Digested by: Rik Torres Antonio vs Reyes 484 SCRA 353 Facts: On 6 December !!"# $e titioner married res$ondent be%ore a minister o% t&e 'os$e( at t&e )ani(a City *a((# and t&ro+g& a s+bse,+ent c&+rc& -edding. On 8 )arc& !!3#  $etitioner %i(ed to ann+( t&e marriage anc&ored in A rtic(e 36 o% t&e Fami(y Code. /etitioner c(aimed t&at res$ondent $ersistent(y (ied abo+t &erse(%# t&e $eo$(e aro+nd &er# &er occ+$ation# income# ed+cationa( attainment and ot&er events or t&ings. S&e concea(ed t&e e0istence o% &er i((egitimate son introd+cing t&e bo y to $etitioner as t&e ado$ted c&i(d o% &er %ami(y. S&e %abricated a story t&at &er brot&er1in1(a- attem$ted to ra$e and ki(( &er -&en in %act# no s+c& incident occ+rred. S&e c(aimed t&at s&e is a $syc&o(ogist -&en s&e is not. S&e c(aimed s&e is a singer -it& t&e a recording com$an y and t&at s&e is t&e (atter2s n+mber one money maker -&en s&e is no t. S&e a(so s$end (avis&(y as o$ $osed to &er mont&(y income. S&e %abricates t&ings and $eo$(e on(y to serve &er make be(ieve -or(d. S&e e0&ibited insec+rities and ea(o+sies over &im to t&e e0tent o% ca((ing +$ &is o%%icemates to monitor &is -&ereabo+ts. n s+$$ort to &is $etition# $etitioner $resented e0$erts Dr. Dante *errera Abcede and Dr. A rn+(%o -&o $roved res$ondents  $syc&o(ogica( inca$acity. Res$ondent arg+ed t&e a((egations and $resented Dr. Antonio 7%ren Reyes# to re%+te t&e a((egations concerning &er $syc&o(ogica( condition. C(inica(  $syc&iatrist# Dr . o$e9# observed t&at res$ondent2s $ersistent and constant (ying and &er e0treme ea(o+sy -as abnorma( or $at&o(ogica(. T&+s it -as con c(+ded and estab(is&ed  based on t&e %oregoing t&at res$ondent -as $syc&o(ogica((y inca$acitated to $er%orm &er essentia( marita( ob(igations.T&e tria( co+rt r+(ed against $etitioner dec(aring t&e marriage n+(( and void. T&e )atrimonia( Trib+na( o% t&e c&+rc& a(so ann+((ed t&e marriage and -as a%%irmed by t&e ati can2s Roman Rata. T&e Co+rt o% A$$ea(s reversed t&e decision &ence t&e a$$ea(. ss+es: O; t&e state o% %acts as $resented by $etitioner s+%%icient(y meets t&e standards set %or t&e dec(aration o% n+((ity o% a marriage +nder Artic(e36 o% t&e Fami(y Code *e(d: Artic(e 36 o% t&e Fami(y Code states t&at <=a> marriage co ntracted by any $arty -&o# at t&e time o% t&e ce(ebration# -as $syc&o(ogica((y inca$ac itated to com$(y -it& t&e essentia( marita( ob(igations o% marriage# s&a(( (ike-ise be void even i% s+c& inca$acity  becomes mani%est on(y a%ter its so(emni9ati on.< /syc&o(ogica( inca$acity $ertains to t&e inabi(ity to +nderstand t&e ob(igations o% marriage as o$$osed to a mere inabi(ity to


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