment, therefore this time we should also pay attention/letting weeds alive or even maintain weed was efficacious drugs, this is why not? Medicinal plant is a plant that is known and used since time immemorial.

Herbal spice plants tends to be made with varying forms (bottles, instant/powder, etc.), partly mixed materials to make cosmetics by taking essential oil. Indonesia has herb plants with certain traits and

Tittle :Gulma dan Rempah Berkhasiat Obat

Writer :Sri HartatiPublisher :IPB Press

ISBN 978-978-493-343-5

Gulma dan Rempah Berkhasiat Obat

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qualities, such as cloves, ginger, Kaempferia galanga, cinnamon, ginger, cabi, and others. This book describes 20 types of herbal plants and 25 species of weeds that are often found in the environment around the dwelling (house) and garden.

Generally known that certain types of herbal plants and weeds can be used as a drug, but not many people know the benefits, the part used, method of use and cultivation techniques. Examine further useful research on the content and effects of weeds and medicinal herbs (dosage, method, time, and type) in order to always be able to give a positive impact to the user. Spice plant medicinal plants no longer as complementary but categorized as one economic resource areas and because then the rapid growth and world demand for herbal plants.

Medicinal plants can be said to be first aid equipment on the sick even by the information the parents first said to be a cure for certain diseases, which of course, with certain types of medicinal plants as well. Weeds books and medicinal herb contains information from multiple sources, either verbal or written that has been collected author. In it the reader will be introduced to 45 species of weeds and plants medicinal herbs that are beneficial in controlling various diseases.

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The original idea for this book emerged from a concern regarding the governance of the energy and mineral sectors in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries. The natural resources that should be beneficial to the citizenry of these countries often bring catastrophe to them. Despite the negative impact of the problems are created by the extractive industries, the idea of governing has not been popular at the national level in Indonesia.

Most Southeast Asian countries are rich in natural resources. The region’s geographical location between two old continents and two vast oceans has created land continental shelf areas that have abundant resource endowments, including many mineral and energy resources.

Therefore, this book provides research-based analysis of the problem of governance of the extractive industries in Southeast Asia and suggests strategies for improvement. the studies address the importance of the extractive industries in Southeast Asian countries and how countries in the region might establish a cooperative framework for pursuing good governance in such industries.

Governance of Extractive Industries

Tittle :Governance of Extractive Industries:

Assessing National Experiences to Inform Regional Cooperation in Southeast Asia

Editor :Evi Fitriani, Francisia Seda, Yesi Maryam

Publisher :University Of Indonesia, UI-Press

Print in 2014ISBN 978-979-456-565-0

xii, 255 Pages.; 23 cm

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This book attempts to understand the development of Malay national awareness toward the attainment of Malaya’s independence. The central purpose is to determine when the seeds for the harvest of independence were spread in Malay society, and how they matured. It views the 1920s as the watershed in the development of Malay national awareness. It was during this period that the new Malay intellectuals emerged outside the traditional Malay hierarchis and began to visualize various ideals for the future of Malaya in a concerted way. This book focuses on the continuity of the development of the new social groups until 1948.

This study will also contribute to a better understanding of some social, economic, and political aspects of post-independence Malaya (Malaysia since 1963). This book is intended to examine the roots of post-independence Malay leaders’ dominant ideas regarding the preservation of inter-communal unity and show the existence of interrelatedness in the past 70 years of socio-intellectual history.

Tittle :Ideology and Shaping Of Malaysia

Writer :Byungkuk Soh

Publisher :University Of Indonesia, UI-Press

320 pages,; 15.5x23 cmISBN 978-979-456-467-7

Ideology and Shaping Of Malaya

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The intent of this publication is to offer graduate students, the enthusiasts of dairy cattle farming and even researcher a current picture of the dairy cattle sciences. This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources such as text book, the research publication, and a wide range of practical experience on dairy farming particularly dairy cattle breeding in are also discussed presents the tropics. This book consists of 12 chapters.

Chapter 1 covers the importance of dairy cattle as a producer of milk, a requirement for dairy farmers, a favorable factor in dairy farming and dairy farm business planning. Chapter two the origin and characteristic in various nations of dairy cattle, like the nation’s of tropical and sub-tropical area are also discussed presents. Chapter three discusses the components and nutritional value of milk, the internal and external factors affecting the production and quality of milk.

Tittle :Ilmu Ternak Perah Daerah Tropis

Writer :Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambo Ako, M.Sc.

Publisher :IPB Press

ISBN 978-979-493-457-9

Ilmu Ternak Perah Daerah Tropis

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The nutrients need in dairy cattle such as energy, protein, vitamins, minerals, water and fiber as well as the risks posed when these nutrients deficiency are provided in chapter four. Chapter five discusses the dairy cattle feed include forage as the main feed and concentrates as a feed supplement and ration formulation. This chapter also covers some alternative sources of feed materials as the main feed, some feed ingredients to concentrate as a source of energy and protein. The digestive system of ruminants include the development and system of ruminant stomach, the arrangement and process of digestion in ruminants, and the process of fermentation in rumen are addressed in chapter six. Chapter seven provides the dairy cattle buildings and equipment includes their function, location and requirement of the burn, the burn parts and equipment, the type of burn, and milking equipment. Chapter eight discusses the milking method includes terms of milking, milking preparation and milking techniques. The disease in dairy cattle includes diseases caused by microorganisms, metabolic, parasites, as well as disease prevention measures is presented in chapter nine. Chapter ten discusses the handling and marketing of milk includes the characteristics of milk, milk handling, milk processing, and forms of milk marketing.

