Assimilation Approaches Variational Approach Optimal Interpolation 3D Var 4D Var Sequential Approach Kalman Filter Kalman, 1960 EnsKF Evensen, 1994 ELTKF Bishoop& Hunt, 2001 EAKF Anderson, 2001 Particular Filter Non Gaussian ESRKF Tippett, 2003 Hybrid: OI EnsKF, SSEsnKF 23 GCOM new features New features Netcdf I/O integration Gregorian calendar time added 19 points Stencil Laplacian Curvilinear Coordinates CSR format Two Multigrid libraries implemented to solve non-hydrostatic Pressure 50% clock time improvement respecting GS (SOR) Under Construction Upgrading to 4th order in space. Integration of new multigrid libraries Coupling GCCOM-ROMS 3D Curvilinear mesh generator app. Second version of the parallel model. Quality control details: DART qc value 7 indicates outlier threshold exceeded Expected(prior mean - observation) = . Reject if (prior_mean - observation) > T times expected value. T is set by outlier_threshold in filter_nml. outlier_threshold < 0 means no outlier check. 4 2 0 2 4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Probability Prior PDF S.D. Obs. Likelihood S.D. Expected Separation Actual 4.714 SDs σprior 2 σobs 2 + Mariangel Garcia (1) , Tim Hoar (2) , Mary Thomas (1) , Barbara Bailey (3) , Jose Cas=llo (1) References ] Anderson, J., T. Hoar, K. Raeder, H. Liu, N. Collins, R. Torn, and A. Arellano, 2009. The Data Assimila=on Research Testbed : A Community Facility. Bulle%n of the American Meteorological Society: 90 (9), 12831296. M Abouali, JE Cas?lo 2013. Unified curvilinear ocean atmosphere model ( ucoam ): A ver=cal velocity case study. Mathema=cal and Computer Modelling 57 (9), 21582168. Acknowledgements: Special thanks to our mul=disciplinary collaborators for their support Choboter, Paul Coupling GCEMROMS project. Smirnio=s, ColeYe, DART Ensemble Algorithm development. Bucciarelli, Randy, GCEM 3DGC Grid Generator App Abouali Mohammad, GCOMNG Model developer. (1) Computa=onal Sciences Research Center, San Diego State University. (2) Na=onal Center for Atmospheric Research, Data Assimila=on Research Sec=on (NCARDAReS). Department of Mathema=cs & Sta=s=cs, San Diego State University. The primary strategy is to use Observing System Simula=on Experiments (OSSEs ) to assess the capability of a new observing system and reduce the state forecast errors in small scale regions. Here we introduce the first set of experiments designed to evaluate the new DARTGCCOM framework, the methodology involved, the genera=on of the ini=al ensemble, the amount and type of observa=on assimilated, the ensemble size and localiza=on parameters needed in order to reproduce the turbulent flow from the True State Experiment. Abstract Exis=ng numerical models of water systems are based on assump=ons and simplifica=ons that can result in errors in a model’s predic=ons; such errors can be reduced through the use of data assimila=on, a technique that can significantly improve the success rate of predic=ons and opera=onal forecasts. However, its implementa=on is difficult, par=cularly for physical ocean models, which are highly nonlinear and require a dense spa=al discre=za=on in order to correctly reproduce the dynamics. Kalman Filtering Techniques for Data Assimila=on are the most widely used, and have been implemented in various applica=ons, including the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF ). A Monte Carlo approach, this methodology has been extensively used in atmospheric and ocean predic=on models to improve flow field forecasts; however, the computa=onal effort and amount of memory required to implement it have proven an issue for opera=onal use within a complicated, stra=fied system. Our General Curvilinear Curvilinear Coastal Ocean Model (GCCOM ) is the most complex system of its kind. Developed at the San Diego State University (SDSU ) Computa=onal Science Research Center (CSRC ), it was specifically built for use on extremely highresolu=on problems. The GCEM model solves the threedimensional primi=ve Navier Stokes’ equa=on using the Boussinesq approxima=on in nonhydrosta=c form under a fully three dimensional, general curvilinear mesh. Data assimila=on has not been u=lized in this type of system to date; therefore, a major challenge to be addressed is the high