Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the ...1128/datastre… · annual catalogue til' tob officers and students . of tuil: • city of new york, session of 1864-'65. -_.--t-----

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Page 1: Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the ...1128/datastre… · annual catalogue til' tob officers and students . of tuil: • city of new york, session of 1864-'65. -_.--t-----


til' TOB




SESSION OF 1864-'65.





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Page 2: Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the ...1128/datastre… · annual catalogue til' tob officers and students . of tuil: • city of new york, session of 1864-'65. -_.--t-----


HQN. SIMEON DRAPER, I Oommissioners of P.ublic " JAMES B. NICHOLSON, • Oharities and Oorrec-

MOSES H. GRINNELL," tion. ISAAC BELL, " J MATTHEW T. BRENNAN, Oo,mptrolle,' of N ew Y01·k."








" E. H. CI-IAPIN, D. D.











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Page 3: Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the ...1128/datastre… · annual catalogue til' tob officers and students . of tuil: • city of new york, session of 1864-'65. -_.--t-----

SatuIlg. --......._.-0-­


JAMES R . WOOD, M. D., No. 80 Irvin.. Place, .

I' r ofessor of Operative Surgery and Surgical Pa thology.

FRANK H. HAMILTO N, M. D ., No. 64 lIad.8on Avenue .

Professor of Milita ry Surgery, Fractures and Dislocations.

LEW I SA. SAY R E, M. D . , No. 195 Broadway,

Professor of Orthopedic Surgery.

ALE XANDER B. MOTT, M. D . , No. 209 Tenth Sh'eet,

Professor of Surgical Ana tomy.

ST E PHE N SMITH, M. D. , N o. ' 00 We. t Thirty-Fourth Street,Professor of tb e Principles of Surgery.

I SAAC E. TAYLOR, M. D., No. 18 Wellt Twentlet.h Street.

GEOR G E T. ELLIOT , JR. , M. D . , No. 18 W e. t Twenty-Ninth Street.

FO RD YCE BARKER, M. D., No. 15 Madison Avenue.

Professol' of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and ChUdren.

BEN J A M I N W. Me C REA D Y , M . D . , No. 43 En.t Twent.Y.Thlrd 8t..~et,

Professor of MaterIa Medica and Ther apeutics.

TIMOTHY CHILDS, M. D . , No. 25 Mad.eon ATenue. .

Professor of Descriptive and Compara tive Ana tomy.

AUSTIN FLINT , M. D., No. 2lir Fo....th Avenue,

Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine.

R. OGDEN DOREMUS, M. D . , .No. 'l'O Union Place,

Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology.

AUS'fIN FLINT, JR., M. D., No. 2 5 1 Fourth. Avenue,

Professor of PhysIology and Microscopy• .".... HENRY D. NOYES, M. D. ,

No. 6 lJ- Modl,on Avenue. Demonstl'ator ot Anatomy.

• N . R . MOSELY, M . D. ,

Prosector to the Chair of Burgical Anatomy. A. W. WII, KIN S ON, M . D.,

Assistant to the Chair of Chemistry and Toxicology.


BELLEVUE HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE. .. .., IN issuing the Annual Catalogue for the Session of 1864-65, the

F aculty of the Bellevue H ospital Medical CoIlege refer with great gratification to the internal evidence which it affords of the continued suc­cess of the Institution. As regards the evidence of success afforded by the number of those who avail themselves of its advantages, the Insti­tutiOll ' ranks among the most prominent of the medical schools of the country. The Faculty could ask no better proof that-the advantages of the plan of associating a medical coIlege with the Bellevue Hospital have been abundantly exemplified. .

The objects which originated this College, as set forth in the annual circulars, are, the development of the vast resources afforded by the Bellevue Hospital, the Blackwell's Island Hospital, with the associated public charities, and the complete application of these resources to the various branches of medical instruction. The basis of the CoIlege is the union of clinical and didactic teaching. The plan is to combine, to the fullest extent, these two methods of instruction, not devoting attention to either mcthod at the expense of the other, but aiming to give the utmost practicable extension to both. This can be done only by en­grafting medical colleges upon large hospitals, after the examples of the most distinguished European schools. Ir, no instance, as yet, in this country, has this plan been adopted on so extensive a scale as the union of a medical college with Bellevue Hospital.

The lectUl'es in the BeIlevue H ospital Medical College are all given either in the hospitals or in the college building within the hospital grounds. The time which would otherwise be lost in going to and from the hospitals, is thus saved to the student, and the amount of hospital instruction is correspondingly increased. This is an important advan­tage ; but another, not less important, is an arrangement of the clinical and didactic lectures, by which they occur in alternation and are mutually adapted to each other . The professors in all the practical branches, being either visiting physicians, surgeons or obstetricians to the H ospital, subjects pertaining to obstetrics, surgery, and the practice of medicine, can be easily illustrated by cases in the Hospital wards, simultaneously with their consideration in the lecture-room. In this consists one of the great advantages of the connection of a medical school with a large hos­pital, cOll tributing incalculably to the efficiency of instruction. Another great advantage consists in the student being at hand in case of acci­dents, and when surgical or obstetl'ical operations are suddenly required. Many opportunities for instructive observation are necessarily lost if the

Page 4: Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the ...1128/datastre… · annual catalogue til' tob officers and students . of tuil: • city of new york, session of 1864-'65. -_.--t-----

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student be at a distance from the Hospital save during the occasional hours usually allotted to clinical instruction.

During the present session th'e daily order of lectures is as follows: At 9 A. M., a didactic lecture on Anatomy and Materia Medica, respect. ively, on alternate days. An hour is then devoted to hospital instruc­tion either in Surgery, Obstetrics, or the Practice of Medicine. At 11 A. M., a didactic lecture on Surgery or 'Medicine. From It to 3 P. M., on each day, is another period devoted to hospital instruction, either at Bellevue, Blackwell's Island, or the New York Eye Infirmary. At 3 and 4 P . M., didactic lectures on either Physiology, Chemistry, Obstet­rics, or Medicine. By this arrangement, two and a half hours of the day are relinquished to hospital instruction, without conflicting in the least with attendance on the regular didactic courses, the latter being as full in this College as in colleges not associated with hospitals. The oppor­

~ tunity of observing the morbid appearances found after death in fatal cases which have been under observation during life, is of incalculable value to the medical student. The arrangements in this College are such that this opportunity is offered to the fullest extent. The student has daily access to the autopsy room; fresh specimens are constantly presented, and, whenever deemed desirable, autopsies are made in the lecture-room in the presence of the class. In short, every moment of the day not occupied by the didactic lectures, may be profitably spent in acquiring practical knowledge relating to the different departments of medicine, surgery and obstetrics, in a field of observation which, for richness in the materials for clinical and anatomical studies, is not ex­celled in this or any country.

The importance of practical instruction at the bedside, the operating table, the lying-in room, and over the dead subject, with reference to a thorough medical education, and a preparation for the responsible duties of civil and military practice, will, of course, be admitted by all. The Faculty would express the conviction that the student cannot avail him­self of this practical instruction too early in his period of studentship. The advantage of combining clinical with didactic teaching, is applicable, more especially, to the student attending his first course oflectures. He cannot begin too early to become practically acquainted with morbid phenomena, the details of surgery and obstetrics, and the appearances of the different parts of the body in health and disease.

