1883- 4. NEW SOUTH WALES. POLIOE DEPARTMENT. (REPORT FOR, 1883.) 19rt5£ltt£b to' llatlinment bl1 Qtamnnmb. The Inspector-General of Police to The Principal Under Secretary. Rir, Poli ce Depl1rtment, In sp ector General's Office, Sydney, 10 January, 1884. I n accordance with th e regulations a nd the Colonial Secretary's instr uct ions, I do myself the honor to make this my Report upon the condition and operations of th e Police Depart ment for the YC l1r 1883. Appendix A shows the strength and di stribution of thc cstablishment at the close of the year. Additional Poli ce Stations ha\'e been formed during the yel1r at the twe nty -four places hereunder named :- District. Northern ... Southern ... East ern Vlestern Namoi North-eastern Murray Metropolitl1n tltation. Broad Wl1t er. Brushgrove. Bolivia. Cudgen. Ibrden. vVoluml a. EUl'obodalJ a. J·indabyne. Peat's Ferry. Prosp ec t. Kangaroo Valley. Clifton. Currinyalpa h. N evertir e. Bm·raga. Bl1rringun. Goolagong. Grawin. Carinda. Fernmount. Coopcrnook. Woy Woy. Oumie. Cr oy don. An increase of twe nty- nine (l11l m nks) was ]>l' ov icl l'd hy Pal'limnrmt, and thA vacanCIes created as und er were al so filled hy new appointmr n ts:- R esignationI'; Di sch l1rges Di smissals Superl1nnuations D eaths ... Total 91 27 37 l:l 5 .. , 17 3 Th e in crease of pay of sixpence per diem, together with the l1dditional sixpence per diem allowed to subordinate members of the Force providing themselves with qua rters, has had the ll es ired ef fect, both of decreasing th e number of volunta ry resignl1tions, and in sec uring more than l1n adequl1te number of eligible Gandidates to fill up the vn,cancies occ ur'ring. Six 379-

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1883- 4.



19rt5£ltt£b to' llatlinment bl1 Qtamnnmb.

The Inspector-General of Police to The Principal Under Secretary. Rir, Police Depl1rtment, Inspector General's Office, Sydney, 10 January, 1884.

I n accordance with the regulations and the Colonial Secretary's instructions, I do myself the honor to make this my R eport upon the condition and operations of the Police Depar tment for the YCl1r 1883.

Appendix A shows the strength and distribution of thc cstablishment at the close of the year. Additional Police Stations ha\'e been formed during the yel1r at the twenty-four places hereunder

named :-District.

Northern ...

Southern ...





Murray Metropolitl1n

tltation. Broad Wl1ter. Brushgrove. Bolivia. Cudgen. Ibrden. vVolumla. EUl'obodalJ a. J·indabyne. P eat's F erry. Prospect. Kangaroo Valley. Clifton. Currinyalpah. N evertire. Bm·raga. Bl1rringun. Goolagong. Grawin. Carinda. Fernmount. Coopcrnook. Woy Woy. Oumie. Croydon.

An increase of twenty-nine (l11l mnks) was ]>l'ovicl l'd hy Pal'limnrmt, and thA vacanCIes created as under were also filled hy new appointmrnts:-

R esignationI'; Dischl1rges Dismissals Superl1nnuations Deaths ...


91 27 37 l:l


.. , 173

The increase of pay of sixpence per diem, together with the l1dditional sixpence per diem allowed to subordinate members of the Force providing t hemselves wit h quarters, has had the llesired effect, both of decreasing the number of voluntary resignl1tions, and in securing more than l1n adequl1te number of eligible Gandidates to fill up the vn,cancies occur'ring.

Six 379-

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Six police pensioners died in the year 1883, whose pensions amounted in the total to £477 pel' annum.

Fourteen members of the Force were ~uperannuated-eight being allowed pensions amonnting in all to £1,012 per annum, and six received gratuities on dischargo, amounting in the aggregate to £ 770.

Six widows were also awarded gmtuities :llllount ing to £1,834. The income of the Police R eward ,mel S llper;mnuation Funds (combined) was about .£15,000, and

the expenditure £11,500. Thc fUlHl t herofo re, so far, has been found equal to the demands npon it, though a heavier strain may be expcctecl wll en anum bor of t he old pulJlic scrvants in the- Force are placed upon the pension list.

