AND FINANCIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS · 2015. 7. 8. · The Functioning of the Gold Standard, by Dr. Feliks Mlynarski ... of Central and Eastern Europe, September 1932

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Page 1: AND FINANCIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS · 2015. 7. 8. · The Functioning of the Gold Standard, by Dr. Feliks Mlynarski ... of Central and Eastern Europe, September 1932

guide t o t h e r e c e n t e c o n o m ic



Revised Edition.




Page 2: AND FINANCIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS · 2015. 7. 8. · The Functioning of the Gold Standard, by Dr. Feliks Mlynarski ... of Central and Eastern Europe, September 1932

[Communicated to the Council and the Members

of the League.]

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I n t r o d u c t i o n ..........................................................................................................................................................

An a l y t i c a l G u i d e :

I. Territory and P o p u l a t i o n ..............................................................................II. W ages, Unemployment, Employment and Industrial Disputes .

III. P r o d u c t io n ...............................................................................................................IV. T r a d e ........................................................................................................................V. Balances of International P a y m e n t s ........................................................

VI. Commercial P o licy .................................................................................................VII. Transport, etc ...........................................................................................................VIII. Public Finance, Taxation and General Financial Conditions . .

IX . Money, Banking, e tc .............................................................................................

X. P r i c e s .........................................................................................................................

sTdTN. 2.250 (F). 1.700 (A), 1/33. Im pr. Réunies S. A., Lausanne.

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The economic an d financial publications o f th e League of N ations fall roughly in to th re e groups : (1) those issued b ythe Economic In te lligence Service ; (2) those o f th e F inancial O rg an isa tion a n d (3) those o f th e Econom ic O rganisation.

I . E c o n o m i c I n t e l l i g e n c e S e r v i c e .

The publications of th e Economic Intelligence Service are p a r t ly analytical an d in te rp re ta tiv e a n d p a r t ly s ta tis tica l in charac ter. The purely s ta tis tica l pub lica tions are th e Statistical Year-Book o f the League o f Nations (form erly pub lished u n d e r th e tit le In te r ­national S ta tis tica l Y ear-Book), w hich contains a com prehensive collection of economic d a ta , a n d th e Monthly Bulletin o f Statistics, in which th e m ost im p o r ta n t series are k ep t up -to -d a te . T h e m ain fields covered in these pub lica tions are :

Territory and P opu la tion ;Wages, U nem ploym ent, E m p lo y m en t and In d u s tr ia l D isputes ;Production ;Commerce, T ran sp o rt, etc. ;Public F inance ;Currency, B anking, etc. ;Prices.

The publications of a less pu re ly s ta tis tica l ch a rac te r are of two kinds. F irs t, tw o general reviews of recen t economic events have been published , nam ely :

The Course and Phases of th e W orld Econom ic D epression (Septem ber 1931) an d th e

World Economic Survey, 1931-32 (A ugust 1932).

Secondly, a series o f m em oranda dealing w ith various b ranches of economic ac tiv ity is published regu larly (in m ost cases, annually). These m em oranda give s ta tis tica l m a te ria l m ore detaUed th a n th a t contained in th e pub lica tions m en tioned above a n d include also a textual analysis of th e s ta tis tica l d a ta p resen ted .

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T he m ost recent of these publications are :

Review o f World Production, 1925-1931 :Review o f World Trade, 1931 and 1932 (first half) (published

1932) ;International Trade Statistics, 1930 (published 1932) (including

provisional sum m ary figures for 1931) ;Balances o f International Paym ents, 1930 (published 1932)

(including an analysis o f cap ita l m ovem ents in 1931) ;M em orandum on P ub lic F inance , 1926-1928 (published 1929) ;A rm am en ts Y ear-B ook, 1931, a n d A rm am ents Year-Book, 1932

(Special E d ition , giving an analysis o f th e b u d g e ta ry expendi­tu re on a rm am en ts in some s ix ty countries) ;

M em orandum on Commercial B anks, 1913-1929 (published 1931).

I I . P u b l i c a t i o n s o f t h e F i n a n c i a l

O r g a n i s a t i o n .

The publications of th e Financial Committee of th e League o f N a tio n s consist m ain ly o f its repo rts to th e Council, which con ta in in fo rm ation regard ing th e economic and financia l position o f those countries w hich have sought th e assistance and advice o f th e League — in pa rticu la r , of A ustria , Bulgaria, Danzig, E ston ia , Greece, H u n g a ry an d R o u m a n ia . In add ition , quarterly rep o rts on th e financial position in B u lgaria have been issued since1926 b y th e Commissioner o f th e League of N ations in th a t country ; and, since th e end of 1931, q u a rte rly repo rts on th e financial position in A ustr ia and H u n g a ry have been issued b y th e repre­sen ta tives in those countries of th e F in a n c ia l Com m ittee.

A g enera l re p o r t on th e w o rk o f th e C om m ittee w as published in 1930 :

R eports on th e W ork an d F u n c tio n s of th e F inanc ia l 'Committee.

The following is a h s t of th e rep o rts of th e F inancial Committee, i ts rep resen ta tives in A ustr ia a n d in H u n g ary , an d th e League of N ations Commissioner in B ulgaria , since Sep tem ber 1931 :

Reports o f the Financial Committee on its Forty-second Session, Septem ber 14th, 1931, to its F o rty -e ig h th Session,J a n u a ry 9 th to 23rd, 1933 ;

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Quarterly Reports on the Financial Position o f Austria : J a n u a ry 12th, M ay 2nd, A ugust 1 5 th ,1 N ovem ber 30 th , 1932 ;

Quarterly Reports on the Financial Position o f Hungary :Ja n u a ry 12th, April 30th, Ju ly 15th, 1 O ctober 27 th . 1 D ecem ber 3 0 th ,1 1932 ;

Quarterly Reports o f the Commissioner of the League o f Nations in Bulgaria : D ecem ber 18th, 1931 ; April 3rd, 1932 ; J u n e 16th. 1932 ; Septem ber 9 th , 1932.

For details of dates and reference numbers o f publications, see section VIII.

