ANP Sumario Geologico Reconcavo

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ANP Sumario Geologico Reconcavo da 2 rodadad

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1AGNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRLEOBACIA DO RECNCAVOSUMRIO GEOLGICO20002BACIA DO RECNCAVOCONSIDERAES GERAISABaciadoRecncavoestlocalizadanaRegioNordeste,parteemersadoEstadodaBahia, ao norte da cidade de Salvador, ocupando rea de 10.200 km2 (Fig. 1). Est separada daBacia de Tucano, ao norte, pelo Alto de Apor, e da Bacia de Camamu, ao sul, por uma zona detransfernciaE-W(FalhadaBarra).Limita-sealesteeoesteporafloramentospr-cambrianos,atravsdossistemasdefalhasdeSalvadoreMaragogipe,respectivamente.AdescobertadepetrleonoRecncavoocorreuem1939,comaperfuraodopooDNPM163emLobato,consideradocomoomarcoinicialdaindstriapetrolferanacional.Oacervodedados,atsetembro/97,incluaolevantamentode25.183kmdessmica2-D(CDP),85.654registrosdessmica 3-D (correspondentes cobertura de uma rea de aproximadamente 1.200 km2) (Fig. 2),78.141pontosgravimtricos,14.830kmdemagnetometria,(Fig.3e4)e1.028poosexploratriosperfurados(Fig.5).Esteesfororesultounadescobertade86acumulaesdehidrocarbonetos, as principais estando representadas na Fig. 6.3Figura 1 Mapa de Localizao4Figura 2 Cobertura Ssmica5Figura 3 Mapa Bouguer6Figura 4 Mapa Magnetomtrico7Figura 5 Mapa de Poos8Figura 6 Campos de leo e Gs9SUMRIO GEOLGICOABaciadoRecncavo,parteintegrantedodenominadoRiftRecncavo-Tucano-Jatob,originou-se do processo de estiramento crustal que resultou na fragmentao do paleocontinenteGondwana. Apresenta a morfologia de um graben assimtrico, alongado na direo NE-SW, commergulhoregionaldascamadasparaSE,emdireoaosgrandesdepocentrosquesesituamjuntosuabordaoriental.Trssuperseqnciasestratigrficas,representadasnaCartaEstratigrfica, marcam o desenvolvimento tectono-sedimentar da bacia (Fig. 7).OsesforosdistensivosqueafetaramoRecncavogeraramfalhamentosnormais,commergulhosaltosedireopreferencialN30o E.Taisfalhamentossopredominantementesintticos,permitindodividirabaciaemreasqueforamrelativamenteestveis,delineandopatamares, plataformas e rampas, e em reas com maiores taxas de subsidncia, configurando osgrandesbaixosregionais.UmoutrosistemadefalhamentosimportanteodedireoN40o W,como as falhas de Mata-Catu e Itanagra-Aras, interpretadas como de transferncia. Com basenessas duas falhas principais, a bacia foi dividida em trs compartimentos: Nordeste, Central e Sul(Fig. 8). A unidade tectnica fundamental um semi-graben, de direo NW-SE, mostrado na Fig.9.A primeira superseqncia estratigrfica,depositadaemumabaciadotipointracratnica,correspondeaoestgiopr-rift,queseestendedoPermianoaoEocretceo/Eoberriasiano,envolvendoossedimentosmarinhoscosteirosdaFm.Afligidos,ossedimentoslacustresdaFm.Aliana,ossedimentosflvio-elicosdaFm.SergieossedimentoslacustresdaFm.Itaparica.Nessapoca,inciodoAndarRiodaSerra,(Valanginiano/Berriasiano)jsedelineavamoscontornos que esta bacia viria a adquirir.A segunda superseqncia corresponde fase rift, que teve incio com a deposio de umextenso sistema fluvial, com retrabalhamento elico associado, progradando de N para S e dandoorigemaossedimentosdaFm.guaGrande(Eoberriasiano).Comoaumentodataxadesubsidnciaeumabruscamudanaclimtica,novamenteimplantou-seumsistemalacustre,anxicoeinicialmenteraso,comadeposiodossedimentosdoMb.TaudaFm.Candeias(Berriasiano),cujotrminomarcaoinciodorompimentodacrostaeocomeodeintensatafrogenia, quando se formaram lagos profundos.Nesseslagosforamdepositados,inicialmente,sedimentosargilososintercaladoscomcarbonatos(Mb.GomodaFm.Candeias).Nasreasmaissubsidentes,ocorreram,comfreqncia,correntesdeturbidezprovenientesdeNW,quedepositaramarenitosturbidticosintercaladosnaseopeltica.Comaampliaoeoaprofundamentodabacia,iniciou-seasedimentaodaFm.Maracangalha(ValanginianoaEo-Aptiano),acentuando-senosblocosbaixosdasgrandesfalhasadeposiodeespessasseqnciasdearenitosturbidticosdoMb.10Caruau.Nessapoca,associadaintensasedimentaoclsticagrosseiranasdepresses,iniciou-se o processo de argilocinese, que perduraria at o Andar Buracica (Barremiano).No final do Andar Rio da Serra (Neovalanginiano), a atividade tectnica j estava bastanteatenuadaeasubsidnciamenosacentuada.Porsobreumasedimentaolacustrecomeouaprogradar,apartirdeNW,umsistemaflvio-deltaicoquerepresentaossedimentosdaFm.Marfim,sobrepostoporumsistemadeltaicodaFm.Pojuca.NoAndarBuracica(Barremiano)iniciou-seoprocessodeassoreamentofinaldabacia,comaimplantaodeumasedimentaofluvial,provindatambmdeNW,quedeuorigemaosarenitosdaFm.SoSebastio(atoEo-Aptiano). Durante toda a fase rift, leques aluviais sintectnicos (Fm. Salvador) foram depositadosjunto ao sistema de falhas da borda leste, intercalando-se aos demais sedimentos.Aterceiraeltimasuperseqncia,marcaoestgiops-rift(Neo-Aptiano),comadeposio dos sedimentos fluviais da Fm. Marizal e marinhos (localizados) da Fm. Sabi.11Figura 7 Carta Estratigrfica12Figura 8 Mapa de Arcabouo Estrutural13Figura 9 Seo GeolgicaSISTEMA PETROLFERODe uma maneira geral,os dados geoqumicos indicam que a atuao do sistema petrolferoda Bacia do Recncavo foi extremamente eficiente.Rochas Geradoras - A gerao de hidrocarbonetos provm de folhelhos lacustres da Fm.Candeias, de idade Rio da Serra, enquanto o incio da migrao de idade Buracica/Jiqui.RochasReservatriosOsprincipaisreservatriossoconstitudosporarenitosturbidticos das Fms. Candeias ou das Fms. Maracangalha e Marfim.Migrao-Asprincipaisrotasdemigraoutilizadaspeloleogeradoforamplanosdefalhase/oumeiospermoporosos,principalmentedoSistemaguaGrande,e/ouoscontatosdiretos entre a seo geradora e os reservatrios.Selos Folhelhos intercalados nas sees-objetivos constituem os selos da bacia.TrapasAstrapassopredominantementeestratigrficas,svezescomalgumcomponente estrutural. Ainda constituem alvos, as tradicionais estruturas dmicas e homoclinais14Os principais plays esperados nesta bacia so os seguintes:1.Superseqncia pr-Rift - Play formado por reservatrios (arenitos das Fms. SergieguaGrande)estruturadosemhorstseblocosbasculados,relacionadosafalhasrepresentativas,aexemplodoscamposdeguaGrande,Buracica(associadosfalhadetransferncia de Mata-Catu) e Dom Joo (controlado por duas grandes falhas sintticas da bordaoeste da bacia).2.SuperseqnciaRift-SistemaCandeias:Playrepresentadoportrapasestratigrficasoumistas,associadasgnesedosreservatrios,depositadoscomolequesturbidticoslacustresdaFm.Candeias.Estesplaysocorrempreferencialmentenapartelestedoeixoprincipaldabacia,ondeasubsidnciafoimaior,criandoumafisiografiatipotalude,aexemplodoscamposdeCandeiaseRiachodaBarra.Nestesistema,verifica-seaindaacumulaes em folhelhos fraturados, como no mesmo Campo de Candeias.3.SistemaIlhas:caracterizadoportrapasestruturais(anticlinais),estratigrficasoumistas,amaioriaassociadaafalhasdecrescimento.OsreservatriossoturbiditosdaFm.Taquipe, a exemplo dos campos de Taquipe, Miranga e Aras15COMENTRIOSForam selecionados 3 blocos para licitao; detalhes destes blocos so fornecidosnos anexos A, B e C (Figuras e Tabelas) e esto listados como:BT-REC-1;BT-REC-2 eBT-REC-3Seus limites foram definidos por coordenadas geogrficas SAD-69 (South American Datum-1969).Adicionalmente,sofornecidascoordenadasequivalentesemProjeoPolicnica(American Policonic: Falso Norte = 10.000.000 Equador; Falso Leste = 5.000.000 M.C. = 54W). Ver tabelas A-1, B-1 e C-1..Observao: SouthAmericanDatum1969=antigoUGGI-67(UnionGeodeticandGeophysical International 1967).16BLOCO BT-REC-1O bloco BT-REC-1 localiza-se no compartimento nordeste da Bacia do Recncavo, 138 kmao norte da Cidade de Salvador (Fig. A1, Tabela A-1).Alm de 20 poos perfurados, (Fig. A-3,Tabela A-4), possui um total de 714,6 km de levantamentos ssmicos 2-D. Destes, 445,4 km estodisponveis no pacote de dados (Figura A-2, Tabela A-3).Esta rea da bacia responsvel pela relativa revitalizao da Bacia do Recncavo a partirde 1980.Umdosplayspesquisados-arenitosturbidticosdaFormaoCandeias,depositadosnodepocentroadjacenteFalhadePatioba,seladosporfolhelhosdaprpriaformao-estrepresentadonoscamposdeFazendaBlsamoeRiodoBu.AgeraoprovmdaprpriaFormao Candeias (Andar Rio da Serra), com incio da migrao nos Andares Buracica/Jiqui.OutrasacumulaesnesteblocosooscamposdeFazendaAlvorada,RiodosOvos,Malomb, Bela Vista e Rio Itariri.Jexistemalgumasacumulaesnessebloco,representadaspeloscamposdeFazendaBlsamo, Rio do Bu, Fazenda Alvorada, Rio dos Ovos, Malomb etc.As Figs. A-4 e A-5 mostram linhas ssmicas 2-D dip e strike representativas da parte nortedo bloco.17BLOCO BT-REC-2OblocoBT-REC-2situa-senaporocentraldaBaciadoRecncavo,naregiodaPlataformadeQuiric(Fig.A-1-,TabelaB-1).NoPacotedeDadoseInformaesestodisponibilizadososdadosde15poosnestebloco(Fig.B-3,TabelaB-4),almde922,5kmdelevantamentosssmicos2-D,migradosearquivadosemMastere2053,4kmdessmica3D(Figuras B1 e B-2, Tabela B-3).OsobjetivosprincipaisdesteblocosoosarenitosdasFms.Sergi,guaGrande,MaracangalhaeMarfim.AsacumulaesprincipaissooscamposdeFaz.BoaEsperana,Aras, Bom Lugar, Faz. Ona, e Riacho Quiric.Ainterpretaoparcialdeumlevantamentossmico3-Dnarea,possibilitouaidentificao de uma situao de interesse exploratrio:Linha35,trao282,paratestarumaestruturadmica,tendocomoobjetivosoArenitoguaGrande,principalmente,eosarenitosdasFms.Sergi,Candeias,MaracangalhaeMarfim,secundariamente.