EUROTeV-Memo-2005-xxx-1: GANMVL Design Specifications 15.5.2006 Design Specification for the Global Accelerator Network Multipurpose Virtual Laboratory (GANMVL) GANMVL Collaboration May 15, 2006 Abstract EUROTeV-Memos are internal notes and can be published by any EUROTeV member and if thematically close to EUROTeV matters also by external collaborators. EUROTeV-Memos will not be refereed and should be used to document the technical and scientific progress of the tasks. EUROTeV-Memos will be published on www.eurotev.org and are default worldwide readable. A EUROTeV-Memo number will be assigned through the EUROTeV Scientific Coordinators. - 1 -

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EUROTeV-Memo-2005-xxx-1: GANMVL Design Specifications 15.5.2006

Design Specification

for the Global Accelerator Network Multipurpose Virtual Laboratory (GANMVL)

GANMVL Collaboration

May 15, 2006


EUROTeV-Memos are internal notes and can be published by any EUROTeV member and if thematically close to EUROTeV matters also by external collaborators. EUROTeV-Memos will not be refereed and should be used to document the technical and scientific progress of the tasks. EUROTeV-Memos will be published on www.eurotev.org and are default worldwide readable. A EUROTeV-Memo number will be assigned through the EUROTeV Scientific Coordinators.

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Document revisions:

21.2.06, M.Kasemann- included all contributions received so far- Inconsistencies, open questions and missing parts marked in red- no contribution from IGD yet, although high resolution equipment covered elsewhere- still some overlap in the two architecture views provided by Roberto and Kay- glossary collection incomplete and no descriptions- send out as basis for GANMVL workshop 23-24.2.

22.2.06, M.Kasemann- Extracts from the IGD contributed paper included

23.2.06, M.Kasemann- Introduction added from F.Willeke

24.2.06, M.Kasemann- corrected paragraphs for identity provision and secure networking using netlets- remove description of wearable computers for mobile local server

24.3.06, M.Kasemann- Contribution on help system included, see 5.1- Contribution on optical beam diagnostic included, see 3.3.6

24.3.06The following topics are still to be added in the design document:

- how to grant/remove access to control room screens and applications using VNC(responsible: Pugliese, Rehlich)

- Streamline document wrt. naming of components, add glossary (responsible Kasemann)

27.3.06 M.Kasemann- documented edited, corrected component naming and video camera grabbing

15.5.06 F.Willeke, M.Kasemann- HR video numbers are not documented- HR video stream specification added

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Table of contents1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................32 High Level Architecture.....................................................................................................42.1 The Global Architecture of GANMVL...........................................................................42.2 Architecture of one GANMVL Node.............................................................................53 GANMVL Design Specification.........................................................................................63.1 The GANMVL Remote Client........................................................................................63.2 Laboratory Server Components......................................................................................73.2.1 The Monitoring Infrastructure....................................................................................73.2.2 Identity provision........................................................................................................83.2.3 Secure Connections through Netlet............................................................................83.2.4 The Electronic Logbook.............................................................................................83.2.5 Remote Control Software: VNC.................................................................................93.3 Local Server Components...............................................................................................93.3.1 The Semi-Mobile Local Server Hardware................................................................103.3.2 The Mobile Local Server Hardware.........................................................................113.3.3 Video Cameras..........................................................................................................113.3.4 Integration of Test and Measurement Instruments...................................................123.3.5 Remote Control Software: VNC...............................................................................143.3.6 High Resolution Video streaming.............................................................................143.3.7 Specifications for Beam Optical Diagnostics...........................................................154 Operational procedures and User Interfaces.....................................................................154.1 User Help Utility...........................................................................................................154.2 An Example GANMVL session...................................................................................15Glossary....................................................................................................................................17Acknowledgement....................................................................................................................17References.................................................................................................................................18

