Anna Bergamaschi Contact details Address OFLC/001 Paul Scherrer Institut CH-5232 Villigen PSI Phone +41 56 310 3227 Fax +41 56 310 5230 E-mail [email protected] URL http://www.psi.ch/lsb/anna-bergamaschi Personal data Born in Parma (Italy) on 30.11.1977. Married with two sons (2007, 2011). Resume 2008-now Detector scientist in the Swiss Light Source Detector Group at the Paul Scherrer Institut (CH). Principal tasks and research interests: Responsible for the MYTHEN silicon microstrip single photon count- ing detector (maintenance, improvements, users-support and further developments). Optimization of the performance of single photon count- ing detectors (calibration, count rate capability, spatial resolution) Characterization and development of the MÖNCH 25 μm pitch charge integrating pixel detector for imaging, soft X-ray and spectroscopic applications. Investigation on the spatial resolution limits of hybrid de- tectors. Optimization of hybrid detector performance in the soft X- ray energy range. Usage of low noise hybrid detectors in energy dispersive measurements. 1

Anna Bergamaschi - Paul Scherrer Institute ·  · 2020-01-09Anna Bergamaschi Contact details Address OFLC/001 Paul Scherrer ... Married with two sons (2007, 2011). Resume 2008-now

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Page 1: Anna Bergamaschi - Paul Scherrer Institute ·  · 2020-01-09Anna Bergamaschi Contact details Address OFLC/001 Paul Scherrer ... Married with two sons (2007, 2011). Resume 2008-now

Anna Bergamaschi

Contact details

Address OFLC/001Paul Scherrer InstitutCH-5232 Villigen PSI

Phone +41 56 310 3227

Fax +41 56 310 5230

E-mail [email protected]

URL http://www.psi.ch/lsb/anna-bergamaschi

Personal data

Born in Parma (Italy) on 30.11.1977.Married with two sons (2007, 2011).


2008-now Detector scientist in the Swiss Light Source Detector Group atthe Paul Scherrer Institut (CH). Principal tasks and research interests:

• Responsible for the MYTHEN silicon microstrip single photon count-ing detector (maintenance, improvements, users-support andfurther developments).

– Optimization of the performance of single photon count-ing detectors (calibration, count rate capability, spatialresolution)

• Characterization and development of the MÖNCH 25 µm pitchcharge integrating pixel detector for imaging, soft X-ray andspectroscopic applications.

– Investigation on the spatial resolution limits of hybrid de-tectors.

– Optimization of hybrid detector performance in the soft X-ray energy range.

– Usage of low noise hybrid detectors in energy dispersivemeasurements.


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• Coordination of the development of a common software plat-form for all SLS detectors.

• Design and characterization of sensors with enhanced effi-ciency at high X-ray energies (high-Z materials, thick silicon,Edge on) and for soft X-rays (thin entrance window).

2005-2008 Postdoc in the Swiss Light Source Detector Group at the PaulScherrer Institut (CH) for the development of the MYTHEN detector.

2005 Postdoc at the University of Trieste (Italy) for the FP6 I-imas (Intelli-gent Imaging Sensors for Industry, Health & Security) project.

2002-2004 Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Trieste (Italy)Dissertation title: A high performance detection system for breasttomography with synchrotron radiationSupervisor: Prof. Edoardo Castellihttp://www.infn.it/thesis/thesis_dettaglio.php?tid=257

2001 Diploma magna cum laude in Nuclear and Particle Physics at theUniversity of Trieste (Italy)Thesis title: A detection system for synchrotron radiation digital mam-mography (in Italian)Supervisor: Prof. Edoardo Castellihttp://www.infn.it/thesis/thesis_dettaglio.php?tid=256

1999 Summer student at Fermilab (USA) collaborating at the CDF exper-iment for the testing of fiber optics electronic modules.

1994-1995 Exchange Student in Iceland with an AFS one year program.


2001-2005 Associated to the Trieste Section of INFN (Italian institute fornuclear physics).

2005 Fellowship of the consortium for the Development of Physics for thecollaboration in the MATISSE (MAmmographic and TomographicImaging with Silicon detectors and Synchrotron radiation at Elet-tra) project at the University of Trieste (Italy)


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2002-2004 Fellowship for PhD students funded by the Italian Ministry ofEducation, University and Scientific Research, at the University ofTrieste (Italy)

2002-2004 Fellowship sponsored by the European Social Fund for the de-velopment of a detector for breast tomography with synchrotronradiation at the University of Trieste (Italy)

2001 Collaboration with the Physics department of University of Trieste(Italy) for the testing of the read out electronics of the FRONTRAD(FRONTier RADiography) experiment, for the development of a de-tector for digital mammography with synchrotron radiation.


Reviewer for several peer-reviewed scientific journals and for proposalfrom international founding agencies.

