TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

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Page 1: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

~ ~




~ ~ ~ ~


Sixth of the Ag::" Woman's Home. ~

OCTOBER, 1889. ~ ~

, ill TORONTO: : :


L~i=7i=7F7i=7;:@r=:J El£::-=:!G1EE1c= .. ~-::~~~Ji!

Page 2: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley




Sixth of the Aged Woman's Home.

OOTOBER, 1889.




Page 3: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley


Henernry l'18ltln~ Members:







l'r('nsllrer :

~,·cl·,·'ar.\· :

:\!J:.;. E\\,AKT.

'"i!'4iting .-byslt"inns:

I )1;. HI:ITTII~. DH. ;\rll"KE~~]I ]ll:. l'LA1'I'.

('olillniU.'.' :

\11:,. TELFER, \l.I, . \' It' .11:. H. E. ('1,.\1:"1':.

I'; 1:\ ,



P.I'\'I LLI I.

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UI:1"I:Y, \ It- L.II H 1..1'>,

:\1 I:..;. H I"H MILLEI{,


A . .JEFl'·REY,

CLAPP, ( )(;"E:\,

T . .I:i. LliLL,

,\1 J.';, (:ttEW, HtJlH;:--;4J:'\,

\r J{,. El>WARlI BtiLL,

(', 'YEKIULE 'Y AT,"". l\kCALLDI.

(· ... IIIDIU .. c un .' .. lIIillall.·.· ,,, .'lI:e" "'''lIIan's Hom,':

;\1 H."; .• IIIR:\ KEltU, H. E. ('I.\HKF.

Ht:RO:\ .

2:3;) .J arvis Stretlt. 549 ,Jarvis Street.

Cor. isabella and Church Sts .

• Since this report has been prepared for publication we have to record tht ~eath or our esteemed first Directress, MI'!!. Dunlop. '

Page 4: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley





As the year rolls on, the time COntI'S when WP, as ~Tan­agers of the "Industrial Rf>fuge and Agpd \Voman s Home," must be prepared to gin' all account to our friends alld the public. of the work done in these Institu­tions. As usual, they will find it an un varnished and truthful one, though we fpar many Dlay be disappointed with the record, telling, as it will of diminished numbers, yet of these though fewer, much that is satisfactory. And we would gratefully acknowledge the goodness ot our Heavenly Father, who, notwithstanding our many failures to lead hack,-those seeking the protection of the Refuge­to honest, industrious, Christian live~, still permits us to carryon the work, under circumstances of comparative free­dom from pecuniary difficulties, which sadly hamper the work of many othel' chariti('s. and that too without the public being heavily burdened, and we are also satisfied

Page 5: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

THJIll'l'-!'ilXTIl .\":-'T.\1, 1t}~I'OK'L

that the plan we Ita ve hithel·to pursued with regard to this class of women, is one we need not he,itate to defend, as that best calculated to result in a real and lasting reforma­tion.

Though the number admitted during the year, added to

the twenty remaining on the 30th September, 1881;, makes the total only forty-eight, by far the smallest number ever taken care of in the Refuge, yet the average all the year round, is almost the same as last year when the total reached sixty-four. This means that those who did avail themselves of the protection of the Refuge, remained for a longer' period, and, as the result of work done hy them shows, they must have been hoth faithful and industrious. The sum realized hom their work being rather more than last year, :t;1,;)ili.:18 as against ~1,558.53. This, we think, ilhows most conclusively, that those who do remain in the Refuge, are truly greatful that such a home is provided for theru and prove it in this tangible manner, doing what they can to help meet the expenses of the Institution. But. it is certainly discouraging to us to have a home capahle of comfortably accommodating fifty women all the year round and to find only twenty-two availing themseh-es of it.

Of those !eitYing the Refugf' during the year nine went to Hel'vice, four to their friends, one died, one to the Gen­eral Hospital and eighteen insisted on going out before the timp of probation had expired, in some casf'S being only a few weeks in the Refuge.

'j The diminished numbers call, we think, be accounted for in this way, not, we al'e sorry to say. hecause there are

Page 6: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

'l'H I It'l'Y , SIXTH \~XI'.\1. Ht:t'oRT, ,. fpwer needing the restraints of such a home, but frolll tIll'

.increased and increasing nUlllber of such I'efuges provided for that class in Toronto, and the system now generally pursued for their reformation, entailing a. considerable amount of entertainment fOt, them and consequent freedom; 'and at the same time an absence of any lengthened period 'of probation, previous to tinding places for thew, as s('r­vants. This system w(' are decidedly averse to enter on Rnd the consequence is, that few come to the Hefllgf'. and as can easily be undel'stood, that is particularly the ('ase with the younger portion of that class.

'\lrs. Spence assisted by hel' daughter, is still OUI' mnch valued Matron; they like onrselves, regret the ~mall nUIII'

bel' taking advantage of the Refuge, but they are ulJI'emit­ting in their attention to the comfort and care of the ill' 'mates and exert a very ben'eficial influence o\'er thos" who remain any lpngth of tillle.

W e de~ire to very heartily thank Dr. Bl'ittoll and Dr. Moore, for their \'aluable medical services. And we feel very grateful to many clergymen and to the students of Wycliffe and Knox Colleges, as well as to many ladies who have devoted much time and kind attention to the religiou;; l:Iervices in these homes and for reading to and teaching the inmates on the Sabbath, and also for a very pleasant enter­tainment gil'en hy them, during the Chl'istmas holidays.

We also thank Dudley and Burns for printing ",,, .. \Il nual Report at a greatly reduced rate.

The other dep!l.rtment of our WOt'k, the" Aged \\' oman',<

Page 7: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley


Home," has ta.ken care of twenty women during the year. Not quite so many as last, year, hut there have been fewer changes and only one death, therefore the average is about the same.

Of these, five were over eighty-three years of age and thirteen over seventy-three. The one who passed away in her eighty-sixth year, was a truly Christian widow; another was transferred to the "Home for Incurables," and tw~ were removed by their friends.

We have found the addition we made to the Home last year is a great improvement as it has prevented undue crowding, and enahled us to remove any seriously ill, from too close proximity to the others. We are contemplating further changes, for we are particularly anxious to make these old and feeble women as comfortable and happy as is possible, where there are so many different dispositions and temperaments to contend with, SOlUe being naturally bright, happy and contented, while others are .. n,sily depressed, are sensitive, and inclined to look on th" dark side.

Miss Lee is still the :\latr()ll, and is very faithful to what she considers the best interests of th"l inmates and the Horne, being particularly careful that everything in it is clean and orderly.

