Instructions for Bidders Property Services Tender for Mechanical & Electrical Consultants (May 2016) Fire Systems Consultancy Services (2016) Issue date: May 2016 1

APPENDIX 1 - Home - Newlon Housing Trust  · Web viewMeans a written offer (quotation or tender) submitted in response to this Request for Bid

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Instructions for BiddersProperty Services Tender for Mechanical & Electrical Consultants (May 2016)

Fire Systems Consultancy Services (2016)

Issue date: May 2016


Table of contents Table of contents...................................................................................................................................2

Part 1 – Instructions to suppliers and conditions..................................................................................3

1. 1 Definitions........................................................................................................................3

1. 2 Summary of the Requirement.......................................................................................4

1. 3 Structure of this document............................................................................................4

1. 4 Key dates.........................................................................................................................4

Please ensure you have carefully read and agree with the key dates below.....................................4

1. 5 Newlon contact...............................................................................................................4

1.6 Queries and questions.............................................................................................................5

1.7 Briefing.............................................................................................................................5

1.8 Amendments to RFB documents.................................................................................5

1.9 Tender Return.................................................................................................................5

1.10 Late offers........................................................................................................................6

1.11 Acceptance of offers......................................................................................................6

1.12 Alternative offers.............................................................................................................6

1.13 The Validity of offers......................................................................................................7

1.14 Evaluation of offers.........................................................................................................7

1.15 Withdrawals.....................................................................................................................7

1.16 Suppliers to inform themselves.....................................................................................8

1.17 Costs of preparing offers...............................................................................................8

1.18 Confidentiality..................................................................................................................8

1.19 Inconsistencies and omissions.....................................................................................8

1.20 Acknowledgement of the invitation to bid....................................................................8

1.21 Destruction of RFB documents.....................................................................................8


Part 2 –SPECIFICATION..................................................................................................................9

Background and context for the requirement...........................................................................9

Part 3 – Information to be provided by suppliers................................................................................11

3.1 Pricing information..........................................................................................................11

Please fill in the attached pricing document as requested......................................................11

3.2 Non-price commercial information.................................................................................11

Non-price commercial information................................................................................................11

3.3 Technical information.....................................................................................................12

Part 4 – Proposed contract..........................................................................................................12


Part 1 – Instructions to suppliers and conditions

1. 1 DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Request for Bids and any subsequent contract the following definitions, unless otherwise noted, apply.

Contract Means any contract that results from this Request for Bids



Means Newlon Housing Trust

Means Request for Bids

Offer Means a written offer (quotation or tender) submitted in response to this Request for Bid

Supplier Means a company or individual that submits, or is invited to submit, an offer (quotation or tender) in response to this Request for Bids



Means the goods, works or services to be supplied by the Supplier to Newlon in accordance with Part 2 of this Request for Bid.

Means the Contractor that forms a Contract with Newlon for provision of the requirement

1. 2 Summary of the RequirementNewlon invites you to submit an offer for the above requirement. Further details of the requirement are described in Part 2 of this RFB.

1. 3 Structure of this document

Part Title Description1 Instructions to Suppliers and

ConditionsSets out rules for participation.

2 The Requirement Sets out details of the requirement, including scope of works.

3 Information to be provided by Suppliers

Sets out the minimum response.

4 Proposed Contract Sets out the terms and conditions that will apply to any contract arising from this RFB.


1. 4 Key dates

Please ensure you have carefully read and agree with the key dates below.

Issue date 9th of May 2016

Closing date for queries 23rd of May 2016

Closing date and time for tenders 6th of June 2016

Estimated contract award date 13th of June 2016

M&E Consultant to survey and write specification, etc.

June, July and first half of August 2016

1. 5 Newlon contactThe following individual is the nominated Newlon contact for this RFB.

Name Iulia Dirleci

Title/Position Procurement Assistant

Telephone 0203 3014 031

Email address [email protected]

Postal address Newlon Housing TrustNewlon House4 Daneland WalkHale VillageLondon, N17 9FE

1.6 Queries and questions Suppliers are to direct any queries and questions regarding the content or process to the Newlon contact detailed above. Queries will be accepted prior to the closing date for queries (as stated in 1.4 above).


