Office of Graduate & Professional Studies 900 Lakewood Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701-2697 732.987.2770 or 800.458.8422, ext. 2770 [email protected] georgian.edu application for GRADUATE

application for GRADUATE · 2019. 6. 20. · Office of Graduate & Professional Studies 900 Lakewood Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701-2697 732.987.2770 or 800.458.8422, ext. 2770 [email protected]

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Page 1: application for GRADUATE · 2019. 6. 20. · Office of Graduate & Professional Studies 900 Lakewood Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701-2697 732.987.2770 or 800.458.8422, ext. 2770 gps@georgian.edu

Office of Graduate & Professional Studies

900 Lakewood Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701-2697 732.987.2770 or 800.458.8422, ext. 2770 [email protected] georgian.edu

application for


Page 2: application for GRADUATE · 2019. 6. 20. · Office of Graduate & Professional Studies 900 Lakewood Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701-2697 732.987.2770 or 800.458.8422, ext. 2770 gps@georgian.edu

Checklist: Required documents for ALL applicants:q Application: Completed and signed q $40 application fee: Check or money order payable to

Georgian Court UniversityqOfficialtranscriptsforALLcollegesanduniversitiesattendedsentto


Checklist: ADDITIONAL required documents for individual programs:

SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES:Holistic Health Studies:qStatementofObjectives(1–3pages)qThreeLettersofRecommendation(onletterhead)

Criminal Justice & Human Rights:qStatementofObjectives(1–3pages)qThreeLettersofRecommendation(onletterhead)

Psychology & Counseling:qStatementofObjectives(1–3pages)qThreeLettersofRecommendation(onletterhead)qMillerAnalogyTest(requiredforAppliedBehaviorAnalysisand

ClinicalMentalHealthCounseling)Clinical Mental Health Counseling: DepartmentmaywaivetestrequirementifGPAisabove3.0



SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND DIGITAL MEDIA:qStatementofObjectives(1–3pages)qRésuméqOneLetterofRecommendation(onletterhead)


Master of Teaching Program:qPraxisCoreAcademicSkillsforEducatorsTestOR



Endorsement & Master of Education Programs:qCopyofNewJerseyTeacherCertification(notrequiredfor


Master of Arts in Administration & Leadership Program:qCopyofNewJerseyTeacherCertificationsq Documentation of three years of full-time teaching or educational


Post-Master’s Certification Programs:qCopyofallNewJerseyTeacherCertifications(notrequiredforSchool

BusinessAdministrator)q Documentation of three years of full-time teaching or educational


Priority DatesMarch31—Psychology&Counselingprograms May1—AcceleratedTeacherCertificationprogram Rollingadmissions—Allothergraduateapplications

Instructions and Checklist for International Students InternationalstudentsinneedofanF1StudentVisamustpresentofficialdocumentsatleastsixmonthsinadvanceofthesemester’sstartdate.Inadditiontotherequirementsofthespecificprogram,thefollowingitemsareneededtoprocessanapplication for admission:

qTranscriptevaluation,overallandcoursebycourse,completedby World Education Services (WES).OfficialevaluationsmustbesentdirectlyfromWorldEducationServicestotheOfficeofGraduateAdmissionsinlieuofofficialtranscriptsfromcountriesotherthantheUnitedStates. TocontactWES,logontowww.wes.org.

q Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 550 or higher onpapertest(computergenerated:213orhigher).Scoresmustbefromwithinthelastthreeyears.TocontactTOEFL,logontowww.toefl.org.


Reactivation of a Previous Application for Admission Studentsshouldcheckthe“Reactivation”boxiftheywerepreviouslyacceptedorenrolled in GCU within the past year and are enrolling in the same academic program and have not attended another institution during that separation from Georgian CourtUniversity.Thereisnoapplicationfeerequiredwithreactivation.StudentsonanofficialleaveofabsencefromtheuniversitywithinthelasttwosemesterscanobtainregistrationmaterialsdirectlyfromtheOfficeoftheRegistrar.