Our thanks are a.gain due and are· heartily given, to Dr. Olapp, our kind medical .attendan t. 'Ve would also ao­knowledge the very kind services of the young ladies of the "Flower Mission," not only in bringing flowers regulMly to

Page 8: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley


both homes, hut by many kind words and Christnlas cards, besides reading to and singing for the inmates. They and a.ll others who t.hus bear 011 their hearts the aged alld in­firm, the weak and erring, ha\-e the great comfort of know­ing that all is open to the eye of Him who never forgets His followers and who will return into their own bosoms a hundred fold, the comfort and sympathy so lovingly be­stowed on others.

Page 9: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DONATIONS From Sept. 30th, 1888, to Sept. 30th, 1889 .

Co/h"f,d /Iy .\1".,. 1.lllllop and .11,'.,. R. l!iilwH.

P.lake, Lash & Cassels .. ~~O 00 Da \'idson, Hay & Co. . . .. lO 00 A. T. Fulton 10 00 ~mith '" Fudger. . .. .... 10 00 (;eorge Gooderham..... 10 00 Canadian Rubber ('0. (.J.

H. Walker, :\Ianager). .j 00 \Y. :\IcMaster, Darling &

('OJ .•• ....•••....... ;3 00 Northrop, Lyman Co'y.

(Limited). . . . . .'i 00 Howland, ~on & Co. . . .. .i 00 Ogih'y, Alexander &

Anderson .......... . \Y illiam Elliott ....... . Smith Keighley .. . Frank ~llJith.. . .. . .. . Hloan & Crowther. .... . Perkins, lnce & Co .... . \Van'en Bros. & Boomer. John :\IcDonald ....... . ~Iichie & Co ........... . A. \'. DeLaporte. Oun, \Viman & ('0 Tyrrian Bro~. & Co .... . C. P. Reid & Co ........ . Ceo. L. Beardmore .... .. The Shedden Co ....... .


.i 00

.j 00

.j 00

.i 00

.i 00 .j 00 :,00 .) 00 .i 00 .j 00 .j 00 :,00 .) 00 .i 00

• Robert Hay. . . . . . . . .. . $.) 00 The late Ed. Hobson..... 5 00 E. T. Hobson. . . 5 00 G illespie, Ansley & Martin 5 00 Darling, Cockshutt & Co. 5 00 Kilgour Bros.. . .j 00 G. Goulding & ~on. . . . . . .j 00 A. A. Allen & Co....... .j 00 Beatty,Chadwick, mack·

stock & Galt..... . . .. 5 00 ~Iulock, Tilt, Miller &

Co.......... ........ .j 00 W. Mulock... . .. .. 5 00 W. H. Howland.... . 5 00 Eby, Blain & ('0... ..... .) 00 \Yyld, Darling & Grasett .j ()()

Kamson, Kennedy & ('0. 5 00 Cooper, Hmith & Co. .. . .j 00 E. R. C. Clarkson. . . . . .. 5 00 U. McLean... ......... .i 00 C. Parsons & Co ....... , -1 00 R. Dunbar...... ....... :~ 00 E. Hooper.... . . .. .... .. 3 ()() \Y. D. Mathews :! 00 J. Leckie. . ........... 2 ()(J R. & T. \Vatsoll . . :! 00 D. Coulson.. ......... :! 00 R. Hunter. .... ...... :l 00 .J as. Scott.. ........... 2 00 W .. \. Murray & Co :! 00 The Gray, Harrold :\Ifg.

Co............ ...... 200 A Friend..... .. .. .. .. .. . :.! 00

Page 10: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

Philip Jacobi ... J. E. Ellis &: Co...... . Lee & Chillis. . ....... . H. P. Dwight ...... . F. ~. Roper ........ . Jas. R. Kenny.. ... . Barber, Ellis &. ('t, J. H. Rogers .......... . D. 'Yo Alexander. Uordon & Sampson ..... . \Y. Cooke ... ' ..... . \Y. C. Hammond. Whitt> & White. R. X. Gooch ....... . A. S. In'ing ........... . J. Fisken ............ . Adam Myers ......... . Agnes Lyster .......... . J. W. Elliott .. J. Goodhall ... U. H. Wilson .. J. Mouison ..... . G. "'. Yarker Nicol Kingsmill H. :.;, Strathy. J. D. Oli\'er ... \\'. Grind I" y . Mrs. Gilmor·. . ... .

.. Freelan<l...... . .. . A. Midgley,.

\Y. B. Hamilton. H .. l. Nelson & ,-';on, Robt. "'alker & :';ons. • John Catto ........ . H. & C. Blachford L. Gibb. A Friend ...... . Buntin, Reed &. Co., Plio'

pel' for Reports.,. . .. Allcock, Laight & Wood.

:"~ 00 200 2 00 '2 00 " 00 '2 00 '2 00 2 00 '2 00 ,) 00 "00 '2 00 '2 00 '2 00 2 00 1 Oil 1 00 I 00 100 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 1 Oil ~ 00 ~OO 2 00 I Oil

;:;.", (HJ Ii 00

III 00 ~ 00 ~ Oil '2 00 700

10 00 4 00

)-lS 00

(;olle('/"I by J/,·,<. E/I'(/I·/.

E. _'< C. (;nrney ... . ... :');:,00 M iss Michie. . . . . . . . . . '2 00 ~Irs. Kay.... . ~ 00

Craig. . . . 2 (HJ

Rogers.. . . .. .... 1 00 Webster I 00 Hugh ~Iacdonald.. '2 00

~liss Harris, per ~Irs. Richardson. . . . . . . . . .. '2 1111

;::17 00

:';1'1:,< tAL FOR A. \Y. H"~IE.

E. C. Uurney ;::.') 00

Colledul &I{ .II,".,. Jf,)/·/, III' " ·e/(u/.-.

\Ym. }lortimer ('lark. ~Irs. Topp ... , .. )Iiss Gordon ...... .

. ;310 00 10 00 ]() 00 10 Oil 10 00 10 00 10 00

Donald :Mackay ....... . \Y. R. Brock & Co .. I'rompton Corset ( '0 ..

C.:-:. Gzowski(Lieut.·( '(1) ,Yo J. I ;age . H. A. ~ elsoll & :';un. .lgnes Dick ............ . )lc(;aw & \Yinnett .... . \Valker House .... Li\'ingston, .Johnston &.

Co .............. . J as. Robinson .\ Co. John ~lcArthur H. E. Clark ......... T. A. Heintzman Darling &. Curry.