No other Newlon personnel are to be contacted in relation to this RFB unless directed to do so by the Newlon contact. Newlon reserves the right to disqualify and reject Suppliers that do not follow this instruction. All questions should be submitted in writing either by post or to the nominated email address.

Newlon will distribute any answers or clarifications to queries to all Suppliers.

1.7 Briefing Newlon will not hold a briefing session to further familiarise Suppliers with the Requirement.

1.8 Amendments to RFB documents Newlon may amend the RFB documents by issuing written amendments to that effect to all Suppliers and may extend the RFB closing date and time.

1.9 Tender ReturnSuppliers must submit two copies of their offer by post or hand to Newlon.

Tenders must be prepared in English and in the format requested in Part 3 of this RFB.

Suppliers to return their offers in sealed envelopes. All sealed responses will be opened at the same time after the closing date. Offers will only be considered if:

All of the offer documents that have been requested are contained in an inner envelope, securely sealed and with the supplier’s contact name, company name and address written on it.

The inner envelope is contained in an outer envelope. The outer envelope must be securely sealed, clearly bearing the word "bid" followed by the subject matter or title of the contract, and the closing date and time of the opportunity to bid.

The outer envelope must not be labelled or franked in such a way that the company submitting the offer can be identified prior to opening. The outer envelope must be addressed to:

Rita AkushieDeputy Chief Executive and Group Finance DirectorNewlon Housing TrustNewlon House4 Daneland WalkHale VillageLondonN17 9FE

It must be delivered by the time stated in the invitation to bid. Newlon staff will record the time and date of receipt on the outer envelope.

Offers must be loose bound so that pages can be separated by Newlon.


1.10 Late offersSuppliers are responsible for submitting their offers prior to the closing date and time in accordance with Clause 1.9.

Any offer received by Newlon later than the stipulated closing date and time may be removed from further consideration by Newlon. Offers which do not meet the above requirements may be considered if:

The other offers have not yet been opened Failure to comply is Newlon's fault Unexpected circumstances arise that are outside of either party’s control and which

are immediately notified to Newlon.

1.11 Acceptance of offersThe offer may be for all or part of the requirement and may be accepted by Newlon either wholly or in part. An offer will not be accepted by Newlon unless and until Newlon has signed a contract or sent a 'Notice of Award' in writing to the successful Supplier.

Newlon is under no obligation to accept the lowest priced offer or any offer and reserves the right to reject any offer which is incomplete, conditional or that does not comply with the bidding instructions.

1.12 Alternative offersSuppliers may submit alternative offers it they feel it may offer Newlon additional benefits whilst still complying with the Requirement. Newlon reserves the right to accept or reject any proposed alternative either wholly or in part.

1.13 The Validity of offers Offers are to remain valid for a period of 90 days from the date for the receipt of bids.

Each Tender will be initially checked to ensure that it has been submitted by the Tender Return Date, is completed correctly, is materially complete and meets the requirements set out in this RFB. Newlon Housing Trust reserves the right to invite one or more consultants to attend an interview following the formal evaluation process. The purpose of this interview will be to clarify the responses provided.

Using the scoring methodology below the evaluators will attribute a mark for each of the Responses to the quality performance questions detailed in Appendix 1.


1.14 Evaluation

of offersThe selection criteria that Newlon will use in the evaluation of offers include the following:

Bids will be assessed on both quality and price, with 70% weighting on quality and 30% on price.

Newlon may request additional information from Suppliers to assist further evaluation of offers.

1.15 WithdrawalsOffers may be withdrawn at any time prior to the closing date and time by written notice to Newlon.

1.16 Suppliers to inform themselvesNewlon has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the RFB is accurate; however Newlon gives no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the contained information. Suppliers are required to inform themselves fully of all conditions, risks and other circumstances relating to the proposed contract prior to submitting an offer. Proposed prices shall be deemed to cover the cost of complying with all the conditions of the RFB and of all things necessary for the due and proper performance and completion of the Requirement.

