APPENDIX 14.4 Stakeholder & Community Engagement

APPENDIX 14 4 Stakeholder & Community Engagement€¦ · targeted community engagement, build community knowledge and understanding of the economic growth opportunities that are driving

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Page 1: APPENDIX 14 4 Stakeholder & Community Engagement€¦ · targeted community engagement, build community knowledge and understanding of the economic growth opportunities that are driving


Stakeholder & Community Engagement

Page 2: APPENDIX 14 4 Stakeholder & Community Engagement€¦ · targeted community engagement, build community knowledge and understanding of the economic growth opportunities that are driving

This document is in draft form. The contents, including any opinions, conclusions or recommendations contained in, or which may be implied from, this draft document must not be relied upon. GHD reserves the right, at any time, without notice, to modify or retract any part or all of the draft document. To the maximum extent permitted by law, GHD disclaims any responsibility or liability arising from or in connection with this draft document.

Wannon Water Warrnambool Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade

Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Plan February 2020

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GHD | Communication and Engagement Plan for Wannon Water – Warrnambool Water Reclamation Plant Expansion,

31/33726/ | ii

Table of contents 1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Purpose and background ..................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Definition of a stakeholder ................................................................................................... 4

1.3 Stakeholder privacy and confidentiality ............................................................................... 4

2. Context for engagement ................................................................................................................. 5

3. Goals and objectives ...................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Overarching project goal ...................................................................................................... 7

3.2 Communication and engagement objectives ....................................................................... 7

3.3 Outcomes and measures of success ................................................................................... 8

4. Guiding principles ......................................................................................................................... 10

4.1 Overarching principles ....................................................................................................... 10 4.2 Public participation level framework .................................................................................. 10

5. Stakeholder issues analysis ......................................................................................................... 12

5.1 Stakeholder mapping, issues analysis and approaches .................................................... 12

5.2 Confirming an approach – level of public participation ...................................................... 14

5.3 Anticipated issues and mitigations ..................................................................................... 14

6. Key messages .............................................................................................................................. 20

6.1 Key terms ........................................................................................................................... 20

6.2 Key messages ................................................................................................................... 21

7. Communication tools .................................................................................................................... 23 7.1 Project communication tools .............................................................................................. 23

7.2 Awareness raising .............................................................................................................. 23

7.3 Targeted stakeholder engagement .................................................................................... 23

7.4 Feedback channels ............................................................................................................ 24

8. Implementation plan ..................................................................................................................... 25 8.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................ 25

9. Implementation timelines ............................................................................................................. 26

10. Reporting and evaluation ............................................................................................................. 30

Table index Table 5-1 14

Table 6-1 Key terms to use and avoid ................................................................................................... 20

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Figure index Figure 7-1 Spectrum of public participation (Source: IAP2) ................................................................... 11

Figure 5-1: Warrnambool Sewage Treatment Plant - A3 Strategy Framework ..................................... 17

Figure 8-1 Project overview and points of public participation ............................................................... 25

Appendices Appendix A – Stakeholder analysis table workshop outcomes notes

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1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose and background

All that we do to communicate, consult and engage as part of this project should aim to positively and directly contribute to achieving the right outcomes for the community, the current and future industry and regional growth, and to achieve the specified project delivery goals.

This plan has been developed in collaboration with relevant leaders across Wannon Water through a series of facilitated workshops to establish agreed principles, identify and characterise the stakeholders, key issues and opportunities, and develop an agreed engagement approach appropriate for each stakeholder group.

This plan outlines the following:

• Goals and objectives

• Measures of success

• Stakeholders groups and associated issues, opportunities and mitigations

• Communication tools

• Key messages

• High-level activities according to each phase of work.

Additional sections included in this plan are:

• A ‘plan-on-a-page’ to provide a summary of timeframes and consultation activities. This is located at Table 5-1.

• Protocols and processes to ensure consistent and coordinated communication (to be developed for next version).

1.2 Definition of a stakeholder

A stakeholder is defined as anyone who has an interest in the project, can influence or impact the outcomes and success of the project, or will be affected by the project in some way (either real or perceived impact).

The project team will need to actively manage its stakeholders to gain inputs early in the lifecycle of this project, but also build and maintain the ongoing support and commitment of stakeholders to steer the project towards mutually beneficial outcomes.

1.3 Stakeholder privacy and confidentiality

All project staff delegated a role in this plan should contribute to ensuring stakeholders’ privacy and confidentiality is respected before, during and after engagement has taken place.

All information collected by Wannon Water will be securely collected and recorded. No personal contact details collected as part of this consultation will be provided to any other entity or organisation.

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2. Context for engagement Project drivers

The Warrnambool sewage treatment plant services Warrnambool and the Great South Coast region.

The region is projected to experience development as a result of population growth and industry expansion. To accommodate this growth, the existing sewage treatment plant (Water reclamation plant or WRP) is required to be upgraded.

Work to date

An initial investigation into the approach for accommodating the projected growth was undertaken in late 2015. This investigation involved development and evaluation of a range of sewage transfer and treatment options, including a range of treatment plant locations and sewage disposal options.

The alternate approaches were evaluated through initial multi-criteria analysis (MCA) and a preferred strategy selected that involves an upgrade of the existing Warrnambool treatment plant site.

This investigation and selection of the preferred approach was undertaken as an internal process, involving Wannon Water internal stakeholders and design engineers (GHD). While external stakeholders were not involved, the assessment considered a range of criteria including potential impacts on the interests of community stakeholder groups and regulators.

The general themes of the MCA were:

• Implications for the existing sewer network and WRP

• New infrastructure requirements and cost implications

• Flexibility in the face of changing wastewater flow and load projections (including closure or expansion of existing industry)

• Risks associated with discharge of nutrients and salt to the environment

• Potential community views

• Implications of future government water policy.

The MCA was considered in combination with a Net Present Cost analysis and evaluation against the following significant conceptual issues:

• How to manage discharge of salt to the environment

• The benefits of water recycling in the region

• Whether to discharge to land, river or ocean for disposal

• How best to discharge to the ocean.

The outcome of this assessment was that increasing the capacity of the existing Warrnambool sewage treatment plant was considered to be the best solution, balancing issues of cost, environmental and social impacts, risk and operational considerations.

