1 2015-2016 AP European History…The GRAND REVIEW! Renaissance Oligarchy: Giovanni Boccaccio & Decameron: Signori: Giotto: Castiglione & The Book of the Courtier: Erasmus & In Praise of Folly: Leonardo da Vinci: Treaty of Lodi: Pòpolo: Girolamo Savonarola: Raphael: Ciompi Revolt: Lorenzo de Medici: Condottieri: Petrarch: Chiaroscuro: “Grandi”: Northern Renaissance Humanism: “popolo grasso & minuto”: Dante Alighieri & Divine Comedy: Humanism: Johann Gutenberg: City-state: Individualism: Machiavelli & The Prince Michelangelo: Sir Thomas More & Utopia “Renaissance Man”: Secularism: Moors: Vernacular: “New Monarchs”: War of the Roses: Court of the Star Chamber: Reconquista & Inquisition:

AP European History—staffsites.slcschools.org/jnicholas/docs/AP Assignments/The Grand Review.pdf1. Compare and contrast the personalities and politics of Napoleon I and Metternich

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Page 1: AP European History—staffsites.slcschools.org/jnicholas/docs/AP Assignments/The Grand Review.pdf1. Compare and contrast the personalities and politics of Napoleon I and Metternich


2015-2016 AP European History…The GRAND REVIEW!


Oligarchy: Giovanni Boccaccio & Decameron: Signori: Giotto: Castiglione & The Book of the Courtier: Erasmus & In Praise of Folly: Leonardo da Vinci: Treaty of Lodi: Pòpolo: Girolamo Savonarola: Raphael: Ciompi Revolt: Lorenzo de Medici: Condottieri: Petrarch: Chiaroscuro: “Grandi”: Northern Renaissance Humanism: “popolo grasso & minuto”: Dante Alighieri & Divine Comedy: Humanism: Johann Gutenberg: City-state: Individualism: Machiavelli & The Prince Michelangelo: Sir Thomas More & Utopia “Renaissance Man”: Secularism: Moors:

Vernacular: “New Monarchs”: War of the Roses: Court of the Star Chamber: Reconquista & Inquisition:

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Sample Essay Questions on the Renaissance:

1. Analyze and discuss the extent to which the art of the Renaissance exemplifies the values

held by the leading thinkers of the time, using examples of specific art and artists.

2. Compare and contrast the humanism of the Italian Renaissance with the humanism of the North.

3. “It was by mere chance that Florence gave birth to such a large number of great minds, great talents, and great works of art during the Renaissance.” Asses the validity of the above statement, using historical evidence to support your argument.

4. Explain what developments led to, and the extent of, the spread of Renaissance ideals across Europe during the late 15th and early 16th centuries.

5. Historians generally agree that the Renaissance was not an era that sprung forth in reaction to the Middle Ages. Using specific economic, cultural, and societal examples, explain how the contemporaries of the Renaissance might have seen the Renaissance as a genuine “rebirth.”

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Reformation and the Religious Wars

Martin Luther & 95 Theses: Edict of Nantes: Wolsey, Cranmer, & Cromwell Diet of Worms: John Calvin: Huguenots: Loyola & The Spiritual Exercises Reformation Parliament: Spiritual Exercises: Swiss Civil Wars: Peace of Augsburg: Peace of Westphalia: Pluralism & Absenteeism Council of Trent: Benefices: Peasant’s Revolt 1524-1525:

Book of Common Prayer: Anglican: Defenestration of Prague: Transubstantiation: 30 Years’ War: Anabaptists: Supremacy Act: Counter-Reformation: Thomas More: Henry VIII: John Tetzel: Charles V: St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre: Guises: Catherine de Medici:

Phillip II: “Paris is worth a Mass”: Spanish Netherlands/United Netherlands: Spanish Armada, 1588:

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Sample Essay Questions on the Reformation/ Religious Wars:

1. Compare and contrast the attitudes of the leaders of the Reformation toward political

authority. Use specific examples to support your answer.

