Apprion Wireless Systems

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  • 8/9/2019 Apprion Wireless Systems


    From Process and Environmental

    Monitoring to Asset Management and

    Safety, Apprions Wireless Solutions

    Can Save Lives, Increase Security and

    Help Make Your Plant Sustainable.

    WirelessSystemsMake Non-traditional

    Measurements Possible

    Sponsored by


  • 8/9/2019 Apprion Wireless Systems



    The traditional measurements in a process

    plant are pressure, temperature, level and flow.There are more, but the expense of installing

    and wiring sensors means that we monitor only the pro-

    cess variables of extreme interest. Many more variablesthroughout the plant can be monitored using wireless

    sensor technologies.

    Whos Using Wireless Sensor

    Networks, and For What?

    Studies by ONWorld, Global Automation Research and

    Controlmagazine have shown rapidly increasing penetra-tion of the automation market by wireless sensing systems

    over the past few years. Up to a third of the respondents tothese surveys have indicated that theyve installed wireless

    sensor networks, some with up to 100 devices, and that themajority choice for those networks has been IEC62591-


    . Other networks, including several pro-prietary systems, such as IEEE802.11s, ISA100.11a andZigBee, make up close to half the installed network sen-

    sors. Since there are multiple standards and proprietary

    systems, asset owners are looking for systems that can inter-

    operate and backbone systems like Apprions ION Systemthat is designed to be capable of working with any wirelessprotocol, now or in the future.

    The choice of applications the surveys report includeprocess monitoring, environmental monitoring applica-

    tions, both real-t ime and reporting, as well as personnelsafety systems. According to the surveys, process moni-toring leads, followed by environmental monitoring,

    asset and machine health monitoring, and employeehealth and safety monitoring. The surveys report that

    there is also some demand for process control as peopleget more use time with wireless sensors.

    Looking to the future, companies will need umbrella

    systems that are essentially infinitely expandable andprovide backbone data service from the sensor to the

    control and monitoring systems. Safety, environmental

    and process monitoring applications may use more thanone protocol, and it is essential that there be an inte-grated system to handle that data. One of the most usedis the Apprion ION System.

    Asset owners are looking for systems that can

    interoperate and backbone systems like Apprions ION

    System that is designed to be capable of working with any

    wireless protocol, now or in the future.



  • 8/9/2019 Apprion Wireless Systems



    Process Monitoring:

    Tank Gauging for

    Critical Monitoring

    Tanks in remote tank farm areas of the plant have beendifficult to monitor effectively from central control rooms

    due to distance and the expense of running wires to thetanks. The ION Tank Gauging Application can remotely

    monitor tank level, vapor pressure, temperature, hazard-ous conditions and standing water (for example, inside

    the tank berm). Like all ION applications, it integrates

    into the ION System and extends ION System Moni-toring applications for Condition Monitoring, Network

    Monitoring and Emission Monitoring. The ION Systemstreams real-time intelligence from all of these applica-tions into a common dashboard view for plant operators

    in industrial process plants. The operator can not only

    view real-time data, but also effectively process that datafor reporting and compliance.

    Figure 1. Solutions CenterRemote Operations


  • 8/9/2019 Apprion Wireless Systems



    Environmental Monitoring:

    Fugitive Emissions Monitoring

    and Leak Detection

    Process plants are notorious for releasing fugitiveemissions. Those are the small leaks from gas-

    kets and seals that, if left unrepaired, turn intolarge leaks and hazardous and abnormal situa-tions. The ION Emissions Monitoring Applica-

    tion monitors a whole network of gas sensors,weather reports and weather sensors to provide

    rapid updates and visualizations, showing gasconcentrations at any point, dosage and/or build-

    ing infiltration. The ION System dashboard letsoperators view the real-time, color-coded statusof all monitors, displayed in green, yellow or red.

    The system automatically triggers alarms if a gassensor detects a chemical release, and the colorcoding shows the exact location and extent of

    the problem, displayed on a facility map or topo-graphic photo, allowing immediate, pinpoint re-

    sponse, as well as accurate reporting and post-event analysis.

