Rev. Leon Stickland 96201201, Karen Box, Administrator 0455 060 050 www.wonganhills-dalwallinu.perth.anglican.org [email protected] PO Box 148, Wongan Hills 6603 Dalwallinu & Ballidu Wongan Hills We have put in a new order for Parish pens. $2 each for a very good pen. They are due to arrive around Christmas if you’d like some. Lyn Hood and Richard Morgan, supported by Margaret McFarlane performed a magnificent duet at the Wongan Hills Christmas Carols last weekend. God delivered perfect weather and sunset for the occasion! Who Makes the Coffee?? A married couple were arguing who is making the coffee, the wife said that in the Bible it says that men should make the coffee and the husband asked her where it said that. The wife opened the Bible and said: "Right here in HEBREWS!" Children’s Christmas Service, Sunday 24th, 9am. Traditional Christmas Eve Service, Sunday 24th, 8pm. Both services at St Peter’s. Christmas Service, St Luke’s Church, Wednesday 20th, 10am. The New Norcia Ecumenical Carols are celebrating their Silver Jubilee on Sunday December 30, 2017. The Georgian singers will provide the carols and other music at the Abbey Church and all are welcome to join this beautiful service. Rev Canon Kathy Barrett -Lennard will join Abbot John in presiding at the service. In accordance with the Benedictine tradition of hospitality, those attending are invited to afternoon tea in the Monastery Parlour at 4pm - welcome refreshment for travellers from afar. Anglican Parish of Wongan Hills - Dalwallinu Christmas at Mainly Music 2017

Anglican Parish of Wongan Hills - Dalwallinu...Rev. Leon Stickland 96201201, Karen Box, Administrator 0455 060 050 [email protected] PO Box 148, Wongan Hills 6603 Dalwallinu

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Page 1: Anglican Parish of Wongan Hills - Dalwallinu...Rev. Leon Stickland 96201201, Karen Box, Administrator 0455 060 050 wdanglican@westnet.com.au PO Box 148, Wongan Hills 6603 Dalwallinu

Rev. Leon Stickland 96201201, Karen Box, Administrator 0455 060 050

www.wonganhills-dalwallinu.perth.anglican.org [email protected] PO Box 148, Wongan Hills 6603

Dalwallinu & Ballidu

Wongan Hills

We have put in a new order for Parish pens. $2 each for a very good pen. They are due to arrive around Christmas if you’d like some.

Lyn Hood and Richard Morgan, supported by Margaret McFarlane

performed a magnificent duet at the Wongan Hills Christmas Carols last

weekend. God delivered perfect weather and sunset for the occasion!

Who Makes the Coffee?? A married couple were arguing who is making the coffee, the wife said that in the Bible it says that men should make the coffee and the husband asked her where it said that. The wife opened the Bible and said: "Right here in HEBREWS!"

Children’s Christmas Service, Sunday 24th, 9am. Traditional Christmas Eve Service, Sunday 24th, 8pm. Both services at St Peter’s.

Christmas Service, St Luke’s Church, Wednesday 20th, 10am.

The New Norcia Ecumenical Carols are celebrating their Silver Jubilee on

Sunday December 30, 2017. The Georgian singers will provide the carols and other music

at the Abbey Church and all are welcome to join this beautiful service. Rev Canon Kathy Barrett

-Lennard will join Abbot John in presiding at the service. In accordance with the Benedictine

tradition of hospitality, those attending are invited to afternoon tea in the Monastery Parlour at 4pm - welcome refreshment

for travellers from afar.

Anglican Parish of

Wongan Hills - Dalwallinu

Christmas at Mainly Music 2017

Page 2: Anglican Parish of Wongan Hills - Dalwallinu...Rev. Leon Stickland 96201201, Karen Box, Administrator 0455 060 050 wdanglican@westnet.com.au PO Box 148, Wongan Hills 6603 Dalwallinu

Rev Leon’s Christmas Reflection...


