KDOT Transportation Safety Conference Sponsored by University of Kansas Professional & Continuing Education and a federal grant through the Kansas Department of Transportation 23 rd annual April 4-5, 2017 Hyatt Regency Wichita • Wichita, KS

annual KDOT Transportation Safety Conference

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KDOT Transportation Safety Conference

Sponsored by University of Kansas Professional & Continuing Education and a federal grant through the Kansas Department of Transportation




April 4-5, 2017Hyatt Regency Wichita • Wichita, KS

23rd Annual Transportation Safety Conference 1

23rd Annual


Conference At-a-Glance Page 2

Keynote Speakers Page 3

Pre-Conference Sessions Page 4

Conference Sessions Page 5

Conference Schedule Page 10

People Saving People Awards Page 12

Conference Exhibitors Page 16

Contact Us Page 17

Wichita Hyatt Regency Hotel Floorplan Page 19

Certi�cates of AttendanceAll conference attendees will receive a certi�cate of participation by email after the conference indicating that the conference provided 9.5 contact hours of instruction. Pre-conference participants will receive one hour of credit for every contact hour of instruction in the courses for law enforcement and engineering. The certi�cates will meet the CEU requirements of many professions, including engineering and law enforcement. Call your professional state certi�cation board for con�rmation.



Monday, April 3

8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Distracted Driving for Emergency Responders (4 hours) • Garry Parker

1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Tra�c Incident Management (TIM) Training (4 hours) • Slade Engstrom

Tuesday, April 4

7 a.m. Exhibitor Set Up

8 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast

9 a.m. Welcome & Opening Remarks

9:25 a.m. Opening Keynote Address

10:30 a.m. Refreshment Break

10:30 a.m. Exhibits Open

11 a.m. Concurrent Session 1

Noon Luncheon with Keynote Address Awards Presentation

1:30 p.m. Concurrent Session 2

2:30 p.m. Refreshment Break

3 p.m. Concurrent Session 3

4 p.m. Adjournment

SAFE Evening Activities

4 p.m. Receive Room Keys

5 p.m. SAFE Dinner, Awards

6 p.m. Do the SAFEty Dance!

8–11 p.m. Free Time

11:30 p.m. In Rooms

Wednesday, April 5

8 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast

8 a.m. Exhibits Open

9 a.m. Concurrent Session 4

10 a.m. Refreshment Break

10:30 a.m. Concurrent Session 5

Noon Luncheon with Keynote Address People Saving People Awards Drawing for Prizes

2 p.m. Adjournment


Youth Track

Injury Control

Roadway Safety

Law Enforcement

SESSION ICONSLook for these icons as a guide of

professional interest for breakout sessions.

23rd Annual Transportation Safety Conference 3


Tuesday Opening SessionRobert Wunderlich Robert C. Wunderlich is the director of the Center for Transportation Safety at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute. The Center performs research and conducts outreach in tra�c safety with expertise and experience in human factors, behavioral research, crash analytics, impaired driving, and youth transportation safety. Wunderlich was a researcher on a recent National Cooperative Highway Research Program project, “Identi�cation of Factors Contributing to the Decline of Tra�c Fatalities in the United States,” in conjunction with the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. He also led the Center for Transportation Safety’s e�orts to assist the Texas Tra�c Safety Task Force in quantifying the e�ectiveness and bene�ts of safety countermeasures for its report, “Solutions for Saving Lives on Texas Roads.”

Tuesday LunchTimothy AustinTim Austin, P.E., is a licensed Professional Engineer and Wichita o�ce manager of Kaw Valley Engineering, Inc. He is an experienced and successful manager in both the public and private sectors. Austin’s diverse work experience over the past 30 years has provided him with a unique perspective of the engineering and construction industries and has honed his public relations skills as he interacts with the media, the public, elected o�cials, and other

public or quasi-public boards and bodies on a variety of topics. Currently, he is the Immediate Past President of the National Society of Professional Engineers, an organization of 31,000, where he led the e�ort over the past four years on a number of organizational changes a�ecting NSPE and licensed professional engineers. Austin currently leads the e�ort for NSPE’s advocacy role on the rapidly emerging technology with autonomous vehicles.

Wednesday LunchDavid TeaterDavid Teater of Spring Lake, Mich., is a recognized national leader on the issue of distracted driving. Teater has served as CEO at several private companies during his 30-year business career, including 20 years at a Tier 1 auto supplier. Teater joined the National Safety Council in 2009 after its call for a nationwide ban on cell phone driving and led the Council’s distracted driving initiative for more than six years. He is a frequent speaker on the topic of distracted driving, has appeared before several state legislatures, and testi�ed before U.S. Congress.

Don’t forget to Tweet!You are invited to tweet using #TSCWichita during breaks in the action about things you see or hear at the conference which made an impression on you and which you believe would be helpful for others to know.

Snapchat – Download it!Safety Superheroes! We encourage you to �nd our Snapchat �lter for the conference. Create your own story and share it with your peers.





Monday, April 38:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.

