A Community Centered In Christ, Nurtured by the Sacraments & Teachings of the Church; Committed to Excellence In Education, Living A Life of Service, Leadership, and Compassion. 1 Mass Times 3 News & Events Divine Mercy Sunday 4 Calendar 9 Readings & Intentions 2nd Sunday Of Easter April 19, 2020 Issue “Jesus said to him, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” - Jn 20:29 Share these prayers for protection in time of pandemic (on pg. 4)

“Jesus said to him, “Have you Calendar come to believe ...Apr 18, 2020  · P. Raniero Cantalamessa, predicador del Vaticano, 10 de abril. Celebración del Viernes Santo. No es

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Page 1: “Jesus said to him, “Have you Calendar come to believe ...Apr 18, 2020  · P. Raniero Cantalamessa, predicador del Vaticano, 10 de abril. Celebración del Viernes Santo. No es

A Community Centered In Christ, Nurtured by the Sacraments & Teachings of the Church; Committed to Excellence In Education, Living A Life of Service, Leadership, and Compassion.

1 Mass Times


News & Events Divine Mercy Sunday

4 Calendar


Readings & Intentions

2nd Sunday Of Easter

April 19, 2020 I s s u e

“Jesus said to him, “Have you

come to believe because you

have seen me? Blessed are

those who have not seen and

have believed.”

- Jn 20:29

Share these prayers for protection in time of pandemic (on pg. 4)

Page 2: “Jesus said to him, “Have you Calendar come to believe ...Apr 18, 2020  · P. Raniero Cantalamessa, predicador del Vaticano, 10 de abril. Celebración del Viernes Santo. No es


Dear Brothers and Sisters In Christ,

“Cum legentibus crescit”

St Gregory the Great compliments the primal source

of our faith, the Bible, when he said, scriptures

“grows with its readers.”

Each time a question or remark is raised in the hearts

of men, testified throughout scriptures; it always re-

veals it’s meaning. “As we seek an answer, God gives

it.” Fr Raniero Cantalamessa, Vatican household preacher, Apr 10 Good Fri celebration.

It’s not different from the remarks of St Thomas when he

missed the 1st appearance of Jesus under a locked upper room.

“Unless I see the mark of nails in His hands and put my

hand into His side, I will not believe.” Why not, said the per-

son next to you, we saw God helplessly die on the cross right?

Jesus sees this confusion and distress in the heart and mind of

Thomas, and thus, allowed him, to touch and learn, about the

resurrection. “Do not be unbelieving but believe.” Whatever

angle we look at it, back or front, the cause and effect of the

greatest evil done to Jesus and now into our humanity - the

Cross, death, pandemic, poverty, joblessness, can be better un-

derstood not only from the CAUSE OF IT, but also through its

EFFECT. The positive effect of the CROSS transforms us to

Hope, Live Victoriously, in Peace. “My Lord and my God”,

said St Tomas.







TO US.…as Pope Francis calls it…THE NEW CONTAGION


Fr. David Vivero

Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo:

“Cum legentibus crescit”

San Gregorio el Grande complementa la fuente pri-

mordial de nuestra fe, la Biblia, cuando dijo que las

Escrituras "crecen con sus lectores".

Cada vez que surge una pregunta o comentario en los

corazones de los hombres, testificado a lo largo de las Escritu-

ras; siempre revela su significado. "Cuando buscamos una res-

puesta, Dios nos la da". P. Raniero Cantalamessa, predicador del Vaticano, 10 de abril. Celebración del Viernes Santo.

No es diferente de los comentarios de Santo Tomás cuando se

perdió la primera aparición de Jesús debajo de una habitación

superior cerrada. "A menos que vea la marca de clavos en Sus

manos y ponga mi mano en Su costado, no lo creeré". ¿Por qué

no, dijo la persona a tu lado, vimos a Dios morir indefenso en la

cruz, verdad? Jesús ve esta confusión y angustia en el corazón y

la mente de Tomás y, por lo tanto, le permitió tocar y aprender

acerca de la resurrección. "No seas incrédulo, sino cree". Inde-

pendientemente del ángulo que lo miremos, hacia atrás o hacia

adelante, la causa y el efecto del mayor mal hecho a Jesús y aho-

ra en nuestra humanidad: la Cruz, la muerte, la pandemia, la

pobreza, el desempleo, se pueden entender mejor no solo por la

CAUSA DE ÉL , pero también a través de su EFECTO. El efecto

positivo de la CRUZ nos transforma en esperanza, vive victo-

riosamente, en paz. "Mi Señor y mi Dios", dijo San Tomás.








