Circulating File ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS A compilation of Extracts from the Edgar Cayce Readings Edgar Cayce Readings Copyrighted by Edgar Cayce Foundation 1971, 1993-2015 All Rights Reserved These readings or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the Edgar Cayce Foundation 215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451 Printed in U.S.A.

ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS - Edgar Cayce · ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS CIRCULATING FILE Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation 2 Circulating Files

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Circulating File


A compilation of Extracts from the Edgar Cayce Readings

Edgar Cayce Readings Copyrighted by Edgar Cayce Foundation

1971, 1993-2015 All Rights Reserved

These readings or parts thereof may not be reproduced

in any form without permission in writing from the Edgar Cayce Foundation

215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Printed in U.S.A.

Page 2: ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS - Edgar Cayce · ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS CIRCULATING FILE Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation 2 Circulating Files


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Circulating Files are collections of verbatim quotes of what Edgar Cayce said during his readings on a given subject or, in some cases everything. We have medical circulating files which focus on the over 9,000 health-related readings with subjects from Acidity-Alkalinity to Weight Loss. We also have non-medical circulating files on a broad range of topics, for example Egypt: Sphinx, Pyramids, and Hall of Records, Fear and Its Far-Reaching Effects, Advice to Parents, Serving in Accord with Ideals, and Business Advice.

Each circulating file is simply a collection of reading quotes or full readings given for different individuals on a similar subject or disease. The A.R.E. cannot and does not suggest treatments for physical ailments nor make claims about the effectiveness of the therapies. We encourage anyone working with the health readings to do so under a doctor's care and advice.

The circulating files support the research aspect of the Cayce work. We appreciate any feedback informing us of progress made in improving one’s life or achieving good health by applying suggestions given in the readings. Please send any feedback (testimonies, experiences, results, etc.) to:

Library: Circulating File Desk A.R.E. 215 67

th St

Virginia Beach VA 23451 Or e-mail: [email protected]

Please note: The complete Edgar Cayce Readings are available through the members only section of our web site, EdgarCayce.org or on CD-ROM.

Some circulating files contain commentaries or summaries written by physicians. These reports are to be used as a basis for further research in the form of controlled studies, and should not be misinterpreted to be either a refutation or an endorsement by the doctor. Referral doctors wanting to borrow a file for an extended period may do so by writing to the Library: Circulating File Desk.

Our hope is that through the Cayce readings you will find the wholeness and oneness which is God's plan for us.

Blessings, A.R.E. Member Services Team

There are in truth no incurable conditions…. 3744-2

This Circulating File consists of the Edgar Cayce psychic readings on the after effects of anesthesia. The information is not intended for self-diagnosis nor self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional before following any advice contained within this file. Articles may be included because the information supports the remedies and therapies described in the Edgar Cayce readings or are of a helpful nature. Their inclusion does not imply endorsement or recommendation. Before following any advice contained in the articles, please seek the counsel of your doctor.

Products may be purchased from Baar Products, the official worldwide supplier of Edgar Cayce

health care products: www.baar.com or call 800-269-2502.

Page 3: ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS - Edgar Cayce · ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS CIRCULATING FILE Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation 2 Circulating Files


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Anesthesia: After Effects

Contents Pages

A. Introduction to the Edgar Cayce Readings on Health and Healing 5

B. Case Studies from the Readings:

1. Reading # 102-2→3, 28-yr-old man [weakened vitality] 9

2. Reading # 139-1, 4, 5, 12, adult woman [impaired mobility] 13

3. Reading # 257-220, 223, 47-yr-old man [preparations] 20

4. Reading # 263-10, 27-yr-old woman [rising uric acid] 25

5. Reading # 303-20, 52-yr-old woman [several months to recoup] 27

6. Reading # 327-1, 51-yr-old woman [hypertension] 29

7. Reading # 454-8, 51-yr-old woman [toxemia] 31

8. Reading # 540-17, 36-yr-old woman [re-stabilizing organs] 34

9. Reading # 805-1, 52-yr-old woman [deadened activity] 36

10. Reading # 903-29, 30, 36-yr-old woman [dizziness] 40

11. Reading # 920-7→9, 49-yr-old woman [air but no sunshine!] 43

12. Reading # 1377-5, 64-yr-old woman [anemia] 52

13. Reading # 1523-3, 29-yr-old woman [nerve pressures] 53

14. Reading # 1710-6, 26-yr-old man [headache, dizzy, stomach] 56

15. Reading # 1713-15, 30-yr-old woman [nervous system incoor] 58

16. Reading # 1844-2, 20-yr-old man [nervous system effects] 62

17. Reading # 2027-1, 42-yr-old woman [nervous system effects] 65

18. Reading # 2036-5, 15-yr-old girl [excess acidity, toxemia] 68

19. Reading # 2078-2, 54-yr-old woman [minor distress] 70

20. Reading # 2089-1, 44-yr-old woman [do nothing now] 71

21. Reading # 2189-1→3, 39-yr-old man [nervous system, digestion]72

22. Reading # 2432-2, 33-yr-old woman [natural consequences] 77

23. Reading # 2653-5, 22-yr-old man [allow time & rest] 79

24. Reading # 2729-2, 38-woman [nurse anesthesiologist, warning!] 80

25. Reading # 2927-1, 50-yr-old man [dr. should do research!] 84

26. Reading # 3160-1, 65-yr-old woman [considering surgery] 88

27. Reading # 3226-2, 45-yr-old woman [poor eliminations] 93

28. Reading # 3439-1, 38-yr-old man [serious, only prayer] 95

29. Reading # 3451-1, 2, 44-yr-old woman [circulatory systems] 97

30. Reading # 3842-1, 28-yr-old woman [debilitation] 105

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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


31. Reading # 3984-1, 46-yr-old man [strangulations by gases] 108

32. Reading # 4791-1, 35-yr-old man [glandular effects] 111

33. Reading # 4999-1, 60-yr-old woman [glands, nervous system] 114

34. Reading # 5051-1, 38-yr-old man [nervous system] 118

35. Reading # 5088-1, 67-yr-old woman [nerves destroyed] 121

36. Reading # 5417-3, 42-yr-old man [double vision] 122

37. Reading # 5440-1, 51-yr-old woman [“variations”] 125

38. Reading # 5557-1, adult woman [psoriasis!] 129

39. Reading # 5600-1, adult woman [type and timing] 131

C. Related Article: “The Long Term Effects of General Anesthesia” 132 D. Related Circulating Files and Research Bulletins*:

1. Appliances: Radio-Active 2. Ash: Animated and Carbon [available 2016] 3. Osteopathy

3547-1, F 56, 1/12/44

(Q) Is the body now free of all disturbances connected with last operation? (A) Not free entirely, for it will require about thirty months for all of those

conditions to be entirely eliminated - even from the subjugation of nerve forces.

627-1 M 32, 8/7/34 (Q) Are there any after effects from an appendicitis operation several

months ago? (A) This, as we find, is rather the cold, congestion to those portions of the

system as indicated; not so much from the appendicial condition, though, of course, the subjugation of the mental forces through those activities necessary for the operation have NOT been eliminated from the system; and thus has its part IN the mental or separation from the mental and physical forces….

* Circulating Files & Research Bulletins are available from A.R.E. membership services at (800) 333-4499 or: http://www.edgarcayce.org/circulating

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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Introduction to the Edgar Cayce Readings on Health and Healing

No matter what illness or ailment concerns us, certain basic principles about health and healing are relevant. These are the premises upon which all of the Cayce health information rests. For those who would like to make a more careful study of these basic principles, the recommended Circulating File is entitled Principles of Healing. Here, in essence, are the ideas found in that file. They may prove to be very useful to your study of the specific ailment that requires healing for you.

The first fundamental idea about healing requires that we maintain a creative balance between two principles:

1. All healing comes from the infinite - that is, from attunement and harmony with our spiritual source. The infinite is just as accessible and available in the visible, physical world as it is in the invisible realm.

2. At the same time, each person must take responsibility for his or her own healing process. No one can simply sit back and wait passively for healing to occur.

This second principle - the need for self-responsibility - can take many forms.

For example, healing requires attunement, and no one knows better than ourselves exactly what has gotten us out of attunement. Often, if we look closely at our lives, we can see (without needing a gifted medical clairvoyant such as Edgar Cayce) what's causing our illness.

To illustrate self-responsibility further, the human body has a marvelous, innate drive to heal itself, but we've got to do our part to help. A broken bone will naturally try to mend; however, the fracture needs to be set properly for the healing to be complete and effective. Cayce stresses the healing ability of the body:

Remember, the body does gradually renew itself constantly. Do not look upon the conditions which have existed as not being able to be eradicated from the system. . . Hold to that KNOWLEDGE - and don't think of it as just theory - that the body CAN, the body DOES renew itself! 1548-3

Another important principle relates to energy medicine, a new field for which

Edgar Cayce was a pioneer. His readings consistently speak of the roles played by vibrations or vibratory forces - right down to the level of individual atoms. According to Cayce, there is a type of consciousness that exists in each atom. Although most of the passages about the atomic physics of healing seem rather esoteric, it might be easier to follow the analogy of the attunement of a stringed musical instrument. A violin or piano that is out of tune makes sour, discordant music - symbolic of disease or illness. Just as a skilled musician can bring the instrument back into attunement, we experience healing when our vibrations - right down to the atomic level - are adjusted in a correct manner. In essence, all healing is bringing the vibrations into harmony from within.

Balance among body, mind, and spirit is another key to Cayce's philosophy of healing. For healing to be complete and lasting, we must recognize and meet the needs of each of these three levels. Virtually no illness or disease can be treated successfully at only one of these three levels.

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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


What's more, Cayce affirms that the human body will naturally stay healthy - and even rejuvenate itself - if a kind of internal balance can be maintained. “Dis-ease” starts when one part of the body draws energy from another part. One portion of an organism may become overcharged with the creative life force, while another portion becomes undernourished. The result is a gradual disintegration of the body and the onset of illness.

The opposite of this sort of disintegration is rejuvenation. The readings assert that we are continuously rebuilding our bodies. Within any seven-year period, each cell is replaced. If we'll allow it, our bodies will transform any problem and resuscitate any condition. But our ingrained habits usually block this healing potential - the habits of action and, even more potent, the habits of mind.

What role do drugs and medicine play in the healing process? Cayce's philosophy clearly sees a place for them, but warns of misunderstanding how they work and of expecting more of them than is possible. Any healing method attempts to create an experience of oneness, in hopes of then stimulating a similar response in the body. For some people in some situations, a drug may be the best way to accomplish this - just as in other cases surgery may be the best way to stimulate healing. Medicines can be a practical application of the one life force. Occasionally they must be very potent in their reactions in order to get the patient through an acute illness. But Cayce from time to time encouraged people to consider the herbal formulas he recommended to be tonics and stimulants, rather than medicines.

The dangerous side of medicines is their potential to diminish the body's own healing work. This is what Cayce alluded to when he warned about “palliatives” that deceive the soul with half-truths and temporary relief. It's also what he meant when he warned that we shouldn't come to rely on any condition outside of ourselves that could be assimilated by the body inwardly. All of this is to say, take the medications prescribed by the physician you trust. Keep in mind this thought: what those chemicals can do is temporarily - and somewhat artificially - give your body an experience of greater oneness.

Healing that really takes hold and lasts must come from changing one's inner consciousness and vibration. That happens most effectively from consistent and persistent human effort (that is, engaging one's desires, purposes, and will) - something that pills all too easily allow us to skip.

These have been long-standing. Do not take the treatments just a few days, or even a few weeks, and expect to be well - and then revert to old conditions. But be consistent and persistent! Have periods when these will be taken (that is, ALL of those things indicated) for two, three to four weeks. Then rest by leaving them off a week. And then be just as patient and just as persistent as though you were beginning all over again. 976-1

Cayce's healing philosophy includes other insights that can help us avoid

misunderstanding. For example, one principle states that the best treatment procedures sometimes cause a temporary worsening of conditions. If we didn't recognize this possibility, we might give up just before the benefits begin to appear. A closely related principle states that when a body is re-establishing its attunement, it tends to be more sensitive. Again, if we misunderstand that heightened sensitivity, we might not see the good that is slowly being effected.

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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


The mind is a focus of other healing principles. The unconscious mind plays a role in many illnesses and diseases. One example of this is the karmic factor in health problems. Memories from previous incarnations, stored in the soul mind, can trigger problems in the body. Of course, we shouldn't go so far as to suppose that every health challenge has past-life roots; nevertheless, the perspective of reincarnation can help us understand what we could possibly be dealing with as we seek healing.

The familiar Cayce axiom, “Mind is the builder,” leads us to wonder exactly which attitudes and emotions best foster healing. The readings emphasize several:

Self-acceptance. As we rid ourselves of self-condemnation, we make room for healing forces to enter.

Optimism and hope. We're encouraged to expect healing. Patience. It's much easier and quicker to destroy health than it is to rebuild it.

We need to be willing to patiently invest whatever time is required.

Alongside these specific attitudes and emotions, we're invited to use the creative potential of visualization to stimulate our own healing. The mind's image-making capacity can be directed in such a way that we “see” the healing transformation taking place. This is not something that's accomplished in a single visualization session. Like all the Cayce health-promoting approaches, it requires persistence and works best in conjunction with other healing methods.

Perhaps the most important principle of the mind's relationship to healing concerns purposefulness. A person can experience temporarily an outer healing - that is, in the physical body only - yet still be spiritually sick. What cures the soul? A commitment to a purposeful life. Not just any purpose, but instead one that reflects care for other people.

On occasion a reading from Cayce would pose this question to the person who was ill: What would you do with your life if you were healed?

What would the body be healed for? That it might gratify its own physical appetites? That it might add to its own selfishness? Then (if so) it had better remain as it is. . . But first the change of heart, the change of mind, the change of purpose, the change of intent. 3124-2

The position of Cayce's psychic source was simply this: Why correct the physical condition unless there's also going to be an inner correction? People who are looking for both inner and outer healing are the best candidates for restored health and vitality. In Cayce's philosophy, healing should equip us to be more useful to others.

With this ideal of service in mind, we might also wonder just how we can be channels of healing to others. What principles govern our efforts to be healers to those for whom we have concern? One principle is based on the spiritual connections that exist between all people. It states that as we bring the experience of oneness into our own consciousness, it can profoundly help someone else experience oneness, attunement, and healing. Cayce's way of putting it was, “...raising the Christ Consciousness in self to such an extent as it may flow out of self to him thou would direct it to.” (281-7)

For this to be most effective, the recipient must desire such help and have requested healing prayer. Of course, we can always pray for someone, even if that

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individual hasn't asked us. But it's important that we not assume we know what's needed in any person's life. For one who hasn't specifically asked for prayer, we can simply offer prayers of protection and blessing, rather than try to direct healing energies to that person or for a specific condition.

It is also important to remember that each reading was given for an individual. It must be emphasized that no suggested treatments for any particular ailments should be “lifted” from any individual reading and tried by another individual except under the supervision of and with the cooperation of a physician or licensed health care professional. However, there were many suggestions that were given over and over, and these can be studied to find how they apply to ourselves. These healing principles can be grouped in four categories that referred to as CARE.

Circulation – moving the blood around the body through therapies such as massage or spinal manipulation

Assimilation – encouraging the body to pull the proper nutrients from the food by eating the proper foods and in the proper combinations

Relaxation – taking time to rest and let the body recuperate and counterbalance the daily activities

Elimination – removing the waste products from the body through therapies such as sweats, colonics, and fume baths

For more information about CARE and recommendations on the lifestyle described in the readings, please see Dr. Harold J. Reilly’s Handbook for Health. There are also many verbatim collections of the readings in other Circulating Files, Research Bulletins, and Treatment Plans for individual diseases which may be purchased through Customer Service at 800-333-4499.

The A.R.E. is interested in having all the material in the health readings reviewed by physicians and health care professionals who also provide summaries of their findings in the hope that the information may prove beneficial to others. When time and finances permit it is planned to have all the information in the health readings read by one or more physicians and the subject matter summarized. Please send any feedback to

Library: Circulating File Desk A.R.E. 215 67

th St

Virginia Beach VA 23451 Or e-mail: [email protected]

To obtain health items mentioned in the readings, contact our official worldwide distributor, Baar Products at 800-269-2502 or Baar.com.

We do not advocate a do-it-yourself process. Please seek out the advice of a health professional before implementing any recommendation.

In summary, the Cayce readings remind us that our natural state is wholeness and health. An innate wisdom within ourselves knows what's needed for healing. We should expect to get well, and we should be willing to do our part to make it possible. “Those that expect little of the Lord receive little; those that expect much receive much - if they live it!” 1424-1

Blessings, A.R.E. Member Services Team

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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 102-2 M 28 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 1 Asthenia: Peritonitis Par. 1 Athletics: Golf: Not Recommended Par. 5-A Diet: Blood-Building Par. 2 Exercise: Air: Asthenia Par. 1, 5-A PERITONITIS: AFTER EFFECTS Rest: Peritonitis Par. 3 Surgery: Incisions: After Effects Par. 6-A BACKGROUND OF READING 102-2 M 28 B1. See 102-1. B2. 5/14/30 Letter: "When I was so low, in the hospital and all the surgeons thought I would die, your prayers and encouragement helped immeasurably to pull me up." [Appendectomy] B3. 5/28/30 Mother's letter expresses appreciation for his stay in the Cayce Hospital: "He was thrilled with his coming back to a spot that is very dear to him, for there is something that clings to one's heart, after one has seen the results of your beautiful work." TEXT OF READING 102-2 M 28 (Osteopath) This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 29th day of May, 1930, in accordance with request made by self - Dr. [102]. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes, we have the body here - this we have had before. There is a great deal of difference in the general physical conditions of this body at the present from that as we had here before, and these - as we find - have been for the betterment of the physical conditions as were existent. There are, necessarily, some conditions that show the effect, not only of the poisons that were well distributed throughout the system, but there is necessarily that condition existent in the blood stream itself; the necessity of raising and lowering the various elements as necessary to create proper coagulation and the proper building up of the system. THIS will be necessary. In the vitality of the system, this is weak; not only by the subjugation to which the central nervous system was put to, in the subjugating or in the anaesthetizing of same; but this is an effect that needs be

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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


overcome not only in the centers themselves, but through the lungs themselves; for, until these conditions are entirely relieved, there cannot be the PROPER oxidization, or oxygens from, or covering of same in the system. Hence the exercises should be those that are as much in the open as possible, but not such as to even RAISE the blood pressure in any manner; for this produces strain and a centralization of conditions in system that makes bad for the heart's action, as well as strain on those PORTIONS of the system where the conditions are most active - that in the abdominal regions, where the incision still shows the effect of the conditions not being wholly eliminated. Well that these be kept not TOO much irritated, but sufficiently so that the system will heal from WITHIN, rather than making too much of a SUPERFICIAL healing and the drainages not set up properly in the system. Keep the drainages, especially in lungs, and through the alimentary canal, well in action. Let the exercise be not too much walking, but sufficient of same to keep the general circulation good. Do not strain the body in ANY way that makes for too much activity along the central system, or through that that JOINS the UPPER system with the lower system, see? In this way and manner, we will find the body will build properly. 2. We would change somewhat in the diets from - while the body a very good dietician, we would build that that will produce the nerve energy and BLOOD building. Those of the tripe, hog liver, the olive oil - take all that can be assimilated, see? and those that are not just FAT building, but NERVE building, an those that carry same - as may be termed - JUST fodder in the system; as will be seen in those of lots of lettuce, lots of celery, lots of asparagus, and such - that are taken as GREEN vegetables; and especially of the lettuce that DOES NOT head. 3. Rest periods should be kept. Don't get lazy about it! but REST periods should be kept, see? 4. Ready for questions. 5. (Q) Is the body strong enough to play golf? (A) Be strong enough to walk around, but wouldn't play yet. 6. (Q) What may be applied externally to the wound to aid healing? (A) We wouldn't apply anything as yet! Get the SYSTEM properly adjusted and the healing will come, as has been just given, from the inside. Of course, we would keep the place dressed, and prevent irritation, and not exercising so much as to PRODUCE irritation, but keep it nominally and normally dressed with those antiseptics and those packs as have been used. These will be well. Let's heal from internally. Let's let the SYSTEM build that proper healing, see? 7. (Q) Is there still a formation of pus? (A) There's still a little pus formation. 8. (Q) Give any other points to aid in the restoration to normal of this body. (A) We have given these! These would be some points! 9. We are through with this reading. REPORTS OF READING 102-2 M 28 R1. 6/16/30 See 102-3.

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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Athletics: Golf Par. 6-A : Tennis Par. 6-A

Diet: Condiments: Not Recommended Par. 3, 7-A : Glands Par. 3, 7-A : Peritonitis: After Effects Par. 3, 7-A

Glands: Peritonitis: After Effects Par. 2, 3


Osteopathy Par. 5-A TEXT OF READING 102-3 M 28 (Osteopath) This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 16th day of June, 1930, in accordance with request made by self - Dr. [102]. 2. The general physical conditions show improvement throughout. There needs be, for the better physical condition of the body, that there be precautions taken as respecting the character and kind of exercises, that there is not - with the strains as have existed in system - the setting up of any character of condition through strain, through the falling of any of the organs in system, that there be accumulations of pus or of poisons stoppages in system; keeping the body well balanced as for the assimilations of same, that there may not be an unbalancing or an incoordination through the glands, or through the system in its general make-up for the building in the system. 3. Let those tendencies in diet be toward those of sufficient or above the ordinary amounts of iodine producing foods, and of some calcium. Not too much potash; not too much of condiments that STIMULATE any of the glands or secretions in same. 4. The portions of system where healing going on, we find the blood stream shows that there are sufficient of those forces in the coagulating elements in system being produced. These others, then, are as precautions. Ready for questions. 5. (Q) When can this body return to the work of practicing osteopathy? (A) In a week or ten days. Begin in a MILD manner. Do not attempt to go night and day, nor to overtax self by too heavy work; for OSTEOPATHY is real work, if done properly. 6. (Q) Is the body now strong enough to play golf and tennis? (A) Strong enough, just so the body does not tire self out as to DEPLETE system through the tiring of muscular forces, so that strains are easily made in conditions in system where coagulations are necessary. The body would understand this. Stop before it gets too tired, but the MOVEMENTS are well - that the muscular forces be brought into their normal activity. Just don't OVERDO it.

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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


7. (Q) Is it desirable to further increase the weight and how can this best be done? (A) It will do it without any desiring, if it will keep the right balance in the system! Just don't OVERDO it! That's why the precautions are given as to keeping the equilibrium BETWEEN the coordinating forces of the system, and the tendencies are to those of the iodine and calcium and not too much of the potash nor condiments, which would produce or bring about the tendency to produce too much weight in PLACES, and not general. Let's build it up all over. Be a pretty good size man! We are through with this reading. REPORTS OF READING 102-3 M 28 [edited] R1. 7/17/30 Letter: "I am now back in my office for the first time since March, and I am so happy to be here again. My health is fine - I feel quite well in all respects and hope to regain my practice in a short while. "I simply connot express my thanks for all the wonderful things you have done for me. My stay at the [Cayce] Hospital was a Godsend - I picked up so much valuable strength. It was also wonderful for my wife."

R3. 8/1/30 Letter: "I am glad to report to you that I am now in perfect health. My stay at Cayce Hospital was a perfect follow-up for the marvelous work the surgeons did on me. I gained health, weight and strength and I now am blessed with a wealth of nervous reserve and energy. I am taking care of my practice here and Mr. Cayce said in a reading once [102-3, Par. 5-A] that osteopathy is hard work! "But the most wonderful thing that the readings did for me was to turn the tide when I lay near death in the hospital. I had been operated on and four surgeons said I would die because of a ruptured appendix, peritonitis, gangrene and typhoid fever. They told my wife and mother that I 'did not want to live.' A reading via telephone from Mr. Cayce [102-1] gave my physical condition and said that my life would be saved by 'will, determination and the prayers of many.' I was barely conscious but my mother read this to me and I did begin to fight. And within a few hours there were four clergymen of three faiths asking for Divine aid. That was the turning point - and I have been going upward ever since. "And so you may know that I am very grateful to Mr. Cayce and will always be keenly interested in the [Cayce] Hospital and the work."

R5. GD's note: Dr. [102] treated many people who went to him with EC readings and always reported favorable results.

R6. 4/3/34 Letter: "Your letter of March 29th received and am surprised that you feel you need to ask me if you may use the letter I wrote in 1930. Of course you may use it [in A.R.E. Bulletin report], and my name too if you like. My wife and mother were told that I had no chance to live; all the usual medical signs pointed toward an unfavorable prognosis. Yet I did recover and am now in perfect health. However, I must tell you frankly that I divide the credit; I believe that my recovery was due to osteopathic treatment and the ministrations coming through Mr. Cayce."

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INDEX OF READING 139-1 F ADULT Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 3, 4 Color Therapy: Surgery: Post Par. 8 Electrotherapy: Rino Ray: Surgery: Post Par. 6, 7, 8 Locomotion: Impaired: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 3, 4 SURGERY: POST BACKGROUND OF READING 139-1 F ADULT B1. 8/30/25 Son-in-law Mr. 900's letter: "[136]'s mother, Mrs. [139], has just had an operation that doesn't seem to have done her much good. In two letters now she has requested physical readings and I have forgotten to write to you for it. So if you can get that in she will more than appreciate it." TEXT OF READING 139-1 F ADULT This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce while on a visit to Hopkinsville, Kentucky, September 4, 1925, via emergency request by phone from Mrs. [139]'s daughter, Mrs. [136] and her son-in-law, Mr. [900]. 1. EC: Yes we have the body here. We find there are abnormal conditions with this body. They have to do with specific conditions, also with the functioning of the organs of the system. 2. Now, these are conditions as we find them in this body, [139] we are speaking of. First, in the blood supply, this we find creates the coagulation necessary in and to meet the condition of the body in healing in this portion where abrasions have taken place, yet the toxins that have produced these conditions in the system still are shown in the circulation. The white blood supply then above normal, yet normal conditions existent in the body. 3. The nerve system has not as yet recuperated from this, anesthesia has affected these locomotories, these plexuses as govern the normal functioning of the locomotory system, hence the condition as is produced reflexly in the sensory system in the functioning of the organs proper. 4. In brain forces the subjection of sensory plexus shows the effect as has been produced on brain center distribution. Throat and bronchials show the same condition as has been exhibited in the system. Lungs and pulmonaries show the effect yet of these conditions from the portions [potions?] taken in the system. Heart action very good under the existent condition, though not normal. 5. The incentive from the assimilation in digestive organs maybe assisted in such a manner as to produce the better equalibrium throughout the organs receiving that distribution of the vital forces necessary to rebuild and for the resucitation of the functioning system.

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6. The conditions in trunk portion of body and in those portions where the system forming these toxins and these distributions to used forces from the eliminations of the body - these will be added to, that being done for the body, these of the Rino Rays to the whole system, especially the whole cerebro spinal portion of body that the blood may be clarified, that the nerve system may be relieved of the pressure as is shown in many gangulens [ganglia], that the plexus of the hypogastric and numogastric [pneumogastric] may be enlivened, that the excretory forces in the liver may be assisted and the emunctories in the kidney produce better eliminations, see? 7. Then add these forces of the Rino Rays with these, being in accordance with the system for the betterment of this body, [139]. 8. These rays should be applied, at least, first, each day; beginning first with far extention [extension?] taking from the system all of that color that comes off the brown rays. Give the red rays then, gradually increasing the penetrating rays but never to the extent to be brought sufficiently close to burn in the lower cuticle, but sufficiently penetrating to clarify tissue at that. 9. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 139-1 F ADULT 10/9/25 See 139-2.

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INDEX OF READING 139-4 F ADULT Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 5-A Electrotherapy: Rino Ray: Surgery: Post Par. 3, 6-A Locomotion: Impaired: Surgery: Post Par. 3 NAUSEA: SURGERY: POST : Train sickness Par. 5-A Prescriptions: Calisaya Elixir: Surgery: Post Par. 2 : Capsici: Par. 2 : Limewater: Nausea Par. 2, 4-A : Potassium Bromide: Surgery: Post Par. 2 : Potassium Iodide: Par. 2 : Syrup, Simple: Par. 2 : Valerian, Tincture: Par. 2 SURGERY: POST BACKGROUND OF READING 139-4 F ADULT B1. See 139-1 through 139-3. B2. 12/19/25 Son-in-law phoned request for immediate reading. TEXT OF READING 139-4 F ADULT This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 19th day of December, 1925, in accordance with request made by her son-in-law, Mr. [900]. 2. EC: Now, there are many conditions that are exaggerated in the system at the present time. Those conditions and those assistances that are being lent the body at the present time are very good and will have the desired effect in their proper time. An assistance to these, however, would be found in taking small quantities of the lime water (plain) for the nausea, and for the relaxing of the whole nervous system; would be well to add this, in these proportions, and this as dose:

Tincture Valerian..............2 ounces, Elixia Calisaya................2 ounces, Iodide Potassium...............5 grains, Bromide Potassium.............20 grains, Capsici........................1 minum.

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Dose (shake this well together, and add with same Simple Syrup sufficient to make 6 ounces, and the dose) would be half a teaspoonful every hour, see? 3. For the general condition, and the condition in limbs and feet that give trouble through the circulation, and for the general condition, we would STILL give those rays of the Rino or Alpine rays for the body, for this will clarify the blood and give the circulation that ability to gain its equilibrium sufficient for the nominal eliminations throughout the system, see? These, though, should be taken after this trouble as is present is relieved, see? that for the general condition. Do that. 4. (Q) What quantity of lime water should be taken and how often? (A) Teaspoonful every twenty or thirty minutes, when the nausea is severe, see? See, its necessary at times to take this, even to make the other properties remain in system long enough to have the effect of the bromides in system. 5. (Q) What is the cause of the trouble at the present time? (A) Taxation to the nervous system and to the whole portion of body through train sickness, see? Change, excitement, nerves of the body, and through that condition as produced by the submerging of the normal forces in some times back, see? 6. (Q) How often should the rays be applied to the body? (A) When this is begun (which should be within the next five to ten days, see?) should be given at least every third day. Do as we have given for the present condition. 7. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 139-4 F ADULT R1. 12/21/25 Son-in-law's reading, 900-176, indicated that Mrs. [139] should have osteopathic treatments rather than so much drug taking. R2. 12/25/25 See 900-178 and 137-45 dream readings in regard to Mrs. [139]'s condition. R3. 12/26/25 She obtained Check Physical reading, 139-5. R4. 12/26/25 Reading 139-5 indicated the advice had not been followed and she was very sick.