At this time of the year, there are plenty of signs that something special is coming up. Decorations, carols, parties, even Advent church services. And in many homes and businesses there is a Christmas tree. To mis-quote Forrest Gump, life is like a Christmas tree. There are gifts underneath it, waiting for us to open them. Gifts of work, career, relationships, sport, children and many more, beautifully wrapped and appealing. But there is one gift that may not be the most splendidly presented, but it is the most wonderful gift of all. Of course, that gift is Jesus. He was born to an ordinary couple, in a cow shed and in a country that was occupied by a foreign military power. It wasn’t how people would expect the Son of God to arrive in this world. God does amazing things in surprising ways and, what’s more, He expects and enables us to do amazing things in our own world too.

The past 12 months have been a time of progress and also of change in our parish. We have celebrated baptisms and weddings, mourned at funerals and seen our congregations learn, change and grow. Two of the main events for the year have been the completion and opening of the Mocardy Centre and the resignation of Rev Kathy Barrett-Lennard as priest-in-charge of the Wongan Hills-Dalwallinu parish.

The completion of the Mocardy Centre is a wonderful advertisement for our parish’s belief in the viability of our church community. It provides us with a modern and practical building for a variety of uses, including (so far) a Regional Gathering, MU Country Festival, Meals on a Shoestring program, meetings for Parish Council, Mainly Music, Anglican Ladies and MU, Lego Club, use by community groups and

morning tea after church. As a parish, we are grateful for the hard work that the building committee has put into the process of getting the building up and running.

Rev Kathy’s resignation has brought a number of changes into our parish structure and life. We are exceptionally grateful for the many years of hard work and spiritual direction that she has given to this parish. We are also grateful that she continues to minister to the congregations of Ballidu and Dalwallinu, as well as being Area Dean and Archdeacon. 11

The theme for MU in Western Australia in 2017 was ‘Back to Basics’, an acknowledgement that we all need to revisit why we are here, why we are doing what we do and what our core values are. Our vision is of a world where God's love is shown through loving, respectful, and flourishing relationships. The Objectives are:

To promote and support married life To encourage parents in their role to develop the faith of their children To maintain a worldwide fellowship of Christians united in prayer,

worship and service To promote conditions in society favourable to stable family life and the

protection of children To help those whose family life has met with adversity

Regular meetings: Our meetings include a devotional at the beginning to focus our thoughts on what we are doing and remind us that MU is grounded in prayer and focus on the Word of God.

Fund raising: Our annual raffle and cake stall to raise money for YouthCare was held and over $1000 was raised. So much of what happens in our community and society in general stems from lessons learned in childhood and youth and supporting YouthCare and our high school chaplain is one way to help that process.

Special activities: We were thrilled to hold the MU Country Festival in our new Mocardy Centre. Around 50 people attended from Perth and took part in a service of worship and listened to our guest

speaker, Dr Vaibhav Garg, talk about his charity work in dentistry in Peru and Uganda. We held a morning tea for the residents of Ninan House and Hinds Cottages. We were also pleased to re-establish contact with our overseas link Branch in Harpenden in the UK, a contact which has been active since 1948.

Regular activities: MU members continue to provide baby gifts for new-borns through the child health nurse, as they have for over 30 years. MU members are also rostered on for fruit duty at Mainly Music.

Fellowship: We finished the year with our combined Christmas event with the Anglican Ladies, spending a delightful morning at the Pithara Book Nook for morning tea.

Heather Stickland, President

Page 3: Anglican Parish of Wongan Hills - Dalwallinu...Rev. Leon Stickland 96201201, Karen Box, Administrator 0455 060 050 wdanglican@westnet.com.au PO Box 148, Wongan Hills 6603 Dalwallinu


Our Christmas service with Rev Kathy Barrett-Lennard will be held on

Wednesday 20th December at 10am. This will be at St Luke’s Church in Dalwallinu. Followed by fellowship together.

We think of people who have passed away this year: Helen Swift, Kerry Sinclair, Robin Carr, Keith Reynolds and Lesley Lines. We keep their families in our prayers. We also keep in our prayers those who are not well at this time and ask God’s healing hand on them and their families.

We farewelled our dear John and Kath Cousins earlier in the year as they retired to Perth and thank them sincerely for all their ministry over

many years.

Rev Kathy will be on holidays in the new year and we will resume services with her when she returns.

