Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk | 0330 0584 285 | [email protected]

Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

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Page 1: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

Anna GianfrancescoHead of Service BHCC

(Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning

Brighton and Hove City Council

governmentevents.co.uk | 0330 0584 285 | [email protected]

Page 2: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

• Measuring performance data to determine where there needs to be improvement

• Working towards the vision of building resilience, engagement and early intervention

• Developing effective partnerships with healthcare, education, the community voluntary sector and the police

• Using child in need plans to develop a targeted package of care for individuals who have been identified to be at risk from child exploitation

Page 3: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

The Local Picture

Page 5: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

Children 2010-2015• Measuring performance data to determine where there

needs to be improvement

In October 2015 we developed Performance Management Framework (PMF). The PMF provides social workers and managers with the support and tools with which to make systematic, continuous improvement to the social work service they deliver to children and their families in Brighton & Hove:

1) Client Summary: An overview for the social worker of an individual client

2) Client Overview: A tool for social workers and managers to manage their caseload

3) Information for Managers: A Tool for POD Managers and Heads of Service to manage the performance of staff and the cases they hold

4) Quarterly Management Information Report:A report for Heads of Service and SLT to manage the performance of the Service

5) Children’s Services Performance Management Report: A report for the Directorate to manage the performance of the Service

Families, Children and Learning Performance


BHCC Executive Leadership Team

Policy, Resources & Growth Committee

Corporate Parenting

Board/ Cross Party Child

Review Group


Page 6: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

Quality Assurance

“Senior leaders have a clear understanding of the strengths and areas for further development in their services, informed by a thorough and accurate self-assessment, alongside learning from regular comprehensive quality assurance framework auditing and peer reviews.” Ofsted, July 2018.

❑ The quality assurance framework places workers at the centre of quality assurance activity. Workers, with support from their managers, audit their own work to learn and critically analyse their own practice, focusing on outcomes and identifying solutions. Group Supervision to reflect on completed audits is encouraged.

❑ Regular Audits are completed each quarter. The cases for audit are randomly selected by the Performance Team and include a sample of cases which are at different points on the child’s journey e.g. CIN, CP and CIC.

❑ Thematic Audits are completed bi-annually and are led by the Head of Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Manager. The area of enquiry is identified from current practice issues, where more in depth scrutiny is indicated. The aim is to better understand specific aspects of the child’s pathway, and to make recommendations for further action. The Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning (FCL); the Assistant Director and the Heads of Service are involved in the completion of thematic audits.

❑ LSCB Thematic Audits- 2 per year, multi agency audits❑ Each year the Senior Leadership Team including the Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning and the

Chair of the Children, Young people & Skills Committee undertake a Practice Focus Week to coincide with World Social Work Day.

Page 7: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

Use of Local and National data• Social Care data

• YOS Data

• Prevent Data

• Police Exploitation and Abuse data report

• Substance Misuse Data

• Safe and Well at School Survey

• School data

Page 8: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

Early Help

• Access to Troubled Family and Early Help offer thought the Front door for Families which is embedded in the MASH.

• Adolescent health offer in schools, includes substance misuse, sexual health and teenage pregnancy.

• Emotional Health and Wellbeing offer.

• Attachment aware schools

• St Giles Trust and Audio Active (CVS partners) linked to every school to divert from CCE and drug use.

Working towards the vision of building resilience, engagement and early


Page 9: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

Social work

• Social work into small pods

• Enable relationship based work.

• Group reflective supervision

• Adolescent Pod within the Adolescent Service,

• Location strategies rather than just on young people

Page 10: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

Adolescent Service

• Brought together as one service:

• Youth Offending

• Substance Misuse ( tier 2 and 3)

• Functional Family Therapy

• Extended Adolescent Service

• Adolescent Social Work (exploitation)

• Teenage Pregnancy team

Page 11: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

Strategic level

• Exploitation Strategy sits under Community Safety Partnership

• Joint Commissioning with Public Health of Prevention Services

• Adolescent Board had replaced the YOS Board

Developing effective partnerships with healthcare, education, the community voluntary sector and the police

Page 12: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

What this means for the partnership

Tactical Level

• Partnership Tactical and Tasking Coordination Group (PTTCG)

• Exploitation Group- joint LSCB/SAB and CSP

• Missing from School Strategy ( addressing part time timetables)

Page 13: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

What this means for the partnershipOperational Level

• Daily Missing and arrest notifications.

• Mental Health services linked in and enable enhanced communication and planning, reducing the tension between services.

• Police Intelligence Briefings for Families, Children and Learning

• Adolescent Vulnerability and Risk Meetings

• Prevention services embedded into Adolescent services and working in schools

Page 14: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

• CP v CIN area we are grappling with

• What does CP give you if parents are working with you.

• How do you hold the partnership to account and work with them under CIN.

Using child in need plans to develop a targeted package of care for individuals who have been identified to be at risk from child exploitation

Page 15: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

Where next with CP verses CIN

• Look to develop independent chairs for some network meetings

• Looking at how we work with parents' at an earlier point

• Use of AMBIT model of working, can social workers ‘hold’ other professionals who have the relationship

Page 16: Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC and Learning ......Anna Gianfrancesco Head of Service BHCC (Adolescents), Children, Families and Learning Brighton and Hove City Council governmentevents.co.uk

Anna Gianfrancesco

Head of Safeguarding and Performance

[email protected]