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INDEX OF READING 139-5 F ADULT Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 3-A : Not Recommended Par. 2, 3-A Doctors Suggested: Green, Charles S. Par. 6-A Electrotherapy: Rino Ray: Surgery: Post Par. 2, 3-A, 5-A Healing: Spiritual Reports Karma: Family Relations Par. 4-A Osteopathy: Tumors: Brain Par. 3-A, 5-A, 6-A Prophecy: Prognosis: Death Par. 2 Surgery: Preventive: Tumors: Brain Par. 3-A : Tumors: Brain Par. 2, 3-A, 5-A, 6-A TUMORS: BRAIN BACKGROUND OF READING 139-5 F ADULT B1. See 139-1 through 139-4. B2. 12/20/25 Son-in-law [900]'s letter: "Mrs. [139] is quite sick, the doctor gave her something before we had a chance to give her your prescription, as also indicated in my dreams, enclosed [See [900] series]. Now she is in bed with trained nurse. Doctor says about 4 or 5 days in bed." TEXT OF READING 139-5 F ADULT This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 26th day of December, 1925, in accordance with request made by her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. [900] and Mrs. [136]. 1. GC: You will have before you the body of Mrs. [139] of ... N.Y. City, and you will tell us if the operation is necessary and what sort of anesthesia should they use, if it is necessary, giving us the physical condition of this body at the present time, and answering any other questions I might ask you regarding this. 2. EC: Now, we find there is considerable difference in the conditions in this body at the present from that as when we had it here before. While the condition is much exaggerated in that of the pressure as is produced in the head, we find were those conditions in the centers that produce this pressure, as has been given, were relieved by that of the relaxing of those central points, this condition

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could be relieved by the appliance of the rays, as has been given and without becoming so stressed, as will be under an anesthesia or under the loss of the nerve control, though the operation may be used; yet this we find will bring a strain to the system that will be hard to prevent a dissolution in, for with the strain as will be placed on the nerve system and the heart's action, through ANY anesthesia, though the combination of gas and of the others should, were this to be used on body, gas and ether. 3. (Q) What suggestions will be best for the improvement of this body at the present time? (A) Without the relief that would be obtained through the applying of those forces that would relieve the pressure as is produced on brain, then it would be best to operate, though, as given, this is a very serious condition for an operation on the body at the present time, for the effects of the anesthesia in system is not totally left or removed as yet, but with the removal by the deep manipulation, as has been given to those portions of system where pressure is produced, in brain, see? those in the upper dorsal and cervical, brought to such a condition (the nerves) by the manipulation and by the application of the rays, as given this may be assimilated in system, though without this, then operate - using the anesthesia as given. Combination, and this will bring bad condition in some conditions. 4. (Q) What should Mr. [900] do regarding this matter? (A) He has done his best. Keep that same position, condition, that he has held under the circumstances of same. 5. (Q) If the deep manipulations are used at the present, can this condition be relieved? (A) As given, this may be relieved - take longer of course, and should be properly handled, else the formations as are beginning, on brain, would become necessary to remove by the operation in the end, see? 6. (Q) What osteopath doctor would be the correct one to handle this condition at present? (A) Green. Best to operate if they keep on bringing on this condition as we see at present. We are through for the present.

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Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 4

Healing: Spiritual Par. 5, 7-A, 8-A


Physiology & Anatomy: Paralysis Par. 4, 6-A Prophecy: Prognosis: Death Par. 3, 5


TUMORS: BRAIN TEXT OF READING 139-12 F ADULT This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 12th day of February, 1926.

3. Now, we find there are changes in the physical forces of the body. These have become very weak in their ability to produce the coordination throughout the functioning of the body, and the prevention of disintegration is very near to the breaking point. 4. The conditions as are produced in the nerve system, as is caused by the system attempting to meet the needs of, and to create the equilibrium necessary for the functioning of, the system, as is produced by both the reaction from the anaesthesia, as affects directly the nerve plexus and the circulatory system, making, then, the system produce too much stress on the heart's action, and producing in the ataxia of the nerve ganglion the ineffectiveness of response to the reaction in system, or, as we would say, the system does not respond to those restoratives of a normal flow in system. 5. The spiritual elements must then be awakened to that consciousness of the ability to induce the action, physical, or the disintegration between soul and spirit and physical would take place, eventually, in the near future. See? 6. (Q) What has caused the paralysis in the body? (A) As given. The inability of the vital forces in physical to respond to those conditions where the cutting off of the nerves of this portion of the body prevents the system from gaining that control necessary for full functioning, see? That is, with the condition produced by deadening of the ganglia; that is in the upper portion of the 2nd cervical, causes now the ineffective movement of the nerve response, through the retraction of the nerves in locomotion throughout the body. 7. (Q) What may now be done to assist the body? (A) Only awakening the spiritual elements in the physical at present, to that ability to induce physical reaction in the body. 8. (Q) What may [900] do to now assist this body? (A) Assist same in gaining peace and an at-oneness with all spiritual force. 9. We are through with this reading.

REPORTS OF READING 139-12 F ADULT R1. 2/13/26 See 139-13, her last physical reading. She died two hours later.

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INDEX OF READING 257-220 M 47 Anesthesia: Tumors: Abdominal Par. 24-A, 25-A Blood: Coagulation: Surgery: Preparation Par. 12-A--15-A Cancer: Tendencies Par. 12-A, 19-A, 29-A Diet: Beverages: Wine: Tumors Par. 26-A : Surgery: After Effects Par. 25-A, 26-A : Preparation Par. 15-A Hospitalization: Temple University Hospital Par. R1 Intestines: Enemas: Oil: Tumors: Polyps Par. 17-A : Tumors: Polyps Par. 15-A--17-A : Gas: Surgery: After Effects Par. 27-A Prescriptions: Ash: Animated: Not Recommended Par. 21-A : Beef: Extract: Surgery: Preparation Par. 12-A--15-A : Cinnamon Water: Intestines: Gas Par. 27-A : Limewater: Par. 27-A Prophecy: Prognosis: Surgery: Tumors: Polyps Par. 4--7, 12-A, 18-A, 19-A, 29-A Rest: Surgery: Preparation Par. 12-A--16-A, 28-A Surgery: Preparation Par. 12-A--14-A, 19-A, 29-A : Preventive: Tumors: Polyps Par. 9, 21-A, 28-A : Tumors: After Effects Par. 20-A, 22-A, 23-A, 25-A, 27-A, 29-A : POLYPS TUMORS: POLYPS BACKGROUND OF READING 257-220 M 47 B1. See Life Rdg. 257-10, Par. 20 on 1/11/26, advising that only through very particular attention to preserving of vitality would he enjoy the fruits of earthly labors after the 48th or 49th yr. See 257-108 on 5/11/33, and subsequent Ck. Physical Rdgs., such as 257-140, Par. 3 on 11/2/34, etc. B2. 3/1/40 He obtained 257-217 for periodic bleeding and stomach pains. B3. 3/13/40 He obtained 257-218 for cold, congestion, severe facial paralysis. B4. 3/18/40 He obtained 257-219 in re doctors' findings at Mt. Sinai Hospital of benign polyp in descending colon.

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TEXT OF READING 257-220 M 47 (Sales Mgr., Hebrew) This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 7th day of April, 1940. 2. EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [257]; this we have had before; the conditions which exist in the present, considering the environs, the mental body, the conditions required that there be further analysis of the disturbance in the body, with the view of having same removed. 3. This as we find presents many varying aspects, many varying opinions. 4. If there is precaution as to the ability of the body to react to proper coagulations, then very well for operative measures. 5. Then, if there is the care following same that is necessary, in movement, in the activities of assimilation and eliminations, all will be well. 6. If there are not the precautions as to the ability for the coagulation, we may expect very bad lesions that will eventually reproduce themselves in the system, and the last estate will be worse than the present. 7. Also if there are not the proper precautions FOLLOWING such operative measures, then growths outside of the area now under disturbing conditions will be the result. 8. This in its present state, as we find, is not necessarily fibrous in its nature; hence requires the precautions as indicated. 9. With the use of the properties applied vibratorally, which we might designate, this MIGHT BE assimilated. This would require a long period, and necessarily the restrained activities with the body's business associations. Thus, unless there is the willingness to give the time, and more of an activity that is too much of a chance unless there is the decision to do such in the manners as might be designated, this becomes quite a question. 10. Ready for questions. 11. (Q) Please examine the colon. Describe the actual appearance of the tumor. How large is it? (A) About the size of a pear; almost in that shape, not a large but a small pear, - but is pointed in one area from which the fluids flow at times. 12. (Q) Is it a benign tumor or a malignant one? (A) As we find, it is not necessarily fibrous or malignant in the present. The conditions to be warned of are the preparations, in that there be sufficient of the coagulative forces or influences in the blood body, or excesses of leukocyte in the blood flow. It doesn't exist in the present, for the mental worry, the strain, has reduced this efficiency. But in three to ten days this could be built to sufficient, if those properties are used to aid in such; such as may best be had in forms of beef extract or the like, with the foods - and REST. 13. (Q) Please describe exactly what the body should do to prepare for the operation, and how long before it should be done? (A) First, there should be a blood test, a COUNT of the red blood, white blood, leukocytes; then sufficient rest - three to five to ten days should be sufficient, if there is added plenty of beef in an extract form; and if necessary use the hemoglobin of same before operative measures, to increase the number of the leucocyte.

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14. (Q) How is that done? (A) Just as indicated, with the foods, the rest, AND the use of those properties. 15. (Q) What vegetables are best for the body to eat? (A) This doesn't mean vegetables as related to long periods, now; hence are concentrated: All of the yellow variety; peaches that are yellow, vegetables that are yellow in color, carry those forces that are blood coagulating; beef, especially the juices or extracts. Take the beef juice often, but very small quantities at the time. It may be sipped two, three, four, five times a day; never more than a teaspoonful at the time, and take three to five minutes in sipping this amount, if it is to be the most effective. Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, squash, carrots, peaches and the like. All of these are excellent foods for building the blood resistance necessary. But rest during the day, and keep the eliminations nominal. 16. (Q) How can the eliminations be kept nominal during these periods? (A) Rest, the use of enemas if necessary; not as washing the colon in preparations, but to relieve tension on sphincter centers. 17. (Q) Is there any specific thing other than enemas that may be done to help evacuations now? (A) Enemas with oil, or just enemas if the water is held and not the attempt to give too much. Take the oil enema alone, you see; about a pint of the Russian White Oil, Usoline, Jujol or the like; and then use the water to distribute or disseminate same in the lower portion of the rectal area. About a quart of water would be used; anywhere from a pint to a quart at the same time, but never more than a quart. 18. (Q) Will the operation stop the development of a further malignancy? (A) Read what has just been indicated, as to conditions that exist! 19. (Q) Who would be the best doctor to perform this operation? (A) As indicated, there are to be further decisions made in this. As we find, Babcock would be well, - possibly the better, - in this particular condition. Preparations, precautions afterwards are to keep down the troubles indicated. If there are not the proper prepara- tions, there will be adhesions that will make a worse condition. If there are not the proper precautions afterwards, growths will grow from outside that will eventually become worse. If there ARE proper precautions, and all the condition at its base removed, there should NOT be further disturbance - for at least ten years, at least. 20. (Q) How long should the body stay in the hospital for proper hospitalization? (A) It isn't so much hospitalization that is needed. It will require at least two to three weeks afterwards; but the precautions after that would be required as to the body- building, body-movement, body-exercise. 21. (Q) Should the Animated Ash be used in preparation for the operation? (A) Animated Ash acts as an eliminant, NOT as an astringent, NOT as a preparation! If there are to be the preparations to absorb same, without the operation, then it would be entirely different.

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22. (Q) Would the drive home from Philadelphia after two weeks be injurious? (A) Have at least THREE weeks in the hospital before attempting to move home. 23. (Q) Should be come then by train or car? (A) This will depend upon developments and upon the preparations for the body. 24. (Q) What type of anaesthetic should be given the body? (A) This is determined by the doctor according to the conditions of the heart at the time, and the character of operation decided upon. Any abdominal operation, to be sure, is questionable; but, as indicated, this individual doctor knows his business. 25. (Q) What type of foods should be given the body after the operation? (A) Not very much for the first few days, except those that will keep down gas; the character of anaesthetic as will keep down gas of natures from an abdominal operation is preferable. That of Pulp (?) or Pap (?), any of those foods that are body-building, and always containing plenty of olive oil. 26. (Q) What about Port Wine? (A) Light wine is very good. Port is a little bit heavy for the body, under the conditions. 27. (Q) What relief from the gas after the operation? (A) This would be prognosis, and will depend upon many conditions, - but as we find, always lime water, cinnamon water, with any of the combinations, are helpful in these conditions. 28. (Q) If no operation was performed now, and care were taken, what would be the results? (A) This would depend upon what applications are made for the absorption of same. But this would require from a month to six weeks WITHOUT ANY activity in labors by the body; and this to the mental body would be almost impossible, for it would go against its own best interest. 29. (Q) Considering all present conditions, would the operation be advisable? (A) If there are the preparations and precautions afterward, else as given there will be growths developing from same, - not of the malignant nature as might be indicated, unless there is a breaking of tissue and infection after operation. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 257-220 M 47 R1. 4/23/40 Surgery was performed by Dr. Wayne Babcock.[5/9/40 See letter under Life Rdg. 257-10.] [See subsequent rdgs. 257-221 through 257-232, etc., warning of seriousness of the physical condition and the care needed.] R2. 4/18/44 Mrs. [3808] wrote EC, after having also been referred to Dr. Wayne Babcock: "I was much pleased to learn that Dr. Babcock knew of you through a gentleman who lives in ..., N.Y. [Mr. [257]]. Dr. Babcock had operated on this man, found exactly the condition you had described, and that man today is enjoying normal good health. So, Dr. Babcock has much interest in and respect for your advice."

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INDEX OF READING 257-223 M 47 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 2 ELIMINATIONS: POOR Hypertension: Tendencies Par. 2 Intestines: Enemas: Oil: Eliminations: Poor Par. 3, 5, 7-A Rest: Surgery: After Effects Par. 3, 5 BACKGROUND OF READING 257-223 M 47 B1. 6/3/40 He obtained Ck. Physical Rdg. 257-222 advising tr. for healing wound resulting from rectal polyp surgery. B2. 7/8/40 A.M. He wired: "Please check blood pressure…. TEXT OF READING 257-223 M 47 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 8th day of July, 1940. 2. EC: As we find, there has been too much exertion of the body physically as well as mentally; so that the effects of anaesthesia to the balance between sympathetic and cerebrospinal nervous systems, as combined with toxic forces from lack of proper eliminations, cause distress of heart and the pulsation, - or of the blood pressure - and the quickening pulsation. 3. Quiet, with the gentle but sure eliminations, even though oil enemas are given. This would be beneficial if properly given, harmful if improperly given. 4. Do that. 5. Keep quiet; not so much mental and physical activity; and increase the eliminations. 6. Ready for questions. 7. (Q) What should be taken to increase eliminations? (A) As indicted, best that these be increased by oil enemas, and then watching the diet, and being REGULAR with eliminations. 8. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 257-223 M 47 R1. 7/15/40 He obtained 257-224 on his health and business.

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Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 3

Circulation: Lymph: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 5, 6, 11-A, 12-A Diet: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 8 : Beverages: Coca-Cola: Not Recommended Par. 8 : Coffee: Par. 8 : Tea: Par. 8 : Vitamins: Codiron: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 5 Feet: Wet: Warnings Par. 4

Physiology & Anatomy: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 5, 6, 11-A, 12-A Physiotherapy: Massage: Cocoa Butter: Circulation: Lymph Par. 7 : Oils, Olive: Par. 7 : Swedish: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 7 Prescriptions: Cod liver Oil, White's: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 5, 13-A Sedation: Not Recommended Par. 8


Uricacidemia: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 3

BACKGROUND OF READING 263-10 F 27 B1. 10/13/38 She obtained Ck. Physical Rdg. 263-9 advising pelvic surgery to correct after effects of childbirth on 11/2/29 which had caused other ailments; long standing severe headaches which had caused her to become addicted to B.C. Powders, etc., etc. B2. 12/8/38 She wrote that the surgery had just been performed.

TEXT OF READING 263-10 F 27 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 12th day of January, 1939. 3. There are a great many changes in the general physical and mental body since last we had same here. These as we find are in those conditions where, if there are the proper precautions taken, now, and the activities are in such a way and manner that the body may be rid of the after effects of the uric acid arising from the effects of the ether and gas, there may be the near to normal mental and physical reactions.

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4. As we find, precautions must be taken as to getting the feet damp and wet, of being in the open without a covering on the head and neck; and added to the system we would have such a stimuli as to correctly balance the blood and especially the lymph supply of the system. 5. Hence we find it would be well for the body to take two White's Cod Liver Oil Tablets each evening, and two Codiron tablets each morning with the meal, you see. The amount here of the cod liver oil and the vitamines as come with or through the activity of these being assimilated by the system will build greater resistance, especially to the lymph and emunctory circulation - which is needed to rid the system of the effects of those activities which were given to suppress the nerve forces. 6. For these tend to clog and clot through the network as it were of the lymph and emunctories, especially. 7. Hence a gentle massage taken about once a month, as a Swedish massage, would especially be good for this body; first a little sweat produced by a cabinet bath or by being wrapped in a sheet or flannel, and THEN A THOROUGH MASSAGE with cocoa butter AND olive oil - over the whole body. Massage TOWARD the center of the body always, so that the eliminations may be kept the better. 8. KEEP AWAY FROM SEDATIVES OF every nature! Not even Coca Cola or ANY drink that carries any influence, as of wine, beer or spirits frumenti - these are especially harmful! Coffee and tea should be eliminated, for the time being, as much as possible. 9. Do this. 10. Ready for questions. 11. (Q) What causes nausea, and what may relieve same? (A) The effects in the lymph of that as indicated. 12. (Q) Headaches? (A) The same. 13. (Q) Is the thyroid gland functioning properly? (A) Will function better with the activity and the effects of the cod liver oil in the system. 14. (Q) What should be done to produce normal eliminations without cathartics? (A) Correct diet, correct activity, and especially the massage in the manner indicated. We are through with this Reading. REPORTS OF READING 263-10 F 27 6/13/40 She obtained Ck. Physical Rdg. 263-11 for terrible headaches. Dr. C. F. Hudgins, Jr., the D.O. who had been treating thought the headaches were from B.C. Powders (tablet) poisoning.

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INDEX OF READING 303-20 F 52 [edited]

Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 6 Diet: Beverages: Surgery: After Effects Par. 13 : Vitamins: Codiron: Debilitation: General Par. 7 Electrotherapy: Vibrator: Headache Par. 11, 15-A, 18-A : Violet Ray: Not Recommended Par. 18-A Headache Par. 9--12 Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 23-A Physiotherapy: Massage: Camphor: Nervous Tension Par. 15-A : Mutton Tallow: Par. 15-A : Turpentine: Par. 15-A Prescriptions: Alcaroid: Digestion Par. 10, 15-A SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS Tumors: Tendencies Par. 23-A BACKGROUND OF READING 303-20 F 52 B1. 4/24/38 She obtained postoperative rdg. 303-19 for after effects of surgical removal of knotty tumors on back and leg. TEXT OF READING 303-20 F 52 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 13th day of October, 1938. 3. As we find, conditions show a great improvement in many ways for this body, from that as we have had here before. 4. Still, there is much that may be desired in the general physical resistances and for the body-forces to build up to meet the general conditions that show or manifest themselves in the activities of the body in the present. 5. But much of that which was a great strain upon the body HAS been eliminated. 6. Of course, there will yet be required some several months for the body to be entirely rid of the effects of the anaesthesia or the local application, or the effect upon the general nervous system and upon the blood supply. 7. Hence there should be kept the corrective sort of diet, as has been indicated for the body; keeping the building up through the use of the Codiron tablets - and these we would increase every other day about one or two tablets, see?

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8. And keeping the activities of such in a way and manner that we will keep better forces, the body should keep recuperating. 9. When there are the headaches - which arise at times from nerve exhaustion, at others from the upsetting of the digestive forces, we find: 10. If it is from the digestive forces as produced by the reactions of a sour stomach, or a belching or the feeling of the fullness, then take a FULL quantity - or half a teaspoonful - of those digestive forces, or that will turn the activities of the stomach itself more to a lactic fluid as may act with these in the general system; that is, the Alcaroid. This will be found to be most helpful. 11. When it arises from the nerve forces of the body, or the body is trembly or gets excited easily, and there is the heaviness in the feet and lower limbs, then use the electrically driven vibrator; especially across the hips and the lumbar area, down the sciatic nerves on the limbs. And we will find it will remove a great deal of this. 12. This is much better than taking things that would act as a sedative, or to produce drosses in the system. 13. In the diet beware of too much fats, but rather those that are easily digested of any nature are well for the body. Not too much sweets, of course, but an even, well-balanced diet in all of these. 14. Ready for questions. 15. (Q) What causes this soreness in my knees, hips and spine? (A) As just indicated, it is the effect of acid in the system. Hence when there are the indications from an upset digestion, use the Alcaroid for alkalizing the system - and to at the same time assist in producing a better balance in the alkalines and acids of the digestive system by producing better digestion. Then when there is the nerve exhaustion, overtaxation, or from mental reactions which work upon the nerve system, the electrically driven vibrator will help in relieving tension. Of course, it would be very well at times for the lower limbs, and especially the hips, to be massaged thoroughly with an equal combination of the Mutton Suet, Turpentine and Camphor which will also relieve the tension. 18. (Q) Would the violet ray be helpful? (A) The violet ray at times is helpful, at others it'll be irritating to the body. Use the electrically driven vibrator in the present, rather than the violet ray. 23. (Q) Have the tumorous conditions in my body entirely disappeared? (A) The EFFECTS of these, as just indicated, have not entirely disappeared. There is the necessity of keeping the system in a well-balanced condition, that there may not be recurrent conditions or the breaking of cellular forces to produce such disturbing conditions. 24. Do, then, as has been indicated - consistently, persistently.

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INDEX OF READING 327-1 F 51 (?) [edited] Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 3 Appliances: Radio-Active: Hypertension Par. 7 CIRCULATION: POOR Diet: Hypertension Par. 4--6 : Nerve-Building Par. 4 Exercise: Walking: Hypertension Par. 4 HYPERTENSION Insomnia Par. 4 Prescriptions: Lemon Juice: Hypertension Par. 4 TEXT OF READING 327-1 F 51 (?) This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 21st day of August, 1929.

1. EC: Yes, we have the body here. Now, while the conditions as we find that are abnormal are outwardly not serious, there should be precautions taken for this body - for the conditions are subtle. 2. Now, these have to do with the manner in which the pressure is created in the system; that is, the blood supply and the heart's action, and the pressure as created by this fullness and by the existent conditions in the physical organism of the body [hypertension?]. These, then, are conditions as we find them with this body, Mrs. [327] we are speaking of. 3. Now, IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, we find full - too full, in fact. This causes the slowness of the circulation at most times, and the quickening of the functioning of the organs affected by that condition. This producing, then, a regurgitation, and floods the organs of same - that is, the pulmonary, the heart, the aorta artery, and the organs that are filled by same in the deeper pulsations. Hence the body easily warms up, as it were, or the heat at times to the central portion, smothering effect or feeling over the system. While those conditions that have been affecting the system in various portions of the body have aided the condition, the EFFECT of the anesthesia, especially to the nerve system, has allowed this fullness in the circulation, and produces the greater distresses. While the organs and the nerve system are full, or too lax in their functioning, many of these may be aided to bring to a nearer normal force the nominal functioning, but care should be taken that there is not an over excitement of any nature. Neither should there be too much of a full relaxing of the system in what would be termed inertia, or inactivity - but this should NOT be overdone to the extent that the system becomes overtaxed in any way, either mentally OR

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physically. Then, that inter-between, or that moderation, or that condition wherein the system is kept in that way in which more of the system physically uses up the energy as is created IN the system. The body should NOT so tax self by dieting [GD's note: She was overweight.] as to cause the strength and vitality to be on the wane, but rather that equalization so that the coordinating forces of the system keep each functioning organ and each portion of the circulation, whether of blood supply, nerve energy, capillary circulation, lymphatic circulation, or of the hepatic [liver?] itself, coordinating one with another. A regular routine, then, would be well for the body, of specific activities, and of specific rests, with that aiding which will bring better coordination to the body. These, as we find, would be best found in this: 4. First we would, as the body at times suffers from insomnia, when the body awakens of morning IMMEDIATELY arise! Do not become restless by thinking, worrying, or of the activities mentally or physically, but immediately arise. Roll a lemon, cut in half. Squeeze the juice of same and drink without water with this, but take water afterward. Then walk just as far as the body is sure that it will be able to return without too much fatigue. Returning, rest for three to five minutes, then a good pinch of salt on the other half of the lemon and suck this, or get the juice with the salt for the system. Then rest until the morning meal, which should consist principally of those food values that carry those of the building for nerve energy, rather than blood building at this meal. Those things preferably as in cereals that are well cooked, or that are dry, or these may be alternated. Enough just to satisfy the body without producing hunger. 5. Of the noon meal, or lunch, this should consist principally of those of the green vegetables that are ABOVE the ground. Celery, lettuce, tomatos, or such foods. 6. Of the evening, little of the meats - but more of those of the cooked foods that carry with same rather WEIGHT, than building - but that SATISFY the hunger. 7. Use that of the plain Radio-Active Appliance. Best that this be used twice each day, when the body rests of morning or evening, and when the body retires. This should be kept on for at least half an hour at each period, or may be lengthened in the evenings. This, we find, will throw off that of the heaviness, giving the better coordination between the systems and reducing that pressure as is apparent in the blood supply, easing the heart's action, removing strain and pressure from base of brain, preventing the flooding of the system with the blood supply that becomes slowed up in extremities. 10. (Q) How long should this be kept up? (A) Until we have a near equalized pressure in the blood supply, and until the body feels the variations that come to the system from such diet and such routine. This, as we find, should not be to the extent that it WEAKENS the body. Be careful and be mindful that there are the proper evacuations from the system. Mild cathartics - but DO NOT keep JUST one! CHANGE - alter same, and occasionally use enemas or douches that cleanse the system from ANY of those irregularities that come from an affected circulation. We are through for the present.

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INDEX OF READING 454-8 F 51 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 15-A CANCER

DIABETES: TENDENCIES Diet: Artichoke: Jerusalem: Diabetes: Tendencies Par. 9-A : Combinations: Wine & Black Bread Par. 10-A : Neuritis Par. 9-A Intestines: Colonics: Neuritis Par. 12-A NEURITIS Physiotherapy: Massage: Peanut Oil: Neuritis Par. 13-A Sedation: Not Recommended Par. 5-A TOXEMIA BACKGROUND OF READING 454-8 F 51 B1. See 454-7 on 2/12/41 and subsequent Reports. TEXT OF READING 454-8 F 51 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach. Va., this 25th day of February, 1941. 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here; this we have had before. 3. Ready for questions. 4. (Q) Please describe in detail the conditions of the body and what caused them, and when? (A) As we have indicated, poisons have gradually arisen - or toxic conditions - that have produced through the body a neuritic reaction; just as indicated in the intercostal muscles through portions of the rib area, as well as through other parts of the body. Thus those suggestions made as to where and as to what means to take to eliminate the causes. To be sure, the strapping of the body helps; but this is no cure, - neither is there being much administered to eliminate the sources or causes! And the severe pains through portions of the body arise from these causes! 5. (Q) What is condition of her ribs, and is it necessary for them to remain bound and strapped? Are ribs broken or injured? (A) Rather as just given, this is intercostal muscles and nerves. We do not find any broken or injured, in any way.

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The strapping aids, in that when attempting to move it keeps the body from moving in such a manner as to produce severe pains; but as for it being a helpful thing towards curative measures no. Remove the causes, - through the hydrotherapy, and especially through the setting up of better eliminations by the colonics and the toning of the system with those properties indicated to be added in the diet and in the general activity. DO NOT resort to sedatives, save when absolutely necessary, for this only adds to the poisons necessary to be eliminated - and causes slower activity through some portions of the functioning system that are necessary to be active in order for the body to adjust itself to better conditions. 6. (Q) Why the pain in back? (A) Nerve pressure from the neuritic tendencies, or poisons and pressures on nerve forces. 7. (Q) Since she cannot travel, who is best doctor in N.Y. to treat her? (A) She can travel if she DESIRES to! Otherwise, we would have the hydrotherapy and the diets indicated. Let the body choose for herself a good physiotherapist. There are many that are competent. Someone from Reilly's, [Harold J. Reilly, Ph.T.] or from any of those groups that are in accord with suggestions indicated. Backman [Louis H. Backman, Ph.T.] would be fine. 8. (Q) Why are these particular things given? (A) To make for a better balance with the disturbed portions of the system. 9. (Q) What foods should she eat daily? (A) Those that are easily assimilated; less acid-producing, though plenty of orange juices and FRUITS of all kinds. The Jerusalem artichoke that has been indicated is for the pancrean activity with the kidneys; for, from the amount of insulin [inulin? insulin reaction?] in same, this will be inclined to make for a change in this activity through the body, thus reducing the pressures in all of the blood supply and the general nerve system - that is, the pressures from poisons, see? Prepare the artichoke in Patapar Paper. Do not attempt to eat the shell, of course, but cook the whole artichoke in the Patapar Paper, then mash the inside of it as you would a potato and add a little seasoning - or a little butter - just to make it palatable. 10. (Q) What liquors or wines are good or bad for body? (A) None of these are good for the body, not even the carbonated waters are good for the body! A little red wine AS a food, but not as a stimulant, is alright occasionally; that is, taken in the late afternoon or evening with black or brown bread. 11. (Q) What exercise can and should body take daily to build back her resistance? (A) Most of the exercise in the immediate should be administered by the ones making the helpful applications for corrective forces through the body; then gradually those exercises as we have indicated. 12. (Q) How often should colonics be taken, and how much water? (A) These should be taken sufficiently often to keep away the mucous that is indicated by the system's attempting to throw off through the alimentay canal, see? At first, these should be about ten days to two weeks apart; though

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enemas may be taken between these periods if necessary; for these will remove poisons and aid in correcting the conditions - if the body will keep quiet and follow all of the applications suggested. 13. (Q) Should massages be given; if so, with what and how often? (A) If these are given daily it would be helpful, if they are given gently enough! Use Peanut Oil. 14. (Q) Explain why metabolism is affected. (A) Because of the affectation of the glandular force and the over-amount of poisons through the body. 15. (Q) What is her condition generally called by the doctors? (A) They can call it what they will or may! It's toxic poisons and neuritic tendencies from same; the after effect, of course, of being under anaesthesia as well as the general inflammation through the system! 16. (Q) Any further advice? (A) If there would be the helpful forces, do those things indicated. 17. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 454-8 F 51 R1. 3/15/41 "Please forgive my inexcusable delay in sending my acknowledgement of your prompt and kind second reading. I appreciated it more than I can express and it was so much more comprehensive than the first and so much of it was sound advice. "I suppose a neuritic condition and an arthritis one are so closely allied that they affect one in the same way. Both sets of x-ray pictures showed arthritis - and lack of calcium. At the time of the last (second) reading a cracked rib WAS healed; at the first, however, it was very painful. "I took your advice as to Jerusalem artichokes daily, until now I can't get another down. I avoided all alcohols, mineral waters and as much as possible gave up sedatives. Not entirely, since that is my one resort when my joints become too knotted. "Dr. Ober of Boston, and Dr. Mayer our family doctor [Mentioned also yrs. ago in her son's 5603-1 Reports. Is this Albert Mayer, M.D.?], also the x-ray treatment gent, Dr. Harris, were ALL violently against any massage, even light or gently given. My bones are so brittle, what with calcium lack and the results of the x-ray treatments necessary after my operation, [Had she already had the breast amputation, which we did not know about until 11/41?] that they were afraid of injury or stirring up poisons. For the same reasons they objected to any exercises or hydrotherapy. So at that point I'm at a stand-still. "I have been taking calcium, as I said, and Vitamin D. (Ertron), and of all things cobra venom injections. "Woe is me! I'm getting better very slowly, but still there IS an improvement week by week…. "I'd be so glad to hear from you about what the next step should be, if any." Fondly yours, [454]

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INDEX OF READING 540-17 F 36 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 4--6 Bible: Study: John 14--15: Psychosomatics Par. 12 Diet: Surgery: Post Par. 8 Intestines: Colonics: Eliminations Par. 10, 11 Physiology & Anatomy: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 4--6 Prescriptions: Serutan: Eliminations Par. 10 Psychosomatics Par. 12 Rest: Surgery: Post Par. 9 SURGERY: POST: TUMORS: UTERUS: FIBROID BACKGROUND OF READING 540-17 F 36 B1. 1/9/40 Phone request with questions re post-operative measures: Feeling all right, doctor is through with me, - operation seemed to be all right and everything, but I want a general Check-Up to be sure everything is all right. Also ask about diet. I had an awful time in the hospital with my kidneys. The doctor didn't arrange any diet. Please ask: What diet is best? What should be done to keep kidneys in good condition? General precautions. What may be done to eliminate after effects of ether (Doctor says it will take about 6 months to get rid of these, but didn't give anything to clear them up.) (Please ask any questions that might arise.) TEXT OF READING 540-17 F 36 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 9th day of January, 1940. 3. As we find, conditions are much improved in the general way and manner. Most of the applications that have been administered for the correction and the removal of the disturbing physical forces have been MOST successful. 4. To be sure, there are the reactions that naturally arise from a supersensitive body and mind to those subjugations of same through the etherizing, or the making of same subject to forces or energies with the consciousness of minimizing physical pain. 5. Thus the organs that are the natural channels for the reestablishing of re-stabilizing of same for normalcy are subject to the disturbances, - that is, the heart, the liver, the kidneys.