1.17 Costs of preparing offersAll costs relating to the preparation and submission of an offer are the sole responsibility of the Supplier. Newlon shall not pay any Supplier, wholly or in part, for its bid.


Score Assessment Interpretation

10 Excellent In addition to providing a response that would be deemed “good”, the response identifies factors that offer potential to significantly improve value for money with full supporting evidence.

8 Good In addition to providing a response that would be “satisfactory”, the response identifies factors that offer potential to improve value for money with reasonable supporting evidence.

6 Acceptable The submitted response addresses the question without any reservations with reasonable evidence to support the response.

4 Minor Reservations

Minor reservations on the submitted response and/or insufficient evidence to support the response.

2 Major Reservations

Major reservations on the submitted response and/or insufficient evidence to support the response.

0 Unacceptable No answer submitted or the proposal is totally inadequate.

1.18 ConfidentialityExcept as required for the preparation of an offer, Suppliers must not, without Newlon’s prior written consent, disclose to any third party any of the contents of the RFB documents. Suppliers must ensure that their employees, consultants and agents also are bound and comply with this condition of confidentiality.

1.19 Inconsistencies and omissionsSuppliers must promptly advise Newlon in writing of any inconsistencies or omissions they discover in the RFB.

1.20 Acknowledgement of the invitation to bid By participating in this RFB Suppliers are indicating their acceptance to be bound by conditions set out in this Part. Suppliers are to acknowledge this acceptance, and furnish details of the staff representative that will be the sole point of contact for all matters relating to the RFB, in writing, to Newlon prior to the offer acknowledgement date stated in 1. 4 above.

Any Supplier choosing to not submit an offer is required to acknowledge this intent, in writing, to Newlon and return all RFB documentation to Newlon prior to the offer acknowledgement due date stated in 1.4 above.

1.21 Destruction of RFB documents Suppliers must destroy all issued hard copies and permanently delete any electronic copies of RFB documents (either issued by Newlon or created by the Supplier) within seven days of notification that their bid has been unsuccessful.



Background and context for the requirement

Bids are invited from interested Mechanical & Electrical Engineers/ Consultants who would like to provide us with advice before Newlon Housing Trust re-procures a Fire Systems contractor.

Newlon Housing Trust is a highly successful charitable housing association based in North and East London. We work to provide people in housing need with decent and affordable homes and with our Group members we help individuals and communities reach their full potential. In partnership with our Newlon Group members, we also aim to provide people with the additional care and support they need to live their lives as successfully and independently as possible.

Newlon intend to re-procure the Fire Systems maintenance and repair service. Newlon intend to use a contractor appointed to the framework agreement provided by Fusion 21. Fusion 21 will run a mini-competition with Newlon to select a contractor. Prior to the re-procurement of the main service, we require a consultant to:

1) Obtain information regarding the quantities of equipment and the equipment numbers to complete the attached Asset List (Appendix 6). We require the consultant to survey our current Fire Systems stock and/or consult with our current contractor, to complete the information on the asset list. In addition the consultant is required to provide Newlon with a schematic of all the fire systems present within the property including the location of the equipment.

2) Write a specification based on the above Asset List. The specification is required to identify any systems “at risk” (e.g. either incorporating obsolete parts or the whole system being obsolete). Based on this information, the consultant is required to suggest whether the obsolete component/s can be replaced with generic ones, as we are looking to standardise our Fire Systems equipment components.

3) Develop a price list and a cost model. These will be used when re-procuring the (contractor’s) service.

4) Assist Newlon with the procurement of the (contractor’s) service. We will need help with setting the quality questions and the KPIs for these mini-tenders, in order to ensure Newlon will get the best value-for-money when re-procuring the service.

Access to buildings can be arranged by:

a) obtaining the keys from Newlon’s Estates Team, who hold a copy of each keyb) through Newlon’s Concierge team (present on-site 24/7)

As seen above in Section 1.4 “Key dates”, the consultant will have 8 weeks (May, June and first half of July 2016) to complete the services.


We currently have several contractors who look after different types of fire alarms on various sites that Newlon manages. In addition to Fire Alarm systems , we also have in our buildings Sprinkler Systems, Emergency Lighting Systems, Wet Risers, Smoke Ventilation/ AOVs & MOVs and Lightning Protection Systems, assigned to different contractors. Please see attached (incomplete) asset list which shows which buildings contain the various systems below.