The Gold D elegation of th e F inancial Com m ittee, appoin ted in1929, has issued tw o in te rim reports an d a f in a l repo rt. T he f ina l report (June 1932) deals w ith th e functioning o f th e Gold S tan d a rd since the w ar and i ts recen t breakdow n, th e m easurem ent of fluctuations in th e purchasing power of gold, th e supply of m on e ta ry gold and th e secular tre n d o f prices, th e effects o f f lu c tua tions in the purchasing pow er of gold an d th e desirability o f stabilisation. It contains a series o f recom m endations regard ing th e use o f gold in the m onetary system . In add ition to its reports , th e Gold D ele­gation has also published a com pilation of Legislation on Gold prepared b y th e Secre taria t of th e League, an d several studies b y eminent au tho rities re la ting to various aspects of th e gold problem .

The following is a com plete list of th e volum es published in th isseries :

Report o f the Gold Delegation o f the Financial Committee(June 1932) ;

Interim R ep o rt o f th e Gold D e leg a tio n 2 (Septem ber 1930) ;Selected D ocum ents subm itted to th e Gold D elegation 2 (Sep­

tem ber 1930);Legislation on Gold (Septem ber 1930) ;Second In te r im R ep o rt o f th e Gold D elegation ( Ja n u a ry 1931) ;Selected D ocum ents on th e D istribu tion o f Gold subm itted to

the Gold D e le g a tio n 2 (F eb ru a ry 1931) ;The F unction ing o f th e Gold S tan d ard , by D r. Feliks M lynarski

(Septem ber 1931).

* English only.2 Out of prin t.

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O th er p u b lica tio n s o f th e F inancia l O rg an isa tio n are those of th e Fiscal C om m ittee a n d o f th e C om m ittee on C redit Problems. T he pub lica tio n s of th e F iscal C om m ittee , w hich was set up in 1930, have, u p to th e p resen t, been chiefly concerned with problem s of double ta x a tio n an d fiscal evasion. These are :

R eports o f th e F iscal C om m ittee, O ctober 1929, M ay 1930, M ay 1931 ;

T a x a tio n o f F ore ign a n d N a tio n a l E n te rp rise s in France, G erm any , Spain , th e U n ited K in g d o m an d th e United S ta te s o f A m erica (1932) ;

D ouble T a x a t io n an d F isca l E v as io n (T re a ty Series : 1928,1929, 1930, 1931).

T he C om m ittee on C redit P ro b lem s w as com posed of represen­ta t iv e s o f th e F in an c ia l C om m ittee a n d th e Com m ission o f Enquiry fo r E u ro p e a n U nion . I t pub lish ed a re p o r t on th e p a r t which the L eague o f N a tio n s m ig h t p la y in connec tion w ith long-term in te rn a tio n a l f in an c ia l t ra n sa c tio n s :

Report o f the Committee on Credit Problems (A ugust 27 th , 1931).

I I I . P u b l i c a t i o n s o f t h e E c o n o m i c O r g a n i s a t i o n

a n d S i m i l a r B o d i e s .

T h e E conom ic Committee of th e L eague h as issued several re p o r ts dealing w ith com m ercial po licy a n d ce r ta in o th e r relevant p rob lem s. T h e m o st recen t o f these rep o rts are th e following :

R ecom m endations o f the Econom ic Committee re la ting to C om m ercial Po licy a n d th e M o st-favoured -na tion Clause, 1929 a n d 1932 ;

Reports o f the Econom ic Committee on its T h ir ty -s ix th Session, O c to b er 2 6 th to 2 9 th , 1931, an d on its T h ir ty -e ig h th Session, J u n e 2nd to 4 th , 1932.

Draft Customs Nom enclature, 1931.

T h e E conom ic C om m ittee has also m ad e enquiries in to various

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branches o f econom ic ac tiv ity , th e resu lts of w hich are co n ta ined in the following d o cum en ts :

The World Sugar Situation, J u ly 1929 ;

The Agricultural Crisis, Vols. I a n d I I , J u n e a n d N ovem ber 1931 ;

The Coal Problem, M ay 1932 ;

The Timber Problem , M ay 1932 ;

Hops, M ay 1932 ;

The Autom obile Industry, J u n e 1932.

In add ition , th is C om m ittee has pub lished a series o f m onographs relating to th e econom ic a n d legal aspec ts of in te rn a tio n a l in d u str ia l agreements an d a s tu d y on n a tio n a l econom ic councils in various countries.

Finally , th e E conom ic C om m ittee has issued d ra f t C onventions which have served as bases fo r th e w ork o f th e Conferences for the abolition o f im p o r t a n d ex p o rt p roh ib itio n s a n d res tric tions and for th e Conferences w ith a v iew to concerted econom ic ac tion (Customs tru c e ) .

The Com m ission o f E n q u iry fo r E u ro p ean U nion a n d i ts various sub-committees h av e also pub lish ed a series o f docu m en ts dealing with economic questions. T he follow ing is a lis t of th e m ore important o f th e se pub lica tions :

Report o f the Committee to study the Problem o f the Export of Future H arvest Surpluses o f Cereals, J u n e 27 th , 1931 ;

Report o f the Sub-Committee o f Econom ic Experts, A ugust 29th , 1931 ;

General Report submitted by the Co-ordination Sub-Committee on Econom ic Questions, S ep tem ber 4 th , 1931 ;

Report o f the Stresa Conference for the Econom ic Restoration of Central and Eastern Europe, S ep tem b er 1932.

Report o f the Committee o f Experts appointed to exam ine the Monetary Normalisation Fund Scheme (N ovem ber, 1932j.

The following is a d e ta iled guide to th e L eague o f N ations economic s tud ies an d s ta tis tic s . I n cases w here th e p u b lica tio n referred to is issued period ically , th e m o st recen t vo lum e is m en­tioned ; d a ta fo r earlie r years will be fo u n d in p rio r issues of th e same docum ent.

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T he d a tes foreseen fo r th e pub lica tio n o f th e p rinc ipa l periodical docum ents in 1933 are as follows :

Review o f W orld Trade, 1932 : beg inning o f May 1933.

Statistical Year-Rook o f the League o f Nations, 1932-33 : endof M ay 1933.

R eview o f W orld Production, 1925-1932 : m iddle of Ju ly 1933.