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6. Hence we find overexcitement, overindulgences, overactivity in physical or in any direction, causes a quick flush through the heart's forces, the liver reactions, and the activity of the kidneys and bladder especially - as these are the channels through which outlets, or the relieving of same, become the more apt in their reaction to be manifested in a material way and manner. 7. Hence as we find, - only the diet, the mental and physical activity, needs be in the present taken into consideration. 8. Then, include in the diet more of these: Lettuce, carrots, celery, especially. If these are ground together and taken at least twice each day, or the juices extracted from same and taken also, they will be found to be most effective, most helpful; not only in aiding in better eliminations but in taking from the system the effects of the ether upon the body, and in causing quicker, greater and better restoration to normal activity of these three principal conditions or functionings. However, no organic disturbance exists in either of these three; only the sympathetic reactions, as indicated, have been and are disturbed. 9. No activity in which the body becomes too thoroughly tired, or overly tired, either by talking, by walking, or by physical activities, - but, as it might be expressed, just "take it easy." This does not indicate that the body is to become dilatory, or to become too lax in the care of itself in any way or manner, or to shield self from physical activities, - but quit any of these before becoming overtired. 10. Take internally, to assist in better eliminations, the SERUTAN twice each day, with the meals, for a week at the time, and then leave off just three days, - then take for another week at the time, and so on. Take a heaping tablespoonful at the time, and if this becomes too active it may be reduced in quantity, but there needs to be sufficient bulk not only to dilate the jejunum system but the colon also. If there is the failure ever to have the full eliminations each day, after the third day that this is begun, take a colonic irrigation. 11. Also if such becomes overactive, take a colonic irrigation, - and cut down the quantity. 12. Do these, - and then let the mental attitudes be of the constructive nature. Read again, - not as memorizing same, - the 14th, 15th, especially, of John. This will attune and accord thyself to those greater abilities to become more and more, as has oft been sought within self, a greater channel of blessings to others. 13. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 540-17 F 36 R1. 3/7/40 Letter: "I am doing fine."

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INDEX OF READING 805-1 F 52 ADHESIONS: LESIONS Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 5 Diet: Enteritis Par. 12 Doctors Suggested: Coombs, LeRoy: D.O. Par. 15 Electrotherapy: Ultra-Violet Light: Adhesions: Lesions Par. 10, 11 ENTERITIS Intestines: Enemas: Glyco-Thymoline: Enteritis Par. 9, 16 Menopause: Adhesions: Lesions Par. 18-A Nerves: Strained Par. 4 Neuritis Par. 4, 17-A Osteopathy: Relaxation Par. 10 Physiotherapy: Applications: Aconite: Adhesions: Lesions Par. 7, 9, 11 : Laudanum: Par. 7, 9, 11 : Packs: Castor Oil: Par. 7, 11, 16 Prescriptions: Olive Oil: Enteritis Par. 8, 9 Prophecy: Prognosis: Adhesions: Lesions Par. 11 SURGERY: APPENDECTOMY: AFTER EFFECTS Teeth: Toxemia Par. 17-A BACKGROUND OF READING 805-1 F 52 B1. 1/26/35 Letter from [805]: "...I am in most urgent need of a reading as soon as you can give it to me, as I have been in pain for several days, and I do not want to consult a doctor until I have your diagnosis and advice. I must, however, do something immediately, as I have just realized that there is something seriously wrong with me. I am a spiritual scientist and therefore try always to heal myself through faith and prayer before calling for outside aid. Below I will give you a short history of my physical condition.

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"Up to last January, I had practically perfect health, not even having more than one cold in five years. On Jan. 15th I had an acute attack of appendicitis, with only one-half hours pain before being rushed to the hospital and put on the operating table. The appendix was just ready to burst, and I had a drain in for two weeks. I had to remain six weeks there, as my strength did not seem to come back quickly. During this last year, I have had frequent attacks of indigestion, and gas. When I was away for three weeks this summer, I felt perfectly well, however. But all fall, since I have been a great deal on my feet working, I have felt miserable. Whenever I get too tired, or my bowels are not functioning regularly, I get a dull soreness just in front of the hip bone on my left side. The soreness is way inside, and the spot is hot even on the outside to the touch. I have always, or rather, for several years, noticed a sharp pain in that spot whenever I walked too far, but being well otherwise, I paid no attention to it. This week the soreness is so pronounced that I cannot stand it. On Tuesday I gave myself an enema of warm water with a little lemon juice, as my bowels were not functioning properly. The last water that came out contained a great deal of blood, and small particles of red flesh. I will never take another enema. I am now taking Parke Davis 'Hadliver Oil with Viosterol', and my bowels have been regular since starting it four days ago. I have been annoyed by the sound of 'swishing' in my lower intestines or bowels (very low down in front). Since my operation, my periods have practically stopped. I have only menstruated in March, April, September and October. Before that I was absolutely regular with no pain. A doctor to whom I went in June concerning this, said he thought I am starting 'the change'. I lost about thirteen pounds during the time in the hospital - I have now gained back about seven, weighing ninety-nine..." TEXT OF READING 805-1 F 52 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at 1867 Kalorama Road, Washington, D.C., this 30th day of January, 1935. 1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [805]. 2. Now, as we find, there are conditions that disturb the better physical functioning of the body; and unless these are corrected they must cause serious disturbance in the physical body. Yet these taken in time, as we find, may be corrected - and without operative measures. However, should there continue to be the disturbance and it sets up a growth where there have been the effects of a former operation, it will require serious considerations in operative measures. 3. These, then, are the conditions as we find them in the present with this body, [805] we are speaking of: 4. The BLOOD SUPPLY is very good, considering there are the disturbances in the circulation that tend to carry poisons from adhesions - or they may better be termed lesions, produced by operative forces in the caecum and colon area, that have formed strings or threads that find lodgement in the transverse and descending colon; thus an accumulation where the fecal forces have produced irritation in the transverse and descending colon area. The circulation through these, because it has been on the improve, has separated it so that we have a

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concentrated condition with mucous and membranous effects in the colon area at the descending curve. This is above the third sphincter muscle, and those discharges that have come from same are the accumulations in that area. Naturally, this produces in the circulation a quick pulsation, at times some temperature and at others excruciating pains in the lower right side; but the greater distress is in the left portion, or that just above the hip bone opposite the 3rd lumbar plexus from which - through the lower portion of the 12th dorsal plexus and the 4th lumbar - this portion of the activity receives sympathetically much of the impulse for nerve and blood circulation. Also this accumulation, as we find, makes for a nerve strain on the whole of the NERVOUS SYSTEM, and is that which produces the tendencies for irritability, for the lack of the controlling of the concentrations - owing to the uneasiness that is created in all of the system, especially in the sympathetic nervous system. 5. As to the activities in the ORGANS themselves, as the condition has separated or formed into growths it does NOT affect save sympathetically the organs of the system. The change in the circulation as related to the functioning of the organs of the pelvis has much to do with the general nervous condition also; but this is a NATURAL change, aided by the subjugation of the whole nervous system through the anaesthetic that has deadened the activity. And these conditions are NOT, then, from the organs of the pelvis, but those accumulations from the threads or tissues that are loosened from the interior portion of the colon area. This at times produces numbness to the lower portion of the limbs, and through the hips and to the feet. Then also at times we have a very hot sensation over those areas. 6. Then, in making applications that we find will be the more effective, and that will make the corrections for these conditions in this body, [805] we are speaking of: 7. We would begin by making hot applications of Castor Oil in packs, especially first over the left portion of the descending colon and the left portion of the transverse colon. Use at least three or four thicknesses of heavy flannel dipped in hot Castor Oil and applied directly to the skin as hot as the body can stand same. Before the packs are applied, however, we would paint that portion of the body first with the combination of three parts Tincture of Laudanum to one part Aconite. Keep repeating the hot packs continually for periods of three or four hours each day, until there is relief from the heavy pain. 8. We would continue with the use of those properties that make for the better activity or the relaxation through the alimentary canal. In addition to the oil now being taken, we would give small quantities of Olive Oil often - half a teaspoonful every two or three hours, as this will tend to relieve the regurgitations that occur in the lower portion of the jejunum and through portions of the colon itself from the forming of gases by the infectious forces that have arisen. 9. Also we find that enemas would be very helpful, provided they are VERY gently given. With these there should be combined an antiseptic, such as Glyco-Thymoline - in the proportion of an ounce of the Glyco-Thymoline to three quarts of tepid water. These should be very GENTLY given, but so as to remove the accumulations of pus and the forces that cause the production of the temperature

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- and will be most beneficial; as also will the use of the Oil, the Laudanum and Aconite, produce an easing to the body through the absorption and the healing forces that are caused by same. 10. We will find that the use of the ultra-violet light across these portions of the body will be most helpful. These treatments would be taken about three or four times each week for the first two weeks, and then less after that as the healing is effected. This should be given at least thirty- eight to forty inches (38" to 40") from the body if the ultra-violet of the QUARTZ light is used, which is the deeper therapy for the body. Also there should be the massage or the relaxing from the brachial centers to the end of the spine, and - of course - COORDINATING the pressures to the head through the secondary cardiac plexus that coordinates with the hypogastric and pneumogastric plexus in the cervical areas; but massage is to relax rather than making corrections, save in the secondary cardiac plexus area - or the upper dorsal. The light treatments should last for at least a minute and a half to three minutes. This depends upon the response of the body. 11. If these are followed, we will find they will relieve almost immediately after the first or second application of the painting of the body and the oil packs and the light treatments; relieving the heavy pains in the lower portion of the abdomen and the dullness throughout the system. 12. In the matter of the diet, we would tend toward the more alkalin-reacting foods - and a semi-liquid diet. Those things that make for less of the acid-forming throughout the system will be the more beneficial, especially during the first two weeks of these applications. 13. We should not have too great an activity of the body, especially on the feet, during the first week or ten days of treatments. After that there should be sufficient activity to carry on the normal activities of this body. 14. Ready for questions. 15. As we find, Coombs would make the better applications with the lights and the applications for this body. 16. After the second or third day of the packs, and a gentle enema given, it may not be necessary to continue the packs; though we would keep up the light treatments and the diet and the massage for at least two or three weeks. 17. (Q) Are the two bad teeth which I am having extracted responsible for part of the indigestion or a pain in my left arm, from the shoulder to the elbow? (A) This is a contributory cause. With the massage, with the cleansing of the system from the neuritis or the nerve pressures, and the extracting of the teeth, the condition will be relieved. 18. (Q) Is there a growth or abscess causing pain in my left side? (A) As indicated, this is the after effect of strings, mucous, from the throwing off of the inside of the colon. This is WITHIN the colon, you see, though the affectation may come to the organs of the pelvis - of course, as indicated, though in the present they are only sympathetically affected. The change in the life, or the menopause period is upon the body. This affects the nervous system, but is not involved in the conditions save sympathetically. 19. Do these, as we have outlined. We are through for the present.

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INDEX OF READING 903-29 F 36 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 8, 9 Diet: Beef Juice: Surgery: After Effects Par. 12 : Surgery: After Effects Par. 12 Prescriptions: Charcoal Tablets: Surgery: After Effects Par. 11 : Yeast: Par. 10 SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS BACKGROUND OF READING 903-29 F 36 B1. See 903-28 on 3/28/38. TEXT OF READING 903-29 F 36 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 8th day of April, 1938, in accordance with request made by the self's husband - Mr. [257]. 2. Now as we find, the precautions that are necessary in the present are being taken. 3. We find that in the present there are not any indications of hindrances that would prevent there being satisfactory results from the operations. 4. And unless other conditions arise than indicated in the present, these should be satisfactory; with precautions when it has seemed expedient for the body to leave the institution - THEN precautions should be taken, or given, as there are the developments for the regular routine. 5. In the present there should be an abiding by that routine which has been and is set for the conditions indicated by those in charge of the activities of the body. 6. There must be some precautions in the removing of the packing, the stitches and the like; else there may be some bad effects from thickening or from scar tissue that might even cause a bleeding, or discharge. But these as we find, in the present, are all in order. 7. When there is the removal of the body FROM the present environs, THEN for at least ten to twelve days special precautions MUST be taken as to the activities - or of getting on the feet too much, or of allowing the eliminations to become detrimental by the effect of poisons. 8. And as there has been the effect of the breathing activities in the experience - lungs, respiratory system, glandular reactions, centers along the spine opened - the body will be subject to the effect of those things given to deaden the activity; or the repressions produced by the anaesthesia will be more EFFECTIVE and LONGER active than would be ordinarily.

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9. Hence the quickened pulse by sudden activity, the quantity of blood lost, the necessity for the building up of resistance, the increase not only in the cellular forces of the blood supply - all of these must be taken into consideration. 10. There will be - there has been - an outline for the building up of the body; this given by those in charge - which will be well to consider. As we find in this specific disturbance, and this specific body, at least five or six days AFTER leaving hospital, the use of Yeast would be most effective in supplying the type of bacilli needed for cleansing as well as purifying the system; acting as an absorbent as well. 11. We find also that the use occasionally of the Honey Charcoal as prepared by the Battle Creek Sanitarium would be most effective in this particular body as an absorbent for not only toxic poisons through the abdominal area but as a cleanser for the intestinal tract. 12. In foods, those that are strengthening, body-building; as will be in milk in ALL its forms, and the products of same should be a portion of the diet; as also beef, beef juices - and these should not be too WELL-cooked but the juices of same preserved in the preparation. Not overloading, but keeping rather the often eating, small quantity, that the activity of the assimilating system may be kept active for body-building. 13. There should be required at least ten to twelve to fifteen days, AFTER being removed from the hospital, before there should be any climbing of steps or the like. 14. Keep in the open. Do not strain self for at least six months, in running, driving car, jumping, lifting, pulling or pushing things about; for these would be the most detrimental for the body. 15. Do these, though, and as we find, as has been indicated, there should be little or no disturbing after effects. 16. Ready for questions. 17. (Q) How long shall body be kept in hospital? (A) This is under the supervision of others. We would not even venture to suggest. 18. (Q) Was the operation entirely successful? (A) As indicated, this depends upon future care and precautions - as given before. 19. We are through with this Reading. REPORTS OF READING 903-29 F 36 R1. 5/4/38 See 903-30.

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INDEX OF READING 903-30 F 36 [edited] Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 5, 12-A Cancer: Tendencies Par. 11-A SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS BACKGROUND OF READING 903-30 F 36 B1. See 903-29 on 4/8/38. TEXT OF READING 903-30 F 36 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 4th day of May, 1938. 2. As we find, there needs be here only those precautions kept that have been indicated and given the body; that is: 3. There should not be the undue exercises, or of the nature that will make for causing thickening of tissue by irritation and the needs of the greater lymph circulation to care for such inflammatory conditions. 4. Be mindful particularly of rushing up steps, or down, or of lifting, or standing too long on the feet, or of the twisting particularly in driving of a car. 5. As for the effects of the anaesthesia upon the high MENTAL influences and forces of the body, we find that these will be the more quickly eliminated with low - very LOW - electrical forces; whether from half a watt or no wattage at all but a low electrical vibration from static forces. Any of these will change the vibrations the better and aid the body in eliminating the EFFECTS of these upon the system. 6. The diets the body knows very well. 7. Keep then in those directions. 8. Ready for questions. 9. (Q) Has operation been successful, and is the injury healing satisfactorily? (A) Let the doctor direct that! These as we find are as has just been indicated. But let such decisions be made by the one who has been in charge!! 10. (Q) Is there any complication to be warned of? (A) The warnings have been given! 11. (Q) Any danger of any malignant condition arising in this body? (A) Always DANGERS, but not necessarily - if there are the precautions. 12. (Q) When can she begin walking down steps? (A) This depends upon just how well the care is taken, and as to how soon there especially is the eliminating of the EFFECTS of the anaesthesia upon the high nerve and mental forces of the body. The dizzinesses that arise are from this incoordination….

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Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 6, 7 Electrotherapy: Ultra-Violet Light: Surgery: After Effects Par. 6--8, 12-A Physiotherapy: Baths: Sun: Not Recommended Par. 6, 7 Prescriptions: Ventriculin: Assimilations: Poor Par. 9 SURGERY: APPENDECTOMY: AFTER EFFECTS BACKGROUND OF READING 920-7 F 49 3/21/36 Husband wired for Check Reading, saying Mrs. [920] had successful appendix operation today and was doing very nicely. TEXT OF READING 920-7 F 49 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 23rd day of March, 1936. 4. As we find, unless complications arise (which will be during the next two days, should they arise at all), the body should progress very well. 5. The precautions that WE would give as indications to be mindful of: 6. While from some respects the ultra-violet rays of the sun are helpful to proper coagulation, these right after the effect of the anaesthesia do not work so well with the assimilating system; for they (the rays) tend to upset same. 7. Hence, while there should be plenty of air, we would keep rather in the shade and not in any of the sunshine. 8. The ultra-violet LIGHT that may be localized on portions of the body is much more preferable. 9. Be mindful that the proper assimilating forces are given. Very helpful in the present would be the Ventriculin (without the iron in the immediate, though may be changed to this a little bit later). 10. The general conditions are VERY satisfactory. 12. (Q) If the ultra violet light is used, to what specific portion of the body should it be applied? (A) The upper dorsal area…. REPORTS OF READING 920-7 F 49 [edited] R2. 6/30/36 She submitted questions for a Ck. Physical, saying: "I am very slow in gaining back my strength and at times the same old pain returns in the lower part of my back, making it very difficult to stand after I have been sitting for any length of time."

R3. 7/7/36 See 920-8.

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INDEX OF READING 920-8 F 49 [edited]

Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 10, 12, 20-A Appliances: Radio-Active: Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 8, 25-A

Chiropractic: Massage Added Par. 9, 19-A Diet: Acidity & Alkalinity Par. 13, 14 Glands: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 20-A

Injuries: Strains: After Effects Par. 6

Intestines: Enemas Par. 22-A

Liver: Kidneys: Incoordination Par. 23-A

Meditation: Appliances Par. 8, 9, 25-A NERVOUS SYSTEMS: INCOORDINATION Obesity: Tendencies Par. 5 Osteopathy: Eliminations Par. 22-A : Injuries: Strains: After Effects Par. 7, 11, 19-A

Pelvic Disorders: Injuries: Strains: After Effects Par. 6

Physiology & Anatomy: Acidity Par. 13 : Chiropractic: Massage: Added Par. 15, 18-A, 19-A

Physiotherapy: Massage: Myrrh: Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 15, 18-A

Prescriptions: Atomidine: Glands Par. 20-A

Supports: Abdominal: Pelvic Disorders Par. 18-A

Surgery: Post: Appendectomy Par. 10, 12, 20-A BACKGROUND OF READING 920-8 F 49 B1. See 920-7 on 3/23/36 and subsequent Reports in re recuperation from appendectomy. TEXT OF READING 920-8 F 49 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 7th day of July, 1936.

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2. Many changes are indicated. Some are for betterment, some are not so good. Some are the conditions that produced or caused the disturbances in the structural force, which still exist. 4. In the blood supply, as has been indicated heretofore, there is the lack of a balance of elements in what may be said to be the chemical structural portion. 5. True, there have been the excesses of coagulation; but this has made a drawing upon the necessary fluids for this constructive activity. And while it has made a drain upon same, we find it producing in the present those tendencies for the accumulation of those forces that put ON weight - though not in excess as yet. 6. The elements IN the blood, then, do not make for sufficient activity in the cartilaginous reactions, especially in those areas of the structural forces or parts of the body itself where - as has been indicated - there has been, as it were, a springing or a strain, so that the balance or the equilibrium from the basic activity from the 4th lumbar or the pelvic center has NOT been created; or the corrections there have not been made. 7. In the blood force elements, we will find that what is needed more in the present in this relation is to make those adjustments in the coccyx, in the sacral, in the lumbar, in the lower dorsal, such that with the necessary rest from the activities of the body the recuperative forces may have the greater resistance builded in same, see? 8. With these corrections we will get then a greater distribution of the energies of the body. But we would use with these, for the nervous system and for the activities of the general influence through the body, the Radio-Active Appliance REGULARLY; keeping the attachments firm but not so tight as to make for cutting off the reactions from same. These vibrations we would take a couple of times a day, or once in the morning and once in the evening, for half an hour as the body rests. If the body drops off to sleep with the use of same, very well; but it would be WELL for these to be used with the periods of meditation - for not only the constructive forces within self but for the mental and the spiritual forces to be able to be used the greater for constructive influence in the experience of those whom the entity or body-mind may contact - whether those in its own relationships or those that it may meet as in friendships. 9. These will work well together with the meditative influences. 10. The nerve forces of the body naturally show a discoordination, in the sympathetic AND the cerebrospinal systems; arising from the attempts of the readjustments for the nervous energies through the activity of the subjugation in such a way and manner as to produce insensibility to the activities as were carried on. 11. Hence we find the manipulative forces as has been indicated will be not only in the making of adjustments in the areas specified but in the gentle massage in all of those centers where the cerebrospinal and the vegetative or sympathetic systems make for coordinating activity, see? as throughout the upper cervical, in the upper and lower dorsal areas, but more specifically, of course, in those that make for coordination through the gastric forces of the digestive system, or from the 7th cervical to at least the 5th and 6th dorsal; though, of course, the 9th dorsal as well

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as the lower dorsal and throughout the lumbar area need the SYMPATHETIC massage, as well as the adjustments being needed in the coccyx, the 4th lumbar, the 12th dorsal and through those areas. These from the sympathetic conditions in the nervous system, in the adjustments and treatments as would be made. 12. In the general organs themselves of the body, as there has been the subjugation of the reactions from the brain forces to the deeper circulation as well as to the superficial, there needs to be the mental and physical reaction such that there may be made the better coordinations in all of the organs themselves of the system. 13. It will be found to be helpful, then, that the diets be not too much starch nor too much of the sweets or a combination of these. Proteins, citrus fruits, those activities that MAKE for keeping an ALKALINITY would be well; or about eighty percent of alkalin-reacting foods to twenty percent of the acids. To be sure, ordinarily proteins are considered acid-reacting. But the ACTIVITIES of proteins in the system, when not taken with starch, bring the necessity of the hydrocholeric activity in their digestive forces. So when proteins such as from fish, fowl or lamb are taken, their final reaction through the lower portions of the duodenum becomes nearer to a normal balance of alkalinity. For alkalinity begins with the glands themselves of the mouth. Then with the entrance to the stomach we have a combination of lacteals and hydrochlorics, dependent of course - upon the nature of the foods or MORE so the COMBINATIONS of same. 14. So, then, for this particular body, light wines or champagne or those of that nature would be helpful to add a bit of an alcoholic content with the food; that there may be kept those tendencies for a better elimination, a better coordination through those activities in the alimentary canal as well as the gastric flows from the pancreas, the liver and the spleen, as well as the activity of the gall duct for the lacteals' assimilation. 15. As soon as it is plausible it would be well that those corrections include a gentle massage of the abdominal area from the caecum to the left portion of the body; also it would be well that oil - such as Olive Oil and Tincture of Myrrh (equal parts) - be used as a massage over the abdominal area. Also this would be used when those corrections are made in the lumbar, in the sacral AND the coccyx area for strengthening of the muscular forces - which should make for this reaction with these combinations in the body. Do that. Ready for questions. 18. (Q) How long before these massages over the abdomen should be begun? (A) As soon as there is a greater recovery from incoordination produced in the sympathetic and the deeper nerve forces of the body; or as soon as the tenderness in the area gradually subsides. This maybe done GENTLY, to be sure, already. Well to keep a support, preferably as we find of an elastic nature, about the abdomen yet. 19. (Q) Regarding the manipulations, would you suggest changing from the chiropractic treatments? (A) The very NATURE of these conditions is such as to require a massage as well as an adjustment. But the efficiency of the chiropractor as used is above that ordinarily indicted in one of this particular school. So this will depend upon whether the chiropractor will ADJUST his treatments to those things necessary. If

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he will use the outline as indicated here, and not attempt to make just adjustments in the areas as indicated but give also a gentle massage using those centers or areas about those centers indicated in the structural portion as the leverage, we find he should be correct. 20. (Q) Should I continue taking the Atomidine? (A) This as we find is helpful especially in the present conditions, but should be in small quantities and rather far apart; that is, about a minim of a morning before any meal is taken, for three to five days, see? one minim. And rest for TWO WEEKS, then begin again. With the manipulations, let the manipulator - by the change in the activity of the thyroid and the adrenals - indicate as to the necessity of the Atomidine reaction. This should be indicated by the pulsation, though naturally there has been an unbalancing through the very subjugation. But this followed closely by a practitioner may be seen to indicate the need of or the lack of these elements in the system. 21. (Q) What is causing the pain in the lower part of my back? (A) Those strains as has been indicted that have not adjusted themselves, as was indicted in the periods BEFORE the operative measures. 22. (Q) Is the intestinal tract normal? (A) This is very good in the present. There needs be those considerations given in the manner as has been indicated, and more necessary that there be kept nominal eliminations - or at least a thorough evacuation of the alimentary canal and colon once thoroughly or twice a day. If it is necessary, use enemas rather than cathartics or laxatives. Change the reaction more by the relaxation and by the use of the manipulative forces and diet. When using the enemas, do not dilate - not necessary to dilate - the colon to such an extent as to become irritating. But use the water for same as the temperature of the body, and have it with a saline solution - and follow, in the latter portion of such a cleansing, with an alkalin antiseptic that is non-irritating to the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract; such as Glyco-Thymoline, the proportions of about a tablespoonful to a quart and a half of water. 23. (Q) Are the kidneys normal? (A) Naturally they are attempting to make for the excess, or the throwing off of the excess of toxic forces as accumulations from the inflammation through the pelvic areas. Hence as has been indicated it is necessary for the adjustments in the coccyx, the lumbar, and extending to the lower dorsal area; and the watching of the activity of the kidneys as related to the adrenal secretions with the use of the Atomidine at times as indicated. These then should become gradually coordinated. Not so much the activity of the kidneys disturbed but there is the necessity that they do coordinate with the activities of the liver, if we would keep a normal balance. 25. (Q) What can I do to help my circulation become normal? (A) As indicated, use the Appliance for an equalization in the circulation - twice a day, and PREFERABLY with the meditative forces; not only for spiritual welfare and physical welfare but all for a constructive order….

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INDEX OF READING 920-9 F 50 [edited] ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS Appliances: Radio-Active: Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 11, 13, 19, 20, 23-A, 25-A CIRCULATION: LYMPH Diet: Obesity: Tendencies Par. 15, 25-A Glands: Obesity: Tendencies Par. 15, 25-A LOCOMOTION: IMPAIRED Meditation: Appliances Par. 20, 29-A, 30-A : General Par. 30-A NERVOUS SYSTEMS: INCOORDINATION Neuritis: Tendencies Par. 17 Obesity: Tendencies Par. 15, 25-A Osteopathy: Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 9, 14, 17

Physiotherapy: Massage: Benzoin, Compound Tincture of: Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 12, 18 : Camphor: Par. 12, 18 : Mutton Tallow: Par. 12, 18 : Turpentine: Par. 12, 18

Prescriptions: Ventriculin With Iron: Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 22-A, 27-A, 28-A

Psychosomatics: Healing Par. 29-A, 30-A TEXT OF READING 920-9 F 50 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 7th day of November, 1936. 2. Now, as we find, there are changes in the general physical forces of the body since last we had same here. 3. There are, however, conditions that need local attention and applications that would as we find alter much the reactions in the physical functioning. 4. These then are the conditions as we find them in the present:

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5. In the blood supply there are still those after effects of subjugation or the breaking of that relationship between the nervous energies of the body and the co-relation between the circulatory system, which is indicated in the lower dorsal and in the lumbar area, affecting specifically more the locomotory centers through the area where the nerves from the cerebrospinal system coordinate with the great trunk nerves of the lower limbs. 6. Hence we find at times those tendencies for a heaviness through the lower portion of the sacral, extending to the whole of the lumbar area and even to the sciatic centers to the knees. 7. These are as affectations in the incoordination between those portions so subjugated through the effect of subjugation or the effect of that necessary in operative measures. 8. While these conditions exist by the activity of the lymph flow, then, applications that will coordinate or equalize the circulations from one portion of the extremities to the other will make for the central circulatory system as well as the central nervous system becoming more coordinant. 9. The applications that have been made in the manipulative forces have been helpful, yet as we find these should be applied more specifically in areas where this incoordination occurs; to set up drainages in those ganglia that may be reached through the deep manipulations. 10. And there should be those influences or forces taken that will cause the activity of the lymph and the emunctory circulation through these portions of the body so disturbed. 11. Also with same the low electrical vibrations for or of the body itself, through the Radio-Active Appliance, will create a more normalcy and bring about the better coordination of all the glandular forces of the system itself. 12. Then as we find, once, twice or three times a week if it becomes necessary, make application of this combination: Equal portions of Mutton Suet, Spirits of Turpentine, Spirits of Camphor and Compound Tincture of Benzoin. This should be massaged into the lumbar and sacral area and then apply heat, that it may create a stimulation to the circulatory system. For in the properties indicated there is not only the ability to create a coordinant influence but to relieve those tendencies for the slowed circulation and the attempt of the body to adjust itself. 13. Use each day the vibrations from the Radio-Active Appliance. This should be kept very thoroughly cleansed when making application to the opposite extremities of the body, for one hour each day. 14. Once, twice each week for two to three weeks and then a rest period of a week or two weeks and then again once or twice, have the deep osteopathic manipulations, but coordinating more in the lumbar and the coccyx centers for correction. To be sure, make for stimulation in the 9th dorsal, in the secondary cardiac plexus area or the brachial center and the vagus centers through the cervical; but the deep manipulation and adjustment should be in the coccyx and lumbar axis.

