ANNUAL - NHS R&D North West

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Innovation is core

to the strategic

direction outlined

in our regional vision

Contents1. Content 2

2. Foreword 3

3. Introduction

4. Innovation across the North West 4

a. Developing partners and our five strand 4

Regional Innovation Framework

5. Healthcare innovation Expo 2011 9

6. Lessons learned 10

7. Case Studies 11

8. Beyond the RIF 13

9. Glossary 15

Welcome to the second NHS North West annual innovation report.

In addition to meeting our legal responsibilities it is intended that this report will encourage

our NHS colleagues to continue to value and champion innovation as a core activity in meeting

the current challenges of NHS reform and the QIPP agenda. Innovation in the North West acts

as a catalyst for change by stimulating and developing new innovative ideas from individuals

across all sectors.

We are always looking for that cutting edge healthcare development which is ground breaking,

or a simple innovation that may seem small scale, but has demonstrated that it has added

impact and scalability.

The adoption, diffusion and spread of practices are key to delivering our clinical vision, utilising

some of the most pioneering thinking and the latest technology. Funding opportunities have

brought together a number of innovators, businesses and organisations from across our

healthcare system to develop creative solutions to make health services in the North West the

best they can possibly be.

We have used the North West Regional Innovation Fund (RIF) to encourage and inspire clinicians,

managers and support staff to be innovative within the health system and work collaboratively

with a variety of partners. We want to change how things are done, in order to consistently

increase healthcare quality, eradicating inefficiencies and reducing costs.

The ambition for innovation is clearly established within the North West and outlined in key

strategic policy frameworks such as Healthier Horizons. There are numerous examples of best

practice and we need to continue working harder in the adoption, diffusion and culture of

innovation both at individual and organisational levels across the region. We continue to seek

to realise our ambition of raising the profile of innovation to become a part of everyday

working within the North West NHS community, its partners and stakeholders.

The NHS continues to build on its historical legacy of innovation to deliver better outcomes

for patients, staff and the public. We recognise that part of transforming healthcare is the

need to bring patients and staff together to share in the role of redesigning services, through

innovative thought. NHS North West fully embraces this legacy and continues to seek to

support the delivery of improvements in health provision through innovation by a variety of

opportunities with and beyond the RIF.


Mark Ogden, Chief Executive, NHS North West



Building on last year’s report, we willupdate on progress made with ourRegional Innovation Fund (RIF)investment in the region, our localinnovation infrastructure and lessonslearned in the challenge of securingimproved adoption and diffusion ofinnovative technologies and servicedesign.

In the report, we have reviewed the latestinnovation activity across the region andprovided feedback on the lessons learned.We have also highlighted examples ofprojects that we believe could havesignificant benefit for the North Westhealth economy and community.

We have developed a five-strandRegional Innovation Framework tosupport delivery of both national andregional policy. The following sectiondescribes key achievements within ourframework.

Build on our existing innovationarchitecture, in partnershipwith regional developmentbodies, academic institutions,life-science industry and NHSfor maximum return.

The Strategic Health Authority (SHA)continues to work in close collaboration,supporting and taking advantage of ourunique regional architecture with partnerssuch as National Institute for ClinicalExcellence (NICE) and National TechnologyAdoption Centre (NTAC). The InnovationPartnership Group is a longstanding groupwhich supports and utilises our regionalinfrastructure to achieve the aim of regionalinnovation improvement. The InnovationPartnership Group includes the followinginnovation organisations:






The group is supported by additional health and social care partners from across the region.

Innovation within the North West

Developing partnerships and our five strand Regional innovation Framework

Partnership working – The BioBooth Initiative

The Biobooth initiative is a collaborativeprogramme between several national andregional UK organisations includingamongst others, the National HealthService (NHS), academia and industry. TheBiobooth’s vision is “To develop an NHSinterconnected outreach platform forclinical diagnosis and monitoring capableof integrating Point of Care Testing (POCT)and utilising Telehealth technologies”.