W orld Econom ic Survey, 1932-33 : beg inning o f September 1933.

International Trade Statistics, 1931-1932 : en d of 1933.

Balance o f Paym ents, 1931-1932 (including an analysis of m ovem en ts of cap ita l up to th e m iddle of 1933) : end of 1933.

Memorandum on Commercial B anks, 1925-1933 : end of 1933.

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Guide to the Recent Economic and Financial Publications

of the League of Nations.

Detailed reference is n o t m ade in the following guide to th e particular sections o f th e World Economic Survey w hich deal w ith the individual sub jects m en tioned below. T he S urvey is in tended to cover nearly th e whole fie ld an d to sum m arise th e m ajo r economic tendencies of recen t years, w ith particu la r reference to th e years1931 and 1932. I t requ ires to be re a d as a whole.


A. S T U D IE S .

]. Population and N atu ra l Resources (docum ent C .E .I. 39), published in 1927, w hich gives a lis t o f th e m ain sources o f raw m ateria ls and a tab le showing density of p opu la tion in re la tion to cul­tivated areas.

2 . Estimates o f the W ork ing Population of Certain Countries in 1931 and 1941 (docum ent C .E .C .P. 59 (1)). By Professor A. L. Bowley, Sc.D., F.B .A . (1927).


Statistical Y ear-Book o f th e League o f N ations, 1931-32.

See Tables :

2. Area and Population, by Sex, of all Countries o f the W orld.3. Population b y Age-Groups according to Pre-war and Post-war Censuses.

Actual Numbers and Percentages.4. Population b y Occupational Groups, according to Pre-war and P ost­

war Censuses. Actual Numbers and Percentages.5. Illiteracy b y Age-Groups, Actual Numbers and Percenta ges.

6. Marriages, Actual Numbers (1923-1931).7. Births, Actual Numbers (1923-1931).

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8 . Deaths, Actual Numbers (1923-1931).9 . Births, Deaths, Growth of Population and Marriages ; Rates pet

1,000 Inhabitants (1921-1931).10. Infant Mortality ; R ates (1921-1931).11. Migration M ovem ents (1926-1930.)


M ateria l re la ting to these subjects is published m ain ly by the In te rn a tio n a l L ab o u r Office. See in p a r ticu la r th e la te s t studies published u n d er Series A (In d u str ia l R elations), B (Economic Conditions), C (E m p lo y m en t an d U nem ploym ent), D (Wages and H ours o f W ork) o f th e Studies and Reports. See also th e I. L. 0. Year-Book an d th e International Labour Review , w hich contain s ta tis tic s an d no tes on wages p e r h ou r in various occupations, m ovem ents in th e general level of m oney wages, m ovem ents in the general level of em ploym ent an d unem ploym en t, unemployment an d th e s ta te o f em ploym ent in d ifferent industries, etc. Current no tes on th e various lab o u r aspects of th e economic situa tion are to be found in th e w eekly p u b lica tion Industrial and Labour Informa­tion. The Reports o f the Director for 1931 an d 1932 con ta in a general review of th e lab o u r s itu a tio n in re la tion to th e crisis during the la s t tw o years.


Statistical Year-Rook o f the League o f Nations, 1931-32.

See Tables :

136. Wages, Index Numbers, 1926-1931.12. Unem ploym ent, General D ata, 1928-1932.13. Unem ploym ent by Groups o f Industry, 1927-1932.14. In dex Num bers o f Em ploym ent by Groups o f Industry, 1927-1932.

15. Industrial D isputes, 1924-1931.

Monthly Bulletin o f Statisticsf or M onthly Figures of Unemployment.

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A. ST U D IE S .

1. P r o d u c t iv e A c t iv it y .

1. Review o f World Production, 1925-1931, in w hich a s tu d y is m ade o r an exp lan a tio n given :

(а) O f th e changes in th e w orld o u tp u t of raw m ateria ls and foodstuffs, and in th e co n tinen ta l d is tribu tion o f p roduction during th e la s t six years.

(б) O f th e changes w hich have ta k e n place in th e industria l a c tiv ity o f a large n u m b er of countries, and th e varia tions in th e o u tp u t o f certa in industries.

(c) O f th e m ovem ents in th e general level of prices.(d) O f th e price m ovem ents of some fo r ty in d iv id u a l com ­

m odities on w orld m arke ts , an d o f th e changes in prices of ce rta in groups o f com m odities such as raw m ateria ls and m an u fac tu red goods, cartellised an d non-carte llised p roducts , etc.

2. The World Sugar Situation, J u ly 1929. R e p o rt b y th e Econom ic Committee.

3. The Agricultural Crisis (Volum es I a n d I I , J u n e a n d N ovem ber1931), co n ta in in g a general re p o r t on th e ag r icu ltu ra l crisis and a re p o r t b y ag ricu ltu ra l exp erts on th e p o sition of ag ricu lture in v arious coun tries.

4. The Coal P roblem , M ay 1932, w hich gives a descrip tion o f the d ev e lo p m en t o f th e coal in d u s try in recen t years.

5. The T im ber P roblem , M ay 1932, co n ta in in g a re p o r t b y th e Econom ic C om m ittee on th e m eeting of th e T im b er E x p e rts , April 1932.

6. Hops, M ay 1932, co n ta in in g a re p o r t b y th e E conom ic Com ­m ittee on th e m ee tin g o f th e E x p e r ts on H ops, F e b ru a ry 1932.

7 . The Autom obile Industry, J u n e 1932, inc lud ing a re p o r t b y the E conom ic C om m ittee on th e m eeting of th e E x p e r ts on A utom obiles, M ay 1932.

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2. O r g a n is a t io n o f P r o d u c t io n .

8. Econom ic Aspects o f Several International Industrial Agreements. 1930. R eview p rep a red for th e E conom ic C om m ittee by Messrs. A nton io S t. Benni, Clemens L am m ers, Louis Marlio a n d A loys Meyer.

9. International Industrial Agreem ents, 1931. G eneral report on th e econom ic aspects o f in te rn a tio n a l in d u s tr ia l agreements, p re p a re d for th e E conom ic C om m ittee b y Messrs. Antonio St. B enni, Clemens L am m ers, L ouis M arlio and Aloys Meyer,

10. Review o f the Legal Aspects o f Industrial Agreements, April 1930, p re p a re d for th e E conom ic C om m ittee b y Messrs. Henri Decugis, R o b e rt E . Olds an d S. T schierschky .