;; 00 :i 00 :) 1111 ., 00 .. 1111

:i 110 .J 00 ;; 00 ;) 00 .) 00 .J 00

Page 11: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley


Douglas Bros ......... . i'. Crane & Co ......... . Mrs. G. M. Hawke .... . G. S. ~) .............. . Henry Beatty. .. . ..... . Mrs .. John McMurrich .. Cha.rle~ Boeck & flon .. Friend ........... , .. . Nicholls &. Howland ... . Lowden, Paton & Co. '" Lailey, Watson'" Co .. . Rolph, Smith , .... Co ..... . H. 0 .................•• Buy,1 Brob. & Co ....... . Kerr, Bull & Duggan ... . Mrs. McGaw ........ . Crean & Houston ...... . P. M. Clark ........... . Keith & Fitzsimmons J. Berkley"';mith ..... . John J. Gartshore ..... . Alexander & Cable .. i'aunderson Pearcey ... . C. R. Peterkin ........ . Mrs. Arthur Godson ... . R. ;'1. \Yells ..... .. ... J. \Y. (;801" .......•..•. Mrs. (,watkin .. Miss <'watkin ......... . Mrs. H. Campbell ..... . Mre. D. J. MclJonnell .. Mrs. T. Todd ......... . J. E. Bryant & Co ..... . Warwick & i'uD ....... . R. Phelp .............. . ( . Sheppard ............ . Angus :Vlathesoll ....... . \Y. B. ~te",art ........ . Bertram & Co ......... . R. J. Score ........... . Stockwell, Henderson &

Co .... '" .......... . ,\In. Coleman ......... . Johnson &. Larmour .... . J. Berwick ............ . M. Baldwin ........... . J. J, Kirk ............. .

$5 00 500 5 00 500 500 5 00 3 00 200 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 " 00 .J 00 200 2 00 200 2 00 200 2 00 2 00 200 200 ., 00 200 200 100 100 100 1 00 1 00 100 100 100 1 00 1 eo 100 100 1 00

100 100 100 100 100 1 00

(;. B. Wadsworth ...... . E. Gebers ............ . Mrs. Strachan ......... . Mrs. Cottrel .......... . R. Saunders .......... .. Geo. Hague .......... . W. R. Callaway ....... . Thos. G. Rice ......... . James Morrison ........ . James "Vilson ......... . \Y. Dixon ............. . W. D. Grant.... . .. . A Friend .............. . T. Bell ............... . Elliott &; Son....... . .. J. E. Leslie ........... . .\lr8 ...... James ........ . '\Irs. Hammond ....... . Mrs. Flemming ....... .. R. 'V ................. . Henry Lindsay ........ . ,Yo Burns ............. . N. Withers ..... . W. G. Q ....... ..

$1 00 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 00 100 100 100 100 100 100

.'iO 50 50 25 25

$239 00

Coilee/I'd by JIi"" Hodgson.


John Kay, Son &; Co Elias Rogers. . ....... . Bacon & Reid .. J. C. Smith ........... . Neil C. Love & Co ..... . J. McIlroy, jr ........ .. Kent Bros ............. . A. G. Wa.tson ......... . H. A. Collins ......... .. .\1. 1+. Watson ......... . .\Jrs. D. Wa.lker ....... . Mrs. R. H. Lear ....... . T. Belton ............. . .J. Ovens ........ . .John young .......... ..

$500 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 I 00 100 100 200

50 50 50

Page 12: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley


)Irs S. J. Dixon ....... . John McGinnis ........ . James Pape .......... . 2 Friends, each 25c ..... .

$Ow 50 25 50

$23 2~)

Coll~cled by Jlrs. Clapp.


A Client of John Stark & Co... ... $;')0 00

J. M. Kerr...... .... . .) 00 Jones Bros. & Mackenzie 5 00 John Stark &; Co........ 4 00 J. M. Mason.. .. .. .. . 2 00 C. Gzowski ......... ' .. 2 00 Aikenhead & Crombie.... 2 00 Matthews Bros. . 2 00 Carswell & Co . . . . . 2 00 A. Rutherford.......... 2 00 A. J. Close. . . .. . . . . . . .. 2 00 J. M. Lugsdin.......... 1 00 W. Maclean.... ... .... 1 00 E. Morphy. ........... 1 00 Ryrie Bros . . . . . . . . .. " 1 00 A. J. ~lason 2 00


Collected by Mrs. Hugh Mil/er.


J. D. Nasmith .......... $1;-,00 Rice Lewis & Son. . . . . .. 5 00 J. W. G. Whitney... . .• 5 00 Th08. Thompson & Son. 5 00 John L. Blaikie.. .... ... 5 00 Mrs. Henry Rowsell.. .. 4 00 Delamere, Reesor & Eng-

lish .. .. ......... 4 00 J. C. Hamilton... ..... 2 00 Langley & Burke. . . . . . .. 2 00 J. K. Macdona.ld.. . . 2 00

Brown Bros .... Rowsell & Hutchinson .. W. H. Pearson ........ . Fred Mowat .. . J. L. SCjl.rth .. . Peter MeDonald. James Mason .......... . The Freehold Loan &

~'ht\'ings Co ... w. J. ~Iacdonald. JamesCiunn ..... Rev. W m. Briggs .. .John Eastwoood .... J. \Yhatmough .. \Y. Barclay McMurrich .. Wm.Rennie .. George Keith ..... \Ym Kerr. Wm. R. Gregg .... H. H. Williams .. Geo. Banks ...... ' \Yalter S. Lee. A. \V. Creelman ... G. M. Rae ... \V. Lount. Friend .. . Friend .... . J. F. ~IcC. Friend .



~2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 I 00

1 00 1 00 1 00 100 I 00 I Of) 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 1 00

50 25

$79 ;:,

Richard Donald .......... $3 00

Collectul by Jh·s. Ewart.


Mrs. James Lesslie ...... $10 00 " Ueo. Gooderham. .. 5 00

Wm. G. Gooderham 5 00 Wm. Christie...... . . .. 5 00 The Steele Bros. en ;) 00 J. &. J. Taylor.......... 3 00 Mrs. Albert Gooderham. 3 00

Page 13: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

1:2 SFBSl'RIPTH)S~ \SIl \.OSATIO"'-s.

Mrs. Sanson .......... . .. .J ames Park ...... .

Geo. Cockburn .. . Ewart ............ .

Firstbrook Bros Mrs. Sinclair .... .

McClelland ....... . Ross.. ......... .. G. Hodgins ....... . J. R. Lee ... .

W. J. "'hitten & Co Swan Bros ..... .

Mrs (,,,,llmne, for A. ,,,.