2. Analyze and discuss the social, economic, and political conditions that paved the way for the Reformation movement.

3. “The Counter-Reformation had only moderate success in Europe in stopping the spread of Protestantism.” Assess the validity of this statement using specific examples to support your argument.

4. Analyze and discuss the political, social, and geographic consequences of the Peace of Westphalia.

5. Discuss the political and religious conditions that led to the outbreak of the Thirty Years’ War.

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Age of Exploration

Vasco Nuñez de Balboa: Pedro Cabral: Bartholomew de las Casas: Christopher Columbus: Conquistadores: Hernando Cortés: Bartholomew Diaz: King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella:

Vasco da Gama: Prince Henry the Navigator: Ferdinand Magellan: Francisco Pizarro: Treaty of Tordesillas: Aztecs: Inca: Columbian Exchange: Sample Essay Questions on the Age of Exploration:

1. “God, gold, and glory were the primary motivations of the explorers and conquistadors who

traveled to the New World during the Age of Exploration.” Assess the validity of this statement.

2. Analyze and discuss the economic and social effects of the interaction between Spain and Portugal and the Americas.

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Absolutism and Constitutionalism

Sir Robert Walpole: Petition of Right: Jansenists: Glorious Revolution: War of Spanish Succession: Ivan the Terrible: Jean-Baptiste Colbert: Parliament vs. parlement: Corvee, taille, gabelle, donanes: Maria Theresa: Baroque: Peter the Great: Cardinal Mazarin: Whigs & Tories: Duke of Sully: Mississippi Bubble:

Junkers: Duke of Orleans: Boyars: Romanovs: Hohenzollerns: Habsburgs: The Fronde: Cardinal Richelieu: Louis XIV of France: Versailles: Peace of Utrecht: Oliver Cromwell: Revocation of the Edict of Nantes: William and Mary: English Civil War: English Bill of Rights: Triennial Act: Short & Long Parliaments: Stuarts:

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Sample Essay Questions on the Age of Absolutism and Constitutionalism:

1. Compare and contrast the reigns of Louis XIV and Peter the Great.

2. Analyze and discuss the economic, social, and political consequences of Louis XIV’s absolutism in France.

3. Analyze and discuss the extent to which the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution contributed to the rise of constitutionalism in England.

4. Analyze and discuss the concept of divine right of kings. Use specific examples to support your answer.

5. Contrast absolutism and constitutionalism as they appeared in England and in France.

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The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

Neoclassical: Rousseau & The Social Contract: Empirical Method: Diderot & Encyclopedia: Rococo: David Hume: Deductive Reasoning: Deism: Tabula Rasa: Malleus Maleficarum: Partition of Poland: Thomas Hobbes & Leviathan: Pugachev’s Rebellion: John Locke: Philosophe: Royal Society of London: Enlightened Despot: Margaret Cavendish: Wollstonecraft & A Vindication of the Rights of Woman: Kepler & The New Astronomy: Galileo & Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World: Bacon & Novum Organum: Descartes & Discourse on Method: Smith & The Wealth of Nations: Newton & Principia Mathematica: Vesalius: William Harvey: Montesquieu: Physiocrats: Tycho Brahe: Voltaire: Copernicus & “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres”: Cesare Beccaria: Baruch Spinoza: Immanuael Kant:

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Sample Essays on the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment:

1. Contrast the political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes & John Locke, including a treatment of

the implications of their philosophies.

2. “The Enlightenment presented an optimistic outlook of the future of Europe.” Assess the validity of this statement using specific examples to support your answer.

3. Discuss the reasons why the Catholic Church felt threatened by the Scientific Revolution and by the Enlightenment.

4. “The Enlightenment thinkers accomplished their goal of bringing knowledge to many Europeans.” Assess the validity of this statement using specific examples to support your answer.

5. “The Scientific Revolution was not a revolution in science but rather was a revolution in the thought.” Assess the validity of this statement using specific examples to support your answer.