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Next steps for development and selection of a preferred option to upgrade the existing plant

The next stage of the project requires the development and selection of a preferred option for upgrading the existing Warrnambool sewage treatment plant. This involves evaluation of the treatment process to achieve the objective of increased plant treatment capacity.

It is proposed that a MCA be undertaken to inform the selection of the treatment process, which will include input from key external stakeholders so that assessment criteria weightings and level of importance reflect those of the region and not just Wannon Water.

Integration with other policy setting and customer engagement activities

Wannon Water is currently undertaking significant consultation with customers as part of the Essential Services Commission (ESC) pricing submission. This process will involve three stages of consultation to inform the development of the ESC pricing submission - the Draft is due in May 2017 and Final in September 2017.

The Warrnambool sewage treatment plan upgrade presents a significant capital cost to Wannon Water and as a result the budget allocation for the works will need to be considered as part of the ESC pricing submission.

As such it is proposed that this engagement process should be developed in close consideration of the ESC pricing submission activities. Consultation for the ESC pricing submission is planned for November 2016, and March and June 2017.

Furthermore, to help facilitate a more streamlined approvals process for the Upgrade it is important the EPA is involved early in the stakeholder briefing processes.

Stakeholder engagement approach – a summary

Wannon Water wish to build awareness, understanding and confidence in its decision to upgrade the Warrnambool sewage treatment plant at the existing site by explaining the robust process undertaken for developing and assessing the options.

The next stage of the project requires the development and selection of a preferred option for upgrading the existing Warrnambool sewage treatment plant. Wannon Water wants to provide opportunities for the community to be involved in this next stage of the project to select the final treatment design option to be adopted at the existing site.

The objective of this public participation is to help develop the best solution that balances the financial, environmental, social and technical aspects of the project for Wannon Water and its stakeholders, and ultimately, improve the outcomes for the region and for the project.

Coupled with a community-wide public information sharing and feedback collection phase, it is proposed that a detailed MCA be undertaken with a selection of interested individuals to inform the selection of the final treatment process so that assessment criteria weightings and level of importance reflect those of the whole region.

The timing and extent of community and key stakeholder involvement and impact varies depending on the stakeholder group. Stakeholder impacts and interactions will occur during design, approvals, construction and operational phases.

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3. Goals and objectives 3.1 Overarching project goal

The project goal is to ensure the Warrnambool Sewage Treatment Plant continues to protect the environment and support growth in the Great South Coast region.

All that we do to communicate and engage our stakeholders throughout this process must be focussed on helping to achieve the overall project goal.

3.2 Communication and engagement objectives

3.2.1 Communication objectives

Setting aspirational goals for project communication provides a yardstick for success.

In consideration of the current context in which the project will be delivered and to achieve the project goal, the communication objectives are therefore to:

1. Position the need for and benefits of the project early, often and with the most relevant stakeholders ----> i.e. the need for the increased capacity at the sewage treatment plant to help protect the environment and support growth in the region

2. Using clear and effective communication and targeted community engagement, to build knowledge and understanding of the economic growth opportunities that are driving Wannon Water’s upgrade plan

3. Build community confidence in the integrity of Wannon Water’s upgrade plan by explaining the journey and the rigorous processes undertaken to select the preferred approach

4. Build trusted relationships with the community by creating genuine and purposeful opportunities to participate in the options selection process which will identify the best solution and outcome for the region

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3.3 Outcomes and measures of success

In pursuit of the communication outcomes required to support the project goal, the objectives outlined will drive the way the project team communicates with stakeholders and the community throughout the project. The success of this plan will be continually evaluated by tracking the measures of success. Specific evaluation tools are also provided below.

Objectives Measures of success Evaluation tools

Position the need for and benefits of the project early, often and with the most relevant stakeholders ----> i.e., the need for the increased capacity of the sewage treatment plant to help protect the environment and support growth in the region

Internal to Wannon Water: • Conclude that the best public participation approach has

been adopted for the community and for the project design and delivery

• This plan is fully integrated with other engagement activities and does not delay program delivery

• Stakeholder engagement model is developed for future application

• Our community relationships continue to develop through this process we are better able understand what customers value.

• Zero stakeholder-related project delivery delays

• Stakeholder and community sentiment survey results

• Wannon Water satisfaction survey results

Using clear and effective communication and targeted community engagement, build community knowledge and understanding of the economic growth opportunities that are driving Wannon Water’s expansion plans

Communication: • Strong community awareness of the opportunities to

participate leading to those most interested being able to do so

• Communication materials are easy to digest, accessible in a range of formats (digital/hardcopy), using a range of touch points that meet the consumption needs of the target audience.

• Digital engagement analytics

• Level of integration of digital and traditional communication channels

• Evidence of key messages woven into communication materials and media coverage

• Use of user-friendly maps and graphics

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Objectives Measures of success Evaluation tools

Build community confidence in the integrity of Wannon Water’s expansion by explaining the journey of developing the upgrade options and the rigorous processes undertaken to select the preferred option

Public participation: • Stakeholders perceive they have been able to participate in

the decision making process to their desired level (ie informed, consulted, engaged, involved)

• Evidence that stakeholder concerns, opinions and ideas have directly influenced the decision making processes

• Anecdotal evidence of third party stakeholder advocacy and support for the proposed solution.

• Stakeholder and community sentiment survey results

• Nature of customer calls relating to the project – % of complaints and compliments

• Community enquiry response times – 95% of enquiries answered within agreed project communication protocols

• Media coverage results including evidence of third party advocacy of the design solution

• MCA criteria weighting adjustments

Build trusted relationships with the community by creating genuine and purposeful opportunities to participate in the deciding what is the best solution and outcome for the region (eg in the Detailed Design and construction delivery methodology decisions).

Public participation: • Stakeholders perceive they have been able to participate in

the decision making process to their desired level (ie informed, consulted, engaged, involved)

• Evidence that stakeholder concerns, opinions and ideas have directly influenced the decision making processes

• Anecdotal evidence of third party stakeholder advocacy and support for the proposed solution.

• Community meeting attendance levels

• Feedback collected during community engagement period (feedback form)

• MCA workshop participation / representation

• Stakeholder and community sentiment survey results

• Media coverage results including evidence of third party advocacy

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4. Guiding principles 4.1 Overarching principles

The following overarching principles will guide how we deliver our day-to-day activities.