The plan of combining, to the fullest extent, didactic and demonstra­tive teaching in this College, is extended not only to medicine, surgery, and obstetrics, but to all departments of instruction . Materia medica is abundantly illustrated. The illustrative experiments in chemistry and toxicology are on a scale not excelled by any institution in this country.


Physiology is taught after the demonstrative method, the fun ctions of the different parts of the organism being, as far as practicable, exhibited in exercise by means of vivisections.

For the information of those who are not acquainted with the re­sources of the Bellevue and Blackwell's Island Hospitals, it may be stated that Bellevue Hospital receives annually, from ten to twelve thou­sand patients, the average number of cases under treatment beina from eight to ten l~undred. Blackwell's Island Hospital contains usuall/about one tlwusand patients, the larger proportion of whom are affected with chronic diseases. In this Hospital are collected several hundred cases of syphilis, presenting all the stages and different phases of this disease in both sexes. Bellevue Hospital embraces a large lying-in department, the annual number of births being about five hundred.

The immense field for clinical instruction in surgery, obstetrics, prac­tical medicine, and medical jurisprudence, afforded by these hospitals, is sufficiently apparent. Of the thirteen professors composing the Faculty of th: .College, all, save three, are connected with the hospitals as visiting phYSICIans, surgeons, and obstetricians. Medical students are admitted to the Hospital wards daily during the hours appropriated to clinical instruction. All the important operations in surgery are performed publicly in the Hospital amphitheatre.

A bundant opportunities are afforded for witnessing cases of labor and obstetrical operations, whenever these are required. In the extensive lying-in department are illustrated, by the professors of obstetrics, uterine diseases, the signs of pregnancy, the several stages of labor, the degrees of labor, and the affections of yonng children. In carrying out the plan of combining didactic with demonstrative teaching to the fullest extent, the professors in the different departments are generally able to illustrate important subjects as they occur in the regular courses of in­struction, by cases in the Hospital wards, and by post-mortem examina­tions. The phenomena of disease, as manifested in the livinCT Hnd the

" dead body, are demonstrated in immediate connection with the consider­ation of the subjects to which they relate.

The faciliti es for the study of practical anatomy are unlimited. This study, having been legalized in the State of New York, and amply pro­vided for by law, there is no lack of material, which is furnished to the student gratuitously.

In answer to frequent inquiries on the subject, the Faculty would state that the Bellevue Hospital Medical College is incorporated by the Legislature of the State of N ew York, on the same basis as other medical colleges in this State, and endowed with all the powers and privileges granted to any other incorporated med ical college. As a collegiate in­

Page 5: Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the ...1128/datastre… · annual catalogue til' tob officers and students . of tuil: • city of new york, session of 1864-'65. -_.--t-----


stitution, it is independent of any other organization, the administration

being vested exclusively in the Board of Trustees and Faculty. The

Faculty would add that their aim is to make the Institution more and

more subservient to the interests of medical science and.education.

SESSION FOR 1865-'66.

This Session will embrace a Preliminary and a Regulat· Term. The

Preliminary Te1'm will commence in the middle of September, and con­------4 • •••••-----­

tinue four weeks. The Regular Tm'm will commence in the middle of STATE. PRECEl'TOR.

October, and end early in the following March. NAME.

Amabile, Sebastian .. .... ...•..... Ouba •••• .••. .....Prof. Wood.The aggregate fees for tickets to all the lectures during the Prelimin­

Allard, Emery .... . . • .. . . ........ Oanada .• .••. .. .. .Dr. Allard.

ary and Regular Terms, amount to $105; the matriculation fee is $5; Arthur., Asa A .. ... ... ... ... . .... New york .. •. . . •. .Dr. Henry Houghton.

Augustine, Thomas J . •...... ..... Maryland. .........Dr. Geo. B. Fundenbcrg.graduation fee, $30; fee for Demonstrator's ticket, $5. The Hospital

~O\lling, David G.... ...... . ....... Ohio . . .. ... ...• ...Dr. C. P. Alling.

ticket is gratuitous. Students who have attended two full courses in Abbot, Charles H..... .. .. .. . • • . ..Missouri. ....•••.•. Dr. Rufus Abbot.

Adams, E!,1win A . ••.. • •• .•..•••.•N ew york .. . ...•• .Theological Student.other accredited schools, will be admitted to all the lectures for $50,

Arnold, Thomas J .. .•...•...•.•.. New Y01·k .• . .. .•• .Dr. Benj. F. Arnold.

excl~sive of the matriculation fee. Students who attend two full courses Acker, Thomas J .. .... . . j... .. ...New york .. .. . . , . .Dr. Geo. J. Fisher.

in this College, or who have attended one full course in this Coilege after Angell, Emery A .. ... .. . .... . .• •Rhode Island .. .•. .. Dr. H. Holmes. ,

........., Avery, William M., 1\1. D .•• ... . .•• Michigan . ......••.Rush Medical College.

having attended one full course in some other accredited school, will be Bluml!, SamueL .. .. , ••• . ... . ... . .New york .•• •. ••• .Dr. H. E. Crampton.'Bower, Silas J . .•••• . .•..••...•.. . Oanada .•• •. .••...McGill College.

required to matriculate only. Graduates of other medical colleges, in Burdett, James F ..• • . ... . .. .. . . .. Massachusetts ••••.. Prof. Smith.

good standing, after three years, inclusive of the session, are required to Brewster, James B. .• .••.. ••. ..... J.fassachusetts • : •• .. Harvard Medical School.

matriculate only. Prior to the expiration of three years, they receive a Birchard, Henry C. .. .. . •••. ..... . Pennsylvania •• ....Drs. Logan and Johnson.

Benson, Edward .. . ..•..• . •...... Oanada . •••.•••• .. Dr. Geo. Burnham.general ticket for $50. '.

Buckner, Francis T .......•.......Musouri •••...•.•. Dr. E. T. Scott.

Birdsall, Samuel . ............... .New york ••...••. .Dr. C. D. Spencer.

Brown, James A., M. D ..... . .. .• .. Michigan . .. .. .. .. .University of Michigan.Payment of the f eCf!, acc01'ding to the foregoing regu lations, is required

Brooks, M. Luther, Jr" A. B .... ... Ol,io .••.. . •.•.••• .Dr. M. L. Brooks.

in all case~, without Exception, and students a1'e expected to come prepand to Brown, Edwin P. ....•.... .. ... .. .N ew Y01'k ••.•.....Prof. Wood.

take out the tickets, promptly, on the opening of the session. Burnham, George, Jr.. .. . •....... Oanada ••• ..••... .Dr. Geo. Burnham.

Buller, Frank.............•. . ... . Oanada .••••••....Dr. Geo. Burnham.

Bonebreak, Henry X........ .. . .. . Pennsylvania • ••... Dr. J . Brotherton.

Persons desiring the Annual Circular, which will be issued during the Bishop, Sylvester P. .. . ..... . ..... Ohio . ..... ..••••. .Dr. H. C. Long. ' T v k j Dr. Samuel Duncan and

coming summer, or any information concerning the College, are requested ·B· I JAB. . .•.. .. .•... .1' ew ... or .•..... 1Prof. Childs.Ige ow, ames,

Brown, Granville c... ,......... . .Oanada ..•• .• • . ...Dr. J. R. Sanderson.to communicate with the Secretary of the Faculty, Prof. AUSTIN FLINT,

Bailey, Samuel B . ..... •.. .... .... Oonnecticut • • ..... .Dr. Leonard Bailey. Jr. Letters addressed to the Secretary of the Belleyue Hospital Medical

. Baker, Robert F..... •••....... . . . Illinois • • •• •.•. •.•.Bellevue Hospital Med. ColI.

