“Arab Spring” and Kingdom of Bahrain Reforms Khalil Bin Ebrahim Hassan (Rasromani ) M.D., F.R.C.S.Ed.

and Kingdom of Bahrain Reforms - spf.org · A youth uprising that ... Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776). “Every individual endeavors to employ his capital so that

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“Arab Spring”

and Kingdom of Bahrain Reforms

Khalil Bin Ebrahim Hassan (Rasromani ) M.D., F.R.C.S.Ed.

1. Geography.

2. Oil & Wars.

3. Comprehending culture & understanding terrorism.

4. “Arab Spring” and Kingdom of Bahrain Reforms.

5. Learning from history:

“No one eats with immunity from the tree of immorality.”

6. Improving international relations.

7. Educating diplomats.

8. Conclusions.

1. Bahrain

The Gulf


Middle East


The Arab World

United States of Arabia

Kingdom of Bahrain

Middle East Geography & Energy

The U.S Fifth Fleet is

stationed in Bahrain

to protect global

energy supply.

First oil well

Oil production 1932

First shipment to Japan 1934

Oil production 300,000 B/ D

16 million barrels/day

Secured to energy market .

Bahrain is financial center

For GCC oil and gas finance.

Bahraini Women

“The haven is under the mother’s feet.”

Bahraini Women

First Lady of Kingdom of Bahrain

H.R.H. Sheika Sabeecha Al-Khalifa

Minister of Health

H.E. Dr. Nada Hafad

Bahraini Women

Minster of Social Affairs

H.E. Dr. Fathima Albloshi

Bahraini Women

Bahraini Women

Nadia Jamal

Olympics gold medalist

Bahraini Women

Ms. Roqaya Algassara

Olympics gold medalist

Ambassador of Kingdom of Bahrain to France

H.E. Ms.Haya Al-khalifa

Bahraini Women

Ambassador of Kingdom of Bahrain to U.S.

H.E. Ms. Houda Ezra Nono (Jewish).

Bahraini Women

Ambassador of Kingdom of Bahrain to U.K.

H.E. Ms. Alice Saman (Christian).

Bahraini Women

Ambassador of Kingdom of Bahrain to China

H.E. Ms. Bibi Al-alawi (Shiite).

Bahraini Women

We share many similar

customs and wisdoms.

We share the

importance of time,

We say:

“Time is like a sword-

if you do not cut it,

it shall cut you.”

We Say:

“If speaking is silver,

silence is gold.”

We say:

“The best speech,

the one with little word

and plentiful of


We say:

“Your tongue is your horse,

if you control it,

it shall save you,

if you deceive it,

it shall deceive you.”

Financial, health & educational Center

إنشاء المنتدى•


.العربي الياباني

Trade & natural pearls economy

19th century.


Standard Poor’s







Alex. The Great



Islam & Arabs


Othman Empire

British Empire

Place where the sun rise

Land of milk and honey

Origin of the world

Blessed by Gods

Graced with abundant fresh


International market place

Land of Eternal life





The Land of Eternity

The world largest Land of dead 2400-1700 BC


2300 BC

Delay in

copper delivery

from Dilmun

Ur clay




Sun disc

2000 BC

Mention dates & garlic from


Saar Temple 1900BC Holy land of two


God of Sumer


God of sweet water

Food offering

Burning incense

Bahrain Castle


Bahrain Castle



Nemean Loin





Seluicide Empire (Greek)

Abi’el Dynasty


Antiochus III (223-187)

Alexander the Great

Shamash Deities

Prophet 622-632 Rashidi Caliphate 632-660 Umayed Caliphate 660-749 Abbaside Caliphate 749-1258

Al-Khamis Mosque

Islamic civilization

Khamees Mosque

692 A.D.

Othman Empire

The government

modernization between

1971 and 2001

changed Bahrain from

a small British colonial


to a peaceful international

financial center

by allaying with the West.

The political reforms

in 2001 changed


to a model for



in the Middle East.

There are moments in history

when people all over the world

seem to rise up,

to say that something is wrong

(1848 &1968),

marking the beginning of new era.