(Fig. B-4)18BLOCO BT- REC-3OblocoBT-REC-3situa-senaporocentraldaBaciadoRecncavo,naregiodaPlataformadeQuiricenotrendestruturalMata-Catu-Buracica,ondeestosituadasvriasacumulaes de hidrocarbonetos, duas das quais (gua Grande e Buracica) incluem-se entre assetemaioresdabacia(Fig.A-1,TabelaC-1).NoPacotedeDadoseInformaesestodisponibilizados dados de 20 poos perfurados neste bloco (Fig. C3-, Tabela C4), alm de 930 kmdelinhasssmicas2-D,migradasearquivadasemMaster,e1.101,7kmdessmica3-Dlevantados na rea (Figs C1 e C2,- Tabela C-3), e dados gravimtricos e magnetomtricos.OsobjetivosprincipaisnesteblocosoosreservatriosdasFms.Sergi,guaGrande,Candeias,MaracangalhaeMarfim,emtrapasestruturaisemistas,cujosfluidosesperadossoleo e, secundariamente, gs associado.Neste bloco, situaes estruturais e mistas so esperadas, tendo leo como fluido principale, secundariamente, gs associado.O sistema petrolfero principal , reconhecidamente, o Gomo-Sergi, que se assemelha aodoscamposdePojuca,guaGrande,Santana,FazendaRioBrancoeFazendaPanelas,presentesnobloco.Poressemodelo,opetrleogeradonoBaixodeCamaari,asudeste,atingiriaareaatravsdosplanosdegrandesfalhas,principalmenteasdeMata-Catu,FazendaLimoeiro e Rio Catu.As Figs. C-4 e C-5 mostram linhas ssmicas 3-D representativas do bloco.19BACIA DO RECNCAVO Bibliografia ConsultadaCAIXETA, J.M., BUENO, G.V., MAGNAVITA, L. P., FEIJ, F. J. Carta Estratigrfica da Bacia doRecncavo. In: Boletim de Geocincias da Petrobrs no 1, janeiro-maro/94.FIGUEIREDO,A.M.F.etal.RecncavoBasin,Brazil:AProlificIntracontinentalRiftBasin.In:Interior Rift Basins.AAPG Memoir 59, 157-203.MILANI, E.J., I. DAVISON, 1988, Basement Control and Transfer Tectonics in Recncavo-Tucano-Jatob Rift, Northeast Brazil. In: Tectonophysics, v. 154, p. 40-70.NETTO, A.S.T., OLIVEIRA, J.J., 1985, O Preenchimento do Rift Valley na Bacia do Recncavo. In:Revista Brasileira de Geocincias, v. 15, p. 97-102.SZATMARI,P.,MILANI,E.J.,LANA,M.C.,CONCEIO,J.C.L.,LOBO,R.P.,1985,HowSouthAtlanticRiftingAffectsBrazilianOilReservesDistributions.In:Oil&GasJournal,v.83,p.107-113.VIANA,C.F.,CAROZI,A.V.,ARAUJO,M.B.,CESERO,P.,FONSECA,J.R.,DASILVA,V.J.L.,1971,RevisoEstratigrficaNasBaciasdoRecncavoeTucano.In:BoletimTcnicodaPetrobras, v. 4, p. 157-192.PETROBRAS.BaciasSedimentaresBrasileiras,1997,ConjuntodeTextoseFigurasDisponibilizadas para a ANP. Uso Restrito.UNIVERSIDADEFEDERALDABAHIABaciaPotiguar/Cear,RelatriodeIntegrao,CONTRATO ANP/UFBa, 1998. Relatrio Restrito.20ANEXO A - BLOCO BT-REC-1Figura A-1 - Blocos da Bacia do Recncavo21Tabela A-1 - Coordenadas do Bloco BT-REC-1+ BT-REC-1** Nome/PtoLatitude LongitudeCoord. Norte Coord. Este*1 11 42 30.000 S37 52 30.000 W 8654990.396756971.402 11 450.000 S37 52 30.000 W 8650212.766756701.133 11 450.000 S37 56 15.000 W 8650602.246749899.634 1200.000 S37 56 15.000 W 8621946.246748264.855 1200.000 S37 52 30.000 W 8621548.976755059.686 11 565.625 S37 52 30.000 W 8629013.176755490.427 11 565.625 S37 52 39.375 W 8629029.676755207.238 11 55 56.250 S37 52 39.375 W 8629328.246755224.409 11 55 56.250 S37 53 26.250 W 8629410.686753808.44 10 11 55 18.750 S37 53 26.250 W 8630604.896753877.06 11 11 55 18.750 S37 53 16.875 W 8630588.426754160.26 12 11 559.375 S37 53 16.875 W 8630886.986754177.41 13 11 559.375 S37 537.500 W 8630870.516754460.62 14 11 550.000 S37 537.500 W 8631169.076754477.77 15 11 550.000 S37 52 58.125 W 8631152.606754760.98 16 11 54 50.625 S37 52 58.125 W 8631451.176754778.12 17 11 54 50.625 S37 52 48.750 W 8631434.706755061.34 18 11 54 41.250 S37 52 48.750 W 8631733.276755078.48 19 11 54 41.250 S37 52 39.375 W 8631716.816755361.70 20 11 54 13.125 S37 52 39.375 W 8632612.536755413.12 21 11 54 13.125 S37 52 30.000 W 8632596.076755696.35 22 11 543.750 S37 52 30.000 W 8632894.646755713.4922 23 11 543.750 S37 52 20.625 W 8632878.196755996.71 24 11 53 54.375 S37 52 20.625 W 8633176.776756013.85 25 11 53 54.375 S37 52 11.250 W 8633160.316756297.08 26 11 53 45.000 S37 52 11.250 W 8633458.906756314.21 27 11 53 45.000 S37 521.875 W 8633442.446756597.45 28 11 53 35.625 S37 521.875 W 8633741.036756614.58 29 11 53 35.625 S37 51 52.500 W 8633724.576756897.82 30 11 53 26.250 S37 51 52.500 W 8634023.176756914.95 31 11 53 26.250 S37 51 43.125 W 8634006.716757198.19 32 11 537.500 S37 51 43.125 W 8634603.906757232.45 33 11 537.500 S37 521.875 W 8634636.806756665.96 34 11 52 20.625 S37 521.875 W 8636129.756756751.53 35 11 52 20.625 S37 51 52.500 W 8636113.326757034.79 36 11 52 11.250 S37 51 52.500 W 8636411.926757051.89 37 11 52 11.250 S37 51 43.125 W 8636395.496757335.15 38 11 521.875 S37 51 43.125 W 8636694.096757352.25 39 11 521.875 S37 51 33.750 W 8636677.666757635.52 40 11 51 52.500 S37 51 33.750 W 8636976.266757652.62 41 11 51 52.500 S37 51 24.375 W 8636959.846757935.89 42 11 51 33.750 S37 51 24.375 W 8637557.056757970.09 43 11 51 33.750 S37 50 46.875 W 8637491.356759103.18 44 11 50 18.750 S37 50 46.875 W 8639880.336759239.92 45 11 50 18.750 S37 49 31.875 W 8639749.016761506.28 46 11 49 41.250 S37 49 31.875 W 8640943.626761574.65 47 11 49 41.250 S37 49 13.125 W 8640910.796762141.26 48 11 49 31.875 S37 49 13.125 W 8641209.456762158.35 49 11 49 31.875 S37 493.750 W 8641193.036762441.66 50 11 49 22.500 S37 493.750 W 8641491.696762458.75 51 11 49 22.500 S37 48 54.375 W 8641475.286762742.06 52 11 49 13.125 S37 48 54.375 W 8641773.956762759.15 53 11 49 13.125 S37 48 45.000 W 8641757.536763042.46 54 11 42 30.000 S37 48 45.000 W 8654600.716763773.921 11 42 30.000 S37 52 30.000 W 8654990.396756971.40** Perimetro :98.770 (Km)* Area Plana: 304.490 (Km2)* Area Corrigida: 293.296 (Km2)*+ Area de exclusao 1** Nome/PtoLatitude LongitudeCoord. Norte Coord. Este* 55 11 47 30.000 S37 500.000 W 8645173.876760963.47 56 11 47 39.375 S37 500.000 W 8644875.226760946.44 57 11 47 39.375 S37 509.375 W 8644891.586760663.10 58 11 47 48.750 S37 509.375 W 8644592.936760646.07 59 11 47 48.750 S37 50 46.875 W 8644658.356759512.71 60 11 487.500 S37 50 46.875 W 8644061.096759478.66 61 11 487.500 S37 515.625 W 8644093.806758911.99 62 11 48 35.625 S37 515.625 W 8643197.946758860.91 63 11 48 35.625 S37 52 11.250 W 8643312.406756877.62 64 11 48 45.000 S37 52 11.250 W 8643013.816756860.61 65 11 48 45.000 S37 52 20.625 W 8643030.156756577.28 66 11 49 22.500 S37 52 20.625 W 8641835.786756509.20 67 11 49 22.500 S37 52 11.250 W 8641819.426756792.51 68 11 49 31.875 S37 52 11.250 W 8641520.836756775.48 69 11 49 31.875 S37 51 52.500 W 8641488.096757342.10 70 11 49 41.250 S37 51 52.500 W 8641189.496757325.06 71 11 49 41.250 S37 51 15.000 W 8641123.986758458.29 72 11 49 31.875 S37 51 15.000 W 8641422.606758475.3423 73 11 49 31.875 S37 515.625 W 8641406.226758758.65 74 11 493.750 S37 515.625 W 8642302.086758809.80 75 11 493.750 S37 50 28.125 W 8642236.576759943.07 76 11 48 54.375 S37 50 28.125 W 8642535.206759960.12 77 11 48 54.375 S37 50 18.750 W 8642518.826760243.44 78 11 48 35.625 S37 50 18.750 W 8643116.106760277.54 79 11 48 35.625 S37 49 31.875 W 8643034.196761694.17 80 11 48 16.875 S37 49 31.875 W 8643631.506761728.29 81 11 48 16.875 S37 49 22.500 W 8643615.126762011.62 82 11 487.500 S37 49 22.500 W 8643913.786762028.67 83 11 487.500 S37 49 13.125 W 8643897.406762312.01 84 11 47 39.375 S37 49 13.125 W 8644793.396762363.16 85 11 47 39.375 S37 49 22.500 W 8644809.766762079.81 86 11 47 30.000 S37 49 22.500 W 8645108.426762096.85 55 11 47 30.000 S37 500.000 W 8645173.876760963.47** Perimetro :19.727 (Km)* Area Plana:10.611 (Km2)* Area Corrigida:10.219 (Km2)*+ Area de exclusao 2** Nome/PtoLatitude LongitudeCoord. Norte Coord. Este* 87 11 52 48.750 S37 53 54.375 W 8635431.036753301.19 88 11 54 41.250 S37 53 54.375 W 8631848.466753095.97 89 11 54 41.250 S37 53 16.875 W 8631782.656754228.84 90 11 54 22.500 S37 53 16.875 W 8632379.776754263.10 91 11 54 22.500 S37 537.500 W 8632363.326754546.32 92 11 54 13.125 S37 537.500 W 8632661.896754563.45 93 11 54 13.125 S37 52 48.750 W 8632628.986755129.90 94 11 52 48.750 S37 52 48.750 W 8635316.136755283.95 87 11 52 48.750 S37 53 54.375 W 8635431.036753301.19** Perimetro :11.149 (Km)* Area Plana: 6.448 (Km2)* Area Corrigida: 6.212 (Km2)** TOTAIS** Area Plana: 287.431 (Km2)* Area Corrigida: 276.865 (Km2)*------------------------------------------------------------------------------24Tabela A-2 - Descrio do Bloco BT-REC-11.1. BLOCODESIGNAO BT-REC-1REA 276,8 km21.2. LOCALIZAOBACIA RECNCAVOESTADO BAHIABATIMETRIA BLOCO TERRESTRE1.3. ESFORO FSICO J REALIZADONMERO DE POOS EXPLORATRIOS 20METRAGEMPERFURADA 26.490,3 mSSMICA 2-D (Existente) 714,6 kmSSMICA 2-D (Disponibilizada) 445,4 kmSSMICA 3-D -GRAVIMETRIA COMPLETAMAGNETOMETRIA COMPLETA1.4. OBJETIVOSTRAPAS ESTRATIGRFICAS / MISTASRESERVATRIOS ARENITOS DA FORMAO CANDEIASFLUIDO ESPERADO LEO E GS ASSOCIADO25Figura A-2- Ssmica 2-D Disponibilizada26Tabela A-3 Lista de Ssmica 2-DBT-REC-1Equipe Linha Pt Ini. Pt FinalQuilometragem026 0260152 AT01 0900 72 1063.421026 0260267 AT01 09001646.395026 0260269 AT01 0900 95 1263.166026 0260388 AT01 09001 1859.475026 0260389 AT01 09001 1608.227026 0260393 AT01 09001 1226.049026 0260680 AT01 0900562 765 10.362026 0260685 AT01 0900 92 1251.647026 0260688 AT01 0900190 530 17.142026 0260691 AT01 0900158 2203.125026 0260692 AT01 0900 55 1052.557026 0260700 AT01 0900566 7499.344026 0260814 AT01 0900339 4238.604026 0260822 AT01 09001201.914026 0260823 AT01 09001242.308026 0260919 AT01 0900149 2525.179026 0260923 AT01 0900 84 1503.357026 0260929 AT01 09001 1366.829026 0260931 AT01 0900 20 1456.412026 0261009 AT01 0900123 370 12.505026 0261010 AT01 0900 95 2266.687026 0261014 AT01 09001562.813026 0261015 AT01 0900 97 1844.368026 0261016 AT01 09001271.305026 0261016 AT01 0900 51690.906026 0261019 AT01 0900 45 2339.472026 0261022 AT01 09001 232 11.735026 