Annual Report 2003

Annual Report 2003 InvoCare Limited Corporate... · Ruth Hilton-Bell,Corporate Accountant 4 ... Capital expenditure was lower than anticipated due to ... INVOCARE ANNUAL REPORT 2003

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Annual Report 2003


are Limited

Annual R

eport 2003


Financial Summary 6

Letter from the Chairman 7

CEO’s Review of Operations 8

InvoCare Across Australia 14

Board of Directors 16

Corporate Governance 18

Directors’ Report 22

Financial Report 29

Statements of Financial Performance 30

Statements of Financial Position 31

Statements of Cash Flows 32

Notes to the Financial Statements 33

Directors’ Declaration 65

Independent Audit Report 66

Shareholder Information 67

Corporate Information 69

ABN 42 096 437 393 InvoCare Limited (formerly SCIA Holdings Pty Limited)

Directors Ian D Ferrier (Chairman)Richard H Davis (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer)Mike J Grehan (Chief Operating Officer)John W Murphy (Non-Executive Director)Christine L Clifton (Non-Executive Director)Richard H Fisher (Non-Executive Director)

Company Secretary Kenneth R Mealey (Chief Financial Officer)

Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of InvoCare Limited will be held at The Westin Sydney, 1 Martin Place, Sydney on Monday 31 May 2004.

Registered Office Level 4, 153 Walker StreetNorth Sydney NSW 2060Telephone: 02 9978 5200Facsimile: 02 9978 5299Website: www.invocare.com.au

Share Register ASX Perpetual Registrars LimitedLevel 8, 580 George StreetSydney NSW 2000Toll free: 1300 854 911Facsimile: 02 9287 0303Website: www.asxperpetual.com.au

Stock Exchange Listing InvoCare Limited is a company limited by shares that isincorporated and domiciled in Australia. InvoCare Limited’s shares are listed on the Australian StockExchange only. ASX code is IVC.

Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopersDarling Park Tower 2201 Sussex StreetSydney NSW 1171

Solicitors Coudert BrothersLevel 8 Gateway1 Macquarie PlaceSydney NSW 2000

Bankers Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited20 Martin PlaceSydney NSW 2000

Corporate Information
















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InvoCare is Australia’s leading private provider of funerals,

burials and cremations. While our brands are varied and

our locations widespread, our people are all dedicated to

working towards the long-term success of the group.

At InvoCare, we provide excellent service and care to the

families we serve. This is the cornerstone of our approach.

We maximise synergies within our different businesses and

improve efficiencies by promoting our major brands.

This coordinated focus drives our growth and delivers

solid results for our shareholders.

working together

“ My father was also a professional funeraldirector, and while I’ve followed in his footstepsso much has changed. It’s refreshing to be partof a national brand like Simplicity, which isinnovative yet simple and respectful. ”Rob James, Simplicity Funerals, Area Manager


“ We provide an important function in administeringprepaid funerals. People like the reassurance of knowing everything will be taken care of asplanned. For some, those funds have beenin place for many years. Having been with the group for more than 15 years, I still find one of the most satisfyingaspects of my role is helping people. ”Gael Ellis, National Fund Administration Manager

“ What I do can affect families forever. I am responsible for presentingsomeone’s family member or friend for a final viewing. InvoCare’s facilities giveme the chance to constantly raise the bar in performing this role. ”Craig Kokernoot, Embalmer



“ Being a White Lady means we arerecognised everywhere for the distinctivestyle we have brought to the industry. I lovebeing a part of something that can be sospecial to those families who need us at such a distressing time. ”Lauren Hardgrove, White Lady Community

Relations Manager

“ I work behind the scenes, so for me,being a part of InvoCare is being part ofan organisation that recognises thechance for every employee to advanceand expand their role. It’s a companywith strong management andleadership, and great people. ”Ruth Hilton-Bell, Corporate Accountant


“ I’m privileged to have been one of the select few inAustralia to be awarded a Master Funeral Directorcertificate. My expertise allows me to deliver a higher level of professionalism to the newGuardian Funerals brand. It’s why I’m part of a company that understands the importance of putting the families we serve first. ”Barry Steward, Regional Manager



“ Each day I have the chance to guidefamilies in choosing a fitting memorial. We are constantly adding to our list ofmemorial products so families can choosesomething more personal. It’s whyInvoCare is the industry leader and it’swhy I love working for a company inwhich I can also have a real share. ”Rosanna Kleckin, Rookwood Memorial Gardens

and Crematorium, Family Service Manager

“ I take pride in attending to the gardens atPinegrove. I treat them as though they are my own. We’re not like old-fashionedcemeteries. We’re a Park, with beautifulplants, wildlife, streams and a lake. ”Frank Nanninga, Pinegrove Memorial Park,

General Hand

Financial Summary

The key financial targets we forecast in our IPO Prospectus wereexceeded. We are pleased with these solid results notwithstandinga decline in the number of deaths in 2003 compared to theprevious year.

$41.0 million EBITDA(Prospectus forecast: $39.6 million)

$140.3 million Total sales revenue(Prospectus forecast: $138.3 million)

12.0 cents Earnings per share(Prospectus forecast: 10.6 cents)

$24.6 million Free cash flow(Prospectus forecast: $20.8 million)


$11.7 million Profit after tax(Prospectus forecast: $10.3 million)

In our industry, quality ofservice determines success.This is why we work sodiligently on our serviceability. We are leaders in ourindustry because we offerthe best care. Of course, quality service is not possible without

quality staff. With more than 1,000 people in

136 locations, we can claim wide coverage.

But where we are is not as important as what

we do. Our people are courteous, they know our

service offerings and they understand the unique

circumstances in which we operate every day.

As an Australian company that invests in Australia

– with a strong financial base, established brands,

experienced management, growth opportunities

and solid business processes – we can look

forward to a bright future.

Yours faithfully

Ian FerrierChairman

Dear Shareholder,

OUR PAST YEAR has been one of transition.

We changed our name to InvoCare, became a

public company and welcomed Tina Clifton,

Richard Fisher and Mike Grehan to our Board.

Listing InvoCare on the Australian Stock Exchange

(ASX) is the most important step in the history of

our company. It allowed us to broaden our

shareholder base and build on the services we

provide. It also meant we could offer our own

people some real ownership in the business.

Our name is what we are: a company of

innovation, vocation and care. Innovation – how

we operate our business, train our staff and

market our services; vocation – the attitude and

professionalism of our staff; and care – because

we are dedicated to the families we serve.

Letter from the Chairman



Ian Ferrier

CEO’s Review of Operations

“ Our transition to a public company has been a

success. We see the 2003 achievements as the

benchmarks on which we plan to improve and expand.

We have much we want to achieve and I am convinced

we will continue to lead our industry because InvoCare

people view their role as more than just a job. ”Richard Davis, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER


Richard Davis


leader carries expectations in enhancing

performance, setting new benchmarks and

continuously improving our level of service.

We take these responsibilities seriously at

InvoCare. It is one of the reasons that in the 2003

year we have not only met the benchmarks set

in our Prospectus, but also surpassed them.

Our successful float on ASX on4 December 2003 was alandmark day for our company.

We enjoy solid support from institutions and retail

investors, having more than 5,000 shareholders.

However, the listing is only the beginning of the

next chapter in our evolution.


We have exceeded the forecasts in our Prospectus.

Total sales revenues from operating activities

for 2003 were $140.3 million.

This surpassed our forecast of

$138.3 million by 1.5% and our

2002 revenue of $137 million. Our

EBITDA of $41 million exceeded

our forecast of $39.6 million by 3.5%.

InvoCare made a net profit after tax

of $11.7 million for the year to the

end of December 2003. This

compares to Prospectus expectations of

$10.3 million, and a profit in 2002 of $10.11 million.

Our free cash flow of $24.6 million exceeded our

forecast of $20.8 million by 18.2%.

Capital expenditure was lower than anticipated due to

delays in getting development approvals from local

councils. We have reduced our debt of $160 million

just prior to listing to $155 million today.


Our market share for funerals remains stable,

with InvoCare performing about one in five funerals

in Australia. Our revenue from funerals of

$91.9 million eclipsed our forecast of $90.5 million

by 1.6% in 2003.

Prepaid funerals are important to us because they

represent a significant part of our future business.

In this area, we need to know how we are

performing in terms of both the number of

contracts we write and the return on investment

we are achieving.



Review of Operations (continued)


About 13% of our funerals performed in 2003 were

prepaid and new prepaid contracts sold were in

line with redemptions. As at 31 December 2003,

$169.5 million was held in trust for prepaid funerals

and related services compared to the $157.4 million

held the year prior.

The gross return before administration fees for

funds held in trust was 7.5% for the 12 months to

31 December 2003 and 5% per annum over the

past five years.

The asset allocation of these trust funds continued

to have a growth bias with 47% invested in

Australian equities, 3% in international equities,

46% in cash and fixed interest, 4% in Australian


If the return on the trust funds is greater than the

increase in costs of providing services then we will

improve our margins, when the prepaid contracts

are performed.

In NSW and Queensland, we operate 12

cemeteries and crematoria of which we own 11.

The use of these facilities is not exclusive to our

funeral homes, nor are our funeral homes restricted

to using them. In other states, regulation prevents

or inhibits private ownership.

The revenues for these operations of $48.4 million

in 2003 exceeded our forecast of $47.8 million

by 1.2%.


Our industry remains somewhat fragmented,

leaving opportunities in most markets for growth.

We believe we can expand our business by

acquisition, which is the quickest way to grow,

and through organic growth.

Acquisition has the potential to yield further

economies of scale for InvoCare.

For organic growth, we have a long-term strategy

to capitalise on the recognition that our leading

brands enjoy, particularly White Lady, Simplicity

and our major metropolitan brands in capital cities.

This will include opening new locations.



The three biggest drivers in selecting a funeral

services provider are previous experience,

recommendation and location. I believe our staff

provide the best service in Australia, but since

referrals are so important to InvoCare, we take the

approach that service improvement never ends.

This is why we distribute a survey to all our client

families after they have used our service to gauge

what they thought of our performance.

The customer survey alsoprovides us with valuablefeedback on our products,services and staff performance,and gives us direction for future products, services andstaff training.


InvoCare enjoys high brandawareness in all our markets. We are proud of this achievementbut we want to continue toenhance their standing.

We believe we can grow our business by

extending the reach of White Lady, Simplicity and

our major traditional style brands. Their widespread

and distinct brand awareness means we can

launch them in new locations relatively easily.

In Sydney, we currently have many traditional style

branded funeral homes. We have embarked on a

strategy to create an umbrella brand called

Guardian Funerals. This will allow many of the

traditional funeral brands to capitalise on Guardian’s

ability to promote them on a

larger scale in the marketplace,

while maintaining the goodwill,

heritage and reputation held in

their individual brands.

Our traditional style funeral

homes in other states, which

include brands that have been

around for more than 100 years,

are already positioned similarly to Guardian

Funerals. These brands are household names

in the markets they serve – for example, Blackwell

Funerals in Adelaide, George Hartnett Funerals

in Brisbane, Le Pine Funerals in Melbourne and

Purslowe Funerals in Perth.


We believe InvoCare is well positioned to increase

our memorial revenue from our crematoria and

cemeteries through promoting the benefits of

having a memorial as well as offering new

products. About one-third of the families who

have a cremation at our facilities also purchase a

memorial, so there is a definite opportunity to

grow our business in this area.



Review ofOperations (continued)

We have reached a stage where – from a response

rate of more than one in three clients – 97% would

“definitely” or “probably” recommend our services.

To me, that is one of the most important things

about our business because it reveals we are

doing the right thing. We know because our clients

tell us. We never lose sight of the fact that what

we do today has enormous impact on what will

happen tomorrow.


Our staff are InvoCare’s mostimportant asset. They are thepeople dealing with families on a day to day basis, offeringguidance, care and compassionin a distressing time. Our peopleare the public face of InvoCare.They are also the driving forcebehind our success.

It is not just the funeral arrangers or the family

service staff at our cemeteries and crematoria who

have an important role. There are many people

behind the scenes who ensure each family’s needs

are catered for in the utmost detail.

We have a training network in place that focuses

on important areas such as grief awareness,

communicating with grieving families, arranging

funerals and other services.

Staff are actively involved in their local communities.

Many are members of organisations such as

Rotary, the RSL and local Chambers of Commerce.

They support local charities, nursing homes and

sporting teams through sponsorship or by

volunteering their time. Staff in each location

recognise the importance of being an active

member of their local community.

The people who work for InvoCare come from a

variety of backgrounds, from those whose families

have been involved in the industry for generations

to those from unrelated areas such as teaching

and nursing. We seek to attract the best people

and make every effort to ensure they stay with the

company long term.


We take Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S)

issues very seriously and we already have policies

and procedures in place concerning these issues.

We recently appointed a National OH&S Manager

to continue to implement systems that improve the

safety of staff, contractors and the public. The

objective is to continue to train managers,

supervisors and other staff and ensure they are

provided with the skills needed to understand

the principles of consultation and involvement in

risk management.



We closely monitor the contribution and return on

investment of our owned locations. We will

maintain our focus on asset returns based on their

existing and alternative uses. We will divest assets

that are not performing, depending on their

strategic importance to the company. The

proceeds from these sales are likely to be applied

against debt reduction.

The company is well advanced in developing a

new computer system, the implementation of

which is scheduled to commence later this year.

The system will replace and update our existing

financial and operational systems whilst providing

additional valuable information on the utilisation of

our resources, including labour and vehicles.


As a public company, InvoCare is well positioned

to grow both organically and by acquisition. The

company’s strong brands, its network of locations,

its commitment to customer service and the

projected increase in the number of deaths will

enable the company to continue to grow.

InvoCare’s ability to leverage its operational

capacity will provide for further margin

improvement over time. InvoCare’s strong cash

flows enable the company to reduce its debt

resulting in improved earnings per share growth,

whilst being able to pay dividends and allow for

necessary capital expenditure.

We are conscious of the factthat as we grow our businesswe should never lose sight ofthe reason people come to us in the first place – to help themsay farewell with dignity and meaning.

Into every one of the thousands of services we

perform each year goes our personal attention, our

experience, our focus on service and, of course

our compassion. This is what InvoCare is all about.

Richard DavisChief Executive Officer






average 70% brand awareness for Simplicity Funerals(in the state capital cities in which it operates)

average 80% brand awareness for Le Pine,Purslowe, George Hartnett and Blackwell Funerals(in the state capital cities in which these operate)

average 75% brand awareness forWhite Lady Funerals (in the state capital citiesin which it operates)

a total of 124 city and regional funeral and 12 cemeteriesand crematoria locations

conducting approximately 20% of thenation’s funerals

InvoCare Across Australia


conducts more than 26,000 funerals a year

employs over 1,000 people



















Number of Funeral Homes in each State or Territory

Number of Cemeteries and Crematoria in NSW and QLD

Ian Ferrier has held the position of Chairman of InvoCare Limitedsince 2001. Ian is a SeniorFounding Partner of FerrierHodgson Accountants, Australia’slargest firm of reconstructionaccountants. Ian is the Chairmanof Port Douglas Reef Resorts anda Non-Executive Director ofMcGuigan Simeon Wines Limited,Macquarie Goodman ManagementLimited and MIA Group Limited.As senior partner of FerrierHodgson, Ian has gained vastexperience in numerouscommercial fields. Ian is a Fellowof the Institute of CharteredAccountants in Australia and aMember of the Hong Kong Society of Accountants.

