Anesthesiology FinalsMCQs 2010/2011

Anesthesiology Finals MCQs

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Finals’ MCQs


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Anesthesiology Final MCQs 2010/2011 Last Date Modified: 10/11/2010

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Q1) Which one of the followings decreases MAC:

- decreasing core temp

- decreasing CSF

- chronic alcohol ingestion

- hyperthemia

Q2) MAC of sevoflurane:

- 2%

Q3) hemoglobin oxygen dissociation curve is moved to the right in:

- hyperthermia

Q4) regarding halothane one is true:

- no hepatotoxic effect

- completely excreted by lung

- antiemetic

- skeletal Muscle rigidity

- relaxes uterine muscle may cause post partum hemorrhage

Q5) which of the following inhalational agents is less potent:

- nitrous oxide

Q6) which one of the following drugs can be reversed by flumazenil:

- midazolam

Q7) about the speed of induction with inhalational agents all exceptions are true except:

- is quicker in ptns with very high functional reserve capacity

- is slower if the agent is very soluble in blood

- is slower on the presence of right to left shunt

- is unchanged in the presence of right to left shunt with normal systemic capacity

- is quicker with nitrous oxide

Q8) about Thiopental what is false:

- approximately 75% of the drug is excreted unchanged in the urine

Q9) the maximal safety dose of lidocaine with epinephrine for peripheral nerve block on adult

is about:

- 7mg/kg

Page 3: Anesthesiology Finals MCQs

Anesthesiology Final MCQs 2010/2011 Last Date Modified: 10/11/2010

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Q10) EMLA (Eutectic mixture of Local Anesthetic):

- prilocaine + lidocaine

Q11) regarding lidocaine what is true:

- eliminated chiefly by liver

Q12) first modality to be lost upon onset of spinal anesthesia:

- anatomic activity.

Q13) All difficult intubation except:

- mallampati class 1