1 IntroductionThe most likely scenario of a linear collider is that it will be built by a

collaboration of existing laboratories, which will remain involved during the operation of the accelerator. Advanced means of communication will be necessary to support efficient collaboration. GANMVL[1] is a project which will design and build a novel collaboration tool and test it on existing accelerator collaborations. GANMVL is the acronym for "Global Accelerator Network Multipurpose Virtual Laboratory". The tool is a mobile communication centre which provides immersive video and audio capture and reproduction of an accelerator control room, a laboratory workplace environment or an accelerator hardware installation. It is able to connect to standard measurement equipment (scopes, network analyzers etc.) and to elements of accelerator controls and make these connections available to a remote client. The remote user should be enabled to participate in accelerator studies, assembly of accelerator components, trouble shooting of hardware or analysis of on-line data as if he or she would be present on site. The GANMVL project will provide valuable experience of a new way in designing, building and operating large accelerator complexes, and will address the important psychological and sociological issues of the Global Accelerator Network.

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GANMVL integrates video capture, audio capture, and connectivity of virtual instruments, access to control system in one portable and mobile system which is located at various locations on the accelerator site, which can provide the all the corresponding information and connections necessary for a remote expert to participate in a large variety of activities on the accelerator site.

The most important feature of MVL is that it is operated in a ‘turn-key’ fashion, so that no experts are necessary to start up and to configure the system and the system can be used in an ad-hoc manner for example in an emergency situation.

2 High Level Architecture

2.1 The Global Architecture of GANMVLSeveral GANMVL setups will exist at laboratories serving different user groups (Virtual Organisations, VO). Therefore GANMVL has a multi-tier architecture: one GANMVL setup or node for each institute or laboratory in the VO plus some centralized service to support the connection of the different GANMVL nodes in the VO. The GANMVL node represents a sort of Point Of Presence in the GANMVL VO. A GANMVL node consists of at least 2 components:- the Laboratory Server- a Station or set of Local Servers (LS)The Laboratory Server is an application server usually installed on a single host, running the portal application, the user and project database and all the infrastructure components need to allow a secure access to the laboratory resources in the VO. The Laboratory Server manages a (possibly) infinite number of Local Servers, and activates actions implemented by agents running in the local servers.

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The Laboratory Server can support more Stations (e.g. a control room station, a mobile or semi mobile station etc). Each Station is implemented by at least one Local Server (LS). Stations can share resources and tools. The LS allows an easy integration of controls and instruments. The remote collaborator will use his or her PC as a remote client equipped with a web browser, possibly videoconference equipment and if the case with a projector. All the communication between the different NS and between the Laboratory Server and the LS is done via webservices secured with X.509 certificates.VO supporting services are centralized but implemented in such a way to allow a single GANMVL Node to work properly even without them. Example of VO supporting services are an information system which registers all the nodes in the VO, videoconference support services (i.e. Reflectors), a common software repository and possibly a monitoring infrastructure service.The global GANMVL architecture and the components are shown in Figure 1.

2.2 Architecture of one GANMVL NodeThe architecture of the GANMVL setup for one user group or VO is shown in Figure 2; it consists of three main building blocks: a ‘remote client’ as a station for an expert at a remote site, a Laboratory Server as the fixed station that manages the Web pages and authentications, and one or more ‘Local Servers’ as stations close to the accelerator or facility to control. The remote client can be any PC or Laptop with an internet connection. A common Web browser

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Figure 1: Global GANMVL Architecture






