Andy Griffith Show Season 1 Episode 12

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00:01:26 You cut the left one short, floyd.00:01:28 No. the right one's too long.00:01:30 Andy how do these sideburns look to you?00:01:33 What sideburns?00:01:34 Doggone, I knew it. you always do this.00:01:38 Are you fussing?00:01:39 Where are my sideburns?00:01:40 Are they on the side or the top?00:01:42 Neither place.00:01:43 They're right here on the floor.00:01:45 Floyd, I said I just wanted a trim and you clipped the daylights out of me.00:01:50 Well, now, we'll just fix you right up.00:01:52 Let me have them shears there, floyd.00:01:54 What are you gonna do, andy00:01:55 Well, you're supposed to make them sideburns come up even with the hole in his ear.00:02:00 You see that right there?00:02:02 Next time what you do you stick your finger in his ear for a guide.00:02:06 Sit down right over there. I'll show you.00:02:09 What are you gonna do, andy00:02:10 I'm just gonna even up them sideburns.00:02:13 No. you're no barber.00:02:14 Floyd ain't neither, but you let him.00:02:17 Stop it, andy00:02:19 This ain't gonna hurt.00:02:20 There she is.00:02:22 Now, how's that look to everybody?00:02:24 Is he still in the chair?00:02:26 There. there. now you know.00:02:27 He's blind as an owl.00:02:28 I don't cut from here. I cut from there.00:02:31 Next time I want a haircut I'll stick my head in a pencil sharpener.00:02:35 And it'll fit, too.00:02:37 Oh, blow it out of your ear.00:02:39 Barney, don't get so upset.00:02:41 This is just a friendly community haircut.00:02:43 Now, you just let them sideburns grow and inside of a month you'll look like one of them bullfighting fellas.00:02:49 (horn honks) Must be the bus up north coming in00:02:52 Yeah. must be.00:02:59 A stranger just got off.00:03:03 Looks like he's headed this way.00:03:05 Let me just get this little pike's peak.00:03:08 Hi.00:03:10 Hello, andy00:03:11 Floyd.00:03:12 Howdy.00:03:13 What you doing?00:03:14 Oh, we was just giving barney a haircut.00:03:18 Well, make it a good one.00:03:20 Deputy sheriff's got to look neat.00:03:21 How's your rheumatism, floyd?00:03:23 Usually acts up about this time of year.00:03:26 Huh? oh, yes, it does.00:03:28 Well, I hope you feel better so you can throw a few horseshoes.00:03:31 Well, see you later.00:03:32 Oh, say hello to opie and aunt bee for me, andy00:03:45 Anybody know that fella?00:03:47 Not me.00:03:48 I never seen him in my life.00:03:50 How did he know about my rheumatism?00:03:52 Yeah, and how did he know I was a deputy when I was covered with this sheet?00:03:56 Well, that's peculiar, ain't it?00:03:58 Mighty peculiar.00:03:59 I'm a right mind to follow him aways.00:04:06 Oh, hello, mrs. buntley.00:04:08 Hello.00:04:09 My, your twins certainly are cute.00:04:12 Thank you.00:04:12 Little robert there is sleeping just fine but william is wide awake, the little rascal.00:04:17 You know which one's robert and which is william?00:04:21 Uh-huh.00:04:21 William has a little mole on his right ear, right?00:04:25 Yes.00:04:25 Good day, mrs. buntley.00:04:28 ..?00:04:31 ..00:04:32 ..00:04:35 I know.00:04:36 It gets more peculiar all the time.00:05:01 Well, howdy, stranger you want a room?00:05:04 Sure do.00:05:05 Sign here.00:05:07 There you are.00:05:10 ..00:05:11 209?00:05:12 The one wilbur hennessey got drunk in and fell out the window?00:05:17 Well, uh, whatdoyou want?00:05:19 .. give me 216.00:05:21 Not that green is my favorite color but at least it's been freshly painted.00:05:28 All right, stranger you can have 216.00:05:31 See you later, jason.00:05:39 Sheriff, uh, ed sawyer, new york.00:05:42 Mean anything to anybody?00:05:44 Mighty peculiar having a perfect stranger knowing all about you.00:05:47 Just ain't natural.00:05:48 Let me go up and ask him a few questions, andy00:05:51 We better wait on that.00:05:52 Give me a few minutes alone with him.00:05:55 Andy you're the sheriff.00:05:56 What are you gonna do about that character?00:05:58 As long as he ain't done nothing