Following these principles throughout the life of the project will help drive successful stakeholder relationships, uphold Wannon Water’s reputation in the community, and achieve efficient project delivery.

We are prepared – clearly define roles and responsibilities, and processes and timeframes, for communication and consultation activities.

We consult those most affected and interested – identify and consult with those who have the potential to be most affected and interested.

We inform others early and often – ensure relevant stakeholders are provided with timely and accurate information appropriate to their needs.

We communicate directly – using relevant tools to target appropriate stakeholders. Stakeholders know who to contact and how.

We respond quickly – ensure effective and prompt issues resolution within nominated timeframes.

4.2 Public participation level framework

The extent of public participation according to stakeholder groups for this project, and the promise that Wannon Water is making when taking on a certain approach, is best understood when mapped against the IAP2 spectrum. This spectrum is illustrated at Figure 7-1.

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Figure 7-1 Spectrum of public participation (Source: IAP2)

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5. Stakeholder issues analysis 5.1 Stakeholder mapping, issues analysis and approaches

There are six core stakeholder groups relevant to the project:

1. Community members and groups either directly or indirectly impacted

2. Wannon Water internal stakeholders, including executive management, asset managers, operators and customer relations staff.

3. Victorian state government agencies including regulators and planning authorities

4. Local government, including regional development working groups

5. Interest groups, peak bodies and associations

6. Local business and industry.

The stakeholders were identified through a workshop process, in which key project representatives from Wannon Water, including staff from technical, executive management, communications, and engagement fields participated.

The group collectively discussed who the stakeholders are, what their level of awareness and interests/concerns are, and what we want our stakeholder groups to think about the project/engagement process, what we want them to feel about it, and what we ultimately want them to do.

Please refer to Appendix A for the Stakeholder Engagement analysis table and workshop outcome notes.

The key purpose was to become clear about aspects such as:

who needs to be involved

how should we prioritise them in terms of our effort (who can make or break it)

who has similar requirements

what is the current context in terms of community awareness and perceptions

what do they need to be told about what the project is, why it’s happening and what are the benefits

how might they want to be involved in the process (if at all)

what are we ultimately needing to achieve through our communication and engagement effort (i.e. what should people think, feel and do).

The group was able to collectively prioritise those whom have the greatest level of interest, the greatest level of potential impact (real or perceived) and/or the greatest level of influence over the project moving forward.

It was acknowledged that at times, not all stakeholders are required to think or feel anything, but rather just need to do something. In other cases, people will just need to think that Wannon Water is doing the right thing and feel they are going about it in an appropriate way – this is about seeking an overall permission to get on with the job in the knowledge of WHY it’s required.

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It was clear there are a range of stakeholders who have a role to play in the success of this project and engagement process. Each stakeholder group has varying levels of awareness, however in all cases, there is an opportunity to explain the need for Wannon Water’s response to growth in the area and the increased capacity requirements at the plant within five years.

Other stakeholder analysis insights that have influenced our approach include:

• Those who have a high level of awareness, interest and influence over the process, and who should be prioritised include: Wannon Water employees as the plant operators and as local residents; the Wannon Water Board as the ultimate project decision makers and governance group; Warrnambool City Council and Moyne Shire Council as partners in supporting growth in this region; as well as Wannon Water’s existing major customers utilising the existing facility.

• Based on the assumption that the best option is to upgrade capacity at the current plant at the current site, those who do not yet have a high level of awareness but will do once plans are communicated include: surrounding land and property owners (particularly those within a 50-100 directly impacted within 800m buffer) and those who will be impacted by sewerage upgrades.

• The Golf Course (1000 members / patrons) has a moderate to high level of awareness of a potential upgrade of the existing plant – there is both a risk and an opportunity associated with the golf course owner and its patrons – it will need a particular focus and must be prioritised in order to get it right

• There is an opportunity to leverage the potential support from stakeholders in order to communicate the need for the project, and its flow-on benefits to the region – both economic and environmental outcomes. They include: the local Industry customers e.g. Warrnambool Cheese and Butter factory/Midfield Meat/ Saleyards, Regional Development Victoria (RDV), Environmental Protection Authority, DELWP, Marine Parks (Department of Environment, Land, Water and planning), and local key opinion leaders, and the Surf Riders Association.

• The recreational users of the area will be need to be kept informed of plans, and information should help them feel comfortable that their pursuits in the area are not at risk e.g. Mountain biking club, Catchment Management Authority / Merri River users, walkers, fishers.

• The wider community, while not currently heavily aware of the need for the project nor the potential solution, should be given adequate taken on the journey in order to seek their permission to get on with the job in the knowledge of WHY its required.

• The wider community should receive factual, clear and plain English information that builds awareness and understanding of the WHY and the BENEFIT TO THEM, and using a range of direct-to-customer communication tools (i.e. push the information to them rather than expecting them to feel compelled to come to your existing communication channels). The community should feel comfortable with coming to Wannon Water to share their views, and that Wannon Water welcomes this, rather than them expressing their views to others such as Local Members of Parliament or the local media.

• Excellent and accessible information, coupled with opportunity to share ideas/concerns/issues about the capacity upgrade, should be provided to the wider

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community once more is known about the solution (in terms of design/scale of impact/delivery timeframes etc.).

• Overall, in terms of the wider community, there is an opportunity to leverage this project to help explain the water cycle and how safe and reliable drinking water is produced for the region.

5.2 Confirming an approach – level of public participation

Following the stakeholder analysis exercise, it was decided that the team would adopt an approach based on the below key points:

1. Communicate the wider story of why increased capacity is needed to cater for growth in the region

2. Present a selection of feasible options, explain why most were ruled out, the nature of the selection process; and the key reasons for selecting the preferred strategy to increase capacity (ie via an upgrade to the existing plant at the existing site).

3. Provide the wider community with an opportunity to be informed about Number 2 (above) and to create a formal mechanism through which the community can provide Wannon Water with any ideas/feedback/information to help inform its design methodology and processes; and where relevant, to provide the community the opportunity to participate in Number 4 (below).