$2 00 ') 00 2 00 . ) 00 :2 Oil

1 00 1 no 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 I 00

Home.... ..$ 1 00

Colle!'!"l by Jh·,. John Duggan.

iJISTRlC'T :'\,). S.

;"11'8. Beardmore .. .. Jacques ... .

'>11'. Cook ......... . :\Irs. E. Baldwin., ..

J. Duggan ........ . T. R. Fisken .. Strathy ....

" (j. H. Bertram .... . \\' alche .. , ...... ' .. Ogden ........... .

" Cayley ......... . F. Cayley .. " .... ..

" J. Da\-idson ...... . Dr. Grafton.. . ....... . :\1 rs. "-. A. Olipha.nt .. .

" Ledley Duggan ......... .

:'Ill's. K~harles B. Grasett.. Dd.lton '>IcCarthy ..

" C. E. Ryerson .... . Monk .......... .

$:5 00 5 00 3 00 .) 00 2 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 on 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 110

DI'. Hunt ........... . '>11'. ;"!ara .. . :\lrs J. Kay ..... .

.. Mac Donnell . " H. Mortimer ...... .

Chresla ........... . " H. H. Moorehouse .. " Scott.... . ....... . " Ferguson.... . ... . " L. Derman ..... . " Lonard .......... . " Long ...... .

'>11'. A. L. P. Genereau .. " D. Blatchford .... .. " U. W. Mass ....... .

A Friend ........... . '>1 rs. Brouse ........... . Can. '>1. M ............ . '\lrs. Charles Parsons. ..

" :'IIcCuliough ....... . " Houston Murray ... . " W. H. Sheppard .. .

A Friend .. '\Irs. Murray Miss Bollard. lIlr. Clare .... III rs )lcHaffy .. :'Ill'. Gamsby ..... . Mrs. Smythe ......... .

" Merreth ......... . 11 r. Carrack ........... . :\Irs. Reid ... . :\1 r. Partridge W. H. Xash. G. E. Harris A Chemist. .J. Bonley .... A Stranger. A Friend.. . ........ . J. R. Cuthet . A Friend ..... Mrs. H. Brouse ..... lIIrs. G. F. Sharp .. A Friend ........... .

$1 00 100 100 100 1 00

.'i0 50 .50 .'i0 50 50 50 fiO 50 50 50 .')0 .;0

1 00 25 ." .).)

2.) 2.i ::!j

25 25 25 25 2 .. 3 ~i .~,j

:!3 25 2') 25 25 25 ::!;j

2.1 2,)

25 50 50 50 50

Page 14: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

Sl'B,;~'!{II'TI'}N,' .\~I' DO~.\Tl')~,. 1" .. ~lrs. Earls .... . T. H. Noble ..... . Mrs. Haggart .. A Friend .......

" Mrs. Henderson .. Miss Francis ........ . ~-\ Friend ..... .

$0 ~ :,?) :!.) 10 10 10 10 10 6

l3.'-l -ll Buller Brothers, I pair

soft shoes • J 0 hn Millon, I pr of boots :31 00

Collected by "If rs. C" t'a n. DISTRICT No. 9.

Page & Page ... Carsley & Co .. G. & J. )[urray. )1. Eaton ..... Geo. Maclean. P. Jamieson .... . Geo. P. Sharer ... . D. Sutherland .. : . J. G. Adams ... Mrs. J. Fleming A Friend R. Merryfield . R. Bilton .... . Ash ........ . A Husband .. . H. Thompson. )lrs. Peal. .... . E. Potts ..... . )Ir. Woods .. . 4 Friends 10 cents each .. A Friend ....... .


L. Thompson ..... . J. H. Shearn. . .. . ... ' B. Fletcher ....

s:! 00 :! 00 1 00 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 I on 1 00 100 1 00

50 .'i0 50 :!.5 2;3 2.) 25 Z.) 40 50

$16 6.'i

:so 50 1 00 1 00

$:! 50

Collecled by J/i« (;I'"i".

DISTRICT No. 10. :\Ir". O'Keefe .....

" Mulholland. " "tewart. " \Yinn .. " Brock ... . " Hale .. . " Telfer .. .

B. Chapman .. H. Stone ..... W. D. ;\Iclntosh. )Irs. Higgins .... .

" R. Carrie ... . " T. Pugsley .. . " Snelgrove .. ,' " Inglis,., ."

R. A. Reeve. " J.;\1. Ree,'e .. , " Mills .... " Palmer, .. ,

A. \Y. "'right.,." .\Irs .. McFarlane, Dr \Y. ,T. Wagner. :\Irs Caven Dr. J. R. Wilmott :\11'8, J, Rogers., .\Iiss Fulton. , .. ' Dr. Rosebrugh. ,\1 I", Caswell,. , Miss Stewart. Le Roy Hooker ... Mrs, Blain. .. ..'

" E. l'. Jones A FrielHI, '\Irs. W. H. B. AitkellS .\1iss Stewart.

" (~reig. .\Irs. Shortree,j"

" Turner ..... ,. C. H. Dunning .... ,. :\Irs. Cavanagh .. , . W. C. Murray, ' '\Ir. Pierce" .' :\1 rs, Lester .... Dr. \Y orkman .. , . ,

$:! OP :! 00 2 00 :! 00 2 00 :! 00 2 011 I 00 1 00 I 011 I 011 1 00 1 0(0 I 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 I 1)1)

I 00 I 00 1 011

I 00 1 1)11

I 00 100 I 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00

50 ;'ill 50 50 ;~)

100 I 00

Page 15: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

14 SUBSCRIPTI.,,,,,, .~Xf) T,n".\TIOXs.

A Friend ............. . H. Guest Collins .. :'Ill'. Kent .. " U \Y. Dunn ... :: Bickey .. ..

Torrance .. . .. Irwin ... . " Beatty ... .

R. Ba.gley ... · ......... . A. J. Stewart ..... . T. Hoskin ............. . ~liss L. ~Iurray ........ . :'II. \\' alton .. . !lIr,. Stark ...... . " Rennie ....... .

:'II. Campbell... . .. . :'Ilrs. Henderson ... .

. , Brooke ......... . " Jarvis ... .

A Friend ... .

Wm. Arnall . Henry Slight ... Armana ... R Green .. Lily Evans :'I1iss Milla.r ........... . E.c ;.l\1. ............... . :'Ill's. Humphrey ....... . .J. '\fclntosh ........... . E & :'II.J ... . Fred Fnerst .. . John Dixon .......... . .\Irs. Chinn. .. . ....... . \\'. E Foster ......... . A. Spiers ............. . C. Stuttaford .......... . }oIl's. Bee .............. . A . .\I.E. ............... . Mrs. Sanderson. . . .. . .. .