As the Colonial Secl'etary is aware, the demancls for additional Police Stations and constables have been fmc in excess of the sma ll incl'ease voted. Most of the applic,ttions made llitVe been reasonablc, but it has not been possibl c to comply with all, whil st ill the mctropolis the F orce is sti ll far below the numerical standard fi xcd fo r other similar cities.

Complaints are therefore constantly made to me, chiefiy from residents in t he suburbs, of inadequate police pl'otccti on, itnd the olliccrs haye frequently represented the impossibility of providing men for beats of such (limensions as will cnsure a reasonalJ l() it lll ount of super vision.

Nhny of the applications for ndditiOllall'ol icc protection have been from country villages, where t he prosenco of a constable wOHlel be fou nd >td vitllLagoo us to tho residents to preserve good order in minor lIl atte r~, but where there is little or no crimo of a so ri.ous kiml. P olice StationR n,re however far more required in remote districts sparsely populated, .Lt cOll~ideral)le disLances from existing Police Stations, and where sorious crim e is prevalent. It is fOl' such placos that I have had to dovote many of the additional men provided.

The cost of establishing such stations is cOHsider n,ble, as buildings and paddocks have to be provided, anel ordiuarily two constables and a t meker ;1,]"e required at each.

However, acting upon the Colonial Secret'try's verba,] ;1,pproval, I have increased thc strength of the Forco "bout twenty mell above t he limit proyicled on the E stimates for 1883, and the Rfwing in the early portion of the yeal' has enabled me to pay the wages to t he 31st December, without exceeding the vote.

It will, I am satisfiod, be absolutely necessary to increase the strength still further, to meet urgent rcquirements on the railway works and elsewhm'e in tho interior, "s well as in the suburbs of Sydney, where increased protection is at least equally necessary.

In my Annual R eportfor the year 1880 (dated the 27th January, 1881) I referred to the prevalence of intemperate and dissolute habits amongst the youth of Sydney and other large cities, in t he following terms :-

" The idle and dissolute habits of many of the youth in large cities may, r think, be also attributed to a change in the tone of modern social orgn,nization, and an absence of restmint upon the young, especially exemplified in th e discontiuu ance to a great extent of the practice of apprenticing boys to a trade or handi-craft , in suhstitut ion of whi !.:h large numbers of yo ung people of both soxes now fi nd employment in factories, whore they m il oarn good wages, givillu them t ho command ofm onry ,mel long hours of leisure, unrestrained by parclltal cont rol. "

I rcgrot now to say t hat thcre h'lS bern no improvement, but rather the rever~o, since that report was written. I still attribute this to the faci lity wit ll which young persons of both sexes can obtain @lployment in fadories and other large establishments whore they can earn high wages, and have itbundant leisuro with little or no restraint.

The caseR of juvenile immorality and depravity which frequently come under public notice are most appalling, and unfortunately in most instancos the circumstances are not such as wou ld allow of the provisions of thc Industrial Schools Act bcing enforced- indeed tho evil must be regarded as a moral one, to a great cxtent beyond the scope of t he statute laws, but none the less tending to the clemoralization of the community and the procursOl" of fllture crim e.

The more genern.l di ffusion of education does not appear to have had the moral effoct upon the classes referred to which was hoped for. I find, upon careful examination of the rocords, during a period of six months, respecting 494 young persons- male and female-who were apprehended for minor offences, but who, frolll their known dissolute habits, may bc expected to lapse into a C,Lr eer of crimo and immorality, that of tllis brge number twenty-four only werr without oducation, alld unabl c to read and write.

The effect of th e whipping clauses of the Criminal Law Amendment A ct :vet remains to be t ested, as they have not bcen put in oporation, cxcept ill one caso (it11 adult) .

Although the statistics of crimo for t he Colony are not yet availablo for reforence, as far as I can judge fi'om the reports and records, serions offences are still on the decrease. I llave, howcver, been able to ascertain the following particulars regarding tlJC arrests in the Metropolitan district :-

The total number of persons taken into custody by th e police during the year was 21,831, being 16,600 males and 5,231 females, against 19,639, being 14,436 males and 5,203 fcmales, in 1882, showing an increase of 2,192 persons.