The Biobooth initiative comprises a seriesof work streams required for the design,development, implementation and rolloutof an automated Biobooth. The Bioboothwill serve several functions to diagnoseand/or monitor diseases, connect, interact,analyse data, etc. The first version of theBiobooth will provide a mobile, automated,non-invasive, and publically accessible ‘booth’that produces excellent quality data that isuploaded in real time to GP practices, thatimproves patient management productivityand supports self management. Developinga platform is highly complex and extremelycostly and is usually not undertaken by onesingle organisation. Therefore the majorchallenge at present is to developsuccessful partnerships between Industry,the NHS and other organisations in orderto provide enough resources to takeforward this initiative. The Biobooth teamis in the process of developing a robustbusiness case to facilitate these discussions.The collective expertise and the Bioboothsteering group network is considered ourbiggest asset and in partnership withindustry, can make a difference indesigning the future of healthcare in theUK and beyond. Biobooth aims to developan opportunistic screening tool, capable ofproviding cost effective screeningprogrammes which monitor patientsremotely, optimising the use of non-invasivePOCT technology. The Bio-booth will bepart of a diagnosis and monitoringprogramme aimed at supporting the muchneeded change in patient behaviour.

NHS North West has providedfinancial support for the projectmanagement arrangements toenable the project to reachproof of concept stage.

For further information, [email protected]

North West attracted £120 millionNational Institute for Health Researchfunding

The Government has emphasized itscommitment to the promotion andconduct of research as a core NHS role inthe White Paper: Equity and Excellence:Liberating the NHS. The followingexamples highlight NHS North Westsupport for research and development.

Research and Development in the new NHS

NHS North West hosted a nationalworkshop in February 2011, which aimed to:

• Influence and shape emerging policywith a focus on research

• Suggest how the emergingcommissioning structures could workwith other parts of the system effectivelyto support the conduct of high qualityresearch

• Ensure the great progress made withresearch in recent years is not lostthrough the transition

• Propose priority areas requiring furtherwork

Participants looked specifically at the newstructures emerging for the NHSCommissioning Board, PCT Clusters,Clinical Commissioning Groups and therole that they will play in research.

In the North West we have been asked toundertake more focused work spanningregional, cluster and clinicalcommissioning group levels. This workfocuses on the following five topics:

• Leadership and partnership

• Research metrics

• Excess treatment costs

• People in research

• Protecting and strengthening researchcapability



North Westattracted

£120millionNational Institutefor HealthResearch funding

Raising the profile of the North West

The North West is home to world-classresearch infrastructure and expertise; topromote health-related R&D wecommissioned two pieces of work byManchester Business School students:

• Research, Innovation and IndustryBetween July 2010 and September2010, we collected success stories fromhealth-research stakeholders in theNorth West. The primary aim of thisexercise was to identify and highlightthe positive research, financial andbusiness outcomes.

• Research InfrastructureThis study aimed to create acomprehensive picture of researchinfrastructure in the North West byanalysing health-research facilities inthe North West.

Both studies showed that there is a needto strengthen how information on theNorth West’s research profile is collated,presented and promulgated, ensuring thatsuccess stories are shared and that ourexcellent research facilities are well known.


Three Health Innovation and EducationClusters (HIECs) were established in theNorth West at the start of 2010. The HIECsare based on the three distinct geographiesof the North West region namely, Cheshire& Merseyside, Cumbria & Lancashire andGreater Manchester. The aim of the initiativewas to support high quality patient care andservices by bringing the benefits of research andinnovation directly to patients. By strengthening

the co-ordination of education and trainingit will have the breadth and depth tosupport excellence.

HIECs are cross sector partnershipsbetween the NHS, the higher educationsector, private health, third sectororganisations and industry. A total ofnearly £2.7 million funding was allocatedacross the three North West HIECs to covertheir first two years.

HIECs provide a key element of theeducational arm of NHS pathways andsupport the delivery of the quality,innovation, productivity and prevention(QIPP) programme across the North West.This is highlighted in the vision set out byGreater Manchester HIEC “to create ameasurable improvement in the quality oflocal healthcare and a cadre of healthcarepractitioners superbly enabled to respondto the changing healthcare agenda andeconomic situation”.

Life Sciences

What is the LSIDB?

The NHS Life Sciences Innovation DeliveryBoard (LSIDB) has been set up tochampion innovation in drugs andmedical technologies across the NHS.

It aims to:

• increase the use of cost effectivemedicines and medical technologies

• improve relationships between the lifesciences sector and the NHS

• increase the attractiveness of the UK asa site for clinical trials and productdevelopment.