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VO Client

VO ClientVO Client

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like Mozilla Firefox or the Internet Explorer is used to contact the Web server of the Laboratory Server. The Laboratory Server provides the main Web page of the project and allows the user to login. The connection is established via a Secure Network link (https) by means of an automatic download of a JAVA applet from the Laboratory Server to the ‘remote client’. This applet functions as a gateway between the client and all used services on the host site. All different port connections are tunnelled through this gateway in a secure link. On the Laboratory Server side a gateway proxy unfolds the different port links and switches in a transparent way the connections to all services. In addition the Laboratory Server handles the authentication procedures to allow a ‘single sign-on’ for all applications. Furthermore this server provides the access to the control system of the facility by a VNC server. VNC serves as a host that shares a display for the connected clients. This schema allows using the control system applications of the facility site without opening the firewall for network connections to the control system. Also the programs must not be transferred to client stations. Instead a Java applet as a ‘thin client’ in a Web browser shows the control system applications. It is not required to run the VNC server on the same Laboratory Server. Any computer in the facility could be used even with additional firewalls in between.The third building block in the architecture is one or more ‘Local Servers’. This station is used to connect instruments, e.g. scopes or spectrum analyzers, or high resolution cameras to the facility in order to allow a remote expert to do measurements or to support maintenance and construction work. A video conference installation on the ‘Local Server’ provides the communication between the local and remote sites. Links to the remote sites are all tunnelled by the proxy gateway in the Laboratory Server. Authentication is also checked by the Laboratory Server to allow the users to login once for the work with all services.This architecture implements the complex parts in the Laboratory Server as a fixed installation. A Web server with a Java container and a data base to configure the various Web pages is included. By the help of these tools one is able to develop complex Web services. In addition the Laboratory Server has an identity provider for the user authentication. The user data base is stored in a LDAP server. Not shown in the Figure 2 is a possible connection to further Laboratory Servers in other facilities, as indicated in Figure 1. An optional video recorder can be implemented on the Laboratory Server as well.

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Figure 2: System architecture of one GANVML setup

3 GANMVL Design Specification

3.1 The GANMVL Remote ClientThe GANMVL remote client can be any PC or laptop with a web browser (Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox). There is no need to pre-install any other client software. All other software required like high resolution video viewer (Mpeg4 or XDIV), videoconference software, etc will be downloadable from the web through the GANMVL client application.The user needs only to use a web browser with a reasonably recent java virtual machine. For a full featured client a web camera and any good combination of speakers and microphone or an audio headset are also required. In order to use the MVL the user should access the URL of the selected Laboratory Server.Client Design Summary TableHardware:Any PC (Windows or Linux)Videoconference Equipment (Camera + Microphone + Headphones)

Software:Web Browser (Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox)Mpeg4 or XDIV viewerVideoconference Software (possibly downloadable from the web like VRVS)

Clients can be also equipped with multi-screen technologies and support overhead projectors especially to support realistic video-conference even if this is not necessary to access all the available functionalities.

A typical GANMVL session demonstrating the user interfaces is described in section 4, see below.

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3.2 Laboratory Server ComponentsThe Laboratory Server is an application server usually installed on a single host, running the portal application, the user and project database and all the infrastructure components need to allow a secure access to the laboratory resources in the VO. The NS manages a (possibly) infinite number of Local Servers (LS) and activates actions implemented by agents running in the Local Servers.The Laboratory Server is represents a sort of point of presence of the GANMVL infrastructure and is generally located behind the laboratory firewall or in case has an integrated firewall. The Laboratory Server implements all the infrastructure services which are common to the all the GANMVL stations in the Laboratory Server laboratory. In particular these are the web server, the application server and the web application, the e-logbook and the help system, the database, an identity provider. The Laboratory Server hosts also a VNC gateway and a web proxy module to support easy and safe integration of instruments and controls. The Laboratory Server hosts also the streaming server for streaming high quality video streams coming from the stations in the laboratory.The Laboratory Server should be a server class machine with a fast internet connection with a Linux operating system. It should be easy to install a Laboratory Server downloading the software from the VO supporting services and following the installation procedure and instructions provided that the machine respects the installation requirements. The Laboratory Server is operated by a client web interface provided that the operator has the required role of GANMVL Node Administrator (i.e. Laboratory Server administrator). The Node Administrator can typically add and configure stations and if the case can also assume the role of a Local Server administrator.