The management of dairy buffalo and the dairy livestock waste treatment include pollution caused by livestock waste, management and utilization of animal waste in the form of compost and liquid fertilizer and biogas are provided in chapters 11 and 12, respectively.

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Although this compilation of essays does not have the pretension to provide a complete synthesis of all the different aspects of corporate governance in indonesia, it aims to hopefully provide the reader with some insights and better understanding of what indonesia has achieved over the last decade and what the remaining weakness are in terms of corporate governance.

Hence the title “Is corporate Governance relevant? How Corporate Governance Practices affect Indonesian organizations” acknowledges the fact that implementing “best” good corporate governance principles is a never finished work in process. Nevertheless, governance matters! This study attempts to provide an overview of some timely topics that has drawn quite a lot of attention in Indonesia trying to improve its governance structures and processes over the last decade.

Tittle :Is Corporate Governance Relevant?:

How good corporate governance practices affect Indonesian organizations.

Editor :Peter Verhezen, Erry Riyana

Hardjapamekas, Pri NotowidigdoPublisher :

University Of Indonesia, UI-PressFirst Print 2012

Xxi, 312 pages.; 23 cmISBN 978-979-456-479-0

Is Corporate Governance Relevant?

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Moreover, this timely book may provide some indication of what Indonesian corporations could gain from improved corporate governance mechanisms, especially in times of crises as the one we face today. Based on the introductory overview in chapter 1 that analyzes some globally accepted good corporate governance principles, the editors and other contributors attempt to describe the reality of Indonesian business in terms of corporate governance and prescribe some possible corporate solutions around enhanced governance for the challenges ahead. The authors apply a corporate governance framework that emphasizes that both formal and informal procedures will need to be adapted to the reality on the ground. The overall tone of the book is pragmatic with a focus on case studies in Indonesia by practitioners who run big corporations or who advise big corporations, while the overall analysis of those cases remains, nonetheless, underpinned by sound academic research. We believe that this new book on some corporate governance topics in Indonesia is relevant to corporate directors, executives, institutional investors, lawyers regulators who help making organizational decisions, and students and academics interested in corporate governance in Indonesia.

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Architecture + Adaptation: Design for Hypercomplexity is a collaborative research platform investigating the intersections among extreme environmental circumstances, urban poverty, and architecture practice and production. Relying heavily on situated research, community engagement, and field observation. Architecture + Adaptation conducts intensive site based research to produce both the visual documentation and analysis of environmental pressure and the tools for urban poverty advocacy that promote practices of mutual aid and self –determination.

Tittle :Jakarta Architecture + Adaptation

Jakarta Arsitektur + AdaptasiEditor :

Etienne Turpin, Adam Bobbette,and Meredith Miller

Publisher :University Of Indonesia, UI-Press 2013

xiii, 311 pages.; 16,4 x 20,5 cmISBN: 978-979-456-526-1

Jakarta Architecture + Adaptation

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Land Conflict In Manggarai, Flores West: Approach sociologically presents a study sociological comprehensively about the issue of land conflict in Manggarai, with peeling problems land system that has become customary, traditional court-whose decisions are often rejected by the owner of the land, the potential and the intensity of the conflict, and controversy national law in absorption. This book is essential for law officers and legal defense, regional and national governments, and students who study social problems, demographic and customary law.

Tittle :Jakarta Architecture + Adaptation

Jakarta Arsitektur + AdaptasiWriter :

Robert M Z LawangPublisher :

University Of Indonesia, UI-Pressxii, 227 pages.; 21 cmISBN: 979-456-200-9

Konflik Tanah di Manggarai Flores Barat

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One year felt so long. As if it was million years long. That experience was felt by the participants of SM3T which was assigned in East Sumba on their first dedication’s months which was written on the first book, “Ibu Guru, Saya Ingin Membaca” –Mam, I want to Read. On the second book, “Jangan Tinggalkann Kami” –Don’t Leave Us, the participants’ feeling changed. One year which felt like forever at the beginning, had come to the tip-point. So close and fast. One year, obviously, was not enough for them to share knowledge and skills. The stories which had been braided, made the participants’ heart felt severe to leave their dedicated places.

They, who felt severe at the beginning to live far away from fount, could not enjoy the signal of the cellphone, rarely to taste the happiness of having electricity, held back the longing feeling of the family and the beloved one, now, could adapt quite well. They, who at first not wait the homing day to come, now, they hoped that day, would never come.