The year 2011 may prove to be

another such moment.

A youth uprising that

began in Tunisia…

Soon the people of

Spain, Greece, U.K. &

U.S. and other

countries around the


had their own reason to

be on the streets .

The protesters were right,

the gap between what our

economic and political


are supposed to do

and what actually do

became too large to be


J. Stiglitz

Governments were not

addressing key economic


as universal values of fairness

became scarified

to the greed of a few,

the feeling of unfairness

became a feeling of betrayal.

J. Stiglitz

They had no opportunities to

call for change through

democratic processes.

But electoral politics had also

failed in Western democracies,

yet in U.S.& elsewhere,

J. Stiglitz

There were signs of hope in these

youthful protestors….

they still believe that the electoral

process might work,

if only governments remembered that

they are accountable to the people.

The protesters took to the streets in

order to push the system to change.

J. Stiglitz

40% unemployment among

Spanish youth,

One American family wealth is

equal to 110 millions U.S.

citizens savings,

46 million with no private health


39 million below the line of


“Free market proved

inefficient with its

deregulation. J. Stiglitz”

Review The History of

Deregulated Global Free


Margaret Thatcher 1979- 1990

Ronald Reagan 1981-1989

Soviet Union Collapsed 1991

This is the issue of this election:

whether we believe in our capacity

for self-government

or whether we abandon the

American Revolution and confess

that a little intellectual elite in a far-

distant capitol

can plan our lives for better than we

can plan them ourselves.

Ronald Reagan 1964

What does mean?????

Ronald Reagan 1981-1989

Government is not the

solution to our problems.

Government is the problems.

Margaret Thatcher 1979- 1990

The Iron Lay fighting for

“Deregulation” and “Small


Very Special Political

Relationship for

“Deregulation” and “Small

Government” policies ended

with financial crisis of 2008.

“We may have democracy

or we may have wealth

concentrated in the hands of a


but we can’t have both. “

Louis Brandeis Associate Justice

of U.S. Supreme Court 1916-1939

Eventually people who

controlled the wealth of the

country would come to control

the county itself.

One way or another the rich

will buy political influence, as

happened in Russia after the

fall of the Soviet Union .

A democracy would for all the

practical purposes become an


Soviet Union Collapsed


Strengthen the political

believe in global free


with deregulation and

small government,

to end with “Corporate


2012 U.S. Election Cost

$ 2.000,000,000

The Supreme Court Proved the

Role of Corporate Money in

U.S. Election.

Adam Smith

The Theory of Moral

Sentiments (1759).

Adam Smith

An Inquiry into the

Nature and Causes

of the Wealth of

Nations (1776).

“Every individual endeavors to

employ his capital so that its produce

may be of greatest value.

He generally neither intends to

promote the public interest, nor

knows how much he is

promoting it.

By pursuing his own interest he

frequently promotes that of society

more effectually than when he really

intends to promote it.”

Adam Smith

In Bahrain, after U.S. FTA &

deregulation of the free market,

land, rent and food prices

spiked in spite government’s


and with minimal changes in


The youth struggled to survive,

and many are under-employed.

In Feb 2011,the youth protested in

order to push for more reforms,

the opposition parties joined,

the Reformist Crown Prince

negotiated seven reform issues,

but some of the oppositions were


asking for revolution toward Islamic

Republic Theocracy,

not constitution monarchy that voted

for by 98.4% of the citizens in 2001.

Suddenly it became a

war off existence,

the GCC felt the danger

of Iranian theocracy


and the government

called for their support.

On 29th June,

Independent Commission of


was established by the H.M. the


to investigate the response of the


to the Feb 2011 uprising.

The results of the investigation were

published on 23th November,

the government accepted its


and promised to work on more


but the trust between the

government and the opposition was

shattered severely.

How the M.E. will progress

after “Arab Spring”?

Should we start reviewing

the history and avoid

repeating its mistakes?

Will traditional Western

democracy, with its super-

capitalism, solve M.E.


Will Traditional Western

diplomacy bring peace &


How can the M.E. be positive

global player?

