Anhydrous Ammonia and PSM (Presented at OSHA Update September 19, 2014)

Anhydrous Ammonia and PSM (Presented at OSHA · 2019-11-08 · Important Industry Guidelines IIAR Process Safety Management Guidelines for Ammonia Refrigeration ANSI/ASHRAE 15 (2001)

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  • Anhydrous Ammonia and PSM

    (Presented at OSHA Update

    September 19, 2014)

  • Simple Refrigeration System

    Note: graph not created by

    Susan Monroe (original source

    not available)

  • Some Anhydrous Ammonia


    � “Pure Ammonia”, without almost no water

    � Gas at room temperature

    � Boils at -28 degree F

    � Efficient refrigerant

    � IDLH 300 ppm

    � PEL 50ppm 8 hr TWA

    � Low odor threshold 20 ppm or less

  • Important Industry Guidelines

    � IIAR Process Safety Management Guidelines

    for Ammonia Refrigeration

    � ANSI/ASHRAE 15 (2001) Safety Standard for

    Refrigeration Systems

    � Oil Draining Guidelines. International Institute

    for Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR), (1996).

    Describes procedures for safely draining oil

    from equipment.

  • Important Industry Guidelines

    � Bulletin No. 110. Guidelines for Start-Up,

    Inspection, and Maintenance of Ammonia

    Mechanical Refrigerating Systems. International

    Institute for Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR),

    (1993, March).

    � Storage Vessel Design. Provides additional

    information by ASME, ANSI, IIAR, and ASHRAE

    about the design and installation of pressure

    vessels and associated equipment

  • OSHA PSM Requirements

    � Employee Participation

    � Process Safety Information

    � Process Hazard Analysis

    � Standard Operating Procedures

    � Training

    � Contractors

  • OSHA PSM Requirements

    �Pre-start up review

    �Mechanical Integrity

    �Hot Work Permits

    �Management of Change

    �Preventive Maintenance

    �Emergency Response


  • Common Myths vs Reality

    � Outside leaks are not a problem because they will blow upwards away from employees evacuating (actually sometimes the cloud descends directly onto evacuating employees)

    � Ammonia warning properties are good; you will not stay around to be overexposed, so no need to worry about permanent lung injuries or fatalities (evacuation problems are common, and people get trapped even outside the plant after evacuating, plus, even in upper lungs, it is caustic)

  • Six Anhydrous Ammonia

    Fatalities in One Year

    � May 14, 2009: American Cold Storage,

    Louisville, KY 2 fatalities

    � June 20, 2009: Mountaire Farms, Lumber

    Bridge, NC 1 fatality

    � July 15, 2009: Tanner Industries,

    Swansea, SC ? fatality

    � November 16, 2009: CF Industries,

    Rosemount, MN 2 fatalities

  • Example Problems in

    Refrigeration w/ Anhydrous

    Ammonia� Standard wiring or ventilation in the

    engine room (not designed for flammable environment)

    � NH3 leaks out of its pressurized system

    � Catastrophic leaks due to not locking out during maintenance, not opening stop valves after maintenance, or striking a component (one example---forklift w/ raised prongs crashes into overhead evaporator)

    � Explosions

  • Safety Culture Problems in Facilities Using Anhydrous Ammonia (Subjective Observations, Not OSHA Policy Statement)

    � Some mechanics and maintenance personnel not completely accepting “new” Process Safety Management regulations

    � PSM Engineers sometimes younger, less authority, sometimes more formal education, reporting to Safety Manager, not fully integrated with operators and mechanics, who report to Maintenance Manager

    � PSM Engineers challenged with older systems which have enlarged over time and paperwork is missing/outdated/hard to obtain sometimes due to culture gap

  • Other Safety Factors/Problems

    in Ammonia Refrigeration plant � Shift work is hard on the human body, usually

    12 hours, often rotating shifts, leads to poor sleep, inattentiveness

    � Mechanics on-call at night, awoken from sleeping, have to drive to plant and take care of a hazardous situation when they just woke up

    � Refrigerated plants are cold, can add to stress of being awoken in the night, going from warm bed to freezing areas

    � None of this is regulated; unlikely to change

  • Typical citations:

    � No or inadequate emergency evacuation plan

    � Examples:

    Pig slaughter operation added on many rooms over time, could not hear alarms in some added rooms

    No one knows the alarm signal

    Employees do not know that they are supposed to evacuate (non-English speaking)

  • Typical Citations:

    � Employees not trained to pull alarms/ not empowered to look for hazards

    � No ammonia monitors where it is likely to leak

    � No practice drills or contact with local emergency entities or private spill response teams—often no outside entity knows

    � Not replacing valves per industry standards (ex: pop-ups every five years)

    � Operators not trained on PSM

  • Typical Citations:

    � Operators not trained to wear SCBA when approaching, for example, the king valve to turn it off during an emergency

    � SCBAs located in the engine room (where the leak is likely to occur)

    � No wind socks to determine which direction to evacuate

    � Management or employees not aware of wind sock purpose or how to use that information

  • Typical Citations

    � Engine rooms not having proper electrical classification wiring (very common)

    � Engine rooms not having proper emergency ventilation systems (or vent calculations missing)

    � For older systems, original P and IDs are missing or still being used with no updates even though inventory has increased tens of thousands of pounds

  • Typical Citations

    � Relief calculations not available

    � Relief not re-calculated after system increases or changes

    � Management of change overlooked:

    Valves not replacement in kind

    Gasket material changes during replacement

    Lack of documentation of MOC

    Everything being MOC, even replacement in kind (usually MOC in this case is all approved by one person)

  • Checklist Items

  • Checklist Items

  • Checklist Items

  • Checklist Items

  • Checklist Items

  • Checklist Items

  • Checklist Items

  • Checklist Items

  • Goodyear Tire Company

    Houston 2008

  • Con Agra 2009

  • Con Agra 2009