outside the law I ain't gonna do nothing.00:06:03 That fella sure gives a body the creeps.00:06:06 I saw a show once on television where a stranger knew all about all the folks in the town and you know how it turned out?00:06:13 The stranger was not a living being.00:06:15 He was something from the supernatural world.00:06:19 You going up and talk to him, barney?00:06:22 Huh?00:06:23 ..00:06:25 Well, what's the hurry?00:06:26 The man ain't done nothing.00:06:29 Just leave him be.00:06:30 Right, sheriff?00:06:31 Right, deputy.00:06:38 Hi, jason.00:06:38 I'm going out for a little walk.00:06:40 If anyone should call me I'll be back in about an hour, okay?00:06:44 See you later, jason.00:06:48 So long, barney.00:06:57 Who do you figure him to be, barney?00:06:59 I don't rightly know yet.00:07:00 I'm gonna keep my eye on him.00:07:02 What's his room number again?00:07:04 216.00:07:10 216, Huh?00:07:11 sawyer I'm just gonna have to have a look around your room.00:07:16 (yells) Oh, howdy, barney.00:07:20 Oh, hi, andy00:07:21 What are you doing back there?00:07:24 Huh? oh, nothing.00:07:25 I just stopped by to talk to jason.00:07:27 Well, what's in there?00:07:29 In where?00:07:30 In that box there.00:07:31 Oh, in there?00:07:34 Nothing in there.00:07:35 Well, what do you got your hand in there for?00:07:38 Oh, I just come by every so often and stick my hand in00:07:43 You do?00:07:44 see, sometimes I do it with both hands.00:07:48 (snap) (yells) ..00:07:55 Off. off. off.00:07:56 Just get them off of me.00:07:58 ..?00:08:00 Well, dad burn it, george what's wrong with a stranger trying to buy your service station?00:08:05 It's for sale, ain't it?00:08:07 What if he is a little bit peculiar?00:08:09 What's that got to do with it?00:08:12 You just call me if he tries to give you any peculiar money.00:08:16 Yeah, bye, george.00:08:17 Who's peculiar, paw?00:08:19 Oh, I reckon everybody is a little bit.00:08:22 I'm part peculiar, paw.00:08:23 How'd you find that out?00:08:25 Well, today, my teacher, she said to me did I wash my neck this morning, and I said I did and she took a look and then she said " you know what it means?00:08:39 " no. no, it don't.00:08:42 " let me see.00:08:48 Huh, thatispeculiar.00:08:50 You better go home and wash your neck.00:08:53 Okay, paw.00:08:54 Hi, barney. howdy, barney.00:08:56 Andy I got to talk to you.00:08:58 It's about this stranger00:08:59 Well, what'd he do?00:09:00 He seen me coming down the street and he shoved his hand in his pocket real fast.00:09:05 You reckon he's got a gun?00:09:07 Oh, no. I don't think so.00:09:09 Well, he's acting mighty strange.00:09:11 And how do you suppose he knows so much about us?00:09:14 I don't know.00:09:16 And who is he? what is he?00:09:17 Maybe we ought to run him out of town00:09:20 Barney, if I was to run everybody out of town that acted a little bit strange I'd wind up emptying the whole town00:09:26 Might have to reach around and get a good hold on the seat of my own britches.00:09:30 How long do you suppose he's been spying on us?00:09:34 Say, do you reckon he could be a foreign spy?00:09:37 Oh, he don't sound foreign to me.00:09:39 Yeah, well, they learn to talk better than any of us.00:09:43 Remember tokyo rose?00:09:45 This boy ain't tokyo rose.00:09:47 I know that. but who is he?00:09:49 Boy, if he is a foreign spy I'd sure like to be the one to trap him.00:09:53 I know just how to do it, too.00:09:56 Oh, you do, do you?00:09:57 ..00:10:00 Hi, andy00:10:01 Well, mr. sawyer.00:10:02 How are you, stranger00:10:04 You know barney here, of course.00:10:07 Oh, sure. hiya, barney.00:10:09 Sprechen sie deutsch?00:10:13 Uh, nothing. nothing.00:10:15 I'll see you later, andy00:10:22 What was that about?00:10:24 Oh, nothing.00:10:25 Just barney's way of trying to find out something about you.00:10:28 We don't none of us know much about you.00:10:30 No. I guess you don't.00:10:33 Uh, i, uh, I understand you want to buy george sapperly's gas station.00:10:39 Yeah, that's why I came over to see you.00:10:41 When we draw