TROS ... como lo llama el Papa Francisco ... EL NUEVO CON-


P. David Vivero

Church Location: 3280 W. 1st St. (SR #46), Sanford, FL 32771 Confession: (Sat) 3:45-4:45 pm Vigil Mass: (Sat) 5:00 pm Sunday Masses: 9:30 am & 11:00 am , 12:30 pm (Spanish)

Chapel Location:

800 S. Oak Ave., Sanford, FL 32771 Mon.-Sat. Daily Mass: 8:30 am

Sunday Masses: 8:00 am and 2:00 pm

(Latin Tridentine)

Page 3: “Jesus said to him, “Have you Calendar come to believe ...Apr 18, 2020  · P. Raniero Cantalamessa, predicador del Vaticano, 10 de abril. Celebración del Viernes Santo. No es

Gospel Meditation

For Your Day

person was going through a very

dark time, questioning the meaning of life,

not feeling very purposeful or worthwhile,

and feeling disconnected and unappreciat-

ed. Suddenly, they gazed up at the night

sky, found themselves in awe of all the

stars and constellations, and exclaimed, “I

am here on purpose and I am loved!” Hav-

ing been brought by God to this moment of

intense connection and awareness, his life

changed from that moment on.

If we are always preoccupied with the

challenges, obligations, and stuff of daily

life, we can easily miss the wonderful

opportunities when the resurrected Christ

is knocking at our door. If we open our-

selves to the fullness of experience, we

will find ourselves listening and embrac-

ing all that is around us, being caught up

in the magnificence of creation’s gran-

deur and knowing in our heart and soul

that God is and I am.

While that sounds like a simple, tell-me-

something-I don’t-know kind of revelation,

it is life changing when it takes root in the

depth of a person’s soul. Stumbling upon

this awesome truth and internalizing it

doesn’t require an assent of the mind. It

beckons for a claim on our soul. We find

ourselves knowing something profound

that cannot be explained or reasoned, but

purely is. When we are caught up in an

experience and encounter the truth, it

doesn’t matter how all of the pieces got put

together. Truth is simply truth. The “my

Lord and my God” responses we utter are

not evoked because all

of the pieces of faith

and life make reasona-

ble sense. The “my

Lord and my God”

affirmations come

when we are lifted up

out of our preoccupa-

tions and silliness and

are in the presence of

mystery and mercy.

We Serve...

Dear Friends in Christ,

Our food pantry shelves are emptying

quickly and we are in need of several

items, to help others. But, virus worries

and stay-at-home orders are making it

more difficult to receive food directly. So,

we are humbly asking for food gift cards

and monetary donations.

Many families are hurting at this time, due

to the economic and health impact of the

Covid-19 virus. We need your help to stock

our shelves, using alternative donations for

those families and affected individuals.

Whatever you can do to help would be

greatly appreciated. Those who struggle in

their daily lives are finding these days of

uncertainty even more difficult. We pray

for you, our benefactors, as we pray for

those in need.

May God bless you and keep you safe!

Society of St Vincent de Paul

All Are Welcome Here If you are alienated or

upset, we welcome

you lovingly. If you are in need of

forgiveness, Jesus forgives you

completely—with unconditional

love. If you have been hurt by the

Church, we are truly sorry. If you

are angry, Jesus offers you peace. If

life has become burdensome, we are

here to support you. We are happy

you are here and want you to stay.

We would like to share our lives

with you. Come join us each week

so we can worship God together.

All Souls Loves Visitors! We accept anyone who wants to

share in the life of the parish

regardless of where they live.

Please register as an affirmation of

your wish to share in the

community life of All Souls.

Registration cards may be found in

the narthex of the church or chapel,

the parish office during the week,

or online at our parish website:

allsoulssanford.org. Why not sign

up today? We love new members!