Do we need to breed new


How we are going to educate


“The reasonable man adapts

himself to the world;

the unreasonable one persists

in trying to adapt the world to


Therefore, all the progress

depends on the unreasonable


George Bernard Shaw

600 700 1000 1400 1900 1948 1956 1967 2006 AC

Arab Islamic Empire

Ottoman Islamic Empire

European Colonialism

Nasser Nationalism

Creation of Israel Arab-Israeli Wars







Creation of Israel in the most

sacred part of Arab land,

its continuous support with

most advanced war technology

and without any questioning of

Israeli leadership behaviors,

created anger, hopelessness,

between Palestinian,

which spread fundamentalism

and the unreasonable men in

the world.

Israeli Tank & Palestinian home

Two holly places Mecca & Jerusalem

“In the Islamic state


the three religions of Judaism,

Christianity, and Islam

had been able to live together

in relative

harmony for over

six hundred years.”

Karen Armstrong

1086-1492 AC

“under Muslim rule the Jews of Spain

enjoyed a bloom….”

“Jews were ministers, poets,


“Christian, Jewish and

Muslim scholars worked

together and translated the

ancient Greek philosophical and

scientific texts. “

“That was, indeed, the Golden Age. “

Uri Avnery

“ When the King Ferdinand 1492

re-conquered Spain…..

The Jews were presented

with…………or to leave.”

Almost all of them were received

with open arms in the

Muslim countries. “

1086-1492 AC

“"The Security Council...

Affirming a vision of a region where

two States, Israel and Palestine,

live side by side within

secure and recognized borders..."

03/12/02 UN Resolution 1937

“At four o'clock in the afternoon on 14

May 1948,…….,

David Ben-Gurion read out the

Declaration of Independence

and proclaimed the establishment of the

Jewish state in Palestine

to be called the State of Israel.”

Avi Shlaim

“ based on the principles of liberty, justice,

and peace …..;”

“ would uphold the full social and political

equality of all its citizens, without

distinction of religion, race, or sex;”

“….. It specifically promised

equal rights to the Arab

inhabitants of the State of Israel”

President Truman to be

reelected in 1943 he had to do

two things:

1.Finds an excuse for spending

one billion dollars on atomic

bomb, by bombing Hiroshima

and Nagasaki.

2. Approves creation of Israel

against US State Department

wish, to get American Jewish


“Bismarck saw the

seed of not only his

country’s achievement,

but of its twentieth century


Henry Kissinger

What about Truman?

“No one eats with

immunity from the tree of


Von Roon, Bismarck’s friend

Is the world paying the price of

Truman “immorality”?????

Arabs Israelis


Losing a holy land Regaining existence

Politician: Gaining Jewish votes.


Arab-Israel Conflicts

19 48,56,67,70,73,82

Iraq-Iran War

Iraq-Kuwait War

Afghanistan War

Iraq War

Israel-Lebanon War

Israel-Palestinian War



Iran-U.S. Conflict

Sept , 11th and terrorism

World War III


"Hamas believes that

no part of Palestine should

be compromised,

that the Zionist occupation

of Palestine should not be


“…. modern colonialism ..”

“…breaks the geographic

continuity of the central

Arab countries,

…. deplete the nation's


. …..spearhead which

is ready to strike at any

project that aims to raise the

nation up."

02/27/03 Hamas

"The PLO recognizes the right

of the State of Israel to exist in

Peace and security...."

09/09/93 Yasser Arafat

“Israelis & Palestinians

will draw on the spring of our

great spiritual resources

to forgive the anguish we caused

to each other,

to clear the minefields of that

divided us for so many years,

and to supplant it with fields of


Yitzhak Rabin

“ I would much rather see

reasonable agreement with the

Arabs on the basis of living

together in peace

than the creation of Jewish state with

borders, an army and a measure of

temporal power, no matter how


I am afraid of the inner damage

Judaism will suffer – especially

from the development of narrow

nationalism within our own ranks.”

Albert Einstein

“It was not too much

to ask of the Arabs,

who have other holy cities and

much land,

to make room for tiny Israel

in the only place it has ever truly

had home.”