Sprinkler Systems4 buildings contain built-in sprinkler systems for fire prevention. We currently employ two contractors for annual servicing of our sprinkler systems.

Emergency Lighting We have approximately 200 sites which contain emergency lighting.

Smoke Ventilation / AOV’s (automatic opening vents) / MOV’s (Manual opening vents)Some buildings are fitted with electrical smoke ventilation systems. We use different contractors for different sites. The contractors provide a call-out service if there are faults with the systems and also annually service the systems.

Lightning ProtectionWe have approximately 60 properties which have lightning protection systems.

Organisation overview, including contact details After appointment, the consultant’s first point of contact at Newlon Housing Trust should be Rhodd Reeves, the Building Services Assistant Surveyor.

Rhodd Reeves, Property Services Officer

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 020 7613 8092

If he cannot deal with your query, please contact Stefan St-Hilaire-Brown, Head of Building Services.

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 020 7613 7998


Part 3 – Information to be provided by suppliersTenders should be submitted in standard Microsoft Office format (.doc, .pdf, etc.)

3.1 Pricing information

Please fill in the attached pricing document as requested.

Prices include all costsSubmitted rates and prices are to deemed include all costs, insurances, taxes, fees, expenses, liabilities, obligations risk and other things necessary for the performance of the requirement. Any charge not stated in the Tender as being additional, will not be allowed as a charge against any transaction under any resultant contract.

Applicable Goods and Services TaxesTender rates and prices shall be exclusive of VAT.

Currency of proposed rates and pricesUnless otherwise indicated, all rates and prices submitted by Suppliers shall be in UK pounds sterling.

3.2 Non-price commercial information

Non-price commercial informationIn addition, the Supplier must return the following documents:

a) Form of Tender/Quotation

b) Relevant history and previous job performance in the previous two years, including contact details of previous clients who can be approached for references.

c) Agreement with the proposed Contract T&Cs

d) Newlon’s Code of Conduct for Suppliers (signed by the supplier).

e) Details of insurances (if not available from Constructionline)

f) Health and safety accreditation (if not available from Constructionline)

g) Quality management accreditation (if not available from Constructionline)

h) Financial details

i) Constructionline registration number (if registered)


3.3 Technical informationThe bidder must provide details of the resources and key personnel performing the requirement (i.e. the quality and quantity of resourcing to perform the requirement – people, materials, and equipment). This may include position descriptions, CVs, organisation diagrams.

The bidder must give details of any proposed sub-contractors or outsourcing of any part of the Requirement.

The bidder must provide their proposals in respect of quality management, both of their own business and the service that they provide and how they intend to manage the quality of the contractor’s service to Newlon Housing Trust. If available, the bidder must provide proof of any accreditation in Quality Management Systems.

The bidder must provide their proposals in respect of the management of Health and Safety issues, both for their own employees and how they intend to manage the health and safety aspects of the contractor’s service to Newlon Housing Trust. The bidder must provide proof of their health and safety accreditation.

Part 4 – Proposed contractEnclosed in the tender documents are the NEC3 Professional Services Contract Data (part 1 and part 2) and Newlon’s additional conditions of contract (Z clauses)

To view a read-only copy of the form of contract (which is not supplied), please follow the steps described below:

1) Visit the NEC website https://www.neccontract.com/Products/Contracts/Professional-Services-Contract/NEC3-Professional-Services-Contract-PSC

2) If you are new to this website go through the registration process or login if you are an existing customer.

3) Once logged go to the Contracts page and select the PSC (Professional Service Contract) e-View and add it to their basket.

4) Go to ‘purchase’ it but enter the discount code ‘NEWLON’. This will ensure you get a 100% discount off of this product. (The code will only work against the PSC e-view bundle.)

5) You will then receive 2 e-mails one telling them how to install the viewing software and a second with the actual files

6) This will be valid for four months from the date of issue of the tender.