For drunkenness the figures stand as below :-

Year 1881 " l 882 " ] 883

13,D49 1] ,842 13,312

The Lll croase in the llumber of arrests for rlrllnkenn('~s last year is therefore abo\'e t he proportion , a llowing for the addition to the populat ion, t hough below th e total for 1881, prior to t he passing of th(\ Licensing Act.


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The Imperial Fugitive Offenders' Act has afforded important increased facilities for Lhe apprehension of absconding offenders from this and the other Colonies; and, by the proclamation of Part II of Llio A cL, as applying to the Australian Group and New Zealand, still furth er powers are conferred, which will greatly simplify procedure against offenders who abscond from one Colony to another. This porLion of Lll e Act came in force on the 1st instant.

Several clHwges have been rendered necessary in the location of the Superintendents and other officers in the Force, by t he death of Superintendent Zouch and the retirement of Inspector Kerrigan on pension. The arrangements are now completed.

It may not be deemed out of place to refer here to the loss which the Department sustained by Captain Zouch's death. His long and fait hful services were however so well known to the Government and the public that it ,vould be superfluous for me to make any further observations regarding them.

The conduct of the constabulary generally continues highly satisfactory. I constantly receive communications from Country Benches, ]\I[agistrates, and others, commending the conduct and efticicncy of the police; and it is difficult to withstand the practice, which has become inconveniently common, of presenting valuable testimonials to members of t he Force, or to deal with the numerous recommendations in favour of t heir advancement.

I have t he honor to be, Sir,


Your most obedient servant, EDMUND FOSBERY,

Inspector-General of Police.

RETUltN showing the Strength and Distribution of the Police Force 011 the 31st October, 1883.


Metropolitan .. No. 1 Head Station Pyrmont .............. . Glebe Island ........ . General Post Office .. :Mint .. .... ....... ....... . No.2 H ead tation Redfern . \ Vaterloo and Alex-

andria .............. . Glebe .. . No.3 Head St ation ' Vatson's Bay 'Vaverley and Bondi Paddington ........ . . .. Bot.'tny .... .... ...... . Double Bay ........ . Rushcutters' Bay .. . Randwick & Coogee vYoollahra .. .. ...... .. No.4 H ead tation Colonial Secretary's

Office .. .. ........ .. Lands Office ........ . Balmaill .............. . North Shore .. .. .... . North Willoughby .. Lane Cove .......... .. Manly Beach ........ . / Mossman's Bay ..... . No.5 H ead Station Cook's River . Concord .. ....... .... .. Petersham .. ........ .. Leichhardt ... ........ . Camperdown ........ . Ashfield .. ........... .. Enfield ... . ........... .. . Town H all ..... ...... . Quarantine Station,

North Head .... .. Cant erbnry ........... . Man;ckville .. ...... . Burwood ..... . ..... . .. . Macdonald Town .. . K ogarah .. .... .. P ive Dock ........... . St anmore . .. . Summer H ill .. Homebush ........ . .. . Water Police ...... .. . Croydon ... .. ....... .. Hurstvillc ........... .


Super. I Tnspce· 1 Sub· I se!1ior. ! ser. ! senior. ! COil' IOte ll - Inspec- Ser- _ Con-dents . tors. tors . gea.nts. gca.nLs. sta.bl es . sta.blcs.






Senior I s. ! Senior I Co Ser- CI - Con- I ". g-cants . lgcants. SL..'tb leS' 1 st..'\.bJel .


I • • .

1 2 1


1 2

3 1








6 1

1 3 6

1 1 1

1 4 6

1 1 1






51 3 1 2 2

47 8

1 7

49 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 4


3 3 8 6

1 1 1

12 1

1 2 3 1 1 1

1 2 1 1

1 ] 1 1

16 1 1

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Northern ...... Armidale ........ .. .. .. Bendemeer .......... .. Uralla ................ .. vV1~lcha .......... .... . Ben Lomond ......... . Tenterfield ....... .... . ' Vilson's Downfall .. . Drake . .. .... .. .. .. .. .. . Inverell .. ............ . Tillghn. .. .......... .. . Bundarra ........... . Ashford ........ .. .. .. . Emmaville ...... ... . .. Glen Innes ... ...... . .. Grafton .......... .. .. .