Richard Davis has held theposition of Chief Executive Officerof InvoCare Limited since 1995.Richard is a Director of The Over50s Guardian Friendly SocietyLimited and Chairman of theSingapore Casket Co Pte Limited,Singapore’s leading funeralprovider. Richard was recruited to the position of Chief FinancialOfficer of Chase Corporation’sfuneral business in 1989 andstayed on in this position when the business was acquired byIndustrial Equity Limited, followingwhich he became Chief ExecutiveOfficer. Prior to joining the funeralindustry, Richard worked in venturecapital and as an accountingpartner of Bird Cameron. Richardholds a Bachelor of Economicsfrom the University of Sydney.

Mike Grehan has held the positionof Chief Operating Officer ofInvoCare Limited since March2000. Prior to joining InvoCare,Mike held senior managementpositions across a number ofdifferent industries. These includedManaging Director of National JetSystems, Group FinancialController overseeing all financialand commercial activities ofQantas’ subsidiary businesses,including Regional Airlines, FlightCatering, Resorts, Freight andProperty, and a long-termsecondment as General ManagerPurchasing, Distribution withCarrier Airconditioning. Prior tomoving into management, Mikewas a chartered accountantspecialising in insolvency withKPMG, including two years spentin the United States with the firm.Mike holds a Bachelor of BusinessAccountancy and a Master ofBusiness Administration from the Queensland University ofTechnology.


Chairman of the BoardChairman of Remuneration CommitteeMember of Risk Committee


Chief Executive OfficerMR MIKE GREHAN B.Acc, MBA

Chief Operating Officer


Board ofDirectors

Tina Clifton is a registered medicalpractitioner. Tina’s currentDirectorships include HCF, AmbriLimited and IWPE Nominees PtyLimited. Tina was formerly aDirector of the Garvan Institute ofMedical Research, the VictorChang Cardiac Research Instituteand St Vincents Hospitals. Prior to 2001 Tina held variouspositions in the public and privatehealthcare sectors including ChiefExecutive Officer of the Sisters ofCharity Health Service in NewSouth Wales and deputy ChiefExecutive Officer of the NorthernSydney Area Health Service. From1980 to 1988 Tina was a generalpractitioner. Tina holds degrees inmedicine and health administration,and also has a specialist qualificationin medical administration.

Richard Fisher is a partner at BlakeDawson Waldron, specialising incorporate law, and also holds theposition of Chairman of Partners.Richard is a former part-timeCommissioner at the AustralianLaw Reform Commission and is acurrent International Consultant forthe Asian Development Bank.Richard holds a Master ofEconomics from the University of New England and a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Sydney.



John Murphy is Managing Directorof Investec Wentworth PrivateEquity Pty Limited, a leadingAustralian private equity firm, andsits on the Board of each of thefund’s seven investments. John isalso a Director of Investec Bank(Australia) Limited, SouthcorpLimited and the First Wine FundLimited. Before founding theprivate equity business, five yearsago, John spent 25 years with an international accounting firmincluding 14 years as a globalpartner. In that time John held anumber of Australian and AsiaPacific management roles and hasextensive experience in the areasof Corporate Recovery, CorporateFinance and Mergers andAcquisitions. John holds aBachelor and Master ofCommerce from the University ofNew South Wales. John is amember of the Institute ofChartered Accountants in Australiaand a Fellow of CPA Australia.


Non-Executive DirectorChairman of Risk CommitteeMember of Audit Committee


Non-Executive DirectorMember of Risk CommitteeMember of Audit Committee


M.Comm, CA, FCPA

Non-Executive DirectorChairman of Audit CommitteeMember of Remuneration Committee


INVOCARE LIMITED (the company) and the Boardare committed to achieving and demonstrating thehighest standards of corporate governance. Priorto the company’s listing on ASX, an initial review ofthe company’s corporate governance frameworkwas performed, in light of the best practicerecommendations released by the ASX CorporateGovernance Council in March 2003. A number ofchanges have been made and are still to be madeas a result of this review or other recentgovernance developments. It is the company’sintention to comply with the recommendations.

The relationship between the Board and SeniorManagement is important to InvoCare’s longtermsuccess. Day to day management of InvoCare’saffairs and the implementation of the corporatestrategy and policy initiatives are formally delegatedby the Board to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)and Senior Executives as set out in InvoCare’sdelegations policy. These delegations are reviewedon an annual basis.

A description of InvoCare’s main corporategovernance practices is set out below. All thesepractices, unless otherwise stated, were in placefor the entire year.

THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSBoard CompositionThe Board currently comprises six Directors, beingfour Non-Executive Directors (including theChairman) and two Executive Directors. The rolesof Chairman and CEO are separate. The skills,experience and expertise of each Director is setout in the Directors’ Report under the heading“Information on Directors”.

The Board has assessed the independence ofNon-Executive Directors in light of their interestsand relationships and considers them all to be independent.

The Board has considered establishing aNomination Committee and decided in view of therelatively small number of Directors that such aCommittee would not be a more efficientmechanism than the full Board for detailedselection and appointment practices.

The Chairman is elected by the full Board.

InvoCare’s Constitution requires one-third of theDirectors (excluding the Managing Director) to retirefrom office at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)each year.

There is and will at all times be a Non-ExecutiveChairman of the Board and a majority of Non-Executive Directors.

ResponsibilitiesThe Board of Directors is responsible for reviewingand approving the strategic direction of InvoCareand for overseeing and monitoring its business and affairs including maintenance of soundcorporate governance.

The Board reviews and approves InvoCare’sstrategic and business plans and guiding policies.Day to day management of InvoCare’s affairs isdelegated to the CEO and Senior Executives.

The responsibilities of the Board include:

– contributing to the development of andapproving the corporate strategy

– reviewing and approving business plans, theannual budget and financial plans includingavailable resources and major capital expenditureinitiatives

– overseeing and monitoring:

• organisational performance and the achievementof InvoCare’s strategic goals and objectives

• compliance with InvoCare’s code of conduct

• progress of major capital expenditures andother significant corporate projects includingany acquisitions or divestments

– monitoring financial performance includingapproval of the annual and half-year FinancialReports and liaison with InvoCare’s auditor

– appointment, performance assessment and, if necessary, removal of the CEO

– ratifying the appointment and/or removal andcontributing to the performance assessment forthe members of the Senior Management teamincluding the Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and the Company Secretary

– ensuring there are effective managementprocesses in place and approving majorcorporate initiatives

– enhancing and protecting the reputation of InvoCare

– ensuring the significant risks facing InvoCare,including those associated with its legalcompliance obligations, have been identified andappropriate and adequate control, monitoring,accountability and reporting mechanisms are in place

– reporting to shareholders.


In fulfilling these functions, the Directors seek to enhance shareholder value and protect theinterests of stakeholders.

Non-Executive DirectorsThe four Non-Executive Directors meet twice duringthe year, in scheduled sessions without thepresence of management, to discuss the operationof the Board and a range of other matters. Relevantmatters arising from these meetings are shared withthe full Board.

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)The Chairman is responsible for leading the Board,ensuring that Board activities are organised andefficiently conducted and for ensuring Directors areproperly briefed for meetings. The CEO isresponsible for implementing InvoCare’s strategiesand policies. The Board charter specifies thatthese are separate roles to be undertaken byseparate people.

CommitmentsThe Board meets regularly 12 months of the year.There may be additional meetings to deal withparticular matters, for example, strategic planningdirection and corporate strategies. At least two ofthe meetings include visits to operations andmeeting employees.

The Chairman and the CEO meet regularly todiscuss key issues and performance trends ofInvoCare. Other Directors maintain contact withrelevant Senior Managers arising from dealings on Committees.

Each month the Directors receive a detailedoperating review from the CEO regardless ofwhether or not a Board meeting is being held.

Conflict of Interest Potential conflicts of interest by Directors will bereported to the Board and if necessary Directorswill be excluded from discussion of the relevantmatter and will not vote on that matter.

Independent Professional Advice Directors and Board Committees have the right, inconnection with their duties and responsibilities, toseek independent professional advice at InvoCare’sexpense. Prior written approval of the Chairman isrequired, but this will not be unreasonably withheld.

Performance Assessment The intention is for the Chairman to annually assessthe performance of individual Directors and meetprivately with each Director to discuss thisassessment. The Chairman’s performance isreviewed by the Board. Directors will conform to theBoard’s agreed performance criteria for Directors.

Board Committees The Board has established a number ofCommittees to assist in the execution of its dutiesand to allow detailed consideration of complexissues. Current Committees of the Board are theAudit Committee, Risk Committee andRemuneration Committee. Each is comprisedentirely of Non-Executive Directors. The Committeestructure and membership are reviewed on anannual basis.

Each of these Committees is developing its ownwritten charter setting out its role andresponsibilities, composition, structure, membershiprequirements and the manner in which theCommittee is to operate. All of these charters will bereviewed on an annual basis. All matters determinedby Committees are submitted to the full Board asrecommendations for Board decision.

Minutes of Committee meetings are tabled at theimmediately subsequent Board meeting. Additionalrequirements for specific reporting by theCommittees to the Board are addressed in thecharter of the individual Committees.

Remuneration CommitteeThe Remuneration Committee is chaired by IanFerrier with the other member being John Murphy.

The Committee, when deemed necessary, obtainsindependent advice on the appropriateness ofremuneration packages.

The Remuneration Committee advises the Boardon remuneration policies and practices generally,and makes specific recommendations onremuneration packages and other terms ofemployment for Executive Directors, other SeniorExecutives and Non-Executive Directors.

Executive remuneration and other terms ofemployment are reviewed annually by theCommittee having regard to personal andcorporate performance, contribution to long-termgrowth, relevant comparative information andindependent expert advice. As well as a basesalary, remuneration packages includesuperannuation, performance-related bonuses andfringe benefits.



CorporateGovernance (continued)

The Remuneration Committee’s terms of referenceinclude responsibility for reviewing any transactionsbetween InvoCare and the Directors, or anyinterest associated with the Directors, to ensurethe structure and the terms of the transaction arein compliance with the Corporations Act 2001 andare appropriately disclosed.

The Committee also assumes responsibility formanagement succession planning, including theimplementation of appropriate Executivedevelopment programs and ensuring adequatearrangements are in place, so that appropriatecandidates are recruited for later promotion tosenior positions.

Audit Committee The Audit Committee is chaired by John Murphywith the other members being Christine Clifton andRichard Fisher. The members possess sufficienttechnical expertise and knowledge of the industryto fulfil the functions of the Committee. TheCommittee meets at least four times each year.

The Audit Committee operates in accordance witha charter which is being reviewed. The mainresponsibilities of the Committee are to:

– review, assess and approve the Annual Reports,the half-year Financial Report and all otherfinancial information published by InvoCare orreleased to the market

– review and monitor InvoCare’s compliance withlaw and ASX Listing Rules

– assist the Board in reviewing the effectiveness ofInvoCare’s internal control environment covering:

• reliability of financial reporting

• compliance with applicable laws and regulations

– determine the scope of the internal audit functionand ensure that its resources are adequate andused effectively, and assess its performance,including independence

– recommend to the Board the appointment,removal and remuneration of the external auditor,and review the terms of its engagement, thescope and quality of the audit and assessperformance

– consider the independence and competence ofthe external auditor on an ongoing basis

– review and approve the level of non-auditservices provided by the external auditor andensure it does not adversely impact on auditorindependence

– review and monitor related party transactionsand assess their propriety

– report to the Board on matters relevant to theCommittee’s role and responsibilities.

In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Audit Committee:

– receives regular reports from management andthe external auditor

– meets with the external auditor at least twice ayear or more frequently if necessary

– requires the CEO and CFO to state in writing tothe Board that InvoCare’s Financial Reportspresent a true and fair view, in all materialrespects, of InvoCare’s financial condition,operational results and are in accordance withrelevant accounting standards

– reviews any significant disagreements betweenthe auditor and management, irrespective ofwhether they have been resolved

– meets separately with the external auditor atleast twice a year without the presence ofmanagement

– provides the external auditor with a clear line ofdirect communication at any time to either theChairman of the Audit Committee or the Chairmanof the Board.

The Audit Committee has authority, within thescope of its responsibilities, to seek anyinformation it requires from any employee orexternal party.

External AuditorThe policy of InvoCare and the Audit Committee is to appoint an external auditor which clearlydemonstrate quality and independence. Theperformance of the external auditor is reviewedannually taking into consideration assessment ofperformance. PricewaterhouseCoopers wasappointed as the external auditor in 1994. It isPricewaterhouseCoopers’ policy to rotate auditengagement partners on listed companies at leastevery seven years, and in accordance with thatpolicy a new audit engagement partner wasintroduced for the year ended 31 December 2000.This policy will be amended to comply with therequirements of CLERP 9.


An analysis of fees paid to the external auditor,including a breakdown of fees for non-auditservices, is provided in Note 36 – Remuneration ofauditor. It is the policy of the external auditor toprovide an annual declaration of its independenceto the Audit Committee.

Risk CommitteeThe Risk Committee, which was previouslyincorporated in the Audit Committee, is chaired byChristine Clifton and the other member is RichardFisher. The members possess sufficient technicalexpertise and industry knowledge to fulfil thefunctions of the Committee. The Committee meetsat least twice each year.

The Risk Committee operates in accordance with acharter which is currently under review. The mainresponsibilities of the Committee are:

– to establish a sound system of risk oversight andmanagement and internal control under whichInvoCare can identify, assess, monitor andmanage risk

– to inform investors of material changes to the riskprofile of InvoCare and maintain appropriate riskmanagement practices and systems throughoutthe operations of InvoCare

– the management of operational and compliancerisks, including but not limited to:

• InvoCare’s insurance program

• environmental policy and issues

• occupational health and safety

• disaster recovery strategy

• litigation against InvoCare

• industry related regulatory compliance

• compliance with the policy framework in placefrom time to time

• internal controls over operational risks

• InvoCare’s overall operational risk managementprogram.

The Risk Committee does not have responsibility in relation to strategic or financial (includinginformation technology) risk management, which is the focus of InvoCare’s Audit Committee.

Code of Conduct InvoCare has developed a code of conduct (thecode) which applies to all Directors and employees.The code is updated as necessary to ensure itreflects the highest standards of behaviour andprofessionalism and the practices necessary tomaintain confidence in InvoCare’s integrity.

In summary, the code requires that at all times allInvoCare personnel act with the utmost integrity,objectivity and in compliance with the letter and thespirit of the law and InvoCare policies.

The purchase and sale of InvoCare Limited securitiesby Directors and employees is only permitted duringthe 30 day period following the release of the half-yearly and annual financial results to the marketand the AGM of InvoCare. Any transactionsundertaken must be notified to the CompanySecretary in advance.

Continuous Disclosure and ShareholderCommunication The CEO and Company Secretary have beennominated as the people responsible forcommunications with ASX. This role includesresponsibility for ensuring compliance with thecontinuous disclosure requirements in ASX listingrules and overseeing and coordinating informationdisclosure to ASX, analysts, brokers, shareholders,the media and the public.

All information disclosed to ASX is posted onInvoCare’s website as soon as it is disclosed toASX. When analysts are briefed on aspects ofInvoCare’s operations, the material used in thepresentation is released to ASX and posted onInvoCare’s website. Procedures have also beenestablished for reviewing whether any pricesensitive information has been inadvertentlydisclosed, and if so, this information is alsoimmediately released to the market.

All shareholders will receive a copy of InvoCare’sAnnual Report (unless a shareholder has specificallyrequested not to receive the document). In addition,InvoCare seeks to provide opportunities forshareholders to participate through electronicmeans. All recent InvoCare announcements, mediabriefings, details of InvoCare meetings, pressreleases and Financial Reports are available onInvoCare’s website www.invocare.com.au.