2016 Lecture on “Detectors for synchrotron and XFEL experiments” atthe first Barcelona TechnoWeek School on Semiconductor Detec-tors.

2015, 2013 Presentations about synchrotron radiation detectors at theHERCULES Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for Science Schoolin PSI.

2013 Mentor for a master thesis in Physics at the École PolytechniqueFédérale de Lausanne (CH).Title: Material classification with spectral CT data using a pixel de-tectorStudent: Céline StoecklinSupervisors: Prof. R. Gruetter (EPFL), Prof. M. Stampanoni (PSI)

2017, 2012, 2010, 2009 Supervisor of summer students in the SLS Detec-tors Group.

2010 Supervisor for a bachelor thesis in Physics at the University of Trieste(Italy).Title: Characterization of silicon microstrip sensors of various thick-ness for X-ray applicationsStudent: Lorenzo Spadaccini


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2001-2005 Didactic support for the courses of classical mechanics, ther-modynamics, algebra and mathematical analysis to the first yearstudents in Physics at the University of Trieste (Italy)

2004 Mentor for a diploma thesis in Physics at the University of Trieste(Italy)Title: Development of a data acquisition system for synchrotron ra-diation tomographyStudent: Francesco BruniTutor: Prof. Renata Longo



EP3021110-A1 System for obtaining quantitative x-ray images, has unitthat estimates differential phase contrast and scattering data fromone section of respective reconstructed fringeApplicant : Paul Scherrer InstitutInventors: B. Schmitt, M. Stampanoni, Zh. Wang, M. Kagias, A.Bergamaschi, R. Dinapoli, S. Cartier, A. Mozzanica

EP09168955.4 X-ray detector with integrating readout chip for single pho-ton resolutionApplicant: Paul Scherrer InstitutInventors: B. Schmitt, A. Bergamaschi, R. Dinapoli, A. Mozzanica

EP2490441A1 Single photon counting detector system having improvedcounter architectureApplicant: Paul Scherrer InstitutInventors: B. Schmitt, A. Bergamaschi, R. Dinapoli, A. Mozzanica

Citation MetricsResearcher ID I-3520-2013Articles With Citation Data 58Sum of the Times Cited 1303Average Citations per Article 22h-index 18

Updated on May 15, 2017


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List of publications

69. M. Ramilli, A. Bergamaschi, M. Andrä, M. Brückner, S. Cartier, R. Di-napoli, E. Fröjdh, D. Greiffenberg, T. Hutwelker, C. Lopez-Cuenca,D. Mezza, A. Mozzanica, M. Ruat, S. Redford, B. Schmitt, X. Shi, G.Tinti, J. ZhangMeasurements with MÖNCH, a 25 µm pixel pitch hybrid pixel de-tectorJournal of Instrumentation (2017) 12, C01071.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/12/01/C01071

68. S. Redford, A. Bergamaschi, M. Andrä, M. Brückner, S. Cartier, R.Dinapoli, Y. Ekinci, E. Fröjdh, D. Greiffenberg, D. Mayilyan, D. Mezza,A. Mozzanica, A. Rajeev, M. Ramilli, C. Ruder, L Schädler, B. Schmitt,X. Shi, D. Thattil, G. Tinti, J. ZhangCalibration status and plans for the charge integrating JUNGFRAUpixel detector for SwissFELJournal of Instrumentation (2016) 11, C11013.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/11/11/C11013

67. S. Cartier, M. Kagias, A. Bergamaschi, Zh. Wang, R. Dinapoli, A.Mozzanica, M. Ramilli, B. Schmitt, M. Brückner, E. Fröejdh, D. Greiff-enberg, D. Mayilyan, D. Mezza, S. Redford, Ch. Ruder, L. Schaedler,X. Shi, D. Thattil, G. Tinti, J. Zhang, M. StampanoniMicron resolution imaging using MÖNCH: towards G2-less gratinginterferometryJournal of Synchrotron Radiation (2016) 23, 1462–1473.http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S1600577516014788

66. M. Kagias, S. Cartier, Z. Wang, A. Bergamaschi, R. Dinapoli, A. Moz-zanica, B. Schmitt , M. StampanoniSingle shot x-ray phase contrast imaging using a direct conversionmicrostrip detector with single photon sensitivityApplied Physiscs Letters (2016) 108, 234102–234105.http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4948584

65. J. H. Jungmann-Smith, A. Bergamaschi, M. Brückner, S. Cartier, R.Dinapoli, D. Greiffenberg, Th. Huthwelker, K. Medjoubi, D. Mali-akal, D. Mayilyan, D. Mezza, A. Mozzanica, M. Ramilli, Ch. Ruder, L.Schaedler, B. Schmitt, X. Shi, G. TintiTowards Hybrid Pixel Detectors for Energy-Dispersive or Soft X-RayPhoton ScienceJournal of Synchrotron Radiation (2016) 23, 385-394.http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S1600577515023541