It was so clear from their writing that the participants of SM3T focused their attention right now on the school, especially to the students whom they were going to leave in a chaos. They were so worry if they had to leave soon, while the good changes which they hoped did not reach the

Tittle :Jangan Tinggalkan Kami

Writer :Rukin Firda dan Luthfiyah Nurlaela

Publisher :Universitas Negeri Surabaya

University Pressxv, 341 pages.; 15x21 cm

ISBN 978-979-028-576-7

Jangan Tinggalkan Kami

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goal yet. More than a thousand of questions filled their mind and soul, “What will happen with those children without the cared teacher?”

In those long months, they had found that how difficult the students’ struggle to go to school, only to find that the teachers who had responsible to teach and educate them were gone. How hard the terrain that the students had to cross from home to school’s office or they were asked to play in the school yard. These heroes and heroines of education started to realize these real situations. Rindi, for instance, were worry for Sepri, her second grade female student of Elementary School who was 15 years old. Listyorini, found the enjoyable of having fasting as a minority for the first time in her life. NurMaslichah, witnessed how the chaos happened when the teachers, the school guard and the students picked up the students who skipped the class by force. Nining was proud of herself because she had given her students a chance to taste the delicacy of drinking milk. Tri Mulyati became a dreamy girl when the parting day came closer. Ten students of SMP NegeriSatuAtapLangira lose consciousness after LiaNi’matulMaullaAlfarihah went back to Java. Sulistiyo was still being visited by his students though the school’s parting had been held and he did not teach anymore at SMP Negeri 1 Pinupahar. Yanto, his student, always slept beside him on the picnic day in his yard, only to said, “If you go, it must be lonely, sir. If you stay here, we will be happy.”

There were many more of nerves of other SM3T teachers who were assigned in East Sumba. Sumiati felt so sad when she got a question from a student of SMP 1 Karera, “Mam, we have red and white flag in Sumba. In Java, what are the colors of the flag?”Many pray and hopes were sent from the deep-heart of SM3T Unesa teachers for their beloved students. Yes, it was love. They had falling in love. From the severe strunggles, the honest and truthful dedication, they realized that they had falling in love with those children.

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Tittle :Keragaman Budaya Indonesia

“Gagasan Tentang Keragaman Budaya)Publisher :

University Of Indonesia, UI-Pressvii, 275 hlm.; 23 cm.

ISBN 978-979-456-552-0

Keragaman Budaya Indonesia

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Kebudayaan Orang Menggala

Tittle :Kebudayaan Orang Menggala

Writer :Julia MariaPublisher :

University Of Indonesia, UI-Press 2013Vii, 110 pages,; 23 cmISBN 979-456-108-8

Menggala’s people culture is the result of research about the origin, custom, language, law of marriage, family, and Menggala’s people community. Cultural values and socio-logical that described on this book are contribution to expand understanding of diversity and equality of our nation’s culture. This book is important for students, government officials, and socio-cultural observer.

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Before 4th and 5th BC, science has not evolved, at the time knowledge accumulated as the result of observation and experience. The view of nature is an anthropocentric: human considers that they’re center of the universe. Until philosophers ponder about natural phenomena that occur. The events experienced and saw then muse over, and tried to analyzed. At that point, reasoning begins to develop until birth of Greek thought also called Greek philosophy. In the philosophy contained and revealed the existence of science.

Increasingly development of times then science is also growing. Primally which originated from the philosophy, science studied one by one. In the 20th century, evolving sciences of philosophy are Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Culture Science. From the 3rd of science there is a Basic Culture Sciences is a science that studies concepts and

Tittle :Manusia Dalam Tinjauan

Ilmu Budaya DasarWriter :

Woro Aryandini SEditor :

Soegiarta SriwibawaPublisher :

University Of Indonesia, UI-PressISBN 979-456-216-5

90 pages; 23 cm x 15,5 cmBibliografi: page. 88

First Print 2000

Manusia Dalam Tinjauan Ilmu Budaya Dasar

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understanding of human nature, behavior, culture, ideals, thoughts about the relationship between him and God, with fellow humans, with nature, with the work and with time, which is the branch of science called Culture Science.

Basic Culture Science is a science about the most fundamental aspects of human life as cultural beings (Homo humanus). Basic Culture Science is a science that is expected to provide basic knowledge and common concepts that can be used to assess problems of human and their culture.

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An important phenomenon found in various events in the world over the last two decades was the emergence of ethnic movements, with the ethnic-nationalities and ethnic factions are demanding greater autonomy-or even independence-from the country where they live as citizens.

Before World War II there was a tendency among many social scientists to explain social conflict and social problems generally stem from the gap between the coating or social classes. However, after World War II, among social scientists that there is increased attention to the study of the relationship between the tribes of the nation. Studies on ethnicity is even more important, because most of the countries in the world are multiethnic.

This book discusses issues in a pluralistic society and national unity. This issue is an important issue for many countries in the world today. nature of the compound, a plurality, or diversity it has various forms, namely miscellany language, religion assortment, miscellany social strata and caste, miscellany racial, ethnic and cultural miscellany.

