As I have said on other occasions, the new and unique situation in which the world and the Church find themselves at the threshold of the Third Millennium, and the urgent needs which result, mean that the mission of evangelization today calls for a new program which can be defined overall as a "new evangelization. “As the Church's Supreme Pastor, I urgently desire to encourage all the members of God's People, particularly those living in America where I first appealed for a commitment "new in its ardor, methods and expression" to take up this project and to cooperate in carrying it out...John Paul II: Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in America Nº 66 Mexico City, January 22, 1999. Apostolate of the New Evangelization What is the ANE, and what does it do Mérida, México, 2002

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Page 1: Apostolate of the New Evangelization What is the ANE, and ...lhoprayer.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/What-is-the-ANE.pdf · Mexico City, January 22, 1999. Apostolate of the New Evangelization

“As I have said on other occasions, the new and unique situation

in which the world and the Church find themselves at the threshold of the Third Millennium, and the urgent needs which result, mean that the mission

of evangelization today calls for a new program which can be defined overall as a "new evangelization.”

“As the Church's Supreme Pastor, I urgently desire to encourage

all the members of God's People, particularly those living in America where I first appealed for a commitment

"new in its ardor, methods and expression" to take up this project and to cooperate in carrying it out...”

John Paul II:

Apostolic Exhortation Ecclesia in America Nº 66 Mexico City, January 22, 1999.

Apostolate of the New Evangelization

What is the ANE, and what does it do

Mérida, México, 2002

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Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................... 3

Brief historical overview of the Apostolate: ........................................... 4

Conceptual clarifications: ...................................................................... 5

Strategic definition of the ANE: ............................................................. 6

Definition: Vision - Mission – Goals: .............................................. 6

Strategies: ...................................................................................... 7

Values: ........................................................................................... 8

Objectives: ..................................................................................... 9

Operational Methods: .................................................................. 10

Organic and functional structure of the Apostolate: ........................... 11

International Structure of the ANE: .................................................... 11

Regional Organization of the ANE: .................................................... 12

Local Organization of the ANE (Councils): ....................................... 13

Local Organization of the ANE (Little Houses): ................................. 14

Functional Organization of the ANE: ................................................. 15

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The New Evangelization and the pursuit of a greater commitment on the part of the laity to announce the Good News are, without a doubt, two of the main signs of John Paul II’s Pontificate. However, for institutions like ours that have made both propositions the goal and guide of their actions, it becomes clearly necessary to specify how these premises are interpreted. The objective of this document is to introduce the Apostolate of the New Evangelization. It is our hope that these pages will allow the reader to interpret our reason for being, our principles, purposes, and what the Apostolate does to fulfill them. We want to remove the doubts that may eventually arise in relation to these subjects; first, in what pertains to our internal organization, for we know that only by having absolute clarity in this regard, we will be able to commit and set out to pursuit our ideals, creating projects, work plans and programs, and organizing ourselves to develop them in a coherent and orderly manner, always aiming to fulfill our ultimate goals. Second, it is our wish that all institutions and individuals with whom our Apostolate is associated are aware of the principles that guide us, so they can be clear about what to expect from us; this will undoubtedly allow us to establish good communication channels with other institutions, in order to develop future projects, and cooperate with each other, for the greater Glory of God. While the specification of the “new methods” and “new expressions” that the Holy Father points out as main characteristics of the New Evangelization pertains to other circumstances (*), we are certain that, with some creativity and a lot of prayer, these specific features will emerge from the work that we introduce here, as could also be confirmed through a review of the work performed by the ANE, whose fruits of authentic conversion now expand throughout 20 countries. In fact, all the “crusades” and “campaigns” (national and local projects, respectively) that the Apostolate of the New Evangelization performs must conform to the pastoral plans of the Private Churches, dioceses and parishes where the Apostolate operates. Furthermore, the International Management of the ANE is always ready to analyze and cooperate with all initiatives that, having emerged from the members of our organization, and conforming with the principles that rule our actions, may want to implemented by the various centers where we have a presence. May this document serve then, to make it as clear as possible, where we come from, who we are, and where we are heading. With our hope placed in the Lord,

Lic. Francisco Rico Toro Rivas General Secretary of the ANE

Yucatán, México – Spring of 2002


We refer to the planning of private projects, hence not relevant to this text. For such purpose, we recommend your reading the “Operational Profile ANE 2000.”