4. Continue with furthering the technical studies on the option/s to upgrade the existing plant, and then involve interested stakeholders in a detailed Multi-Criteria Assessment workshop to confirm the weighting/level of importance placed on a range of relevant criteria to identify and confirm the best on balance design treatment option to increase capacity at the plant.

5. Involve interested stakeholders in the subsequent design stages to enable those most impacted and interested to potentially influence tangible aspects of the design and construction delivery methodology.

5.3 Anticipated issues and mitigations

The key issues and concerns for stakeholders were considered in more detail in a subsequent workshop with Wannon Water project representatives. These issues have been carefully considered in the development of both the strategies adopted in this plan as well as how the project will be positioned through the project’s key messages and project story.

The top three issues and potential responses are highlighted in Table 5-1

Table 5-1

Key issues Mitigations and possible response positions

Perceived cost: Customers may perceive the upgrade will increase their water charges


We understand the pressure of increasing water bills on households in the Great South Coast Region.

We are committed to exploring options that are sustainable and cost-effective but also supports what is needed for the region in the long-term.

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Key issues Mitigations and possible response positions

Wannon Water will be undertaking a multi criteria analysis, to look at the potential environmental, social and cost implications of the various options available. We will be seeking community and customer involvement in this process, to assist with determining the importance of analysis criteria and views on the various options.

Note: If the option chosen has a cost implication for stakeholders, this will need to be acknowledged at the appropriate time.

Construction and visual amenity impacts: Those who live or use the area close to the upgrade site have the potential to experience temporary impacts


Upgrading at the site will result in temporary construction impacts which will need to be carefully managed. We need to ensure we do all we can to reduce the potential impact on our neighbours and local users of the area.

We will work with you to determine ways and method to ensure this impact is reduced throughout the 24-month construction period.

Recreational impacts

Wannon Water will be undertaking a multi criteria analysis to look at the potential environmental, social and cost implications of the various options available to upgrade the plant. We will be seeking community input into this process, to assist with better understanding the communities’ views on the various options, how they impact on recreational activities and identifying the best solution that mitigates impacts for community groups and users of the surrounding area.

Environmental impacts

Wannon Water will be undertaking a multi criteria analysis to look at the potential environmental, social and cost implications of the various options available to upgrade the plant. We will be seeking community input into this process, to assist with understanding the communities’ views on the various options, how they impact the environment and the best solution that mitigates impacts to the environment from the sewage treatment processes.

As well as seeking community input into the multi criteria analysis to understand community views on environmental impacts, Wannon Water is

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Key issues Mitigations and possible response positions

working with the EPA to determine the best solution that protects the environment, whilst balancing cost and operational requirements.

Interest group influence: The potential of single issue groups pushing agenda – e.g. biogas digester, co-location of organic waste, water reuse (IWCM), environmental impacts, questioning outfall.

Fringe single issue groups – design options

Wannon Water has considered a range of design options for increasing the sewage treatment plant capacity. These include continuing with the existing treatment process, anaerobic pre-treatment, membrane treatment and others. Each option offers potential benefits which need to be weighed up against costs, the impact on the environment and stakeholders, and technical risks.

Fringe single issue groups – removing the ocean outfall

Wannon Water has considered a number of options that involve to discharge to land, river or ocean for disposal as part of the rigorous options analysis process that was undertaken in late 2015. This robust process involved a multi criteria analysis, life cycle costing and evaluation of key issues including how to manage discharge of salt to the environment if an outfall was removed and if an ocean outfall was to remain – how best to discharge to the ocean to mitigate environmental impacts. The outcomes of this analysis which drew on the advice of various specialists determined that the preferred solution that balances social, environmental, technical and economic considerations was to keep the ocean outfall.

However, the details of the final treatment processes are still being considered and Wannon Water will be undertaking a multi criteria analysis to look at the potential environmental, social and cost implications of the various upgrade options available for the site. We will be seeking community input into this process, to assist with better understanding the communities’ views on the various options and determine the best solution that mitigates impacts to the environment from the sewage treatment processes, while balancing economic and social factors.

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Figure 5-1: Warrnambool Sewage Treatment Plant - A3 Strategy Framework

Project Goal To ensure the Warrnambool Sewage Treatment Plant continues to protect the environment and support growth in the Great South Coast region.

Communication and Engagement Objectives

What do we need to achieve through communication and engagement?

What do we want our stakeholders to THINK, FEEL, DO.

Communication objectives: • Position the need for and benefits of the project early, often and with the

most relevant stakeholders ----> i.e. the need for the increased capacity at the sewage treatment plant to help protect the environment and support growth in the region

• Using clear and effective communication and targeted community engagement, to build community knowledge and understanding of the economic growth opportunities that are driving Wannon Water’s upgrade plan

• Build community confidence in the integrity of Wannon Water’s upgrade plan by explaining the journey and the rigorous processes undertaken to select the preferred approach

• Build trusted relationships with the community by creating genuine and purposeful opportunities to participate in the options selection process which will identify the best solution and outcome for the region

Measures of success: Internal: • Conclude that the best public participation approach has been adopted for the community and for the project design and delivery

• This plan is integrated with other engagement activities

• This plan does not delay program delivery

• Stakeholder engagement model is developed for future application

• Our community relationships continue to develop through this process and we better understand what customers value.

Communication: • Strong community awareness of the opportunities to participate leading to those most interested being able to do so • Communication materials are easy to digest, accessible in a range of formats (digital/hardcopy), using a range of touch points that meet the

consumption needs of the target audience. Public participation: • Stakeholders perceive they have been able to participate in the decision making process to their desired level (ie informed, consulted, engaged,

involved) • Evidence that stakeholder concerns, opinions and ideas have directly influenced the decision making processes

• Anecdotal evidence of third party stakeholder advocacy and support for the proposed solution.

Evaluation metrics

• Community meeting attendance levels

• Feedback collected during community engagement period (feedback form)

• Digital engagement analytics results

• Nature of customer calls relating to the project– % of complaints and compliments

• Media coverage results including evidence of third party advocacy

• Zero stakeholder-related project delivery delays

• Stakeholder and community sentiment survey results

• Wannon Water satisfaction survey results

Top issues

Key messages

Top three potential issues: 1. Perceived cost: Customers may perceive the upgrade will increase their

water charges

2. Construction and visual amenity impacts: Those who live or use the area close to the upgrade site have the potential to experience temporary impacts

3. Interest group influence: The potential of single issue groups pushing agenda – e.g. biogas digester, co-location of organic waste, water reuse (IWCM), environmental impacts, questioning outfall.