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64. A. Mozzanica, A. Bergamaschi, M. Brückner, S. Cartier, R. Dinapoli,D. Greiffenberg, J. Jungmann-Smith, D. Maliakal, D. Mezza, M. Ramilli,Ch. Ruder, L. Schaedler, B. Schmitt, X. Shi, G. TintiCharacterization results of the JUNGFRAU full scale readout ASICJournal of Instrumentation (2016) 11, C02047.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/11/02/C02047

63. K. Woll, A. Bergamaschi, K. Avchachov, F. Djurabekova, S. Gier, C.Pauly, P. Leibenguth, C. Wagner, K. Nordlund, F. MücklichRu/Al Multilayers Integrate Maximum Energy Density and Ductilityfor Reactive MaterialsScientific Reports (2016) 6, 19535.http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep19535

62. J. H. Jungmann-Smith, A. Bergamaschi, M. Brückner, S. Cartier, R. Di-napoli, D. Greiffenberg, A. Jaggi, D. Maliakal, D. Mayilyan, K. Med-joubi, D. Mezza, A. Mozzanica, M. Ramilli, Ch. Ruder, L. Schaedler,B. Schmitt, X. Shi and G. TintiRadiation hardness assessment of the charge-integrating hybridpixel detector JUNGFRAU 1.0 for photon scienceReview of Scientific Instruments (2015) 86, 123110.http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4938166

61. G. Tinti, A. Bergamaschi, S. Cartier, R. Dinapoli, D. Greiffenberg, R.Horisberger, I. Johnson, J.H. Jungmann-Smith, D. Mezza, A. Mozzan-ica, B. Schmitt, X. ShiSimilarities and differences of recent hybrid pixel detectors for X-ray and high energy physics developed at the Paul Scherrer InstitutJournal of Instrumentation (2015) 10, C04043.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/10/04/C04043

60. S. Cartier, A. Bergamaschi, R. Dinapoli, D. Greiffenberg, I. Johnson,J.H. Jungmann-Smith, D. Mezza, A. Mozzanica, X. Shi, G. Tinti, B.Schmitt, M. StampanoniStudy of the signal response of the MÖNCH 25mum pitch hybridpixel detector at different photon absorption depthsJournal of Instrumentation (2015) 10, C03022.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/10/03/C03022

59. G. Tinti, A. Bergamaschi, S. Cartier, R. Dinapoli, D. Greiffenberg, I.Johnson, J.H. Jungmann-Smith, D. Mezza, A. Mozzanica, B. Schmitt,X. ShiPerformance of the EIGER single photon counting detector


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Journal of Instrumentation (2015) 10, C03011.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/10/03/C03011

58. A. Bergamaschi, S. Cartier, R. Dinapoli, D. Greiffenberg, J.H. Jungmann-Smith, D. Mezza, A. Mozzanica, B. Schmitt, X. Shi, G. TintiLooking at single photons using hybrid detectorsJournal of Instrumentation (2015) 10, C01033.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/10/01/C01033

57. S. Elbracht-Leong, A. Bergamaschi, D. Greiffenberg, D. Peake, R.Rassool, B. Schmitt, H. Toyokawa, B. SobbottCharacterisation of an electron collecting CdTe strip sensor usingthe MYTHEN readout chipJournal of Instrumentation (2015) 10, C01024.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/10/01/C01024

56. J.H. Jungmann-Smith, A. Bergamaschi, S. Cartier, R. Dinapoli, D.Greiffenberg, I. Johnson, D. Maliakal, D. Mezza, A. Mozzanica, Ch.Ruder, L. Schaedler, B. Schmitt, X. Shi, G. TintiJUNGFRAU 0.2: prototype characterization of a gain-switching, highdynamic range imaging system for photon science at SwissFEL andsynchrotronsJournal of Instrumentation (2014) 9, P12013.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/9/12/P12013

55. A. Bergamaschi, S. Cartier, R. Dinapoli, D. Greiffenberg, I. Johnson,D. Mezza, A. Mozzanica, B. Schmitt, X. Shi, J. Jungmann-Smith, G.TintiX-ray Detector Development at the Swiss Light SourceSynchrotron Radiation News (2014) 27(4), 3.http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08940886.2014.930790

54. F.C.M. Lopez, L. Rigon, L. Fardin, F. Arfelli, A. Bergamaschi, D. Dreossi,M. Longo, B. Schmitt, E. Vallazza, R. LongoComparator threshold settings and the effective pixel width of thePICASSO detectorJournal of Instrumentation (2014) 9, C05056.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/9/05/C05056

