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  • 7/29/2019 ap ar bw


    Generated by Jive on 2012-12-26+01:00


    Issue with AP/AR Ageing report

    Arun Purohit 222 posts since Jun 13, 2007

    Issue with AP/AR Ageing report Sep 27, 2011 4:16 PM

    Dear BW Experts,

    Problem: If any AP or AR document (eg. ABC with amount 1000, New Due date

    6months ago) is cleared partially, new document is created to clear it partially.

    New document (eg. XYZ with 300 amount and net due date 1 month ago) will have

    different Doc date, Base date & Net Due date as compared to original Vendor/

    Customer document.

    Hence net due date is different for both docs, both will appear in different buckets:

    91-180 & 1-30 respectively. Which should not be the case ideally. This scenario is

    taken care in ECC report: S_ALR_87012078. This report shows partially cleared

    balance in the bucket of original Vendor/Customer document....

    Please refer following link:


    it talks about OSS note: 522235

    OSS note mentioned above talks of Virtual Char for Net due date. But this will hamper the

    performance of query heavily and on top of that I will have web-i BO query and then Xcelcius

    dashboard. Final dashboard will be impacted badly.

    To avoid that I wrote start routine b/w DSO to cube with following logic:

    this logic worked for current key date but not working for back dates.

    Issue with AP/AR Ageing report

    Generated by Jive on 2012-12-26+01:00

  • 7/29/2019 ap ar bw



    Any Inputs on it will be appreciated.


    Following is the logic:

    ****************************** Declaration**********************************

    DATA: it_fiap TYPE TABLE OF /bi0/afiap_o0300,

    wa_fiap TYPE /bi0/afiap_o0300.


    FIELD-SYMBOLS: TYPE /bi0/afiap_o0300.

    ASSIGN wa_fiap TO .



    temp_pkg[] = SOURCE_PACKAGE[].


    DELETE temp_pkg WHERE inv_doc_no EQ space.

    DELETE temp_pkg WHERE /bic/zx_rebzt NE 'Z'.


    SELECT * FROM /bi0/afiap_o0300

    INTO TABLE it_fiap

    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN temp_pkg

    WHERE comp_code = temp_pkg-comp_code

    AND creditor = temp_pkg-creditor

    AND ac_doc_no = temp_pkg-inv_doc_no

    AND item_num = temp_pkg-inv_item

    AND fiscyear = temp_pkg-inv_year.

  • 7/29/2019 ap ar bw



    Issue with AP/AR Ageing report

    Generated by Jive on 2012-12-26+01:00




    WHERE inv_doc_no NE space

    AND /bic/zx_rebzt EQ 'Z'.



    WITH KEY comp_code = -comp_code

    creditor = -creditor

    ac_doc_no = -inv_doc_no

    item_num = -inv_item

    fiscyear = -inv_year.


    IF sy-subrc = 0.

    -netduedate = -netduedate.








    Edited by: Arun Purohit on Sep 27, 2011 7:46 PM

  • 7/29/2019 ap ar bw


    Gaurav Aggarwal 624 posts since Nov 20, 2008

    Re: Issue with AP/AR Ageing report Sep 27, 2011 8:20 PM

    you would probably like to sort the data based on invoice number and then pick the Net Due

    Date for the first accounting document. This way you can load data for back dates also.

    Issue with AP/AR Ageing report

    Generated by Jive on 2012-12-26+01:00


    I hope it helps.



    Arun Purohit 222 posts since Jun 13, 2007

    Re: Issue with AP/AR Ageing report Sep 28, 2011 10:04 AM

    Thanks Gaurav for replying to my query,

    I have loaded complete data in DSO and tested it forcurrent

    key due date (selection parameter in output of BEx query), it was working fine.

    but when I test query with key due date selection for past date (back date), then amounts in

    buckets donot match with std. ECC reports, though net balances are matching in that case


    my question is: anyways my logic is working all data set in DSO, how it will help by sorting it

    on document number?

    because as per my logic- for every doc number (with non-blank 0inv_doc number -which is

    BSIK-REBZG) it will refer DSO and update net due date..... right? so it should even work for

    any document of any due date....