Tittle :Masalah Kesukubangsaan dan

Integrasi NasionalWriter :

KoentjaraningratPublisher :

University Of Indonesia, UI-Press 1993First Print 1993

Second Print 1993ISBN 979-456-110-xxi, 240 Pages.; 19 cm

Masalah Kesukubangsaan dan Intregasi Nasional

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This book discusses the dynamics of industrial life of the people who lived with challenges of indigenous peoples in Yogyakarta for a century after Diponegoro War. Yogyakarta’s area, located in the hinterland is not only synonymous with agriculture’s office, but also has the character of craft / Industrian to household scale and a strong small-scale, even this character could be said a part of privileges of Yogyakarta.

Industrial development of the people in Yogyakarta period 1830s - 1930s is essentially an intelligent solution based on the tradition of local communities socio-economic issues that arises at that moment. Each challenge requires an answer, every opportunity needs a response, and this is where the tradition producing the goods forwarded contextually.

Authors hope this article can be useful, not just as a story about the past, but especially for our present. However, history is written not for the past but for the journey towards a better future.

Tittle :Mewarisi Tradisi Menemukan Solusi

Writer :Anton Hartoyo

Publisher :Universitas Sanata Dharma

University Pressvii, 310 pages.; 155x230mm

ISBN 978-602-0830-04-9

Mewarisi Tradisi Menemukan Solusi

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Traditional communities who have inhabited and intensively interacted with an ecosystem for generations tend to hold indigenous knowledge related to the ecosystem. They have acquired the knowledge through indepth observations, trial and error, and through testing the knowledge over generations. The indigenous knowledge covers various aspects of traditional life; including the ways of indigenous people manage their natural resources.

Long ago before the development of the modern scientific approach, indigenous people throughout the world have recognized and practiced traditional (indigenous) natural resources management system. Serampas is among the indigenous people who still hold and practice the traditional system. The Serampas have lived in the tropical rain forests of Sumatra for centuries. The forests nowadays are recognized as part of the Kerinci National Park territory.

Indigenous knowledge and traditional approaches like those held by the Serampas, are frequently marginalized by the forces of “development” that is commonly dominant and centralistic. For example, indigenous people commonly have some nature conservation approaches that are not only consistent with the modern conservation principles but often

Tittle :Orang Serampas

Writer :Bambang Hariyadi

Publisher :IPB Press

ISBN 978-979-493-563-7

Orang Serampas

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offer more effective and more efficient ways to achieve the conservation goals. However, central government frequently introduces modern conservation programs to protect local forest resources and ignore the indigenous systems.

The book “Orang Serampas: Tradisi dan Pengetahuan Lokal di Tengah Perubahan” discuses values and practices of traditional natural resource management implemented by the Serampas and their association with local socio-cultural conditions and customs. This book is not only important for the people Serampas, but it is also important for academicians, NGOs, governments, and other parties who work with and are interested in indigenous people.

The Serampas make living mainly by planting rice using shifting cultivation systems. Some plantation crops also have been integrated into the system. The ways of the Serampas exploit the natural resources are not solely to meet their basic needs, but also keep the harmony with the “other ecosystem residents”, such as wild animals as well as spirits of their ancestors. Indigenous knowledge owned by the Serampas not only addresses natural resource management, but also deals with human interactions in order to achieve a harmonious life order. Indigenous systems frequently promote sustainable natural resource management systems. Furthermore, the Serampas’s indigenous systems (local wisdom) also create a better human relationship. For example, the Serampas’s traditional courts system not only solves a dispute between the two disputers, the system is even able to promote a closer relationship between the disputers. Such property is rarely provided by the modern court system.

After reading this book, the readers will have different perspectives on the indigenous people, including the Serampas. This book also encourages the readers to be more aware and appreciate indigenous people, including traditions and knowledge that they have. Finally, this book provokes the readers to identify, explore, analyze, and further develop and put the indigenous knowledge in the context of today’s life.

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Tittle :Pendidiikan Kewarganegaraan

Writer :Dr. Purnomo Ananto, MM.

Sarmada, S.sos, M.si.Publisher :

Polimedia PublishingISBN 978-979-9356-72-7

Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

Page 35: APPTI Indonesian University Publishers Association Book Catalog


law enforcement today become one of the demands of reform in the country in . Buton the other hand the majority of our society is $i,l! legally blind . Then , if it is then the rule af larr will actu*lly be enforced while the cornmup[ty itself has legal literaoy so that they also do not fully understand rrell alt the rights and obligations , then the question : n Can they properly act in matters in accordance with the adsting laws so as to take themselves right in the eyes of the law ? “

This book may be appropriate read by anyone who wants to gain knowledge qJ the law in the context of daily life or in a broader scope .With an understanding of the existing problems in the middle society, expected later’ society conscbus of taw and subsequently can be no unlawful act. So that, if an ndren the law in this country can really be enforced and executed so , then the law should not iudge her own community just because of ignorance so that he has violated the law .

Tittle :Pengantar Hukum Indonesia

Writer :H. Subandi Al Marsudi, SH, MH

Publisher :Jelajah Nusa

ISBN 978-602-9336-77-1

Pengantar Hukum Indonesia

Page 36: APPTI Indonesian University Publishers Association Book Catalog


Empirically, economic function of the palm oil industry has been widely demonstrated by experts, namely, as the source of farmers’ income and national income, regional economic development and incease farmers’ income. Even the economic benefits of palm oil are also contribute to economy of European Union (Europe Economics 2014).