Top key messages: 1. What is it? Planning is underway to upgrade the existing Warrnambool sewage treatment plant to increase its capacity.

2. Why are we doing it? While recent works has improved performance and capacity of the existing plant, there is now a need to upgrade to ensure it continues to protect the local environment and supports the needs of our growing region.

3. What are the benefits? The upgraded plant will accommodate residential and industrial customer growth, fostering development for the region, while continuing to protect the environment.

4. What is our public participation promise? Wannon Water is committed to providing a range of opportunities for community involvement throughout the process and hopes to partner with the community to ensure we come up with the best possible solution for the region.

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Stakeholder Type

Wider community and customers Surrounding residents / property owners Wannon Water Local Councils (Operational level and relevant Councillors)

Community Associations (Enviro, recreation)

Other Government Local Business / Industry

Key Stakeholders Who do we need to engage and communicate with in relevant stakeholder groups?

Wider community customer base

Wider community non-customer base

Aboriginal Elders

Recycled water interest groups/customers

Aboriginal RAP applicants

Surrounding property owners to WRP

Sewerage upgrade impacted residents

Other highly interested individuals

Project team leads

Customer relations team All employees

Board members

WRP Operators

Warrnambool City Council

Moyne Shire

Southern Grampians Shire

Corangamite Shire

Great South Coast Group (CEOs & Mayors)

Great South Coast Regional Partnership Group

Merri River users / Mad for the Merri

Recreational users (walking, fishing)

South Warrnambool and Merrivale community assoc.

Warrnambool Coast Care Land Care Network / Friends of Merri Marine Sanctuary

Fishcare South WestWarrnambool sustainability group

Friends of the Earth

Mountain biking club, Surf Riders Association, VRFish, Warrnambool canoe club

Regional Development Victoria (RDV)


Environment Protection Authority (EPA)


Industrial customers (Cheese & butter factory, meat, sales yards)

Golf course (management)

Golf Course patrons

Engagement approach/ Strategies for this stakeholder group

Get the house in order to effectively, directly and clearly inform and consult on the project need Position and explain the need for and benefits of the project with both customers and non-customers Provide an opportunity to participate via a formal public consultant and feedback period Time the communication and public participation opportunities alongside other critical community engagement initiatives (to create a suite of relevant options for participation)

Brief employees early (ie before a public announcement) to gain their support for the rigorous process WW has undertaken to select the preferred approach in order to seek public participation (ie upgrade the existing site)

Engage post-elections to create champions who could publicly advocate for the project on our behalf Connect with the Operational and Political levels Link the project need to the Warrnambool Master Plan processes

Engage early and often, target the right groups, invite to participate at various stages

Brief early, directly and as a collective leading up to Approvals

Engage industry customers to create champions who could publicly advocate for the project on our behalf Involve the industry customers and golf course in a Multi-Criteria Assessment working group to help develop criteria weightings

Tools and activities (to bring the strategies to life)

Get the house in order: • Project key messages and positioning story • Collateral for briefings: Factsheet/Powerpoint presentation • Facebook posts/twitter updates/digital website content to build awareness • Establish community feedback mechanisms: online and hardcopy feedback survey (bang the table or Social Pinpoint),1800

and email Identify and brief media spokesperson for announcements

Explain the need for the upgrade / promote public participation options:

Lunchtime sessions/employee briefings Watershed updates

Councillor briefings Participation on a Community Working Group to assist with developing and weighting MCA criteria

Letter to all groups to encourage them to participate in the public consultation process and to inform them of a site-based information session to talk to the team face to face

One-on-one briefings initially At Approvals stages, facilitate joint Key Agency Stakeholder Meetings

Golf course: Involve in targeted, reference group, design options Industrial customers: technical briefings, one-on-one

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• Raise awareness via customer communication channels • Raise awareness via media announcement of public consultation period, brief the editor, encourage others to advocate for the

project on our behalf (leverage talk-back radio) • Leverage digital content and communication channels, including promotion of engagement opportunitiesthrough existing WW

key stakeholder lists, project advocates to help promote via their established networks • Letter to directly-impacted property owners to invite to an onsite briefing during public consultation period

Community-wide public participation options to help inform decision making on design: • Launch a formal public consultation phase – early 2017 • Hold Information Sessions/ Open days at the upgrade site?? Or at other relevant public locations? • One on one briefings as requested by directly impacted property owners / businesses • Provide a publicly available Consultation Report on the wider community feedback to inform the next stage of targeted


Targeted engagement to provide input to final design decision: • Identify and invite those most interested to become a member of a Community Working Group to assist with developing and

weighting MCA criteria to confirm the preferred final option • Community Working Group to reach consensus on criteria weightings for the final MCA; workshops to be independently

facilitated and reported on • Advice from Community Working Group to be provided to the Wannon Water board to inform their decision making

Targeted communication during construction: • Work with local residents and Golf Course management to mitigate construction impacts through flexible delivery

methodologies • Localised letterbox drops / SMS notifications / door knocks during construction impacts • Community open days during final detailed design and construction phases – engage local schools

MD updates – acknowledge employee involvement with community groups

Identify and invite those most interested to become a member of a Community Working Group to assist with developing and weighting MCA criteria to confirm the preferred final option One on one briefings as requested Keep them well briefed of impacts throughout construction phase to ensure safety and continuity

Timing When will you be conducting the engagement, and what is the timing of the key milestones?

To be confirmed and updated as per the below implementation plan table summary.

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6. Key messages Following an analysis of the current strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats to the project, key messages have been developed to provide a clear, consistent approach to communication throughout the project.

These messages and supporting facts are to be used in all written and verbal communication produced for the project. A list of terms and words to use and avoid is also provided below to guide messaging.

6.1 Key terms

Table 6-1 summarises some key terms to use and to avoid based on discussions with Wannon Water during stakeholder engagement strategy development workshops.