up the papers, would you witness it?00:10:44 I'd appreciate it.00:10:45 Oh, yeah. I guess I could do that.00:10:48 Thanks, andy thanks a lot.00:10:51 ..00:10:53 ..00:10:55 You figure that will be a good deal for you, do you?00:10:58 Oh, yeah.00:10:59 He's let it run down a little but I can fix it up fine.00:11:03 Well, so long, andy00:11:04 ..00:11:06 Am I right, or or, or wrong?00:11:08 You never have been in mayberry before, have you?00:11:12 No, never.00:11:13 But you figure to be happy here?00:11:16 Are you kidding? why shouldn't I be?00:11:18 Oh, uh, I don't know.00:11:20 Why should you be?00:11:22 Why, because mayberry's my home town00:11:25 So long, andy00:11:26 (door shuts) Curious, curious, curious.00:14:15 Bad news.00:14:17 Bad, bad news everywhere.00:14:18 Didn't have no rain last summer and that hurt the crops and now I see where there's a early frost as has hurt the peach crop this year.00:14:26 (clucking tongue) Ain't that a shame in this world?00:14:30 Ain't that a shame in this world?00:14:32 .. next!00:14:34 You go back to sleep, floyd.00:14:35 We're a whole lot safer that way.00:14:38 What is it, barney?00:14:39 Maybe you'll finally do something.00:14:41 Well, I guess this oughta do it for you for once and for all.00:14:44 He finally overplayed his hand.00:14:47 You gonna do something?00:14:48 What are you talking about, barney?00:14:51 Wh-wh-what do you want me to do?00:14:53 I'm talking about ed sawyer you gonna do something or ain't you?00:14:57 We oughta move in right now.00:14:58 Well, what'd he do?00:14:59 He's hanging around lucy matthews' house.00:15:03 And?00:15:04 And he rang her doorbell.00:15:06 So?00:15:07 So, now's the time to arrest him and bring this dangerous feller in for questioning.00:15:12 Yeah, well, what are you gonna arrest this dangerous fella for?00:15:15 What for? well, for ringing her doorbell.00:15:18 Barney, you can't arrest him for ringing her doorbell.00:15:22 !00:15:23 Well, last halloween I drug three 12-year-old boys in00:15:26 Oh, barney.00:15:27 And he ain't even got the excuse of trick-or-treat.00:15:30 I admit he's a curious one and I wonder about him a whole lot but we'll just have to leave him alone.00:15:36 I reckon we'll find out something 'bout him by and by.00:15:40 Yeah, well, I still say there's a way of trapping him.00:15:43 And I still think he's some kind of a spy.00:15:46 Oh, you do?00:15:47 Yes, I do.00:15:48 And you figure somebody here in town is his contact and maybe between 'em they're trying to figure out some of our secrets like how we make possum pie or how we make turnip jam?00:15:59 you don't reckon he's here snooping 'round trying to find out how we make fried chicken and johnnycake, do you?00:16:08 Go ahead, make, make jokes about it.00:16:10 Well, barney, what do you want me to do?00:16:13 (moaning) Oh, we better get out of here.00:16:16 We're disturbing floyd.00:16:22 Next!00:16:24 Just a fly, a fly.00:16:26 Oh.00:16:27 I wish you'd stop messing around and tend to business.00:16:30 I don't know why we don't just run him in00:16:32 He ain't done nary a thing.00:16:34 I still say he's a spy.00:16:36 Andy00:16:37 Well, mr. sawyer, how are you?00:16:40 Fine.00:16:41 What do you say, barney?00:16:43 Habla usted espanoly?00:16:45 What?00:16:47 Nothing.00:16:49 He's kinda kooky, isn't he?00:16:51 Yeah, a little bit, but he's nice.00:16:53 Say, andy I wonder if you could do me a favor.00:16:56 Well, if I can.00:16:58 Come on in here in the courthouse and tell me about it.00:17:03 Let me get you a chair and you can tell me what I can do for you.00:17:08 ..00:17:10 You know lucy matthews, don't you?00:17:11 I understand you been calling on her a little bit.00:17:15 I spoke to her on the phone but she won't have any part of me and I can't get her to answer the door.00:17:21 Won't, huh?00:17:22 She's pretty, isn't she?00:17:24 She's nice, too isn't she?00:17:27 Yeah. why do you want to know?00:17:29 I love her.00:17:31 Y-y-you love her?00:17:33 You've never seen her?00:17:36 No.00:17:37 But you love