Register Today at: www.allsoulssanford.org/parish-registration


God is mystery, one who is beyond our

grasp but at the same time within our

reach, knowable yet unknowable. And

when in the presence of mystery, there

comes an intense experience of mercy. We

know deep within the essence of ourselves

— and in the very life of creation — this

beating, unconditionally accepting, life-

sustaining, profound, mysterious yet fa-

miliar presence of love. We have found our

peace. “Peace be with you.” Breathe in and

breathe out. Peace. ©LPi


All Souls

Catholic Church


School and

Jesus Christ


All Souls



All Souls

Historic Chapel

Brent Colon Sandy Ladiero

Amanda Rosario Julian Adorno

Milton Hernandez Gloria Hernandez

Page 4: “Jesus said to him, “Have you Calendar come to believe ...Apr 18, 2020  · P. Raniero Cantalamessa, predicador del Vaticano, 10 de abril. Celebración del Viernes Santo. No es


En una serie de revelaciones a Santa María Faustina Kowalska en la década

de 1930, nuestro Señor convocó a una fiesta especial que se celebraría el domingo después de Pascua. Hoy, conocemos esa fiesta como el Domingo de la Divina Misericordia, nombrada por el Beato Juan Pablo II en la canon-

ización de Santa Faustina el 30 de Abril de 2000.

El Señor expresó su voluntad con respecto a esta fiesta en su primera rev-

elación a Santa Faustina. La revelación más completa se puede encontrar en

su entrada del Diario 699:

Hija mía, cuéntale al mundo entero acerca de mi inconcebible misericordia.

Deseo que la Fiesta de la Misericordia sea un refugio y un refugio para todas las almas, y especialmente para los pobres pecadores. En ese día están abiertas las profundidades de Mi tierna misericordia. Derramo todo un océano de gracias

sobre esas almas que se acercan a la fuente de Mi misericordia. El alma que irá a la Confesión y recibirá la Sagrada Comunión obtendrá el perdón completo de los

pecados y el castigo. En ese día se abren todas las compuertas divinas a través de las cuales fluyen las gracias. No dejes que ninguna alma teme acercarse a Mí,

aunque sus pecados sean tan escarlata.

Pero, ¿cómo puedes recibir este completo perdón de pecados y la remisión de todo castigo? Después de todo, las iglesias están cerradas y la Confesión

y la Comunión no están disponibles.

Hay una manera. Haz estas tres cosas el Domingo de la Divina Misericordia con la intención de alejarte del pecado en tu vida:

1. Hacer un Acto de Contrición Como no puede llegar a la Confesión, haga un Acto de Contrición. Como

dice el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, “entre los actos del penitente, la con-trición ocupa el primer lugar. La contrición es 'dolor del alma y detestación por el pecado cometido, junto con la resolución de no volver a pecar" (1451).

De este modo, será completamente perdonado de todos los pecados, in-cluso "pecados mortales si incluye la firme resolución de recurrir a la confesión

sacramental lo antes posible" (Catecismo, 1452).

2. Hacer una Comunión Espiritual Como las iglesias están cerradas y no puedes recibir la Sagrada Comunión, haz una Comunión Espiritual en su lugar, pidiéndole a Dios que entre en tu corazón como si lo hubieras recibido sacramentalmente: cuerpo, sangre,

alma y divinidad. Por ejemplo, puede decir el Acto de Comunión Espiritu-al en la página siguiente.

Nuevamente, haga este acto de confianza con la intención de regresar al

sacramento de la Sagrada Comunión lo antes posible.

3. Diga Una Oración Como Esta: Señor Jesucristo, prometiste a Santa Faustina que el alma que ha estado en con-fesión [no puedo, pero hice un acto de contrición] y el alma que recibe la Sagrada

Comunión [no puedo, pero hice una comunión espiritual ] recibirá el perdón com-pleto de todos los pecados y castigos. Por favor, Señor Jesucristo, dame esta gracia.

Finalmente, recuerde que esta extraordinaria promesa del Domingo de la

Divina Misericordia es para todos. Díselo a tus amigos no católicos. Todos pueden pedirle a Jesús que perdone sus pecados. Todos pueden hacer una

comunión espiritual. Y todos pueden pedir esta gracia para limpiar com-pletamente su pizarra no solo de todo pecado, sino de todo castigo debido al pecado.