The following table summarizes the hardware and software features and components of the NS.Laboratory Server Design Summary TableHardware:Linux server 1Gb Ethernet board

Software:ApacheTomCatMySQLIdentity provider server (LDAP, Single sign on) MVLweb application eLogBookHelp SystemFirewall and ssh tunnelling softwareStreaming and video recording server (?)VNC GatewayApache http_proxy module

3.2.1 The Monitoring Infrastructure

The GANMVL tool opens the possibility to remotely operate accelerator facilities, maintenance instruments, perform measurements, etc. This opportunity is allowed by the development of a dedicated software environment where many Web technologies have been merged in a user friendly environment. To improve the reliability and availability of the GANMVL tool, a set of monitoring tools has to be implemented in order to monitor the status of the application running on the different GANMVL servers and also to have feedback from the instruments and local servers distributed in the different locations. These tools are even more important in the GANMVL case where “remote” is a really a must. These tools should guarantee a very high availability of the servers and, furthermore, implement a mechanism for

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handling missing connections with the “operative” (the site where the operation takes place) location. Different solutions might be implemented which varies from “watchdog” systems to “keep-alive” programs.The watchdogs have to continuously check the status of the web connectivity and of the different components of the GANMVL tools to prevent any interruption. Any anomalies have to been handled by the watchdogs programs and proper actions have to be implemented.The “keep-alive” solution has also to cope with possible crashes of the different components and hence participate in guaranteeing high availability of the system. In the case, the program has to reinitialize the failed component and start it again.The solutions proposed in this paragraph are implemented in different stages of the project. A first implementation might be based on a proper developed “help” system where information necessaries for manually handle the faulty system and, if needed, restart crashed components are accessible. In a second phase, the faulty systems will be included in an automatic procedure.A possible further implementation, to be investigated in deeper detail, is the handling of instruments faults. In this case, besides the connectivity problem, there is also the challenge of managing the instrument status at the moment of the fault. Different states for the instruments have to be previously defined and the servers, has to implement them during the different phases of the reset program. This solution has to be studied with much more detailed and integrated, if it is possible, with the development of the Virtual Instruments for the GANMVL.

3.2.2 Identity provision

The identity provider is the central point to handle authentication requests for the various applications. A user has to login once to gain permissions based on his defined roles. The data base for account information is a standard LDAP (Light Weight Directory Access Protocol) server. This is a common solution for a user account repository. The identity provider follows the standard defined by the ‘Liberty Alliance’. This standard describes the communication between the identity provider and the various applications as a protocol (SAML) that transfers user information like privileges. The LDAP server does not have to run on the Laboratory Server. A link to an existing LDAP server of the facility could be used as well.

3.2.3 Secure Connections through Netlet

Netlet is an applet that runs on the browser and enables a secure connection between an arbitrary client on a system that is running a Java-enabled browser and a network resource behind a corporate firewall. The client can be behind a remote firewall and SSL proxy or directly connected to the Internet. Netlet can provide secure access to fixed port applications and some dynamic port applications that are available on the intranet from outside the intranet. All the secure connections made from outside the intranet to the intranet applications through the Netlet are controlled by Netlet rules.Netlet listens to and accepts connections on preconfigured ports and routes both incoming and outgoing traffic between the client and the destination server. Both incoming and outgoing traffic is encrypted using an encryption algorithm selected by the user, or configured by the administrator. The Netlet rule contains the details of all servers, ports, and encryption algorithms used in a connection. One option is that administrators create Netlet rules by using a Identity Server administration console.

3.2.4 The Electronic Logbook

The electronic logbook (e-Logbook) is an installation that runs within the Tomcat application server. It can be used for a project to communicate the problems, measurements and all kinds of documents. Data can be entered by a text form, an upload of a file from the local computer

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or by a print command to the e-Logbook. The entered data is shown in a hierarchical tree with a chronological and a topological order. For uploaded and printed documents a small graphical image of the document is automatically inserted into the e-Logbook page. A search function helps to find stored items.

3.2.5 Remote Control Software: VNC

VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. It is remote control software which allows sharing an application on a server by several remote computers on the network. VNC is free and available for all major platforms. In the scope of the GANMVL project, VNC is used on to share control system applications. Usually control systems of different labs are quite different and they require a lot of network connections. Therefore, it is preferable to use a server inside the control system network. This single server can be well protected and monitored. Maintenance of the applications should also be no problem since the programs do not have to be transferred to remote sites. All actions of remote users can be visible in the local control room by sharing the same display. On the remote client a Java applet within a Web page is required only.