Distracted Driving for Emergency RespondersBirch

The course’s purpose is to help law enforcement understand the risks associated with distracted driving. Law enforcement, �rst responders, and other emergency response sta� will realize the e�ect that distracted driving can have while operating vehicles in emergency situations. The potentially tragic consequences of distracted driving should heighten drivers’ awareness and reshape their attitudes and beliefs to adapt a self-disciplined standard of focused attention to safe driving—as well as in�uencing their peers, friends, and families.

Speaker: Garry Parker has a master’s degree in criminology from Concordia University. He has devoted more than 30 years of his life to service. Currently employed by the Texas Municipal Police Association as a law enforcement liaison under the Police Tra�c Services Grant, Parker is a professional tra�c safety consultant.

Credits: 4

Moderator: Bob Hamilton, Kansas Department of Transportation

1:00–5:00 p.m.

Traffic Incident Management (TIM) TrainingCedar

The goal of Tra�c Incident Management (TIM) is to improve the safety of emergency responders, motorists, and crash victims and help reduce congestion through safe, quick clearance. The course was developed by responders for responders to accomplish these goals. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) has o�ered this program in order to provide guidelines for a common set of TIM practices and facilitate reliable communication among emergency responders.

Speaker: Slade Engstrom is a practicing professional tra�c operations engineer and is the WICH-way Tra�c Management support manager. He will lead the presentation with support from local Wichita law enforcement, �re, and EMS practitioners to help show advanced standards for emergency personnel responding to crashes. Engstrom is a certi�ed FHWA trainer for the four-hour tra�c incident management course and is actively involved in incident management in Wichita.

Credits: 4

Moderator: Dave Corp, Kansas Department of Transportation


23rd Annual Transportation Safety Conference 5

Tuesday, April 48 a.m.

Registration | Redbud Ballroom Foyer

Continental Breakfast | Redbud Ballroom

Exhibits Open | Redbud Ballroom Foyer

9 a.m.

Welcome & Opening Remarks | Redbud Ballroom

Chris Bortz, Tra�c Safety Manager, Kansas Department of Transportation

Susan DeCourcy, Regional Administrator, National Highway Tra�c Safety Administration

9:25 a.m.

Keynote Address | Redbud Ballroom

The Ins and Outs of the Ups and Downs of Traffic Fatalities: Understanding Factors that Impact Traffic Safety

Recent research into the decline in tra�c fatalities indicates that factors beyond the control of transportation professionals can have a large in�uence on tra�c safety. It is critically important to understand and take into account the e�ects of these factors. However, notwithstanding these e�ects, there are countermeasures that have been proven to improve safety and there are methods to quantify their impacts and return on investment. The presenter will discuss the �ndings of recent research into these factors as well as work in quantifying the bene�ts of safety programs and investments.

Speaker: Robert Wunderlich, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, College Station, Texas

10:30 a.m.

Refreshment Break • Exhibits Open | Redbud Ballroom Foyer

11 a.m.

Concurrent Session 1Distracted Driving Course for the Adult Driver Birch

Distracted driving is a dangerous epidemic on America’s roadways. In 2013, the number of Texas crashes involving distracted driving totaled 94,943, up 4 percent from the previous year. The message is simple: “If you’re on the road, stay o� the phone!” Please join us, along with the thousands of other Texas drivers who have already taken the course, as we make an e�ort to save lives. In order to truly combat the problem, we must change attitudes!

Speaker: Garry Parker, Texas Municipal Police Association

Moderator: Terry Parks, Kansas Department of Transportation

Incorporating Safety Performance into All Transportation Investment Decisions Oak

This session will provide an overview of Data-Driven Safety Analysis, an FHWA Every Day Counts, Round 4 initiative. The goal of DDSA is to integrate safety performance into all transportation investment decisions. The session will highlight noteworthy practices in applying DDSA throughout the project development process (including planning, environment/alternatives analysis, design, and construction, operations and maintenance).

Speaker: Jerry Roche, Federal Highway Administration

Moderator: Dan Schulte, Kansas Department of Transportation

Road Debris: Impact on Crashes and Countermeasures Walnut

This panel will take a look at road debris on the local and national levels. It will discuss policies and procedures for picking up road debris and their priorities. The panel will also share insight on the impact of road debris for Kansas roads and what its people in the �eld deal with on a daily basis. Previous (2004) research from the AAA Foundation for Tra�c Safety found that debris deposited on the roadway by motor vehicles contributed to an estimated 25,000 crashes, resulting in 81–90 deaths in 2001. AAA Kansas’ Jim Hanni will present the AAA Foundation’s recent update of the original study, providing the eye-opening most recent data available, with conclusions on the national level.

Speakers: Jim Hanni, AAA Kansas; Larry Rohr, Kansas Department of Transportation; and David McComb, Reno County Public Works

Moderator: Mike Floberg, Kansas Department of Transportation



Break the Ice & Best Practices Cypress A&B

Join us to meet your fellow SAFE teams from across the state!

Speaker: Laura Moore, Kansas Tra�c Safety Resource O�ce

How to be a Successful SAFE Sponsor or Coalition Leader Cedar

Join us for an interactive session to discuss available resources and new ideas for building a strong coalition or student group.