0261023 AT01 0900 91940.157026 0261023 AT01 0900 97 1191.131026 0261025 AT01 0900 74 1584.249026 0261028 AT01 09001 1195.913026 0261199 AT01 0900 68 276 10.563026 0261203 AT01 0900180 2011.067026 0261204 AT01 09001 1396.896026 0261205 AT01 0900 20 527 13.084026 0261208 AT01 09001 3859.672026 0261210 AT01 09001 223 11.313026 0261212 AT01 0900139 1601.060026 0261213 AT01 0900 31 230 10.064026 0261214 AT01 0900 33 2209.564026 0261215 AT01 09001824.111026 0261216 AT01 09001934.662026 0261216 AT01 0900101 1030.103026 0261216 AT01 0900108 1130.253026 0261216 AT01 0900115 1421.369026 0261216 AT01 0900151 1520.050026 0261216 AT01 0900158 1620.202026 0261216 AT01 0900165 1750.504026 0261217 AT01 09001 2065.149026 0261218 AT01 09001 2837.177026 0261222 AT01 09001 512 12.923026 0261223 AT01 0900329 5976.816026 0261225 AT01 0900291 5245.979026 0261230 AT01 09001783.93327026 0261323 AT01 09001 1463.676026 0261328 AT01 0900151 4016.402026 0261329 AT01 09001 2536.406026 0261330 AT01 09001 2055.234026 0261384 AT01 0900 10 1949.352026 0261385 AT01 0900500 5100.349026 0261387 AT01 0900211 2611.784026 0261479 AT01 09001 3809.712026 0261480 AT01 09001 300 10.645026 0261481 AT01 09001 2827.133026 0261482 AT01 09001 1884.729026 0261582 AT01 0900326 4854.013026 0261584 AT01 0900338 5455.252026 0261585 AT01 0900399 4701.781026 0261587 AT01 09001 1182.901026 0261588 AT01 09001 1403.526026 0261646 AT01 09001 2776.998026 0261650 AT01 09001 4604.604026 0261712 AT01 09001 730 11.138026 0261713 AT01 09001 4737.145026 0261714 AT01 09001 5328.087026 0261715 AT01 09001 5709.198026 0261716 AT01 09001 599 12.089- Quilometragem por equipe026: 445.42122- Quilometragem total:445.4212228Figura A-3- Mapa de Poos29Tabela A-4 Lista de Poos----------------------------------------------------------------------BT-REC-1 Listagem dos Poos Exploratrios 1, 2, 3 e 4----------------------------------------------------------------------Sigla/PooLatitudeLongitude P.F. Sondador1-ATM-0001-BA -11.76877 -37.86775778.01-ATM-0002-BA -11.76091 -37.86432939.01-BGR-0001-BA -11.84309 -37.89985700.01-BGR-0002-BA -11.84467 -37.90827471.01-CRO-0001-BA -11.92893 -37.91931 2174.34-FAV-0087-BA -11.78784 -37.82194888.04-FAV-0116-BA -11.79336 -37.81508933.04-FAV-0119-BA -11.82490 -37.88735561.01-FCR-0001-BA -11.89912 -37.91063 1470.01-FIT-0001-BA -11.77638 -37.85656 1273.01-FL-0001-BA-11.85965 -37.86664 1968.01-FL-0002-BA-11.85155 -37.85437 1965.01-FMG-0001-BA -11.78104 -37.87741636.01-FSB-0001-BA -11.79234 -37.86180 1359.01-FTB-0001-BA -11.74564 -37.84912440.01-MLL-0002-BA -11.91154 -37.88146 1440.01-PLM-0001-BA -11.90121 -37.93376 1354.03-RI-0018-BA-11.83474 -37.82890 1840.03-ROV-0004-BA -11.87131 -37.86605 1641.01-VIN-0001-BA -11.95067 -37.92126 3660.0Total:26490.3 m30Figura A-4 Linha Ssmica 026 -122231Figura A-5 Linha Ssmica 026 -100932ANEXO B - BLOCO BT-REC-2Tabela B-1 - Coordenadas do Bloco BT-REC-2+ BT-REC-2**PontoLatitude Longitude Coordenada Norte Coordenada Este*1 127 30,000 S38 18 45,000 W 8609993,776706684,152 12 17 30,000 S38 18 45,000 W 8590923,416705591,603 12 17 30,000 S38 150,000 W 8590526,546712379,044 12 150,000 S38 150,000 W 8595295,266712654,705 12 150,000 S38 11 15,000 W 8594898,086719443,196 12 10 56,250 S38 11 15,000 W 8602649,496719891,037 12 10 56,250 S38 11 43,125 W 8602698,976719042,248 12 10 18,750 S38 11 43,125 W 8603891,486719110,889 12 10 18,750 S38 13 35,625 W 8604088,986715715,57 10 127 30,000 S38 13 35,625 W 8609454,626716023,13 11 127 30,000 S38 18 45,000 W 8609993,776706684,15*33Permetro :65,417 (km)* rea Plana: 203,547 (km2)* rea Corrigida: 196,416 (km2)*+ rea de excluso**PontoLatitude Longitude Coordenada Norte Coordenada Este 12 12 13 35,625 S38 165,625 W 8598093,046710829,17 13 12 14 50,625 S38 165,625 W 8595708,836710691,88 14 12 14 50,625 S38 15 56,250 W 8595692,336710974,74 15 12 15 46,875 S38 15 56,250 W 8593904,176710871,61 16 12 15 46,875 S38 159,375 W 8593821,556712285,81 17 12 143,750 S38 159,375 W 8597100,046712474,96 18 12 143,750 S38 15 28,125 W 8597133,036711909,21 19 12 13 35,625 S38 15 28,125 W 8598027,156711960,70 20 12 13 35,625 S38 165,625 W 8598093,046710829,17*Permetro :11,759 (km)* rea Plana: 6,090 (km2)* rea Corrigida: 5,877 (km2)** TOTAIS** rea Plana: 197,457 (km2)* rea Corrigida: 190,539 (km2)*----------------------------------------------------------------------------34Tabela B-2 - Descrio do Bloco BT-REC-21.1. BLOCODESIGNAO BT-REC-2REA 184,50 km21.2. LOCALIZAOBACIA RECNCAVOESTADO BAHIABATIMETRIA BLOCO TERRESTRE1.3. ESFORO FSICO J REALIZADONMERO DE POOS EXPLORATRIOS 15METRAGEMPERFURADA 40.396,5 mSSMICA 2-D (Existente) 922,5 kmSSMICA 2-D (Disponibilizada) 433,8 kmSSMICA 3-D 2053,4 kmGRAVIMETRIA COMPLETAMAGNETOMETRIA COMPLETA1.4. OBJETIVOSTRAPASESTRUTURAIS, ESTRATIGRFICAS EMISTASRESERVATRIOSFMS. GUA GRANDE E SERGI, NO PR-RIFT, E ARENITOS CARUAU, NA SEORIFT.SECUNDARIAMENTE, ARENITOS DASFMS. POJUCA E MARFIMFLUIDO ESPERADO LEO E GS35Figura B-1- Ssmica 2-D Disponibilizada36Tabela B-3- Lista de Linhas Ssmicas 2-DBT-REC-2 Sis 2D copiaEquipe Linha Pt Ini. Pt FinalQuilometragem026 0260189 AT01 09001111.001026 0260373 AT01 09001 60.241026 0260532 AT01 0900238 2601.093026 0260641 AT01 0900225 3727.392026 0260646 AT01 0900 16 1396.203026 0260647 AT01 09001 217 10.914026 0260734 AT01 0900 19 1255.330026 0260736 AT01 09001 1095.355026 0261163 AT01 0900156 444 14.595026 0261165 AT01 0900177 2332.815026 0261173 AT01 0900 44 257 10.682026 0261174 AT01 09001 1185.847026 0261177 AT01 09001 1306.577026 0261404 AT01 0900 80 2385.519026 0261405 AT01 0900 57830.900026 0261405 AT01 0900174 3837.383026 0261406 AT01 0900264 3442.821026 0261409 AT01 0900224 3456.120026 0261410 AT01 09001 395 13.814026 0261414 AT01 0900 80 2094.453026 0261414 AT01 0900224 4849.156026 0261415 AT01 0900100 3448.660026 0261418 AT01 09001 1996.921026 0261419 AT01 09001 2579.031026 0261420 AT01 09001 344 12.120026 0261421 AT01 0900334 5387.279026 0261422 AT01 0900350 4804.607026 0261437 AT01 0900195 3074.562026 0261854 AT01 09011 1313.929026 0261956 AT01 0901272 4104.167026 0261962 AT01 09011 2778.306026 0261963 AT01 0901103 1461.299026 0261971 AT01 0901 80 3367.775227 2270006 AT01 0906193 535 17.437227 2270007 AT01 0906 78 350 13.752227 2270009 AT01 0906124 2003.830227 2270012 AT01 0906112 1411.464227 2270014 AT01 09061 1899.512227 2270015 AT01 0906 80 322 12.347227 2270016 AT01 0906121 2426.118227 2270020 AT01 09061824.109227 2270020 AT01 0906133 1922.970227 2270021 AT01 0906166 2705.199227 2270022 AT01 09061 1014.986026 0260649 AT01 09001 1366.724026 0260154 AT01 09001656.472026 0260659 AT01 0900158 2504.600026 0260732 AT01 09001 212 10.588026 0260738 AT01 09001 1206.078026 0261164 AT01 0900121 342 11.323026 0261171 AT01 09001 1356.697026 0261172 AT01 09001 1497.417026 0261176 AT01 09001 1497.542026 0261412 AT01 0900151 3648.511026 0261416 AT01 09001 372 13.02337026 0261417 AT01 09001 334 11.690026 0261463 AT01 09001 417 12.543026 0261966 AT01 0901165 3545.807227 2270013 AT01 09061 1266.293227 2270018 AT01 0906 75 2378.063227 2270019 AT01 0906505 6648.012026 0261958 AT01 0901172 2973.825- Quilometragem por equipe026: 329.70547227: 104.09355- Quilometragem total:433.7990238Figura B-2- Ssmica 3-D Disponibilizada39Figura B-3- Mapa de Poos40Tabela B-4 Lista de Poos----------------------------------------------------------------------BT-REC-2 Listagem dos Poos Exploratrios 1, 2, 3 e 4----------------------------------------------------------------------Sigla/Poo Latitude Longitude P.F. Sondador1-BL-0001-BA -12.19396-38.228973329.13-BL-0002-BA -12.19966-38.231752656.03-BL-0003-BA -12.19019-38.221013238.53-BL-0005-BA -12.19066-38.239432969.01-BLO-0001-BA -12.18338 -38.25461 2251.03-FO-0002-BA -12.26179 -38.27410 2412.63-FO-0006-BA -12.24675 -38.25055 2800.04-FOL-0001-BA -12.23848 -38.23017 3336.01-GR-0001-BA -12.18426 -38.20080 1662.01-LO-0001-BA -12.14803 -38.27939 2200.01-PU-0001-BA -12.22569 -38.23175 2555.01-QO-0001-BA -12.20484 -38.29200 2768.01-RCA-0001-BA -12.21959 -38.24935 2532.01-RQ-0001-BA -12.18299 -38.21153 3348.31-SG-0002-BA -12.15189 -38.23767 2339.0Total: 40396.5 m41Figura B-4- in line 3542 ANEXO C - BLOCO BT-REC-3Tabela C-1 - Coordenadas do Bloco BT-REC-3+ BT-REC-3** Nome/PtoLatitude LongitudeCoord. Norte Coord. Este*1 12 150.000 S38 24 50.625 W 8596330.386694834.472 12 15 18.750 S38 24 50.625 W 8595734.696694800.433 12 15 18.750 S38 24 31.875 W 8595701.996695366.154 12 15 56.250 S38 24 31.875 W 8594510.606695298.025 12 15 56.250 S38 24 13.125 W 8594477.866695863.726 12 16 33.750 S38 24 13.125 W 8593286.456695795.517 12 16 33.750 S38 23 54.375 W 8593253.676696361.188 12 17 11.250 S38 23 54.375 W 8592062.246696292.889 12 17 11.250 S38 23 35.625 W 8592029.426696858.53 10 12 17 48.750 S38 23 35.625 W 8590837.986696790.16 11 12 17 48.750 S38 23 16.875 W 8590805.126697355.78 12 12 18 35.625 S38 23 16.875 W 8589315.796697270.20 13 12 18 35.625 S38 23 35.625 W 8589348.676696704.61 14 12 18 54.375 S38 23 35.625 W 8588752.966696670.37 15 12 18 54.375 S38 24 31.875 W 8588851.596694973.63 16 12 19 13.125 S38 24 31.875 W 8588255.926694939.40 17 12 19 13.125 S38 259.375 W 8588321.656693808.26 18 12 19 31.875 S38 259.375 W 8587726.006693774.05 19 12 19 31.875 S38 25 46.875 W 8587791.716692642.93 20 12 19 50.625 S38 25 46.875 W 8587196.096692608.7343 21 12 19 50.625 S38 26 15.000 W 8587245.366691760.40 22 12 250.000 S38 26 15.000 W 8577418.126691194.32 23 12 250.000 S38 22 30.000 W 8577020.656697978.49 