3.3 Local Server ComponentsThe Local Server (LS) is really the core of the GANMVL and represents the hub where all the resources (i.e. Controls and instrument) are connected and hence made accessible to remote collaborators.From the hardware point of view the Semi-Mobile Local Server should be a Windows PC with 2 network connections plus a wireless network connection: one network connection will be dedicated to the connection to the laboratory LAN and through it to the Internet and the others to a private network coordinated by the LS to allow easier integration of instruments.The LS should be also equipped with a GPIB adapter and USB hub and a Firewire hub to allow hardware connection of different kind of instruments, one or more High Resolution Digital Cameras (600 x 800 x 10Hz) and common videoconference equipment (e.g. Web-camera, microphone and headphones).From the software point of view the LS should be equipped with all the software required to operate the GANMVL client plus the Local Server software (to communicate with the Laboratory Server, serve files, execute commands …) plus all the software required to easily integrate instruments and controls. In particular the LS should be equipped with a Virtual Instruments environment (i.e. Labview, IVI Libs, see below). The LS should be also equipped with video conference software and video source streaming software for high resolution streams. Remote desktop server software (i.e. VNC server) and networking software (NAT, Routing, DHCP, ...) to coordinate the private network complete the list of software components of the LS.It should be easy to install a LS by downloading the software from the VO supporting services (usually the Laboratory Server) and following the installation procedure and instructions, provided that the machine respects the installation requirements. The LS is operated by the client web interface provided that the operator has the required role of Local Node (i.e. Station) Administrator. The LS Administrator can typically add and configure tools, instruments, controls and if the case can also assume the role of administrator of a specific project in that station.Instruments and control panels can be added by the web interface via a wizard. Generally there are two modes of integration: web proxy and remote desktop. The former is suitable when the instrument or control already has a web interface available while the latter is suitable when the instrument or control is equipped with legacy software which was not designed for the web. The wizard together with the help system will guide the Local Node administrator in the procedure.

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In order to integrate a well designed web enabled instrument or control it will be sufficient to fill a web form specifying the name of the tool which will be presented in the station tool menu, the internal URL of the instrument; this information will be used by the system to program http proxy.

In order to integrate a not well designed web enabled instrument or control it will be necessary to fill a web form specifying the name of the tool, the internal address of the instrument (IP address and port); this information will be used by the system to create an ssh tunnel to access the instrument.

In order to integrate an instrument or control without web interface it will be sufficient to fill a web form specifying the tool name the address of the desktop server and the password; this information will be used by the system to program VNC gateway and to generate one-time password which will be transparent to the user.

The following table summarizes the hardware and software features and components of the LS in his semi mobile setup.Local Server ( Semi Mobile ) Design Summary TableHardware:Windows PC, >100GB disk2 network connections + wLANGPIB adapterUSB hubN x Firewire/video-in/hubHigh Res, Digital Camera (600 x 800 x 10Hz)Videoconference Equipment (Camera + Microphone + Headphones)

Software:VI environment: (Labview, IVI Libs)Mpeg4 / XDIV codecs and viewerVideo Source Streaming SoftwareNetwork software (NAT, Routing, DHCP,..)VNC serverIdentity provider Client Software (single sign-on)Local Server Software (to communicate with Lab server, serve files, execute commands, …)Web Browser (Internet Eplorer or Mozilla Firefox)Mpeg4 or XDIV viewerVideoconference Software (maybe downloadable from the web like VRVS)

3.3.1 The Semi-Mobile Local Server Hardware

As a Semi-Mobile Local Server the Portable Computer EMP-390-20” LCD has been chosen.