Speakers: Norraine Wing�eld, Kansas Tra�c Safety Resource O�ce; Andrea Bradbury, Kansas Tra�c Safety Resource O�ce; Chrissy Mayer, DCCCA, Inc.; Cherie Sage, Safe Kids Kansas; and Phyllis Larimore, Children’s Mercy Hospital


Luncheon with Plenary AddressAutonomous Vehicles: They’re Here, Ready or NotEagle Ballroom

Autonomous vehicles have stormed into the public conscience. But is society ready for this technology? What issues and concerns are there, and how will public safety be potentially impacted? From infrastructure funding to cyber security to ethics, these issues and more will be discussed for this rapidly evolving technology.

Speaker: Timothy Austin, Kaw Valley Engineering, Inc.

Awards Presentation

1:30 p.m.

Concurrent Session 2Officer Safety and Law Enforcement Traffic Deaths Birch

Nick Breul will present on the National Law Enforcement O�cers Memorial Fund’s O�cer Safety and Wellness initiatives and its research �ndings for line-of-duty deaths, particularly as they relate to tra�c. He will also o�er insights into successful practices for reducing deaths and injuries.

Speaker: Nick Breul, National Law Enforcement O�cers Memorial Fund

Moderator: Don Hughes, Kansas Highway Patrol

Pedestrians in the Right of Way: Not an Afterthought Walnut

This program will discuss pedestrian safety, pedestrian detours, and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Speaker: Brian Coon, City of Wichita Tra�c Engineering

Moderator: Melissa Rau, Kansas Department of Transportation

Implementing a Bike Safety Program Oak

This program will provide an overview of Bike to School Day 2016 and current bicycle safety programs in Sedgwick County and the State of Kansas. Whether you have an established bicycle safety program or you would like to start one, this program will provide you with helpful resources and strategies, beginning with the ABC Quick Check of bicycling. This will be followed by a panel discussion from our local experts.

Speakers: Charles Fair, Sedgwick County EMS; and Barry Carroll and Ronda Lusk, Via Christi Hospitals, Inc.

Moderator: Je� Halloran, NHTSA

New and Improved! Ideas for SAFE Cypress A&B

Take these cutting edge ideas back to your school or organization to help strengthen your tra�c safety e�orts.

Speaker: Laura Moore, Kansas Tra�c Safety Resource O�ce

Moderator: Andrea Bradbury, Kansas Tra�c Safety Resource O�ce

2:30 p.m.

Refreshment Break | Redbud Ballroom Foyer

3 p.m.

Concurrent Session 3You don’t know spit…but you will soon! Birch

The number of incidents involving persons driving under the in�uence of something other than alcohol is on the rise. Law enforcement o�cers and prosecutors are always looking for better ways to detect and prosecute these individuals. Currently, there are roadside methods for testing oral �uids to determine if a person may be under the in�uence of certain types of drugs. This presentation will look at a Kansas study that tested individuals who


23rd Annual Transportation Safety Conference 7

were under the in�uence of something other than alcohol using the Alere DDS2 Mobil Test System. This device was used to determine if it was accurate and if there was a correlation between saliva testing and blood testing. Also a part of this study incorporated Kansas drug recognition experts to evaluate the participants. This project was a joint e�ort between the KDOT, KHP, Sedgwick County Regional Forensic Science Center in Wichita, and the Immunalysis Corporation in Pomona, Calif.

Speaker: Karen Wittman, Wyandotte County District Attorney’s O�ce

Moderator: Troy Wells, Kansas Department of Transportation

Perspectives on Preparing for Connected and Automated Vehicles Walnut

Big changes are coming in the way drivers and vehicles will operate on our roadways. The convergence of vehicle-to-vehicle communications, vehicle automation, adaptive tra�c control, and traveler information systems will change the way people and goods move through the world. The potential safety and mobility bene�ts are exciting, but policy and operations questions still need answers. What might this technological future look like? What risks and unintended consequences might we face? What are the engineering, social, and policy challenges?

Speakers: Kyle Garrett, Synesis Partners LLC, and Gary Strack, Shafer, Kline & Warren

Moderator: Gary Herman, Kansas Department of Transportation

Distracted Driving in Kansas OakWhat do teens have to say about distracted driving, and how may that information be used to reach their peers? This program will provide an overview of teen safe driving programs in the South Central Kansas region. A Safe Kids Worldwide research report, “Alarming Dangers in School Zones,” will o�er insight into safety issues in school zones. Results of the state survey on distraction will also be discussed.

Speakers: Ronda Lusk, Via Christi Hospitals, Inc., and Dan Schulte, Kansas Department of Transportation

Moderator and A�liation: Phyllis Marotta, Kansas Department of Transportation

Surviving a Crash - What are the consequences? Cypress A&B

Hear the stories from �rst responders and crash victims, and the consequences su�ered from the choice of not wearing a seatbelt.

Speakers: Brent Hemken, Kansas Highway Patrol; Wade Moore, McPherson EMS; Lindsey Miller and Kaela Moore

Moderator: Laura Moore, Kansas Tra�c Safety Resource O�ce

Wednesday, April 58 a.m.

Registration | Redbud Ballroom Foyer

Continental Breakfast | Redbud Ballroom

Exhibits Open | Redbud Ballroom Foyer

9 a.m.