College, will receive attention. Barbour, Lewis, M. D . .... .. . . . ... Pennsylvania .• .... Ciucinnati Med. College.

Visitors desirous of making personal inquiries and examinations, and Brunett, Jose.. . .. ...• • •..••..... . Ouba .. •• ••• •.•..•

Buck, William, M. D ... .. •••.. . . . . J.fainc . . • ••.. ..•• •Medical School of Mainc.

students on arriving in the city, are requested to call upon the Janitor, Brown, William R . .... . ..... . .... New York . . .•• •.•.

Mr. EDWIN A. WARE, who may be found at the entrance to Bellevue Boynton, Charles H., M. D . . .. ; . . .. N ew Hampshin •...Berkshire Med. College.

Byere, John W ....... .. . ......... K entuck!/ . .•••..•• .Dr. A. C. Maxwell.

Hospital on 26th Street. ~jtker: Leander H., M. D ......••• . . MissoU1'i .••.••.... University of Louisville.

Bellevue Hospital is situated on East River, between East 26th and Collins, Charles W .......••. . ..... Canada . . • ........Dr. R. II. Russell.

Crichton, Stuart .. . .. •.•...... , ... Oanada •.••.. .. • . .McGill College.

28th Streets. In coming from the lower part of the city, the -most con­Clemasha, John W .. . .........•... Oanada ••• • .-: • .. .. Dr. S. W. Davidson.

venient mode is to take one of the street cars passing every three or Carrier, Albert E ..•.. ..•. .. .•. • .. Michi.gan . • ••.... .. Prof. Wood.

Coleman, Caryl ... . . .. .. •... . . .. . ]{ew York ••. • .• ••.Dr. Snowden.

four minutes on 2d, 3d, or 4th Avenues, getting out at 26th Street. The Culbertson, James C..• .. •.. .•• . . .. Ohio . • . ••••......Dr. John Davis.

Cooledge, John T ..•. " •. ... .••... Vermont • ...••••• .Dr. Chas. A. Scott.entrance to tl.e Hospital g1'ounds is on 26th St1·ee t.

. . ~

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Cleveland, John F .... .. ... .. .. .... Oanada • •••. . ••••. Dr. W. ,K. Cleveland. Clement, Charles H .••. •. ... .•.. . .New york •• .••••• .Dr. John C. Ackerson. Cortelyou, Peter R. .. ... • . ••.. •.. . New york •••••••. .Prof. Wood.

- Crampton, Orson L .... ...........New york . .. . ... . .Dr.N. G. Clark. Crain, Richard M •.. ..•••.. . . ..••• .P enn8ylvania ••• .•.Dr. J . Crain. Cook, Charles E . ...... .. .. ... ... . N ew york ..... .. ..Dr. W. B. Gould. Crane, Frederick A . •• ..• •. ..... • . New york . ••••••• .Dr. A. II. Crane. Clauss, Henry 0 . .. ... . . . ..... .... Pennsylvania •••. •. Dr. E. G. Martin. Canfield, Benton H . ... •.. ...•• •. .New York • • • ••••• •Dr. J. M. Cummings.

- Clau,dy, John C ............... ... . PennBylvania .•... .Dr. David Ahl. - Cntter, Frederick A.....•. . .• •.• . . Oanada . ••• •• •. •• • Dr. F. A, Cutter.

Crane, Charles A .. ......... .. .... . Louisiana .. .... . . . Dr. David Rowe. Conover, James S .. •••.... . .• .•. • . New Jersey ••• •••• .Dr. J. R. Conover. (''row! Asbury M.. ........ .. .. . .. . Kentucky • ••• . • ..• .Dr. John D. Batson. Cooper, Henry ... . " .......•.. . .. Pennsylvania •••••. Theological Student. Cross, Thaddeus M. B ........• .... Massachusetts •• ••..Prof. Wood. Carr, William . ....... ... .. ... .... New Jersey • ••.•••.Dr. C. P. Fitch. Chaffee, Ralph T., M. D....• . ..... . Oonnecticut ... " ••• Cox, George M . •••.. • • .. .. . . • ••• .Missouri •••....... Dr. W. II. Wilson. Craig, John . .... . . . . ... .•. •... . . . Illinois • • •••• ••. .. .Dr. C. M. Lee. Crandall, Wm. W., M. D.......... .N ew york •••..• • . .University of New York. Cameron, Hugh, M. D .. .. oo .......Nova Scotia . .......University of Pennsylvania. Cooke, Hubbard .................. Ohio ... ... .... ... . Comings, Lewis B .••• • •.•.••.•. . . New york ••• •.••• .Dr. J . K. Stanchfield. Cilley, Jonathan L ........... ..... Ohio ............ •Dr. W. H. Mussey. Downer, Edwin ... " .•.. . . " ... . .New Jersey • ••••••.Dr. F. A. Kench. Dick, Thomas .• .. .•••. . . . . . .. .... Maine ••••••..•••.Dr. L. P. Babb. Du Bois, Jacob W ••• .••... ' .... . .New York • • •• .. ••.Dr. Edgar Elting. Dallam, Francis J ... . " . ....... .. . Maryland . •••.•...Dr. W. W. Tucker. Downey, William S .... .••...•... . Oanada . •.• .••... .Prof. W. B. Geckie. Daniel, John W .....• •.•. .....•...Nova Scotia ••••.•. .Dr.~Henry Shaw. Dessaldorfi', Lewis ................New york . ....... .Dr. J . M. Cummings. Dean, George W .•• ..... .. . . .... .New york • • ••• • • . •Dr. G. R. Dean. Drurl' Alfred .Thos., M. D . .. . •. ... New york •.••.•.. •Castleton Medical College. Dear orn, Br:aInard .• •••........ .. New Hampshire ••• •Dr. Wm. T. Merrill. Decker, DaVid H .................New york . ....... •Dr. C. A. Ludwig. Duncan, .TamesA . ..•.• ..••• . .•... Maryland .••••.•. .Dr. J. L. Duncan. , Deane, James A; .•......•..... " .New york .• ••• .• • .Dr. E. R. Maskey.Dun~ker, Fl'e~enck W . . ... .. ... " .New Jersey . • •. • • • ;Dr. J. F. Duncker. Darling, LeWIS, Jr •. ... ... ... .•• .. Pennsylvania ••. ...Dr. Lewis Darling. Dusenbery, Chauncey S .. ...... .. . Pennsylvania ......Dr. Benj. Dewitt. D?dson, N. Munroe, M. D . ... .. . . . • Wisconsin • . . • •••• •University of Iowa.

- D~lI, Armstrong B .... ....... . . . . . Penns.lflvania ..... .Dr. Wm. H. Coover. - DInsmoor, George R. .. .. •• • . •... . . New H'lmpshire •. • . Dr. Twitchell.

Isner, John •..• •.•..•.. . . . .... . New York •• • • ..• •.Drs. Elsner, Cook'" Hoyt. Eagleton, Joseph ... ...••.... .... .New york •••••••• .Dr. Jos. E. Turner. Eccles, Friend R ....... ...... .. .. . Oanada .......... .Dr. II. J . Nash. Estelle, Louis V., M. D ........... .New york ........ .Long lsI. College Hospital. En;tery, George W .... .•• •. . .•• " . Oanada •••• • •••••.Dr. R. Emery.