    Monitoring Energy Saving:

    Steam Trap Monitoring

    One of the two largest energy losses in any plant is from

    steam leaks. The most common leak is from a failed steamtrap. Studies have shown that at least 15% to 20% of yoursteam traps will fail in a given year, with an average cost of

    $5000 per failure. Steam traps are located all over the facil-ity and without wireless sensors, they have been expensive

    and nearly impossible to instrument or alarm. But with theION Steam Trap Monitoring Application, a non-invasive

    wireless monitor can be installed that will immediately de-tect faults and leaks. This application integrates within the

    ION System, so the data is easily available for visualizationor action. The application integrates easily and seamlesslywith video, tank gauging or location tracking in the same

    dashboard the user refers to for a complete view of all ac-tivities and all data in one snapshot. Steam trap monitor-ing can reduce steam costs by as much as 25% or more

    in less than a year. This is a true sustainability measure,and not greenwash. Like all sustainability measures, steam

    trap monitoring saves energy, saves money and improvesproduction.

    Figure 2. Leak Detection Solution


  • 8/9/2019 Apprion Wireless Systems



    Asset Management:

    Monitoring the Health of

    Your Systems ThemselvesYour crit ical systems are more than the sum of theirparts. These critical systems are usually managedby a collection of equipment health and condition

    monitoring applications that focus on specific per-formance parameters. Usually, monitoring these s ys-

    tems is done on an ad-hoc basis, catch as catch can,without an integrated system to monitor the overallhealth of your critical sy stems themselves. Apprions

    ION System Health Monitoring application providesintegrated real-time analysis and visualization of the

    health of any or all your operational systems. It pro-vides a single unified view into all system activity

    that is easy for operational personnel to understand,since it is designed to mimic physical annunciatorpanels.

    IONosphere Integrated

    Applications Make

    Monitoring Easy

    The ION Emissions Monitoring application allows theoperator to remotely monitor all tanks and containers

    for emissions and condition levels. With remote wire-less, there is no need to send personnel into dangerousareas to gather emission data, thus improving worker

    safety and freeing up personnel for other critical tasks.And since the data is already digital and in a usable for-

    mat, the data doesnt sit stranded on some clipboard un-til after the incident.

    With ION location and tracking services, the opera-

    tor can instantly find a containers location via IONo-spheres dashboard and regional map functionality, or

    alternatively, view a list or summary of all tagged con-tainers or railcars in a particular location. Use pho-

    tos and drawings of your plant to easily locate specificHAZMAT containers immediately and view real-timestatus information on temperature, pressure, mainte-

    nance, schedules and other condition status.

    The threats and dangers are very real: product tam-pering or contamination, spills and explosions that canresult in environmental damage, injury and even death.Remote wireless cameras and centralized monitoring

    equip plants with a secure, reliable, low-cost way to sig-nificantly increase productivity, safely monitor hazard-

    ous, remote locations and satisfy regulatory mandates,and video monitoring data integrates easily with otherdata from the IONosphere.

    Figure 3. Energy-Efcient Nested

    Annunciator For Asset Health


    Figure 4. Emissions Monitoring Dashboard


  • 8/9/2019 Apprion Wireless Systems



    Industrial facilities need to have a solid plan inplace to address mandated safety requirements.

    Wireless enables easy, economic compliance withsafety standards. Many industrial facilities have al-ready realized the benefits of wireless applications,

    and case studies show that wireless systems canbe installed in less than 10% of the time of wired

    systemswith only about 5% to 10% of the opera-tional impact on the organization. Satisfy compli-

    ance and reporting requirements through IONEmergency Notifications automated alerts, real-time confirmations and extensive audit trail re-

    porting. ION Emergency Notification addresses

    Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) compli-

    ance requirements, as well as safety and securityregulations such as the Chemical Facility Anti-Ter-

    rorism (CFAT) standards, U.S. Coast Guard Mar-itime Security (MARSEC) levels and the North

