“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel

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Page 1: “WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel




Page 2: “WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel

As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel brochure describing and highlighting all the many things about Ancient Greece. You will need to research information on different topics- using books and the Internet. This brochure is to persuade someone to visit Ancient Greece based on what you will write about- facts you already learned, and new things you will find out about through your research.

The project will be graded on the different parts, creativity, punctuation, spelling, grammar, neatness, overall design/illustration and finishing on time.

A. Choose 5 topics: 10 points.






B. Researching and writing information on all 5 topics: 75 points.(15 points each topic)

Your answers will be graded on accuracy, creativity and how well you wrote everything in your own words.

C. Artwork/decorations:

Are there pictures to illustrate the topics? 10 points.Does the brochure have a colorful and eye catching design? 10 points.

D. Correct punctuation? 5 points.Correct spelling? 5 points.Correct grammar and sentences? 5 points. Everything is written neatly and clearly? 5 points.

E. The project is completed correctly and on time: 10 points.

Total possible points: 135 points

Page 3: “WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel

Use these questions as a guide for your research:

Geography: (include a small map!)

Where is Greece located? What countries is it near?

Describe the climate- what was it like to live there?

Is the land hilly or flat? Are there rivers? Is the country surrounded by a sea or landlocked? Is the soil rocky or fertile?

How did the people of Ancient Greece adapt to their environment?

Where are some of the places people could travel to in Greece? (tourism!!)


What type of governments did the Ancient Greeks have?

Compare and contrast: Athens and Sparta;

How are our US government and laws influenced by the ways the Ancient Greeks governed their country?


What did the architects of Ancient Greece use in the construction of their buildings?

Describe a famous building- 1-name; 2-size; 3-physical features; 4-what was it used for?

What examples of Ancient Greek architecture can be seen in the United States today?

Arts and Entertainment:

What forms of art are the Ancient Greeks famous for?

Find one example of art and describe it: a vase, a painting, a statue … (include a picture of the artwork!)

How did the Ancient Greeks entertain themselves? (theater, concerts...)


What was the type of religion practiced in Ancient Greece?

Explain the roles of these ancient gods and goddesses in daily life.

Page 4: “WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel


What sporting events were held in Ancient Greece?

Explain what the Olympic Games look like today. (winter and summer games)

Trade and Commerce:

Who were the countries that Ancient Greece traded with?

Talk about the kinds of things that Ancient Greeks traded with other European communities: food, clothing, tools, artwork, etc.

Why was it so important for Ancient Greece to buy and sell goods to nearby countries?

Describe what money looked like, what is was made out of, and about the designs on the coins.

A Day in the life of an Ancient Athenian or Spartan:

Describe what an average citizen’s home looked like…..

Education: Home schooled? / A school like we know in 2012?

Separate schools for boys and girls?

Did boys and girls learn the same subjects?

What were the Ancient Greeks like as a people – what did they do for a living?

Page 5: “WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel


1. __________________________________


















2. __________________________________




Page 6: “WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel















3. __________________________________












Page 7: “WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel







4. _________________________________


















Page 8: “WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel

5. __________________________________


















Page 9: “WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel

Websites you can use for information:










The website Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information. Anyone can change what is on this site, so you may not know if what you are reading is true or false.

Page 10: “WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel
Page 11: “WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel
Page 12: “WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel
Page 13: “WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel


Rubric score sheet

Name_______________________________ Date:_________________

6A / 6B / 6C

A. Choose 5 topics: ___/10 points.






B. Researching and writing information on all 5 topics: ____/75 points.(15 points each topic)

Your answers will be graded on accuracy, creativity and how well you wrote everything in your own words.

C. Artwork/decorations:

Are there pictures to illustrate the topics? ____/10 points.Does the brochure have a colorful and eye catching design? ____/10 points.

D. Correct punctuation? _____/5 points.Correct spelling? _____/5 points.Correct grammar and sentences? _____/5 points. Everything is written neatly and clearly? _____/5 points.

E. The project is completed correctly and on time: ____/10 points.

Total possible points: _____/135 points

Page 14: “WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE”€¦  · Web view“WELCOME TO ANCIENT GREECE” TRAVEL BROCHURE PROJECT. 12/2011-01/2012. As a wrap up to the unit, we will be designing a travel

Notes for your rough drafts:

As you research, use this chart to make bullet point notes. You will use these notes to write your rough draft paragraphs.