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The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era

Jacobins: Civil Constitution of the Clergy: Girondists: Declaration of Pilnitz: Mountain: National Convention: Reign of Terror: Levee en Masse: National Assembly: Directory: Declaration of the Rights of Man & Citizen: Maupeou, Calonne, Brienne & Necker: Bastille: Constitution of 1791: Sans-culottes: Olympe de Gouges:

100 Days: Abbe Sieyes: Marie Antoinette: Robespierre: Napoleonic Code: Committee of Public Safety: Thermidorean Reaction: Waterloo: Assignats: Romanticism: Estates General: Great Fear: Louis XVI: September Massacre:

Tennis Court Oath: Cahiers de Doleances: Republic of Virtue: Edmund Burke: Departments:

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Sample Essays on the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era:

1. Identify and discuss the different social groups in France and their concerns and goals on

the eve of the French Revolution. Also discuss their successes and failures during the course of the Revolution.

2. Analyze and discuss the extent to which Louis XVI’s actions as King of France contributed to the outbreak of the French Revolution.

3. “Napoleon was an enlightened ruler.” Assess the validity of this statement using specific examples to support your argument.

4. Analyze and discuss the reforms made by Napoleon and their short-term and long-term consequences on Europe.

5. Describe the economic conditions of Paris and the French countryside on the eve of the French Revolution and both the causes and effects of those conditions.

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The Industrial Revolution

Cottage Industry: David Ricardo: Enclosure System: Steam Engine: Putting-Out System: Waterframe: Chartist Movement: Proletariat: Sexual Division of Labor: Bourgeoisie: Jethro Tull: Irish Potato Famine: Charles Townsend: Utilitarianism: Thomas Malthus: Jeremy Bentham:

Andrew Ure: Manchester: Spinning Jenny : Factory Act of 1833: Credit Mobilier: James Hargreaves: Friedrich List: Friedrich Engels: Iron Law of Wages: Robert Owen: James Watt: Railways: Zollverein: Laissez-faire:

Karl Marx: Charles Fourier: Henri de Saint-Simon: English Factory Acts: Bobbies:

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Sample Essay Questions on the Industrial Revolution:

1. Discuss the positive and negative social and economic consequences of the Industrial

Revolution on Europe.

2. Explain the extent to which Marx’s theories are valid in light of the Industrial Revolution.

3. Analyze and discuss the economic, cultural, and social changes that led to the population explosion in Europe prior to 1800.

4. Discuss the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions according to the economic philosophies of the following economists: Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, and Karl Marx.

5. “The Industrial Revolution began in England purely by chance.” Asses the validity of this statement using specific examples to support your argument.

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The Congress of Vienna, 1848, and the “Isms:”

Great Reform Bill: Anarchism: Conservatism: Voix des Femmes: Liberalism: Louis Kossuth: Nationalism: Carlsbad Decrees: Official Nationality: Louis Napoleon/Louis XVIII: Socialism: Charles X: Tsar Alexander I: Nicholas I: Greek Revolution of 1821: Crimean War:

Quadruple Alliance: Dreyfus Affair: Ultraroyalism: Corn Laws: Six Acts: Peterloo Massacre: Karl Marx & The Communist Manifesto Louis Philippe: Lord Liverpool: Karl Sand: Anti-Corn Law League: Pan-Slavic Congress: Hungarian March Laws: Giuseppe Mazzini:

Giuseppe Garibaldi: Frankfurt Parliament: Prince Metternich: Catholic Emancipation Act: Decembrist Revolt:

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Sample Essay Questions on the Congress of Vienna, 1848, and the “Isms:”

1. Compare and contrast the personalities and politics of Napoleon I and Metternich.

2. Analyze and discuss the political situation in Europe prior to 1848 that led to the revolutions of 1848.

3. Using specific examples, contrast the ideologies of liberalism, conservatism, and nationalism during the 19th century.

4. Analyze and discuss the extent to which European rulers attempted to suppress nationalism and liberalism between 1815 and 1848.