computa=onal cost typically incurred by a highresolu=on numerical model with a threedimensional data assimila=on scheme. To achieve this goal, the Data Assimila=on Research Testbed (DART) interface to the GCCOM was developed in early 2015 through a collabora=on with Na=onal Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). In this project we present a model that is capable of going beyond resolu=on, as well as incorpora=ng measured observa=on into the dynamical system in order to accurately forecast es=mates of the variable states in a shorter amount of =me. Keywords: GCCOM, Nonhydrosta=c, 3D, Curvilinear coordinates, High Resolu=on, Data Assimila=on, EnAKF, DART. UCOAM System OSSE Perfect Model Experiment Data Assimila?on Framework CONCLUSIONS and future work. The coupling DART framework with GCCOM model is s=ll under ac=ve development. AYemp=ng OSSEs for GCCOM , at this stage, certainly has provided informa=on regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the model to handle high resolu=on observa=ons at high frequency =me windows. Successful OSSEs have been done at global and regional scales (up to 3Km), but for local areas, opera=onal DA has not yet been implemented. The ul=mate goal is to propose an opera=onal system for San Diego Bay coupled with ROMS3DVAR in order to improve the ability to forecast es=mates of environmental variables that are important to the SD community. DARTGCCOM Ensemble Data Assimila?on Analysis System DART employs a modular programming approach to the applica=on of the Ensemble Kalman Filter, which impels the underlying model into a state that is more consistent with informa=on from a set of observa=ons. It u=lizes the Ensemble Adjustment Kalman Filter (Anderson, 2009) by default, but can also execute other filters. Everything is driven by a Fortran namelist , as well as the presence or absence of observa=ons. A Fortran executable named 'filter' reads a namelist, an ini=al state for the ensemble, and a file containing the observa=ons then begins to work. More detailed informa=on can be found in www.image.ucar.edu Every data assimila=on system consists of three components: a set of observa=ons, a dynamical model, and a data assimila=on scheme. Extensive research over the last few years has focused on developing new and increasingly sophis=cated data assimila=on algorithms. Conversely, several research groups have invested tremendous =me and effort into developing data assimila=on frameworks with the capability of separa=ng the numerical model from the assimila=on rou=nes. For our GCCOM a couple of frameworks were explored before implementa=on, OpenDA developed at Deltares and the the DART system from NCAR. Seamount Test The goal is to concentrate the amount of data where uncertain=es are difficult to reduce. 21 observa=ons of the U_Component were chosen to be assimilated into the model at different depths (Fig. 3). For this first experiment, 15 and 30 ensemble members were selected from previews states of the model. A 3D localiza=on factor (Gaspari Cohn ) with a local radius of 500 m for horizontal and ver=cal was used and the EAKF was implemented every 10 minutes. The observa=on error variance is expected to compensate for two major components: the instrument error and representa=veness error. Es=ma=ng this error is one of the challenges we are addressing. For this experiment, observa=on error is set up as 1.0, however more tuning of this parameter remains to be done. The San Diego State University (SDSU ) General Curvilinear Environmental Modeling (GCEM ) Group has been developing the Unified Curvilinear Ocean and Atmospheric Model (UCOAM ) with the goal to resolve problems using a high resolu=on mesh in curvilinear coordinates in 3 dimensions, with OceanAtmospheric Interac=on, that allows us to simulate stra=fied ocean currents over uneven terrains and provides beYer performance and a faster response. The current UCOAM, solve the 3D Navier Stokes equa=ons within the Boussinesq approxima=on. The full nondimensional momentum equa=on is solve using Large Eddy Simula=on (LES) technique and a sub grid scale (SGS) model. Prac?cal Implementa?on Fig 2. Curvilinear transforma=on from the physical domain to the computa=onal domain. Sigma Vs Curvilinear Sigma Grid Curlvilinear Grid Dierences Other models make use of sigma coordinate in vertical directions The sigma-coordinate is not able to handle non-convexity in the physical domain. Sigma-Coordinate produces artificial forces, particularly in the steep regions. UCOAM UCOAM: Unified Curvilinear Ocean Atmosphere Model 1 Primitive 3D Navier-Stokes equations using Boussinesq approximation. 