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15. Follow these, with a diet that makes for body-building but not necessarily for excess of avoirdupois; for this depends rather upon the coordinations of the glandular system through the assimilating and distributing of the assimilating forces. 16. The activities of each of these are as this: 17. Through manipulative forces the activities of the ganglia and the muscular forces about same produce and bring about better coordination, alleviating those tendencies for tissue to become as scar tissue that tends to accumulate and thus make for periods of a neuritic effect or neuritis, or even the congestion area. 18. The application of the properties as rubs and the heat will aid in giving stimuli through their activity upon the system. 19. And the activity of the body-electrical vibration creates an even tone for the pulsations through the circulatory system and of that also which gravitates from the activity of the nerve impulses. 20. It will be found by the body in the use of the Radio-Active Appliance that it is well to use such periods for the meditation; that these be in accord. For as the vibrations of the body are brought into coordination so that the mental, the physical and the spiritual attributes of the physical forces of the body are in attune or coordinant, the experiences of the mental forces are keen, active, positive; thus periods come when any experience sought may find in itself its answer. 21. Ready for questions. 22. (Q) Is "I.Q.S.", in other words, "Iron, Quinine and Strychnine" a good tonic for me? If not, what tonic? (A) The vibratory forces for the body as we find would be preferable to I.Q.S. Use the compound of the enzymes, or the iron enzymes as in Iron and Ventriculin - the variations in these. The addition of the strychnine under the existent conditions works for a hardship upon the central nervous system through the connection between the heart, the liver; while the Iron WITH the enzymes works upon or produces that condition in the system for the activity of the glandular forces to produce the proper coordination in the hormones that produce the activity of the white blood cells or the lymph and the activities that cause proper coagulation by used energies. The body finds that not by mental alone nor by physical exercise does there occur those periods of taxation in centers. This is because of the lack of the leucocyte activity in the hormones of the lymph - these are lacking. In the Ventriculin these may be added, and in such a way and manner as to make for better coordination. 23. (Q) What can I do to have more energy? (A) Those activities as indicated through the use of the Radio-Active Appliance, as well as producing a better condition in those portions of the system that are disturbed, will bring this condition. 24. (Q) Is my blood stream correct? (A) Well, this might be said Yes and might be said No and both be correct, as has been indicated by the disturbances as outlined. While a test of the blood

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stream would find in one period a lowness in the number of the red blood cells, another would find low in the white blood cells. Yet if it were taken in the present, they would be near normal. But periods come and go. The energies are used up by mental or physical exercise and emergencies arise. And we will find this variation causes those periods, as may be commonly said, when there is a "let down." This produces to the system the fagness or the faggy feeling, the lack of energy; and the pain, not as an ache or pain but as a heaviness that may move through the nervous system and then eventually localize in the lumbar and the lower portion of the torso of the body. 25. (Q) What can I do to reduce my weight? (A) The use of the Radio-Active Appliance will keep a nominal or normal balance for the body, if kept with the diet that is body-building but not avoirdupois-producing; as a balance of eighty percent alkalin to twenty percent acid-producing foods or values. This will keep normalcy in the weight for the body. 27. (Q) How should the Ventriculin be taken? (A) One dose, a heaping teaspoonful, each day. Be naturally some inclination for this to be disturbing in the beginning, but we will find that the effect - with the other properties or applications - will be so helpful that the body will be rather enthusiastic about it. 28. (Q) What period of the day would be best to take the Ventriculin? (A) Between three-thirty and five o'clock in the afternoon - those are the periods when the body is under the greater strain; and it is a stimulation to the circulation. 29. (Q) Is there anything in my subconscious mind hindering or retarding my health? (A) This might be deduced from those suggestions as made by the periods when there is the better coordination in the whole of the mental, the physical, the spiritual, to use the Radio-Active Appliance period as the period of meditation. But to make it as a definite condition, no. It is rather a subconscious activity of block, as it may be said. Thus using such an hour for meditation, constructive thinking, constructive building within the physical, mental and spiritual self, will remove all such disturbance. 30. (Q) Any spiritual advice? (A) The influences or forces of spiritual activity emanate from the within. And as there are the communications with the divinity within self for its use or application in self's relationships to the conditions surrounding same, in meditative periods, these bring that harmony, that peace, that understanding that is not gained by those who do not commune with the divine within. And these, to be sure, are the basis of ALL endeavors from the SPIRITUAL rapport of an entity. These are not only helpful but assist self or the entity to be the greater channel for helpfulness to others. For spirituality, as love, grows by finding expression - and being given out. Do that. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 920-9 F 50 R1. 3/11/37 See 920-10.

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Air: Surgery: After Effects Par. 2 ANEMIA ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS Diet: Anemia Par. 4 : Beef Juice: Anemia Par. 3 Electrotherapy: Mercury Quartz: Circulation: Lymph Par. 5 : Ultra-Violet Light: Par. 5 Prescriptions: Cod liver Oil: Anemia Par. 4 : Olive Oil: Par. 2 Rest: Surgery: After Effects Par. 2 SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS TEXT OF READING 1377-5 F 64 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 1st day of April, 1930. 1. EC: Yes, we have the body here. This we have had before. The drainage in the system being subjugated through that of the giving of ether, and such, has caused the system to be slow in response to proper rebuilding in system. Hence depletion in the circulation and the lack of the building in the red blood, or the tendency towards that of the anemic condition becoming of such as to be alarming in the body. 2. REST is essential. Not too much exercise, though as much open air and oxygen should be had as possible. As much of olive oil as the body will assimilate, taken in small doses. Teaspoonful at the time may be taken every hour for two to three days, then rest a day or two and begin all over again. When same becomes rancid in system do not take it, but this will feed the system - especially the mesenteric system, in such a manner as to make active those forces in the vegetative nerve forces of system. 3. Beef juices should be taken as medicine, see? Tablespoonful may be taken every two or three hours. 4. Also we would give cod liver oil - this may be altered from time to time; that is, taken once a day - again taken two or three times a day, and ESPECIALLY would we take that of the hog tripe - not PICKLED, but that that is nicely prepared, and NOT fried. This will add and build BLOOD, and build it quickly. 5. We would, were the body unable to have the sunshine, apply those of the Cooper-Hewett or the mercury quartz light, the ultra violet. This is for superficial circulation and will especially aid that of the lymphatics. We are through.

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INDEX OF READING 1523-3 F 29 [edited] Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 6 Conception: Spine: Subluxations Par. 13, 17-A, 19-A, 20-A Diet: Acidity & Alkalinity Par. 21-A : Minerals: Calcium Par. 27-A : Teeth Par. 26-A

Exercise: Head & Neck Par. 12 : Pelvic Disorders Par. 12 Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 12 Nervous Systems: Sensory Par. 7--11 Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations Par. 13, 17-A, 18-A


Physiotherapy: Douches: Atomidine Par. 22-A, 23-A : Massage: Ipsab: Gums Par. 25-A Pregnancy: Tubal: Tendencies Par. 19-A Prophecy: Personal Par. 7--11 SPINE: SUBLUXATIONS TEXT OF READING 1523-3 F 29 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 22nd day of March, 1938.

2. Now as we find, conditions in many ways are very good. 3. To be sure there are inclinations and weaknesses, as well as the strength in many directions. 4. Conditions as we have had them before have cleared, yet as we find there are precautions in these directions that should be taken. 5. These then are conditions as we find them in the present with this body, [1523] we are speaking of, present in this room; first: 6. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this we find very good within itself in the present. Owing to disturbances and pressures, there are the inclinations for there to be a variation in the cellular forces - or the red and white blood. While these are not abnormalcies, they are tendencies which arise from effects of conditions as related to the position and conditions through the pelvic organs, as well as the effect still of the subjugation of the nerve pressures through those effects of etherization or ether.

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7. Those activities also cause some inclinations that will appear; as of the tendency for the body to gain weight easily. Also, as indicated at times, there are the inclinations for the sensory system to become supersensitive; or periods when these will occur, almost in their order: the inclinations for the auditory forces or hearing to become affected, or for there to be the tendency towards a general effect through the Eustachian tube. 8. At times there are the tendencies for the eyes to become bleary; that is, tiring easily. 9. Hence precautions in all of these must be taken. 10. The taste may become affected or may not. Things will taste DIFFERENT. 11. All of these are merely INCLINATIONS. 12. Hence the specific activities as related to exercises as have been indicated are well to be kept; especially the setting up exercises, the head and neck exercise, the circular motion of the lower limbs and of the torso and especially of the pelvic areas. These should be kept rather persistently and consistently; and it will be found that these will make for keeping the body in much better normal physical condition. 13. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, as indicated from varied pressures - as from subjugations, and subluxations in the cerebrospinal system - the OCCASIONAL thorough GENERAL osteopathic manipulations would be very well for the body. But following such there must be precautions unless there is the desire for pregnancy, for these will tend to make for the better activity through the glandular system as related to reproduction and the activities of the system in these directions. 14. IN THE ORGANS THEMSELVES, as we find, from a general condition these respond very well. 15. These are suppressed at times through nerve reactions, as we have indicated, but in the main the body is very well in most directions. 16. Ready for questions. 17. (Q) Is normal pregnancy possible? (A) As indicated, if there are the corrections osteopathically and the glandular forces are set in motion, it is possible. 18. (Q) How often would you suggest these general manipulations be given? (A) Once in three weeks, or twice in a month. 19. (Q) Is there danger of another false conception? (A) There's always danger when because of the pressures the activities of the system are not draining properly. Hence as indicated, until there is a thorough reaction in the body, it is not well for there to be the OPPORTUNITIES for same - until the system has adjusted itself! 20. (Q) About how long will that be, after suggestions have been followed? (A) That's almost like saying how long until tomorrow! It depends upon the system's reaction, and upon how thoroughly - of course - the reaction is in the system to the glandular forces, and how thoroughly the manipulations and adjustments are given.

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As we find, it SHOULD be within the next six to eight weeks - if there are two to three of such manipulations and adjustments; AND, of course, the exercises kept. 21. (Q) What foods are acid-forming for this body? (A) All of those that are combining fats with sugars. Starches naturally are inclined for acid reaction. But a normal diet is about twenty percent acid to eighty percent alkalin-producing. 22. (Q) Is it important to thermorize douche at all times? (A) Very well. 23. (Q) What temperature should douche be? (A) As we find, body-temperature. 25. (Q) Are my teeth in need of dental attention? (A) Some local attention is needed. But if there is the care in the exercises, and then the Ipsab occasionally used, we would find the gums would be strengthened - and there would be a much healthier condition. 26. (Q) Suggest diet beneficial to preserving teeth. (A) Eggs, potato peelings, sea foods - all of these are particularly given to preserving the teeth; or anything that carries quantities of calcium or aids to the thyroids in its production would be beneficial - so it is not overbalanced, see? 27. (Q) Is calcium taken in pills advisable? (A) That taken from vegetable matter is much more easily assimilated; or from fish AND sea foods. 28. (Q) Are glasses used correct for my eyes? (A) Very well in the present. 29. (Q) What is the cause of the discharge for the past three weeks? (A) This is from the system's not being balanced, as has been indicated. 30. (Q) Any other advice for the body at this time? (A) These as we find, with the general proper precautions for the general health, should keep normalcy for this body. 31. We are through for this Reading.

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INDEX OF READING 1710-6 M 26 ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS Diet: Beverages: Carbonated: Anesthesia Par. 7 : Body-Building Par. 15-A Hair: Baldness Par. 17-A HERNIAS Osteopathy: Hernias Par. 11, 12 Physiotherapy: Massage: Oils, Crude: Hair Par. 17-A BACKGROUND OF READING 1710-6 M 26 7/30/41 He was present for this reading, saying he had suffered an injury from catching a 300 lb. object to prevent it from falling on someone; caused rupture; was operated on about 6 weeks ago; had spinal anesthesia injections. TEXT OF READING 1710-6 M 26 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 30th day of July, 1941. 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [1710]; this we have had before. 3. As we find, changes have come about in the general physical forces of the body since last we had same. 4. In the present there are other conditions which have arisen that must be taken into account, if there would be brought about the more perfect coordination in the physical forces of the body. 5. There are weaknesses produced by the strain upon the body, in which it became necessary for the operative measures. Hence there should be precautions as to the effect of the anaesthesia upon the general system, especially lungs and intestines. Also there must be precautions not to overstrain self while the whole physical forces are adjusting themselves to the changes wrought. 6. The effect of the anaesthesia is to produce periods or mornings when there are headaches, a bit of dizziness, an upset at times of the digestive forces. All of these, to be sure, are the natural results - under the conditions. 7. Hence for this body, it is well to take occasionally - a couple of times each day - carbonated water. This does not mean merely soft drinks, but drink carbonated water - half plain and half carbonated water, at the fount. This is well to counteract the effects of general conditions which exist through the lymph in the general blood supply, especially through these periods of hot days or hot weather.

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8. Keep in the open as much as practical. 9. Do not strain the body by pushing, pulling, lifting or the like, to any great extent. Not that the body is to give way to the weaknesses, but rather there should be precautions taken for at least another three to four weeks. 10. Then there should be near normal conditions if there will be kept those general precautions. 11. Have sufficient of the adjustments osteopathically, which should be in the nature of GENERAL treatments to relax rather than to stimulate too greatly; with particular reference to those areas from the lumbar axis to the upper dorsal, of course coordinating the vagus center with those corrections made in the lower portion of the spine. 12. Once a week, or once in ten days, or two or three a month should be sufficient; but these should be kept up for at least three or four months. 13. Ready for questions. 14. (Q) Is there need for further correction in the fifth rib area? (A) Only as the coordination of these areas with the rest is necessary. 15. (Q) Please give further corrective diet. (A) As indicated, it is necessary in the present to add plenty of the elements found in raw cabbage, raw carrots, and occasionally salads. Not that the body is to leave off these entirely, to be sure, but these are to be in the diet often - two to three times a week as a part of some meal during the day. The general diet should be for body-building. Be sure that most of the foods carry especially Vitamin B. These are best found in reinforced cereals, as well as in all fruits and vegetables of the yellow variety, as well as in water cress, mustard and the like. 16. (Q) What should be done to relieve the discomfort in small of the back, apparently resulting from spinal injections? (A) This has been indicated, as to the use of the corrective gases that will relieve gas in stomach, as well as to the general character of foods that will work with same through the intestinal tract - if combined with the character of adjustments indicated. 17. (Q) Please give corrective treatment to relieve tendency towards baldness. (A) The better measures for correction in this direction are the use of crude oil with a very mild shampoo of grain alcohol. We are through with this Reading. REPORTS OF READING 1710-6 M 26 R1. 3/6/42 Sister [1523]'s letter: "My brother, [1710], who suffered a severe injury to the spine that was affecting his digestion and lungs, has avoided T.B."

TEXT OF READING 1710-8 M 27, 6/5/42 (Q) Were there any injurious effects from the spinal injection given last year, especially as related to the kundaline forces; if so, please give suggestions for restoring balance. (A) No.

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INDEX OF READING 1713-15 F 30 ADHESIONS: LESIONS Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 2 Appliances: Radio-Active: Nervous Systems Par. 7 : Radium XX: Par. 7, Reports Attitudes & Emotions: Worry Par. 12-A Diet: Neurasthenia Par. 13-A Environment: Locality: Change Par. 6 Exercise: Adhesions: Lesions Par. 2, 7 Eyes: Glasses: Change Par. 3 Home & Marriage: Preparation Par. 10-A, R3 NERVOUS SYSTEMS: INCOORDINATION NEURASTHENIA Osteopathy: Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 7, 9-A Perspiration: Neurasthenia Par. 14-A Psychosomatics: Underweight Par. 12-A Physiotherapy: Massage: Oils, Olive Par. 10-A Surgery: After Effects Par. 2 TEXT OF READING 1713-15 F 30 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 25th day of June, 1928, in accordance with request made by self - Miss [1713]. 1. EC: Yes, we have the body here - this we have had before. Now, in the physical conditions as exist in the body at the present time, while disturbing in many respects, were those conditions as have been given as respecting the body and that to bring about proper corrections of these disturbances, considered, there would be seen that the body physically and mentally would be

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in a very much BETTER condition than we have had at other times when these conditions or physical forces have been seen. While there is an accentuation of nerve suppressions, and of the nerve conditions in system, until at present, with the accentuation in some directions and some centers, it gives - as has been seen before - very much of a condition bordering on nurasthenia [neurasthenia]. These in themselves are better than they have been at other times. To get the more perfect understanding, possibly, for this body's conception of existent conditions and of those as have been seen and given, it may be well to review some of these for the body: 2. In the condition as existed in times back where so much suppression was brought about by anesthesia, operation, change of nerve ends by the action of those conditions bringing about functioning of the organs in the pelvis and in the abdomen proper, these have not wholly - as has been given - been set in a nominal way of forming perfect coordination through the system. The lesions as have been given that exist in lumbar and sacral region, while much improved - and the adhesion ALMOST broken up, this - through the exercise that brought about the accentuation - brings pressure and disturbance to the central nerve system. Hence the variation in the character of disturbance as are brought to this body, [1713]. 3. Now, we have those that have at times back affected the eyes. Now we have those that are giving more trouble to the throat and the region there. These are reflexes, following along the same line, or the same branches of nerve ends that find accentuation in various portions of the system, particularly in the throat and in that portion of the throat that causes stinging, burning at times, and the continual feeling of soreness; yet no indication from the throat itself proper of such conditions existent. Purely nerve reflexes, coming from branches of the hypogastric and pneumogastric plexus as radiate from adhesion that exists in the 2nd lumbar region, see? as it was for the eyes. Well, though, for the eyes, that the glasses be looked after again. 4. In those conditions as exist in pelvis, the condition wherein the body feels tired, weak, when special exercises are taken - at times when arising of morning all fagged out, rather than rested - walking good at times, and at others tires the body; all of these conditions are PURELY REFLEXES, and not disturbances other than the improper coordination between cerebro-spinal, sympathetic, nerve system; while, as we had in the beginning, these were affecting direct the organs in their functioning. Now, as we find them, not so much the affection, as the effect of nerve reflexes THROUGH the functioning of the organs; such as in various portions of the system. 5. Then, to meet the needs of the conditions at the present time: 6. Well that the body CHANGE scenes as much as lies within the abilities of the body. 7. Keep manipulations osteopathically for the body, and use those vibrations each evening as would come from the Radio-Active appliance; OR the Radium Pad. Either of these, with this condition, would be beneficial. See? It is easier, of course, to add the Radium Appliance (Double X) across the lumbar region; with the osteopathic manipulations, or keeping proper adjustments and the

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proper stimulation for the LOWER portion of the body for the distribution through the upper plexus that come about the radiation of the exterior portion of nerve centers from the 1st, 2nd lumbar, 10th, 11th, 9th, 8th dorsal, the whole cervical region, once to twice each week; keeping exercises as were FIRST given - the swinging of the body night and morning when lying prone. These will assist the body in gaining the proper distribution of nerve forces in the system; wearing the pad for at least ninety (90) days, and the directions as to charges every day should be adhered to. Do that. Ready for questions. 8. (Q) Is my diet alright? (A) Diet very good. Necessarily, this is to be changed from time to time. 9. (Q) How often should the osteopathic treatments be given? (A) Once to twice a week. 10. (Q) Are olive oil massages good? (A) Very good, especially if they be made over the abdomen and these regions, so that the whole of this region may be brought to better assimilating and coordinating through the body, see? Well, too, for the body to get married. These conditions that arise from this would be well for the body, with these corrections made. Not until these are better coordinating though. 11. (Q) Are my teeth in good condition? (A) Better than they have been before. These need to be looked after from time to time. 12. (Q) Why am I losing weight? (A) Most of it is worry. 13. (Q) Is milk good for me? and am I drinking plenty of it? (A) When assimilated, good. When not, not good. This is to be governed according to the conditions as they arise in the system. Beware of too much acids. No apples. Other fruits are well. Nuts in season. Much of that which carries iron, and PLENTY of iodine for the system. Not too much potashes. Not too much of the Irish Potatoes - these are not as good for the system as other vegetables. 14. (Q) Why do I break out in a sweat? (A) Improper coordinating of nerve forces. Follow the instructions as we have given, and we will find better conditions coming for the body. Do that at the present time. We are through for the present.

REPORTS OF READING 1713-15 F 30 R1. 7/8/28 Sunday [1713]'s letter to EC: Dear Mr. Cayce, I just got back home and found your letter of June 29th, which I was very glad to receive. I tried very hard to get a radium pad, but no one seemed to have it, and they told me it didn't prove effective, but what I would like to know, is this the alternative: that I take osteopathic treatments once to twice a week and the swinging exercises night and morning. Does it mean that if I take the latter two is that sufficient to bring about the proper vibrations. Do you think I should use the violet ray too.

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By the way, Mr. Cayce, Do you have a copy of the first reading you gave me in person. I have been unable to find it and would appreciate very much if you have a copy of it, and would send it to me. Does this last reading infer that my condition has improved to a great extent. Hoping to hear from you soon, and with kindest personal regards Sincerely, [1713] R2. 7/13/28 EC's letter to Miss [1713]: My dear Miss [1713] Have yours of the 9th. Regarding the pad suggested, I'm SURE you would find this most beneficial, and I speak from personal experience - for when it was suggested for me personally, its use certainly brought results - and it has been the same wherever it has been suggested and where the individual has thought enough of it to apply it as given. For your convenience I am sending you an envelope addressed to the people from whom you may obtain this appliance. You are supposed to have the Double X, the price of which is $30.00, and if it is not satisfactory the company will refund your money after thirty days' trial. Now others may tell you they are no good, but we have found that wherever they have been suggested in these readings, and used, they have brought results! As I understand from the reading, this is NOT an alternative of the osteopathic treatments, but the treatments would be taken occasionally - as well as wearing the pad. The pad must be re-charged every day for a few minutes in the sunlight, or strong light. You will get the directions though that come with it. Now, regarding the first reading, we find that we haven't a copy of this. We do have a copy of the reading taken on June 30, 1923, in Dayton, but not the one taken in ... I would infer from the reading that the condition is improved from that we had sometime ago, or else it wouldn't have changed to that which may be accorded you through the use of the appliance and a mild treatment from the osteopath. Please let us hear from you, as to how you progress with the treatments, and with kindest regards, I am Sincerely, Edgar Cayce EC: GD R3. 8/1/28 EC's letter to Miss [1713]: Dear Miss [1713] I'm just in receipt of your card announcing your betrothal to Mr. [...]. Please allow me to congratulate you and offer you my sincerest wishes and kindest regards. I'm still hoping we will have you at Virginia Beach this summer. Trust you will let us hear from you. Remember us to Mr. [...] and with best wishes, I am Sincerely, Edgar Cayce EC: GD R4. 8/22/28 Radium Appliance Company letter indicated that Miss [1713] had ordered one of the XX $30 Pads. R5. 9/26/28 See 1713-16.

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INDEX OF READING 1844-2 M 20 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 15-A Appliances: Radio-Active: General Par. 17-A : Injuries: Eyes Par. 17-A : Warnings Par. 17-A Doctors Suggested: Erlanger, Gustav: N.D. Par. 12-A Electrotherapy: Erlanger: Injuries: Eyes Par. 6, 12-A, 13-A EYES Humor Par. 15-A INJURIES: EYES Meditation: Appliances Par. 17-A Osteopathy: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 15-A : Injuries: Eyes Par. 5, 6, 10-A, 11-A Prophecy: Prognosis: Blindness: Tendencies Par. 7, 14-A Psychosomatics: Healing Par. 14-A, 17-A Speech: Swearing Par. 17-A Surgery: Appendectomy: After Effects Par. 15-A, 16-A BACKGROUND OF READING 1844-2 M 20 B1. See 1844-1. TEXT OF READING 1844-2 M 20 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 7th day of June, 1939. 2. EC: Yes. 3. Now, as we find, the improvements are MOST excellent. 4. There have been many changes in other directions since last we had the body here, - as related to the activities of the eye, or the injuries which existed in the eye, however, we find much improvement.

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5. We would take, now, about twice each week, the osteopathic manipulations, - a general manipulation at one treatment and a specific adjustment at the next, as has been indicated. 6. The application of the electrical forces directly to the eyeball should be about once every two weeks, just sufficient that the absorptions created by such activities are continued to be aided in being eliminated by the massage and the osteopathic adjustments through their regular channels. 7. That there has been the correction of the pupil itself, and that there is a continued reaction from the optic center and the optic nerve, is most promising. Thus, if there are the proper precautions taken, as to diet, as to the use of the eyes also, we should find - as indicated - at least fifty to seventy-five to eighty percent of vision restored to the optic that is disturbed. 8. Do that, then, in the manner as has been indicated. 9. Ready for questions. 10. (Q) Should any osteopathic treatment be given directly to eyeball? (A) Rather, as indicated, that which aids in the better drainages through the area itself. Little or none to the eyeball itself. The nerves from the vagus center to the optics, as well as those that receive the impulse through the lachrymal ducts, - these may be stimulated. 11. (Q) Have the osteopathic treatments been given as directed in the reading? (A) If they hadn't been, we wouldn't have the same suggested! 12. (Q) Any special type of treatment by Erlanger? (A) As indicated, so that the nerve forces will aid in making for a better flow of the energies through the optic centers, as well as the area ABOUT the pupil and the cornea. 13. (Q) What effect has the electrical treatment had on eye? (A) This is aiding yet to make much better conditions, if it is not given too long and too often, see? Hence, as indicated, this would be given about once in two weeks, you see, - but give it regularly until at least there is a clearing up of all of those conditions, or until there is the reabsorption of those properties that tend to make the film about the cornea. 14. (Q) When should I see additional results and benefits? (A) According to thy faith, be it ALL unto thee! It should be a CONTINUOUS thing. 15. (Q) Has the appendicitis operation helped me physically? (A) Why should you have had it done, if it wasn't a help to the body! Of course, this has aided in clearing those disturbances which existed. That there are still the effects of the subjugation of the whole nervous system, of course, is to be expected; but the proper osteopathic manipulations will aid in clearing the system of the effect of the anaesthesia more than ANY way it can be, provided - of course - there is kept a little above normal in alimentary eliminations. 16. (Q) Is the incision healing properly? (A) It's very good.

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17. (Q) How often and how much longer should Radio-Active Appliance be used? (A) If it is NOT to the advantage of the body in that it gives an opportunity for the use of its spiritual balance, leave it off! For it can be made very detrimental! But if it is used at the period for the body to meditate and pray, thus making a better coordination between all of its mental and spiritual and physical forces, the longer it is used the better! not at one period, of course, but continuously over a long period, for the whole of the mental and spiritual and physical reactions. This is beneficial to ANYONE, PROPERLY used! It is harmful, improperly used. You can't use the Radio-Active Appliance and be a good "cusser" or "swearer," - neither can you use it and be a good hater. For it will work as a boomerang to the whole of the nervous system if used in conjunction with such an attitude. It is the coordinating effect of the balancing powers in the nervous system, as related to the mental and physical and spiritual bodies, that becomes active with the use of such an Appliance. 18. We are through with this reading. REPORTS OF READING 1844-2 M 20 [edited] R1. 6/16/39 - Friday evening - 8th Annual Congress of A.R.E., Hotel Warner, Virginia Beach, Va.: Dr. Curtis Hudgins of Norfolk, Virginia reported on his observation and treatment of twenty-three cases on whom readings had been given. Dr. Frank Dobbins, who came from New York to be present for this meeting, reported his observations and experiences with cases selected from over two hundred individuals who had obtained physical readings. Both of these doctors emphasized the accuracy, range and benefits derived. Some two hundred members and friends were present at this meeting. Re Case [1844]: Dr. Dobbins said he would not have taken this case without the reading referring it to him, as he could not possibly see how his treatments could help the young man's eye condition. It was not the type of case ordinarily treated by an osteopath. Yet in following the treatment as suggested in the reading on 3/17/39, the young man is now able to see the 4th line of the chart and his eye is getting clearer every day. R2. 6/23/39 [257]'s letter to EC: "...[1844] is now able to see the 4th line of the chart and his eye is getting clearer every day..." R3. 8/18/39 [257]'s letter to EC: "...[1844] is doing fine..." R4. 12/20/39 [257]'s letter: "...Mr. [...] has a boy [2404] who had an injury to his eye similar to the one of [773] and also the [1844] boy..." R7. 4/30/41 See 1844-3.

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INDEX OF READING 2027-1 F 42 ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS Clairvoyance of E.C.: Conditions Confirmed Par. R1 Doctors Suggested: Hudgins, Frank Curtis, Jr.: D.O. Par. 18 GLANDS: INCOORDINATION Hormones: Blood Par. 6 Kidneys: Overactive Par. 15, 26-A Osteopathy Par. 18, 26-A PELVIC DISORDERS : Vaginal Discharge Par. 11 Physiotherapy: Douches: Atomidine: Pelvic Disorders Par. 16, 17 : Fountain Syringe: Par. 16, 17 : Water, Boiled: Par. 16, 17 Prescriptions: Atomidine: Glands Par. 19--22 : Bromide of Soda: Par. 19--22 : Gold Chloride: Par. 19--22 : Water, Distilled: Par. 19--22 Spine Par. 12 Throat: Glands: Thyroid Par. 27-A TEXT OF READING 2027-1 F 42 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 16th day of October, 1939. 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2027]. 3. Now as we find, there are disturbing conditions and influences in the physical functioning of this body. And unless there are some measures or means taken to prevent the great disturbance produced upon the nervous system, and something to regulate the glandular system, we may have a great deal of disturbance that would become very aggravating.