Terms which express the positive outcomes of the project should be emphasised, such as environment, sustainability, growth, regional prosperity, jobs, supporting industry etc. Similarly, terms that express a level of technical quality and standard should also be emphasised, including efficient or efficiencies, rigorous, robust process, analysis and references to the EPA which is considered a respected regulator is also encouraged.

It was agreed that certain key words and phrases that are considered less accessible for a non-technical audience should be avoided, in particular:

The current term used to describe the treatment plant “Water Reclamation Plant” should be replaced with “Sewage Treatment Plant”, a more commonly understood term.

Terms used to describe the technical objective of the project i.e. “augmentation” and “expansion”, should also be avoided and the term “increase capacity” and “upgrade” used instead.

Table 6-1 Key terms to use and avoid

Terms to use Terms to avoid Sewage treatment plant/facility/process Increase capacity Upgrade Environment Sustainability Growth, regional prosperity Jobs, supporting industry Efficiencies/efficient Rigorous/robust process Analysis Environmental Protection Authority (or EPA )

Wastewater Water reclamation Augmentation Expansion

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6.2 Key messages

The following key messages reflect the objectives of the engagement and the explanation of, and positioning statements for, the project:

Planning is underway to upgrade the existing Warrnambool sewage treatment plant to increase its capacity.

Supporting facts:

• To come

While recent works has improved performance and capacity of the existing plant, there is now a need to upgrade to ensure it continues to protect the local environment and supports the needs of our growing region.

Supporting facts:

• To come

The upgraded plant will accommodate residential and industrial customer growth, fostering development for the region, while continuing to protect the environment.

Supporting facts:

• To come

Wannon Water is committed to providing a range of opportunities for community involvement throughout the process and hopes to partner with the community to ensure we come up with the best possible solution for the region.

Supporting facts:

The next stage of the project requires the development and selection of a preferred option for upgrading the existing Warrnambool sewage treatment plant – we want to provide opportunities for the community to be involved in this next stage to help select the final treatment design option adopted at the existing site.

Your participation will help develop the best solution that balances the financial, environmental, social and technical aspects of the project for Wannon Water and its stakeholders, and ultimately, improves the outcomes for the region and for the project.

To help inform our treatment design options development, we will be seeking community-wide feedback via information sessions and briefings, using a variety of feedback mechanisms, including an online feedback, face to face at community information events and via the phone.

As well as an initial community-wide feedback collection phase, Wannon Water will also be involving members of the community in a detailed Multi-Criteria Assessment to determine the selection of the final treatment process.

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Members of the dedicated project Community Working Group will participate in the MCA to collectively agree on the assessment criteria weightings to ensure that the level of importance reflect those of the whole region.

Interested local residents and property owners are encouraged to contact the team to request a briefing at any time.

Information sessions are planned for mid to late March 2017 at a central location. These will be publicised appropriately in the lead up to the sessions.

We encourage you to visit our dedicated project page at http://www.wannonwater.com.au/XXXTBCXXX to review and download copies of the latest Fact Sheet and Media Release. If you have any other questions or comments, please contact us via:

Phone: xxxxx

Email: xxxxx

Online: xxxxx

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7. Communication tools Communication activity will predominantly involve facilitating channels for community participation and feedback.

7.1 Project communication tools

Project key messages and positioning story


Powerpoint presentation

Digital content

Media releases

7.2 Awareness raising

The following tools will clearly communicate the project key messages and direct people to the dedicated web page, Information Session times, Feedback Form referencing the online link and hard copy locations.

Internal communication tools:

Lunchtime sessions/employee briefings

Watershed updates

Managing Director updates

External communication tools:

Media releases, editorial stories, radio talkback


Quarterly water bills (to be confirmed)


Powerpoint Presentation

Website content and other digital engagement methodologies

Letters to community groups and surrounding property owners

Letterbox drops and door knocks for construction notifications

Stakeholder email updates.

7.3 Targeted stakeholder engagement

Community open days and information sessions

Key stakeholder briefings – Council, Govt, Industry

Multi-stakeholder workshops – Approvals stage

Community Working Group to assist with developing and weighting MCA criteria

One-on-one property owner briefings, as requested.

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7.4 Feedback channels

Feedback Form – via website for downloading and hard copy at the Service Centre

Digital engagement options

Phone line and email address

Stakeholder Management Database inputs

Final report.

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8. Implementation plan 8.1 Overview

The project has six phases as illustrated in Figure 8-1. This stakeholder engagement plan has broken into the following stages which reflect key phases of the project where stakeholder engagement is required:

Early project communication

Treatment process selection

Detailed design and approvals


Project announcement – positioning the project for success

From the outset, Wannon Water needs to create a compelling public case for the upgrade of the Warrnambool Sewage Treatment Plant. The project position is that Wannon Water is undertaking the upgrade as part of its commitment to continuing to protect the environment and support growth in the Great South Coast region. In essence, it’s a positive story.

However, in drawing attention to the plant there is the potential that interested (or skeptical, or critical) stakeholders will present a negative image of the plant, including its existing impacts and potential future impacts from an increased capacity.

The most effective method of minimising the potential for this negative image is for Wannon Water to be proactive and transparent in disclosing details of the methodology adopted for selecting the preferred strategy of upgrading the existing site.

Figure 8-1 Project overview and points of public participation

The following table (Implementation timelines) outlines the sequencing of activities recommended for this project. It will start with a community-wide opportunity to share information and collect feedback. These insights will inform the design thinking and be made available to the participants of the next phase of more targeted engagement.

Concurrently, key stakeholders such as Local Councils, Community and interest groups and industry customers will be briefed directly.