The UK life sciences industry includespharmaceuticals, medical technology anddiagnostics. An effective partnershipbetween the NHS and industry will helpthe NHS increase quality and productivity,and make it easier for the life sciencesindustry to deal with the NHS. This willhelp industry focus on the developmentof new medicines and medical devices,which are designed to meet the needs ofthe NHS and its patients.

Positioned at the heart of the NHS, theLSIDB is a globally unique partnership thatbrings together senior NHS leaders, regulators(NICE), senior policy makers and industryleaders from the life sciences sector to workin collaboration for the benefit of patients.

The NHS has many attractions to the LifeSciences industry, given its size and clinicalexpertise. Senior leadership engagement hasled to support from Clinical ResearchNetwork Clinical Directors and NHSConfederation. This work has been drivenby the NIHR “exemplar” programme whichwas set up to identify the tools andtechniques which would have a positiveimpact on improving time to permission andtime to recruitment. The engagement ofNHS senior (i.e. board level) leaders wasidentified as an essential element, alongwith the systematic use of basicmanagement techniques.

To find out more about the work of theLSIDB, or discuss specific projects, pleaseemail [email protected] orby calling 0161 625 7387.

North West ExemplarProgramme

The North West was selected to pilot theNIHR CRN North West ExemplarProgramme – of national interest andimportance due to its demonstrating howthe NHS contributes to the UK’s economicrecovery and secure our place as a globalleader. The project had two phases: phase 1– effective study set-up; and phase 2 –effective study delivery, which focused onidentifying the high-impact changes fromthe project, enabling the learning to berolled out across the wider NHS, CRN andpharmaceutical industry.

funding allocated

£2.7 Millionacross the threeNW HIEC’s to cover their first two years



Develop incubation, facilitationand evidence/knowledgemanagement systems thatsupport staff to realiseinnovation potential

We have continued to develop theinnovation web portal as single point ofentry to ensure information aboutregional and national innovation workingcan be showcased and easily accessedwithin our region.

Idea Street

As part of the work being undertaken byNHS North West to support and motivateNHS staff to consider, adopt and diffuseinnovations we have piloted “Idea Street” in partnership with the Department ofWorks and Pension. This national/ publicsector initiative now includes a health carefocused, online ideas-management platformthat encourages healthcare professionalsacross the North West to share their innovativeideas with a community of like-mindedcolleagues.

What is unique about Idea Street is that itputs ideas out in the open, so that otherpeople working in local NHS organisationscan comment and vote on the suggestionsof others. In this way ideas can be enhancedby the shared experience of the health carecommunity and the most promising ideascan be brought to the attention of relevantdecision makers. Mersey Care is the firstNHS Trust in the country to launch Idea Street.

Innovate and spread bestpractice to promote aninnovative culture in all ourNHS organisations throughaligning leadership, supportand incentives to realise thefull potential

We have provided assistance for RIFproject leads through support, trainingand development days. This has alsoincluded the provision of projectprofiling/management assessment tools.Workshops have been developed andfacilitated in partnership with the YoungFoundation as part of the RegionalInnovation Fund Advisory Service. Theneed for a strong and robust innovationculture within health provision is vital forthe NHS in maintaining continuousimprovement and delivering against theeconomic challenges outlined in the QIPP

agenda. The results of the NHS 2010staff survey provided some insight intowhether the culture of innovation wasworking to support NHS staff in deliveringimprovements at work.

Celebrate and recogniseinnovation in the creation andadoption of knowledge

NHS North West sponsored the Innovationcategories in the North West LeadershipAcademy Awards, held in May 2010.Pictured is winner of the Innovative/Entrepreneurial Award, Jill Jackson,Occupational Therapy Professional Lead atLancashire Care NHS Foundation Trustwith John Humphrys and Gail Richards.

Dragon’s Lair

The SHA held two Dragon’s Lair events, inMay and September 2010. The ‘Dragon'sLair’ provided an opportunity for cliniciansand industry to “pitch” innovative ideasto a panel comprising of NHS chiefexecutives, and clinical directors. Some ofthe successful projects from the Dragon’sLair are listed below:

Using a liquid glass coating toreduce contamination onpatient equipment – Alder HeyChildren’s NHS FoundationTrust.