(Nota: La Iglesia Católica también ofrece una Indulgencia Plenaria para las

devociones del Domingo de la Misericordia, que implica el cumplimiento de

una serie de condiciones).

In a series of revelations to St. Maria Faustina Kowalska in the 1930s,

our Lord called for a special feast day to be celebrated on the Sunday after Easter. Today, we know that feast as Divine Mercy Sunday,

named by Blessed John Paul II at the canonization of St. Faustina on

April 30, 2000.

The Lord expressed His will with regard to this feast in His very first revelation to St. Faustina. The most comprehensive revelation can be

found in her Diary entry 699:

My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and a shelter for all souls, and especially

for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open.

I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount

of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Com-munion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that

day are opened all the divine floodgates through which graces flow. Let no

soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet.

But how can you receive this complete forgiveness of sins and remis-sion of all punishment? After all, churches are closed and Confession

and Communion are not available.

There is a way. Do these three things on Divine Mercy Sunday with the intention to turn away from sin in your life:

1. Make an Act of Contrition Since you are unable to get to Confession, make an Act of Contri-

tion, instead. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “Among the

penitent's acts, contrition occupies first place. Contrition is 'sorrow of the

soul and detestation for the sin committed, together with the resolution

not to sin again" (1451).

You thereby will be completely forgiven of all sins, even “mortal sins if it

includes the firm resolution to have recourse to sacramental confession as

soon as possible” (Catechism, 1452).

2. Make a Spiritual Communion Since churches are closed and you cannot receive Holy Communion, make

a Spiritual Communion instead, asking God to come into your heart as if you received Him sacramentally — Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. For instance, you can say the Act of Spiritual Communion on the next page.

Again, do this act of trust with the intent to return to the sacrament of

Holy Communion as soon as possible.

3. Say a Prayer Like This: Lord Jesus Christ, You promised St. Faustina that the soul that has been to Confes-

sion [I’m unable, but I made an Act of Contrition] and the soul that receives Holy Communion [I’m unable, but I made a Spiritual Communion] will receive the

complete forgiveness of all sins and punishment. Please, Lord Jesus Christ, give me this grace.

Finally, please remember that this extraordinary promise of Divine Mercy Sunday is for everyone. Tell your non-Catholic friends about it.

Everyone can ask Jesus to forgive their sins. Everyone can make a Spir-

itual Communion. And everyone can ask for this grace to completely

wipe their slate clean of not only all sin, but all punishment due to sin.

(Note: The Catholic Church also offers a Plenary Indulgence for Mercy Sun-

day devotions, which involves the fulfilment of a number of conditions.)

Page 5: “Jesus said to him, “Have you Calendar come to believe ...Apr 18, 2020  · P. Raniero Cantalamessa, predicador del Vaticano, 10 de abril. Celebración del Viernes Santo. No es

SUNDAY, APRIL 19 - Divine Mercy Sunday ALL DAY Divine Mercy Sunday ...….…………...Observed 9:30 AM DM Sunday Mass )……...Online 12:30 PM La Misa (desde La Iglesia)……….…..Online 2:00 PM Divine Mercy Adoration Service…..Online

MONDAY, APRIL 20 8:30 AM Mass (from Church)……………….......Online

TUESDAY, APRIL 21 8:30 AM Mass (from Church)………………...….Online

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 8:30 AM Mass (from Church)………………...….Online

THURSDAY, APRIL 23 8:30 AM Mass (from Church)……………......….Online

FRIDAY, APRIL 24 8:30 AM Mass (from Church)………………...….Online

SATURDAY, APRIL 25 ALL DAY Black & Indian/Home Missions…...TBA 8:30 AM Mass (from Church)……………......….Online



It has long been a Catholic understanding that when circumstances pre-

vent one from receiving Holy Communion, it is possible to make an Act

of Spiritual Communion, which means uniting one’s self in prayer with

Christ’s sacrifice and worshiping Him in His Body and Blood.

An Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,

come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there

and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You.


Acto de Comunión Espiritual

Creo, Jesús mío, que estás realmente presente en el Santísimo Sacramento del altar.