    American Electric Reliabili ty Corporation Crit ical

    Infrastructure Protection (NERC CIP) standards.Regulatory agencies require that industrial facili-

    ties must adequately notify all employees of hazard-

    ous incidents. The main loss prevention measurethat facilities can take to avoid fines and lawsuits isimplementing a communications system with sev-eral layers of notification for personnel safety such

    Figure 5. The Apprion ION System


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    as the ION Emergency Notification Application. In-surance and underwriting costs are reduced when

    efficient notification systems are employed andmaintained. Comply, and the plants insurance rateswill be lower than plants that do not. Moreover, per-

    sonal injury and workmans compensation lawsuitsare far less likely to be filed agains t a company with

    an effective and reliable employee alerting sys tem.ION Emergency Notification promotes good com-

    munication and corporate citizenship. Not only does

    the investment in a reliable, effective communicationsystem pay dividends in lower insurance rates and less

    scrutiny from industry regulation agencies, but moreimportantly, it indicates that your facility values thelives of your employees, contractors and visitors. This

    will help foster stronger collaboration within and out-side your organization.

    IONosphere is the only third-party plant wirelessbackbone designed specifically for the needs of indus-

    trial manufacturing and process plants. Used in con-junction with Apprions family of applications, ApprionION Systems provide numerous levels of affordable

    reassurance and security for you, your employees andeven your community.

    Apprion ION Solutions

    Offer a Complete Picture

    The Apprion IONosphere Applications allow you

    to monitor parameters that would be impossible ina wired environment because of cost, complexity or

    movement. Process monitoring applications, environ-mental monitoring applications, asset management

    applications and safety can integrate into the IONo-sphere simply and seamlessly.

    The Apprion Industrial

    Safety Solution

    Apprions total plant monitoring offering includes theIONosphere and ION Applications providing an inte-grated industrial safety solution. With an industrial net-

    work appliance and integrated dashboard, plus advancedwireless applications, the Apprion Industrial Safety So-

    lution provides personnel and hazardous material track-ing, controlled access to restricted areas, improvedemergency response time, perimeter monitoring and

    protection, emissions monitoring, effective communica-tions, remote monitoring and many other critical safety

    functions to ensure that your facility is operating at thehighest safety level. Apprions ION Emergency Notifica-

    tion Application provides cost-effective, plant-wide no-tification and reliable, rapid communication via alarmsand voice information, effectively directing personnel to

    take appropriate action and promoting faster incident re-sponse. The ION Emergency Notification Application

    is a wireless, cost-effective means to easily comply withsafety and security mandates. If your emergency system isno longer reliable or has aged beyond the point of reason-

    able repair, your employees and facility are at risk.Apprions ION Emergency Application leverages mul-

    tiple wireless communication technologies and a suite ofindustry-leading third-party devices from vendors suchas Federal Signal and Motorola that are seamlessly in-

    tegrated with existing operational applications for emer-gency warnings, plant evacuations, start and dismissal

    notices, public address and process control signaling.Apprions ION Applications for improved personnel

    and asset safety include plant-wide communications,

    equipment safety, personnel monitoring and mustering.Possibly the most important safety measure plants need is

    Case studies show that wireless systems can

    be installed in less than 10% of the time of

    wired systemswith only about 5% to 10% of theoperational impact on the organization.


  • 8/9/2019 Apprion Wireless Systems



    to address the safety of plant personnel. An incident putsthe lives of many at risk of injury or possible death. Many

    ION Safety applications drastically increase personnelsafety at industrial sites: Personnel Monitoring, Muster-

    ing, Safety Shower Monitoring, Video Monitoring andAudio all enable a safe environment and ensure that per-

    sonnel safety is at the highest level.

    Integrated Safety Systems

    Wireless safety applications are dollar savers usuallycosting less than half the price of wired alternatives.