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4. Hence as we find, the disorders arise in the glandular system and in the nervous system, from existent disturbances. 5. These, then, are the conditions as we find them with this body, [2027] we are speaking of, present in this room: 6. First, in the blood supply - while there is sufficient, and an efficient blood flow - there are indications in the hormones of same of the general fear and strain produced, - not only from the effects of the anaesthesia upon the general nervous system, but the conditions that are affected through the manner of glandular secretions, - and in the thyroid, in the throat, the neck, the head; also as related to the activities of the genitive system. 7. Thus the whole impulses as related to the activity of the system there are disturbed, and also those about the kidneys. 8. Thus the effect is more directly to the coordination between sympathetic and cerebrospinal system. 9. These are indications, as we find, through that as might be indicated from the blood flow and stream. 10. In the nervous system, - here we find the sources, as well as affectations in the nerve system that cause SO MUCH of the anxieties to the body. 11. The disturbed nerves in the areas indicated cause a constant irritation from the disturbance produced in the pelvic organs, by the activity of the scar tissue; not only in the general organs disturbed but the womb itself, - a secretion from same often causing great disturbance, strain and anxiety. 12. And this pressure that has come upon those centers about and just above the kidneys (in the lower lumbar and the lower dorsal areas) causes much of the tautness in the muscular forces, as well as the nerve plexus itself in the 12th dorsal, - as has been indicated by the effects produced in the system. 13. This along the glandular forces, through the pineals, causes the fullness in the throat, the stiffness in the neck, the muscular contractions there, - which are all a portion of this same disturbance, - as the burning of the eyes, the tendency for the body to become easily overcome by any emotional reaction. 14. All of these, then, are the effects upon the glandular force and the nerve system, rather than upon the organs of the bodily forces, - as the liver, the lungs, the heart, the kidneys or the activities of same. 15. However, these are sympathetically involved, to be sure, - as is indicated in the variations of the activities of the kidneys, and especially the bladder itself, in the very form of the urinations at times - and this irritation indicates that these are SYMPATHETICALLY involved. 16. As we find, then, in bringing the better influences and forces for this body: 17. First, we would begin with Atomidine douches in or through the pelvic organs, - in the urethra; using only the Fountain Syringe for such. The proportions would be a half a teaspoonful of commercial strength Atomidine to a quart of water body-temperature to be used for the douche; but we would preferably use BOILED water and then allow to cool to body-temperature before adding the Atomidine, rather than using just tap water heated, see? Use such a douche every other day in the beginning; and AFTER that, only when there is irritation or the tendency for excretion to becoming disturbing.

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18. Also, under the supervision of such as Hudgins, we would have the corrections made osteopathically in the lumbar and the sacral AND the 9th dorsal area, - from the 9th dorsal to the lumbar area, especially in the 12th dorsal - this relaxed; not attempting to move segments. Any segments moved would be in the UPPER dorsal and the cervical area. These should NOT be done very often, but merely sufficiently often to relax the body. Once a week, you see, should be sufficient; but these should be very thorough, very gentle. 19. We would also take the Atomidine internally; one minim (drop) in half a glass of water before the morning meal, each day for five days. Then leave off five days. Then do this again for five days. Then leave off five days. 20. THEN take Chloride of Gold (in the place of Atomidine, see?), but this would be taken upon retiring, rather than of morning before breaking the fast. This would be taken with Bromide of Soda. Prepare the two solution and keep separate. The Gold Solution would be in the proportion of one grain Chloride of Gold to one ounce of Distilled Water. The Soda Solution would be in the proportion of two grains Bromide of Soda to one ounce of Distilled Water. The dosage would be one minim of the gold solution and two minims of the Soda Solution put in half a glass of water, and taken each night before retiring for five days. Then leave off five days. 21. Take THEN the Atomidine again for five days, leave off five days. 22. Then take the Gold and Soda again, and so on; but in the beginning have two rounds of the Atomidine before beginning the Gold, see? 23. Do these. We will find these will make corrections, and be much of a helpful force for the body. 24. Be sure there are no irritations in the pelvis during the periods these are given in the first. 25. Ready for questions. 26. (Q) What causes the back to ache so much? (A) As indicated, the glandular conditions above the kidneys - a portion of which has been the excretory functioning of the organs of the pelvis themselves. And with the purifying of the system, the relaxing of the cerebrospinal system, cleansing of the glandular forces in the manner indicated, these should soon disappear. 27. (Q) Has that caused the trouble with the throat also? (A) As indicated, this is a part of the whole disturbance - a glandular reflex from the upper portion of the glads above the kidneys, through the same influences as indicated which affect the thyroids also. Do these things as given, and we will bring better forces for this body. 28. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 2027-1 F 42 R1. Remarks by [2027] after reading 2027-1: "Did have anesthesia about a year ago. Symptoms described perfectly. Sometimes urinate very frequently all day, then this adjusts itself apparently, and comes again at another period."

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INDEX OF READING 2036-5 F 15 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 3 Diet: Body-Building Par. 5 Exercise: Head & Neck: Eyes Par. 10-A Eyes: Glasses: Unnecessary Par. 10-A NEURITIS: TENDENCIES Prescriptions: Eno Salts: Eliminations Par. 4 RHEUMATISM: TENDENCIES SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS TOXEMIA BACKGROUND OF READING 2036-5 F 15 B1. 11/4/39 See 2036-4 advising removal of tonsils and adenoids. TEXT OF READING 2036-5 F 15 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 16th day of December, 1939, in accordance with request made by the mother - Mrs. [1690]. 2. EC: Yes. 3. Now, as we find, conditions are in a way where they may be a great deal better, or - without proper precautions, or being mindful of the effect of anaesthesia, and the inclination for the excess acidity - we may take such cold as to produce reactions upon the general nervous system, and activities of the eliminating forces, as to form a character of rheumatic condition, or a neuritic effect - which has been exhibited in portions of the system, - as in the neck and shoulder and along portions of the spine. 4. We would take the ENO SALTS in broken doses for periods of ten days at a time, and a rest period of five days, and then again - and so on. 5. Also we would take the body-building foods, - as a great deal of milk, or malted milk; none of hog meat or hog fats, and more of the vegetables as the diet. 6. Keep the body dry, - that is, from cold, dampness or exposure, or out of drafts or the like. 7. And we should bring better conditions for this body. 8. Ready for questions.

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9. (Q) What causes the trouble with left collar bone or shoulder, which hurts and pops when moved? (A) The effects of poisons in the system that must be eliminated, and precautions must be taken that cold or congestion, or excess acidity, is not a part of the experience during the time there is the cleansing of the system from the poisons that have been thrown into the system by the affectation of the tonsils and the adenoids. 10. (Q) Does the body need glasses? (A) Not necessary if the poisons are eliminated and there is the exercise of the head and neck, or head and neck exercise in a circular motion, to strengthen these portions of the system. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 2036-5 F 15 R1. 1/7/40 Mother's letter: "[2036] had a cold when I got the reading so didn't start the Eno for about a week, but she is taking it now and hope we will soon see a great improvement in her health, thanks to you." R2. 10/12/40 Mother's letter: "I should have written you long ago about [2036]. She suffers intensely with her ears, jaws and cheeks, especially right side, says her whole head hurts and she can hardly stand the pain and just feels bad all [the] time, and I'm asking you again, when it suits you, if you will give her another reading. I hate to ask you, but something will have to be done for her, and I'm afraid the Doctor would never find the trouble. I am so worried about her. I'm enclosing some questions and if you can give a reading, if you will wire collect, the time, it will save time if it suits you." R3. 10/19/40 See 2036-6.

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INDEX OF READING 2078-2 F 54 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 5 Appliances: Radio-Active: Surgery: After Effects Par. 6 SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS : CYSTECTOMY: AFTER EFFECTS BACKGROUND OF READING 2078-2 F 54 B1. See 2078-1. TEXT OF READING 2078-2 F 54 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 2nd day of November, 1940.

3. As we find, there are many changes in the general physical forces of the body. 4. The operative measures have been very well done. The only needs to be the precautions and the necessary conditions kept as to not cause bruises, strains, or an overtaxing of the system, until there is the full period for the body to adjust itself for recuperative forces. 5. Naturally the needs for the anaesthesia and the local applications also cause some disturbance and distress. 6. We find that the use of the Radio-Active Appliances, which we have suggested for other conditions, may be used here also for beneficial results. Use it about thirty to forty minutes morning and evening. 7. Then keep the regular conditions for better eliminations and for general improvement; keeping quiet and not overtaxing the body. 8. Ready for questions. 9. (Q) What should be done to prevent any bad after effects? (A) Just as outlined; those precautions as to not bruising the breast, nor letting the system run down. Keep good eliminations. 10. (Q) Please advise as to condition of breast. (A) As indicated, it is very satisfactory - very well done; only needs the precautions indicated; that there are no bruises of the glands. For, this is NOT of the nature that would be or cause a disturbance or outgrowth of same, unless there are injuries or constitutional disturbances brought about by lack of attention. It is not malignant, then, in its nature. We are through with this Reading. REPORTS OF READING 2078-2 F 54 [edited] R1. 11/14/40, Thursday, Mrs. [2078]'s letter to EC: Dear Mr. Cayce - Your Reading which you sent several days ago, on my breast condition, was very reassuring. I am abiding by instructions as contained therein very closely….

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INDEX OF READING 2089-1 F 44 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 3, 6 Cysts Par. R2, R4 Psychosomatics: Healing Par. 5, 7 SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS BACKGROUND OF READING 2089-1 F 44 B1. 1/31/40 Mother-in-law's letter: "She was operated on yesterday at the Methodist Hospital... I understood from Miss [2113] that you have great healing power. Mrs. [1837] tells me that you give a diagnosis. I hope you have both gifts, but whatever you do for my darling [2089] I shall thank you for with a grateful heart!" TEXT OF READING 2089-1 F 44 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 9th day of February, 1940, in accordance with request made by the mother-in-law, Mrs. [...] 3. As we find, there is the recovering from anaesthetization and from operative forces. These conditions in the present are progressing not satisfactorily in some ways, and yet MOST satisfactorily in others. 4. There should not be a hindrance or any change in the administrations being made for the body, as we find. 5. The only suggestions we would make would be for a more hopeful, helpful and creative outlook or attitude. 6. Then, later, - when there is the ability for the body to make personal applications of some suggestions as may be made through this channel, for the eliminating of the effects of the anaesthesia, - these may be helpful. This would be after a period of some six to eight weeks. 7. In the present, then, keep the mental attitudes in a hopeful manner; that there may be the using of self's abilities in the manifestations of the ideals in a constructive manner towards spiritual influences and forces. 8. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 2089-1 F 44 R1. 2/9/40 Letter to Mother-in-law from Hugh Lynn Cayce: "We are enclosing the Reading obtained this morning for your daughter-in-law in Los Angeles. Evidently, it would be unwise to interfere with any of the recuperative treatments that are being given in the hospital at this time. Just as soon as she goes home from the hospital, please advise us and we will make another appointment for a Reading….

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INDEX OF READING 2189-1 M 39 ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS Diet: Menu: Body-Building Par. 5--8 Electrotherapy: Sinusoidal: Spine: Subluxations Par. 5, 9 : Ultra-Violet Light: Par. 10 ELIMINATIONS: INCOORDINATION Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations Par. 5, 11 SPINE: SUBLUXATIONS SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS TEXT OF READING 2189-1 M 39 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 13th day of October, 1930. 1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2189]. Now we find disturbances in the physical forces of the body have to do with the digestive system and the effects as have been created there through this disturbance as well as from external influences on the system from operative measures as used. These, then, are conditions as we find them with this body, [2189] we are speaking of, present in this room: 2. THE BLOOD SUPPLY shows a deficiency in vitality in that the resistive forces in the plasm of blood supply itself below normal as related to the white plasm or corpuscle, as well as in the red. In the temperature as is at times produced, this more from the congestion as exists in the liver itself and the system attempting to create that resistance necessary to keep the proper circulation. 3. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM OR SYSTEMS, this we find the effects of anesthesia, as well as of subligations or pressures existent in the upper dorsal and cervical as well as in the lumbar regions. 4. IN THE FUNCTIONING OF ORGANS THEMSELVES, liver, spleen, pancreas, show the effect of those conditions as have existed to produce as well as produced from conditions existent in the system through the stages of coagulation necessary to meet the needs of coordinations in the system. 5. In meeting, then, the needs in the present, we will find that those of electrical vibratory forces may play the most important part in bringing about the proper activities in system through the action of nerve reflexes themselves, as well as in clarifying of the blood supply in its circulation so that eliminations may be set up in their proper coordinating forces and that the diet, with the rest, must be the building forces in same as well as the manipulation for the proper distribution of those conditions in system as replenish or resuscitate destructive forces as exist.

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6. Then, we would find as to diet, those as are of the pre-digested nature in the morning meals. Those that are of an alkaline reaction or reactory nature. Those in the milks as taken should be of the Bulgarian or of the peptomized nature. 7. In the noon meals - these should consist principally of those that are of blood building, which will be those of the juices - not brothers - of meats or of those that supply the vitims [vitamins?] necessary for replenishing the forces in the body itself. 8. In the evening, these may be of more of the nature as to produce dilation in the stomach or intestines, so that they would get in a manner as to cause fermentation or pains through the intestinal disorders as at present exist. Those of a stimulating nature may be given during this period provided these do not act too severely with the nerve forces of the body. 9. In the application of the electrical forces, those of the sinusoidal with the lowest form of electrical current should be applied in the indirect manner. Those to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd dorsal, then to the 4th and 2nd lumbar, or these the poles as they should be. 1st, 2nd and 3rd dorsal, 4th lumbar, and not over 1 1/2 or 2 minutes, every second or third day. 10. Every second day those of the ultra-violet ray over the lower portion of the lung, the liver, the diaphragm of the body. This in the beginning should be at least 38 to 40 inches from the body and not less a ray over 1 1/2 to 2 minutes - may be increased as the soreness and inflammation decreases. 11. The manipulations for the system as to the distribution of forces should be principally in the cervicals, the head, in the solar plexus center and in the sacrals. These should be in their regular order. Every day a gentle - every third day those of a deeper manipulation at such treatments. Do that. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 2189-1 M 39 R1. See Source File Key #2189 for Cayce Hospital charts from 10/13/30 to 10/22/30 re Reading No. 2189-1.

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INDEX OF READING 2189-2 M 39 ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS Diet: Body-Building Par. 3-A SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS BACKGROUND OF READING 2189-2 M 39 B1. See 2189-1. TEXT OF READING 2189-2 M 39 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 21st day of October, 1930, in accordance with request made by self and those in charge. Cayce Hospital. 1. EC: We have the body here, [2189]. The responses by the rest, by the manipulative forces, by the diet, and by the lights, are very good. These, however, as we find, should be kept for some time yet. While conditions are on the improve, these hindered - or lax with same - would easily become reactory and cause the distress as has been experienced by the body. It's bettered; then keep on with it! Ready for questions. 2. (Q) Are treatments given properly? (A) Very good. 3. (Q) May diet be increased at this time? (A) Very little, but may be increased to satisfy - yet be sure that the digestive system is not OVER crowded. 4. We are through with this reading. REPORTS OF READING 2189-2 M 39 R1. 10/29/30 See 2189-3. R2. See Source File Key #2189 for Cayce Hospital records made by Dr. Lydic re 2189-2.

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INDEX OF READING 2189-3 M 39 [edited] ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS DEBILITATION: GENERAL Diet: Toxemia Par. 5-A Human Relations Par. 8-A Neuritis: Tendencies Par. 3 Psychosomatics: Toxemia Par. 5-A Rheumatism: Tendencies Par. 3 SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS BACKGROUND OF READING 2189-3 M 39 B1. See 2189-2. TEXT OF READING 2189-3 M 39 (Merchant, Hebrew) This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 29th day of October, 1930. 1. GC: You will have before you the body and the enquiring mind of [2189], present in this room, and his business associations and relations…. 2. EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [2189] - also those associations and business relations. 3. In the physical body we find the conditions are gradually on the improve. There needs be that the body be mindful as respecting overtaxing self PHYSICALLY, until there is at least sufficient stability within the vital resistive forces of the body, and that the body through the digestive system keep an alkalin system, with sufficient of the stimuli to the various nerve centers and plexus along the cerebro-spinal system as to keep a normal reaction through incentives from the various nerve plexus. This we would do, else there must come a reaction that would be of a DETRIMENTAL nature, especially as to eliminations coming in such forms as of a neurotic, or neuritis, and of rheumatic reactions in limbs, knees, feet, ankles, through pelvis, and a pressure in the gastric regions as of regurgitation. Keeping these, then, for the time, we will find the body more physically fit to meet the needs of the day, to be able to counteract in reactions as may come for the physical and mental body, meeting the vicissitudes of life in EVERY respect.

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5. (Q) Has business been the cause of the body's ailments? (A) They have been a contributory measure, but not wholly so; for, as has been given, when there are those conditions in the mental as to cause an accumulation in the system of poisons, these are hard to be dealt with as respecting assimilations - for depressions, anger, wrath, sorrow, and such, make for poisons in the DIGESTIVE system, causing an activity of an unnatural or abnormal manner through same. Through such periods one should beware of eating very much, and especially of any conditions as make for ACIDITY, for already there is an EXCESS in a system when such conditions mentally surround a body. 11. (Q) Will location body is in at present be successful for body? If not, advise where would be the best location. (A) Should be very successful for the body, in the present. Keep the body-mind in an at-onement of the ideals the body prompted in self when there was the beginning of the operations in the present location; for while this considered as not wholly an ideal place, yet one that offered opportunities, not only in a financial but as a satisfactory way in OTHER respects. Keep self in that same frame of mind. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 2189-3 M 39 R1. See 2189-4.

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Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 4, 6

Diet: Citrus & Cereal Par. 13 : Eliminations Par. 10--13


Osteopathy: Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 5--8, 16-A

Pregnancy: Not Recommended Par. 18-A

Prescriptions: Atomidine: Glands Par. 8

Surgery: After Effects Par. 4 BACKGROUND OF READING 2432-2 F 33 B1. See 2432-1. [5/21/41 [2432]'s letter to EC: "I received your last letter in the hospital. I had to have an operation, pregnant in my tube, the left one.] TEXT OF READING 2432-2 F 33 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 12th day of February, 1942. 3. As we find, there are many changes in the physical forces of the body since last we had same. Some are prone to make for eventual better conditions. Some, from the effect of the general weakness and lack of resistance through the body, work hardships upon the body. 4. A very natural consequence of the type of activity that has been the experience of the body is for such to remain as a disturbing factor. The very fact of the subjugation of the mind, the subjugation of the whole nervous system through the etheric - or ether - activities; and the very nature of an abdominal opening; causes the weakness. 5. We would have a series of some six osteopathic adjustments and general relaxings for stimulating and setting up better associations in the coordinating of the cerebrospinal and sympathetic system. Have two each week until six have been taken, then rest from them for some two weeks; then have another series of the same. 6. As indicated by the subjugation of the nerve forces and consciousness, the incoordination between the cerebrospinal and the sympathetic system becomes the deflecting activity. Hence the periods of weakness, the periods of not being able to be up or doing and still not feeling any worse; or feeling bad mornings or evenings and the next day possibly feeling better. These are from this incoordination. Hence the lumbar axis, the 9th dorsal and throughout those areas of the upper cervical and portions of the dorsal should be the specific centers relaxed, and then stimulated to their activity and coordination with the general activities of the central nervous system.

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7. Relax GENTLY, of course, the area in the caecum, and the draining of the gall duct, so as to set up better assimilation. This should come in the second series or activities in such adjustments or treatments. 8. We would again take a series of Atomidine; one minim in half a glass of water before the morning meal three days each week, - say, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays only of each week, - throughout the period of taking the osteopathic treatments. But leave this off during the period there is the rest from the osteopathic treatments, see? Only take three days each week DURING the series of the adjustments, and leave off at other times. 9. DO NOT continue the Gold, until these two series of the better adjustments are made with the body functionings. 10. Throughout the period be mindful as to the diets and the eliminations. 11. Do not take quantities of fats, ever. Not that the body is to abstain from the use of butter or crisp bacon occasionally, but the fats of any meats should NOT be included in the diet. Use principally fish, fowl and lamb as the meats. 12. Fresh vegetables or fruits should be the greater portion of one meal each day, - not that this is to become just a matter of routine, but it should be considered first - that one meal each day should consist either of the fresh raw vegetables or fresh fruit, - that is, the greater part of same. 13. Take plenty of citrus fruits and citrus fruit juices, and also the whole grain cereals - as the whole grain of oats or wheat, or a combination of wheat and barely (as in Maltex or the like). DO NOT have the fruits AND the cereals at the same meal, however. Alternate these, having the citrus fruits three or four mornings a week - as the orange juice, grape fruit, pineapple, lemons or the like; and then having the cereals the other mornings, and so on. 14. Doing these, and not overtaxing in any direction, we should make for much bettered conditions with this body. 15. Ready for questions. 16. (Q) What causes tightness and swelling in hip and leg? (A) The incoordination of the circulation and the eliminations between the sympathetic and cerebrospinal nervous systems that supply the energies of the circulation, both superficial and deeper circulation, through the body. Hence, as indicated, the specific centers needing attention - the lumbar and sacral areas for the circulation to the lower limbs, and the brachial center with the arms and the cervicals for the head and the internal portions of the body. 17. (Q) The stuffy feeling of head? (A) We have just given it. 18. (Q) Is it still possible for me to have a child? (A) It is still possible, but there must be definite corrections before there should be even the desire or the undertaking in such a direction. Do these things first, and then we may be able to give further instructions, if such is desired, after the series. But do all that we have given. 19. We are through for the present.

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INDEX OF READING 2653-5 M 22 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 2 Osteopathy: Surgery: After Effects Par. 2, 3 TEETH: IMPACTION TEXT OF READING 2653-5 M 22 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 16th day of September, 1929, in accordance with phone request made by his mother, Mrs. [325]. 1. EC: [2653] - we have the body here. This we have had before. Now, there are acute conditions to be sure, with the teeth. While this impaction, or impacted tooth, will cause - and does cause - trouble, the better manner will be to anaesthetize the body and remove this, for this has much to do with the nervous condition of the whole system. 2. But sufficient time and rest should be taken after such an operation, for the body to fully recuperate from same. The nervous, run-down condition, and the taxation to the body, are produced from this pressure, and when these are removed, give sufficient of the bromides to GENTLY allow the body to overcome much of the strain as will be produced ON same by this reaction of the anaesthesia that should be given for this removal. Remembering that the corrections as will be made, or should be made, along the whole of the cerebro-spinal system, will assist the body in gaining proper control over itself, aiding digestive forces - but the body should go at a little less pace, for the taxing of the body in such a manner as to burn the candle at both ends is not well. 3. Then, remove these - and have at least ten to fifteen osteopathic treatments and adjustments - beginning about five days after the operation. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 2653-5 M 22 R1. 9/18/29 Mother [325]'s letter: "I am indeed sorry that I had to worry you with a special reading, but when [2653] cries I know something is very wrong, and he had a terrible butchered jaw. But he will go to another Dr. and have the tooth removed, as the reading advises - thanks so very much for the reading….

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INDEX OF READING 2729-2 F 38 Anemia Par. 10 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 18-A, 19-A : Warnings Par. 18-A, 19-A Appliances: Wet Cell: Eliminations Par. 13 Blood: Hemoglobin: Eliminations: Poor Par. 2, 10 Cancer: Tendencies Par. 17-A Cold: Congestion: Susceptibility Par. 7 Cystitis Par. 11 Electrotherapy: Sinusoidal: Eliminations Par. 13, 14-A, 15-A : Vibrator: Par. 13, 14-A : Violet Ray: Par. 13, 14-A, 15-A LEUKEMIA Liver: Cirrhosis Of: Tendencies Par. 18-A, 19-A Osteopathy: Eliminations Par. 13 Prescriptions: Thyroid Extract: Eliminations Par. 13, 14-A, 16-A BACKGROUND OF READING 2729-2 F 38 B1. 8/20/29 She obtained a Life Reading, 2729-1. TEXT OF READING 2729-2 F 38 (R.N.) This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 23rd day of August, 1929. 1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2729] we are speaking of. Now, we find there are evidences of disturbances being created and brought about in the physical functioning of the body, that are abnormal to the body, and these conditions taken in time may be corrected without detrimental effects to the body, physically or mentally, in any manner. Allowed to continue in the manner as is seen, will bring conditions of an unsatisfactory nature. These conditions have to do with disturbances as bring about the improper distribution and improper eliminations in and for the body. These, then, are conditions as we find them in this body, [2729] we are speaking of, present in this room.

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2. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, here we find evidences of the condition as is referred to. While the pressure, the pulsation and the respiration would be near normal, the constituents or elements of the blood show that there are disturbances in portions of functioning system that have to do with the distribution of those properties carried BY the blood, as rebuilding - and those conditions carried THROUGH blood, as to eliminations. These have some to do with the hemoglobin, they have some to do also with the plasm of the cell as regarding rebuilding. These are seen as disturbances, then, in other portions of the system, or the functioning organs, as we shall see. 3. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, OR SYSTEMS of the body, these conditions as we find exist: 4. The body very good as respecting control of self sympathetically, very good as to nerve reactions in the system nominally, and as for the cerebro-spinal nerve and its tributaries to the functioning organs these are very good nominally - yet at times there is seen distresses produced reflexly, even in the nerve system, by the manner in which the body responds TO those suggestive forces as may be presented, either by ordinary or extra-ordinary conditions as may come to the body, mentally or physically. 5. IN THE FUNCTIONING OF THE ORGANS THEMSELVES, these are very good, so far as the brain and its reaction or reflexes are concerned. 6. The organs of the sensory system respond sympathetically to conditions as DO exist in the distribution of forces or elements for replenishing the system in its changes. 7. Throat, bronchials and the lungs themselves, show response in a normal manner - yet with disturbances as are seen in the distribution of forces, EASILY does congestion appear in the bronchial tubes and portion of lungs. 8. Heart's action near normal. 9. Digestion at times disturbed, as far as the stomach PROPER is concerned - well balanced as to the lactics and as to the acid forces in system, yet those in their exit, or in the intestinal digestion, show distresses. 10. Then, the conditions as we find have to do principally with those conditions as exist with the liver in its functioning, as related to the destructive forces of red blood cells from spleen and of the lobes of the liver itself. These, as we see, create that which has a tendency to DESTROY too much of the red blood cells, producing a lack of sufficient of lymphatic and capillary circulation to distribute the full amount of pigment for the building up of the exterior portion, or of the epidermis itself in portion of system. This forming, then, a character of leukemia, for the blood supply gives these conditions through the system as may CAUSE disturbances, as DOES cause or produce weakness, as does cause the inactive forces at times or the tiredness that comes from the system from overtaxing the body, through these conditions acting as they do. 11. In the action of the digestion itself, these then function under strain, and the character of the excretions from the system at times indicate this, as does that effect as is produced upon the lower hepatic circulation, or the condition in kidneys. The irritation at times for the bladder itself, though NOT an organic condition there - yet an irritation; rather as of a BURNING - produced by the

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attempt of the system to create an equilibrium in the full hepatic circulation. The mesenteric nerve system at such times causes some distresses, as the vegetative nerve effect to the body is to produce a tingling sensation, a heaviness in the lower portion of abdomen. Not that the body SUFFERS from this, yet these tendencies are exhibited in the system. 12. While the functioning of the organs as relate to the pelvis and the organs of those portions of the body suffer at times UNDER these, these are rather reflexes. 13. Then, to meet the needs of the condition, or better - to prepare the body that these may be warded OFF, and the normal brought to the body - those may be reached in more than one manner. FIRST we would give those properties medicinally as we would find in thyroid extract. Would be well to change the vibratory reaction in the system, provided the proper character of vibratory forces are used - either electrical or electrically driven - to stimulate those centers of the liver and spleen, from the 4th and 5th dorsal, from the 8th and 9th dorsal. They may be stimulated either by electrically DRIVEN, or by manipulation and the electrical application through those forces as the violet ray, or as of the sinusoidal ray (in the short range - not heavy or the deep) - but stimulating circulation, that we have more of a capillary, more or a lymphatic reaction, and so stimulating liver and the secretions from same as form to make those of better distribution of forces for the body. Or we may add WHOLLY those of medicinal properties as may be necessary to create a different vibration for the system entirely. THESE would be accomplished, then, through the low form of electrical forces that would add to the system those properties that would change the vibratory rate of the liver itself in its activity; that through the wet battery formation, but carrying as the carrier into the system those forces of camphor and of silver, alternated in its application. The FIRST is more in accord with that of the body. Do that. Ready for questions. 14. (Q) How often should the electrical treatment be given? (A) At least twice each week, not oftener - though it may be lengthened. That of the medicinal properties, under the direction of a physician that would apply the vibratory forces for the system also. 15. (Q) How long should the treatment last - each treatment? (A) Of those, were they given in the form of the vibratory forces with the violet ray, they should last at least five to fifteen minutes. If they are given with the sinusoidal ray, they should NOT last longer than three to five minutes in the beginning, though when they are made farther apart the activities of these may be made from ten to fifteen minutes ONCE each week - but not in the beginning. 16. (Q) What doses of the thyroid extract? (A) In small doses. This better than attempting to create too violent a change in the system at once, but under the direction of a physician who would also accord those of the vibratory forces WITH same, so that one accords one with the other.

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17. (Q) Is there any chance of the rectal condition becoming malignant? (A) Not with the correction of the eliminations, so that the secretions as thrown off from the system in the form of eliminations do not form cellular forces within themselves; for when we change the vibratory forces of the body, as is seen necessary for the proper eliminations - and the change in the blood supply itself, these then will PREVENT any recurrent condition in this direction. 18. (Q) Does the other have any effect upon the blood? in giving an anaesthetic? (A) Anaesthesia to this system operates nominally with this body, which is to make hardening effect upon the functioning of the liver, giving as tendencies - as may be seen by examination of those under ether - a whitish condition, or hardening. 19. (Q) This body ADMINISTERS anaesthetics itself. Would there be any danger of that having effect on this body? (A) Just as given, that anaesthesia to a system has an effect of creating hardening, or of the liver itself becoming subject to the conditions, and produces such an effect in this body - see? 20. (Q) Any further advice to this body at this time? (A) We would do as we have given here. We will so change the vibratory forces for this system that it may function nearer nominally or normally, and will PREVENT the occurrence of conditions that would become very detrimental to the physical forces of the body. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 2729-2 F 38 None.

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INDEX OF READING 2927-1 M 50 [edited] Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 21, 35-A Astrology: Ineffectual Par. 6 Attitudes & Emotions: Earth Sojourns Par. 10 Cause: Effect Par. 5, 32 Clairvoyance Of E.C.: Discretion Par. 3, 4 Creation: Accidents Par. 5 Death Par. 41-A Hobbies Par. 41-A Ideals Par. 3, 13--17, 32, 41-A Incarnations: America Par. 19--21 : Crusades Par. 22--27 : Egypt Par. 28, 29 : England Par. 22--27 Reincarnation: Purpose Par. 32 Sin: Accidents Par. 5 Suggestion Par. 37-A Surgery: Bloodless: Egypt: Ra Ta Period Par. 29 BACKGROUND OF READING 2927-1 M 50 B1. 2/17/43 Mr. [257]'s letter: "Dr. [2927] has done a great deal for me. He was born at Durham, N.C., has read your book and is deeply interested in you. He started operating at the age of 15, studied abroad and is a specialist today of the first bracket in N.Y. He would like to get a Life Reading and I wish you would let me know what day you could make it…." TEXT OF READING 2927-1 M 50 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 1st day of March, 1943.