Te amo sobre todas las cosas y deseo ardientemente recibirte dentro de mi alma, pero no pudiendo hacerlo sacramentalmente,

ven al menos espiritualmente a mi corazón. Quédate conmigo y no permitas que me separe de ti.


WEBSITE: www.allsoulssanford.org FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/AllSoulsCatholicCommunity/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/allsoulssanford YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvpNJ1jWbUA

FLOCKNOTE: https://txallsouls.flocknote.com/everyone

Please note the Par-

ish Office will close

on Fridays at noon

for summer starting

May 1st until Aug. 7th

Monday 8am-4pm

Tuesday 8am-4pm

Wednesday 8am-4pm

Thursday 8am-4pm

Friday 8am-Noon

Divine Mercy Prayers

Page 6: “Jesus said to him, “Have you Calendar come to believe ...Apr 18, 2020  · P. Raniero Cantalamessa, predicador del Vaticano, 10 de abril. Celebración del Viernes Santo. No es

We Give Together

Food Pantry Needs of the Week

Dear Friends in Christ, Thank you so much for your response so far – we are truly blessed!!! Please help us keep our Food Pantry shelves stocked as we’re needed now more than ever. Because of the need to restock, yet prevent contamination, we are humbly asking for your continued generosity through donation of food gift cards and mone-tary donations so we may purchase food in bulk directly from the store.

Donations can be mailed to:

SVdP All Souls Catholic Church 301 W 8th Street Sanford, FL 32771

Whatever you can do to help would be greatly appreciated. We pray for you, our benefactors, as we pray for those in need. And, we ask you please pray for all our Vincentians who contin-ue to serve our brothers and sisters. May God bless you and keep you safe!

News From SVDP Orlando ‘Stay in your lane’ … is what some may say when you mention selling your classic car or finding it a new place to live. Well, it turns out when you call 800.322.8284 and donate it to St. Vincent de Paul Orlando, we’ll take care of it for you! Learn more about this easy and tax-deductible solution at svdporlando.org. Call our Donation Hotline at 1-888-986-4483 or schedule a pick-up at our Web site www.svdporlando.org or download the new resupply app.

St. Vincent De Paul (1581—1660)

In today’s Gos-

pel, Jesus stands

in the midst of us

and says: “Peace

be with you!”

During Mass we

turn to each other

and say: “Peace

be with you!” As

you make dona-

tions to St. Vin-

cent de Paul you

are saying “Peace

be with you!” to

those who are

poor and hungry.


All Souls Stewardship of Treasure 4/12 Offertory ·································· $39,005.00

4/12 Debt Reduction ···························· $1,628.00

4/12 St. Vincent De Paul ······················· $3,203.00

4/12 Church Mortg. Prin. Bal. ········ $1,623,974.77

Stewardship Opportunities

Parish Office Volunteers Are you a student, retired, or looking to dust off your job skills? Want to do a little work around the office? All Souls is looking for volunteers to help with the phones, greeting parishioners, and general office duties. Ad-ministrative skills and bi-lingual proficiency are helpful, but not required. Our staff is warm and our hearts are welcoming. Call Us Today! 407-322-3795

Share Your Talents

All Souls is in immediate need of volunteers to help us in our Communications mission. If you have a background in any of the fields listed below, please send us your infor-mation: [email protected]

• Writing and/or Editing • Graphic Design • Market Research/Data Analysis • Photography • Promotions/Events • Social Media Management • Video Production

• Web Design/Production This is a great opportunity to work with a highly motivated, fun, and focused team of faithful Christians, in bringing Christ to others. Write us Today!

School Athletic Director All Souls School is looking for an Athletic Director for Grades K-4.

Duties include:

• Representing All Souls at games during the sports season.

• Must find coaches for the seasonal sports.


• Fingerprinting and background check must be completed.

For more information please contact the school office 407-322-7090

Voluntarios Para la Oficina Parroquial ¿Eres un estudiante, retirado o buscas revivir tus habilidades laborales? ¿Quieres brindar una mano en la oficina de la parroquia? All Souls está buscando voluntarios para ayudar con los teléfonos, saludar a los feligreses y realizar las tareas generales de la oficina. Se prefieren perso-nas con habilidades administrativas y competen-cia bilingüe. ¡Llámanos hoy al 407-322-3795!