24 12 27 30.000 S38 22 30.000 W 8572254.826697701.48 25 12 27 30.000 S38 19 50.625 W 8571971.436702506.06 26 12 27 20.625 S38 19 50.625 W 8572269.356702523.45 27 12 27 20.625 S38 19 13.125 W 8572202.566703653.94 28 12 27 30.000 S38 19 13.125 W 8571904.636703636.54 29 12 27 30.000 S38 18 45.000 W 8571854.516704484.40 30 12 25 46.875 S38 18 45.000 W 8575131.876704675.74 31 12 25 46.875 S38 19 31.875 W 8575215.226703262.47 32 12 25 56.250 S38 19 31.875 W 8574917.296703245.11 33 12 25 56.250 S38 19 50.625 W 8574950.626702679.81 34 12 26 15.000 S38 19 50.625 W 8574354.786702645.09 35 12 26 15.000 S38 215.625 W 8574488.036700383.92 36 12 265.625 S38 215.625 W 8574785.926700401.26 37 12 265.625 S38 21 15.000 W 8574802.566700118.61 38 12 25 46.875 S38 21 15.000 W 8575398.346700153.27 39 12 25 46.875 S38 21 24.375 W 8575414.986699870.62 40 12 259.375 S38 21 24.375 W 8576606.536699939.88 41 12 259.375 S38 215.625 W 8576573.296700505.22 42 12 250.000 S38 215.625 W 8576871.196700522.53 43 12 250.000 S38 21 52.500 W 8576954.256699109.18 44 12 24 50.625 S38 21 52.500 W 8577252.136699126.47 45 12 24 50.625 S38 221.875 W 8577268.736698843.80 46 12 24 31.875 S38 221.875 W 8577864.496698878.37 47 12 24 31.875 S38 22 11.250 W 8577881.086698595.69 48 12 24 22.500 S38 22 11.250 W 8578178.966698612.97 49 12 24 22.500 S38 23 26.250 W 8578311.566696351.49 50 12 23 54.375 S38 23 26.250 W 8579205.116696403.24 51 12 23 54.375 S38 22 39.375 W 8579122.306697816.70 52 12 22 48.750 S38 22 39.375 W 8581207.386697937.42 53 12 22 48.750 S38 22 20.625 W 8581174.286698502.84 54 12 20 37.500 S38 22 20.625 W 8585344.586698743.83 55 12 20 37.500 S38 22 11.250 W 8585328.076699026.59 56 12 20 18.750 S38 22 11.250 W 8585923.846699060.96 57 12 20 18.750 S38 209.375 W 8585709.086702736.85 58 12 200.000 S38 209.375 W 8586304.946702771.29 59 12 200.000 S38 19 22.500 W 8586222.256704185.11 60 12 19 50.625 S38 19 22.500 W 8586520.196704202.34 61 12 19 50.625 S38 19 13.125 W 8586503.656704485.11 62 12 19 22.500 S38 19 13.125 W 8587397.496704536.79 63 12 19 22.500 S38 18 45.000 W 8587347.886705385.12 64 12 150.000 S38 18 45.000 W 8595690.866705866.11 65 12 150.000 S38 24 50.625 W 8596330.386694834.47** Perimetro : 101.107 (Km)* Area Plana: 184.404 (Km2)* Area Corrigida: 178.047 (Km2)*+ Area de exclusao 1** Nome/PtoLatitude LongitudeCoord. Norte Coord. Este* 66 12 19 41.250 S38 24 31.875 W 8587362.406694888.04 67 12 19 50.625 S38 24 31.875 W 8587064.576694870.92 68 12 19 50.625 S38 24 50.625 W 8587097.466694305.37 69 12 200.000 S38 24 50.625 W 8586799.636694288.25 70 12 200.000 S38 250.000 W 8586816.086694005.48 71 12 209.375 S38 250.000 W 8586518.256693988.3544 72 12 209.375 S38 259.375 W 8586534.706693705.58 73 12 20 46.875 S38 259.375 W 8585343.416693637.06 74 12 20 46.875 S38 23 45.000 W 8585195.166696181.86 75 12 19 50.625 S38 23 45.000 W 8586982.286696284.78 76 12 19 50.625 S38 23 54.375 W 8586998.746696002.01 77 12 19 41.250 S38 23 54.375 W 8587296.596696019.15 66 12 19 41.250 S38 24 31.875 W 8587362.406694888.04** Perimetro : 9.275 (Km)* Area Plana: 4.648 (Km2)* Area Corrigida: 4.488 (Km2)** TOTAIS** Area Plana: 179.757 (Km2)* Area Corrigida: 173.559 (Km2)*------------------------------------------------------------------------------45Tabela C-2 - Descrio do Bloco BT-REC-31.1. BLOCODESIGNAO BT-REC-3REA 177,39 km21.2. LOCALIZAOBACIA RECNCAVOESTADO BAHIABATIMETRIA BLOCO TERRESTRE1.3. ESFORO FSICO J REALIZADONMERO DE POOS EXPLORATRIOS 20METRAGEMPERFURADA 42.377,4mSSMICA 2-D (Existente) 930,0 kmSSMICA 2-D (Disponibilizada) 534,7 kmSSMICA 3-D 1116,8 kmGRAVIMETRIA COMPLETAMAGNETOMETRIA COMPLETA1.4. OBJETIVOSTRAPAS ESTRUTURAIS E MISTASRESERVATRIOSARENITOS DAS FMS. GUA GRANDE,SERGI, CANDEIAS, MARACANGALHA EMARFIM.FLUIDO ESPERADO LEO, E SECUNDARIAMENTE, GS46Figura C-1- Ssmica 2-D Disponibilizada47Tabela C-3- Lista de Linhas Ssmicas 2-DBT-REC-3 Sis 2DEquipe Linha Pt Ini. Pt FinalQuilometragem026 0260294 AT01 0900 19796.157026 0260427 AT01 0900 31 1556.244026 0260465 AT01 09001422.060026 0260492 AT01 09001 1306.404026 0260493 AT01 0900 21 1657.342026 0260494 AT01 09001 310 15.836026 0260496 AT01 09001 1236.124026 0260511 AT01 09001 1959.766026 0260512 AT01 09001804.022026 0260535 AT01 0900 17 1376.021026 0260535 AT01 0900198 2301.627026 0260536 AT01 09001 245 12.236026 0260537 AT01 0900 18 1587.055026 0260541 AT01 0900 76 1744.838026 0260605 AT01 0900123 1722.451026 0260610 AT01 09001412.069026 0260611 AT01 09001321.521026 0260611 AT01 0900 50560.293026 0260613 AT01 09001803.937026 0260735 AT01 0900 70901.011026 0260868 AT01 0900 23512.808026 0260871 AT01 0900105 1252.007026 0261142 AT01 0900179 2161.870026 0261146 AT01 0900342 3982.851026 0261154 AT01 0900 41520.551026 0261155 AT01 0900 41420.048026 0261155 AT01 0900 49992.550026 0261165 AT01 0900234 3475.636026 0261167 AT01 0900289 2970.407026 0261244 AT01 09001 206 10.358026 0261248 AT01 0900376 5367.971026 0261251 AT01 09001 250 12.571026 0261252 AT01 09001261.266026 0261252 AT01 0900140 1540.700026 0261252 AT01 0900156 1801.209026 0261259 AT01 0900334 4263.248026 0261260 AT01 0900401 4913.148026 0261262 AT01 0900 74 1111.310026 0261264 AT01 09001772.785026 0261279 AT01 09001 1125.654026 0261287 AT01 09001 1192.909026 0261335 AT01 09001864.291026 0261337 AT01 0900125 1390.700026 0261354 AT01 0900126 3779.028026 0261430 AT01 09001984.939026 0261431 AT01 0900142 3086.737026 0261431 AT01 0900356 4533.919026 0261433 AT01 0900115 2956.273026 0261436 AT01 0900 40 2769.383026 0261437 AT01 0900 48500.080026 0261437 AT01 0900 65 1935.22048026 0261444 AT01 0900205 2692.277026 0261445 AT01 0900186 2893.652026 0261446 AT01 0900207 2632.247026 0261447 AT01 0900 39 2808.549026 0261448 AT01 0900119 2554.917026 0261449 AT01 0900 48 440 13.867026 0261450 AT01 0900 43 454 14.628026 0261451 AT01 0900 39 367 11.635026 0261452 AT01 0900126 3578.115026 0261453 AT01 0900 60 2596.990026 0261454 AT01 0900 29 412 13.444026 0261455 AT01 09001 296 10.341026 0261456 AT01 0900 54 373 11.225026 0261469 AT01 0900312 4093.444026 0261563 AT01 0900548 5630.376026 0261563 AT01 0900578 6130.874026 0261565 AT01 0900321 4693.703026 0261566 AT01 0900132 3655.815026 0261567 AT01 09001 2466.329026 0261571 AT01 0900 28 2174.783026 0261571 AT01 0900224 2490.641026 0261571 AT01 0900358 3900.818026 0261572 AT01 0900128 2673.484026 0261592 AT01 09001812.812026 0261592 AT01 0900114 3197.227026 0261593 AT01 09001612.120026 0261593 AT01 0900201 2772.660026 0261594 AT01 09001 3147.913026 0261595 AT01 0900 41 2848.547026 0261595 AT01 0900315 4494.711026 0261596 AT01 09001 2095.243026 0261598 AT01 0900 81 1261.118026 0261598 AT01 0900171 2271.423026 0261599 AT01 0900171 2281.418026 0261600 AT01 0900186 3184.630026 0261601 AT01 0900470 5392.394026 0261602 AT01 09001 1073.723026 0261603 AT01 0900394 4933.494026 0261610 AT01 09001421.457026 0261642 AT01 0900259 3080.997026 0261814 AT01 09007 700 17.452026 0261815 AT01 0900 90920.052026 0261815 AT01 0900127 1520.625026 0261815 AT01 0900164 3885.610026 0261816 AT01 09001 2295.800026 0261817 AT01 09001 1864.671026 0261818 AT01 09001 410 10.316026 0261819 AT01 09001 445 11.167026 0261820 AT01 09001 30.051026 0261820 AT01 0900238 3412.598026 0261822 AT01 0900298 4333.412026 0261823 AT01 0900260 3051.121026 0261824 AT01 0900 85 2073.126026 0261824 AT01 0900320 6007.026026 0261825 AT01 0900100 3135.401026 0261825 AT01 0900324 3851.557026 0261825 AT01 0900416 6205.145026 0261828 AT01 0900328 4703.590026 0261882 AT01 0901215 4064.669026 0261884 AT01 0901467 5291.515026 0261886 AT01 0901156 2742.82849026 0261887 AT01 0901162 1990.889227 2270014 AT01 0906196 2000.205227 2270034 AT01 0906173 2061.675227 2270037 AT01 09061160.761- Quilometragem por equipe026: 532.10173227: 2.64122- Quilometragem total:534.7429550Figura C-2- Ssmica 3-D Disponibilizada51Figura C-3- Mapa de Poos52Tabela C-4 Lista de Poos----------------------------------------------------------------------BT-REC-3 Listagem dos Poos Exploratrios 1, 2, 3 e 4---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sigla/PooLatitude Longitude P.F. Sondador 4-AGN-0001-BA -12.30981 -38.31954 1880.0 1-BP-0002-BA -12.34012 -38.38657 2369.1 1-BP-0003-BA -12.35058 -38.38015 1695.8 1-BP-0004-BA -12.33633 -38.38514 2005.0 1-BP-0004D-BA -12.33851 -38.38867 2013.0 1-CAT-0001-BA -12.33456 -38.37281 1834.0 1-FAG-0001-BA -12.38754 -38.41466 2847.0 1-FB-0002-BA -12.32747 -38.40859 1194.4 1-FB-0004-BA -12.32557 -38.40655 2164.0 1-FCF-0001-BA -12.28724 -38.36490 2290.0 1-FCJ-0001-BA -12.30286 -38.34978 2390.0 1-MAR-0001-BA -12.27814 -38.38611 2239.0 1-MF-0001-BA -12.35778 -38.39257 2565.1 4-PC-0013-BA -12.44113 -38.32870 1518.0 1-RIC-0001-BA -12.28929 -38.35881 2440.0 1-RIC-0001D-BA -12.29045 -38.36156 2300.0 1-RSA-0001-BA -12.31238 -38.39061 2551.0 1-RU-0001-BA -12.36304 -38.41890 2515.0 2-SCST-0001-BA -12.42572 -38.36150 1837.0 1-TE-0001-BA -12.40850 -38.41244 1730.0Total: 42377.4 m53Figura C-4 - In Line 4854Figura C-5 - Linha Ssmica XLN - 2951AGNCIA NACIONAL DO PETRLEORECNCAVO BASINGEOLOGICAL SUMMARY20002RECNCAVO BASINGENERAL CONSIDERATIONSThe Recncavo Basin is located in the Northeast Region of Brazil, in the onshorepartofBahiaState,tothenorthoftheCityofSalvador,occupyinganareaof10,200km2 (Fig. 1).It is separated from the Tucano Basin to the north by the Apor High, fromtheCamamuBasintothesouthbyanE-Wtransferzone(BarraFault),andfromthepre-Cambrian basement outcrops to the east and west, by the Salvador and Maragogipefault