Annual Report 2018 SCOTCH COLLEGE FOUNDATION General Purpose Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2018

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General Purpose Financial ReportFor the year ended 31 December 2018


General Purpose Financial Report for the year ended 31 December 2018

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Front cover: Senior School boys in the Senior School Quadrangle.

EditorialDavid AshtonTim ShearerPatty Wallace-Smith

PhotographyRob Anderson David AshtonMark Chew

Sandra DickJames GrantScott Montgomery Lisa SheardTim ShearerPatty Wallace-Smith

Scotch College Foundation 1 Morrison Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122

Phone: +613 9810 4300 Fax: +613 9810 4334 Email: [email protected]

The Scotch College Foundation Annual Report is produced by the Scotch College Development Office

Scotch College, and the Scotch College Foundation, have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this publication. We apologise if any omissions or errors have occurred.

The Scotch College Foundation respects the privacy of its community members and is bound by the national Privacy principles under the Commonwealth Privacy Act.

For a copy of the School’s Privacy policy please visit the School’s website at www.scotch.vic.edu.au or contact the Development Office on +61 3 9810 4300.

© 2018 Scotch College Foundation

Contents2 The Work of the Foundation

5 The Scotch College Foundation Board

6 President’s Report

8 Principal’s Report

10 Executive Director’s Report

20 Donor Profile

23 Investment Report

24 Donor Profile

26 Development Update

28 Foundation Events

34 What’s Next?

36 Foundation Timeline

38 Foundation Members

46 2018 Donors

50 Alexander Morrison Circle Members

54 Financial Statements


Ensuring Scotch is everything it can be for every boy.


The Scotch College of today is a modern and dynamic Australian school, inspired by the values of our founder, the Reverend James Forbes, and based firmly on the crucial role we believe education plays in empowering young people to take control of their lives.

The Scotch College Foundation is committed to perpetuating this vision. The Foundation’s support helps to ensure that Scotch is everything it can be for every boy.

The buildings and facilities, and the site itself, from which generations of Scotch boys have benefited, are almost entirely the result of the generosity of Scotch families and Old Boys who have gone before. Income from fees cannot provide the financial basis for development, and so Scotch relies on the generosity of its community to support its aims and help bring its long-term goals to fruition.

Through the Foundation’s various scholarship funds, philanthropy has also opened the gates to a Scotch education for many boys who would otherwise be unable to attend the School.

The Scotch College Foundation also assumes responsibility for the distribution of monies which are raised by the Foundation, or given to it as a body. The operation of the Foundation within the Development Office is funded by both the Foundation and the School

Philanthropic Vision

So much at Scotch has been achieved through the generosity of the Scotch Family. The facilities which the current boys enjoy, and the majority of scholarship opportunities offered, are largely the result of the generosity of generations who have invested in our boys and their School. In essence, the Scotch of today is largely the result of a longstanding philanthropic commitment by many people.

Scotch will continue to be a school where giving sits at the heart of its culture; where our students, Old Boys, staff, parents and past parents are inspired to support programs that resonate with them and, in so doing, make Scotch everything it can be for every boy.

Philanthropic Principles

• Every gift helps ensure that Scotch can be everything it can be for every boy.

• We endeavour to ensure that every dollar donated is directed as intended.

• We endeavour to safeguard and protect donor information and privacy.

• We only pursue gifts that will advance Scotch’s strategic intents or stated aims.

• We see giving, both to Scotch and to other worthy causes, as a living expression of the values inculcated at Scotch.

• Our fundraising efforts are part of our commitment to stimulating and nurturing authentic life-long relationships with all members of the Scotch Family.

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Tom O’Brien BOARD MEMBER (2014-2019)


The Scotch College Foundation Board

Paul Aberdeen (’86)BOARD MEMBER (2014-2019)

Ross Congleton (’76)BURSAR

Rob Hand BOARD MEMBER (2014-2019)

Michelle ZhengBOARD MEMBER (2015-2019)

Kirsten MacLeodBOARD MEMBER (2014-2019)

James Ho (’88)BOARD MEMBER (2014-2019)

Derek Humphery-Smith BOARD MEMBER (2018-2019)

Sam Hunt (’92)BOARD MEMBER (2015-2019)


Louise MurdochBOARD MEMBER (2015-2018)

Michael Sim (’78) VICE PRESIDENTBOARD MEMBER (2003-2019)


Mandy AndrianakosBOARD MEMBER (2011-2019)



Richard Balderstone (’76)BOARD MEMBER (2015-2019)







David Fox (’88)BOARD MEMBER (2011-2018)

John CamugliaBOARD MEMBER (2018-2019)

Board Members The Scotch College Foundation Board – 2018


Development Office StaffThe Scotch College Development Office is the registered office of the Scotch College Foundation.







Doug Lording (’64)PRESIDENTBOARD MEMBER (2014-2019)

The members of the Scotch College Foundation Board play a key role in promoting a positive culture of giving throughout the Scotch Family. They provide leadership in respect of philanthropic commitment and, in addition to giving their time and expertise, they actively seek to encourage others to join them in providing philanthropic support for the School and for the Scotch College Foundation.

We thank the members of the Foundation Board and its associated committees who have given so much in so many ways over the past year.

President: Assoc. Prof. Doug Lording (’64)

Vice Presidents: Mr Michael Sim (’78) and Mr David Yu

Executive Director: Mr Tim Shearer (’85)


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Because Scotch never stands still

My first full year as President of the Foundation seems to have passed in a flash. Like the School itself, there is always a lot happening in the Foundation, because Scotch never stands still.

This year the Foundation Board, through our Governance committee, has strongly focused on reviewing our rules. The board has recommended three-year terms for board members and greater flexibility in making appointments to the board. Other recommended changes will make it easier to conduct the business of the Foundation.

In addition, two new levels of membership have been recommended, most importantly that of Foundation Patron, to acknowledge generous benefactors who commit $1M or more to Scotch College. All relevant parties have been consulted and extensive discussions have taken place, and a draft of the rules has been made available for approval by the Foundation Board and the School Council, after which the draft rules will be presented for acceptance at the Foundation’s Annual General Meeting in April.

The focus of conservatively managing the funds under our care and maintaining a solid income stream has again borne fruit. In 2018 we committed $1.9M to the School, which included funding eight EFT scholarships and $340,000 from the Endowment Fund to be used at the School’s discretion.

On former Foundation President Michael Robinson’s retirement, the School established the Michael Robinson Boarding Scholarship, which was included as an option in our Annual Giving Program, and I’m pleased to say that the scholarship has been fully funded. This is a fitting tribute to Michael’s superb commitment to Scotch, and I hope that in future more than one scholarship can be offered in Michael’s name.

Late in 2018, we received the news that old boy Graeme Whitelaw (‘52) has committed $1.5M to the Scholarship Fund. This will eventually cover two more scholarships, and it is a wonderful contribution from an Old Boy. Graeme has also agreed to provide some seed funding for the General Sir John Monash Scholarship.

I am also delighted to announce that Max Errington (’56) has made a significant commitment to the Scotch College Building Fund. In recognition of Max’s generosity, the proposed new Main Oval Pavilion will be named in honour of his grandfather, Thomas Young Robert Anderson, who attended Scotch from 1882 to 1892 and was a member of the 1st XI and 1st XVIII in 1890, 1891 and 1892. (Both 1891 and 1892 were premiership years for the 1st XVIII.) More information about these exciting initiatives will follow as the year progresses.

We have continued to support the Indigenous Scholarship Fund. The five-year target (2016 to 2020) was to raise $6M to endow 10 scholarships in perpetuity. By the end of 2018, $3.5M had been committed to achieving this goal – a really wonderful effort. Sam Hunt (’92) leads the committee striving to reach our $6M target. In support, we hosted another Foundation Australian Art Show which raised $100,000 for the program. Kirsten McLeod and her committee are to be congratulated for staging such a successful event.

Last September we participated in a joint fundraising venture with the Evonne Goolagong Foundation and the Kooyong Foundation, at which $45,000 was raised and divided equally between the Scotch College Foundation, the Evonne Goolagong Foundation and the Kooyong Foundation. The success of this event has encouraged the Foundation to keep an open mind about future ventures of this kind.

On the issue of scholarships, the School Council’s Finance committee commissioned an audit by BDO Australia of all the Foundation’s funds. This aim was to make sure that the Foundation has appropriate documentation in place to express the intentions of each fund. BDO identified a few gaps, an issue which the Foundation is now addressing. This process has also ensured that the monies are allocated according to each donor’s wishes, and we have now put in place a more rigorous method of achieving that aim. We are grateful to Hugh Wilson (‘65), who has done a lot of background work to support this process.

Associate Professor Doug Lording (’64) SCOTCH COLLEGE FOUNDATION PRESIDENT

The Endowed Funds Allocation Committee, chaired by James Ho (’88), determines which scholarships will be awarded, acting within a set of prudential guidelines. It is important for the Foundation to maintain the real worth of the capital in each fund. This involves maintaining the capital at the same proportion of school fees as when the fund was established. Some funds have been spent down over the years, and we want to build those funds back to their original worth. We also limit the expenditure from a fund to no more than the estimated income predicted for that year. Along with these important principles, we want to ensure that the fund is used, as that is why people commit to the scholarship program, and that the number of scholarships offered each year is maintained or increased.

Bequests are an important part of our strategy, and Foundation board member, Bill Sides (‘63), and Bequest Manager, Sandra Dick, are actively engaged in informing our community about the value of bequests. We run two enjoyable bequest luncheons every term. This year, 20 new commitments were made, with each person making a bequest becoming entitled to membership of the Alexander Morrison Circle.

As I mentioned at the start, there is a lot happening at Scotch, and the Foundation continues to enjoy working with the Development Office to support the School. We are grateful for the hard work of Tim Shearer (’85), our Executive Director, who is also Director of Development, and our staff –Sandra Dick, Rebecca Mortimer, Patty Wallace-Smith, Hugh Wilson (’65), Lisa Sheard and David Ashton (’65).

The Foundation’s close relationship with OSCA certainly works well, to the benefit of both organisations. I take opportunity to acknowledge 2018 OSCA President Andrew Crawford, and OSCA Executive Director Scott Montgomery (’85) and his team, for their contribution to the Foundation’s work. We are also most grateful for the staunch support of the School Council, in particular Chairman David Kemp (’59), Principal Tom Batty, Bursar Ross Congleton (’76) and the School Executive.

Our board has been very active this year. Our committee structure is working well and there has been encouraging input from all board members. I’m grateful to them all for their efforts, particularly Vice Presidents David Yu and Michael Sim (’78).






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Stretching imaginations and boundaries

Since its establishment in 1851, Scotch has always enjoyed the generous philanthropic support of its community. This generosity continues to advance a number of exciting projects to benefit Scotch boys of today and of the future.

The Sir Zelman Cowen Centre for Science continues to buzz with experimentation and discovery. It is now accompanied by the Spencer Centre for Design and Technology, which has been open for business during the full school year. Under the enthusiastic, skilled direction of Julia Morrison, our Design and Technology staff have stretched imaginations and boundaries. Curious minds have probed, constructed, reviewed and modified to bring forth solutions to problems both large and small.

In line with our belief in learning through conversation and our desire to provide a market square ambience of collision and interaction for the boys, we will soon have

a new Dining Hall/Cafeteria for our senior boys and staff, as we transform the Keon-Cohen Building from a home of design and manufacture to a meeting place for fine fare and good company.

In addition to the physical developments that philanthropy is driving at Scotch, we remain committed to creating opportunities for boys to attend the School via our scholarship programme. The generosity of the Scotch Family has fuelled scholarship opportunities at Scotch since our doors first opened. We are encouraged by our community’s desire to ‘keep up the noble record of the past’ by endowing new scholarships for boys from Indigenous communities, for ‘boys from the bush’, for boys whose parents do not have the means to fund a Scotch education, and for boys who demonstrate academic excellence.

Thank you for the role you have played in making so much of this possible.






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The Scotch College Development Office 2018 Achievements


Thank you

I would again like to thank everyone who has helped make Scotch everything it can be for every boy by generously supporting the various Scotch College and Scotch College Foundation programs in 2018.

Each boy’s journey is all the richer for the difference that the generosity of the Scotch Family has made both in the past and in recent times: be it through the provision of excellent teaching and learning facilities; the diversity created by the various scholarship funds that have been endowed through the generosity of many benefactors; or the number of prizes that boys who achieve excellence in either their curricular or co-curricular pursuits receive.

The Foundation’s fundraising attentions in 2018 were again focused on raising funds in support of the Scotch College Indigenous Scholarship Fund, as we looked to raise $6M to endow the program in perpetuity, which will ensure that, at any one time, ten Indigenous students can attend the School. Our longstanding partnership with the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation is also greatly appreciated in achieving such end. To date, 20 Indigenous students have completed their VCE at Scotch.

The signature event for 2018 was the Fundraising Dinner at the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club in September where funds were raised to support the Scotch College Indigenous Scholarship Program and the Evonne Goolagong Foundation. I would


57Staff donors

15International donors

6Bequests received

$1.1M distributed from the Foundation Scholarship Fund to enable 60 boys to attend Scotch

202018 New AMC members

156Members of the AMC

1792Total Foundation members

26New Foundation members

1935Oldest donor peer year

2015Youngest donor peer year

$3.5M raisedto support the Scotch College Indigenous Fund

$61.5M in Foundation Endowed Funds

Annual Giving funds raised: $97,858

like to take the opportunity to thank the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club and the Kooyong Foundation for their support in 2018. I am delighted to report that as of December 2018, $3.5M had been committed to endowing the Indigenous Scholarship Fund in perpetuity.

The Scotch College Foundation Australian Art Show was held in May, and I sincerely thank all those involved in the many months of organisation it takes to hold an event of this complexity: the organising committee, Scotch College staff, and, of course, the 53 artists from around Australia whose works were exhibited. The Art Show raised over $100,000 to support the Scotch College Indigenous Scholarship Program.

The Development Office also raised $50,000 to support the creation of a Boys Academy at Tiwi College. These funds were raised via proceeds from the 24 Hour Hike, a Senior School casual clothes day and a portion of the proceeds from the Scotch College Foundation Australian Art Show. These funds were complemented by a generous contribution from the Johnson-King family. $20,000 was also raised to cover the costs associated with the annual Tiwi College visit to Melbourne – and Scotch - in May.

Commitments were secured to fund the first Michael Robinson Boarding Scholarship in perpetuity, and it is hoped that further contributions by the Scotch Family will see this fund grow in time. With the present difficulties associated with life on the land, this fund will play a crucial role in ensuring boarding life at Scotch is accessible to ‘boys from the bush’. The scholarship also honours Michael Robinson’s exceptional, lifelong commitment to Scotch. Michael was first a day boy, and then a boarder from 1946 to 1955 – initially in McMeckan House, and then in Arthur Robinson House. This scholarship, endowed in Michael’s name, gives testimony to his affection for his time on the Hill, and his regard for the boarding experience. In his own words, ‘Boarders always felt they were the backbone of the School; and there must always be a place for “boys from the bush”’ at Scotch.

The Spencer Centre for Design and Technology was opened at the commencement of 2018 and has been used to great effect by our boys and staff. Works commenced on the refurbishment of the Keon-Cohen Building into a Dining Hall for Senior School boys in late 2018. The Senior School Precinct will form a marketplace of collision and engagement for boys and staff at the very heart of our School. It will be a home for the boys, their aspirations, conversations and collaborations. A place of enterprise, where opportunities are identified and explored, and solutions refined and brought to bear for the greater good.

The redeveloped Keon-Cohen Dining Hall will form the hub of this precinct. Boys and teachers will gather to meet and eat, and share news and ideas, as they take time away from routines and let their minds wander to all that might be possible.

We were delighted to welcome members of the Keon-Cohen Family to Scotch on Wednesday 28 November, where we turned the first sod on the redevelopment of the Keon-Cohen building. In a historic gathering of the Keon-Cohen clan, Chester Keon-Cohen AM (’59) and Bryan Koen-Cohen AM (’63) put their hammers to good work in a memorable brick relocation ceremony. The new Dining Hall, which will form the centrepiece of a new student precinct, is named for their uncle, Colin Keon-Cohen OBE CMG (’25), whose exceptional generosity established the Scotch College Foundation Endowment Fund in the early 1980s.

This report allows us to thank every member of the Scotch Family who has philanthropically supported Scotch, or the Scotch College Foundation, in 2018. However, I would also like to record the School’s appreciation to the many volunteers who contribute so selflessly, enhancing nearly every aspect of life at Scotch. From serving on the School or Old Scotch Collegians’ Association Council, the Foundation Board, either of the Senior or Junior School Parents’ Associations, or the many auxiliaries, we are blessed to have so many willing and able people who put their hand up to give of their time, intellect and spirit.


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Buildings and Facilities

Recent developments at Scotch have seen the School creating homes for rowing, music, drama, science, and design and technology.

The Keon-Cohen Dining Hall, and the surrounding precinct, will be a home for the boys.

The Dining Hall and Cafeteria will be a modern replacement for the aged tuckshop — a place where boys can share a coffee or juice, buy from a range of nutritious foods, or eat food from home in a civilised environment that encourages interaction and conversation.

The Keon-Cohen Dining Hall and the Senior School Precinct are being purposely formed to embrace and enhance conversational learning at Scotch. The Senior School House Home Rooms will be located nearby to support pastoral care and the development of each boy.

The concept extends the Keon-Cohen Building to the west, allowing for a large refectory dining space. It incorporates a canteen kitchen within the existing eastern end of the building, and introduces a part mezzanine. The project also includes associated landscaping to create an open square where conversations can continue outdoors.

The Dining Hall will also be a gathering area and function place for the Scotch Family during after school hours.

The following families supported the Keon-Cohen Dining Hall project at any of the Scotch College Foundation membership levels in 2018:

John and Natasha Camuglia

Bill Davy and Jacinta Moore

Con (’87) and Anna Dikeos

Gavin Ge and Helen Mao

David Grounds (’46) – BEQUEST

Rob and Abigail Hand

Simon and Nicky Harle

Derek and Kythe Humphery-Smith

Ken (’55) and Annette Jasper

Qiang Li and Looi-Fen Ng

David Lin and Jian Guan

Andy Liu and Jingyu Dong

David (’86) and Lizzie McCleery

Leigh and Gemma Melbourne

Chris and Andrea Moss

Alistair and Narelle Richardson

Nick and Linda Schiffer

Tom Shen and Olivia Liang

Peter (’85) and Julie Tainsh

Danny Tan (’04)

David (’57) and Marcia Tennent

Justin Teoh (’87)

Jiangang Xu and Linji Ji

Sam Zotov and Nadia Zotova

Anonymous (2)

Families who supported this project at any of the Scotch College Foundation membership levels will be recognised on a donors’ board which will be located next to the main entrance.

I take opportunity to thank everyone who is helping to bring this important project to fruition.

By the conclusion of 2018, $17.5M had been committed in pledges and gifts to this and other associated building projects in 2016-20.

2017 2018

Building Fund Receipts

$3,334,913 $2,592,602



In 2018, $750,000 was donated to the various scholarship funds.

Scholarship Fund

The bulk of these funds were committed to the Indigenous Scholarship Fund, the Michael Robinson Boarding Scholarship and the newly created General Sir John Monash Scholarship.

The School Council and the Foundation have agreed that the full funding of scholarships and bursaries will be funded by the Scotch College Foundation Scholarship Fund in time

The following families supported this appeal at any of the Scotch College Foundation membership levels in 2018:

Nick Malon (’07)

Bob Prowse† (’62) - BEQUEST

John (’75) and Cathy Simpson

Indigenous Scholarship Fund

For the last 20 years, the Scotch College Indigenous Program has offered all Scotch boys the opportunity to experience and understand our country’s Indigenous culture, as part of a contemporary Australian education.

The program has three components:

1. Our commitment to offer Indigenous boys full academic and boarding scholarships;

2. The Indigenous Partnership Program, which teaches Scotch boys about Indigenous culture through projects with local communities; and

3. Our longstanding partnership with Tiwi College, built on friendship and respect.

The School’s current Indigenous Scholarship Program is funded through a combination of support from the Federal Government (Abstudy) and the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation, leaving a shortfall of approximately $30,000 per student. This shortfall is funded annually by generous members of our community.

The Foundation’s vision is to create a perpetual fund which would see the Indigenous scholarships funded in a similar manner to the general scholarships - through income generated by endowed funds. For this vision to become a reality $5M is required, and we launched a campaign to achieve this aim at the 2016 Foundation President’s Dinner. At the end of 2018, $3.5M had been generously committed to the campaign, and a third of this amount was raised through our 24 hour campaign to endow Indigenous scholarships in Tony Briggs’ (’85) name in 2017.

Since 2013, Scotch College has partnered with the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation to achieve positive outcomes in Indigenous education.

The following families, organisations and trusts supported this appeal at any of the Scotch College Foundation membership levels in 2018:

1858 Club

Gilbert Albury (’61)

Stuart (’56) and Jill Bales

David Bardas (’54)

Cameron and Julie Bertalli

Bob Bully (’41)

Rick Burrows (’77)

Campbell Edwards Trust

Craig (’78) and Bernadette Drummond

Mark and Melissa Duggan

Damien and Sasha Gance

Kane Construction

Kooyong Foundation

William (’85) and Kristine Lempriere

Henry Lim (’06)

John Mathew (’53)

Chris and Diana McNamara

James Orloff and Kirsten MacLeod

Ian and Jeannie Paterson

Martin and Louise Richardson

Violet Norma Sanders Trust

Mark Santini (’79) and Karyn Matotek

Senior School Swap Shop

Paul Sparks and Louise Murdoch

Derry Stewart (’42) – BEQUEST

Sunshine Foundation

Anonymous (1)

Michael Robinson Boarding Scholarship

This scholarship acknowledges Michael

Robinson’s AO (’55) unparalleled

contribution to Scotch, and the practical

difficulties often associated with life

on the land. The Development Office

secured commitments of $650,000, to fund

one boarding scholarship in perpetuity,

and thereby enable a boy from rural

or regional Australia, whose family

would otherwise not have the resources,

to attend Scotch. By the end of 2018,

$650,000 had been committed to endow

the first Michael Robinson Boarding


The following families supported this

appeal at any of the Scotch College

Foundation membership levels in 2018:

Roger Chen and Wen Pan

Ken (’55) and Annette Jasper

Rob (91) and Clea Phillpot

James (’85) and Susan Taylor

Peter Yunghanns (’55)

Anonymous (1)

2017 2018

Scholarship Fund receipts

$7,015,680 $79,969

Indigenous Scholarship Fund receipts

$865,908 $497,735

Michael Robinson Boarding Scholarship

$25,145 $170,497

Total Scholarship Fund

$7,906,733 $748,201





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Scotch College Foundation Endowment Fund

In 2018, one donor committed $76,711 to the Foundation’s Future (or Endowment) Fund. At the end of 2018, this fund was valued at $11.1M ($11.3M on 31 December 2017). The Endowment Fund exists to provide a reliable income stream for the School, and in 2018, $340,460 was provided from this fund to the school ($318,757 in 2017).