--.,. .:::-Erlckson, Gunder .• •........... .. Indiana .• •• ••••. • . Dr. R. S. Woodworth. Freeman, John W ............. . ... New york .•...•.• .Prof. Wood. Fritts, John Too ..................New Jersey ....... .Drs. McLennahan '" Servis. Fisher, Orville W .... . . . ... ..... . . New york •••• .• •. .Dr. C. Olcott. :Freeland, Nicholas H .... ......... .New york ..... ... .Prof. Wood.

- Frazer, John Gordon, A. B........ .New york • ••••••• •Dr. N. C. Husted. - Fitch, Frederick J .............••• Vermont ••••. • •• • .Prof. Wood. - Fetherolf, Abraham P . ...•.. ••.. .P ennsylvania . ...•.Dr. Wm. S. Herbst.

Ferguson, John, M. D ........ ..... Oanada " •• oo .....Victoria College. F!ench, Joseph W •••... ... .... .. New york .•••.••• •Dr. E. C. Gray.

- Flcht, C. Otto... . ... .. ...... .. .. .New York • ........Dr. S. P. Burdick. Frizelle, Samuel B. .•...•...... . .. Minne.ota •••• •••••Prof. Smith.



Faunce, Nebemiah D., M. D •. ... • . . Maine ••• oo ....... Bow?oinColle~e. Finch, Joseph ..... ..... ......... . New york .. ..... .. Dr. S. P. BurdiCk. Fulton, Charles H .••. •••••.....• .Ke:,t~ky ••• . ••... •Dr. Dunbar. Fee John ......•..•••.••••••••. . nltnoU!. . • . • • • . • • • • 'ff.

- Fif~ JosephA.•• . •.•.••...••••... Oanada . •••••••. .. Dr. Canm . __- Gin:bernat, Carlos •.•.•••...•...•. New York • •••. • ••.Prof. Wood.

Green James 0 .• ..... . •• •• •.... . Kentucky . ........ .Prof. Sayre. . . Garvi~ Samuel II., M. D•••••.... Kentucky . •..••.••. Kentucky Sch. of Medlcme. Greene: Beel ........ ...... . .. .... Kentucky ..........Dr: F. ~. Greene. Goodrich, George S., M.D...••.. , Ve1'7nont ...... ....Umverslty ?fVermont. Gorr, Jonas F •. . • •• ••• ... • . •. .. . Penmylvania •.•.. .Dr. S. R. :lt~el~ou8e. Goldney, Joseph ................ .New york . ..... . . •Dr. Wm. co.e . Green, J . Oscar, A. B. .. ..... ......New Jersey . •.•• • • ..Dr. Z. W. S~nven. Gilbert James W ...... ...... .-.... Kentucky . .........Dr. R. S. GIlbert. Griffin 'Louis P ... ... ... .. . .... .Rhodl: Island . ......Dr. J. H. Griffin. Gove, George S., M. D .•....••.... Ne.e Hampshire .... .Dartmouth ~ed. College. Geer, J. Burras, M. D .......••... . Illinois .••••••• •• . All;>any .MedlCal College.

arris, Elias P., M. D ..•. . •.••.... California •• •• ••. • . Umverslt;y: of New York. . - Hoyne, Temple ·S., B. S.. .•.... . . .. Illinoi•.. .•••••.. , .Prof. HamIlton.

Hyde, Seneca T . . . .• .... .. . .••.. . Ve1'1nont •••••.. • .. Dr.. R. q. M. Woodw:ard. Horton, John D., M. D.. .... ..... .. Tennessee . ..... . .. .Umver8lt~ of N~shVllle. Harris, John H.... . . ............ .Nova Scotia • . . .... .Dr. FranCIS .Robl.nson. Harrison Francis ........ .... .. .. Oanada . ••.•... •..Toronto Umverslty. Hall Luther . .............. ..... .Kansas . .. ........Dr. E. W. Seymour. Hamlin, Charle9W .......... .. .....New york ... .... . .Drs. Crane and Potter. Harwood Edward C ...... . ....... Vermont ....... .. .Drs.M.C. Tully & M. J. Love Hebard Charles.... .... ..•.• .•... Vermont ••• •. ...• .Dr. A. Kindrick. Hunt, Charles .. ... .... . ......... . Ohio . ...• ........ .Dr. 'rhos. Ebri~ht. Higgins Royal L . . ..• .•. . .... .... Oonnecticut •••.••• .Dr. Geo. Benedict. Hobbs, Marmaduke W ...... .. . • .. . Ohio•••••••. • •. . . . Dr. S. G. Coffi~. Hazlett, William L., M. D . . ...••.. .Penn~ylvania . •. ... ~levela~d ~ledlCal Col!e~e. Holderness, Edward, M. D ..•.... . . Illinots . . •. .• •.•. . . St. LoUIS Sch. of MedICine. Haynes, Benton .. .• . •. . . .. . ... . . . Vermont .•..••• •. .Dr. M. J. ~de. Hoag, William H .. •••..... .• .....New york .•.. . ••• .Dr: ~. M. e~der. Hamilton, Ira,M. D •. .. . ...••.. .New york •••. .•• • .F81rfield Med~cal Sollege. Hough, Dewitt C., M. D ..... . .... .New Jersey .••. . •. .Je~erso';l Medical College. Hammond, Thos. II, M. D .. .. .... .Indiana • ••••... .•.Umverslty of New York. Hathaway Robert .. .... •••.. . . .• . New york .. . . .. ...Dr. A. Vedder.

- Ingram N~lson.. ......... ........New york ........ .Dr. E. Elling. Jackson' Nathan Jr..... • .. .• ... . . Pem/sIllvania ••• • .. Dr. N. Jackson. • Jenkins: John A:. _.. .... .........New YOI·k ....... . .Dr. II. Lloyd Williams. Jarvis, Joseph .... .. .... . ....... Oanada: ..... . . .. .Dr. H. II. Sc~tt. Jackson, James A. ..• " . . .. " • . .. . Wisconsm .• • • " • • . Dr. W. HobbinS. James,'Warren A ............ .... .New york ..•• . ... .Prof. Wood. . . Jackson, Nathan, M. D .•........ .. Pennsylvania ... .•. Lackawanna Umverslty. Jones, Jonas .. .•.••• " .......... .New York • . • ••. • •.Dr. Cameron. James, John W .. . .•. .. .... . ..... .New york ..•. .. • ..Dr. J. A. Brady. Jewell Noah W ... oo .. .. .. ...... . Ohio .. ... ..... . .. .Dr. William Hyde.

- - Kellogg, Theodore H .......... . ... Ohio . •,'" ........Dr. C. C. Sams. - King Charles L . ... .. ... ..• . ••... Oonnectwut . . .•.•• .Dr. R StrICkland.

King: Elmore Y .............. . . . . Ohio . . .••. : .. .••• .Dr. W. N. King. Keiser, Peter J . A ....••••... . .• .. Pennsylvttnta •.• •.. Dr. W. S. Herbst..