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Brief historical overview: In the majority of places where we have a presence, the ANE began having conferences dictated by Father Renzo Séssolo and/or Catalina Rivas, director and sub-director of the ANE and founders of our movement. Through the Word, heard or read, hearts became sensitive, minds were moved, and people’s wills became one through the Great Crusade of Love and Mercy that our Apostolate promotes. Then, some people began making direct contact with the speakers, to ask what they could do, how they could get together or “organize” themselves, as immediately as possible, to start working for the Lord through this mission. There were others who were not able to contact the sources directly, yet received an answer to the same questions through third parties, or they simply came up with their own ideas. The VI Marian Eucharistic Congress of the Bolivarian countries held in Bolivia in 1997 gave the final thrust that would allow the “movement,” that emerged silently at the center of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, to take the necessary shape, to be projected internationally as an Apostolic Group, thanks to the bold momentum of two bishops, some priests, religious men and women, and especially, five groups of lay men and women, committed to God, who decided to work for Him through this Mission. Providentially, things started to happen, and today, the fruits can be perceived: Out of the 30 countries visited by our first “speakers” during three years of intense work, we already have an effective presence in 20 of them where we operate in different ways. From such places as Ecuador or Belgium, where only a couple of “little houses of prayer” were established, to others such as Bolivia and Mexico where the ANE has taken solid form through different ministries already laboring toward the evangelization through community services. Regardless of how it happened, it was always through those small cells, those groups of people who decided to get together to pray, to read the Sacred Scriptures, the Catechism of our Church, and the ANE’s books on spiritual growth that, little by little, with the inspiration and help from God, our Apostolate was established. Gradually, though somewhat delayed in relation to the rapid "outbreak" that the ANE experienced in the spiritual field, a set of standards and operational guidelines were developed and became the first institutional steps of the ANE. It was at the request, first of the local authorities of the Church of Cochabamba and Tarija, and of La Paz later, that the main documents of the ANE were created, namely, the Doctrinal Foundation and Statutes, and its Operating Profile 2000, contained in the Guide that defines the organic and functional structure of the ANE and its basic model of work.

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Conceptual Clarifications:

Perhaps it may surprise the reader to find in this work, a repertoire of concepts and propositions, apparently more characteristic of a manual of strategic direction, than of a document belonging to a spiritual and religious institution. However, experience has shown that the proposed objectives can only be achieved through orderly, methodical and well-defined work. One only needs to look around to see that one of the main attributes of our Creator is Order. For this reason, we have decided to appeal to the methodological repertoire of the Sociology of Organizations (the best known by us), to clearly define the concepts that, if well understood, will constitute a solid and practical basis when trying to understand what is the ANE, and the philosophical framework in which it operates. We believe that it is relevant and necessary to specify first, how each of the concepts below should be understood, in order to unify our basic criteria for its better understanding:

Semantic Frame of Reference: The definition: Two explanations are combined in one single statement: we manifest what we are

and we want to be; meaning, how we see ourselves and how we want to always be considered.

The vision: Reflects the image that the founders had of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization.

The mission or reason for being: Means to communicate to each member of the organization, and to society as a whole, the COMMITMENT that this institution has assumed. It is to briefly explain why, and above all, for what, the ANE exists.

Goals and ends: These are a series of statements that describe the ultimate goals of the organization; meaning, those purposes that we would like to achieve “someday” through our apostolic work. These are goals that may never be achieved in their entirety, but will serve as a permanent guideline for our performance.

The strategies: Constitute the group of guidelines that the organization will follow, to advance toward the achievement of the proposed goals. They explain how we must act, in view of the goals that have been set.

The values: These are the set of ethical principles on which members of our organization will base their actions.

The objectives: These are the specific purposes that the organization defines for its Mission. Meaning that, unlike the goals, the objectives clearly indicate what we will definitely do and, if possible, how long it will take us to do it.

The operational methods: Establish the path that must be traveled to achieve the objectives and approach the goals, i.e., point out how to advance more effectively to gradually fulfill our goals.

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Definition: Vision – Mission – Goals

Definition of the Apostolate. What we are and what we want to be: We are a lay apostolic movement, committed to Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church, who in response to the insistent call of Pope John Paul II, assume the responsibility to work, with effort and creativity, in the New Evangelization of the world, to promote the Kingdom of God, utilizing strategies and effective methods, to call the men and women of our time to a full conversion.