The social functions of the palm oil industry has also proven empirically, among others, its role in rural development (improving the quality of life) and poverty reduction and social cohesiveness. Small Holder Estate Nucleus (Perkebunan Inti Rakyat) is a synergy of local wisdom with modern value management has been designed that to involved small farmers on palm oil plantations.

Many studies have also proved that the ecological functions of palm oil plantations include carbon sink from the atmosphere and produce oxygen, restoration of degraded land, soil and water conservation, increased biomass and carbon stock and even reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Tittle :Perkebunan Kelaoa Sawit

dalam Perekonomian dan Lingkungan Hidup Sumatera Utara

Writer :Balaman TariganTungkot Sipayung

Publisher :IPB Press

ISBN 978-979-493-3145

Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit

Page 37: APPTI Indonesian University Publishers Association Book Catalog


Another words, palm oil industry produces joint product (private goods) and non commodity (public goods) simultaneously. Private goods in question is crude palm oil (crude palm oil/kernel oil, CPO) and its derivatives (oleochemicals, oleofood, biodiesel). While public goods produced in the form of environmental services such as carbon sink, produce oxygen, restoration of degraded land, soil and water conservation, increased biomass and carbon stock and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

As a public goods, the benefits of the environmental services are inclusive. So can be enjoyed without pay in a global ecosystem. As one of ecosystem of the planet, the environmental services enjoyed free of charge by the world community both those who consume palm oil products as well as those who did not consume it.

The existence of global public goods produced by oil palm plantation which is a joint product with private goods also means that the price of products and oleochemicals paid oleofood world community does not reflect the economic price. That is, people who consume oleochemicals and oleofood products pay below the economic price. While people who do not consume products oleofood and oleochemicals, obtain for free the benefits of global public goods from palm oil plantations.

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In general, reading the analysis and narrative about political aspect of oil and Pertamina is simply astonishing. For the economist, it is worth to read it as it has presented what some would call non-economic factors in economic development. As a sociologist, Ms. Seda decides to choose a sensitive topic on the management and governance of oil, gas, and Pertamina as her research topic. She managed to break from the concealment of sensitive issues that not many people are willing to discuss. She has in fact unravels the issue on the effort of political and bureaucratic development that currently still going on in Indonesia. It is safe to assume that other government that controlled business potentially also having the same problems.

Tittle :Petroleum Paradox

Writer :Francisia S.S.E. Seda

Publisher :University Of Indonesia, UI-Press

Bibliografi: page 169ISBN 978-979-456-569-8

xx, 177 Pages.; 21 cm

Petroleum Paradox

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In this easily readable book, the veils shrouding the mystique of foreign policy making in democratizing Indonesia are lifted. Through a merger of theoretical approaches and empirical evidence during Reformasi, and specifically during the presidency of Megawati Soekarnoputri, a holistic framework was devised taking into analysis the role and impact of the political elites within civil society, the military, members of parliament, and the bureaucrary on the formulation and implementation of foreign policy. Insightful analytical, and yet entertaining, this book is a must read to students of modern Indonesia as the country gets ready to undertake an ambitious agenda on the global stage.

Tittle :Politicl Elites and Foreign Policy:

Democratization in Indonesia Writer :

Aria T M WibisonoPublisher :

University Of Indonesia, UI-Press 2010Bibliografi: page 295Xi, 333 pages,; 23 cm

ISBN 978-979-456-414-1

Political Elites and Foreign Policy: Democrtization in Indonesia

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In Indonesia, the importance of tracer study has received more attention from university management in the last couple of years. Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia has included tracer study as part of national program in higher education. Previously, tracer study was merely viewed as one component of accreditation as required by National Accreditation Board. This situation has led to non-systematic data collection, weak design and method, and non-institutionalized tracer study management including irregularity and ad hoc team. This book shares experiences of University of Indonesia (UI) in tracer study development including institutionalization, study regularity, design, and method development, as well as instrument standardization. Two tracer studies conducted by UI (TSUI 2010 and TSUI 2011) is presented as an example on how development on the aspects above is taken place. This is the first book in Indonesia to cover tracer study as part of both management and research activities at university level.

Tittle :Progress and Developmentof Tracer Study in Indonesia

Writer :Ahmad Syafiq, Sandra Fikawati

Publisher :University Of Indonesia, UI-Press

ISBN 978-979-456-484-4x, 127 Pages.; 23 cm

Progress and Development of Tracer Study in Indonesia

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Soegijapranata found the deepest core of his self-identity: aJavanese man had a close encounter with Christianity and realized his dream as a priest to be able to serve the nation and his God. This newfound identity became the basic foundation for the journey of life onwards.

A close encounter with the culture, thought, and spirituality of the West did not remove his basic identity inherent in his self-identity; it only accentuated its definition. This identity of a man born in a Javanese family and nurtured in a Javanese society and culture was even more sharpened and enriched upon contact with the European culture, Christianity, Western philosophy, theology and spirituality that he was instilling in him. His awareness of self-identity was developed and discovered through his personal transformation from the time before he had a personal encounter with Christiantity.