" Fletcher ........... . " Picken ............ .

>i Friends,25 cents each .. 11 Sums under 25 cents.

$1 00 :jf)

50 50 .~f)

50 .')0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 ;30 50 50 .30 50 4.j :{.)

25 25 2[) 25 2;")

2;3 :!.j 25 2.3 2.) 25 25 :!;)

2,1 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

2 00 1 05

$68 10


Mr. McCormack, 21b8 tea ~Irs. Sawdon, 6 plates. .\Iiss Stevens, hats. Mr. Wordley, meat ..... $ 1 00 W. N. Guest, meat .. . J. E. Pitts, meat....... 50 H. ~Iorris, mea.t. . . . . . . . 1 00 :'1\ r. Howarth, drugs.. 2 00

Collected by Nr8. N. Og"-".

DI~TRICT No. 11 .

~h·s. Hodgins (In Me· moriam) ............ .

\\rs. H. Stayner...... . .Ja.mes Campi;ell .. .

u John Leys ....... . MeBean .......... . F. J. Stewart ..... . Gurney ........ .

u Ogden ......... . The Misses Carty ... . Miss Ross ........... . l;. Goulding .......... . Withrow & Hillock .... . :'IIrs. Clark ..... .

L. Gordon ....... . Ritchie ........... . Carlyle.. . . ... . .. Galt... . ...... . H. l\1. Parsons ....• J. 1. Reid ....... . MacAgy ....... " Torrington .... .

" Cuthbertson . . .. . .J. Hillock ........ . Vernoy .......... . E. Burke ......... . A. Kent ..... . E. Fisher ..... .

$500 400 200 200 200 2 00 '2 00 200 200 2 00 2 00 2 00 100 1 00 100 100 100 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 100 100 100 100

Page 16: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

~rB~CRIl'Tll'~' A:"II DONATI,,:".-.

Mrs. ~. Bailey ....... . " Clarkson ......... . " J. S. London " A. Smith ......... .

N. C. :\lathews. " McMurchy .....

Miss Thompson .. .. E. A. Dickson Smith ............ .

Mr. A. Smith .... . Rev. 13. D. Thoma~ :'Ilr. R. Sears. . . . . .. . .. :\lrs. Turner ..... .

" )1. Foster. ....... . F. Hillock ... .

.~l 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00

50 50 50

$5i 50

Cnllerl,,{ hy J/,.,. Howi".

fI',TRlt 'T ~'" 12.

)Ir~. Robert (~ooderhalll ,. W. Elliot ..... . ., Howitt " Usborne " Arthur Baldwin

C. H. (;reene. E. Stafford .. Young .......... . \Vest ........ .

" Clyne. " ;,Jd~ee

Mr. Flavelle .. ' .... . D. Gunn ........ . A. \\'. ;,IcLachlan .

" J. J. Cleland, ..... . Mrs. White ....... .

" J. Thompson .. " Stewart.

Fleming ......... . Austen .... . Elliott ...•.....

" A. J. Schotield .

~:i 00 2 00 ~ 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 100 I 00 1 00 100 100 1 00

.'i0 50 50 50 50 fjO ;'(1 50

)11' •. Woodside ......... ' $0 50 \". H. Dudley. ;;0 Jas. Dudley. 50 J. Shoridan ...... .

Five Friends, '25c. each .. :\In. Jackes .... A Friend )lrs .• ;ilfc.y

$25 50 "p""i'l: to :\. \Y. HOllie

:'I Irs. \\'. Elliot ...... $2 00

C'aflre!, d by .llr' .• 'lfd'mke7l.

llW[1< It'T l:l.

)1 r. Perkins :'II i" '" ilson . )liss Worthington Lady \\'ilson. :\Irs. Hoyle, ..... . :'II rs. \\' arrick ... . :\frs. :\IcCraken .. :\1 rs. Eager .... :\1rs. (~eo. :\lacdonald .... Peter Chri,tie :\liss )IcLean ... . :\Irs. Davidson ........ .

A. R. Christie .. . Lee ... \Y. J. :'Iil':'Iiaster .. \Yanless Cattanach ........ . Langmuir .. ;,IcArthur ....... . Phips ......... . Harris .. Thompson. ;,lainwaring .. Davis .... W. G. Wallace .. Innes ....... .

$Ii on 4 00 2 00 2 00 :2 00 ~ 00 2 00

-I no I 00 1 00 100 I 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 100 100 1 00

50 50 50 50 50

Page 17: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

Mrs. T. M. Charlton ... . A Friend ......... . ~I\'s. A. ;'lowat ... . Tyson Mitchel .......... . Bannerman ....... .

" Gourlay .......... . Two Friends ... . Mrs. Cormack .. .

Mrs. A. H. Campbell .. . F. J. Phillips ..... . Laidlaw ........ . Bunting .......... . ll. B. O~ler ....... . C. Parsons ....... . Elwood ......... . Worthington ..... . H. Thorne. R. H. Beatty .... . Hector Cameron .. . 'Yardrop ......... .

" J. Riordon .... . Castle ......... .

" Cowan .......... .. Loudon ...... .. (~. H. Watson. H. ,Yo Nelson. !>leLaren ..... .

Miss Mickle. . .... . 1\Irs. Jeffrey ..

.. J. Bertram ...... .. B. Walker .. ..

i\libs "eott.. . ........ . Mrs. (~. Brown ...... .

Horton ,,, alker ... . ;"Iowat ... Irving ,,, alker. ..

E. &. C. (4urney ..

$0 ;;0 50 50 50 30 25 25 50 10

$3 00 100 2 00 100 200 I 00 I 00 2 00 1 00 2 (H)

I (10 I 00 I no 1 00

.50 50

1 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 (H)

1 00 1 I H) I (H)

I 00 I 00 4 Of)

2 00 6 i5

~Irs. ~treet ............. $1 00

$46 i.-,

DI;;TRICT KD. 14, (2~v Dln­


Chief Justice Hagarty .. Mrs. D. Creighton ..... .

" Maclennan ...... . Armstrong ....... . H. G. Baldwin .. . (Dr.) A. A. Mac·

donald ............. . )lr8. Y. E. Mitchell .. .

" .J ohn Burns ....... . Biggar .......... ..

Cash .................. . )1rs. A. Pattullo ....... .