2017 2018

Foundation Endowment Fund (corpus) receipts

$112,000 $76,711

2017 2018

Total Development Office receipts

$11,858,802 $3,531,439



Generations of Scotch boys have benefited from the generosity of men and women who, over the years, have bequeathed gifts to the School or to the Scotch College Foundation.

These gifts have had a profound impact on the lives of Scotch boys, through scholarship opportunities, by developing teaching and learning facilities, and by supporting staff and the School’s programs.

A gift in a Will can be a way of saying thank you, honouring a loved and respected relative, recognising a valued member of staff or friend, investing in the future, or providing a Scotch education for those who otherwise cannot afford it.

Established in 2003, the Alexander Morrison Circle was created to encourage and nurture testamentary support for Scotch and to allow the School, and the Foundation, to thank such donors during their lifetime and to better understand the intent of bequestors. The Society has been established to honour and recognise those who have invested in the School’s future by supporting the School, or the Scotch College Foundation, in their Will. Membership is open to anyone who has

included Scotch College, or the Scotch College Foundation, in their Will.

You can choose to make a gift now, or in your Will, or do both. You can direct your gift according to your wishes.

Depending on the impact you wish to make, you can support Scotch through a gift in your Will to:

• The Scotch College Foundation Scholarship Fund (for Academic, Music, Boarding or Indigenous Scholarships), allowing boys who otherwise would not be able to attend Scotch to do so

• The Scotch College Foundation Scholarship Fund to establish an individually named separate perpetual scholarship fund

• The Scotch College Building Fund (for building purposes)

• The Scotch College Archive/Museum Fund (protecting, preserving and displaying Scotch’s rich history)

• The Scotch College Foundation Endowment Fund (Corpus) (a gift in perpetuity)

• Scotch College for general purposes, and your gift will be directed to the area most in need.


John Tregurtha McIlwraith





John was the third President of the Foundation, from 1980 to 1982. Born at Deepdene on 10 May 1923, the son of John Kingsmill McIlwraith (SC 1910-12), and a nephew of Test cricketer John McIlwraith (entered 1873). John attended Scotch from 1936 to 1941 as a boarder in McMeckan and Arthur Robinson Houses.

A farmer, he served in the AIF from 1942 to 1945 and was demobilised as a gunner. He married Gwenyth Olive Holmes at Scotch on 22 March 1944, and their marriage was the longest-lasting Chapel marriage, until her death, on 15 February 2018. Their son John (SC 1966-70) was a third generation Scotch boy, with his son Jack (SC 2001-04) a fourth, along with the Maxwell brothers Andrew (SC 1973-85), Timothy (SC 1975-86) and Matthew (SC 1979-90). An original member of the Foundation, John saw it through a challenging time in Scotch’s history. His generous financial support of Scotch continued into his 90s. John is survived by his son, daughters Margaret and Diana, and their descendants.




FUNDS (Cont’d)

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Indigenous Scholarship Program Fundraising Dinner





Evonne Goolagong Cawley AC MBE, former number one ranked tennis legend, national treasure and philanthropist, shared her magic with 180 guests at an Indigenous Scholarship Program Fundraising Dinner at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club on Thursday 19 September.

Spirited bidding for a marvellous array of auction and raffle items saw the evening raise a remarkable $45,000, to be divided equally between the Scotch Foundation, the Evonne Goolagong Foundation and the Kooyong Foundation. Kooyong’s share was redirected back to Scotch in support of Year 12 student Corey Clarke.

We would like to acknowledge the contribution of all those involved in organising such a memorable and animated evening, in particular:

• The MC Luke Darcy, SEN’s expert tennis commentator Brett Phillips, who interviewed Evonne, and Jellis Craig’s ace auctioneer Lachie Fraser-Smith (’85)

• Four of our Indigenous students whose genial assistance gave a special impetus to the evening: Carlin Briggs, Corey Clarke, PJ Crocombe and Lachie Johnson

• Our many generous auction item donors, together with our equally generous, irrepressible bidders!

• And, of course, the entire organising committee led by Penny Nicholls, for all their meticulous planning and flair.

Thank you to everyone involved for a vibrant, entertaining and thoroughly successful evening, one which reminded us all how the Indigenous Scholarship Program is a prized part of Scotch life.








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19.11.1944 – 10.7.2018

Derwent Graeme – known as Derry – Stewart (SC 1931-42) loved his days at Scotch and lived them to the full, though the end of his first year at Scotch was marred by tragedy. His father, an eminent surgeon, died on Boxing Day 1931 at 36 after complications following an operation, when Derry was just short of his seventh birthday.

Derry’s first three years at Scotch coincided with the reign of the legendary Principal, Dr Bill Littlejohn, whom Derry described as ‘kind, but firm and well respected’. Derry said: ‘My friends and I used to eat our lunches among “The Pines”, and despite his exalted status, he would join us, the lowest in the school community, lighting little fires for us to tidy up our lunch papers!’

David was born at Elsternwick on 22 November 1928, the son of Dr Arthur Edwin Ernest Grounds (born 11 September 1898, SC 1913-16, died 29 July 1951) and came from Tasmania to attend Scotch in 1946 to qualify for medical studies at Melbourne University. He was related to every Grounds boy at Scotch: uncles Marshall Herbert, Roy Berman and Haslett Hawksworth Grounds, sons Richard (SC



Scotch College Foundation Members by Category 2009–2018

Year Associate Fellow Fellow Senior Fellow Trustee Forbes Total

2009 745 278 129 187 44 1383

2010 759 279 132 189 46 1405

2011 754 284 132 184 47 1401

2012 752 288 134 189 47 1410

2013 760 291 142 193 44 1430

2014 831 312 150 205 48 1546

2015 942 319 153 208 49 1671

2016 978 322 155 214 50 1719

2017 1024 315 144 214 51 1748

2018 1039 322 145 208 78 1792

Annual and Regular Giving Program

The 2018 Annual Giving Program raised $97,858. Annual Giving, which commenced at Scotch in 1977, continues to provide a vehicle for the entire School community to contribute to the welfare of Scotch and its programs.

Life Support for Scotch

Thirty-five Old Boys are participating in this program which raised $6,804 in 2018. This program was introduced in 2013 to encourage younger Old Boys to begin their philanthropic journey with their school. The program involves Old Boys donating the amount corresponding to their years out from school in a dollar value, on a monthly direct debit basis.

Gifts and Major Gifts Program

Twenty-six members of the Scotch Family joined the Scotch Foundation in 2017 by making a commitment at the $10,000 level or above. Three members upgraded their membership category during the year. The majority of new members supported the fundraising for the Spencer Centre for Design and Technology, and the establishment of the Tony Briggs Indigenous Scholarship.

I sincerely thank all of them for their generous support.

Bequest Program

Generations of Scotch boys have benefited from the generosity of men and women who, over the years, have bequeathed gifts to the School or to the Scotch College Foundation.

These gifts have had a profound impact on the lives of Scotch boys through scholarship opportunities, by developing teaching and learning facilities, and by supporting staff and the School’s programs.

A gift in your Will can be a way of saying thank you, honouring a loved and respected relative, recognising a valued member of staff or friend, investing in the future, or providing a Scotch education for those who otherwise cannot afford it.

Those who elect to include Scotch in their estate planning are recognised with membership of the Alexander Morrison Circle (AMC).

The AMC was inaugurated in 2003 and is named in honour of Alexander Morrison, who was Principal from 1857 to 1903. Morrison was instrumental in building Scotch into the leading educational institution it is today.

Each bequest, no matter what its size, contributes to the School’s future. At the end of 2018 the AMC had a membership of 156.

New bequest income for 2018 was $150,724. We are also currently awaiting distribution from four deceased estates. During 2018, we welcomed 20 new members to the AMC (20 also in 2017). Six members of the AMC were deceased in 2018.

A full listing of the AMC members appears on page 50 of this annual report.

“ S O M E O N E I S S I T T I N G I N T H E


P L A N T E D A T R E E A L O N G T I M E A G O . ”


An excellent student, Derry won several class prizes, including one as Dux of Intermediate. He participated fully in school life, as a cadet, a member of the Radio Club, helping to produce Macbeth, and travelling to Central Australia on a school trip. During his schooldays he earned the Lionel Robinson Scholarship, and in his final year won scholarships to Melbourne University and Ormond College.

Derry excelled in his mechanical engineering studies at university, after which he joined the experimental engineering department of General Motors-Holden’s; he next worked for the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (predecessor of the CSIRO). Derry moved to England in 1951, and was attached to the National Gas Turbine Establishment in Hampshire. In England he met and married Florence Patricia Arnell in 1953, and he and Flo returned to Australia later that year. Back home, Derry worked for the Aeronautical Research Laboratories of the Commonwealth Department of Supply; and in 1971 he returned to England with his family after he had successfully applied for a position with the Department of Supply in London. When Flo and Derry moved back to Australia, Derry worked in senior positions relating to aircraft propulsion and aerodynamics, before he retired in 1987.

The couple, who had three children and eight grandchildren, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in 2013. Derry died on 17 June 2018, bequeathing $10,000 to Scotch in appreciation of the excellent education Scotch had provided for him, and his love of the School.

1964-70) and Andrew (SC 1964-72), first cousin once removed Charles Dudley Hyatt Grounds, and second cousin twice removed Tom Grounds (SC 1998-2003). David fully enjoyed his year at Scotch.

Graduating with honours in medicine and surgery, David spent one year as a resident at Royal Melbourne Hospital before fulfilling an obligation to the Tasmanian Government in general practice in Scottsdale. A highlight was administering the first Australian injections of the Salk polio vaccine. On 29 December 1952 he married Patricia Badenach at Scotch. She died on 23 January 2015.

In 1957 David returned to Melbourne with his family, spending 13 years as a general practitioner and physician, including a decade as a partner in the trend-setting Blackburn Clinic.

In late 1970, a growing interest in mental health inspired three years’ training as a psychiatrist, followed by over three decades of private psychiatric practice. Early in his psychiatric career, David was a key member of the team that established a 90-bed private psychiatric hospital, the Melbourne Clinic, which opened in Richmond in 1978. David developed a special interest in bipolar disorder, and his co-authored book, Ecstasy and Agony, was widely used, revised and reprinted.

David enthusiastically and energetically pursued a wide variety of interests and hobbies, including photography, restoration of the Blackburn Creeklands, native birdlife, classical music concerts, international travel, his Scottish heritage and frequent letters to The Age,

In his retirement, David wrote detailed memoirs about his professional and family life, including a lively account of his year at Scotch.

David’s long and fulfilling life ended peacefully on 7 March 2017 at Regis Inala, Blackburn South.

Rick Grounds (’70)

The Scotch College Family mourns the death of Bob Prowse (‘62).

A boarder at Scotch from 1957 to 1962, Bob followed a family tradition at Scotch dating from 1908. He served the School Council from 1.11.1999 until the end of 2008. A member of the Finance Committee, he was its Chairman from November 2003. Bob was a superannuation trustee and Chairman, and Chairman of Scotch College Educational Services. He was a very hands-on, active, diligent, careful and sound steward of Scotch’s finances.

Bob was a true gentleman in every sense of the word and throughout his busy life he embodied many of the characteristics that Scotch endeavours to instil in its boys: a gentle humility, a profound generosity of spirit and a genuine sense of compassion. He also was a very committed family man.

The Scotch Family extends its condolences to Elizabeth, Fiona, Andrew (‘06), and their families.

*An audit of Foundation membership numbers by category was conducted in 2018.

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Michael Robinson Boarding Scholarship: Mission Accomplished

In 2017, the Foundation announced the creation of the Michael Robinson Boarding Scholarship to honour the exceptional, lifelong commitment of Michael Robinson AO (’55) to Scotch, firstly through his formative relationship with the School as a boarder, and then in his distinguished four decades of service to Scotch as President of OSCA (1989), Chairman of the School Council (1996-2006) and President of the Foundation (1993-1996 and 2008-2017).

Boarding has always been at the heart of a Scotch education, and in Michael’s own words: ‘There must always be a place for “boys from the Bush” on the Hill.’

It was, of course, on Michael’s watch as Chair of the Capital Campaign for the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre for Science that the Scotch Family rallied to the cause to raise $20M in three years to enable a truly remarkable building to come to fruition. Michael’s capacity to garner a community and lead from the front foot is regarded as the stuff of legend at Scotch. His mark on the School is unparalleled and immeasurable; and our gratitude for his foresight and particular brand of dynamic leadership runs deep.

In establishing this scholarship in Michael Robinson’s name, the Foundation sought to raise $650,000 to fund one boarding scholarship in perpetuity, to enable boys

from rural and regional Australia, whose families would otherwise not have the resources to attend Scotch.

In 2018, we were immensely proud to announce that our target had been achieved.

We sincerely thank all those who contributed so generously to ensure this scholarship became a reality in the space of only one year.

Former Arthur Robinson House boarder and member of the Scotch College Council, Rob Phillpot (’91) outlines below why he was such a willing and generous supporter of this scholarship.

Why is the Michael Robinson Boarding Scholarship important to you?

Well, there are three reasons:

Firstly, I was a boarder at Scotch - in Arthur Robinson House, coincidentally - so the Boarding House has been a big part of my life.

Secondly, our Foundation has a mission to find people with great potential, but who may have something in their way, and give them a leg up so they have an opportunity to achieve greatness. This ties in nicely with this scholarship, which allows

talented young men from rural Australia the opportunity to attend Scotch and fulfil their potential.

Lastly, I have huge respect for Michael. He has been such an amazing, tireless contributor and leader for the School. He also gives generously to those trying to make their way - he helped Leigh Jasper and me immensely, and he has been a huge mentor for me. I appreciate everything he has done to help over the years. I am just so pleased that I can pay back just some of his kindness.

Rob Phillpot (’91) Scotch College Boarder: Arthur Robinson House (1987-1991) Co-founder of Aconex, with Leigh Jasper (’91) Scotch College Council (2015-2019)






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Management of the Scotch College Foundation’s Common Fund

The Foundation’s corpus and endowed funds are managed by the Scotch College Investment Committee, a sub-committee of the School Council. The Investment Committee manages the School’s Common Fund and the Scotch College Foundation’s Common Fund. The separation of these funds enables their differing objectives to be appropriately managed.

The Investment Committee comprises members of the School Council, with Foundation representation and co-opted industry advisers. The Investment Committee meets regularly throughout the year and manages the Foundation’s Common Fund in accordance with Investment Policy, as adopted by the School Council and the Foundation Board.

As a charitable fund in perpetuity, the objective of the Foundation’s Common Fund is to obtain a reliable and growing income stream, to provide for the Foundation’s future commitments. Some short-term market volatility is acceptable with a view to being rewarded with long-term capital and income growth, to offset the greater risk of inflation reducing the real value of the capital and distributions over time.

Scotch College Investment Committee

Jonathan Buckley (’83) (Chairman): School Council and Scotch College Foundation School Council Representative

Michael Sim (’78) School Council and Foundation Vice President

Rob Phillpot (’91) School Council (appointed November 2018)

Matthew Duke School Council (appointed November 2018)

John Ireson School Council (retired November 2018)

Robert Hand Co-opted adviser and Foundation Board

Peter Halstead Co-opted adviser

Greg Hosking Co-opted adviser

Michael Kay Co-opted adviser

Ian Taylor (’75) Co-opted adviser

Ross Congleton (’76) Ex-officio

Simon Reichelt Ex-officio

The Foundation takes this opportunity to thank and acknowledge the substantial contribution made by the Scotch College Investment Committee for overseeing its funds in 2018.


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Mark Santini and Karyn MatotekMark Santini (’79) and Karyn Matotek are long-term, exceptionally generous benefactors of Scotch College.

Their philanthropy towards the Scotch Foundation is wide-ranging and has been conducted over many years. It commenced in 1990 with a relatively modest donation to Annual Giving – when Mark was still in his 20s, and has grown to encompass everything from the Memorial Hall refurbishment, the Library Fund, the James Forbes Academy, the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre for Science, the Spencer Centre for Design and Technology, to the Boarding House Renovations, Chitiluka in Zambia, and most recently, through a pledge to the Indigenous Scholarship Fund.

We take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank them for their prodigious championing of the work of the Foundation through the years, all of which takes place with their customary good humoured, self-effacing and gracious willingness to support Scotch.

Patty Wallace-Smith met with Mark and Karyn recently to discuss their approach to philanthropy, and, in particular, why they support Scotch.

You have an abiding relationship with Scotch that began when Mark arrived in Year 9 in 1976. What is at the heart of this enduring connection?

Mark: It’s a family. I have formed lifelong friendships. Scotch had a significant, formative influence on my development.

Karyn: When we run into Scotch people, there’s an instant connection.

While there is an undoubtedly an enduring personal connection with the Scotch Family, we feel that Scotch, by its values and educational excellence and leadership, contributes to the Australian community in many ways. For example, the opportunities for students in science and technology, connections and support to other schools in the community and internationally, and expertise gained over many years of support of education for

Indigenous Australians. We believe in the power of education to uplift individuals and to benefit society and we feel that Scotch does this particularly well

It seems whenever the call goes out from the Foundation, you rally to the cause. Why do you support the Foundation at Scotch, and what particularly is of interest to you, given that you have supported so many programs and projects at Scotch.

The good thing about the Scotch Foundation is that it leverages off all the other things that Scotch provides. In addition, you know that everything goes to that project.

The Indigenous Program is a great example of two-way learning. I know my boys developed a greater understanding of Indigenous communities and culture, and hopefully the Indigenous boys who come to Scotch can better straddle the two cultures that will enable them to reach their full potential.

Your boys Nicholas and Carlos left Scotch in 2011 and 2013 respectively. Why do you continue to give, even as past parents of the School?

It’s easier to donate now they’ve left! There’s more disposable income, and we still feel a link with the School.

We feel there’s an energy and optimism about Scotch. Importantly, the School also focuses on what kind of person you are, and we value education in all its facets.

We are currently giving to the Indigenous Program, and recently to the Science Centre, which is absolutely world class.

The way that Scotch manages the Indigenous Program ensures that none of the donation is lost along the way on administrative costs. Better still, we leverage our donation off all the existing Scotch infrastructure and staff (which are not part of the Foundation’s costs).

We believe that every dollar that we give creates three dollars of value. It is a compelling proposition.

Your advocacy takes so many forms, including always being there for a Foundation function or fundraiser, or two! What makes you and Karyn say ‘yes’ to a Foundation event?

They are good quality events, always well conducted with interesting speakers. People are open and friendly. The event is often not just about the School itself.

Last year’s Evonne Goolagong Indigenous Fundraising Dinner was a really interesting, fun night.

We know you’re passionate about the Indigenous Scholarship Program and making a difference. What is it specifically about this cause that you think is so vital?

It’s an important aspect of education – lifting people and engendering a sense of community. Scotch has a high level of expertise and experience in running the programme.

We like that Indigenous boys can feel part of a community that they otherwise may not have experienced, and it is a learning opportunity for local boys to understand and appreciate another culture.

The Boarding House, in particular, allows boys to experience different cultures. What great preparation for young men to face a global society!

What is your approach to philanthropy and giving at Scotch?

We are thrilled to be able to give. We get a lot out of it on a personal level, and it’s part of our lives.

Why do you think others should consider supporting Scotch?

Scotch is fortunate to have so many people who contribute, ensuring the School is a place that we are proud to send our boys.

Giving generously of one’s time, skills and resources is a feature of all those who are involved in the School’s day-to-day activities, as well as the many councils and clubs.

Karyn and I are thrilled to be amongst this army of volunteers and contributors who epitomise the spirit of the Scotch Familly.

“Scotch is fortunate to have so many people who contribute, ensuring the School is a place that we are proud to send our boys.

Giving generously of one’s time, skills and resources is a feature of all those who are involved in the School’s day to day activities, as well as the many councils and clubs. Karyn and I are thrilled to be amongst this army of volunteers and contributors who epitomise the spirit of the Scotch Family.”

Mark Santini (’79) and Karyn Matotek – Foundation Members and Past Parents of Nicholas (’11) and Carlos (’13)


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Keon-Cohen Dining Hall: A new place for Scotch boys to meet and eat

The Keon-Cohen Dining Hall will sit in the centre of a precinct that will become very much a space for the boys of Scotch; a space that they will own. It will be the Scotch agora: a meeting place, a marketplace, purposely formed to embrace and enhance conversational learning at Scotch.

As the architectural renderings show, the concept extends the Keon-Cohen Building to the west, allowing for a large refectory dining space. It incorporates a canteen kitchen within the existing eastern end of the building and introduces a part mezzanine. The project also includes associated landscaping to create an open square. The Dining Hall will also be a gathering area and function place for the Scotch Family during after-school hours.

During 2018, one of Australia’s largest privately owned construction companies, Hutchinson Builders, was appointed to build the refurbished Keon-Cohen Dining Hall. Having taken possession of the site, the arrival of amenities, fencing and

protective hoardings followed shortly after, as did commencement of the initial demolition and bulk excavation work, including the removal of the Gifford Tower.

These works represent the next step in the School’s commitment to creating spaces that best allow Scotch to fulfil its educational strategy. Works are expected to be completed in time for the commencement of the 2020 academic year.

We sincerely thank all those who have invested in this transformational, long-awaited and much-anticipated project for the boys of Scotch

Keon-Cohen Brick Relocation Ceremony

In a historic gathering of the Keon-Cohen clan on Wednesday 28 November, Chester Keon-Cohen AM (’59) and Bryan Keon-Cohen AM (’63) put their cardinal, gold and blue beribboned hammers to good work in a memorable brick relocation ceremony.

The Keon-Cohen Dining Hall is named to honour the outstanding generosity of Chester and Bryan’s uncle, Colin Keon-Cohen OBE CMG (’25), who left his estate

as a bequest to Scotch on his death in 1982. His bequest forms a significant part of the Scotch College Foundation Endowment Fund (Corpus).