This device offers features of a high end workstation, including a 20” TFT Display.The EMP390-20” is built especially for harsh environments and for industrial purposes. It comes in a rubber buffered metal alloy case. There are seven full-length expansion slots (ATX & extended ATX), that can be reserved for any desired board. The central processing unit is an Intel Pentium 650 3.4 GHz CPU with 800MHz Front Side Bus and 2 MB Cache. Random access memory of 2x2048 DDR PC533 CL4 is inset. The mass storage device is a Caviar SE 160 GB SATA II hard disk. An ATI Radeon graphics accelerator with 128 MB DDR should be sufficient even when extensive video applications are processed. Further we included an IEEE488.2 GPIB Interface for test and measurement devices, with up to 1MHz transfer-rate.

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To connect further devices we equipped the Portable PC with 8 x USB 2.0 interfaces. Communication opportunities included are an Intel Pro/1000GT 10, 100, 1000BaseT Ethernet and a state of the art wireless adapter that supports up to 108 Mbit transfer rate. There are also other devices included, like a high end Fire-Wire adapter to connect the high resolution cameras AVT-Marlin as described above. With this device there is no bandwidth problem expected even if two or three cameras are operated simultaneously.For video conferencing, the same headset and USB-camera is used as with the mobile device. The device can be easily transported by a portable suitcase.

3.3.2 The Mobile Local Server Hardware

The Mobile Local Server is functionally equivalent to the Semi-Mobile Local Server described above. The only differences rely on the fact that some limitation in connectivity (number of slots, etc) has to be accepted if you want to be able to move easily.

The Computer and DisplayFor the mobile local server a Tablet PC is selected, the specific model chosen is a Motion LE1600. Wearable computers were previously also under considerations, but we exclude this option because of too limited functionalities.

Tablet PCs offer sufficient computing power for all applications and are available in a big variety. Another advantage of a Tablet PC is maximum compatibility with standard peripheral devices.

The device chosen is the Motion LE1600, which is equipped with a 12.1” wide view XGA TFT enhanced outdoor display which makes it possible to work even under difficult light conditions. An Intel 1.5 GHz Pentium M is inset as CPU. Because the standard RAM of 512 MB could be low we expanded the RAM up to 1536 MB. The inset shock resistant hard disk provides 60 GB. With the additional Lithium-Polymer Battery it is possible to work up to 7 hours.As mentioned before the Motion LE1600 offers a broad variety of connectivity. There is an integrated Intel Pro/Wireless 220OBG Adapter, (Gigabit) Ethernet and Bluetooth as well as infrared and the opportunity for other adapters due to PCMCIA interfaces. As input devices a wireless keyboard, a digital pen or audio control can be used.Other features like a field case, to protect the Tablet PC and ensure durability, have been ordered as well. Integrated finger print reader can give additional security advantages.As the Tablet PC is not equipped with an IEEE1394 Fire wire interface the same PCMCIA adapter to connect the high resolution cameras is used as described above with the Xybernaut. The problems with this configuration are also the same (restricted mobility due to additional power supply unit and limited data transfer rate when two cameras are in use)The connection of test and measurement devices and the video conferencing equipment is done as for the wearable computer described above.

3.3.3 Video Cameras

The High Resolution Camera: As the high resolution camera AVT Marlin F-80B gets its power through the fire wire interface an additional power supply unit for the PCMCIA adapter is needed. That limits the mobility of the mobile device. Even if the high resolution cameras are connected to current provided fire wire interfaces reasonable working is restricted due to extensive power

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consumption of the cameras. This problem is common for all types of mobile devices, since they are operated by batteries.

High resolution camera AVT Marlin F-80-B

The resolution of the camera is 1024 x 768 at 8 Bit colour depth and provides 19 frames per second. The camera is pre-processing the images in real-time, which disburdens the mobile device.The PCMCIA adapter chosen in the computer has a restricted data transfer rate and is a bottleneck when two high resolution cameras are connected simultaneously.

The Video Conferencing EquipmentFor video conferencing, there are two possible solutions, depending on whether the head mounted display or the 8.4” Touch screen is used.

The head mounted display Trivisio M3 has a microphone integrated. Headphones are connected to the display directly.

When the Xybernaut is used with the 8.4” touch screen, a stereo headset with microphone is connected to it.