E. Crickmore ... :. T. Eaton ........ . J. D. Wagner .... . Ferguson ...

" .James L. Hughes .. Irving .......... . F. Le 1'1. Grasett .. . (~. A. Walton .... . T. Jennings ..... . W. A. Hunter. .. . Langlois .. J. Eaton ......... . .Jones. Small ...... . Thomas Mara .. W. '''ilson ....... . .J. E. Brighan. 11. A. Dobie ...... .

Hargreaves Bros A Friend ............... ' )Irs. )lcMaster. ...... -.. A Friend ............. . ~frs. r.raham .......... .

Bryce ..

:):1 (J()

2 ()(I

2 00 I 00 1 ()(I

100 1 ()() I ()() 1 00 1 Oil I 00 1 on 1 on 1 DO 1 00 1 ()(f 1 ()() 1 ()() 1 ()() 1 (H)

1 00 1 ()() 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 100

50 .'if) 50 511 .311 liO ,j()


Page 18: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

,,"BS('RfPTlflNS A:- II ,,,,:- ATl""'~.

Miss :-ikal .... ~hs. Fortier ..

.. Clark .......... . lIr. H-.............. . Mrs. Gourlay ....... .

.• Wade ........... . V. Armstrong .... . Lanceley ..

.. Aac ......... . :'II. A. Philips .. . Duggan ....... .

.. (Dr.) Anderson. Cash ..... . ~I rs. J;'. Cooper. ...

DISTRICT ;-.; ... 15.

:'II rs. (Dr.) Bull .... .. Ross .... .

A Friend ... . A Friend ...... . :'II r8. Harry Piper ...... .

•• A. Moore ..... . ('. :'II. Braidy .......... . ~Irs. \\". Blight ........ . :'III's. Wm. Badenock

.. Gibson .... . :-;mall ... .

A Friend .............. . :'III's. Robinson .. .

$0 5C1 . ;0 50 '2.) '1;")



25 :?,)

'1,. :!5 '1:, '2,. 20

~I 00 .;0 ~.-,

:1.-, 110 011 :!.-, 011 00 '1.-) :!.-) '1;') 1111

Storm .-,0 Hewat. I 011 Pre~ton. . . . I 00

.• T. G. Dixoll :,0 ~Irs. Wylie ... ... 2.-,

.. Thompson. .,)0 W. S. Black. 2.; Fitzgera.ld. I 00

.. (Dr.) Richardson.. I 00 Laidlaw I on

:\ Irs. \\' .. '. Douglas. Wm. Boulthee ..... Millel' .. \V. A. Foster .. . J. Fletcher ....... .

T .. J. Coulan ....... . T. McLa.ren .......... . \Irs. Fleming .......... .

.. Rolls .......... . Clark Bros. . . . . . . .. .

:'I1rs. Biglow ... .\11'. Goulding . :'ITrs. Downey

" Ross ... " .John Douglas ..... .. H. Baird .. .. Robt. Jeffrey ... . " Cassels ...... . " \Vnl. Inc:e. .. Fletcher ........ . " Lash ............ . " Fawkes ......... .. " .J as. Robinson .... . " McPhedran ...... . .. (:rantham ....... .

\Y. H. Vandersmis· sen ........... .

.\liss Valldersmissen A. R. .\fcKinlay ,\1 rs. John Catto .. ,

" Henry Inee .. .. A. Cox.

.Tennings ....... . " Goulding. .. A. Ainsley ..... .

:'IIiS8 Nora Hillary. \, rs. Oowanlock .. . ...


:j;100 I OCt I 00 I ()(t 100

;iO .m 2&

I 00 I oct

$;', 0(; 2 00 :.! 00 :! 00 I 00 I 00 100 I 00 100-I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00

I OH I 00 100 1 00 I O(} I 00 1 00 100 I 00 100


Page 19: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley


\ll's McKim ......... . " Graham ......... _._ .• M. A. C ........ . .. Bethune ....... . " Ca!sar ........... . " Watson ......... .

Stewart .......... . .. Proctor .. " C. Jones ..

M iss Burnham ......... . G. A. Rtarr ........... . T. G. Goddard.. .. . ... . C. C. D .............. . A. Wallis ............ . Mrs. Wilkes ......... .

" Evans ...... , " Peattie... . ..... . " Coleman ........ .

C. A. \\' ...... .. Seven Friends, 25 cents

each ...... . Sums under 25 cents

$0 50 [;0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 .. 0 25 2fi 25

25 25 25 25 25

';!i 65

811e. iul, A. 11'. Home.

1\lr. Bugg ...... . Miss White ......... . Mrs. 4:. H. Robertson .. .

" Henry ..... . .. ?de(;ee .. " Wallis ..........


:3200 2 00 1 00 I 00 I 4141 I 00 1 00


Cull •. clf.1 by jl[,.". Con /'{{ale Wal,nn anri 1111·,. 1'. J/. Hill!.


Mrs. t;. E. Reily ..... . " Heron ..

"ii 00 2 00

Mrs. Geo. Kel'f, Jr .... . " J. A. Boyd ...... . " T. H. Bull ..

G. H George ...... '" F. Simpson ..... . Miss Brown. ' .. Mrs. C. P. Orr ........ .

" Fitch ........... '0'

" T. Taylor ..... " " L. H. Carroll ..... . " Page.. . ....... . " J. S Macdonald. . " J. "Tilkes, ...... . " Moore ........ .

J. Barron .............. . J. Hobbs ......... .. Mrs. G Colles ......... .

" Eo Lukes ... . " Jos. Wright ...... . " Cooke ...... . ..

F. H. DerVernet. " Burton. " Alfred Macdonald ..

J. Roaf.. ...... . " T. R. Wood ..... . " Alf Harris ....... . " nrett ............ . " C. B. Petry ...... . " Robert Williams " H. F. L~\\is. . ... " A. R. MdJaster .. " Morrison ........ .. " ~1"Kay, S~llr. .. . " Kellogg ..... .

~l iss Crooks ...... . .J. C. \rylfl. .......... . A Friend ... .

Mrs. J. H. Macdonald .. F.B ............... . E. C. R. G ........... . Mrs. Hanes ............ .

" McDermond ...... . " Bleasdell.. . ..... .

$200 200 2 00 200 200 200 1 00 100 1 00 I 00 100 100 I 00 100 100 100 1 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 100 1 00 1 00 100 I 00 100 1 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 I 00

00 50 50 50 50 50

Page 20: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

~rs. Marshall ......... . .. Gormley ...... ; .. . .. Brown ........... . .. Sparrow

Sewell .... _ ..... . Or. Davison .. . ...... . Four Friends. . . .. . ... .

Two Friends .... , ...... .