Witnessed by three generations of the Keon-Cohen family, Chester joined other key members of the School community: School Council Chairman, the Hon. Dr David Kemp AC (’59); Principal Tom Batty; Vice President of the Foundation and Chair of the Property Committee, Michael Sim (’78); Director of Development, Tim Shearer (’85) (standing in for Foundation President, Doug Lording (’64), who was an apology on the day); as well as 2018 School Captain, Charlie Schilling, in excising six bricks from the old building for commemorative purposes. Each of these bricks will be inscribed with the names listed above. The bricks will then be incorporated into a plaque to be unveiled at the opening ceremony.


Keon–Cohen Dining Hall






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President’s Dinner One hundred and fifteen Scotch Family members gathered convivially in the Cardinal Pavilion’s Boykett Room on 31 July for a highly enjoyable Scotch Foundation President’s Dinner, at which plans for the Scotch Archives Museum and OSCA House were outlined.

Guests of honour were Bruce Brown (’60), former Scotch History and Politics teacher and 2013 OSCA President, and Paul Mishura, Scotch’s Archivist.

In his address, Bruce Brown said that although the tangible features of the Scotch campus have changed to meet educational imperatives, the intangible aspects of the School’s cultural heritage its values and traditions must be retained.

He praised the advent of OSCA House, recognising that in providing a readily identifiable presence on the campus, it would have significant appeal to the Old Boy community.

Paul Mishura, Scotch Archivist since 2012, spoke of the work of the Archives and the positive benefits that flow to the Scotch Foundation from preserving the School’s history.

During the evening, Foundation President, Doug Lording (’64) presented Geoff Paton (’57) with a certificate honouring his membership of the Forbes Society, and thanked Geoff for his generous contributions to the School as a major benefactor.

The Scotch Foundation celebrated its 2018 Australian Art Show with an opening on Thursday 31 May in the Foyer of the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre for Science. We were honoured that the newly elected Lord Mayor of Melbourne, Sally Capp, was present to officially open the exhibition.

The Atrium and the David Zeidler Auditorium was a perfect setting for the four-day exhibition, which also included a cocktail party for all parents and friends of the Junior and Senior School community on the Saturday evening.

As all proceeds are directed towards the Scotch College Indigenous Scholarship Fund and Tiwi College, it was particularly pleasing that Tiwi College students in

Melbourne on exchange were present at the opening.

We sincerely thank all those involved in the many months of organisation it takes to hold an event of this complexity: the organising committee, Scotch College staff, and, of course, the 53 artists from around Australia whose works were exhibited.

The art show raised more than $100,000, of which $20,000 was directed towards covering the costs associated with transporting the 16 Tiwi College boys to Melbourne, and the balance was directed towards the Indigenous Scholarship Program.


The 2018 Australian Art Show

















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EMG Easter Chapel Service

EMG Easter Service

Members of the East Melbourne Glen Chapter gathered in the Littlejohn Memorial Chapel on Tuesday 27 March to celebrate one of the most important of events in the Christian Calendar, Easter, with its messages of hope, new life and renewal.

Sincere thanks are extended to OSCA Chaplain Reverend Graham Bradbeer who once again conducted the service, and to Organist Steve Manders (’73) who accompanied the congregation for the first time.



EMG Christmas LuncheonA spirited group of more than 200 members of the East Melbourne Glen Chapter and their guests assembled in the Boarders’ Dining Hall on Friday 14 December for the EMG Christmas Luncheon, always an eagerly awaited event for EMG members.

Director of Development Tim Shearer (’85) welcomed guests and reflected on another busy year for the Foundation at Scotch, beginning with the opening of the Spencer Centre for Design and Technology in February, and concluding with the early stages of the exciting Keon-Cohen Dining Hall and the imminent Archives Museum and OSCA House projects.

EMG Committee Chairman, Bill Philip AM (’46) introduced the Guest Speaker, philanthropist and businesswoman, Susan Alberti AC, who spoke passionately about the work of her Foundation and its particular focus on medical research.

As always, the Christmas Luncheon provided a wonderful opportunity to enjoy warm fellowship, delicious Christmas fare, and even a bit of extra exercise for the vocal chords with some carol singing.

The EMG were pleased to make a donation to the Susan Alberti Medical Research Foundation.






















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EMG Winter LuncheonThis year’s EMG Winter Luncheon was held on Wednesday 6 June, a beautiful, sunny Melbourne day. It was another highly successful and enjoyable EMG event.

The guest speaker, Professor Tony Holmes AO, a senior plastic surgeon at the Royal Children’s Hospital and Clinical Professor at the Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, captivated the audience with his unique insight into the advances in paediatric cranial surgery.

A renowned pioneer of complex reconstructive surgery – one which delivers life-changing outcomes to children with significant and distressing skull and facial deformities – Tony shared how new procedures and the increasingly important role of design engineers and three-dimensional imaging have revolutionised his field. His craniofacial

unit, established in 1979, is now the largest in the southern hemisphere, and his techniques are used around the world.

Old Scotch Collegians have featured prominently in the transformative world of plastic and maxillofacial surgery. Tony paid tribute to the work of Old Boy, Sir Benjamin Rank (‘28), who is considered by many to be the father of plastic surgery in Australia.

It was an added bonus to have Tony’s mentor and widely respected oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr Robert (Bob) Cook AM (‘47) seated alongside him. Bob was once described by Scotch Old Boy, Associate Professor Andrew Heggie (‘72), also a leading paediatric reconstructive surgeon at the Royal Children’s Hospital, as a ‘giant upon whose shoulders the rest of us stood’.

Tony Holmes and his wife Caroline are past parents of Scotch: Charlie (‘08), and twins, Barnaby (‘14) and Oliver (‘14).


3 Councils Cocktail Party

Members of the School, Foundation and OSCA Councils, together with the School Executive, gathered on the Sir Clive Steele Rooftop of the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre for Science on Thursday 22 February to introduce new members, share ideas, socialise and celebrate the recently opened Spencer Centre for Design and Technology and the impact

this exceptional new facility will have on the teaching and learning of these subjects at Scotch.

School Council Chairman, The Hon. Dr David Kemp AC (’59), Foundation President, Assoc. Prof. Doug Lording (’64), and OSCA President, Andrew Crawford (’89) each outlined plans, objectives

and projects for the year ahead in their respective areas.

This annual event provides a welcome opportunity for these discrete groups within the School to come together in this most stunning of settings with its panoramic views of Scotch.






















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Boarders are entwined in every strand of the vibrant Scotch tartan and enrich the experience of every Scotch boy, family and member of staff…

Our attention now turns to the complete revitalisation of life on the Hill for our boarding community.

Boarding has been an integral part of Scotch College since the School’s foundation. From the first opening of our doors in 1851, to the annual welcoming of boys on to the Hill, a belief in boarding has been a key pillar in the School’s operations and plans.

In acknowledging the significance and nature of such influence, the Boarding Project seeks to provide the best possible experience for our boarders, whether they arrived via city streets, regional highways, interstate freeways, international airspace or with red dirt on their boots.

The Boarding Project will transform boarding facilities on the Hill for boys, staff and boarding families.

Improved accommodation for boys and staff, enhanced dining facilities and a new Boarding Family Centre for parents will significantly enrich the lives of all who call the Hill home.

The Boarding Project demonstrates the School’s commitment to boarding’s place at the heart of a Scotch education.

The School Council, Principal, and the Scotch College Foundation, with the support of the Old Scotch Collegians’ Association, are committed to this next exciting development in Scotch’s

educational facilities. Generations of Old Boys have been boarders and have contributed significantly to the Scotch Family and the wider community, both near and far.

We hope you will join us in continuing the momentum, as we next look to engage the Scotch Family in providing enhanced facilities for generations of Scotch boys who will call the Hill their home. If you would like to support this project, or learn more about it, please contact Director of Development. Tim Shearer on +61 3 9810 4301 or [email protected]


What’s Next? The Boarding Project


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Foundation Timeline

Sir Laurence Muir (‘42) 1973-74

Bib Stillwell OAM (‘46) 1974-79

1973–79– 1973

Established with the assistance of the NFRC (National Fund Raising Council), a prominent fundraising consultancy. Laurie Muir (’41) was the driving force behind the formation of the Scotch College Foundation, in preference to running another capital campaign.

– 1973 – 76

Totally run by volunteers.

– 1976

Representatives from six significant American independent schools, visiting Australia as a result of an invitation from the Headmasters’ Conference of Australia, recommend the appointment of a full-time Development Officer of the Foundation.

– 1977

Brigadier Dick Durance appointed as inaugural Development Officer. The Annual Fund, the first in an Australian school, piloted with five Old Boy year groups.

– 1978

Pilot of Annual Fund extended to cover 15 year groups.

John McIlwraith (‘41) 1980-82

Sandy Murdoch (‘59) 1982-90

1980–84– 1980

Brigadier Durance retires and Peter Crook appointed as part-time Foundation Development Officer. Full-time secretary appointed.

– 1981

Annual Fund expanded to include non-Old Boy parents who have boys in Years 7 to 12. Phone-a-thons piloted.

– 1982

Grandparents’ Days introduced for grandparents of boys in Prep and Year 7.

– 1983

East Melbourne Chapter of Scotch Collegians established. Expanded some years later to include all Old Boys 75 years of age or older and renamed the East Melbourne Glen Chapter (EMG).

Brian Randall OAM (‘52) 1990-93

Michael Robinson AO (‘55) 1993-96

1985–1995– 1988

Development Office established to encompass OSCA, Foundation and Archives. Peter Crook appointed as first Director of Development and Foundation’s Executive Director.

– 1993

Lithgow Centre

– 1995

Language and Culture Centre

Michael Robinson AO (‘55) 1993-96

Peter Joyce (‘55) 1996-2001

1996–1999– 1996

Margaret Long appointed as Foundation’s Development Officer.

– 1998

Major two-year $7M Capital Campaign launched for the James Forbes Academy.

James Forbes Academy (final stage opened 2005)

Sir Zelman Cowen Centre for Science (2016)


Campbell McComas AM (‘69) 2001-04

Michael Stillwell (‘68) 2004-08

2000–2012– 2001

Campaign target for the James Forbes Academy reached.

– Peter Crook retires and is replaced as Director of Development by Alan Watkinson.

– 2007

Alan Watkinson heads to Trinity College’s Development Office and Astrida Cooper is appointed Acting Director of Development.

– 2009

John Da Cruz is appointed as Director of Development.

– 2012

Tim Shearer (’85) is appointed as Director of Development.

Michael Robinson AO (‘55) 2008-2017

2013–15– 2013

Major three-year $20M Capital Campaign for the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre for Science launched.

Life Support for Scotch program introduced for younger Old Boys.

– 2015

$20M Capital Campaign for the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre for Science successfully completed.

Doug Lording (’64) 2017-Present

2016–20 – 2016

$40M fundraising effort to perpetually endow the Scotch College Indigenous Scholarship Program, to fund the Spencer Centre for Design and Technology and the Keon-Cohen Dining Hall, and to support the Scholarship Fund launched.

– 2017

The Tony Briggs Scholarship 24-hour fundraiser successfully raises $1,287,985, well in excess of the $750,000 required to establish in perpetuity Scotch’s first fully endowed Indigenous scholarship.

– 2018

The Spencer Centre for Design and Technology is successfully opened and named in honour of the transformative $7.5M bequest from Lionel Spencer.

– The $9M Spencer Centre for Design and Technology opens to acclaim on 2 February and heralds a transformational phase for the teaching of these subjects.

– The Foundations of Scotch, Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club and Evonne Goolagong combine to raise $15,000 each for their respective Indigenous Programs at a Fundraising Dinner at Kooyong on 20 September.

– The Michael Robinson Boarding Scholarship established in perpetuity, with the target total of $650,000 achieved.

The Spencer Centre for Design and Technology (2018)

The Tony Briggs (‘85) Indigenous Scholarship (2017)

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Foundation MembersWe would like to thank most sincerely all those listed below who have previously, or continue to support financially the work of the Foundation and the School, much of which has been longstanding and exceptionally generous.

We would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank those who have contributed anonymously.

Forbes Society

Scotch College has thrived on the philanthropic commitment of its community. Scotch College is a product of the Enlightenment which swept through Scotland in the 18th Century. Our founder, the Reverend James Forbes, campaigned strongly for a system of public education to be established in the colony of Victoria. He worked tirelessly to establish Scotch College, which opened its doors on 6 October 1851.

Forbes was passionate about the importance of education to the future of Australia, and espoused the notion that each generation should be better than the one before. Scotch has always sought to live up to Forbes’ belief in the necessity for a broad, general and scientific education based on Christian principles.

The Scotch College of today is a modern and dynamic Australian school, inspired by the values of our founder, and based firmly on the crucial role we believe education plays in empowering young people to take control of their lives.

We celebrate the following people who have made transformational commitments to the School or to the Scotch College Foundation, and who have been recognised with membership of the Forbes Society – the School and the Foundation’s highest level of recognition:

Forbes Society

Ayre, John & Louise

Bellair, John (‘27)†

Blackwell, Allan(‘39)† & Margaret†

Boell, Graeme (‘53)†

Brewster, Mabel†

Cocking, Kelvyn (‘38)†

Crow, Tom (‘50) & Callydel Cott, May†

Drummond, Craig (‘78) & BernadetteErrington, Max (‘56) & FayField, JohnFraser Smith, Duncan (‘32)†

Geng, Frank & Angie ZhaoGifford, Ken (‘39)†

Gillespie, Roger OAM (‘69) & Lesley OAMGoldman Sachs GivesGoode, Charles AC (‘56) & CorneliaGronow, Euan & DebbyHarbig, Dick (‘34)† & FellaHenderson, Peter (‘57)Hilton-Wood, John (‘41)† & WendyHolder, Ken (‘41)† & BarbaraHumble, JillJohnston, Christian (‘90) & JinahKeon-Cohen, Colin OBE CMG (‘25)†

Lai, Wilson & Anita WongLithgow, Bruce (‘46)† & NormaLithgow, Don AM (‘44)†

Maling, Gerald (‘15)†

Manley, Daryl (‘51) & Ian BrightMcAllester, Jim (‘36)†

McComas, Mary†

McLennan, Sir Ian KCMG KBE (‘27)†

Mendel, Bernard†

Montgomery, Bob (‘21)†

Murdoch, Sandy (‘57) & Sandra Neal, Campbell (‘79)Neal, SimoneNilsen, Vic (‘26)†

Old Scotch Collegians’ AssociationOrton, Lloyd (‘35)†

Palmer, Tony (‘54)Paton, Geoff (‘57)Paton, Walter (‘32)†

Patterson, Joseph (‘23)†

Payne, Glenis†

Pratt, Richard† & Jeanne ACRamsay, Sir Thomas (‘24)† &

Lady CatherineRandall, Brian OAM (‘52) & Anne†

The Randall FamilyRimmington, Bertha†

Roach, Ian AO (‘43)† & JudyRobertson, Struan (‘16)†

Roddick, Alan (‘26)†

Ryan, Patti†

Spencer, Lionel (‘15)† & Yvonne†

Stillwell, Bib OAM (‘46)†

Stirling, Alfred (‘18)†

Tang, Tang & Cathy GuVaccari, Franco & RosalieWall, John OAM (‘41)†

Whitelaw, Graeme (‘52)Yu, David & DominiqueYu, Davis (‘07)Zeidler, Sir David AC Kt CBE (‘35)† & Lady June†

Anonymous (5)


Abercrombie, Drew (‘72) & ShaddaAberdeen, Paul (‘86) & NinaAndrianakos, Theo & MandyAndrianopoulos, ChristosArmstrong, Martin & ToniBaevski, Michael (‘68) & Della RoseBalderstone, Sir James AC (‘39)† & Lady Mary†

Bardas, David AO (‘54)Barker, RossBarton, Andrew & HelenBatkin, John (‘68)†

Beattie, Jim (‘52) & JudithBeaurepaire, Donald (‘64) & MargieBeaurepaire, GillBeaurepaire , Ian CMG (‘40)†

Bell Charitable FundBernardo, Nick & AlbaBradfield, Ross (‘52) & AlixBrand, John (‘51)Brash, Geoff AM (‘46)†

Buckley, Peter (‘54) & MargaretBulley, Bob (‘41)Burns-Clark, TraceyCallahan, Chris (‘76) & Anne GaidesCallahan, John†

Cameron, WallaceCampbell, Terry AO & Christine

Casey, Clinton & LeslieChan, Patrick & Hui CheahChandler, John† & DeborahCh’ng, Kar Hong† & SiewCochrane, Andrew AM (‘72)Cohen, Andy (‘84)Collins, Rae (‘36)†

Cooper, Peter (‘43)† & Jocelyn†

Coveney, Don & JoanCramond, BronwynCramond, David†

Craven, John (‘69) & MargaretCrawford, David AO (‘62) & MaureenCruickshank, Andrew (‘71) & KimCurry, Norman AM†

Di Donato, Enio (‘77) & AngelaDisher, Clive CBE ED (‘11)†

Douglas, James (‘84) & JulieEarle, David (‘72)Eastoe, John & SallyCampbell Edwards TrustEvans, Ken OAM (‘48)Farrell, Greig & GladysFeitel, Maurice†

Forrest, Alex (‘59)Forrest, William AM (‘62)Fraser, Graeme (‘51) & PamGance, Damien & Sasha RobertsonGarde, Greg AO RFD (‘66) & ChrisGibson, Jim (‘26)†

Gin, Douglas & SusanGlenn, Sir Archibald OBE (‘29)†

Gove, Noel (‘39)†

Griffin, Peter AMHand, Rob & AbigailHarbig, Rick (‘61) & ChristineHe, Jay & Tiana DingHeine, Michael (‘67) & CharlotteHicks, Ian AMHill, Ian (‘67) & Michelle EhrlichHogg, Tom (‘43)† & Merrilyn HoneyHubay, Gabor & RoniHume, David OAM (‘41) & MayaHume-Cook, James†

Inge, Peter OAM & PennyIngham, Peter (‘62) & ElizabethJames, Tim & SusanJasper, Ken AM (‘55) & Annette†

Jasper, Leigh (‘91) & AndreaJohnson-King, Jeremy & MoniqueJohnston, Cam (‘67) & CarolineJoyce, Peter (‘55) & BarbKabo, Konfir & Monica LimKay, Michael & SallyKeck, Scott (‘69)Kimberley, Craig (‘59) & ConnieKing-Smith, Eric (‘42)Kirby, Robert AO & Merron Kirby OAMKnight, John & AnneKollosche, John OAM (‘56) & PenelopeKornfeld, Henryk† & LucyKrongold, Henry CBE AM†

Lee, CyrilLempriere, William (‘85) & KristineLi, Jian & Ning MaLithgow, Peter (‘76) & JulietLogan, John (‘45)† & LoisLording, Doug (‘64) & LizLuk, Edwin & Ada WanMa, David & Lucy LaiMacleish, Scotty AO (‘46)†

Mactier, Ross (‘57)Magennis, Bill (‘68) & MaureenMai, Boliang & Li Ying ZhangMandie, David OBE AM†

Marash, Danny & BeverleyMcComas, Campbell AM (‘69)† & WendyMcIlwraith, John (‘41) & GwenMcQueen, Kel (‘43)†

Meadows, Paul (‘73) & Patricia CrossMelbourne, Leigh & GemmaMiddleton, John & CaroleMorandini, Frank & MaggieMoyes, Don (‘50)Muir, Sir Laurence (‘42)† & Ruth†

Myer, Andrew AM (‘79) & KerryMyer, Ken AC DSC†

The Sidney Myer FundNaito, Kazuma (‘89) & CateO’Brien, Tom & KateOSCA - Cardinal ClubOSCA - N.E. BranchPaltoglou, George & LindaPan, Chun-Jung & LeePang, Barry & Anne

Parisi, Pep (‘76) & CarmelPaterson, John & AnniePenington, David AC (‘47) & Sonay HusseinPiriyahapun, Willie & Wendy MahProwse, Bob (‘62)† & ElizabethQuirk, JacquiRandall, James (‘82) & RobynRehfisch, Ian (‘62) & VirginiaReid, John AO (‘47)John T Reid Charitable TrustsRichardson, Martin & LouiseRide, John (‘44)†

Robinson, Michael AO (‘55)† & JudithRoche, DenisRoss, Ian & Margaret AORyan, Adam & YokoViolet Norma Sanders TrustSantini, Mark (‘79) & Karyn MatotekScovell, Alex (‘29)†

Scotch College Junior School Parents’ AssocScotch College Senior School Swap ShopShaw, Jim (‘41)† & June†

Sheng, Bruce & Teresa ChenShergold, John (‘57) & ShelleySides, Bill (‘63) & DianneSim, Michael (‘78) & UrsulaSimpson, John (‘75) & CathySloan, Alex (‘71) & Karen WoodSloane, Jan & DebraSmalley, Darryl (‘56) & HeatherSmith, JamesSpargo, Stephen AM & JillSparks, Paul & Louise MurdochThe Starkins FamilyStasiuk, Ron & RitaStern, Kurt (‘45)†

Stewardson, Robin (‘54)† & JennyStewart, BobStillwell, Christopher (‘73)Stillwell, GillianStillwell, Michael (‘68) & Jillian WoinarskiStillwell, Nicholas (‘85)Stillwell, Robert (‘71)Stops, Geoff & WendyStrang, John AO (‘58)† & Alison

Strang, Robert (‘64) & AnneSunshine FoundationSzeredi, Rona†

Tan, Chien Wei & Ping Ping YeohTan, Christopher & CynthiaTing, Matthew & HelenaTingate, Clive (‘18)†

Tsui, William & LouisaTuckfield, Michael (‘73) & PaulaValmorbida, Saverio† & BlaanVan den Broek, Peter & Jackie RyanWang, Edward & Lisa FangWang, Harry & Michelle ZhengWang, WeihuaWang, William & JulieWarner, Jack (‘49) & Trish†

Wenzel, Bruce (‘28)†

Werner, Don (‘61)†

Wicking, John (‘33)†

Wong, Ep (‘65) & LizWood, Frank (‘46)† & BettyYates, Peter AM & SusanYouren, Colin (‘56)†

Yu, Bu LianYu, Damita & Dylan Baker-RiceZeigler, John & LisaAnonymous (3)

Senior Fellows

Albury, Gilbert (‘61)Armstrong, Lachlan (‘95) & RebekahBalderstone, Peter (‘54)Bartlett, John & CarolBarton, James (‘03)Batty, Tom & LeeBell, Colin (‘58)Bellair, David (‘60)Brain, Terry (‘56)Brown, Howard (‘62) & JenniferBuckley, Jonathan (‘83) & KatieCamuglia, John & NatashaCattermole, Andrew & Lyndsey Cattermole AMCheetham, Barry & JoanneChi, Michael & Mei LiuChristensen, Keith (‘31)†