Committee Members! All Souls Catholic School Advisory Board is seeking committee members! Members are needed for the following committees:

• Strategic Planning • Marketing • Finance

We are looking for people that have a passion for our school and are willing to volunteer their time for its betterment. If interested in joining our team, please contact Christina Kalisz at 407-506-3958 or [email protected].

• Athletics • Development

Page 7: “Jesus said to him, “Have you Calendar come to believe ...Apr 18, 2020  · P. Raniero Cantalamessa, predicador del Vaticano, 10 de abril. Celebración del Viernes Santo. No es


United States Department of Ed-

ucation National Blue Ribbon

School of Excellence in Catholic


If you are interested in a Catholic

school education for your stu-

dent, we would love to introduce

you to our campus! Please con-

tact our school office and sched-

ule a tour today.

Barbara Schirard | Principal

Mary Moran | Asst. Principal

810 S. Oak Ave., Sanford, FL 32771

Phone: 407.322.7090

Fax: 407.321.7255 Website:


Are you looking for technology

friendly FREE VPK for your child?

All Souls Catholic School is current-

ly enrolling new students! With a

score of 100% on the “readiness

Rate” in Seminole County, our VPK

students are Kindergarten ready!

Call us and come tour our campus.

Phone: 407.322.3795

All Souls Catholic School

All Souls School Is Offering Virtual Tours!

Although we are socially distancing to keep everyone safe, we are hap-

py to give you a Virtual Tour of our beautiful campus and have your

child’s teacher on the tour to answer any questions you may have!

In the midst of the Covid-19 situation, we are here to help. We understand that

you still need to make decisions about your child’s education.

If you have considered a Catholic education, but thought it was out of reach,

please know that The Florida Tax Scholarship (Step up for Students & AAA),

McKay or the Florida Empowerment Scholarships may be available. Please

visit the FLDOE website https://www.stepupforstudents.org/

For more information regarding Scholarship opportunities or to schedule at tour,

please call our school office at 407-322-7090 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and

12:30 p.m.

For a glimpse of our school, please visit our website at


We welcome you to our school family; it’s great to be an All Souls Bear!

Page 8: “Jesus said to him, “Have you Calendar come to believe ...Apr 18, 2020  · P. Raniero Cantalamessa, predicador del Vaticano, 10 de abril. Celebración del Viernes Santo. No es

And The Bible Says...

Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring

your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.”

Thomas answered and said to him, “My Lord and my God!”- Jn 20:27-28

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.

Luego dice á Tomás: Mete tu dedo aquí, y ve mis manos: y alarga acá tu mano, y

métela en mi costado: y no seas incrédulo, sino fiel. Entonces Tomás respondió,

y díjole: ¡Señor mío, y Dios mío! - Jn 20, 27-28

Leccionario I © 1976 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano.

I t is uncertain

when Saint George was born

and historians contin-ue to debate to this

day. However, his death date is estimated

to be April 23 303 A.D.

George was born to a

Gerontios and Poly-

chronia, a Roman

officer and a Greek na-

tive of Lydda. Both were

Christians from noble families of the Anici and George, Georgios in the

original Greek, was raised to follow their faith.

When George was old enough, he was welcomed into Diocletian's army.

by his late 20's, George became a Tribunus and served as an imperial

guard for the Emperor at Nicomedia.

On February 24, 303 A.D., Diocletian, who hated Christians, announced

that every Christian the army passed would be arrested and every other

soldier should offer a sacrifice to the Roman gods.

George refused to abide by the order and told Diocletian, who was angry

but greatly valued his friendship with George's father.

In an effort to save George, Diocletian attempted to convert him to believe

in the Roman gods, offered him land, money and slaves in exchange for

offering a sacrifice to the Roman gods, and made several other offers that

George refused.

Diocletian ordered George's execution, so he was lacerated on a wheel of

swords and required resuscitation three times, but still George did not turn

from God.

On April 23, 303 A.D., George was decapitated before Nicomedia's outer

wall. His body was sent to Lydda for burial, and other Christians went to

honor George as a martyr.

Saint George and the Dragon

There are several stories about George fighting dragons, but in the Western

version, a dragon or crocodile made its nest at a spring that provided wa-

ter to Silene, believed to be modern-day Lcyrene in Libya.