THE DIRECTORS submit their report on theconsolidated entity consisting of InvoCare Limited(the company) and the entities it controlled for theyear ended 31 December 2003. This is the firstreport submitted after the successful listing ofInvoCare Limited on ASX on 4 December 2003.InvoCare Limited and its controlled entities togetherare referred to as InvoCare or the consolidatedentity in this Financial Report.

DIRECTORS The names of the Directors of InvoCare Limited inoffice during the financial year and until the date ofthis report were:

Ian D Ferrier

Richard H Davis

Mike J Grehan (Appointed 24 October 2003)

John W Murphy

Christine L Clifton (Appointed 24 October 2003)

Richard H Fisher(Appointed 24 October 2003)

Patrick F Elliott (Resigned 24 October 2003)

MacDonell Roehm Jr (Resigned 24 October 2003)

Michael R Webb (Resigned 24 October 2003)

All Directors were in office from the beginning of thefinancial year until the date of this report, unlessotherwise stated.

PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIESInvoCare is Australia’s leading private provider ofservices to the funeral industry. There were nosignificant changes in the nature of these activitiesduring the year.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION This is InvoCare Limited’s first Annual Reportprovided to the market following the Initial PublicOffering (IPO) and listing on ASX on 4 December2003. The Prospectus, dated 31 October 2003,contained information about InvoCare and the IPO,including details of the share buy-back anddividend paid in March 2003 and the proposedrestructuring of InvoCare Limited’s share capitaland debt financing arrangements just prior tolisting. These capital and debt changes wereeffected and 93,142,105 ordinary shares,representing 99.3% of InvoCare Limited’s undilutedissued shares, were offered and sold by the former owners, the majority of whom were private equity investors.

Financial information in this report, includinginformation about dividends and earnings pershare, should be read in the context of the publiclisting in December 2003 and the substantialchange in InvoCare Limited’s capital structure, debt arrangements and shareholdings.

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THE STATE OF AFFAIRS Significant changes in the state of affairs ofInvoCare during the year ended 31 December2003 are listed below.

– Dividend payment to ordinary and preferenceshareholders on 28 March 2003 amounting to$15,000,000 (representing 20 cents per sharefully franked).

– Buy-back of 3,125,000 ordinary shares and12,500,000 preference shares on 28 March 2003for the total consideration of $25,000,000(representing $1.60 per share).

– Increased borrowings by $40,000,000 on 28 March 2003 to fund the dividend and sharebuy-back.

– SCIA Holdings Pty Limited changed its name toInvoCare Pty Limited on 9 September 2003 andconverted from a proprietary company to apublic company on 30 October 2003 at whichdate its name became InvoCare Limited.




– InvoCare Limited lodged a Prospectus on 31 October 2003 under which 93,142,105ordinary shares, representing 99.3% of thecompany’s undiluted ordinary shares, wereoffered for sale by the owners of those shares.As part of this IPO, the company’s share capitaland financing facilities were restructured.

– InvoCare Limited listed on ASX on 4 December2003. The proceeds of the IPO, net of applicablecosts, were received by the vendors of theshares. The company did not raise any capitalfrom the IPO.

REVIEW OF OPERATIONS The key highlights for the year include:

– On 4 December 2003, the company listed on ASX as a result of an IPO where existingshareholders, except the Managing DirectorRichard Davis, sold all of their shares. TheDirectors believe this is a major step in thedevelopment of the company in offeringopportunities for improved capital management,flexibility and growth as well as enablingemployees to participate in the ownership of the company.

– The consolidated net profit for the year after taxattributable to members of InvoCare Limited was$11.6 million compared to the Prospectusforecast of $10.3 million and $10.1 million in 2002.This profit includes gain on sale of assets of $2.7 million (before tax) and refinancing andrestructuring costs during the year of $2.1 million(before tax). Also costs associated with being apublic company are included due to the companylisting on ASX in December 2003.

– Revenues from operating activities were $140.3 million, an increase of 2.4% over theprevious year and 1.5% higher than theProspectus forecast. This was achieved despitea decline in the number of deaths compared tothe previous year, in the markets in whichInvoCare operates. Preliminary Australian Bureauof Statistics data indicates a decline compared to the corresponding period in 2002, whichadversely affected revenues and profit.

– Operating cash flow for the year was $23.5 millioncompared to the Prospectus forecast of $20.9 million, mainly due to the impact of higherthan forecast revenues.

– Earnings per share (basic) were 12.0 cents pershare compared to the Prospectus forecast of10.6 cents per share.

– Market share has been maintained atapproximately 20% of the Australian market.

– The Directors have determined that no furtherdividend will be payable in respect of the 2003year as forecast in the Prospectus. There was adividend of $15 million paid to the previousshareholders in March 2003.

– The company has commenced implementationof its new Guardian branding and marketingstrategy which will be rolled out in the Sydneymarket during 2004 to complement the strongbranding position already in place of its nationalbrands, White Lady and Simplicity.

– Marketing of prepaid funerals continued duringthe year and at December 2003 the companyhad $169.5 million of funds in trust for prepaidfunerals and prepaid cemetery and crematoriaservices. This is an increase of 7.7% comparedto December 2002. During 2003, 13% offunerals performed were previously prepaid with the company.

– Significant progress was made in thedevelopment of new IT systems for the financialand operational aspects of the business andthese are on track to be implemented in thesecond and third quarters of 2004.


DIVIDENDS The interim dividend of 20 cents per share (frankedamount 20 cents per share) was paid on 28 March 2003 to the former owners of InvoCareLimited. At that time InvoCare Limited was notpublicly listed and its share capital comprised bothordinary and preference shares. InvoCare Limited’sshare capital was restructured immediately beforethe allocation of ordinary shares pursuant to theProspectus dated 31 October 2003 and InvoCareLimited’s listing on ASX on 4 December 2003. Due to the capital restructure and listing, the 2003interim dividend is not indicative of any futuredividends per share.

As stated in InvoCare Limited’s Prospectus dated31 October 2003, no final dividend will be paid inrespect of the 2003 financial year.

Further, as stated in the Prospectus, an interimdividend is expected to be paid each year inOctober and a final dividend is expected to be paidannually in April of the following year. The paymentof dividends by InvoCare Limited in the future willbe at the complete discretion of the Directors andwill depend upon InvoCare Limited’s availabledistributable earnings, franking credit balance,operating results, available cash flow, financialcondition, outlook, terms of the debt financingfacility, taxation position and future capitalrequirements, as well as general business andfinancial conditions and any other factors theDirectors may consider relevant.

SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE DATE There have been no significant events occurringafter balance date which have significantly affectedor may significantly affect either InvoCare’soperations or results of those operations orInvoCare’s state of affairs in future financial years.

FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS AND RESULTS Likely developments and results have beendiscussed above in the review of operations.

Further information on likely developments in theoperations of the consolidated entity and theexpected results of operations have not beenincluded in this report because the Directorsbelieve it would be likely to result in unreasonableprejudice to the consolidated entity.

ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION ANDPERFORMANCE InvoCare is committed to the protection of theenvironment, the health and safety of its employees,customers and the general public, as well ascompliance with all applicable environmental laws,rules and regulations in the jurisdictions in which theconsolidated entity operates its business. Theconsolidated entity is subject to environmentalregulation in respect of its operations, includingsome regulations covering the disposal of mortuaryand pathological waste and the storage ofhazardous materials. InvoCare has EnvironmentalRisk Management Systems in place at itsappropriate locations.

There have been no claims during the year and the Directors believe InvoCare has complied withall relevant environmental regulations and holds allrelevant licences.

INFORMATION ON DIRECTORS Details of the Directors’ qualifications andexperience are set out on pages 16 and 17.

COMPANY SECRETARY Mr Kenneth MealeyB.Comm, CPA, Chief Financial Officer

Kenneth Mealey has held the position of CompanySecretary and Chief Financial Officer since joiningthe consolidated entity in 1994. Prior to joining theconsolidated entity, Kenneth had considerablesenior management and financial experienceacross several industries, including five years asFinance Director and Company Secretary ofpreviously listed company Hunter Douglas Limited,two years as Technology Division Finance Directorfor Lend Lease Corporation and 10 years asDirector of Finance and Administration at OtisElevator Company Pty Limited. Kenneth holds aBachelor of Commerce from the University of NewSouth Wales and is a member of CPA Australia.

Directors’Report (continued)



MEETINGS OF DIRECTORS During the year ended 31 December 2003, the number of meetings of the Board of Directors and ofeach Board Committee and the number of meetings attended by each of the Directors is as follows:

Full Board Meetings of CommitteesMeetings Audit Remuneration Risk

No. eligible No. No. eligible No. No. eligible No. No. eligible No.to attend attended to attend attended to attend attended to attend attended

Ian Ferrier 17 17 – – 1 1 1 1

Richard Davis 17 17 2 2 – – 1 1

John Murphy 17 16 2 2 1 1 1 1

Mike Grehan (appointed 24 October 2003) 5 5 – – – – – –

Christine Clifton (appointed 24 October 2003) 5 5 – – – – – –

Richard Fisher (appointed 24 October 2003) 5 5 – – – – – –

Michael Webb (resigned 24 October 2003) 13 11 – – – – – –

Patrick Elliott (resigned 24 October 2003) 13 12 2 2 1 1 1 1

MacDonell Roehm Jr (resigned 24 October 2003) 13 8 – – – – – –

Richard Davis was a member of the Board Committees operating up to the changes to the compositionof the Board in October 2003. In accordance with ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Principles ofGood Corporate Governance and Best Practice Recommendations, the Board has reconstituted theCommittees to be consistent with InvoCare Limited’s status as a listed public company and consequentlyneither Richard Davis nor Mike Grehan, as Executive Directors, are members of the Committees.

RETIREMENT, ELECTION AND CONTINUATIONIN OFFICE OF DIRECTORS In accordance with the Constitution of InvoCareLimited, at each Annual General Meeting one-thirdof the Directors (or a number nearest one-third)and any other Director (except the ManagingDirector) who has held office for three years ormore since last being elected must retire fromoffice. Ian Ferrier and John Murphy will retire asDirectors at the Annual General Meeting and, beingeligible, offer themselves for re-election.

DIRECTORS’ AND EXECUTIVES’EMOLUMENTS A Remuneration Committee has been establishedfrom Non-Executive members of the Board tomake recommendations to the Board onremuneration packages and policies related toNon-Executive Directors, Executive Directors andSenior Executives and to ensure that theremuneration policies and practices are consistentwith InvoCare’s strategic goals and humanresource objectives.

Remuneration of Non-Executive Directors isdetermined by the Board within a maximumapproved by shareholders from time to time. The maximum is currently $250,000 per annum, in aggregate, being the amount set out in theConstitution of InvoCare Limited as at the date oflisting. This excludes any remuneration determinedby the Directors where a Director performsadditional or special duties for the company.

Non-Executive Directors of InvoCare Limited

Director’s base fee Committee fees Superannuation TotalName $ $ $ $

Ian Ferrier 75,375 – – 75,375

John Murphy 30,805 – – 30,805

Christine Clifton 14,906 – 1,341 16,247

Richard Fisher 16,247 – – 16,247

Patrick Elliott 20,558 – – 20,558

MacDonell Roehm Jr 20,558 – – 20,558

Michael Webb 20,558 – – 20,558

Directors’Report (continued)



If a Director performs additional or special dutiesfor the company they may be remunerated asdetermined by the Directors and that remunerationcan be in addition to the limit mentioned above.

Executive remuneration and other terms ofemployment are reviewed annually having regard toperformance during the year, relevant comparativeinformation and independent survey information.The broad policy is to ensure that remunerationpackages properly reflect the individual’s

responsibilities and are competitive to attract,retain and motivate people of the highest calibre.

Senior Executives may receive a performance-based incentive related to achievement of specificobjectives. Non-Executive Directors do not receiveany performance-based remuneration.

Details of the nature and amount of each elementof the emolument of each Director of InvoCareLimited and each of the five other ExecutiveOfficers of the company and the consolidatedentity receiving the highest emoluments are set outin the following tables.

Executive Directors of InvoCare Limited

Base Motor Super- Other salary vehicle Bonus annuation Options(2) benefits Total

Name $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Richard Davis 400,000 20,640 150,000 36,000 276,411 1,123 884,174 Chief Executive Officer

Mike Grehan (1) 55,890 2,094 19,673 5,038 180,397 – 263,092 Chief Operating Officer(Director from 24 Oct 2003)

Other Executives

InvoCare Limited InvoCare Limited has no employees. All Executives and employees are employed by a controlled entity,Service Corporation International Australia Pty Limited.

Consolidated Entity

Base Motor Super- Other salary vehicle Bonus annuation Options(2) benefits Total

Name $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Mike Grehan (1)

Chief Operating Officer(From 1 Jan 2003 – 24 Oct 2003) 197,084 9,148 85,927 17,737 256,798 – 566,694

Kenneth MealeyChief Financial Officer 180,000 15,525 150,000 16,200 321,185 – 682,910

Phillip FrieryGroup Finance Manager 127,000 10,566 102,500 11,430 45,453 – 296,949

Colin PursloweGeneral Manager WA 143,000 34,719 7,865 16,911 70,037 7,442 279,974

John FowlerGeneral Manager VIC 135,000 10,368 8,438 18,811 70,037 19,465 262,119

(1) Mike Grehan was appointed a Director on 24 October 2003, in addition to continuing his position asthe company’s Chief Operating Officer (COO). Amounts shown above in Directors’ emoluments onlyinclude Mike’s emoluments during the period that he was a Director. Amounts received in his positionas COO, prior to being appointed as a Director, are excluded from Directors’ emoluments and areincluded above in Executives’ emoluments.

(2) The amount disclosed for emoluments relating to options above is the assessed fair value at grantdate of options granted to Executive Directors and other Executives, allocated equally over the periodfrom grant date to vesting date. Fair values at grant date are independently determined using abinomial option pricing model that takes into account the exercise price, the term of the option, the vesting and performance criteria, the impact of dilution, the non-tradeable nature of the option, the current price and expected price volatility of the underlying share, the expected dividend yield and the risk-free interest rate for the term of the option.



Information on transactions with Directors is setout in Note 37 – Related party disclosures.

The Corporate Governance Council has maderecommendations in relation to Directors’remuneration disclosures, including disclosuresabout the expected outcomes of remuneration

structures and the basis for the exercise of theDirectors’ discretion in relation to the payment ofbonuses. The Remuneration Committee willconsider these recommendations and will makeappropriate disclosures in future Directors’Reports.

Directors’Report (continued)


PARTICULARS OF DIRECTORS’ INTERESTS IN SHARES AND OPTIONS Details of the Directors’ relevant interests in shares and options held in InvoCare Limited are listed below:

Particulars of Directors’ interests inshares and options of InvoCare Limited

Director Ordinary shares Options

Ian Ferrier Nil 302,401

Richard Davis 611,168 Nil (1)

Mike Grehan Nil 1,222,336

John Murphy 56,417 Nil

Christine Clifton 110,000 Nil

Richard Fisher Nil Nil

(1) Under the terms of a Service Agreement dated 8 May 2001, Richard Davis is entitled to 988,565options with an issue date of 8 May 2004, subject to ongoing employment. The exercise price iscalculated on a per share basis being the equivalent of 6.71 times EBITDA for the financial year ending31 December 2003 less debt at 30 April 2004. These options will vest when issued and have anexpiry date of 8 May 2009.