The vision of the Apostolate. How it was viewed by its founders: Since its inception, the ANE was envisioned as a community that procures the Salvation of souls, spreading the Love and Mercy of Jesus.

The mission of the Apostolate. Why we exist: To study, promote and preach in words, and through the testimony of life of each of its members, the teachings of the Gospel; communicating the Good News of the Love and Mercy of God, to contribute with His Work of Redemption: the Salvation of souls.

The goals of the Apostolate. What we want to accomplish with our work:

Proclaim the Gospel of the Lord in union with the bishops and pastors of the Church, so it may reach, according to His Will, all men, to the farthest ends of the Earth.

Contribute with the development, as well as the spiritual and moral growth of the members of the ANE and the whole Church, so that all can reinforce our commitment with God and live according to the Gospel.

Fervently seek the sanctification of the people of God and promote His Kingdom.

Involve the living presence of Christ in all our actions and thoughts, opening the doors to the Saving Power of the Living Christ in every area of our society.

Promote the establishment of the Civilization of Love, against the culture of death, which holds many of the prevailing ideologies and practices of our world.

Join efforts to create a more dignified and just society, conducive to the common good, that promotes the authentic values of Christianity, according to the pastoral urgencies of the Holy Father and the Catholic bishops who collaborate with him.

Assist the neediest brothers, especially in hospitals, social assistance centers, jails and penitentiaries. Try to alleviate their pain and help them to find in God, the consolation for their ills.

Spread the saving power of pain, so that those who suffer will unite to the Lord through their suffering.

Procure the Salvation of as many souls as it is possible.

Affirm the sense of belonging and commitment to the Church of ALL faithful Catholics, revitalizing the meaning and necessity of prayer; rescuing the value of the sacraments, especially the sacraments of Confession and Communion; promoting their constant participation in the Eucharist; returning the dignity to the Altars and celebrations; promoting the devotion to our Most Blessed Mother and the praying of the Holy Rosary.

Support all the pastoral initiatives of the Church.

Utilize every means of communication available, to make them effective instruments of evangelization.

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Strategies of the Apostolate How we must act to achieve our ultimate goals: Generic Strategy D.S.B. (Development – Security - Benefit):

Support the spiritual and human growth of each member of the ANE, and through them of the Apostolate as a whole, so that working in communion with the Private Churches, we will preach in words and through our testimony of life, the Love and Mercy of the Lord for the salvation of souls.

Particular Strategies:

Providing for the spiritual, intellectual and human development of all members of the ANE.

Forming evangelization teams, who can live and effectively convey the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Church.

Promoting the growth of the Apostolate through the incorporation of new members, determined to work for the Kingdom of God.

Preparing and executing annual work plans of a spiritual and social nature, at every facility and Zone Center where the ANE is effectively established, according to the objectives and methods proposed here, in order to act always organically, with a recommended prospect of predictability of at least one year.

Establishing operational and functional structures at every Local and Zone Center, according to the work plans.

Reviewing, guiding, supporting and integrating the work plans performed at the different Local and Zone Centers of the ANE, from the international structure of the Apostolate (Management and General Council).

Integrating the Apostolate to the different pastoral activities of the Dioceses and/or Parishes attended by members of the ANE, in order to effectively collaborate with the Pastors of the Church in their mission of evangelization.

Prioritizing the communication flow within the organization, to facilitate the dissemination of the work plans and the organization’s management control, to encourage the enrichment that comes from the exchange of experiences between the different centers of the ANE, and ensure the adherence of the activities to the strategic framework of the Apostolate.

Preparing for the community at the different working locations, in order to assist those most in need of the Love and the Mercy of the Lord.

Contributing, through institutional discipline, with the development of a solid and solvent image that will greatly help us achieve our institutional purposes.