After the contact with Christianity, Soegijapranata was even more deeply involved in the new life to grow and evolve as a Javanese Catholic and Jesuit priest at the same time. Through this transformation, his core identity, shaped through his childhood experiences emerging latently and dominantly, had become the core of his personal development in all of its aspects.

Tittle :Soegija

A Child of Bethlehem Van Java Writer :

G Budi SubanarPublisher :

Sanata Dharma UniversityUniversity Press

Soegija A child of Bethlehem Van Java

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Solving Papuan Grievances looks into the contemporary debate on the nature of Papuan civil dissent and its possible solutions in the near future. The book attempts to look into the entanglement of interests and political deadlocks that are often lumped together as ‘the Papua problem’ in order to provide a better understanding of the conflict for scholars, practitioners, and the general public. The book is only an initial survey and a collection of research notes that providea glimpse into the current situation as wellas possible alternative approaches to the conflict.

The book has the three main Papuan grievances of dialogue, development and security as well as the problematic security and developmental approaches adopted by actors in redressing those grievances. A critical scrutiny is proposals of educational and cultural approaches are also conducted by taking notable lessons from international case studies such as Bosnia-Herzegovina. An historical overview of the ‘nationalization’ of Papuan grievances is also discussed along with a proposed model for achieving dialogue, development and security.

Tittle :Solving Papua Grievances

An IntroductionWriter :

Pierre MarthinusPublisher :

University Of Indonesia, UI-PressISBN 978-979-456-497-4

v, 169 pages.; 23 cm

Solving Papua Grievances

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In this century there are so many progress on developing therapeutic models round on the world. Stem cells are the last generation of therapy model base on the biological nature and differentiation potential of plastic adherent cells from bone marrow. These efforts revealed much information about their cell surface phenotype, proliferation and differentiation potential and culminated in the demonstration that clonally derived rabbit and human populations were multipotent, capable of differentiating into osteoblast, adipocytes, chondrocytes, and hematopoiesis supporting stromal cells. The existence of a stem cell in marrow capable of generating most connective tissue cell types had confirmed and capable to develop therapy model in different disease.

Tittle :Stem Cell Exploration

Writer :Fedik A Rantam, Ferdiansyah,

Nasronudin, PurwatiPublisher :

Airlangga University PressXv, 82 pages,; ilus.; 21 x 28 cm

ISBN 978-979-1330-52-7

Stem Cell Exploration

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This book is a compilation of several literary works of I. Kuntara Wiryamartana is on Old Javanese literature as well as to introduce and invite the reader to enjoy the beauty of language and literature. When people are often confused or have limited words to explain the term ‘taste’, in his work “Arjunawiwaha”, Rama Kuntara with clear and detailed explains the term with various references. Placing a ‘taste’ as part of the aesthetic experience of moving into her yoga yogis. Departing from the psychological and existential experience of the subjects actors (yogi, author, litterateur) became beautiful and profound literary. Even became offering of praise.

We find the word Shraddha, in addition to have the meaning Shraddha ceremony to commemorate, glorify people died (Jw. Nyadran.), Still has many meanings; longing, loyalty, confidence, firmness. Not only a noun, but also a verb. We imagine Shraddha be noble path in treading a silent world Old Javanese.

Tittle :Sraddha – Jalan Mulia, Dunia Sunyi Jawa

KunaWriter :

I. Kuntara WiryamartanaEditor :

G. Budi SubanarPublisher :

USD Universitas Sanata DharmaFirst print – 2006

xiv, 304 pages.; 148 x 210 mmISBN 978-602-9187-79-3

Sraddha - Jalan Mulia, Dunia Sunyi,Jawa Kuna

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I know that he is “only” a philologist Java language (kuna), it will be an interesting event If in our final examinations as the board of examiners include Yogyanese was a busy with a headband and Petruknya. The proposal was accepted by the social psychology boss named Serge Moscovici. And the test was probably the only incident in which a punakawan sits on the board of examiners with Rene Descartes subordinate.

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This book gives an explanation to the reader about the business opportunities oyster mushrooms. Businesses that continuously deliver very good prospects for development. It describes the initial stages of the process until the end of the oyster mushroom cultivation sequentially. Everything is displayed in a simple context and drawing instructions for its implementation. All instructions can be executed in household scale. In addition, the reader can figure out how to process the mushrooms and address of farmers in different regions in Java. Beside that, to increase the spirit of oyster mushrooms cultivation also attached the profile of successful entrepreneurs in the household scale. The readers can try it from their own home.

Tittle :Sukses Bisnis Jamur Tiram

di Rumah SendiriWriter :

Mochamad Yadi NurjayadiElang Ilik Martawijaya

Publisher :IPB Press


Sukses Bisnis Jamur Tiramdi Rumah Sendiri

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Theology, as it is known, discusses the basic tenets of a religion. Everyone wants to explore the intricacies of religion in depth, there need to study theology in religion. Studying theology would give someone beliefs are based on a strong foundation, which is not easily tossed around by the circulation of the times.