2 Nondimensionalization and scaling of the NavierStokes equations. 3 Large Eddie Simulation (LES) 4 Fully written in FORTRAN 90. 5 Uses General Curvilinear Coordinates. 6 Using Fully Non-Hydrostatic Pressure Equation. 7 Using UNESCO Equation of State for density. a Model Set Up A classical seamount under neutral condi=ons was chosen (i.e homogenous density, buoyancy and Coriolis forces were neglected). In this case, the boYom bathymetry was selected to be very steep, in order to show model to works under a very sensi=ve (numerically speaking) curvilinear mesh. The domain size is 3.6 km x 2.8 km, where the depths varied between 1km at it deepest and 0.5 km at the origin. The grid size of the domain is 97x32x32 with overall resolu=on of 30 m x 30 m; however, to beYer represent the boYom varia=on, more grid points were chosen in the middle of the domain. A total run of 6 hours in GCCOM requires 21600 itera=ons. All terms for the nonhydrosta=c pressure and all 3 veloci=es components (u, v, w) are stored every 10 minutes, which yields a single 120MB GCCOM Netcdf output file. The forcing of the boundary condi=ons is illustrated above Fig. 3. For more details of this experiment, refer to the GCCOM user Manual (Abouali and Cas=llo, 2010). Fig 1. Example of how scale affect smoothness UCOAM is designed to be an ultrahigh resolu=on model, i.e. UCOAM is capable of performing simula=ons with spa=al resolu=on as low as 5m . To ease the calcula=on, all equa=ons are transformed into a uniform curvilinear grid. DART has been compiled using many Fortran 90 compilers, and has run on linuxcomputeservers, linuxclusters, OSX laptopsdesktops, SGI Al=xclusters, IBM supercomputers (based on both Power and Intel CPUs), and Cray supercomputers. Its structure and prior successful use in global and regioanal ocean models made this par=cular framework the best candidate for use in the GCCOM. Figure 4. Seamount Boundary Condi=on (top). Velocity along the x axis passing through the zenith of seamount (boYom) Figure 3. Loca=on of U_ component observa=on to be assimilated every 10 minutes during 6 hours of simula=on. Quality Control for Observa?ons One of the most useful features that DART provides, is the outliers rejec=on module. It is based on the expected distance between the observa=on error variance and the ensemble mean spread. If the expected distance between these two Gaussian distribu=ons is greater than 3.0, then the observa=on is considered an outlier. Below, we show how at 500 m deep, one observa=on is rejected with qc=7. Filter Module most common namelist settings and features built into DART Ensemble Size: ensemble sizes between 20 and 100 seem to work best. Localization: To minimizes spurious correlations and reduce the spatial domain of influence of the observations . Also, for large models it improves run-time performance because only points within the localization radius need to be considered. Inflation: The spread of the members in a systematic way to avoid problems of filter divergence. Outlier Rejection: Can be used to avoid bad observations. Sampling Error: For small ensemble sizes a table of expected statistical error distributions, corrections accounting for these errors are applied during the assimilation.