The project was undertaken to identify ifusing liquid glass to coat equipment waseffective at reducing contamination. Thedesign of the study was a quasi-experimentalcontrol study using 2 bed spaces on achildren’s PICU. 15 sets of equallymatched equipment were used.

The technology allows the coating of mostsurfaces with a pure layer of a flexible,breathable, durable, anti microbial glasslayer comprised of molecular SiO2.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) tests wereundertaken to measure performance ofthe liquid glass during normal PICUactivity. Results indicated that the scoresin the intervention bed space were onaverage lower. The results will undergostatistical analysis, however initial findingssuggest that using this product can helpreduce contamination of equipment overtime and between routine cleaning. Plansfor using the liquid glass will bedeveloped following final study resultsand statistical analysis

For further information contact SianSnelling

[email protected] and checkour innovation portalwww.northwest.nhs.uk/innovation

Patient Related OutcomeMeasures. Informing patientsand tailoring care: the nextstage… PROMS 2.0 – TraffordHealthcare NHS Trust.

PROMs 2.0 is a software application,developed by clinicians in collaborationwith a leading clinical software provider. It is can be customised to the servicebeing measured and patients listed forsurgery are asked to complete a series ofpre and post-operative assessments online, which generates a report for theclinician and automatically emails thepatient, clinician and patient’s GP at pre-determined points. Patients can comparetheir current, previous and pre-operativescore and can see the average scores forthe procedure. Where a patient’s score issatisfactory, an unnecessary outpatientappointment can be avoided. Should thepatient want the appointment, it can bearranged as usual.

The PROMs 2.0 project carries hugepotential. It can be adopted across theNHS in other specialties and could easilybe adopted worldwide.

For further information contact Bibhas Roy

[email protected] – and check our innovation portalwww.northwest.nhs.uk/innovation

Implementation of a systemwide pathway for heart failure– Liverpool Heart and ChestNHS Foundation Trust

This programme aimed to implement anelectronic information system spanningacross community, general practice andthe acute sector to support the heartfailure pathway, standardising the datacollected and referral criteria. To achievethis the funding supported the integrationof diagnostic systems across care providersand the integration of multiple systems toenable the tracking of performance, supportimprovement and promote transparencyof the heart failure service.

A Programme Manager was appointed tooversee the project and report to a boardcomprising of clinical leads from across thecommunity.

It is expected that this programme willsupport Liverpool PCT aim to reducepremature deaths from cardiovasculardisease, help reduce inequalities, increaseproductivity and improve the quality andexperience of care.

For further information contact Dr David J Wright [email protected]

and check our innovation portalwww.northwest.nhs.uk/innovation

Managing our RegionalInnovation Fund (RIF) to addsignificant value within andbeyond the boundaries of theNHS

NHS North West continues to deliver twomain aims:

• To continue to drive quality and productivityby promoting cross sector working, newcollaborative partnerships, knowledgesharing and adoption of innovativepractice

• To continue to invest in service andtechnology innovation, with a view tocontinual improvement in health andwell-being and value creation in theNorth West.

NHS North West has used the fund in2010/2011 to bid for matched fundingfrom the Manchester innovation fundfrom Manchester City Council. This fundingis taking forward the Smart Solutionsfor Healthcare programme run by theNorth West innovation hub, TrusTech.

Proms 2.0software to help avoidunnecessary outpatientappointments...

Dr J Wright and team, one of the successful candidates from the Dragon Lair event

Smart Solutions for Healthcare

Smart Solutions for Healthcare is aprogramme which aims to help the NHSfind new ways to combat CardiovascularDisease and Long Term Conditions.Companies from throughout the UK andbeyond were invited to put forwardbetter, more cost-effective approaches todiagnosis and treatment. Entries closed inApril 2011 and the winners have nowbeen selected. The winning products andsystems will be evaluated in healthcaresettings within the North West

Smart Solutions for Healthcare is beingdelivered by TrusTECH – the North WestNHS Innovation Hub, and is supported byNHS North West, NESTA, NorthwestDevelopment Agency (NWDA), England’sNorthwest, Manchester City Council,Manchester: Knowledge Capital, and NewEconomy through the InnovationInvestment Fund Partnership.

Details of the programme can be foundat:- http://www.smartsolutionsforhc.co.uk/

RIF Zone

The RIF (Regional Innovation Fund) Zonegave all Strategic Health Authorities theopportunity to showcase 40 of the projectswhich had been supported by the RegionalInnovation Funds.