Concurrent Session 4DUI: The State of the Law Birch

Law is supposed to be predictable, but there are few certainties in Kansas’ DUI law today. In light of the Kansas Supreme Court’s decisions in State v. Ryce and State v. Nece—which are both stayed and awaiting a modi�ed decision following a rehearing in both cases in December—and the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Birch�eld v. North Dakota, there are more unanswered questions than answered questions today in Kansas. This session is an examination of the state of DUI law as framed by these decisions. While many attorneys and judges treat Ryce and Nece as settled law, technically neither is law. How does Birch�eld impact Kansas’ DUI law, and what impact will it have in the Kansas Supreme Court’s decision following the rehearing in Ryce and Nece? This hour will explain where we are and will help prepare you for the changes still to come as Kansas’ DUI laws evolve following Ryce, Nece and Birch�eld.

Speaker: Greg Bene�el, Kansas Attorney General’s O�ce

Moderator: Corey Kenney, Kansas Attorney General’s O�ce

Crash Photography for Public Entities Walnut

As society places less and less responsibility on the individual, local governments need to be proactive in their tort liability awareness. Sedgwick County has had a crash photography program in place since late 1986, and it has given the County a strong tool in tort defense. Tools and methods for this program are basic and easy to obtain and implement.

Speaker: Mark Borst, Sedgwick County Public Works

Moderator: Chris Bortz, Kansas Department of Transportation



CarFit: How & Why Oak

Despite often being the safest drivers—more likely to wear their seatbelts, and less likely to speed or drink and drive—older drivers are more likely to be killed or seriously injured in a crash due to the greater fragility of their aging bodies. CarFit is an educational program created by AAA, AARP and the American Occupational Therapy Association. Please join Tim McCool to learn more about this great community program!

Speaker: Tim McCool, Kansas Tra�c Safety Resource O�ce

Moderator: Roberta Bradbury, Kansas Department of Transportation

Test Your DUI IQ Cypress A&B

Compete and test your knowledge of Kansas’ Driving Under the In�uence laws and procedures. Prizes will be awarded to the student winners!

Speakers: Technical Trooper Matthew Payne; Technical Trooper Carson Nuss; and Technical Trooper Sean Hankins, Kansas Highway Patrol

Moderator: Amanda Horner, Kansas Tra�c Safety Resource O�ce

10 a.m.

Refreshment Break | Redbud Ballroom Foyer

10:30 a.m.

Concurrent Session 5Toxicological Challenges in the Investigation of Drugged Driving Birch

Drugs such as opioid analgesics, THC (marijuana), stimulants and tranquilizers have become much more prevalent in drug-impaired driving cases. Alcohol is present in drinkers in relatively high concentrations and is easy to analyze accurately. Correlations of alcohol impairment with blood, breath or urine concentrations have been established by thousands of well-controlled studies. Law enforcement, attorneys, and courts have vast experience with alcohol-impaired driving cases. None of this is true for drugged driving. The potency of the drugs—whether over-the-counter, prescription, or illegal drugs of abuse—is much greater than alcohol, making concentrations very low in blood. The analyses are di�cult and expensive and their pharmacology is complicated, making correlations with impairment challenging. These challenges will be described for commonly encountered drugs and solutions o�ered with some case examples.

Speaker: Robert Forney, Ph.D., DABFT, O�ce of the Lucas County Coroner

Moderator: Greg Bene�el, Kansas Attorney General’s O�ce

Trafficology 101 Walnut

We all drive, but do we really know the basics of the tra�c control devices that are used to help us navigate from point A to point B? This presentation takes a whimsical, yet straightforward, look at some of the signs and markings that we see on a regular basis to help us determine if we really know what we are doing and what we are looking at. The session will be presented in a question-and-discussion format.

Speaker: Mark Borst, Sedgwick County Public Works, and Steven Buckley, Kansas Department of Transportation

Moderator: Steve Halbett, Kansas Department of Transportation

Non-Commercial Towing & Trailer Safety Oak

Greg Soden will discuss safe towing practices and NATM’s e�orts to ensure manufacturer compliance with federal regulations through the Compliance Veri�cation Program. Pam Trusdale will discuss NATM’s e�orts to educate consumers about safe towing, as well as the resources available to consumers, dealers, and manufacturers to help create safer roadways. Motor Carrier Inspector Tyson Oxford will discuss the laws and regulation speci�c to the state of Kansas.

Speakers: Pam O’Toole Trusdale, National Association of Trailer Manufacturers; Greg Soden, National Association of Trailer Manufacturers; and Tyson Oxford, Kansas Highway Patrol

Moderator: Gary Herman, Kansas Department of Transportation

Career Fair Cypress A&B

Do you have a passion for tra�c safety? Have you considered it as a career? Through this session, you will have the opportunity to meet with di�erent professionals who work in Kansas tra�c safety and learn the career road map they took to achieve their current positions.