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The values of the Apostolate On what principles do we base our actions: Because we are aware that the good or bad actions of every Christian impact the entire Mystical Body of Christ, which is His Church, as well as all humanity, we strive to PROMOTE A SOLIDARITY LIFESTYLE in all members of the ANE, through the following evangelical attitudes that we are obliged to cultivate. Love: Jesus loved the Father and mankind to the point of giving His own life. Following His example, we will live intimately with the Father, and will strive to promote the plenitude of man. Conversion: We will live a permanent conversion process. The Apostle of the New Evangelization will work on himself every day, trying to be a new man, advancing towards the Lord, ensuring that the spiritual growth of his brothers will be an incentive for him. Prayer: Through prayer, Jesus lived an intimate communication with His Father; in like manner and under the influence of the Holy Spirit, we will live in permanent dialogue with the Lord. Sacrifice: To imitate Jesus, we will offer ourselves to the Father, to obtain the integral salvation of men. This commits us to have God as only Lord against the false gods of the world today: money, power, pleasure and prestige. Evangelization: Just as Jesus lived to announce the love of the Father, we, through the influence of the Word of God, will announce with our words and our life, the Love and Mercy of the Son Who redeemed us. Service: Jesus dedicated His life to work for the Kingdom of God and the salvation of men. We will be a sign of God in the world at the service of His Kingdom. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we will seek the kingdom of fidelity, compassion, consolation, happiness, liberty, solidarity, hospitality, generosity, justice and truth. Happiness: We will be identified by the joy of having been called by God, of knowing that we are His children, brothers of Christ and co-heirs of His Kingdom. It is the typical joy of those who found in their lives, the real treasure, the precious pearl that the Gospel speaks about. Humility: Recognizing that everything we are, we have and can do are exclusively due to a complimentary gift from God, we will continuously fight against selfishness and arrogance, two evils that blind the hearts, constitute the origin of sin and the beginning of moral loss. Obedience: Aware of the infallibility of the Holy Father to guide the destinies of our Church, we will obey his instructions and guidance, to develop our faith through the pastors who are in communion with him, and through the authorities of the apostolic movement that we belong to. Purity: Like Jesus, we will live with a clean heart and purity of intention, despite the temptations of the world, accepting with honesty, the commitments that our apostolic activity requires.

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Objectives of the Apostolate What we must do: From what has been seen so far, especially in what pertains to the goals and strategies of the ANE, it will be possible to envision that its objectives are very vast, to the point that it becomes difficult to itemize them on a comprehensive list now. In any event, we present the following summary of the General Objectives of the Apostolate. Each Zone Center is accountable for establishing the particular objectives and timelines for their execution, always adapting to the guidelines established in the strategic definition of the ANE, and always subject to revision by the General Council.

Central Objective: The main objective of the ANE is THE EVANGELIZATION. That is, the announcement of the Good News that God sent His Son to the world, that He became man, died and resurrected to free us from sin and death; that He ascended into heaven and sent the Holy Spirit, and He intercedes for us as Eternal Priest, full of mercy and love. The evangelization consists in revealing and helping today’s society, to live by the truths of our religion, which are basically contained in the Sacred Scriptures (particularly in the Gospel), the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the documents of the Church. In that regard, the ANE will ensure that each of its members complies with the duty of being evangelized, evangelize and assist - serve and help - the most needy, which is none other than “evangelizing” through testimony and example.

General Objectives:

Promote the spiritual growth and human development of every member of the ANE. inform the men and women of today about the spiritual dimension of their own lives, sometimes

so neglected in the context of excessive materialism, selfishness and hedonism in which a great part of humanity lives.

Bring to our Church, the greatest possible number of misplaced souls, looking for answers to their spiritual concerns through the wrong paths.

Help to bring back to the Catholic faith, those brothers and sisters who, having been baptized in our Church, do not live today in communion with her and with God. Encourage their reconciliation and profound conversion.

Assist those brothers who suffer the most, mainly the sick, the imprisoned, the elderly, the poor and the marginalized.

Support the Church in all the Dioceses and Parishes where our Apostolate has a presence.

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The operational methods of the ANE How can we advance more effectively to gradually fulfill our goals:

Persistently asking God for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, so His gifts and inspirations will ensure the best fruits of our work.

Spreading the spirituality of the Apostolate, not only among its members and supporters, but among all the brothers that it is possible to reach, to ensure that life in communion and holiness is bearer of all the graces that are necessary to discern, interpret, accept and better fulfill the Divine Will.


o continuous prayer and frequent participation in the Holy Mass o the sacramental life (especially Confession and frequent Communion) o Eucharistic adoration and visits to the Blessed Sacrament o the habit of penitential practices (particularly fasting) o the devotion to Mary Most Holy and praying the Holy Rosary o the consecrations to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary o the devotion to the Lord of the Divine Mercy o inspirational readings (lives of saints, documents from the Church and texts from the


Developing Crusades and Campaigns that involve the whole community or a great part thereof.