Standardized Test RequirementsAppliedBehaviorAnalysis:MillerAnalogyTestrequiredClinicalMentalHealthCounseling:MillerAnalogyTestrequiredCriminalJustice&HumanRights:NotestrequiredforadmissionEducationEndorsements(alreadycertifiedteachers):BilingualandESL—OPIandWPT;EarlyChildhood—PraxisII

HolisticHealthStudies:NotestrequiredforadmissionM.A.T.:PraxisCoreAcademicSkillsforEducatorsor NJCommissionerApprovedTestofBasicSkills,PraxisII(ESL—OPIandWPT; WorldLanguagemustalsopassOPIinSpanish


Departmental InterviewsRequiredforthefollowingprograms: AppliedBehaviorAnalysis,ClinicalMentalHealthCounseling,M.A.T.andM.Ed.programs,HolisticHealthStudies,MercySpirituality,SchoolPsychology

Student Financial ServicesTheOfficeofFinancialAidwillguidematriculatinggraduatestudentsinprocessingstudentloanapplications.Formoreinformation,pleasecontacttheOfficeofFinancialAidat732.987.2258.Gotofafsa.ed.govtocompletetheFAFSAonline.TheGeorgianCourtUniversitycodeis002608.GeorgianCourtUniversitygraduateprogramsofferaone-thirdtuitionreductionforCatholicschooleducators.TheCatholicSchoolEducatorsApplicationmustbefiledwiththeOfficeofStudentAccountsannually.YoumaycontacttheOfficeofFinancialAidfortheapplication.

Graduate AssistantshipsGeorgianCourtUniversityoffersalimitednumberofgraduateassistantshippositions.Eligiblecandidatesmustbematriculatingstudents.PleasecontacttheOfficeofFinancialAidforanapplicationpacket.

Page 3: application for GRADUATE · 2019. 6. 20. · Office of Graduate & Professional Studies 900 Lakewood Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701-2697 732.987.2770 or 800.458.8422, ext. 2770 gps@georgian.edu

PERSONAL INFORMATION Please print in black ink.


Last First Former Name (optional)



City State Zip Country

Cell Number ( ) Home Telephone ( )

E-mail Social Security No.

Place of Birth Date of Birth

Month Day YearCitizenship q U.S. Citizen q U.S. Permanent Resident q Other

Specify Country

Type of Visa q Held q Will Apply For

Employer Work Telephone ( )

Veteran Status (optional): Are you a veteran, dependent of a veteran, or on active duty planning to use military or transferable benefits? q Yes q No

Optional The following information is voluntary and will not affect the decision for admission. Georgian Court University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, religion, or national or ethnic origin.

Are you of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity or descent? q Yes

Select one or more races with which you identify yourself: q American Indian or Alaskan Native q Asian q Black or African American

q Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander q White

Religion Marital Status q Single q Married q Divorced

ACADEMIC BACKGROUNDList all colleges and universities attended, beginning with the most recent. Include additional sheets if necessary. Please write your name as it appears on your transcript. All official transcripts must be submitted.

Name & location of institution Dates of attendance(From–To)

Academic program Name of degree & date awarded

Please check box(es) that apply to you: q GCU Reactivation (within one year or less) q GCU Returning (after one year or more)

q International q New Degree Student q Audit (Noncredit) q Non-matriculating (course)

Campus/Site: q Lakewood q GCU at Hazlet q Online q Other

The semester and year you wish to attend GCU: q Fall q Winter q Spring q Summer | Year

Indicate One Reason for Attending Georgian Court University:


App. Fee


App. Number


q For self-enrichment or personal development q For self-enrichment now, plan to matriculate later (Note that individuals may take up to 6 credits without matriculating.)

q To apply for a Georgian Court University master’s or doctoral degree q To qualify for NJ instructional, administrative, or educational services certificationq To earn a Georgian Court University certificate in a field of my interest

Georgian Court University does not discriminate in its recruitment and admission of students, regardless of gender, race, creed, color, religion, age, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status.

GCU ALUM q Yes q No GENDER q Female q Male q Non-binary q Choose not to identify

Page 4: application for GRADUATE · 2019. 6. 20. · Office of Graduate & Professional Studies 900 Lakewood Avenue Lakewood, NJ 08701-2697 732.987.2770 or 800.458.8422, ext. 2770 gps@georgian.edu



TEACHER CERTIFICATION (If applicable, attach copy of current certification.)