The centre piece of the Zone was a ‘TubeMap’ displaying all 214 RIF funded projects.This proved to be a high impact visualway of demonstrating the wealth ofinnovation that has blossomed from therelatively small innovation funds the SHAshave managed.



The SHA participated in the NationalHealth Care Expo in March 2011. Keypartners were invited to share thestand and showcase their work for ourregion.

NHS North West, Yorkshire and Humber &East Midlands delivered a joint partnershipevent the ‘TeleHealth Journey’ showcasingtelehealth projects across the three regions,which was well attended and positivelyreceived by delegates.

Healthcare Innovation Expo 2011

Dr Mike Bewick, Dr Andrew Coley and Mr Bibhas Roy at EXPO 2011

Dr Steven Ward and Melanie Ogden (NHS NW) at the

EXPO RIF Zone, with 2 of the North West projects

Dr. Paul Davies presenting the Cumbria Telestroke Project

at the EXPO Joint SHA Telehealth Journey Seminar

Senior management support isan intrinsic factor in enabling thesuccess of projects from our RIF.

• The SHA has been striving to develop asustainable culture of innovation whichsupports the QIPP agenda. The RIF hasbeen vital in supporting innovation inthe North West and will be important insupporting the profile of innovationthrough the change of the currentreforms.

• Training and support provided toprojects has been an important aspectof the RIF working. This has beentargeted at increasing the knowledgebase of project leads and teams throughinnovation expertise provided by theRIFAS team and the Young Foundation.

• The biggest challenge to the adoption anddiffusion of innovation is embeddedculture and behaviour. NHS North Westrecognises this and will continue to workto address these issues in collaborationwith key partners and stakeholderswithin and external to the NHS.

Beyond the RIF

This section of the report describes thework of key partners and elements of theinnovation North West architecture thatsupport innovation sustainability in additionto the Regional Innovation Fund.

Manchester Integrating Medicine andInnovative Technologies (MIMIT)(www.mimit.org.uk ), the first internationalaffiliate of CIMIT, Boston (www.cimit.org)has quickly established a remarkably strongtrack record of success in the first 3 years ofoperation. MIMIT has enabled a considerableculture change and has created a challengeled innovation ecosystem in the North West.Resulting benefits include substantial leverageof project funding to support a number ofcollaborative partnerships (including industry)and technology innovations.

Manchester Academic Health ScienceCentre (MAHSC) (www.mahsc.ac.uk) apartnership of the University of Manchesterand its six NHS Trust partners (Central

Manchester University Hospitals NHSFoundation Trust, Manchester MentalHealth and Social Care Trust, NHS Salford,Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, TheChristie NHS Foundation Trust and, UniversityHospital of South Manchester NHS FoundationTrust) is continuing to deliver its strategy“Partnership for the patient: bringingbenefit through research, education andinnovation” based on a tripartite mission inresearch & innovation, education & trainingand health service delivery & wellbeing.

MAHSC has supported development of itsindustrial liaison activity, particularly with Smalland Medium Enterprises. MAHSC is also keento develop innovative partnerships and on 23May, MAHSC, the University of Manchesterand the National Institute of Clinical Excellence(NICE) signed a Memorandum ofUnderstanding to develop collaborations inresearch and teaching with a particular focuson health technologies and public health.

Innovation Technology AdoptionProcurement Programme (iTAPP)

The Department of Health's InnovativeTechnology Adoption ProcurementProgramme (iTAPP) aims to improve patientoutcomes whilst reducing NHS expenditurethrough increased adoption of innovativemedical technologies by the NHS. TheDepartment commissioned the NHSTechnology Adoption Centre (NTAC) as itsiTAPP delivery partner to provide practicalsupport to each Strategic Health Authorityin the selection, planning andimplementation of technology specificadoption programmes.


The NHS Web Accelerator Initiative "NHS WebTools" - Initiated by NHS North West, the NHSWeb Accelerator initiative is a partnershipbetween several NHS organisations andHealth2Works. The initiative is focused onquickly introducing creative and low-costways of using the Web for the benefit ofpatients, clinicians and NHS managers. Inshort, it’s about doing really useful thingswith everyday technologies.