11. Review o f the Legal Aspects o f Econom ic Agreements (Cartels, e tc .), in Germany and Hungary, J u ly 1932, p repared for the E conom ic C om m ittee b y D r. Siegfried T schierschky .

12. Review o f the Economic Councils in the Different Countries of the World, 1932, p rep a red for th e Econom ic Committee b y D r. E lli L indner.


1. I n d e x N u m b e r s o f P r o d u c t io n .

Statistical Year-Rook o f the League o f Nations, 1931-32.

See Tables :100. League of Nations Index Numbers o f World Production of Raw

Products, 1925-1931. *101. National Index Numbers of Industrial Production, 1924-1931.

M onthly Bulletin o f Statisticsfor M onthly Indices o f Industrial Production. (General Indices and Indices

o f Textile and Engineering Production.)

R eview o f W orld Production, 1925-1931,for a W eighted International Index of Industrial Production, 1925-1931.

See also Appendices :III. Indices of Production of Primary Commodities weighted by 1925 and

1930 Values, by Continental Groups.

* F o r an explanation ol th e m anner in which th e League index num bers ot world p roduction of raw products are compiled and a discussion of th e ir significance, see Review of World Production, 1925-1931, A ppendix I.

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IV. Percentage Distribution of Aggregate Production o f Primary Commodities

weighted b y 1925 and 1930 Values, by Continental Groups.

V. Percentage Distribution of Aggregate Production of Primary Commodities

weighted b y 1925 and 1930 Values, by Groups of Products.

2. P r o d u c t io n of I n d iv id u a l Co m m o d it ie s b y Q u a n t it ie s .

(a) Live-Stock, Fisheries and Agricultural Products. *

Statistical Year-Book o f the League o f Nations, 1931-32.

See Tables :

16. Number o f the Principal Speciesof Live-Stock, 1927-1930.

17. Slaughter of L ive-Stock, 1923-

1930.18. Fisheries, 1923-1931.19. Whaling Statistics, 1921-1930/31.

20. Wheat, 1921-1931/32.21. Rye, 1921-1931/32.22. Meslin, 1921-1931.23. Barley, 1921-1931/32.24. Oats, 1921-1931/32.25. Spelt, 1921-1931.26. Maize, 1921-1931/32.27. Rice, 1921-1931/32.28. Potatoes, 1921-1931/32.29. Sugar Beet, 1921-1931/32.

30. Sugar Cane, 1921-1930/31.31. Beet Sugar, 1922-1931/32.32. Cane Sugar, 1922-1931/32.33. Tobacco, 1921-1931/32.34. Coffee, 1922-1930/31.35. Cocoa, 1922-1930.

36. Tea, 1922-1930.37. Hops, 1921-1931/32.38. Rubber, 1923-1931.39. Cottonseed, 1923-1931/32.40. Linseed, 1922-1931/32.41. Hempseed, 1922-1931/32.42. Rapeseed, 1922-1931.43. Sesamum, 1922-1930/31.44. Copra, 1922-1930.45. Ground-nuts, 1922-1930/31.46. Soya Beans, 1921-1931.47. Palm and Palm -kem el Oil, 1922-

1930.48. Olive Oil, 1922-1931/32.49. Wine, 1922-1931/32.50. Cotton, 1921-1931/32.51. Flax, 1921-1931.52. Hemp and Manila Hemp, 1921-

1931/32.53. W ool, 1924-1930.54. Jute, 1921-1931.55. Raw Silk, 1922-1931.

(b ) Mineral and Industrial Production.

Statistical Year-Book o f the League o f Nations, 1931-32.

See Tables :

56. Artificial Silk, 1922-1931. 59.57. Wood Pulp, 1923-1930. 60.58. Paper and Paper Boards, 1925- 61.

1930. 62.

Cement, 1923-1930. Asbestos, 1922-1931. Salt, 1922-1930. Coal, 1923-1931.

* The m ajority of th e tab les on A gricultural P roduc tion show n in th e Statistical Year-Book are supplied by th e In te rn a tio n a l In s t i tu te of A gricu ltu re , Rom e.

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6 3 . Lignite, 1923-1931.64. Coal and Lignite, in Terms of

Coal, 1923-1931.6 5 . Coke, 1923-1931.66 . Consumption of Coal, 1925-1931.67. Petroleum, 1922-1931.68. Natural Gas, 1922-1931.69. Electricity produced and distri­

buted in Kwh., 1923-1931.70. Iron Ore, 1922-1931.71. Pig-iron and Ferro-Alloys, 1922-

1931.7 2 . Steel, 1922-1931.73. Copper Ore, 1922-1931 : ( a ) Raw;

(b) Metal Content.74 . Copper, 1922-1931.75. Lead Ore, 1922-1930 : (a ) Raw ;

( b ) Metal Content.76. Lead, 1922-1931.77. Zinc Ore, 1922-1930 : ( a ) R a w ;

( b ) Metal Content.78 . Zinc, 1922-1931.79 . Tin Ore, 1922-1931.80. Tin, 1922-1931.81. Manganese, 1922-1930.82. Pyrites, 1922-1931.83. Bauxite, 1922-1931.

84. Aluminium, 1922-1931.85. Nickel, 1922-1931.86 . Chrome Ore, 1922-1931.87. Gold, 1922-1931.88. Platinum , 1922-1931.89. Silver, 1923-1931.90. N itrate o f Soda and Nitrate of

Lime, 1922-1931.91. Sulphate o f Ammonia, 1922-

1931.92. Cyanamide of Calcium, 1922-

1931.9 3 . Natural Phosphates, 1922-1931.94. Basic Slag, 1922-1930.95. Superphosphates o f Lime, 1922-

1931.96. Potash, 1922-1931.

97 . Natural Guano, 1922-1930.98. Sulphate o f Copper, 1922-1931.99. Sulphur, 1922-1931 : (a ) Actual

Production ; ( b ) SulphurContent of Pyrites.