systems, respectively.Awell(DNPM-163)drilledinLobatoin1939resultedinthefirstpetroleumdiscoveryoftheRecncavoBasin.SuchadiscoveryrepresentsamilestoneofthepetroleumindustryinBrazil.UntilSeptember1997,theexploratoryeffortinthebasinamountedtotheacquisitionof25,183kmof2-Dseismic(CDP),85,6543-Dseismicrecords(correspondingtoapproximately1,200km2)(Fig.2),78,141gravimetricstations,and14,830kmofmagnetics(Fig.3and4),andthedrillingof1,028exploratorywells(Fig.5).Sucheffortledtothediscoveryof86petroleumaccumulations. The main fields are shown in the map of figure 6.3Figure 1 Location Map4Figure 2 Seismic Coverage5Figure 3 Bouguer Map6Figure 4 Total Magnetic Field Map7Figure 5 Exploratory Wells Map8Figure 6 Recncavo Basin oil and gas fields9GEOLOGICAL SUMMARYThe Recncavo Basin, part of the Recncavo-Tucano-Jatob rift system, formedinresponsetothecrustalstretchingprocess,whichresultedinthebreak-upofGondwana.Thebasinhasanasymmetricgrabenconfiguration,NE-SWtrending,withregional dip of the strata to SE and the main depocenters located on the eastern border.Thetectono-sedimentaryevolutionofthebasinmaybedescribedasasuccessionofthree Supersequences (Fig. 7).Duringtheriftphase,theextensionalforcesgaverisetosteepN30Etrendingnormalfaults.Suchfaults,dominantlysynthetic,determinethelimitsbetweenrelativelystable areas (platforms and ramps) and the regional lows with higher subsidence rates.A set of N40W trending faults, interpreted as transfer zones, are also recognized in thestructural framework of the basin. The Mata-CatuandItanagra-Arasfaults,themostimportantofsuchtransferzones,wereusedtodefinethreedistincttectoniccompartments:Northeastern,CentralandSouthern(Fig.8).Thefundamentaltectonicunit consists of a NE-SW -trending half-graben (Fig. 9).ThebasalSupersequencecomprisessedimentsdepositedinanintracratonicsag during the pre-rift stage from the Permian to the early Cretaceous/early Berriasian).ThissupersequenceincludestheshallowmarinedepositsoftheAfligidosFormation,the lacustrine sediments of the Aliana Formation, the fluvial-eolian deposits of the SergiFormation, and the lacustrine strata of the Itaparica Formation. The definition of the riftbasin configuration began during the early Rio da Serra Stage (Valanginian/Berriasian).ThesecondSupersequencecorrespondstotheriftphaseandstartedwiththedeposition of an extensive fluvial system with eolian reworking, which prograded from NtoSandgaverisetotheguaGrandeFormationsediments(earlyBerriasian).Afterwards,increasingsubsidenceratesandanabruptclimaticchangeresultedinthedevelopment of a lake system with anoxic and initially shallow waters represented by thesediments of the Tau Member of the Candeias Formation (Berriasian). The end of thedepositionofsuchmembermarksthebeginningofcrustdisruptionandtheintensetaphrogenesis, which led to the formation of a deep lake system.ThedeeplakesystemwasinitiallyfilledwiththepeliticsedimentsandinterbeddedlimestonesoftheGomoMemberoftheCandeiasFormation.Inthemorerapidlysubsidingareas,frequentturbiditicflowscomingfromNWgaveriseto10sandstonedepositswithintheshalesection.Thesubsequentwideninganddeepeningof the basin was followed by the deposition of the Maracangalha Formation (ValanginiantoearlyAptian),withthickturbiditicsandstonedeposits(CaruauMember)associatedwiththedownthrownblocksofthemajorfaults.Theintenseclasticdepositioninthestructurallowstriggeredtheformationofshalediapirs,whichlasteduntiltheBuricicaStage (Barremian),.TheendoftheRiodaSerraStage(lateValanginian)wascharacterizedbyadecreasingtectonicactivityandlowersubsidencerates.Thelacustrinedespositswereoverlaidbyafluvial-deltaicsystemprogradingfromNW(MarfimFormation),andbyadeltaicsystem(PojucaFormation).Subsequently,thebasinwasfilledwithfluvialsedimentation,likewisecomingfromNW,whichextendedfromtheBuracicaStage(Barremian)untiltheearlyAptianandisrepresentedbythesandstonedepositsoftheSoSebastioFormation.Duringtheentireriftphase,syn-tectonicalluvialfansoftheSalvador Formation were deposited next to the eastern border fault system, interbeddedwith the lacustrine sediments.TheuppermostSupersequencecorrespondstothepost-riftstageandcomprisesthelate Aptian fluvial sediments of the Marizal Formation, and the limited marine deposits ofthe Sabi Formation.11Figure 7 Recncavo Basin stratigraphic chart12Figure 8 Structural framework13Figure 9 Recncavo Basin Schematic geologic cross-section14PETROLEUM SYSTEMIngeneral,geochemicaldatapointtotheexistenceofahighlyeffectivepetroleum system in the Recncavo Basin.Source Rocks - The hydrocarbons were sourced by thelacustrineshalesoftheCandeiasFormation(RiodaSerraage)andmigrationstartedduringtheBuracica/Jiqui age.ReservoirRocks-ThemainreservoirsaretheturbiditicsandstonesoftheCandeias, Maracangalha and Marfim Formations.Migration-migrationoccurredmainlythroughfaults,carrierbedssuchastheonesoftheguaGrandesystemand/ordirectcontactbetweensourceandreservoirrocks.Seals The shales interbedded with the main targets constitute the seals.Traps The trapping mechanism is dominantly stratigraphic, occasionally with astructuralcomponent.Conventionaldomicandmonoclinalstructuresalsoconstitutepotential targets.The most important exploratory plays of the Recncavo Basin are:Pre-rift Supersequence- This play consists of sandstone reservoirs of the SergiandguaGrandeFormationsstructuredinhorstsand/ortiltedblocksassociatedwithmajorfaults,asinthecaseoftheguaGrande,Buracica(relatedtotheMata-Catufault), and Dom Joo (controlled by two large synthetic faults in the western part of thebasin) fields.RiftSupersequence-ThisSupersequenceincludestheplaysoftheCandeiasandIlhassystems.TheCandeiasSystemPlayencompassesstratigraphicandmixedtrapsthathaveacloserelationshipwiththeformationofthereservoirs-lacustrineturbiditic fans of the Candeias Formation. The preferential area of occurrence of such aplay is the eastern portion of main axis of the basin, where intense subsidence led to thedevelopmentofaslopeconfiguration.TheCandeiasandRiachodaBarrafieldsareexamplesofthisplay.Itisworthmentioningthatpetroleumisalsotrappedwithinfractured shales, as in the case of the Candeias field.15TheIlhasSystemPlayischaracterizedbystructural(anticlines),stratigraphicand mixed traps, mostly related to growth faults. The reservoirs are the turbidites of theTaquipe Formation, as for example in the Taquipe, Miranga e Aras fields.COMMENTSThree blocks were selected for Brazil Round 2:BT-REC-1;BT-REC-2 andBT-REC-3TheAnnexesA,BandC(FiguresandTables)presentdetailedinformationabout the blocks. TheirlimitsweredefinedwithSAD-69(SouthAmericanDatum-1969)geographiccoordinates.Inaddition,equivalentAmericanPolyconicprojectioncoordinatesarealsoprovided(AmericanPolyconic;FalseNorth=10,000,000Equator; False East = 5,000,000 C.M. = 54W). See tables A-1, B-1 and C-1.Note:SouthAmericanDatum1969=formerUGGI-67(UnionGeodeticandGeophysical International 1967).16BLOCK BT-REC-1TheBT-REC-1blockislocatedintheNortheasterncompartmentoftheRecncavo Basin, 138 km to the north of the city of Salvador (Fig. A-1 and Table A-1).It has 20 exploratory wells (Fig. A-3 and Table A-4) and 714.6km of 2-D seismic data,ofwhich445.4kmaremigratedandavailableintheinformationpackage(Fig.A-2andTable A-3).Theblockispartoftheareawhoseresultssince1980accountforarelativerenewal of exploration in the Recncavo Basin.One of the investigated plays - turbiditic sandstones of the Candeias Formation,depositedinthedepocenteradjacenttothePatiobafaultandsealedbytheshalesofthe same formation - is represented by the Fazenda Blsamo and Rio do Bu fields. ThepetroleumissourcedbytheCandeiasFormationitself(RiodaSerraage),andthemigration started during the Buracica/Jiqui stages.The Fazenda Alvorada,RiodosOvos,Malomb,FazendaBlsamoandRiodoBu fields are examples of petroleum accumulations found in the block.FiguresA-4andA-5displayonedipandonestrikerepresentative2Dseismiclines from the northern part of the block.17 BLOCK BT-REC-2TheBT-REC-2blockislocatedintheQuiricPlataformregion,CentralcompartmentoftheRecncavoBasin(Fig.A-1andTableB-1).Theinformationpackage provides for this block data from 15 exploratory wells (Fig. B-3 and Table B-4),922.5km of 2-D and 1,768.2km of 3-D seismic data (Fig. B-1 and Fig. B-2,Table B-3).ThemaintargetsoftheblockarethesandstonesoftheSergi,guaGrande,MaracangalhaandMarfimFormations.ThemostsignificantpetroleumaccumulationsinternallytotheblockaretheFazendaBoaEsperana,Aras,BomLugar,FazendaOna, and Riacho Quiric fields.Thepartialinterpretationofa3-Dseismicsurveyontheblockallowedtherecognitionofatleastoneexploratoryopportunity:adomicstructureontheinline35/crossline 282, where the gua Grande sandstones are the main targets and the Sergi,Candeias, Maracangalha and Marfim sandstones, the secondary ones (Fig. B-4).18BLOCK BT-REC-3TheBT-REC-3blockislocatedintheMata-Catu-Buracicastructuraltrend,Quiric Platform region, central compartment of the Recncavo Basin, where there areseveral petroleum accumulations including the gua Grande and Buracica fields, two ofthe seven largest accumulations of the basin (Fig. A-1 and Table C-1).The information package provides data and information from 20 exploratory wells(Fig.C-3andTableC-4),930kmof2-Dseismic,1,101.7kmof3-Dseismic(Fig.C-1and Fig. C-2, Table C-3), and gravimetric and magnetic surveys.ThemaintargetsintheblockarethereservoirsoftheSergi,guaGrande,Candeias,MaracangalhaandMarfimFormations,instructuralandmixedtraps.Theexpected fluid is mainly oil, and secondly, associated gas.The main petroleum