North West Social ValueFoundation InnovationInvestment Fund

The North West Social Value Foundation(SVF) will ensure that NHS Organisations inthe North West of England actively innovate,inspire and invest to improve the economic,social and environmental wellbeing of localcommunities in everything they do.

To gain a better understanding of how weinterpret Social Value, the Social ValueFoundation has developed a DVD that showcases some exciting examples of goodpractice.

The Innovation Fund: In order to deliver onits mission, the Social Value Foundation hasidentified £40,000 to invest in a number of‘kick-start’ projects between NHS deliverybodies and the voluntary and communitysector or social enterprises. It is hoped thatif successful, additional resources may bereleased.

The Regional Innovation Fund2011- 2012

The next instalment of the RIF will be usedto consolidate innovation best practice. NHSNorth West will be reviewing and assessingboth regional and national innovations thathave proven to be most effective inaddressing our health priorities in the NorthWest and against the QIPP agenda. Theseinnovations will be further funded toimprove the successful roll out within ourNHS community.

Lessons Learned



The following section show cases examplesof additional innovation projects we havesupported across the region. A full listing ofNorth West RIF projects can found on ourweb portalhttp://www.advancingqualityalliance.nhs.uk/innovation/casestudies/

Self Care Aware e-learning for GP’s

Based on research, the cost to the NHS fortreating minor ailments is £2 billion

There are 57m GP consultations per yearinvolving a minor ailment, of which 51.4mare for minor ailments alone. This amountsto an average of about one hour of work aday per GP.

The e-learning programme, funded by NHSNorth West, is being developed by the RoyalCollege of General Practitioners (RCGP) andwill be launched at the national self careevent on 8 November 2011. It will beimmediately available to 47,000 GP’s, 20,000practice nurses and 10,000 practice managers.

For further information [email protected]

Telestroke Delivering 24/7Stroke Thrombolysis acrossLancashire and Cumbria usingTelemedicine

An innovative telemedicine service,providing a 24 hour thrombolysis service forstroke patients in Lancashire and Cumbria.

Telestroke improves access to thrombolysistreatment, which may in turn reducemortality and serious disability post-stroke.

This new state of the art technology allowshospitals within Cumbria and Lancashire tomake use of all available stroke consultantswithin the Network.

“It is great to see first hand the Telestrokesystem in use and the positive impact thisnew technology is having on stroke victimsin Cumbria and Lancashire.

“I applaud all the NHS organisations fromacross the region who are working

collaboratively to implement this newservice. It is an excellent example of aninnovative solution from local networks inthe area which is now benefiting both NHSstaff and patients."Heath Minister, Lord Howe

For further information [email protected] watch thetelestroke video on You Tubehttp://www.youtube.com/user/NWNHS?feature=mhum#p/c/4/CB-TAtSUhjI


Self Care Diabetes in Salford

People with Type 1 Diabetes need to performintensive self glucose monitoring whenmaking improvements to their management.This is required at times of extra demandsuch as pregnancy or illness. ‘easySHARE’enables this process to be carried out in amanner that is time efficient to patients andprofessionals, improves patient feedback andreduces clinic attendances.

Instead of written records the blood glucosedata is automatically downloaded forviewing by both patient and professionals.A professional can view it via a regularemail. Treatment adjustments can benegotiated by email or phone instead offace to face visits. So far we have seenincreased effectiveness in managing glucoselevels due to rapid feedback.

For further information [email protected] Find out moreabout this project by following this link tothe YouTube videohttp://www.youtube.com/user/NWNHS?feature=mhum#p/c/1D401A082286FA1A/3/2VcNNM9_5lU and case studyhttp://www.advancingqualityalliance.nhs.uk/document_uploads/Case_Studies/Bob%20Young%20Managing%20Diabetes_e5d37.pdf


Method of reaching elderly andisolated individuals withdomiciliary eye care whilsteducating carers and communityhealth teams on visionimpairment and the local supportservices available – Central andEastern Cheshire PCT

This project is a pilot study, whereby a localNHS contracted optometrist gives basictraining and awareness of vision impairmentto carers and community based healthcareteams. By raising awareness amongstcommunity healthcare teams of visionimpairment and its impact on the elderly,vision problems become routinelyconsidered as part of the assessment ofindividuals’ needs.