110. Merchant Vessels under Con­struction, 1921-1931.

111. Tonnage Launched, 1921-1931.115. Production o f Motor-cars, 1924-


Monthly Bulletin o f Statisticsfor m onthly data concerning the Production of Coal and Lignite, Pig-iron and

Steel, Copper, Zinc and Petroleum.

3. A c t iv it y in I n d iv id u a l I n d u s t r ie s .

Review o f World Production, 1925-1931.

See A ppendix V I , Tables :4 . A ctiv ity in Mechanical Engineering.7 . Activ ity in the Building Industry.8 . ( a ) A ctiv ity in Electrical Industry ; (b ) Exports o f Electrical Goods.

10. Composite Indices o f A ctiv ity in Textile Industries.11 . ( a ) Mill Consumption o f Cotton ; (b ) A ctiv ity in Cotton-spinning

Industry ; ( c ) A ctiv ity in Cotton-weaving Industry.12 . A ctiv ity in W ool Industry.13. A ctiv ity in Natural Silk Industry.15. A ctiv ity in Linen, Hemp and Jute Industries.

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16. ( a ) Consumption o f Crude Rubber ; ( b ) A ctiv ity in Rubber Industry.17. A ctiv ity in Leather and Boot and Shoe Industries.18. ( a ) A ctiv ity in Timber Industry ; (b ) Exports o f Sawn Soft-Wood.19. A ctiv ity in Paper and Printing Industries.


A. ST U D IE S .

Review o f W orld Trade, 1931 and 1932 (first h a lf) (pub lished end1932), w hich con ta in s a s tu d y o f :

(a ) The General Trend of Trade in 1929, 1930, 1931 and the First Half

of 1932 ;(b ) The Effect upon International Trade of the Fall in Prices and the

Increase in Trade Barriers.(c) Changes in the Value and Quantum o f Trade ;(d ) Prices of Goods entering into International Trade, etc.


1. International Trade Statistics, 1930 (including Provisional Summary Figures for 1931), w hich gives fo r six ty -four countries :

(a ) Total Trade by Value and W eight for the Years 1928-1930 (or 1931);(b ) Monthly Figures of Trade by Value for 1929-30 ;(c) Special Trade by Countries ;(d ) Special Trade by Principal Articles ;(e) Imports and Exports o f Bullion and Specie ;( f ) Imports and Exports b y Classes according to the International

Classification (Brussels, 1913) ;(g ) Summary Tables of Trade by Countries, in Percentages.

2. Statistical Year-Book o f the League o f Nations, 1931-32.See Tables :

104. Imports and Exports b y Value, 1923-1931.105. Imports and Exports b y W eight, 1923-1931.106. World Trade in Terms of Dollars, 1928-1930.107. Imports and Exports by Classes of Commodities, 1920-1931.

3. Monthly Bulletin o f Statisticsfor Monthly Figures of the Trade of Individual Countries b y Value and by

Weight and diagrams and statistics of World Trade in terms of dollars.

4. Chiffres essentiels du Commerce extérieur des Pays danubiens(F irst Series, E .770 . April, 1932 : Second Series, E .7 8 1 . Ju n e 1932). In F rench only.

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A. S T U D IE S .

Balances o f Paym ents, 1930, including an Analysis o f Capital Movements in 1931, which gives an analysis of the balance of p ay m en ts for th ir ty - tw o countries an d an analysis of :

( a ) Capital Movements, 1926-1930 (1931) ;(h ) Changes in the Price o f Capital ;(c ) Changes in the International Movements of Interests and Dividends ;( d ) Changes in Emigrants’ Rem ittances ;(e ) Tourists’ Expenditure, etc.


Statistical Year-Book o f the League o f Nations, 1931-32.See Table :

108. Balances o f International Paym ents, 1926-1930/31.


1. Recommendations o f the Economic Committee relating to Commercial Policy and the M ost-favoured-nation Clause, 1929

an d 1932 (C138.M.53.1929.11).The recom m endations are chiefly concerned w ith tariff

system s and co n trac tu a l m ethods, a n d w ith m ost-favoured­n a tio n tre a tm e n t.

2. Report o f the Economic Committee on the W ork o f its Thirty- sixth Session, O ctober 26 th to 29th , 1931 (C.802.1931).

This rep o rt includes an analysis of some of th e effects of th e crisis on th e system of in te rn a tio n a l exchanges.

3. Report o f the Economic Committee on the Work o f its Thirty- seventh Session, J a n u a ry 14th to 19th, 1932 (C.74.1932).

This rep o rt includes a s ta tem en t of th e influence of the financia l s itua tion on th e regim e of in te rn a tio n a l exchanges.

4. Report o f the Econom ic Committee on the Work o f its Thirty- eighth Session, Ju n e 2nd to 4th, 1932 (C.516.1932).

This rep o rt contains a s ta te m e n t on th e fu r th e r aggravation of th e position of in te rn a tio n a l t ra d e and includes as an appendix

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an ex trac t from th e no te b y th e Secre taria t (docum ent E.780) on th e p resen t conditions of in te rn a tio n a l trad e , p repared for the Econom ic Com m ittee.

5 . Draft Customs Nomenclature, p rep a red b y th e Sub-C om m ittee of E x p e rts fo r th e U n ifica tio n o f C ustom s T a riff N om encla tu re . 2 V olum es (C .921.M .480.1931.II.B ).

This d o cu m en t co n ta in s th e d ra f t C ustom s nom en c la tu re , an a lp h ab e tica l l is t of th e p ro d u c ts m en tio n ed in th e basic item s of th e d ra f t a n d e x p la n a to ry no tes re la tin g to th e d ra ft.

6 . Documents o f the First and Second International Conferences for the Abolition o f Import and Export Prohibitions and R es­trictions (O ctober 17 th to N ovem ber 8 th , 1927, an d J u ly 3rd to 19 th , 1928) (C.14.M .11.1929.11 an d C .13.M .10.1929.II).

These docu m en ts include th e C onvention for th e A bolition of Im p o r t an d E x p o r t P roh ib itio n s a n d R estr ic tio n s , w ith Protocol, o f N ovem ber 8 th , 1927, th e an n e x e d D ec lara tion and th e S u p p lem en ta ry A greem ent to th e C onvention o f N ovem ber 8 th , 1927, w ith th e P ro toco l of J u ly 11th , 1928.