system in the block is theGomo-Sergi,representedbythePojuca,guaGrande,Santana,FazendaRioBrancoandFazendaPanelasfields.Accordingtothispetroleumsystemmodel,thehydrocarbonsgeneratedbytheCandeiasFormationintheCamaariLow,totheeast,havereachedtheblockareathroughthemajorfaultsystems,speciallytheMata-Catu,FazendaLimoeiroandRioCatu faults.Figures C-4 and C-5 display 3D seismic lines representatives of this block.19RECNCAVO BASIN ReferencesCAIXETA,J.M.,BUENO,G.V.,MAGNAVITA,L.P.,FEIJ,F.J.CartaEstratigrficadaBaciadoRecncavo.In:BoletimdeGeocinciasdaPetrobrsno1,janeiro-maro/94.FIGUEIREDO,A.M.F.etal.RecncavoBasin,Brazil:AProlificIntracontinentalRiftBasin. In: Interior Rift Basins.AAPG Memoir 59, 157-203.MILANI,E.J.,I.DAVISON,1988,BasementControlandTransferTectonicsinRecncavo-Tucano-JatobRift,NortheastBrazil.In:Tectonophysics,v.154,p.40-70.NETTO,A.S.T.,OLIVEIRA,J.J.,1985,OPreenchimentodoRiftValleynaBaciadoRecncavo. In: Revista Brasileira de Geocincias, v. 15, p. 97-102.SZATMARI,P.,MILANI,E.J.,LANA,M.C.,CONCEIO,J.C.L.,LOBO,R.P.,1985,HowSouthAtlanticRiftingAffectsBrazilianOilReservesDistributions.In:Oil&Gas Journal, v. 83, p. 107-113.VIANA, C.F., CAROZI, A.V., ARAUJO, M.B., CESERO, P., FONSECA, J.R., DA SILVA,V.J.L.,1971,RevisoEstratigrficaNasBaciasdoRecncavoeTucano.In:Boletim Tcnico da Petrobras, v. 4, p. 157-192.PETROBRAS.BaciasSedimentaresBrasileiras,1997,ConjuntodeTextoseFigurasDisponibilizadas para a ANP. Uso Restrito.UNIVERSIDADEFEDERALDABAHIABaciaPotiguar/Cear,RelatriodeIntegrao, CONTRATO ANP/UFBa, 1998. Relatrio Restrito.20ANNEX A - BLOCK BT-REC-1Figure A-1 Reconcavo Basin Blocks21Table A-1 - Block BT-REC-1 Coordinates+ BT-REC-1** Pt Latitude LongitudeNorth Coord. East Coord.*1 11 42 30.000 S37 52 30.000 W 8654990.396756971.402 11 450.000 S37 52 30.000 W 8650212.766756701.133 11 450.000 S37 56 15.000 W 8650602.246749899.634 1200.000 S37 56 15.000 W 8621946.246748264.855 1200.000 S37 52 30.000 W 8621548.976755059.686 11 565.625 S37 52 30.000 W 8629013.176755490.427 11 565.625 S37 52 39.375 W 8629029.676755207.238 11 55 56.250 S37 52 39.375 W 8629328.246755224.409 11 55 56.250 S37 53 26.250 W 8629410.686753808.44 10 11 55 18.750 S37 53 26.250 W 8630604.896753877.06 11 11 55 18.750 S37 53 16.875 W 8630588.426754160.26 12 11 559.375 S37 53 16.875 W 8630886.986754177.41 13 11 559.375 S37 537.500 W 8630870.516754460.62 14 11 550.000 S37 537.500 W 8631169.076754477.77 15 11 550.000 S37 52 58.125 W 8631152.606754760.98 16 11 54 50.625 S37 52 58.125 W 8631451.176754778.12 17 11 54 50.625 S37 52 48.750 W 8631434.706755061.3422 18 11 54 41.250 S37 52 48.750 W 8631733.276755078.48 19 11 54 41.250 S37 52 39.375 W 8631716.816755361.70 20 11 54 13.125 S37 52 39.375 W 8632612.536755413.12 21 11 54 13.125 S37 52 30.000 W 8632596.076755696.35 22 11 543.750 S37 52 30.000 W 8632894.646755713.49 23 11 543.750 S37 52 20.625 W 8632878.196755996.71 24 11 53 54.375 S37 52 20.625 W 8633176.776756013.85 25 11 53 54.375 S37 52 11.250 W 8633160.316756297.08 26 11 53 45.000 S37 52 11.250 W 8633458.906756314.21 27 11 53 45.000 S37 521.875 W 8633442.446756597.45 28 11 53 35.625 S37 521.875 W 8633741.036756614.58 29 11 53 35.625 S37 51 52.500 W 8633724.576756897.82 30 11 53 26.250 S37 51 52.500 W 8634023.176756914.95 31 11 53 26.250 S37 51 43.125 W 8634006.716757198.19 32 11 537.500 S37 51 43.125 W 8634603.906757232.45 33 11 537.500 S37 521.875 W 8634636.806756665.96 34 11 52 20.625 S37 521.875 W 8636129.756756751.53 35 11 52 20.625 S37 51 52.500 W 8636113.326757034.79 36 11 52 11.250 S37 51 52.500 W 8636411.926757051.89 37 11 52 11.250 S37 51 43.125 W 8636395.496757335.15 38 11 521.875 S37 51 43.125 W 8636694.096757352.25 39 11 521.875 S37 51 33.750 W 8636677.666757635.52 40 11 51 52.500 S37 51 33.750 W 8636976.266757652.62 41 11 51 52.500 S37 51 24.375 W 8636959.846757935.89 42 11 51 33.750 S37 51 24.375 W 8637557.056757970.09 43 11 51 33.750 S37 50 46.875 W 8637491.356759103.18 44 11 50 18.750 S37 50 46.875 W 8639880.336759239.92 45 11 50 18.750 S37 49 31.875 W 8639749.016761506.28 46 11 49 41.250 S37 49 31.875 W 8640943.626761574.65 47 11 49 41.250 S37 49 13.125 W 8640910.796762141.26 48 11 49 31.875 S37 49 13.125 W 8641209.456762158.35 49 11 49 31.875 S37 493.750 W 8641193.036762441.66 50 11 49 22.500 S37 493.750 W 8641491.696762458.75 51 11 49 22.500 S37 48 54.375 W 8641475.286762742.06 52 11 49 13.125 S37 48 54.375 W 8641773.956762759.15 53 11 49 13.125 S37 48 45.000 W 8641757.536763042.46 54 11 42 30.000 S37 48 45.000 W 8654600.716763773.921 11 42 30.000 S37 52 30.000 W 8654990.396756971.40** Perimeter: 98.770 (Km)* Plane Area: 304.490 (Km2)* Corrected Area: 293.296 (Km2)*+ ExcluSion Area 1** Pt # Latitude LongitudeNorth Coord. East Coord.* 55 11 47 30.000 S37 500.000 W 8645173.876760963.47 56 11 47 39.375 S37 500.000 W 8644875.226760946.44 57 11 47 39.375 S37 509.375 W 8644891.586760663.10 58 11 47 48.750 S37 509.375 W 8644592.936760646.07 59 11 47 48.750 S37 50 46.875 W 8644658.356759512.71 60 11 487.500 S37 50 46.875 W 8644061.096759478.66 61 11 487.500 S37 515.625 W 8644093.806758911.99 62 11 48 35.625 S37 515.625 W 8643197.946758860.91 63 11 48 35.625 S37 52 11.250 W 8643312.406756877.62 64 11 48 45.000 S37 52 11.250 W 8643013.816756860.61 65 11 48 45.000 S37 52 20.625 W 8643030.156756577.28 66 11 49 22.500 S37 52 20.625 W 8641835.786756509.20 67 11 49 22.500 S37 52 11.250 W 8641819.426756792.5123 68 11 49 31.875 S37 52 11.250 W 8641520.836756775.48 69 11 49 31.875 S37 51 52.500 W 8641488.096757342.10 70 11 49 41.250 S37 51 52.500 W 8641189.496757325.06 71 11 49 41.250 S37 51 15.000 W 8641123.986758458.29 72 11 49 31.875 S37 51 15.000 W 8641422.606758475.34 73 11 49 31.875 S37 515.625 W 8641406.226758758.65 74 11 493.750 S37 515.625 W 8642302.086758809.80 75 11 493.750 S37 50 28.125 W 8642236.576759943.07 76 11 48 54.375 S37 50 28.125 W 8642535.206759960.12 77 11 48 54.375 S37 50 18.750 W 8642518.826760243.44 78 11 48 35.625 S37 50 18.750 W 8643116.106760277.54 79 11 48 35.625 S37 49 31.875 W 8643034.196761694.17 80 11 48 16.875 S37 49 31.875 W 8643631.506761728.29 81 11 48 16.875 S37 49 22.500 W 8643615.126762011.62 82 11 487.500 S37 49 22.500 W 8643913.786762028.67 83 11 487.500 S37 49 13.125 W 8643897.406762312.01 84 11 47 39.375 S37 49 13.125 W 8644793.396762363.16 85 11 47 39.375 S37 49 22.500 W 8644809.766762079.81 86 11 47 30.000 S37 49 22.500 W 8645108.426762096.85 55 11 47 30.000 S37 500.000 W 8645173.876760963.47** Perimeter: 19.727 (Km)* Plane Area:10.611 (Km2)* Corrected Area:10.219 (Km2)*+ Exclusion Area 2** Pt # Latitude LongitudeNorth Coord. East Coord.* 87 11 52 48.750 S37 53 54.375 W 8635431.036753301.19 88 11 54 41.250 S37 53 54.375 W 8631848.466753095.97 89 11 54 41.250 S37 53 16.875 W 8631782.656754228.84 90 11 54 22.500 S37 53 16.875 W 8632379.776754263.10 91 11 54 22.500 S37 537.500 W 8632363.326754546.32 92 11 54 13.125 S37 537.500 W 8632661.896754563.45 93 11 54 13.125 S37 52 48.750 W 8632628.986755129.90 94 11 52 48.750 S37 52 48.750 W 8635316.136755283.95 87 11 52 48.750 S37 53 54.375 W 8635431.036753301.19** Perimeter :11.149 (Km)* Plane Area: 6.448 (Km2)* Corrected Area: 6.212 (Km2)** TOTALS** Plane Area: 287.431 (Km2)* Corrected Area: 276.865 (Km2)*----------------------------------------------------------------------------24Table A-2 - BT-REC-1 Block Description1.1. BLOCKDESIGNATIONBT-REC-1AREA276.8 km21.2. LOCATIONBASIN RECNCAVOSTATEBAHIABATHYMETRYONSHORE BLOCK1.3. PHYSICAL WORK ALREADY COMPLETEDNUMBER OF EXPLORATION WELLS20METRES DRILLED26,490.3 m2D SEISMIC (Existing) 714.6 km2D SEISMIC (Available) 445.4 km3D SEISIMIC-GRAVITY COMPLETEMAGNETICS COMPLETE1.4. OBJECTIVESTRAPS STRATIGRAPHIC/MIXEDRESERVOIRS CANDEIA FM. SANDSEXPECTED FLUIDS OIL ANDASSOCIATED GAS25Figure A-2- Available 2D Seismic lines26Table A-3 2D Seismic lines listBT-REC-1Crew Line1st Sht.Last ShtExtension (km)026 0260152 AT01 0900 72 1063.421026 0260267 AT01 09001646.395026 0260269 AT01 0900 95 1263.166026 0260388 AT01 09001 1859.475026 0260389 AT01 09001 1608.227026 0260393 AT01 09001 1226.049026 0260680 AT01 0900562 765 10.362026 0260685 AT01 0900 92 1251.647026 0260688 AT01 0900190 530 17.142026 0260691 AT01 0900158 2203.125026 0260692 AT01 0900 55 1052.557026 0260700 AT01 0900566 7499.344026 0260814 AT01 0900339 4238.604026 0260822 AT01 09001201.914026 0260823 AT01 09001242.308026 0260919 AT01 0900149 2525.179026 0260923 AT01 0900 84 1503.357026 0260929 AT01 09001 1366.829026 0260931 AT01 0900 20 1456.412026 0261009 AT01 0900123 370 12.505026 0261010 AT01 0900 95 2266.687026 0261014 AT01 09001562.813026 0261015 AT01 0900 97 1844.368026 0261016 AT01 09001271.305026 0261016 AT01 0900 51690.906026 0261019 AT01 0900 45 2339.472026 0261022 AT01 09001 232 11.735026 0261023 AT01 0900 91940.157026 0261023 AT01 0900 97 1191.131026 0261025 AT01 0900 74 1584.249026 0261028 AT01 09001 1195.913026 0261199 AT01 0900 68 276 10.563026 0261203 AT01 0900180 2011.067026 0261204 AT01 09001 1396.896026 0261205 AT01 0900 20 527 13.084026 0261208 AT01 09001 3859.672026 0261210 AT01 09001 223 11.313026 0261212 AT01 0900139 1601.060026 0261213 AT01 0900 31 230 10.064026 0261214 AT01 0900 33 2209.564026 0261215 AT01 09001824.111026 0261216 AT01 09001934.662026 0261216 AT01 0900101 1030.103026 0261216 AT01 0900108 1130.253026 0261216 AT01 0900115 1421.369026 0261216 AT01 0900151 1520.050026 0261216 AT01 0900158 1620.202026 0261216 AT01 0900165 1750.504026 0261217 AT01 09001 2065.149026 0261218 AT01 09001 