Speakers: Tim Hallacy, Sedgwick County Sheri�’s O�ce; Jamie Converse, Sedgwick County Sheri�’s O�ce; Ronda Lusk, Via Christi Hospitals, Inc.; Steven Buckley, Kansas Department of Transportation; Corey Kenney, Kansas Attorney General’s O�ce; Phyllis Marotta, Kansas Department of Transportation; Tim McCool, Kansas Tra�c Safety Resource O�ce; Amanda Horner, Kansas Tra�c Safety Resource O�ce; Lori Haskett, Kansas Department


23rd Annual Transportation Safety Conference 9

of Health and Environment; Don Hughes, Kansas Highway Patrol; Candice Breshears, Kansas Highway Patrol; Alex Wiebel, Kansas Tra�c Safety Resource O�ce; Josh Moore, Hamm Construction; Michele Chavez, Kansas Division of Vehicles - Driver Review; Codey Gerlach, McConnell Air Force Base; Jonathan Evans, McConnell Air Force Base

Moderator: Andrea Bradbury, Kansas Tra�c Safety Resource O�ce


Luncheon with Keynote AddressPresiding: Steven Buckley, State Highway Safety Engineer, Kansas Department of Transportation

Keynote Address: Distracted Driving—Impact on Employee Safety, Productivity and Employer LiabilityEagle Ballroom

Distracted driving has become a national health and safety epidemic. This presentation will discuss the rapid adoption of mobile communications technology and its impact on tra�c safety; the science of driver distraction and how mobile device use while driving degrades driver performance; common misperceptions about cell phone driving distraction; employer liability; and the need for policies prohibiting employee cell phone use while driving.

Speaker: David Teater, FocusDriven

People Saving People Awards | Eagle Ballroom

Prize Drawing (must be present to win) | Eagle Ballroom

Rules of Participation for Prize DrawingWhat you need to know:

• To be eligible for the prizes, you must be registered for both days of the conference.

• If you are registered for both days you will automatically be put into the drawing.

• The prize drawing will be held after the People Saving People Awards presentation on Wednesday in the Eagle Ballroom.

• You must be present when names are read.

• You will need to claim your prize immediately. If you are not able to do so, another name will be drawn for the prize.

2 p.m.


Thank You

We would like to thank the following organizations for their generous donations to this year’s Kansas Transportation Safety Conference:

• Stricker’s Camping Store

• Kansas AAA

• Range 54

• Wichita Gun Club

• Kansas Department of Transportation

AT&T It Can Wait Simulator

The simulator is a virtual reality driving experience that seeks to warn against the dangers of distracted driving. The setup includes a simulator car, table, pullup banners and a TV with a stand. The TV monitor will play a sizzle reel of the virtual reality experience for spectators.

The simulator is located in the lower level gallery.



Monday, April 3 (Pre-Conference Workshops)8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Distracted Driving for Emergency Responders | Birch | Garry Parker1:00–5:00 p.m. Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Training | Cedar | Slade Engstrom

Tuesday, April 48 a.m.–4:30 p.m.




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Registration | Redbud Ballroom Foyer8–9 a.m. Continental Breakfast | Redbud Ballroom9–9:25 a.m. Presiding: Chris Bortz, Traffic Safety Manager, Kansas Department of Transportation

Welcome & Opening Remarks | Redbud Ballroom Susan DeCourcy, Regional Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

9:25–10:30 a.m. Keynote Address: The Ins and Outs of the Ups and Downs of Traffic Fatalities: Understanding Factors that Impact Traffic Safety | Redbud Ballroom Robert Wunderlich

10:30–11 a.m. Refreshment Break | Redbud Ballroom Foyer11 a.m.–Noon Concurrent Session 1

Birch Walnut Oak Cypress A&B CedarDistracted Driving Course for the Adult Drivers Garry Parker

Road Debris: Impact on Crashes and Countermeasures Jim Hanni Larry Rohr David McComb

Incorporating Safety Performance into All Transportation Investment Decisions Jerry Roche

Break the Ice & Best Practices Laura Moore

How to be a Successful SAFE Sponsor or Coalition Leader Norraine Wingfield Andrea Bradbury Chrissy Mayer Cherie Sage Phyllis Larimore

Noon–1:30 p.m. Luncheon with Plenary Address Autonomous Vehicles: They’re Here, Ready or Not | Eagle Ballroom Timothy Austin

Awards Presentation1:30–2:30 p.m. Concurrent Session 2

Birch Walnut Oak Cypress A&B

Officer Safety and Law Enforcement Traffic Deaths Nick Breul

Pedestrians in the Right of Way: Not an Afterthought Brian Coon

Implementing a Bike Safety Program Charles Fair Barry Carroll Ronda Lusk

New and Improved! Ideas for SAFE Laura Moore

2:30–3 p.m. Refreshment Break | Redbud Ballroom Foyer

3–4 p.m. Concurrent Session 3

Birch Walnut Oak Cypress A&B

You don’t know spit…but you will soon! Karen Wittman

Perspectives on Preparing for Connected and Automated Vehicles Kyle Garrett Gary Strack

Distracted Driving in Kansas Ronda Lusk Dan Schulte

Surviving a Crash - What are the consequences? Brent Hemken Wade Moore Lindsey Miller Kaela Moore

23rd Annual Transportation Safety Conference 11

Wednesday, April 58 a.m.–2 p.m.