Warrnambool Sewage Strategy


Upgrade Option

SelectionDesign Approvals Construction Operation

Internal stakeholders

Informing of wider community, involvement from those most


Involvement from regulatory agencies

Involvement of regulatory


Informing and consulting impacted


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9. Implementation timelines

Timeframe Project development phase

Communication Phase


November – December 2016

Early project communication

1: Get the house in order / internal communication

• Finalise this plan and brief the Wannon Water Board

• Finalise Project key messages and positioning story

• Finalise the project collateral for briefings: Factsheet and Powerpoint presentation

• Plan content for Facebook posts/twitter updates/digital website to build awareness in the next phase

• Establish community feedback mechanisms: digital engagement and hardcopy),phone line and

email. Identify and brief media spokesperson for announcements

• Set up the Project Stakeholder Engagement Database and finalise the stakeholder lists including postage and email addresses ready for letter distribution and email bulletins

December - January 2016

Early project communication

2: Establish need and context

• Finalise the questions relating to the Sewage Treatment Plant in the Customer survey using the mechanisms of the ESC Pricing submission survey to help us determine and test views on an upgrade to the existing site

• Commence internal communication activities via internal platforms and team briefings

• Commence external key stakeholder briefings with Local Councils, the Golf Course

management, and all other potential project advocates

Commented [SP1]: Major business will be an advocate as an upgrade at the WRP could facilitate their plans for expansion. We could leverage off this in terms of prosperity for the region, jobs etc…

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• Brief the local editor and consider talk-back radio early to help set the context and need for the project.

Timeframe Project development phase

Communication Phase


JDecember – January 2017

All project phases: Early project communication through to construction

3: Key government stakeholder engagement

Set up key stakeholder briefings prior to the public announcement of the consultation phase, including with the EPA to ensure it is supportive of the general approach. Continue to brief Government Agencies throughout all project phases.

February 2017 Treatment process selection

4: Awareness raising of upcoming consultation

Promote upcoming schedule of public information sessions and project timelines. Ensure strong awareness of the phone number and email address. • Raise awareness via customer communication channels: Quarterly water bills, email or SMS


• Raise awareness via media announcement of public consultation period, brief the editor, encourage others to advocate for the project on our behalf (leverage talk-back radio)

• Online survey hyperlink goes live and is sent to existing WW key stakeholder lists, project advocates to help promote via their established networks

• Letter to directly-impacted property owners to invite to an onsite briefing during public

consultation period

March 2017 Treatment

process selection

5: Launch Community-wide public consultation phase

Take the strategy to the broader community. Clearly communicate the process of determining the final treatment and the benefits to the community.

Hard launch a formal public consultation phase – media event

Commented [SP2]: December?

Commented [SP3]: Do this first, make it the first dot point

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Coordinate and rollout Information Sessions / Open days at the upgrade site or at other relevant public locations

One on one briefings as requested by directly impacted property owners / businesses

Collect and monitor feedback mechanisms for reporting purposes

Provide a publicly available Consultation Report to inform the next stage of targeted engagement.

Timeframe Project development phase

Communication Phase


April 2017 Treatment process selection

6: Multi-Criteria Assessment to help determine the final treatment design for the upgrade

Identify and invite those most interested to become a member of a Community Working Group to assist with developing and weighting MCA criteria to confirm the preferred final option

Community Working Group to reach consensus on criteria weightings for the final MCA; workshops to be independently facilitated and reported on

Final Report for Pricing Submission inclusion.

April 2017 – June 2019

Design and approvals

7: Promote project milestones & community outcomes

Publish final upgrade design, recapping the community engagement process and how community involvement has shaped the final design

Roll out media relations at key milestones and other communication activities to update the community and potentially affected stakeholders

Once approved by the Board, commence conversations around potential impacts prior to and during construction.

July 2019 - June 2021


8: Work with local neighbouring properties to manage construction impacts

Work with local residents and Golf Course management to mitigate construction impacts through flexible delivery methodologies

Localised letterbox drops / SMS notifications / door knocks during construction impacts

Community open days during final detailed design and construction phases – engage local schools

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Launch the new facility with a community event.

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10. Reporting and evaluation The success of this engagement plan will be continually evaluated during all stages and will be detailed in the final communication and engagement report.

We will report our activities and any potential issues via:

monthly report

quarterly issues management report

final report.

We will keep focussed on success throughout the project, by seeking to meet and/or exceed the following KPIs:

100% of planned stakeholder-impacting activities communicated within nominated timeframes

100% of complaints logged and resolved within nominated timeframes

100% adherence to issues management protocol (during construction)

95% positive media coverage

Positive anecdotal feedback at stakeholder meetings and in the media.

We will monitor and adapt our communication tools by developing and tracking: Stakeholder database reports - response and close-out timeframes

weekly/fortnightly/monthly reports

stakeholder awareness of website and alerts

volume of new website visitors/ alert subscribers/tweet subscribers

speed of complaints resolution

media coverage analysis

Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey – mid-point and at completion of project.

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Appendix A – Stakeholder analysis table workshop outcomes notes

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Table 5-1 Warrnambool Sewage Treatment Plant - A3 Strategy Framework

Project Goal To ensure the Warrnambool Sewage Treatment Plant continues to protect the environment and support growth in the Great South Coast region.

Communication and Engagement Objectives

What do we need to achieve through communication and engagement?

What do we want our stakeholders to THINK, FEEL, DO?

Communication objectives: • Position the need for and benefits of the project early, often and with the

most relevant stakeholders i.e. the need for the increased capacity at the sewage treatment plant to help protect the environment and support growth in the region

• Using clear and effective communication and targeted community engagement, to build community knowledge and understanding of the economic growth opportunities that are driving Wannon Water’s upgrade plan

• Build community confidence in the integrity of Wannon Water’s upgrade plan by explaining the journey and the rigorous processes undertaken to select the preferred approach

• Build trusted relationships with the community by creating genuine and purposeful opportunities to participate in the options selection process which will identify the best solution and outcome for the region

Measures of success: Internal: • Conclude that the best public participation approach has been adopted for the community and for the project design and delivery

• This plan is integrated with other engagement activities

• This plan does not delay program delivery

• Stakeholder engagement model is developed for future application

• Our community relationships continue to develop through this process and we better understand what customers value.

Communication: • Strong community awareness of the opportunities to participate leading to those most interested being able to do so • Communication materials are easy to digest, accessible in a range of formats (digital/hardcopy), using a range of touch points that meet the

consumption needs of the target audience. Public participation: • Stakeholders perceive they have been able to participate in the decision making process to their desired level (i.e. informed, consulted, engaged,

involved). • Evidence that stakeholder concerns, opinions and ideas have directly influenced the decision making processes

• Anecdotal evidence of third party stakeholder advocacy and support for the proposed solution.