Merry Christmas to all of you. From the Holy Trinity Ballidu church


Kath Cousins receiving farewell flowers at the Cadoux Church

Easter Service.

Kelly Whyte at Mainly Music

“Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”

Cadoux parishioners enjoyed our annual service at the Recreation Centre earlier in the year, led by Rev

Leon Stickland.

We thank Trish Macnamara for so capably stepping up to take the Cadoux Children’s Christmas Service this year. 34 children, parents and grandparents crowded the Cadoux Church for a special Christmas message.

Thank you to Robyn Lane who followed on from Wendy Clarke teaching CRE at Cadoux PS this year.

We look forward to our next Church Service in Cadoux on Sunday 8th April, 2018.

Di Whyte and Kay Parker celebrating Mothers Day

at Mainly Music this year.

Thank you to those who have already donated grain this season or have donated cash to our Parish. We really do appreciate your generosity. BSB: 706001 Acc Number: 30006998 ABN: 245 1079 3061 Account Name:

Anglican Parish Wongan Hills/Dalwallinu

Sometimes change can be a difficult thing for people and organisations to come to terms with. We are creatures of habit and find it hard to move out of our accustomed routines. However, our congregations and people are rising to the challenge of changing times, with people being called to the ministries of liturgical assistants and lay pastoral ministry, as well as all those who help make Sunday services happen and other events come to life.

In the year ahead, we may be called to do new things and walk unfamiliar paths. But we can do so in the firm knowledge that God will be with us every step of the way. In 1939, King George VI quoted part of a poem by Minnie Haskins, called ‘God Knows’, in his Christmas address to the nation. The world was at war and everything was different, scary and challenging. In our own difficult times, these words still ring true for us.

And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” And he replied: “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.” So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and every blessing in the year ahead.

Rev Leon Stickland

The Mocardy Centre is available for hire for private functions. With St Peter’s next door, it would be ideal for small weddings or perhaps 60th birthday parties etc. Contact Karen for more information.

How come the waitress gets 15% and God

only gets 10%?

Page 4: Anglican Parish of Wongan Hills - Dalwallinu...Rev. Leon Stickland 96201201, Karen Box, Administrator 0455 060 050 wdanglican@westnet.com.au PO Box 148, Wongan Hills 6603 Dalwallinu


Advent is a term from the Latin word “adventus” which means “arrival”. It is a time of waiting for the arrival of Christmas, when we celebrate the arrival of Jesus who came to earth over 2000 years ago.

The wreath is made of a circle of evergreen branches laid flat to symbolize eternal life. The circle of the wreath reminds Christians of God, of his eternity, and his mercy, which has no beginning and no end. The green of the wreath speaks to Christians of the hope they have in God, of renewal, newness and eternal life.

Four candles (traditionally purple) stand in the circle and each one represents one of the four Sundays of Advent. In the centre of the circle is a fifth candle (traditionally white), the Christ Candle, which is lit on Christmas Day.

Christians use the Advent candles to represent the light of God coming into the world through the birth of Jesus. Four traditional themes for the four Sundays of Advent: 1. God’s people – the Candle of HOPE.

Hope is like a light shining in a dark place. . 2. The old testament prophets – the Candle of PEACE.

Peace is like a light shining in a dark place. 3. John the Baptist – the Candle of LOVE.

Love is like a light shining in a dark place. 4. Mary the Mother of Jesus – the Candle of JOY.

Joy is like a light shining in a dark place.

As we look at these candles we celebrate the hope, peace, love and joy we find in Jesus Christ.

The 5th Candle represents the birth of Christ. The flame of this candle reminds us that he is the light of the world, and that if we follow Him, we will never walk in darkness, but will have the true light of life.


Do you know men who might like to have a support network through Facebook, especially when times are tough. Please suggest to them the above link to The Virtual Pub.

We are really needing to find someone who would like the company of a little dog for

about 8 weeks in the new year. If you can help by dog-sitting, please let Karen know.

Advent Those words,

that idea stung me. I felt as if Christ himself stood before me and turned on the light in my darkness.

