
Angular - CLS Learning Solutions · 2020-01-09 · Learn Angular 7 to create complex and data centric web applications. Learn Typescript, Directives, Pipes, Forms, Routing, HTTP Promises

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Page 1: Angular - CLS Learning Solutions · 2020-01-09 · Learn Angular 7 to create complex and data centric web applications. Learn Typescript, Directives, Pipes, Forms, Routing, HTTP Promises


Page 2: Angular - CLS Learning Solutions · 2020-01-09 · Learn Angular 7 to create complex and data centric web applications. Learn Typescript, Directives, Pipes, Forms, Routing, HTTP Promises

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Page 3: Angular - CLS Learning Solutions · 2020-01-09 · Learn Angular 7 to create complex and data centric web applications. Learn Typescript, Directives, Pipes, Forms, Routing, HTTP Promises

Course Overview

Angular Duration:40 Hours

Schedule :Full Day Morning ( 9-5)

Half Day Evening (6-10)

Weekends Full Day (10-4)


Hands-On Training

Delivery Options:

In CLS Classroom.

On site Classroom.

Online Live.

Your Training Comes with

a 100% Satisfaction


Learn Angular 7 to create complex and data centric web applications. Learn Typescript, Directives, Pipes, Forms, Routing, HTTP Promises and much more. Angular is widely popular for creating dynamic apps and its data binding and dependency injection features significantly reduce the amount of code that needs to be written. It is being used extensively by developers for building web, desktop, and mobile applications. This has led to a significant rise in the number of opportunities for professionals who are trained in Angular 7. Angular 7, the dynamic and robust JavaScript-based development framework used to create Single Page Applications. This course will guide you from the basics of the framework such as Forms, Pipes, and CSS Styling to the more complex fundamentals of Routing, Directives, along with exercises on how to build end-to-end, working applications. Through our hands on, practical approach, you will get working knowledge of developing Single Page Apps and creating highly responsive and interactive web pages.

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Page 4: Angular - CLS Learning Solutions · 2020-01-09 · Learn Angular 7 to create complex and data centric web applications. Learn Typescript, Directives, Pipes, Forms, Routing, HTTP Promises

Course Outline

Why Angular?* User Experience similar to a Desktop Application* Productivity and Tooling* Performance* Community* Full-featured Framework* Platform for Targeting Native Mobile not just Web Browsers

Typescript & ES6* What is Typescript* Why Typescript* Setup and installation* IDE support* Scoping using Let and Const Keywords ( ES6 )* Template Literals ( ES6 )* Spread Syntax and Rest Parameters ( ES6 )* Destructuring ( ES6 )

Power of Types* Type inference* Type Annotations* Number* Boolean

* String* Array* Tuple* Enum* Any* Void* Null and Undefined* Never (Typescript 2)

Explore Functions* Using types in functions* Function as types* Optional and default parameters* Arrow functions

Classes* Inheritance* Access modifiers* Getters and setters* Readonly & static

Interfaces* Optional properties and methods* Strict structural contract* Extending interface* Implementing interface

Modules* Introduction

* Import* Export* Default

Working with Angular CLI* Angular CLI* Anatomy of the project* Debugging Angular apps* Working with Augury

8 Main Building blocks of Angular* Modules* Components* Templates* Metadata* Data binding* Directives* Services* Dependency injection

Angular modules* Why modules* How to create modules* Built in modules* Root Module* Feature module

All Rights reserved @ www.clslearn.com , Contact us : [email protected] , +201000216660 , +201001692348

Page 5: Angular - CLS Learning Solutions · 2020-01-09 · Learn Angular 7 to create complex and data centric web applications. Learn Typescript, Directives, Pipes, Forms, Routing, HTTP Promises

Course Outline

Components* @ Component decorator* Component configuration object* Custom components* Component with templates

* Inline* External* Component with Styles* Inline* External

Templating* HTML as template* Data binding* Interpolation* Property Binding* Event Binding* Two way binding

* Template expressions* Template syntax* Attribute, class and style bindings* @Input()* @Output* Template reference variables

* Safe navigation operator

Directives* Built-in directives

* Structural directive* Attribute directive

Pipes* Built-in pipes* @Pipe decorator

Forms* @angular/forms library* Template driven forms* Form and field validation* Validation check with ng-pristine,ng-dirty, ng-touched, ng-

untouched, ng-valid, ng-invalid* Show and hide validation error messages* Form submission with submit* Reactive/ Model drive forms* Reactive Forms Module

* Form Group, Form Control classes* Form Builder for easy form building* Validations using Validators* Setting form model using set Value and patch Value* Use Form Array to build repeated

form controls or form groups

Dependency Injection* Why DI

* @Injectable decorator* Custom service development* Registering the service with Ng * NgModule using providers key* Provider Types

* Class* Factory* Value

Routing And Navigation* @angular/router library* Configure routes

* For Root and Router Module.forChild* Router Outlet, Router Link, Router Link Active* Nested Routes* Parametrized routes

* Route guards

RxJs Primer* Observable interface* Streams* Operators* Subscription

* Subject* Schedulers

All Rights reserved @ www.clslearn.com , Contact us : [email protected] , +201000216660 , +201001692348

Page 6: Angular - CLS Learning Solutions · 2020-01-09 · Learn Angular 7 to create complex and data centric web applications. Learn Typescript, Directives, Pipes, Forms, Routing, HTTP Promises

Course Outline

HTTP Deprecated & HttpClient* Setup installing the module* Making a request for JSON data* Type checking the response* Error handling* Sending data to the server* Making a POST request* Configuring other parts of the request

Testing* Testing in Typescript* Testing Component* Testing Service/Provider* Testing Pipe

Deployment* Manually* Using the Angular CLI with Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) Compilation and Tree-* Shaking (removing unused library code)

All Rights reserved @ www.clslearn.com , Contact us : [email protected] , +201000216660 , +201001692348

Page 7: Angular - CLS Learning Solutions · 2020-01-09 · Learn Angular 7 to create complex and data centric web applications. Learn Typescript, Directives, Pipes, Forms, Routing, HTTP Promises

Course Outcome Audience Profile

TypescriptLearn the concepts of typescript that are well used in angular application developmentComponentsCreate components manually - decompose monolithic UI and recompose to make larger pagesModulesLearn how to modularize angular application by creating feature modulesTemplatingLearn template syntax and apply the concepts in developing dynamic templatesForm ManagementLearn how to develop forms with 2 kinds of techniques template driven and reactive formsServicesLearn the power of dependency injection, create services to hold business logic and injecting services into services and componentsRoutingLearn how to implement navigation and protect routes using angular routerRemote CommunicationLearn how to consume remote services, configure custom headers using http client

- All those who wish to use Angular to build

robust, scalable single page applications

- Those who want to use modern client-side

web development for large web


- Those who aspire to build a career in front

end Web Application development


- Basic HTML and CSS skills

- Intermediate JavaScript skills

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Page 8: Angular - CLS Learning Solutions · 2020-01-09 · Learn Angular 7 to create complex and data centric web applications. Learn Typescript, Directives, Pipes, Forms, Routing, HTTP Promises

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