7. Documents o f the Conference w ith a View to Concerted Econom ic Action, F e b ru a ry 17 th to M arch 24th , 1930 (C.203.M.96.1930.I I ) .

These d o cu m en ts include th e Com m ercial C onvention , w ith P rotocol, o f M arch 24 th , 1930 ( “ T a rif f T ruce ” ) ; th e Pro tocol regarding th e P ro g ram m e of F u tu re N ego tia tions ; an d th e Final A c t o f th e Conference.

8. Documents o f the Second Conference with a View to Concerted Economic Action, N ovem ber 17th to 28 th , 1930 (C.655.M.270.1930.11).

These d o cu m en ts inc lude th e F in a l A c t of th e Conference and th e re p o r t o f th e Sub-C om m ittee ap p o in te d to exam ine the question of n eg o tia tions concern ing th e t r a d e of ag ricu ltu ra l States o f C en tra l a n d E a s te rn E urope.

9. Report o f the Committee to study the Problem o f the Export of Future Harvest Surpluses o f Cereals, Second Session, J u n e 25th to 2 7 th , 1931 (C.430.M .179.1931.VII).

10. Report o f the Sub-Committee o f Econom ic Experts o f the Commission o f Enquiry for European U nion, A u g u st 2 9 th ,1931 (C.510.1931).

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This r e p o r t covers E u ro p e a n com m ercia l po licy (“ Economic Rapprochement in E u ro p e ” ), in d u s tr ia l ag reem en ts , and long- a n d m ed iu m -te rm cred its . I t inc ludes, as an appendix, a n o te b y M. F ra n c q u i on p rac tica l a n d im m ed ia te means fo r rem ed y in g th e E u ro p e a n econom ic s itu a tio n .

11. General Report submitted by the Co-ordination Sub-Committee on E conom ic Questions o f the Commission o f Enquiry for European U nion, Septem ber 4th , 1931 (A .36.1931).

T his r e p o r t deals w ith econom ic re la tio n s , industrial o rg an isa tio n , ag r icu ltu ra l a n d c red it p rob lem s a n d w ith un­em p lo y m en t.

12. Report o f the Stresa Conference for the Econom ic Resto­ration o f Central and Eastern Europe, Septem ber 24th, 1932 (C.666.M .321.1932).

T his re p o r t , w h ich w as su b m itte d to th e Commission of E n q u iry fo r E u ro p e a n U n ion , co n ta in s a su rv ey o f th e position o f C entral an d E a s te rn E u ro p ean countries and th e proposed m easu res to be ap p lied to b r in g a b o u t a genera l im provem ent in th e s itu a tio n .



1. Statistical Year-Book o f the League o f Nations, 1931-32.See Tables :

109. Merchant Vessels : ( a ) Gross Tonnage Existing, 1926-1931 ; (b ) Laid-

Up Tonnage, 1928-1931.110. Merchant Vessels under Construction, 1921-1931.

111. Tonnage launched, 1921-1931.112. Freight R ates, Index Numbers of, 1920-1931.113. M ovem ents o f Overseas Shipping, 1922-1931.114. Motor Vehicles, Num ber in Use, 1930.

115. Production o f Motor-Cars, 1923-1931.116. Railways, Length of Lines, 1924-1930.117. Railways, Passenger Traffic, 1924-1931.

118. Railways, Goods carried, 1924-1931.119. Broadcasting, 1926, 1930, 1931.

2 . M onthly Bulletin o f Statistics,for quarterly figures of laid-up Tonnage,'Tonnage launched and Vessels under

Construction, M onthly Figures o f Railw ay Freight Traffic ^and Movements

of Overseas Shipping.

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1. Memorandum on Public Finance, 1926-1928 (1929).This publication gives, for fifteen countries, an analysis of

the budgetary position, w ith detailed statem ent o f accounts, etc., for the years 1926-1928.

2. Report o f the Financial Committee on the work o f its Forty- fifth Session, March 3rd-24th, 1932 (C.328.M .199.1932.II.A).

The General Section o f this report (pages 2-6) deals w ith the general causes o f financial instability in the Central European countries.

3. Austria.

(a) The Financial Reconstruction o f Austria : Novem ber 1926 (C.568.M .232.1926.11).

(b) Reports o f the Financial Committee : Sections relating to Austria :Report on Forty-second Session, September 1931 (A.55(6).

1931.II.A ), pages 1 to 5 ;Report on Forty-fourth Session, January 11th to 22nd, 1932

(C.91(1).M .46(1).1932.11. A), pages 1 to 4 ;Report on Forty-fifth Session, March 3rd to 24th. 1932

(C.328.M .199.1932.II.A ), pages 6 to 8.Report on F orty-seventh Session, Septem ber 29th. 1932

(C.681.M.327.1932.II. A).Report on Forty-eighth Session, January 9th to 23rd, 1933

(C .30.M .9.1933.II.A), pages 3 and 4.

(c) Quarterly Reports o f the Representative o f the Financial Comm ittee in Austria : January 12th, May 2nd, August 15th and N ovem ber 30th, 1932.

These reports give an analysis of, and statistical detail regarding, the general econom ic situation, the budgetary position, m onetary and financial conditions, etc.

(d) Protocol o f July 15th, 1932 (C.539.M .270.1932).

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(a) Protocol for the Refugee Loan o f 1926 : O ctober 1926 (C.569.M.211.1926.11).

(b) Protocol for the Stabilisation Loan o f 1928 : O ctober 1928 (C.338.M.96.1928.11).

(c) Reports o f the Financial Committee ; Sections relating to B ulgaria :R ep o rt on Forty -second Session, Septem ber 1931 (A.55(a).

1931.11.A) ;R ep o rt on F o rty -fo u rth Session, J a n u a ry 11th to 22nd, 1932

(C.91(1).M.46(1).1932.II.A), pages 4 to 7 ;R ep o rt on F o rty -f if th Session, M arch 3rd to 24th, 1932

(C.328.M.199.1932.II .A ), pages 8 to 13, an d Statistical Appendices (C.333.M .202.1932.II.A) ;

R ep o rt on F o rty -s ix th Session, J u n e 27 th to 30th, 1932 (C.530.M.264.1932.11.A), page 2.

