Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com Welcome Welcome Animation Tutorial

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Animation Tutorial Using Adobe Photoshop

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Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.comWelcomeWelcomeWelcome


Page 2: Animation Tutorial

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.comIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction

This Tutorial walks you step by step to creating a simple animation using Photoshop and ImageReady.

I use Photoshop CS2. However, the options I will be using in this Tutorial are available

in Version 7.0 as well.

Also I would like to mention that this Tutorial is MY way of doing animation. There could be other

or easier ways of doing it.

I have tried to Explain the Steps as explanatorily as I could. A person who is new to Photoshop can

easily understand this tutorial.

I believe that Tutorials are a way of giving back to the community. Hope you appreciate that.

All the formalities said let's move on to the Tutorial.

About This Tutorial:

Page 3: Animation Tutorial

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.comGetting StartedGetting StartedGetting Started

Things you need to start :

1. A design to work with

(included in the pack)

2. Photoshop cs2 or later

3. ImageReady cs2 or later

And Lotsof Patience


Other than the Brushes

included in this pack everything

can be done in version 7 as well.


Cool Guy

Page 4: Animation Tutorial

1. Create a new file with the dimensions 600 x 300. You can select any dimensions.

However, there are two types of restrictions.

a. deviantArt doesn't allow .gif file(the format you will be converting your animated

file to later) bigger than 150 x 150. If you do make a file bigger than 150 x 150

then the viewers have to download the animation to view it.

b. The Other restriction is for ImageReady. it doesn't allow big files for animation.

However, we are OK with the above mentioned size.

2. Set the background color to Black .

a. select Black color and hit Alt + Backspace


Step 1Step 1Step 1

Alt +

Step 1:

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

Setting the resolution highergives you better quality but takes lot of space.

72 is ideal.


Cool Guy

Page 5: Animation Tutorial

Step 2Step 2Step 2

1. Create a new layer by clicking (New Layer) Button on the Layers Pane. If you

do not have have Layers Pane hit on your Keyboard.

2. Now select the Brush Tool as shown in . and select Soft Round Brush

Select size 10 px. as shown in .

- Select White Color.

3. Place a dot right bellow the center of your Layer 2 that you just created.

Click several times, so that the dot is nicely visible.

Figure a.

Figure b

Figure c

Step 2:


Figure a.

Figure b.

Figure c.

Tool Bar

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

Brush Tool

Create New Layer Icon

Page 6: Animation Tutorial

Step 3Step 3Step 3

Figure d.

CP 1

CP 2

CP 3

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

1. Create a new layer by clicking (New Layer) Button on the Layers Pane. This is

Layer No. 3.

2. Now in this new layer with the Brush Tool select the design you want to animate,

and click on the center. Size of the brush should be approx 500 px.

- so if you use the brush in the pack provided with this tutorial your screen should

look like . Notice the starting point must be placed on the dot of Layer 2.

1. Layer 1 should be black background. (or your selected color.)

2. Layer 2 should have a White dot the size of 10 px soft brush

3. Layer 3 should have the design you want to animate.

Figure d

Check Point:Check Point:

Step 3:

Starting Point

The Dot of Layer 2

Note: If you don't know how toInstall the Brush provided

with the pack, see the Readmefile provided in the pack.

Page 7: Animation Tutorial

Step 4Step 4Step 4

Figure e.

1. Right Click Layer 3 and click on "Duplicate Layer". This will create a copy of the

current Layer with a name 'Layer 3 Copy'.

2. Place this layer under Layer 3. To do that Simply drag 'Layer 3 Copy' bellow Layer 3.

3. Click on the Eye icon of Layer 3 on the Layer's pane, to make the layer invisible.

This step is necessary you will see it in the next step.

Step 4:

Layers Pane

Invisible Layer

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

Eye Icon

As a Cool Guy I am supposedto give to cool tips.

I Save my work after every step.Or whenever I remember.

I had such a bad experience in past that now even after I finish

writing something on a notebook I look for the

'Save' button.(sometimes)

The most Coolest Tip isto Save your work frequently.Hit Ctrl + S to Save your work.


Cool Guy

Page 8: Animation Tutorial

Step 5Step 5Step 5

1. On 'Layer 3 Copy' Select the Eraser Tool from the Tool Bar.

2. Set the Eraser size to 5 px. you can use the and keys on your keyboard to

increase and decrease the size of your Eraser or Brush.

3. Now with the Eraser click on the Three End Points of you design,

as shown in

(That is, if you have 3 End Points. The Example I am using DOES have 3 End Points.)

- Click only once on each of these points.

Figure g.

Step 5:

Eraser Tool



Figure e.

Figure g.

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

End Point 1

End Point 2End Point 3

Page 9: Animation Tutorial

Step 6Step 6Step 6

1. Right click the current layer 'Layer 3 Copy' and click "Duplicate Layer'

2. Drag the new layer bellow 'Layer 3 Copy' as explained in Step 4.

3. Click On the Eye Icon of the previous layer 'Layer 3 Copy' to make it invisible.

4. On the new Layer you just created click on the three End Points with the

Eraser Tool . See .

(Your Layers Pane should look like ' ' right now.)

5. Keep repeating this step until you reach the Start Point.

- Erase - Duplicate Layer - Drag it Bellow the current layer - Hit the Eye Icon - Erase

Figure h

Figure i

Step 6:

Figure h.

End Point 1

End Point 2End Point 3

You may not noticea big change. But we areerasing 5 px at a time so

it's tiny, but detailed.

Figure i.



Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

Layers Pane

Start Point Iamthe

Cool Guy

Page 10: Animation Tutorial


Notice a new End point, 5th end point starts in this Layer.