It made me squint. I had been Christian for twenty-five years, and I finally understood that my salvation was not about me working hard enough to make God love me. That sounds simple as I see the words on paper, but if you have been in that punishing place where nothing you do will ever be enough, you understand. My eyes began to water, as they do when struck by a blinding light, and I wept for joy.

Sometimes I have to work hard to remind myself of things I know to be true, but whatever happened to me that day really took. I have never felt from that day until this, seventeen years later, that there is anything I can do to make God love me more or love me less. I revel in that truth more than I know how to put words to.

How does that truth resonate with you? Where do you stand in regard to God’s absolute unconditional love for you?

Do you feel as if God approves more on some days than others? If you imagine a room full of well-known Christians and you slip in at the back, do you think Christ would want to spend as much time with you as he might with, say, Billy Graham or Beth Moore?

God’s love is a hard thing to fully grasp, as it will never be found anywhere else but in His heart, but there is nothing in this life that I am more convinced of. Right now, with everything you like about yourself and all the dark places you hide, you are absolutely loved by God.

From “When Woman Trust God”

It’s Never Been About You


Lego club at the Mocardy Centre has been lots of fun for the 30 plus children who came along last term. A different theme each week saw their imagination and creativity blossom.

Abbey Sasche with her ‘building’ creation

A Woman at the Post Office

A Woman went to the Post Office to buy stamps for her Christmas cards. "What Denomination?" Asked the clerk. "Oh, my goodness! Have we come to this?" said the woman. "Well give me 50 Baptist and 50 Catholic!"

Page 5: Anglican Parish of Wongan Hills - Dalwallinu...Rev. Leon Stickland 96201201, Karen Box, Administrator 0455 060 050 wdanglican@westnet.com.au PO Box 148, Wongan Hills 6603 Dalwallinu

St Peter’s Anglican Ladies Donation of new or second-hand bras for women living in poverty. www.upliftbras.org. Also old or unused prescription glasses. Collection point at Debbs Rugs. Thanks to Jenny Duyster for organizing this opportunity for us and for others.


After a wonderful 6 and a half years, we farewell LV Phan from the School Chaplaincy position at the end of this year. If you know someone who has trained in youthwork/socialwork/teaching and who might be interested in coming to our school, please ask them to contact YouthCARE.

CRE (Christian Religious Education) teachers celebrated their last lessons with afternoon tea together. Thank you to Heather Stickland, Geoff VanSchie, Robyn Lane, Margaret McFarlane and Karen Box for their commitment to this valuable program.

Meals on a Shoestring - a weekly 6 month program teaching ladies skills including: how to cook on a budget, vegie gardens, cleaning, being organized and culminating in a very successful lunch for 25 community members. We hope to run something similar again in 2018.

Lovegrove Lodge July Luncheon for the residents.

The Parish Pantry continues to be available for those who need food help at what can be a difficult time of the year. If you know anyone that needs some financial help with day to day supplies, ring to see if we can lend a hand in some way.


We have really enjoyed our services at the hospital each month this year. We thank Rev Kathy for coming to Dalwallinu each month and it has been a joy that she could stay overnight with Barbara or Irene at these times. We look forward to our Christmas Service at St. Luke’s on December 20th at 10am. Our Ballidu friends will also join us for this service. All are welcome to celebrate Christmas with us, followed by

fellowship after the service. We appreciated the invitation to join the Anglican Ladies of our parish for morning tea at Pithara Book Nook café in November. It was lovely to join together over a cuppa and sharing of Christmas gifts. With best wishes to all for a happy Christmas. Gwen Hyde and Barbara Wilson

Karen Box and Barbara Wilson deep in thought at Book Nook.