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3. In giving the interpretations of the records as we find them here, in the analysis or study of the records of this entity, and as to how this entity has applied self in the present, - we find that a study of the ideals to which the entity has adhered, and does adhere, might give - to those who would study, or who would seek to know the philosophy of such activities - the causes or sources of much that would be of interest. 4. These records, these interpretations we choose from same with the desire that this information may be a helpful experience for the entity; enabling the entity to better fulfil those purposes for which it entered this present sojourn. 5. For, it is never by chance but, as with all things in this material world, there are causes, there are effects. To be sure, at times there may be what might be called accidents. But these, too, in a causation world, have their cause and effect. 6. Little does the entity have to do with that ordinarily termed the astrological aspects, even from the records as might be given here, or as would be chosen. For, most of these, - save in a general manner, - have been met. 7. Thus, while the entity is a material-minded individual, we find that the deeper causes - or sources of the spiritual imports and implications - are the basic determining factors in the experience of the entity. 8. While the entity is an exceptional business-minded individual, it is tenderhearted, sympathetic, and recognizes its limitations as well as its abilities; and it doeth all things to the best of its ability - in the main activities of dealing with others. 10. The greater urges, then, come from that combination of spiritual values of the entity's application of same through the material sojourns in the earth. 11. Hence we find the entity's acknowledgement of influences, or forces, outside of itself; yet not fully determined or set in its own mind as to sources or causes of - same yet with hopes, that are indicated in its abilities in the business world and in its application of same with others; for there is the acknowledging in self of this higher source or power. 18. As to the appearances in the earth, - not all may be given, to be sure, but these indicate those activities - and the purposes gained that are the latent urges in the present experience: 19. Before this the entity was in the land of the present nativity, but more in those channels or places of the entity's present sojourn were the activities, - as Oscar Arche. 20. The entity then was an aid to those, or to several of those, who contributed to the welfare of those injured in the periods of the Revolution; when there were those wounded in battle, as well as those who were ill from the conditions of the stationary nature about the battle grounds of that period. 21. Thus we find those particular interests of the entity in those phases of mental or brain reactions. And these should be the greater outlets for the entity's activities in the present; as a surgeon, as a contributor to the effect of various forms of anaesthesia upon the brain and the nervous system. For these the entity through those experiences attempted to determine.

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22. Before that the entity was in the English land, during those periods when there were the Holy Wars - as called in those periods. 23. There the entity was a contributor to those activities during the early period of those groups who set out from the home land to become defending forces for an idea, an ideal, in the Holy Land. 24. From the various groups with which the entity came in contact through those periods of activity we find in the present that latent urge for the appreciation of the outdoors, the effect of activities in nature upon the minds of individuals - as to the various conditions to which the environs cause responses to individuals, according to their tendencies, their temperaments, and their activities. 25. There the entity was a leader, embracing much of the needs for those changes that gradually came about in the activities when those various groups were active in that war. 26. Hence an urge respecting the tenets of the entity's faith as to spiritual things, as to that it - the faith, the hope - produces in the mind of the individual, rather than that as may be practised as an individual dogma or tenet. 27. The name then was Chauncey Chause. 28. Before that the entity was in the Egyptian land, during those periods of what is termed the reconstruction, or the development of individuals to particular or definite activities in the vocational forces. 29. There the entity was most active in the Temple of Sacrifice, with its establishments and the abilities for using those things which had been presented from the Atlanteans, where electrical forces - as termed in the present - were used as the means for removal of forms of appendages, or of those things that caused forms of reaction in the combination of the brain forces of body-influence, and the environmental forces as produced through those periods of unfoldment of knowledge and the use of same in the experience of individual lives. 30. The entity then was in the name Ajax-Totertenm. 31. As to the abilities of the entity in the present, then: 32. First, know thyself and thy ideals, thy purposes in the earth. These, as indicated, have basically those ideals and idealistic ends. Use them to the glory of thy ideal and to the honor of self and thy fellow man. Know the universal law of cause and effect, and the universal law of divine influence, - as ye sow, ye reap; as ye measure, it is measured to you; as ye do to the least of thy brethren ye do to thy Maker. It is self ye are constantly encountering, that is the helpful force or the stumblingblock to thine own universal endeavors, for the manifestation of Creative Forces in the earth. 33. For, nothing may separate thee from the love of the Father as manifested in the Son, save thyself. 34. Ready for questions. 35. (Q) What can my contribution be on this plane to medical science and surgery? (A) As to the use of electrical forces, as to the application of those forms of anaesthesia, and especially to that of the mental and brain reactions.

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36. (Q) Through what avenues can I best aid humanity? (A) In thy contributions to aiding individuals to adjust their bodies and their minds to creative influences in their own experience, FROM the physical as well as spiritual angle. 37. (Q) What would be the best manner for me to approach psychic phenomena for its application to medicine, which would be in conformity with the best medical ethics and practice? (A) That having to deal with the power of suggestion, as indicated in thy knowledge of the influence of environments and of reactions to the various impressions received in the reaction of impulses in the physical body. 38. (Q) Is it indicated that I will be called upon to make any contribution to the present war effort beyond what I am now doing? (A) That depends much upon self. If there is the offering of self, and as ye have gained, as ye have contributed much, this would be well - if it is thine own conscience that prompts thee to offer self. 41. (Q) What journeys should I take for pleasure, which would be most interesting to me in this life? (A) These should be chosen from the promptings of that as would be contributory to meeting some of the hobbies of the entity, and in its relationship to the general contribution of knowledge to the universal activity. Let that mind be in thee which was in Him, who gave, "I and the Father, God, are one." So become ye in thine own mind, as ye contribute, as ye attune thy inner self to those greater ideals; for it is not all of life just to live, nor yet all of death to die. For, they that put their whole trust in Him have passed from death unto life. And to such there is no death, only the entrance through God's other door. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 2927-1 M 50 R1. GD's note: Subsequently people who had readings reported that they received Dr. [2927]'s cooperation in following them.

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INDEX OF READING 3160-1 F 65 Adhesions Par. R4 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 11 Breathing: Shortness: Cholecystitis Par. 25-A Chemical Imbalance Par. 3 CHOLECYSTITIS Clairvoyance Of E.C.: Incorrect? Par. R4 Diet: Cholecystitis Par. 20--22 : Intestines: Gas Par. 6 ELIMINATIONS: POOR Intestines: Gas Par. 6 Liver: Kidneys: Incoordination Par. 5 Osteopathy: Cholecystitis Par. 10, 18 Physiotherapy: Hydrotherapy: Eliminations Par. 17 : Packs: Castor Oil: Cholecystitis Par. 10, 12--16, 23 Prescriptions: Olive Oil: Eliminations Par. 14, 15 Surgery: Cholecystitis Par. 9, 11, 23 : Preventive: Cholecystitis Par. 10, 23 TOXEMIA BACKGROUND OF READING 3160-1 F 65 B1. 4/27/43 [3160]'s letter: Mr. Edgar Cayce, Virginia Beach, Va. Dear Mr. Cayce, . . . I was ill with a bad attack of gall-bladder trouble. In the past years I have often thought how wonderful it would be if one could look inside a person's body and see what is wrong inside. Dr's do not always know, neither does the X-Ray always tell what is wrong. And now I read the book, "There is a River", and find you go to sleep and tell what is wrong inside the body. God has certainly blessed you with a wonderful gift….

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My case is the following - I suffered many years with gall bladder trouble. Some Dr's told me to have the gall-bladder out, but my own Dr. who I had for years said, not to. I was visiting my daughter out of the city and I had a severe attack the last week in Nov. 1940. I had to call in a strange Dr., and right away he said, to have the gall-bladder out, as he said, every attack would make me weaker, and in time they wouldn't be able to help me. I was ill for four weeks, so I decided to have it out. I was x-rayed and the Dr. said it was a large gall stone. I was operated on Jan. 9 - 1941. When they operated they found I didn't have gall-stones, but that my appendix was adherent to the underside of my liver, and was drawing down the liver and pressing on the gall-bladder. The position of the appendix, made a shadow on the X-ray plate, and that was why they said a large gall stone. The Dr. straightened my intestines, took out the appendix, and some adhesions that was interfering with my circulation. The operation was successful and I didn't have any trouble from the operation. The Dr. said I would have colitis, and put me on a diet. Now after two years I start having trouble with my gall bladder. This last attack lasted three weeks, my whole intestinal tract became involved. I lived in fear many years of those attacks, and now I dread the thought of having them again. I thought the operation had cleared up everything. Now I wish the Dr. had taken out my gall-bladder at the time of the operation. Perhaps my trouble is not all from my gall bladder, perhaps there is something else in my body that causes those terrible upsets. That is the reason why I am writing you, to see if you could find out what is wrong inside me. I am a widow, and I am 65 years old. Will you let me know what offering I can give you, as I would like to help in your wonderful work. Will you kindly answer me at your earliest convenience, as I would appreciate it very much. Sincerely, Mrs. [3160], Brooklyn, N.Y. B2. 8/43 Questions submitted: What causes severe attacks I have occasionally? The attacks of gas? Is it the diet or from another cause? What can I do to prevent the attacks? What causes a pressure in my throat, as if food is backing up at different times after eating? Would I be a healthier person if I had my gall bladder removed? What causes my breath to catch, when I am resting, or sleeping? Any further advice? TEXT OF READING 3160-1 F 65 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 13th day of August, 1943. 3. As we find there are disturbances the correction of which would make for much better physical functioning through this body. These have to do primarily with obstructions which have come from accumulations and an unbalanced chemical process in digestive forces of the body. This first began from a bad diet.

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4. These, then, are conditions as we find them with this body: 5. The blood supply indicates a great amount of toxic forces that are the result of very poor eliminations, caused by the disturbances in the gall duct area and the inactivity of the liver, also the attempt of the kidneys in a manner to control portions of eliminations. So, both the liver and the kidneys become at present involved in the disturbance. 6. The effects produced are nausea, fullness through the area of the duodenum, great quantities at times of gas, especially if certain types of foods are taken - if raw vegetables or raw juices or quantities of fats. These especially cause gas through the duodenum as well as through the rest of the alimentary canal. 7. The nerve forces here we find rather out of the ordinary, causing such disturbances of a pathological nature. For the body has controlled its nerves somewhat better than most individuals would or could, under the existent circumstances. 8. The rest of the organs, - as the heart, the lungs, - all suffer from those reflexes from this disturbance in the liver and gall duct area. 9. As we find there are two courses that may be pursued. One will be rather hard upon the body. Operative forces for the removal of same could be quickly done, but there should be real preparation for the body if such measures are chosen. 10. Or there may be the use of hot Castor Oil Packs that may assist in so dissolving the gravel in the gall duct and the gall bladder that it might be drained osteopathically, after a long series. This would require a much longer period but would be a much safer manner. As after effects of an operation, owing to the age and the general conditions that have been the result from reflexes, would be such that it would require a great period of time before the body would fully recover from same. 11. The use of the anaesthesia also would be rather the greater shock to this very sensitive body; yet if the body would make up its mind that it would go through with the operation, it might control same. 12. If the Packs are used: 13. Apply at least three thicknesses of old flannel, well saturated with Castor Oil, over the liver and gall duct area, extending to the caecum area; that's along the right side, to be sure. Apply the Packs as hot as the body can well stand and then an electric pad to keep these warm for at least an hour. Apply these one hour each day for three days in succession. 14. On the evening of the third day take internally half a teacupful of Olive Oil. 15. Then rest three days and repeat the packs, followed by the Oil internally. 16. Then rest another three days, and repeat. 17. Then have a hydrotherapy treatment, this to relieve or to wash out thoroughly the whole colon area. 18. Then begin with osteopathic adjustments, gradually enabling the body to stand draining of the gall duct osteopathically. 19. Do these and we will bring better conditions for the body.

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20. In the diet refrain from raw vegetables of any kind or raw juices or great quantities of fats of any character. Even butter should be almost wholly eliminated from the diet through the periods that these treatments are given, whether the operative measures or the Packs. 21. But soup may be taken if not too much grease is used in same, vegetable soups; fish, fowl and lamb but not too much of the fats of any of these. 22. Baked potatoes, roast potatoes, all of these will be well. However, do not have white bread or macaroni or spaghetti with cheese at the same meal that the potatoes are taken. No two of any of these at any one meal for this body. 23. Do these if we would have the better conditions for this body. But choose - self - as to whether operative measures are to be used or there is to be the draining of the gall duct by osteopathic manipulation, when preparation has been made for such through the Packs. 24. Ready for questions. 25. (Q) What causes my breath to catch, when I am resting, or sleeping? (A) The acute pains in the duodenum, or in the lower portion of stomach and upper portion of jejunum. 26. (Q) What causes the pressure in my throat, as if food is backing up at different times after eating? (A) These are all reflexes from congestion in the gall duct area. Do as given and do it purposefully, using the body-forces for CREATIVE activity; that is ever constructive. Don't only be good, be good for something. 27. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 3160-1 F 65 R1. 8/21/43 Letter to GD from Phyllis Goodall, R.N.: Miss Davis: In this case I am sure the patient was suffering with Cholecystitis (inflammation of gall bladder) but if orthodox medical men were looking at records they could and probably would be irritated or even openly hostile to the "guess" diagnosis. Had the reading been asked for the medical term of condition - the guesswork phase would have been eliminated and the record would be of stronger value. R2. 8/21/43 Additional letter and GD's answer to it on 8/27/43 - See under 3127-1 Reports. R3. 10/19/43 [3160]'s letter: The Reading was wonderful. I wrote you after reading the Reading, that I decided to be operated on. I was very busy getting settled in my new house in Sept. But now I am to be operated on Oct. 28th for removal of gall stones and gall bladder. After the operation, as soon as I am able, I will write you, as I would like to have another Reading, to see if everything is all right. I have kept to the diet you wrote of in the Reading, and I have felt a great deal better. From the Reading, I gathered that all my trouble comes from the gall bladder, and if I have that removed I will be a healthier person every way.

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Thank you very much for giving me a Reading, and may God Bless you with health and strength to carry on your wonderful work. R4. 12/1/43 [3160]'s letter: I am very sorry, but I was unable to answer your letter of Nov. 1st. I wrote you I was to be operated on Oct. 28th. So when your letter came I was in the hospital…. My operation was very successful. But I did not have gravel, as the reading of Aug. 13th said. I had a mass of adhesions around the gall bladder, and the gall bladder was diseased. I had a thickening on the stomach, in the gall duct area as the reading said. The Dr. said the adhesions caused the thickening on the stomach. Which caused my breath to catch, which was one of the questions I asked in the reading. The Dr. removed my gall bladder, adhesions and thickening on my stomach. A week after I was home, I had spasms of the stomach for three days, which the Dr. said was caused from the thickening on my stomach, which he had removed. Now this week I am feeling much better and will be all right in a short time. I am so thankful that I wrote you and received the reading when I did, for now I can see I would have been much worse in time. The catching of my breath was getting worse, and I was having pain when it happened. The Reading was certainly wonderful, and told just what was the trouble. From your letter of Nov. 1, I see you are very busy. I wonder if you could give me a check Reading, and when. May God bless you with health & strength, to carry on your wonderful work. Sincerely, Mrs. [3160] R5. 12/18/43 See 3160-2.

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INDEX OF READING 3226-2 F 45 Air: Exercise: Asthenia Par. 3, 5 ANESTHESIA: AFTER EFFECTS Constipation: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 2, 7-A Electrotherapy: Ultra-Violet Light: Green Glass: Asthenia Par. 5 Exercise: Asthenia Par. 3, 5, 9-A Ideals: Service Par. 10-A Meditation Par. 10-A Prescriptions: Kaldak: Asthenia Par. 4, 5 Psychosomatics Par. 10-A Rest: Asthenia Par. 8-A SURGERY: TUMORS: AFTER EFFECTS Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes: "If Ye Would Have...Give..." Par. 10-A BACKGROUND OF READING 3226-2 F 45 B1. 4/17/44 Mrs. [3226] had fibroid tumor removed by surgery. TEXT OF READING 3226-2 F 45 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 6th day of June, 1944. 2. EC: Yes, as we find there have been some very disturbing conditions for the body and there are still those aftereffects of operative forces, not only because of the blood supply and the effect of the anesthesia upon the general body, but the lack of proper eliminations. 3. We find there should be first, gradually for the next four to five weeks, a strengthening of the body by exercise, not too severe, but gradual. Be as much in the open as possible; not in the heat of the day, but from 9: 30 to 10: 30 of a morning, and from 3: 30 to 4: 30 until evening. These would be well for the morning. 4. We would add, as a tonic, KalDak, for a body and blood builder.

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5. In the course of some two months, we would begin with the use of the ultra-violet ray, but with the green glass, not painted, but stained green glass, projected between the body and the light, for a minute or a minute and a half, about every other day. We would find with these general conditions we could build resistance for the body and with the correct mental attitude eliminate these distresses. To be sure, for some time yet there will be the gas pains, but following those suggestions of the general exercise, and this of being in the open as much as possible and the KalDak taken in raw milk every other day, we would find these will be most beneficial. 6. Ready for questions. 7. (Q) How can I correct constipation without the use of enemas? (A) Exercise and those properties as just indicated. 8. (Q) How much rest is needed? (A) There should be about the division of eight hours of rest, with periods, of course, between, an hour in morning, or an hour in the afternoon, the recreation and activity. 9. (Q) How about the Annette Killerman course of exercises with which I am familiar? (A) Those would be beneficial a little later. Though most too severe, but as just indicated, those can be gradually worked toward. 10. (Q) Is there anything else along the metaphysical line that would be good for me (A) Of course, meditation, upon not merely getting well, but what to do with self when there are the improvements, of being able, even through those periods of recuperation to contribute to the welfare of others by suggestions, by activities, helps self more than self can be aided in any other way. For as ye give to others it comes to thee. We are through with this reading. REPORTS OF READING 3226-2 F 45 R1. 12/18/44 Letter: "My health is greatly improved. Still I have much trouble with constipation... Should I still be taking the KalDak?" R2. 3/3/47 Letter: "In one of your past [Diary] Letters KalDak was mentioned. I used this product and would like to obtain a product as near like it as possible." R3. 2/8/72 She requested and was subsequently sent a copy of 3226-2.

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Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 3 CANCER

Electrotherapy: Ultra-Violet Light: Green Glass: Cancer Par. 6, 11-A

Healing: Spiritual: Cancer Par. 3, 5--7

Ideals: Service Par. 5

Nervous Systems: Shock: Anesthesia Par. 3 Neuropathy: Relaxation Par. 10-A Physiotherapy: Massage: Sedation Par. 5, 6, 9-A Prophecy: Prognosis: Death Par. 3 Psychosomatics: Cancer Par. 5, 7 Sedation: Cancer Par. 6 BACKGROUND OF READING 3439-1 M 38 B1. 10/24/43 Mother-in-law's letter: "He is very ill. He has had a serious operation about twenty months ago, he has been fine until a few months ago. The doctors seem to disagree as to what the x-rays show...try and give us a reading sometime next week, as I believe time is short."

B2. 11/5/43 "He is constantly getting worse."

B3. 12/19/43 Wire: "Is his illness due to his operation? Is his illness what the doctors have diagnosed? Has the body any chance of recovery? Please suggest name of doctor who would be able to help him." TEXT OF READING 3439-1 M 38 (Attorney, Asst. Prosecutor) This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 22nd day of December, 1943, in accordance with request made by the mother-in-law - Mrs. [...]. 2. EC: Yes, we have the body, [3439]. 3. The body has not yet recuperated from the effect of anesthesia - or the shock to the system. And unless there is a great deal of praying done, he won't be much better.

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4. The conditions to be met are of such natures that operative measures may again be necessary, yet these we do not find as being very helpful. 5. A gentle massage to quiet the body would be well, with prayer - and not by those who do not live what they pray. Do not merely pray that he will be well, but well for what? Do not pray for the body to be well for what the body can do for self but for those whom he has aided and also hindered. 6. The use of the Ultra-Violet with the green light would be helpful, but prayer is needed most. The massage will only quiet the body. Sedatives will have to be used at times. 7. Much depends upon keeping the body desirous of regaining health, and not making promises or vows he wouldn't keep if these helpful forces were aroused to activity. 8. Ready for questions. 9. (Q) Should any oils be used for the massage? (A) Just a massage, though powder may be used - and if so, use a powder that is soothing to the skin. 10. (Q) Should this massage be done by an expert masseur? (A) By a masseur or neuropath. 11. (Q) How often and where should the Light be applied? (A) Over the areas where operative forces have been performed through the torso of the body. 12. We are through with this reading. REPORTS OF READING 3439-1 M 38 None.

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INDEX OF READING 3451-1 F 44 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 3 Circulation: Lymph: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 3 Insomnia: Lesions Par. 13-A Intestines: Enemas: Eliminations Par. 12-A LESIONS: LYMPH SYSTEM Mouthwash: Listerine Par. 8 Physiotherapy: Baths: Bubble: Pine Oils: Lesions Par. 4, 5 : Massage: Oils, Olive: Lesions Par. 6, 7, 13-A : Peanut Oil: Par. 6, 7, 13-A : Pine Needles Oil: Par. 6, 7, 13-A : Salt & Soda: Gums Par. 8 : Sassafras Oil: Lesions Par. 6, 7, 13-A : Usoline: Par. 6, 7, 13-A : Witchhazel: Par. 6, 7, 13-A Prescriptions: Glyco-Thymoline: Antiseptic Par. 9 BACKGROUND OF READING 3451-1 F 44 B1. 10/14/43 [3451]'s letter: "On September 15th I underwent quite a serious abdominal operation. I am now at home, but have not yet recovered all my strength...not pleased about certain reactions that seem to have set in...for which I have two dubious prescriptions...neck reaction seems to be getting worse...could give more details." B2. 12/1/43 [3451]'s letter: "Most pronounced now and practically continuous is a tightness and stiffness in what seems to be the cords of the neck. This pain goes down into chest, right shoulder and upper right arm." Lump in throat...painful to turn head and head noises result...in summer of 1940 first experienced heaviness and sort of pressure of pains in chest...present when fatigued...medical examination has not been able to diagnose this feeling...bowel movements have never been of normal size...other conditions as indicated in questions. What can be done for the following: Tightness in neck and chest, lump in throat, noises when head is turned, heaviness and chest pressure, pain in lower side and backache? What will reduce frequency of urination? Are the remnants of knobules or tumors dissolving as expected? What can be done to make bowel movements normal? Is there any suggestion for care of teeth? How can tendency to sleep lightly be overcome? Are there amoebae in the colon which are harmful?

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TEXT OF READING 3451-1 F 44 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 7th day of December, 1943. 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [3451]. 3. As we find, this body is recuperating from operative measures, and the effects of these anesthesias upon both the sympathetic and cerebrospinal nerve systems are still noted - and in both circulations. These are indicated by nobules in the lymph circulation over portions of the body, as along on the limbs, in the thighs, under the arms, around the neck and in portions of the abdomen. All of these indicate such slowing of the circulation, and not being absorbed or eliminated through their normal channels. 4. We would have daily a good tepid bath, letting the body be put in this and be massaged while in same with Pine Oils. This would be made as a Bubble Bath, so that there is the circulation as well as the massage of the body while in same. 5. Also the massages that should follow such a Bath would include corrections in the 6th and 7th dorsal center where lesions or stoppages are indicated in the associations of activities of the cerebrospinal and the sympathetic, in the area controlling the activities of the bladder and kidneys. 6. We would use a good oil rub for this body, using these combinations for their effect upon the body: Usoline or Nujol, as the base.....6 ounces, Witchhazel................2 ounces, Olive Oil......................1 ounce. Oil of Pine Needles.............1/2 ounce, Oil of Sassafras Root...........1/2 ounce, Peanut Oil...................2 ounces. 7. Shake these together, for they will separate, and pour into an open container - as a saucer. Do not pour back in bottle after the hands have been in same. Massage these along either side of the spine, across the abdomen at the diaphragm, the limbs and over the body, not away from the body, the arms, the hands and shoulders, the neck, and we will bring better conditions for the body. 8. Conditions in throat and gums, and the general conditions of the body will improve. But use for the gums an equal combination of soda and salt as the massage, afterward rinsing the mouth with Listerine. Massage the gums inside and outside, and rinse the mouth with Listerine. Gargle with same and then with water. Even if some of this is swallowed it will aid in body conditions. 9. Every day or two take five to six drops of Glyco-Thymoline in the water as an intestinal antiseptic. 10. Do these and we will bring better conditions for body - the body will recuperate faster. 11. Ready for questions. 12. (Q) What can be done to make bowel movements normal? (A) We have been giving a lot to do here and these will make better conditions. Don't worry about it, just so there are activities daily. If needed use a gentle enema, rather than a cathartic, until all of these massages and activities have had the opportunity to bring reactions. 13. (Q) How can tendency to sleep lightly be overcome? (A) This will be overcome by the massages. We are through with this reading.

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REPORTS OF READING 3451-1 F 44 R1. 1/16/44 [3451]'s letter: Chicago 38, Illinois Dear Mr. Cayce: First, let me thank you for my physical reading. According to the suggestion I have been having spinal corrections by the Doctor suggested, Dr. D. Musselman, who found conditions exactly as described by you. Dr. Musselman seems to be a fine, conscientious person. I am following all advice given as closely as possible, however, Dr. Musselman believes I can only take spinal correction about twice a week, instead of daily as suggested by you. I am taking the daily bath which I follow with the oil massage. On the days I go to Dr. Musselman I precede his treatment with a professional Swedish Massage using my prescribed oils. This combination exhausts me very much and always leaves me with quite a severe headache starting at the base of the skull (I mean the combination of the professional massage and the Osteopathic treatment). Thus far I have not had much improvement in either the neck condition or the 6th and 7th dorsal area. In fact, this spinal area seems to be worse since treatment was begun. Also I have a stiffness across the lower back area that I did not experience at all until about 10 days ago. In view of the above, I am writing to ask if I can have an appointment for a check reading. We must be doing something wrong or not enough spinal corrections, either one might be the answer to my failure to respond better to treatment. I wish to say that the gum massage and gargle have had quick response in both gums and throat…. Gratefully yours, (Mrs.) [3451] R2. 2/6/44 [3451]'s letter: Dear Mr. Cayce: I wish to acknowledge yours of January 22nd, in which you give me February 18th, from 10: 30 to 11: 30 EWT for a check reading. I want to thank you for the appointment and I am looking forward to it with much interest. I have kept up the treatments but am not responding very well. During the last two weeks I have increased the number of adjustments and during this period have had nine either Osteopathic or Naprapathic treatments but am still without improvement in the dorsal areas mentioned, in arm, or neck, or shoulder. I started Osteopathic treatments with Dr. Musselman on Dec. 21, going twice a week ever since. Because I was not getting results, although Dr. Musselman and his associate worked very conscientiously on me, I last week commenced treatments also with a Naprapathic Doctor, Dr. Gregory Flores of 4548 N. Sheridan Road, Chicago. Members of the family have known Dr. Flores for many years and I have had treatments from him before, and I have the utmost confidence in him since I know how thorough and sincere a person he is. Dr. Flores and his wife are both Naprapaths. A week ago, when I first went to Dr. Flores, I told him about the book "There Is A River", explaining it was psychic diagnosis and when he said he would like to

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read it I brought him my copy - he hadn't heard of it before. On my visit to him last Saturday, the 4th, he had finished the book and was impressed with it, asked me if I knew anything about charges, etc., as he had a patient whom he would like to interest in a reading, - some particular difficulty in the case. I then asked if he would like to work with a reading and he said he would be very interested to do so, I then first told him I had had a reading - I wanted to be assured of his own interest in this direction before telling him of my reading. I will show him the reading on my next visit to him. I know Dr. Flores is deeply sincere in his own work, and he has a religious interest too, as he is a member of a bible class, which I learned when I tried to make a Sunday morning appointment and couldn't. I am mentioning this all about Dr. Flores because he is a Naprapath and I notice, from the cases I have read so far, Osteopathic adjustments are recommended. The Osteopathic treatment is more severe, while the Naprapathic is less severe but lasts longer, and the spinal technique is a little different. The Osteopathic is a much older school, while the man who founded Naprapathy is living here in Chicago. I cannot say whether one system is better than the other, each individual would judge according to his own results, and to date neither system has given me any marked results, which makes me think there is some other factor retarding progress. I will send in my questions next week and am keenly eager for my reading on the 18th. Mr. Cayce, I think you and your associates for the work you are carrying on and for your very kind cooperation in my behalf. Sincerely, (Mrs.) [3451] R3. 2/12/44 [3451]'s letter: Chicago 39, Ill. Dear Mr. Cayce: I am sending herewith the questions to be asked at my check reading on Friday, Feb. 18, from 10: 30 to 11: 30 A.M. EWT. I will be at home, address above, in meditation at the appointed hour. First let me say there has been a little improvement in my neck and right shoulder, not quite as painful as it was, although when I rotate my neck it still is stiff, and it grates and knicks. On Jan. 26th I washed some windows, on inside only, after which I couldn't use the right arm for any work for about ten days. Am again able to use the arm but was cautioned by Dr. Musselman 'no more windows' for the present, or any heavy work. The right shoulder joint and upper arm muscle is acutely painful during Osteopathic manipulation, as well as the dorsal region. All my aches and pains got much worse after treatment was started Dec. 21, as though they had been all stirred up. At time of first reading, Dec. 7th, I only occasionally had a backache in the lumbar region - since beginning of January this has and is becoming increasingly worse. Last Thursday, the 10th, I had a wonderful day until about 5 o'clock that evening. This day my back hardly ached at all, and it was such a relief! - my first day like this. That morning I had a slight warning of a headache and about after 3 o'clock the headache grew worse, accompanied by a feeling of nausea. On

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returning home at 5 o'clock I followed the usual procedure of doing what I could for the headache, and it left me between 8 and 9 o'clock that evening. I get this same type of headache every few weeks for the past 1 1/2 years, but last Thursday it was different in that it was of much shorter duration, once it lasted two days. I hope the reading will give some recommendations for this. The questions are as follows: 1. Are Osteopathic treatments being given correctly? (By Dr. Musselman) 2. Is there any involvement of glands of internal secretions - if so, what type of glandular product would help to get rid of my symptoms? (By Dr. Musselman's associate Doctor) 3. Are vitamins helpful in my case? 4. What are your diet recommendations for me? - I would welcome same. 5. Would electrical treatments be helpful and if so what kind? 6. Is my condition arthritis? 7. Is the healing and correction inside abdominal cavity, due to operation last Sept. 15th, progressing satisfactorily? 8. Will you tell me the cause and what to do to overcome the headache I have previously described? 9. Which system of treatment is better for me, Osteopathic or Naprapathic?... Gratefully yours, (Mrs.) [3451] R4. 2/18/44 See 3451-2. R5. 6/2/64 See letter under 3451-2 Reports indicating that prior to the reading 3451-1 she had undergone surgery for tumors and hysterectomy.