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  1. 1. Motivation Hydrodynamics Model Data Assimilation Practical Implementation Project in progress Assimilation Approaches Variational Approach Optimal Interpolation 3D Var 4D Var Sequential Approach Kalman Filter Kalman, 1960 EnsKF Evensen, 1994 ELTKF Bishoop& Hunt, 2001 EAKF Anderson, 2001 Particular Filter Non Gaussian ESRKF Tippett, 2003 Hybrid: OI EnsKF, SSEsnKF 23 2E. Kalnay (2003). Atmospheric Modeling, Data Assimilation, and Predictability. Cambridge University Press. isbn: 9780521791793. url: http://books.google.com/books?id=zx_BakP2I5gC. 3Geir Evensen (2006). Data Assimilation: The Ensemble Kalman Filter. Secaucus, NJ, USA: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. isbn: 354038300X. Garcia M. M.Sc. 7th March 2015 STUDENT RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM 2015 5 / 26 DART General Framework GCOM-Multigrid GCOM-DART Seamount Test experiment Adding Matlab support for GCOM model - under construction. Practical Implementation GCOM new features New features Netcdf I/O integration Gregorian calendar time added 19 points Stencil Laplacian Curvilinear Coordinates CSR format Two Multigrid libraries implemented to solve non-hydrostatic Pressure 50% clock time improvement respecting GS (SOR) Under Construction Upgrading to 4th order in space. Integration of new multigrid libraries Coupling GCCOM-ROMS 3D Curvilinear mesh generator app. Second version of the parallel model. Garcia M. Ph.D Candidate 4th June 2015 GCOM Meeting 7 / 33 /home/jla/tut_section14.fm 5 3/27/07 Quality control details: DART qc value 7 indicates outlier threshold exceeded Expected(prior mean - observation) = . Reject if (prior_mean - observation) > T times expected value. T is set by outlier_threshold in lter_nml. outlier_threshold < 0 means no outlier check. 4 2 0 2 4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Probability Prior PDF S.D. Obs. Likelihood S.D. Expected Separation Actual 4.714 SDs prior 2 obs 2 + MariangelGarcia(1),TimHoar(2),MaryThomas(1),BarbaraBailey(3) ,JoseCas=llo(1) References ]Anderson,J.,T.Hoar,K.Raeder,H.Liu,N.Collins,R.Torn,andA.Arellano,2009.TheDataAssimila=onResearchTestbed:ACommunity Facility.Bulle%noftheAmericanMeteorologicalSociety:90(9),1283-1296. MAbouali,JECas?lo2013.Uniedcurvilinearoceanatmospheremodel(ucoam):Aver=calvelocitycasestudy.Mathema=calandComputer Modelling57(9),2158-2168. Acknowledgements: Specialthankstoourmul=disciplinarycollaboratorsfortheirsupport Choboter,PaulCouplingGCEM-ROMSproject.-Smirnio=s,ColeYe,DARTEnsembleAlgorithmdevelopment. Bucciarelli,Randy,GCEM3DGCGridGeneratorApp-AboualiMohammad,GCOM-NGModeldeveloper. (1)Computa=onalSciencesResearchCenter,SanDiegoStateUniversity.(2)Na=onalCenterforAtmosphericResearch,DataAssimila=onResearchSec=on(NCAR-DAReS).DepartmentofMathema=cs&Sta=s=cs,SanDiegoStateUniversity. TheprimarystrategyistouseObservingSystemSimula=onExperiments(OSSEs)toassessthecapability ofanewobservingsystemandreducethestateforecasterrorsinsmallscaleregions.Hereweintroduce therstsetofexperimentsdesignedtoevaluatethenewDART-GCCOMframework,themethodology involved,thegenera=onoftheini=alensemble,theamountandtypeofobserva=onassimilated,the ensemblesizeandlocaliza=onparametersneededinordertoreproducetheturbulentowfromthe TrueStateExperiment. Abstract Exis=ngnumericalmodelsofwatersystemsarebasedonassump=onsandsimplica=onsthatcanresult inerrorsinamodelspredic=ons;sucherrorscanbereducedthroughtheuseofdataassimila=on,a technique that can signicantly improve the success rate of predic=ons and opera=onal forecasts. However,itsimplementa=onisdicult,par=cularlyforphysicaloceanmodels,whicharehighlynonlinear andrequireadensespa=aldiscre=za=oninordertocorrectlyreproducethedynamics.KalmanFiltering Techniques for Data Assimila=on are the most widely used, and have been implemented in various applica=ons,includingtheEnsembleKalmanFilter(EnKF).AMonteCarloapproach,thismethodologyhas been extensively used in atmospheric and ocean predic=on models to improve ow eld forecasts; however,thecomputa=onaleortandamountofmemoryrequiredtoimplementithaveprovenanissue foropera=onalusewithinacomplicated,stra=edsystem.OurGeneralCurvilinearCurvilinearCoastal Ocean Model (GCCOM) is the most complex system of its kind. Developed at the San Diego State University (SDSU) Computa=onal Science Research Center (CSRC), it was specically built for use on extremely high-resolu=on problems. The GCEM model solves the three-dimensional primi=ve Navier- Stokes equa=on using the Boussinesq approxima=on in non-hydrosta=c form under a fully three- dimensional,generalcurvilinearmesh.Dataassimila=onhasnotbeenu=lizedinthistypeofsystemto date;therefore,amajorchallengetobeaddressedisthehighcomputa=onalcosttypicallyincurredbya high-resolu=onnumericalmodelwithathree-dimensionaldataassimila=onscheme.Toachievethisgoal, the