Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated Sensing (AdvISe) lab Prof. dr. ir. Paul Leroux http://www.kuleuven.be/advise TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

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Page 1: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

Applied research and services

in the Advance Integrated

Sensing (AdvISe) lab

Prof. dr. ir. Paul Leroux



Page 2: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL


• Bird’s eye view on AdvISe’s field of research

– Technology for health care

– Audio Engineering

– Radiation hardened electronics

• A few examples of applied research collaborations

– iMinds ICON FallRisk



– Bilateral Sleep monitoring radar

– Collaboration Radhard chips for CERN

– Spin-off MAGICS Instruments

• To conclude

Page 3: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL


• Bird’s eye view on AdvISe’s field of research

– Technology for health care

– Audio Engineering

– Radiation hardened electronics

• A few examples of applied research collaborations

– iMinds ICON FallRisk



– Bilateral Sleep monitoring radar

– Collaboration Radhard chips for CERN

– Spin-off MAGICS Instruments

• To conclude

Page 4: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

AdvISeTechnology for health care

Fall detection and fall risk

estimation with cameras

Epilepsy detection with

- cameras

- accelerometers

Fall detection

with radar





monitoring of

daily activities

Page 5: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

AdvISeAudio Engineering

Acoustic signal enhancement

- noise reduction

- echo/feedback control

- room equalization

Audio signal analysis

- speech recognition

- event detection

- source localization

- audio classification

Acoustic modeling

- ear modeling

- room modeling

- loudspeaker modeling

- signal modeling

x (m)



-100 -50 0 50 100-100





Page 6: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

• RF, analog and mixed-signal

radhard IC design

• Modelling radiation effects

• FPGA and board level


• Radiation hardeneddigital IC design & synthesis



ITER: Nuclear fusion






Reactor safety

CERN: CMS experiment

AdvISeRadiation hardened micro-electronics



Application fields Expertise

Page 7: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL


• Bird’s eye view on AdvISe’s field of research

– Technology for health care

– Audio Engineering

– Radiation hardened electronics

• A few examples of applied research collaborations

– iMinds ICON FallRisk



– Bilateral Sleep monitoring radar

– Collaboration Radhard chips for CERN

– Spin-off MAGICS Instruments

• To conclude

Page 8: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

iMinds ICON Framework

• iMinds?

– Distributed research centre

– ICT, Media and Health

• ICON is iMinds’ Cooperative Research Program

– Academia and industry

– Aligned with IWT

– Two-year valorization oriented projects

– Two calls per year

– Two phase selection procedure with abstract and full proposal

– Under supervision of an iMinds PI (for us Prof. Vanrumste)

Page 9: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

iMinds ICON FallRisk

• Design and development of non-stigmatizing, holistic services

for fall risk estimation and fall detection

• Context-aware and social-aware selection algorithm for event or

alarm handling towards the (in)formal caregiver network.





Receiver Cloud

Care Giver





Prof. VanrumsteProf. CroonenborghsDr. Luca

Page 10: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

IWT-SBO SINS: Sound Interfacing through the Swarm


o Strategic Basic Research

• High-quality basic research (high-risk, inventive, original and challenging)

• Magnitude and strategic importance of the valorisation potential in Flanders

• Target: Enabling ubiquitous & autonomous sound sensing

o Distributed scalable audio sensing through ultra-low-power, autonomous & maintainanceless non-invasive sensors

o Enabling monitoring for:

• Ambient-assisted living

• Focus on elderly: detection of mild cognitive decine

• Activity classification & abnormality detection

• Surveillance

• Focus on audio tracking / locationing

• Emotion detection

Prof. Verhelst Prof. VanrumsteDr. Karsmakers

Page 11: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

IWT-SBO SINSEcosystem and Industrial Advisory Committee



















Page 12: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

• EU Marie-Curie Innovative Training Network?

– High quality doctoral-level training in and outside academia

– Bring together universities, research centres and companies

from worldwide to train a new generation of researchers

– Boost scientific excellence and business innovation, and

enhance researchers’ career prospects through developing

their skills in entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation

– Now H2020 Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training


– Yearly call via the EU Participant Portal

EU FP7 Marie-Curie Innovative Training Network DREAMS

Page 13: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

Marie Curie ITN

EU funding of research & training

• research: 12 Early-Stage (PhD)

and 4 Experienced (postdoc)


• training: intensive courses,

seasonal schools, workshops, …

Objec ves • prepare young researchers for

future research career in industry

• support interdisciplinary,

interna onal, and intersectoral

research collabora ons

Consor um

KU Leuven Toon van Waterschoot

Marc Moonen

NXP So ware Wouter Tirry

Ann Spriet

Televic Group Michael Catrysse

Aalborg University Søren Holdt Jensen

Jan Østergaard

Bang & Olufsen Søren Bech

Jan Abildgaard Pedersen

O con Jesper Jensen


Imperial College Patrick Naylor

Mike Brookes

Nuance Spinvox Dushyant Sharma

CEDAR Audio Dave Be s

Christopher Hicks

University of Oldenburg Simon Doclo

Timo Gerkmann

Fraunhofer IDMT Stefan Goetze

Nuance Germany Tobias Wolff


FP7 Marie Curie ITN DREAMS

• DREAMS = Dereverberation and Reverberation

of Audio, Music, and Speech

Prof. van Waterschoot

Page 14: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

Sleep monitoring radarHistory

• Start PhD Marco Mercuri on the development of health

monitoring radars in a wireless sensor network

• Initial application: fall detection

• Development of radar module:

– Two antennas

– RF front-end and digitizer

– Zigbee link with base station

– Fall detection algorithms

based on machine learning

• IOF leverage project Faraday

– Leverage for industrial valorization

– Compact hardware

– Real-time data processing






Prof. LerouxProf. SchreursDr. Karsmakers

Page 15: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

Sleep monitoring radarTowards industrial valorization

• Radar sensor for breathing and heart rate monitoring

• Several demonstrations for industry

• Raised the interest from bed manufacturer




feasibility study with prototype

bilateral agreement M1: software

works in real-life normal conditions

M2: Software robust in adverse conditions

M3: Integration of sensor hardware in partner specific framework

Set up with periodic milestones.