Christian, Una†

Coates, Tony (‘55)Congleton, Ross (‘76) & RosemaryCooper, Craig (‘74) & Astrida

Curnow, Rod (‘77)Curnow, Ron (‘48)†

Darvall, Tony AM (‘58) & SueDerham, Jim (‘56) & JudyDevlin, Graeme & CarolyneDick, David & SandraDobson, Ian (‘66) & SueDunn, Alexander† & Ann†

Eddy, Douglas (‘49) & HelenElliott, Ross & JennyField, Ken†

Findlay, Peter (‘89) & Anna Campbell-FindlayFreeman, Marcus & SarahGallery, Brian & MariaGan, David & Sharon PhuaGibson, John (‘64) & SuzannahGough, Stewart & SallyHarkness, Andrew (‘63)Hawthorne, Stan (‘23)†

Healy, Peter & DianeHenderson, John (‘90)Ho, James (‘88) & CharissaHo, Mark (‘82) & Cindy LeungHume, Ken (‘57) & AnnIngram, Hec (‘26)†

Jackson, Keith†

Janko, George & KarenJatkar, SuhasJohns, Jennifer AMJonas, Tim (‘62) & LisaKay, Tom (‘73) & Barbara DemediukKimberley, Roger (‘62) & ChristineKnight, TobyKyriazis, ConKyriazis, MariaLane, ElizabethLaw, Ian (‘55) & BuntyLawry, Grant (‘37)†

Leung, Pak & MarieLiao, Chin-Hsun & Hsiu-PiLing, Jonathan (‘71) & DianneLong, Ian (‘58) & MargaretLuth, Col (‘54) & PamelaMabin, Richard (‘64)Macdonald, MargaretMacNab, Anthony (‘61)†

Manson, Ian (‘51) & TheaMarshall, Bill (‘58)† & PamMartin, Ollie†

Marvin, Jeff & AnnabelleMcKay, Robert (‘61) & SarahMelnikoff, Alex & SandyMenzies, Graham (‘47)Mercer, Don & Angela

Mezzetti, Bill & AnnaMiller, Andrew (‘59) & JeanMurdoch, Ashley (‘82)Murdoch, Dame Elisabeth AC DBE†

Naphtali, Michael AM (‘65) & AtidaNeate, David & AnneNelson, Richard (‘57) & SueOng, Kok Thai & SherieOrloff, James & Kirsten MacLeodPaton, Hugh (‘56)Penfold, Campbell (‘58) & ChristinePerelberg, Harry & RitaPerry, Reg (‘15)†

Phillpot, Bill OAM & Glenys Phillpot OAMPhillpot, Robert (‘91) & CleaPillay, Prakash (‘82) & Catarina AngPolk, Robert† & LizPowell, Denis & ElainePrentice, Robert (‘30)†

Pullar, Philip OAM (‘57)† & WendyRavida, Don & LucyRichardson, Harry (‘35)†

Richardson, Rodney (‘87) & RacquelRoach, Neil (‘48)†

Robinson, Charles (‘86)Robinson, Ed (‘93) & BaileyRobinson, Will (‘89) & VickiSartain, Charlie (‘78) & HeatherScott, Ken (‘48) & AnneSeward, Bill (‘58) & MarilynShearer, Ben & CarolineShearer, Tim (‘85) & ChristineShilton, Alwyn†

Shrimpton, Molly†

Skepper, John & FaySlade, Geoff & Anita ZiemerSloan, MardiSmith, Peter & Carol Standford-StarrStewardson, Eileen†

Stone, Ron & JenniSyme, James (‘59) & AnneTallent, Lindsay (‘44)† & Joan†

Tan, Frank & Ada WuTan, Loy Jin & Kee BoeyTao, Tom & HelenTarrant, Geoff & Nicole CallejaTaylor, David & GaiThomas, Rob & RuthTram, Kim & Sue Sam

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Trembath, Peter & JaneTuckwell, Graham & LouiseWard, John (‘32)†

Wenzel, Peter (‘60)Wenzel, Tony (‘55) & ValWeyhausen, ErnstWhelan, RobWickens, Claire†

Williams, Lloyd & SusieWills, Stuart & AntoniaWilson, Andrew (‘78) & AilsaWilson, Ralph (‘47) & KathyWorcester, Peter (‘71)Wright, Phil (‘69) & DotYoung, Douglas & BettyYunghanns, Peter (‘55) & PatriciaZhou, Jian & Lin MiaoAnonymous (2)


Aberdeen, John (‘46) & GillianAdam, David (‘91) & CatherineAllen, Will (‘83) & Monique MorrisAlmond, Peter & CarmelAmery, Clive & Pam Ananijevski, Greg & MareAng, Philip†

Angliss, Peter & SueAshton, David (‘65) & MickyAshton, Peter (‘66) & BrendaAujard, Rohan (‘85)Aurel-Smith, Cam Aziz, Rodney & MariyaBalderstone, Richard (‘76) & SophieBaldy, Lindsay (‘30)†

Barber, DavidBarker, Stuart & Margaret Barnett, Geoff (‘64)Barnett, Harvey†

Barnett, SandraBeckett, Alan Beckwith, Stuart (‘68)Beischer, Andrew & EllenBennetts, JohnBest, James AO & Doris YoungBillings, Graeme & LetitiaBlair, Tony (‘53) & BarbaraBlandy, Bill & BarbaraBloom, Norman & Pauline Bloom, Richard (‘86) & LisaBlythe, Brian & Helen Bodon, Peter (‘86) & Catherine Bodsworth, Clifford†

Bong, Allan & FannyBowden, Geoff (‘46)Boykett, David (‘51)†

Boykett, John (‘48)Boykett, Mike (‘73) & Robyn SeymourBreese, Ken & Jenny Brooke, Geoff (‘72) & RobynBrooker, Don†

Brown, Gary & Sally Van NootenBrownell, David (‘62) & JoannaBrydon, David (‘46)Bufe, Hans & SallyCartwright, DennisCastan, Richard & SueChambers, John & LoreenChan, Barry & LorettaChan, Benjamin & CeciliaChan, David & Lai Ching WongChan, Patrick (‘83) & Vanessa KoChan, Raymond & Phyllis LauChernov, Alex AC & ElizabethCheung, Kim & Esther KwokChin, Leeten & JudyChoiselat, Paul & LynetteChoy, Colin & BebeChung, Benedict & AliceClayton, Ken (‘54)† & HelenClifford, John & ValerieCohen, Sir Edward (Eddie) (‘30)†

Collingwood, John (‘59) & ChrisConsett, Christopher & CarolineCook, Bob AM (‘47) & GillCook, ClaudiaCooke, David (‘45)Cooper, Peter (‘07)Cox, Nicholas (‘88) & CarolineCrittenden, Gavin (‘68) & GailDallalana, Richard & Jennifer CowenDalziel, Rodney† & MarieDanos, Andrew (‘02)Danos, Matthew (‘06)Danos, Tom & EvelynDavidson, Malcolm & Toniann† Davison, JonDeague, DavidDerham, Mark (‘67) & AmandaDonaldson, Gordon AM

& JoyceDonaldson, Lachie (‘66) & CarolineDuggan, Mark & MelissaDunlop, Alexander (‘64)† Dwyer, Geoffrey & Sophia†

Elgin-Stuczynski, Roman†

England, Bob (‘38)†& Joan†

Esnouf, Stuart (‘72)Fang, Feijun & XiuhongFaragher, Mark & ChristineFayman, Marvin & BarbaraFekete, Peter & LibbyFindlay, Max (‘64) & JeanetteFinkelstein, RaymondForrest, Gavin (‘63)Foubister, John (‘55) & JeniFowles, David & JoanFrame, Jim (‘69) & JillFraser, Donald & ValeryFraser Smith, Duncan (‘57)Fraser-Smith, Ian (‘64) & JennyFreeman, JackGani, Johan & SukmiGeorgiou, Evan Goldsmith, Gary & GabrielleGonzales, Graeme & Valerie TayGraham, David (‘68) & WendyGrau, Bill (‘53)†

Gray, Bill & LornaGray, Malcolm AM & NeridaGriffith, RosemaryHaines, Ian & WendyHamer, Richard & AmandaHamilton, Will (‘80) & TaffHardeman, Stuart & BarbaraHarding, John & RoslynHardy-Smith, Peter OAM (‘48) & BerylHarkness, Phil (‘74) & RosemaryHart-Smith, Neil (‘60) & AnneHaslam, Chris & ChrisHassoun, Kal & Jien KittikhounHatton, KateHeaton, Michael (‘65) & StellaHenkell, Hans & PetraHerron, Ross† & DawnHildebrandt, Peter & LynnHilliard, John AO (‘34)†

Hilliard, Philip (‘67)Ho, Lau-Cheung & Peggie

Hookey, Stephen & BeverleyHopkins, John (‘49)Hopkins, WendyHudson, Geoff & SchonHughes, Chris (‘71) & SusanHume, David (‘60) & JaneHumphery-Smith, Derek & Kythe McLeanHunt, Giles & GillHunt, RobHunt, Sam (‘92) & GeorginaImam, Najee & CrisoulaInge, Zig & HelenJacob, Ashok & MariamJames, Christopher (‘59) & ElizabethJames, Kenneth†

Jamieson, Leigh & RosemaryJefferson, John & DebbieJimenez, ManuelJohnson, Michael (‘71) & MargaretKaminsky, John & JillKane ConstructionsKao, JackKeating, Peter & WendyKemp, David AC (‘59) & Anne MarieKennett, Ken (‘39)†

Kerr, Rob OAM & JoanKing, Jeremy & LynKo, Jimmy & DorothyKoh, Andrew & PerlaKuo, CharlotteLacey, Stan (‘53) & SusanLam, Fung & Cecilia ZhaoLam, KennethLee, Victor (‘81)Legge, Chris (‘74) & AlisonLi, Baojun & Jane YanLi, Doug & Sue HoLiew, Christopher†

Lim, Tian Hoong & Shok Bee OhLin, Andrew & JennyLin, David & Jian GuanLindsay, David (‘70) & SallyLittle, Clive†

Liu, Francis & AmyLo, Sau-Him & SusanLogie-Smith, Rob AM (‘60) & SueLoh, Brian (‘99) & Emily WoollettLoh, Peter & LeanneLong, Jonathan (‘89) & NickyLongmuir, Bob (‘45)†

Lord, Peter (‘46) & DawnLucas, Geremy & Nickie Whitham

MacFarlane, John (‘62)†

Macrae, Fin AO (‘66)Marshall, John & CareyMcBain, Timothy (‘81)McCall, Graeme (‘56)† & JulieMcGregor, Leigh (‘55) & RosMcKay, HughMcLaren, Rob (‘73)McLean, George (‘43) & ElizabethMcNamara, Chris & DianaMcOmish, Don (‘55)McOmish, Ross (‘66) & GeraldineMcPhate, Alan (‘45)†

McPhee, Anthony & JessieMcPherson, Duncan & AmandaMcQueen, Andrew & PamelaMeares, Robert (‘64) & RobynMelville, Hugh (‘42) & JudithMiles, David AM & JudyMoller, Carl & SarahMolyneux, Alan & AnneMontague, Nick (‘86) & Kate FfrenchMontgomery, John (‘60)Moore, Daryl (‘50) & JocelynMoore, PeterMoore, Peter (‘57) & HarrietMorris, Ralph (‘52) & YvonneMosley, Hugh (‘80) & NoirinMui, Simon & PattyMunckton, Michael (‘71)Muntz, Jim (‘51)† & PatMyer, Prudence†

Negri, Justin (‘84) & Simonne NeilNew, Kim & AngelNguyen, Trung & TinaNichols, Roy (‘26)†

Nicol, James (‘66)Noordin, Mohammad YussofOrme, Barrie (‘50)† & MaryOSCA Tennis ClubO’Sullivan, John & GeraldineOziemski, Peter & ChandraPai, Charles & EllenPappas, Nick & MarinaPedersen, John & Catriona McLeanPirie, Jack† & ClarePlayfoot, JohnPrice, Daniel & Kim WoodsPrice, Rohan (‘91) & Marina Malcolm

Purton, Bill (‘71)Ramasamy, Dayalan & Michelle Ananda-RajahRees, Richard (‘68) & JoyReeves, John (‘76) & JudyReid, Allan (‘58)Richards, John (‘50)†

Robson, Andrew & RosemaryRobson, Jim & AnnitaRodd, Michael (‘65) & Angela Roddick, John (‘69)Rogers, Nicholas & RosemaryMalcolm Rose TrustRoseby, Rob (‘86) & Nicki LevyRowe, Brian (‘41)Roy, Graeme & JanetSavage, Ian & BeverleyScambler, Mac (‘26)†

Scarborough, Bob (‘63) & RosemaryScotch College Parents’ AssociationScott, Andrew & PamelaScott, JoScott, Peter (‘73) & OfeliaSellars-Jones, Graham (‘53)Sellars-Jones, Richard (‘85) & AliciaSharma, Dia Ram & SumitaShaw, Stan & AdrienneSigley, Ernie & GlenysSimm, JillSimm, RodSimmie, Roy (‘37)†

Simpson, Bob (‘37)†

Smorgon, Robert AM & VickySquires, Colin & MarySteel, Philip (‘68)Steele, Tony (‘59) & JulieStewart-Hesketh, Myles & LyndaStott, John (‘49)†

Strathmore, Neil & Margot DaveySu, Charles (‘82) & Emily LoSutherland, Bruce (‘48) & JuneSwan, Peter (‘72) & BronwynSyme, David (‘63) & SueSymon, Richard (‘73) & SaraTadgell, Hamish (‘85) & StephanieTai, Richard & Ada LawTallent, Stan (‘14)†

Tang, Howard & FidellaTargett, Stephen & VeraTaylor, Keith (‘34)†

Teoh, Mark & Fiona LeeTham, Stephen & SuiThomas, Vergis & MariamTilsley, Francis & JennyTindale, Richard (‘54)Tingate, John (‘43)† & AlisonTolstrup, David (‘66) & AlisonTomlinson, Geoffrey & SuzanneTsang, Hin Kar & ConnieTse, PaulUpjohn, Ian (‘84) & SallyVellios, Chris & AnnetteVrazas, John & VickieWalker, Glenn (‘84) & NicoleWallace-Smith, Andrew (‘72) & PattyWalpole, Andrew & MarieWang, Enooh & Rosemary YuWatkinson, AlanWatson, Colin & YvonneWeston, Paul (‘61)Wilson, Hugh (‘65) & NoeleneWood, Stuart AM (‘84) & SamWormald, Nick & JoWorth, David & HelenYan, Victor & VictoriaYip, Gary & DebbieZelcer, PamZhang, Kelvin & Linda QuZimmet, Paul & VivianZotov, Sam & Nadia Zotova Anonymous (10)

Associate Fellows

Abbott, Jon & CherylAdams, HughAdams, Kevin & Anna Rifai-AdamsAdams, Peter (‘55) & LorraineAdams, Peter (‘65) & Wiwiek†

Adams, Rob (‘76) & AnnAddison, Marshall (‘34)†

Addison, Peter (‘65) & SarndiAhfat, Charles & ThereseAitchison, Doug (‘46)Aitken, Jamie (‘63) & FrancesAitkenhead, Bill (‘26)†

Akaoui, Hani & CarmenAlateras, Bill & VickiAlbrecht, Kurt†

Alexander, Andrew &

CynthiaAlexander, Joe & AnnAllard, Peter (‘55) & AdeleAllison, Clive & Catherine†

Anandaganeshan, Ananda & ShivaAnderson, Tom (‘25)†

Anderson, Tony (‘60)Ang, Seong-Yong & Kirsten GordonAngell, Donald & HildaAngliss, Tom (‘89) & MillieAppleton, Rohan (‘84) & NikiArmstrong, Bruce & DeniseArmstrong, John & RebeccaAshley, Wade & CatherineAshworth, Paul & MarnieAtkinson, MichaelAuld, Jack (‘87)Azzopardi, John & GeorgianaBailey, Anthony†

Baker, Bill (‘35)†

Balazs, Michael & KayeBales, Stuart (‘56) & JillBallandry FundBarnaby, James (‘22)†

Barnaby, John (‘58)†

Barnes, Russell & HeatherBarnett, John†

Barr, John AM & RosemaryBartnik, ZbigniewBarton, Ian (‘61)Batchelor, John (‘92) & Georgina WoodsBates, Craig & MeganBatrouney, Clive & JennyBatrouney, Noel & BelindaBattlay, Peter† & SallyBaxter, Bill AM (‘64)Bayston, Brian (‘48) & HelenBeaumont, FrederickBeaurepaire, James (‘98) & RebeccaBeeny, Chris & MerrilynBegley, Ross & NicoleBell, David† & WendyBell, Ned (‘91) & AlisonBell, Peter & BarbaraBendschneider, Cameron & MichelleBerenger, PettifleurBernard, Mark† & SarahBerriman, Peter (‘27)†

Berry, Howard (‘50)† & KayeBertalli, Cameron & JulieBethell, Ken (‘37)†

Bethune, Robert (‘72) & LouiseBevz, Peter

Beyer, Peter (‘46)†

Biggins, Richard & Kim VeallBiggs, David & Liane KempBird, RonBlanch, Barbara†

Blanch, John (‘36)†

Blenkiron, Harold (‘24)†

Blood, JohnBoag, Paul (‘62) & LynBobeff, Anne & PeterBoell, Bruce (‘54)Bond, Phillip & JennyBornstein, Joel†

Borya, AlexBowdern, Darren & AnnBowman, Mark (‘75) & GayleBoyd, Robert & AnnBradley, Les & Bonnie†

Bradshaw, Max (‘27)†

Brahe, DavidBraid, Ian (‘60)Brassington, Matthew & PennyBroadbent, Winston & NanetteBroadfoot, Eric (‘26)†

Brooks, Mark (‘79) & SuzieBrooks, Peter†

Brooks, Ron & RobbieBrown, Bruce (‘60) & SueBrown, John AO (‘58)Brown, John & LibbyBrown, Matt & JacquiBrown, Nick (‘87) & PrueBrown, Ray†

Brown, RonaldBruce, BarbaraBubb, Stephen (‘76) & Helen BellBuchanan, Rob (‘64) & AlannahBunyan, Ruth AMBurke, Bill & BelindaBurnet, David (‘44) & BettyBurns, Paul & EleanorBurrill, Hugh & Meridee FlowerBurrows, Rick (‘77)Burt, Kevin (‘56) & JudithBuscombe, Stuart (‘91)† & RebeccaButterfield, Louis†

Buttery, Jim (‘83) & PoraneeCade, John AO & LynneCain, Michael & Helen Kiely-CainCaine, Nick & FionaCalvert-Jones, John AO & Janet AMCameron, Hugh (‘80) & Penny

Cameron, James (‘85) & SarahCampbell, Alastair & SueCampbell, Colin OAM (‘62)Campbell, Colin (‘49)† & BevCampbell, Garry & MariaCampbell, John (‘42)†

Campbell, Ross (‘58) & PenelopeCannon, Saul (‘89) & KateCare, Victor & DianneCarey, John (‘39)†

Carlisle, Ian AM & Vivien GardinerCarr, John (‘48)† & DorothyCashin, Grant & LindaCathie, Neil & JoanCato, Alexander & JenniferCawse, Derek & MaryCeber, SimonChadwick, Nigel & SueChalmers, Ross & Daphne SawlwinChambers, Andrew (‘83) & GenevieveChan, Allan & RebeccaChan, Fred (‘62)Chan, George & JeannieChan, Kok WaiChan, Peter & Sheue-Ching OoiChan, Robert & JoChan, Vincent & HueChan, Wing & VimmyChan, Yee & Ann HohChandler, John & SuzyChandran, NatteriChang, Victor & Suzanne SiahChapman, Peter & DianneChen, Ben & Vivian SiChen, CarolChen, Roger & Wen PanCheng, Joseph & Catherine HauCheng, MichaelCheng, RayChi, Kee Ming & Jeannette KwokChi, Man ChanChin, George & ConnieChin, Sonny & DianaChong, Choon Nean & Sue LyeChopra, Prem & RinkuChow, John & HelenaChu, Stephen & PhilomenaChuck, Alan (‘69) & WendyChung, Andrew & AmyChung, Peter & Isabelle†

Clark, Robbie (‘66) & Lindy

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Coates, Andrew (‘85) & JackieCockburn, Peter (‘48) & BerisCohen, Ross (‘58) & FranCohen, Sheldon & SallyColclough, Peter (‘36)†

Collyer, Lindsay†

Colman, Geoffrey†

Colman, Peter AC & AnneColman, Philip (‘67) & CarolineColvin, John†

Connell, Denis Constable, John & DaleneCoombs, AmandaCooper, Brian & Paula FlynnCooper, Ian† & MaryCopeland, Ross & GinaCopolov, David AO (‘68) & Christine McDonaldCormack, G FCornell, Ian (‘71) & JudiCornell, Jim (‘22)†

Cornell, Nancy†

Corr, Basil (‘47)†

Cossar, Brian (‘55)†

Costello, BrianCottew, TimCoveney, AllanCowie, R WCox, Andrew (‘86) & AbbyCrawford, BruceCripps, David & MeganCrisp, Barry & RosemarieCritchley, Ian & JenniferCrook, Peter & JanetCross, Anthony & Dominica ZentnerCrow, Archie (‘38)†

Crozier, Rex & BettyCrozier-Durham, Andrew & MarieCruickshanks, Ross & KathCullen, Ronald AO & MarieCurtis, John & SarahCussell, SeanCuthbertson, Alan (‘47)Daggian, Joseph & KathyDarley, Mark & WendyDavenport, Don & GlenysDavey, Colin (‘44)†

Davidson, Ben & YolandaDavies, Chris & JanetDavies, John & JennyDavis, Adam & HilaryDavis, Keith & FrancesDavy, Bill & Jacinta MooreDawkins, John† & JuneDawson, Peter & WendyDay, Gary (‘53)† & Jill

Day, Neville (‘56) & ChristineDe Ravin, John (‘48)† & SueDe Ravin, John (‘74)De Rooy, Peter & Debra MeeseDemetriou, Andrew & SymoneDerham, Harry OAM (‘53)†

Deschepper, Adrian & MicheleDeutsche Bank AGDevonshire, David & DebraDevries, Graham & GraceDhupelia, Umesh & SarojDick, Steve & CharlotteDickinson, Gordon (‘74) & AlexandraDikeos, Con (‘87) & AnnaDimitroulis, George & PennyDoan, Tony & CarmenDocker, Hugh (‘73)Docker, JoDoherty, Ron & JoyDoig, Lester (‘69) & SallyDolkas, Peter & CarolineDon, Ken (‘44)† & GloriaDougall, Reg (‘26)†