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Registration | Redbud Ballroom Foyer

8–9 a.m. Continental Breakfast | Redbud Ballroom

9–10 a.m. Concurrent Session 4

Birch Walnut Oak Cypress A&B

DUI: The State of the Law Greg Benefiel

Crash Photography for Public Entities Mark Borst Steven Buckley

CarFit: How & Why Tim McCool

Test Your DUI IQ Matthew Payne Carson Nuss Sean Hankins

10–10:30 a.m. Refreshment Break | Redbud Ballroom Foyer

10:30 a.m.–Noon Concurrent Session 5

Birch Walnut Oak Cypress A&B

Toxicological Challenges in the Investigation of Drugged Driving Robert Forney

Trafficology 101 Mark Borst Steven Buckley

Non-Commercial Towing & Trailer Safety Pam O’Toole Trusdale Greg Soden Tyson Oxford

Career Fair Tim Hallacy Jamie Converse Ronda Lusk Steven Buckley Corey Kenney Phyllis Marotta Tim McCool Amanda Horner Lori Haskett Don Hughes Candice Breshears Alex Wiebel Josh Moore Michele Chavez Codey Gerlach Jonathan Evans

Noon–2 p.m. Luncheon with Keynote Address Distracted Driving—Impact on Employee Safety, Productivity and Employer Liability | Eagle Ballroom David Teater

People Saving People Awards | Eagle Ballroom

Prize Drawing (must be present to win) | Eagle Ballroom

2 p.m. Adjournment


Monday, April 3 (Pre-Conference Workshops)8:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Distracted Driving for Emergency Responders | Birch | Garry Parker1:00–5:00 p.m. Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Training | Cedar | Slade Engstrom

Tuesday, April 48 a.m.–4:30 p.m.




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Registration | Redbud Ballroom Foyer8–9 a.m. Continental Breakfast | Redbud Ballroom9–9:25 a.m. Presiding: Chris Bortz, Traffic Safety Manager, Kansas Department of Transportation

Welcome & Opening Remarks | Redbud Ballroom Susan DeCourcy, Regional Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

9:25–10:30 a.m. Keynote Address: The Ins and Outs of the Ups and Downs of Traffic Fatalities: Understanding Factors that Impact Traffic Safety | Redbud Ballroom Robert Wunderlich

10:30–11 a.m. Refreshment Break | Redbud Ballroom Foyer11 a.m.–Noon Concurrent Session 1

Birch Walnut Oak Cypress A&B CedarDistracted Driving Course for the Adult Drivers Garry Parker

Road Debris: Impact on Crashes and Countermeasures Jim Hanni Larry Rohr David McComb

Incorporating Safety Performance into All Transportation Investment Decisions Jerry Roche

Break the Ice & Best Practices Laura Moore

How to be a Successful SAFE Sponsor or Coalition Leader Norraine Wingfield Andrea Bradbury Chrissy Mayer Cherie Sage Phyllis Larimore

Noon–1:30 p.m. Luncheon with Plenary Address Autonomous Vehicles: They’re Here, Ready or Not | Eagle Ballroom Timothy Austin

Awards Presentation

Youth Track

Injury Control

Roadway Safety

Law Enforcement


1:30–2:30 p.m. Concurrent Session 2

Birch Walnut Oak Cypress A&B

Officer Safety and Law Enforcement Traffic Deaths Nick Breul

Pedestrians in the Right of Way: Not an Afterthought Brian Coon

Implementing a Bike Safety Program Charles Fair Barry Carroll Ronda Lusk

New and Improved! Ideas for SAFE Laura Moore

2:30–3 p.m. Refreshment Break | Redbud Ballroom Foyer

3–4 p.m. Concurrent Session 3

Birch Walnut Oak Cypress A&B

You don’t know spit…but you will soon! Karen Wittman

Perspectives on Preparing for Connected and Automated Vehicles Kyle Garrett Gary Strack

Distracted Driving in Kansas Ronda Lusk Dan Schulte

Surviving a Crash - What are the consequences? Brent Hemken Wade Moore Lindsey Miller Kaela Moore



2017 PSP Award Recipients

Sandy Horton is the Executive Director of the Kansas Sheri�’s Association and is a leader in tra�c safety initiatives. His passion for tra�c safety is now shared with 104 sheri�s across the state. Previously, he was the Crawford County Sheri� and during his time there he, along with KDOT Law Enforcement Liaison Dave Corp, developed the SAFE (Seatbelts Are For Everyone) program. In 1998, as an undersheri� he started a tra�c safety unit within the county which made a huge impact in reducing tra�c crashes. He implemented a county-wide policy requiring the use of seatbelts with a “no-warning” policy. His ability to create innovative tra�c safety messages is truly historic in Kansas and those ideals are continuing to save lives.

AAA Kansas Tra�c Safety Fund Trustees have focused on Kansas tra�c safety initiatives since it was formed in 2003. The Trustees have provided grants and aid for state tra�c safety education and legislation, including teen driver research for the Graduated Drivers Licensing law. The Trustees supported the SAFE (Seatbelts Are For Everyone) program since its beginning and provided more than $200,000 to help fund the program. Their commitment to tra�c safety has educated thousands of Kansas through public service announcements, training materials and hands-on seatbelt simulators.