In case milestone has been

reached joint work is continued.

LRD contract handling IP,

milestones, cost, etc.

Page 16: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

Radhard chips for CERNMember of CMS collaboration

• Communication with CERN started in 2008 at the Topical

Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics in Naxos, Greece

• Between 2008 and 2012 CERN interest grew in our MGy

radiation hardened ICs for the High Luminosity LHC upgrade

Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)

182 institutes from 42 countries

Prof. Leroux

Page 17: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

Radhard chips for CERNMember of CMS collaboration

• AdvISe PhD student Jeffrey Prinzie designs chips for accurate time stamping in different LHC experiments

– Personnel cost via IWT specialization grant

– Prototyping and irradiation cost: CERN

• CERN member Mieczyslaw Dabrowski starts PhD at KU Leuven AdvISe (fully CERN funded)

• AdvISe PhD student Bram Faes starts working on high-speed transceivers for particle detector communication (same arrangement as with Jeffrey Prinzie)

• KU Leuven is officially Associate Member of the CMS collaboration. Prof. Leroux is KU Leuven team leader (currently 7 team members)

• New projects in the pipeline including HERCULES, FWO and a Marie-Sklodowska-Curie training network with over 20 partners





Page 18: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

KU Leuven and SCK-CEN spin-off MAGICS Instruments

• Ying Cao o Radiation hardened time-to-

digital converters

o SCK-CEN AWM mandate


• Jens Verbeecko Radiation hardened optical


o IWT specialization grant


2011• Feasibility study for radiation hardened instrumentation

chips supported by EU Fusion for Energy



• Chips with highest radiation tolerance in the world!

• Rapidly growing interest from industry…

• Two students start PhD at KU Leuven under common

supervision of Prof. Leroux

Prof. Leroux

Page 19: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

KU Leuven and SCK-CEN spin-off MAGICS Instruments

• Decision to try to start up a spin-off company (MaGyICs)

• Ying Cao successful PhD defense

• First project to design, implement and test prototype radhard

instrumentation chip for Fusion for Energy

• Support by LRD spin-off division to establish business plan:

freedom to operate, business model, financial plan,

contracts, negotiations, investments, location, etc.

• Support by SPK (Strategische Projectenorganisatie Kempen)

• Fully functional MGy radhard instrumentation

chip delivered

• New projects in the pipeline

• True startup with signing of the term sheet at the notary

• MAGICS Instruments is a fact!!!





Page 20: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

Online estimation of quality level of a supplier

Accept or reject lot using a sample of limited size

Detect small shifts in process parameters

Online estimation of 95%

confidence interval of

process mean

Estimate probability that

percentage of defects is

higher than allowed

Detection of shift of 0.5

standard deviation.

Some other initiativesIWT – SME Innovation – industrial partner:

Develop a web-based tool to allow statistical quality surveillance

Dr. LucaProf. Claes

Out of control

Page 21: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL


• Bird’s eye view on AdvISe’s field of research

– Technology for health care

– Audio Engineering

– Radiation hardened electronics

• A few examples of applied research collaborations

– iMinds ICON FallRisk



– Bilateral Sleep monitoring radar

– Collaboration Radhard chips for CERN

– Spin-off MAGICS Instruments

• To conclude

Page 22: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

Acknowledgements• Faculty:

o Prof. Croonenborghs

o Prof. Leroux

o Prof. Vanrumste

o Prof. van Waterschoot

o Dr. Karsmakers

o Dr. Luca

o Ir. Colleman

o Ing. Van Roie

o Ing. Vermeulen

• Current researchers:

o 2 Postdocs: Ying Cao, Enzo De Sena,

o 18 Phd students: Mulu Weldegebreal Adhana, Niccolo Antonello, Greet Baldewijns, Giuliano Bernardi, Mieczyslaw Dabrowski, Glen Debard, Gert Dekkers, Bram Faes, Marc Mertens, Gert Mertes, Jeffrey Prinzie, Mina Shehata, Robin Theunis, Giacomo Vairetti, Bert Van den Broeck, Jurgen Vanhamel, Jens Verbeeck, Lode Vuegen

5 PhD Alumni: Dr. B. Bonroy, Dr. K. Cuppens, Dr. M. Mercuri, Dr. S. Put, Dr. M. Strackx

Page 23: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

Page 24: Applied research and services in the Advance Integrated ... · Acoustic signal enhancement - noise reduction - echo/feedback control - room equalization Audio signal analysis - speech

http://www.kuleuven.be/advise Paul Leroux – 28/10/2015 TECHNOLOGY CAMPUS GEEL

Thank you!

More info: http://www.kuleuven.be/[email protected]