Douglas, Hugh & AngelaDowning, Geoff & LibbyDruitt, Craig (‘74) & KarenDrumm, Dominic & JanelleDu, Derek & ElsaDuggal, Gobind & FayeDunhill, Michael & AnitaDuthie, IanDyer, David & RobynEager, Richard (‘68) & GaiEarle, John (‘52) & Jane Eaves, Robert & AlisonEdelsten, Charles†

Edmunds, Leslie & JudyEdney, Ian & MelindaEdwards, Max (‘64)Eggleston, Mick (‘47)† & NellElder, James (‘75) & KatherineEldridge, Jim (‘52) & JennyEllis, Greg & MerylEmmerson, Keith & MerleEngland, Peter (‘70) & CharlotteEstes, John & SusanEustace, Roger & JudithEva, Michael (‘63)†

Evans, AlanEvans, Frank (‘51)Evans, Ian (‘62)Evans, James†

Evans, Matthew (‘86) & KateEverett, Mathew (‘84) &

PenelopeEves, Chris & DianeFairley, Andrew AM (‘67) Fairley, JaneFairservice, David (‘65)† & LynneFarmer, Mike & Edwina MontgomeryFarrow, Gilbert (‘46) & Shirley Farrow OAMFavaloro, Michael (‘52) & WendyFay, Peter (‘43)†

Fenner, Robin†

Ferguson, Doug (‘81) & MayaFewster, Gerry (‘48)†

Fielding, Rod (‘83) & LizFingleton, Clive & AnneFinlay, Russell & VickiFinster, Richard & FionaFish, Norman & CarmelFisher, CarolineFletcher, JamesFletcher, Marcus (‘84) & LisaFlowers, John†

Foote, Andrew & SarahForsyth, John (‘55)Francis, DavidFranklyn-Miller, Andrew & ShannonFrederick, John & MerylFrew, Max (‘37)†

Fu, Jian Li & Ning HuangFuller, John (‘47) & HelenFullerton, John & VeryanFung, Herbert & Lai HaFurze, Tony (‘52)†

Galbraith, John (‘46)† & HelenGall, David & GeorgieGamble, John (‘20)†

Gamble, Peter (‘54) & HeatherGardner, Michael (‘69) & LaurindaGaudin, Jason & Jayne HrdlickaGaylard, Peter & PamelaGe, Gavin & Helen MaoGertis, Wolfgang & LenaGibbs, Bryan (‘54) & JillGibson, John (‘43)†

Giffard, Allan & StephanieGill, EdwinGillies, Bob & JenniferGirgis, Anthony & IrenyGlaun, BasilGleeson, AliciaGlen, Bill OAM (‘36)†

Glenning, Peter (‘50) & Peggy

Glenny, Ian & AnneGoldberg, Alan AO (‘57)†

Goldberg, Gordon (‘54)† & KerryGoldberg, Jim (‘57)Goldie, Rupert (‘86) & Samantha RancewiczGoles, Harry & SallyGoodey, Stephen & JenniferGoodfellow, Alan (‘64) & PamGordon, Ray & MarieGosper, Dean (‘75)Goudie, Lex (‘35)†

Gould, Ron (‘50)Goulopoulos, Andrew & JennyGrant, Bob (‘53)†

Grasyan, Susan†

Gration, Douglas & TaniaGray, Nick & AndreaGray, RaymondGreco, Martin & NatalieGreen, David (‘52) & HiromiGreen, John (‘54)†

Greenaway, Paul†

Griffin, Neil (‘79)Griffiths, John (‘46)†

Griffiths, John & StephanieGrover, Stephen & JaneGrubb, Norma OAMGruner, John (‘82) & Kirsti StephensGu, Katrina & Ke ZhangHall, Phil† & HilaryHallenstein, Hal AM (‘64) & SueHalliday, Ian (‘62) & JaneHam, Frank (‘49)†

Hammond, Peter (‘73) & ConnieHampton, Chris & KarenHanfeld, HorstHansen, Max (‘50)Hao, Kang & Joy WanHaratsis, Paul & AnitaHarkness, Jim (‘68) & JackieHarle, Simon & NickyHarper, PeterHarris, Duncan (‘58) & JudyHarris, Graham (‘55) & SandraHarris, Ian (‘50) & NanceHart, John† & JanHartnett, Rob (‘81) & LeisaHatty, MargaretHawdon, Brian OAM (‘52)Hawthorne, Gus (‘54) & JoHay, Greville & AndreaHayman, Peter (‘73)He, Phillip & Lilian

Headberry, Michael & AnnaHealey, Colin OBE† & Margaret†

Heath, Graeme (‘58) & NanHeath, JeanHedinger, Charles & ChauHehir, Gavan & SusanHennessy, Oliver & PatriciaHenry, FrancoisHibberd, Adrian (‘64)Hick, JohnHill, Brian & RhondaHill, John & KathyHillier, Alistair (‘65)†

Hinrichsen, Kevin (‘41)†

Ho, Dang & PhamHo, David (‘91) & Wendy ChanHo, Ernest & Chloe ChouHo, Wai & HelenHoffmann, PeterHoldaway, PatriciaHolland, Chris & Caroline BrandHolmes, Andrew AC (‘61)Hooley, Alan†

Hope, Greg & CarolynHore, Alan (‘55) & BarbaraHosking, RalphHoulihan, ElizabethHowcroft, LizzieHoyle, TrevorHua, AndrewHua, HarryHuang, Chung-Sheng & EchoHudson, John & KatieHumphries, Richard (‘66)† & MargaretHunter, Tyler & SarahHunwick, RobHusband, Rob†

Hyams, Colin (‘60)Hyams, Les (‘41)†

Hyams, Lou (‘44)†

Hyett, Anthony (‘81)Hyslop, John (‘94) & KarinIngham, Jean†

Ingham, John (‘69) & VickyIrving, Edward & JudithIschia, James & KathlynJackson, David & PrueJaeger, ChrisJakubowicz, Igor (‘75) & RenataJamieson, Andrew (‘63) & LynJamieson, Rob & LibbyJando, Stephen & DianneJarman, David

Jeffreys, John (‘69) & SueJesse, Colin & DallasJi, Dean & Mandy LiJi, Tony & Helen ChenJiang, Steven & BettyJohns, Ian & CarolJohnston, Ben (‘84) & IngridJonas, John & JulieJonas, Morris (‘34)†

Jones, IrvineJoseph, Andrew (‘62)Joughin, James & SharonKaiser, Ben (‘90)Kaiser, KareenKaka, Khozema & ArwaKam, Pak Wing†

Kapitan, Michael & AnnaKapouleas, Chris & KatyKaragounis, Chris (‘92) & DanielaKaralapillai, Dharshi & Anjali SanKarklins, Peter & SusieKay, Henry (‘32)†

Kaye, Andrew AM (‘67) & JudithKeable, Ian (‘50)† & SueKeast, Peter (‘58)Keating, Nathan & NickyKellaway, Richard (‘55) & CayKelly, Greg & AnneKelso, Jim OAM (‘47)†

Keon-Cohen, Chester AM (‘59)Kiely, Alan (‘51)† & MoiraKimber, KarenKimpton, Rodger (‘61)Kimpton, Zara OAMKing, Kevin & LorraineKing, Roger (‘58)†

Kluckow, Ian & JulieKo, Henry & SandyKoh, Alan & EmilyKong, Stephen (‘68)Kriesner, Peter & Karen HoKunaratnam, Ishan (‘82) & CindiKunstler, Steven (‘75) & IreneKwok, Chris & EngKwong, Errol (‘01) & PanLacey, Ray (‘64) & JaneLacey, Robert & EmmaLamont, Adèle†

Lane, Peter & StephanieLangley, Brett (‘84) & LarissaLarobina, Julius (‘94) & SilvanaLawrence, Shaun & LizLawson, Peter (‘58)†

Lawson, Robert (‘25)†

Le Couteur, PamelaLearmonth, Evan (‘27)†

Lee, Bryan & CharleneLee, FrederickLee, Kim Yan & Vivien WanLee, Patrick & Elizabeth ThongLee, William & Karen LimLempriere, DianaLeong, Ken & Kit ChanLeslie, Bill (‘54)Leslie, John OBE (‘35)†

Leslie, VirginiaLeung, WingLeung, Kam & JoyceLi, Cyril & MelindaLi, David & AngelaLi, Dominic & MeiLi, Jack & Wendy WongLi, Michael & TianLi, Nelson & Yvonne Li LaiLi, Quan & Linda ZhangLi, Qiang & Looi-Fen NgLie, Rolf (‘52) & ColleenLiew, BettyLilley, Bruce (‘64)†

Lilley, Stephen (‘68) & MargaretLillie, Jim (‘47)†

Lillie, Jim (‘74) & MaritaLilliehook, RichardLim, Henry (‘06)Lim, Paul & MollyLim, Peter & Shirley ThongLin, Chi-Tse & Hsiu-YuLin, Wenson & VivianLing, FrancisLingwood-Smith, Grant (‘80) & Traci EathorneLinley, Peter (‘61) & TheaLipshut, Geoff (‘70) & RobynLipshut, Peter (‘67) & VivienLittlewood, Robert & KathyLiu, Andy & Jingyu DongLiu, Chun Xiang & Zheng WuLiu, Jeff & Stacey NanLivadaras, Spiros & GeorginaLivingstone, DeniseLivitsanos, Andrew & Marina KelmanLo, Mark & MargaretLobban, Alan (‘30)†

Loh, Andrew (‘04)Loizou, Louis & AndreaLong, David (‘88) & KristaLong, Richard (‘89)Loton, Brian ACLove, BruceLove, Peter & Janet

Low, Bill (‘40)†

Low, David (‘45)†

Lowden, Ian & GlenysLowe, Graham & PingLowe, Stuart & LesleyLumsden, David (‘50)†

Lym, RonnieLynton, Peter & JennyMacdonald, David (‘65)MacFarlane, Ian (‘61) & JanMacGavin, Bill†

Macindoe, Alistair & LindaMackenzie, George (‘49) & LorraineMackenzie, Jock (‘44)†

Maddern, Barry†

Maddocks, Ian (‘64) & KayeMailer, Scott & KirstenMainland, John†

Mallinson, John (‘52)Malloch, FrancesManders, Marcus (‘37)†

Manson, Don (‘25)†

Maplestone, MichaelMarano, Frank & LindaMarcard, John (‘56)Marks, Chris (‘69) & Kerryn Montgomery-MarksMarks, IanMarriott, DavidMarro, SusanneMarshall, Sandy & SandraMartin, Allan (‘29)†

Martin, Garry & LorraineMartin, Tony (‘70) & KayMartyres, Raymond ACMarx, Jack (‘41)† & Mollie†

Mason, Edward (‘91)Mason, Guy & JoMatalanis, George & ZeinaMay, Greig (‘47) & MarilynMazzone, Don & JaneMcAuley, Bill KCT (‘69)McCleery, Dave (‘86) & LizzieMcComas, Geoff†

McComas, Malcolm (‘72) & JudyMcCowan, John (‘58)McDonald, Allan AO† & MargaretMcDonald, Bill (‘44) & JacquiMcDonald, Don (‘38)McEwan, Neil & EvieMcGlade, Paul & GillMcGregor, Duncan & LizMcGregor, Simon (‘85) & Julie DebeljakMcIlraith, David & SallyMcIlwraith, John (‘71) &

NoelMcIntosh, Chris (‘74) & RobynMcKendrick, Bill (‘25)†

McKenzie, Alex (‘69)McLeish, Graeme (‘47)†

McLeish, Stephen (‘80) & Pip NicholsonMcMeckan, Jim (‘62)† & TinaMcNamara, Simon & GeorginaMcPhee, Neil & Liliana Jimenez AyalaMcQueen, Gus (‘91) & SaraMcRae, Roderick & RosemaryMcTrusty, Ken & JoanMcWhinnie, Noel (‘54)McWilliams, Dugald (‘90) & FionaMellor, Andrew & RebekkaMelville, Colin (‘51) & NinMercedes-Benz (Aust)Merigan, Daryl (‘48)†

Meyers, Barry†

Millar, Hugh (‘48)Miller, Robin (‘84)Milligan, Gus (‘55)Milligan, Ian & SusanMillis, Rob (‘58) & KayMilne, Rob & RosMiriklis, Savas & Marie McCredieMiscamble, Charles & LynnetteMishura, PaulMitchell, Alex (‘48)Mitchell, Ben & Susie VertiganMitchell, Colin (‘73)Mitchell, Edward (‘62)Mitchell, JennyMoffat, Iain & JaneMoffatt, Harley (‘65) & AnnieMok-Lui, Kenneth & LanaMonk, Ian (‘66) & Jillienne†

Monsell-Butler, Dick†

Montague, GraemeMonteith, Dale & AnneMontgomery, Paul & PennyMoore, Donald†

Morley, JamesMorralee, Christopher & MaryMorris, Allen (‘51) & EdnaMorrison, Michael (‘53)Morshead, John & LibbyMorton, MarjorieMosley, Sinclair (‘30)†

Moss, Chris & Andrea

Mountain, Ken (‘50)Mouratidis, Anasta & AlexandraMunday, Nigel & SallyMurdoch, Geoff (‘81) & Lisa GalbraithMurphy, Craig (‘79) & JennyMurphy, Steve & LizNadesapillai, Suba & WijiNarula, Satish & MiraNash, Simon (‘86) & ChristineNash, Wayne & RobynNaughton, Matthew & SuellenNeil, Alister (‘50)†

Neil, Rob† & VickiNesbitt, Ian (‘65)Neville, Kevin & Barb HendersonNickson, John & WendyNilsen, Mark (‘84) & KateNio, Paul & Lynn NgNorman, David (‘90) & Andrea WrightNorman, James & KateNowacki, Graham & VillaO’Brien, Dan & PatriceO’Brien, John & EllieOld Scotch Film SocietyOld Scotch Football ClubOliver, Richard AM (‘49)O’Nians, Richard (‘88) & CarolynOoi, Jason & Julie ChuOrr, Bob (‘40)†

Orton, Noel (‘38)†

OSCA CollegiansOwen, Mike & SuePadbury, Peter† & Caroline FisherPagnin, Dean & Julie-AnnePakes, Ian & MarciaPalazzo, Leo & GinaPan, Frank & Mary MaPan, Jack & Helen HouPaoletti, Nick & SusanParker, John (‘63) & SusanParslow, Fred†

Parsons, Luke (‘95)Paterson, Ian (‘52)Paterson, Ian & JeanniePaterson, Jeffrey & JudiPathak, NeilPatience, Geoff†

Paton, Max (‘26)†

Pawar, Manohar & Jaya HunagundPayne, Rob & JuliePeacock, AnnPearce, Ray & GwendaPearse, Antony (‘70) & Pam

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Pearse, Mark & FionaPearse, Richard & JenniferPeatt, Edwin OBE (‘32)†

Pelman, Hector†

Peng, Hong & Shao QiuPenman, Christopher & HeatherPenwarden, Graham & MoiraPercic, Antony (‘82)Permezel, David & SusannePerry, Andrew (‘71) & AngelaPetchell, David (‘62)Petty, Peter (‘51)†

Philip, Andrew (‘80) & RosiePhilip, Bill AM (‘46) & Mary-LouPhillips, Adrian & Lynne LinPhipps, Ian (‘52)Picken, Ian (‘64) & MargaretPickworth, Stuart (‘74)Pierce, Margery†

Pierri, Luigi & AnnaPitt, Anthony & NataliePitt, Tim & PatriciaPizzey, John (‘66) & HelenPointon, Barry (‘52)Pongracz, George†

Potter, Andrew & SusiePrice, Cameron & MadeleinePrice, Graham (‘44)†

Pritchard, RobProbert, Tim (‘82) & AnneProimos, George & EdaPulitano, Joe & VeronaPullan, Martin & Fiona-Belle HormanPurvis, Bill (‘47) & NormaQuay, Cheng-Hock & LimQuinn, Brendan & Jane EvansRabie, SteveRallis, Arthur & Sylvia KondekasRalston, Martin (‘62)Ramsay, Jim (‘48)†

Ramsay, PeterRank, Sir Benjamin CMG (‘28)†

Rank, Thomas (‘21)†

Rayner, JennyRayner, Mark† & CarolynReddrop, Michael & TinaRees, Delwyn (‘43)Reich, JulianRichards, CynthiaRichardson, Alastair & NarelleRichardson, Barry & LindaRichardson, Perrin (2014)

Riddell, Graeme (‘74)†

Ripper, Nicholas & Maria Ripper-CurtisRitter, Walter†

Roberts, Geoffrey & GwynethRoberts, Graeme (‘57)†

Robertson, Karl†

Robertson, Peter (‘38)†

Robinson, James & Gabrielle ShoreRobinson, John (‘77)Rodd, Max (‘35)† & NanRoff, Philip† & BarbaraRome, Rob (‘62) & MaggieRosalion, Alexander & RuthRose, Alan (‘68)Rose, Peter & PaulaRosenberg, Barry & SaraRosenberg, David (‘63) & JaniceRoss, Antony (‘62)Ross, David (‘64)Ross, Malcolm & KerstenRouch, Robert (‘55) & RuthRounsevell, Philip (‘72)Ruddick, David & CarolineRudolph, Navin & SubaRust, Ian (‘50)†

Sale, Chic†

Salter, Michael & DeborahSandy, Lionel & SusanSartori, Max (‘52)Savage, Edward† & Lan†

Savvas, Bill & GeorginaSchilt, Hendrik & Soulla NicodimouSchlickum, Bernt & RosineSciarretta, BillScott, Andrew (‘68) & SuzanneScott, Bill (‘38)†

Scott, Bob (‘73)Scott, Flora†

Scott, Graham (‘75)Searles, Mark & SianSee, Brian & ValerieSenior, Jon†

Sennitt, Doug (‘55)Sennitt, Jack (‘53) & PennyShanks, BobSheer, Tony (‘69) & PrueShen, Dongjun & Elma MaShen, Edward†

Shen, Tom & Olivia LiangSher, Simon & DeniseShergold, Arthur † Shi, James & Su CaoSia, Steven & SuzanneSiemens LtdSignorino, John & Franca

Sim, ChweeSim, Peter (‘72) & MargaretSimitian, Greg (‘77)Simpson, Fergus†

Sinclair, Robert (‘73)Singh, BhagatSiregar, Imam & Sherly ZulkarnaenSkene, Henry (‘93) & CarolineSladen, Andrew & FelicitySmith, Colin & DeanneSmyth, JohnSoh, Cheong & NiniSoosay, Iggy & JudithSpeed, Geoff (‘59)† & RosSpeedie, Robert & AngelaSpeirs, Andrew & SusieSpence, John (‘64)Spivakovsky, BettinaSteele, Brendan & CherylSteele, Peter (‘72) & SallyStern, Werner (‘50)Stevens, Steve & NasuStewart, Frank (‘51) & HeatherStewart, Ian†

Stillwell, RossStockley, Mike & Maree BroadStone, John†

Storey, Elsdon (‘40)†

Storey, Peter (‘73)Strapp, Guy & PrueStrickland, Don (‘71) & PrueStuart-Andrews, RogerSu, JosephSullivan, Peter†

Sullivan, Peter & Georgia KoumboulisSuriano, John & HeatherSutherland, Andrew (‘85) & SallySutherland, Bruce (‘85) & Susie KingSutherland, James & HeidiSutherland, Rohan (‘85) & CatherineSuttle, Andrew (‘89) & AndySwain, Ian (‘46)†

Swain, Jim (‘47)†

Swaney, Bill (‘37)† & MarieSwann, DavidSwansson, Douglas (‘88) & Lisa HewSwansson, PamelaSwinburne, George (‘61) & MaureenSyme, Robin AM (‘51) & RosemarySymon, Bruce (‘47) & RondaSymons, Tony & Charlie

Tadgell, Clive AO & ChrisTainsh, Peter (‘85) & JulieTait, AlisonTait, Andrew (‘84)Tan, Eng & MimiTang, James & Maggie YinTay, Winson & Moi Cheng LawTaylor, DavidTaylor, Hugh AC (‘64) & Elizabeth Dax AMTaylor, James (‘85) & SusanTaylor, Malcolm OAM (‘43)†

Taylor, Nairne†

Taylor, Neville RFD & HelenTaylor, Peter & JoyTaylor, RoyTaylor, Skip (‘62) & MargaretTeasdale, John (‘66) & AnnTeasdale, Peter (‘66) & AnnaTennent, David (‘57) & MarciaTeoh, TonyThomas, ClaytonThomas, Clayton (‘77)Thomas, Hywel & Mary PhilipThomas, Lance & KarenThompson, DerrickThoms, George OAM†

Thomson, Bill AM (‘41)†

Thomson, David MC (‘42)†

Thomson, John †

Thorn, Ronald (‘39)Thurlow, Noel & SherrieTierney, HelenTing, Gabriel & Emily LohTing, Rex (‘95)Tingate, Bill (‘55)† & MargaretTissot, Martin & MargieToh, CS & Joanne LimTolson, Geoff (‘39) & Barbara†

Tong, Kevin & BeatriceTouzel, Don (‘32)†

Townsend, Paul & CathyToy, Robert & SusannaTresise, Fred (‘64) & AnneTroedel, Bill & PrueTsang, Derrick (‘07)Tsigaras, Harry & CathyTsourvakas, Tom & PaulaTu, Dor & Rachel KohTuck, Ian & JulieTuckfield, RosemaryTulloch, Ian†

Turner, Frank (‘62) & HelenTyler, Graham & Jillian

Ullmer, Michael & JenniferVerma, Sid & ShilpaVidor, Andrew (‘85) & LJ RyanVlassopoulos, John & YotaVrakas, George & KathyWaddell, Andrew & KimWade, Bob OAM (‘49) & AnnWalker, Gordon (‘82) & KirstyWalker, HowardWalker, Howard & ElizabethWalker, John (‘56) & AngelaWall, TonyWallace-Smith, David† & MargaretWaller, Michael (‘44)†

Walmsley, Julian†

Walter, Bernard (‘46)† & GretaWalton, Dudley (‘44) & DianaWang, Andrew & Xiao Xia LinWang, David & MaggieWang, Robert & Sue SongWang, Yi Yuen (‘93) & VickyWark, John (‘68)Wark, Tony (‘66) & FelicityWarner, Andrew (‘89) & EmmaWarner, Ian (‘79) & GraceWarren, Brian† & JudithWarton, Bruce (‘61)Warwick, Leighton (‘89) & BrigidWarwick, Tom†