Further information regarding share options of Directors and Executives is set out in Note 24 – Share options.

INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE OF DIRECTORS During the financial year, InvoCare paid a premium to insure Directors and officers of the consolidatedentity. The insurance policy specifically prohibits disclosure of the nature and liability covered and theamount of the premium paid.

ROUNDINGThe company is of a kind referred to in Class Order 98/0100 issued by the Australian Securities andInvestments Commission, relating to the “rounding off” of amounts in the Directors’ Report and FinancialReport. Amounts in the Directors’ Report and Financial Report have been rounded off to the nearestthousand dollars (where rounding is applicable) in accordance with that Class Order.

This report is made in accordance with a resolution of the Directors.

Ian D Ferrier Richard H DavisDirector Director

Sydney29 March 2004

Statements of Financial Performance 30

Statements of Financial Position 31

Statements of Cash Flows 32

Notes to the Financial Statements 33

Directors’ Declaration 65

Independent Audit Report 66

Shareholder Information 67



Statements of Financial Performance


Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

Notes $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Revenues from ordinary activities 2 150,758 144,292 25,590 21,404

Finished goods and consumables used 3 (21,183) (21,116) – –Salaries and employee benefits expenses (50,536) (50,149) – –Depreciation and amortisation expenses 3 (9,931) (10,068) – –Interest expenses 3 (14,115) (14,754) (13,337) (14,023)Refinancing costs 3 (2,148) – (2,148) –Advertising and public relations expenses (5,722) (5,294) – –Occupancy and facilities expenses (9,794) (9,018) – –Motor vehicle expenses (3,204) (3,130) – –Written down value of assets sold or disposed and costs incurred (5,083) (4,057) – –Other expenses from ordinary activities (11,442) (10,781) (722) (395)

Profit from ordinary activities before income tax expense 17,600 15,925 9,383 6,986 Income tax expense relating to ordinary activities 4 (5,917) (5,771) (710) (2,131)

Profit from ordinary activities after income tax expense 11,683 10,154 8,673 4,855

Net profit 11,683 10,154 8,673 4,855Net profit attributable to outside equity interest 26 (45) (49) – –

Net profit attributable to members of InvoCare Limited 25 11,638 10,105 8,673 4,855

Total changes in equity attributable to members of InvoCare Limited other than those resulting from transactions with owners as owners 11,638 10,105 8,673 4,855

Cents Cents

Basic earnings per share (cents per share) 31 12.0 n/a Diluted earnings per share (cents per share) 31 11.7 n/a

The above Statements of Financial Performance should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes tothe financial statements set out on pages 33 to 64.

For the year ended 31 December 2003

Statements of Financial Position INVOCARE ANNUAL REPORT 2003


Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

Notes $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Current assetsCash assets 27 7,143 5,196 2,437 47 Receivables 6 14,567 14,920 2,542 11,581 Inventories 7 9,962 9,341 – –Property 8 4,816 3,254 – –Other assets 9 2,718 2,143 92 33 Total current assets 39,206 34,854 5,071 11,661

Non-current assetsReceivables 10 7,306 7,432 189,782 197,046 Other financial assets 11 – – 15,641 15,641 Property, plant and equipment 12 206,036 214,385 – –Deferred tax assets 4 6,022 4,798 637 –Intangible assets 13 26,302 28,798 – –Other assets 14 6,195 5,668 – –Total non-current assets 251,861 261,081 206,060 212,687Total assets 291,067 295,935 211,131 224,348

Current liabilitiesPayables 15 18,380 17,283 2,363 944 Interest-bearing liabilities 16 2,515 9,877 2,500 9,840 Current tax liabilities 4 3,962 1,432 42 797 Provisions 17 4,563 4,610 – –Deferred revenue 18 2,619 2,417 – –Total current liabilities 32,039 35,619 4,905 11,581

Non-current liabilitiesPayables 19 365 882 – –Interest-bearing liabilities 20 152,549 129,740 152,500 129,740 Deferred tax liabilities 4 2,328 2,078 – –Provisions 21 3,008 3,305 – –Deferred revenue 22 36,664 33,839 – –Total non-current liabilities 194,914 169,844 152,500 129,740Total liabilities 226,953 205,463 157,405 141,321Net assets 64,114 90,472 53,726 83,027

EquityParent entity interestContributed equity 23 52,026 75,000 52,026 75,000 Retained profits 25 11,033 14,395 1,700 8,027 Total parent entity interest in equity 63,059 89,395 53,726 83,027 Total outside equity interest 26 1,055 1,077 – –Total equity 64,114 90,472 53,726 83,027

The above Statements of Financial Position should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes to thefinancial statements set out on pages 33 to 64.

As at 31 December 2003

Statements of Cash Flows


Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

Notes $’000 $'000 $’000 $’000

Cash flows from operating activitiesReceipts from customers 161,413 160,639 480 440 Payments to suppliers and employees (119,266) (115,046) (778) (377)Interest received 683 664 18,110 21,004 Other revenue 2,054 2,095 – –Dividend received – – 7,000 –Interest paid (14,841) (15,055) (14,062) (14,124)Refinancing costs paid (2,148) – (2,148) –Income tax paid (4,361) (778) (2,102) (2,693)Net cash flows from operating activities 27 23,534 32,519 6,500 4,250

Cash flows from investing activitiesProceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 7,129 4,560 – –Purchase of property, plant and equipment (6,054) (4,081) – –Refund of purchase consideration for controlled entity – 643 – 643 Net cash flows from investing activities 1,075 1,122 – 643

Cash flows from financing activitiesProceeds from issues of ordinary shares 2,026 – 2,026 –Payment for share buy-back (25,000) – (25,000) –Proceeds from borrowings 65,000 – 65,000 –Repayment of borrowings (19,580) (34,835) (19,580) (34,835)Repayment of convertible notes (30,000) – (30,000) –Payment of dividends – InvoCare Limited shareholders (15,000) – (15,000) –Payment of dividends – Outside Equity Interest (67) – – –Repayment of finance lease principal (41) (17) – –Proceeds from repayment of loan by controlled entity – – 18,444 29,653 Net cash flows (used in) financing activities (22,662) (34,852) (4,110) (5,182)

Net increase/(decrease) in cash held 1,947 (1,211) 2,390 (289)Cash at the beginning of the financial year 5,196 6,407 47 336 Cash at the end of the financial year 27 7,143 5,196 2,437 47

The above Statements of Cash Flows should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes to thefinancial statements set out on pages 33 to 64.

For the year ended 31 December 2003

Notes to the Financial StatementsINVOCARE ANNUAL REPORT 2003



Basis of accountingThis general purpose financial report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the AccountingStandards, other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standards Board, Urgent IssuesGroup Consensus Views and the Corporations Act 2001.

It is prepared in accordance with the historical cost convention.

ComparativesWhere necessary, comparatives have been reclassified and repositioned for consistency with current year disclosures.

Changes in accounting policiesThe accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous financial year except that InvoCare no longer records in the Statements of Financial Position monies held in trust for prepaid funeral contracts andprepaid burial and cremation services on the basis these monies are not controlled by InvoCare. Prior to thischange an asset and corresponding deferred revenue were included in the Statements of Financial Position. Asat 31 December 2003, the monies held in trust amounted to $169.5 million (2002: $157.4 million). This changein accounting policy has had no impact on revenues and expenses reported in the Statements of FinancialPerformance. Consistent with the previous year, the monies held in trust are only recognised as revenue whenthe services are performed (refer Revenue recognition below).

Principles of consolidationThe consolidated financial statements incorporate the assets and liabilities of all entities controlled by InvoCareLimited (the company) and the results of all controlled entities. InvoCare Limited and its controlled entitiestogether are referred to as the consolidated entity or InvoCare. The effects of all transactions between entities in the consolidated entity are fully eliminated. Outside equity interests in the results and equity of controlledentities are shown separately in the consolidated Statements of Financial Performance and Statements ofFinancial Position respectively.

Where control of an entity is obtained during a financial year, its results are included in the consolidatedStatements of Financial Performance from the date on which control commences. Where control of an entityceases during a financial year its results are included for that part of the year during which control existed.

Revenue recognitionRevenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the entity and the revenue can be reliably measured. Revenue is recognised as set out below:

Funeral operationsRevenue is recognised when the funeral service is performed.

InvoCare enters into prepaid funeral contracts providing for future funeral services at prices prevailing whenagreements are signed. Payments under these contracts are placed in trust (pursuant to InvoCare’s policy and,where relevant, state laws). The monies held in trust for individual prepaid funeral contracts are not controlled byInvoCare and are not recognised in the financial statements (refer Changes in accounting policy above).

Cemeteries and crematoria operationsSales of at-need and pre-need interment or inurnment rights are recognised immediately as revenue. Sales ofassociated memorials and other merchandise and burial and cremation services are recognised when thememorial or merchandise is delivered or service is performed. Revenues relating to undelivered memorials andmerchandise and unperformed services are deferred. Cash relating to recognised and deferred revenue on saleof rights, memorials and merchandise is recorded in the financial statements upon receipt. However, similarly toprepaid funeral services, monies for prepaid burial and cremation services are placed in trust until the service isperformed (refer above Changes in accounting policies).

Deferred selling costsSelling costs applicable to prepaid funeral service contracts, net of any administrative fees recovered, areexpensed as incurred.

Direct selling costs applicable to deferred revenue on undelivered memorials and merchandise and unperformedburial and cremation services are deferred until the revenue is recognised.

For the year ended 31 December 2003



Income taxTax effect accounting procedures are followed whereby the income tax expense in the Statements of FinancialPerformance is matched with the accounting profit after allowing for permanent differences. The future taxbenefit relating to tax losses is not carried forward as an asset unless the benefit is virtually certain of realisation.Income tax on cumulative timing differences is set aside to the deferred income tax or the future income taxbenefit accounts at the rates which are expected to apply when those timing differences reverse.

Maintenance and repairsMaintenance, repair costs and minor renewals are charged as expenses as incurred, except where they relateto the replacement of a component of an asset, in which case the costs are capitalised and depreciated inaccordance with Note 1 – Depreciation of property, plant and equipment, below.

Goods and Services Tax (GST)Cash flows are included in the Statements of Cash Flows on a gross basis and the GST component of cashflows arising from investing and financing activities, which is recoverable from, or payable to, the taxationauthority are classified as operating cash flows.

Cash For the purposes of the Statements of Cash Flows, cash includes deposits at call with financial institutions andother highly liquid investments with short periods to maturity which are readily convertible to cash on hand and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value, net of any outstanding bank overdrafts.When in use, bank overdrafts are carried at the principal amount. Interest is charged as an expense as it accrues.

ReceivablesAll trade receivables are recognised at the amounts receivable from the date of recognition. Collectibility of tradedebtors is reviewed on an ongoing basis. Debts which are known to be uncollectible are written off. A provisionfor doubtful debts is raised when some doubt as to collection exists.

InventoriesInventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost comprises direct materials and, whereappropriate, a proportion of variable and fixed overhead. Costs are assigned to individual items of inventorymainly on the basis of weighted average cost.

Acquisition of assetsThe purchase method of accounting is used for all acquisitions of assets regardless of whether equityinstruments or other assets are acquired. Cost is determined as the fair value of the assets given up, sharesissued or liabilities undertaken at the date of acquisition plus incidental costs directly attributable to the acquisition.

Where settlement of any part of cash consideration is deferred, the amounts payable in the future arediscounted to their present value as at the date of the acquisition. The discount rate used is the incrementalborrowing rate, being the rate at which a similar borrowing could be obtained from an independent financierunder comparable terms and conditions.

Recoverable amount of non-current assetsNon-current assets are valued at cost except where this exceeds the recoverable amount. The recoverableamount of an asset is the net amount expected to be recovered through the net cash inflows arising from its continued use and subsequent disposal.

Where the carrying amount of a non-current asset is greater than its recoverable amount the asset is writtendown to its recoverable amount. Where net cash inflows are derived from a group of assets working together,recoverable amount is determined on the basis of the relevant group of assets. The decrement in the carryingamount is recognised as an expense in net profit or loss in the reporting period in which the recoverable amount write-down occurs.

The expected net cash flows included in determining recoverable amounts of non-current assets are not discounted.

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003




Depreciation of property, plant and equipmentDepreciation is calculated on a straight line basis to write off the net cost of each item of property, plant andequipment (excluding freehold land) over its expected useful life to the consolidated entity. Estimates ofremaining useful lives are made on a regular basis for all assets, with annual reassessments for major items. The expected useful lives are as follows:Buildings 40 yearsPlant and equipment 3 – 10 years

Cemetery landCemetery land is carried at cost less accumulated amortisation. Cost includes the cost of acquisitions andimprovements. The consolidated entity sells interment and inurnment rights in perpetuity, while retaining title tothe property. Cemetery land is amortised, as the right to each plot is sold, to write off the net cost of the landover the period in which it is utilised and an economic benefit has been received.

Leasehold improvementsThe cost of improvements to or on leasehold properties is amortised over the unexpired period of the lease or the estimated useful life of the improvement to the consolidated entity, whichever is the shorter.

Leased non-current assetsA distinction is made between finance leases which effectively transfer from the lessor to the lessee substantiallyall the risks and benefits incident to ownership of leased non-current assets, and operating leases under whichthe lessor effectively retains substantially all such risks and benefits.

Finance leases are capitalised. A lease asset and liability are established at the present value of minimum leasepayments. Lease payments are allocated between the principal component of the lease liability and the interestexpense.

The leased asset is amortised on a straight line basis over the term of the lease, or where it is likely that theconsolidated entity will obtain ownership of the asset, the life of the asset. The leased asset held at the reportingdate is being amortised over three years (2002: three years).Operating lease payments are charged to the Statements of Financial Performance in the period in which theyare incurred, as this represents the pattern of benefits derived from the leased assets.

Intangible assets – goodwillWhere an entity or operation is acquired, the identifiable net assets acquired are measured at fair value. The excess of the fair value of the cost of acquisition over the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired,including any liability for restructuring costs, is brought to account as goodwill and amortised on a straight linebasis over 20 years, being the period during which the benefits are expected to arise. The cost of acquisition is discounted where settlement of any part of cash consideration is deferred.

Interest-bearing liabilitiesInterest-bearing liabilities are carried at their principal amounts which represent the present value of future cashflows associated with servicing the debt. Interest is accrued over the period it becomes due and is recorded aspart of other creditors.

Employee benefits

Wages and salaries, annual leave and sick leaveLiabilities for wages and salaries, annual leave and accumulating sick leave are recognised in respect ofemployees’ services up to the reporting date, and are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when theliabilities are settled, plus appropriate on-costs. Liabilities for non-accumulating sick leave are recognised whenthe leave is taken and measured at the rates paid or payable.



Long service leaveA liability for long service leave is recognised, and is measured as the present value of expected futurepayments to be made in respect of services provided by employees up to the reporting date, includingappropriate on-costs. Consideration is given to expected future wage and salary levels, experience of employeedepartures and period of service. Expected future payments are discounted using market yields at the reportingdate on national government bonds with terms to maturity and currency to match, as closely as possible, theestimated future cash outflows.

Bonus plansA liability for employee benefits in the form of bonus plans is recognised in other creditors when there is norealistic alternative but to settle the liability and at least one of the following conditions is met:– there are formal terms in the plan for determining the amount of the benefit– the amounts to be paid are determined before the time of completion of the financial report, or– best practice gives clear evidence of the amount of the obligation.

Liabilities for bonus plans are expected to be settled within 12 months and are measured at the amountsexpected to be paid when they are settled.

