Porting C/C++ applications to the web

applications to the web Porting C/C++ · LLVM to Web Assembly compiler, to convert the C/C++ code to JavaScript which can later be hosted on the web. The entire Vim codebase is of

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Porting C/C++ applications to the web

PROJECT P1Fundamental Research Group

MentorsNagesh Karmali

Rajesh Kushalkar


Ajit KumarAkash Soni

Sarthak MishraShikhar Suman

Yasasvi V Peruvemba

List of Contents

Project Description

Understanding the Problem





Overall Problems



Project Description

Lots of educational tools like electronic simulators, emulators, IDEs, etc. are written mostly as a native C/C++ applications. This project is focussed on making these applications run on the web as a service in the cloud. It is focused on porting these desktop applications into their JavaScript counterparts.

Understanding the problem

1. Converting the underlying logic written in C/C++ into it’s analogous Javascript file

2. Making sure minimum performance loss occurs during porting.


1. Emscripten is an Open Source LLVM to JavaScript compiler.

2. Compile any other code that can be translated into LLVM bitcode into JavaScript.

# Get the emsdk repogit clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git

# Enter that directorycd emsdk

# Fetch the latest version of the emsdk (not needed the first time you clone)git pull

# Download and install the latest SDK tools../emsdk install latest

# Make the "latest" SDK "active" for the current user. (writes ~/.emscripten file)./emsdk activate latest

# Activate PATH and other environment variables in the current terminalsource ./emsdk_env.sh

Installing Emscripten

Porting of VimGithub Repositoryhttps://github.com/rhysd/vim.wasm

Source files of Vim that are slightly modified can be found here - https://github.com/rhysd/vim.wasm/compare/a9604e61451707b38fdcb088fbfaeea2b922fef6...f375d042138c824e3e149e0994b791248f2ecf41#files

The Vim Editor is completely written in C. Hence, we can use Emscripten, the LLVM to Web Assembly compiler, to convert the C/C++ code to JavaScript which can later be hosted on the web.

The entire Vim codebase is of around 2,00,000-3,00,000 lines of code. Making it insanely difficult for us to understand it, in turn causing a major roadblock in calling the right functions according to input in the generated js file.

Errors Faced1. Web Assembly is not recognised by Ubuntu as a valid MIME (Multipurpose Internet

Mail Extensions). So the line

‘application/wasm wasm’Had to be added to the list of MIME types in /etc/mime.types

2. A function called “Pointer_stringify” was being used by the Ported program, but it has

been removed from Emscripten. Hence, we had to use another function called

“UTF8toString” which resolved this particular issue.

3. In the same string of the Issue raised with the creator, It was found that they also faced

the same problems with the emterpret() function, with Asynchronous operations occurring in

the “Vim.js” file. It required a much greater and in-depth look into the functioning of

emterpret() to solve this issue.

Port of the Tetris game

Understanding the c++ source code

Adding the web assets(HTML,CSS)

Making appropriate changes in C++ source code to make it compatible with emscipten.

Porting of the game to Web using emscipten.

1. Understanding the code1. Codebase consists of c++ class files(.cpp) and header files(.h). That represents objects within

the context of the game.

2. The various classes include the Piece class ,Board class and the Game class.

3. The constants.h stores all the global variable used in the project so as to increase the

readability of the code.

4. The Piece class contains logic to define pieces in terms of shape,color,current orientation .It

contains functions to move display the block(move),to rotate the block(rotate)and the

isblock() function to determine which kind of piece is present, its location and orientation.

5. The board class instances of pieces class and contains functions to display pieces which have

reached the bottom of the board,detect collision between the pieces and to the unite function

to clear any full row from the board,moving all pieces above it down by one and to increase

the score by one.

6. The game class contains functions to manage the whole game,including generating new

random pieces and to enable one to move pieces around the board with key presses.

7. The main.cpp acts as the entry point to the game and runs the game loop until SDL_quit is


2. Adding the web

1. The game requires us to add basic frontend to display the game in the browser.

2. The HTML files creates a canvas on which the game can be loaded and also includes a div tag

under which the current score will be displayed using the inner.hmtl attribute .