. j Dr. W. B. Erdman and Kunkel, Manno V ................ . P cnnsylvama •• .. 1Dr. Jas. F. Wertz. King, Frank ...•..• .. ...•.•.... . New york .• •••••• .Dr. J. ~. Mine.r. Kile, ~ilton, M. D ..... .. ... . •. ... Missouri •••.•••••. St. LoUIS .Medical College. Kellogg, John M . . , •. . . .• •.• • .• • .New york .• •. .•. • .Dr. Abadie. Kempton, Zenos M . • • •• •. • ••••• ••• Nova Scotia • • •••• •.Dr. L. V. Parker. . King, Charles H., M. D..... . .•.... New york ••.•.••. .Long l sI. College Hosp~toJ. Kalbach, John G., M. D .•••. • • •.. . Pennsylvania •••.•. Long lsI. College Hospital.

- I.ong, John W........... .. ....... Ohio ............. .Dr. Geo. E. Long.

Page 7: Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the ...1128/datastre… · annual catalogue til' tob officers and students . of tuil: • city of new york, session of 1864-'65. -_.--t-----



8TATL PBBO£PTO!. Porter, Samuel S ................ •Miclligan•• . •••••• •Dr. David Best.Lindsay, William A............ ... Kentucky.. .... ....Dr. L. M. Tar;lor. Pierce,Gardner C., A. B. .. .. . .. .. .Mas8achu8ett• ••••..Dr. Nelson B. Tanner.Lee Charles M•.. •. ..... . .. •• ... . New Jersey ....... .Dr. C. W. Larlbt Perkins, George .•••.•••.•... • • •.. Kentucky, . •••.• • • •Dr. J . M. Perkins. Le Fevre Walter D.•••......••.• .Pennsylvania •• ••••Dr. W. J. Gam e. Pineo, James F ...•.•••......•.•• .Nova Scotia••• • • •• .Dr. H . Shaw. Lon~, Uriah ......•.•......•.••. .Penn8ylvania •••.• •Dr. D. S. Shade. Pollock, Samuel J . •.• •• ••. . . •.• . •New York . .•.••••.Dr. John C. Acheson. lewIs Will,iam Henry.. . • ..••...• .Massachusetts •••• •• Prof. Wood. Porter, George G ••••.•••..•. . ... •New york ..•••••• •Dr. E . H. Porter.Lindsiey, Van L., M. D .•....••••.. Tenne8see ••••••••••University of Nashville. Post, JuliusA. • ••.•..•.•••.••..•• .New York . •. . .•• , .Dr. N. G. Clark. Long Augustus S... • •..... . ... ... Pennsylvania .•••• .Dr. M. S. Long. Pooler, Hiram A . ... .• .. .... •••. .New York . •••.•••.Prof. Wood. Linsl~y, John S .•. ...•.•...... ... Oonnecticut • •• .••• .Dr. Geo. Bayles. Patterson, Samuel J . .. " ......... Pennsylvania.• •.••.Dr. J. C. Richards.Lord, S. De Forrest. •. •. .•. . . . ..•• New york •••.• • •. .Dr. F. W. Root. Parberry, William, M. D .• • • • . . •. .M'issouri..• .•..•••.J efferson Medical College.Luaces, AntonioL••..• • .•....•.• . C'Uba • . •••••••••..Prof. Woo~. Porter, Daniel Rea .. ·... ... . .. .. .. .N ew york ... ..... .Dr. Rogers and Prof. Wood.Leale Charles A ..•...••.• . ••. • . . New york • •••. ••• •Prof. Hamllton' H . k ~ Putman,Francis D .. ..••• • . ... .• • .N ew york .••. . .•. •Dr. E. H. Wheeler.Little' Jehu •.......•.•..•..•••.. Illinois• • , .........Drs. Dunc~n nnd errlC. Pearsall, Francis M... • . . • .... ... . Pennsylvania.. .•••.Dr. I saac Winters.Luce:Hlram C., M. D ..••...•••... Illinois• ...........Rush MedlCal College. Purcell, William J .. .• . .. . ...•.•• .New york ...•.••. .Dr. James Walsh.Little, Joseph D., M. D ........... .New york ........ .Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coli. Priest, Samuel G......•...•..... .Massachusetts.. ... . .Dr. M.. Calkins.""- Macken Merrett H .............. .New york ... ... .. .Dr. H. H. Nye. Parker, Leander V., M. D . •.. . ••• •Nova Scotia • • • .••. .Castleton Medical College.McClea;y Beverly N., M. D....... . New york ........ .University of New York. Purcell,JamesJ . . • •. . . . ..••.•.•. •New york .•.• . •• . .Prof. Wood.Moore, Edward N. B .. .... . .... . . . Ml1I!sachusetts •.•. •.Dr. E. B. Moore. "_ PaddOCK, Frank K., M. D . .•• ••.• .. Massachusett8 .•••••Berkshire Medical College.McQuiston, Henry............... . Ohw......... . ... .Prof. D. R. Wood. Radigan, Thomas.••••.••• . . . •.•• .New York . ••• . • • .•Dr. J. F . Trowhridge.Myers, Platt B . ...... . .. . ........ New york .• •..••• •Dr. E. R. B01ce. Richardson, Bradbury M.•.. . • • ..• Vermont .• . •.•.•• .Dr. G. B. Davis.Moore Robert ..•........... . .... Oanada •••••....•. Dr. J. A. Nel es.J\{artJ~, Willlam H., A. B ..•• .. . ... Ohio • • . • •••• • •• .. .Dr. A. Lonr,el~ fi Id Ryan, .Tames C., A. B .• •• ...• •..• •Massachusetts ..•• • Dr. O'Reilly.Robbins, Monroe M............ . . New york .•••. . •• .Dr. H. H. Green.Miller TheodoreD. C............ .. New York ... .... .Dr. Thos. . Wee . Robelaz, Edward ..••..........•. .New york .•• •• ••• •Dr. Packard.Mitch~1l Henry.••..•........•.. .New york •• . .. . . • . Dr. H. K. Bello'!"s. Rockwell, G. Frederick..••....•.• .Indiana .. ... . ..... •Dr. Geo. Fletcher.Miller, Edward P . ...• . •..•.. .•• •Penn.ylvania . . •• , Dr. Aaron S. Miller. Raymond, Lee Chester• • • . ••• ••• • . Ohio •••• •• • • •.••••Dr. D. W. Raymond.Morris,James .•...•......•••...• .New york •••..••• •Dr. Jas.~. Stone. Reading, John W • . . •.........•.• •Ohio •••••.••••.•• .Dr. ~t Thompson.Mitchell, J. Sidney . •• •..••... .... Ma88achu8ett8 •••••.Prof. SmIt!t- Richardson, Holland W., M. D .... . Illinois •.• .•••• • •• •Rush Medical College."Marvin, A. Tolls......•......•• .New York • • •• . ••..Drs. Marvm and Ranney. Rouget, Edward . . •..•••...• . ••••• France • •• •• ••• •• •. Dr. Preterre.McLeay, John ........ .. .. . .. .. .. Oanada . ......... .Dr. Anderson. Ross, Joseph P., M. D ........... ..n linois .. . ........ .Ohio Medical College.Macalpine, Robert S ... ...... .. .. . Oanada ..... ... ...D:. E .•G. Edwards. Ramey, Francis M.••••......••.• .Missouri. ••• •••• • . .Dr. K. L. Burditt. McMurchy, Duncan ...• . •...•. .. . Oanada •••••.•••••VICtorla College. Rogers, Cornelius R. .•••....•.••• .New York .• .. • . •••Dr. J. H. Arnold.McDonald, J ohn ................. .New York.:. . . ., .Dr. E. Malone.•Martin Constantine H . . . . • • .••. .Pennsylvama ••••• •Dr. C. L.ll!artm. Ray, William, M. D.......... . .... Kentuclcy . .........University of Louisville.Richards, Nelson B. .•••••••.••... .Nebraska . • . ..• .. . .Dr. R. W. Walker.MitcheiI, Georg& B. 1. .......... .New york . ....... •Dr. J. J. MItchell. . Royer, John A ................ '••. .Pennsylvania .•.•• .• Dr. J. J. Oellig.Mitchell, George.•••...•....•...• Oa~ada ••••.•••••.Dr. A. ~nderson -