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INDEX OF READING 3451-2 F 45 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 7 Diet: Neuritis Par. 12-A Eliminations: Poor: Neuritis Par. 14-A Glands: Diet: Vitamins Par. 10-A, 11-A Headache: Lesions Par. 6 LESIONS NEURITIS Osteopathy: Lesions Par. 4, 5 Physiotherapy: Massage: Oils, Olive: Lesions Par. 4, 6 : Peanut Oil: Par. 4, 6 : Pine Needles Oil: Par. 4, 6 : Sassafras Oil: Par. 4, 6 : Usoline: Par. 4, 6 : Witchhazel: Par. 4, 6 Prescriptions: Atomidine: Glands Par. 10-A Surgery: Incisions: After Effects Par. 15-A BACKGROUND OF READING 3451-2 F 45 B1. See 3451-1. TEXT OF READING 3451-2 F 45 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 18th day of February, 1944. 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [3451], this we have had before. 3. As we find, there are improvements, yet some of the applications for the body have been rather strenuous. However, if these are taken advantage of now, they will prove most beneficial for the body. 4. We find that those treatments that have been indicated need to be kept up. Now we would put the osteopathic treatments only once a week, while the gentle massage with the oils should be kept every day or every other day at least, but gently.

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5. The corrections osteopathically have been needed, and they have been given very well. Now, if the proper precautions are kept, we will see the advantage of these and the help that will be brought. 6. The massage should keep down the headaches, and now the whole general strength of the body should begin to return. 7. The conditions which have arisen in the general nerve system, the imaginative system from the operative measures, are gradually being corrected. It will be some time before the nerve cellular forces and glands are entirely rid of the effect of the anesthesia, but this will gradually come with the loosening of the ganglia and centers. These treatments have been very well done and these should even hasten this reaction. 8. Then, keep that indicated. 9. Ready for questions. 10. (Q) Is there any involvement of glands? (A) The glands, of course, are affected; but as just indicated, these have been opened for corrections. About once a week we would take internally one drop of Atomidine in half a glass of water before the morning meal; just once a week, on the same day each week. 11. (Q) Are vitamins helpful in my case? (A) If the diet is kept well balanced, we find that the vitamins obtained from food values will be better than supplementary vitamins at this time. For with the recuperative forces we do not wish the glands and the secretions to become dependent upon superficial activity, other than that which is normal - but rather that there be the normal secretions from the functioning of the organs of the body. 12. (Q) What are your diet recommendations for me? (A) All of the foods that are yellow in color should be taken more abundantly. Fish, fowl and lamb. Never any fried foods. Have three vegetables grown above the ground to one under the ground. But especially have all the foods of the yellow variety; as squash, carrots, peaches, even those that are canned - if home canned, or without preservatives or colorings - are preferable. 13. (Q) Would electrical treatments be helpful? (A) Not just in the present. 14. (Q) Is my condition arthritis? (A) Not necessarily. It is neuritic at the present time. But with keeping up these applications we should increase the eliminations somewhat, by the manipulations and irrigations when necessary, and thus eliminate these from the system. 15. (Q) Is the healing and correction inside abdominal cavity, due to operation last September 15th, progressing satisfactory? (A) As indicated, yes. Do as outlined for better conditions for this body. We are through with this reading. EPORTS OF READING 3451-2 F 45 R1. 2/23/45 Inquiry Form returned from [3451] (after EC's death):

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R2. 6/2/64 [3451]'s letter to HLC: Mr. Hugh Lynn Cayce ARE Press Virginia Beach, Virginia Dear Mr. Cayce: I have just finished reading your find book Venture Inward for the first time and I want to thank you and tell you that it has meant a great deal to me. I am happy to know the work of investigation and publication of the Edgar Cayce records goes on. In 1944, probably February, I had the good fortune to have a physical reading by Mr. Cayce. This was several months after an operation for tumors and hysterectomy, which left me in a very nervous state. Besides Osteopathic adjustment to a certain vertebra, the Reading suggested massage, giving me the prescription for a mixture of six ingredients. There also were other suggestions. I followed all of the reading faithfully for many months and recovered completely from the jittery, nervous state I had been in. I guarded my copy of the reading these many years during which time I moved around considerably, and I still had it in Mexico when I was preparing to move back to the States last October. While reading your book I wanted to go back and reread my Reading, and for the first time in all these years it is not where it has always been kept. However, I do have a copy of the massage oil, and three other suggestions. During the past ten years I have had three serious health problems and for the past two years I have gone hither and yon seeking help for Arthritis of the Spine and Osteoporosis of the Hip. Since I believe in the power of prayer I have not given up although I walk with a cane and am very restricted in what I am able to do, and I can walk very little even with the cane. Like thousands of others I wish there might be someone with the great gift of Edgar Cayce. Since reading your book, I wonder if any material has been printed from the readings dealing with Arthritis. I know the readings are very individual, but I would like to read anything at all on the subject that you have gathered. Years ago I had a considerable number of mimeographed copies on various subjects taken from the Readings. Do you still have these, and if so, could I please have a list of your publications? I would like to inquire, if I may, is there today a clairvoyant that can gave physical readings along the same lines as did Edgar Cayce? If there is such a person, I would be very interested to have a reading. I liked especially your references to prayer and prayer groups in your book, Mr. Cayce. It is so easy to take prayer lightly and get wrapped up in the material world, even the world of hospitals and medicines, and your book brings thought back to spiritual awareness. Thank you again for a fine book. I am grateful that my sister in Chattanooga brought it to my attention. I would like to order book #2 on A Search For God, I have the first book. Sincerely, [3451]

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INDEX OF READING 3842-1 F 28 [edited]

Adhesions: Lesions Par. 7


Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 7

Appliances: Wet Cell: Debilitation: General Par. 8


Diet: Assimilations: Debilitation: General Par. 11 : Blood-Building Par. 11

Healing: Spiritual Par. 2

Nerves: Debilitation: General Par. 4--6


Physiotherapy: Massage: Swedish: Assimilations Par. 11

Prescriptions: Alcohol, Grain: Debilitation: General Par. 9, 10

Surgery: After Effects Par. 7

TEXT OF READING 3842-1 F 28 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 22nd day of July, 1931.

1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [3842] and those conditions and those circumstances as surround the physical forces of this body. Too bad that these haven't been had before! 2. In the general physical forces, these we find show at the present rather a complication of disorders. While these are of a very serious nature, as we find, will there be AWAKENED in the mental being the wholehearted desire, and the wholehearted desire to LIVE FOR something, these conditions may be changed, where a little later we may bring about the near normal conditions for the body. This will require patience, persistence, on the part of the body, and the DOING of many things WITH FAITH. 3. In the physical forces, or conditions, we find as this: 4. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this we find deficient, not only from the hindrances in the subjugation of the nerve forces in system as are active with brain - which have been depleted to such a manner as to deaden the body, to cause the over amount of the red blood to be used up - but there is a natural tendency for the excess of white, though not always excess of leucocyte IN the white; and a division of the red blood supply prevents many of the organs and the glands, with their functionings, to be deficient in supplying NUTRIMENT to the system; this lacking in (that is, the nutriment) stamen, stability of activities, with EXCESS activities in some directions.

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5. IN THE NERVE FORCES, these we find in an almost shattered condition, with little reflex other than that that BECOMES of a mechanical way or nature in its activity. Not that the body is a whole invalid, understand - but that the depleted conditions are such that the sheer activities are on nerve ENDS, as it were; ENERGY rather than nerve pushes or carries the forces forward in the general body. This, however, as related to being able to accomplish much for self, is - and makes for - a MENTAL reaction in the sympathetic NOT always good. 6. As to specific centers, or to specific organs as are deteriorated, or deteriorating in their activity FROM nerve exhaustion, these are more specific in those of the lacteals and the glands that make for EMUNCTORY reaction - see? Now, that doesn't necessarily mean just those in the digestive organism, or those in the liver, spleen, or the pancreas, that have so MUCH to do with supplying OF nutriment to that portion of the digestive system; but more as a GENERAL deterioration. Hence the conditions where the body, with exhaustion, has temperature without cause; portions of the body seem to stop functioning, as with the kidneys or the liver, or even with the locomotion at times, dryness of the throat, the diaphragm, those as appear in the head and neck, shoulders, arms - ALL suffer from the EMUNCTORY reaction, emunctory centers; arm pits, elbows, knees, in the torso of the body - ALL, as well as those in specific centers. 7. IN THE FUNCTIONING ORGANS THEMSELVES, here we find that all FUNCTION, but under a stress and strain. This condition, as we find, arose from poisons in the assimilating system, that has carried into the system those forces as had to do with the creating of too much potashes in the system. Hence the breaking down, or the exhaustion as came about in so many portions of the system. Those that have been added to; that is, the applications - where subjugations - when the brain forces were made nil in their activity for operative forces, to remove portions of the organisms of the body; poor coagulation has been the result, and while healing has gone on in a manner externally, those of the lesions or adhesions that have formed make for a great deal of scar tissue that becomes harmful to the body. 8. In meeting, then, the conditions in the present, and in going about to establish that in the physical forces of this body, [3842] we are speaking of, we would first add those of the iodine to the system - through the low form of electrical vibration. Do not add same at such periods, or for such length periods, as to overbalance the circulation - see; that is, when the pulsation or heart's action becomes fast; there will be one period - or a period - when it may be found that she may be able to take same for twenty minutes, again for thirty minutes, and then there will be periods found when not five or ten minutes may be long, or sufficiently long for the body to take same. When this is applied - and this should be charged before it is given to the body, see - this would be applied to the 4th cervical center, and the umbilicus center - to the left and lower portion of same; attaching the application, or the applicator or anode, to the cervical center first, and to the umbilicus center last - see? 9. We would then also give those properties internally, compounded - see, compounded - as from this; these put together in the order and in the manner as is given:

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10. To 1/2 gallon of distilled water, add Wild Cherry Bark 6 ounces. Reduce this by simmering, not boiling, to 1/2 the quantity - see? This to be as the carrier, though made into this form first - see?

Then add: Simple Syrup............4 ounces, Compound Sarsaparilla (Syrup)...1/2 ounce, Tincture of Stillingia..........1/2 ounce, Essence, or Tincture of Wild Ginseng (not tame)...........1/4 ounce, Essence of Yellow Dock Root.....1/4 ounce, Essence of, or Tincture of Indian Turnip............10 minims.

When these have been added, heat to the boiling point - but DO NOT allow same to boil, see, and have this in an earthen or ENAMEL container, rather than in tin or of other metals - see? Then add to same and let it cool, not below ninety degrees - or a hundred degrees, before these are added: 10% solution Iodide of Potash....40 minims, 10% solution Bromide of Potash...20 minims, Grain alcohol (90 proof)..........6 ounces. Now the dose of this will be teaspoonful four times each day. Shake the compound together before the dose is taken, and TAKE the whole quantity - not at once, but as the doses go, see? before each meal and before retiring. 11. We would also, after there has been the reactions from this - which would require three to five days - begin with a massage that will make for ASSIMILATIONS in the system. Do not MAKE corrections in the cerebro-spinal system. Let's have that as has started to build to work upon; and we would give a diet that is easily assimilated - that is, do not eat pies, do not take soda drinks or carbonated drinks. We would take all the olive oil we are able to assimilate, in very small doses. This may be taken two, three, four, five times each day - half a teaspoonful, see? Let the diet be that as is nerve and blood building. Let it be composed of - at least once each week - tripe, liver, cod liver, fish liver, hog liver, pig liver, calf liver - any of those - at least once or twice each week, see? and vegetables and fruits, as plenty of celery and the leafy vegetables. If cabbage is taken let it be raw, rather than cooked. Lentils, beans, peas, spinach, celery, lettuce, and the like. Fruits - pears; no apples; cherries, BERRIES - provided they grow off of ground, not ON the ground - these would be the better….

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INDEX OF READING 3984-1 M 46 Air: Oxygen: Cancer Par. 2, 5-A Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 1, 2, 7-A Ash: Animated: Cancer Par. 2, 5-A CANCER Electrotherapy: Ultra-Violet Light: Cancer Par. 2, 5-A Glands: Thyroid: Purpura Par. 8-A Names: People Mentioned: Goetz, Harry M. Par. B1, R1 : Kahn, David E. Par. R1 : Levy, Al J. Par. B1 Prophecy: Prognosis: Cancer Par. 3, 7-A PURPURA Speech: Impaired: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 7-A BACKGROUND OF READING 3984-1 M 46 B1. 7/1/32 Harry Goetz' letter to EC: RELIANCE PICTURES, INC, 1776 Broadway, New York, N.Y., Circle 7-6114, HARRY M. GOETZ President and Treasurer, EDWARD SMALL Vice-President and Secretary Dear Mr. Cayce: I would like to have a reading on [3984] - Date of birth - June 29, 1886. This reading is requested by Mr. Al J. Levy who is a member of the Association. Mr. [3984] is one of his closest friends and has been quite ill for the past few years. Attached herewith is a list of questions which I would like to have answered. Please mail the original copy of this reading directly to me, as I do not want him to see it, except through me. I know that you will be busy with your annual meeting over the Fourth, but I am hopeful that this reading can be for as soon after Tuesday as possible, and you need not wire to confirm the date, but just go ahead with the reading, as Mr. [3984] will be at his home at all times after Monday. As this is a rather difficult and troublesome case, I would like to ask that you have Miss Davis or Mrs. Cayce ask any additional questions that occur to them during the course of the reading.

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Mr. [3984] has, in my mind a malignant growth of some kind an if there is any possible way to help him, we would like to do so. There is no one who will tell us, or perhaps can tell us, just what his ailment is and I am hopeful that we will get not only a complete diagnosis, but a suggested remedy. With many thanks and kindest regards and hoping that your meeting will be a successful one, believe me, Sincerely, [signed] H. M. Goetz TEXT OF READING 3984-1 M 46 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Va. Beach, Va., this 5th day of July, 1932, in accordance with request made by his close friend, Mr. Al J. Levy, through Mr. H. M. Goetz. 1. EC: Yes. Now, as we find, conditions are rather serious for this body. While, as we find, there will be a reviving from those conditions produced by the effect of the anaesthetic on the respiratory system, which produces great pain through the chest and upper portion of the abdomen, from the effects of strangulations by those gases, as well as the effect upon the system, these have - THROUGH their repressions - dilated those tissues that were already under suppressions through the weakening of the walls of the blood vessels, as well as impulse in the nerve centers or courses that accompany the blood supply, to such an extent that it will be found hard to produce the proper coagulation in neck and in the glands of same so that there will be any permanent relief or stoppage of the draining of vitality from the system, by the loss of not only that vitale in the plasm of the blood itself that is the leucocyte or the urea in same, but also the weakness in the supplying elements from the blood supply as to create same. 2. While these may respond, WE would find - that is, while they will still respond, see - we would find that by the use of more oxygen in the system, which may be taken through the oxygen tanks, as well as the releasing of same by taking the animated ash with the addition of the ultra-violet over those portions of the system - not direct on the incision or injured portions themselves, but rather from where the supply of blood is governed by the ganglia of the nerve system that carry it in its circulation through the portion - THESE would aid, will there be sufficient of the assimilated forces IN the body as to aid in bringing about that which will assist in creating the necessary coagulating forces to war against these drainages that are produced by this thinning of the walls of the veins and arteries that have received such an enormous set-back by the conditions that have existed in the system for times back, and have become so much accentuated by the necessity of the strangulation of same through the anaesthesia and the gases taken, and of the incisions themselves. 3. These we would give until at least there is seen a return of the vitality for the strengthening of system, or until there is seen no need of same. This should be seen within the next seven days. He will either live then, after that, or no. 4. Ready for questions.

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5. (Q) How should the animated ash be taken and in what quantity? (A) We would use the oxygen that is supplied through the regular channels for inhalation of same, see? We would also take the animated ash - an eighth grain twice a day - placed on the tongue loose and swallowed down with a little water. We would apply the ultra-violet light thirty minutes after each dose, to the lower cervical and upper dorsal area direct - from one to one and a half minutes, at least thirty-eight inches from the body - the heavy light, not the hand ultra-violet. 6. (Q) What about the diet? (A) That is doing very well. That most easily assimilated is best presently. 7. (Q) Will my speech be permanently effected as the result of my last operation? (A) That depends upon (in this physical experience) the reactions that may come in the system. Should the body survive the period of the seven days, then we would give further instructions. As seen, this is NOT - as at present - a malignant condition, but if there is the inability to produce the proper character of coagulation this becomes even more of a SEVERE nature than the period as might be from the wholly malignant condition. This has been, and is, a CHARACTER of sarcoma, but not in the nature that it has grown in itself, other than the inability to produce permanent coagulation. Oxygen is the only thing we will find, in its forms, that may aid. 8. (Q) What is the direct cause of the ailment? (A) Thinning of the walls of the veins and arteries, as affect the glands in the throat, the muscle and tissue, that allowed these to form into pockets, that made for a continual DRAINING of same WITHOUT the ability of the body through its muscular reaction to draw back into circulation those that became deaden or leaden forces by passing from the regular circulation. Do these as we have outlined. Then in that period as given, will this response be found, there MAY be aid still with or for the system. We are through.

REPORTS OF READING 3984-1 M 46 R1. 7/6/32 EC's letter to Goetz: Mr. H. M. Goetz, Reliance Pictures, Inc., 1776 Broadway New York, N.Y. My dear Mr. Goetz: - As you already know, the information was gotten for Mr. [3984] yesterday. It appeared so serious that we thought it expedient to phone you immediately the gist of that obtained. I really did not know just what a sarcoma was until it appeared in this information and I had occasion to look it up. We have probably had such conditions before, but I don't remember a case exactly like this one. I hope it will be possible for Mr. [3984] to have the advantage of these treatments. It is often very hard, where conditions are so critical, to induce others to even give such information a second thought. May the Lord speed the day when there may be a place where such conditions may be cared for, under conscientious supervision. From past experience, I feel that much could be accomplished in that way. Dave Kahn can tell you about the ash and what it has meant to his mother. More than two years ago one of the best physicians in New York said she could not live a week. He told me the other day she is in as good health as she has been in many years. I know that he and the rest of the family attribute this to the use of the ash. That this is suggested in Mr. [3984]'s case, with other forms of oxygen, seems to indicate his condition is very serious. Let's hope something may be done.

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Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 13 Ash: Animated: Tumors Par. 15, 19-A, 23-A Assimilations: Eliminations: Asthenia Par. 21-A, 23-A ASTHENIA: SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS Diet: Sea Foods: Conch Soup Par. 21-A : Surgery: After Effects Par. 21-A Electrotherapy: Infra-Red: Tumors Par. 12, 15, 22-A, 23-A : Ultra-Violet Light: Par. 15, 22-A, 23-A Glands: Tumors Par. 4, 13 Neurasthenia: Asthenia Par. 3, 4 Osteopathy: Asthenia Par. 13, 16 SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS TUMORS TEXT OF READING 4791-1 M 35 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 35th day of January, 1931. 1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [4791]. Now, we find there are many contributory conditions to the distresses that are at times produced in the physical functioning of the body. Many of these have been builded in the system through the application, or non-application (in the proper manner), of those things for corrections in the system. 2. The conditions, then, are somewhat complex in their nature, but these are the conditions as we find them with this body, [4791] we are speaking of, present in this room. 3. THE BLOOD SUPPLY shows the lack of an even balance, both by the quantity that HAS been lost - or changed by the system - and the manner in which the conditions in the physical forces at present have to do with the assimilations as they are carried on. Not, then, as a humor; not as those conditions as destructive, but RATHER the lack of the constructive elements in the life giving blood force itself, so that vitality or energy that should be stored in the system is lacking; so that at the periods - in the present - when there comes the whole collapse of the nerve system, this is as much from the inability of the system to store energy as from specific or direct causes in other directions.

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4. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, we find there are evidences of this disorder in the resuscitating forces for the general system; that is, from the blood supply to rebuild, so that nerve centers that should govern impulses through the sympathetic system - as well as those through nerve energy - govern the functioning of glands even themselves, which is one of the contributing causes, or a great contributing cause to the disorder. Glands functioning in an abnormal manner make for growths that are out of the ordinary, and abnormal for the body. 5. IN THE FUNCTIONING ORGANS THEMSELVES, brain forces - the differentiations or impulses are normal, save when there comes those repressions that are seen in the nerve system, through the inability of the body to keep its even balance, as is seen in the functioning of the system as related to keeping its equilibrium and its activity in normalcy during such periods. 6. In the functioning of the organs of the sensory system, these become accentuated at times through the over-activity of the sensory forces through sympathetic impulses; so that abnormalcy in these directions occurs at periods; not at given or stated periods, for they may alter in the manner in which impulses reach the system. 7. Throat, bronchials and larynx, are very good considering the general condition. 8. Heart's action abnormal under the blood flow or pressure that is abnormal. 9. Digestive system - where conditions have been in a disordered system, as have the organs of digestion as related to the excretory forces and the forces that produce for assimilation, these rather show an EXAGGERATED condition, as do the digestive forces as related to the intestinal system. 10. The whole condition, then, as we find, presents an unbalanced, unequalized condition in the system; so that the hindrances from the exaggerations in the functioning organs, the hindrances for the system as being able to store energy, become RESULTANT conditions - through variations in the functioning. 11. In meeting, then, the needs of the conditions - for, as we find, these may be met, will the various conditions that appear - in their various stages of assistance and aid for the body - be met, and the changes be made to meet the various needs. 12. First there should be applied those conditions that will aid the bone structures in system in creating the blood supplies that will be properly balanced in its action through the system, which would be through the Infra Red nature - so that the soft portion in bone is aided in the nerves' reaction WITH the assimilations for creating a bettered blood supply. 13. At the same activity, or during the same period, there should be the creating in the system of more oxygen to aid in the system's rebuilding. At the same time, with the adding of this, it will reduce the activity of the glands - which have been thrown OUT of balance through the operative forces, through the suppression or hypnosis of the body in operative forces and measures - and cleanse the system of the scar tissue through the blood stream. Also we would add manipulative forces that would create an equal balance in the body. 14. Those measures taken, then, would be:

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15. Infra Red at least twice each week. The ultra violet for the superficial forces, that produce activity with the medicated ash, would be taken twice each week. After the SECOND dose of the medicated ash is taken, the Infra Red would be taken only once each week. 16. The manipulative forces, to create an equal balance and an equal condition in the body, at least twice each week. 17. Do that. We will find the bettered conditions gradually building in the body. 18. There has been given that conditions should adjust themselves, yet the continued depletion, the continued reactions as to prevent strength and vitality, INDICATE that the assimilations are unbalanced. Ready for questions. 19. (Q) What dosage of medicated ash? (A) One-quarter grain twice each week. 20. (Q) How long should this treatment be continued? (A) As has been indicated, we will find there will be the necessity of changes as conditions are altered or changed in the system. This specific outline that has been given should be followed for at least five to six weeks. 21. (Q) Any advice regarding diet? (A) Necessary that those conditions from which the body has suffered, as respecting the digestion, the organs themselves, be taken into consideration. Keep those foods nearer of an alkalin reaction, and that are of easy assimilation - though blood and nerve building, adding plenty of those foods that carry the phosphorus. This is an indication or a condition wherein the conch would be excellent for a portion of the diet. Conch soup or conch broth. 22. (Q) How long should the Infra and the ultra violet be given each time? (A) The Infra Red at least for thirty minutes - twenty to thirty minutes in the beginning. The ultra violet from three to five minutes, but at least forty inches from the body. 23. (Q) Where should these be applied? (A) The Infra Red will be for the GENERAL system, especially the pulmonary or the rib portion, and the whole torso of the body. The ultra violet should be above or opposite the solar plexus center, from which the radial forces come to the digestive organs, the liver, the spleen, and react in blood building; for the medicated ash in the system will only react in its PROPER courses for the releasing of oxygen with the activity of the ultra violet, one being positive the other negative releases oxygen in the system, releasing those conditions that have been forming as sacs or puses in the body. Keep the bowels open, to be sure, so that the eliminations are normal. These will be found necessary especially as conditions are where that drainages are set up, so that the tissues that are dissolved are acted upon by the lymph in the system being created to a greater extent. Do that, and we will find that conditions in five to six weeks will be so beneficial that those changes may be given that will be of much EASIER application. We are through for the present.

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INDEX OF READING 4999-1 F 60 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 11 Diet: Neuritis Par. 10 Doctors: Threlkeld: D.0. Reports ELIMINATIONS: POOR: NEURITIS Healing Par. 4 : Consistency & Persistency Par. 6 Heart: Spine: Subluxations Par. 5 Hypertension Reports NEURITIS Osteopathy: Neuritis Par. 9 Physiology & Anatomy Par. 4, 11 : Neuritis Par. 5 Physiotherapy: Packs: Epsom Salts: Neuritis Par. 7 Prescriptions: Occy-Crystine: Neuritis Par. 8 Sin: Omission Par. 4 BACKGROUND OF READING 4999-1 F 60 B1. 12/28/27 Letter from [4999]: "...I am a woman 60 years old and a physical wreck. The doctors, surgeons, hospitals, sanitariums, etc., have taken their toll for ten years and I just grow worse all the time and am unfitted for any of the duties of life. Now I think after reading this literature that God has sent it to me in answer to prayer for help…

B2. 1/5/28 Letter from [4999]: "...I am a physical wreck and need help so bad and I felt that perhaps this was an answer to prayer for help because I have had doctor after doctor. Surgeons have operated on me and it seems half my time is spent in sanitariums and hospitals, so I am hoping you can help me..."

B3. 1/16/28 Letter from [4999]: "...I wrote you after I had your letter and literature, but I haven't had time to hear from you yet; but in the meantime I am being tortured with neuritis until I am nearly crazy and it is affecting my heart and I am so in hopes I can get some help from you….

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TEXT OF READING 4999-1 F 60 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 21st day of January, 1928. 2. EC: Yes. Now we find there are many factors having to do with the conditions that are troublesome in the physical forces of this body, and many of these - in fact most of these - may be eliminated from the system. While those conditions that are troublesome to the body at the present time are the effects of disorders and disturbances as have been created or existent in the system in various forms for some time, yet - as is seen - these conditions have become so accentuated as to bring great distress at this time. Hence the effects, as well as the cause, must be taken into consideration, would we bring about better conditions for the body. As is evidenced by the effects produced in the body, these specifics at the present time have much to do, from the effect of disturbed or improper eliminations for the system. 3. In giving the history of the conditions existent would be to give practically the whole effect that of improper meeting the needs of detrimental conditions that might have, in the main, been eliminated easily; by taking the wrong road for effecting the curative forces within the body - but that desired, that needed, that expedient at the present time is to meet the needs of the immediate conditions. Hence these will be considered and taken care of first. 4. In beginning, let this body - and all others for that matter - make sure of this: Unless it be for a removal of conditions that have become acute by neglect or other causes of the same nature, all curative forces must be from within self and are of the whole of a physical being; for the human anatomical body is as the working of a perfect whole of a piece of machinery, and that - kept in the proper working order - will perform the function of not only furnishing its own fuel for operation but supply that necessary for replenishing that fuel would the body supply same with foods that will build in the system in proper proportions to that needed from within. 5. Now, in this particular case we find there are disturbances in the coordination between the eliminating centers or organs of the body; the liver at times, the kidneys at others, the capillary at another, the respiratory system or that to be thrown off through the intake - or inhale and exhale - at another. Hence, these not coordinating in their proper way, build to the detriment of one or the other, or of all, by leaving in the system that which produces a pressure on some portion of the nerve system, causing the inflammation in the tissue or tendon of an extremity, or through various portions of the system. As here, we find those producing not so much in the extremities that becomes worrisome, as to the intercostal nerve centers radiating from the brachial plexus; for the head, neck, arms, and the intercostal centers, are radiated from this plexus. Hence we find in this particular instance that center that is affected is directly from the plexus of the cardiac intercostal radiating from the center that is governed through the hypogastric and pneumogastric junctures. These then being as poisons left in system, prevent the proper capillary and respiratory circulation, for the heart's action is disturbed - though this may not bring any great trouble, save that of worry and suspense; for this is not the organ itself, but rather the centers of the

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nerve system that radiate through the region about the heart in the body, than in internal organs. This pressure in the portion of body to the right of the umbilicus leaves pressure by the prevention of proper circulation - nerve and lymphatic, through this region. This being hindered produces pressure on the secondary cardiac plexus that gives this meaning to the intercostal nerve centers, and those of the brachial plexus and neck region. 6. These are conditions, then, to be met immediately; yet, as these are effects and not causes as are being met, only a portion of the cause may be met at the present time. To relieve the conditions, this will require a great deal of persistent and consistent effort on the part of the body to bring about the proper reactions in the system, though these may be brought about in a little while would these conditions be applied to the body. 7. First in the brachial plexus region, radiating then from the lower nerves - that is, across the shoulders down to below the shoulder blades - apply saturated solution of Epsom Salts as hot as the body is able to keep on same, see? Wring cloths out of this solution and apply. Keep this up until relief is brought, which should occur in eight to nine hours - for this comes and goes, see? 8. Then begin immediately - while this is being taken - to take those properties internally of Occy-Crystine, using half teaspoonful first in glass and a half of water, gradually increasing the dose every day or two until two teaspoonsful may be taken in four glasses of water - and drink PLENTY of water, see? Use this until the system is thoroughly cleansed internally, see? 9. After the condition is lessened, begin with deep manipulation, osteopathically given - a general treatment every other day, and the specific treatment in the region of the lower cervical, the upper dorsal and the sacral and lumbar. These would be given together (the general and the specific treatment), that the whole system may be aroused to better elimination and better relaxation. 10. Do not eat meats! Eat vegetables, fruits and nuts, and let at least two raw vegetables be eaten each day - alternating or changing between these, see? 11. After this has been kept up some thirty days we would give that to bring about the near normal conditions for the body. Many changes have been set up in system through those conditions acted upon by the recuperation of the body from subluxation of the nerve system through these of narcotics in the form of etherization, and the effects produced within the body in many instances, as seen, are the effects of the system (physically) having to set up other passages of not only elimination but of cleansing the system of drosses as are created by the functioning of various organs that produce certain powers within the system, as is seen by the various glands that have been affected by the operation and by the cutting off of circulation through those channels. As given in the first, each portion of a machine is or may be termed a particular part with its particular function to perform. When any portion is hindered in that, unless there is added to proper things or proper elements and proper conditions to the system to meet the needs of the condition, the body or the machine must suffer therefrom - but be persistent with this as is begun, and follow these closely - even with the condition existent, the age, and ALL - much strength, much life, much vitality, much good may be accomplished through this body, [4999]. We are through.