Some of the benefits seen so far include:-

• better quality of life, improved safety inthe home, resulting in reduction in fallsand acute hospital admissions,

• better understanding of vision andglaucoma,

• preventative - earlier detection oftreatable eye conditions

For further information [email protected] [email protected] or Find out moreabout this project by following this link tothe case study on our portalwww.northwest.nhs.uk/innovation

Case Studies

Best Practice for patients receivingend of life care in care homes –NHS Warrington

This project builds upon the success of thespecialist palliative care team for care homesin reducing inappropriate acute admissions.A programme of workshops covered allaspects of end of life care, fromcommunication skills, to advanced careplanning.

“We recognised that lack of knowledge,skills and confidence is still leading topatients experiencing inappropriateadmissions to hospital at end of life.”

Some of the benefits realised already are areduction in inappropriate admissions, A&Eattendances and bed days. In addition,there is an increase in knowledge, skills andconfidence and improved equity of care.

For further information [email protected]

Project Health – NHS Ashton,Leigh and Wigan

Project Health is a sustainable coursetargeting a range of communities aiming toempower, engage and inform individuals totake responsibility for their own health andwellbeing. Connecting Communities toHealth (CCTH) will include and reflect keyhealth issues prominent to the local areaand address health issues in a bespokeinteractive approach. The project aims toeducate and inform local residents abouthealthy lifestyles choices, throughconversation and facilitation. The projectreceived £5000 of RIF funding which wasused in the development of the threedifferent learning resources. Six healththemes running throughout the course areSmoking, Alcohol, Healthy Eating, SexualHealth, Mental Wellbeing and PhysicalActivity reflecting the Wigan Borough PublicHealth agenda.

Connecting Communities to Health (CCTH)allows for the local health inequalities to beaddressed, explored and discussed interactivelywith local people, in a way that is meaningfuland realistic to that individual or community.By empowering individuals to take responsibilityfor their own health, it can only have apositive outcome on the overall aim.

To date, the following benefits have beenrecognised:-

• Empowering individuals to makeinformed educated healthy lifestylechoices that will have an overall impacton their health and wellbeing.

• An opportunity for individuals to learnnew skills and become an inspiration toothers, build confidence and developcommunication skills.

• A unique approach to health in acommunity, tailored specifically tocommunities addressing the issues thatmatter most.

For further information [email protected]

An Evaluation of the HumanRights Based Approach to riskassessment and management ina Learning Disabilities Service –Mersey Care

The Human Rights team at Olive Mounthave developed practical tools for applyinga human rights based approach to learningdisability services in collaboration with theBritish Institute of Human Rights and theDepartment of Health. These include ahuman rights based risk assessment andmanagement tool, which benchmarks thirdsector providers on a range of human rightsfactors. This provides a legal framework toincorporate a person-centred,biopsychosocial model of care andexamined care provision through a humanrights lens.

There is preliminary evidence from the pilotsuggesting that the introduction of theHuman Rights Joint Risk Assessment Plan(HR-JRAMP) has improved service useraccess to their human rights andcommunity access.

Service users and staff appeared to havebenefitted from training initiatives designedto increase their understanding of humanrights. Within the service there is now anembedded culture of human rights thinkingwhen working with people with learningdisabilities and complex needs.

For further information [email protected]

Looking Local ‐ NHS Sefton:Interactive Health Services byDigital TV and Mobile Phone.

A service which enables those otherwiseexcluded from the digital revolution,particularly the elderly and those with illhealth, to access information at any timethrough their TV. This is provided throughan NHS Sefton microsite on the LookingLocal service. Looking Local is accessible byanyone with cable (Virgin Media) or Sky TVas well as on web‐enabled mobile phonesand over the internet. It empowers peopleto educate themselves, and providesinformation for people with long termhealth conditions which can to help themmanage their conditions independently. Italso informs about the range of servicesavailable in the area, and is a channelthrough which people can communicatewith NHS Sefton.

Nationally, 16m people have no homeinternet access. This is creating a digitaldivide, which includes inequity in theavailability of health‐related information andadvice on health services.

Addressing health inequalities betweendifferent demographic groups is a pressingissue. The growing focus on the internetexacerbates this inequality, and so newinformation channels are needed which areaccessible by the whole population.