2837.177026 0261222 AT01 09001 512 12.923026 0261223 AT01 0900329 5976.816026 0261225 AT01 0900291 5245.97927026 0261230 AT01 09001783.933026 0261323 AT01 09001 1463.676026 0261328 AT01 0900151 4016.402026 0261329 AT01 09001 2536.406026 0261330 AT01 09001 2055.234026 0261384 AT01 0900 10 1949.352026 0261385 AT01 0900500 5100.349026 0261387 AT01 0900211 2611.784026 0261479 AT01 09001 3809.712026 0261480 AT01 09001 300 10.645026 0261481 AT01 09001 2827.133026 0261482 AT01 09001 1884.729026 0261582 AT01 0900326 4854.013026 0261584 AT01 0900338 5455.252026 0261585 AT01 0900399 4701.781026 0261587 AT01 09001 1182.901026 0261588 AT01 09001 1403.526026 0261646 AT01 09001 2776.998026 0261650 AT01 09001 4604.604026 0261712 AT01 09001 730 11.138026 0261713 AT01 09001 4737.145026 0261714 AT01 09001 5328.087026 0261715 AT01 09001 5709.198026 0261716 AT01 09001 599 12.089- Cumulative line extension per crew (km):026: 445.42122- Total cumulative line extension:445.4212228Figure A-3- Map of exploratory wells drilled29Table A-4 Exploratory wells list----------------------------------------------------------------------BT-REC-1 Listagem dos Poos Exploratrios 1, 2, 3 e 4----------------------------------------------------------------------Well NameLatitude Longitude Driller M.D.1-ATM-0001-BA -11.76877 -37.86775778.01-ATM-0002-BA -11.76091 -37.86432939.01-BGR-0001-BA -11.84309 -37.89985700.01-BGR-0002-BA -11.84467 -37.90827471.01-CRO-0001-BA -11.92893 -37.91931 2174.34-FAV-0087-BA -11.78784 -37.82194888.04-FAV-0116-BA -11.79336 -37.81508933.04-FAV-0119-BA -11.82490 -37.88735561.01-FCR-0001-BA -11.89912 -37.91063 1470.01-FIT-0001-BA -11.77638 -37.85656 1273.01-FL-0001-BA-11.85965 -37.86664 1968.01-FL-0002-BA-11.85155 -37.85437 1965.01-FMG-0001-BA -11.78104 -37.87741636.01-FSB-0001-BA -11.79234 -37.86180 1359.01-FTB-0001-BA -11.74564 -37.84912440.01-MLL-0002-BA -11.91154 -37.88146 1440.01-PLM-0001-BA -11.90121 -37.93376 1354.03-RI-0018-BA-11.83474 -37.82890 1840.03-ROV-0004-BA -11.87131 -37.86605 1641.01-VIN-0001-BA -11.95067 -37.92126 3660.0Total:26490.3 m30Figure A-4 Seismic line 026 -122231Figure A-5 Seismic line 026 -100932ANNEX B - BLOCK BT-REC-2Table B-1 -Block BT-REC-2 Coordinates+ BT-REC-2** Pt # Latitude LongitudeNorth Coord. East Coord.*1 127 30,000 S38 18 45,000 W 8609993,776706684,152 12 17 30,000 S38 18 45,000 W 8590923,416705591,603 12 17 30,000 S38 150,000 W 8590526,546712379,044 12 150,000 S38 150,000 W 8595295,266712654,705 12 150,000 S38 11 15,000 W 8594898,086719443,196 12 10 56,250 S38 11 15,000 W 8602649,496719891,037 12 10 56,250 S38 11 43,125 W 8602698,976719042,248 12 10 18,750 S38 11 43,125 W 8603891,486719110,889 12 10 18,750 S38 13 35,625 W 8604088,986715715,57 10 127 30,000 S38 13 35,625 W 8609454,626716023,1333 11 127 30,000 S38 18 45,000 W 8609993,776706684,15*Perimeter: 65,417 (km)* Plane Area: 203,547 (km2)* Corrected Area: 196,416 (km2)*+ Exclusion Area** Pt # Latitude LongitudeNorth Coord. East Coord. 12 12 13 35,625 S38 165,625 W 8598093,046710829,17 13 12 14 50,625 S38 165,625 W 8595708,836710691,88 14 12 14 50,625 S38 15 56,250 W 8595692,336710974,74 15 12 15 46,875 S38 15 56,250 W 8593904,176710871,61 16 12 15 46,875 S38 159,375 W 8593821,556712285,81 17 12 143,750 S38 159,375 W 8597100,046712474,96 18 12 143,750 S38 15 28,125 W 8597133,036711909,21 19 12 13 35,625 S38 15 28,125 W 8598027,156711960,70 20 12 13 35,625 S38 165,625 W 8598093,046710829,17*Perimeter: 11,759 (km)* Plane Area: 6,090 (km2)* Corrected Area: 5,877 (km2)** TOTALS** Plane Area: 197,457 (km2)* Corrected Area: 190,539 (km2)*----------------------------------------------------------------------------34Table B-2 - Block Description BT-REC-21.1. BLOCKDESIGNATIONBT-REC-2AREA184.50 km21.2. LOCATIONBASIN RECNCAVOSTATEBAHIABATHYMETRYONSHORE BLOCK1.3. PHYSICAL WORK ALREADY COMPLETEDNUMBER OF EXPLORATION WELLS15METRES DRILLED40,396.5 m2D SEISMIC (Existing) 922.5 km2D SEISMIC (Available) 433.8 km3D SEISMIC2,053.4GRAVITY COMPLETEMAGNETICS COMPLETE1.4. OBJECTIVESTRAPSSTRUCTURAL, STRATIGRAPHIC ANDMIXEDRESERVOIRSPRE-RIFT GUA GRANDE AND SERGIFMS, CARUAU SANDS OF THE RIFT.SECONDLY POJUCA AND MARFIM FM.SANDS.EXPECTED FLUIDS OIL AND GAS35Figure B-1- Available 2D Seismic lines36Table B-3 - 2D Seismic lines listBT-REC-2 Sis 2DCrew Line1st Sht.Last ShtExtension (km)026 0260189 AT01 09001111.001026 0260373 AT01 09001 60.241026 0260532 AT01 0900238 2601.093026 0260641 AT01 0900225 3727.392026 0260646 AT01 0900 16 1396.203026 0260647 AT01 09001 217 10.914026 0260734 AT01 0900 19 1255.330026 0260736 AT01 09001 1095.355026 0261163 AT01 0900156 444 14.595026 0261165 AT01 0900177 2332.815026 0261173 AT01 0900 44 257 10.682026 0261174 AT01 09001 1185.847026 0261177 AT01 09001 1306.577026 0261404 AT01 0900 80 2385.519026 0261405 AT01 0900 57830.900026 0261405 AT01 0900174 3837.383026 0261406 AT01 0900264 3442.821026 0261409 AT01 0900224 3456.120026 0261410 AT01 09001 395 13.814026 0261414 AT01 0900 80 2094.453026 0261414 AT01 0900224 4849.156026 0261415 AT01 0900100 3448.660026 0261418 AT01 09001 1996.921026 0261419 AT01 09001 2579.031026 0261420 AT01 09001 344 12.120026 0261421 AT01 0900334 5387.279026 0261422 AT01 0900350 4804.607026 0261437 AT01 0900195 3074.562026 0261854 AT01 09011 1313.929026 0261956 AT01 0901272 4104.167026 0261962 AT01 09011 2778.306026 0261963 AT01 0901103 1461.299026 0261971 AT01 0901 80 3367.775227 2270006 AT01 0906193 535 17.437227 2270007 AT01 0906 78 350 13.752227 2270009 AT01 0906124 2003.830227 2270012 AT01 0906112 1411.464227 2270014 AT01 09061 1899.512227 2270015 AT01 0906 80 322 12.347227 2270016 AT01 0906121 2426.118227 2270020 AT01 09061824.109227 2270020 AT01 0906133 1922.970227 2270021 AT01 0906166 2705.199227 2270022 AT01 09061 1014.986026 0260649 AT01 09001 1366.724026 0260154 AT01 09001656.472026 0260659 AT01 0900158 2504.600026 0260732 AT01 09001 212 10.588026 0260738 AT01 09001 1206.078026 0261164 AT01 0900121 342 11.323026 0261171 AT01 09001 1356.697026 0261172 AT01 09001 1497.417026 0261176 AT01 09001 1497.542026 0261412 AT01 0900151 3648.51137026 0261416 AT01 09001 372 13.023026 0261417 AT01 09001 334 11.690026 0261463 AT01 09001 417 12.543026 0261966 AT01 0901165 3545.807227 2270013 AT01 09061 1266.293227 2270018 AT01 0906 75 2378.063227 2270019 AT01 0906505 6648.012026 0261958 AT01 0901172 2973.825- Cumulative line extension per crew (km):026: 329.70547227: 104.09355- Total cumulative line extension (km):433.7990238Figure B-2- Available 3D Seismic surveys39Figure B-3- Map of exploratory wells drilled40Table B-4 Exploratory wells list----------------------------------------------------------------------BT-REC-2 Listagem dos Poos Exploratrios 1, 2, 3 e 4----------------------------------------------------------------------Well Name Latitude Longitude Driller M.D.1-BL-0001-BA -12.19396-38.228973329.13-BL-0002-BA -12.19966-38.231752656.03-BL-0003-BA -12.19019-38.221013238.53-BL-0005-BA -12.19066-38.239432969.01-BLO-0001-BA -12.18338 -38.25461 2251.03-FO-0002-BA -12.26179 -38.27410 2412.63-FO-0006-BA -12.24675 -38.25055 2800.04-FOL-0001-BA -12.23848 -38.23017 3336.01-GR-0001-BA -12.18426 -38.20080 1662.01-LO-0001-BA -12.14803 -38.27939 2200.01-PU-0001-BA -12.22569 -38.23175 2555.01-QO-0001-BA -12.20484 -38.29200 2768.01-RCA-0001-BA -12.21959 -38.24935 2532.01-RQ-0001-BA -12.18299 -38.21153 3348.31-SG-0002-BA -12.15189 -38.23767 2339.0Total: 40396.5 m41 Figure B-4 - Inline 3542 ANNEX C - BLOCK BT-REC-3Table C-1 - Block BT-REC-3 Coordinates+ BT-REC-3** Pt # Latitude LongitudeNorth Coord. East Coord.*1 12 150.000 S38 24 50.625 W 8596330.386694834.472 12 15 18.750 S38 24 50.625 W 8595734.696694800.433 12 15 18.750 S38 24 31.875 W 8595701.996695366.154 12 15 56.250 S38 24 31.875 W 8594510.606695298.025 12 15 56.250 S38 24 13.125 W 8594477.866695863.726 12 16 33.750 S38 24 13.125 W 8593286.456695795.517 12 16 33.750 S38 23 54.375 W 8593253.676696361.188 12 17 11.250 S38 23 54.375 W 8592062.246696292.889 12 17 11.250 S38 23 35.625 W 8592029.426696858.53 10 12 17 48.750 S38 23 35.625 W 8590837.986696790.16 11 12 17 48.750 S38 23 16.875 W 8590805.126697355.78 12 12 18 35.625 S38 23 16.875 W 8589315.796697270.20 13 12 18 35.625 S38 23 35.625 W 8589348.676696704.61 14 12 18 54.375 S38 23 35.625 W 8588752.966696670.37 15 12 18 54.375 S38 24 31.875 W 8588851.596694973.63 16 12 19 13.125 S38 24 31.875 W 8588255.926694939.40 17 12 19 13.125 S38 259.375 W 8588321.656693808.2643 18 12 19 31.875 S38 259.375 W 8587726.006693774.05 19 12 19 31.875 S38 25 46.875 W 8587791.716692642.93 20 12 19 50.625 S38 25 46.875 W 8587196.096692608.73 21 12 19 50.625 S38 26 15.000 W 8587245.366691760.40 22 12 250.000 S38 26 15.000 W 8577418.126691194.32 23 12 250.000 S38 22 30.000 W 8577020.656697978.49 24 12 27 30.000 S38 22 30.000 W 8572254.826697701.48 25 12 27 30.000 S38 19 50.625 W 8571971.436702506.06 26 12 27 20.625 S38 19 50.625 W 8572269.356702523.45 27 12 27 20.625 S38 19 13.125 W 8572202.566703653.94 28 12 27 30.000 S38 19 13.125 W 8571904.636703636.54 29 12 27 30.000 S38 18 45.000 W 8571854.516704484.40 30 12 25 46.875 S38 18 45.000 W 8575131.876704675.74 31 12 25 46.875 S38 19 31.875 W 8575215.226703262.47 32 12 25 56.250 S38 19 31.875 W 8574917.296703245.11 33 12 25 56.250 S38 19 50.625 W 8574950.626702679.81 34 12 26 15.000 S38 19 50.625 W 8574354.786702645.09 35 12 26 15.000 S38 215.625 W 8574488.036700383.92 36 12 265.625 S38 215.625 W 8574785.926700401.26 37 12 265.625 