any hint of a fire aaron foster bresley

any hint of a fire score

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cello and percussion piece. duration variable.

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Page 2: any hint of a fire score






& &

& the&cello&strings&should&be&tuned&to&just&fifths,&with&A&=&440&(+/>&0c),&D&>2c,&G&>4c,&and&C&>6c.&&

& &

& all&accidentals&are&marked&using&the&“Extended&Helmholtz>Ellis&JI&Pitch&Notation”,&with&an&& &

& additional&cent&number&marking&(specifying&its&pitch&deviation&from&the&respective&& & &

& pitch&in&Equal&Temperament).&

& &&&&&&&&e n v~&pythagorean&series&of&non>tempered&perfect&fifths& f o u~&raises/lowers&the&pitch&by&a&syntonic&comma&(81/80&=&circa&21.5&cents)& < >~&raises/lowers&the&pitch&by&an&11>limit&undecimal&quarter>tone&(33/32&=&circa&53.3&cents)& 0~&lowers&the&pitch&by&a&13>limit&tridecimal&third>ton&(27/26&=&circa&65.3&cents) & in&the&cello&notation,&the&thin&arrows&direct&bow&position,&while&the&think&wavy&line&denote&pressure.& &


& the&percussion&is&comprised&of&4&Chinese&toms,&two&with&cymbals&on&the&skins,&played&with&soft&mallets,&

& though&other&toms&may&be&used&as&necessary.&&


& the&total&duration&of&the&piece&should&be&decided&by&the&players,&with&each&line&being&an&equal&

& subdivision&of&this&time.&&for&example,&in&a&two&hour&long&version,&each&of&the&cello’s&lines&would&last&10&

& minutes,&while&each&of&the&percussions’&would&be&approximately&5’26”.&&

& &

& within&each&line,&the&performer&may&choose&whether&or&not&to&play&any&material&in&lines,&with&whole&

& lines&remaining&unsounded&if&desired.&a&listening&of&both&the&chimes&and&the&other&player&is&highly&

& encouraged.&&


& the&wind&chimes&should&be&tuned&to&the&open&strings,&with&the&fifth&tube&tuned&to&E&+2c.&if&performed&

& outdoors,&five&or&more&sets&should&be&hung&on&the&periphery&of&the&area.&if&indoors,&one&set&of&5&tubes,&

& along&with&drumsticks,&should&be&laid&on&music&stands&surrounding&the&audience.&the&audience&should&

& be&told&that&they&may&strike&the&chimes&if&desired&to,&with&no&participation&required&or&even&

& encouraged.&&


& the&field&recording&should&be&recorded&near&or&at&the&sight&of&performance,&preferably&outside.&&the&

& playback&should&be&at&the&level&of&the&room&noise,&as&too&create&a&blending&of&acoustic&space:&another&

& level&of&contingent&sound.&&if&performed&outdoors&the&field&recording&may&be&stricken&in&favor&of&the&live&&

& environmental&sounds.&&&





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