    Please suggest.

    Gaurav Aggarwal 624 posts since Nov 20, 2008

  • 7/29/2019 ap ar bw


    Re: Issue with AP/AR Ageing report Sep 28, 2011 8:07 PM

    In your scenario, you are right soring is not required and data should be in same bucket


    Issue with AP/AR Ageing report

    Generated by Jive on 2012-12-26+01:00


    Here is my understanding;

    Let us say we have an doucment

    Doc.....Amt.....Posting Dateu2026..Due Date.....Clearing Dateu2026..Clearing Doc


    now a partial Payment is recieved (or made)

    Doc.....Amt.....Posting Dateu2026..Due Date.....Clearing Dateu2026..Clearing Doc



    (due date of this doc wouild have been Aug2011 but using your code, you are changing it

    to Feb2011).

    I dont see any reason that data should be in two different buckets while running for back

    dates. I guess you need to pick an example and calculate the buckets manually as it will tell

    you if there is some problem with the routine or the logic built in the query.

    But here is another doubt, sometimes one doc can clear several other documents, how will

    you handle that scenario (is it something to do with the field where you are restriction on




    Arun Purohit 222 posts since Jun 13, 2007

  • 7/29/2019 ap ar bw


    Re: Issue with AP/AR Ageing report Sep 29, 2011 6:35 AM

    Issue with AP/AR Ageing report

    Generated by Jive on 2012-12-26+01:00


    In our case: one doc will clear only one doc in case of partial payment.

    If we are executing query for back date:

    even in that case if net due date of doc (created for partial clearing) is different from parent

    doc, then it needs to be changed to net due date of parent doc....in your example it should

    be Feb 2011 (though it was initially Aug2011)... to bring two docs in same bucket to make

    the picture more clear, as in:

    if bucket for A is 1-30 days (net due feb2011)

    bucket for B is 91-180 (net due date Aug 2011)

    then bucket amounts will be:

    1-30 days -


    91-180 -


    which gives unclear picture of receivables/payables.....

    Ideally it should be:

    1-30days -


    Issue with AP/AR Ageing report

    Generated by Jive on 2012-12-26+01:00


    Here I have used "Z" (BSIK-REBZT) field to identify type of follow on document (it should be:

  • 7/29/2019 ap ar bw


    "Payment for).

    'V'- Residual items for

    'U'- Clear down payment

    'A'- Clear down payment

    'G'- Credit memo for

    'Z' - Payment for

    'R' - Supplement for

    'P' - Prepayment for

    Gaurav Aggarwal 624 posts since Nov 20, 2008

    Re: Issue with AP/AR Ageing report Sep 30, 2011 7:10 AM

    I understood that.

    But why you are getting wrong values in the query for back date, you need to pick one

    particular example and simulate the resutts manually as per the calculation in query. That

    way you can identify the root cause.



    Edward Prenton 3 posts since Feb 13, 2012

    Aged Creditors Analysis Report Feb 13, 2012 4:56 PM

    Hi Guys,

    I have recently created a debtors analysis using the report 0FIAR_C03_Q0005.

    Issue with AP/AR Ageing report

    Generated by Jive on 2012-12-26+01:00


    I am just wondering if anyone knows if there is a similar report for Aged Creditors Analysis in

    Business Content within BW??

  • 7/29/2019 ap ar bw


    If so I can get this activated. Please can you guys help because I can't find this out




    Edited by: Eprenton on Feb 13, 2012 4:56 PM

    Edward Prenton 3 posts since Feb 13, 2012

    Re: Aged Creditors Analysis Report Feb 13, 2012 5:05 PM

    Hi Guys,

    I believe I have found this preset report. The code for which in case you were wondering is

    0FIAP_C03_Q0005. This will answer all my problems