Waters, John & JulieWatkins, Rod & AlisonWatkins, William†

Watson, David RFD RD RANR (‘42)†

Waugh, C J†

Webster, Paul & DeniseWeeks, Kenneth (‘48)Wei, William & Ning WangWelch, Bob (‘66) & JaneWellings, Dale & BronwynWest, Trevor (‘46)Westwood, Stephen (‘60) & ElspethWhite, Russell (‘73) & GenevieveWhiteside, Max†

Wickens, EllenWiddis, Charles (‘90) & Cristina PobladorWightman, Kyle (‘62)Wigley, Peter (‘54)Wilcox, Martin†

Wilkinson, Fraser (‘84) & † = Deceased

MeghanWilliams, Lynton & LynetteWilliams, SusanWilliamson, SueWilson, Alastair & HeatherWilson, Andrew (‘80)Wilson, Bruce & LarissaWilson, David (‘76)Wilson, Mac (‘28)†

Wilson, Rob (‘66)Windebank, Mark†

Winneke, Chris (‘85) & Jane DixonWinneke, Michael (‘53)†

Winneke, Richard (‘87) & LisaWong, Daniel & JulieWong, Ford & AnitaWong, Jimmy & LucillaWong, Kee Chong & Pat CheahWong, Philip & PaulineWong, Tommy & EvaWoodhouse, Lance OAM (‘42) & WilmaWoodhouse, Tony (‘53)Worrall, Denis & BronwynWraith, Kenneth†

Wu, Paul & Wendy JiWu, Peter & Christina CuiXu, Jack & Anna MaXu, Jiangang & Linji JiYang, Yu & WendyYap, Boh Siong & Man Hwa ChiYared, Rick & ShelleyYeo, Boon-Khim & StellaYeoh, Chester & MollyYeow, John & DorisYeung, Dexta (‘85) & VeronicaYeung, Henry & Rosemary CheungYeung, JamesYoffa, David (‘51)Yong, Peter & Dorraine TayYoung, Anthony & MayYounger, Gary & Karin HenkesYu, Albert & Jingbo YanZagame, Bobby & CathyZerbe, Doug (‘44)Zhang, Ke & Katrina GuZindilis, George & MaryAnonymous (12)


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2018 Donors


Building Fund

Archives Museum FundAlbury, Gilbert (‘61)Ashton, David (‘65) & MickyAshton, Peter (‘66) & BrendaAtkins, Arthur (‘35)Bainbridge, Brian (‘54)Boell, Bruce (‘54)Bradley, Mitchell (‘10)Brake, Bill (‘41)Brown, Howard (‘62) & JenniferCarra, JenniferCooper, Craig (‘74) & AstridaCornelius, AlisonEngland, Peter (‘70) & CharlotteEvans, David (‘60)Field, Ian (47) & JanetFincher, Alan (‘57) & MarilynFishbeck, Matthew (‘94)Fraser, Graeme (‘51) & PamFuller, John (‘47) & HelenGale, Rob (‘52)Grierson, David (‘56)Hart, Rob (‘79) & MaryHartkopf, Leigh (‘53)Hills, Sam & RichieHorsfall, Ian (‘63) & AnnaHowcroft, LizzieHume, David (‘41) & MayaJiang, Bill & Sunny ZhaoJob, Ian (‘61)Johnston, Ron & NadineKemp, David (‘59) & Anne MarieLane, ElizabethLeggett, Douglas (‘51)Leslie, Bill (‘54) & ElizabethLogie-Smith, Rob (‘60) & SueLuth, Col (‘54) & PamelaMackenzie, George (‘49) & LorraineMactier, Will (‘53)Marshall, PamMcAuley, Bill (‘69)McDowall, Andrew (‘72)McGregor, Leigh (‘55) & RosMcNaughton, Bill (‘55) & MargaretMishura, PaulMontgomery, Scott (‘85) & RowMorris, Allen (‘51) & Edna

Morris, Ralph (‘52) & YvonneO’Connor, Ken (‘61)Old Scotch Football ClubOld Scotch Heritage ClubOlsson, Rodney (‘60)OSCA CollegiansPetchell, David (‘62)Richards, Ronald (‘66)Sandbach, Alan (‘74) & MariaSell, Anthony (‘60)Shearer, Tim (‘85) & ChristineSouthern ColourSpicer, John (‘47)Stewart, Alex (‘49) & BarbaraTan, Danny (‘04)Thomson, David (‘71) & RosemaryTurnley, Peter (‘59) & RosWatson, Angus (‘51)Weymouth, Keith (‘44) & HelenWilson, Andrew (‘78) & AilsaWinneke, HeatherWoodside, John (‘60) & BarbaraYeomans, Neville (‘59) & MargotAnonymous (4)

Boarding House Renovations FundGeng, Frank & Angie ZhaoScott, Rod (‘78) & Kate TaylorWang, WeihuaZerbe, Doug (‘44)Zotov, Sam & Nadia Zotova

Centre for MathematicsBatty, Tom & LeeShearer, Tim (‘85) & Christine

Keon-Cohen Dining HallAdams, Peter (‘55) & LorraineAlexander, Wayne (‘83)Armour, John (‘46)Bai, Danny & Cathy CaiBailey, Chris (‘64)Baker, Cliff (‘45)Balfe, AnnBecroft, John (‘59)Bennett, Bob (‘55)Brewer, Lynton (‘49) & Eve

Bryce, Denis (‘46)Bryce, John (‘74) & TheresaBuckley, Peter (‘54) & MargaretCampbell, EricaCamuglia, John & NatashaChambers, John & LoreenCheney, David (‘85)Collins, Mark (‘58)Congleton, Ross (‘76) & RosemaryCook, Geoff (‘45)Crawford, Andrew (‘89) & AnnaCrawford, David (‘62) & MaureenDavy, Bill & Jacinta MooreDikeos, Con (‘87) & AnnaDodson, Graeme (‘47)Eager, Douglas (‘62) & ElaineEllis, Ian (‘49) & MarieEvans, Tyrrell (‘46)Fairman, Andrew (‘67) & trishFeng, Jake & Wendy LiuFreeman,George (‘47)Fuller, John (‘47) & HelenGalvin, Tony (‘53)Ge, Gavin & Helen MaoGoudy, Graham (‘47)Grounds, David†(‘46)Hallenstein, Colin (‘65)Ham, Stewart (‘75)Harris, Ian (‘50) & NanceHerbert, Philip (‘70)Hogg, Bill (‘60)Hopkins, John (‘49)Hume, David (‘41) & MayaJohnstone, Charles (‘89) & PaulaKing, Pete & JennyKirkwood, Graham & Elizabeth BorosKong, Francis & Katherine LeeLarmour, Garry (‘56) & MarjLawrence, Graeme (‘54)Li, Qiang & Looi-Fen NgLin, David & Jian GuanLiu, Andy & Jingyu DongLogan, Richard (‘71) & pruMacindoe, Alistair & LindaMackley, Kevin (‘57)Manson, Ian (51) & TheaMcCleery, Dave (‘86) & LizzieMcCracken, Geoff (‘65)McKimm, Harry (‘47)McKinlay, Jock (‘66) & TinaMcLean, Alastair (‘49) & Ann

We would like to acknowledge the generous financial support of the following members of the Scotch Family – Old Boys, current and past parents, and friends – who have made a commitment to one or more of the projects or programs undertaken by the Foundation and/or the School in 2018.

Every gift, no matter its size, is helping to continue Scotch’s outstanding history of excellence and to provide educational opportunities for future generations of boys. This support is greatly appreciated and is directly impacting the education of every Scotch boy.

We also would like to take this opportunity to thank most sincerely all members of the Scotch community who give so generously of their time and energy in so many ways to support of the School’s extra-curricular programs and activities, and the boys themselves. We are indeed fortunate in our Scotch Family.

McQuilkin, Ivan (‘67)Melbourne, Leigh & GemmaMontgomery, Scott (‘85) & RowMorton, Ian (‘50)Moss, Chris & AndreaNickson, John & WendyNicol, James (‘65)O’Nians, Richard (‘59) & JaneOrme, MaryPeacock, Ken (‘72)Penington, David (‘47) & Sonay HusseinPhilip, Ian (‘46)Pierri, Luigi & AnnaPlant, John & Heather Pratt, Ian (‘84) & EmmaRees, Tom (‘06)Reiher, Ian (‘52)Richardson, Alastair & NarelleRoach, JudyRobinson, Ian (‘57) & JillRowe, Brian (‘41)Sandbach, Andrew (‘09)Scott, John (‘64)Scott, Murray (‘74) & CiscaShen, Tom & Olivia LiangSpeedie, Roert & AngelaSpeirs, Andrew & SusieSteele, Tony (‘59) & JulieStephens, Arthur (‘44)Su, Charles (‘82) & Emily LoSutherland, Ian (‘47)Tainsh, Peter (‘85) & JulieTennent, David (‘57) & MarciaTindale, Richard (‘54)Tolstrup, David (‘66) & AlisonTurner, Robert (‘66) & HeatherWarr, Roger (‘72)Wilson, Steve (‘61)Wittner, Arnold (‘45) & EvelynXu, Jiangang & Linji JiYeo, Lawrence & Mary LeeYin, Hongbin & Wenli MengZajac, Jeffrey (‘71)Zhang, Jianyi & Linlin ZhaoZhang, Wei & Heidi WuZotov, Sam & Nadia ZotovaAnonymous (3)

Library FundBainbridge, Ian (‘47) & WendyBeanham, Sandra

Briggs, Rob & CarolynBryce, ZoraCaraher, Michael (‘58)Cooper, Peter (‘07)Elder, James (‘75) & KatherineGifford, Don (‘69)Gray, Harold (‘41)Hallenstein, Hal (‘64) & SueHardidge, David (‘79)Hartley, Peter (‘66)Kelso, Jon (‘78)Kune, Gabriel Kunstler, Steven (‘75) & IreneLee, David (‘73)Liu, Joe & Lisa LiMackley, Kevin (‘57)McCaw, Lachie (‘75)Mellor, Andrew & RebekkaMurchie, James (‘79) & JaneReid, John (‘55)Sandbach, David (‘08)Sennitt, Doug (‘55)Tadgell, Clive & ChrisTaft, Leon (‘44)Watson, Malcolm (‘70) & LyndallYe, Gang & Ling XuZhao, Kerry (‘14)

Main Oval PavilionMoyes, Don (‘50)

Spencer Centre for Design TechnologyAlmond, Peter & CarmelAndrianopoulos, ChristosAuld, Jack (‘87)Bai, Danny & Cathy CaiBowd, Christopher (‘12)Bowdern, Darren & AnnBulley, Bob (‘41)Chalmers, Ross & Daphne SawlwinChan, Wing & VimmyChan, Yee & Ann HohChen, Ben & Vivian SiChi, Kee Mong & Jeanette KwokChin, Leeten & JudyDickinson, MatthewDoan, Tony & CarmenDolkas, Peter & CarolineEdney, Tom (‘15)Evans, Ken (‘48)Freeman, Marcus & SarahGance, Damien & Sasha RobertsonGani, Johan & Sukmi

Giesen-White, DanielGoldie, Rupert (‘86) & Samantha RancewiczGonzales, Graeme & Valerie TayGoodwin, Tom (‘11)Grant, Darrell (‘52)Gray, Nick & AndreaGuan, Peter & Yoyo WangHa, Jason (‘12)Haintz, Mike & JackieHan, Kevyn (‘11)Haratsis, Paul & AnitaHe, Boyong & Dan Dan TangHettige, Thushan (‘11)Hosking, Simon (‘97)Jasper, Leigh (‘91) & AndreaJiang, Steven & BettyJohnston, Campbell (‘03)Joughin, James & SharonKabo, Konfir & Monica LimKemp, Charles (‘10)Lam, Fung & Cecilia ZhaoLaws, Barrie (‘59)Li, Baojun & Jane YanLi, Nelson & Yvonne LaiLivitsanos, Andrew & Marina KelmanMacmillan, Jamie (‘09)Macmillan, Timothy (‘12)McCleery, Dave (‘86) & LizzieMcDermott, Dom (‘12)McDonald, Ian (‘96) & MayumiMcKay, Sam (‘93) & SallyMcWilliams, Dugald (‘90) & FionaMiles, Chris (‘93) & Susan PalmerNash, Simon (‘86) & ChristineNorth, Andrew (‘94) & KatherinePathak, Neil & Stefanie AllenPorter, James (‘03) & MeaghanRoss, Ben & AlisonRudolph, Navin & SubaScott, Bob (‘73)Sennitt, Mitchell (‘15)Smith, Adam (‘85) & Karen Walsh-SmithThe Starkins FamilySteel, Philip (‘68)Steele, Geoff (‘85) & AnnaTan, Danny (‘04)Teasdale, Anthony (‘94) & Amelia

Ting, Gabriel & Emily LohWardlaw, Ian (‘51)Wilson, David (‘69)Wilson, William (‘12)Yip, Gary & DebbieZhang, Kelvin & Linda QuZhou, Jian & Lin MiaoZotov, Sam & Nadia Zotova


Scholarship Fund

Gordon Donaldson Scholarship FundSimpson, John (‘75) & Cathy

Foundation Scholarship FundBarraclough, GeorginaBenjamin, Cyril (‘59)Blackwell, Margaret† Bone, David (‘88) & Rani BakerBracher, Joseph (‘52)Brumley, Graeme (‘53)Campbell, Rob (‘77)Carter, Bruce & SarahConochie, David (‘67)Cooke, David (‘45)Crow, Murray (‘45) & JudithDe Ravin, John (‘74)Dudgeon, Ian (‘59)Glass, Roger (‘66) & SandraGodsil, Jim (‘97)Harkness, Jim (‘68) & JackieHeaton, Michael (‘65) & StellaHolmes, Andrew (‘61)Hyett, Anthony (‘81)Kerr, Rob (‘46) & JoanMackley, Kevin (‘57)Mactier, Ross (‘57)Mactier, Will (53)Mansell, Peter (‘81) & MiriamMartin, Gareth (‘76)McKinnon, FayMcLennan, John (‘86)Newton, Stephen (‘72)Noack, Brian (‘47)Paton, Walter†(‘32)Price, Ken (‘43)Randall, Brian (‘52) & ElizabethRimmington, Bertha†

Robertson, Donald (‘64)Robertson, JudyShen, Peter & Ke Tang

Thomson, Graeme (‘58) & AnnVan den Berg, Noel (‘51)Wicks, Geoff (‘42)Zota, Sorin (2013)Anonymous (2)

General Sir John Monash Scholarship FundProwse, Bob† (‘62) & Elizabeth

Indigenous Scholarship Fund3 Point Motors Mercedes-BenzAbbott, Jon and CherylAdams, Peter (‘65)Adams, Rob (‘76) & AnnAlbury, Gilbert (‘61)Anderson, IanArmstrong, John (‘85) & RebeccaAshton, David (‘65) & MickyAssender, David & TanyaBales, Stuart (‘56) & JillBardas, David (‘54)Batten, Doug (‘46)Batty, Tom & LeeBeaurepaire, Donald (‘64) & MargieBellair, David (‘60)Bertalli, Cameron & JulieBhargava, Atit & MeenuBishop, Peter (‘55)Bob Stewart Of KewBoell, Bruce (‘54)Brack, Robert (‘72) & AnnemarieBrown, Chris & CathyBrown, GeoffBrown, Nick (‘87) & PrueBrumley, Graeme (‘53)Bulley, Bob (‘41)Burney, Ross & SkyeBurrows, Rick (‘77)Byrnes, Tim & AlisonCairncross, Andrew (‘85)Cameron, Sandy & Talitha BeckerCampbells WinesCapp, Brian & CherylCastan, Richard & SueChapman, Myles (‘70)Cheng, Zoe & Michael MaCole, Nicholas (‘53)Cole, RowenaCooke, David (‘45)Coulthard, Ross & Helen

46 47

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Courtis, Geoff (‘66)Coutis, Peter & ElliCox, Andrew (‘86) & AbbyCox Architecture Pty LtdCumming, Jim (‘68)Daly, Bruce (‘70)Darby, Hugh (‘49)Dempster, Keith (‘50)Deschepper, Adrian & MicheleDexter, Barrie (‘51)Dick, David & SandraDower, Ray & SueDrummond, Craig (‘78) & BernadetteDuggan, Mark & MelissaCampbell Edwards TrustFairbairn, LachlanFell, Tony (‘89)Fincher, Geoffrey (‘63)Findlay, Peter (‘89) & Anna Campbell-FindlayFish, Roy (‘81) & JustineFishley, Peter (‘52) & WendyForster, Milton (‘61)France, David & MinFuller, John (‘47) & HelenFurphy, Samuel & SarahFyfe, Hamish (‘87) & JenniferGalletly, Peter (‘51)Gance, Damien & Sasha RobertsonGibson, JanetGleeson, AliciaGoding, Jim (‘64)Gray, Peter & PennyGrierson, David (‘56)Grubb, NormaHall, Ernest (‘57)Hand, Rob & AbigailHansen, Max (‘50)Hardy, EmilyHawkins, Tom & Lisa SomervilleHeinz, Pete & JillHerd, Andrew (‘59)Hilton-Wood, WendyHo, James (‘88) & CharissaHobdell, ErnestHocking, Tony & KateHogan, John (‘49)Holder, BarbaraHolmes, Andrew (‘61)Howcroft, LizzieHowcroft, Russel & KateHunt, Sam (‘92) & GeorginaHyde, KathyIles, Matthew (‘80)Imer, RebeccaIser, David (‘89) & Nina Wellington-IserJellis Craig and Company Pty LJi, Linji & Jiangang XuJoachim, Denis (‘55)John, DianeJohnson, Wally (‘53)Johnson, Chris (‘71)

Johnson, Christopher & VanessJoubert, Tony (‘75) & JoKane Constructions Pty LtdKaya, Oljay & OzzieKelso, Jon (‘78)Kennett, Jeff (‘65) & FelicityKimber , Karen & Stephen MountKitchen, William (‘08)Kleanthous, Chris & AdriannaKnights, David & Ann CornishKS Environmental Pty LtdLayet, MicheleLeaver, RosalieLee, David (‘73)Leeton, David (‘85) & Jacqui ShannonLempriere, William (‘85) & KristineLeydin, AlisonLithgow, NormaLording, Doug (‘64) & LizLyons, Dallas & LisaMa, Michael & Zoe ChengMacmillan, Andrew (‘78) & JaneManders, Steve (‘73)Mason, Guy & JoMathew, John (‘53)McNamara, Chris & DianaMcNeice, Casey (‘07)McNeice, Ned (‘07)McNeice, Rory (‘04)Melville, Colin (‘51) & NinMinc, Belinda & RobertMonjon (Australia)Pty LtdMontgomery, Scott (‘85) & RowMontgomery ClubJack Moody Charitable FoundationMorgan, Bill (‘35)Morton, Ian (‘50)Murdoch, Geoff (‘81) & Lisa GalbraithNational Australia BankNguyen, Vy & LinhNicholls, Lang (‘85) & PennyNorris, Richard (‘54)O’Beirne, David & RobynO’Brien, Tom & KateO’Loughlin, DarrenOpray, FrankOrloff, James & Kirsten MacLeodOstberg, GrahamPalazzo, Roger & CazParkinson, DebPaterson, Ian & JeanniePeckham, GaryPenington, David (‘47) & Sonay HusseinPerelberg, Justin (‘90) & Angie FoxPhilip, MeganPickering, Tony (‘57) & Jude

Pitt, Travis & MeaghanPowell, StuartPrice, David (‘58)Price, Richard (‘79) & MargaretQuinn, Peter & LizzieRamsay, Tom (‘43) & ElisabethRayner, Tim & Pauline Van Der PoelRice, Brendan Richards, James (‘78) & JayneRobenstone, Peter & EmmaRobertson, JudyRobson, Ian & JulietteRodd, NanRounsevell, Philip (‘72)Roy, Neil (‘59)Violet Norma Sanders TrustSantini, Mark (‘79) & Karyn MatotekSchultz, Dean & RebeccaScott, Ken (‘48) & AnneSelby Smith, Peter (‘64) & JoanSellars-Jones, Winston (‘50)Senior School Swap ShopSennitt, Tony (‘81) & CathySinay, Carlos & AnnabelSloan, Alex (‘71) & Karen WoodSmith, Maurie (‘41)Smith, Michael & KimelleSmith, RobSparks, Paul & Louise MurdochSpicer, John (‘47)Steel, Peter (‘84)Stewart, Derry (‘42)Stokes, Eric (‘48)Storey, Elsdon (‘72)Strong, Steven & RosSunshine FoundationSutherland, Ian (‘47)Sutherland, Rohan (‘85) & CatherineSutherland, Andrew (‘84) & SallySuttle, Andrew (‘89) & AndySynman, Alan (‘59)Taft, Peter (‘82)Taft, Rod (‘57)Taft, Ron (‘36)Tainsh, John (‘52) & JillTaylor, Rod (‘41)Thomson, Graeme (‘58) & AnnTownsend, Richard (‘57)Tudor, Edward (‘03)Turner, Luke & NikitaVidor, Andrew & LJ RyanWallace-Smith, Andrew (‘72) & PattyWestwood, Stephen (‘60) & ElspethWilson, Andrew (‘78) & AilsaWilson, Andrew (‘80)Winneke, Peter (‘82) &

AngelaWisely, John (‘65)Zheng, LinZhou, Xiao Ling & JianAnonymous (6)

Michael Robinson Boarding Scholarship FundAitchison, Doug (‘46)Badger, AnnBarber, James (‘84) & Barbara McKinnonBarta, Peter & ShirleyBaxter, Bill (‘64)Bear, Graeme (‘85)Blennerhassett, Adam (‘90)Boell, Bruce (‘54)Box, John (‘52)Boykett, John (‘48)Chen, Roger & Wen PanClark, John (‘59) & MaggieCleeland, Justin (‘57)Coates, Tony (‘55)Cook, Bob (‘47) & GillCooper, Craig (‘74) & AstridaDarby, Hugh (‘49)Davey, Alex & DanaDonaldson, Lachie (‘66) & CarolineDouglas, Andrew (‘82) & EmmaErrington, Max (‘56) & FayeEvans, David (‘60)Fairbairn, Nigel (‘75) & ChrisGan, Michael & Angie NgGarrett, Peter (‘55)Grubb, NormaHally, TrishHawthorne, Michael (‘57)Hawthorne, Gus (‘54) & JoHay, Mac (‘70)Henderson, Geoff (‘46) & HelenHolmes, Andrew (‘61)Hume, David (‘41) & MayaJasper, Ken (‘55) & Annette†

Johns, Nicholas (‘07)King, RhondaKollosche, John (‘56) & PenelopeLarmour, Garry (‘56) & MarjLempriere, DianaLiley, Tom & MillicentLogan, LoisLu, Xiao & Jane SunLuth, Col (‘54) & PamelaLyons, Jim (‘67) & LynMacleod, Rod (‘57)Mason, David (‘66)McCoy, MaryMillar, Hugh (‘48)Morrison, Michael (‘53)Motteram, Peter (‘61)Nairn, John (‘54) & JoNickson, John & Wendy

Paton, Geoff (‘57)Peacock, Andrew (‘57)Penington, David (‘47) & Sonay HusseinPhilip, Bill (‘46) & Mary-LouPickering, Tony (‘57) & JudePresbyterian Church of VictoriaRandall, Brian (‘52) & ElizabethRenard, Ian (‘64) & DianaRichards, Ronald (‘66)Robinson, BerniceRobinson, Ed (‘93) & BaileyRobinson, Michael (‘55)† & JudithRobinson, Will (‘89) & VickiScott, Mike (‘45) & JillShave, David (‘53)Shen, Peter & Ke TangSim, Stuart (‘11)Skene, Graeme (‘62) & LoaneSmalley, Darryl (‘56) & HeatherStuart, Colin (‘59)Sutherland, Bruce (‘48) & JuneSwinburne, George (‘61) & MaureenSyme, Robin (‘51) & RosemaryTaylor, Ian (‘49)Taylor, James (‘85) & SusanVial, Brian (‘57)Wallace-Smith, Andrew (‘72) & PattyWallis, Tony (‘78)Williams, Geoffrey (‘46)Wilson, Hugh (‘65) & NoeleneWoodside, John (‘60) & BarbaraXie, Bill & Mary WangYunghanns, Peter (‘55) & PatriciaAnonymous (3)

Tony Briggs (’85) Indigenous Scholarship Fund Allen, Will (‘83) & Monique MorrisAshley, Wade & CatherineBatty, Tom & LeeChen, Min & JaneGiffard, Allan & StephanieHaratsis, Paul & AnitaHilton-Wood, WendyLording, Doug (‘64) & LizMcGregor, Simon (‘85) & Julie DebeljakRichardson, Perrin (‘14)Roseby, Rob (‘86) & Nicki LevyShearer, Tim (‘85) & Christine ShearerSutherland, Andrew (‘85) & Sally

2018 DONORS (Cont’d)

Vidor, Andrew (‘85) & LJ RyanWinneke, Chris (‘85) & Jane Dixon


Scholarship Fund

Foundation Future FundMacleish, Scotty† (‘46)


Realised Bequests

Blackwell, Margaret†

Grounds, David†

Rimmington, Bertha† (Estate)Stewart, Derwent†

† = Deceased


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Alexander Morrison CircleThe Alexander Morrison Circle was established in 2003 to recognise the generosity of those in the community who have indicated their intention to remember Scotch College in a bequest as part of their charitable intention.

