The novel “Animal farm” takes place on Manor Farm, owned by Mr. Jones. The novel starts one night when all the animals gather in a secret meeting, the old major tells them about the cruelty of the fate that awaited them, to the pig the killing in the carnage, to boxer (horse) the abandonment after taking all his strength working, to the hens the constant theft of their eggs as conclution he make them know his dream of a revolution againts the tyranny of Mr.Jones. All the animals are agree they have alredy realized the misery of their daily lives working for Mr.Jones. 3 days later old mayor died, but his death was not in vain ,all animals are convinced to overthrow the tyrant. Snowball one of the pigs , becomes the new leader. The animal changed the name of the farm of “Mr.Jones” to the “Animal farm”. In the farm are 2 pig that highlight , Napoleon and Snowball. Snowball is more formal , he is procupated of the problems of the members of the animal farm, he is more solidary and he wants thats all animales trated their mates us brothers, and do not work in excess, only work to gather food. Napoleon is the opposite of Snowball he doen’t matter the problems that have the animals of the farm , he wanted that the animals work more and eat less, he only cares about the beneficences of himself and of his friends the pigs but in this part of the story anybody knows that he is like this, so selfish. The rebellion starts some months later, when Mr.Jones comes home drunk one night and forgets to feed the animals. They break the hold where the food was stored and began eating it. When Mr.Jones see this he takes out his shotgun, but it is too late, all the animals fall

Animal Farm

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The novel Animal farm takes place on Manor Farm, owned by Mr

The novel Animal farm takes place on Manor Farm, owned by Mr. Jones. The novel starts one night when all the animals gather in a secret meeting, the old major tells them about the cruelty of the fate that awaited them, to the pig the killing in the carnage, to boxer (horse) the abandonment after taking all his strength working, to the hens the constant theft of their eggs as conclution he make them know his dream of a revolution againts the tyranny of Mr.Jones. All the animals are agree they have alredy realized the misery of their daily lives working for Mr.Jones. 3 days later old mayor died, but his death was not in vain ,all animals are convinced to overthrow the tyrant. Snowball one of the pigs , becomes the new leader. The animal changed the name of the farm of Mr.Jones to the Animal farm. In the farm are 2 pig that highlight , Napoleon and Snowball. Snowball is more formal , he is procupated of the problems of the members of the animal farm, he is more solidary and he wants thats all animales trated their mates us brothers, and do not work in excess, only work to gather food. Napoleon is the opposite of Snowball he doent matter the problems that have the animals of the farm , he wanted that the animals work more and eat less, he only cares about the beneficences of himself and of his friends the pigs but in this part of the story anybody knows that he is like this, so selfish. The rebellion starts some months later, when Mr.Jones comes home drunk one night and forgets to feed the animals. They break the hold where the food was stored and began eating it. When Mr.Jones see this he takes out his shotgun, but it is too late, all the animals fall over him and make him run out of the farm. The animals destroy all artifacts that Mr. Jones used to make them work for him. They celebrated their victory, they were very happy without a human giving them orders. The community make 7 rules, and they write them in the wall of the farm: Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy,whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings is a friend,no animal shall wear clothes,no animal shall sleep in a bed,no animal shall drink alcohol,no animal shall kill another animal,all animals are equal.

All was good , the animals were peaceful but all this changed when Mr.Jones comes back with more men to recover the farm. The animals fight strongly, and they win making humans leave frightened.

Snowball and Napoleon, often argue. Although Snowball was the current leader Napoleon always wanted to have his place. One day Snowball present the idea to build a windmill, to produce electricity,in that moment Napoleon made a extrange sound and calls nine strong dogs, the mother of the dogs had been killed by a human in a fight and Napoleon raised the puppies in order that when they grow up they would have the force to overthrow Snowball and he will be the new leader of the farm. The dogs drive Snowball out from the farm, and Napoleon explains to the animals that Snowball was a traitor that was helping Mr.Jones.

The animals then start building the windmill, and as time passes the working-time increased and the food for them decreased. But the pigs have plenty of food . The animals were desesperated they didnt know what to do so they tell to animals of others farms that they need more food, that the pigs were being very injusts. The animals of others farms were very upset, the revolution was made for charity of all the animals , and not for a especific group (pigs) . Later the pigs move to the farmhouse. The animals have cleared that one of the rules was not sleeping on beds , neither drank and the pigs were doing this things , and have changed the rules writen in the wall of the farm.

Some months later a big storm destroys the windmill, which was already finished . Napoleon accuses Snowball of destroying it. The animals began rebuilding it and another time Mr.Jones attacked the farm and destroyed the recontraction of the windmill completly. The pigs take the desicion to not throw away the idea por windmill , and decide to rebuild it, this meaned more work for the common animals.

One day a terrible thing happened Boxer (horse) was crushed with a big rock (of the structure of the windmill). He was sold to a butcher in exchange of liquor, but Napoleon tells to the animals that Boxer has died. But the bad thing was that many animals saw when Boxer was neighing in the truck that carried it. The time past , and the anger of the animals increased. One day Napoleon invited pigs of others farms to see the efficiency of his farm, where the animals work very hard with a minimum of food. During this celebration, all the other animals meet at the window of the farm, and when they look inside they can't distinguish between man and animal.