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REPORTS OF READING 4999-1 F 60 R1. 1/25/28 Letter from [4999]: "...Your reading came to me Monday...and I thank you so much. I took it down to Dr. Threlkeld, an osteopath that has been treating me two and three times each week for eight months, and he said he never saw a more perfect diagnosis and he has been working with me all this time but we don't seem to get anywhere; but I am hoping that with the addition of Occy-Crystine that we will get better results. I haven't eaten any red meat for years for am troubled with high blood pressure, but have been eating the white meat of chicken, turkey, etc. I will eat the nuts instead and see if that will help. My shoulders were getting better when your letter came for as you say that comes and goes - but the pain between the hips never goes - it's always there and I wear a heavy leather belt with pad in back around my hips in order to walk to do any good. Can't ride in an automobile either - the jar of the car makes my whole back ache. "I will write you again after I have tried this out and let you give another reading... "The reading seems to fit my case and also coincides with the diagnosis of different doctors, but especially an osteopath. I will carry out your suggestions to the best of my ability..." R2. 2/23/28 Letter from [4999]: "...I finished my 30 days treatment, as you advised, yesterday. I have been sick so much that I missed a few osteopathic treatments. Was in bed from those terrible heart attacks, too weak to stand the treatments. My heart races so fast that I have no pulse and sometimes it is 24 hours before we can get it to slow and it leaves me so exhausted. "I followed the diet, only I can't seem to digest nuts at all. I haven't improved, but very little if any at all. At times the neuritis is better and then if I go for a little ride it starts that pain in the lower part of my back and then the whole back hurts. I am sending you an application, with $10.00, for another reading. Maybe we can get a little farther with this. I would be so grateful if you would give it to me as soon as you can do so conveniently. I haven't written you for so much of the time I didn't feel well enough... "I am going to continue the treatments, diet, and medicine until I hear from you..." See 4999-2 for hypertension and neuritis.

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Anesthesia: After Effects: Asthenia Par. 4 : SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS Diet: Beef Juice: Asthenia Par. 8 Doctors Suggested: Ober, V.H.: D.O. Par. 13 Electrotherapy: X-Ray: Spleen: Engorgement Par. 12 Humor Par. 17-A Liver: Kidneys: Circulation: Poor Par. 4 Osteopathy: Asthenia Par. 11 Prescriptions: Kaldak: Asthenia Par. 10 Prophecy: Prognosis: Spleen: Engorgement Par. 18-A SPLEEN: ENGORGEMENT Surgery: After Effects Par. 4 BACKGROUND OF READING 5051-1 M 38 B1. Born 2/26/06 in Virginia; married; 2 children; part-owner of farm; Baptist. Mr. [5051] was a native Virginian, having lived in the Tidewater area all his life…. B2. 5/3/44 Case history and questions submitted previous to reading: "I have been sick since August 1943. I have been operated on three times, and don't seem to be getting any better at all. I have lost between 60 and 75 pounds during this time. (1) What hospital should I go to? (2) Should I be operated on again? (3) What doctors would you recommend and where are they? (4) How long, if I do as you say, would it be before I should begin to see improvement?" [Additional questions submitted are at end of Physical Reading.] TEXT OF READING 5051-1 M 38 (Farmer, Baptist) This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 3rd day of May, 1944. 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [5051]. 3. As we find there are rather serious disturbances with this body. There is so little resistance upon which to build. It is the lack of the assimilations necessary for vital energies to aid the body in overcoming the subjugation of all the nerve forces of the body.

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4. There are disturbances having to do with the circulation between the liver and the kidneys. These are the sources of the conditions. The complications arising from the operative measures and the effects of the anaesthesia upon the nervous system have been and are the greater distresses to the body in the present. 5. We find the lack of ability for the proper activities of liver, gall duct, pancreas and the spleen - because of the engorgement there. This is the greater disorder in the body. If there are not measures taken to correct the disturbance in spleen as related to shock from operative measures, we find that recuperation or normalcy will not be possible in this particular period of sojourn. 6. Then, as we find, these we would do: 7. In the diet there should be only predigested foods or those easily assimilated by the body. 8. Give the body pure beef juice as medicine. Give one teaspoonful every eight hours, but let this be sipped - it is not to be gulped. This should be allowed to work with the flow of the saliva, as well as with the conditions in upper portion of stomach, and through the esophagus and the duodenum. Hold it in the mouth, you see, a sip at a time, and allow it to be assimilated by the body before it is swallowed. 9. Not that these are the only foods to be taken, but these should be stressed in the diet. Give the body all characters of foods that it will take, but especially the strength-building foods easily assimilated; for unless there is strength given, and unless there is a change between - or in the activities between the spleen, the liver and kidneys, this can't remain the same. 10. Each day use KalDak as a malted milk. Dissolve a level teaspoonful in a little hot water and then fill the tumbler or glass with whole milk. Let this be taken during the day. 11. Do begin with the relaxing treatments osteopathically, stimulating the emptying of the gall duct - not attempting to empty, but stimulating the emptying of the gall duct, the pancreas and the spleen to work with the assimilating system. 12. Do add the X-Ray treatments for the liver, the kidneys and the disturbance in the bladder and the prostate areas. These, then, would be given over the area of the kidneys from the back one time, and the next time over the liver and gall duct area. These we would give about once or twice a week. 13. For these treatments we would use Ober. 14. These, as we find, offer the greater help for this body. 15. Do these. 16. Ready for questions. 17. (Q) Should I keep going to same doctors? (A) If you want to die! 18. (Q) How long before improvements could be seen, if I do as you say? (A) We should begin to see improvements by the second or third treatment, if there is response to be had for this body. 19. (Q) Is the condition cancerous? (A) Not necessarily cancerous.

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Do the things indicated, if we would bring even the possibilities of recuperation. 20. We are through with this reading. REPORTS OF READING 5051-1 M 38 R1. 5/16/44 Dr. Ober's letter: "Mr. [5051] and Mrs. [2914] came to my office a few days ago, saying they were referred by you. This adds 2 more names to the long list whom you have already referred. I shall do my best to cooperate with you and give them the relief which they seek..." R2. 10/27/44 Deceased. R3. 9/10/52 Questionnaire-letter sent to Dr. Ober. R4. 9/12/52 Dr. Ober's reply to letter-questionnaire: "In reply to your letter received yesterday, we have checked the history of Mr. [5051], and find that he came in to our office on May 8, 1944, and did not return."

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INDEX OF READING 5088-1 F 67 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 3 Appliances: Wet Cell: Melancholia Par. 3 MELANCHOLIA Nerves: Rebuilding: Melancholia Par. 3 NERVOUS SYSTEMS: INCOORDINATION: MELANCHOLIA Prophecy: Prognosis: Melancholia Par. 4 BACKGROUND OF READING 5088-1 F 67 B1. Born 6/21/1876 in Ohio; widow; 2 children; occupation not indicated. B2. 5/10/43 Sister's letter: "I have read the book 'There Is A River', and am deeply impressed and am writing to ask how I can get your help for my sister, Mrs. [5088] who has been mentally ill, following a gall bladder operation for 7 years. Previous to this operation, she was a well balanced, normal happy woman with an interest in many things, and a happy home life and 2 children. Two years ago her husband died, and even that affected her very little. She has been in 3 different sanatoriums and at present is at ..., Conn. She shows no interest in anything and insists upon sitting in a room alone, and at times even refusing to eat. She has had different treatments and responded only slightly to any of them. The doctors have never been able to find any cause or reason for her condition, and have said her brain cells have not been affected. I believe now, that only someone like you can penetrate the veil, and I believe sincerely in your power. I am willing and anxious to know what I can do, and will write you in detail when I hear from you. Please consider my sister's case. She was a good and beautiful woman and dearly loved by many people." B3. 8/17/43 Sister's letter: "Several weeks ago, after reading 'There Is A River' I wrote Mr. Cayce regarding my sister, Mrs. [5088] who is in a mental institution. He was kind enough to reply and also... As my sister is having special treatment, I thought perhaps it was better to wait until the doctors had finished before having a reading. However, since then, I have talked to Mrs. [2785]'s daughter of Virginia Beach, and she has advised me to put both my sister's and my own application on file immediately... Next week I expect to visit my sister at ..., Conn., and will then ask her to sign an application for her membership... She will endeavor to be receptive, I am sure, and I will go to Hartford to be with her at the time of her reading. It can be arranged in the afternoon. My sister is in need of help much more than I, and I would prefer that she have the first available time."

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B4. 1/26/44 Letter from sister: "...I am still distressed about my sister, and she is gradually losing ground... Although I am still in pain a lot of the time myself, I will gladly wait until May if something can be done sooner for sister. I wrote you in May that the doctors agreed that the brain cells had not been effected in my sister's mental condition. Therefore a cure might take place any time but so far none of them, and there have been many, have been able to help her. I asked her to sign the application, and when she asked what it was, I told her some good people were willing to pray for her recovery, and I would like to have her join their Association. She was quite agitated about it, but was willing to do it, although her signature shows her agitation. My sister has always been psychic, and I believe will respond to your suggestions..." TEXT OF READING 5088-1 F 67 (Presbyterian) This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 16th day of May, 1944, in accordance with request made by sister - Mrs. [5087]. 2. EC: Yes. Here as we find is a very sad plight. These connections in nervous system might have been materially aided when first occurred, but as we find in the areas of the 9th dorsal and in the sacral and iliac plexus there are no connections with impulses, or sympathetic nervous system and the cerebrospinal system. While there are not the reactions which cause activities of raving, from brain reflexes, there are rather the reactions of being quite sullen. Not sullen in the sense as to take vengeance, but as to being left alone. 3. There are not the broken flexes in the brain, as of softening of same, but there are no connections to be made unless long treatments were given where there might be builded nerve ends, through the application of low electrical forces as from the Wet Cell Appliance carrying gold, that would build, as it were, nerve ends so as to form, in those areas as indicated, connections in nerve plasm. These have been destroyed by subjugation; that is, under the effect of the kind of anaesthesia used on this body. 4. Would there be such as this used for a period of a year to 18 months, we might find a great deal of difference. We would have periods of distractions, but these might bring changes, but time is too short for this. 5. We are through with this reading. REPORTS OF READING 5088-1 F 67 R1. 8/1/52 Comment by IMG: "There has been no verbal or written contact from either Mrs. [5088] or her sister since the date of this reading. A.R.E. files have no record regarding an order for a Wet Cell Appliance from A. M. Godfrey. "Upon further examining these records, I noticed that a mutual acquaintance living in Virginia Beach knew about this case. I therefore telephoned her on March 20, 1950, and asked her for a report. She replied: 'It didn't do any good. The last I heard, she was still in a mental institution….

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INDEX OF READING 5417-3 M 42 Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 5-A Electrotherapy: Ultra-Violet Light: Warnings Par. 9-A Eyes Par. 2-A, 5-A NERVOUS SYSTEMS: INCOORDINATION: SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS Nervous Tension: After Effects Par. 8-A Obesity: Tendencies Par. 4-A Osteopathy: Surgery: After Effects Par. 3-A, 10-A, 11-A Physiology & Anatomy: Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 5-A Physiotherapy: Baths: Sun: Surgery: After Effects Par. 12-A Rest: Surgery: After Effects Par. 12-A SURGERY: AFTER EFFECTS : Incisions: After Effects Par. 7-A BACKGROUND OF READING 5417-3 M 42 B1. See 5417-1. B2. 11/14/29 Mr. [5417] spent a few days at Cayce Hospital recuperating from a hernia operation. TEXT OF READING 5417-3 M 42 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 18th day of November, 1929. Cayce Hospital. 1. EC: This body we have had before. Many are the changes in the physical forces of this body since last we had same. With the present existent conditions we would merely keep that of the stimulating of the system, that will cause proper distribution of assimilated forces in the system, and do not overtax self until there is this proper coordination set up. Ready for questions. 2. (Q) Should body consult an oculist? (A) Very GOOD.

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3. (Q) What causes pain and soreness in right leg? (A) With those conditions as have been brought about by the changes as produced, this affects directly the coordinating of the nerves from the frontal portion of body directing those of the locomotaries in this direction. This will pass off as the system adjusts itself to the changes wrought in same, but would be WELL that the stimulation for the whole of the system be kept. These are done by massage, by the proper manipulation, and by not overtaxing the system with foods or with activities. 4. (Q) Is body overweight? (A) Not OVERWEIGHT, but don't get too much heavier! 5. (Q) What caused double vision following operation? (A) Natural production of anasthesia's effect in the system with that of the sensory system, for where a system has been so overtaxed as to produce the effect of living, or activities - dependent upon the will of the force in system - and same is cut off by any resultant outside influence, it continues to see anyway! continues to operate anyway! That's why that as given, that it would be better FOR the body to have THIS correction made otherwise than operative. Now this is done. Now meet the needs. 6. (Q) When should body resume activities? (A) When there is ease in the body's active forces as respecting locomotion and mental forces are accorded with same. What does this mean? That, without any fear within self of the abilities to RESUME activities - physical OR mental, see? 7. (Q) What is condition of wound? (A) This is very good, considering the whole conditions as have existed. Well that precautions be taken and not irritation caused about same. 8. (Q) What causes twitching of shoulders? (A) Natural relaxation from tension under which the body has labored. A NATURAL result. A retraction. 9. (Q) Should ultra violet ray be used? (A) May be used, but use it plenty far distant from same! 10. (Q) How often should osteopathic treatment be given? (A) At LEAST every other day. MAY be given every day! 11. (Q) For how long a period? (A) Until there is the coordination; that is, until it is found that the sympathetics and the cerebrospinal coordinate With the natural movements of the body. 12. (Q) What is the blood condition? (A) Its very good. Near to normal, with the pressure, near normal in the count - save as influenced by those effects as were created in system. Rest and sunshine the best medicine for the body, with the coordination OF the nerve systems. We are through with this reading.

REPORTS OF READING 5417-3 M 42 R1. 12/9/29 Letter: "...Just a few lines to advise you that Mrs. [337] is feeling much better today and has been feeling quite well for the past week. As for myself, am happy to say that I have never felt better….

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Acidity: Eliminations: Incoordination Par. 13, 14, 23-A, 24-A

Anesthesia: After Effects Par. 12

Ash: Animated: Blood: Oxidization Par. 18, 21-A, 24-A

Blood: Oxidization: Rejuvenation Par. 17, 24-A Circulation: Lymph: Eliminations: Incoordination Par. 14, 17 : Poor Par. 4, 5, 10, 13

Diet: Eliminations: Incoordination Par. 23-A Electrotherapy: Infra-Red: Blood: Oxidization Par. 18, 22-A, 24-A : Ultra-Violet Light: Par. 18, 22-A, 24-A

ELIMINATIONS: INCOORDINATION Hypotension Par. 5, 11 Intestines: Enemas: Oil: Eliminations Par. 19 Liver: Torpid Par. 4, 5, 12, 19 Osteopathy: Assimilations: Eliminations Par. 19 Prescriptions: Chalk: Acidity Par. 23-A : Hydrochloric Acid: Not Recommended Par. 24-A : Magnesia: Acidity Par. 23-A Prophecy: Confirmed Par. 1 : Personal: Longevity Par. 1

Rejuvenation Par. 16, 17

Rest: Eliminations: Incoordination Par. 17

ULCERS: STOMACH BACKGROUND OF READING 5440-1 F 51 None. TEXT OF READING 5440-1 F 51 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 27th day of February, 1930.

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1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [5440]. Now, we find while the conditions as disturb the body have been, and are, of a serious nature, with the proper precautions and care, we do not see why there may not be many days, many moons, added to the days and to the usefulness of this physical body.* 2. The conditions have to do with the digestive system and the intestinal tract, with the organs of digestion in the same condition with same. So, we have functional and organic disturbances. 3. These, then, are conditions as we find them with this body, [5440], we are speaking of, present in this room. First, 4. IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, we find evidences of the character of disturbance as first brought about disorders in the system, through that of the torpidity of the liver and the activities of the ducts as related to same, as bring about and bring for the system the variations in the assimilated forces as are necessary for proper replenishment. 5. In the present, we find the blood supply low, the vitality used up, and the liver and its organs of assimilation as related TO same in distress. The blood showing subnormal in pressure, pulsation showing in its abnormalcy and the coagulative elements in same BELOW normal. 6. IN THE NERVE SYSTEM - these we find rather SYMPATHETIC with the condition, and may be considered in the present state rather that as of passive, with the activities as it has been necessary to use or administer for the retractions in system, * [GD's note: 2/12/62: Test mailings from time to time indicate that Mrs. [5440] at least lived for 20 more years; we don't know after that because the last mail came back marked "Address Unknown." She may still be living.] as to prevent that distress as comes in the system itself proper. May be called, then, PASSIVE. 7. IN THE FUNCTIONING OF THE ORGANS THEMSELVES: 8. Brain forces are very good. 9. Organs of the sensory system dulled at times, through the activity of the sympathetic and cerebrospinal nerves, as are active only under the stress. 10. Lungs, bronchia - all show the effect of a depleted circulation. 11. Heart's action, as seen, subnormal - but not ORGANICALLY disordered. 12. Digestive system and the stomach, and the intestines - HERE we find the seat or the cause of the disorders; beginning in times back from ulcerations, or lacerations and then ulcerations, then the variations as have been brought about in the system by the effect of the system being subjugated to those of repression in the system, by the application of anaesthesias in the system. These, then, brought distresses, as we see, THROUGH that of the deadening often of the nerve reflexes and INCAPACITATING the reaction for the digestion; for the conditions as CAUSED the distress have not been reached. The strong medicinal properties to become active as those of the actions through the system itself, or through the alimentary canal, have produced that as would be termed - that PITTING in the intestinal system has caused for the vegetative NERVE system, that of almost a NIL in activity. The liver becoming so torpid, the pancreas, the duodenum, until the walls even in the duodenum are much less than the half of its normal area in its FUNCTIONING with digestion.

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13. The organs of the pelvis, the mesenteric system throughout - becoming under distress, the blood becoming slow in its circulation, needed most for an internal disorder - that produces both temperature and the necessary accumulation of an acumen in the coagulation necessary for the inroads of an over acid force as acts as carrying away of the mucus membranes in same. Not in the form of malignant, nor in the form that would eat or destroy through that of any of the tubes, or in the form of internal antroid or antrum reaction. Not becoming wholly in the form of that, that would necessarily destroy - yet in REACHING the distressed area, too severe measures have been applied. 14. In the rest of the system - as in the capillary circulation, the emunctories and the lymphatics, these are so subjugated - that is, the NECESSITY of same is so necessary in the internal system - little respiration occurs, none of the GENERAL condition of eliminations taking place through the pores of the skin; for the first we find disorders in the kidneys from the disturbance there, of the accumulation of forces not carried out of the system in other ways, bringing distresses through the whole of the hepatics and their circulation in same; then again we will find the breath becomes reactory, and the system attempting to throw off there; then the pains through the stomach, the duodenum, the intestines themselves, the colon, the sides, and all of the vegetative system become almost UNBEARABLE. Then, resorting to reactions in the nerve system - by deadening same - allows for a time the build up of the system. Then at times the body feels better, easier, more active - yet the re-occurrence of the conditions becoming over acid and the whole condition repeats itself; gradually losing in its strength and vitality. 15. Now, to meet the needs, as we would find, to bring about a nearer normalcy - and the easing of the conditions in such a way as to bring VITALITY and RESUSCITATING forces in the system: 16. These must, of necessity, be building in its nature, and there must be expected retractions at times that will be somewhat discouraging; yet the healing must come from within - that is, life force - or cell units - must build within, or from within, in such a way and manner as to bring RESUSCITATING life energy through the whole system. 17. We would begin, then, with first rest that is of the nature that gives the most of oxygen loosened within the system, that the blood itself may have more RESISTIVE force, and that the building of the emunctory and lymphatic circulation may again have ITS part in building up the forces in this body, [5440] we are speaking of, in such a way as to have RESISTANCE at each of the conditions of retraction that occur, and LESSENING the weight or the reactory forces to such an extent as to build up. 18. Taking, for this, those properties as would be found in the medicated ash in small quantities at least twice each day; following same - after taken for two or three days - with the lights of the ultra violet - not too long given, as to cause too much reaction in the exterior portion of system. Also occasionally - once a week - there should be given those of the Infra Red, that are DEEPER in their activity. These, in the beginning, should be given of a very SHORT duration, but should be of sufficient intensity or of duration AND intensity to penetrate sufficient to awaken the INTERNAL forces of the system.

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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


19. Giving in the water and in the food values those of the assimilation that will STRENGTHEN from within. Oil - olive oils, white oils - may be used for the enemas to cleanse the lower intestines; and the MANIPULATIONS should be given to form the proper assimilation of the strength and vitality throughout the system. We would find that it would be necessary, in the first three weeks, to at least CHANGE the applications in diet and in those that will bring about the activities in the liver, those that will renew the proper proportion of activity in the kidneys and in the system throughout, TO the variations as will be brought by these applications. BEGIN in the manner as outlined - then we may give the variations as would be of assistance to this body. 20. Ready for questions. 21. (Q) What should be the dosage of the medicated ash? (A) Eighth of a grain twice each day for the first week. 22. (Q) Just how long at a time should the lights be given? (A) This has been outlined for it as to, that there should not be created too much reaction in the system, either by those that are for the superficial forces in the body or those that are of the deeper. These are to depend upon the reactions to the body, and use common sense! 23. (Q) Please give a more specific diet. (A) These must be in accord with that that is to be applied, when that is applied as we have given. When this is begun, we will give it for three days - then it may be necessary to change, for we would begin with those forces as are easily assimilated. Let's begin, for the first three days, as with this: Sufficient of Magnesia and Chalk, with whatever activity that there may be the constant proper reaction between the acidity and super-acidity as has existed, and naturally does exist from the reactions as have existed in the body. Those of the dried milk, those of the beef juices but none of the flesh itself. Those in the beginning, for the first three or four days, should be of the juices - even the vegetables, rather than those of the HEAVINESS, as may be called, by the food or fodder itself. 24. (Q) Should hydrochloric acid be stopped? (A) Should be stopped, if we are to take that which is to become healing. We find here THIS condition as exists in this system: In the intestine and in the duodenum, especially, the acid has produced such a state, as given, as to cause at least nearly a half of the area of the system's assimilated force to be reduced in the system. With the administrations of the ash - which RELEASES within the system, by the application of the electric forces that release carbon and oxygen WITHIN the body itself - in the releasing of those of the hydrochloric in the intestine, in the state in the CARDIAC end, this acceptable, on account of the over forces active in that portion of the system, through the central nerve plexus - but that in the LOWER end, not so good. Destructive in its nature. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 5440-1 F 51 None.

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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Anesthesia: After Effects: Psoriasis Par. 1 Appliances: Radio-Active: Psoriasis Par. 3

Asthenia: Psoriasis Par. 1 Circulation: Lymph: Psoriasis Par. 1 Diet: Acidity & Alkalinity Par. 4 : Psoriasis Par. 4, 5

Emunctories: Psoriasis Par. 1 Insomnia: Tendencies Par. 3 Nervous Systems: Incoordination: Psoriasis Par. 1 Osteopathy: Psoriasis Par. 2, 3 PSORIASIS Rest: Psoriasis Par. 3 TEXT OF READING 5557-1 F ADULT This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce, this 17th day of December, 1931. 1. EC: Yes, Mrs. [5557] - Now, as we find, there are those indications with this body of the inflammation of the nerve plexus and centers that are INTERNAL in their action. These produce those forms of nerve reactions that become aggravating in different natures at different times. These are produced from toxic forces in the system, for there have been leakages in the intestinal tract from thinned walls. Not that as would be called wholly perforations, but so that the absorption - or the lymph and emunctory circulation, carry much of that as should be eliminated through other channels. Hence the abrasions, the sore portions in the system. These, as we find, have arisen from disorders as existed in times back, when there were the application of external sources or forces in the effect of an anaesthesia, or anaesthetic for the body, that, affected the system especially in the sympathetic system - and caused first this accumulation in the form, as an effect would be, of gases in the system passing through the respiratory system - as it did - has produced, or did produce, first this disorder that has been sapping the vitality at times. At others we find apparently plenty of the bodily conditions, yet taking FROM same the stamina or vitality. Hence those reactions as had on portions of the system, especially through the REGENERATIVE system. In these activities, those have brought irritations also

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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


in pelvic organs, and necessarily the reaction in the nervous system from disturbances here to the head, eyes, and the sensory system. As for those of the SYMPATHETICS being disturbed, makes for those conditions in ear, those conditions in the feel or the touch, the lack at times of the responses in the taste or smell, or disorder in vision. These are REFLEXES; they are not produced by those of specific conditions in the system, or organic disorders, but FUNCTIONAL, by a gradual or a general drain that has been indicated from those that existed first that produced same in the nervous system, in the emunctory and lymph, and later in those of the digestive system. Then these reactions as we have had to other portions of the system becoming as reflex from same. 2. In meeting the needs, as we would find, in the first we would require that there be a general relaxation of the whole of the cerebro-spinal system (osteopathically given, would we go over this). These for at least twelve to sixteen treatments, and these - as we find - should be given every other day, or at least three times each week - see? We would have a GENERAL treatment, with SPECIFIC attention to the eliminating system as in reference to poisons from the alimentary canal from the organs of the system, so that the eliminating systems become coordinating and cooperative in their activities in the system. 3. When these have been begun, and at least three to five such manipulations have been given, we would add those vibrations from the plain Radio-Active Appliance, that will make for an easier circulation, more uniform HEATING forces - as it were - in the system, and bring about a better state of the ability to rest, and to feel rested from sleep or FROM resting. This we would use each evening when the body RESTS, preferable to night; though it may be used when the body is ready to retire. We would attach the anodes, or plates, one to the ankle, the other to the opposite wrist - see? and circle the body. One day on one, the next day on the other. These should be taken, if taken in the day, for at least twenty to sixty minutes. If taken in evening may be made a little longer period. These would be prepared in the regular way and manner. 4. In the matter of the diet, be mindful that these are both blood and nerve building, keeping an even balance in the alkalin and acid producing forces for the system. PARTICULARLY, should there be much of - at one period, at least, of the day - the OILS of NUTS. These are good for this body, RATHER than meats; and at another period of the day let's have a great deal of the leafy and green vegetables, such as carrots, celery, lettuce, and preferably that that does not head - for this body; more soporiferous than that of the iceberg. 5. In the matter of meats, beware of those that are much of the fats of same, and never have any that is cooked in its own fat, nor seasoned with the products of its own kind. 6. As we find, these applied in this way and manner - at least two periods of treatments - when these have been taken for twelve to eighteen, or to fifteen, we would then give the information for when the next period should be resumed - see? We are through for the present.


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Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2015 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 5600-1 F ADULT [edited]

Anesthesia: Ether: Not Recommended Par. 1 : Gas Par. 1 Cycles: Body Par. 9-A Injuries: After Effects: Tumors Par. 6-A Prophecy: Prognosis: Surgery Par. 6-A, 10-A SURGERY: TUMORS TEXT OF READING 5600-1 F ADULT This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce , this 29th day of April, 1929.

1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [5600]. Now, we find there are abnormal conditions with this body. While the conditions at the present time are generally understood, and that as is to be administered for the correction of same understood - as to that that has produced same, and how this might have been prevented and corrections made, that this wherein the force of the cells in system were in the manner of creating within self's application of the energy so mis-directed as to bring about the conditions as seen, THESE have NOT been understood. However, to meet the needs of the conditions, that as has been outlined for the body to be carried out should be done. In the way of the correction by the operations, the body is at present in the position or condition that same may be carried out without undue detriment to the physical forces, other than that as through which a body passes under such conditions. The administrations for the anaesthesia should be WITH that OF the gas and not of ether, or of gas alone, for the activities of the body - especially as to the heart's forces of this body, [5600] - are such that the combination of these will be much more satisfactory. Do THAT, then, as has been given for the body to have done. 2. (Q) If operation is necessary, would it be - (A) Operation is necessary. 5. (Q) Is there a tumorous condition? (A) Tumorous condition. 6. (Q) Is it malignant? (A) No. Only cell force that has been misdirected, through injury to the body, that started or brought about the accumulation of more of cellular units, such as to produce the tumor. This, then, removed, will remove the trouble, and with the rest and the changes as will necessitate being brought in the system through the operation, will remove the cause, and the cells that produced and do produce same. 9. (Q) Can operation wait until next week? (A) Be well were it after the 8th of May, for then the cycle of change in the system, or the body of [5600] would be more in accord with the general conditions of the body, as are in the changes, through the relationships of body with external influences and force. 10. (Q) How long will it be before the body will be brought to normal condition? (A) Dependent upon the time, and when operation. This should not require longer than three to five weeks to be near normal from same….

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The Long Term Effects of General Anesthesia Last Updated: Jun 18, 2015 | By Joseph Pritchard



General anesthesia is a treatment that uses a combination of intravenous drugs and

inhaled gases in order to render patients unconscious during medical procedures,

according to MayoClinic.com. Throughout the procedure, the patient’s muscles are

paralyzed, breathing must be controlled by mechanical ventilation, and vital functions

must be monitored. General anesthesia is administered by a trained anesthesiologist,

usually with the assistance of a certified registered nurse anesthetist.

Peripheral Nerve Damage

Peripheral nerve damage is caused by nerve compression and can occur with any

form of anesthesia, as noted by Patient UK. Usually, it is brought about by the patient

maintaining an exaggerated body position for long periods of time.

The extent of damage depends on the individual and the length of time spent in

the position, but in some cases the recovery time may be prolonged. The nerves that are

most commonly affected are the ulnar nerve and common peroneal nerve, which are

nerves in the arm and leg, respectively.

Cognitive Decline

Experience and research suggest potential concerns about cognitive function for

patients who undergo surgery under general anesthesia, according to Harvard Health

Publications. A decline in cognitive ability after surgery has been observed in both major

and more minor surgical procedures.

In about 25 percent of people older than 60, cognitive difficulties may arise one

week after major non-cardiac surgery. These include problems with concentration and

attention. Further research has shown that this decline is usually temporary, though still

long-term. After three months, the rate of affected individuals goes down to 10 percent,

and after one to two years, to 1 percent.

Aspiration Pneumonitis

Due to the patient’s greatly reduced level of consciousness, the airway is left

unprotected, according to Patient UK. If the patient vomits, there is a risk of the vomitus

contents entering the lungs. This in turn can lead to lung inflammation and infection, or

aspiration pneumonitis. To reduce the risk of this occurrence, patients are instructed to

fast for several hours before surgery.

Complications of Anesthesia Awareness

Despite being under general anesthesia, every year nearly 30,000 patients in the

U.S. “wake up” during the operation, according to Surgery Encyclopedia. Usually, the

patient does not feel any pain, but is simply able to sense the surrounding environment. A

minority feel the full, excruciating pain that the anesthesia was supposed to avert,

however, while remaining paralyzed and unable to signal for help during the entire


Most people who experience anesthesia awareness suffer long-term psychological

effects, as noted by the Royal College of Anaesthetists. These include anxiety,

nightmares, sleep disturbances, fear of anesthesia, flashbacks of the event and post-

traumatic stress disorder.