Do. South ....... .. Ulmarra ..... ". " ... . Lawrence ........ .. .. Rocky Mouth ..... .. Chatsworth Island Palmer's Island .. . Clarence Heads .. . .. . Casino ......... .. .. .... , Lismore ........... .. .. Woodburn .. .. . .... . .. Wardell ............. .. Ballina ... .. ............ . Tweed (Mirwillum.

lah ) .. . ..... . ..... ... . Dalmorton ........... . Blick's Rivcr ..... " .. Copmanhurst ........ . Coraki .... ... .......... . Cudgen ....... ..... . Brushgrovc ...... ..... . Broadwater . .......... . Bolivia .... .... . ... .... ..

Southern ...... Goulburn ........... . Marulan .. .... .. ..... .. Bungonia .......... .. Tarago .... ..... ... .. .. .. Collector ............. .. Crookwell ........... . vVheeo .... . . .......... . . Tuena ... .. . .. ...... .. .. Binda ............... .. . Taralga .. . Yass ...... .......... . Gunning .............. . Binalong .. ............ . Burrowa .............. . Fro~more ........ .. .. Drylmrgh ........... . Gundaroo Dalton ...... .. .... .. .. Pudman's Creck. .... . Harden ............. .. Barmedman ...... .. . Young ................ .. Marengo .. .... ....... .. Morangarell .... .. .. . Murrumburrah ..... . Wombat ............. .. Cootamundra ........ . Temora . .. .. . ... ..... . Bethungra .......... .. Braidwood .... . .... .. . Mongarlowe .... . .. .. Campbell's Springs .. Major's Creek .. .. .. Araluen .. .. .......... . Moruya .. .... .. .. .. .. . Bateman's Bay .. .. .. Nelligen .. .... .. .. .... . Bungendore .. .. ... .. Queanbeyan ....... .. Cooma ''' ''' '''''''''''' Micalago ........... .. .. Nimitybelle ... .. .. .. Buckley's Crossing . . Seymour .............. . K iandra ... ...... ..... . Bombala .... ........ . .. Delegate .... .. .. ..... .. Candelo ....... .. .... .. Bega ....... .... ..... .. Panbula ....... ...... .. Mcrimbula .. .. . .. ... ..



lIltcn· t Inspcc- Ser- 1 Con-Super· I Inspee· [ Sub· [ Sen ior I Se .. \ Senior I Call· dents. OI'S. ' tors. gcants. gcants. stables. st..'\blcs.


1 1


1 1 1

1 1 1

4 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1

2 1


G 1


1 1 1 1


2 1 1 1

3 2 1 1 1

1 1 1 1


SCI'- Con- . Senior [ SCI" [ Senior I Can· gennts. ((cants . stables. stables.





1 :~ 5 1

1 1

1 1 1


3 1




1 3


1 1

2 3

1 1


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DIST I\l~"f .

Southern-con· tinued.

Eastern .... .....


Eden ................. . Bowning ............. .. Gininderra .... .... .. .. Cobargo .. ...... .. ... .. Eurobadalla ........ . W ollongough ... ..... . Jindabyne .. .. ...... .. Wolumla .......... .. .. .

Depot ................ .. Parramatta ........... . Rookwood ......... .. Ryde ................ .. Hunter 's Hill .. ...... . Windsor .... .. .. .... .. . Richmond ........ .. .. Rouse Hill .... .... .. .. Wilberforce .... ... . . St . Alban's .. ... .. ... .. Penrith ...... .... ... .. St. Mary's .. .. ...... .. EmuPlains ..... ..... .. Springwood .......... . . Appin .... ............ .. Camden ........... . .. Picton ................. . Berrima ........ ... .... 1 Mittagong .. .. ...... . . Moss Vale ........ . .. . Robertson .. ..... ... . 'W' ollongong .... .... . Dapto .. .............. .. Bulli .. .. ............ .. Prospect .............. . Granville ... .. ...... . .. . Campbelltown .. . .. . Wilton .............. . Bowral.. . .. .. ........ . .. Smithfield .... ...... . Liverpool. ... . ... ... . .. . Kiama .......... ....... . Shellharbour ........ . J amberoo .......... .. Gerringong . .... . .. . .. . Nowra .. ..... .. .. ... ... . Terrara ........ ...... . Broughton Creek .. . Kangaroo Valley .. . Cilfton .. .. .... ..... . .. . . Milton ........ ... .... .. .