Employee Share Option PlanInformation relating to the Employee Share Option Plan is set out in Note 24 – Share options.

No accounting entries are made in relation to the Employee Share Option Plan until options are exercised, atwhich time the amounts receivable from participants are recognised in the Statements of Financial Position asshare capital. The amounts disclosed for remuneration of Directors and Executives in Note 34 – Remunerationof Directors and Note 35 – Remuneration of Executives include the assessed fair values of options at the datethey were granted, allocated equally over the period from grant date to vesting date.

Derivative financial instrumentsThe consolidated entity enters into interest rate swap agreements. The net amount receivable or payable underinterest rate swap agreements is progressively brought to account over the period to settlement. The amountrecognised is accounted for as an adjustment to interest and finance charges during the period and included inother debtors or other creditors at each reporting date.

When an interest rate swap is terminated early and the underlying hedged transactions are still expected tooccur as designated, the gains or losses arising on the swap upon its early termination continue to be deferredand are progressively brought to account over the period during which the hedged transactions are recognised.

When an interest rate swap is terminated early and the underlying hedged transactions are no longer expectedto occur as designated, the gains or losses arising on the swap upon its early termination are recognised in theStatements of Financial Performance as at the date of the termination.

Borrowing costsBorrowing costs are recognised as expenses in the period in which they are incurred.

Earnings per share (EPS)Basic EPS is calculated as net profit after tax attributable to members, divided by the weighted average numberof ordinary shares outstanding during the financial year. The weighted average number of ordinary shares hasbeen adjusted for the effects of the share split.

Diluted EPS is calculated as net profit after tax attributable to members divided by the weighted averagenumber of ordinary shares and dilutive potential ordinary shares, adjusted for the effects of the share split.

DividendsWhen necessary, provision is made for the amount of any dividend declared, determined or publiclyrecommended by the Directors on or before the end of the financial year but not distributed at balance date.

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003



Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

Note $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

2. REVENUES FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIESRevenues from operating activitiesRevenues from sale of goods 74,027 71,036 – –Revenues from services 66,260 65,937 – –Management fees 37 – – 480 400 Total revenues from operating activities 140,287 136,973 480 400

Revenues from outside the operating activitiesRent 164 143 – –Administration fees 1,385 1,432 – –Sundry income 505 520 – –Dividends and distributions

Wholly owned group – controlled entities – – 7,000 –Interest revenues

Other persons/corporations 683 664 – –Wholly owned group – controlled entities 37 – – 18,110 21,004

Proceeds on the sale of non-current assets 7,734 4,560 – –Total revenues from outside the operating activities 10,471 7,319 25,110 21,004 Total revenues from ordinary activities 150,758 144,292 25,590 21,404

3. EXPENSES AND GAINSExpensesCost of goods sold 21,183 21,116 – –

Depreciation of non-current assetsBuildings 2,124 2,159 – –Operating plant and equipment 4,651 4,741 – –

Total depreciation of non-current assets 6,775 6,900 – –

Amortisation of non-current assetsGoodwill 2,497 2,529 – –Cemetery land 380 365 – –Leasehold land and buildings 129 128 – –Leasehold improvements 137 135 – –Plant and equipment under lease 13 11 – –

Total amortisation of non-current assets 3,156 3,168 – –Total depreciation and amortisation expenses 9,931 10,068 – –


Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

3. EXPENSES AND GAINS (continued)Borrowing costs Interest expenses

Finance lease 4 8 – –Debentures 9,941 10,423 9,941 10,423 Convertible notes 3,394 3,600 3,394 3,600 Other interest 776 723 2 –

Total interest expenses 14,115 14,754 13,337 14,023 Refinancing costs 2,148 – 2,148 –Total borrowing costs 16,263 14,754 15,485 14,023

Bad and doubtful debts – trade debtors 407 301 – –

Operating lease rental – minimum lease payments 3,310 3,108 – –

GainsNet gain on disposal of non-current assets 2,651 503 – –

4. INCOME TAX The income tax expense for the financial year differs from the amount calculated on profit. The differences are reconciled as follows:Prima facie tax on profit from ordinary activities 5,280 4,778 2,815 2,096

Tax effect of permanent differencesAmortisation of cemetery land 113 109 – –Depreciation and amortisation of buildings 344 389 – –Amortisation of goodwill 749 759 – –Non-assessable capital gain (273) – – –Tax credit for intercorporate dividend – – (2,100) –Other items (net) (296) (264) (5) 35

Income tax expense attributable to ordinary activities 5,917 5,771 710 2,131

Tax assets/(liabilities)Current tax payable (3,962) (1,432) (42) (797)Provision for deferred income tax – non-current (2,328) (2,078) – –Future income tax benefit – non-current 6,022 4,798 637 –

Income tax lossesNo part of the future income tax benefit shown above is attributable to operating tax losses nor capital tax losses.The consolidated entity had no operating tax losses as at 31 December 2003.

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003



Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

4. INCOME TAX (continued)Potential future income tax benefit as at 31 December 2003 in respect of capital tax losses not brought to account, as realisation of the benefit is not regarded as virtually certain, is: 60 73 – –

This future income tax benefit will only be obtained if:(a) future assessable income is derived of a nature and of an amount sufficient to enable the benefit of the

capital losses to be realised, or(b) the losses are transferred to an eligible entity in the consolidated entity,(c) the conditions for deductibility imposed by tax legislation continue to be complied with, and(d) no changes in tax legislation adversely affect the consolidated entity in realising the benefit.

Tax consolidationInvoCare Limited and its wholly owned subsidiaries have the option of implementing the tax consolidationlegislation. At the date of this report no decision has been taken although it is anticipated the legislation will beadopted from 1 January 2004. This is not expected to have any significant impact on the consolidated assets,liabilities and results.

5. DIVIDENDS PAID OR PROVIDED FORDividends proposedAs stated in the Prospectus dated 31 October 2003 no final dividend will be paid in respect of the 2003 financial year. Accordingly, no dividend was proposed at year end, nor has a dividend been declared since year end.

Dividends paid during the year Dividend paid to InvoCare Limited shareholders

Interim dividend of 20 cents paid 27 March 2003 Fully franked based on tax paid @ 30% 15,000 – 15,000 –

Dividend paid to Outside Equity InterestInterim dividend of 8.43 cents paid 11 September 2003 Fully franked based on tax paid @ 30% 67 – – –

15,067 – 15,000 –

Franking credit balanceThe amount of franking credits available for subsequent financial years are:– franking account balance as at the end of

the financial year at 30% (2002: 30%) 4,854 6,757 1,366 2,693 – franking credits that will arise from the

payment of income tax payable as at the end of the financial year 3,962 1,432 42 797

8,816 8,189 1,408 3,490


Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

Notes $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

6. RECEIVABLES (CURRENT)Trade debtors 15,759 16,231 – –Provision for doubtful debts (1,536) (1,668) – –

39 14,223 14,563 – –Other debtors 39 344 357 – –Loan to controlled entity (i), 10 – – 2,542 11,581

14,567 14,920 2,542 11,581

Terms and conditions(i) Details of the terms and conditions relating to the above financial instrument are set out in

Note 10 – Receivables (non-current).

7. INVENTORIES (CURRENT)Finished goods – at cost 9,962 9,341 – –

8. PROPERTY (CURRENT)Land and BuildingsCemetery land – at cost 503 380 – –Freehold land – at cost 1,921 1,890 – –Buildings – at cost 2,845 1,120 – –Accumulated depreciation (453) (136) – –

2,392 984 – –Total written down amount 4,816 3,254 – –

Cemetery landCemetery land expected to be amortised within 12 months of year end is classified as current. InvoCare will retain ownership of this land and the amortisation represents the expected sale of the rights to use the cemetery land.

Freehold land and buildingsLand and buildings held for sale are classified as current assets as they are expected to be sold within 12 months of year end.

9. OTHER ASSETS (CURRENT)Prepayments 2,276 1,739 92 33 Deferred selling costs 442 404 – –

2,718 2,143 92 33

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003



Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

Notes $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

10. RECEIVABLES (NON-CURRENT) Trade debtors (i) 7,732 7,824 – –Provision for doubtful debts (887) (848) – –

6,845 6,976 – –Security deposits 61 56 – –Other debtor 400 400 – –Loan to controlled entity (ii) – – 189,782 197,046

7,306 7,432 189,782 197,046

Terms and conditions(i) Trade debtors are non-interest-bearing and are receivable through regular instalments within a maximum

period of 60 months from the original invoice date. (ii) The loan to a controlled entity bears interest at 9% (2002: 9%) and has no fixed term.

11. OTHER FINANCIAL ASSETS (NON-CURRENT)Shares in controlled entity – unlisted (i) – – 15,641 15,641

(i) The unlisted shares at cost relate to InvoCare Limited’s 100% (2002: 100%) ownership interest in ServiceCorporation International Australia Pty Limited.

All the shares held are classified as ordinary shares.Refer Note 38 – Investment in controlled entities for details of controlled entities.

12. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (NON-CURRENT)Land and buildingsCemetery land – at cost 105,514 105,610 – –Accumulated amortisation (3,036) (2,656) – –

102,478 102,954 – –Freehold land – at cost 33,393 35,944 – –

Buildings – at cost 66,412 70,275 – –Accumulated depreciation (14,725) (13,290) – –

51,687 56,985 – –Leasehold land and buildings – at cost 4,470 4,470 – –Accumulated amortisation (1,326) (1,197) – –

3,144 3,273 – –Leasehold improvements – at cost 1,438 1,462 – –Accumulated amortisation (747) (615) – –

691 847 – –Total land and buildings 191,393 200,003 – –


Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

12. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (NON-CURRENT) (continued)Plant and equipmentOperating plant and equipment – at cost 48,280 47,119 – –Accumulated depreciation (35,961) (33,323) – –

12,319 13,796 – –Plant and equipment under lease – at cost 73 71 – –Accumulated amortisation (6) (23) – –

67 48 – –Total plant and equipment 12,386 13,844 – –

Assets under constructionAssets under construction – at cost 2,257 538 – –

Total property, plant and equipmentAt cost 261,837 265,489 – –Accumulated depreciation and amortisation (55,801) (51,104) – –Total written down amount 206,036 214,385 – –

Valuations of land and buildingsThe most recent Directors’ valuation of land and buildings was as at 31 December 2001 which at that dateamounted to $208,085,000. Since this time there have been acquisitions, disposals and depreciation whichhave resulted in a movement in this amount. The next valuation of land and buildings will be performed for theyear ended 31 December 2004.The basis of the valuation of land and buildings was fair value being the amounts for which the assets could be exchanged between willing parties in an arm’s length transaction, based on an active market for similarproperties in the same location and condition.

Assets pledged as securityDetails of the non-current assets pledged as security are set out in Note 20 – Interest-bearing liabilities (non-current).

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003



12. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (NON-CURRENT) (continued)ReconciliationsReconciliations of the carrying amounts of each class of property, plant and equipment at the beginning andend of the current financial year are set out below for the consolidated entity. The parent entity does not holdany property, plant and equipment.

Leasehold Leasehold Plant and Assets Cemetery Freehold land and improve- Plant and equipment under

land land Buildings buildings ments equipment leased construction Total$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Carrying amount 1 January 2003Current 380 1,890 984 – – – – – 3,254Non-current 102,954 35,944 56,985 3,273 847 13,796 48 538 214,385Total opening amount 103,334 37,834 57,969 3,273 847 13,796 48 538 217,639Additions 135 – 93 – 11 3,273 73 1,884 5,469Disposals (108) (2,520) (1,946) – (30) (177) (41) – (4,822)Depreciation/ amortisation expense (380) – (2,124) (129) (137) (4,651) (13) – (7,434)Reclassifications/ Adjustments – – 87 – – 78 – (165) –Total closing amount 102,981 35,314 54,079 3,144 691 12,319 67 2,257 210,852

Representing closing amountCurrent 503 1,921 2,392 – – – – – 4,816 Non-current 102,478 33,393 51,687 3,144 691 12,319 67 2,257 206,036

102,981 35,314 54,079 3,144 691 12,319 67 2,257 210,852

Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

Notes $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

13. INTANGIBLES Goodwill 49,976 49,976 – –Accumulated amortisation (23,674) (21,178) – –

26,302 28,798 – –

14. OTHER ASSETS (NON-CURRENT)Deferred selling costs 6,195 5,668 – –

15. PAYABLES (CURRENT)Trade creditors 39 4,375 4,844 – –Other creditors and accruals 39 13,447 11,810 2,363 944Deferred cash settlement for business interests acquired 39 558 629 – –

18,380 17,283 2,363 944


Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

Notes $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

16. INTEREST-BEARING LIABILITIES (CURRENT)SecuredBorrowings secured by fixed and floating charges– debentures 39 – 9,840 – 9,840 – cash advance facility 39 2,500 – 2,500 –Lease liability secured by charge over leased assets 28, 39 15 37 – –

2,515 9,877 2,500 9,840

Terms and conditionsDetails of the terms and conditions of the above financial instruments are set out in Note 20 – Interest-bearingliabilities (non-current).

17. PROVISIONS (CURRENT)Employee entitlements 29 4,563 4,303 – –Sundry provisions – 307 – –

4,563 4,610 – –

18. DEFERRED REVENUE (CURRENT)Prepaid crematorium and cemetery deferred revenue 2,619 2,417 – –

19. PAYABLES (NON-CURRENT)Deferred cash settlement for business interests acquired (i) 365 882 – –

Terms and conditions(i) At balance date, InvoCare had a deferred cash settlement representing the present value of the remaining

consideration payable for the acquisition of business interests, discounted at the prevailing commercialborrowing rate of 9% at the time the business interests were acquired. These are expected to be repaid by August 2007.

20. INTEREST-BEARING LIABILITIES (NON-CURRENT)SecuredBorrowings secured by fixed and floating charges– debentures 39 130,000 99,740 130,000 99,740 – cash advance facility 39 22,500 – 22,500 –Lease liability secured by charge over leased assets 28, 39 49 – – –

Unsecured– convertible notes 39 – 30,000 – 30,000

152,549 129,740 152,500 129,740

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003



20. INTEREST-BEARING LIABILITIES (NON-CURRENT) (continued)Debt refinancingInvoCare executed revised financing agreements with a syndicate of bankers in December 2003 providing totalborrowing facilities of $165 million, including a working capital facility of $5 million. As at 31 December 2003$155 million had been drawn down on these facilities, which is consistent with Prospectus forecasts.

Terms and conditions(i) Debentures Debentures held at balance date bear interest at a variable rate (based on BBR) plus a margin of 2.05%. The interest rate at 31 December 2003 was 7.6% (2002: 6.8%) paid quarterly in arrears with a maturity date of 30 September 2006. Separate interest rate swap contracts apply to no less than 75% of the debentures. The debentures are secured by fixed and floating charges over all the assets and undertakings of theconsolidated entity, except those of Oakwood Funerals Pty Limited and Macquarie Memorial Park Pty Limited.The debentures require compliance with a number of covenants which were met as at 31 December 2003 (and 31 December 2002).

Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

Notes $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

The repayment terms of the debentures are as follows:Within 1 year – 9,840 – 9,840 1 – 2 years – 11,670 – 11,670 2 – 3 years * 130,000 12,850 130,000 12,850 3 – 4 years – 75,220 – 75,220

130,000 109,580 130,000 109,580RepresentingCurrent – 9,840 – 9,840 Non-current * 130,000 99,740 130,000 99,740

130,000 109,580 130,000 109,580

* The debentures have no set repayment terms, apart from the repayment of the loan at its maturity date, 30 September 2006.