53. A. Mozzanica, A. Bergamaschi, S. Cartier, R. Dinapoli, D. Greiffen-berg, I. Johnson, J.H. Jungmann, D. Maliakal, D. Mezza, C. Ruder, L.Schaedler, B. Schmitt, X. Shi, G. Tinti


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Prototype characterization of the JUNGFRAU pixel detector for Swiss-FELJournal of Instrumentation (2014) 9, C05010.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/9/05/C05010

52. R. Dinapoli, A. Bergamaschi, S. Cartier, D. Greiffenberg, I. Johnson,J.H. Jungmann, D. Mezza, A. Mozzanica, B. Schmitt, X. Shi,G. TintiMÖNCH, a small pitch, integrating hybrid pixel detector for X-rayapplicationsJournal of Instrumentation (2014) 9, C05015.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/9/05/C05015

51. S. Cartier, A. Bergamaschi, R. Dinapoli, D. Greiffenberg, I. Johnson,J.H. Jungmann, D. Mezza, A. Mozzanica, B. Schmitt, X. Shi, M. Stam-panoni, J. Sun, G. TintiMicron resolution of MÖNCH and GOTTHARD, small pitch chargeintegrating detectors with single photon sensitivityJournal of Instrumentation (2014) 9, C05027.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/9/05/C05027

50. I. Johnson, A. Bergamaschi, H. Billich, S. Cartier, R. Dinapoli, D. Greif-fenberg, M. Guizar-Sicairos, B. Henrich, J. Jungmann, D. Mezza, A.Mozzanica, B. Schmitt, X. Shi, G. TintiEiger: a single-photon counting x-ray detectorJournal of Instrumentation (2014) 9, C05032.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/9/05/C05032

49. R. Dinapoli, A. Bergamaschi, D. Greiffenberg, B., R. Horisberger, I.Johnson, A. Mozzanica, V. Radicci, B. Schmitt, X. Shi, G. TintiEIGER characterization resultsNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2013) 731,68-73.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2013.04.047

48. P. Willmott, D. Meister, S. Leake, M. Lange, A. Bergamaschi, M. Boege,M. Calvi, C. Cancellieri, N. Casati, A. Cervellino, Q. Chen, C. David,U. Flechsig, F. Gozzo, B. Henrich, S. Jaeggi-Spielmann, B. Jakob, I.Kalichava, P. Karvinen, J. Krempasky, A. Luedeke, R. Luescher, S.Maag, C. Quitmann, M. Reinle-Schmitt, T. Schmidt, B. Schmitt, A.Streun, I. Vartiainen, M. Vitins, X. Wang, R. WullschlegerThe Materials Science beamline upgrade at the Swiss Light SourceJournal of Synchrotron Radiation (2013) 20, 667-682.


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47. I. Johnson, A. Bergamaschi, J. Buitenhuis, R. Dinapoli, D. Greiffen-berg, B. Henrich, T. Ikonen, G. Meier, A. Menzel, A. Mozzanica, V.Radicci, D. K. Satapathy, B. Schmitt, X. ShiCapturing dynamics with Eiger, a fast framing X-ray detectorJournal of Synchrotron Radiation (2012) 19, 1001-1005.http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0909049512035972

46. J. Szlachetko, M. Nachtegaal, E. de Boni, M. Willimann, O. Safonova,J. Sa, G. Smolentsev, M. Szlachetko, J. A. van Bokhoven, J.-Cl. Dousse,J. Hoszowska, Y. Kayser, P. Jagodzinski, A. Bergamaschi, B. Schmitt,C. David, and A. LückeA von Hamos x-ray spectrometer based on a segmented-type diffrac-tion crystal for single-shot x-ray emission spectroscopy and time-resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering studiesReview of Scientific Instruments (2012) 83, 103-105.http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4756691

45. A. Schubert, A. Bergamaschi, C. David, R. Dinapoli, S. Elbracht-Leong, S. Gorelick, H. Graafsma, B. Henrich, I. Johnson, M. Lohmann,A. Mozzanica, V. Radicci, R. Rassool, L. Schädler, B. Schmitt, X. Shiand B. SobottMicrometre resolution of a charge integrating microstrip detectorwith single photon sensitivityJournal of Synchrotron Radiation (2012) 19, 359-365.http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S090904951200235X

44. A. Mozzanica, A. Bergamaschi, R. Dinapoli, H. Graafsma, D. Greiff-enberg, B. Henrich, I. Johnson, M. Lohmann, V. Radicci, B. Schmitt,X. ShiThe GOTTHARD charge integrating readout detector: design andcharacterizationJournal of Instrumentation (2012) 7, C01019.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/7/01/C01019

43. V. Radicci, A. Bergamaschi, R. Dinapoli R, D. Greiffenberg, B. Hen-rich, I. Johnson, A. Mozzanica, B. Schmitt, X. ShiEIGER a new single photon counting detector for X-ray applica-tions: performance of the chipJournal of Instrumentation (2012) 7, C02019.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/7/02/C02019