Miesse Benjamin F .•.• , . •..••• .•. Ohio• ••• .•••••. •• .Dr. J. MIesse. . Sllaw, Henry J ., M. D..••• , ......• Tennessee. .• •.•.•• •University of Pennsylvania.Sauri, J. Ricliard. ............ . . . .Mexico . .... .... . . .Prof. Raphael.Masten', Charles H . . . ........ .. .. . Oanada ••••••. ..• .Dr. S. ~. ClarkWI h. Smith, Ira E. .. ........... ...... .New York . . . .. ....Dr. E. S. Smith.

. Miller,John C............. . ..... .Ken,.tucky•••••.••• •Dr. SqUIer D' e s Seymour, Emerson . ••• " . .. . . .•. .New york •••• . ••• •Dr. J. H. Abel.McKeehan Alfred .•• •.. • .....• • . . Ohao. .............Dr. S. D: Hardman. Sterling, George A. . .••.•.••••.. . . Oonnecticut .. . ..• , Dr. C. H. Shears.Moore, Ja~es D ••• •......• .• • • •. . ~isia...a..•• •. ••• .Dr. A. W. Smyth. Sparklin, Charles C..•.•. •• • . . .•. . Indiana ••••••••. • . Dr. M. M. Latta.May Benjamin L .• •••..•.... .• . .Ma880'l1" •• , ., ••• •.D:. F ..M. Johnson. Smith, Norman A. .... .. ... _.. .. . . Oanada.. •• •• • . .•••Dr. J. Chamberliu.Mullin, John A., M. D •••.... .. •. . Oanada ••...••••.•VlCtona College.. Starr, Milton H.. . ... . .... ... .. . .. Oanada.. ••..• .. . . •Dr. G. A. Carson.McLanghlin, Miar••••••.......•• · O'anad'j ••••••.•• • .Dr. L. McLaug,hbn. Street, Alvin H. •...••••.••....•. .New York • •. • . .•• •Dr. J. Cushing. McLou hlin, Simon J ... ...• . . ••• •liew lork ••••.••. .Prof. Sanfor~ Eastm~n. Smith, ;:\.rthur W. •••••••. •• .•. •• . Oonnecticut •••• • • •• Prof. Wood.McPhUYipS, Matthew B .•......• . . .New Y01'k • • •• .•••.Brooklyn CIty HospItaL Southack, John W., Jr ...•.. . . . .. .New York •••• • •..Prof. Wood.Needham George G., A. B .•.•.. , .New Ycrk •• • ••.••.Dr. O. H. Needham. Stan, George L., A. M.. • •• .••. ••• Ohio. ••••••••.••••Dr. A. Maynard.Newman'S. Wright .... . .........New york ...... .. .Dr. R. B. ~ewman. Strang, Albert .••. . . •••.••••.•.• .New york •••••••• .Prof. Smith.Newton Buna.............. ····· ·New York . . . .Dr. CornelIus Olcott.'

•. , •. B dl M M'll d Snively; Andrew J ...... . . .. ......Pennsylvania. .•••.• Dr. J . C. Richards.


I. De Foreest .....•. . .•. .New york...... . 1Drs. ra ey, e I en ao Scribner, John J . ...... . ...... ... . Ohio . •••...•.•.••.Dr. M. Thompson.Prof. Mott. _ Sommers, J ohn . . •••...• • • ••. • ••• .Nova Scotia.. .•••. •Dr. Benj. Gardner Page.. Dr. J. A. Landiss and- Osterloh, William C . . ... • . .. . ... . Penmylvama.. . • .

Sell Edward H. M., A. M..••• •.•• •Penns.'I'vania..••• • •Dr. H. Floto.Prof. Wood. Saeltzer, Charles William......... .New york ........ .Dr. J. Lustig.Oakley, Francis, M. D ........... . Oanada.. ..........Victor!a.CollelJe. Stanton, George D..••••....•.•.• . OO1tneetieut •••.••• •Dr. William Hyde.O'Donnell, William, Jr..... . .... . .New York • .. ..•• .Dr. WIllIam 0 Donnell. .

Smale, Samuel B. . . •....• .. .. . • • . •Oanada.• •• • . . . . . •• Toronto University.O'Neil Charles •••....•••...•..... Massachusetts .• • •. . W 1 h Strickler, Abram H., A. B. •..•..• •Pennsylvania•••••• .Dr. Wm. Grubb. -

Orton: John J ......... ..... ...... Mas8achu8etts ••••• Dr. R. e s '. Saft'ray, Charles, M. D. ..•.••• " •. .New YQ1·k.. • •• • ••••French University.Peck John W • ••. • •• •.. ...•..•• . .Kentucky • ••• . .••. .Dr. A. S. RollIns. Spier, Robert F.. . .. ....... . . ... .. New york......... .Dr. S. Fleet Spier.Preston Medina, Jr .... ... ...... . New york •••• . ••• .Dr. M. Preston. Stone, Frank L...•. . .. .•••... .•• •New york.• ••• •• .••Dr. W. A. Babcock.Palmer: Loran L . ....... . ..... .. . Oanada ••••••.•••.Dr. J. Wolv:t'rton. Sweeny, William 0 .......... . .... .Kentucky .•• .••••• .Dr. E. C. Bright.PeU Richard V ................. .New york ...... . . .Dr. C. L. MItchell., . Smith, George H... ... . ........ . . •OO1tneeticut ••••••••Dr. R. T. Chaffee.• Deceased. Swain, Enos S., M. D......... . .... Kentucky • •• •• •.•. •Kentucky Sch. of Medicine.

Page 8: Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the ...1128/datastre… · annual catalogue til' tob officers and students . of tuil: • city of new york, session of 1864-'65. -_.--t-----


PB&OBPTOR. STATII. D S J Zabriskie.• .0..", N ew Jersey. . . . • . . •. r. . .

Simpson, J ulius M.•••. .• • •••• • •.• . Canada. . ..• . . . . .. .~r. ~lmes::!~iton Srigley, Nelson. . ~ ••• . • • : : : :::: : : : Canada.. . . .. • . . .. . r. J eXDunlap. . Spohn,Stodd Henry. . •• •••• • . Mas8achm etts . . . .. .D~ as. M dieal College.d H enry B. . . . .. • • •.. .• • . . . J euerson e Sturgeon, I, o. •..• . . .• . . ••.Drs Battles and Bertolctt.ar , El" M D. . •• ••. •• •• •• ••• OhlOOh~ .. .. .. .. . ..... G

--T odd, Joseph II. . . .. . . .... ... .. . . , lndi~na ..... .. . .. .Dr. G. E. ross.k Robert N • • . • . . . . . . • • • . k Prof Wood,

Too er,. ... • .. •N ew YOT . .. . . . .. . G' B Fundenberg.Terry, LoUIs V. . .. .. .. .. ... .. Mar land.. .. . . .. ..Dr. eo. . Troxell, J ohn F.. ..... .... ... .. .. . NewYYork . . ... . ...Dr' Ge* 1 ftlleTucker , Nathan •• •• • • • •. • • ... • . . 'M': soun • .. . . . ..Dr. . . co . t.ETate, J . Milton . . .. .. . ... . .... . .. .N;~ Ym.k:: ... .... .Universit of Vermon Thompson, George, M. D... • ...• • • ' YNew y ork . .. . .. .. .Prof. Woo.