28th Layer from the Original Layer 43rd Layer from the Original Layer

Back to 3 End Points

53rd Layer from the Original Layer

5th Layer from the Original Layer 10th Layer from the Original Layer

58th Layer from the Original Layer

2 End Points Only 1 End Point Again 3 End Points

Note: When I say 'from the Original Layer' I mean the Layer that has the main design. In This Example Layer 3 is the Original Layer.

25th Layer from the Original Layer

Notice a new End point, 4th end point starts in this Layer.

These are a few examples of the designs on the way to the Start Point.1. 2.


4.5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

Page 11: Animation Tutorial

Step 7Step 7Step 7

Step 7:1. Once you reach the Start Point, you should have 152 Layers.

150 Layers for all the designs. (you can have more/less layers given the size of eraser and design)

1 Layer for the White dot.

1 Layer for the Black Background.

2. Save your work.

3. Make all the Layers Invisible except the first 1 layer: Black backround

4. Click on the 'Edit in Imageready' button

at the very bottom of your Tool Bar. .Figure j

Edit in ImagereadyEdit in Imageready

You saved, right ?

Figure j.

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

Page 12: Animation Tutorial

Step 8Step 8Step 8

Step 8:1. Now we will be working in Imageready. Before we get into anything let's make sure we have

the required widows visible in the Imageready screen.

1. Animation Window ( )

2. Layers Window ( )

3. Tool Bar ( )

- If you do not have any of these windows, go to Windows menu, click on

Animation, Layers, Tools commands, respectively, to activate them.

2. Click on the "Duplicate Current Frame" button on the Animation Window.

as pointed out in .

Figure k.

Figure l.

Figure m.

Figure k

Figure l.

Figure m.

Figure k.

Animation Window

Note: Your Animation Windowwill have only one frame.

I am using figure k for example.

Duplicate Current Frame

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

Page 13: Animation Tutorial

Step 9Step 9Step 9

Step 9:1. In the Layers Window Turn on the Eye Icon of 'Layer 2' (layer with the White dot)

2. On the Animation Window click the "Duplicate Current Frame" button.

3. In the Layers Window Turn on the Eye Icon of the layer above 'Layer 2'.

This layer should look like .

4. On the Animation Window click the "Duplicate Current Frame" button.

5. In the Layers Window Turn on the Eye Icon of layer above the previous layer.

And this time Turn off the Eye Icon on the previous layer.

Turning off the Eye Icon is necessary because if you don't do it your lines

will go thicker by the layer.

Figure n

Figure o.

Notice how little of the design is visible.

This should be the starting point.

Figure n.Figure o.

Notice how little of the design is visible.

This should be 2nd Frame from the starting point.

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

Page 14: Animation Tutorial

Test of your PatienceTest of your PatienceTest of your Patience

Test of your Patience1. This is the place where your Patience will be tested, because there is nothing

more interesting than switching the Eye Icon on and off.

2. There won't be much to say until you reach the End. That will be the layer that

has the Full Design. And if you followed this tutorial step by step, it will be 'Layer 3'.

3. So once you reach 'Layer 3' you should have approx. 152 frames.

4. Hit the Play button on the Animation Window just to see how it looks. It will keep playing

unless you stop it, so hit Stop once you see how it plays. See Figure p.

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

Play Button Figure p.

Page 15: Animation Tutorial

Step 10Step 10Step 10

Step 10:1. Now once you play your animation, you will notice that it goes too fast.

Or there is no pause between the loop.

2. To Change this you will need to play with the timings of the frames.

3. Bellow each frame there is the time there is a drop down menu called "Frame Delay Time".


4. Set the 1st and 2nd frames' timing to 0.2 seconds.

5. Leave all other frames as they are. Default 0 seconds.

6. Scroll to the end of Animation window, to the last frame. Set the timing to 1 or 2 seconds.

So that when the animation is over it pauses for 2 seconds before starting again.

7. Hit play button again to see how it looks.

Figure q.

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

Figure q.

Page 16: Animation Tutorial

The Final StepThe Final StepThe Final Step

Saving Your Animation:1. Once you have played enough with the timings, you can move on to saving your file.

2. Go to File Menu and click on "Save Optimized As." command.

Why ?

Because this option lets you save the animation in a .gif file format.

which is what we need.

3. So go ahead and give any name you like and hit "Save."

Figure r.

Figure r.

Note: You might want to go to

the place where you savedyour .gif file and check it.

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

deviant Tip:If you are going to upload your animation to the deviantArt website, I should tell you that deviantArt does not allow .gif animation files bigger than 150x150 px.Our animation is a perfect example.If you try to upload a file bigger than 150x150 px you will be asked to provied a preview image(a still, not-moving picture). So keep a preview image ready when uploading.What exactly happens ?Those who come to view your animation will see the preview image and when they hitthe dowload button, they can view the actual animation.I know it sucks, but that's how it is. I would also advise that you mention this fact in your description, so that the viewers don't run away finding no animation.

Page 17: Animation Tutorial

So what did We Learn ?

1. How to Work with different tools in Photoshop: Brush tool, Eraser tool, etc.2. How to manipulate Layers in Photoshop.3. How to Edit your work in Imageready.4. How to Animate your designs in Imageready.

That's IT!You are Done!

You have created a cool looking Animation! yippi!

ReviewReviewReviewCopyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

Page 18: Animation Tutorial

The set of 7 photoshop cs2 Vector BrushesIncluded in with this Tutorial

Don't forget!


Checkout the Readme fileincluded witht the pack tosee how to INSTALL theseBrushes.

Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com

Page 19: Animation Tutorial
Page 20: Animation Tutorial

Thank YouThank YouThank You



Copyright 2008 Thakar Mihir www.miheer.deviantart.com