her?00:17:39 Yeah.00:17:39 You believe folks will ever fly to the moon?00:17:43 Sure. I'm going there myself someday.00:17:46 Boy, you're already there.00:17:49 Now, what, uh, what was it you wanted me to do about you and lucy?00:17:54 ..00:17:56 (door opening) Sheriff, I've come to file a complaint.00:17:59 Oh, hello, lucy.00:18:01 Lucy!00:18:02 Lucy matthews.00:18:04 You're just like I expected.00:18:07 Sheriff?00:18:08 Don't you think it might be a pretty good idea if I was to introduce you?00:18:12 That's not necessary.00:18:13 I know everything about her.00:18:16 You do?00:18:17 You were valedictorian blue's your favorite color you like hot fudge sundaes you're a capricorn, and I'm just warming up.00:18:24 Uh, I wouldn't get much warmer there, ed.00:18:27 I might have to run you in00:18:29 I know you better than anybody could know you.00:18:32 I've never seen you before in my life and I think you're crazy.00:18:36 Iknowhe is.00:18:38 Now, will you please stop ringing my doorbell?00:18:41 Lucy!00:18:44 What did I do?00:18:45 Well, I don't know.00:18:46 You'll have to admit that was kind of a unusual meetin'.00:18:50 You don't think I was too forward the first time?00:18:54 "Forward?" why,no.00:18:56 Why, I'm surprised you didn't ask her to marry you.00:19:00 What's the matter with you, boy?00:19:02 You shy, or something?00:19:03 I-i guess I scared her.00:19:05 Well, now, in a way, I'd say yes, you did scare her just the least little bit.00:19:09 You've scared a right many people around here.00:19:13 ..00:19:13 You scared him out of selling you that gas station.00:19:16 ..00:19:19 I-it's for sale but not to you.00:19:21 Oh.00:19:24 It didn't work.00:19:26 It's as simple as that.00:19:27 It just didn't work.00:19:28 Well,whatdidn't work?00:19:30 Now, you're leaving out a right good part of it there.00:19:33 Why don't you start right at the very beginning and tell me everything about what didn't work.00:19:39 Well, i-it may sound kinda silly but, but here goes.00:19:43 Do you remember joe larson?00:19:44 Yeah, yeah, pete and edie larson's boy.00:19:46 Joined the army 'bout five or six years ago.00:19:48 That's right, and when I did my hitch I was his buddy.00:19:52 Oh, I used to envy joe larson.00:19:54 How come?00:19:55 'Cause he was from here and, and I was from no place.00:19:59 Well, now, nobody's from no place.00:20:01 Oh, living alone, hotel, no family-- that's like being no place.00:20:07 Anyway, I used to read joe's hometown paper.00:20:10 Read it every week.00:20:11 Uh-huh.00:20:12 A-and I used to listen to joe tell about the place and, well, when I got back to new york at the hotel I lived in I kept on subscribing to the paper.00:20:20 I learned everything there was to know about mayberry.00:20:25 Pretty soon I started telling people that I came from here.00:20:29 All of a sudden, I started believing it myself.00:20:33 You did?00:20:34 Yeah.00:20:35 And when I read george sapperly's gas station was for sale I figured the time had come for me to make my move to mayberry-- .. hometown.00:20:44 Huh!00:20:46 Well, how come you didn't tell us that when you first got here?00:20:50 Oh, guess I was awful stupid.00:20:52 No, now, no, y-you're not stupid.00:20:55 A little bit overanxious maybe.00:20:59 You like the town00:21:00 You like that little girl.00:21:02 But you got to give them time, you see to like you back.00:21:06 Yeah.00:21:07 I guess you're right.00:21:09 Yes, siree.00:21:10 Folks like to take thingsslow.00:21:13 Some people don't even hold hands in public till they've had their seventh or eighth young'un.00:21:19 You know what's the truth?00:21:20 This would make a right good piece for our paper.00:21:24 ..00:21:25 Yes, yes, it would.00:21:26 Folks would read about you, and they'd get to see that you're just like everybody else and that, that you ain't a spook nor a foreign spy, nor nothing.00:21:34 You really think it would work?00:21:36 Yes, siree.00:21:37 I'll just call the paper and tell them and they'll print it.00:21:41 Yes, sir. exactly what I'll do.00:21:43 