R e p o rt on F o r ty -se v e n th Session, S ep tem b er 19th to Octo­b e r 7 th , 1932 (C .597.M .334.1932.II.A ), pages 2 and 3.

R ep o rt on F o rty -e ig h th Session, J a n u a ry 9 th to 23rd, 1933 (C.30.M .9.1933.I I .A ), pages 4 a n d 5.

(d) Reports o f the Commissioner o f the League o f Nations in Bulgaria : D ecem ber 18th , 1931, A pril 3rd, 1932, June 16th,1932, and S eptem ber 9 th , 1932.

T w enty-four rep o rts have appeared from 1926 to date.


(а) Protocol for the Ban k in g and Currency Reform Loan of1927 : M ay 1927 (C.227.M .89.1927.II).

(б) Reports o f the Financial Committee : Sections relating to E ston ia :R eport on Forty-second Session, Septem ber 1931 (A.55.

1931.11.A), page 2 ;R eport on F o rty -fifth Session, M arch 3rd to 24th. 1932.

(C.91(1).M.46(1).1932.II.A), page 9 ;

(c) Reports o f the Trustees o f Above Loan an d Annexes ; A ugust 3rd, 1928, Septem ber 30th, 1929, A ugust 30th, 1930, and A ugust 31st, 1931.

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(а) Protocol for the Stabilisation Loan o f 1927. N ovem ber 1927(C.556.M .198.1927.II).

(б) Reports o f the Financial Committee ; Sections re la ting toGreece :

R eport on F orty -second Session, Septem ber 1931 (A.55.1931.11.A.), page 2 ;

R eport on F o rty -fo u rth Session, J a n u a ry 11 th to 22nd,1932 (C.91(1).M .46(1).1932.II.A), page 9 ;

R eport on F o rty -f if th Session, M arch 3 rd to 24th , 1932 (C.328.M.199.1932.II.A ), pages 13 to 17, an d S ta tis tica l A ppendices (C.334.M .203.1932.II.A).

R eport on F o r ty -s ix th Session, J u n e 27 th to 30th, 1932 (C.530.M .264.1932.II.A), pages 2 and 3.

R ep o rt on F o r ty -e ig h th Session, J a n u a ry 9 th to 23rd. 1933 (C.30.M.9.1933.I I .A), pages 6 and 7.


(а) The Financial Reconstruction o f Hungary : D ecem ber 1926 (C.583.M.221.1926.11).

(б) The Financial Position o f Hungary : O ctober 1931. Special R eport issued b y th e F inanc ia l C om m ittee (C.749(1).M.348 (1).1931.II.A).

(c) Reports o f the Financial Committee ; Sections re la ting to H u n g ary :

R eport on Forty -second Session, Sep tem ber 1931 (A.55(6).1931.11.A) pages 1 to 5 ;

R eport on F o rty -fo u rth Session, J a n u a ry 11 th to 22nd,1932 (C .9.(1).M .46.1932.II.A), pages 1 to 4 ;

R eport on F o rty -f if th Session, M arch 3 rd to 24th , 1932 (C.328.M.199.1932.II.A ), pages 6 to 8 ;

R eport on F o rty -s ix th Session, Ju n e 27 th to 30th, 1932 (C.530.M .264.1932.II .A ), pages 3 and 4.

R ep o rt on F o r ty -se v e n th Session, S ep tem b er 19 th to O ctober 7 th , 1932 (C .697.M .334.1932.II.A ), page 4.

R ep o rt on F o rty -e ig h th Session, J a n u a ry 9 th to 23rd. 1933 (C .30.M .9.1933.II.A ), pages 7 an d 8.

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(d) Quarterly Reporte o f the Representative o f the Financial Committee in Hungary : January 12th, April 30th, Ju ly 15th, October 27th and D ecem ber 30th . 1932.

These reports give an analysis of, and statistical detail regarding, the general econom ic situation, the budgetary position, m onetary and financial conditions, etc.

8 . Roumania.

Report o f the F inancial Committee on Roum ania, January 27th.1933 (C .56.1933.II.A ).

9 . Report subm itted to the Commission o f Enquiry for European Union by the Committee o f Experts appointed to examine the Monetary Norm alisation Fund Schem e, N ovem ber 2nd. 1932

(C .758.M .357.1932.A).

10. Publications o f the Fiscal Com m ittee.

(o) Reports on the W ork o f the Committee, 1929 (C.516.M. 175.1929.11) ; 1930 (C.340.M .140.1930.11), and 1931 (C.415. M .171.1931.II.A).

(6) Taxation o f Foreign and National Enterprises : A Studv of the Tax System s and the Methods of A llocation o f the Profits of Enterprises operating in more than one Country, in France. Germany, Spain, the U nited Kingdom and the U nited States *»f America (February 1932 : C .73.M .38.1932.II.A).

(c) Collection o f International Agreements and Internal Legal Provisions for the Prevention o f Double Taxation and Fiscal Evasion.

Volum e I, October 1928 (C.345.M .102.1928.II).Volume II, October 1929 (C.365.M .134.1929.II).Volum e III, October 1930 (C.585.M .263.1930.II).Volum e TV, October 1931 (C.791.M .385.1931.II.A).

11. W ork and Functions o f the F inancial Organisation o f the League o f Nations.

(a) Report on the W ork and Functions o f the Financial Committee (Septem ber 30th , 1930 : C.567 .M.226.1930.II).

(b) Report o f the Committee on Credit Problems (A ugust 27th, 1931 : C .504.M .211.1931.V II).

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1. Statistical Year-Book o f the League o f Nations. 1931-32.See Tables :

120. Summary o f Budget Accounts, 1927-1931/32.121. Public Debt and D ebt Service, 1927-1931.

2. Armaments Year-Book, 1931. and Armaments Year-Book, 1932(Special E d ition ),

which give an analysis o f the Budgetary Expenditure for Armaments in some

sixty countries.


A . ST U D IE S.