Do Not Be Afraid It is possible to sum up the Bible as an interplay of fear and faith. In general, we are obsessed and overpowered by fears; we all fear whatever we cannot control. God is one of our primary fears because God is totally beyond us. The “good news” is that God has breached that fear and become one of us in Jesus. God says, in effect, “It’s okay. You don’t have to live in quaking fear of me.” God’s response to Mary’s fear at the angel’s appearance is, “Do not be afraid”. In Luke’s gospel, Mary is presented as an archetype, because God comes into her life and announces the Divine Presence within her. Through the same Spirit, God comes into our lives and announces the Divine Presence within us. God offers Himself to us even before we invite God to do so. There is no indication of previous holiness or heroics in Mary’s life. All we can do is be present and open to God. When Mary is present and open to God, she becomes the Christ-bearer to the world. It is the same for us. Adapted from The Good News According to Luke: Spiritual Reflections, p. 66. Richard Rohr

Page 6: Anglican Parish of Wongan Hills - Dalwallinu...Rev. Leon Stickland 96201201, Karen Box, Administrator 0455 060 050 wdanglican@westnet.com.au PO Box 148, Wongan Hills 6603 Dalwallinu

by Franciscan teacher Richard Rohr

We cannot love God unless we love God’s world. Christians [should] have always known this, because an incarnate God is a world-loving God; but now it takes on new meaning and depth as we realize the radical interrelationship and interdependence of all forms of life. . . . In sum, we are not called to love God or the world. Rather, we are called to love God in the world. We love God by loving the world. We love God through and with the world. But this turns out to be a sacrificial love. Sallie McFague.

The key to sacrificial love is knowing that your life is not about you. Everything - each breath, heartbeat, morsel of food, seeming success - is gift. We are entirely dependent upon God’s loving us into being, and keeping us in being, interdependent with all other beings. Your life does not really belong to you, as countercultural and difficult as that is to understand in our individualistic, competitive, consumer culture. As the Trinity reveals, life and love are poured into us that we may pour into others. “It is in giving that we receive.” This is precisely what Jesus modelled for us through his life, death, and resurrection.

Cynthia Bourgeault, one of CAC’s core faculty members,” explores kenosis or letting go as “the Jesus trajectory”: “Do not store up treasures on earth,” [Jesus] teaches; do not strive or be afraid - “for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32). All will come of its own accord in good time and with abundant fullness, so long as one does not attempt to hoard or cling.

It is a path [Jesus] himself walked to the very end. In the garden of Gethsemane, with his betrayers and accusers massing at the gates, he struggled and anguished but remained true to his course. Do not hoard, do not cling - not even to life itself. Let it go, let it be - “Not my will but yours be done, [Father]. Into your hands, I commend my spirit” [Luke 22:42, 23:46].

Thus he came and thus he went, giving himself fully into life and death, losing himself, squandering himself. . . . It was not love stored up but love utterly poured out that opened the gates to the Kingdom of Heaven. Over and over, Jesus lays this path before us. There is nothing to be renounced or resisted. Everything can be embraced, but the catch is to cling to nothing. You let it go. You go through life like a knife goes through a done cake, picking up nothing, clinging to nothing, sticking to nothing. And . . . you can then throw yourself out, pour yourself out, being able to give it all back, even giving back life itself. That’s the sacrificial path in a nutshell. Very, very simple. It only costs everything.

We Love by Letting Go


has had a wonderful year and everyone’s really enjoyed

being in the beautiful Mocardy Centre each Friday (moving there at the end of Term 1). We sadly said goodbye to our kindy kids twice this year. Once in the middle of the year as the school

moved their days to a Friday. Then at the end of the year, as kindy in Wongan will be on Fridays in 2018. More than 45 toddlers, babies, mums and grandma’s helped Mainly Music celebrate Christmas as well as farewell 5 precious children off to school next year, last week. Mainly Music is

a developmental program for babies and toddlers, with a passion to care for mums and children at a very important stage of their lives. Running for over 10 years in Wongan Hills (and Cadoux for some years), the program is open to

any parent or a grandparent who is committed to giving their child/grandchild every opportunity for learning. Held all Friday mornings during school term, the organising team make all newcomers very welcome.

Shelby & Kristie Frearson “Where is Thumbkin”


Mainly Music

Lyle and John Greenwood “Dad’s Feet”

Belinda and Carly Dawson looking for the shepherds in “Hallelujah Christmas”. Leanne Coad

helping with Wylie Betty in the back ground.

Jack Sewell “If you’re happy and you know it,

clap your hands”.

Therese Wise & Freya Metcalf A valuable story!