Appropriating the Power of the Holy Spirit – Spiritual Gifts A.P.E.P.T. A.P.E.P.T.

Appropriating the Power of the Holy Spirit – Spiritual GiftsA.P.E.P.T

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Page 1: Appropriating the Power of the Holy Spirit – Spiritual GiftsA.P.E.P.T

Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts


Page 2: Appropriating the Power of the Holy Spirit – Spiritual GiftsA.P.E.P.T

Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts

Ephesians 4:11-12 (NIV) 11 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12 to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up

Page 3: Appropriating the Power of the Holy Spirit – Spiritual GiftsA.P.E.P.T

Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts

Ephesians 4:13-14 (NIV) 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. 14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.

Page 4: Appropriating the Power of the Holy Spirit – Spiritual GiftsA.P.E.P.T

Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts

Ephesians 4:15-16 (NIV) 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

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Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts


Obedient submission to the authority and power of God. Humiliation and a willingness to enter into the fellowship of the sufferings of Jesus. Philippians 2v1-11; 3v7-11.

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Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual GiftsThe Hand IllustrationThe Hand Illustration






Page 7: Appropriating the Power of the Holy Spirit – Spiritual GiftsA.P.E.P.T

Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts

APOSTOLIC (THUMB)These leaders function locally and trans-locally in establishing new Christ centred missional works while overseeing their development and the team.

Do you like new causes? Do you see the future Christ centred

missional possibilities in any given situation?

Do you see what can be done to rectify and address issues and are you able to communicate well?

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Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts


Do people respond to your leadership and get on board with you in new missional causes?

Do you regularly resolve conflict situations? Do you enjoy change?Do you have power encounters that result in

healing and deliverance?Do people provide resources for your new

missional causes because they have caught your vision and heart?

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Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts


These leaders discern the mind of Christ in a given situation, and declare that in a Christlike way to further his mission.

Is spending long periods of time (hours at a time) alone with Christ something you enjoy?

Do you find it frustrating that others don’t?Are you given references of scripture as you

pray?Do you feel moved by other people’s situations

sometimes to the point of immense pain?

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Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts


These leaders discern the mind of Christ in a given situation, and declare that in a Christlike way to further his mission.

Do you hear Godly messages that you feel compelled to share – messages that bring comfort,?

Do you see things in people (visions, images, clear impressions etc.)?

Is sleeplessness, feelings of heaviness and physical discomfort a frequent experience for you?

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Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts


These missional leaders communicate the gospel of Christ in such a way that people respond in faith and discipleship.

Does your heart beat for the lost? Do you enjoy witnessing? Do you have the burning desire to lead

people to Christ and don’t understand why others don’t?

Do you regularly lead people to Christ

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Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts


These missional leaders communicate the gospel of Christ in such a way that people respond in faith and discipleship.

Do you find yourself talking about Jesus in unusual circumstances?

Are you a people person? Are people attracted to you?

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Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts


These leaders embody the love of Christ, discipling people to health, wholeness and mission.

Do you love people? Do you desire to help people to

wholeness? Do you love being involved with people

in their journey to wholeness?

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Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts


These leaders embody the love of Christ, discipling people to health, wholeness and mission.

Are the needs of people who love Jesus constantly on your mind?

Are you a people person? Are you a person of compassion?

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Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts


These leaders communicate the revealed wisdom of God so that people develop missionally. They learn how to become mature disciples who are able to lead others to Christ.

Do you enjoy teaching people? Do people respond to your teaching by

growing in their faith? Do you enjoy discovering the mysteries of

the gospel and deep spiritual truths?

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Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts


These leaders communicate the revealed wisdom of God so that people develop missionally. They learn how to become mature disciples who are able to lead others to Christ.

Does Christlikeness grow in people as a result of you sharing God’s word with them?

Do people love to hear you teach? Is this your passion and desire?

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Appropriating the Power of the Holy

Spirit – Spiritual Gifts