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42. F. C. Lopez, L. Rigon, R. Longo, F. Arfelli, A. Bergamaschi, R. C. Chen,D. Dreossi, B. Schmitt, E. Vallazza, E. CastelliDevelopment of a fast read-out system of a single photon countingdetector for mammography with synchrotron radiationJournal of Instrumentation (2012) 7, C12031.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/6/12/C12031

41. A. Mozzanica, A. Bergamaschi, R. Dinapoli, H. Graafsma, B. Hen-rich, P. Kraft, I. Johnson, M. Lohmann, B. Schmitt, X. ShiA single photon resolution integrating chip for microstrip detectorsNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2011) 633,S29-S32.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016//j.nima.2010.06.112

40. A. Bergamaschi, R. Dinapoli, D. Greiffenberg, B. Henrich, I. Johnson,A. Mozzanica, V. Radicci, B. Schmitt, X. Shi, L. StoppaniTime-over-threshold readout to enhance the high flux capabilitiesof single-photon-counting detectorsJournal of Synchrotron Radiation (2011) 18, 923-929.http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0909049511034480

39. E. Kleymenov, J. A. van Bokhoven, C. David, P. Glatzel, M. Janousch,R. Alonso-Mori, M. Studer, M. Willimann, A. Bergamaschi, B. Henrich,M. NachtegaalFive-element Johann-type x-ray emission spectrometer with a single-photon-counting pixel detectorReview of Scientific Instruments (2011) 82, 065107.http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3600452

38. R. Dinapoli, A. Bergamaschi, B. Henrich, R. Horisberger, I. Johnson,A. Mozzanica, E. Schmid, B. Schmitt, A. Schreiber, X. Shi, G. TheidelEIGER: Next generation single photon counting detector for X-rayapplicationsNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2011) 650,79-83.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2010.12.005

37. F. Gozzo, A. Cervellino, M. Leoni, P. Scardi, A. Bergamaschi, B. SchmittInstrumental profile of MYTHEN detector in Debye-Scherrer geom-etryZeitschrift für Kristallographie Crystalline Materials (225) 2010, 616-624.


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36. K. Fadenberger, I.E. Gunduz, C. Tsotsos, M. Kokonou, S. Gravani,S. Brandstetter, A. Bergamaschi, B. Schmitt, P.H. Mayrhofer, C.C.Doumanidis, C. RebholzIn situ observation of rapid reactions in nanoscale Ni-Al multilayerfoils using synchrotron radiationApplied Physics Letters (97) 2010, 144101.http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3485673

35. K. Nygaard, S. Gorelick, J. Vila-Comamala, E. Faerm, A. Bergamaschi,A. Cervellino, F. Gozzo, B. D. Patterson, M. Ritala, C. DavidBeam-induced damage on diffractive hard X-ray opticsJournal of Synchrotron Radiation (2010) 17, 786-790.http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0909049510028487

34. A. Bergamaschi, A. Cervellino, R. Dinapoli, F. Gozzo, B. Henrich, I.Johnson, P. Kraft, A. Mozzanica, B. Schmitt and X. ShiThe MYTHEN detector for X-ray powder diffraction experiments atthe Swiss Light SourceJournal of Synchrotron Radiation (2010) 17, 653-668.http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0909049510026051

33. A. Bergamaschi, R. Dinapoli, B. Henrich, I. Johnson, A. Mozzanica,X. Shi, B. SchmittBeyond single photon counting X-ray detectorsNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2011) 628,238-241.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.326

32. L. Rigon, F. Tapete, D. Dreossi, F. Arfelli, A. Bergamaschi, R. Chen, R.Longo, R.H. Menk, B. Schmitt, E. Vallazza, E. CastelliBreast computed tomography with the PICASSO detector: A feasi-bility studyNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2011) 628,419-422.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2010.07.015

31. A. Mozzanica, A. Bergamaschi, R. Dinapoli, H. Graafsma, B. Hen-rich, P. Kraft, I. Johnson, M. Lohmann, B. Schmitt, X. ShiA single photon resolution integrating chip for microstrip detectorsNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2011) 633,


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30. L. Rigon, E. Vallazza, F. Arfelli, R. Longo, D. Dreossi, A. Bergamaschi,B. Schmitt, R. Chen, M.A. Cova, R. Perabo’, M. Fioravanti, L. Mancini,R.H. Menk, N. Sodini, G. Tromba, F. ZaniniSynchrotron radiation microtomography for the non-destructive struc-tural evaluation of bowed stringed instrumentse-Preservation Science (2010) 7, 71-78.http://www.morana-rtd.com/e-preservationscience/2010/Zanini-05-11-2009.pdf