~- Van Wyck, William H..... . . .. .. . . ba. . . . .. . . .. . .. .Prof. Wood.d

Varona, Jose de la Cruz de. . . . . , • • · ~ew y ork ..• •. • .. .Prof. Mott.a! t · Albert E A B. . . . . .... kV en me, ., • New Yor . ... . .•. . H D • Yanness, Edward . ... . . . . . .. ... .. . Ohio ... .. . ... . . .. Dr. E. . aVIs. 'Wagner, Henry P•. • ••. •.. '• • • •. ... New' york••• .. ••. .Dr. R. A. Hor~lI.WI'nston Leonidas V.••.. . • . •. •• •• 77' t --ky . .Dr. A. S. Rollllls.

' •.fien .~ . . • . • . . . Cook Wren, Sanford T. . . .. . . . .. .. . . .. : .New York . .... .. ..~r·dA~er:rt of Y~le Colleo-e. Writer , Theodore. M: ·ii. ::::: :::: ..Oonnecticut . .. .. .. . : G l Carson.

::~:-x~t~;:~a~i'B.... . . . ... . ......~~::~i~d~i·;. '. '.:.... ·.~r·. G·eolJullldenber g.


Wertz Taliaferro • • •• • ••• • . . •. •. .N ew york . • •. . . . . .Dr. Jas. ..A. a~ ey.

Wal.k~r, David Bj A. ~.:: : :::: : : : :New york .. .• . • . . .~r.~.~: M~~o~dward.WhIte, E dwar d, r . .. Vermont. • • • . • • • . . . r.. H WoodJVard, George . . • ••. • . • •..• • •Canada.. . .. • • . • . . .Dr. M. F. all.ey. Wilde, Thomas •• ••••• •• • • •.•. • • • 'New y ork • ••• . • • . .Dr. J. L; ~~d~er Page. Warren, James M.ma ... ...... . ..... 'Nova Scotia.. . . .. . .DDr . BMeIlJC' k and Wilson.IhTh s ..... .. .. . rs cooWa s, a .... .. .. .. Pennsylvanta... ... ... . of LouisvilleWilson Milo A. . .. ... .. ... .. .... .K. tmk .. .. .. .UmversLY •tWay William H ., M. D•. • • . .•.. •.. rrenad y . . . . . . ..Victoria College.

' ,.'/ van a. .. . . . . J S B bbsWade, William, M. u .. . .. .. . . . .. . · Indiana . • •. .•• . .. .Dr. S. P" SO' th' andWoolen Green V.... . .. ... . .. .. .. { Dr.• . ml

' Maryland. . . • • •.. Prof. Hamilton.Wiesel, Henry J.. • • • . . . . . • • . • • • • • . . Cleveland Medical Collego. D Mtchtgan . . . .. .. .. . W N rth pWright, Solomon W., M. . •• . • •••• Connecticut.. . •... . •Dr' D. V'P \e/ •

Woodruff, John N.. • • .•• • • • • .. • •• 'Nova Scotia ... .... .Dr. L. . ar •do

Welton, Bradley B. ...... . . .. .. ... york . • . ...• • .Dr. Stephen Woo : Wood, Stephen, Jr - . . ... .. . .......%::Brunswick . . . ..Dr. Ric}Iar d Sweeting. YOUllg, John B. . .. .... .. . . ... ... ' N ew york .. . . .. . . .Pro!. 'W ood.Zabriskie, Lemaire. . . .•• ...••• . • . .

RECAPITULATION BY STATES. z 103 Rbode rsland.... ....... ... ... ....... .. .. ... 9