John Koelsch is a law enforcement professional whose career spans more than 40 years. Currently, he is the Undersheri� in Lyon County. John promotes vehicle, pedestrian and cycling tra�c safety. He volunteers as the Chairman of the MUPP (Multi Use Pathway Planning) board which is devoted to safety programs for children in elementary schools such as participation in a walking school bus. This past year, he was the driving force in forming the Lyon County Tra�c Safety Committee and he also serves on the KDOT local roads safety committee. John is certi�ed in Tra�c Incident Management to improve safety of all responders and victims after a tra�c incident. His leadership allowed the Lyon County Sheri�’s O�ce to receive the AAA Community Tra�c Safety Platinum Award four consecutive years.

Kristin Nichols, OTR, CDRS, SCDCM is the only certi�ed Driving Rehabilitation Specialist from ADED (Association of Driving Rehabilitation Specialists) in the state of Kansas. She is a registered and licensed occupational therapist at Shawnee Mission Health and has been involved with driving rehabilitation since 2001. Kristin sees nearly 175 people each year to evaluate their abilities to drive with or without modi�cations. She is also active in KDOT’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan Older Driver Emphasis Team.

Tweeting Troopers have thousands of followers and countless retweets, but their tra�c safety messages make an impact every day not just in Kansas but across the globe. The Troopers have represented the Kansas Highway Patrol on a national stage at several law enforcement conferences and they continue to receive praise for their social media involvement. The manner in which the Tweeting Troopers interact with the public o�ers a unique perspective to a broad audience on a daily basis.

23rd Annual Transportation Safety Conference 13


Other 2017 PSP Award Nominees

Also nominated were:Adrian Hertog found a “retirement hobby and shifted it into overdrive.” He volunteers on the Kansas Operation Lifesaver Board of Directors and is committed to the organization to educate about the dangers of highway/rail-grade crossings. In 2016, Adrian facilitated more than 700 presentations and events including 50 Driver Education presentations that reached more than 1,000 drivers.

Lori Haskett is an advocate for teen driving safety promoting education, policies and �nancial support for tra�c safety programs in Kansas. She assists families of new drivers and has spent her career developing partnerships to support evidence-based practices. Lori contributed to the e�orts to pass the Kansas Graduated Drivers Licensing Law and provide funding for the SAFE (Seatbelts Are For Everyone) program.

Kade Odell, a deputy with the Republic County Sheri�’s O�ce, is considered a hero for his actions on January 18, 2017. He was dispatched to the scene of a burning vehicle and noticed an unconscious male in the front seat. Despite �ames and explosions, Deputy Odell unbuckled the man and pulled him safely from the vehicle moments before the vehicle was fully engulfed in �ames. Deputy Odell was treated for smoke inhalation and both he and the male were released from the hospital a short time after the incident.

Elaine Moore served as a School Resource O�cer and SAFE (Seatbelts Are For Everyone) sponsor at Schlagle High School for several years and dedicated her time to ensure the safety of all students. She’s become a mentor and role model to the SAFE team members.

Kiowa County EMS created the Safe Kids Kiowa County chapter in 2010 and is actively involved in planning, organizing and coordinating various safety events each year. The agency is committed to the community to provide injury prevention education on a regular basis.

Jerry Schmidt is the Agriculture Education Teacher for USD 239 in Minneapolis and has taught agriculture education for 37 years. Outside of the classroom Jerry continues educating youth about tra�c safety. In an e�ort to reduce tractor-related incidents Jerry teaches students in a Tractor Safety Course and encourages students to increase their awareness for safety and safe travel behaviors.

Martin Del Real is now the “biggest believer that seat belts save lives” after his encounter during a rollover crash near Dodge City. He su�ered a broken �nger and a bruise where the seat belt caught him. Martin, a truck driver with National Carriers, avoided a head-on collision with a pickup driver that had turned in front of him. His quick actions prevented serious injury. “He endangered his life to save mine,” the pickup driver said.

John Eutsey is a Reserve Deputy, a volunteer position, with the Sedgwick County Sheri�’s O�ce. On January 20, 2017 Reserve Deputy Eutsey was conducting a seatbelt saturation patrol and spotted a vehicle changing lanes without using a turn signal. During the tra�c stop he smelled an odor of marijuana and found a vacuum-sealed bag on the �oorboard of the vehicle with marijuana. Reserve Deputy Eutsey placed the driver under arrest with four felonies and was able to take 250 grams of marijuana o� the streets.

Bike Walk Wichita is a 100% volunteer-led organization that began engaging residents in bike and pedestrian-related planning opportunities in 2010. Since then, the organization has reached more than 4,000 Wichita residents through educational rides, classes and workshops. Bike Walk Wichita also collaborates with other organizations to develop innovative approaches statewide.

Rice County Sheri�’s O�ce increased its presence with Child Passenger Safety after learning how many families in the community had outdated or not properly installed car seats. The Sheri�’s O�ce partnered with the Rice County Coalition for Children and Families to purchase new car seats. This e�ort helped transform tra�c safety education for families and increased implementation of certi�ed child passenger safety technicians.



Previous Recipients

2016 Karen Wittman

Norraine Wingfield

Brown County Sheriff’s Office

Addie Evans

Katelyn Burkhart

2015Master Trooper Jeff Schawe in Stafford County

District Attorney Charles Branson in Douglas County

Henderson Middle School in Finney County

Shawnee County Fire District #4

El Dorado Student Safety Council in Butler County

2014Deputy Justin Noel, School Resource Officer

USD 493, Columbus

Marie “Jodi” Stallard

Deputies Jonathan Koch and Greg Vickers, Johnson County Sheriff’s Office

Deputy John Scaglione, Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office

Sheriff David Groves, Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office

2013Darrell Gwaltney, Signing Specialist, KDOT

Jake Gronquist and Hunter Maike, Students, Wabaunsee High School, Alma, Kan.