29. L. Rigon, F. Arfelli, A. Bergamaschi, R.C. Chen, D. Dreossi, R. Longo,R.-H. Menk, B. Schmitt, E. Vallazza, E. CastelliEvaluation of charge -sharing effects on the spatial resolution of thePICASSO detectorNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2010) 617,244-245.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2009.09.007

28. R. Dinapoli, A. Bergamaschi, B. Henrich, R. Horisberger, I. Johnson,P. Kraft, A. Mozzanica, B. Schmitt, X. Shi, D. SuterA new family of pixel detectors for high frame rate X-ray applica-tionsNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2010) 617,384-386.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2009.10.043

27. E. Kleimenov, A. Bergamaschi, J. van Bokhoven, M. Janousch, B.Schmitt, M. NachtegaalHigh-resolution hard-X-ray fluorescence spectrometerJournal of Physics: Conference Series (2009) 190, 012035.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/190/1/012035

26. P. Kraft, A. Bergamaschi, C. Broennimann, R. Dinapoli, E.F. Eiken-berry, H. Graafsma, B. Henrich, I. Johnson, M. Kobas, A. Mozzanica,C.A. Schleputz, B. SchmittCharacterization and Calibration of PILATUS DetectorsIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE (2009) 56, 758-764.http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TNS.2008.2009448


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25. L. Rigon, F. Arfelli, A. Astolfo, A. Bergamaschi, D. Dreossi, R. Longo,R.-H. Menk, B. Schmitt, E. Vallazza, E. CastelliA single-photon counting ’edge-on’ silicon detector for synchrotronradiation mammographyNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2009) 608,S62-S65.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2009.05.036

24. P. Kraft, A. Bergamaschi, Ch. Broennimann, R. Dinapoli, E. F. Eiken-berry, B. Henrich, I. Johnson, A. Mozzanica, C. M. Schleputz, P. R.Willmott, B. SchmittPerformance of single-photon-counting PILATUS detector modulesJournal of Synchrotron Radiation (2009) 16, 368-375.http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0909049509009911

23. A. Bergamaschi, A. Cervellino, R. Dinapoli, F. Gozzo, B. Henrich, I.Johnson, P. Kraft, A. Mozzanica, B. Schmitt, X. ShiPhoton counting microstrip detector for time resolved powder diffrac-tion experimentsNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2009) 604,136-139.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2009.01.092

22. B. Henrich, A. Bergamaschi, C. Broennimann, R. Dinapoli, E.F. Eiken-berry, I. Johnson, M. Kobas, P. Kraft, A. Mozzanica, B. SchmittPILATUS: A single photon counting pixel detector for X-ray applica-tionsNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2009) 607,247-249.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2009.03.200

21. A. Mozzanica, A. Bergamaschi, R. Dinapoli, F. Gozzo, B. Henrich, P.Kraft, B. Patterson, B. SchmittMythenII: A 128 channel single photon counting readout chipNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2009) 607,250-252.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2009.03.166

20. L. Rigon, F. Arfelli, A. Bergamaschi, D. Dreossi, R. Longo, R.-H. Menk,G. Orzan, B. Schmitt, E. Vallazza, E. CastelliPICASSO: A Silicon Microstrip Detector for Mammography with Syn-chrotron RadiationIEEE NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM - CONFERENCE RECORD (2009)


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, 811-814.

19. A. Bergamaschi, Ch. Broennimann, R. Dinapoli, E. Eikenberry, F.Gozzo, B. Henrich, M. Kobas, P. Kraft, B. Patterson, B. SchmittPerformance of a single photon counting microstrip detector forstrip pitches down to 10 µmNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2008) 591,163-166.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2008.03.048

18. E. Vallazza, F. Arfelli, F. Bruni, E. Castelli, R. Longo, C. Pontoni, L. Rigon,T. Rokvic, A. Bergamaschi, B. Schmitt, D. Dreossi, R.-H. MenkA DOUBLE LAYER SILICON DETECTOR FOR SINGLE PHOTON COUNT-INGAstroparticle Particle Space Physics Radiation Interaction Detec-tors and Medical Physics Applications (2008) 4, 702-710.

17. D. Lietti, A. Bergamaschi, D. Bolognini, J. Colombo, S. Hasan, A.Mattera, A. Mozzanica, M. Prest, B. Schmitt, E. VallazzaLOW AND HIGH INTENSITY BEAM MONITORING AND TRACKINGAstroparticle Particle Space Physics Radiation Interaction Detec-tors and Medical Physics Applications (2008) 4, 978-983.http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/9789812819093_0164

16. R. Turchetta, A. Fant, P. Gasiorek, C. Esbrand, J.A. Griffiths, M.G.Metaxas, G.J. Royle, R. Speller, C. Venanzi, P.F. van der Stelt, H.Verheij, G. Li, S. Theodoridis, H. Georgiou, D. Cavouras, G. Hall, M.Noy, J. Jones, J. Leaver, D. Machin, S. Greenwood, M. Khaleeq, H.Schulerud, J.M. Ostby, F. Triantis, A. Asimidis, D. Bolanakis, N. Man-thos, R. Longo, A. BergamaschiCMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS): Developments andfuture outlookNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2007) 582,866-870.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2007.07.112

15. D. Dreossi, A. Bergamaschi, B. Schmitt, E. Vallazza, F. Arfelli, R. Longo,R.H. Menk, L. Rigon, T. Rokvic, C. Venanzi, E. CastelliClinical mammography at the SYRMEP beam line: Toward the dig-ital detection systemNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2007) 576,160-163.