3. The css file is optional but is required to display the current score in exactly the same font as

would have been displayed by SDL2_ttf(true type font).

3. Making changes in C++ files1. Although SDL_ttf is supported by emscipten and can be ported but since its function is only to

display the score so for reducing the unnecessary complexity of the program we remove the

use of SDL_ttf to display score in the DOM.

2. Since the display score is not part of the c++ file so we remove the extra space allotted in the

screen height global variable.

3. In the Board class we change the display_score() function so that the score will be displayed by

DOM.here emscripten_run_script action finds the<span> element on the DOM and sets the

inner html to the current score.

4. Now since the SDL_ttf is not required we update all the functions and header files using the

SDL_ttf library.

5. Emscipten provides a emscipten_set_main_loop function that accepts a em_callback_func

looping function.however the gameloop() can’t be passed to em_callback_func since it will fail

to build.so we remove the game class itself and move the logic to main.cpp and reorder in such

a way that all the functions are declared before they are used.

4. Porting of the game to the web using emscripten.

1. To port the game to the web first navigate to the project directory.

2. In the command line type-emcc --bind src/board.cpp src/piece.cpp src/main.cpp -std=c++14

-O3 -s WASM=1 -s USE MODULARIZE=1 -s USE_SDL -o public/index.js

3. To run the game type emrun --browser firefox(chrome from google chrome)

--no_emrun_detect public/index.html


PNGCrush is a free and open-source command-line utility for optimizing PNG image files. It reduces the size of the file losslessly – that is, the resulting "crushed" image will have the same quality as the source image. It is mainly written in C programming language.

● Open Source Command-line .png image optimizer● Reduces the size of .png images based on various compression


Changes were made in makefile of PNG Crush

Instead of compiling with gcc, it was compiled with emscripten compiler emcc.

Get Source File PNGCRUSH

PNG Crush v1.8.11 used .

Source code : https://pmt.sourceforge.io/pngcrush/

Binary code file was generated through emscripten which was further used to generate the js file

emcc pngcrush.bc -o pngcrush.js

Porting Process for PNG Crush

Problems Faced

1. The original PNG Crush runs through the terminal and accepts two parameters

<INPUT.PNG> and <OUTPUT.PNG> with optional flags

2. Reading / Writing files

Giving files to files as input to C++ is EASY :) but there is no direct method to give file

inputs to JavaScript :(

Sol : Emscripten has a rich File System API which is not included to js file by default but

can be included as FS in module object during compile process.

FS.createDataFile(“/”, “file_name.png”,byteArray, true, true);


3. Communicating with Module object of the generated js File

Emscripten provides a global Module object that is used to interact with the ported c++ code.

4. Allowing Users to download the compressed file

Sol : This was achieved through creation of Blob object and filsaver.js which has the

implementation of saveAs() functionality in javaScript

GitHub Link : https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/

Getting image as input and sending it to generated js file

This was achieved by using the inbuilt File Reader API of the js. The image was read in an base64 encoding and converted to byteArrayBuffer via b64.js.. The files input.png and output.png were created using Emscripten FS api

Implementing a minimal HTML page

The web page allows the user to upload PNG image and get the compressed file.

Compressing the image with Module[‘run’]

Created files were given to Module[‘run’] in generated js file, this populates the output.png with compressed image. The compressed image is now available to download.


1. A lean and mean Atmel AVR simulator for linux.(or any platform which uses avr-gcc)

2. The simulator takes input as ELF file(s)(.hex) and generates corresponding waves using

gtkwave(tool, as waveform viewer).

3. It outputs signals like interrupts to be dumped into the file which is then used by gtkwave to

plot corres. Waves.

4. It serves, thus, much as a Debugger for avr codes and also emulating peripherals to test

before using on actual Hardware.

● Compiled and run on the machine and it runs fine.

● Code contains .c and .h files in two folders.

● Tried to compile using Emscripten; successful in generating .bc file of whole project but improper generation of.js, became the turning point.

Raised Issues Repo:


Overall Problems till now

● Communication with Emscripten port● Lack of support for some part of openGL and SDL libraries ● Any program that needs to be ported, must be very

scrutinously picked apart for it’s various functionalities, i.e it is pivotal to know each and every functionality of the given program that we try to port.