::-0 .',0 ;,)0 ,jO

50 :;0 ,')0

:! 00 1 no

85 ;;0

SIi:! &;,

Collected by AI '-'. fien. I; il/".'!,il".

DIS'l'RII'T No. Hi, 12:-;1> DIY.)

-'I ['s. Geo. Gillespie .... .. Cole " D. ?llcTadsh. .. \\'. Walker. " A. Blachford ..... " \Y. D. Davidson. .. Davidson ....... . " Laidlaw ....... . .. lIci'llurton ....... . " H. I' Page ...... . .. MacKay ......... . ,. \Y oodridge ... . " Aikins ..... .

Mis" Morrison ... . H. Bartlett ... . Mi,s Taylor ... . .,. E. Haight .. Mrs. A. g "-atson.

" \\'hatmough .. " L. George ..... " John Faithful..

A Friend ............ . E. Morse ............. . G. C. Charltoll ......... . Well wisher .... . Friend ......... . Mrs. A. I;. Booth.

s;·) 00

I 00 I 00 I 00 I ()O I no 1 on I 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 1 110 1 00 I 00

.:;0 51) ;;1) 50 ;;0 .-;0 ;iO 50 25 25 2;)

-'Irs. Lawson .......... . " ,1. Davison ..... . .. Johnstone.

Bain ........ . Hatton ......... "

" 0' Connor ........ . Five Friends at 25c. each Three


$02:, 25 "U; ~;)

:JO 2ft 25 40

('oll"l'ltd by Jlrs. Joltn Kn'r ollfl Jf,·<. H. E. Clarke.


-'Irs Homer Dixon., ... :::;11) 00 Helll'Y Gooderham. ;; 011 ,John'Kerr ... , .... 500 C. H. (;ooderhalll 2 50 :'II orris .. .. ... .. ... 2;'11 H. E. Clarke. . . . .. 2 00 J. I. Play fair . . . . I 0(1 Thomson 1 00 A. ,J. .\L""ll 1 00 :'IlcCallslaml .. . 1 00 \Yilliams. .. 1 00

i\11'. Haldenby,... . 1 00 01(1 wright 1 00 ,,"),ILl I (10 ,J. 'Hannie. . I 00 Whitney 1 00 Tack"herry I 00 ",,<lim' I 0(1 l '"ckslilltt .... I (10 ('. C. llalton I III) \Y. T. !.loyd. ,-;(1

Flett .'iO II .\la,·<lull",I,1 ;',0

Bostwick. ,'i0 Akers.,... ;'(1

-'Ir. Foggin . . . . 50 A Friend 50

Page 21: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

81'('<,,(11 fur .'I~/,,,1 Women'" flame

JIll'S. Henry Gooderham. H. A. Massey ..... .

.. .John Kerr ...... . (:. H. Gooderham .. 'I orris ....... ' ... . H. E. Clark ...... . Thomson l\1cKinn'Jn ....... . Wyld .............. .

" In His Name". Mrs. J. I. Playfair

.. Cooney .... G. W. Lillie.

:\Iiss Clarke ...... . ~Irs. Akers

McCausland. . .. .. Kingston .. . \\' illiams .. . 'Yickens ., ... Jas. Gooderham Oldright Keith ~ ':-o",~allS

'lara ..... , ...... '. Grindlay Cassels , ..

" Whitney ...... . ,\1 iss Buchan .'Ifrs. ~a~kabe~~y ....... .

" :';alrn .... . Ranis. ' .. . Larkin ......... .

:\Iiss Bostwick .'lit, \Y. R. (':'I~~l';':::'

;:;;5 00 :i 00 500 :! 50 :! 50 :! 00 :2 00 2 00 200 2 00 100 I 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 I on I 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 00

.iO ,-,I) .-,0 .iO


Col/"('I, ,{ by .11,'." .11,' Lochl" II,


Mrs. Geo. A. Cox T. (i. mackst~~k: .

;0<.-, 00 :~ 00

Mrs. Sills ... , .. Richardson .... . McAndrews" ... . Neville .... ' ...... .

A Friend ........ , ....•

)1rs. Copeland , ....... . Oliver. , ,_ ....... . ~chener, . Lucas ............ .

Miss Davis ... . A Friend

" Small sums

~'1 00 '200 1 00 100 J 00

fiO ,iO 50 :2,)

2.-) '2:, 2.1 25 :~O :n

Golt,'cled.I,y .II".,. Glllllh",..


.\ll's. :\ ol'dheimel' Ii:. (}unthel' Chewett Sims l. A. Aikins ,I. Harriss " \Y. A. Clarke Torrance ... , ..... Clark .... .Jones, . Crean .... .

• 'Ianly .... , .. Lauder., ..... . 'Yarren ., ..... .

Re\'. T. "-. Patterson .. . .'Ifrs. Rogel', , .. , ,. , ... .

.J. \Vatson .... , , Williamson ... , ,

" Joseph Gibson, , , , . '\Ir. K R. Baulr! ... , ... 'Irs. A .. U. Parker,.

.\. Gunther ..

.\, Hull.. ... .

""i UO 400 2 00

,iO .')0

• ,iO .iO

:! 00 J 00 1 00 1 00 100 lGO I 00 1 00

50 :! 00 1 O() 100 300

I on ;;0

Page 22: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

:\ll'1;. J. Woodworth :\Ir. WII1. Tucker ... .

J. Dobson .... . Forman Bros .... . .\lrs Hewell. Thos. Reid ..... :'III'. Purse '\Irs. Oal .... \Jadame Richal'll \[rs. :'I[c:"lall\,

Potts .. '. .J. \Y. ()ralll ..

.-\.. :\Jite \Y. H. Co,

\lJ~TRI(,T 1\ II. '111

Lady :\[aephdson. .\Irs. T. ;\1. Thumsoll (;eorge :--eott .. .\Irs. Oli"el' ;\lul'khLll ..