Islamic theology is taught in Indonesia in general is the science of theology in the form of tauhid. And the science of tauhid taught and knew in Indonesia in general is the science of tauhid according Asy’ariah flow. In Islam there is actually more than one stream of theology. There is a stream that is both liberal and traditional. There also has properties between liberal and traditional.

Therefore, this book aims to introduce streams of different theology it to the Muslims of Indonesia. And to give another view of Islam for those who usually find out and know Islam only from the standpoint of law or fikih. Composed of two parts. The first part contains a description of the flow and theological factions. The second part contains the analysis and comparison of these streams.

Tittle :Teologi Islam: Aliran-aliran, Sejarah,

Analisa, dan Perbandingan Writer :

Harun NasutionPublisher :

University Of Indonesia, UI Press, 1986Fifth Print 2015

Xvi, 156 hlm.; 22 cm.ISBN 979-8034-79-1.

Teologi Islam

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The most appropriate word to describe the relevance between globalization and the military is security. This word is often used to unravel the dynamics of military institution in the context of globalization. Finding the connection between globalization and military sociology requires further study on security from a number of aspects.

The discourse on military development is connected closely to the dynamics of globalization. Countries around the world have developed their own studies on their military development in order to have further and deeper understanding on globalization’s massive influence on all sectors of life, especially for issues of global security, national interest and security, and public order as well as universal values of human rights and democracy.

Security issues have become an essential agenda for world leaders; hence become a turning point for states to formulate their responses to global security development.

Furthermore, as a Naval Officer, Octavian, elaborates these issues in this book by laying down critiques on the theories of Anthony Giddens, Kenichi Ohmae, Keith Faulks and others, in order to answer the ultimate question: why does TNI need to transform itself?

Tittle :The Military and Globalization

Writer :Amarulla Octavian

Publisher :University Of Indonesia, UI-Press

178 pagesISBN 978-979-456-517-9

The Military and Globalization

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This book presents a profound analysis against an Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in the field of syariah economics. There are three main focus spotlight this book: fatwa patterns of thought, fatwa excavation methods, and fatwa patterns of absorption in the positive law. Some notes revamping method of ijtihad also presented in this book.

Tittle :Teori Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

Writer :M. Cholil Nafis

Publisher :University Of Indonesia, UI-Press

ISBN 978-979-456-456-1xviii, 283 hlm.; 15.5x23 cm

Teori Hukum Ekonomi Syariah

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There are missing link between Javanese building environmental design and modern building sciences. The lack of quantitative and scientific explanations have made Javanese building environmental performance difficult to measure in a systematic way.

Applying Javanese principles to modern buildings is often uncertain and usually influenced by the builders’ romantic ideals of comfortable old Javanese buildings. This research could be considered as a first step in explaining Javanese building environmental design, particularly its aerodynamics and thermal design, particularly its aerodynamics and thermal performance. The use of a CFD program as the main research tool is a significant advance from the high technology of modern building sciences. Philosophically, this research aspires to a national architectural dignity and integrity, an Indonesian architecture deeprooted in local architectural concepts with scientifically explainable environmental designs.

Tittle :Traditional Javanesse Architecthure

and Termal ComfortWriter :

Prasasto Satwiko Publisher :

Atmajaya Yogyakarta UniversityISBN 979-9243-46-7

xxii, 298 pages.; 25 cm

Traditional Javanesse Architecthure and Termal Comfort

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Implementation of tracer study is an important characteristic of advance higher education institutions around the world. Also, known in different nomenclatures such as graduate survey, destination survey, or alumni research, tracer study has gained popularity among universities in both growing and developing countries. In developed countries, Europe notably, tracer study has been conducted in a more or less systematic, standardized, and regular mechanism.

In the future, it is expected that tracer study would be an integral part of higher education management system, and its sustainability would be guaranteed. moreover, by spreading the ide and awareness about tracer study to other universities in indonesia, supported by the government with program, policy, and funding, then the information on university graduates would be nationally available and universities could benchmark to each other, and improve their quality and relevance.

Tittle :Tracer Study University of Indonesia

2010-2012: methodology, management, major findings

Writer :Ahmad Syafiq, Sandra Fikawati

Publisher :University Of Indonesia, UI-Press

Vi, 102 pages.; 23 cmISBN 978-979-456-566-7

Tracer Study University Of Indonesia

Page 53: APPTI Indonesian University Publishers Association Book Catalog


At least three factors are pushing to increase attention to the application of organic fertilizers and biological fertilizers in Indonesia. The factors, namely the economic crisis that occurred in 1997, a reduction in fertilizer subsidies by the government, and the growing awareness of the potential for environmental pollution through the excessive use of chemical fertilizers. The increase in food production is also not spared from suboptimal utilization of land that is still quite widely available to be managed. Through this book expected to be useful for the readers, especially for college students who take subjects Fertilizers and Fertilization Technology, Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Technology, as reading material for enrich the knowledge.

