Andre’ White Sam Tadlock 4.4 Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (4.4.1-4.4.6)

Andre’ White Sam Tadlock 4.4 Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (4.4.1-4.4.6)

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4.4 Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

Andre WhiteSam Tadlock4.4 Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (4.4.1-4.4.6)Background Information of PCR (4.4.1)Process was developed in 1983 by Kary Mullis.PCR enables researchers to develop millions of copies of a DNA sequence in approximately two hours. Uses enzymes to copy DNA so that no living organisms are required. This technique can be used to identify disease, viruses, a deceased person, or a criminal suspect.

2The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)The sample of DNA is denatured.The temperature is lowered and the left and right primers anneal (attach) to their complementary base pairs. The temperature is raised again allowing the enzyme (taq polymerase ) to attach to a priming site and synthesize the DNA. The cycle repeats itself over and over.

http://www.dnalc.org/resources/animations/pcr.htmlGel Electrophoresis (4.4.2)Electrophoresis is a process used to separate large molecules (nucleic acids or proteins) based on their different rates of movement in an electric field. A gel is prepared and pieces of DNA are placed in it. An electrical charge is turned on and the DNA moves towards the positively charged electrode since DNA is negatively charged. The DNA separates because larger pieces will have a harder time moving than that of smaller pieces.

http://www.dnalc.org/resources/animations/gelelectrophoresis.htmlGel Electrophoresis and Its Uses (4.4.3)Each of us have a unique DNA profile or a fingerprint. Electrophoresis is used to gather DNA profiles, relying on sections of our DNA that are non-coding or do not code for a proteinElectrophoresis will separate the sections by size and charge.

Paternity Profiling (4.4.4-4.4.5)DNA profiling to determine paternity says that all DNA in a child is derived from its parents. Used to find if the alleged father is actually the biological father of the child. Each band shown on the DNA of the child must correspond with a band in the profile of the father or mother.

Forensic Investigators (4.4.4-4.4.5)Started in the 1980sInvestigators compare evidence and DNA from the crime scene to that of the suspect.This technique uses gel electrophoresis to break down DNA. If the DNA bands of a suspect are found in the bands at the crime scene then it is likely that the suspect is guilty of the crime.

The Human Genome Project (4.4.6)Was a commitment undertaken by the scientific community to determine the location of all genes in the human chromosomes. 3 Possible Outcomes of mapping the human genome are: A Better understanding of many genetic diseases, the discovery of medicine to cure medical diseases, and more knowledge and information of evolutionary paths.

Work Citedhttp://people.ku.edu/~jbrown/pcr.htmlhttp://www.dnalc.org/resources/animations/gelelectrophoresis.htmlhttp://www.biotechnologyonline.gov.au/human/dnaprofile.htmlhttp://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/DNA_Profilinghttp://www.dna.gov/basics/analysishistory The Chain Reaction

The Rules3 Seven Question RoundsThe Class will be divided up in 7 groups of 2. Each group will be given white boards. When a question is asked the first three groups to answer the question correctly will be awarded points depending on the order of answering (5,3,1)After each round the 2 teams with the lowest amount of points will be eliminated. The Background Round

In what year was PCR developed?What does PCR allow researchers to do?Who created the process of PCR?How many hours does this process take?What does PCR use to copy the DNA?Name three things that PCR can be used to develop.What does PCR stand for?The Lightning Round

What is the first step of the PCR?During Gel Electrophoresis, in what direction does DNA move?Each of us have a unique DNA ________________DNA profiling is used to determine _________________What do investigators compare at a crime scene?Explain the Human Genome Project.Paternity profiling is used to find if the alleged father is actually the _____________________The Knockout Round

What is the second step of the PCR?How is the process of Gel Electrophoresis set up?What is Electrophoresis used to gather?Each band on the childs DNA must correspond with ________________________What do Forensic Investigators use to break down DNA?What are three possible outcomes of the Human genome project?What enzyme is attached to the priming site during the PCR?Goodbye and Goodnight!