As a video conferencing camera a USB Logitech Quick cam Pro 400 is used that provides a resolution of 640 x 480 and up to 30 frames per second.

3.3.4 Integration of Test and Measurement Instruments

Test and Measurement (T&M) instruments are commercial available off-the-shelf instruments (e.g. oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers or digital multi meters) as well as diagnostic equipment particularly designed to fulfill a specific measurement task.

The instruments are connected to the GANMVL Local Server through data bus links. TCP/IP/Ethernet, GPIB, RS232 and USB connections are supported.

The software integration of T&M instruments into GANMVL is realized in two distinct ways using

1. generic instrument type specific applications based on generic instrument drivers2. task specific ready-to-run applications based on instrument specific drivers.

Generic instrument type specific applications are provided for the following instrument types:

oscilloscopes digital multi meters

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digital I/o switches spectrum analyzers

Generic instrument type specific applications are based on instrument drivers according to the “Interchangeable Virtual Instrument” (IVI) [Ref. 2] and the “Virtual Instrument Software Architecture” (VISA) standard [Ref. 3]. The virtual instruments support both the instrument type specific IVI-C generic class driver interface as well as the IVI-COM class compliant specific driver and class interface. They allow access to all base attributes and methods provided by the corresponding instrument classes.

Figure 3: IVI Architecture

The IVI driver and auxiliary class libraries and the VISA run time library are installed on the GANMVL Local Server. The IVI class libraries are Windows Dynamic Link Libraries. The instrument drivers communicate through the VISA I/O library with the physical instrument. The corresponding configuration parameters (VISA address of physical instrument, specific instrument driver name, logical IVI name etc) are stored in the local IVI configuration database file on the GANMVL Local Server’s disk. Figure 3 shows the IVI architecture.The IVI configuration database file can be edited either locally using the “National Instrument Measurement and Automation Explorer” installed on the GANMVL Local Server or through a Web-mask downloadable from the Web server hosted by the GANMVL Local Server.The virtual instrument applications are installed on the MVL local server. Figure 4 shows a sample application for oscilloscopes. It is the same LabView Virtual Instrument for all instruments connected to the GANMVL Local Server. The different instruments are selected by their logical IVI names.An active Web-page with full instrument control displaying the graphical window of the virtual instrument is generated. Its URL is passed to the GANMVL web portal server. The page is downloadable from the Web server hosted by the GANMVL Local Server.

If available, task specific ready-to-run applications and the associated specific instrument drivers are installed on the GANMVL Local Server. Depending on the specific implementation, the virtual instrument applications are accessible for a remote user through the VNC remote desktop server or through Web-pages downloadable from the Web server both hosted by the GANMVL Local Server.

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Figure 4: Sample oscilloscope application based on IVI generic oscilloscope driver classes

3.3.5 Remote Control Software: VNC

On the Local Server the user opens a Web page for the control system access. This page downloads a VNC Java applet from the Laboratory Server. The applet establishes a connection to the VNC server and the visible display is then shared with other remote users. On the VNC clients all applications running on the VNC server display can be seen and controlled. It would also be possible to create individual VNC sessions for each user. In this case the user would get access to all equipment with his privileges.Before access to the VNC server is granted, the user has to login on the Laboratory Sever. This is done on the Laboratory Server only and on the clients and Local servers no additional login processes are required.

3.3.6 High Resolution Video streaming

Mixed reality means that a user wants to seamlessly visualize virtual information super-imposed on real world objects. In EUROTEV users of the GANMVL want to move freely and as unfettered as possible around the particle accelerator infrastructure, while staying in touch with the central control facilities or remote experts, to discuss maintenance issues collaboratively.The aim of the video transmission module is to support mobile work by allowing transmission of maintenance issues in mono or stereo to the GANMVL clients using video transmission.Design specifications are as follows:

A video transmission module composed of a video stream grabber and sender and a receiver

A suitable compression/decompression method operational on the chosen platform. Mono Transmission and at a later stage and Stereo Transmission In the case of stereo transmission synchronization mechanisms between left and right

channels. Preliminary broadcasting functionality to reduce network traffic with multiple clients

connectedInnovations of this work-package

Video transmission at high resolutions and update rates

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Low bandwidth consumption (WLAN and DSL Support) Low processor load Multi-processor support in stereo transmission mode PCI Express Support for video transmission Passive stereo video transmission

A description of related work performed is given in Ref. 4.