Western .... Bathurst .............. . Milltown .......... .. K elso .............. .. .. Oberon ......... .. ..... .. H artley .... ........ .. . R ockley ............ .. . Wyagdon .... .... .. .. O'Connell .......... ..


Trunkey .... .. .. .... .. . Rydal .. ...... ........ .. Lithgow .......... .... . ,"Vallerawang ........ . Solala .......... ...... .. Hill End .. .... ........ . Tambaroora ........ . Orange ........ ........ . Stony Creek ........ . Molong .............. . Toogong .......... .. .. . Cowra .............. .. .. Blayney .............. . Cat'coar .. .. .......... . Canowindra ........ . Cudal ...... .......... .. Mudgee ..... .... .... .. Gulgong .............. . Talbragar .. ...... .. .. Coolah .... ......... .... . Mundooran .. .. . .. .... . Rylstone .. .... ...... .. . Ilford .......... .... .. .. H argraves .... .. .... .. Windeyer .......... .. , ;y ollar .. . ......... ... .. . Forbes ......... ........ . Condobolin ...... .. .. .. Eugo,vra ........ . .. . .. . Parkes .. . .... .. ... ..... .

MO UNTED. roo..

mtcn- Inspcc- Ser- Con - on Super · Inspee.! Sub· I Senior I Ser· \ Senior I e. dents. \ tors. I tors. geants. geants . stables. st.~bl es. Scr- <.;on-Sellior I ser· 1 S~nlor I ·on.

geants. geants. stables .• tabl •• .

1 1

1 1

1 1


1 7 1

1 1 1 1

1 2 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 2 .. , 1 1

1 1 2 1 2

1 1 1 1 1 1

1 I 1

1 I 1 1


1 1 2 4 1 7 I 1

1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

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1 1 1 1 1 3 3

1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 3 1 I 1

1 1 2

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DlS'r ltICT.

IVest ern-con· tinued.


Grenfell .............. . Marsden .............. . Bourke .. .......... .. . Brewarrina .. ......... . Gongolgan .......... .. Cobar ................ .. Louth .... .... .. . Barringun ...... . Nymagee ........... . Dubbo .............. .. .. 'IV ellington .. ......... . Obley .......... .. .... .. Dandaloo ............ .. Timbrebongie .... .. vVarren ........ .. .... . Canonbar Coonamble .......... .. Quambone .......... .. Curban .... ......... .. Girilambone Nyngan .. .... ........ . Capertee .............. . Mount McDonald .. . Burraga ........ .... .. . Currinyulpah . ....... . Tomingly ......... .. . Goolagong ...... ..... . Wanaaring ........... .

North·eastern iVest Maitland .... .. Branxton Loehinvar .. . Greta ........ ........ .. Cessnock ...... .... .. .. . East Maitland .. .. Mount V incent(Mul·

bring) Cooranbong ........ . Largs .... ........ .. .. .. Morpeth .............. . Hinton ...... .. ...... . Paterson .............. . Gresford . Raymond Terrace ... Clarence Town Dungog .... . Stroud .... . Gloucester . Copeland ... . Bullah Delah . Tea Gardens Forster Newcastle Hamilton llo.,Taratah . Bullock Island .. Lambton ......... . New Lambton v"allsend Stockton .. .... ... . .... . Wickham Tighe's Hill Minmi. Gosford .. .. Wollombi .... .. Howe's Valley Sin~leton .. Broke . Jerry's Plains .... Muswellbrook Denman Merriwa Kerrabee , .......... . .. Cassilis . Scone ............... .. Kempsey Fredericktown .. Gladstone .......... .. Nambuccra Taree ............... .. Cundletown Tinonce , . .. ..... . . . vVingham ...... .. Port Macquarie .. Camden Haven .. Bo,\t Harbour .... .. Amkoon .............. . Charlestown ........ .



super. ' Ins JCC. \ Sub· \ Senior \ Ser. , senior I Con. mtcn- t I, Inspec- Se1'- geants COll- I stables. dents. OlS. tors. geants. . stables.



