Appendix 13b Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on the MK-Ultra Gate Hot Seat ‘Discomfort’, 'anxious', 'stressed' and ‘nervous’ describe how these two world leaders, both past and present, appeared when stepping into the diplomatic corridor's spotlight of transparency and accountability during the second week of April 2011. Just how worried Britain’s former and Germany’s current leaders are about MK-Ultra Gate is evidenced in two appearances the former on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ on Monday, April 11th, and observed in real time and the latter in Germany in the company of Secretary of State Clinton on Thursday, April 14th, that was uploaded onto YouTube. Beyond both being repeated contributors to back-channel diplomacy they have one distinction in common with President Obama. They both extended an invitation to the Custodian to visit them and both failed to follow through; making it three-for-three in the world leader category of coalition partner who made it appear there was an acknowledgement of the ‘Custodian’ as the only internationally l egitimized political leader of Canada as a result of discussions and a purported ‘election’ during the April 2009 London G20 Summit. Their motives for those initiatives and everything else they did to advance the reform and accountability agenda are now suspect. Gordon Brown’s interview is most revealing how trepidatious world leaders are about the scandal and especially after three of their counterparts stepped forward and America’s Fourth Estate condemned the secret piggybacking on Chinada’s military human experimentation program. In attendance at the ‘Morning Joe’ interview was Jim Cramer, whose characterization of the downfall of the U.S. President on March 17th is akin

Appendix 13b Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on

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Page 1: Appendix 13b Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on

Appendix 13b

Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown

on the MK-Ultra Gate Hot Seat

‘Discomfort’, 'anxious', 'stressed' and ‘nervous’ describe how these two world leaders, both past and present, appeared when stepping into the diplomatic corridor's spotlight of transparency and accountability during the second week of April 2011.

Just how worried Britain’s former and Germany’s current leaders are about

MK-Ultra Gate is evidenced in two appearances – the former on MSNBC’s

‘Morning Joe’ on Monday, April 11th, and observed in real time and the latter

in Germany in the company of Secretary of State Clinton on Thursday, April

14th, that was uploaded onto YouTube. Beyond both being repeated

contributors to back-channel diplomacy they have one distinction in common

with President Obama. They both extended an invitation to the Custodian to

visit them and both failed to follow through; making it three-for-three in the

world leader category of coalition partner who made it appear there was an

acknowledgement of the ‘Custodian’ as the only internationally legitimized

political leader of Canada as a result of discussions and a purported ‘election’

during the April 2009 London G20 Summit. Their motives for those

initiatives and everything else they did to advance the reform and

accountability agenda are now suspect.

Gordon Brown’s interview is most revealing how trepidatious world leaders

are about the scandal and especially after three of their counterparts

stepped forward and America’s Fourth Estate condemned the secret

piggybacking on Chinada’s military human experimentation program. In

attendance at the ‘Morning Joe’ interview was Jim Cramer, whose

characterization of the downfall of the U.S. President on March 17th is akin

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to the assassination of Julius Caesar rattled elected officials in every coalition

country. He, the two co-hosts and a guest host put the former Prime

Minister on the hottest of hot seats; and it’s blatantly obvious he felt the

pressure. In addition to his anxiety throughout, specific instances of body

language speak volumes for what he expects when the news breaks

internationally; reacting with palpable stress when hearing questions,

answers and remarks that had geo-relevance.

The beginning of the interview leads to this, which set the tone for

everything that followed:

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Then Joe asks him a question about soccer and there is one phrase in it that

triggers a ‘guilty’ expression. It's [@ 1:11] to “Every time you think they've

turned the corner they will lose to a Westham...”:

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The former PM, who knows firsthand how much his predecessor was raked

over the coals about being central to the invasion of Iraq and what he went

through in terms of commissions, inquiries and domestic and international

condemnation, couldn’t have felt the pressure more when he answers a

question with “It's a real fight to the finish and it really won't be sorted out

until the last day”. He instantly gets dry mouth, which leads to licking his

lips. Every seasoned litigator and senior judge views this behavior from

those on the witness stand as proof of profound uneasiness.

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Jim’s watching how the former leader is responding during the interview and

in particular to how he answers the question; and here’s the start of what

would become unrestrained disgust:

The tension is so intense the PM executes an embellished protracted Blair

Maneuver from 1:39 until 1:51. The lexiconic gesture is named after his

predecessor and is his way to not just expressly acknowledge the interview’s

geo-political sub-text, but also the MK-Ultra Gate scandal in which he's


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When the topic turns to that which Jim was called in for, the PM states [@

2:08] “Ireland's got huge problems because they're basically guaranteeing

every penny that the banks have lost”.

He’s stating on the record with his body language that (i) he and his

counterparts are facing a most serious scandal and (ii) their respective

governments collectively owe the Custodian his ratified quantum since as

per the agreement they didn’t seize these funds from those primarily

responsible for his predicament.

MSNBC producers get creative as they’re watching him ‘confess’. They

choreograph a staffer to walk through the background [@ 2:36] and when

right behind him effect a Clooney M..

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More stress is observable [@ 3:01] timed to “Equally the deficit is the

product of low growth”. The operative and guilty conscience emotion

triggering adjective is “low” as in how much he and other coalition leaders

stooped being complicit in or having condoning knowledge of the

piggybacking unlawfulness.

Co-hosts Mika and Joe show their disgust at what they see as a confession

to some kind of involvement with MK-Ultra piggybacking.

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When Mika makes this comment [@ 4:08] “Obviously in this country we

have a really bad situation in terms of young people and finding

employment”, the former PM again reacts when hearing “bad situation”.

As much citing accurate statistics [@ 4:30] as to employ the lexicon for the

purposes of capitulation Mr. Brown states either consciously or

subconsciously to appease his hostile audience:

So you've got 20% youth unemployment in America; we've got 20%

youth unemployment in Britain and you've got 20% youth

unemployment in the rest of Europe. Then you go to the North African

and Middle East countries – 35% in Egypt.

Then [@ 5:06 photos x2] more grimacing to “If you don't do something in

Egypt in the next year... opportunities are so limited" [5:29: photos x4].

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Jim's reaction to what he sees [x5] is more proof just how much the “Right

Honourable” guest’s actions and reactions confirm and reconfirm what lies at

the core of the scandal.

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More disapproval and condemnation is witnessed during a long answer Jim

gives [from 5:55 – 6:40]:

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The guest reacts to this anger:

Jim adds an O-S M. [@ 6:29]: to "your bottom line" which is to say that

exposure and accountability inescapably drives everything going forward and

the outcome.

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More admonishment is fired at the former PM [@ 6:41] at the conclusion of

his answer.

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He and the guest commentator create a wall of lividity that cannot but drive

home how constituents of the coalition membership are committed to

divulging this malfeasance to the public and letting accountability agencies

do what’s necessary to make things right on all levels.

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As the interview winds down the PM finishes a long answer with a protracted

grimace [@ 10:02]:

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Jim again reflects on the outside what he's feeling on the inside to what

he's witnessed [@ 10:14]:

During the last few seconds of the interview the beleaguered guest tries to

placate his hostile in-studio and diplomacy archive entry reviewing audience

with what he wants everyone to see as a clever reference to the Custodian

and his quantum entitlement:

Well you know what we say in Britain: the first five hundred years of

any institution is always the most difficult. The Monarchy's gone for a

thousand years or more. And you know someone said there'll soon

only be five queens left – the queen of hearts, spades, diamond, clubs

and Britain.

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