Generating and utilizing all possible means and occasions to spread the message of salvation of the Living Christ, both at a large scale (through conferences, using all means of mass communication, etc.), as well as in the daily and interpersonal contact of ANE members with different people.

Developing the Program of spiritual, intellectual and human development of ANE members, and evaluating the results that will be obtained, to begin forming evangelization teams in the different levels of the organizational structure.

Mainly training the members of the evangelization teams to move forward with their work, according to the proposed guidelines in the ANE 2000 Operational Profile.

Generating a file of documents on spiritual and human development, and information, for use of ANE members.

Promoting the formation of service ministries at the different Local and Zone Centers according to the needs, motivation and conveniences that are available in every place.

Supporting the opening of as many Little Houses of Prayer as the appropriate facilities may serve, form and control.

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International Structure of the ANE

Management and General Council of the Apostolate

As established in the statutes, the government of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization corresponds to a General Council, consisting of 12 members, among them, the General Secretary, the Secretaries of Communication, Finance and international Relations, a Legal Advisor, the Coordinators of different areas among which the work of the ANE is divided, and two Deputy Directors. All of them have the right to speak and vote on the big decisions of the ANE. The General Secretary is the personal authority that represents the Apostolate, together with the General Sub-director, who sits in for him in case of absence. Both lead the mission of the institution, based on the decisions taken at the heart of the General Council. The General Secretary is the person, who leads, controls and verifies the development and correct execution of the policies, strategies and programs that originate from the General Council, as well as the correct compatibility of the area projects with the general principles of the ANE. The Council of Bishops is formed by the prelates that, having supported the foundation of this apostolic movement, or currently contributing with its development, spiritually guide and lead this mission. At this time, they are four. The Ecclesiastic Consultant is the priest, who advises the government of the ANE regarding matters of Canon Law and spirituality, jointly with the Council of Bishops. The three secretariats dependent on the General Secretariat assist this one in matters of Communication, Finance and International Relations, respectively. The Deputy Directors, as well as the Legal Adviser of the Apostolate provide their knowledge and expertise to the General Council for the better government of the mission. The Zone Coordinators represent the Assembly of the Apostolate, with voice and vote at the General Council.

General Director

General Sub-Director

Ge General Secretary

Sec. of Finance Sec. of Communications Sec. of Int. Relations

Legal Advisor Deputy Directors

ANE General Council

Coordinator Zone 1 Bolivia

Coordinator Zone 2 USA

Coordinator Zone 3 Mexico

Coordinator Zone “N” Country “X”

Council of Bishops


Ecclesiastic Advisor

Area (National) Ecclesiastic Advisors

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Zone Organization of the ANE

Management and National Councils of the Apostolate

The Zone Coordinators are the individuals who represent the authority of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization in every geographical “zone”


They have the responsibility to lead the missions of the Apostolate within the structure of the geographical area that they belong to, according to the policies and strategies established by the General Council of the ANE. They are also responsible for articulating the concerns, suggestions, needs and demands of the Private Churches, who seek the support of the Zone Councils to make their decisions. Each Zone Council consists of one Executive Secretary and one Administrator, designated by the coordinators, and by those responsible for each of the locations (cities) in which the Apostolate of the New Evangelization has a presence. In addition, each Zone Council (national, for now) must be assisted by a priest, who will act as Ecclesiastic Advisor of the Council, for any matters pertaining to the formation, adherence to the Holy Doctrine of the Church, spiritual development and Cannon Law. The (Zone) Ecclesiastic Advisors report to the General Ecclesiastic Advisor who, in turn, will report to the Council of Bishops and to the General Director of the ANE, given his clerical and religious status.

(*) For the time being, each country where our Apostolate has a consolidated presence, constitutes a zone, but

once the mission continues to strengthen, and to avoid an excessive decentralization, a “re-zoning” will take place, to reunite in one single zone, the countries in which the ANE shows a lesser activity in relative terms.