(ii) Cash advance facility The cash advance facility held at balance date bears interest at a variable rate (based on BBR) plus a margin of 2.05%. The interest rate at 31 December 2003 was 7.7% (2002: n/a) paid quarterly in arrears with a maturity date of 30 September 2006. Separate interest rate swap contracts apply to no less than 75% of the closing balance.The repayment terms of the cash advance facility are fixed as follows:Within 1 year 2,500 – 2,500 –1 – 2 years 10,000 – 10,000 –2 – 3 years ** 12,500 – 12,500 –

25,000 – 25,000 –

RepresentingCurrent 2,500 – 2,500 –Non-current ** 22,500 – 22,500 –

25,000 – 25,000 –

** Included in the cash advance facility is a $5 million component of the bullet finance facility which is not payable until the maturity date. Details of the bullet finance facility are set out below in Financing facilities available.


20. INTEREST-BEARING LIABILITIES (NON-CURRENT) (continued)(iii) Convertible notes The convertible notes were payable to Service Corporation International, the former ultimate holding companyincorporated in the United States of America. The notes were repaid in full by InvoCare Limited on 10 December 2003. They bore an interest rate of 12% (2002: 12%).

(iv) Finance leases Finance leases have an average lease term of three years with the option to purchase the asset at thecompletion of the lease term for the asset’s market value. The average discount rate implicit in the leases is 9.1% (2002: 12.5%). Lease liabilities are secured by a charge over the leased assets.

Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

Notes $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Financing facilities availableUnrestricted access was available at balance date to the following lines of credit:Total facilities– bank overdraft 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 – bullet finance facility 10,000 – 10,000 –

15,000 5,000 15,000 5,000 Used at balance date– bank overdraft – 129 – 129 – bullet finance facility 5,000 – 5,000 –

5,000 129 5,000 129 Unused at balance date– bank overdraft 5,000 4,871 5,000 4,871 – bullet finance facility 5,000 – 5,000 –

10,000 4,871 10,000 4,871

The bullet finance facility bears the same interest rate and maturity date as the cash advance facility. It may be drawn at any time.The bank overdraft may be drawn at any time. The interest rate on this facility is variable.

21. PROVISIONS (NON-CURRENT)Employee entitlements 29 3,008 3,305 – –

22. DEFERRED REVENUE (NON-CURRENT)Prepaid crematorium and cemetery deferred revenue 39 36,664 33,839 – –

23. CONTRIBUTED EQUITY Issued and paid up capitalOrdinary shares fully paid 52,026 15,000 52,026 15,000 Preference shares fully paid – 60,000 – 60,000

52,026 75,000 52,026 75,000

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003



23. CONTRIBUTED EQUITY (continued)

2003 2002Number of Number of

Notes shares $’000 shares $’000

Movements in ordinary shares on issueBeginning of the financial year 15,000,000 15,000 15,000,000 15,000 Movement prior to listing– bought back during the year prior to listing (i) (3,125,000) (5,000) – –– issued prior to listing 1,985,000 1,943 – –– conversion of preference shares to

ordinary shares (ii) 47,500,000 40,000 – –Total before share split 61,360,000 51,943 – –Total after share split and at date of listing (ii) 93,753,273 51,943 – –Movement after listing– issued after listing 165,460 83 – –End of the financial year 93,918,733 52,026 15,000,000 15,000

Movements in preference shares on issueBeginning of the financial year 60,000,000 60,000 60,000,000 60,000 Movement prior to listing– bought back during the year prior to listing (i) (12,500,000) (20,000) – –– conversion to ordinary shares prior to listing (ii) (47,500,000) (40,000) – –End of the financial year – – 60,000,000 60,000

(i) After 31 December 2002 the Directors reviewed InvoCare’s financial position and capital structure and notedthe significant reduction in bank loans achieved by accelerated repayments since the loans were originallyadvanced in May 2001. The Directors concluded that additional debt finance to pay a fully franked dividendand share buy-back would not materially prejudice InvoCare’s creditors.On 28 March 2003, 3,125,000 ordinary shares fully paid to $1 (representing 21% of ordinary shares) and12,500,000 preference shares fully paid to $1 (representing 21% of preference shares) were bought back. The ordinary and preference shares were repurchased for $1.60 per share for a total cost of $25,000,000.

(ii) Immediately prior to the IPO pursuant to a Prospectus dated 31 October 2003 all the preference shares wereconverted to ordinary share status on 2 December 2003. All ordinary shares were then subject to a sharesplit of approximately 1.528 new ordinary shares for each existing ordinary share resulting in a total of93,753,273 ordinary shares at a total paid up value of $51,942,900. The holders of 93,142,105 ordinaryshares offered a 100% sell down of their respective interests in InvoCare Limited and received all the saleproceeds, less applicable costs. InvoCare Limited did not raise any capital from the IPO.

Terms and conditionsOrdinary shares entitle the holder to participate in dividends and the proceeds on winding up of the company inproportion to the number of and amounts paid on the shares held. On a show of hands every holder of ordinaryshares present at a meeting in person or by proxy, is entitled to one vote, and upon a poll each share is entitledto one vote.Preference shares entitled the holder to participate in dividends and the proceeds on winding up of thecompany in proportion to the number of and amounts paid on the shares held. Rights on winding up rankedhigher than those for ordinary shares. On a show of hands every holder of preference shares present at ameeting in person or by proxy, is entitled to one vote, and upon a poll each share is entitled to one vote.Preference shares were converted to ordinary shares on 2 December 2003.

Share optionsInformation relating to the share options is included in Note 24 – Share options.


24. SHARE OPTIONSInvoCare Limited has shares under option issued under the following agreements:(i) Issued to a Director, Richard Davis, under a Service Agreement dated 8 May 2001(ii) Issued to a Director, Ian Ferrier, under a letter dated 1 May 2001, and(iii) Issued under the Employee Share Option Plan approved in a meeting of the Board of Directors.Each option granted over unissued shares of InvoCare Limited entitles the holder to subscribe for one fully paid ordinary share in the capital of the company. No option holder has any rights under the options to participate in any other share issue of thecompany or any other entity.

Set out below is a summary of the movement in options during the year:

Movement pre share split Movement post share splitExercise Outstanding Options Exercised Total Exercise Total post Exercised Total

Grant Vesting Exercise Expiry price pre 1 January issued pre pre share pre share price post share post share outstandingdate date date date share split 2003 share split split split share split split split at year end

8 May 8 May 24 Oct 8 May 2001 2002* 2003 2006 $0.76 1,125,000 – (1,125,000) – n/a – – –(1)

8 May 8 May 24 Oct 8 May 2002 2003* 2003 2007 $0.90 430,000 – (430,000) – n/a – – –(1)

8 May 8 May 24 Oct 8 May 2003 2004* 2003 2008 $1.63 – 430,000 (430,000) – n/a – – –(1)

8 May 8 May 1 May 2001 2002 n/a 2006 $0.76 197,917 – – 197,917 $0.50 302,401 – 302,401(2)

22 Sept 29 Dec 1 May 2003** 2003 2006 $0.76 – 700,000 – 700,000 $0.50 1,069,544 (165,460) 904,084(3)

22 Sept 1 May 2003** n/a 2007 $0.90 – 460,000 – 460,000 $0.59 702,843 – 702,843(3)

22 Sept 1 May 2003** n/a 2008 $1.63 – 735,000 – 735,000 $1.07 1,123,019 – 1,123,019(3)

1,752,917 2,325,000 (1,985,000) 2,092,917 3,197,807 (165,460) 3,032,347***

Representing the movement in options

(1) Options issued to a Director, Richard Davis, under a Service Agreement dated 8 May 2001 1,555,000 430,000 (1,985,000) – – – –

(2) Options issued to a Director, Ian Ferrier, under a letter dated 8 May 2001 197,917 – – 197,917 302,401 – 302,401

(3) Options issued to a Director, Mike Grehan, under the Employee Share Option Plan on 22 September 2003 when he was an Executive – 800,000 – 800,000 1,222,336 – 1,222,336

(3) Options issued to Executives (excluding Mike Grehan) under the Employee Share Option Plan – 1,070,000 – 1,070,000 1,634,872 (165,460) 1,469,412

(3) Options issued to Non-Director and Non-Executive employees under the Employee Share Option Plan – 25,000 – 25,000 38,198 – 38,198

1,752,917 2,325,000 (1,985,000) 2,092,917 3,197,807 (165,460) 3,032,347

* These options vested immediately following the IPO.** These options vest in varying quantities and at various dates from the issue date.*** There were no options issued between year end and the date of this report.

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003



24. SHARE OPTIONS (continued)Options granted, during the year, to Directors and the most highly remunerated officersOptions over unissued ordinary shares of InvoCare Limited granted during or since the end of the financial yearto any of the Directors or the five most highly remunerated officers of the company and consolidated entities aspart of their remuneration were as follows:

Directors Options granted *Richard Davis, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer 657,006

Other Executives of InvoCare LimitedAs indicated in the Directors’ Report, InvoCare Limited has no employees. All Executives and employees are employed by a controlled entity, Service Corporation International Australia Pty Limited.

Other Executives of the Consolidated EntityMike Grehan, Chief Operating Officer** 1,222,336 Ken Mealey, Chief Financial Officer 611,168 Phillip Friery, Group Finance Manager 152,792Colin Purslowe, General Manager WA 152,792 John Fowler, General Manager VIC 152,792

* Number of options is post share split equivalent.** Options were issued to Mike Grehan on 22 September 2003 before he was appointed as a Director on

24 October 2003.All the options, except those issued to Richard Davis, were granted under the Employee Share Option Plan on 22 September 2003.

Shares issued on the exercise of optionsThe options originally issued to Richard Davis, exercised prior to the capital restructure and public float ofInvoCare Limited, were not all exercised by Richard Davis. Richard Davis exercised 400,000 (611,168 postshare split) options at $0.76 per share which increased net assets by $304,000. By agreement Macquarie DirectInvestment A Limited (MDIA) a former shareholder of InvoCare Limited, purchased and exercised 1,585,000(2,421,755 post share split) options at $0.76 per share for 725,000 options, $0.90 per share for 430,000options and $1.63 per share for 430,000 options which increased net assets by $1,638,900.The 165,460 options exercised by participants pursuant to the Employee Share Option Plan at $0.50 per shareon 29 December 2003 increased net assets by $82,730.The aggregate proceeds received from employees on the conversion of options to shares during the financialyear was $386,730.

Options vested at the reporting date2003 2002

Number Number

Issued to employees (including Executive Directors) 191,055 1,718,912 Issued to Non-Executive directors 302,401 302,401

493,456 2,021,313


24. SHARE OPTIONS (continued)Employee Share Option PlanInvoCare Limited currently has 2,729,946 options (post share split) issued to senior employees andmanagement of the company under the Employee Share Option Plan.The Employee Share Option Plan under which options may be issued by the company to employees for nocash consideration was approved in a meeting of the Board of Directors.

Option issueThe Board of Directors may determine from time to time to grant options upon such terms and to suchparticipants (as described below) and at such exercise prices as they see fit.Each option is to subscribe for one fully paid ordinary share in InvoCare Limited of a class to be determined bythe Board. When issued, the share will rank equally with other ordinary shares of the same class in InvoCareLimited. Options will not be quoted on ASX.

ParticipantsParticipants of the Employee Share Option Plan include eligible employees, eligible associates and eligiblepersons. Eligible employees may also be eligible associates. Eligible associates include any Director, officer or any person or entity holding any share for the benefit of any Director or officer of InvoCare Limited or a controlled entity previously approved by the Directors. Eligible persons means eligible employees andeligible associates.

Vesting of optionsUnless otherwise determined by the Directors, a grant of options made to a participant will vest over a period of three years as follows:(a) one third of the number of options granted will vest on the second anniversary of the issue date of

those options(b) a further one third of the number of options granted will vest on the third anniversary of the issue date

of those options, and (c) the final one third of the number of options granted will vest on the fourth anniversary of the issue date

of those options.No option can be exercised until it has vested.Once options have reached their vesting dates options may be exercised in parcels of no less than 10,000 (or ifthe vested entitlement is less than 10,000 the full amount of that vested entitlement must be exercised) until theearlier of the fifth anniversary of the issue date, the date of sale of all the shares in InvoCare Limited and theoccurrence of one of the events listed below that causes the lapse of options.

Lapse of optionsUnless otherwise determined, vested options of employees may be exercised at any time prior to the first to occur of:– the expiry of five years from the date of issue– expiry of three months after the date upon which the option holder dies or voluntarily or without cause

ceases to be employed by InvoCare, and– immediately upon the option holder’s employment by InvoCare being terminated with cause.In the case of options issued to Directors who are not an employee of InvoCare, once vested, vested optionsmay be exercised by that participant at any time prior to the first to occur of:– the expiry of five years from the date of issue,– expiry of three months after the date upon which the option holder ceases to be a Director, and– determination by the Directors that the participant has acted fraudulently, dishonestly or in breach of the

Director’s obligations to InvoCare.

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003



24. SHARE OPTIONS (continued)Assignment of optionsOptions may not be transferred other than to an associate or related body corporate (as those terms aredefined in the Corporations Act) and providing the transferee enters into a deed of accession.

Bonus issuesIf InvoCare Limited makes a bonus issue of shares or other securities pro rata to holders of shares (other thanan issue in lieu, or in satisfaction, of dividends or by way of dividend reinvestment) and no shares have beenallotted in respect of an option before the record date for determining entitlements to the bonus issue, then thatoption, when exercised in accordance with the Plan, will entitle the option holder to receive the number ofshares that the option holder would have been entitled to under the bonus issue as if the option had beenexercised and the shares allotted before that record date.

Rights issuesIf InvoCare Limited makes a rights offer to all or most of the shareholders of the company (other than in lieu ofdividends or by way of dividend reinvestment) then the exercise price of the options will be reduced by thevalues of the theoretical rights of entitlement received in relation to each share (as determined by the formulaexpressed in the terms of the Plan).

Overriding restrictionsAll rights and entitlements attaching to an option or of an option holder under the Plan have been changed tothe extent necessary to comply with the Listing Rules that apply to a reorganisation of the capital of InvoCareLimited, at the time that that reorganisation becomes effective.

Maximum number of shares issued pursuant to the PlanThe total number of shares issued upon exercise of the options under the Plan must not exceed 10% of thetotal number of shares on issue in the capital of InvoCare Limited (or shares capable of being issued under anequity security). However, if an applicable law at any time imposes a lower limit, then that lower limit will applyinstead.

Options exercised by employees during the financial yearDetails of the number of shares issued to employees and the fair values of those shares as at their issue dateand the distribution date are listed below:

Fair value of shares at option Number

Exercise date exercise date (post share split)

24 October 2003 * $1.89 611,168 29 December 2003 ** $2.09 165,460


* The fair value of shares issued on the exercise of options is estimated as the average of InvoCare Limited’sshares high and low trades on ASX on the first day InvoCare Limited’s shares were traded, being 4 December 2003. There was no public trading of the company’s shares prior to this date.

** The fair value of shares issued on the exercise of options is the average of InvoCare Limited’s shares highand low traded on ASX on the day the options were exercised.


Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

Notes $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

25. RETAINED PROFITSRetained profits 11,033 14,395 1,700 8,027

Retained profitsBalance at the beginning of the year 14,395 4,290 8,027 3,172 Net profit attributable to members of InvoCare Limited 11,638 10,105 8,673 4,855 Total available for appropriation 26,033 14,395 16,700 8,027Dividends paid (15,000) – (15,000) –Balance at the end of the year 11,033 14,395 1,700 8,027

26. OUTSIDE EQUITY INTERESTReconciliation of outside equity interest in controlled entities:Share capital 800 800

Opening balance of retained earnings 178 129 Add share of operating profit 45 49 Less dividends paid (67) –

Closing balance of retained earnings 156 178 Reserves 99 99 Closing balance 1,055 1,077

27. STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWSReconciliation of the net profit after income tax to the net cash flows from operationsNet profit after tax 11,683 10,154 8,673 4,855 Non-cash or non-operating items

Depreciation of non-current assets 3 6,775 6,900 – –Amortisation of non-current assets 3 3,156 3,168 – –Net (profit) on disposal of property, plant and equipment 3 (2,651) (503) – –

Changes in operating assets and liabilities(Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables 479 4,713 – 2 (Increase)/decrease in inventory (621) 735 – –(Increase)/decrease in future income tax benefit (1,224) 4,180 (637) –(Increase)/decrease in other operating assets (1,102) (429) (59) –(Decrease)/increase in trade and other creditors 1,576 1,113 (722) (45)(Decrease)/increase in deferred revenue 3,027 2,186 – –(Decrease)/increase in tax provision 2,530 1,423 (755) (562)(Decrease)/increase in deferred income tax liability 250 (612) – –(Decrease)/increase in provisions (344) (509) – –

Net cash flow from operating activities 23,534 32,519 6,500 4,250

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003



Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

Note $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

27. STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (continued)Reconciliation of cashCash balance comprises:

Cash on hand 47 46 – –Cash at bank 7,096 5,150 2,437 47

Closing cash balance 7,143 5,196 2,437 47

28. EXPENDITURE COMMITMENTSCapital expenditure commitmentsCommitments for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment contracted for at the reporting date but not recognised as liabilities payable:– within one year 260 680 – –

In addition to the above commitments, the Directors have approved expenditure on the replacement ofInvoCare’s computer systems. The amount approved but not contracted for at balance date amounted to $1,480,000.

Other expenditure commitmentsCommitments for the construction of crypts, contracted for at the reporting date but not recognised as liabilities payable:– within one year (i) 2,286 – – –

(i) The construction of crypt inventory is performed periodically, approximately every three years.

Lease expenditure commitmentsOperating leasesCommitments for minimum lease payments in relation to non-cancellable operating leases are payable as follows:– within one year 2,534 2,557 – –– later than one year and not later than five years 5,144 5,176 – –– later than five years 13,244 14,126 – –Aggregate lease expenditure contracted for at balance date 20,922 21,859 – –

Assets that are the subject of operating leases include property, motor vehicles and office equipment.


Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

28. EXPENDITURE COMMITMENTS (continued)Lease expenditure commitments (continued)

Finance leasesCommitments in relation to finance leases are payable as follows:– within one year 21 40 – –– later than one year and not later than five years 54 – – –Minimum lease payments 75 40 – –Future finance charges (11) (3) – –Total lease liability 64 37 – –

Representing lease liabilities– current liability 15 37 – –– non-current liability 49 – – –

64 37 – –

The weighted average interest rate implicit in the lease is 9.1% (2002: 12.5%).InvoCare has the option to acquire the leased asset for its agreed residual value on expiry of the lease.

29. EMPLOYEE BENEFITSEmployee benefit and related on-costs liabilitiesIncluded in other creditors and accruals – current (Note 15) 2,693 2,456 – –Provisions for employee entitlements – current (Note 17) 4,563 4,303 – –Provisions for employee entitlements – non-current (Note 21) 3,008 3,305 – –Aggregate employee benefit and related on-costs liabilities 10,264 10,064 – –

Employee numbersNumber of full-time equivalent employees at the reporting date 806 803 – –

Information regarding share options issued to employees is set out in Note 24 – Share options.

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003




Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

The parent entity and consolidated entity had contingent liabilities at 31 December 2003 in respect of bank guarantees given in respect of leased premises of controlled entities to a maximum amount of: 225 233 225 129

No material losses are anticipated in respect of the above contingent liabilities.

31. EARNINGS PER SHAREReconciliation of earnings used in calculating basic and diluted earnings per shareNet profit 11,683 Adjustments:Net profit attributable to outside equity interest (45)Earnings used in calculating basic and diluted earnings per share 11,638 n/a

Number Numberof shares of shares

Weighted average number of shares used as the denominatorWeighted average number of ordinary shares used in calculating basic earnings per share: 96,920,114 n/aWeighted average number of ordinary shares and potential ordinary shares used in calculating diluted earnings per share: 99,228,347 n/a

The average market price utilised in calculating the weighted average number of shares used in calculatingdiluted earnings per share was $2.02, being the average of the daily market prices of InvoCare Limited’sordinary shares traded in the period from initial listing on 4 December 2003 until 31 December 2003.

Adjustment for share splitThe weighted average number of ordinary shares used to calculate the basic and diluted earnings per share hasbeen adjusted for the change in the number of ordinary shares which occurred as a result of the share split inDecember 2003. The number of ordinary shares outstanding before the share split has been adjusted for theproportionate change in the number of ordinary shares outstanding as if the share split had occurred at thebeginning of the year.


31. EARNINGS PER SHARE (continued)Comparative informationDue to the change in status of InvoCare Limited from a private to a publicly listed company and the substantialchanges to its capital structure during the year, comparative information has not been disclosed as it isconsidered there is no relevant basis of comparison.

Information concerning the classification of securities

Ordinary sharesIn determining the weighted average number of shares for basic and diluted earnings per share the preferenceshares on issue (up to the listing in 2003) have been treated as ordinary shares as they fall within the definitionof ordinary shares.

OptionsOptions granted are considered to be potential ordinary shares and have been included in the determination ofdiluted earnings per share. The options have not been included in the determination of basic earnings pershare.Details relating to the options are set out in Note 24 – Share options.

Subsequent movements in contributed equitySince the end of the financial year, no ordinary shares have been issued pursuant to the Employee Share OptionPlan.There have been no other conversions to, calls of, or subscriptions for ordinary shares or issues of potentialordinary shares since the reporting date and before the completion of this financial report.

32. SUBSEQUENT EVENTSThere have been no significant events that have occurred subsequent to 31 December 2003.

33. SEGMENT INFORMATIONInvoCare operates in one industry, being the funeral industry, and in one geographical location, being Australia.

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003




Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

$ $ $ $

Directors’ remuneration Income paid or payable, or otherwise made available, in respect of the financial year, to Directors by entitiesin the consolidated entity and related parties in connection with the management of affairs of the parent entity or its controlled entities 1,859,449 1,148,290 1,347,614 692,003

Options are granted to Executive Directors, details of which are set out in Note 24 – Share options.Details of options granted to and exercised by Directors during the year ended 31 December 2003 are set outin Note 24 – Share options.The amounts disclosed for remuneration of Directors include the assessed fair values of options granted toDirectors during the year ended 31 December 2003 at the date they were granted. Fair values have beenindependently determined using an appropriate option pricing model that takes into account the exercise price,the term of the option, the vesting and performance criteria, the impact of dilution, the non-tradeable nature ofthe option, the current price and expected price volatility of the underlying share, the expected dividend yieldand the risk-free interest rate for the term of the option.

Number Number

The number of Directors of InvoCare Limited whose total income falls within the following bands is:$10,000 – $19,999 2 –$20,000 – $29,999 3 4 $30,000 – $39,999 1 –$70,000 – $79,999 1 1 $260,000 – $269,999 1 –$520,000 – $529,999 – 1 $880,000 – $889,999 1 –

Non-Executive Directors’ feesThe Constitution provides that the Non-Executive Directors are entitled to be paid Directors’ fees in aggregateup to a maximum of $250,000 per annum or such other maximum amount determined from time to time byInvoCare in general meeting. This excludes any remuneration determined by the Directors where a Directorperforms additional or special duties for the company. This remuneration is to be divided among the Non-Executive Directors in such proportion as the Board determines. Directors are entitled to be reimbursed for all reasonable costs and expenses including time charges incurred by them in the performance of theirduties as Directors.


Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

$ $ $ $

35. REMUNERATION OF EXECUTIVESRemuneration received, or due and receivable, from entities in the consolidated entity and related parties byAustralian-based Executive Officers (including Directors) whose remuneration was at least $100,000:Executive officers of the parent entity* 2,396,871 1,128,308 2,396,871 1,128,308 Executive officers of the other entities in the consolidated entity 1,953,209 1,470,224 – –

4,350,080 2,598,532 2,396,871 1,128,308

Number Number Number Number

The number of Executive Officers (including Directors) whose remuneration from entities in the consolidated entity and related parties was within the specified bands are as follows:$100,000 – $109,999 2 1 – –$120,000 – $129,999 1 2 – –$140,000 – $149,999 – 1 – –$160,000 – $169,999 1 1 – –$170,000 – $179,999 – 1 – –$180,000 – $189,999 1 – – –$190,000 – $199,999 – 1 – –$200,000 – $209,999 1 – – –$210,000 – $219,999 – 1 – –$220,000 – $229,999 – 1 – –$230,000 – $239,999 1 – – –$250,000 – $259,999 – 1 – 1 $260,000 – $269,999 1 – – –$270,000 – $279,999 1 – – –$290,000 – $299,999 1 – – –$340,000 – $349,999 – 1 – 1 $520,000 – $529,999 – 1 – 1 $680,000 – $689,999 1 – 1 –$820,000 – $829,999 1 – 1 –$890,000 – $899,999 1 – 1 –

Options are granted to Executive Officers under the Employee Share Option Plan, details of which are set out inNote 24 – Share options.* As mentioned in the Directors’ report, InvoCare Limited has no employees, all Executives and officers

are employed by a controlled entity, Service Corporation International Australia Pty Limited. Amounts disclosed are paid by the controlled entity, but are in relation to the work performed as Executives ofInvoCare Limited.

The amounts disclosed for remuneration of Executive Officers in this note include the assessed fair values at the date they were granted of options granted to Executive Officers during the year ended 31 December 2003.Fair values have been independently determined using an appropriate option pricing model that takes intoaccount the exercise price, the term of the option, the vesting and performance criteria, the impact of dilution,the non-tradeable nature of the option, the current price and expected price volatility of the underlying share,the expected dividend yield and the risk-free interest rate for the term of the option.

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003



Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

$ $ $ $

36. REMUNERATION OF AUDITORDuring the year the auditor of the parent entity and its related practices earned the following remuneration:

PricewaterhouseCoopers – Australian firmAudit of financial reports of the entity or any entity in the consolidated entity 110,000 78,000 – –Review of financial report of the consolidated entity 40,000 – – –Other audit-related work 66,650 55,085 – –Total audit and other assurance services 216,650 133,085 – –

Advisory services 56,593 89,298 – –Taxation 157,082 163,205 – –Total other services 213,675 252,503 – –Total remuneration of PricewaterhouseCoopers 430,325 385,588 – –

Related practices of PricewaterhouseCoopers Australian firmPricewaterhouseCoopers Legal 159,039 41,848 – –PricewaterhouseCoopers Securities 207,800 – – –Total remuneration of related practices 366,839 41,848 – –Total remuneration of auditors and related practices 797,164 427,436 – –

RepresentingAmount paid by InvoCare 564,964 427,436 – –Amount paid by former shareholders 232,200 – – –Total remuneration of auditor and related practices 797,164 427,436 – –

There was a significant increase in the remuneration paid to the auditor of InvoCare. This increase is primarilydue to the additional work performed in relation to the listing of InvoCare Limited’s shares on ASX.It is InvoCare’s policy to employ PricewaterhouseCoopers on assignments additional to their statutory auditduties where PricewaterhouseCoopers’ expertise and experience with the consolidated entity are important.These assignments are principally tax advice and advisory services, or where PricewaterhouseCoopers isawarded assignments on a competitive basis. It is InvoCare’s policy to seek competitive tenders for any majorconsulting projects.


37. RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURESDirectorsThe Directors of InvoCare Limited during the financial year were:Ian D FerrierRichard H DavisMike J Grehan (appointed 24 October 2003)John W MurphyChristine L Clifton (appointed 24 October 2003)Richard H Fisher (appointed 24 October 2003)Patrick F Elliott (resigned 24 October 2003)MacDonell Roehm Jr (resigned 24 October 2003)Michael R Webb (resigned 24 October 2003).

Remuneration and retirement benefitsInformation on remuneration of Directors is disclosed in Note 34 – Remuneration of Directors.

Transactions of Directors concerning share optionsDetails of transactions of Directors concerning share options are set out in Note 24 – Share options.

Equity instruments of Directors and Director-related entities

Interests at balance dateInterests in the equity instruments of InvoCare Limited held by Directors of the reporting entity and their Director-related entities:

Ordinary shares Options overfully paid ordinary shares

2003 2002 2003 2002Notes Number Number Number Number

Ian Ferrier (i) – – 302,401 302,401 Richard Davis (i), (ii) 611,168 – – –Mike Grehan (i) – – 1,222,336 –John Murphy (iii) 56,417 – – –Christine Clifton (iv) 110,000 – – –

(i) Equity instruments are held by Directors only, no equity instruments are held by Director-related entities ofthese Directors.

(ii) Under a Service Agreement dated 8 May 2001, Richard Davis will be issued with 988,565 options on 8 May2004, subject to continuing employment. These options may be exercised at a price determined by the shareequivalent of 6.71 times EBITDA for the financial year ended 31 December 2003 less debt at 30 April 2004.These share options expire 8 May 2009.

(iii) Equity instruments are held by a Director-related entity only, no equity instruments are held directly by John Murphy.

(iv)Equity instruments are held by the Director and a Director-related entity. Amount shown is the aggregatenumber held.

Interests after balance dateAfter 31 December 2003 a Director-related entity of Richard Fisher acquired 5,000 ordinary shares in InvoCare Limited.

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003



37. RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES (continued)Escrow agreementRichard Davis and Mike Grehan have entered separate voluntary escrow arrangements relating to shares andoptions in InvoCare whereby sale of the shares and options is not allowed until InvoCare has reported itsaudited financial results for the year ending 31 December 2004. In the event of death, permanent disability orceasing to be a Director or employee of InvoCare, earlier sale is permitted.

Transactions with Director-related entitiesA Director of InvoCare Limited, John Murphy, is a Director of Investec Wentworth Pty Limited and InvestecWentworth Private Equity Pty Limited who provided professional services to a controlled entity during the yearended 31 December 2003 on normal commercial terms and conditions. A Director of InvoCare Limited, Richard Fisher, is a partner at Blake Dawson Waldron. Blake Dawson Waldronprovided legal services to a controlled entity during the year ended 31 December 2003 on normal commercialterms and conditions.Aggregate amounts of each of the above types of transactions with Director-related entities:

Consolidated InvoCare Limited2003 2002 2003 2002

$ $ $ $

Professional services 15,950 – – –Legal services 951 * – *

* Richard Fisher was appointed 24 October 2003, therefore comparative figures are not applicable.

Wholly owned group transactions The ultimate parent entity in the wholly owned group is InvoCare Limited, a company listed on ASX.The wholly owned group consists of InvoCare Limited and its wholly owned controlled entities. Ownershipinterest of these are set out in Note 38 – Investments in controlled entities.

Transactions between InvoCare Limited and its controlled entities consist of:(a) loan advanced by InvoCare Limited(b) loan repaid to InvoCare Limited(c) the payment of interest on the above loan(d) the payment of dividends to InvoCare Limited, and(e) the payment of a management fee to InvoCare Limited.