Data Assimila=on Research Testbed (DART) interface to the GCCOM was developed in early 2015 throughacollabora=onwithNa=onalCenterforAtmosphericResearch(NCAR).Inthisprojectwepresent amodelthatiscapableofgoingbeyondresolu=on,aswellasincorpora=ngmeasuredobserva=oninto thedynamicalsysteminordertoaccuratelyforecastes=matesofthevariablestatesinashorteramount of=me. Keywords:GCCOM,Non-hydrosta=c,3D,Curvilinearcoordinates,HighResolu=on,DataAssimila=on, EnAKF,DART. UCOAMSystem OSSEPerfectModelExperimentDataAssimila?onFramework CONCLUSIONSandfuturework. ThecouplingDARTframeworkwithGCCOMmodeliss=llunderac=vedevelopment.AYemp=ngOSSEs forGCCOM,atthisstage,certainlyhasprovidedinforma=onregardingthestrengthsandweaknessesof themodeltohandlehighresolu=onobserva=onsathighfrequency=mewindows.SuccessfulOSSEshave beendoneatglobalandregionalscales(upto3Km),butforlocalareas,opera=onalDAhasnotyetbeen implemented. The ul=mate goal is to propose an opera=onal system for San Diego Bay coupled with ROMS-3DVARinordertoimprovetheabilitytoforecastes=matesofenvironmentalvariablesthatare importanttotheSDcommunity. DART-GCCOMEnsembleDataAssimila?onAnalysisSystem DART employs a modular programming approach to the applica=on of the Ensemble Kalman Filter, which impelstheunderlyingmodelintoastatethatismoreconsistentwithinforma=onfromasetofobserva=ons.It u=lizestheEnsembleAdjustmentKalmanFilter(Anderson,2009)bydefault,butcanalsoexecuteotherlters. Everything is driven by a Fortran namelist, as well as the presence or absence of observa=ons. A Fortran executable named 'lter' reads a namelist, an ini=al state for the ensemble, and a le containing the observa=onsthenbeginstowork.Moredetailedinforma=oncanbefoundinwww.image.ucar.edu Everydataassimila=onsystemconsistsofthreecomponents:asetofobserva=ons,adynamicalmodel,anda data assimila=on scheme. Extensive research over the last few years has focused on developing new and increasingly sophis=cated data assimila=on algorithms. Conversely, several research groups have invested tremendous=meandeortintodevelopingdataassimila=onframeworkswiththecapabilityofsepara=ngthe numericalmodelfromtheassimila=onrou=nes.ForourGCCOMacoupleofframeworkswereexploredbefore implementa=on,OpenDAdevelopedatDeltaresandthetheDARTsystemfromNCAR. SeamountTest Thegoalistoconcentratetheamountofdatawhereuncertain=esarediculttoreduce.21observa=onsoftheU_Componentwerechosento beassimilatedintothemodelatdierentdepths(Fig.3).Forthisrstexperiment,15and30ensemblememberswereselectedfrompreviews statesofthemodel.A3Dlocaliza=onfactor(Gaspari-Cohn)withalocalradiusof500mforhorizontalandver=calwasusedandtheEAKFwas implementedevery10minutes.Theobserva=onerrorvarianceisexpectedtocompensatefortwomajorcomponents:theinstrumenterrorand representa=venesserror.Es=ma=ngthiserrorisoneofthechallengesweareaddressing.Forthisexperiment,observa=onerrorissetupas1.0, howevermoretuningofthisparameterremainstobedone. TheSanDiegoStateUniversity(SDSU)GeneralCurvilinearEnvironmentalModeling(GCEM)Grouphasbeendeveloping the Unied Curvilinear Ocean and Atmospheric Model (UCOAM) with the goal to resolve problems using a high- resolu=on mesh in curvilinear coordinates in 3 dimensions, with Ocean-Atmospheric Interac=on, that allows us to simulatestra=edoceancurrentsoveruneventerrainsandprovidesbeYerperformanceandafasterresponse.The currentUCOAM,solvethe3DNavierStokesequa=onswithintheBoussinesqapproxima=on.Thefullnon-dimensional momentumequa=onissolveusingLargeEddySimula=on(LES)techniqueandasubgridscale(SGS)model. Prac?calImplementa?on Fig2.Curvilineartransforma=onfromthephysicaldomaintothe computa=onaldomain. DART General Framework GCOM-Multigrid GCOM-DART Seamount Test experiment Adding Matlab support for GCOM model - under construction. Practical Implementation Practical Implementation Possibles Studies Regions Cortez Seamount San Diego Bay Monterrey Bay Source: Randy Project. Garcia M. Ph.D Candidate 19th May 2015 GCOM Meeting 32 / 33 Poisson for Pressure Laplacian Curvilinear Coordinates Solving Non-hydrostatic Pressure The Linear system Sigma Vs Curvilinear Sigma Grid Curlvilinear Grid Dierences Other models make use of sigma coordinate in vertical directions The sigma-coordinate is not able to handle non-convexity in the physical domain. Sigma-Coordinate produces articial forces, particularly in the steep regions. 