The people were unable to collect water and so attempted to remove the

dragon from its nest on several ocassions. This was when they decided that

a maiden would be just as effective as sending a sheep. The townspeople

chose the victim by drawing straws. This continued until one day the prin-

cess' straw was drawn.

The monarch begged for her to be spared but the people would not have it.

She was offered to the dragon, but before she could be devoured, George

appeared. He faced the dragon, protected himself with the sign of the

Cross, and slayed the dragon.

After saving the town, the citizens abandoned their paganism and were all

converted to Christianity.


(c. 280 - April 23, 303)

FAITH FORMATION Spiritual Enrichment opportunities are available every Thursday

to make up for regular formal formation that was suspended due

to the COVID 19 Virus. We encourage families to take advantage

of this time in isolation to grow deeper in their faith. The weekly

Spiritual Enrichment activities (“Fruits of The Holy Spirit”) that

are provided to all those in Faith Formation (at all levels), are de-

signed to help families draw upon our faith to navigate life as we

experience it today. You can find it in the All Souls website at

www.https://allsoulssanford.org/fruits-of-the-holy-spirit. Please share what your family is doing in these Enrichment oppor-

tunities by simply taking a picture and sending it to Ms. Holly

at [email protected].

Faith Formation Updates

All Souls paid tribute to all of those individuals who are fighting on the

front lines to care for those

affected by COVID-19. They are real-life angels here on

earth. They are sacrificing be-

ing with their families, not to

mention their health, so that they can take care of our sick

family and friends. Please con-

tinue to pray for our first re-

sponders as well as all of those

working in the health care field and food industries.

Page 9: “Jesus said to him, “Have you Calendar come to believe ...Apr 18, 2020  · P. Raniero Cantalamessa, predicador del Vaticano, 10 de abril. Celebración del Viernes Santo. No es


Parish Clergy

Fr. David P. Vivero | Parish Priest [email protected]

Fr. Ed McCarthy, Retired

Fr. Kenneth Metz, Retired

Fr. Andrzej Jurkiewicz, Latin Mass Celebrant

Rev. Mr. Wenny Cruz | Deacon [email protected]

Rev. Mr. Marty Mueller | Deacon [email protected]

Parish Staff

Stephen Gensel, Jr. Director of Operations [email protected]

Amy Scott Receptionist [email protected]

Beatriz Perez De Koeneke Hispanic Secretary [email protected]

Deacon Wenny Cruz Coordinator for Spanish Community [email protected]

Holly Hooton Parish Catechetical Leader [email protected]

Michelle Murphy Youth Minister [email protected]

David McGhee Director of Music & Liturgy [email protected]

Music Website: www.allsoulsmusic.com

Nancy Pfingsten Associate Director of Music [email protected]

Mary Valente Director of Cemetery Operations [email protected]

Eduardo Brenes-Montero Supervisor Facilities, Safety and Security [email protected]

Office Hrs: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:00pm

Phone: 407.322.3795

FAX: 407.322.1131

Parish Website: www.allsoulssanford.org

All Souls Parish Office Address: 301 W. 8th Street, Sanford, FL 32771

Our Faith Community

Tune in Saturday from 1pm-2pm, to lis-

ten to Deacon Wenny deliver his dynamic

message, and take questions from callers.

This new program is brought to you by

All Souls Catholic Church and WSDO

family radio! You can also listen online

(see below). Call-in on the studio line:


Diácono Wenny en el Radio! Sintonice el Sábado de 1pm a 2pm, y

escuche al Diácono Wenny entregar su

mensaje dinámico y responder a las

preguntas de las personas que llaman.

¡Este nuevo programa es presentado por

la Iglesia Católica All Souls y WSDO “La

Estacion De La Familia”. Escucha y llama

a la línea de estudio: 407-322-1400. Tam-

bien se puede eschuchar en línea.









la-estacion-de-la-familia-am-1400-wsdo/63303/ http://www.fmradiofree.com/fuego-radio2

Yard signs are

available at the Parish

Office, M-F 9am-4pm.

Help us spread the

“Word” by placing a

sign in your yard today!

Thank you so much for your response so

far – we are truly blessed!!! Please help us

keep our Food Pantry shelves stocked as

we are needed now more than ever.