Alternatively, if you wish to purchase a hard copy of the form of contract these are widely available from bookshops such as the RICS or RIBA and can also be purchased on-line from the NEC website given above.




1. Quality / Performance Submission (70%)

Note 1. Responses not to exceed limits set, in 11 point Arial font.Note 2. Prior to each response, please clearly state the question number and re-

state the question in full.WEIGHT

1 Internal organisation for the delivery of the Services

1.1 Please provide the name and contact details of the lead person within your organisation relating to this tender.


1.2 Please provide a CV for each team member, detailing previous experience relating to this type of work


Note 1: The response should show the function of each team member, the chain of command and expected interaction with the client.

Note 2: CV’s to be no more than two (2) sides of A4 paper per team member.


1.3 Details of previous clients from the last three years who can be approached for references. Of particular interest would be social housing clients. Please provide a minimum of four references, using the form provided in Appendix 4.


1.4 If applicable, please provide your Constructionline registration number For Information

1.5 Is your company is registered with Constructionline for consultancy services in relation to fire alarms, fire emergency lightning, sprinklers, fire ventilation and smoke control (fire management services)? Yes/No

Our requirements are for a £30,000 annual category value, insurances as detailed in section 2.1 below, an SSiP accreditation and a quality management accreditation.

If yes, no further action is required, please skip to section 3 ‘Technical Experience’ below.

If no, please fill in section 2 below.


2 If NOT registered with Constructionline 2.1 Provide current insurance certificates that demonstrate that your company

has the required insurances, namely:

Professional Indemnity Insurance: £5 millionEmployer’s Liability Insurance: £10 million


2.2 Please provide current proof of any of the health and safety accreditations Pass/Fail


that are recognised by the SSiP (more information can be found at http://www.ssip.org.uk/ )

2.3 Please provide proof of any quality management accreditation OR if your company has no accreditation please describe how you ensure that your company ensures the quality of the services provided. The written response, if required, should be in no more than two (2) sides of A4.


2.4 Financial details please provide either A, B or C Pass/Fail A) A copy of the most recent audited accounts for your organisation

for the last two years of trading or, if trading for less than two years, all available published audited accounts or financial statements for all years of trading.

B) A statement of the organisation’s turnover, Profit & Loss, net assets and cash flow position for the most recent full year of trading (or part year if full year not applicable) and an end period balance sheet

C) If A or B cannot be provided, please attach a statement of the organisation’s cash flow forecast for the current year and a bank letter outlining the current cash and credit facility position.

3 Technical Experience (Term Contract Services)

This responses to each question should be no more than two sides of A4 paper.

3.1. Please provide two examples of projects where you have provided fire systems consultancy services for a residential contract in a social housing environment. Please provide details of:

The Client The type of fire system (s) The value of the consultancy services and length of

contract Any particular challenges and how these were overcome


3.2 Give us an example of when you have provided a surveying service for fire systems in residential blocks, preferably within a social housing sector.


3.3After the surveys, you will be required to provide us with a report and schematics of all the fire systems present within the assets. However, at the moment Newlon Housing Trust only has details about what type of fire equipment is present at any given address but does not have details of how many equipment parts and what type of parts there are present. Please detail the steps you will undertake to ensure that the information you will be providing to Newlon Housing Trust will be complete and accurate.


3.4 Please detail what steps you will undertake to ensure your services are tailored to Newlon’s requirements. You can draw on previous examples to illustrate your answer.


3.5 Please provide an example of a price list and cost model that you have developed for a similar contract (utilising the NEC3 Term Service or Term Service Short Contract).


4 Procurement Experience 4.1 Newlon Housing Trust intends to procure a contractor for a five year 10%


period, to undertake term maintenance services. The appointed consultant will assist in the procurement processes and will be responsible for the preparation of the technical specification, pricing schedule and evaluation of the contractors’ bids. Please provide an example of where you have undertaken a similar role, preferably in a social housing environment, in the last two years. What are the main challenges in preparing the specification and pricing schedule and how can these be overcome?


Appendix 2 Commercial submission (30%)Please insert your fees into the left most column.

The full 30% marks for the cost of the M& E Consultancy will be split equally between the 3 sections, with a 10% weighting for each.