The design specifications for video streaming are a frame rate of 10 Hz for a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels.

3.3.7 Specifications for Beam Optical Diagnostics

Remote accelerator operations, but also beam based accelerator diagnostics need, or might profit from, beam images provided by the optical diagnostic of the accelerator.This diagnostic is usually well integrated within the accelerator control system providing access to the settings of the camera system, images read out by means of control system display tools (control system panels) and also beam measurement applications.As consequence this information can be provided to remote GANMVL clients by means of the Remote Control Software (see 3.3.4) allowing sharing applications of the control system by several remote computers on the network.Nevertheless, when full resolution and high repetition rate beam images are needed, e.g. remote operation from a permanent remote control room (optimization of the beam transport, for instance) or extended operation from the semi-mobile system, we could profit from the High Resolution Video streaming system (see 3.3.5). In this case the streaming channel should be configured to maximize, for a given network bandwidth, the resolution and the frame rate. Grayscale video signal with 640x480 pixels resolution and 10 Hz frame rate can be considered as suitable.

4 Operational procedures and User Interfaces

4.1 User Help UtilityGANMVL User Help will be available on-line from the GANMVL main website in order to provide users the most recent and complete version anytime.It will be implemented using wiki technology allowing developers of different components of GANMVL to easily and directly edit or update the entries pertaining to their contribution.It should have a clean interface and must be easy to use with special attention to GANMVL users that might need to set up and operate the remote client hw&sw with very minimum effort and in a short time.Moreover it should include sections in which users could provide hints to other or complete the documentation describing their experience with standard or even customized version of the hardware and software set-ups.

4.2 An Example GANMVL sessionIn the following a typical GANMVL session is described. Screenshots show the current user interfaces.

In this example you want to connect to the ELETTRA GANMVL Laboratory Server. All you have to do is to access with your browser the Laboratory Server URL (e.g. https://ulisse.elettra.trieste.it/mvl/home.do).

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EUROTeV-Memo-2005-xxx-1: GANMVL Design Specifications 15.5.2006

In order to access the GANMVL you need to login (Figure 5). If not yet registered you need to register in the VO: select the “New User: Click Here” link, then fill all the mandatory field of the registration page and press “Save”. This will create your account. After login select “Your projects” tab and you will access the list of all projects or activities in the VO in which you are involved. In order to use the collaborative environment you have to select an already created project or create a new one. For security reasons a project on a GANMVL Node can be created only form inside the LAN of the GANMVL Node and participation to projects is controlled by the project creator (project leader).

Figure 5: GANMVL node starting page

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A project or activity is associated with a specific station (Figure 6). Each station (e.g. The Elettra Control Room station) has an associated set of collaboration tools. The availability of tools depend on the station configuration which in turn depends on the resources available at the station. Example tools are chat, file manager, videoconference, e-Logbook, shared or not shared remote desktop and specific web application to access control panels and instruments.

Figure 6: A project at the Elettra Control Room station

GlossaryLaboratory Server or GANMVL Node ServerGANMVL ClientMpeg4XDIVLocal ServerVirtual Organization VOMobile Local ServerSemi-Mobile Local Server (LS)Local Node (Administrator)StationVO supporting servicese-Logbook

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AcknowledgementThis work is supported by the Commission of the European Communities under the 6 th

Framework Programme “Structuring the European Research Area”, contract number RIDS-011899.

References[Ref. 1] GANMVL requirements document[Ref. 2] http://www.ivifoundation.org[Ref. 3] http://www.ni.com/visa/[Ref. 4] GANMVL – Video transmission, see

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