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14. A. Fant, P. Gasiorek, R. Turchetta, B. Avset, A. Bergamaschi, D. Cavouras,I. Evangelou, M.J. French, A. Galbiati, H. Georgiou, G. Hall, G. Iles,J. Jones, R. Longo, N. Manthos, M.G. Metaxas, M. Noy, J.M. Ostby, F.Psomadellis, G.J. Royle, H. Schulerud, R.D. Speller, P.F. van der Stelt,S. Theodoridis, F. Triantis, C. VenanziI-IMAS: A 1.5D sensor for high-resolution scanningNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2007) 573,27-29.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2006.10.389

13. J.A. Griffiths, M.G. Metaxas, G.J. Royle, C. Venanzi, C. Esbrand, P.F.van der Stelt, H. Verheij, Gang Li, R. Turchetta, A. Fant, P. Gasiorek, S.Theodoridis, H. Georgiou, H., D. Cavouras, G. Hall, M. Noy, J. Jones,J. Leaver, D. Machin, S. Greenwood, M. Khaleeq, H. Schulerud, J.M.Ostby, F. Triantis, A. Asimidis, D. Bolanakis, N. Manthos, R. Longo, A.Bergamaschi, R.D. SpellerA multi-element detector system for intelligent imaging: I-ImaS2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (2007) ,2554-2558.http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/NSSMIC.2006.354430

12. A. Bergamaschi, F. Arfelli, D. Dreossi, R. Longo, A. Olivo, S. Pani, L.Rigon, E. CastelliEdge on silicon microstrip detectors for medical imagingNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2005) 549,199-204.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2005.04.052

11. T.Q. Xiao, A. Bergamaschi, D. Dreossi, R. Longo, A. Olivo, S. Pani, L.Rigon, T. Rokvic, C. Venanzi, E. CastelliEffect of spatial coherence on application of in-line phase contrastimaging to synchrotron radiation mammographyNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2005) 548,155-162.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2005.03.083

10. A. Abrami, F. Arfelli, R.C. Barroso, A. Bergamaschi, F. Bille, P. Bregant,F. Brizzi, K. Casarin, E. Castelli, V. Chenda, L. Dalla Palma, D. Dreossi,C. Fava, R. Longo, L. Mancini, R.-H. Menk, F. Montanari, A. Olivo, S.Pani, A. Pillon, E. Quai, S. Ren Kaiser, L. Rigon, T. Rokvic, M. Tonutti,G. Tromba, A. Vascotto, C. Venanzi, F. Zanconati, A. Zanetti, F. Zanini


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Medical applications of synchrotron radiation at the SYRMEP beam-line of ELETTRANuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2005) 548,221-227.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2005.03.093

9. C. Venanzi, A. Bergamaschi, F. Bruni, D. Dreossi, R. Longo, A. Olivo,S. Pani, E. CastelliA digital detector for breast computed tomography at the SYRMEPbeamlineNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2005) 548,264-268.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2005.03.100

8. A. Bergamaschi, D. Dreossi, R. Longo, A. Olivo, S. Pani, C. Venanzi,E. CastelliA detection system for clinical breast tomography with synchrotronradiationNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2004) 535,88-92.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2004.07.114

7. S. Pani, R. Longo, D. Dreossi, F. Montanari, A. Olivo, F. Arfelli, A.Bergamaschi, P. Poropat, L. Rigon, F. Zanconati, L. Dalla Palma, E.CastelliBreast tomography with synchrotron radiation: preliminary resultsPhysics in Medicine and Biology (2004) 49, 1739-1754.http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0031-9155/49/9/011

6. A. Bergamaschi, F. Arfelli, D. Dreossi, R. Longo, A. Olivo, S. Pani, L.Rigon, E. Vallazza, C. Venanzi, E. CastelliHigh-speed single photon counting read out electronics for a digi-tal detection system for clinical synchrotron radiation mammogra-phyNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2004) 518,415-417.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2003.11.044

5. C. Venanzi, A. Bergamaschi, D. Dreossi, R. Longo, A. Olivo, S. Pani,E. CastelliA digital detection system for synchrotron radiation breast tomog-raphy2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (2004) ,