Now, you go on back to the hotel and don't worry nary a bit.00:21:46 Okay, i-i'll be at the hotel.00:21:48 All right.00:21:49 I-i'll wait for you to call.00:21:51 All right.00:21:52 ..?00:21:53 Me.00:21:54 Uh, s-sara, get me the paper.00:21:57 I got a story 'bout that stranger that's in town that you will not believe.00:22:01 I want you to know you will not believe it.00:22:05 What?00:22:07 You-you-you-you're provoked with him?00:22:10 He knows you take a pinch of snuff now and then, does he?00:22:17 Leave him alone.00:22:18 Maybe he'd just like to go home!00:22:19 Yeah, all the way home where he come from!00:22:21 (crowd clamoring) Andy Hey, what's going on?00:22:25 What in the world are you all trying to do?00:22:28 What are you trying to fight him for?00:22:30 He ain't done nothing.00:22:32 He's been bothering lucy.00:22:33 Andy He ain't been bothering you or your sister lucy, or anybody else.00:22:37 I know why you're trying to fight him.00:22:39 I know why everybody here wants to fight him.00:22:42 You're just letting bill matthews do it for you.00:22:45 You're trying to run this boy outta town00:22:48 Don't, andy just let me go.00:22:50 No, I'm bound to say this and they're bound to listen, too.00:22:53 Now, what's his big crime?00:22:54 What's this boy done to make all of you so mad at him?00:22:58 Nothing. not nar' a thing.00:22:59 He just picked mayberry to be his hometown, that's all.00:23:03 Just picked it right out.00:23:05 Picked it right out.00:23:07 And how come he knows so much about everybody?00:23:09 He'd been taking our hometown paper by mail.00:23:12 Been reading and studying up on everybody.00:23:15 And then he decided he wanted to come here and live fit in and act like one of you.00:23:19 His only crime was he tried to fit in a little too fast.00:23:23 Got overanxious about it.00:23:24 Made some of you feel suspicious.00:23:27 Made some of you feel foolish.00:23:28 Scared some of you.00:23:29 But out of allthe towns he picked mayberry to be his hometown.00:23:34 It looks to me you'd be proud to have a fella who thinks so much of you to want to come and live amongst you.00:23:40 Andy forget it.00:23:41 I don't blame you nar' a bit for wanting to forget it.00:23:44 Some fellas pick the wrong woman.00:23:46 I reckon you picked the wrong town00:23:48 I wouldn't blame you a bit if you left here and never set one foot in here again.00:23:52 I've a mind to go with you.00:23:59 ..00:24:01 I-i would be very happy if you would like to call on me tonight.00:24:05 Huh?00:24:07 Stop by the gas station later, son and we'll draw up the papers.00:24:10 ..00:24:11 Rates at the hotel are cheaper by the month, son.00:24:15 ..!00:24:17 Barney: All right, all right, let's break it up.00:24:20 Let's move it along.00:24:22 You're congregating unlawfully.00:24:25 You know, I always had a feeling about him, andy00:24:29 Oh, I know, I never said nothing 'bout it.00:24:32 He's all right.00:24:34 Yeah.00:24:35 You like him, do you?00:24:37 Yeah.00:24:38 Sprechenthedeutsch?00:24:48 0bv:F Captions paid for by paramount domestic television and building a bundle that'sright for them with at&t.00:28:28 come on, I'll show you!00:28:33 The walker family chosehigh-speed internet, home phone, and wireless with texting.00:28:41 Cable can't do that.00:28:42 Choose any threestarting under $100 a month.00:28:45 That's notan introductory price.00:28:46 Switch and get up to $200 backin promotion ..00:28:49 From at&t with otherselect plans.00:28:51 ..00:28:53 ..00:28:55 LARGEST Wi-Fi NETWORK-- WHOO!00:28:57 Tv with more hd channels than cable, and wireless on the nation's fastest 3g network.00:29:02 ( laughs ) ..00:29:07 Of servicesto fit their lifestyle.00:29:08 THEIR NEIGHBORS WITH CABLE...( chuckles ) Not so much.00:29:11 Choose any threestarting under $100 a month.00:29:13 Switch from cable and get up to$200 back ..00:29:16 From at&t with otherselect plans.00:29:18 Tv.high-speed internet. home phone.00:29:21 Whew!00:29:21 At&t.your world. 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