12 12Abouali-2010-NextGen. Garcia M. M.Sc. 28th April 2015 GCEM Meeting 15 / 25 Poisson for Pressure Laplacian Curvilinear Coordinates Solving Non-hydrostatic Pressure The Linear system UCOAM UCOAM: Unied Curvilinear Ocean Atmosphere Model 1 Primitive 3D Navier-Stokes equations using Boussinesq approximation. 2 Nondimensionalization and scaling of the NavierStokes equations. 3 Large Eddie Simulation (LES) 4 Fully written in FORTRAN 90. 5 Uses General Curvilinear Coordinates. 6 Using Fully Non-Hydrostatic Pressure Equation. 7 Using UNESCO Equation of State for density. a aAbouali2013. Garcia M. M.Sc. 28th April 2015 GCEM Meeting 3 / 25 Motivation Data Assimilation Hydrodynamics Model Practical Implementation Thesis Goals DA Frameworks 567 5National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Data Assimilation Research Testbed - DART. . 6Deltares. The OpenDA data-assimilation toolbox. 7Lars Nerger and Wolfgang Hiller (2013). Software for ensemble-based data assimilation systemsImplementation strategies and scalability. In: Computers and Geosciences 55.0, pp. 110 118. Garcia M. M.Sc. 20th November 2014 Dissertation Proposal 14 / 52 ModelSetUp Aclassicalseamountunderneutralcondi=onswaschosen(i.ehomogenousdensity,buoyancyandCoriolis forceswereneglected).Inthiscase,theboYombathymetrywasselectedtobeverysteep,inordertoshow modeltoworksunderaverysensi=ve(numericallyspeaking)curvilinearmesh.Thedomainsizeis3.6kmx2.8 km,wherethedepthsvariedbetween1kmatitdeepestand0.5kmattheorigin.Thegridsizeofthedomain is97x32x32withoverallresolu=onof30mx30m;however,tobeYerrepresenttheboYomvaria=on,more grid points were chosen in the middle of the domain. A total run of 6 hours in GCCOM requires 21600 itera=ons.Alltermsforthenon-hydrosta=cpressure andall3veloci=escomponents(u,v,w)arestored every 10 minutes, which yields a single 120MB GCCOM Netcdf output le. The forcing of the boundary condi=onsisillustratedaboveFig.3.Formoredetailsofthisexperiment,refertotheGCCOMuserManual (AboualiandCas=llo,2010). Fig1.Exampleofhowscaleaectsmoothness UCOAMisdesignedtobeanultra-highresolu=onmodel,i.e.UCOAMiscapableofperformingsimula=onswith spa=alresolu=onaslowas5m.Toeasethecalcula=on,allequa=onsaretransformedintoauniformcurvilineargrid. DARThasbeencompiledusingmanyFortran90compilers,andhasrunonlinuxcompute-servers,linuxclusters,OSXlaptops-desktops, SGIAl=xclusters,IBMsupercomputers(basedonbothPowerandIntelCPUs),andCraysupercomputers.Itsstructureandpriorsuccessful useinglobalandregioanaloceanmodelsmadethispar=cularframeworkthebestcandidateforuseintheGCCOM. ! ! ! Figure4.SeamountBoundaryCondi=on(top).Velocityalongthexaxis passingthroughthezenithofseamount(boYom) Figure3.Loca=onofU_componentobserva=ontobe assimilatedevery10minutesduring6hoursofsimula=on. QualityControlforObserva?ons One of the most useful features that DART provides, is the outliers rejec=on module. It is based on the expected distance between the observa=onerrorvarianceandtheensemblemeanspread.IftheexpecteddistancebetweenthesetwoGaussiandistribu=onsisgreaterthan 3.0,thentheobserva=onisconsideredanoutlier.Below,weshowhowat500mdeep,oneobserva=onisrejectedwithqc=7. DART General Framework GCOM-Multigrid GCOM-DART Seamount Test experiment Adding Matlab support for GCOM model - under construction. Practical Implementation Filter Module most common namelist settings and features built into DART Ensemble Size: ensemble sizes between 20 and 100 seem to work best. Localization: To minimizes spurious correlations and reduce the spatial domain of inuence of the observations . Also, for large models it improves run-time performance because only points within the localization radius need to be considered. Ination: The spread of the members in a systematic way to avoid problems of lter divergence. Outlier Rejection: Can be used to avoid bad observations. Sampling Error: For small ensemble sizes a table of expected statistical error distributions, corrections accounting for these errors are applied during the assimilation. The time of the observations in the input observation sequence le controls the length of execution of lter. Garcia M. Ph.D Candidate 4th June 2015 GCOM Meeting 5 / 33