!~~=:•••...••:•••••••.••::•••:.•:~ ~~':.: :: .':: :. ::: " ..:'..:":.'::\\l •Connecticut . . .. • .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• . . . . •• . . . 10 California. . . . .... . . •. .. . . .... .. .. • . . . . . . 86

~~~:!;::::!::::!!. : !:!:!;!!!:::!::: 1gt~f:::: ::! : :::: : ::: : :!!.!!:!:;:;J Ncw Hampsblre . . •. . .. . .. . . .. . .• . 8 Tota1. . .. . .. . ..... I Maine.. . . .. . . ... ... . . ..... ... ... .. .. .. . .. . 1\ Tenne8lee... .. •. . . •... ..... . . 0 . . ..... . .. . .. .

OF i SG4. .. ,

·N.un:. BTATR. 8UII,JEOTS OF TREsa. I - S. WESLEY BURNS•• •• " •• •Nova Scotia. .. .Typhus Fever. 2- WILLTAM BEEBE. ..... ..... Ohio.• .. .. ...Ad Eundem. 8- FRANKLIN BOOTH. •• • ••• • • •New Jer8sy. . • .•Domestic Remedies. 4--JOSHUA BEEDE. •• • •• ••••• •NewHampshire .Paralysie Generale. li - ALONZOD. BIROHARD. . . .. •P enn8lJZvania .. Pleurisy. 6- RoBERT F. BROOKS ••• " • • •Ohio• • " " . • ..Diphtheria.

.- 7- WILLIAH J . BRANDON ... .. . Tennu.u . . . ...Typhoid Fever. 8-THoHAB C. BRADFORD ••• • . • Ohio. .... • . • . .Medical History. 9-DANIEL W. BONEBREAK • • • •P enn8ylvania. . .Pleurisy.

10-1. K YLB BEI1.KBBILE. . . . .. . .Maryland...•• •Enteric Fever. I I-RuBS B. BROWNELL••• " • • •Oonnecticut • ••• Primary Adhesion. I !l-ORSON BRITTON, J r • • • ••••• Ohio. ..... •• •.Traumatic Tetanus. IS- EDWIN N. COLT, J r . .... ...New York• . ....Pneumonia. 14-RoBERT H. COOKE.... .. ...I ndiana . ... ... Ad Eundem. I 5-JoSEPH H. CHITTENDEN.. . . •New york. .••• •Quinia. I 6-SAMUEL B. C!lUROH. . . ... . •New Jer8ey; .. . .Typhoid Fever. 17-JoHN T. CoLE . ...... .. ...Mas8achusetts . .The Life of Cells. 18- NAPOLEON B. CRAWFORD•• . I llinoi8. . . . •.• . Infiammation. 19-LAWRENOE V. CORTELYOU. •N ew york . ..• •Opium. 2O-CHARLES F . D UTTON . ••• • • •Ohio. . . • " . •• •Diphtheria. 21- M. EVERETT DWIGHr• • • • •• New york . . . ..The Chemistry of the Sunbeam. 22-SIHON D. DUBOIS. . ••• " •• •New York . . .•• Typhoid Fever. 23- JOSEPH DENNI80N .••• •. •• .NOIJa Scotia. . • .Phthisis Pulmonalis. . 24-J. BAYLY DONE.. . . . ... . . •Maryland. .. .. •Amputations. 21l-WESLEY C. EARLE.. . . . ... .New york .• •• .Apoplexy. 26-H£NRY B. ELy. .• • ••• •• • • •Michigan . . • •• •Quinilll Sulphas. 27-T. J OSHUA EDWARDS.• • ••• •California . . • . •Ad E undem. 2S-GEORGE W. EMERSON ••••.• Malsachusett8 .. Inflammation;

. 29- AARON EBY • •• • • •• • •• • • •• Canada. . • •• ..• Quackery. SO-STEBBINS FOSKIT . • • " •• ••• Mas.Yachusett8 . . Pneumonia. :n-l RENUS Ii. FRANKLIN • • ••••• New Hamp,/lire . Menstruation. 32-GEORGE A. FAS8Jl."TTli:..... . . Vermont.. .. .. •Scarlatina. 3S-GEORGE GAMBLE . ..... .. .. Ohio. . . ... . . . .Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever. 84-CHARLES L. GEORGE.. .... . New York. ' " .Scarlatina. 31l-BEN.rAlUN F. HART • • • " ••• Ohio .. • . . • • • •Diphther ia. 36-*CHARLES E. HARRIS. . .. . .. Nova Scotia. .• . Per itonit is. S7-WILLIAM H. HARRISON..•• • Wi,consin .. •• •Inflammation. liS- WILLIAM G. HARRISON, Jr• •Maryland. .• • •. Inflammation. 39- THAOHER S. HANOUETT.. .. . Ma88achusettB . .Diphtheria• 40-HENRY A. I NLOES •. •.• . • .• Maryland. .•• • •Puerperal Couvulsions. • 4I-EDWARD W. J ENKS ..... . .. Vermont.. . ... . Ad Eundem. 42-J. AUGUSTUS KRETOHMAR . • •New york . • .. •De Epidemia Febris Scarlatin091ll

1lforrisaniensi hieme anni 1862-63.43-JolIN KIRKER. ••• " •• '" • • West Virginia. .Ad E undem. 44-LEWIS D. KASTE"BINE . • • • •Kentucky•• ••• •Dyspepsia. 45-ALEXANDER LOWE. , •• " • • •California . ... .Hospital Gangrene. 46- 0s0Ail A. LEWIS..... . ... . Indiana . . . . ...Ad Eundem.

• Deceased.

Page 9: Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of the ...1128/datastre… · annual catalogue til' tob officers and students . of tuil: • city of new york, session of 1864-'65. -_.--t-----



NAME. STATE. SUBJECTS OF THESEI!. 47-WILLLW T. LUSK ••••.••• •New York • •• ••Albuminuria and its Relations to

• Preguancy. 48--George C. LAWTON..••••• . New york ..... .Pneumonia. 49-JoSEPH D. LITTLE.••• .. •• •New york . •.• .Intermittent Fever. 50-FRANK LIVERMORE........ Massachusett& • •Intermittent Fever. 51-WILLIAM R. LANE • ••• • ••• . New Jersey .•••• Abortion. 52-JAMES H. MCCANN •••.••. .Kentucky • . • •. •Syphilis. 53-PETER MOFFATT .......... . Canada . •. .• .. 'l'hrombosis and Embolism. Il4-JOHN W . MCCORT ... .... .. Ohio . .........Causes of Disease. . 55-GEORGE HOWARNlJ MARvIN .New york •••• •The Differential Diagnosis of the

Chancre and the Chancroid. 1)6-ELI P. MILLER ..•••.... •. New york ..• •. Water as a Therapeutic Agent. 57- CaARLES R. METZLER •••• . •Nova Scotia . . . .Pleurisy. 58-ABNER MARTIN••••..••.. •Missouri.. .. .• •Ad E undem, 59-DAVID MUNROE .••• ••• • ••. Nelo York . •••. Sulphate of Quinia. 60_MARSHALL B. MCCAUSLAND. Canada . . . •• . . . Ad Eundem. 61- CHALRES R. NELDEN .•.• . . . New Jersey .. ••. Ameuorrhrea. 62- THOMAS R. POOLEY .•••.•• •New York . ..• . Tetanus. 63-WATSON PORTER.. • •.. . .• . Nova Scotia ..•.Typhoid Fever. 64--RoBERT E. PORTER .....•• •Kentucky •••... Inflammation. 61l-GEORGE T. PERRY..•.••• • . New Hampshire. Hernia. 56-IsRAEL PRIOR. •••••••••. . •New York . • ....Post-partum Hemorrhage. 67-JoSEPH H. l'UTNAM... • .• • .New York . .•••. Inflammation of the Stomach. 68-JoSEPH H. REyNOLDS .••• • . Illinois . •• •• ..•Physical Exploration as applied to

the Respiratory Organs. . G9-*EUGENE O. ROwE.•...•. .New york. ••.. .Delirium Tremens. 70-WILLIAM E. ROBERTS •• .. . . D. oj Columbia. Intermittent Fever. 7I-JAMEs REAGLES, Jr........ .New y ork .. . .. .Sleep. 72-J. KING ROBINSON ..••• ..•. California • •••• AnlEsthetics. 73-J08EPFI G. ROGERS .•• •••• •Indiana . . ••••• Inflammation. 74--ALPHONSO D. R()CKWELL.. . . Ohio.. . ... .... .Pulmonary Emphysema. 75-CASIMIRO JOSE SAEZ .. .•... Cuba.. •••.•.•.Ad Eundem. 76- WILLIAM E. SCHENCK.. .. • •New Je'·sey .••. .Puerperal Eclampsia. 77-0LIVER G. SUERMAN.. . . • •. 7'ennessee •••••.Prescr iptions. 78- WILLIAM -G. STEVENSON . •• •New York . .•• • • Pneumonia. 79-ARTEMAS G. SOULE..•. . •.. California .••• .Ad Eundem. SO-BENJAMIN TAPPAN, Jr.. .... . Ohio . .........Paronychin. SI- WILLIAM M. TUTTLE.... . . Missouri.. . . ... Ad E undem. 82-JAMES Y. T UTIULL.. . ..... •New york.. ... .Scarlatina. 83- GILBERT TlliCKSTUN ....... •Pennsylvania . . • Typhoid Fever. 84-LEMUEL L. TOZIER .....•• .New york•.• • • •Spermatorrhrea. 85-DowE D. TAULMAN........ New york. . . •• •Ad Eundem. 86-EDWARD R. WHEELER .••. .Massachusetts • •The Use of Alcoholic Stimulus in

Continued Fever. B7-GEORGE E . WALTON..•• ... Ohio . .•.• . •• ••Tetanus. 88-NoRTON WOLCOTT . . • .. • • • •,New York . .••.Sulphate of Quinia. B9-THOMAS K. WHITTEMORE .•. Massachusetts •. Diphtheria. 90-MYRON M. WHEELER .•••. . New york .• •• •ArseDicum. 91-WILLARD G. WAyMAN. • .•. .Indiana . ... .. .The Influence of Malaria in Produc­

. ing Disease: 92-RICHARD M. WyCKOFF . • •• •New york.•.•• •Tracheotomy in Croup. 93-JAMES T. yOUNG ... .... .. •D. oj Ooluinbia.Diphtheritic Laryngitis.

.$!:i ?:.De!""6~><e" , I J, rJ &""l.. t< ,.~~ .~~~


Veritas via-successus proposituIn.