Trooper Tod Hileman, PRO Troop D, Kansas Highway Patrol

Deputy John Rolston, Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office

Elaine Moore, School Resource Officer, F.L. Schlagle High School, Kansas City, Kan.

Sgt. Ron Ruhulessin, Mission Police Department, Mission, Kan.

Trooper Gary Warner, PRO, Troop F, Kansas Highway Patrol

2012Greg Benefiel, Assistant D. A., Douglas County

James Brewer, P.E., KDOT Bureau of Design

Sgt. Don O’Dell, Topeka Police Department

Alison Shutt

2011ThinkFirst of Greater Kansas City VIP Program

Katy Vinson, SADD Advisor, Salina South H.S.

Tamara O’Connor, State Farm Insurance

Trooper Bryan Clark, Kansas Highway Patrol

2010William “Rusty” James

David Corp

S.W. Kansas Community Driving Day/Week

Youth Leadership Butler

Officer Kenneth Garrett, Kansas City, Kansas Police Department

2009Buckle Up Butler Youth Campaign

Sheriff Sandy Horton and S.A.F.E. Coalition

Jim Hanni, Kansas AAA

Deputy Jesse Foster, Shawnee County Sheriff’s Office

Sheriff John Merchant, Brown County

2008Corporal Thad Brown

Lt. Randell Mosher

Ronda Lusk

Mary McDonald

Randy Wells

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2007Sergeant Mike Imber

Captain Benjamin Hadley

Ann K. Charles

2006Lisa Roth

Johnson County Med-Act EMS,

Alvin Gerstner

Briggs Auto Group Manhattan

2005Davis-Moore Auto Group and Dawson Grimsley

David Corp

Overland Park Police Department

Ronald L. Knoefel

2004Senator Les Donovan

KHP Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program

Landstar Ranger Trucking

Teresa Walters

2003Kansas Motor Carriers Association

KSNT TV Channel 27

Wrong of Passage

2002Dennis and Linda Beaver

Sgt. Don O’Dell

Larry Emig

2001Blue Valley High School

Kansas Highway Patrol Breath Alcohol Unit

2nd Lt. John Eichkorn

2000Susan Lee

1999Davis-Moore Auto Group

1998Operation Impact Group

1997Mickey DeHook



3M Traffic Safety and Security 3M Center Building 225-4N-14 St Paul, MN 55144 Randy Barth 785-608-3619 [email protected]

AAA 3545 SW Sixth St Topeka, KS 66606 Jennifer Haugh 785-438-6554 [email protected]

Digital Ally Inc. 9705 Loiret Blvd Lenexa, KS 66219 Tyler Haight 913-890-8157 [email protected]

Intoximeters Inc. 2081 Craig Rd St. Louis, MO 63146 Timothy Brewer 314-429-4000 [email protected]

Kansas DUI Impact Center 355 N Waco Wichita, KS 67202 Brett Norden 316-262-1673 [email protected]

Kansas Operation Lifesaver PO Box 474 Abilene, KS 67410 Adrian Hertog 785-806-7701 [email protected]

KU Transportation Center 1536 W 15th St, Ste G520 Lawrence, KS 66045 Lisa Harris 785-864-2595 [email protected]

Kustom Signals Inc. 9652 Loiret Blvd Lenexa, KS 66219 Robin Jess 1-800-458-7866 [email protected]

MADD PO Box 304 Olathe, KS 66051 Lori Marshall 913-226-7562 [email protected]

PSS 2444 Baldwin Rd Cleveland, OH 44104 Steve Lopp 216-401-0588 [email protected]

Safe Kids Kansas 1000 SW Jackson St, Ste 230 Topeka, KS 66612 Daina Hodges 785-296-0351 [email protected]

Stalker Radar 2609 Technology Dr Plano, TX 75074 Jim Fink 972-398-3780 [email protected]

State of Kansas FHWA Performance Measures 2930 SW Wanamaker Dr Ste 100 Topeka, KS 66614 Tenille Kimberlin 785-233-5885 [email protected]

23rd Annual Transportation Safety Conference 17


Mike [email protected]

Steven [email protected]

Chris [email protected]

Gary [email protected]

Roberta [email protected]

Steve [email protected]

Phyllis [email protected]

Melissa [email protected]

Kansas Department of TransportationBureau of Transportation Safety and Technology

Dwight D. Eisenhower State O�ce Building700 S.W. Harrison Street, 6th Fl.

Topeka, KS 66603-3745(785) 296-3566



23rd Annual Transportation Safety Conference 19

Wichita Hyatt Regency Floorplan











































Thank you for attending the 23rd Annual KDOT Transportation Safety Conference.



For more information, go to www.ksdot.org

Save the Dates!Mark your calendar for upcoming conferences.

April 17–18, 2018, at Capitol Plaza, TopekaApril 2–3, 2019, at Hyatt Regency, Wichita