M & E Consultancy Schedule of Services –Fire Systems1 Property Survey, Report and Specification

Price excluding VAT £

2 Cost model and Price List. Price excluding VAT £

3 Assistance throughout the procurement of the main service

Price excluding VAT £

Total £

The consultant submitting the lowest overall cost will be awarded the maximum score of 30%. The score to be awarded for all higher bids shall be calculated on the following basis:

Example: A certain bidder offered the lowest price. By contrast, Bidder X had priced more for their services, so their commercial submission will be scored as follows:

30 (total points) x (lowest overall price/Supplier X’s price).

We have detailed the type and the number of Fire Systems Newlon Housing Trust has in Appendix 5-Overall Fire Service. More detailed information about the Fire equipment parts can be found in Appendix 6-Fire Systems Components. This list is incomplete at the moment. It is the consultant’s responsibility to survey the properties and provide the information required, as detailed in Part 2 of this document.


Appendix 3


For the attention of:

Rita Akushie, Deputy Chief Executive and Group Finance DirectorNewlon Housing TrustNewlon HouseHale Village4 Daneland WalkLondonN17 9FE

Dear Madam,

Tender for: Fire Consultancy

Having examined the Request for Bids dated 9th of May 2016 and the documents detailed therein:-

We confirm that we have fully satisfied ourselves as to the nature of the requirements of Newlon Housing Trust (NHT).

We hereby offer to supply the services in accordance with your Request for Bids and its enclosures:

Instructions for Bidders NEC3 Professional Services Contract 2013 Appendix 1-Tender Questionnaire Appendix 2-Commercial Submission Appendix 3-Form of Tender (including Certificate of Tender) Appendix 4-References Appendix 7-Code of conduct for suppliers

Our Total Tender Sum (excluding VAT) is;


In words:


Our Tender Sum for Fire Systems Survey, Report and Specification is:

£ (excluding VAT)

In words:

Our Tender Sum for Cost Model Services is:

£ (excluding VAT)

In words:

Our Tender Sum for any other procurement assistance is:

£ (excluding VAT)

In words:

In the event that our tender is accepted we undertake to execute a formal contract with NHT embodying all of the terms and conditions contained within this offer. Unless and until a formal agreement is executed, this tender, together with NHT’s written acceptance of it shall constitute a binding contract between us.

We agree to abide by our tender for a period of 90 days fixed from the lodgement date of tenders.

We understand that NHT are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender received or give a reason for the rejection of any tender. We accept that any costs incurred in Tender preparation will not be reimbursed by NHT.

We understand that this shall be deemed to be our only and final offer and unsolicited re-tenders shall not be considered.

We confirm that the person whose signature is appended to this tender is a duly authorised signatory of our company and has full and formal legal authority to sign this tender on behalf of our company.

We understand that is our tender is accepted we shall be reimbursed for the goods, services or works in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract to be executed between us.


Certificate of Tender

We certify that this is a bona fide tender, intended to be competitive, and that we have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the tender in accordance with any other person, body or association.



Name (Print):


For and on behalf of:


Full Address, including postal code, to which all communications relating to the tender should be dispatched:

Telephone number:



Please confirm whether your company is a Small or Medium Enterprise (SME)

The main factors determining whether a company is an SME are the number of employees and either turnover or balance sheet total.

Company category

Employees Turnover or Balance sheet total

Medium-sized < 250 ≤ £41 m ≤ £35.2 m

Small < 50 ≤ £8.2 m ≤ £8.2 m

Micro < 10 ≤ £1.7 m ≤ £1.7 m

I confirm that the company stated above is:

1. Micro2. Small3. Medium4. Large

(please strike through all but one of the above)


Appendix 4

Please provide details of four companies for whom you have worked in the last three years, preferably in a residential social housing context, who are able to provide references for your company, prior to the deadline on the 6th of June 2016.

Referee 1

Name of company

Name of contact

Telephone number

Email address

Referee 2

Name of company

Name of contact

Telephone number

Email address

Referee 3

Name of company

Name of contact

Telephone number

Email address


Referee 4

Name of company

Name of contact

Telephone number

Email address