S38 21 15.000 W 8574802.566700118.61 38 12 25 46.875 S38 21 15.000 W 8575398.346700153.27 39 12 25 46.875 S38 21 24.375 W 8575414.986699870.62 40 12 259.375 S38 21 24.375 W 8576606.536699939.88 41 12 259.375 S38 215.625 W 8576573.296700505.22 42 12 250.000 S38 215.625 W 8576871.196700522.53 43 12 250.000 S38 21 52.500 W 8576954.256699109.18 44 12 24 50.625 S38 21 52.500 W 8577252.136699126.47 45 12 24 50.625 S38 221.875 W 8577268.736698843.80 46 12 24 31.875 S38 221.875 W 8577864.496698878.37 47 12 24 31.875 S38 22 11.250 W 8577881.086698595.69 48 12 24 22.500 S38 22 11.250 W 8578178.966698612.97 49 12 24 22.500 S38 23 26.250 W 8578311.566696351.49 50 12 23 54.375 S38 23 26.250 W 8579205.116696403.24 51 12 23 54.375 S38 22 39.375 W 8579122.306697816.70 52 12 22 48.750 S38 22 39.375 W 8581207.386697937.42 53 12 22 48.750 S38 22 20.625 W 8581174.286698502.84 54 12 20 37.500 S38 22 20.625 W 8585344.586698743.83 55 12 20 37.500 S38 22 11.250 W 8585328.076699026.59 56 12 20 18.750 S38 22 11.250 W 8585923.846699060.96 57 12 20 18.750 S38 209.375 W 8585709.086702736.85 58 12 200.000 S38 209.375 W 8586304.946702771.29 59 12 200.000 S38 19 22.500 W 8586222.256704185.11 60 12 19 50.625 S38 19 22.500 W 8586520.196704202.34 61 12 19 50.625 S38 19 13.125 W 8586503.656704485.11 62 12 19 22.500 S38 19 13.125 W 8587397.496704536.79 63 12 19 22.500 S38 18 45.000 W 8587347.886705385.12 64 12 150.000 S38 18 45.000 W 8595690.866705866.11 65 12 150.000 S38 24 50.625 W 8596330.386694834.47** Perimeter:101.107 (Km)* Plane Area: 184.404 (Km2)* Corrected Area: 178.047 (Km2)*+ Exclusion Area 1** Pt # Latitude LongitudeNorth Coord. East Coord.* 66 12 19 41.250 S38 24 31.875 W 8587362.406694888.04 67 12 19 50.625 S38 24 31.875 W 8587064.576694870.92 68 12 19 50.625 S38 24 50.625 W 8587097.466694305.3744 69 12 200.000 S38 24 50.625 W 8586799.636694288.25 70 12 200.000 S38 250.000 W 8586816.086694005.48 71 12 209.375 S38 250.000 W 8586518.256693988.35 72 12 209.375 S38 259.375 W 8586534.706693705.58 73 12 20 46.875 S38 259.375 W 8585343.416693637.06 74 12 20 46.875 S38 23 45.000 W 8585195.166696181.86 75 12 19 50.625 S38 23 45.000 W 8586982.286696284.78 76 12 19 50.625 S38 23 54.375 W 8586998.746696002.01 77 12 19 41.250 S38 23 54.375 W 8587296.596696019.15 66 12 19 41.250 S38 24 31.875 W 8587362.406694888.04** Perimeter:9.275 (Km)* Plane Area: 4.648 (Km2)* Corrected Area: 4.488 (Km2)** TOTALS** Plane Area: 179.757 (Km2)* Corrected Area: 173.559 (Km2)*----------------------------------------------------------------------------45Table C-2 - BT-REC-3 Block Description1.1. BLOCKDESIGNATIONBT-REC-3AREA177.39 km21.2. LOCATIONBASIN RECNCAVOSTATEBAHIABATHYMETRYONSHORE BLOCK1.3. PHYSICAL WORK ALREADY COMPLETEDNUMBER OF EXPLORATION WELLS20METRES DRILLED42,377.4 m2D SEISMIC (Existing) 930.0 km2D SEISMIC (Available) 534.7 km3D SEISMIC1,116.8GRAVITY COMPLETEMAGNETICS COMPLETE1.4. OBJECTIVESTRAPS STRUCTURAL AND MIXEDRESERVOIRSGUA GRANDE, SERGI, CANDEIAS,MARACANGALHA AND MARFIM SANDS.EXPECTED FLUIDS OIL AND SECONDLY, GAS.46Figure C-1- Available 2D Seismic lines47Table C-3- 2D Seismic lines listBT-REC-3 Sis 2DCrew Line1st Sht.Last ShtExtension (km)026 0260294 AT01 0900 19796.157026 0260427 AT01 0900 31 1556.244026 0260465 AT01 09001422.060026 0260492 AT01 09001 1306.404026 0260493 AT01 0900 21 1657.342026 0260494 AT01 09001 310 15.836026 0260496 AT01 09001 1236.124026 0260511 AT01 09001 1959.766026 0260512 AT01 09001804.022026 0260535 AT01 0900 17 1376.021026 0260535 AT01 0900198 2301.627026 0260536 AT01 09001 245 12.236026 0260537 AT01 0900 18 1587.055026 0260541 AT01 0900 76 1744.838026 0260605 AT01 0900123 1722.451026 0260610 AT01 09001412.069026 0260611 AT01 09001321.521026 0260611 AT01 0900 50560.293026 0260613 AT01 09001803.937026 0260735 AT01 0900 70901.011026 0260868 AT01 0900 23512.808026 0260871 AT01 0900105 1252.007026 0261142 AT01 0900179 2161.870026 0261146 AT01 0900342 3982.851026 0261154 AT01 0900 41520.551026 0261155 AT01 0900 41420.048026 0261155 AT01 0900 49992.550026 0261165 AT01 0900234 3475.636026 0261167 AT01 0900289 2970.407026 0261244 AT01 09001 206 10.358026 0261248 AT01 0900376 5367.971026 0261251 AT01 09001 250 12.571026 0261252 AT01 09001261.266026 0261252 AT01 0900140 1540.700026 0261252 AT01 0900156 1801.209026 0261259 AT01 0900334 4263.248026 0261260 AT01 0900401 4913.148026 0261262 AT01 0900 74 1111.310026 0261264 AT01 09001772.785026 0261279 AT01 09001 1125.654026 0261287 AT01 09001 1192.909026 0261335 AT01 09001864.291026 0261337 AT01 0900125 1390.700026 0261354 AT01 0900126 3779.028026 0261430 AT01 09001984.939026 0261431 AT01 0900142 3086.737026 0261431 AT01 0900356 4533.919026 0261433 AT01 0900115 2956.273026 0261436 AT01 0900 40 2769.383026 0261437 AT01 0900 48500.08048026 0261437 AT01 0900 65 1935.220026 0261444 AT01 0900205 2692.277026 0261445 AT01 0900186 2893.652026 0261446 AT01 0900207 2632.247026 0261447 AT01 0900 39 2808.549026 0261448 AT01 0900119 2554.917026 0261449 AT01 0900 48 440 13.867026 0261450 AT01 0900 43 454 14.628026 0261451 AT01 0900 39 367 11.635026 0261452 AT01 0900126 3578.115026 0261453 AT01 0900 60 2596.990026 0261454 AT01 0900 29 412 13.444026 0261455 AT01 09001 296 10.341026 0261456 AT01 0900 54 373 11.225026 0261469 AT01 0900312 4093.444026 0261563 AT01 0900548 5630.376026 0261563 AT01 0900578 6130.874026 0261565 AT01 0900321 4693.703026 0261566 AT01 0900132 3655.815026 0261567 AT01 09001 2466.329026 0261571 AT01 0900 28 2174.783026 0261571 AT01 0900224 2490.641026 0261571 AT01 0900358 3900.818026 0261572 AT01 0900128 2673.484026 0261592 AT01 09001812.812026 0261592 AT01 0900114 3197.227026 0261593 AT01 09001612.120026 0261593 AT01 0900201 2772.660026 0261594 AT01 09001 3147.913026 0261595 AT01 0900 41 2848.547026 0261595 AT01 0900315 4494.711026 0261596 AT01 09001 2095.243026 0261598 AT01 0900 81 1261.118026 0261598 AT01 0900171 2271.423026 0261599 AT01 0900171 2281.418026 0261600 AT01 0900186 3184.630026 0261601 AT01 0900470 5392.394026 0261602 AT01 09001 1073.723026 0261603 AT01 0900394 4933.494026 0261610 AT01 09001421.457026 0261642 AT01 0900259 3080.997026 0261814 AT01 09007 700 17.452026 0261815 AT01 0900 90920.052026 0261815 AT01 0900127 1520.625026 0261815 AT01 0900164 3885.610026 0261816 AT01 09001 2295.800026 0261817 AT01 09001 1864.671026 0261818 AT01 09001 410 10.316026 0261819 AT01 09001 445 11.167026 0261820 AT01 09001 30.051026 0261820 AT01 0900238 3412.598026 0261822 AT01 0900298 4333.412026 0261823 AT01 0900260 3051.121026 0261824 AT01 0900 85 2073.126026 0261824 AT01 0900320 6007.026026 0261825 AT01 0900100 3135.401026 0261825 AT01 0900324 3851.557026 0261825 AT01 0900416 6205.145026 0261828 AT01 0900328 4703.590026 0261882 AT01 0901215 4064.669026 0261884 AT01 0901467 5291.51549026 0261886 AT01 0901156 2742.828026 0261887 AT01 0901162 1990.889227 2270014 AT01 0906196 2000.205227 2270034 AT01 0906173 2061.675227 2270037 AT01 09061160.761- Cumulative line extension per crew (km):026: 532.10173227: 2.64122- Total cumulative line extension (km):534.7429550Figure C-2- Available 3D Seismic surveys51Figure C-3- Map of exploratory wells drilled52Table C-4 Exploratory wells list----------------------------------------------------------------------BT-REC-3 Listagem dos Poos Exploratrios 1, 2, 3 e 4---------------------------------------------------------------------- Well Name Latitude Longitude Driller M.D.4-AGN-0001-BA -12.30981 -38.31954 1880.0 1-BP-0002-BA -12.34012 -38.38657 2369.1 1-BP-0003-BA -12.35058 -38.38015 1695.8 1-BP-0004-BA -12.33633 -38.38514 2005.0 1-BP-0004D-BA -12.33851 -38.38867 2013.0 1-CAT-0001-BA -12.33456 -38.37281 1834.0 1-FAG-0001-BA -12.38754 -38.41466 2847.0 1-FB-0002-BA -12.32747 -38.40859 1194.4 1-FB-0004-BA -12.32557 -38.40655 2164.0 1-FCF-0001-BA -12.28724 -38.36490 2290.0 1-FCJ-0001-BA -12.30286 -38.34978 2390.0 1-MAR-0001-BA -12.27814 -38.38611 2239.0 1-MF-0001-BA -12.35778 -38.39257 2565.1 4-PC-0013-BA -12.44113 -38.32870 1518.0 1-RIC-0001-BA -12.28929 -38.35881 2440.0 1-RIC-0001D-BA -12.29045 -38.36156 2300.0 1-RSA-0001-BA -12.31238 -38.39061 2551.0 1-RU-0001-BA -12.36304 -38.41890 2515.0 2-SCST-0001-BA -12.42572 -38.36150 1837.0 1-TE-0001-BA -12.40850 -38.41244 1730.0Total: 42377.4 m53Figure C-4 - InLine 4854Figure C-5 Crossline - 295CARTA ESTRATIGRFICA DA BACIA DO RECNCAVOJ.M.CAIXETA, 1993RECNCAVO BASIN STRATIGRAPHIC CHART+BRASIL0 20km1013 S12 30'S38 30'WNOCEANO ATLNTICO SALVADORBacia do Recncavo+ + + ++ + + + ++ + + ++ + + + ++ + + + ++ + + + ++ ++ ++++++ ++ ++ + ++ ++ + ++ ++ + ++ + ++ + ++ + +++++++++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + + ++ + + + ++ + ++ +++ + +++ + + +++ + +++ + ++ ++ ++ + + + + ++ ++ + + ++ +++ ++ + + + + + + + ++ ++ ++++++++ + ++ +++++++++++++ + ++++ + ++++++++++010km10000m2000300040005000600070008000m+ ++ +++ + ++ ++ ++++ ++ + ++ + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ + + + + +0 2 4 6 8 10kmNW SEALTO DE DOM JOO DOM JOO HIGHBAIXO DE CAMAARIPLATAFORMA DE SO DOMINGOS Campo de Dom JooCampo de CexisLocalizao da seoFm. SoSebastioFm. SalvadorFm. PojucaFm. TaquipeMb. PitangaFm. Maracangalha Fm. Candeias - Mb. GomoFm. Candeias - Mb.Tau Fm. guaGrandeFm. ItaparicaFm. SergiFm. Aliana Fm. AfligidosEmbasamento+ + +Legenda Legenda Localizao da seoRECNCAVO BASIN SCHEMATIC CROSS-SECTIONSEO GEOLGICA ESQUEMTICA DA BACIA DO RECNCAVOSO DOMINGOS PLATFORMCAMAARI LOWCexis FieldDom Joo FieldModificadodePenteado, (1999)Modified from Penteado, (1999)