Type of certificate currently held q Standard q (CEAS) Eligibility with Advanced Standing

State(s) issuing certification

Level/Subject matter area(s) of certification

Certificate of Eligibility or emergency certificates are not acceptable for programs that require NJ state certification.

Indicate the program to which you are applying:

ALL GRADUATE STUDENTSI hereby make application to Georgian Court University. To the best of my knowledge, the information on this application is true and complete. I give permission to release academic information to Georgian Court University and understand that all records once submitted become the property of Georgian Court University.

Signature of Applicant Date

Complete this form and send it with a $40 nonrefundable application fee to the Office of Graduate & Professional Studies, Georgian Court University, 900 Lakewood Avenue, Lakewood, NJ 08701-2697.


q M.A., Applied Behavior Analysis

q M.A., Clinical Mental Health Counseling

q GCU Professional Counselor Certificate

q M.A., School Psychology

q GCU Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in School Psychology

q Psy.D. in School Psychology q Check here for M.A. consideration

q Psy.D. in School Psychology (Advanced Standing)

q M.A., Criminal Justice & Human Rights

q GCU Homeland Security Certificate

q M.A., Holistic Health Studies

q GCU Holistic Health Studies Certificate

q M.A., Theology

q GCU Theology Certificate

q GCU Mercy Spirituality Certificate q Credit q Noncredit (Audit)


q GCU Business Essentials Certificate

q GCU Nonprofit Management Certificate

q M.B.A. q Healthcare Management


SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONFor applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree and want to become a teacher.q M.A., Teaching

Choose one:

q Early Childhood Education (P–3) w/ Teacher of Students with Disabilities Endorsement

q Elementary Education (K–6) w/ Teacher of Students with Disabilities Endorsement

q Specific Subject (K–12) w/ Teacher of Students with Disabilities Endorsement

q English as Second Language w/ Teacher of Students with Disabilities Endorsement

For applicants who are already certified teachers:

q Bilingual/Bicultural Education Endorsement

q Early Childhood Education (P–3) Endorsement

q English as a Second Language (ESL) Endorsement

q Teacher of Students with Disabilities Endorsement

Note: Master’s degree option available upon completion of most of these programs.

Graduate Certificates

q GCU Autism Spectrum Disorders Certificate

q GCU Instructional Technology Certificate

Master’s & Post-Master’s Degree Offerings

q M.A. in Administration & Leadership (w/ School Supervisor, Principal, or School Administrator Endorsement)

q M.A. in Higher Education & Student Affairs Administration

q M.A. in Instructional Technology

q M.Ed., Autism Spectrum Disorders

q M.Ed., Early Childhood Education (P–3)

q M.Ed., English as a Second Language (ESL)

q M.Ed., Teacher of Students with Disabilities

q M.Ed., Reading/Literacy Specialization

q M.Ed., School Counselor

q Director of School Counseling Services Post-Master’s Endorsement

q School Business Administrator Post-Master’s Endorsement

q School Supervisor Post-Master’s Endorsement


q M.A., Holistic Health Studies

q GCU Holistic Health Studies Certificate

q GCU Mercy Spirituality Certificate q Credit q Noncredit (Audit)


q GCU Business Essentials Certificate

q M.B.A. q Healthcare Management


SCHOOL OF EDUCATIONFor applicants who are already certified teachers:

q Bilingual/Bicultural Education Endorsement

q English as a Second Language (ESL) Endorsement

q Teacher of Students with Disabilities Endorsement

Graduate Certificates

q GCU Autism Spectrum Disorders Certificate


Master’s & Post-Master’s Degree Offerings

q M.A. in Administration & Leadership (w/ School Supervisor, Principal, or School Administrator Endorsement)

q M.Ed., Autism Spectrum Disorders

q M.Ed., English as a Second Language (ESL)

q M.Ed., Teacher of Students with Disabilities

q School Supervisor (Post-Master’s)