    In addition, wireless systems can provide a 60% orgreater reduction in installation time with a similar

    reduction in organizational disruption. Therefore,you can save money, time and, very importantly,stress and frustration in these tough economic times

    with wireless sensor applications for safety and envi-ronmental monitoring, providing less risk and more

    reward at lower costs.When the inevitable problem occurs and chaos hap-

    pensas it will in even the best run plantthen the

    best protection against the worst possible scenarios willbe powerful communication. Strong, nimble commu-

    nication is the only thing that can improve safety andreduce injuries and fatalities. The Apprion ION Systemcan ensure your employees lives and your companys

    future with a wide variety of wireless solutions that cankeep you ahead of escalating chaos.

    Apprion wireless safety solutions can reliably help

    you deliver the safe, efficient working environment youneed for your employees and the community. From in-tegrated safety solutions to simple Safety Shower andEye-Wash applications, Apprions ION Wireless Net-

    work has your employees safety covered, with a costthat management can approve.

    Here are a few of the safety solutions Apprion canprovide to protect your employees and corporate future.

    Safety Showers

    and Eye Washes

    Even the most careful workers and companies occasion-ally have safety challenges, but the right safety system

    can prevent permanent damage to your people and yourcompany. Real-time safety shower and eye-wash station

    monitoring provides improved industrial working envi-ronment safety. Apprions ION Safety Shower Applica-tion monitors safety shower and eye-wash station activa-

    tion, alerting your emergency team when an employeewho has been exposed to hazardous materials activates

    a safety shower or eye wash station.The ION Safety Shower Application uses wireless sen-

    sors to monitor all shower and eye-wash switches in real

    time and provides alerts, alarms and continuous monitor-ing to control room personnel. They will be kept on top

    of emergencies immediately, wasting no time and reme-diating the situation before it escalates. A switch on theshower or eye wash activates the wireless sensor attached

    to the shower, sending the alert to managers for immedi-ate help.

    Installing an ION Safety Shower and Eye-Wash Solu-tion puts in place a cost-effective, real-time solution that

    greatly increases the safety of all your field personnel.When someone working in the field comes into contactwith hazardous materials, the ION Safety Shower Appli-

    cation makes sure that critical, first-line emergency treat-ment is immediate.

    ION Safety Shower helps your control room personnel

    stay on top of the situation by monitoring and reportingthe status and health of the communication links them-

    selves, as well as the health of the entire safety system.Finding the triggered shower and getting help there in

    time can be a daunting task in huge industrial situationswith many safety showers. Your control team can viewthe specific activated shower and the exact location on a

    regional map shown on the ION dashboard.



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    The wireless ION Safety Shower Solution helps in-

    jured employees by making sure your control roompersonnel know that the worker needs help, even if theworker is unable to call for assistance. Wired solutions

    try to provide support for safety shower and eye-washstations, but often the injured employee cannot move

    once the safety shower or eye wash is triggered, or ifno one is monitoring the triggered safety equipment

    at the critical time. This means crucial time couldbe lost, and employees suffer further harm or evendeath. Plus, wired monitoring means running wires to

    the switches in the field. Lots of wires and switchesthrough treacherous areas escalate the implementa-tion costs to sometimes as much as $4000 per point.

    With wireless, the cost of running the field wiring is

    completely eliminated, providing a 75% cost-savingsusing wireless sensors compared to wired solutions.

    You can save money and lives by going wireless.

    Apprion is the First Name in

    Wireless Plant Monitoring

    The ION System and ION Applications provide a com-pletely integrated way to collect and visualize all of a

    plants critical data in a way that can reduce mainte-nance costs and improve plant safety significantly. Us-ing a combination of protocol-agnostic systems, sensor

    technologies and a complete umbrella backbone that isdesigned specifically for the industrial plant environ-

    ment, the Apprion ION System is a strong addition tothe plant.

    for more information contact Apprion

    Wired monitoring means running wires to

    the switches in the eld. Lots of wires and

    switches through treacherous areas escalate

    the implementation costs to sometimes as much

    as $4000 per point. With wireless, the cost of

    running the eld wiring is completely eliminated,

    providing a 75% cost-savings using wireless

    sensors compared to wired solutions.

    Figure 6. The Apprion ION Safety Shower Solution