The main benefit of the service is how itenhances existing services by combatingdigital exclusion, empowering people withinformation and providing them with thetools for better self management.

For further information [email protected]



Regional Innovation Fund Awards 2010 – 2011

Total RIF Award 2010-2011

Sharing and learning AwardBursary Award Enabling ChangeDragon’s Lair


Infrastructure costs & administration costs including TrusTech contract £183,000

Disruptive Innovation/ Innovation Gateway £265,000

Sharing & Learning Awards £73,000

Adoption Bursary Awards £510,000

Enabling Change Awards £306,000

Dragon’s Lair/Trust Nominated £116,000

Social Innovation Fund £100,000

QIPP Innovation Support £40,000

Region Wide Innovation Initiatives £97,000

Carried forward including Infrastructure costs for 2011/2012 £310,000

Total £2,000,000

Chart showing 2010- 2011Regional Innovation Awards –

Our RIF programme provided funding forfour main types of award:

The Innovation Bursary Award provided upto £25,000, primarily as a contribution tobackfill staff costs, for the adoption of aninnovative service or pathway within a teamor division.

The Innovation Sharing Award provided upto £5,000 to encourage a greaterunderstanding of innovation or aninnovative project. This involved runningawareness workshops and knowledgesharing events.

The Enabling Change Award offered up to£50,000 per organisation to a maximum of£250,000 and was designed for situationswhere the innovation would beimplemented across or would affect arange of teams or providers. Table showingtotal funding allocation for 2010-2011

The Dragon’s Lair awards offered up to£40,000 for working across organisationsin the North West to prove that theinnovation concept can work in the NHS.

The Dragon’s Lair award...

£40,000... toprove that the innovationconcept can work in the NHS






NHS Staff Survey 2010

The following information represents thepercentage of staff who agreed with atleast two of the following threestatements:

• that they are able to makesuggestions to improve the work oftheir team;

• that there are frequent opportunitiesfor them to show initiative in their role;

• that they are able to makeimprovements at work


All Trusts 65 66 80 39

Acute Trusts 61 62 71 53

Ambulance Trust 39 37 - -

Mental Health/ 67 67 71 59Learning Disability Trusts

PCTs 68 70 80 63

Project Healthoffers...an opportunityfor individuals to learn newskills andbecome aninspiration toothers, buildconfidence and developcommunicationskills


If you are interested in applying for the2011 – 2012 regional innovation fund,please contact [email protected]

Details of the full list of RIF fundedprojects are available on our websitewww.northwest.nhs.uk/innovation



A&E Accident and Emergency

AHSCs Academic Health Science Centres

AQuA Advancing Quality Alliance

ATP Adenosine triphosphate

CIMIT Centre for Integrating Medicine and Innovative Technologies

CCG Clinical Commissioning Group

CRN Clinical Research Network

DH Department of Health

HIECs Health Innovation Education Clusters

iTAPP Innovative Technology Adoption Procurement Programme

LSIDB Life Sciences Innovation Delivery Board

MAHSC Manchester Academic Health Science Centre

MIMIT Manchester Integrating Medicine and Innovative Technology

NESTA National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts

NHS North West The regional Strategic Health Authority

NIHR National Institute for Health Research

NTAC NHS Technology Adoption Centre

NWDA North West Development Agency

PCT Primary Care Trust

PICU Paediatric Intensive Care Unit

PROMS Patient Related Outcome Measures

RCGP Royal College of General Practitioners

QIPP Quality Innovation Productivity Prevention

R&D Research and Development

RIF Regional Innovation Fund

SHA Strategic Health Authority

SVF Social Value Foundation

Telemedicine A radically developing application of clinical medicine where medical information is transferred through interactive audiovisual media for the purpose of consulting, and sometimes remote medical procedures or examinations

TrusTECH The innovation hub for the North West region

Glossary of Terms

We welcome any comments and feedback from members of the public, NHS colleagues and other stakeholders on this report,

which can help us to further develop our innovation strategy.

This report may also be accessed via our web page. If you have any comments or require further information

about any of the work covered in this report, you can either:

• Visit our web pages at: www.northwest.nhs.uk/innovation

• email [email protected]

• Write to us at: NHS North West, 3 Piccadilly Place, Manchester, M1 3BN

If you need this report in an accessible format, for example another language, on audio tape or large print, please call 0161 625 7840.