LoanThe loan made by InvoCare Limited to a controlled entity has no fixed terms of repayment. The aggregateamount receivable included in Note 6 – Receivables (current) and Note 10 – Receivables (non-current) totalled$192,324,000 (2002: $208,627,000). Interest on the loan is charged at 9% (2002: 9%).Repayments totalling $16,303,000 (2002: $29,653,000) were made during the year. In addition, interest revenueincluded in the determination of operating profit before income tax that resulted from transactions with the entityin the wholly owned group totalled $18,110,000 (2002: $21,004,000).

DividendsA fully franked dividend of $7,000,000 was received by InvoCare Limited from a controlled entity. This amounthas been included in the determination of operating profit before income tax.

Management feeA management fee was charged by InvoCare Limited to a controlled entity during the year totalling $480,000(2002: $400,000). This amount is included in the determination of operating profit before income tax.


37. RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES (continued)Former shareholder transactionsService Corporation International, a company incorporated in the United States of America, held 20% of theissued ordinary share capital until 8 December 2003. Service Corporation International provided a loan of$30,000,000 in the form of convertible notes to InvoCare Limited until 10 December 2003 when the convertiblenotes were repaid in full. The interest expense on the convertible notes totalled $3,394,000 (2002: $3,600,000)and is included in the determination of operating profit before income tax.

38. INVESTMENTS IN CONTROLLED ENTITIESThe consolidated entity comprises the parent entity and the entities it controlled at the end of, or during, thefinancial year.

Parent EntityInvoCare Limited

Cost of parent Equity holding entity’s investment

2003 2002 2003 2002Name of entity % % $’000 $’000

Service Corporation International Australia Pty Limited 100 100 15,641 15,641 New South Wales Cremation Company Pty Limited 100 100 – –Cremations (Newcastle) Holdings Pty Limited 100 100 – –

Cremations (Newcastle) Pty Limited 100 100 – –Macquarie Memorial Park Pty Limited 83.14 83.14 – –

Macquarie Funeral Service Pty Limited 83.14 83.14 – –Novocastrian Funerals Pty Limited 100 100 – –

Novocastrian Funerals Unit Trust 100 100 – –Catholic Funerals Newcastle Pty Limited 100 100 – –

Mead & Purslowe Pty Limited 100 100 – –Mead & Purslowe Trading Trust 100 100 – –

Oakwood Funerals Pty Limited^^ 50 50 – –Dignity Pre-Arranged Funerals Pty Limited 100 100 – –Memorial Guardian Plan Pty Limited 100 100 – –Pine Grove Forest Lawn Funeral Benefit Company Pty Limited 100 100 – –Kitleaf Pty Limited 100 100 – –The Australian Cremation Society Pty Limited 100 100 – –Metropolitan Burial and Cremation Society Funeral Contribution Fund Pty Limited 100 100 – –Labor Funerals Contribution Fund Pty Limited 100 100 – –Purslowe Custodians Pty Limited 100 100 – –Beresfield Funerals Pty Limited 100 100 – –

15,641 15,641

All entities are incorporated and domiciled in Australia.^^ Service Corporation International Australia Pty Limited holds 50% of the shares in Oakwood Funerals Pty

Limited, which is a controlling interest as it has the capacity to dominate decision making and operations ofthe company’s business activities.

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003



39. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS(a) Interest rate risk exposuresThe consolidated entity’s exposure to interest rate risks and the effective interest rates of financial assets and financial liabilities,both recognised and unrecognised at the reporting date, are as follows:

Fixed interest rate maturing in:Floating 1 year Over 1 to Non-interest- Weighted average

interest rate or less 5 years bearing Total interest rate2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002

Notes $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 % %

Financial assets

Cash 27 5,002 5,196 – – – – – – 5,002 5,196 3.7 4.0^

Cash 27 – – 2,141 – – – – – 2,141 – 4.5 0.0

Trade and other debtors 6, 10 – – – – – – 21,812 22,296 21,812 22,296 n/a n/a

Security deposit 10 19 18 – – – – 42 38 61 56 3.8 3.9

Total financial assets 5,021 5,214 2,141 – – – 21,854 22,334 29,016 27,548

Financial liabilities

Trade and other creditors 15, 19 – – 524 529 307 794 17,914 16,842 18,745 18,165 9.0 9.0

Deferred revenue 18, 22 – – – – – – 39,283 36,256 39,283 36,256 n/a n/a

Debentures 16, 20 130,000 109,580 – – – – – – 130,000 109,580 7.6 6.8

Cash advance facility 16, 20 25,000 – – – – – – – 25,000 – 7.7 0.0

Convertible notes 20 – – – – – 30,000 – – – 30,000 12.0 12.0

Lease liability 16, 20 – – 15 37 49 – – – 64 37 9.1 12.5

Interest rate swap* (136,000) (130,394) 20,994 12,024 115,006 118,370 – – – – # #

Total financial liabilities 19,000 (20,814) 21,533 12,590 115,362 149,164 57,197 53,098 213,092 194,038

Net financial assets/(liabilities) (13,979) 26,028 (19,392) (12,590) (115,362) (149,164) (35,343) (30,764) (184,076) (166,490)

n/a Not applicable for non-interest-bearing financial instruments.

^ Account is the aggregate of nine bank accounts. Where the aggregate balance is greater than $5,000,000 a premium interest rate is received. When the aggregate balance is overdrawn a rate of 8.6% is charged.

* Notional principal amounts. Not recognised in financial statements.

# The disclosure of effective interest rates is not applicable to derivative financial instruments. For information on interest rates see below.


39. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS (continued)(b) Net fair value of financial assets and liabilities

On-balance sheetThe carrying amount of financial assets and liabilities approximates their fair value.

(c) Off-balance sheet derivative instrumentsInvoCare Limited is party to derivative financial instruments in the normal course of business in order to hedgeexposure to fluctuations in interest rates.

Carrying amount Net fair value2003 2002 2003 2002$’000 $’000 $’000 $’000

Financial liabilitiesInterest rate swaps, net liability – – 780 2,287

Interest rate swap contractsThe debentures and cash advance facility currently bear an average variable interest rate of 7.64% (2002: 6.84%). It is policy to protect the majority of the loan agreement from exposure to increasing interestrates. In addition, the loan agreement requires at least 75% of the principal be covered by interest rate swaps.Accordingly, InvoCare has entered into interest rate swap contracts to reduce its exposure to adversefluctuations in interest rates on debentures and cash advance facility. Swaps currently in place cover 85%(2002: 117%) of the debenture and cash advance facility principal outstanding. Under the contracts, interest is paid at fixed rates and received at variable rates. The fixed weighted averageinterest rate is 5.639% (2002: 5.585%) and the variable rate is based on the BBSW which at the balance datewas 5.515% (2002: 4.808%). The contract has notional principal amounts with a similar maturity profile to thedebentures and cash advance facility and requires settlement of net interest receivable or payable each quartercoinciding with the dates on which interest is payable on the debentures and cash advance facility. There wasno net amount receivable or payable on the swap contract at the reporting date.

(d) Credit risk exposuresThe credit risk on financial assets of the consolidated entity which have been recognised on the statement offinancial position, other than investment in shares, is generally the carrying amount, net of any provision fordoubtful debts.

Notes to the Financial StatementsFor the year ended 31 December 2003

Directors’ DeclarationINVOCARE ANNUAL REPORT 2003


The Directors declare that the financial statements and notes to the financial statements:

(a) comply with the Accounting Standards, the Corporations Regulations 2001 and other mandatoryprofessional reporting requirements, and

(b) give a true and fair view of the company’s and consolidated entity’s financial position as at 31 December2003 and of their performance, as represented by the results of their operations and their cash flows, for thefinancial year ended on that date.

In the Directors’ opinion:

(a) the financial statements and notes are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, and

(b) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the company will be able to pay its debts as and when theybecome due and payable.

This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the Directors.

Ian D Ferrier Richard H DavisDirector Director

Sydney29 March 2004

As at 31 December 2003


Independent audit report to the members of InvoCare Limited

Audit opinionIn our opinion, the financial report of InvoCare Limited:

• gives a true and fair view, as required by the Corporations Act 2001 in Australia, of the financial position ofInvoCare Limited and the InvoCare Group (defined below) as at 31 December 2003, and of their performance forthe year ended on that date, and

• is presented in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, Accounting Standards and other mandatory financialreporting requirements in Australia, and the Corporations Regulations 2001.

This opinion must be read in conjunction with the rest of our audit report.

ScopeThe financial report and Directors’ responsibilityThe financial report comprises the statement of financial position, statement of financial performance, statement of cash flows, accompanying notes to the financial statements, and the Directors’ declaration for both InvoCare Limited (the company) and InvoCare Group (the consolidated entity), for the year ended 31 December 2003. The consolidated entity comprises both the company and the entities it controlled during that year.

The Directors of the company are responsible for the preparation and true and fair presentation of the financialreport in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001. This includes responsibility for the maintenance of adequateaccounting records and internal controls that are designed to prevent and detect fraud and error, and for theaccounting policies and accounting estimates inherent in the financial report.

Audit approachWe conducted an independent audit in order to express an opinion to the members of the company. Our audit wasconducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards, in order to provide reasonable assurance as towhether the financial report is free of material misstatement. The nature of an audit is influenced by factors such asthe use of professional judgement, selective testing, the inherent limitations of internal control and the availability ofpersuasive rather than conclusive evidence. Therefore, an audit cannot guarantee that all material misstatementshave been detected.

We performed procedures to assess whether in all material respects the financial report presents fairly, inaccordance with the Corporations Act 2001, Accounting Standards and other mandatory financial reportingrequirements in Australia, a view which is consistent with our understanding of the company’s and the consolidatedentity’s financial position, and of their performance as represented by the results of their operations and cash flows.

We formed our audit opinion on the basis of these procedures, which included:

• examining, on a test basis, information to provide evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financialreport, and

• assessing the appropriateness of the accounting policies and disclosures used and the reasonableness ofsignificant accounting estimates made by the Directors.

When this audit report is included in an Annual Report, our procedures include reading the other information in theAnnual Report to determine whether it contains any material inconsistencies with the financial report.

While we considered the effectiveness of management’s internal controls over financial reporting when determiningthe nature and extent of our procedures, our audit was not designed to provide assurance on internal controls.

Our audit did not involve an analysis of the prudence of business decisions made by Directors or management.

Independence In conducting our audit, we followed applicable independence requirements of Australian professional ethicalpronouncements and the Corporations Act 2001.


John Gordon Sydney

Partner 29 March 2004

Liability is limited by the Accountant’s Scheme under the Professional Standards Act 1994 (NSW)

Independent Audit Report

Shareholder InformationINVOCARE ANNUAL REPORT 2003


The shareholder information set out below was applicable as at 17 March 2004.

Distribution of equity securitiesAnalysis of numbers of equity security holders by size of holding:

Class of equity securitiesOptions over

Ordinary ordinary shares shares

1 – 1,000 776 –1,001 – 5,000 2,468 –5,001 – 10,000 1,018 –

10,001 – 100,000 746 3 100,001 and over 52 9

5,060 12

There were 3 holders of less than a marketable parcel of ordinary shares (being 219 at a market price of $2.29on 17 March 2004) who hold a total of 465 ordinary shares.

Equity security holders

20 largest quoted equity security holdersThe names of the 20 largest holders of quoted equity securities are listed below:

Ordinary sharesNumber Percentage of

Name held issued shares

National Nominees Limited 10,745,998 11.44%RBC Global Services Australia Nominees Pty Limited 9,682,941 10.31%Westpac Custodian Nominees Limited 8,264,730 8.80%JP Morgan Nominees Australia Limited 7,785,642 8.29%Bond Street Custodians Limited 3,823,180 4.07%Tasman Asset Management Limited 2,845,931 3.03%UBS Private Clients Australia Nominees Pty Limited 2,445,657 2.60%Permanent Trustee Australia Limited (SYD) 2,330,204 2.48%ANZ Nominees Limited 2,035,835 2.17%Queensland Investment Corporation 1,637,487 1.74%PSS Board 1,421,811 1.51%CSS Board 1,188,078 1.27%IOOF Investment Management Limited 1,011,665 1.08%MF Custodians Limited 711,000 0.76%Mr Richard H Davis 611,168 0.65%Cogent Nominees Pty Limited 603,566 0.64%Government Superannuation Office 599,488 0.64%AMP Life Limited 564,745 0.60%Victorian Workcover Authority 559,856 0.60%Huntley Investment Co Limited 500,000 0.53%

59,368,982 63.21%

As at 31 December 2003


Unquoted equity securitiesNumber Number on issue of holders

Options issued under the Employee Share Option Plan to take up ordinary shares 2,729,946 11 Options issued under a letter to a Director to take up ordinary shares 302,401 1

Substantial holdersSubstantial holders in the company are set out below:

Number of shares held Percentage

National Nominees Limited 10,745,998 11.44%RBC Global Services Australia Nominees Pty Limited 9,682,941 10.31%Westpac Custodian Nominees Limited 8,264,730 8.80%JP Morgan Nominees Australia Limited 7,785,642 8.29%

Voting rightsThe voting rights attaching to each class of security are set out below:

Ordinary sharesOn a show of hands, each member present in person and each other person present as a proxy of a member,has one vote. On a poll each member present in person has one vote for each fully paid share held by themember and each person present as a proxy of a member has one vote for each fully paid share held by themember that the proxy represents.

OptionsOptions have no voting rights.

Shares subject to voluntary escrowThe number of ordinary shares subject to voluntary escrow that are on issue are listed below:

Number Escrow periodon issue end date

Ordinary shares subject to voluntary escrow 611,168 *

* The escrow period end date is the earlier of 28 February 2005 or when the shareholder ceases to be an employee.

Shareholder InformationAs at 31 December 2003


Financial Summary 6

Letter from the Chairman 7

CEO’s Review of Operations 8

InvoCare Across Australia 14

Board of Directors 16

Corporate Governance 18

Directors’ Report 22

Financial Report 29

Statements of Financial Performance 30

Statements of Financial Position 31

Statements of Cash Flows 32

Notes to the Financial Statements 33

Directors’ Declaration 65

Independent Audit Report 66

Shareholder Information 67

Corporate Information 69

ABN 42 096 437 393 InvoCare Limited (formerly SCIA Holdings Pty Limited)

Directors Ian D Ferrier (Chairman)Richard H Davis (Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer)Mike J Grehan (Chief Operating Officer)John W Murphy (Non-Executive Director)Christine L Clifton (Non-Executive Director)Richard H Fisher (Non-Executive Director)

Company Secretary Kenneth R Mealey (Chief Financial Officer)

Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of InvoCare Limited will be held at The Westin Sydney, 1 Martin Place, Sydney on Monday 31 May 2004.

Registered Office Level 4, 153 Walker StreetNorth Sydney NSW 2060Telephone: 02 9978 5200Facsimile: 02 9978 5299Website: www.invocare.com.au

Share Register ASX Perpetual Registrars LimitedLevel 8, 580 George StreetSydney NSW 2000Toll free: 1300 854 911Facsimile: 02 9287 0303Website: www.asxperpetual.com.au

Stock Exchange Listing InvoCare Limited is a company limited by shares that isincorporated and domiciled in Australia. InvoCare Limited’s shares are listed on the Australian StockExchange only. ASX code is IVC.

Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopersDarling Park Tower 2201 Sussex StreetSydney NSW 1171

Solicitors Coudert BrothersLevel 8 Gateway1 Macquarie PlaceSydney NSW 2000

Bankers Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited20 Martin PlaceSydney NSW 2000

Corporate Information
















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