Because of the need to restock, yet prevent

contamination, we are humbly asking for

your continued generosity through dona-

tion of food gift cards and monetary dona-

tions so we may purchase food in bulk di-

rectly from the store.

Donations can be mailed to:


All Souls Catholic Church

301 W 8th Street

Sanford, FL 32771

Whatever you can do to help would be

greatly appreciated. We pray for you, our

benefactors, as we pray for those in need.

And, we ask you please pray for all our

Vincentians who continue to serve our

brothers and sisters.

May God bless you and keep you safe!

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Vincentians Cathie Durkin and Judy Wil-

helm, clad in gloves and masks, prepare bags of groceries for our neigh-

bors in need.

Page 10: “Jesus said to him, “Have you Calendar come to believe ...Apr 18, 2020  · P. Raniero Cantalamessa, predicador del Vaticano, 10 de abril. Celebración del Viernes Santo. No es

Mass Readings

18 Sat Acts 4:13-21/Ps 118:1 and 14-15ab, 16-18, 19-21[21a] /Mk 16:9-15

19 Sun Acts 2:42-47/Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 [1]/1 Pt 1:3-9/Jn 20:19-31

20 Mon Acts 4:23-31/

Ps 2:1-3, 4-7a,

7b-9 [cf. 11d]/

Jn 3:1-8

21 Tue Acts 4:32-37/

Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-

2, 5 [1a]/Jn


22 Wed Acts 5:17-26/

Ps 34:2-3, 4-5,

6-7, 8-9 [7a]/Jn


23 Thu Acts 5:27-33/

Ps 34:2 and 9,

17-18, 19-20

[7a]/Jn 3:31-36

24 Fri Acts 5:34-42/

Ps 27:1, 4, 13-

14 [cf. 4abc]/Jn


St. James Oldo 2nd Sunday of

Easter or

Divine Mercy


St. Conrad of


St. Anselm,

Bishop and

Doctor of the


St. Adalbert of

Prague, Bishop

& Martyr;

Earth Day

St. George, Martyr

St. Fidelis of


Priest and


Arbor Day

8:30am -

Requested By:

5:00pm -

Requested By:

8:00am - Requested By:

9:30am - Church

Requested By:

11:00am - Church Requested By: Vicencio Family

12:30pm - Church

Requested By: Sugeily Ruiz


Requested By:

8:30am -

Requested By:

8:30am - Requested By:

Clarita Osbourne

8:30am -

Fr. Augustine

Clark Requested By:

Vidal & Angelina de Guzman

8:30am -

Cecilia Santiago Requested By:

Jose & Minerva Santiago

8:30am -






We have Masses in 2020 available

for reservation (Sunday &

Weekday) for a loved one, living

or deceased. Please call the Parish

office to reserve a Mass for your

intentions. Ph: (407)322-3795

Our Sanctuary Light burns at

the Church this week in loving

memory of George Wilson as

requested by Henry & Jean Michels

This Week’s Catholic Resources Reliable sources to help you learn more and grow your faith .

UNITED STATE CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS Divine Mercy Sunday readings. http://www.usccb.org/about/pro-life-activities/prayers/divine-mercy-sunday.cfm

THE DIVINE MERCY (MARIAN FATHERS) The Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and the Marian Helpers have been at the heart of “The Divine Mercy” since 1941. https://www.thedivinemercy.org/

CENTRE FOR DIVINE MERCY Our Mission: To continue the work JESUS entrusted to St Faustina: “You will prepare the world for My return” by spreading “JESUS’ Message of unfathomable DIVINE MERCY” throughout the whole world. https://centrefordivinemercy.org/


A selection of Divine Mercy information is listed on this page. EWTN

Global Catholic Network, in its 38th year, is the largest religious media

network in the world. https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/devotions/divine-mercy-12705


In America, the members of the Congregation are perhaps best known for

their work promoting the message of Divine Mercy from Stockbridge,

Massachusetts. https://www.marian.org/whatwedo/divinemercy.php


We are a not-for-profit Catholic Ministry. Support for the ministry comes

from the sale of Divine Mercy Images. Please help us to help Jesus save

more lost souls. http://www.divinemercysunday.com/


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