\Y. Pads. (;. P. llieksoll ... Paterson J. H. Tholll. J. ~tark Ellis .. .J. ('. All'lerson .... Thu. Thompson .. }{Y'w .. H. Darling R. K. lllll'ge", R. Jenkins .. 1:. Darling C'. H. Wilsoll .... .J ohn Hoskins. Xightingale .. \\'at80n

:-:'~ OU :. 00 I 00 J 00


.-.0 :;(1 .iO 00 00 00 00 ;iO 50

:35 00 ., 011 .• 00 :.? 00 IOU 1 Oil

1 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 IH)


.\11". H. J. I:I'0wn ...... :31 041 ~I. Reily. . I OU Kilgour. . . I (JO R Simpson.. . . . I OIl .James ;\I,-,;\'ab .... ' I 00 C. Stark ......... I 0(1 'Yarneck.. . .... , I 00

'.Iis< Paton. 1 00 \\'. t·. Semol'... . . 1 IHI

Hobert Parker. . I 00 Thomas Henderson. . . I 00 \\'m. \)ennis...... 1 (Hi ,\1 rs . .\ 1 artin . . . :,0

Brodie. . .j(l B Haye,.. :,11 AI~n... ~I Hentlersoll .. .;0 Shepley. . . :,0 A. T. Osler........ :.0 Cartel'. . . .. .... .iO Foster .......... ,i(l

Harris.... .... .... .,0 "'liss A. \Y. '\Iitchell. ..0 A Friend..... ... :,0 A Fri,·wl. ... :,11 ).[ rs. 1 )obson. . . . . . . . . . ;;0

T. F. Smith..... '1.i Be, !foul. '1:. H. Redfol't1.. ~.-)

.Jackson. . . '1.i Blackman. '1:,

~J iss :-';cott.. . . "2.) T. Stennet ... '1:, .. .\ Friend. .... .... .... '2.-,

$ii:.? Ii:;

~I'E"IAL FOI~ A. \\'. HII\lE.

'., I·S. H. P. liickson... tlO ,\1. Davis.... 00

Page 23: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley


Mrs. Milroy..... ............. . ....... $10 {)() George Lewis Esq. . . . . .. . .............. 15 {)() .,. Howard, per Miss Vandersrnissen.. ;i flO

~:m 00


Lady ~Iacpherson, tlll'key an(1 gr""e; 'Ilrs. Donald McKay, side of mutton; }Ir,. Robert "'ilkes, two geese; 11rs .• John Hall, tur· key; }Irs. Heron, turkey; Mrs. Xicker, turkey; Mrs. McCraken, goose: }Irs. Fletcher, pair ducks: }1 rs. H. E. Cldrke, cake: 'Ill'S. T. H. Bull, cake; Y. P., ('hun:h of l:el!t'eJller, cake; '1lr. I : ",dsl IiJrl' , lJarrel of apples; :\Ir. Tate, cake: ,\1 r. Tucke,·. chickens: :'II rs. T. }1. Thomson, apple~ ; I :"de~mer.-; S" cake: '1Irs. Hewitt. knit:ing cotton; '1liss }Iillar hats and )'''llllets; \\'alkel' & Sons, h<th, III""b and s"'lrf,: 'II r. C: .. '-"·lltt. ('[,anhenies; Henry Darling. jlClto-hl's: 1-'1,,'1'('1' \Iission, 1 doz cups jell." : and HoweJ's weekly.

L"d,l' \Lu·plle .. son, turkey '1111"1 goose: \I rs. Don,d,l :\lcKay, "i.le .,f mutton: :\Iiss I,'rooks, three doz crumpets, tl,H'e geese, five Ibs. prunes, basket peaches, three noz. oranges, twelve boxes st.rawber· ries, one Ih butter; '1liss Harris, twelve night·dresses, twelve chelllises; }lesdames Heron, Henry. Clapp, Thompson, Torp. Wilkes. one turkey each; Mrs. McCraken. goose; Mrs. Kerr. eake; }lrs. H E. Clarke, cake and can,lies; :\Irs. Pattulio, goose, cake and candies; }Irs. Howitt, oranges and candies; Mrs. Haun, ders, cake and books; Mesdames \Vatson, Gillespie. Fro:lleyand Tasker, a cake each: }Irs. McGlashan, sausages; Mrs. McEvoy, handkerchiefs; }I rs .Hlmour, Christmas cards; Flower Mission, twelve jars jelly, Christmas cards ann flowers weekly.

Page 24: TORONTOstatic.torontopubliclibrary.ca/da/pdfs/37131055446538d.pdfthirty-sixth annual report iif thi-: industrial refuge sixth of the aged woman's home. ootober, 1889. toronto: dudley

Abstract of Treasurer's Account trom aUth :september. 1888, to 30th September, 1889. (Jr.

~lance .... I:-;lJl~TRJ.IL RE~T,a:.

roceerls of \York .. ity Grant .... overnment (;mnt ~lhscl'iption8 .. .Iterest on Investlllt'nts ent of LILno .. iscellaneolls InconlP .tercst on Klnk .\l'l'Ollnt

At-fEll wu'\l.\~·:--; HOME,

mount receiv(',j fol' Board of illlnat,·, \'ernment ( : rant.

~ ~I,-):! 1;{

).-);Ii ;)S

lilll) 00 l.s:~ ~s

1.'li\ I I I !I() 41 10.1 011 l:~ lill ~:i I;S

!l7;~ ';0 '.!IIS !)!I

~li:~~H SS


By Halaries and \"agE'S .. .... . ............... $ 500 00 .• Fuel..... .. ... ........ ...... ............... 562 75 " 1 :roceries .lnd ProvisioDs.... ... ............. 1272 61 " liry Uuods .. .. ................... ......... 97 69 .. Boot. and Shoes.. .... ........... ...... ..... 23 10 .. Water.HILte. ......... ............. .... 4893 .. :'Ilellieine.. ................... .............. 58 49 .. 1{epairs an,I Improvements........... 694 41

Printing .... .............. .. ... .. ... 10 00 .. Funeral Expenses..... .. .. ....... 12 00 " Insurance Premium... ..... 21 00 .. Slln,lries ............ 491 53


Salaries and \" ages ....... . ., Fuel " (;roceries alld l'rO\·isiolls ..

:'Iie,\il'ines Funeral Expenses ..

.. Dr)' (;oo(ls Roots and Shoes.

.. Furniture. .. ......... .

., I:epairs and Improvements ..

36300 210 50 688 24 34 60 20 10 225 2 50

10825 183 48 1000 ,. Printing ................................... ..

Legacy, late :'III'S. Jessamine, to Jeanie Jea· 1600 75 71 11 54 1400

samine. as per agreement ............ . Sundries ............................... .

.; Bala.nce in Bank . ........ .. .. .... .. Cash on hand ........ . Savings Bank Account. 85920

$6391 88 l-..lCaminf'd and found (~oITe(.1-,---:}H'-;·il1l:·at ~r("dit r, lIalall"I-'~f-t~,""I-i4-:--;J!'I~llrf"e Mort,!:',,",es for ,2000. ,1000 and '392.60 r88pectively. an);'Io, 4th Oot • 18Stl. PA vm MrOEi:. A!:1lnoll.