5. Discuss the extent to which Romanticism might be perceived as a reaction to the Enlightenment.

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World War One and the Russian Revolution:

Schlieffen Plan: Provisional Government: Dual Alliance: Woodrow Wilson: Bolsheviks: WWI Casualties: Triple Alliance: Black Hand: New Imperialism: Versailles Treaty: Lusitania: Battle of Verdun: David Lloyd George: Blank Check: Moroccan Crises: Article 231:

Georges Clemenceau: Archduke Francis Ferdinand: Franco-Russian Alliance: 14 Points: Tsar Nicholas II: Petrograd Soviet: Leon Trotsky: Boer War: Vladimir Lenin: Rasputin: Entente Cordial/Triple Entente: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: The First Battle of the Marne: Wilhelm II: League of Nations:

Vittorio Orlando: John Maynard Keynes & The Economic Consequences of the Peace Feb/March 1917 Revolution Oct/Nov 1917 Revolution

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Sample Essay Questions on the Russian Revolution and World War One:

1. Trace the history of the two 1917 Russian Revolutions. Discuss both the causes and effects

of the revolutions.

2. Analyze and discuss the events that led to the outbreak of World War One.

3. What were the goals of Wilson, Lloyd George, and Clemenceau at the Versailles Peace Conference?

4. Which of the major European powers do you believe most responsible and least responsible for the First World War? Explain with detailed examples and facts.

5. How did Bismarck’s system of alliances help maintain peace prior to World War One? Why didn’t this peace last?

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Totalitarianism and World War Two:

Strength Through Joy: “Our Finest Hour!” Article 48: Dunkirk: Appeasement: Vichy: Fascism: Maginot Line: Russian Civil War: Blitzkrieg: Weimar Republic: Reichstag Fire: Lateran Treaty: Blackshirts/Brownshirts/Cheka: Neville Chamberlain: Gustave Streseman:

Kulaks: “Hitler’s Cycle” Ruhr Valley Invasion: Kristallnacht: Collectivization: New Economic Policy: March on Rome: Purges/Famine: Munich Conference: Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact: Five-Year Plans: Battle of Stalingrad: Normandy Invasion: War Communism:

Nuremberg Laws: Mein Kampf: “Socialism in One Country”: Lebenstraum/Anschluss: Spanish Civil War:

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Sample Essay Questions on Dictatorships and World War Two:

1. Discuss the extent to which the Versailles Treaty contributed to the outbreak of World War II.

2. Contrast the warfare of World War I with that of World War II.

3. Compare and contrast the Fascist regimes of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

4. What social and political factors could explain the policy of appeasement pursued by Britain and France towards Hitler before 1939?

5. Discuss and explain the long-range effects of how World War II ended with respect to present-day political affairs and events.

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The Cold War

De-Stalinization: Israel: Decolonization: Vietnam War: NATO: Suez Crisis: Marshall Plan: Ho Chi Minh: Warsaw Pact: Détente: Common Market: Solidarity: Containment: Reagan and Gorbachev: Joseph Tito: 1989:

Nikita Khrushchev: Yeltsin: Charles de Gaulle: Fidel Castro: Truman Doctrine: Leonid Brezhnev: Iron Curtain: Yalta Conference: Potsdam Conference: Berlin Blockade & Airlift: Cuban Missile Crisis: Berlin Wall: Korean War: 1956, Poland & Hungary:

Prague Spring: Perestroika: Glasnost: Balfour Declaration: George Kennan:

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Sample Essay Questions on the Cold War:

1. Trace the history of the Cold War from its beginnings to its “thaw.”

2. Analyze and discuss the gradual movement toward a single economic community in Europe during the second half of the 20th century.

3. Analyze and discuss the monumental events of 1989.

4. “Technology has proven to be a two-edged sword.” Discuss the validity of this statement, citing specific references to the Cold War period. Include environmental issues, medical issues, as well as the “technology of repression” in your essay.

5. Discuss the development of Eastern Europe as a Soviet sphere of influence. Analyze the failure of various east European nations to achieve independence from Moscow. Evaluate United States policy towards Eastern Europe.