Evaluation metrics

• Community meeting attendance levels

• Feedback collected during community engagement period (feedback form)

• Digital engagement analytics results

• Nature of customer calls relating to the project– % of complaints and compliments

• Media coverage results including evidence of third party advocacy

• Zero stakeholder-related project delivery delays

• Stakeholder and community sentiment survey results

• Wannon Water satisfaction survey results

Top issues

Key messages

Top three potential issues: 1. Perceived cost: Customers may perceive the upgrade will increase their

water charges

2. Construction and visual amenity impacts: Those who live or use the area close to the upgrade site have the potential to experience temporary impacts

3. Interest group influence: The potential of single issue groups pushing agenda – e.g. biogas digester, co-location of organic waste, water reuse (IWCM), environmental impacts, questioning outfall.

Top key messages: 1. What is it? Planning is underway to upgrade the existing Warrnambool sewage treatment plant to increase its capacity.

2. Why are we doing it? While recent works has improved performance and capacity of the existing plant, there is now a need to upgrade to ensure it continues to protect the local environment and supports the needs of our growing region.

3. What are the benefits? The upgraded plant will accommodate residential and industrial customer growth, fostering development for the region, while continuing to protect the environment.

4. What is our public participation promise? Wannon Water is committed to providing a range of opportunities for community involvement throughout the process and hopes to partner with the community to ensure we come up with the best possible solution for the region.

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Stakeholder Type

Wider community and customers Surrounding residents / property owners Wannon Water Local Councils (Operational level and relevant Councillors)

Community Associations (Enviro, recreation)

Other Government Local Business / Industry

Key Stakeholders Who do we need to engage and communicate with in relevant stakeholder groups?

Wider community customer base

Wider community non-customer base

Aboriginal Elders

Recycled water interest groups/customers

Aboriginal RAP applicants

Surrounding property owners to WRP

Sewerage upgrade impacted residents

Other highly interested individuals

Project team leads

Customer relations team All employees

Board members

WRP Operators

Warrnambool City Council

Moyne Shire

Southern Grampians Shire

Corangamite Shire

Great South Coast Group (CEOs & Mayors)

Great South Coast Regional Partnership Group

Merri River users / Mad for the Merri

Recreational users (walking, fishing)

South Warrnambool and Merrivale community assoc.

Warrnambool Coast Care Land Care Network / Friends of Merri Marine Sanctuary

Fishcare South WestWarrnambool sustainability group

Friends of the Earth

Mountain biking club, Surf Riders Association, VRFish, Warrnambool canoe club

Regional Development Victoria (RDV)


Environment Protection Authority (EPA)


Industrial customers (Cheese & butter factory, meat, sales yards)

Golf course (management)

Golf Course patrons

Engagement approach/ Strategies for this stakeholder group

Get the house in order to effectively, directly and clearly inform and consult on the project need Position and explain the need for and benefits of the project with both customers and non-customers Provide an opportunity to participate via a formal public consultant and feedback period Time the communication and public participation opportunities alongside other critical community engagement initiatives (to create a suite of relevant options for participation)

Brief employees early (i.e. before a public announcement) to gain their support for the rigorous process WW has undertaken to select the preferred approach in order to seek public participation (i.e. upgrade the existing site)

Engage post-elections to create champions who could publicly advocate for the project on our behalf Connect with the Operational and Political levels Link the project need to the Warrnambool Master Plan processes

Engage early and often, target the right groups, invite to participate at various stages

Brief early, directly and as a collective leading up to Approvals

Engage industry customers to create champions who could publicly advocate for the project on our behalf Involve the industry customers and golf course in a Multi-Criteria Assessment working group to help develop criteria weightings

Tools and activities (to bring the strategies to life)

Get the house in order: • Project key messages and positioning story • Collateral for briefings: Factsheet/Powerpoint presentation • Facebook posts/twitter updates/digital website content to build awareness • Establish community feedback mechanisms: online and hardcopy feedback survey (bang the table or Social Pinpoint),1800

and email Identify and brief media spokesperson for announcements

Explain the need for the upgrade / promote public participation options: • Raise awareness via customer communication channels

Lunchtime sessions/employee briefings Watershed updates MD updates – acknowledge employee

Councillor briefings Participation on a Community Working Group to assist with developing and weighting MCA criteria

Letter to all groups to encourage them to participate in the public consultation process and to inform them of a site-based information session to talk to the team face to face Identify and invite those most interested to become a member of a

One-on-one briefings initially At Approvals stages, facilitate joint Key Agency Stakeholder Meetings

Golf course: Involve in targeted, reference group, design options Industrial customers: technical briefings, one-on-one

Page 38: APPENDIX 14 4 Stakeholder & Community Engagement€¦ · targeted community engagement, build community knowledge and understanding of the economic growth opportunities that are driving

• Raise awareness via media announcement of public consultation period, brief the editor, encourage others to advocate for the project on our behalf (leverage talk-back radio)

• Leverage digital content and communication channels, including promotion of engagement opportunities through existing WW key stakeholder lists, project advocates to help promote via their established networks

• Letter to directly-impacted property owners to invite to an onsite briefing during public consultation period

Community-wide public participation options to help inform decision making on design: • Launch a formal public consultation phase – early 2017 • Hold Information Sessions/ Open days at the upgrade site or at other relevant public locations • One on one briefings as requested by directly impacted property owners / businesses • Provide a publicly available Consultation Report on the wider community feedback to inform the next stage of targeted


Targeted engagement to provide input to final design decision: • Identify and invite those most interested to become a member of a Community Working Group to assist with developing and

weighting MCA criteria to confirm the preferred final option • Community Working Group to reach consensus on criteria weightings for the final MCA; workshops to be independently

facilitated and reported on • Advice from Community Working Group to be provided to the Wannon Water board to inform their decision making

Targeted communication during construction: • Work with local residents and Golf Course management to mitigate construction impacts through flexible delivery

methodologies • Localised letterbox drops / SMS notifications / door knocks during construction impacts • Community open days during final detailed design and construction phases – engage local schools

involvement with community groups

Community Working Group to assist with developing and weighting MCA criteria to confirm the preferred final option One on one briefings as requested Keep them well briefed of impacts throughout construction phase to ensure safety and continuity

Timing When will you be conducting the engagement, and what is the timing of the key milestones?

To be confirmed and updated as per the below implementation plan table summary.