1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

1 1

1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1

1 1 1


1 1 2

1 2

1 1

1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 I 1 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1


Sor- er Con-Sel,Jior \ s , . \ Senior I Con· geants. geants. stables. sta.blcs.




3 1


1 1 6






9 1


1 2 1

17 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



1 1 2

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North-eastern BUllgwall Flat -continued. Cooperllook ..... ,.

Fernmount .,

North-western Tamworth Do South ...

Murrurundi ... , Blackville Gunnedah Barraba .. Manilla Wallabadah Nundle .......... .. . Quirindi Currabubula Somerton Moonbi Carroll ..

Namoi .... ..... Narrabri ...... Boggabri . Tambar Springs ...... 'Wee vYaa Pilliga ................. . Walgett .............. . Goodooga ......... .. . Mogil Mogil Meroe ....... . Bingera .. . Warialda ... , .......... . Yetman .... .......... .. Coonabarabran Baradine .. , .. ......... . Boggabilla ........... . Moree .... Eulowrie ...... .. ..... . Angledool Millie Collarendabri ..... , ... Mungindi Carillda Grawll1

South-western Deniliquin ...... Mathoura .. Moamll Jerilderie Tocumwal Hay and Carathool.. Darlington Point .. . Maude ................. . Mossgiel ... Booligal ............ . Hillston Euabalong Lake Cudgcllico ... Gilgunnia .... .. '\Ventworth ........... . Pooncal'ie Salt Creek Euston Balmnald ........ ... . Clare ............. .. ;-Vloulamcin . ,\,Yilcanl1ia Milpcril1ka and Ti-

boobul.'ra Menimlic ... Mount Gipps Mount Hope

Murray ......... Albury ........... . .. Germanton .. . ViT albulldrie Corowa Howlong .. Mulwala . 'l\ullberllmba .. . ..... . Ournie ..... . . Gcrogery ... . GlIlIdagai .. . TUlHUt .. .... . Arlclong ....... .. Sllcl' iJ cnls' '1'0 11"11 '1 Reedy Fbt ... . J'ugiollg ............. .. \V agga \V n,gga .. . Junec ·Ur(·~lla ............... , ..


MOUNTED. I _ FOO~ ___ _

inten. Inspec- Inspec-super- I I Sub-dents. tors. tors.


Senior I ser- I Senior \ Con- i Senior I Ser- I Senior I on-Ser- COll- I Ser. /. I Con-gcants. geants. stables. stables. 1 geants. geants. stables. stables.





1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1

I 1 I


1 1 1 1 1

3 2

1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


1 1 1 2 1 1 I 1 1 1 1

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

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2 1 I

1 2




4 1 1





1 1



1 1






J I 1 1

7 I l

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Murray-con. tinued.

N arrandera .. ......... . Tarcutta ............. .. Kyamba .............. . Hanging Rock .... .. Bowna .... ... ... ....... .

DEPOT, BELMORE BARRACKS. I Constables ill course of instruction,

under orders for transfer ....... . . .. . Gold Escort Conductors ................ . Orderlies to His Excellency the

Governor ..... ... ............... ...... .. ..


Inspector in charge of Detectives ..... . First-class Detectives.............. 7 Second -class do. .. .. .... .. .. . 1 Third-class do. ............. 3


3 1


2 1 1 1 1





TOTAL . . .. .. ... •.... . . ll -7--S-2Sl26 i 52 I~ 337 24""13379593 '-__________________ -y- __________________ ....J

Police Dep,trtmont, Inspector-General's Office, Sydnev_

Total of all grades ......... ".... ...... 1,315.

EDMUND FOSBERY, Inspector- Genoral of Police.

Sydney: Thomas Riclmrds, Government Priutcr.-18S4. [6d.1