Membership is presented to anyone who indicates such a bequest, regardless of the level of financial commitment.

We would like to thank the following:

Abrecht, Roger G 1947†

Addison, Marshall B 1934†

Aitken, Jamie M 1963Ainger, Ern A 1939†

Albury, Gilbert W 1961Anderson, Ian H W 1942†

Andrson, Ronald H 1939†

Andrews, Keith S 1940†

Archibald, Roy H 1937†

Armstrong, Alexander 1909†

Ashton, David J 1965Ashton, Peter M 1966Baker, F Harry U 1917†

Balderstone, Robert T 1939†

Banks, Neroli†

Batty, Alister C 1924†

Baughurst, S Bruce 1952Baughurst, Bill H 1947†

Bayles, William J 1878†

Bayston, Brian D 1948Bean, A Victor D 1926†

Beck, Gustav T†

Bellair, John M† 1927 & Peg†

Bendix, Carl J 1965†

Bethell, Ken C B 1937†

Bisley, Warwick 1989Blackham, Keith G W 1926†

Blackwell, Allan H 1939† & Margaret†

Blazey, Eric L 1920†

Boell, Graeme R 1953†

Bothroyd, John S 1920†

Bowden, H Geoff 1946Boxer, Alan H 1945†

Boykett, John K H 1948Braid, Max L 1935†

Brewster, Beth†

Broadfoot, Eric C 1926†

Brooks, Robyn ABrooks, Dr Ron BBrown, Robert Q RBryan, Frederick 1878†

Buchanan, George C 1926†

Bulley, Bob 1941Burton, Ian F 1946†

Buxton, Brian F AM 1956Carra, Jennifer LCarson, George M 1947†

Cattanach, William 1880†

Christian, Ken L 1938†

Christie, Laurence H 1934†

Chuck, Alan K 1969Clements, John K 1940†

Close, Geoff 1983Coates, Anthony (Tony) A A 1955Cocking, Kelvyn M T 1938†

Collins, Rae B F 1936†

Conabere, Anthony B 1960Cook, Robert M 1947Cooke, B David 1945Copolov, David L 1968

Cordell, Tony M 1957†

Cornell, James G 1922†

Cossar, Brian D 1955†

Cossar, Norman C 1925†

Cowling, Ken J 1932†

Crocker, Clive G 1948†

Croll, Eric A 1915†

Crook, Peter LCrow, Rev. Archibald P 1938†

Crow, J Ross 1938†

Curnow, Ronald C 1948†

Dann, Helen M† *Dallimore, George M 1919†

Davey, Colin P 1944†

Davis, James 1921†

Davis, Harold 1917†

Davidson, Malcolm JDe Ravin, John T 1948†

De Ravin, John W 1974De Ravin, Sue†

Del Cott, Mrs R A M†

Dick, Ronald G†

Dimmick, JanDoig, Walter G†

Dowling, Bruce T 1948Duncan, Colin B 1931†

Ebell, John C 1925†

Edwards, Alan R 1937†

Elvish, Albert B 1922†

Errington, Max J 1956Eustace, Herbert V 1893†

Eva, Lloyd S 1932†

Fairbairn, James G 1947†

Feitel, Maurice 1926†

Ferres, Ian N 1955Field, J Charles 1868†

Field, Hugh S†

Field, Kenneth F†

Fincher, Alan R 1957 Fleming, Allan 1929†

Foale, Maurice S†

Fotheringham, Winifred L†

Fraser, David H†

Freeman, George A 1947Freemantle, Jim M 1960Gabriel, Richard J 1964Gardner, Charles E 1926†

Garrett, Eric N†

Geary, Barry E J 1955†

Gentle, Brian G 1953Gibson, Donald A 1926Gibson, James S 1928†

Gilchrist, Alan R 1938†

Goldberg, Gordon D M 1955† *Goode, Charles B 1956Goudie, Alexander G 1935†

Gray, Archibald H 1939†

Gray, Robert and JaneGreig, Harry D 1921†

Grounds, A David 1946†

Gunter, George S†

Harkness, Peter K 1951† *Harding, Douglas D L 1942†

Hart-Smith, D Neil 1960Harris, Norman C 1905†

Harvey, Roy F 1921†

Hattie, Juliet†

Hays, John E† & Shirley Head, Alan K AO 1942†* Healey, Colin O† & Margaret†

Hey, Peter G 1948†

Hilton-Wood Wendy Hindle,Geoffrey R 1960Heywood, Doug 1942†

Holdaway, PatriciaHolder, BarbaraHolder, Ken B 1940†

Hooper, Cecil G 1925†

Hornidge, J David 1957Hume-Cook, James†

Hutton, C David 1947†

Hyett, Anthony R 1981Illingworth, Ross A 1983Ingram, Andy R 1956Ingram, Robert S 1922†

Ingram, William B 1960†

Isaac, Cyril H 1927†

Jackman, H Stuart 1924†

Jamieson, Ian A 1948†

Jasper, Ken S AM 1955Johnson, E Dick 1937†

Johnston, J Cam 1929†

Johnston, T Campbell 1966Jona, Walter 1944†

Jonas, Morris A 1934†

Kelso, James C 1947†

Kennedy, John C 1933†

Keon-Cohen, Colin H 1925†

Kerr, Robert D OAM 1946Kerr, Walter M 1924†

Kidd, David J 1950†

King, John R 1949†

King-Smith, Eric A 1942Kinnear, John H 1928†

Kirby, Mary T†

Kollosche, John F 1956Laing, Bruce A 1943†

Leach, Don R & Margaret ALeckie, John B 1938†

Ledger, Laurence H 1925†

Leslie, John W OBE 1937†

Liebach, Effie A†

Liebman, Richard K 1968Lipshut, Phillip E 1937†

Lithgow, Don J 1944†

Loban, Alan R 1930†

Logie-Smith, Robert G 1960Longmore, Carlisle F 1898†

Lord, Peter R 1946Love, Eric R 1929†

Macdonald, Donald Ellis



Mackie, Family†

MacKinnon, Donald†

Macleish, Donald (Scotty) G 1946†

Macrae, Fin 1966Mactier, Ross J O 1957Mactier, William R 1953Maling, Gerald A 1915†

Manders, Marcus E 1937†

Manley, Daryl J D†

Mann, Charles S 1924†

Manton, John 1953Marshall, Pam SMarshall, William T 1955†

Martin, Russell S 1947† *Manton John 1953Mathew, Mungo S 1910†

May, J Kenneth 1943†

McBain, Euan E.R 1949McClean, R Bruce 1953†

McComas, Geoffrey† McComas, Mary Liz† McComas, Meredith†

McCrann, Jake B 1993†

McDiarmid, Robert S 1931†

McDonald, Alan A 1929†

McDonald, William H 1944McDonell, James T 1926†

McGregor, Don 1972McGregor, Leigh K 1955McIlwraith, John 1941McIntosh, Ian R 1950†

McKechnie, Campbell A 1943†

McKee, A Geoff 1937†

McKenzie, Derek N 1933†

Mckenzie, Jean M†

McLennan, Alan J 1941†

McLeod, Norman G 1864†

McMurtrie, Ian 1958McLeish, Graeme R 1947†

McQueen, Kelman 1943†

McWhinnie, Noel R I 1954Meares, Alison E†

Mellor, Michael AMendel, Dr H Bernhard†

Menzies, Graham A 1947Mishura, Paul AMitchell, John H 1946Montgomery, J A Ross 1911†

Moore, Donald G†

Morgan, JaneMorton, Ian H 1950Moss, Francis J 1927†

Moyes, Don G 1950Muntz, Jim 1951†

Murray, Ian D 1956Nairn, Donald J 1925†

Nairn, Kathleen C†

Nesbitt, Ian R 1965Ness, Ian A 1954†

Nichols, C Roy 1926†

Nicholson, G Harvey 1934†

Nilsen, Oliver V A 1926†

Nixon, Noel V 1926†

Noack, Brian 1947Ogilvy, Alexander W 1943†

Orr, Bob P 1940†

Orton, Lloyd E A 1935†

Paton, Geoffrey F 1957Paton, Maxwell S 1926†

Paton, Walter J 1932†

Patterson, Joseph A 1923†

Penfold, Campbell JCB 1958Perry, Mike W 1962Pilkington, Alan R 1959Powell, J D 1945†

Pralle, Keith† & Peg 1927 *Prowse, Bob 1962†

Pryde, Donald 1915†

Purvis, William A 1947Quilliam, Lindsay J 1929†

Ramsay, Harry J 1921†

Ramsay, Thomas M 1924†

Randall, Brian C 1951Ray, Alan W 1965Reed, Gillian†

Rehfisch, Bill W J 1934†

Reiher, Ian J 1952Richards, Ronald 1966Richardson, Harry L† & Ruby 1935†

Riddell, R James 1929†

Rimmington, Bertha L E†

Roberts, Neil L† *Roberts, Bill O 1951†

Robertson, Ian 1945† & JudyRobertson, Struan 1916†

Robinson, Lance R A 1924†

Robinson, Michael B 1955†

Robinson, Arthur 1887†

Roddick, Alan W 1926†

Rouch, Robert B 1955Rowe, Brian C 1941Saltau, William D 1913†

Scarborough, Julie†

Schlapp, Henry R 1913†

Schlapp, Eberhardt G 1913†

Scholes, John F M 1938†

Scouller, Ernest G 1935†

Selby Smith, Christopher 1960†

Semple, Ken M 1935†

Shaw, Felicity, L†

Shearer, Tim J ‘ 1985Sherrington, John H 1929†

Sherwen, Ian T 1946†

Shrimpton, Molly F†

Sides, William L 1963Sim, Michael K 1978Simmie, Roy W 1937†

Simms, John A1937†

Smith, Alan E N†

Spencer, Lionel R V 1915†

Spinks, Frank L1939†

Staley, William1954†

Steele, Philip A 1968Stewart, Derwent (Derry) G 1942† Stewart, Emily Elsie Elizabeth†

Stillwell, Michael J 1968Stirling, Alfred T 1918†

Strutt, Ward 1931†

Sutherland, Bruce 1948 & JuneSutherland, Ian T 1947Sutherland, John G 1884†

Sutherland, Ken J G 1934†

Sutherland, Rita V†

Swaney, Bill E 1937†

Symons, Harry S 1951†

Tallent, Lindsay A 1943†

Tapp, A Garth1939†

Taylor, Arthur†

Thallon, Robert J 1941†

Thomas, Frederick G H 1942†

Thompson, Bryce J 1902†

Thompson, Kate M†

Tilley, Roy G1918† *Tingate, John B 1943†

Tingate, William S 1955†

Turner, John†

Turnley, Peter E 1959Vines, Robert G 1910†

Walker, Glenn M 1984Wall, John M 1941†

Warner, Patricia† *Wallace-Smith, David†

Watkinson, Alan RWatson, Noel†

Watson, Spencer R 1940†

Webster, J Stephen 1973 & Alvie CWelch, Frank A 1936†

Werner, Don M 1961†

Weymouth, P Keith 1944White, William D 1942†

Whitelaw, Graeme 1952Wickens, Claire†

Widmer, Blair 1931†

Williams, Geoffrey 1946Wisely, John 1965Wishart, Jack 1915†

Wood, Donald M 1930†

Wood, Ken P 1933†

Woodside, John W 1960Yeomans, Neville D 1959Youren, Colin G 1956†

Anonymous 11†

Anonymous 43

† = Deceased* = Subject to life tenant


Foundation MembersFor a complete list of the Scotch College Foundation membership, please refer to page 38 of the 2018 Annual Report.


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Declaration by the Board Of Trustees

In the opinion of the Board of Trustees of The Scotch College Foundation (Inc):

a. the accompanying financial statements and notes are in accordance with division 60 of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012, the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 and comply with Australian Accounting Standards - Reduced Disclosure Requirements and give a true and fair view of the entity’s financial position as at 31 December 2018 and of its performance for the year ended on that date; and

b. at the date of this declaration, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Foundation will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees

D Yu J Ho

6 March 2019



Financial Statements


Report on the Audit of the Financial Report


We have audited the financial report of The Scotch College Foundation (Inc), which comprises the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2018, the statement of surplus or deficit and statement of other comprehensive income, the statement of changes in equity and the statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and notes to the financial report, including a summary of significant accounting policies, and the declaration by the Board of Trustees.

In our opinion the accompanying financial report of The Scotch College Foundation (Inc), is in accordance with Division 60 of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 and the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012, including:

i. Giving a true and fair view of The Scotch College Foundation (Inc)’s, financial position as at 31 December 2018 and of its financial performance for the year ended on that date; and

ii. Complying with Australian Accounting Standards – Reduced Disclosure Requirements and Division 60 of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Regulation 2013.

Basis for opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Report section of our report. We are independent of The Scotch College Foundation (Inc) in accordance with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 (ACNC Act) and the ethical requirements of the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board’s APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (the Code) that are relevant to our audit of the financial report in Australia. We have also fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Other information

The Board of Trustees of The Scotch College Foundation (Inc) is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the information in the registered entity’s annual report for the year ended 31 December 2018, but does not include the financial report and our auditor’s report thereon.

In connection with our audit of the financial report, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial report or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees for the Financial Report

The Board of Trustees of The Scotch College Foundation (Inc) is responsible for the preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards – Reduced Disclosure Requirements and the ACNC Act and the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012, and for such internal control as the responsible entities determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the financial report that gives a true and fair view and is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial report, the Board of Trustees is responsible for assessing the registered entity’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the directors either intend to liquidate the registered entity or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.

The Board of Trustees of The Scotch College Foundation (Inc) is responsible for

overseeing The Scotch College Foundation (Inc)’s financial reporting process.

Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the Financial Report

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial report as a whole is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of this financial report.

A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the financial report is located at the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board website (http://www.auasb.gov.au/Home.aspx) at:


This description forms part of our auditor’s report

BDO East Coast Partnership

James Mooney Partner Melbourne, 6 March 2019



Page 29: Annual Report - Home - Scotch College · General Purpose Financial Report For the year ended 31 December 2018 Annual Report 2018 SCOTCH COLLEGE FOUNDATION General Purpose Financial

Note 2018





Income Distribution – Foundation Common Fund 3 3,699,114 3,229,908

Donations for Income Purposes1 714,930 391,526

Donations for Capital Purposes2 393,427 7,720,991

4,807,471 11,342,425


Prizes (21,700) (11,700)

Scholarships and Bursaries (1,266,726) (941,350)

Funding for Libraries (199,986) (283,002)

Funding for Scotch College Staff Salaries (41,725) (92,000)

Funding for the Arts (48,614) (72,545)

Transfer to Scotch College 2(c), 8 (340,460) (318,757)

(1,919,211) (1,719,354)

Surplus before Income Tax Expense 2,888,260 9,623,071

Income Tax Expense 2(a) - -

Surplus for the period 2,888,260 9,623,071


1 Donations which are to be spent entirely for designated purposes are treated as income.

2 Donations which are to add to or create perpetual funds are treated as capital.

Donations to the Scotch College Building Fund are not part of the accounts of the Scotch College Foundation.

The above Statement of Surplus or Deficit is to be read in conjunction with the attached notes.


Statement of Surplus or DeficitFor the Year Ended 31 December 2018


Statement of Comprehensive IncomeFor the Year Ended 31 December 2018

Note 2018




Surplus for the period 2,888,260 9,623,071

Other Comprehensive Income

Change in Net Market Value of Investment in Foundation Common Fund 2(b) (2,889,519) 2,216,509

Total Other Comprehensive Income (2,889,519) 2,216,509

Total Comprehensive Income (1,259) 11,839,580

The above Statement of Comprehensive Income is to be read in conjunction with the attached notes.

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Statement of Changes in EquityFor the Year Ended 31 December 2018

Accumulated Surplus


Financial Asset Revaluation Reserve


Total Accumulated



Year ended 31 December 2018

Opening balance 42,914,015 6,730,299 49,644,314

Add surplus for the period 9,623,071 - 9,623,071

Less change in net market value of investment - 2,216,509 2,216,509

Balance at 31 December 2017 52,537,086 8,946,808 61,483,894

Year ended 31 December 2018

Opening balance 52,537,086 8,946,808 61,483,894

Add surplus for the period 2,888,260 - 2,888,260

Less decrease in net market value of investment - (2,889,519) (2,889,519)

Balance at 31 December 2018 55,425,346 6,057,289 61,482,635

The above Statement of Changes in Equity is to be read in conjunction with the attached notes.


Statement of Financial PositionFor the Year Ended 31 December 2018

Note 2018





Cash at bank 69,839 121,308

Investment in Foundation Common Fund 3 61,995,368 61,870,696

Other debtors 36,435 -

Total Assets 62,101,642 61,992,004


Other payables due to Scotch College

- Corpus transfer 340,460 318,757

- Scholarship payment 257,847 181,553

- Prizes 20,700 7,800

Total Liabilities 619,007 508,110

Net Assets 61,482,635 61,483,894

Accumulated Funds

Accumulated Surplus 55,425,346 52,537,086

Financial Asset Revaluation Reserve 2(b) 6,057,289 8,946,808

8 61,482,635 61,483,894

The above Statement of Financial Position is to be read in conjunction with the attached notes.

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Statement of Cash FlowsFor the Year Ended 31 December 2018






Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Donations 1,102,088 8,112,517

Payment to beneficiaries and suppliers (1,838,480) (1,686,719)

Net cash provided by/(used in) operating activities 4 (736,392) 6,425,798

Cash Flows from Investing Activities

Net (redemption)/purchase of investments 684,923 (6,378,106)

Net cash (used in)/provided by investing activities 684,923 (6,378,106)

Net (decrease)/increase in cash held (51,469) 47,692

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 121,308 73,616

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 69,839 121,308

The above Statement of Cash Flows is to be read in conjunction with the attached notes.


Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the Year Ended 31 December 2018


The Scotch College Foundation (Inc) is an incorporated association domiciled and registered in Victoria. The controlling entity is Scotch College. The operations and principal activities of The Scotch College Foundation (Inc) are to seek the prudent investment of Foundation Funds to obtain a reliable and growing income stream from those funds and to facilitate fundraising to support the provision of educational services by Scotch College. The financial statements are presented in Australian dollars.

The financial report was authorised for issue by the Board of Trustees of The Scotch College Foundation (Inc) on the date shown on the Declaration by the Board of Trustees attached to the financial statements


Basis of Preparation

The principal accounting policies adopted by The Scotch College Foundation (Inc) are stated in order to assist in a general understanding of the financial report.

The financial report of The Scotch College Foundation (Inc) is a general purpose financial report prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards – Reduced Disclosure Requirements and Interpretations issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 and the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012, as appropriate for not-for-profit oriented entities.

The financial report is prepared on an accruals basis and is based on a historical cost basis with the exception of the investment which is carried at fair value. No particular judgements or key assumptions have been used in the preparation of the financial report.

(a) Income Tax

The Foundation is exempt from income tax under Section 50-5 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 as an educational institution.

(b) Investments

Pursuant to the Scotch College Common Funds Act 2001 Scotch College established an investment common fund for the collective investment of trust funds.

Gardiner Hill Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Scotch College, has been appointed as Trustee of the Scotch College Common Fund.

The Trustee has delegated consideration of investment matters to the Investment Committee of Scotch College with the funds to be managed in accordance with an investment mandate established by Scotch College Foundation (Inc).