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4. A. Bergamaschi, M. Prest, E. Vallazza, F. Arfelli, D. Dreossi, R. Longo,A. Olivo, S. Pani, E. CastelliFROST: an ASIC for digital mammography with synchrotron radia-tionNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A (2003) 510,51-56.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0168-9002(03)01678-4

3. A. Olivo, F. Arfelli, A. Bergamaschi, D. Dreossi, R. Longo, F. Monta-nari, R.H. Menk, S. Pani, P. Poropat, L. Rigon, E. Vallazza, E. CastelliSimultaneous acquisition of diffraction, scattering and phase-contrastimages by means of a multi-layer edge-on microstrip detectorDigital Mammography (2003) , 48-50.http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-59327-7_10

2. A. Olivo, S. Pani, D. Dreossi, F. Montanari, A. Bergamaschi, E. Val-lazza, F. Arfelli, R. Longo, L. Rigon, E. CastelliA multilayer edge-on single photon counting silicon microstrip de-tector for innovative imaging techniques in diagnostic radiologyReview of Scientific Instruments (2003) 74, 3460-3465.http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1582390

1. S. Pani, F. Arfelli, A. Bergamaschi, D. Dreossi, R. Longo, A. Olivo, E.Castelli, F. Montanari, G. TrombaDosimetric requirements and protocols for in vivo breast imagingwith synchrotron radiationFrascati Physics Series (2002) XXIX, 111-116.


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Papers presented at conferences

17. MÖNCH: joys and sorrows of 25 µm pitch pixelsInvited talk presented at the "International Forum on Detectors forPhoton Science (IFDEPS 2016)", Fuji View Hotel (Japan), March 2016.

16. Perspectives in high resolution, energy dispersive and soft X-rayimaging using MÖNCHTalk presented at the "12th International Conference on SynchrotronRadiation Instrumentation (SRI 2015)", New York City (USA), July 2015.

15. Looking at single photons using hybrid detectorsInvited talk presented at the "IWORID16 International Workshop onRadiation Imaging Detectors", Trieste (Italy), July 2014.

14. In Situ Time Resolved X-ray Diffraction Experiments at the Swiss LightSourceInvited talk presented at the Reactive Multilayers Foils - Bridging thegap from Thermodynamics, Modelling and Experiments CECAMWorkshop, Lausanne (Switzerland), July 2013.

13. X-ray detectors development at the Swiss Light SourceTalk presented at the 8th Trento Workshop on Advanced Silicon Ra-diation Detectors (3D and p-type), Trento (Italy), February 2013.

12. Enhancement of the performance of the MYTHEN detector for theupgraded powder diffraction station at the SLSPoster presented at the 11th International conference on SynchrotronRadiation Instrumentation, Lyon (France), July 2012.

11. Beyond single photon counting X-ray detectorsPoster presented at the 12th Vienna Conference on Instrumenta-tion, Vienna (Austria), February 2010.

10. Time resolved powder diffraction at the Swiss Light SourceInvited talk at the 1st Workshop for the High Resolution PowderDiffraction Beamline, DESY, Hamburg (Germany), November 2009.

9. Characterization of thick silicon microstrip sensors for hard X-rayapplications


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Poster presented at the "IWORID11 International Workshop on Ra-diation Imaging Detectors", Prague (Czeck Republic), July 2009.

8. Photon counting microstrip detector for time resolved powder diffrac-tion experimentsTalk presented at "PSD8 International Conference on Position Sensi-tive Detectors", Glasgow (UK), September 2008.

7. Performance of a single photon counting microstrip detector forstrip pitches down to 10 µmTalk presented at the "IWORID9 International Workshop on Radia-tion Imaging Detectors", Erlangen (Germany), July 2007.

6. Development of a detection system for synchrotron radiation breasttomographyTalk presented at the "IWORID7 International Workshops on Radia-tion Imaging Detectors", Grenoble (France), July 2005.

5. A Digital Detector for Tomo-Mammography at the SYRMEP beam-lineTalk presented at the Workshop on Medical Application of Syn-chrotron Radiation, Trieste (Italy), September 2004.

4. A detection system for clinical breast tomography with synchrotronradiationTalk presented at the 10th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation,Vienna (Austria), February 2004.

3. "Edge on" detectors for medical imagingInvited talk presented at the VERTEX 2003 conference, Lake Win-dermere (UK), September 2003.

2. High speed single photon counting read out electronics for a digitaldetection system for clinical synchrotron radiation mammographyPoster presented at the 9th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors,La Biodola (Italy), May 2003.

1. FROST: an ASIC for digital mammography with synchrotron radia-tion


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Talk presented at the Symposium on applications of Particle Detec-tor in Medicine, Biology and Astrophysics II, Trieste (Italy), May 2002.