Zone Coordinator


Location 1


Location 2


Location "N"

Local Council

Secretary Administrator


Ecclesiastical Advisor


Ecclesiastical Advisors




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Local Organization of the ANE

Management and Local Councils of the Apostolate

At the local level, the management of the ANE is the responsibility of Local Councils, spearheaded by a Local Representative, who is directly assisted by a Secretary and an Administrator. By being part of the Zone Councils, local representatives have the mission of coordinating the apostolic work of their city, striving to make it concomitant with the work being developed in other cities of their “area” where the ANE has a presence. However, the Local Representative must consider at the same time, the specific demands and pastoral guidelines of the Diocese that he works for, and adapt the work of the Apostolate to the needs of the community at his particular location. The Local Council is formed by the coordinators of each of the ministries that work in that center, however, this should not prevent the membership of other counselors who do not have a ministry under them; in fact, the formation of Local Councils occurs prior to the establishment of the ministries. Each Local Council must count with the support, guidance and advice of a priest, whom we call Local Ecclesiastic Advisor. At the same time, this priest will be a primary link between the Apostolate of the New Evangelization and the appropriate Diocese. It is important that the priest who performs as Local Ecclesiastic Advisor shares the spirituality of the Apostolate (see pages 8 and 10). The Local Ecclesiastic Advisors report their work within the Apostolate to the Zone Ecclesiastic Advisor.

Local Representative

Ministry Coordinator


Little Houses of Prayer

Ministry Coordinator


Ministry Coordinator


Local Advisor


Secretary Administrator


Ecclesiastical Advisor




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Local Organization of the ANE (2)

Organic Structure of the Apostolate

Among all the ministries that can be established at every local center of the Apostolate of the New Evangelization, there are two that are of vital importance: the Ministry of the Little Houses of Prayer and the Ministry of Catechesis. The Ministry of the Little Houses is the one that coordinates the activities of all the basic cells of the ANE: the prayer groups that constitute it. The Houses of Prayer are small ecclesial communities that periodically meet (it is recommended that they do so once a week), to pray the Holy Rosary, read the Sacred Scriptures and other formational and inspirational texts, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church, biographies of the saints, and the ANE’s very own books of the Great Crusade. Training as well as moral and emotional containment is provided to members of the Apostolate, setting specific intentions in prayer (in addition to those requested by the management of the ANE for all its prayer groups); establishing group and personal purposes to support the conversion of its members and their spiritual growth. Each House of Prayer is linked to the others through its animator (who is expected to be the most experienced person, and the most committed to the ANE, in every House). The animators report their activities to those responsible for the area, who at the same time, receive instructions from (and report to) the Coordinator of the Ministry of Little Houses. The Local Ecclesiastic Advisor must establish the necessary bonds with the pastors and other priests of the Diocese, to facilitate the integration of the Houses of Prayer to the pastoral work of the parishes, sanctuaries, chapels, etc.


House of Prayer 3


House of Prayer 1


House of Prayer 2

Local Representative


Area 1


Area 2


Area 2

Houses of Prayer Ministry

Secretary Administrator

Local Ecclesiastical


Pastor 1, 2..."n"

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Functional Organization of the ANE

Management and Local Council of the Apostolate Example: Mérida – Yucatán – México

In what pertains to the functional structure of the Apostolate, each Ministry defines its own organization, according to the needs, possibilities and opportunities that may exist at its location. The Ministry in charge of the Little Houses of Prayer works in coordination with each of the other ministries, and encourages the members of every Little Houses, to participate, at the same time, in the pastoral work they perform. The second ministry that must be formed in every local center is that of the Catechesis, to impart the spiritual formation that is necessary, to all members of the Apostolate. The catechists will work through the structure of the Little Houses of Prayer. The evangelists of the Apostolate will emerge from the Little Houses of Prayer, as well as the volunteers for each of the other ministries. The Local Ecclesiastic Advisor must establish the necessary contact with the priests who are responsible for the different ministries of the Diocesan Pastoral Social, to coordinate the work that the volunteers of the ANE will perform with them. The coordinators of the different ministries are part of the council and must report their work to the local representatives, who at the same time will present reports every semester to the zone coordinators, both about the organic work of the Houses of Prayer as well as the work performed by other ministries.





Houses of Prayer

Church Support Ministry

Detention Ministry Health Ministry Event Organization







Pastoral 1, 2... "n"