In accordance with the Rules of the Scotch College Common Fund, The Scotch College Foundation (Inc), as an investor:

• has an investment in the Foundation Common Fund; and

• has a right to distributable income calculated in accordance with the Rules. Distributable income includes income, profit, gains, deductions and expenses.

The Foundation Common Fund investment portfolio established on 1 July 2014 has a different investment allocation profile to that of the Scotch College Common Fund.

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(b) Investments (Cont’d)


The investment in Foundation Common Fund is valued on the basis of the market value of the underlying assets held in the Fund at Balance Date before deducting any realisation costs. Fair values are determined by reference to published price quotations in an active market. The market for the financial assets held comprises the Australian Securities Exchange. The maximum credit risk exposure is represented by the carrying amount of the investment. The Foundation Common Fund holds a diversified portfolio with no material interest rate risk.

Regular purchases and sales of financial assets are accounted for at trade date/settlement date.

The Foundation has made an irrevocable election in respect of its equity instruments that gains and losses be recognised in other comprehensive income and accumulated in a Financial Asset Revaluation Reserve.

(c) Transfers to Scotch College

In accordance with rule 39(b) of the Foundation’s Constitution an amount representing 50% of the corpus income has been transferred to the College.

(d) Revenue


Income is recognised when The Scotch College Foundation (Inc) obtains control of the contribution or right to receive the contributions. It is probable that the economic benefits comprising the contribution will flow to the entity and the amount of the contribution can be reliably measured.

Common Fund Distributions

The Foundation records as income any distributions made during the year including the distributions at 31 December 2018 from the Foundation Common Fund.

(e) Transfer of Trust

In accordance with the Deed of Change of Trustee, Scotch College retains the right to direct the Foundation to reappoint Scotch College or another corporation as trustee of trusts that Scotch College was previously trustee. The value of these funds at 31 December 2018 was $14,053,971 (2017: $14,182,344).

(f) Financial Risk Management

The Foundation has invested all of its funds in the Foundation Common Fund. Financial Risk Management is carried out by the Investment Committee which is responsible for the Foundation Common Fund.

The Investment Committee of Scotch College has written guidelines to ensure that financial risk is managed appropriately to achieve the objectives of the Foundation Common Fund which is to obtain over the long term a growing and substantial income and capital appreciation from a conservatively managed equity based portfolio, investment flexibility and to maintain liquidity to fund capital expenditure as required.

(g) New Accounting Standards and Interpretations

All the new and revised Accounting Standards and Interpretations issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board (“AASB”) that are relevant and effective for the annual reporting period beginning on 1 January 2018 have been adopted by The Scotch College Foundation (Inc). The Board of Trustees has given due consideration to new and revised standards and interpretations issued by the AASB that are not yet effective. The Board of Trustees does not believe that the other standards and interpretations will have any material financial impact on the financial statements of the Foundation.







A summary of the components of the Foundation’s investment in the Foundation Common Fund is:

JB Were Investment Cash 3,170,853 4,784,351

Term deposits 1,050,000 -

Shares in Listed Companies and Trusts 52,276,774 50,285,266

Corporate Debt - listed 3,907,786 5,985,175

61,995,368 61,870,696

During the year The Scotch College Foundation (Inc) received the following distribution:

Foundation Common Fund 3,699,114 3,229,908

A summary of the components of the Foundation’s Common Fund distribution for the year is:

Interest 173,869 135,787

Dividends and Distributions from Listed Companies and Trusts 2,599,010 2,238,450

Refund of Imputation Credits 985,269 899,252

Investment Expenses (59,034) (43,581)

3,699,114 3,229,908


Reconciliation of net cash used in operating activities to operating surplus after income tax:

Operating surplus after income tax 2,888,260 9,623,071

Distribution reinvested (3,699,114) (3,229,908)

Increase in other payables 110,897 32,635

Increase in other debtors (36,435) -

Net cash provided by/(used in) operating activities (736,392) 6,425,798

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At reporting date The Scotch College Foundation (Inc) had received notification of bequests and pledges. Corresponding amounts have not been brought to account where such amounts do not satisfy recognition criteria established by accounting standards (refer note 2(d)).

Trustees received no remuneration for the performance of their role during the financial year.

The Scotch College Foundation (Inc.) considers Scotch College, Gardiner Hill Pty Limited and Old Scotch Collegians’ Association (OSCA) to be related parties for the purposes of AASB 124.

The Foundation had no employees at 31 December 2018 (2017: Nil employees). The salaries and wages of persons employed in the Development Office and other administrative expenses are paid by Scotch College. Audit fees for the Foundation of $4,000 (2017: $4,000) are borne by Scotch College.

The Foundation invests in the Foundation Common Fund and receives distributions from the Common Fund as disclosed. During the year a net $684,923 was withdrawn from the Common fund, in the 2017 financial year a net $6,378,106 was deposited in the Common Fund.

In accordance with rule 39(b) of the Foundation’s Constitution an amount representing 50% of the corpus income has been transferred to the College. This amount is disclosed on the Statement of Surplus or Deficit


The key management personnel and office holders of the Board of Trustees who held office during the course of the financial year were:

• Assoc Prof D W Lording (President)

• Mr M K Sim (Vice President)

• Mr D Yu (Vice President)

• Mr P A M Aberdeen

• Mrs M A Andrianakos

• Mr R T Balderstone

• Mr D E Fox

• Mr R C Hand

• Mr J J H Ho

• Mr S C McK Hunt

• Ms K M O MacLeod

• Dr L M Murdoch (Retired 30 April 2018)

• Mr T K O’Brien

• Mr J P Simpson (Retired 30 April 2018)

• Mrs M X Zheng

• Mr J J Camuglia (Appointed 30 April 2018)

• Mr D Humphery-Smith (Appointed 30 April 2018)

Ex Officio:

• Mr I T Batty (Principal)

• Mr J P Buckley (School Council Representative)

• Mr R S Congleton (Bursar)

• Mr S Reichelt (Finance Manager)

• Mr T J Shearer (Foundation Executive Director and Director of Development)

• Mr W L Sides (Chair of Bequest Committee)

• Mr S R Montgomery (OSCA Executive Director)

• Mr A S Crawford (OSCA President) (Retired 21 November 2018)

• Mr J C Douglas (OSCA President) (Appointed 21 November 2018)

Development Office Staff:

• Mrs S Y Dick (Bequest Program Manager)

• Ms R T Mortimer (Foundation Co-ordinator)

• Ms L A Sheard (Development Office Communications Co-ordinator)

• Mrs P A Wallace-Smith (Development Officer)

• Mr H McK Wilson (Foundation Officer)


Fair Value of Financial Instruments

The carrying value of financial statements reflects their fair values.

The investment in the Foundation Common Fund, $61,995,368 (2017: $61,870,696) is a level 2 type investment categorised by the following levels:

Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (as prices) or indirectly (derived from prices).

Level 3: Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).


Balance 1 Jan 18




Capital Change


Income Return




Balance 31 Dec 18


...Scholarship Funds

Bellair (John) Scholarship 3,081,129 - (143,173) 182,779 (109,476) 3,011,259

*Boell (Graeme) Scholarship 1,453,276 - (68,236) 87,112 (21,798) 1,450,354

Brewster (Mabel) Scholarship 979,722 - (46,215) 59,000 (5,646) 986,861

*Cocking (Kelvyn) Scholarship 1,361,306 - (64,008) 81,714 (16,638) 1,362,374

*Consolidated Scholarship Fund 810,148 - (38,138) 48,688 (7,983) 812,715

Donaldson (Gordon) Scholarship 1,147,892 11,000 (53,345) 68,102 (51,579) 1,122,070

*Field (Hugh & Charles) Scholarship 2,319,874 - (109,175) 139,375 (24,285) 2,325,789

Foundation Scholarship Fund 2,271,708 15,735 (105,435) 134,600 (106,108) 2,210,500

Hyett (Anthony) Boarding Scholarship 13,949 2,505 (719) 918 - 16,653

5Indigenous Scholarship Fund 245,144 438,602 (15,872) 20,263 (257,847) 430,290

zBriggs (Tony) Indigenous Scholarship 461,796 30,699 (20,799) 26,552 - 498,248

πIndigenous Perpetual Scholarship 10,208 - (483) 617 - 10,342

πRichardson Family Indigenous Scholarship 27,336 - (1,293) 1,651 - 27,694

πMurdoch/Sparks Family Indigenous Scholarship 26,285 - (1,243) 1,587 - 26,629

πSantini Family Indigenous Scholarship 131,423 25,000 (6,809) 8,692 - 158,306

Johnston (Christian) – Goldman Sachs Gives Scholarship 670,483 - (30,948) 39,509 (32,604) 646,440

Lithgow (Bruce & Norma) Scholarship 554,928 - (25,748) 32,870 (21,358) 540,692

Lithgow (Don) Scholarship 627,653 - (29,496) 37,656 (8,319) 627,494

Little (Sir Douglas M) Scholarship 4,982,789 - (234,055) 298,801 (79,080) 4,968,455

McAllester Family Scholarship 638,976 - (29,528) 37,697 (29,612) 617,533

McComas (Campbell) Scholarship 2,093,912 - (96,490) 123,182 (100,219) 2,020,385

McQueen (Kelman) Music Scholarship 170,217 - (8,053) 10,280 - 172,444

* Funds transferred from Scotch College to the Foundation on 31 December 2006. See note 2(e)

πEstablished to accumulate donations from donors wishing to provide a gift funding scholarships in perpetuity

Established to accumulate donations to cover any funding shortfall for students supported by the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation

The D & G Boykett Scholarship has been combined with the Boykett Family Bursary from 1 January 2017

A review of balances in the Foundation Scholarship Fund at 31 December 2016 identified that it included Funds Controlled by External Trustees related to Alan and Margaret Blackwell. These have been reallocated from 1 January 2017

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Balance 1 Jan 18




Capital Change


Income Return




Balance 31 Dec 18


Mendel (Dr Bernard) Scholarship 375,589 - (17,768) 22,684 - 380,505

Monash (Sir John) Scholarship - 11,000 (260) 332 - 11,072

Nilsen (Vic) Scholarship 637,437 - (29,763) 37,996 (16,638) 629,032

Orton Family Scholarship 1,195,767 - (56,192) 71,736 (15,966) 1,195,345

Paton (Walter) Music Scholarship 6,530,759 27,340 (308,441) 393,764 (49,240) 6,594,182

Randall (Brian & Ann) Boarding Scholarship 553,257 2,500 (25,723) 32,838 (21,566) 541,306

Robertson (Struan) Scholarship 1,942,284 - (91,115) 116,320 (32,604) 1,934,885

*Robinson (Lionel) Scholarship 602,108 - (28,485) 36,364 - 609,987

Robinson (Michael) Boarding Scholarship 25,286 165,517 (5,111) 6,525 - 192,217

Roddick Family Scholarship 692,092 - (32,348) 41,296 (16,638) 684,402

Schumacher (Martin) Memorial Scholarship 574,770 - (27,191) 34,713 - 582,292

Sesquicentenary Scholarship 323,612 - (15,019) 19,174 (7,983) 319,784

White (Col. Alec) Gallipoli Scholarship 734,277 - (34,171) 43,623 (23,949) 719,780

Yu (David) Family Scholarship 208,787 - (9,877) 12,610 - 211,520

38,476,179 729,898 (1,810,725) 2,311,620 (1,057,136) 38,649,836

Bursary Funds

Balderstone (Sir James) Boarding Bursary 120,920 17,000 (5,485) 7,002 (26,958) 112,479

Boykett Family Bursary 68,840 - (3,257) 4,158 - 69,741

Wall (John) OAM – Bursary 452,189 - (21,392) 27,310 - 458,107

641,949 17,000 (30,134) 38,470 (26,958) 640,327

Funds Controlled by External Trustees

Blackwell (Allan & Margaret) Scholarship 86,032 24,190 (4,642) 5,926 - 111,506

Hume-Cook (Keith & Cora) Bursary 24,025 1,380 (1,170) 1,493 - 25,728

Rimmington (Bertha) Bursary 29,513 5,258 (1,520) 1,941 - 35,192

* Funds transferred from Scotch College to the Foundation on 31 December 2006. See note 2(e)

πEstablished to accumulate donations from donors wishing to provide a gift funding scholarships in perpetuity

Established to accumulate donations to cover any funding shortfall for students supported by the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation

z The Board of Trustees resolved to transfer $75,000 from the Endowment Fund (Corpus) to the Briggs (Tony) Indigenous Scholarship. This transfer has been reflected by restating opening balances of the two Funds impacted.

Funds donated in prior years to establish a Sesquicentenary Scholarship had previously been amalgamated with the Foundation Scholarship Fund. They have been separately recognised from 1 January 2018.

5Funds donated in previous years to the Indigenous Program Support Fund had previously been amalgamated with the Indigenous Scholarship Fund. They have been separately recognised from 1 January 2018.


* Funds transferred from Scotch College to the Foundation on 31 December 2006. See note 2(e)

∆The Aths & Cross Country Capts Prize has been reallocated at 1 January 2017 between the Grant (Robert J) Athletics Prize and the Slade (Dr Roger M) Cross Country Prize

Balance 1 Jan 18




Capital Change


Income Return




Balance 31 Dec 18


139,570 30,828 (7,332) 9,360 - 172,426


Field (Ken) Fund for the Visual and Performing Arts 1,437,899 - (66,964) 85,488 (44,834) 1,411,589

Shrimpton Art Collection Fund 26,635 - (1,171) 1,494 (3,780) 23,178

1,464,534 - (68,135) 86,982 (48,614) 1,434,767


*Balderstone (Sir James) Junior School Award 3,789 - (177) 226 (100) 3,738

Balderstone (Sir James) Year 12 Design and Technology Prize 4,142 - (194) 247 (100) 4,095

Beckwith (Victor S) Year 11 Politics Prize 5,408 360 (262) 334 (100) 5,740

Bishop (John) Year 12 Captain of Music/ Outstanding Contribution to Music Prize 11,017 - (519) 662 (100) 11,060

Blenkiron (Harold C) Year 12 Legal Studies Prize (Joint Name) 6,956 - (324) 414 (200) 6,846

Bond (Ron S) Year 11 First in Year 11 Prize 5,141 - (236) 301 (300) 4,906

Braid (Ian) Music Composition Prize 7,748 - (364) 465 (100) 7,749

Brown (Stan F) Year 7 Leadership Prize 11,398 - (536) 684 (150) 11,396

*Clarke (Trevor T) Year 12 General Excellence/ Boarding Prize 3,459 - (159) 203 (200) 3,303

Cole (Geoffrey A) Year 10 Studies and Games Prize 8,340 - (392) 501 (100) 8,349

Consolidated Prize Fund 49,559 - (2,047) 2,613 (12,600) 37,525

*Dodds (Thomas B) Field Events – Athletics Prize 2,342 - (111) 141 - 2,372

Donaldson (Geoffrey) Pipes and Drums Prize 11,549 - (532) 679 (600) 11,096

*Dunlop (Sir Edward) Year 10 & 12 Indonesian Prize 2,603 - (121) 154 (100) 2,536

Earle (Peter) Year 8 Achievement/ Leadership Prize 11,984 - (565) 721 (100) 12,040

*Eggleston (A J Michael) Year 12 Australian History Prize 3,130 - (146) 186 (100) 3,070

Foreman (Russell & Mary) History Essay Prize 73,456 - (3,463) 4,421 (500) 73,914

∆Grant (Robert J) Athletics Prize 2,106 - (97) 124 (100) 2,033

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Balance 1 Jan 18




Capital Change


Income Return




Balance 31 Dec 18


Greaves (Harry) Year 12 Captain of Soccer Prize 682 - (30) 38 (100) 590

Harris Family Captain of Diving Prize 999 - (45) 57 (100) 911

*Irving (William) Year 12 Debating Prize 4,950 - (232) 296 (100) 4,914

King-Smith (Eric) Year 12 Prize for Scholarship 9,115 - (429) 547 (100) 9,133

*McKenzie (John) Year 7 Cricket Prize 1,402 - (64) 82 (100) 1,320

*MacNeil (Neil H) Year 11 Studies and Games Prize 697 - (31) 39 (100) 605

Manders (Catherine & Ruby) Year 9 Asian Language Prize 5,667 - (266) 339 (100) 5,640

Manders (June & Stephen) Year 13 Music Study at Tertiary level Prize 3,154 - (149) 190 - 3,195

Mendel (H Bernard) Year 12 German or French Prize 7,603 - (357) 456 (100) 7,602

*Mueller (Robert P) Year 11 & 12 Computer Science Prize 13,268 - (625) 798 (100) 13,341

*Naito Family Captain of Rugby Prize 9,199 - (433) 553 (100) 9,219

*Niven (Robert C) Year 9 Scripture Prize 5,317 - (249) 318 (100) 5,286

*OSCA Year 12 Social Services Prize 1,327 - (60) 77 (100) 1,244

Perelberg (Ashley) Award for Exemplary Scotch Spirit 1,220 - (46) 59 (500) 733

Pipes & Drums Prize 8,984 - (423) 540 (100) 9,001

*Ramsay (Sir Alan) Cadets RSM Prize 4,122 - (193) 246 (100) 4,075

*Richards (Geoff) Year 12 Physics Prize (Joint Name) 26,741 - (1,263) 1,612 (100) 26,990

*Robinson (Sir Arthur) Year 12 History Prize (Joint Name) 2,601 - (121) 154 (100) 2,534

*Robinson (Lady Annie S) Year 11 English Prize 2,466 - (112) 143 (200) 2,297

Sandbach (Edward) Scouting Prize 4,108 - (195) 248 - 4,161

Scott (F W W (Frank)) Sport and Cadets Prize 45,334 - (2,133) 2,723 (500) 45,424

±Selby Smith (Christopher) Prize 183,386 - (8,628) 11,015 (2,000) 183,773

*Shaw (Simon D) Year 9 Studies and Games Prize 18,632 - (876) 1,118 (250) 18,624

Simpson (Robert L) Public Speaking Prize 7,692 - (362) 462 (100) 7,692

∆Slade (Dr Roger M) Cross Country Prize 2,107 - (95) 124 (100) 2,036

Sparks/Murdoch Family Captain of Cricket Prize 5,205 - (244) 311 (100) 5,172

Wickens (Peter C) Year 12 Specialist Maths Prize (Joint Name) 8,705 - (409) 523 (100) 8,719

Wilson (Keith McK.) Year 11 Accounting Prize 8,148 - (380) 485 (250) 8,003

Wilson (J Mc) Geography Prize - 8,000 (187) 239 (100) 7,952


Balance 1 Jan 18




Capital Change


Income Return




Balance 31 Dec 18


Yeomans (Karl) Poetry Prize 3,286 - (152) 194 (150) 3,178

Zimmet Family Year 12 St John/First Aid Prize 9,465 - (445) 569 (100) 9,489

96ers Pipes & Drums Leadership Prize 583 - (25) 32 (100) 490

Total Prizes 630,292 8,360 (29,504) 37,663 (21,700) 625,111

…Staff Support

The Scotch College Archives Advancement Fund 202,373 - (9,574) 12,222 - 205,021

*Armstrong (John & Sutherland) Retired Staff Support 121,142 - (5,613) 7,165 (5,000) 117,694

Callahan (Mary) Staff Travel 210,914 - (9,978) 12,738 - 213,674

Logie-Smith (George) – Music Staff Support 602,401 - (28,198) 35,998 (12,725) 597,476

Mathematics Staff Support 12,135 - (574) 733 - 12,294

*McLennan (Sir Ian) Chair of Design and Technology 1,492,453 - (70,109) 89,503 (21,000) 1,490,847

Staff Salaries – General Fund 167,905 - (7,872) 10,050 (3,000) 167,083

2,809,323 - (131,918) 168,409 (41,725) 2,804,089

…Library Support

Cornell (James) French Literature Fund 32,505 - (1,538) 1,963 - 32,930

*Ramsey (Urquhart) Library Fund 28,845 - (1,365) 1,742 - 29,222

*Stirling (Alfred) Library Endowment Fund 5,680,694 - (264,014) 337,046 (199,986) 5,553,740

5,742,044 - (266,917) 340,751 (199,986) 5,615,892

…Other Funds

George Watson School Fund 58,110 - (2,694) 3,440 (2,315) 56,541

McDonald Family Pipe Organ Lessons Fund 8,452 - (400) 510 - 8,562

*Music Lessons Fund 156,212 - (7,390) 9,434 - 158,256

5Indigenous Program Support Fund 158,763 245,500 (9,053) 11,556 (180,317) 226,449

381,537 245,500 (19,537) 24,940 (182,632) 449,808

50,285,428 1,031,586 (2,364,202) 3,018,195 (1,578,751) 50,392,256

Endowment Fund (Corpus) 11,198,466 76,771 (525,317) 680,919 ^ (340,460) 11,090,379

Foundation Total Funds 61,483,894 1,108,357 (2,889,519) 3,699,114 (1,919,211) 61,482,635

* Funds transferred from Scotch College to the Foundation on 31 December 2006. See note 2(e)

^ The Foundation corpus payment of $340,460 is the transfer to the School referred to in the Statement of Surplus or Deficit.

zThe Board of Trustees resolved to transfer $75,000 from the Endowment Fund (Corpus) to the Briggs (Tony) Indigenous Scholarship. This transfer has been reflected by restating opening balances of the two Funds impacted.

≤ Funds donated in previous years to the Indigenous Program Support Fund had previously been amalgamated with the Indigenous Scholarship Fund. They have been separately recognised from 1 January 2018.

± It has been determined that the Selby Smith (Christopher) funds are more appropriately categorised as a prize fund; they were previously recorded as a bursary.

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The Scotch College Development Office is the registered office of the Scotch College Foundation. To partner with us in supporting Scotch, please:

Go online: www.scotch.vic.edu.au

Phone: Make a gift by credit card by phoning the Scotch College Development Office on +61 3 9810 4300

Mail: Scotch College Development Office 1 Morrison Street Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia, 3122

Fax: +61 3 9810 4334 Email: [email protected]

Please contact Scotch College’s Director of Development for more information about other ways to support Scotch College or the Scotch College Foundation.

Tim Shearer Director of Development Scotch College Development Office 1 Morrison Street Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia, 3122

Phone: +61 3 9810 4301 Email: [email protected]

Scotch College Building Fund BSB: 083 - 166 A/C No: 515103949

Scotch College Museum Fund BSB: 083 - 166 A/C No: 515103949

Scotch College Foundation BSB: 083 - 004 A/C No: 948989095

Donations to all Scotch College or Scotch College Foundation funds, excluding the Scotch College Foundation Endowment Fund, of $2 or more are tax deductible.

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