Madeleine Albright

Jew Arab

How much do you think

the Palestinians and Israelis

might learn from black-white


in building new South Africa?

Does the West have the moral

responsibility to help?

“The twentieth century

was the bloodiest in

human history.”

Madeleine Albright

“An eye for an eye

makes the whole world blind.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Do you think adapting an

international relationship

Envision global international


based on human equity,


free commerce,

international law,

governed by Reformed Powerful

United Nation (RPUN),

will make the world happier place

to live in?

“ the international system should be


not on the balance of power

but on ethnic self determination.”

Woodrow Wilson

The most powerful force today

is neither communism

nor capitalism,

nor guided missile-

it is man’s eternal desire to be free.

The great

enemy of that is imperialism,,

our foreign policy test is how to

meet that challenge.

John Kennedy 1957

How much wealth,


and loss of human happiness did it


Can we think of another way

of communication

for better international relationships

to manage global challenges?


Can diplomats change global conflicts to opportunities?

To Improve

Can we think of

another way of diplomacy

to break the cycle of the

international violence

to manage global


Can we produce


that can

change international


to global


“Do we need a diplomat who

has the conscience of a saint,

the wisdom of a philosopher,

and prescience of

a prophet?”

“Do we need a diplomat who

does understand diplomacy as

the art of persuading

(not BULLYING) others

to act as we would wish?”

Madeleine Albright, 2006

“Do we need a diplomat who

does understand that foreign

policy requires to

comprehend why others act

as they do?”

Madeleine Albright.

“Do we need a diplomat

who does understand

that foreign policy

is an art of blending

realism with idealism,

placing morality in its


Madeleine Albright

Do we need a diplomat

who has the abilities for abstract thought,

communication, reasoning,

learning, planning,

controlling emotions,

applying morals pragmatically,

to solve global challenges?

Do we need a diplomat who

has intellectual intelligence

to be able to collect,


& analyze data

to solve international challenges?

“ Do we need a diplomat who

has emotional intelligence

to be able to feel,

use, communicate,

recognize, remember,

learn from, manage and

understand emotions?”

Steve Hein

“Anyone can become angry-

that is easy.

But to be angry with the right


to the right degree,

at the right time,

for the right purpose,

and in the right way- this is

not easy.”


“Do we need a diplomat whose


is possibilities not judgmental


Edward Debono

“Do we need diplomat

whose thinking

is concerned with design

and creation

not only with research and


“Do we need a diplomat

who does ask himself

about what truth is he


“How does he know that

he have found it?”

“Why does he believe

that there is a truth to be


“Is it possible that our


and sometimes inability to

put things right is due

to inadequate Socratic

thinking methods?”

Edward De Bono

“Life is a search for the truth:

there is no truth.”

There are possibilities!!!

“Do we need a diplomat that

master the art of parallel thinking

by laying down ideas alongside

each other

and evaluating them creatively

without previous judgment?

Edward De Bono

“ Do we have to prepared our

diplomats with PBL education,

an approaches involve harnessing

intelligence from within individuals,

from group of people and

from environment to solve

international problems

that are meaningful, relevant and


Oon-Seng Tan




Responsibility-accountability Excellence-scholarship




“Military power is most impressive

when you achieve your objectives

without using it.”

Sun Tzu

“The records show that diplomacy work.

But it helps to have stick in the


David Mack

“ Peace and political stability

are the basic foundation

for prosperity and economic



the global economy.”

Albrecht Schnabel

“No one eats with


from the tree of


Von Roon, Bismarck’s friend

“It is not the strongest

of the species that


nor the most intelligent,

it is the one that is the

most adaptable to

(global) changes.”

Evolutionary Theory

Israeli Arab

Japan is trusted in the M.E.

It can help with its experience

and wisdom to create a peaceful


It is important for Japan


More than 500 million in peace,

M.E. will prosper and will need to

consume Japanese products,

that they trust,

and Japan will enjoy more global

security and prosperity.

“Harmony is to be cherished.”