1. Documents Relating to Gold.The Gold D elegation was appointed in the summer o f 1929

by the Financial Committee, w ith the approval o f the Council of the League o f N ations, to “ exam ine into and report upon the causes o f fluctuations in the purchasing power o f gold and their effect upon the economic life o f the nations ” . The following documents have been published in connection w ith th is enquiry :

(а) Report o f the Gold Delegation o f the Financial CommitteeJune 1932 (C.502.M .243.1932.II.A).

(б) Interim Report o f the Gold Delegation o f the Financial Committee, Septem ber 1930 (C .375.M .161.1930.II)1 : Annexed to th is publication are the following docum ents :

1. Official, Semi-official and Private E stim ates o f the Future Production

of Gold.2 . The Supply o f Gold, by Professor G ustav Cassel.3 . The Supply o f Gold compared with the Prices of Commodities, by

Mr. Joseph K itchin.

4 . The Supply of Gold (a Comparison of Professor Cassel’s and

Mr. K itchin’s Calculations regarding th e Supply o f Gold and the

Prices o f Commodities), by Sir Reginald Mant.5 . Gold : Supply and Dem and, by Mr. A. Loved ay.

1 Out or print.

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(c) Selected Docum ents submitted to the Gold Delegation of the Financial Committee, S ep tem ber 1930 (C.374.M.160.1930.11). i1 . Monetary Stab ility and the Gold Standard, by Sir Henry Strakosch,

G .B .E .

2 . The Econom ic Consequences o f Changes in the Value of Gold, by Sir Henry Strakosch, G .B .E .

3 . Price Stabilisation, b y O. M. W . Sprague.4 . U ndue F luctuations of the Purchasing Power o f Gold, by Jacques


5 . The Working of the Gold Standard under Present Conditions, bv O. M. W. Sprague.

6 . The Functioning o f the Gold Standard, by Dr. L. J . A. Trip.

7 . The Reform o f the Gold E xchange Standard, b y Professor Feliks Mlynarski.

8 . International Price Level Adjustm ents, by Dr. L. J. A. Trip.

(d) Legislation on Gold, Septem ber 1930 (C.373.M.159.1930.II).This volum e contains notes summarising the Legislation on Gold in

various countries, and extracts from the relevant laws and statutes.

(e) Second Interim Report o f the Gold Delegation o f the Financial Committee, J a n u a ry 1931 (C.75.M .31.1931.II).

( / ) Selected Documents on the Distribution o f Gold submittedto the Gold Delegation o f the Financial Committee (C.102. M .38.1931.11).11 . The Causes and Effects o f the M ovements o f Gold into France,

by Professor Albert Aftalion.2 . The M ovements o f Gold into and out o f Germany since 1924, by

Professor G. W. J . Bruins.3 . The Causes o f Gold M ovements into and out o f Great Britain, 1925

to 1929, by Professor Gregory.4 . Gold M ovements in to and out o f the U nited States, 1914 to 1929,

and the Effects, b y Mr. George E . Roberts.5 . Statistics o f Gold M ovem ents (two tables).

(g ) The Functioning o f the Gold Standard, b y D r. Feliks Mlynarski.

Sep tem ber 1931 (F.979 — F ./G old 67(1)).

2 . The S ecre ta ria t has also in p roo f fo rm a collection of th e Monetary and Central Banking Laws in force a t th e end of 1930 in some tw en ty -n in e E u ro p ean countries. Copies, in English or in F rench , b u t n o t necessarily in b o th languages, can be made avadab le i f required .

1 Out of print.

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3. Memorandum on Commercial Banks, 1913-1929, which con ta ins special studies re la ting to th e ban k in g s itua tion in tw en ty -n ine countries and a general in tro d u c tio n dealing w ith th e developm ent of com m ercial banking , characteristics o f bank ing system s, composition of assets and liabilities, cap ita l resources, m ovem ents of deposits, credits and investm ents , cash ra tios, etc.

4. Balances of Paym ents, 1930. Contains in fo rm ation w ith reference to cap ita l m ovem ents, etc.

B. C O N V E N T IO N .

Convention for th e Creation o f an International Agricultural Mort­gage Credit Company, signed a t G eneva on M ay 21st, 1931 (C.434(1).M .181(1).1931.II.A).


1. Statistical Year-Book o f the League o f Nations, 1931-32.

See Tables :

122. N ote Circulation (1923-1931).123. Gold and Foreign Assets Reserves (1923-1931).124. Monetary Gold Stocks of the World (1925-1931).125. D iscounts, Loans and Advances of Central Banks (1923-1931).

126. Commercial Banks Deposits (1922-1931).127. Savings Deposits (1923-1931).128. Capital Issues (1923-1931).129. Rates o f Discount of Central Banks (1924-1932).

130. Market Rates o f D iscount (1927-1932).131. Shares, Index Numbers o f (1924-1931).132. Percentage Y ield of Bonds (1924-1931).133. E xchange Rates (1922-1931).

2 . Monthly Bulletin o f Statistics.

Monthly figures w ith reference to gold and certain silver and foreign assets

reserves; note circulation; rates o f discount: ( i ) central banks, ( i i ) market

rates ; exchange rates (tables and diagrams) ; commercial bank deposits ;savings bank deposits ; index numbers o f Stock-Exchange securities ; capital

issues ; number o f bankruptcies.

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A. ST U D IE S .

1 . Review o f World Production, 1925-1931, w hich contains a specia ch ap te r on price m ovem ents. T he appendices to th is chapte also con ta in price indices o f raw m ateria ls an d manufacturai goods, carte lhsed and non-carteUised products, investm ent am consum ption goods a n d price indices re la ting to agriculture.

2 . Review o f World Trade, 1931 and 1932 (first h a lf) , whiclshows figures re la ting to im p o rt an d export prices.


1 . Statistical Year-Book o f the League o f Nations, 1931-32.

See Tables :134. Wholesale Prices, Index Numbers of (1920-1931).135. R etail Prices, Index Numbers of (1920-1931) : (a ) Cost of Living

(b) Prices o f Foodstuffs.

Price quotations in gold francs are given for practically all cojnmoditie* for which production data are published.

2 . Monthly Bulletin o f Statistics,which gives m onthly indices o f wholesale prices, cost o f living and prices of foodstuffs, and diagrams of gold and sterling prices.