Anecdote 3

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  • 7/26/2019 Anecdote 3


    Depression is the fear of the past. Anxiety is the fear of the future.

    These two dierent and alike people have been my friends for most

    of my teenage years. I met depression when I was 10 years old. he

    was not the happiest of people but she would hang out with me

    during the days when it was frigidly !old and dark and lonely. he

    would help me hold a gleaming metal and swipe it against my skin.

    A bloody red geyser spurted out of a !ut and tri!kled down my arm"

    staining the orange tiles of my bedroom. A hiss of pleasurable pain

    stained the sadness that hanged over my soul. I have never felt

    better then. Depression introdu!ed me anxiety. #e was also not the

    happiest of people but he would visit me during the times

    depression was not with me. #e kept me !ompany most nights"

    waking me up from the spell mer!iful #ypnos !ast upon me. #e

    would !hoke my throat with tears and deprive my lungs with

    oxygen. #e would whisper to me words of en!ouragement that

    would keep me up all night. $Don%t worry those people hate you.

    They see what a fu!king pie!e of shit you are. &ou%re nothing to

    them. They will 'ust betray you like they did. They will laugh at you

    like they did. They will abandon you like they did( like they did.) l

    Depression and anxiety may not be the happiest of people but they

    !onstantly kept me !ompany. It was espe!ially fun when they would

    both visit me together.

  • 7/26/2019 Anecdote 3


    Depression helped me !ut deeper while anxiety would shout against

    my ear.

    I wanted to kill myself.

    *ut I !ouldn%t. *a!k then I did not know why.

    +ne day" I took a bottle of ,ara!etamol out of our refrigerator and

    shook out one" three" seven tablets. I pla!ed it in my mouth. It

    tasted so bitter" so disgusting that I spat them out at on!e.

    What am I doing?

    I felt so disgusted with myself that day. I reali-ed how bitter and

    disgusting I lived my life like. The very friends that kept me

    !ompany were the very friends that helped me kill myself.

    I have to stop this. I have to stop meeting them. I have to get better.

    I did get better" eventually. I tried pi!king myself up. I threw the

    blade I had kept hidden on the bottom of my !abinet. I !onded

    with a friend" /anessa" who used to have longterm depression. he

    helped me get better. hen I talked" she listened" she !omforted


    ometimes" depression and anxiety would visit me. *ut I have

    friends now" I didn%t need them to keep me !ompany anymore. They

    were 'ust bringing me down anyway.