Tittle :Teknologi Pupuk dan Pemupukan

di Lahan SuboptimalWriter :

Nuni GofarPublisher :

Polimedia Publishingviii, 127 pages.; 15 x 23 cmISBN 978-979-9356-67-3

Teknologi Pupuk dan Pemupukandi Lahan Suboptimal

Page 54: APPTI Indonesian University Publishers Association Book Catalog


Birds are one wildlife species that are much adored by the majority of communities in the world because of the beauty of fur, beautiful voice, as well as other considerations such as trust. The high demand for birds in Indonesia because of the trust factor considering that the house is not complete without pet birds. One type of birds that is much preferred by people is starlings.

This book gives an explanation to the reader regarding the opportunities of starlings breeding agribusiness at home. Business sustainably managed gives a very promising opportunity. This book describes in detail starlings breeding techniques, including techniques to select and maintain seeds; breeding techniques; techniques to care for and raise the cheeper; techniques of prevention, care, and treatment.

Tittle :Teknik Menangkarkan Burung Jalak

di RumahWriter :

Burhanuddin Mas’udPublisher :IPB Press

ISBN : 978-979-493-262-9

Teknik Menangkarkan Burung Jalak di rumah

Page 55: APPTI Indonesian University Publishers Association Book Catalog


In addition, the book is complemented by the analysis of the business prospects and techniques to make bali starling bird chirping. The starlings breeder address in various areas is also presented so that readers can find out the location of breeding bali starlings or bali mynah. Breeder profile who has successfully bred starlings is also explored in this book in order to stimulate the spirit of the reader for successful entrepreneurs and bird conservationists in household scale. All of these are described in a concise and simple language that is easy to understand and practical to be applied by all levels of society. Other books successfully published by the author are Success Tips on Breeding Straw-headed Bulbul and Success Tips on Breeding Canary Bird.

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Especially ornamental plants that have flowers identical to the symbol of beauty. Generally favored by women to beautify the neighborhood. It was not a little of the medicinal plants. Functions can be processed economically increase the income of families and even communities. Ecologically medicinal plants used to conserve soil and water, sequester carbon, oxygen providers as well as help repair degraded land and environmental conservation. Ornamental plants also tends able to eliminate stress. Maintaining houseplants is one hobby that favored not only by women but also men. In many areas of medicinal plants are maintained well in pots (tabulapot) or polybag and in the yard (tabulakar). The main users of medicinal plants generally are the mothers of the household. This condition is evident because mothers who became a doctor for their families at home, especially in terms of maintaining the health of children and the husband.

Tittle :Tanaman Hias Berkhasiat Obat

Writer :Sri HartatiPublisher :IPB Press

ISBN 978-978-493-337-4

Tanaman Hias Berkhasiat Obat

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Development and maintenance of medicinal plants tends not difficult, especially if the known properties of the plants owned by the health, lives now how to utilize the property that contains the health of the human body. Examine further useful research on the content and effects of medicinal plants (dosage, method, time, and type) in order to always be able to give a positive impact to the user. Book medicinal plants created to facilitate the reader in maintaining the health of families and more aware of the existence and type as well as the benefits of ornamental plants not only beautify the environment around the residence, but it became more meaningful. If each family owns and develops these plants, and use it for his own family at least not this is a means for a “healthy family” and healthy society in addition to prospects for revenue if managed professionally.

Traditional treatment using medicinal plants valid until the present day. Indonesian state to change the perspective of the medicinal plants that had been only considered as a complementary crop. With such rapid growth and world demand for medicinal plants so the plant is a source of economic growth and opportunity is huge because of the potential and have a lot of diversity of plant species. This book introduces and outlines the parts used, benefits and examples of the use of 32 kinds of medicinal plants in controlling various diseases.

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Wisdom in 1001 Pantun book contains a collection of pantun about family, relationships, and counterpoint. Pantun-pantun are taken from the culture of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke. This book is for all people from children to adults. Besides being used for the textbook, the book is expected to be able introduce Indonesia and diverse culture. This book became short cut for those who want to know Indonesia.

Tittle :Wisdom In 1001 Pantun

Writer :John GawaPublisher :

Polimedia PublishingISBN 978-979-9356-68-0

liv + 378 pages.; 15 x 23 cm

Wisdom in 1001 Pantun

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Zoologi Invrtebrata

Tittle :Zoologi Invertebrata

Writer :Dra. R. Teti Rostikawati, M.SI.

Rita Istiana, S.Pd.Publisher :Jelajal Nusa

ISBN 978-602-9336-76-4

This book about the introduction of inverteprate animals . Especially fsr the student is expected to know and understand the placenrent of the animals in the taxonomy . Brief discussion which emphasized the special overview and introduction to the characteristics of the phylum which became the zubiect matter of zoology .

The discussion is divided into several subiects, divided into Phyla of Protozoa, phyla of Rotifers, Phyla of Sponges, Phyla of Coelentara, Phyla of Platyhelminthes, phyla of Nemathelminthes , Phyla of Annelids, Phyla of Molluscs, Phyla of Echinoderms, phyla of Arthropods ln each chapter discussed them about the general characteristics of morphology, habitat, digestive system, respiratory system, transportation system, the reproductive system, classification and role in human tife .

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